Satisfaction of Mothers Attending Immunisation Clinic in A Slum Area of North Kolkata: A Cross-Sectional Study

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IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS)

e-ISSN: 2279-0853, p-ISSN: 2279-0861.Volume 14, Issue 6 Ver. II (Jun. 2015), PP 48-51

Satisfaction of Mothers Attending Immunisation Clinic in a Slum

Area of North Kolkata: A Cross-Sectional Study
Dr.Debjit Sarkar1, Dr.Sreetama Banerjee2, Dr. Baisakhi Maji3,
Dr. Sudhanshu Saharoy4
(1, 2, 3, 4 post graduate trainee, MD Community Medicine, R.G.Kar Medical College, Kolkata)



Childhood immunisation is considered to be among the most effective preventive services, and is
therefore critical to monitor and evaluate.1 Uptake of vaccination services is dependent on different factors
including knowledge and attitude of mothers. 2 Research on parental health beliefs and attitudes often assumes
that parents decline immunisation or are simply less knowledgeable without examining their access and
utilisation of well-child care.3,4 The other side of the system, that is, the deficiencies on the provider side largely
remain unaccounted for. Parental satisfaction with pediatric care is an indicator of provider quality that has been
relatively unexplored in relation to childhood immunisation. 5A satisfied parent is more likely to develop a
deeper and long-lasting relationship with the healthcare provider, leading to improved compliance, continuity of
care, and ultimately better health care outcomes.6 However satisfaction, being mostly in the domain of heart is
difficult to measure, rather quantify. In this regard the Client Satisfaction Questionnaire-8 item (CSQ-8) which
is an easily scored and administered measurement designed to measure client satisfaction with health and human
services can be helpful. The CSQ-8seems to operate about the same across all ethnic groups.7Psychometric
properties, operating characteristics, and coefficient alpha are very strong for this measure. 8 With this
background, the present study was conducted with the following objectives:
1. To describe the socio-demographic pattern of the study participants
2. To assess their level of satisfaction (using CSQ-8) towards the service they are receiving
3. To identify the factors influencing satisfaction




Study Period: The study was conducted in the months of June to September 2014 i.e. for an approximate
period of 4 months.
2. Place of study: Immunisation clinic of Urban Health and Training Center under the Department of
Community Medicine of RG Kar Medical College and hospital. The clinic is situated in the field practice
area in Bagbazar slum under ward no. 7 of Kolkata Municipal Corporation.
3. Study Design: Cross sectional.
4. Study Population: All the mothers who attended the clinic for the purpose of immunisation of their
children during the study period.
5. Sample size: Study by Bhola Nath et. al9 done in Lucknow showed that overall satisfaction regarding
immunisation was more than 90% among mothers. Using the formula n=z2pq/l2 for sample size
determination with alpha 0.05 and absolute precision 5, the sample size is about 140.
6. Sampling technique: Every third mother was chosen to allow time for interview as was estimated during
7. Study tool: Pre-designed and pretested schedule. Based on Client Satisfaction Questionnaire-8 item (CSQ8) and literature review schedule was prepared. Scale Format 8 items, 4-point Likert. Scores range from 8
to 32 with higher score indicating higher level of satisfaction. Face validity was judged by few subject
matter experts. Pre-tested on 14 mothers and necessary adjustments were made.
8. Study Technique: After obtaining requisite permissions and informed consent, selected mothers were
interviewed at the time of exit in the waiting area after their children settled down following vaccination.
9. Exclusion criteria: Mothers who did not give consent.
10. Analysis: Data analysed using SPSS v.16 and represented with tables. Unpaired t test, ANOVA, Chi square
test and logistic regression analysis have been utilized.


Results And Discussion

All the selected mothers gave consent for participation in study.

DOI: 10.9790/0853-14624851

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Satisfaction of mothers attending immunisation clinic in a slum area of North Kolkata

N.B - As regards to occupation others include mothers employed as domestic help and temporary
workers in nearby establishments.
Majority of respondents (67.90%) are in the age group of 21-30 years and have education upto
secondary (45%). Most of them are housewives (71.40%) with 1 living child (64.30%). Similar profile of
mothers in West Bengal attending immunisation clinic was reported by Maulik S. and Dasgupta A. 10
Table 2. shows that mean satisfaction score does not differ significantly across different categories of
demographics. Study conducted by Luman ET et al 11reported that parental satisfactions with pediatric care and
up-to-date immunization at 24 months are independent of maternal age, race, and education. Though it might
not influence satisfaction but education of mothers was identified as a major factor for increased immunization
of Nigerian children in a rural area.2

DOI: 10.9790/0853-14624851

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Satisfaction of mothers attending immunisation clinic in a slum area of North Kolkata

Minimum score of respondents is 17 and maximum is 31. Based on median score of 24, respondents
are thus divided into two categories- More satisfied with score24 and Less satisfied with score<24. These
2 categories are compared against a few dichotomous variables which may likely influence satisfaction as
reported by mothers. Table 3. shows that being an inhabitant of the slum, proper location of clinic, convenient
working hours, short waiting period, adequate time allotment and being able to disclose complaints properly are
significantly associated(p<0.01) with More satisfied category i.e. higher satisfaction scores.

In contrast to the present study ,in West Bengal, according to a study, 40.7% mothers complained of
long waiting time before availing the services. 12 The inconvenience of clinic hours ,dates of immunization
clinics and locations of clinics have been reported by 75% of the parents 1.Whereas in our study the respective
percentages are 30, 35.7 and 20.However studies conducted by Ghosh et al, Ughade et al and Yadav et al who
found that increase in the distance of the immunization centre led to unfavorable effect on the immunization
status of the child, did not comment on the satisfaction regarding the same.9The contrasting results may be due
to the fact that the clinic is located in an urban area and the beneficiaries are mostly local residents. Also the
attitude and behaviour of doctors in the clinic which has been mentioned as proper and cordial by all
respondents (hence regarded as a constant and not included in analysis) may be a contributing factor.

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Satisfaction of mothers attending immunisation clinic in a slum area of North Kolkata

Factors like inadequate Sitting provisions, improper drinking water and toilet facilities, indifferent
behaviour of other health personnel and inability to understand health talk properly were entered into final
model after univariate testing. These were significantly increasing the probability of lesser satisfaction. A study
on utilization of health care facilities by at risk children in India found that in 12.03 % cases unpleasant behavior
of hospital staff was a reason for not availing health services. 13



The results of this study reveal that the immunisation clinic is managing to keep its clients mostly
satisfied due to factors both structural and interpersonal , inherent to the clinic itself. However, there is scope for
improvement of service as few predictors have been identified for which inter-sectoral collaboration will be
pivotal in bringing about necessary changes.


Dr. Dipika Haldar, MO UHTC

All subject matter experts in the Dept. of Community Medicine of RGKMC&H(2013-15)
My heartfelt thanks to all the mothers who co-operated.







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