Tender Document (Tent) (Part-A)

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NOIDA, UP - 201301


Supply and Fixing/laying &Installation of internal Pipeline & associate fittings &
Pressure testing including third party inspection with commissioning at the two
venue of Bhel Township sector-17 Noida
NIT No. 12:AA:NOI:ADMN.:RD(Tent):112:2014-15
Dated: 03.12.2014
1- Notice Inviting Open Tender
2- Techno commercial Bid Part A
3- Price Bid - Part B

Last date for Submission of offer: 24.12.2014 upto 1500hrs

Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd.

, -, (..),
BHEL Township : Estate Office, Sector-17, Noida-201 301 (UP) INDIA
(.)/ Tel.- 0120-6740983, (Fax)- 0120-6740994


Sealed tenders are invited in two parts bids for the following Work in BHEL Township, Sector-17,
Name of Work

: Supply and Fixing/laying &Installation of internal Pipeline &

associate fittings & Pressure testing including third party inspection with
commissioning at the two venue of Bhel Township sector-17 Noida

: 12:AA:NOI:ADMN.: RD (Tent):112:2014-15
Dated: 03.12.2014

Earnest Money

: Nil

Tender Cost

: Nil


Last date for submission of sealed tender at
Estate Office, BHEL Township, Sector-17, Noida

: 24/12/2014 at 1500 Hrs.

Date of opening the tender

: 24/12/2014 at 1530 Hrs.

Venue for opening of Tender

: Estate Office, BHEL Township

Sector-17, Noida

The Tender Document may be obtained from the office of Engineer ( HR-TAX), Estate office,
Sector-17, Noida free of cost or may be downloaded from BHEL web site ( www.bhel.com) or from
CPP portal (http://eprocure.gov.in). The sealed tender may be sent either by registered post/ Speed Post/
Courier Services or by hand in the office of Engineer (HR-TAX), between 9.00 AM to 5.30 PM on any
working day latest by 24.12.2014 at 3:00 PM. In case of any clarification the bidder can contact
undersigned on Tel. No.-0120-6740983, mobile No.-8800957694 or at e-mail: [email protected].

(Omender Singh)
Engineer (HR-TAX)
On behalf of BHEL




1. The offer shall be submitted as per the instructions of tender document. Only one set of tender
document duly signed & stamped on each page shall be submitted as detailed further. Tenderer
should note specifically that all pages of tender document, including the NIT page for this
particular tender shall be submitted by them (after signing/ stamping on each page) as a part of their
offer. Price shall not be mentioned by them anywhere in the techno-commercial portion of offer,
except in the relevant price bid and submitted in separate sealed envelope. In case of any
clarification, bidder may contact this office.
2. Tender documents are also available on BHEL web site (www.bhel.com) & on CPP Portal
(http://eprocure.gov.in/cppp/) which can be downloaded and used as tender document for
submitting the bid.
3. No overwriting / correction in tender documents by tenderer shall be allowed. However if
correction is unavoidable, the same must be signed.
4. Tender must be submitted in two parts, i.e., (i) Techno-Commercial Bid along with un-price bid
(Annexure-I) and (ii) Price Bid. The tenderer must submit their tenders in two separate sealed
envelopes prominently super scribed as Part A Techno- commercial bid and Part-B Price Bid
along with NIT No. & due date written on each of the envelope. These two separate envelopes shall
together be kept in third envelop super scribed with name of Work & NIT No.
5. Techno-commercial bid should contain all the documents in proof of Pre- qualifying criteria, signed
tender document having NIT page, Instructions for tenderer, general conditions, Special
Conditions, un-price bid, all the annexure duly filled & signed by the tenderer.
6. The tenderer shall submit the Bank details along with a cancelled cheque for payment through
7. Price Bid should contain only the Part-B, Price Bid Format after quoting the rates as specified in
the Price bid format.
8. Rate shall be quoted for each item inclusive of all taxes but exclusive of service tax which shall be
quoted separately in same price bid format. Rates must be quoted in figures as well as in words.
9. On the date of opening of tender, only Techno-Commercial Bid shall alone be opened.
10. Date of opening of Price Bid will be intimated by post, telephone or e-mail separately to the
Tenderers who qualify in the Techno-Commercial bid.
11. BHEL reserves the right to accept or reject any or all offers without assigning any reason thereof.
Also BHEL shall not entertain any correspondence from bidders in this matter.
12. In case any typing error/other clerical errors is noticed by the tenderer, in the tender documents, the
same must be pointed out and got clarified before submission of offer, or else, BHELs
interpretation shall prevail & shall be binding on the tenderer.
13. The Tenderer should accept all terms & conditions of the tender unconditionally. Tenders with
deviations from terms and conditions shall be rejected.
14. In case any document required as per PQR is not submitted in techno-commercial bid (partA) the party shall be asked to submit the same within 24 hours by email, etc. If the
document(s) is/are not received within 24 hours the offer may be rejected.
15. Tenderers are requested to go through the scope of work, visit the site/location etc. and get
fully acquainted with the work place and prevailing working conditions to get all their doubts
clarified regarding the above services before submitting the offer. Engineer-in-charges decision
will be full and final in the event of any doubt. Any queries regarding this tender may be clarified
from Engineer (HR-TAX), on Telephone No. 0120- 6740983 / mobile No.-8800957694 or e-mail :
[email protected]
16. The tenderers or their representative may attend the opening of techno-commercial bid (Part-A) and
the technically qualified tenderers or their representative may attend the opening of Price bid (Part
B), if they so desire. The tenders (both the parts) shall be opened on schedule date & time even if
the bidders or their representative are not present.


a) The bidder shall submit the complete tender document in all respects duly signed & stamped on
each and every page as a token of acceptance of all the terms and conditions of tender.
b) The bidder should have PAN No. Self-attested copy of PAN Card is to be submitted.
c) Bidder should have Service Tax Registration No. Self-attested copy of Service Tax Registration
is to be submitted.
d) The bidders average annual financial turnover should be Rs. 65,073.30 or above for the last 03
financial Years (2010-11, 2011-12 & 2012-13 ending 31 st Mar 2013). Self-attested copies of
balance Sheet, Profit & Loss Account Certified by CA along with copies of Income Tax return of
last three financial years ending 31st Mar 2013 to be submitted.
e) Self-attested copies of Work Orders/ Award letters/ Contract Agreement in support of proof of
experience for the works executed by the bidders during last 7 years ending on 30/11/2014. The
Work Orders/ Award Letters of similar services (Similar services means providing and fixing of
gas pipe lines) shall only be acceptable. The value of work experience should be as follows:
Three similar completed jobs/ services/works costing not less than Rs. 0.86 lakhs each.
Two similar completed jobs/ services/ works costing not less than Rs. 1.08 lakhs each.
One similar completed jobs/ services/ works costing not less than Rs. 1.73 lakh.
f) The Bidder must Submit a declaration (enclosed at Annexure II), that no case is pending with
the police/ court against the proprietor/ firm/ partner or the company (Agency). As well as the
bidder has not been suspended / blacklisted by any organization.
g) No deviation certificate as per Annexure III (enclosed) must be signed and stamped.
h) Bidder must submit the bidders details in the enclosed format (Annexure-IV).
C. GENERAL TERMS & CONDITIONS:1) Tenders received late /in open condition/ not meeting the tender condition / incomplete in any
respect are likely to be rejected.
2) BHEL will not be responsible for the postal delay under any circumstances for non-receipt of
Tenders by due date & time.
3) The offer of the bidders who are on the banned list and also the offer of the bidders, who engage the
services of the banned firms, shall be rejected. The list of the banned firms is available on BHEL
web site www.bhel.com
4) The Tenderers are required to quote for the complete scope of work. Tenders for part of the work or
incomplete in any respect are liable to be rejected.
5) Rates quoted by the bidder will be firm. No price variation and escalation due to increase in
labour / material cost will be allowed.
6) The rates quoted by the bidder are deemed to be inclusive of all and any other incidental works
required to complete the work and inclusive of all the taxes but excluding Service Tax. The Service
Tax shall be quoted extra in the same price bid format.
7) The rate should be indicated both in words and figures. All entries in the Tenders must be written in
ink or typewritten. Over-writing should be avoided. Corrections, if any, should be attested with
signature by the bidder.
8) OFFER VALIDITY: Validity of offer will be 60 days from the date of opening of the technocommercial bid.
9) EVALUTION CRITERIA: The criteria of evaluation of techno-commercial bids shall be on the
basis of documents submitted by the tenderers. Evaluation of Price Bid will be done on overall L-1
rate inclusive all including all taxes and duties (on Sl.No.-13 of Price Bid). In case of tie between
the overall rates of two or more bidders, the snap bidding system will be followed to arrive the L-1

10) CORRECTION OF ARITHMETIC ERRORS: Provided that the bid is substantially responsive,
BHEL shall correct arithmetical errors on the following basis:
a) If there is a discrepancy between the unit price and the total price that is obtained by
multiplying the unit price and quantity, the unit price shall prevail and the total price shall be
corrected, unless in the opinion of the BHEL there is an obvious misplacement of the decimal
point in the unit price, in which case the total price as quoted shall govern and the unit price
shall be corrected.
b) If there is an error in a total corresponding to the addition or subtraction of subtotals, the
subtotals shall prevail and the total shall be corrected.
c) If there is a discrepancy between words and figures, the amount in words shall prevail, unless
the amount expressed in words is related to an arithmetic error, in which case the amount in
figures shall prevail subject to (a) and (b) above.
d) In case, gross total price does not match with the total of item wise breakup, the highest
price so calculated shall be considered for evaluation but in case of order, the same shall
be placed at the lowest price
e) If any bidder does not accept the correction of errors, their bids are liable to be disqualified.
11) COMPLETION PERIOD:. All the arrangement with proper setting shall be completed latest by
8:00 AM on 26.01.2015.
12) QUANTITY VARIATION: The quantity of any item mentioned in the Price Format may vary
10% during execution of work as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge.
13) SUBLETING: The Contractor shall not sublet, transfer or assign the full work or any part thereof
to any other person/company/organization. .
a) Payment shall be made for the actual executed quantity of items.
b) No advance payment or the payment for mobilization of work will be made to the contractor.
c) Bill raised by the Contractor shall be certified by the official in-charge of BHEL and the 100%
payment will be made within 15 days by NEFT/RTGS from the date of receipt of in discrepant
d) The contractor shall not be entitled to any interest with respect to any money which may be due
to him from BHEL.
e) All payment will be subject to deduction of taxes at source as per rules.
f) Any tax incurred on purchase of materials by the contractor in respect of this contract shall be
treated as included in the charges and BHEL will not entertain any additional claim whatsoever
in this respect.
g) The Service Tax shall be paid as per the quoted rate of Service Tax (at Sl. No.- 12 of Price
Format). No payment of Service Tax will be made if not quoted by the tenderer in the Price Bid.
a) The security deposit shall be collected from the successful tenderer. The rate of Security
Deposit will be as below :
Upto Rs. 10 lakhs : 10% of work order value
Above Rs. 10 lakhs & upto Rs. 50 lakhs: Rs. 1 Lakh + 7.5 % of the amount exceeding 10 lakhs

Above Rs. 50 lakhs: Rs 4 lakhs + 5% of amount exceeding Rs 50 lakhs

The security deposit should be collected before start of work by the contractor.
b) Security deposit may be furnished in any one of the following forms:
i) Cash ( as permissible under the Income Tax Act)
ii) Pay order / demand draft in favour of BHEL.
iii) Local cheques of schedule banks, subject to realization.
iv) Bank Guarantee from Schedule Banks/ Public Financial Institutions as defined in the
Companies Act. The Bank Guarantee format should have the approval of BHEL.

v) Security deposit can also be recovered at the rate of 10% from the running bills. However in
such cases at least 50% of the Security Deposit should be deposited before start of the work
and balance 50% may be recovered from the running bills.
vi) The Security Deposit shall not carry any interest.
c) The security deposit will be released after the actual completion of work.
d) Failure to pay the security deposit shall be treated as failure to discharge the duties under the
contract and shall result in cancellation of the contract and the contractor shall be liable to
compensate BHEL for any losses incurred by BHEL. BHEL reserves the right to appropriate
any part / whole of the amount of the security deposit without prejudice to other claims against
the contractor for losses suffered by BHEL due to failures on the part of the contractor, due to
termination of contract or contractor becoming disqualified because of liquidation / insolvency.
The decision of BHEL in respect of such losses, damages, charges, expenses or costs, shall be
final and binding to the contractor.
16) L.D. FOR BAD QUALITY OF SERVICES: In case the services offered are not found
satisfactory an L.D. of up to 20% of total value will be deducted from the bill.
17) No excuses like hindrance because of extreme weather conditions, non-availability of labour and
material etc. will be entertained for not completing the work in time.
18) All necessary precautions with respect to safety at site and environmental aspects and their
impacts shall have to be taken by the contractor for activities performed by his workers.
19) In case of any dispute, the decision taken by BHEL Management will be final and binding on the
20) No party shall be permitted to tender for work in BHEL in which any of their near relatives is an
employee connected with the award and execution of the contract. They shall also intimate the
names of persons who are working with them in any capacity or subsequently employed by them
and who are near relatives of any employee of the BHEL. Any violation of this condition which
comes to the Notice of the BHEL after the work is awarded will entitle the BHEL to treat the
contractors as having committed a breach of contract and to exercise all the rights and remedies
available to the BHEL on account thereof.
21) RECOVERY FROM CONTRACTOR: Whenever under the contract, any sum of money shall
be recoverable from or payable by the contractor, the same may be deducted from any sum then
due or which at any time thereafter may become due to the contractor under the contract or under
any other contract with BHEL or from his security deposit, or the contractor shall pay the claim
on demand without any terms & conditions.
22) POST TECHNICAL AUDIT OF WORK AND BILLS: BHEL reserves the right to carry out a
post payment audit and technical examination of the work and final bill including all supporting
vouchers, abstracts etc. and to enforce recovery of any sums becoming due as a result thereof in
the manner provided into the proceeding sub-paragraph provided however, that no such recovery
shall be enforced after three years of passing the final bill.
23) ARBITRATION / CONCILIATION: In the event of any dispute arising between the parties
hereafter referred as BHEL and Contractor in respect of or connected with this contract, General
& Special terms & conditions of tender, then the same shall be referred to Arbitration and
Arbitrator will be nominated by the Head of Administration of BHEL Corp. Office, New Delhi,
whose decision shall be final and binding on both the parties. However, any differences or doubt
pertaining to meaning/ interpretation of any phrase word used in terms or in the schedule of
services, their nature and manner of rendering of such services shall be the excepted matter and
be referred to the Head of Administration of BHEL Corp. Office, New Delhi, whose decision
shall be the final and binding. The provisions of Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 or any
statutory modification and re-enactment thereof will apply to such arbitration provided however,
in all matters the venue of proceedings will be Delhi and only Delhi or appropriate Courts will
have jurisdiction over the same.
24) RISK CLAUSE: In case the contractor do not accept the work awarded to him or do not turn up
after the award of work, BHEL shall have the right without any prejudice to get the work done
through any other alternate agency at the risk and cost of Contractor. The additional cost
including loss, if any incurred by BHEL will be recovered from the Contractor.


1) The country of manufacture/or origin of the material used in the manufacture of the stores should

be indicated against each. Delivery period from date of purchase order or ex0stock delivery may be
mentioned, mention the brand name and model quoted for and attach the literature, if any.
2) The design,construction/fabrication,installation,testing and commissioning of connection and

associated equipments and components including piping instrumentations,electrical based on the

good engineering practices,technical specifications as per IGL specifications/design codes.all
potential safety factors will be taken care of by the vendor as per specificationsand guidelines of
IGL and after completion of internal piping work carried by the vendor will be insprcted by the
Third Party Inspector (TPI) of IGL,the vendor should submit all certificates for materials to IGL
before before testing of pipelines and ensure release of PNG connection from IGL
3) All tools & Tacles used during the execution of installation of pipeline will be in the scope of
supplier/contractor.Agency will be responsible for all labour by laws and safety norms for smooth
functioning .all expances will be borne by the firm for sending the material to in BHEL Premises.
4) The vendor should ensure that in case of interruption/disruption in PNG supply at any stage of
point upto commissioning ,the vendor shall undertake to convert the system to LPG system within
their cost.
5) The internal pipeline work & accessories ets should carry guarantee/warrantee for a period of
minimum 12 months from the date of successful installation.the defective stores the components
thereof should be replaced free of cost during the guarantee card should be supplied along with the
6) The Certificate for the equipment should also be sent along with the equipment.
7) The firm will also be required to furnish complete address of its service centre including permanent
phone number and the name of the persons responsible to provide the service support at the time
of supply of stores during warranty/guarantee period for which you will have to attend the
complaint and rectify the fault,if any within 24hours on receipt of complaint.
8) The layout of pipeline from the metre shall be as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge for which
a layout must be shown before laying out things on the ground. Any change without the knowledge/
approval of BHEL will attract penalty as per L.D. clause mentioned above. The contractor and
BHEL must agree to the layout and no. of items as mentioned in Price Bid.
9) The party may visit the venue of arrangement before submitting the offer.
10) All the materials/ items shall be arranged by the contractor at no extra claim basis. No material /
item shall be issued from BHEL.
11) The Unloading of all the material and setting of items listed in price bid shall be in the scope of
contractor. Hence the cartage and setting charges should be inclusive within the total amount
mentioned at Sl. No. 11 of price bid. The venue of all the arrangement will be BHEL Township,
Sector-17, Noida, UP 201301.
12) All the items provided at the site shall be of good quality and neat & clean. Stained curtains, sofa
covers, chair covers etc. shall not be acceptable.
13) The contractor shall deploy a supervisor for supervision of full arrangement. He will follow all the
instructions of the Engineer-in-charge.
14) After completion of function the contractor shall remove all the arrangement at the earliest without
damaging any property of BHEL within the premises.

(Omender Singh)
Engineer (HR-TAX)
On behalf of BHEL



Name of Work


BHEL Township, Sector- 17, NOIDA.
: :112:2014-15 Dated: 03.12.2014.

Description of Items

Pipe SCH-40 Hot Finish of

complete fittings(ASTM A-106
A53/A53M GrB) with all fitting
such as TEE,90degree Elbow,
support & labour charges





& make

As Per IGL
n /design
codes and

Rate in

Amount (Rs.)



1.5''/40mm Ball Valve

L&T (As per



L&T (As per




As per IGL






As per IGL



As per IGL




As per IGL

1/2'' Ball Valve


Pressure Gauge


Conversion LPG To PNG

3rd party inspection






Total Amount (Rs)

Service Tax and any other taxes (



Total amount inclusive of all taxes and duties


Total Offer value in words: Rupees**********************************************************

(Signature & seal of the contractor)



I / We, do hereby declare that there is no case with the Police/Court/Regulatory authorities
against the proprietor/firm/partner. Also I/We have not been suspended / delisted / blacklisted by any
other Govt. Ministry / Department/Public Sector Undertaking/ Autonomous Body/Financial
institution/Court. We also certify that either our firm or any of the partners are not involved in any
scam or disciplinary proceedings settled or pending adjudication.

(Signature & seal of the contractor)



NIT No.:

No Deviation Certificate
Notwithstanding anything mentioned in our bid, we hereby accept all the terms and conditions
of the above tender and there is no deviation in the terms & conditions of tender. We confirm that the
offer submitted by is confirming to all the terms and conditions mentioned in the tender document. We
hereby undertake and confirm that we have understood the scope of services properly and shall carry
out the job as mentioned in this tender.

(Signature & seal of the contractor)


Name of the Contractor /Party/



Present status of Party, whether

Individual/ HUF/ Partnership
firm/ AOP/ Public Ltd.
Company/ Private Ltd. Company
Name of Representative
Postal Address
Phone/ Landline Nos.
Mobile Nos.
Fax No.
E-Mail Address
Web Site Address ( If Any)
Bank details for payment
through NEFT/RTGS

Name of Bank:
Account No.:

Note: Submit a cancelled cheque for verification of above bank details.

(Signature & seal of the contractor)


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