About The Project
About The Project
About The Project
1.Vendor Master
The vendor details are included in this form.New Vendor are added on the
Information will be saved.We can modify the vendor or can cancel at this
stage.We can also find the particular vendor details.
2.Item Master
The item details are stored here .Specified rate will be given to particular
item.New item are added on the information will be saved.We can modify
the item or can cancel at this stage.We can also find the particular item
3.Item indent
Indents are raised from the cost centers.In an indent items of same group
Can only be raised.Item belong to different groups should be raised as
different indent.
The indents may be revised if any modifications are required on the
entry made. The indents raised can also be cancelled at this stage. Upon
saving modifications, the system updates the revision number and the details
are updated. An indent can undergo revision up to a maximum of 9 times.
4.Enquiry Module:
Enquirys can be raised for the indents raised. At the same time
vendors selected per indent is restricted to nine. The Enquirer generated
may be modified or cancelled during enquiry amendment. Vendor details
and required date are allowed to modify during the enquiry amendments.
5.Quotation Module:
Quotations received are recorded into the system. On entering the
enquiry number, the vendor details appear on the screen and the system
accepts the quotation details such as opening date, price basis.
The list of items sent for enquiry to that vendor is also flashed on the
screen where the quantity as in the quotation received is entered their
quotation quantity should not exceed the enquiry quantity.
6.Purchase Order Module:
Purchase order number will be generated automatically. Quotation
number is displayed and the purchase order date will be the system date
upon selecting the quotation number vender details and item details appear
on the screen. The entire information will be stored in the purchase order
master file and in the detail file.
Section 2:stores
1. item receipts
2. item issues
3. returns
1.Item Receipts:
The accepted quantity is recorded here after inspection for all the
items. The receipts can be modified with proper authorization item master is
2.Item Issues:
The materials issue note is raised from the cost centers.
Section 3-Reports
1)item indent report
2)item enquiry report
3)quotation report
4)purchase order details
5)item receipt details
6)item issue details
7)item return details
8)stores details
9)item transaction details
Item indent report displays the total information about the item indent.
This report has designed two-type item number wise and indent date
wise. Item enquiry report and quotation details report also designed
number wise and date wise. With this report user can understand very
easily about the information stored Purchase receipt, issue and return
reports display the item wise details. Stores report displays the current
stock position. Transaction report displays the daily transactions item