Motion Control With Labview

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Getting Started with NI SoftMotion ™

Development Module for LabVIEW ™

Conventions .....................................................................................................................................................4
NI SoftMotion Development Module Components.........................................................................................4
System Requirements ......................................................................................................................................5
Installing the NI SoftMotion Development Module........................................................................................6
Additional Installation Instructions for LabVIEW FPGA 7.1 Users........................................................6
NI SoftMotion Development Module Documentation ....................................................................................7
Typical Motion System....................................................................................................................................7
Supervisory Control..................................................................................................................................8
Trajectory Generator.................................................................................................................................9
Spline Engine............................................................................................................................................9
Control Loop.............................................................................................................................................9
I/O .............................................................................................................................................................10
Types of Moves ...............................................................................................................................................10
Arc Moves ................................................................................................................................................10
Straight-Line Moves .................................................................................................................................11
Contouring .......................................................................................................................................................13
NI SoftMotion Development Module Examples .............................................................................................14
Compact FieldPoint ..................................................................................................................................15
cFP Motion Loop VI .........................................................................................................................15
Application VI ...................................................................................................................................17
M Series DAQ Device ..............................................................................................................................19
M Series Motion Loop VI .................................................................................................................20
Application VI ...................................................................................................................................22
cRIO-9104 ................................................................................................................................................25
cRIO Motion Loop VI .......................................................................................................................26
Application VI ...................................................................................................................................29

This manual is designed to get you started with the NI SoftMotion Development Module for LabVIEW. It
includes overview information about the software as well as reference information for the example VIs that are
included with the NI SoftMotion Development Module.

The NI SoftMotion Development Module for LabVIEW provides VIs and functions that allow you to build
custom motion controllers using the LabVIEW Real-Time Module and National Instruments Reconfigurable
I/O (RIO) devices, data acquisition (DAQ) devices, or Compact FieldPoint (cFP).

The NI SoftMotion Development Module allows you to do path planning, trajectory generation, output control,
and PID loop control. The following illustration shows several options for using the NI SoftMotion
Development Module with National Instruments hardware products.

Getting Started with NI SoftMotion Development Module for LabVIEW 2

Programming Supervisory Trajectory Interpolation Position / I/O Current Y
Control Generation Velocity Loop X
Control Loop Z
User, Event, I/O
20 mA 3A
Feedback I/O

NI SoftMotion, 250 µs / axis NI SoftMotion Motor /

LabVIEW Real-Time ETS / RTX LabVIEW FPGA, FPGA Board, 5 µs Stage
NI SoftMotion, 2.5 ms / axis NI SoftMotion Motor /
LabVIEW Real-Time ETS LabVIEW FPGA, cRIO, 5 µs Stage
LabVIEW / Motor /
Motion Controller, 62.5 µs / axis Drive
Motion Asst.
NI SoftMotion, 250 µs / axis DAQ Motor /
LabVIEW Real-Time ETS Board Stage
NI SoftMotion, 5 ms / axis Motor /
cFP Drive
LabVIEW Real-Time ETS Stage

Figure 1. Possible Combinations of the NI SoftMotion Development Module and NI Hardware

Refer to the documentation for the LabVIEW Real-Time Module, the LabVIEW FPGA Module, the LabVIEW
Simulation Module, and the LabVIEW Control Design Toolkit for information about system requirements,
installation, and configuration of these products.

© National Instruments Corporation 3 Getting Started with NI SoftMotion Development Module for LabVIEW
The following conventions are used in this guide:

» The » symbol leads you through nested menu items and dialog box options to a final action. The sequence
File»Page Setup»Options directs you to pull down the File menu, select the Page Setup item, and select
Options from the last dialog box.

This icon denotes a note, which alerts you to important information.

bold Bold text denotes items that you must select or click in the software, such as menu items and dialog box options.
Bold text also denotes parameter names.

italic Italic text denotes variables, emphasis, cross references, or an introduction to a key concept. Italic text also
denotes text that is a placeholder for a word or value that you must supply.

monospace Text in this font denotes text or characters that you should enter from the keyboard, sections of code,
programming examples, and syntax examples. This font is also used for the proper names of disk drives, paths,
directories, programs, subprograms, subroutines, device names, functions, operations, variables, filenames, and

NI SoftMotion Development Module Components

The NI SoftMotion Development Module includes a trajectory generator, Spline Engine, and source code for a
PID control loop and encoder.

Getting Started with NI SoftMotion Development Module for LabVIEW 4

Table 1 lists each of the NI SoftMotion Development Module components, the LabVIEW platform under which
each component can run, and a description of how each component is used.

Table 1. NI SoftMotion Development Module Requirements and Uses

Component NI Platform Use

Trajectory generator LabVIEW Real-Time Module Design, compile, and run the trajectory
generator for a Real-Time (RT) target.
Spline Engine LabVIEW Real-Time and Design and compile the Spline Engine
LabVIEW FPGA Modules for an RT target, or download it to an
FPGA target.
PID control loop LabVIEW Real-Time and Design and compile fixed-point PID
LabVIEW FPGA Modules implementation for an RT target, or
download it to an FPGA target.
Encoder LabVIEW FPGA Modules Design and compile the encoder to
download to an FPGA target.

System Requirements
Platform and system requirements for the NI SoftMotion Development Module depend on the hardware you are
using. The following list contains basic system requirements that pertain to the software only.
• LabVIEW 7.1 or later
• LabVIEW Real-Time Module 7.1 or later
• LabVIEW FPGA Module 1.1 or later

Refer to the appropriate hardware documentation for complete system requirements.

© National Instruments Corporation 5 Getting Started with NI SoftMotion Development Module for LabVIEW
Installing the NI SoftMotion Development Module
Note To install the NI SoftMotion Development Module on a Windows 2000/XP system, you must be logged in with
Administrator privileges.

1. Insert the NI SoftMotion Development Module for LabVIEW CD into the CD-ROM drive.
If you have autorun enabled, autorun.exe runs automatically.
2. If you do not have autorun enabled, double-click autorun.exe.
3. Follow the onscreen instructions.

By default, the NI SoftMotion Development Module installation program adds the following items to the listed
directories in your LabVIEW installation location:
• examples\Motion\SoftMotion folder—Example VIs
• help folder—NI SoftMotion Development Module for LabVIEW Help
• manuals folder—This manual

Note The NI SoftMotion Development Module installation program also installs the readme_NISoftMotion.rtf file in
your LabVIEW folder.

Additional Installation Instructions for LabVIEW FPGA 7.1 Users

If you are using the NI SoftMotion Development Module for LabVIEW with a National Instruments RIO
device, such as a CompactRIO I/O Module, you must modify the LabVIEW Functions palette to include an icon
for the NI SoftMotion palette. This palette includes the Spline Engine VI.

Complete the following steps to add the NI SoftMotion palette icon to the LabVIEW Functions palette:
1. Launch LabVIEW.
2. Click Tools»Advanced»Edit Palette Views.
3. Select FPGA Hardware in Palette view.

Getting Started with NI SoftMotion Development Module for LabVIEW 6

4. In the Functions palette view that appears, position the mouse pointer where you want to place the
NI SoftMotion palette.
5. Right-click and select Insert»Submenu.
6. Select Link to an existing menu file (.mnu) and click OK.
7. Select nisoftmotion_fpga.mnu and click Open.
8. Click Save Changes.

NI SoftMotion Development Module Documentation

In addition to this manual, the NI SoftMotion Development Module includes the NI SoftMotion Development
Module for LabVIEW Help. This help file provides VI and function reference information for the NI SoftMotion
Development Module VIs and functions. You can access this file from the Help menu in LabVIEW.

Typical Motion System

A motion controller is the center of a typical motion system, which consists of supervisory control, trajectory
generation, Spline Engine, control loop, and I/O.

The controller converts high-level commands from the user into command signals used by drives to move
actuators. The motion controller also monitors the system for error conditions, faults, and asynchronous events
that can cause the system to change speed, direction, or start/stop the actuators. Figure 2 illustrates the parts and
processes of a typical motion system.

© National Instruments Corporation 7 Getting Started with NI SoftMotion Development Module for LabVIEW
Trajectory Generation



Supervisory Control Control Loop (µs)
(ms) (with Interpolation)



User API
Set Point
Supervisory Commands for
Interpolation PID Output
Control Trajectory Generator

Event Monitoring Interface Set Point
Updates Trajectory
Generator Based on
I/O I/O And User

Figure 2. Three Loops of a Typical Motion Control System

Supervisory Control
The supervisory control is the main loop of the motion control system. This loop intercepts commands from the
user and signals the trajectory generator to start or stop moves. The supervisory control loop also monitors all
I/O needed to perform initialization tasks, such as finding the reference or origin. This loop also monitors the
system for faults, and aids in synchronizing moves relative to changes in external conditions.

Note The NI SoftMotion Development Module does not contain VIs and functions for supervisory control. For examples of
supervisory control, refer to the NI SoftMotion Development Module Examples section of this manual.

Getting Started with NI SoftMotion Development Module for LabVIEW 8

Trajectory Generator
The trajectory generator is a path planner that creates set points for the control loop. The trajectory generator
creates new set points every loop period, based on move constraints provided by the user. These move
constraints include the maximum velocity, maximum acceleration/deceleration, and maximum jerk that the
mechanical system can tolerate. The set points created by the trajectory generator do not violate the specified
move constraints.

Spline Engine
The Spline Engine function uses a cubic spline algorithm and four set points to calculate interpolated positions
between two positions from the trajectory generator.

Using the Spline Engine function results in smoother motion and allows you to run the trajectory generator loop
slower than the control loop.

Control Loop
The control loop creates the command signal based on the set point provided by the trajectory generator. In most
cases, the control loop includes both a position and a velocity loop, but in some cases the control loop may
include only a position loop.

The position is typically read from encoders, but also may be read from analog inputs. The velocity is calculated
from the position values that are read. The velocity also may be read directly from a velocity sensor, such as a

Because no feedback is required for stepper motors, the control loop converts the set point generated by the
trajectory generator into stepper signals (step/direction).

For control loop implementation, the NI SoftMotion Development Module provides LabVIEW source code for
an enhanced PID implementation of the control loop. The source code is installed to <LabVIEW>\examples\

Note The NI SoftMotion Development Module does not currently include source code to convert trajectory generator output
to stepper signals.

© National Instruments Corporation 9 Getting Started with NI SoftMotion Development Module for LabVIEW
Analog and digital I/O is required to send the command signals to the drives and receive feedback from the
actuators. Some servo motor drives use analog I/O to receive feedback. However, most I/O requirements for
motion controllers are digital. For example, feedback from quadrature encoders requires digital I/O.

Table 2 lists the NI SoftMotion Development Module VIs you use for decoding quadrature encoder signals.

Table 2. Encoder VIs

Device VI Installation Location

CompactRIO _CRIO Target Loop <LabVIEW>\examples\Motion\SoftMotion\

RIO Control Loop (with Spline) <LabVIEW>\examples\Motion\SoftMotion\RIO

RIO Control Loop (with velocity <LabVIEW>\examples\Motion\SoftMotion\RIO

RIO Control Loop (with Vff and <LabVIEW>\examples\Motion\SoftMotion\RIO
RIO Simple Control Loop <LabVIEW>\examples\Motion\SoftMotion\RIO

Types of Moves
The following sections describe the types of moves commonly found in motion control systems.

Arc Moves
An arc move causes a coordinate space of axes to move on a circular, spherical, or helical path. You can move
a two-dimensional vector space on a circular path. You can move a three-dimensional vector space on a
spherical or helical path.

Getting Started with NI SoftMotion Development Module for LabVIEW 10

Table 3 lists the NI SoftMotion Development Module function you use for arc moves.

Table 3. NI SoftMotion Development Module Arc Move Function

Function Use
Arc Move Read/Write Set or get the properties for a circular, helical, or spherical arc
move. All arc moves are treated as relative to the current
position. You can set or get arc move properties only from

Refer to the NI SoftMotion Development Module for LabVIEW Help for more information about the Arc Move
Read/Write function.

Straight-Line Moves
Straight-line moves use the desired target position to generate the move trajectory. For example, if the motor is
currently at position zero, and the target position is 100, the straight-line move creates a trajectory that moves
100 counts or steps.

Table 4 lists the NI SoftMotion Development Module function you use for straight-line moves.

Table 4. NI SoftMotion Development Module Straight-Line Move Function

Function Use
Straight Line Move Read/Write Set or get parameters for a straight line move. You can read and
write these properties for both axes and coordinates.

Refer to the NI SoftMotion Development Module for LabVIEW Help for more information about the Straight
Line Move Read/Write function.

© National Instruments Corporation 11 Getting Started with NI SoftMotion Development Module for LabVIEW
The NI SoftMotion Development Module allows you to blend moves. Blending is a software feature that
automatically creates a smooth transition between consecutive moves. Moves configured for blending execute
concurrently for a period of time, which results in continuous motion between moves.

Because the deceleration portion of the blended move is modified by the subsequent move, it may not reach its
end point. You can change the move constraints for each blended move to create a move profile that suits your
requirements. Figure 3 shows two blended moves.

Velocity Begin

Blend Complete

Figure 3. Blending Two Moves

Blending executes moves concurrently. When you blend the second move, both moves are executing. The first
move is generating its trajectory while the second move is waiting for the blending to complete. The second
move starts based on the user-specified blend mode. Blend mode options include blend at deceleration, blend
after profile complete, and blend after a specified delay.

Getting Started with NI SoftMotion Development Module for LabVIEW 12

Table 5 lists the NI SoftMotion Development Module functions you use to implement blending in your

Table 5. NI SoftMotion Development Module Blending Functions

Function Use
Trajectory Generator Method—Start Execute a blend when Type is set to Blend Motion.
Trajectory Generator Method—Start Multiple Execute a blend when Type is set to Blend Motion.
Move Constraints Read/Write Set the Blend Delay and Blend Mode properties.
Trajectory Generator Method—Execution Data Get the Blend Complete and Profile Complete
parameters of the Status property.

Refer to the NI SoftMotion Development Module for LabVIEW Help for more information about blending

Contouring consists of a user-defined pattern of moves applied to an axis or a coordinate space of axes.
Contoured moves are appropriate when you need a trajectory that cannot be constructed from straight lines and
arcs. Instead of using the trajectory generator, the controller takes an array of position data during a contoured
move and splines the data before outputting it. This calculation ensures smooth motion by creating intermediate
points using a cubic spline algorithm. The basic trajectory move constraints—maximum velocity, acceleration,
and deceleration—have no effect on contoured moves.

All contoured moves are relative. Motion starts from the position of the axis, or axes, at the time the contouring
move starts. This is similar to the way arc moves are configured.

© National Instruments Corporation 13 Getting Started with NI SoftMotion Development Module for LabVIEW
Table 6 lists the NI SoftMotion Development Module functions you use to implement contouring in your

Table 6. NI SoftMotion Development Module Contouring Functions

Function Use
Contouring Move Read/Write Set and get the properties on a contouring buffer.
Contouring Move Create Buffer Create a buffer for contouring, and return a handle to
the buffer.
Contouring Move Delete Buffer Delete the contouring buffer.
Contouring Move Method—Check Buffer Space Retrieve the number of elements available for
Contouring Move Method—Enable Enable or disable a buffer.
Contouring Move Method—Stop Signal the final iteration of a continuous buffer, and
stop the move once the end of the buffer is reached.
Contouring Move Method—Update Points Replace points previously written to a buffer with
newer points.
Contouring Move Method—Write Points Write points to the buffer for the first time.

Refer to the NI SoftMotion Development Module for LabVIEW Help for more information about contouring

NI SoftMotion Development Module Examples

This section outlines each of the examples installed with the NI SoftMotion Development Module for
LabVIEW. Each example consists of a Motion Loop VI and a set of application VIs.

The Motion Loop VI performs the function of a motion controller in a typical motion control system. This VI
implements the code required to interact with I/O, read in trajectory generator information, calculate the move
profile, write the move profile information, and calculate the control output.

Getting Started with NI SoftMotion Development Module for LabVIEW 14

The application VIs interact with the Motion Loop VI to change the state of the Motion Loop VI and get the
status from the Motion Loop VI.

Compact FieldPoint
The following sections describe the Compact FieldPoint example installed with the NI SoftMotion
Development Module. This example uses a Compact FieldPoint device to independently control two motors.

cFP Motion Loop VI

Figure 4 shows the block diagram of the cFP Motion Loop VI, which implements a motion controller for two
axes of motion on a Compact FieldPoint device.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Figure 4. cFP Motion Loop VI Block Diagram

© National Instruments Corporation 15 Getting Started with NI SoftMotion Development Module for LabVIEW
Table 7. Description of the cFP Motion Loop VI Block Diagram

Callout Number VI, Function, or Variable Name and Description

1 LabVIEW error in control.
2 User-designed VI determines what I/O to use on the Compact FieldPoint device, such as encoders,
analog devices, and so on.
3 Trajectory Generator Create function opens a reference to the trajectory generator. Always execute this
function prior to making any calls into the trajectory generator.
4 Trajectory Generator Method—Loop Rate method sets up the loop rate for the trajectory generator and
motion loop.
5 User-designed VI allocates memory on the Compact FieldPoint device. This VI improves the
performance of the application because it allocates memory only once rather than each time the
VI loops. Use this VI to allocate memory for the following items:
• Execution status data
• Axis data
• Trajectory data
• Array of axis handles
• Additional arrays that contain other state data
• Control output values
• PID parameters
6 User-designed VI configures the PID parameters for the axes.
7 LabVIEW Timed Loop. Use this node to set up loop timing.
8 LabVIEW Open VI Reference VI opens a reference to the VI specified by the path wired in.
9 User-designed VI reads in data from encoders and global variables.

Getting Started with NI SoftMotion Development Module for LabVIEW 16

Table 7. Description of the cFP Motion Loop VI Block Diagram (Continued)

Callout Number VI, Function, or Variable Name and Description

10 User-designed VI executes the NI SoftMotion Development Module trajectory generator and calls the
control loop to calculate command output values.
11 User-designed VI writes the command output values to the I/O on the Compact FieldPoint device.
12 User-designed VI frees the memory you allocated on the Compact FieldPoint device.
13 The Trajectory Generator Delete function frees the memory allocated for the trajectory generator you
14 LabVIEW error out control.

Application VI
Figure 5 shows the block diagram for the cFP Main VI. This VI creates two independent straight-line moves
using two different axes.

Note For this example to work properly, the cFP Motion Loop VI must be running in the background. You can synchronize
the Motion Loop VI with the Application VI in one of several ways. For example, you can use a VI from the Advanced»
Synchronization»Rendezvous palette. Or, you can use the VI Server to dynamically run the VI. For information about
synchronizing VIs, refer to the Rendezvous VIs topic or the VI Server topic in LabVIEW Help. Also, refer to the What Is a
Rendezvous? and/or Dynamically Load and Run a VI without Opening its Front Panel Using VI Server and Rendezvous VIs
articles on the NI Developer Zone at

© National Instruments Corporation 17 Getting Started with NI SoftMotion Development Module for LabVIEW
1 2 3 4 5 6

Figure 5. cFP Main VI Block Diagram

Getting Started with NI SoftMotion Development Module for LabVIEW 18

Table 8. Description of the cFP Main VI Block Diagram

Callout Number VI, Function, or Variable Name and Description

1 User-defined VI enables the axes.
2 User-defined VI specifies the position, acceleration, deceleration, and operation mode for a particular
3 User-defined VI reads the execution status for the specified axis.
4 User-defined VI reads the axis data for the specified axis.
5 LabVIEW Merge Errors VI. Use this VI to merge error I/O clusters from different functions. This VI
first looks for errors among error in 1, error in 2, and error in 3, then error array in, and reports the
first error found. If the VI finds no errors, it looks for warnings, and returns the first warning found.
If the VI finds no warnings, it returns no error.
6 User-defined VI disables the axes.

M Series DAQ Device

The following sections describe the M Series DAQ Device Gantry example installed with the NI SoftMotion
Development Module. This example implements a motion controller for three axes using two M Series DAQ
devices. Two of the axes in the example are controlled as an xy coordinate. The third axis is controlled
individually as the z-axis. These three axes together constitute a gantry system.

© National Instruments Corporation 19 Getting Started with NI SoftMotion Development Module for LabVIEW
M Series Motion Loop VI
Figure 6 shows the block diagram of the M Series Motion Loop VI. This VI Implements a motion controller for
one coordinate, consisting of two axes, and one independent axis on the M Series DAQ devices.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Figure 6. M Series Motion Loop VI Block Diagram

Getting Started with NI SoftMotion Development Module for LabVIEW 20

Table 9. Description of the M Series Device Motion Loop VI Block Diagram

Callout Number VI, Function, or Variable Name and Description

1 LabVIEW error in control.
2 User-defined VI determines what I/O to use on the M Series DAQ devices, such as encoders and
analog devices.
3 Trajectory Generator Create function opens a reference to the trajectory generator. Always execute
this function prior to making any calls into the trajectory generator.
4 Trajectory Generator Method—Loop Rate Method sets up the loop rate for the trajectory generator
and motion loop.
5 User-defined VI allocates memory on the DAQ M Series devices. This VI improves the
performance of the application because it allocates the memory only once rather than each time the
VI loops. Use this VI to allocate memory for the following items:
• Execution status data
• Axis data
• Trajectory data
• Array of axis handles
• Additional arrays that contain other state data
• Control output values
• PID parameters
6 User-defined VI configures the PID parameters for the axes.
7 LabVIEW Timed Loop node. Use this node to set up loop timing.
8 LabVIEW Open VI Reference VI opens a reference to the VI specified by the path wired in.
9 User-defined VI reads in data from encoders and global variables.

© National Instruments Corporation 21 Getting Started with NI SoftMotion Development Module for LabVIEW
Table 9. Description of the M Series Device Motion Loop VI Block Diagram (Continued)

Callout Number VI, Function, or Variable Name and Description

10 User-defined VI executes the NI SoftMotion Development Module trajectory generator and calls
the control loop to calculate command output values.
11 User-defined VI writes the command output values to the I/O on the M Series DAQ devices.
12 User-defined VI frees the memory you allocated.
13 Trajectory Generator Delete function frees the memory allocated for the trajectory generator you
14 User-defined VI releases the I/O you previously configured.
15 LabVIEW Merge Errors VI. Use this VI to merge error I/O clusters from different functions. This
VI first looks for errors among error in 1, error in 2, and error in 3, then error array in, and
reports the first error found. If the VI finds no errors, it looks for warnings, and returns the first
warning found. If the VI finds no warnings, it returns no error.
16 LabVIEW error out control.

Application VI
Figure 7 shows the block diagram of the M Series Gantry Cycle VI. This VI repeatedly cycles through a set of
given positions resulting in coordinate motion along the x- and y- axes and vertical motion along the z-axis.

Note For this example to work properly, the M Series Motion Loop VI must be running in the background. You can
synchronize the Motion Loop VI with the Application VI in one of several ways. For example, you can use a VI from the
Advanced»Synchronization»Rendzevous palette. Or, you can use the VI Server to dynamically run the VI. For information
about synchronizing VIs, refer to the Rendezvous VIs topic or the VI Server topic in LabVIEW Help. Also, refer to the What Is
a Rendezvous? and/or Dynamically Load and Run a VI without Opening its Front Panel Using VI Server and Rendezvous VIs
articles on the NI Developer Zone at

Getting Started with NI SoftMotion Development Module for LabVIEW 22

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Figure 7. M Series Gantry Cycle VI Block Diagram

© National Instruments Corporation 23 Getting Started with NI SoftMotion Development Module for LabVIEW
Table 10. Description of M Series Gantry Cycle VI Block Diagram

Callout Number VI, Function, or Variable Name and Description

1 User-defined VI enables the axes.
2 User-defined VI specifies the following move constraints:
• Target position
• Velocity
• Acceleration rate
• Deceleration rate
• Jerk values for both the acceleration and deceleration
3 User-defined VI moves the motor up and back on the z-axis after reaching the position specified in
the previous VI.
4 LabVIEW Wait Until Next ms Multiple VI. Use this VI to specify a delay for the While Loop.
5 Case statement and global variable used to determine if motion has stopped.
6 LabVIEW Merge Errors VI. Use this VI to merge error I/O clusters from different functions. This
VI first looks for errors among error in 1, error in 2, and error in 3, then error array in, and
reports the first error found. If the VI finds no errors, it looks for warnings, and returns the first
warning found. If the VI finds no warnings, it returns no error.
7 User-defined VI disables the axes.
8 While Loop to read the current axes position using a user-defined VI, and then graph the position
using the Build XY Graph Express VI.

Getting Started with NI SoftMotion Development Module for LabVIEW 24

The following sections describe the cRIO-9104 example installed with the NI SoftMotion Development
Module. This example implements a motion controller for three axes using the cRIO-9104. Two of the axes in
the example are controlled as an xy coordinate. The third axis is controlled individually as the z-axis. These
three axes together constitute a gantry system.

Note In this example, the control loop runs on the FPGA, and the trajectory generator runs on the RT system.

© National Instruments Corporation 25 Getting Started with NI SoftMotion Development Module for LabVIEW
cRIO Motion Loop VI
Figure 8 shows the block diagram of the cRIO Motion Loop VI. This VI Implements a motion controller for
one coordinate, consisting of two axes, and one independent axis on the cRIO-9104.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Figure 8. cRIO Motion Loop VI Block Diagram

Getting Started with NI SoftMotion Development Module for LabVIEW 26

Table 11. Description of cRIO Motion Loop VI Block Diagram

Callout Number VI, Function, or Variable Name and Description

1 LabVIEW error in control.
2 LabVIEW Open FPGA VI Reference VI determines what I/O you use on the cRIO-9104, which
includes analog and digital I/O. This VI starts the _CRIO Target Loop VI, which implements the control
loop and the encoder. Opening this reference allows the Motion Loop VI to access all the registers, or
controls and indicators, on the _CRIO Target Loop VI.
3 Trajectory Generator Create function opens a reference to the trajectory generator. Always execute this
function prior to making any calls into the trajectory generator.
4 LabVIEW Read/Write Control. Use this node to set the control loop rate for the FPGA control loop.
5 Trajectory Generator Method—Loop Rate method sets the loop rate for the trajectory generator and PID
on the FPGA.
6 User-defined VI allocates memory on the cRIO-9104 device. This VI improves the performance of the
application because it allocates the memory only once, rather than each time the VI loops. Use this VI
to allocate memory for the following items:
• Execution status data
• Axis data
• Trajectory data
• Array of axis handles
• Additional arrays that contain other state data
• Control output values
• PID parameters
7 User-defined VI configures the PID parameters for the axes.
8 LabVIEW Timed Loop node. Use this node to set up loop timing.
9 LabVIEW Open VI Reference VI opens a reference to the VI specified by the path wired in.

© National Instruments Corporation 27 Getting Started with NI SoftMotion Development Module for LabVIEW
Table 11. Description of cRIO Motion Loop VI Block Diagram (Continued)

Callout Number VI, Function, or Variable Name and Description

10 User-defined VI reads in data from encoders and global variables.
11 User-defined VI executes the NI SoftMotion Development Module trajectory generator and calls the
control loop to calculate and write the command output values.
12 User-defined VI writes the command output values to the I/O on the cRIO-9104 device.
13 User-defined VI frees the memory you allocated.
14 Trajectory Generator Delete function frees the memory allocated for the trajectory generator you
15 LabVIEW Close FPGA VI Reference VI closes the reference to the VI you previously opened.
16 LabVIEW Merge Errors VI. Use this VI to merge error I/O clusters from different functions. This VI
first looks for errors among error in 1, error in 2, and error in 3, then error array in, and reports the
first error found. If the VI finds no errors, it looks for warnings, and returns the first warning found. If
the VI finds no warnings, it returns no error.
17 LabVIEW error out control.

Getting Started with NI SoftMotion Development Module for LabVIEW 28

Application VI
Figure 9 shows the block diagram of the cRIO Gantry Cycle VI. This VI repeatedly cycles through a set of given
positions resulting in coordinate motion along the x- and y- axes and vertical motion along the z-axis.

Note For this example to work properly, the cRIO Motion Loop VI must be running in the background. You can synchronize
the Motion Loop VI with the Application VI in one of several ways. For example, you can use a VI from the Advanced»
Synchronization»Rendezvous palette. Or, you can use the VI Server to dynamically run the VI. For information about
synchronizing VIs, refer to the Rendezvous VIs topic or the VI Server topic in LabVIEW Help. Also, refer to the What Is a
Rendezvous? and/or Dynamically Load and Run a VI without Opening its Front Panel Using VI Server and Rendezvous VIs
articles on the NI Developer Zone at

1 2 3 4

Figure 9. cRIO Gantry Cycle VI Block Diagram

© National Instruments Corporation 29 Getting Started with NI SoftMotion Development Module for LabVIEW
Table 12. Description of cRIO Gantry Cycle VI Block Diagram

Callout Number VI, Function, or Variable Name and Description

1 User-defined VI specifies the following move constraints:
• Target position
• Velocity
• Acceleration rate
• Deceleration rate
• Jerk values for both the acceleration and deceleration
2 User-defined VI moves the motor on the z-axis after reaching the position specified in the
previous VI.
3 LabVIEW Wait Until Next ms Multiple VI. Use this VI to specify a delay for the While Loop.
4 LabVIEW error out control.

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