Deloitte Analytics Analytics Advantage Report 061913

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The key takeaways are that applying analytics to business challenges can help companies achieve new insights, identify opportunities for innovation, and ultimately improve performance. Smart analytics leaders are also overcoming skepticism and gaining executive advocates by first tackling small projects that yield impressive and measurable results.

Some examples of small projects that yielded impressive results according to the report are projects that demonstrate analytics’ ability to improve competitive positioning and help gain traction across the enterprise.

The main findings of the Analytics Advantage Survey are that 'slow and steady wins the analytics race' and smart analytics leaders are overcoming skepticism and gaining executive advocates by first tackling small projects that yield impressive and measurable results. Projects that demonstrate analytics’ ability to improve competitive positioning help these initiatives gain traction across the enterprise.

The Analytics Advantage

Were just getting started

The first few steps of the analytics
journey hold promise for the long term

Key findings from Deloittes Analytics Advantage Survey

Dear readers,

I am pleased to share the results of our recent Analytics

Advantage Survey, commissioned by Deloitte Analytics
to better understand the state of analytics readiness at
leading corporations todayand what the future may
hold. The survey was conducted using a mix of 100 online
questionnaire responses and deep dive interviews with
senior executives at 35 companies in the United States,
Canada, China, and the United Kingdom. Interviews
were overseen or conducted by analytics thought leader
and author Thomas H. Davenport, a visiting professor at
Harvard Business School and independent senior adviser
to Deloitte Analytics.
When I read the report, I was not surprised to learn that
slow and steady wins the analytics race. Smart analytics
leaders are overcoming skepticism and gaining executive
advocates by first tackling small projects that yield impressive
and measurable results. Projects that demonstrate analytics
ability to improve competitive positioning help these
initiatives gain traction across the enterprise.
As the report illustrates, applying analytics to business
challenges can help companies achieve new insights,
identify opportunities for innovation, and ultimately
improve performance. As results from this survey show, in
organizations where analytics is most visible, support from
senior leaders is also most evident.
I hope you find this report a useful guide as you assess
your organizations analytics maturity today and shape and
strengthen your analytics initiatives moving forward.

Tim Phillipps
Global Analytics Leader
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited


Even under the most supportive circumstances, the

application of analytics is a long journey. It can take years
to gather data, put the appropriate technologies in place,
build the necessary skills, and embed analytical decisionmaking into key organizational processes. And once this
is all done, many wonder whether they have really
uncovered all the value their data has to offer?
In many cases, the circumstances are less than supportive.
Senior managers may not be enthusiastic about having
their intuition replacedor at least augmentedwith
analytics. They may simply not understand the value of an
analytics initiative. There may be competing priorities for
investment dollars. As with any other change program,
managers and organizations can resist analytics programs,
or at least not fully endorse their adoption.
Any lack of understanding of analytics might be worsened,
rather than alleviated, by the onslaught of publicity about
big data. As it happens, most large businesses are simply
adding big data capabilitiesdistributed file system
technology, open source software, and data scientist
skillsto their existing analytical capabilities. But many
managers are in doubt about whether they need big data,
and what is necessary to obtain value from it. In the case
of big data, what should be speeding up the adoption of
analytics might actually be slowing it down.
The organizations participating in this broad survey
conducted through interviews and online surveysare at
a variety of positions in their analytical journeys. All by now
have one or more believers among the management team.
All have executives who believe that the use of analytics is
important. There are, however, many other executives who
still need to be convinced.

Virtually all of the organizations surveyed are applying analytics

to one or more business processes. However, many areas
within these businesses remain untouched. The majority of
surveyed companies have some form of analytical group, but
the level of analytical maturity varies among them. The size of
analytics groups within participating companies ranges from
one or two analysts to several hundred. In some, the head of
the analytics group is an analyst him or herself; in others, it is a
C-suite executive. In many cases, internal resources are being
augmented with external suppliers of services.
This survey represents a guidepost from which an
understanding of analytics can and will move forward.
From observations over many years, analytical progress
is undeniable: the demand for analytics is much greater,
resources are more available, and executive understanding
has increased.
Ifan unlikely scenarioanalytics progress were to
cease today, the organizations that have tackled these
initiatives would be better off for having done so. More
likely, though, as suggested by these survey findings, the
application of analytics and its importance will increase in
the coming years. This means that competitors can still get
ahead. Industriesfrom airlines to insurance to sports
will rapidly copy analytics innovations and reimagine them
yet again. The only way to stay ahead of the competition
will be to invest in analytical capabilities, integrating
analytics into decisions and processes. As this study reveals,
while analytics is already delivering insights that can power
innovation for some businesses, the best is yet to come.
Thomas H. Davenport
Visiting Professor Harvard Business School
Independent Senior Adviser to Deloitte Analytics

Tom Davenport is a world-renowned thought leader and executive advisor on analytics. An acclaimed speaker, Tom
also is a widely published author, whose most recent book (with Jinho Kim) is Keeping Up with the Quants: Your Guide
to Understanding and Using Analytics. An information management pioneer, Tom has written or co-authored 16 bestselling business books and more than 100 articles, as well as several strategic business concepts in the areas of knowledge
management, human approaches to information management, business process reengineering, and enterprise systems.
CIO Insight named his Competing on Analytics book one of the Top 15 Most Groundbreaking Management Books, and
Ziff Davis again included Tom as one of only four IT management thought leaders on their 100 Most Influential People in
IT list.

Executive summary

In todays complex business environment, the field of data analytics is growing in acceptance and importance. It
is playing a critical role as a decision-making resource for executives, especially those managing large companies.
To shed more light on how companies are taking advantage of analytics, Deloitte Analytics commissioned
The Analytics Advantage, the first in an annual series of surveys focusing on the state of analytics readiness
at leading corporations and what the future holds. (See About the Survey.)
Results were analyzed from a mix of more than 100 online surveys and deep dive interviews with
senior executives at 35 companies in North America, the United Kingdom, and Asia conducted or overseen
by Tom Davenport.
In addition to the growth in importance of analytics and its prospects for the future, other central themes
emerged, including the varied ways in which analytics is structured and managed within these enterprises.
This signals that the practice of analytics, while progressing as a decision-making resource, remains in its
early development stages and will continue to evolve and mature as long as it generates tangible financial
benefits for the corporation.

Key findings
Analytics has arrived. Analytics is already an important
competitive resource for many companies, with fewer
than 20 percent of respondents stating that analytics
does not yet support their corporate strategies.
The best is yet to come. Ninety-six percent of
respondents feel that analytics will become more
important to their organizations in the next three
years. Two reasons there is plenty of room to grow:
a great deal of data is still not used for decision-making;
and many organizations have only rudimentary analytical
Better decision-making. Nearly half of all respondents
(49 percent) assert that the greatest benefit of using
analytics is that it is a key factor in better decision-making
capabilities. Another 16 percent believe that its greatest
benefit is better enabling key strategic initiatives. Nearly
two-thirds of respondents say that analytics play an
important role in driving business strategy.
Marketing and customers. Surprisingly, only 1 percent
of respondents believe that the greatest benefit of using
data analytics is identifying and creating new product
and service revenue streams, demonstrating its impact
on product and service innovation is not yet nearly as

noteworthy as in other areas. But its marketing

influence is rising, as 55 percent of respondents said
their marketing and sales groups invest in analytics
second only to finance operations.
Structure is a challenge. Analytics is managed by a
variety of executive roles within companies, and a wide
range of functions benefit from analytics. More structure
around coordination and alignment is needed to realize
the impact and benefits of a companys data throughout
the organization.
Key barriers to overcome. Organizations will be
slow to fully capitalize on the potential of analytics
unless they are able to overcome several key barriers,
of which data management and access to talent are
the most problematic.
In addition to the growth in importance of analytics and
its prospects for the future, other central themes emerged,
including the varied ways in which analytics is structured
and managed within these enterprises. This signals that
analytics, while progressing as a decision-making resource,
remains in its early development stages and will continue
to evolve and mature as long as it generates tangible
financial benefits for the corporation.
Deloitte Analytics Advantage

The evolution of analytics

Basically, analytics is about making good business

decisions. Just giving reports with numbers doesnt
help. We must provide information in a way that
best suits our decision-makers.
Director of HR analytics for an entertainment company

Analytics Advantage Survey results suggest that despite

considerable analytical activity within firms, analytics
the practice of using data to manage information and
performanceis only at the beginning of its impact as
a competitive resource for organizations.
While the reasons for employing analytics capabilities are
as varied as the companies and industries using them,
respondents agree overwhelmingly on one key point
analytics will continue to grow in importance over the
next three years.
Regardless of industry or geography, 96 percent of
respondents assert that analytics will become more
important or somewhat more important during the next
three years. Equally significant, none of the respondents
believes analytics will become less important over that
time. Clearly, a data analytics evolution is well underway,
and the discipline has, in many cases, established its
emergence as a valuable business management tool.
This is consistent with previous experience from Deloitte
Analytics, a group of analytics practitioners delivering
strategic insights that give decision-makers the information
they need to act. Based on thousands of discussions or
interviews with corporate executives, Deloitte Analytics has
found that corporations and organizations are moving to
use big data and analytics to track consumer sentiment,
build customer loyalty, gain competitive advantages,
and make more effective business decisions. How best
to do that and who should ultimately be responsible for
managing and maximizing a companys data assets remain
variable approaches for many organizations.

According to a senior executive overseeing analytics at

a global firm, analytics must be able to do three things:
solve a problem, be predictive, and be implementable. As a
result, experts from numerous teams and disciplines must
engage and smoothly interact to ensure that all of the
three tasks are successfully completed.
Data is very much a part of our lifeblood, and now that
our systems and technology have caught up to the need,
we are really able to make something out of the data we
have, the senior executive explained. Weve come a long
way in the last two years, because we focused on it. A
company like ours can accomplish a lot when it focuses.
Many companies are focusing more on big data and
analytics because they are seeing positive results from
trial projects as well as anecdotal evidence from industry
colleagues or competitors. Perhaps most importantly,
senior executives are realizing that good data can yield
good decisions, if captured, analyzed, communicated, and
acted upon in a timely and efficient fashion.
And that realization is at the heart of the analytics
dilemma, as one or more of those criteria is often missing
from an organizations analytical capabilities.
But those who have cracked the analytics code are reaping
its rewards.
Nearly half of survey respondents (49 percent) assert
that the greatest benefit of using data analytics is that it
is a key factor in better decision-making capabilities. That
number would likely be higher if organizations had better
access or more resources to utilize their data in decisionmaking circumstances.


Better decision-making
based on data


Better enablement of
key strategic initiatives


Better relationships with

customers and business partners


Better sense of our risk and better ability to

react to changes in the economic environment


Better financial performance

of the organization


Better capability to respond to

buying trends in the marketplace
Identification and creation of new
product and service revenue streams


The use of data in decision-making has been driven in part

by economic necessity. For instance, a respondent from an
auto industry company that was broadening its capabilities
and reliance on analytics pointed out that the companys
near-death experience in the aftermath of the U.S.
recession motivated some of its leaders to more quickly
employ data in decision-making.
Indeed, desperate times call for desperateor at least new
and more promisingmeasures.
Our experience was rather trying, said the auto
executive, but it encouraged folks to consider a number
of analytic approachesincluding scenario analysis and
modeling and configuration analyticsthat they might not
have entertained in better times.
While data analytics is playing an increasingly large role
in corporate decision-making in general, it is becoming
even more important in driving business strategy. Sixty-two
percent of respondents said that analytics played an
important role.
About 17 percent of respondents reported that corporate
strategy and competitive advantage are heavily
dependent upon the companys analytical capabilities,
while a similar number19 percentsaid that the use of
analytics within their industry is generic and not closely
related to the companys specific strategy.

The remainder lie somewhere in between, reporting that

the practice of analytics may generally support corporate
strategy but does not provide any competitive advantage
(36 percent), or analytics does support corporate strategy
and provides some competitive advantage (27 percent).
What is clear is that organizations large and small are
tapping data to better understand and improve their
operations, financial models, customer relationships,
supply chain, workforce, business opportunities, and
competitive standing. While data may not be replacing
common sense and gut instinct as a decision-making tool,
it is becoming an irreplaceable strategic weapon in the
corporate arsenal.

There are now enough

reasons for us to prove
beyond all doubt that
what weve always done,
based on intuition, isnt
the best way to go.
Director of planning and analysis
for a global medical services company

Deloitte Analytics Advantage

Analytics capabilities:
The sum of the parts
As data analytics gains more attention, corporations and
organizations of all sizes and within most industries are
pursuing this valuable capabilitysometimes cautiously,
sometimes with great enthusiasm.
Organizations that lack executive sponsors are
traditionally slow to embrace change and are eyeing
analytics with more skepticism. In these circumstances,
smart analytics leaders are gaining advocates by taking
on small, focused pilot projects that are yielding
tangible results.
According to one executive in the insurance industry, the
driver for the acceptance and growth of data analytics in his
organization is to show how big data can help it shift from
experiential decision-making to having confidence that the
massive amounts of data that we collect can be useful in
making better decisions.
Most companies begin by dabbling in analytics and
becoming good in one or more applications, thereby
generating momentum for additional initiatives. Ultimately,
analytics is valued if it can be proven that it helps a company
become tangibly betterfinancially or operationally. And
indeed, most survey respondents55 percentreported
that analytics has significantly or fairly improved the
organizations competitive position.

You have to create impact for the

company. Youve gotta eat the elephant
one bite at a time; theres no other way to
do it. That one-step-at-a-time approach
to analytics allows us to demonstrate
credibility and tangible value.
Senior business intelligence advisor for a North American financial services organization

Does analytics improve competitive positioning?

Significantly improved


Fairly improved


Improved very little

Did not improve at all
Dont know/Not applicable


Still, 29 percent reported that analytics improved competitive

position only very little, and 14 percent do not yet know if
analytics is having an impact vis--vis the competition.
The fact that none of the respondents predicted less usage
of analytics over the next three years suggests that even those
without results thus far still have faith.

Key findings
Slow and steady wins the analytics race. Smart analytics leaders are overcoming
skepticism and gaining executive advocates by:
Tackling small projects that yield impressive results
Showing tangible, incremental improvementsfinancially or operationally
Demonstrating how analytics improves competitive positioning

Show me the money

Are big data and analytics worth the significant

investment of money, resources, and time for corporations
and their leadership?
The answer is yes, with varying degrees of enthusiasm
depending on whom you ask within an organization.
Realizing that the majority of survey participants look to
analytics to play some role in driving business strategy,
we asked them to rank the importance of the discipline in
supporting key business functionsincluding marketplace
analysis, supply chain management, and regulatory and
risk processes.
Not surprisingly, the areas in which big data and analytics
were found to be the most important were those directly
related to income production or cost control/reduction.
Facts and data are driving a lot of our investments, because
its all about ROI and metrics, explained a senior risk
manager for a commercial real estate management company.
Quantitative analysis enables us to anticipate the future
rather than having to react after the event. And that can have
a tremendous impact on our financial performance.
In marketplace-related areas, respondents said that the
most important use of data analytics was in identifying
ways to increase sales (18 percent), followed closely by
two other areas thatif masteredcan increase sales:
understanding customer behavior (17 percent) and
targeting product and service offerings to particular
customers (17 percent). Equally significant was the use
of analytics in identifying innovation and investment
opportunities, as suggested by 17 percent of respondents.
Of course, most companies implementing analytics to boost
or optimize their marketing and sales performance are
applying the analytics capabilities to numerous customercentric projects and processes. In some instances, this
includes aggregating and dissecting huge amounts of
unstructured data generated through websites, call centers,
social media, and other consumer-facing resources.

In one example, the chief operating officer for a fastgrowing e-commerce business described customer
analytics as the most important thing his company is doing.
Why? Because it enables the firm to better segment existing
and prospective customers, allowing for more precise
targeting of advertising, pricing, and discount offers.

Two areas where analytics drives ROI

Income production

Cost reduction

Our focus now is on how we can positively change

customer behavior, he said. We are trying to be an
experiential retailer, and that means broadening our product
line in certain categories and becoming more analytical
about predicting what offers will work, and when.
Financial operations have long been data-driven, but the
availability of big data and the growth of data analytics
capabilities have further heightened its importance. These
are no doubt the reasons that the area most often found
to invest in analytics, at 79 percent, is finance.
Also, about 18 percent of corporations surveyed report
that the Chief Financial Officer is the individual within the
organization primarily responsible for analytics, making the
CFO the third most common analytics overseer. The most
frequent leader of analyticsnamed by 23 percent of
respondentsis the business unit or division head, who
also typically has significant budgetary responsibility.
It stands to reason that if finance is willing to invest in
analytics, there is ROI to be had.

Deloitte Analytics Advantage

Who oversees analytics initiatives?








Other C-suite executive


Business unit or division head

Chief Analytics Officer or equivalent


No single executive

Were really not spending money on

data analytics. Were using it to find
better alternatives for making money.
Database marketing executive for regional bank

Today, its not how much more work can (analytics) do

within the company, but what should we focus on that
gives us the best ROI, noted a customer analytics expert
for a global technology company. Our job is to maximize
ROI. This can mean fewer but more impactful data
analytics projects.
CFOs and their teams most often (at just over
24 percent) use data analytics in "forecasting financial
performance," while another 23.5 percent use analytics
for understanding the drivers of financial performance.
In other research, Deloitte Analytics has found many
cases of organizations moving all analytics staffers into a
centralized, shared-services function reporting directly
to financewhich in essence serves as Switzerland
a neutral party that can supply the entire organization
without the political machinations that can disrupt a more
decentralized approach.


According to Tom Davenport, Obviously, organizations

want their analytical investments to pay off. Where better
to have that happen than in finance?
Data analytics tools are increasingly being used to support
the top line, as customer planning areas use analytics
resources for a variety of income-related initiatives.
About 27 percent of respondents believe that analytics is
most important for increasing sales to new and existing
customers, followed by 17 percent who believe it is most
important for initiatives to reduce customer churn and
increase loyalty. Another 17 percent who believe it is
most important in increasing sales force effectiveness by
targeting qualified prospects.
Interestingly, a number of the interviewees were not
overly concerned that corporate efforts to increase their
knowledge of individual customers in order to better
target them with relevant and attractive offers would be
considered invasive.
One noted that many customers welcome and are
beginning to expect a more personalized approach
and often view carefully designed and communicated
messages or offers as desirable.
I dont think consumers get massively annoyed unless
the message is completely inappropriate or irrelevant,
said one executive who works for a global retail brand.
A greater concern, is apathy to all types of marketing
communications, given the sheer volume of consumertargeted messaging.

Once you start spending money, the data

becomes even more important. The culture
were growing is data hungry, and the best
idea driven by the best data wins.
Head of analytics for an insurance company

In the area of supply chain management, where cost

efficiency is paramount, expense control was ranked the
most important data analytics area. Nearly 30 percent of
respondents named reduce procurement costs as the
most important use, while another 26 percent focused on
ways to optimize supplier and vendor relationships.
While the reasons most chosen in the areas of regulatory
and risk are not directly tied to income or cost control,
they certainly have an indirect impact on the financial
performance of an organization. In particular, the most
important reasonfavored by about 26 percent of
respondentsis using data analytics to identify fraud
earlier in the process.

Key findings
Is investment in big data and analytics worth it?
The answerincreasinglyis yes. Not surprisingly,
the most valued impact of analytics is on income
production or cost reduction. Analytics delivers by:
Increasing sales
Identifying innovation opportunities
Forecasting financial performers
Understanding financial drivers

Clearly, given the widespread incidence of corporate fraud,

particularly within increasingly complex supply chains that
rely on layers of connected suppliers, this is money well
spent. According to a global study of fraud conducted
by Kroll Advisory Solutions in 2012, 75 percent of those
surveyed reported incidents of fraud at their company. The
impact is quite dramatic, as the Association of Certified
Fraud Examiners estimates that the projected global total
fraud loss is more than $3.5 trillion annually.

Deloitte Analytics Advantage

Analytics across the enterprise

Consumers expect a (brand name) experience from

all of our companies. So it makes sense to have our
analytics groups joined together, since everything
we do is based on our customers.
Data analytics leader for a global, multi-faceted retail business

How should analytics be structured within an organization?

Where must its capabilities reside?
Wide variations exist in the ownership of analytics, with
the most common analytics champion being a business
unit or division head (23 percent). For organizations where
analytics support is visible and valued, senior leadership
often plays a role in championing the analytics effort.
Interestingly, five C-suite categories (CEO, CFO, CIO, CMO,
Chief Analytics Officer) and other combine to account
for 56 percent of the individuals responsible for analytics.
Additionally, another 20 percent of organizations
were unable to identify one single executive with that
responsibility. This finding indicates an overall analytics
leadership vacuum in many businesses. Some businesses
may be experiencing an ongoing analytics ownership
power struggle as executives become more cognizant
of the potential benefits and complexities of a robust
analytics asset within the enterprise.
Given this vacuum, and the relative youth of modern-era
analytics and big data, the fact that 42 percent of
survey respondents report some level of centralization of
analytics within their organization is somewhat surprising.
The remaining 58 percent of organizations either have
uncoordinated pockets of analytical activity (20 percent)
or geography- or business unit-based analytical capabilities
that are in early phases of collaboration as they begin
to share tools, data, talent, and best practices with likeminded colleagues.

An ongoing matter of debate among data analytics

practitioners is whether or not analytics should be a more
centralized function or one that is embedded within various
corporate work streams and geographies. The opinions are
as varied as the companies and industries involved.

Analytics Ownership Power Struggle

Uncoordinated pockets
of analytical activity


Localized analytical capabilities

that are beginning to share
tools, data, and people


A central analytical group with

some coordination over analytical
activity across the enterprise
A central analytical group that
closely coordinates analytical
activity across the enterprise
No analytics at all 0%



Leading barriers to analytics use

There is no centralized approach to capturing

and analyzing data for our companys use


Our company lacks proper technology and

infrastructure to capture the data


Leadership does not understand

or support the use of analytics


We lack the correct talent

to use our data


Our industry hasnt really employed

analytics in a significant way
Privacy issues



As one leader described it, moving from a decentralized to

a more centralized approach to analyticswhich is in the
early stages at her organizationis a much-anticipated
scenario. I would prefer to go to a centralized team,
because it decreases the likelihood of confusion within the
organization, she explained. Otherwise, you have two or
more departments investing and building their own support
models, and that can create riffs and gray areas that none of
the analytics groups can support or overcome.
Conversely, some interviewees were adamant that
decentralization of analytics capabilities is more effective,
with one indicating that by serving individual leaders,
we are more embedded in the business and better able to
serve their needs.
Survey statistics, however, would indicate that further
acceptance and implementation of analytics would likely
increase if the function were more centrally structured.
The top reason for not using analytics to support an
organizations strategy (32 percent) was the lack of a
centralized approach to capturing and analyzing data for
the companys use.
The second most frequently cited reason for not using
analytics to support enterprise strategy (23 percent)
is that the company lacks the proper technology and
infrastructure to captureand then usethe data. A
centralized structure, with access to more resources to
build out a technology platform, data warehouse, and
staffing capabilities, may help overcome that deficiency
among many currently decentralized organizations.


Nevertheless, the centralize versus decentralize debate

will likely continue as organizations grapple with the
volume, velocity, and variety of data at their disposal;
the resources required to make sense of it; and the effects
data-driven projects have on revenue, expenses, market
share, and reputation.

Key findings
Many businesses are experiencing an analytics leadership vacuum, making it difficult to
answer the question: Do we centralize or decentralize?
Organizations where analytics is most visible and valued have support from senior
leaders and are best able to determine how analytics initiatives should be structured
throughout the enterprise.

Were starting to do a better job of

identifying whos doing what, and
sharing best practices. Thats been
a significant step toward a more
vertical integration of our data
analytics function.
Director of commercial analytics for a global health care company

Deloitte Analytics Advantage


Barriers to overcome

Its just a huge amount of data to deal with.

Data management is becoming a bigger
and bigger part of the puzzle, and a bigger
and bigger challenge for us to overcome.
Vice president of marketing for an international software company

While analytics has grown in importance and relevance

in recent years, its acceptance and impact have been
curtailed by a number of barriers to widespread adoption.
Survey responses identified a number of key hurdles to
overcome in order for analytics to play a more significant
role in the enterprisestarting with the quality of the
data itself. Many companies continue to struggle with
the amount of data at their disposal, and how best to
categorize, synthesize, access, and analyze itand then to
implement decisions that stem from those findings.

Only 34 percent of respondents categorized the quality of

data in their organization as good or excellent, which
means the data is integrated, accurate, and maintained
in a central warehouse. Another 31 percent labeled it
adequate, while 4 percent considered the data to be
ofpoor quality, which means it is difficult to use for
substantial analysis.
So, what needs to be done to improve data quality? In many
cases, companies are struggling with disparate processes
and systems, geography- or business unit-based information
silos, and a paucity of data scientists and other human
resources capable of effectively making sense of the data.

Data Quality Challenges May Impede Analytics Adoption

Poor. Inferior quality and organization of data

that makes it difficult for substantial analysis. No
groups with strong data orientation.


Un-integrated. Data is usable but in functional

or process silos. Our senior executives do not
discuss data management.


Adequate. We have identified key data domains

and created central data repositories.


Good. Integrated, accurate, and common data

maintained in a central warehouse. Data is still
mainly an IT matter. We have little unique data.
Excellent. We have a relentless search for new data
and metrics. A team separate from IT oversees
information, and data is viewed as a strategic asset.




As an analytics leader at a major telecommunications

equipment provider explained it, Theres a lot of data.
Theres always been a lot of data. The fact that its coming
at us so fast and in such a variety of forms puts a really
big burden on us. We are trying to figure out whats the
problem were trying to solve with data, and how can you
use it to make a good business decisions.
Another key barrier to analytical progress is that nearly
half of respondents said they dont have the number
of individuals or the skill levels required for data
analytics within the organization. Among the remaining
respondents, nearly 29 percent have the necessary number
of people but indicate that the analytics workforce needs
greater skills. Just 22 percent are in good shape talentwise, with sufficient human resources within the company
who have the right skill levels to get the job doneand
that gap is playing a significant role in slowing the maturity
of analytics in many organizations.
According to Davenport, organizations that want to do big
data right need to consider three talent-centric pursuits:
1. Evolve hiring practices within analytics to focus more
on data scientist hybrids, the relatively few folks who
combine skills in science and computation.
2. Hire really talented people with either computer
science or analytics backgrounds, and place them
on business teams that will appreciate their skills
and insights.
3. Work with administrators and faculty at universities
to create a masters program in data science that will
supply the next generation of data scientists.

Another key impediment to analytics within organizations

lies in IT, as 67 percent of respondents said the technology
infrastructure supporting analytics is either rudimentary
or basic with limited or no predictive tools. One-third
of respondents indicated that they do have appropriate
reporting and/or predictive tools, which have served to
propel analytics into a position of power and respectability
within many organizations.

I dont think most Fortune 500

companies have a culture of consistent
curiosity and the willingness to take
a little bit of risk. So were trying to
create a culture of more questioning,
because the top-down information
flow is a nave and outdated approach
to running a company.
Head of analytics for an insurance company

Majority of Organizations Lack Technology to Support Analytics

Rudimentary, with only spreadsheets

and basic reporting tools


Basic reporting tools with limited predictive

analytics tools


Reporting and predictive tools widely

Reporting and predictive tools, plus
tools for analyzing unstructured data
Reporting and predictive tools, plus
tools for analyzing unstructured data,
with perscriptive triggers/alerts


Deloitte Analytics Advantage


One company in the banking industry believes that it has

been able to secure adequate funding and support for
analytics projects because an internal, company-wide
council approves budgetary requests for opportunities
that create operational efficiencies or effectiveness.
With consensus comes necessary funding to bolster IT
infrastructure and other analytics resources that seem likely
to generate a significant economic return.

One suspects that this lack of executive advocacy has a

direct impact on other reasons that analytics is not more
widely used in supporting organizations strategy, including
a lack of correct talent to support analytics (10 percent)
and the lack of proper technology and infrastructure
to capture the data (23 percent). After all, it is senior
leadership that controls the purse strings that fund major
initiatives, like analytics.

That said, very few respondentsjust 7 percentfelt that

their organizations had robust and wide-ranging reporting
and predictive tools, as well as tools for analyzing
unstructured data with prescriptive triggers and alerts.
That infrastructure deficiency no doubt accounts for the
fact that only about 32 percent of respondents felt their
organizations were efficient at combining internal and
external data, while nearly 40 percent opined that their
organizations were inefficient or very inefficient in
doing so.

Convincing leaders of analytics value often requires deft

maneuvering, such as giving them small doses of analytics
that reap immediate rewards. At one major health care
organization, the CEO was already very data-driven. So,
when the analytics group focused a major pilot project on
a key priority of the CEOs (improving patient access and
care), and conveyed the data via an easy-to-understand
dashboard approach, interest in the value of the data in
improving operations spread throughout the C-suite.

Some organizations with a large installed base of analytical

models find them a barrier to progress and change.
If you have a large existing system and a lot has been
invested in it already, making changes to those models
is a big challenge, said a banking executive involved
in analytics. I think we could be much more effective
if (further investment) was focused on complete
centralization, perhaps with a chargeback model that
would fund what would be a pretty large bureaucracy.
To do so requires executive buy-in, which is another
serious barrier to widespread adoption or growth of
analytics, especially within large, complex companies
that are geographically and culturally diverse.
Nearly 13 percent of survey respondents said that
their primary reason for not using analytics more in
the organizations strategy is that leadership does not
understand or support the use of analytics, a surprisingly
large number given the growing attention and publicity
big data is receiving.


As a result, the analytics group now has three additional

executive sponsorsthe CFO, CMO (Chief Medical
Officer), and CIOand a full-speed-ahead directive to
extend analytical capabilities throughout every aspect
of the organization.
Now, analytics is faced with a good problem: it must
get the sponsors to agree on which pending projects
are priorities. We need them to say no to requests that
dont meet ROI criteria, because we cant do all the things
people want data to do for them.

Key findings
In some organizations, the acceptance and widespread adoption
of analytics have been curtailed by several barriers:
Quality of data
Inadequate size of or expertise from analytics staff
Rudimentary or basic IT infrastructure
Lack of executive advocacy

A little bit of the right

information at the
moment of truth is worth
far more than all the
information in the world
two weeks after the fact.
Thats what we want to
do and what consumers
are beginning to expect
from us.
Head of business analytics group for a North American
financial services company

Deloitte Analytics Advantage


What the future holds

While the survey uncovered near unanimous optimism

for the potential of analytics over the next three years,
options for the application of analytical capabilities are as
widespread and diverse as the reams of data companies
areand will beproducing and parsing.
A significant trend, as analytics matures within an
organization, is in developing methods for packaging,
sharing, and selling valuable data and insights to outside
organizations (usually customers) that can benefit from
the information and expertise. Not only does this create
revenue streams that drive corporate growth and pay
for data infrastructure investments, but it can further
cement customer relationships. Forty-four percent of
survey respondents were very or fairly open to
sharing their data in exchange for insight-enhancing
data from other organizations.
A large manufacturing organization has, in the last 18
months in 2013, begun to focus on developing analyticsdriven, consulting-oriented services that help its customers
better understand the risks, opportunities, and priorities of
its own business.
According to one of the firms analytics leaders, this external
focus has allowed customers with less extensive or early-stage
analytics capabilities to use the companys resources to bolster
their analytics work. Sometimes they offload special projects
to us, or we create a custom (data) solution for them. This
work definitely makes our relationships with these customers
stickier, said one respondent. This offers a differentiating
advantage that most competitors cannot supply.
Ultimately, competitive advantage is what drives further
development of analytics within many major organizations.
Whether fostering better decision-making, or sharpening
its product and service mix, the next generation of big data
competencies seems destined to generate revenue and
hasten go-to-market offerings.
Depending on their industry, talent, risk tolerance,
and proven ability to justify the investment, new
analytics applications are blossoming within most
data-serious organizations.


The menu of new and anticipated offerings is extensive

and represents the culmination of the inroads data
scientists have made in recent years by repeatedly proving
the tangible worth of analytical findings. As data analytics
becomes more ingrained in corporations and data better
managed, companies and industries will continue to
develop and operationalize innovative applications.
A few of the many evolving trends include customer
relationship-oriented applications, such as sales pipeline
conversion analytics to more efficiently drive sales
results, sentiment analysis, acquisition modeling, and
predictive analytics.
Another emerging growth area is in the field of kinetic
modeling, which a medical companys analytics leader
described as using a series of algorithms to determine
the appropriate level of medicinal dosing of patients
that ultimately may lead to better standards of care.
One executive has coined a termcreative analytics
that seems to encompass the future prospects for big
data in any organization.
What Im finding is that really good analysts who drive
value are the ones who are creative and deductive problem
solvers, he explained. If you can take a very complex
business problem and translate it to business people, well,
that takes a ton of creativity. Its not just about putting
raw data on a spreadsheet anymore.

Key findings
Organizations are exploring numerous options in
creative analyticswith many evolving trends
focused on generating new revenue streams:
Packaging and selling valuable data
and insights to customers
Developing innovative customer relationship applications
Hastening the speed of go-to market offerings


Since the evidence in this study illustrates that analytics is

growing in importance and popularity, it would be wise to
position your organization to succeed as the field expands
and matures. Not only did 96 percent of respondents
feel that analytics will become more important to their
organizations in the next three years, but they also felt
that a great deal of data is still not being used for decisionmaking, and many organizations have only rudimentary
analytical technology. In light of these findings, there are
several steps your business can take to position itself for
analytical competition:
Acquire the necessary talent now. Its clear that
talent for analytics and big data is already in short supply,
and the shortage will become even more pronounced
over time. In the survey, access to talent was listed as
one of the greatest barriers to building analytical
capability. Since people with the necessary skills are
difficult to hire, your organization may want to begin a
program to train and develop them, sooner rather than
later. Another approach to this problem is to partner
with universities from which you hireencourage them
to develop degree programs or majors in analytics.
Tie your analytics work to decision-making. Nearly
half of respondents (49 percent) assert that the greatest
benefit of using analytics is that it is a key factor in better
decision-making capabilities. But better decisions dont
happen automatically with better data and analysis; they
are the result of specific attempts to improve decision
cultures and processes, and to change the understanding and behaviors of front-line workers.

analytics to identify and create new product and service

revenue streams; only 1 percent of survey respondents
said this was a focus today.
Create more central coordination for analytics.
Analytics is managed by a variety of executive roles
within companies, and a wide range of functions benefit
from the capability. More structure around coordination
and alignmentthough not necessarily full centralizationis needed to realize the impact and benefits of
a companys data throughout the organization. Think
about a small analytics center of excellence if youre
not ready to fully centralize the capability.
Plan your strategy for analytics over time. Virtually
every organization in our online surveys and interviews
is working on analytics projects and initiatives. But if
analytics is going to drive strategy in organizations, there
needs to be a connection between analytical plans and
strategy development processes. Firms should identify
not only todays projects, but also those that will follow
them over the next several years. A multiyear
perspective is necessary for planning the growth of
analytical capabilities over time.
There are few signs on the horizon that the amount of
data will decrease or that the need for better will diminish.
Hence it seems very likely that analytics will evolve from
its early development stages and will continue to mature
as long as it generates tangible financial benefits for the
corporation. The organizations that plan for this evolution
today will be the analytical competitors of the future.

Apply analytics to marketing and customers. There

are many areas to which analytics can be applied, but
the best financial returns often come from marketing
and customer-oriented applications. In this survey,
there is evidence that marketing influence is rising, as
55 percent of respondents said their marketing and
sales groups invest in analytics, second only to finance
operations. There should also be greater focus on using

Deloitte Analytics Advantage


About the survey

This report presents the key findings from Deloittes

initial Analytics Advantage Survey of relevant executives
responsible for data analytics in North America, the United
Kingdom, and Asia.
The survey covered numerous topics in the burgeoning
analytics field, including qualitative assessments of data
utilization, data quality, analytics talent, IT infrastructure
supporting analytics, its importance to various corporate
functions, the barriers to its widespread implementation,
and its long-term benefits across the organization. It
also addressed quantitative insights regarding who is
responsible for analytics, how management of analytics is
structured, and which areas within the organization invest
in analytics.
Respondents represented companies in the financial
services, technology, communications, entertainment,
health care, consumer products/retail, energy and
resources, manufacturing, government, and not-for-profit
industry sectors. It was conducted from April 25, 2012, to
September 19, 2012, and participation was anonymous.
Representatives of more than 75 companies responded to
the online survey, and those results were complemented
by extensive, one-on-one interviews conducted by Deloitte
and senior adviser Tom Davenport with 35 senior-level
executives. Combined, the results provide a comprehensive
view of the current state of analytics, its tangible and
intangible impacts on corporate decision-making, and
the future direction of this rapidly evolving discipline
within corporations of varying sizes across several
industrial sectors.
In the future, as part of its Analytics Advantage Executive
Board program, Deloitte plans to conduct quarterly pulse
surveys with three to four questions to gauge new and
emerging trends in the data analytics field.


Organizational profitability




Mid-level executive
or professional
(VP and above)

(CFO, CEO, etc.)


Business unit
or division head

The respondents
Deloitte surveyed the individual most responsible for
analytics within each organization. More than half of
survey respondents were C-suite executives (33 percent) or
heads of business units or divisions (22 percent)which
further illustrates the growing importance of analytics at
the highest levels of the enterprise. Only 30 percent were
mid-level executives or individual contributors.

Nearly two-thirds work for large, multinational

organizations, with annual revenues of US $500 million or
more. While 85 percent were profitable over the past five
years, ranging from somewhat profitable to extremely
profitable, a large number (41 percent) are not growing or
have an annual growth rate over five years of 5 percent or
less. Evidently, these companies are looking for operational
efficiencies or competitive advantages that can improve
profit margins and/or increase revenues. And they are
turning to analytics as one key avenue for attaining
those improvements.

Organizational profitability
Very profitableabout 6% to 10% profit

Zero profit or loss

over 10% profit

Negativeloss making
N/Awe are not a
profit-making organization

Somewhat profitableabout 1% to 5% profit

The industries
The respondents industries cut across numerous sectors,
with the highest number (43 percent) in financial
servicesnot a surprise given that data collection and
reporting have been instrumental to the banking industry
for decades. But the diversity of the other segments
(15 percent), health care (11 percent), consumer
products/retail (9 percent), energy and resources (8
percent), manufacturing (8 percent), etc.confirms
general observations that analytics capabilities are
increasingly important resources in all industries.

Respondents by industry









Energy and


Deloitte Analytics Advantage


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