2014 11-12

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2013 2014


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November/December 2014 | Vol 61, Issue 6


18 Taking denitrifcation
to the next level
By Jaime A. Alba, Peter Loomis, Robert Litzinger,
Bruce P. Stevens, and Paul A. Miller

In this project, the main factors that triggered the plant

upgrade were new, more stringent regulations, average
daily fows at 85 to 90 percent of the design average,
and an outdated control system with limited support
and spare parts. Thoroughly testing the equipment,
instruments, and control strategies, as well as using a
collaborative approach were critical factors for success.

24 Six considerations for

choosing the best-ft
motor control technology



ISA106 and the

importance of
automating manual

Motor starter technology has become more sophisticated. To maximize effciencies, engineers can take a
fresh look at motor control options.

28 Outsourcing:
Defning key relationships

By Bill Wray, P.E.

By Paul J. Galeski, P.E., CAP

The most critical and potentially dangerous phases

of continuous process operation are during change.
Lessons from batch processing suggest how to automate
transitions that often depend on manual intervention,
and the ISA-106 standard offers practical guidance.

Knowing the difference between an EPC and a MAC is

not as important as understanding how complex ownersupplier relationships work and can be improved.


38 User adoption of
industrial wireless
By Jay Werb

Industrial wireless instrumentation is widely

considered suitable for monitoring, control, and
alarms, including safety alarms.

By Rick Anderson




34 Drive continuous improvement with information

By Roy Kok

Report generation is an excellent way to drive continuous improvement through information delivery. Now,
new report tools for automation are making it easier.
Have the reports and dashboards you want, not just
the few you absolutely need. Spend your time on
information generation and delivery, not integrating
IT technologies. Reporting solutions for industry and
automation are changing the game.

Setting the Standard for Automation


Your Letters
Salary humor, defning big data

10 Automation Update
Customer Experience Center, ISA100 wireless standard, and more

45 Channel Chat
Steel manufacturer replaces legacy
energy management system

46 Association News


Auditing alarm
management systems

Strong asset management performance

Alarm management is a companys

commitment to safety as a critical focus
of operation. This article discusses auditing alarm systems, which is the essence
of continuous improvement to maintain
and improve management and work
practices. Read more at: www.isa.org/

With increasing pressures to optimize

costs and reduce the risk of industrial
incidents, it is critical that inspection
and maintenance efforts be streamlined
for utmost effciency. Establishing a
strong asset performance management
foundation can generate signifcant
value. Read more at: www.isa.org/

In memoriam, symposia;
certifcation review

48 Automation Basics
Distillation column loop tuning

52 Workforce Development

InTech Plus is a new, award-winning mobile app from ISA that lets
automation professionals access, scan, and consume a range of
technical and educational content. InTech Plus is available for free
on the iPad and Android devices. Download today from the Apple
App Store and Google Play, respectively!

Who owns your career?

53 Standards
Alarm management update

54 Products and Resources

Spotlight on loop tuning

Talk to Me
Automation change agents

44 Executive Corner
Protecting your operational

58 The Final Say

Welcome to the next generation
of automation media!

56 Index of Advertisers
57 Datafles
57 Classifed Advertising
57 ISA Jobs

2014 InTech

ISSN 0192-303X

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Vol. 61, Issue 6.
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Perspectives from the Editor | talk to me



Bill Lydon

Automation change agents

[email protected]

Susan Colwell

By Bill Lydon, InTech, Chief Editor

[email protected]

Lynne Franke

o create the greatest value for their

employers, automation professionals need to be change agents. In
my experience a change agent is a person
with specialized knowledge and knowhow who facilitates positive change to
improve operations effciency.
Industry today is in great need of automation change agents skilled and knowledgeable in a wide range of technologies.
Today there are many new technologies
that can be applied to improving production. These choices can easily overwhelm
nontechnical management in a company
to a point where they simply shut off
new ideas and maintain the status quo.
One of the obstacles to change is the
idea that, we are using only a fraction
of what we have today, so lets not invest
in new technology. This ignores the fact
that hardware and software built with
newer technology have inherently greater
performance, integrate more easily, and
are simpler to use. For example, I doubt
that I fully exploited all the features of my
Blackberry, but when I moved to a new
smartphone I became more productive
with easier-to-use features and functions.
I would not be as productive today if I
stayed with the old technology.
In many companies, other areas such
as sales, marketing, accounting, and information systems groups have been better at selling new technology investment
ideas to management than industrial automation groups. There is a real need for
automation professionals to be change
agents to have a positive impact helping
an organization understand the possibilities, show how to make them a reality,
gain organizational support, and convince
management to invest in new technology.
Automation professionals are in a
unique position due to their interaction
with a wide range of groups in a company. This gives automation professionals
a broader perspective to understand more
technical possibilities and how they can
be integrated into production.

Automation professionals can learn

and refne a number of skills to be effective change agents.
Change agents have a high tolerance for
ambiguity, functioning comfortably and effectively in an uncertain environment. This
is familiar territory for automation professionals who face ambiguity routinely
when implementing new applications
and solving system problems.

[email protected]

Colleen Casper
[email protected]

Pam King
[email protected]

Lisa Starck
[email protected]

Charley Robinson

Industry today is in great

need of automation
change agents skilled and
knowledgeable in a wide
range of technologies.

[email protected]


Peggie W. Koon, Ph.D.


David J. Adler, CAP, P.E.


Change agents need organizational

networking skills in establishing and
maintaining appropriate contacts within
and outside the organization to understand possibilities. In many cases gaining
help from others to implement a new
change requires negotiation and positive
interpersonal skills such as listening, collecting appropriate information, identifying the concerns of others, managing
meetings, balancing conficting goals,
and resolving conficts.
Being able to communicate clearly and
effectively to management the need and
value of implementing changes is a critical skill automation professionals need to
develop to be effective change agents.
Communication needs to convey factual,
fnancial, life-cycle return on investment,
and emotions including enthusiasm to
stimulate others to get involved. Pulling
all this together creates a desirable and
challenging vision of the future.
Consider developing the skills to be an
effective change agent to deliver more
value to your employer, and in the process you will become a more valuable
employee. n

Steve Valdez
GE Sensing
Joseph S. Alford Ph.D., P.E., CAP
Eli Lilly (retired)
Joao Miguel Bassa
Independent Consultant
Eoin Riain
Read-out, Ireland
Vitor S. Finkel, CAP
Finkel Engineers & Consultants
Guilherme Rocha Lovisi
Bayer Technology Services
David W. Spitzer, P.E.
Spitzer and Boyes, LLC
James F. Tatera
Tatera & Associates Inc.
Michael Fedenyszen
R.G. Vanderweil Engineers, LLP
Dean Ford, CAP
Westin Engineering
David Hobart
Hobart Automation Engineering
Allan Kern, P.E.
Tesoro Corporation


your letters | Readers Respond

Salary humor
Loved your article on salaries [Your
recipe for maximum salary, September/
October 2014 InTech], and these points
were priceless:
n Remain an automation professional
for the rest of your career. Lets be
realistic, what else are you going to
n Editors note: results may vary depending on attitude.
Stephen Rader

Defning big data

I read your article on industrial big data
[Industrial big data analytics, July/August
2014 InTech]. I want to understand one important point around big data analytics. The
IT industry uses three Vs to categorize a
big data scenario: volume, variety, and velocity. But, more often than not, I see V for
volume as a predominant factor. For example, if I was tracking a feet of vehicles (vehicle OBD, etc.), then the volume will be quite
high. But, if I were able to take a photo of




the exhaust from the tail pipe of my car and

upload it, then I am adding variety too. So,
I wanted to know, how does industrial big
data analytics cover the variety of data?
Nagesh Subrahmanyam
Editors response:
Ive attended many presentations on big
data and analytics; most professionals recommend the variety of data should be defned by subject-matter experts based on
the application. Another view is you should
capture and store every bit of sensor data
that is instrumented, because later you
may have a use for it.
Transitioning processes
Nice article on the Internet of Things [Internet of things: Industrial automation industry exploring and implementing IoT,
March/April 2014 InTech]. I love and totally agree with the point you make with
respect to the manufacturing processes
requiring huge transitions and not just the
automation technologies. I am not sure all
the folks I have talked with realize this. It is
a very important point. Well done!
Peter Martin

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automation update | News from the Field

This content is courtesy of

Customer Experience

oneywell opened an interactive

demonstration center in Houston
to give its industrial customers a
glimpse into the future of managing manufacturing operations. The Customer Experience Center (CEC) brings to life many
high-tech innovations for the oil and gas,
refning, petrochemicals, mining, power
generation, pulp and paper, and other
process industries. The center includes, for
example, a plant control room outftted
with the Experion Process Knowledge System Orion Console. The console is a completely new interface that integrates larger
screens, touchscreen displays, and mobile
device capabilities to assist plant operators.
Theres only so much someone can learn

about a new technology by talking

about it. The goal of
the new Customer
Experience Center
is to physically show
our customers what
these systems look
like and how they can help them solve their
most daunting manufacturing challenges,
said Olivier Biebuyck, global vice president
of marketing and strategy, Honeywell Process Solutions. Even seeing the setup in a
smaller scale like this gives our customers a
much better idea for how the technology
works to improve the safety, reliability, and
effciency of their plants.

ISA-100 wireless standard

gains IEC approval
ANSI/ISA-100.11a-2011, Wireless Systems for Industrial Automation: Process Control and Related Applications, has been
unanimously approved by the International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC) as an international standard. It will be published by year end with the designation IEC 62734. Since its initial
approval by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) in
2011, ISA-100.11a-compliant devices have found wide global
use. There were more than 130,000 connected devices reported
in 2012 and more than 1 billion hours of operational service at
customer sites.
ANSI/ISA-100.11a was originally developed with international
collaboration following ISAs open consensus process as accredited by ANSI, which requires participation and voting by experts
from multiple stakeholder groups including end users and suppliersensuring that all views and needs are taken into account.
ISA100 voting members, including those from end-user companies deploying wireless systems in industrial applications, overwhelmingly voted to approve ISA-100.11a.
ISA-100.11a/IEC 62734 provides reliable and secure wireless operation for monitoring, alerting, supervisory control, open loop control,
and closed loop control applications. The standard defnes the protocol suite, system management, gateways, and security specifcations for wireless connectivity with devices supporting limited power
consumption requirements. The focus is to address the performance
needs of process manufacturing applications, which include monitoring and process control where latencies on the order of 100 ms
can be tolerated, with optional behavior for shorter latencies. n



Other CEC highlights include feld instrument technologies, such as transmitters for
monitoring pipelines, that have been transformed in recent years into smart devices
that deliver more relevant information to
operators in the control room and to mobile
operators. The center also demonstrates
how safety, physical, and cybersecurity systems can be integrated in facilities. n

ABB doubles oil and gas center

ABB celebrated the offcial grand opening of its Measurement
Products business unit expansion in Bartlesville, Okla. The facility
designs, develops, and manufactures natural gas and liquid measurement products and analyzers, as well as software applications and system solutions for the global oil and gas market. The
project doubles the facility size by adding 100,000 square feet of
space and is expected to double the size of the local workforce
over the next 10 years by adding 250 jobsa majority of which
are expected to be in technical and engineering disciplines.
The $14 million expansion is part of ABBs ongoing investment in its North America oil and gas operations and will help
meet regional and global customer demand for its measurement
products and engineering and project services. This is ABBs third
expansion of the Bartlesville site since 2000.
The strength of the oil and gas market, specifcally unconventional drilling activity, has provided our business a great opportunity for growth in recent years, said Gayle Lester, general
manager of the Bartlesville Measurement Products facility. The
Bartlesville community offers a talented, high-quality workforce
that has helped us to succeed and grow over the years, and we
are very pleased to be again expanding our operations here.
Located about 50 miles north of Tulsa, the Bartlesville facility
is focused on producing measurement and automation solutions
for the upstream oil and gas market segment. These solutions
are electronic fow measurement devices for custody transfer applications, remote terminal units (RTUs), software to optimize
well production, gas chromatographs that analyze composition
and measure gas quality, tank level measurement devices, as
well as pressure and multivariable transmitters. n

ISA106 and the

importance of
manual procedures
Lessons learned in batch process automation
can make continuous processes run better
during critical transition times



By Bill Wray, P.E.


Why procedure automation?

Procedure automation is not new, nor is it
some theoretical concept. It has existed for
many years, mostly in batch and semibatch
processes, but also in continuous processes
by some forward-thinking users. It is all about
automating specifc tasks in a process that typically require a lot of manual intervention from
operators, because many problems originate in
manual intervention (fgure 1).
There are real benefts in its application to continuous processes, and even a casual examination
shows all sorts of opportunities. Procedure auto-

mation is benefcial not

only in chemical and
l While most batch processes use automated
petroleum processing,
procedures extensively, most continuous
but in any process with
processes still use manual procedures.
sequential operations.
l Manual operation has a high potential for
problems due to the variability of how
Procedure automation
individual operators perform procedures.
has been applied to
l ISA88 concepts and success have been
a wide range of proleveraged in the development of ISA106.
cesses from offshore
platform operation to
cracking furnaces to
processing nuclear materials.
Procedures exist in all processes. Sometimes
they are written down on paper, sometimes kept
in digital form in a document control system,
and sometimes they are in somebodys head
(tribal knowledge). Well-written procedures
enable safe, consistent operations. In fact, in
some industries, written procedures are a legal
requirement. However, having procedures and
following them are often different things. To
maximize the beneft of any procedure, it must
be faithfully followed day in and day out. Thus,
the basis for the main beneft of procedure automation: it enforces adherence to the procedure.

Benefts of procedure automation

Automating procedures enforces consistent
operation of the process, resulting in improved
quality and higher throughput. Operators are
able to operate with fewer errors and delays,
creating maximum utilization. This translates
into real dollars to the bottom linesomething

Refnery losses in fve-year periods


have many years of experience in process

control engineering, starting with continuous processes and later with automating
batch processes. I fnd batch automation
to be largely about sequential operations and
states. To a lesser extent, sequential operations
and changing states exist in many continuous
processes as well.
Extending the lessons learned in automating batch processes to continuous processes
seemed like a natural progression, and I recall
discussing this concept with colleagues at technical conferences. In 1999, I got the opportunity to put this idea into practice. When a new
technology was commercialized, we converted
a batch reactor system at our plant to a continuous process. The operations staff had more
than 10 years of experience operating highly
automated batch processes. They realized the
beneft of sequential automation for managing
state changes and transitions, so they strongly
supported implementing procedure automation for the new continuous process.
Once the decision was made to design for
multiple products, as well as campaigning on
the new process, procedure automation made
sense. The original batch programming was also
a strong basis for automating the new continuous process. The plant started up in late 2000
and used procedure automation for startup,
shutdown, restart, and rate changes. We added
an automated deinventory procedure and a rate
optimizer later, as well as other functions and
corresponding procedures. Adding a second
product manufactured in the process ushered
in additional changes.
That experience made me a frm believer in
the value of procedure automation, and in the
following paragraphs I will share my experiences as a long-time user. I hope to encourage
you to implement procedure automation on
your process to beneft as we did.






Figure 1. A report issued in 2012 by the Energy Practice of Marsh Ltd., a division of insurer Marsh McLennan, examines the fve-year loss rate (adjusted for
infation) from 1972 to 2011 in the refnery industry. Incidents during startups
and shutdowns continue to be a signifcant factor.





Operator As procedure
Operator Bs procedure

Operator Cs procedure

Figure 2. Many procedures are not well documented, and different operators may
practice them differently. Part of automating such procedures is determining the best
practices and incorporating those approaches, so they will be followed consistently.

any manager can appreciate!

More importantly, procedure automation contributes to safe operations.
As previously mentioned, it reduces
the opportunity for operator error. In
one study, the ASM Consortium found
that approximately one-third of incidents were caused by procedures
being used incorrectly or not at all.
Further, procedures performed less
frequently are less familiar to operators and more subject to failure, and
these situations generally occur in
abnormal operations where the risk
of a safety incident (and likely the
consequences) is larger. Procedure
automation also provides a means
for a controlled shutdown, which is
less hazardous than an emergency
crash shutdown.
Procedure automation improves
safety through automated management of shutdown and alarm systems
in the process. Procedure automation
also helps coordination between the
basic process control system (BPCS)
and the safety instrumented system
(SIS), ensuring functions specifc to a
given operating state are recognized
by both. This is especially important
during transients or processes where
steady-state conditions change due
to factors such as different product
grades or feedstock. Using procedure
automation combined with appropriate SIS programming can eliminate
manual startup bypasses of interlocks.
Alarm management is as an important contributor to operator aware14


ness and hence safe operation. Here

as well, procedure automation can
be used to help manage alarms (e.g.,
determining which alarms are active
or inactive at appropriate times and
avoiding chaff that confuses operators), especially during severely abnormal conditions, such as an emergency shutdown.
The beneft of improved safety is often diffcult to quantify in dollars, but
the cost of unsafe operation is painfully obvious. Losses from safety incidents in the U.S. alone are estimated
at $10 billion annually. Single events
can cost companies upwards of $2 billion, not to mention many lives lost.
Earlier we considered the issue of
operator familiarity with procedures
and the effects on operators abilities
to properly execute those procedures.
As we all know, our workforces are
changing, as senior operators with 30
or more years operating experience are
retiring and new blood is entering our
control rooms. Senior operators that I
have worked with generally do a good
job mentoring the new hands, but the
knowledge transfer is never complete.
Procedure automation is a great tool
for knowledge retention, and having
well-documented procedures and automating those procedures greatly improves personnel transitions (fgure 2).
There are other benefts to procedure automation, which have been
outlined by the ISA106 committee,
and an extensive list can be found in
Section 5 of ISA-TR106.00.01-2013


Implementation step one: planning

As with any engineering project, time
spent up front defning the scope will
pay benefts later in the project. But
there is another detail to cover frst, as
it is vitally important for all operational
areas to be involved in this activity. You
must have your operations staff buy in
to make the project successful. After all,
you will not be running the plant, but
they will. Unless they perceive a beneft
from procedure automation, it will not
be used to the extent it should be. At a
minimum, get an experienced operator
assigned to the project team.
To succeed as you automate procedures, you must frst identify the appropriate procedures for conversion to
automation. If well-documented and
verifed procedures exist for the process,
you have a solid foundation. If not, you
must create the procedures, and this is
no trivial task. It has the beneft of establishing a single correct way to run the
plant, however, and often this alone is
a huge step forward. Even if well-documented procedures exist, a detailed review to ensure they are actually the correct procedures is recommended.
A team knowledgeable in process
operation should review existing procedures for completeness and correctness. The team should solicit ideas for
improving the procedures as well. Focus on procedures for non-steady-state
operations, as these will be most benefcial for automation. In fact, it may
be wise to review existing procedures
with a discussion of what areas to automate. The choice of what to automate
depends on several factors, including
operation frequency, complexity, and
the consequences of incorrect execution. These factors will also likely affect
the priority of execution.
You might be tempted to embark on
a complete automation of the process,
from startup to shutdown and all possibilities in between. Although this might
be the ultimate goal, your chances of
success will be better if you start smaller.
Choose a high-frequency operation
of moderate complexity for your frst


automation. This combination will offer you the best opportunity to demonstrate the capabilities and benefts of procedure
automation. You do not want to bite off too much at frst, and
it will likely take a few executions to work out the bugs.
On the other hand, you also do not want to solve a trivial
problem, as the combination of frequency and complexity will
give you ample opportunity for debugging and later demonstrating the usefulness of procedure automation. Another factor to consider is the opportunity to apply the frst procedure to
multiple operations or operating units.
Another major decision is the degree to automate a given
procedure. There is a wide spectrum, from a system that
merely instructs the operators at each step and perhaps confrms its completion to another that an operator initiates by
pushing the start button and then lets the system execute
unaided, reporting back when complete.
Available hardware in the process will affect this decision
because some operations likely have components (block
valves, pumps) that cannot be remotely activated. In these
cases, the automation system will need to guide the operator
on what and how to manipulate at the appropriate time.
This may be especially likely on your frst project, as management may be initially unconvinced of the value of automation and therefore unwilling to invest in remotely operated block valves, or it may have prejudices against remotely
starting pumps.
A related consideration is what degree of operator action
will be allowed during execution of the automated procedure.
Can an operator override the procedure without disabling it?
Can he or she change set points or controller modes? In my experience, the answer to both these questions should be no,
because procedure automation largely relies on conditions
being followed as written. However, the operator must be able
to take control away from the automation should something
go wrong. In this case, be sure the operator gains access to all
controllers, so he or she can do what needs to be done.

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Imagination at work

Implementation step two: design

I typically advocate for a system automated to the highest
degree possible within the physical capabilities of the process. If necessary, you can initially trade off overall scope
for degree of automation, i.e., fully automating some operations, which can later be incorporated into a larger overall
automation system.
If you successfully automate small portions, demonstrating especially to the operations staff the usefulness of procedure automation, you will gain important allies in support of future automation projects. These smaller modules,
if properly designed, can be combined into a larger overall
procedure. Early victories, even if small, are strategic in the
overall effort.
The existing hardware in your plant might also be a factor
in your choice. Although automated block valves and pumps
can more comprehensively automate your procedure, it may
be diffcult to justify adding these on your frst project. Keep
in mind that the lack of these does not preclude automation,



it merely affects the scope.

Whatever degree of automation you
choose, it is vitally important that the
system informs and involves the operator. The potential problem of unaware
operators is more likely with a fully automated system. Messages displayed on
the operators consoles to convey status
are useful. A prompt or guide message
requiring operator acknowledgement
or confrmation is also useful, especially
at major transitions, such as the beginning and end of a procedure. Details of
implementation depend on the capabilities of your automation system.
Operator awareness can also be improved through training. If the operator
knows what to expect, it is easier to follow the automation procedures. If your
automation is part of a system replacement or migration project, make sure
to train in both the new system as well
as your specifc application. Timing of
the training is also important. Ideally,
an operator should be able to put new

training into practice as soon as possible after its completion.

As with batch automation, modularity is a powerful tool. If you pull the
overall procedure apart into smaller

Whatever degree of automation you choose, it is vitally

important that the system informs and involves the operator.
procedure modules, you can develop less complex programming than
it would be for the larger operation.
Eventually you can combine these
into an overall implementation. In this
manner, you can build to your ultimate
goal of total automation of all operations. You will also fnd that debugging
small modules is much easier than debugging monolithic programs.
Depending on your process, modules should be designed to be reusable.
Typically, certain design features are
repeated throughout the process, and
the procedure for operation is also re-

A suppliers view of ISA106

By Dave Emerson
A signifcant group of process control system suppliers has been deeply involved
in creating ISA-106 technical reports and the standard for many reasons. One of
the major discussion points of the great shift change, as older engineers are being replaced by younger workers, is the idea of capturing the knowledge of those
experienced engineers and operators before they leave a facility. This has been
widely discussed, but preserving the tribal knowledge of automation system and
process operations is truly a challenge.
Procedure automation standards facilitate this process. They provide a platform
for building tribal knowledge into automated procedures. This is especially important
for dealing with procedures such as those involved with plant startup, shutdown,
product grade change, and similar operations, since many studies have shown that
plants are particularly vulnerable to safety incidents caused by inexperienced operators performing unfamiliar manual functions during those times.
The ISA-106 standard will provide a framework to build correct procedures in the
automation system based on accumulated operator knowledge. Careful automation can make such procedures much simpler, more consistent, and saferavoiding
problems resulting from inexperienced operators making poor choices.
There is still much to do in writing all the parts of the ISA-106 series, so we welcome
your participation. The committee co-chairs are Yahya Nazer, Ph.D., and Bill Wray, and
my colleague and ISA Fellow Maurice Wilkins, Ph.D., is managing director. Wilkins is
vice president over Yokogawas Global Strategic Technology Marketing Center. Come
join this critical work and let your voice be heard in the process.

Dave Emerson is the ISA106 committee editor and director of Yokogawas U.S.
Development Center.



peated. This can be as simple as starting or stopping a pump, or as complex

as operating a cracker or still.
For example, in an olefns plant there
are typically multiple cracking furnaces


of the same design. Automation written for one furnace and its components
can be reused on all furnaces if properly
written (e.g., use of generic logic). This
consideration also applies for different
plants and sites across the enterprise.
Finally, you must consider exception
management. What do you do when
a valve does not go to its commanded
position? What is the response to an
unexpected process condition or an
operator overriding the automation?
How do you detect these exceptions?
How do you recover from an exception? Exception management, especially recovery logic, is a major part of
any automation project. Procedures
can be written for exceptions, but these
may be vague and diffcult to automate
because you simply cannot anticipate
everything that may occur during such
abnormal states.
You may opt to soft fail the automation and turn the process back to
the operatorbut only if it is made
clear that the operator has control. In
this case, you must also decide if reentrant logic for the procedure is desirable, and if so you must consider how
the automation will resynchronize with
the process.
If the exception is critical, a process
shutdown may be required, either an
SIS-actuated shutdown, or perhaps a
more controlled shutdown. Again, you
need to consider synchronization of
the SIS and BPCS. The correct answer
to these questions depends upon your
process and automation capabilities.

Implementation step three: startup

Debugging your procedure automation
programming is certainly necessary.
While you can accomplish much of this
offine, such as during a factory acceptance test, debugging in the feld during


Reasons to use procedure automation

When procedures are performed manually, there is usually large variability in
how they are performed.
Tribal knowledge among experienced operators often makes up for inadequate
documentation, but this is being lost to demographic changes.
Procedure automation is a key mechanism for capturing and preserving operator knowledge.
The process of collecting and compiling operator knowledge is an excellent
opportunity to analyze and institute sound but undocumented procedures.
Automated procedures, functioning correctly, can ensure more consistent and
reliable plant performance with fewer upsets and safety incidents.

startup will be required as well. Using a

high-integrity process simulation during testing can minimize debugging in
the feld, but it will not eliminate it entirely. In many cases your process will
not care what the simulation says and
will have its own ideas. Modular and
reusable automation components can
reduce debugging time and should be
used whenever possible.
Because operating state changes occur less frequently in a continuous process than in a batch process, there may
be fewer opportunities to execute and
debug some of the automation. This
factor can cause the complete commissioning of the automation to take longer than some might expect. Be sure to
communicate this clearly to management so nobody expects miracles on
the frst day.
Debugging activities also include coordinating and synchronizing interactions among various automation system
components, such as your BPCS and
SIS. This is where timing issues can raise
their ugly heads, and you should be prepared to solve them.
Lastly, plan for additional operator
training during startup, as no training
is more effective than that done on the
live system. This is also a good time to
remind the operators of points they covered in formal training completed earlier.

Most major control system vendors
are participating in the ISA106 standards committee to varying degrees,

as are some system integrators familiar with the concepts of procedure

automation. Participants identified
as voting members are the most active and aware of the techniques.
Some also have experience applying
the technology.
Of course, the ultimate resource
is the ISA106 committee output.
The first technical report, ISATR106.00.01-2013, is available from
ISA at www.isa.org/store/products/
It covers models and terminology
and introduces procedure automation concepts. The committee is currently drafting a second technical report on work processes.
Committee membership is open
to all interested parties, so you can
participate in the standard development. This has two major benefits:
first, you can participate in discussions with many acknowledged experts in the field, even if only as a
listener; and second, you will have
the opportunity to review and comment on the committees work before publication.
To join the committee as an information member, contact ISA (www.
isa.org/isa106) and request membership, or email crobinson@isa.
org. ISA membership is not required
to participate on an ISA standards
The value of procedure automation is well proven. Properly designed
and programmed, it will improve the

repeatability, utilization, and safety

of your process. My 14 years of experience operating a continuous process controlled by procedure automation validates this. I am a believer,
because I have seen firsthand what
procedure automation can do, and
I believe you will experience similar
benefits with your processes. n

Bill Wray, P.E., began his career as a process engineer, later discovering his passion for process control, a feld he entered
in the early 1980s. Beginning with automation of large continuous petrochemical processes, he later moved to batch
automation and is recognized among his
peers for his expertise. Wray was a founding member of World Batch Forum (WBF)
and served in various leadership roles.
Since the merger of WBF and MESA,
he has joined the international board of
MESA. He was the frst chairman of the
ISA95 committee, leading this effort to
publication of the ISA-95 Part 1 standard,
and is currently co-chair of ISA106. Wray
is employed by Bayer Material Science
as a senior engineering consultant and
holds a B.S. in chemical engineering from
Virginia Polytechnic Institute.
View the online version at www.isa.org/intech/20141201.


ISA106, Procedure Automation for

Continuous Process Operations

Automating Procedures in Continuous Process Applications using the
concepts of ISA-106

Next frontier: Operator-automation

ANSI/ISA-88.00.01-2010, Batch Control
Part 1: Models and Terminology




Taking denitrifcation
to the next level
An upgrade of proven technology with 21st century I&C

By Jaime A. Alba,
Peter Loomis,
Robert Litzinger,
Bruce P. Stevens,
and Paul A. Miller


n 2006, one of the largest water reclamation

facilities in northern Virginia needed to expand the facility from 18 to 24 million gallons
per day (mgd) to support future growth in
Prince William County, Va. At the same time, new
regulations necessitated an upgrade to improve
the nutrient removal capabilities of the plant.
The new waste load allocations for total nitrogen
(TN) were based on permitted discharge fows on
31 December 2010 with a 3 mg/L TN concentration. The Prince William County Service Authority
(PWCSA) recognized the need to simultaneously
increase fow and nutrient removal capabilities. At
the same time, they needed to replace their plantwide data acquisition and control system (DACS)
with a new modern supervisory control and data
acquisition (SCADA) system.
This design-build project enhanced nutrient
removal and increased capacity, doubling the existing aeration basin volume and reconfguring to
allow operation in either four-stage Bardenpho
or modifed LudzackEttinger (MLE) modes. It
implemented 14 new deep bed denitrifcation
flters for a total of 24, and methanol feed to the
flters was automated to be nitrate load paced
and controlled by a proprietary software calculation algorithm. Furthermore, PWCSA installed
an additional online analyzer for controlling the
methanol feed to the flters for redundancy.



The proprietary software calculation algorithm

for control is feedforward/feedback based upon
fow and infuent and effuent nitrate concentrations. This enhanced the operation and reliability of the process and also reduced the risk of
methanol overdose by more closely matching the
methanol feed to the actual demand. Consistent
methanol dose control is challenging when trying
to meet low effuent TN and simultaneously maintain a low effuent carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand (CBOD).
This plant is currently in full operation and in
compliance with the effuent requirements.

Process enhancements
Before the expansion, the plant operated with
10 denitrifcation flters that had insuffcient
surface area to process the full plant capacity of 18 mgd in denitrifcation mode. When the
flters were operated in the denitrifying mode,
fows beyond 12 mgd bypassed the flters to prevent hydraulic overloading. Even though the flters were capable of hydraulically passing the full
plant fow, denitrifcation could not be achieved at
higher fows. Based on the processing limitations
and operational cost savings, the flters were often
operated seasonally, with methanol added only
during the winter for the additional denitrifcation
needed to meet effuent TN requirements. During


summer, the plant had suffcient denitrifcation

capability in the secondary treatment (aeration
basins) to meet effuent TN requirements, and
the flters operated in a polishing mode without
methanol addition to remove suspended solids.
During the design phase, the MLE and fourstage Bardenpho processes were selected for implementation based on a wide range of criteria,
including capital cost, overall cost, net present
value, land requirements, effuent quality, operability, maintainability, and schedule.
The plant was also required to reduce effuent total phosphorus to 0.18 mg/L. Phosphoric
acid addition capability is provided in the flters
area if the flters become phosphorus limited. It
was anticipated that any phosphorus allowed
to bleed through to the flters or added to the
secondary effuent will be removed by the denitrifcation flters and permit limits will not be
exceeded. However, provisions were provided for
future implementation of phosphoric acid feed.
The number of denitrifcation flters was
increased from 10 to 24 to meet the new projected demands and to be able to handle when
flters are offine for backwashing, bumping,
or maintenance/repair.

Plantwide control system replacement

As part of this design-build project, the existing
plantwide DACS was replaced. It was obsolete,
with key components of the system no longer
available from the manufacturer.
The facility transitioned the existing DACS to
a modern SCADA system as part of the overall
implementation, including designing a system
with both new process area control panels and
upgraded existing control panels. The fnal system has about 5,000 I/O points, 25 programmable logic controllers (PLCs) with a self-healing
fber-optic ring, an object-oriented human-machine interface (HMI) system, and a historian
interfaced with reporting software that integrates the SCADA and laboratory databases.
The engineer of record managed construction
and did quality assurance/quality control (QA/
QC) for the new SCADA system and the feld
instrumentation portion of the project. Some
of the activities included QA/QC for the new
instruments, startup coordination between PWCSA and the subcontractor, onsite response to
design/implementation questions and clarifcations, development of maintenance of plant operations (MOPO) plans for transitioning existing
and in-service systems to the new SCADA system
(with the objective of minimizing the effect on
plant operations), and developing and continu-

New denitrifcation flters

ally updating the SCADA project schedule.

Furthermore, toward the end of the project,
the engineer of record also guided, witnessed,
and approved the testing procedures and results
for the SCADA system as a whole. This activity included network testing, uninterruptible
power supply (UPS) testing, software testing,
and PLC programming testing. The subcontractor performed loop testing (operational
readiness test) and the functional demonstration test with coordination from PWCSA, witnessed and approved by the engineer of record.

Automation of the methanol feed system

As part of the new denitrifcation flters implementation, methanol feed to the flters was automated to be controlled by TETRAPace calculation
algorithms. The primary method of operation was
feedforward/feedback based upon fow and infuent and effuent nitrate concentrations.
The calculation algorithm needs the infuent
and effuent nitrate concentrations. The existing
ChemScan unit was used for this measurement.
The ChemScan system (analyzer) is a multiparameter, multisample line analyzer that PWCSA
had already been using for some time. The plant
staff is used to working with it, keeping the system accurate and responsive. However, during
the plant expansion, the facility decided to have
a second ChemScan unit installed for redundancy and to eliminate the risk of methanol overdose
if one of the units is unavailable. If only one unit

Recent regulations require more stringent limits for the total

nitrogen (TN) in the discharge of wastewater treatment plants.

Consistent methanol dose control is challenging when trying to

meet low effuent TN and simultaneously maintain low effuent
carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand.

A well thought-out process design requires the right control

strategies and level of automation and the right instrumentation
for process and economic benefts to the plant.




was installed and was unavailable, typical programming utilizes the last known
readings; however, this could result in signifcant over- or underdosing of methanol if the characteristics of the wastewater change, potentially resulting in permit
violations for CBOD or TN. Also, overdosing methanol to the denitrifcation flters
could occur due to the variations in the
secondary effuent nitrate levels while
the analyzer unit is out of service. This
increase of the effuent CBOD level may
cause a permit violation.

In designing critical process systems,
redundant systems were used. When
permit limits of stringent levels are
implemented, operations must use
the instruments to optimize the facility and then rely on the electronic
components to work reliably over time
to enable compliance.
The analyzer is essentially a lab spectrometer that is automated to read more

than 254 wavelengths through a process

sample from before and after the denitrifcation flters common inlet and
effuent troughs. The sample pumps
constantly deliver a small stream to the
analyzer, and the system alternates between each sample line in a continuous
sequence to monitor ammonia, nitrate,
nitrite, and ortho-phosphorous. The
system also self-calibrates with a zero
standard of deionized water. It selfcleans with an acidic solution to keep
the total suspended solids and hardness from fouling the fow through
the cell and other components in the
plumbing manifold. Detection limits
and process trends need to be understood, and plant staff must vet data
excursions regularly to ensure the expectations of the operators are met
with confdence. The data presented in
fgure 1 shows a nitrite excursion during startup that indicates an upset in
the process, which allows the operators to react to the situation, adjust up-

Redundant ChemScan

stream processes, and adjust chemical

feed systems if necessary. Figure 1 also
displays how the data from the ChemScan analyzers and the grab samples are
very close to each other, confrming the
calibration of the instrumentation.
Online analyzers mainly provide intermittent data, which gives the effect
of sharp high and low points in graphical terms, so operators must understand that these peaks and valleys are
much smoother and time depressed
than seen here. Process control decisions cannot be made on single points

Announcing ISAs 2015 Technical

Division Symposia Schedule
Mark your calendars and make plans to attend an ISA technical division symposium in 2015!
2015 Food and
Pharmaceutical Industries
Division (FPID)
911 February 2015
Siemens Training Center
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
60th ISA Analysis Division
Symposium (AD)
2630 April 2015
Galveston Island Convention Center
Galveston, Texas

15th ISA LDAR-Fugitive

Emissions Symposium (LDAR)
1921 May 2015
Astor Crowne Plaza
New Orleans, Louisiana

58th Power Industry Division

Symposium (POWID)
711 June 2015
Kansas City Marriott
Kansas City, Missouri

2015 Process Control and

Safety Symposia (PCS)
912 November 2015 (tentative)
Location TBD
Houston, Texas

61st International
Symposium (IIS)
Co-located with MFPT
1114 May 2015
Westin Hotel
Huntsville, Alabama

2015 Water/Wastewater
and Automatic Controls
46 August 2015
Wyndham Lake
Buena Vista Resort
Orlando, Florida


ISAs unbiased symposia and technical conferences provide automation professionals across the world
with the latest technologies, trends, real-world examples, tutorials, and updates needed to remain
competitive in todays and tomorrows markets.

Find out more at www.isa.org/events





H.L. Mooney WWTP

Woodbridge VA
ChemScan nitrite vs lab
ChemScan A SEC Offset -0.4
ChemScan B SEC Offset -0.4

ChemScan A - Original Analyzer

ChemScan B - New Analyzer
SEC - Filter Infuent
Final - Filter Effuent



of data that stand uncorroborated. Patterns with repeatable trends and occasional outliers in the data are used to
make rational decisions with and after
vetting equipment.
Online monitoring devices can
help run a facility better, but they
are not foolproof and need regular
care and inspection. Maintenance
instructions and protection of transient electrical power surges must
be done to protect the investment in
this data gathering infrastructure.
At the same time, and as part of
the design-build expansion project, a
backup methanol feed pump was installed so that the loss of methanol feed
to the denitrifcation flters (when running in denitrifcation mode) is minimized during a failure or scheduled
maintenance for the main feed pump.
Also, as part of the plantwide DACS replacement, the network backbone was
designed with a self-healing fber-optic
ring to minimize the risk of losing the





Figure 1. ChemScan nitrite analysis during startup

SCADA system and with UPS systems

to prevent spikes and brownouts from
damaging the critical equipment of the
control system.
This whole implementation enhanced the plant operations and reli-

ability of the process, and also reduced the risk of methanol overdose
by more closely matching the methanol feed to the actual demand (fgure
2). Consistent methanol dose control
is challenging when trying to meet

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low effuent TN while simultaneously

maintaining a low CBOD.









Methanol gal/day


Nitrogen mg/L

One of the biggest challenges during

this plant upgrade was the coordination, planning, and execution of the
MOPO plans. Because the plant had
to be kept online during this upgrade,
there were many factors to consider
to minimize the plant downtime. One
of the key factors was to test the hardware and software before it even was
shipped to the plant. Once the equipment was onsite, another thorough test
was executed to test the feld connections and installation.
The startup process was done in
phases, taking into consideration that
not only the instrumentation, but also
the plantwide control system was being transitioned and that there were
construction aspects of the project that
had to be considered as well. This led
to an initial setup and calibration of the
TETRAPace calculation algorithms and
the analyzer units that later had to be
changed to accommodate the different
conditions of the phased approach.
Due to the redundant analyzer units
setup, the PLC and HMI systems were
programmed and confgured to accommodate this redundant system. A screen
shot of the ultraviolet system area is displayed in fgure 3, where the readings of
both analyzer units are displayed.
At every operator workstation, which
are distributed throughout the plant,
the operators have the option to select
which analyzer unit readings to use in
the calculation algorithms. Figure 4
shows a screen shot of the denitrifcation flters area where the operators can
select which analyzer unit readings to
use for the calculation algorithms. This
also added fexibility for maintenance of
the analyzer units.
Additionally, PLC programming and
HMI development for the denitrifcation flters were implemented as an
integral part of the SCADA system instead of having a vendor system communicating to it. This gave the plant
staff a more standardized approach to
facilitate future changes and maintenance to either of the systems.



During construction


H.L. Mooney fnal effuent data






10 10
11 11 2011 2011 011 011 2011 2011 2011 011 2011 2011 2011
20 20 /201 /201 /201 011 201 201 201
/1/ /8/
/20 /20
/2 /9/2 16/ 23/ 30/
/2 3/
12 12 12/1 2/2 2/2 1/5 1/12 1/19 1/26 2/2 2/9 2/16 2/23 3/2
4/6 4/1
4/2 4/2





Methanol gal

Figure 2. Effuent nitrate and nitrite concentrations, and methanol feed rates after the upgrade

Figure 3. Filters infuent and effuent ChemScan units readings

Operational and economic benefts

As already mentioned, one of the main
operational benefts is that the risk
of methanol overdose was greatly reduced by more closely matching the
methanol feed to the actual nitrate and
nitrite changes when feeding methanol
to the flters. This enhanced control simultaneously maintains a low CBOD.
The denitrifcation flters can now de-


nitrify meeting permit limits up to average day maximum month loading.

At the same time, and as a consequence of the improvements made to
the aeration basins, plant operations
fed methanol to the denitrifcation
flters until about August 2011, very
close to the substantial completion
date of the project. Currently, the plant
is able to completely denitrify to below


The modifcations to the overall plant

have allowed a signifcant reduction in
overall chemical usage for both methanol and ferric chloride. Ferric chloride
use was reduced due to the increased
volume in the aeration basins, resulting
in biological phosphorus removal. Furthermore, the improved controls incorporated into the denitrifcation flters
resulted in a reduction in methanol usage by approximately 25 percent while
still meeting effuent nutrient loading
criteria. Finally, the methanol reduction
at the flters can be traced directly to the
use of a load-based methanol addition
algorithm for the denitrifcation flters. n

Figure 4. Filters TETRAPace calculation and ChemScan readings selection

3.0 mg/L of TN consistently in the aeration basins. The fact that the plant is
currently fowing at about 50 percent
capacity might be an important factor
for this, but if the fows increase and
there is the need for it, methanol can
be fed to the flters again.
With the lower fows through the
aeration basins, the plant can operate
year round in the four-stage Bardenpho
mode with maximum anoxic zones. The
mode of operation still allows complete
nitrifcation in the aeration basins and
maximized volume available for denitrifcation. At the same time, with the
higher retention times, the plant can
support a biological phosphorous accumulating organism in the aeration
basins, allowing operations to stop all
ferric chloride feed to the secondary
system while maintaining ferric chloride feed to the primary clarifers to
meet the total phosphorus limit.
On the economic side, the daily average methanol consumption to the
flters went down from about 413 gal/
day to close to 300 gal/day. Methanol
is fed to the flters for an average of
8 months a year, which translates to
about 27,000 gallons less methanol
used per year. Additionally, since currently suffcient denitrifcation is taking place in the aeration basins when

operating in the four-stage Banderpho

mode and no methanol is being fed to
the flters, this means that the methanol savings would be about 41,000 gallons per year, above the 300 gal/day of
flter methanol that was moved to the
aeration basins to improve the nitrate
reduction. With a gallon of methanol
being about $1.755, this translates into
a yearly savings of about $71,955. In
other words, what was done before the
upgrade to save money on methanol
consumption by running the flters in
polishing mode has now become normal operations for the plant.

The H. L. Mooney advanced water reclamation facility upgrades became necessary because the average daily fows
were reaching 85 to 90 percent of the
plant capacity and further growth was
expected. Additionally, PWCSA wanted
to maintain a waste load allocation
based upon 3 mg/L of effuent TN at
the future fow capacity of 24 mgd. In
addition to the process upgrades to the
aeration basins and denitrifying flters,
the upgrades included improved controls for the denitrifying flters, allowing a reliable methanol feed control to
minimize methanol costs while also
ensuring adequate feed.

Jaime A. Alba, P.E. ([email protected])

is a senior process control engineer at DC Water with 11 years of experience in the water
and wastewater industry. His experience includes SCADA, HMI, and PLC design, implementation, startup and commissioning, as
well as execution of QA/QC procedures and
construction management.
Peter Loomis, P.E. ([email protected])
is a senior project manager at CDM Smith
with 25 years of experience in the water and
wastewater industry. His experience includes
treatment plant planning, design, construction, and startup/commissioning.
Robert Litzinger ([email protected]) is the
operations manager at the H. L. Mooney advanced water reclamation facility with a Virginia class I wastewater operator license and
40 years of experience in the wastewater feld.
His experience includes the initial commissioning of the plant more than 30 years ago as well
as the most recent upgrade in 2010.
Bruce P. Stevens ([email protected]) is a regional manager with ASA Analytics/ChemScan of Waukesha, Wis. He is based in Atlanta,
Ga. and covers the southern U.S. working
with municipalities and industrial clients.
Paul A. Miller (pmiller@severntrentservices.
com) is a process engineer with 23 years of
experience in the municipal and industrial
water and wastewater industry. His experience includes operating pilot studies, biological gravity, and pressure flter designs,
metals removal technology design, and
startup and commissioning of more than
90 treatment systems.
View the online version at www.isa.org/intech/ND20141202.



Six considerations for choosing the

best-ft motor control technology
Speed control once the motor is at speed
Precise starting and stopping times
Full torque at zero speed
Constant torque
Cost, size, and thermal considerations

Installation and harmonics

Choosing the best ft can help reduce downtime,

improve effciencies, and reduce costs
By Rick Anderson

ndustrial engineers are well aware of the

electrical consumption burden their motorsespecially those running pumps, compressors, and fansput on their operating budgets. In response, they have turned to effcient
motor control technologies that use just enough
energy to start motors, provide diagnostics data,
and reduce downtime. As motor starter adoption
has widened over the years, motor starter technology has also become more sophisticated.

Motor starter methods

Common motor starter technologies include
direct-on-line (DOL) starters (or across-the-line
starters), soft starters, and variable frequency drives
(VFDs). Understanding the application and what is
critical for motor control in that application will



help determine which starting method to use.

As a basic starting method, a DOL starter applies
full voltage, current, and torque immediately to the
motor after the start command. A soft starter, or
smart motor controller, actively manages voltage
to control the starting/stopping current and torque
profles to enhance the electrical and mechanical
characteristics of the motor, motor circuit, and machine operation. A VFD converts the AC line voltage
to DC voltage, and then inverts it back to a simulated AC voltage for the motor.
DOL methods have the most basic motor-starting capabilities, while VFDs have motor control
throughout the start, stop, and run time. For applications requiring motor control only when starting and stopping, soft starters are more economical than VFDs and have more advanced control


than DOL options. In addition, the soft starter

and the VFD can start a motor with reduced voltage and current. They promote less mechanical
wear, reduce maintenance, and often lead to
other operating effciencies in the system. Although the list of potential application considerations may feel exhaustive, the following questions can help focus decision making:
1. Does the application need speed control once
the motor is at speed?
2. Does the application need precise starting
and stopping times?
3. Does the application need full torque at zero speed?
4. Does the application need constant torque?
5. What are the cost, size, and thermal considerations?
6. Are there installation and harmonics concerns?

hand, VFDs control voltage and frequency, which allows accurate starting and stopping times with minimal
load dependency.

1. Speed control

4. Constant torque

The frst consideration in choosing a motor control technology is the speed control requirements.
Some soft starters have limited slow-speed control
between starting and stopping. Slow speeds can
vary from 1 to 15 percent of the full speed and can
be used in a maintenance or alignment operation.
Due to silicon-controlled rectifer (SCR) temperature rise and reduced motor cooling, this mode is
meant for relatively short-term operation. Once
the soft starters transition to full voltage, even
though a fxed frequency is applied, the output
speed is actually determined by the motor load.
The operating speed of the motor cannot be varied, because the soft starter only adjusts the voltage to the motor and not the frequency.
VFDs use a DC bus and insulated-gate bipolar
transistor (IGBT) switching to control both voltage and frequency. This allows full and continuous
adjustable speed control. If a process requires tight
speed regulation, the frequency applied to the motor by the VFD can be changed in relation to the load.
In addition, the VFD output to the motor can be any
frequency up to the limits of the IGBT inverter or the
mechanical limits of the motor.

Soft starters use voltage to control current and

torque. When starting, the current varies directly
to the voltage applied, and the motor torque varies as the square of the applied voltage. This means
that at different applied voltages, the torque is not
always constant. This can be made more complicated with the loading conditions. Some soft starters implement torque control algorithms, but this
does not translate directly to constant torque. Conversely, during acceleration, VFDs apply different
frequencies to the motor, and voltage is changed
in direct proportion to the frequency. This simple
VFD control mode is often referred to as constant
volts per hertz, and it produces constant torque.

2. Starting and stopping times

A second consideration is starting and stopping
times, and how precise they need to be. Typically,
starting and stopping times with soft starters are
load dependent. Internal algorithms adjust the voltage based on programmed start and stop times to
increase the current and torque to start the motor or
decrease them to stop it. If the load is light, the motor
might start in less time than the programmed value.
If the load is heavy, it may take longer to start. Some
newer soft starters have implemented advanced
algorithms allowing more accurate and less loaddependent starting and stopping times. On the other

3. Full torque at zero speed


Engineers have a wide range of

motor control options.

Installation considerations can be

classifed into a few categories.

l Selecting the best engineerFor applications requiring full

ing ft reduces downtime and
torque at zero speed, a VFD may
improves effciencies.
be the best option. A VFD can produce rated motor torque from zero
to rated speed, including full torque at zero speed.
Soft starters operate at a fxed frequency (typically
50 to 60 hertz), and full torque is only available at
full voltage. Initial torque, or torque available at
zero speed, is a programmable value, which usually ranges from zero to 75 percent.

5. Cost, size, and thermal considerations

At low amperage (less than 40 amps), soft starters
have a slight cost advantage over VFDs. As amperage and power increase, the cost of VFDs increases
more quickly than the cost of soft starters. At high
amperages (greater than 100 amps), this cost can
be signifcant.
Regarding size, soft starters have a physical
size advantage over VFDs at all amperage ratings due to the physical construction of each
device. As current and power increase, this difference can become exponentially large.
In addition, when paired with an electromechanical bypass (internal or external), soft
starters tend to be more effcient than VFDs
and typically produce less heat. This is also
due to the physical construction of the powerswitching devicessoft starters have less active components in the circuitry during start,
run, and stop modes than VFDs.

6. Installation and harmonics

Installation considerations can be diffcult to quantify,



but can be classifed into a few rough

categories, such as cost, size, temperature, and power quality. Soft-starter installations usually have fewer concerns
due to the smaller size and lower costs.
If harmonic quality is a concern, softstarter harmonics are less than those of
VFDs, and long cable runs for VFDs need
to be considered more carefully than
those of soft starters. Special wire types
are usually not needed for soft starters,

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Assessing soft starters

If, after considering these factors,

engineers decide a soft starter is most appropriate, there are a wide array of soft
starter types available. Many soft starters
have multiple start functions, such as soft
start, current limit, pump control, slow
speed, and full-voltage starting. For stopping, many perform
pump stop, motor
Standard motor torque/energy curve
braking, and soft stop.
In addition, the need
Soft start reduces the
for advanced torque
overall energy required
to start the load although
and speed control to
some excess torque remains.
Solid-state reduced
start centrifugal pumps
and high-inertia loads
has led to new developments in soft starters.
These new products
(Required torque/energy)
often have a bevy of
control functions and
forcing engineers to
reassess the perforStandard motor torque/energy curve
mance a soft starter
can now provide. Conaccelerating
siderations include:
l Advanced starting
and stopping methods:
For all plots, the pump
Excessive accelerating torque
(wasted energy)
system line is the
In addition to tradidemanded load torque.
tional starting methods
Using the standard DOL
like soft start, current
starter, note the amount
limit, pump control, and
of excess energy used to
start the pump.
Pump system
full-voltage starting,
(Required torque/energy)
there are new exciting control modes.

When to use a soft starter or a VFD

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and typically electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) mitigation is not needed.


Soft starter
In lower-to-medium starting torque applications
In light-to-medium loaded applications
If little or no speed control is required during run mode
If reduced mechanical wear and damage to system is required
If limiting current is the primary reason for not starting at full voltage
For lower monitoring
In single-phase applications on certain drives
For speed control and system effciencies operating at reduced speeds during the run mode
For higher starting torque
For continuous feedback for critical position control


Linear speed: Regardless of the load

type, this method starts the motor in
the given time without using an external tachometer. The controller uses just
enough energy for both starting and
stopping loads, regardless of size.
Torque ramp: Engineers can adjust
the initial and maximum torque of a
defned ramp time for precise control
when starting the motor. Soft start
mode uses a voltage ramp. In comparison, torque ramp control is much
more linear and potentially will cause
less stress on the systems mechanics.
Slow speed: Slow speed allows shortterm operation at speeds other than
full speed. Operation at 1 to 15 percent of full speed in forward and reverse without a reversing contactor is
useful for maintenance, adjustment,
and alignment activities.
l Metering: Metering and operational
information is essential for accurately
monitoring performance and making
timely process adjustments to improve
performance and energy effciency. If
users can measure it, more often than
not they can optimize it. Built-in energy and power monitoring in soft starters provide real-time energy footprint
information for process optimization
without additional equipment.
l Energy saver: An energy saver feature
uses the soft starters internal feedback circuitry to monitor the load
and recognize when the motor is using less energyespecially common
under light loadsand adjust by decreasing the motor terminal voltage.
l Phase rebalance: Uneven line voltages can be equalized using this unique
balancing algorithm. The resultant
voltage waveforms potentially mitigate the uneven motor winding, heating, and bearing wear that can occur
with unbalanced waveforms.
Solid-state power structures: Benefts
of solid-state power structures include
improved performance in high-vibration applications, greater harsh environment immunity, higher operations
per hour, scalable thermal ratings, and
higher short-circuit current rating.
l Motor and controller diagnostics:
User-defned system preventive
maintenance, user-defned faults and

alarms, tending and fault-triggered

data capture, and a real-time clock provide application fexibility, diagnostic
capabilities, and improved uptime.
l Network and integration capabilities:
Optional communication modules
allow soft starters to be integrated
into a larger controls environment.
This allows improved data fow and
plantwide visibility. Networks, such
as EtherNet/IP, allow for fast commissioning and easy integration.
l Onboard logic capabilities: Embedded
user-defned control technology uses
digital and analog inputs and softstarter internal parameters to control
outputs, manage information locally,
and perform start/stop functions autonomously. This embedded logic often uses function block programming
and can stand alone or be complementary to supervisory control.
l Scalability: Hardware expansion ports
accept optional I/O and protection
modules. This allows process scalabil-

ity and optimizations, as well as simple-to-complex application fexibility.

Engineers have many motor control
options. Considering exactly what their
application requires and choosing the
best ft can reduce downtime, improve
effciencies, and reduce costs. The engineering choice now includes new soft
starters with multiple starting methods
and advanced features. Engineers can
match the start/stop profle to the load
with a simple control parameter change
instead of swapping out control modules. The improved performance and
energy savings will lighten the burden
motors put on their operating budgets. n

Rick Anderson ([email protected])

is a product manager for Rockwell Automation. He is responsible for managing the SMC
controllers portfolio and the identifcation and
implementation of new product requirements.
View the online version at www.isa.org/intech/ND20141203.



Defning key relationships

By Paul J. Galeski,




Successful outsourcing depends

on understanding ones own culture,
the intended task at hand, and the
dynamics of the owner-supplier


ost companies outsource some portion of their project or engineering

service needs, because fewer and
fewer are fully self-suffcient. Invariably a
manufacturer has to decide which elements of
the business are critical enough to require internal execution, against those either generic
enough to pass to someone else or specialized
to a degree that require outside help.
Success in carrying out such a selection depends on understanding ones own internal
strengths, weaknesses, and business requirements. Once this is done and agreed upon internally, then the nature of the owner-supplier
relationship can be developed to implement
optimal engagement.
Some relationships are very straightforward:
l A machine shop may send parts for specialized processing that cannot be done practically or economically in-house, such as electropolishing.
l A chemical company might use a custom
packager to meet specialized owner demand,
such as delivering acetone in gallon cans
rather than drums.
This discussion focuses on a more specialized kind of relationship common to process
industries, where the outsourcing company is
typically the owner of a plant or facility, and the
supplier is a provider of automation solutions,
as an example. Although the owner ultimately
controls the purse strings and thus has more
power than the supplier, the best relationships
are those where both parties beneft mutually by
giving and receiving the highest value services.

How does a supplier deliver value?

To update the old saying, if you want something done effciently and effectively, maybe
you should not do it yourself. The bulk of any
companys effort should be directed toward developing core strategic skills that cannot be effectively purchased outside. Keep in mind:
l Your company cannot be good at everything.
l Assess your internal strengths and weaknesses
objectively, even if it means stepping on some
toes. Understand what activities truly create a
competitive advantage in your industry.
l Concentrate your valuable internal resources
on the most strategic tasks related to your
continued business and outsource the rest.
l Some functions are better left to experts, just
like income taxes. Your needs are best served
by hiring people who spend their professional
lives working in that specialty.
Engineering is complicated, and relationships

with automation solution providers can quickly

become very complex. In many respects, increasing the distance between two partners
increases complexity and workload, because
every detail has to be spelled out and managed.
When two organizations have a deeper understanding of each other, projects can become
simpler. Everyone knows what to do, and each
trusts the other to carry out its part without excessive supervision.
A supplier delivers the most value when a
project is carried out in a manner requiring the
least management on the owners end. But this
means the supplier has to have a deep enough
understanding of the owner to understand
just what is wanted. This requires overcoming
cultural differences between the process plant
owner and the automation solution provider.

Unraveling complex relationships

One of the greatest sources of complexity is a
sense of uncertainty when either the provider or
owner is moving into unfamiliar territory. When
one or the other is not completely certain of
what is expected, more will have to be explicitly
outlined in an agreement. Some elements will
be technical, but others will describe how the
two parties are to work together.
Complexity can be minimized if both parties understand the working side of the agreement in addition to the technical requirements.
Relatively simple projects should not create an
inordinately complex relationship. Some situations are more complex by nature of the work
being done, so it is important to understand
that multiple approaches are possible and often
desirable. Two of the more basic relationships
are: hiring engineering services on an hourly
basis to augment your in-house staff and using
a turnkey control system integration project.
Augmenting your in-house staff by hiring
hourly engineering services is a common approach and is suitable for some situations if understood properly. In
this approach:
l Most every company outsources some
l The project is seen
aspect of its business, often automation
as essentially an
project execution.
in-house effort, but
l The type of relationship an owner has with
with some extra
its supplier greatly infuences the price the
help needed.
owner pays and the quality of service it
l The company gets
the job done with
l Creating the most advanced kind of
minimal effort inrelationship is not practical (or even possible)
in every situation, but can confer great
vested in building a
beneft for large and complex projects
or global programs.
l The suppliers valINTECH NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2014



ue-add is low without much investment in the overall success.

l The owner retains all the risk. It is
diffcult to create supplier accountability, because the owner keeps total
control over all aspects of the project.
l There is little opportunity to reduce
project risk and little opportunity to
increase reward from the relationship.
l The owner gets what it pays for and
nothing more, with no repeatability
and no way to leverage the relationship in the future.
For larger-scale projects or those
requiring skills not present or available from in-house engineering staff,
a turnkey control system integration
project with a defned scope of supply
is often used.
l This approach can work effectively
for both sides if the project is very
clearly defned.
l Purchasing departments typically
view these as competitive-bid projects in hopes of driving down the
initial price.
l Bidders may low-ball to win and then
try to ratchet up charges via change
l Such tactics increase total cost of
ownership and can create an adversarial relationship.
l The project requires very clear contracts and defnitions of who owns
l Effciency and repeatability are typically lost in the bidding process.
Such projects can create a use the
lowest bidder mentality in a company. Purchasing departments may
like it, but it is not always a good ap-

proach. If a purchasing agent needed

brain surgery, would he or she throw
it open to three bidders and pick the
lowest-cost provider?
Although hiring services hourly or
awarding projects on a turnkey basis
are the two most common types of
project execution strategies, there are
other higher-level methods that can
be better for both parties.

Projects drive relationships

Forming more complex relationships
depends on the nature of the project
and the need and desire to work together for the long term. Deep and
longstanding relationships can be built
around relatively small projects, and
large projects do not necessarily ensure
good relationships.
Various terms and acronyms describe these deeper relationships,
including engineering procurement
contractor (EPC), main automation
contractor (MAC), and main enterprise
partner (MEP). The defnitions are not
absolute, and common use causes
them to overlap in various contexts.
Moreover, the nature of a relationship
can evolve from project to project, even
when the parties stay the same.
Instead of trying to nail down a specifc difference between a MAC and
MEP, it is more useful to consider the
kinds of relationships two parties can
have. Each situation is unique, but
much is determined by how the two
parties view each other. The spectrum
of possible relationships is quite wide,
but can be divided into three basic categories:

Episodic but arms lengthAfter

working on a project or two, the supplier and owner begin to develop a general sense of mutual comfort. Individuals
on both sides get to know their opposite numbers and learn the best methods of contact, what they can expect
for response time, typical follow up on
questions, and so on. Characteristics of
this relationship include:
l Integrator manages the project and
provides centralized responsibility.
l Owner may still obtain quotes from
other integrators to keep everyone
l Relationship can last for multiple
projects out of a sense of convenience.
l Each project is still considered oneoff, and any project may be the last
because there is not a strong sense of
Basic sense of partnershipWhen a
supplier is willing to extend itself for
the beneft of the owner without needing to be coaxed, a partnership is forming. From the other side, the owner is
willing to accept the suppliers advice
rather than insisting on its own way.
Overall, trust is beginning to grow:
l The partnership requires work upfront to defne needs and expectations.
l An ongoing relationship develops
with a mutual sense of strategy for
reaching the owners larger business
l Services cover all the needs for a
project and can meet ongoing expectations after deployment.
l The relationship can reduce total

Owner-supplier relationship levels



Supplier focus

Supplier spends time

Owner receives

Indicators of success



Learning the organization

Evangelizing, getting the

next order

Quotes, proposals

Successful proposals, POs


Service based

Gathering input

Explaining what is

Custom information and


Timely information


Needs based

Business problem answers

and expertise

Problem solving


Problems get solved



Owners organization

Providing insights

Useful ideas

Repeat business, more



Trust based

Strategic imperatives that

Understanding customer
make the owners business needs and delivering
more viable in the long run appropriate solutions

Safe haven for diffcult

issues and long-term
strategic value

Creative pricing, incentive

systems, annuity contracts,
high-performing plants





cost of ownership by ensuring a higher level of standards

and resource leverage.
Strong sense of partnershipWhen trust grows, each side
wants to make sure the other is satisfed with every project
and transaction. The owner receives the service expected,
and the outcome of the project is more likely to meet performance, cost, and schedule targets. The integrator is paid
fairly for the resources used with a reasonable proft level
relative to the value provided. Such relationships do not happen overnight, and the integrator must have resources and
infrastructure to deliver on its promises:
l Leadership on both sides must offer full support.
l The integrator must offer a complete suite of services capable of handling all technology needs.
l The ongoing relationship must be cultivated at all levels of
both organizations, with shared strategies.
l The integrator must have resource depth to manage the
owners entire technology spend.
l This approach should have the lowest total cost of ownership, but purchasing departments may fnd it scary at frst.

for the
Real World.

How do you see your suppliers?

Given the above defnitions, how do most process plant owners see their automation solution suppliers?
l Approved vendorA company meets the most basic requirements to support transactions, but it has no specifc
desirability other than offering usable products and services. If the situation is appropriate, a transaction is permitted, but the supplier is always in a selling mode.
l Preferred supplierAn approved vendor with some desirability outside of its basic product offering, such as special
pricing or commercial terms. Other things being equal,
this company gets the order, but such relationships can be
easily changed when a new supplier comes along with a
better offer.
l Solutions consultantA vendor or integrator offering
ideas and solving problems in addition to basic products
or services. The supplier has to feel there will be some appreciation for going above and beyond.
l Strategic contributorAt this level, the owner is beginning
to depend on the provider as a source of strategic planning
assistance. The relationship is moving beyond projects to
broader-based challenges.
l Trusted adviserThis is the ultimate level of trust, where
the provider and owner are partners, mutually considering
the others position in a relationship. Both endeavor to ensure the long-term viability of the other, as well as mutual
value and proftability in any transaction.
The table summarizes these stages of owner-supplier engagement and is a guide for identifying and improving upon
existing relationships.

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Choose your relationships wisely

Every supplier-owner relationship does not have the potential to advance to the trusted adviser level. Such relationships
take time and a great deal of effort on both sides, so com-

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panies have to be selective. It is important to choose carefully and determine

when such effort is in order:
l What kind of relationship with this
owner or vendor is necessary to ensure the success of this project? Simple
projects may only need simple relationships.
l Can you see yourself working with this
company again? And again? If you do
not see the potential or value a continuing relationship, do not waste
your time.
l Do you trust each other? This is one
of the most basic but potentially diffcult questions, and it has to be answered without qualifcations. Maybe does not work.
l Does the provider ft your culture? An
extension of mutual trust includes
shared values at all levels of the two
l Is this more than an approved vendor relationship? The answer may

be no, which may be the correct answer. Do not try to convince yourself otherwise if the situation is not
Deep owner-supplier relationships
require a great deal of mutual effort to
establish and maintain, but when they
work, they are hugely rewarding for both
sides. An integrator is assured of being paid fairly for work delivered without micromanagement, and the owner
knows it can expect the best effort possible from the integrator. All projects are
delivered with the lowest total cost of
ownership, and the owner is assured of
ongoing support to ensure gains made
are preserved and encouraged. Such relationships are rare, but when they happen, all beneft substantially. n

Paul J. Galeski, P.E., CAP, (paul.galeski@

mavtechglobal.com) is founder, chairman,
and CEO of MAVERICK Technologies,

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with information
Report generation
is much easier to do T
than you think
By Roy Kok


hese days, lack of data is not the problem, it is the visibility into
that data that is challenging. But do not get caught up into thinking that the solution is advanced analytics. There is a step that is
far more valuable and easy to accomplish.
We are surrounded by gigabytes and terabytes of data, being dutifully
archived by our human-machine interface/supervisory control and data
acquisition (HMI/SCADA) systems, historians, and SQL databases. There
is comfort in knowing that the data exists should you want to jump in and
analyze it. And, no doubt, that is a valuable capability. But if that is your
modus operandi, then you will be diving into that sea of data without a
suitable context with which to view it. The ability to recognize the unusual in data requires familiarity with the data and systems generating that
data. Operators develop that familiarity through their day-to-day interaction with a process. Operators have been known to step into a control
room and know through the hum and buzz that the process is running as


it should. That familiarity comes with time.

The second-level metrics are a bit harder to become accustomed to. Second-level metrics refers
to calculations, based on primary sensor data,
which are easily measured and reported. For example, HMI/SCADA calculates and displays secondary metrics for a pump such as run time, off time,
cycles per day, peak torque, and motor temperature; it is up to the operator to review these results
and become familiar enough with them to recognize a subtle shift or anomalous behavior. We are all
well aware of retirement statistics and the workload
on operators. An operators ability to be proactive is
being diminished.
Report generation is a solution to this problem
not the report generation of old, but a new class
of report generation that makes the selection and
presentation of data so easy that you can have any
report you want with minimal effort. Easy report
generation is changing the game. It is likely that you
already have lots of experience with report generation. Your experience comes from vendor-specifc
solutions, designed to meet the requirements of
compliance reporting (e.g., Food and Drug Administration, Environmental Protection Agency, state
and federal, batch quality, or validation). Compliance reports are the ones you must have to accomplish the business you are in. As part of your
fundamental business, they will be done at any
cost. Hence, the tools do not have to be great; they
just have to get the job done. That has been the level
of the bar for industrial report generation. As a result, typical report generation goals have been the
absolute minimum requirements.
Solutions for report generation also come from
bridging business intelligence (BI) solutions, such
as SAPs Crystal Reports and Microsofts SQL Server
Reporting Services, into industrial automation applications. This approach typically has several compromises: connectivity to data sources is limited to those
with business interfaces (OLE-DB or ODBC); these
solutions are not aware of automation-style metrics
(OEE, set-point analysis, energy analytics, etc.); ease
of use is secondary to functionalitydomain experts
are typically required for implementation; and a high
level of information technology (IT) familiarity is
required for solution rollout. These tools are very capable and are excellent for enterprise-level reporting,
but BI solutions all have limitations when applied to
industrial automation. So, what are the attributes
of an industrial reporting solution?

Ease of use
Ease of use is a feature critical to quality (CTQ)
to meet the requirements of industrial reporting.
In the world of automation, ease of use also means

following the paradigm

of the common tools
l The problem is not a lack of data, but
of the trade. The tools
visibility into the data.
of the trade in automal The world of automation data needs
tion are confgurable
answers for effciency.
and should not be prol IT-oriented business intelligence software
grammer oriented. The
comes up short for industrial automation
eye is on the result, not
the process. An engineer wants an HMI, the storage of data, operation
of a programmable logic controller (PLC), or the
defnition of a report. High-level environments delivering this functionality are confgurable through
menus and selections in a way that any plant personnel can easily learn and apply. For many years,
the focus was on the integration of programming
environments, such as Microsofts Visual Studio or
VBA, to augment a confgurable solution, enabling
the yes answer to Can your system do that? We
are in the age of give me the fsh, not teach me to
fsh. Again, report generators of the past have never delivered on this ease of use CTQ, and so they
have limited the opportunity for report generation
as a corporate solution for information visibility
and continuous improvement. This paradigm has
shifted. Purpose-built report generation for the automation industry is now easy and powerful, and
report generation is ready to become a signifcant
component of every automation environment.

A report solution for industry must understand
industrial data sources. Users beneft most when
a report can aggregate and analyze data from a
variety of data sources, both business and industrial. From a product perspective, this refers to
drivers that can be installed to connect the reporting engine to any source of data that exists inside
or outside your plant. Data in enterprise systems,
wherever they are, can be queried through business standards, such as OLE-DB or ODBC or by
importing CSV or Excel fles. BI tools can address
only some of these requirements.
Data sources also include industry standards,
such as OPC DA, OPC AE, OPC HDA, Modbus,
BACnet, and proprietary interfaces to HMI, SCADA, Historian, analyzer, custody transfer, batch,
and myriad vendor-specifc solutions. Often,
these data sources can analyze and return data in
advanced ways, and performance is maximized
when leveraging this functionality. For example, if
you need hourly averages for a day, it is best to ask
the source for that statistic rather than request a
day of data (potentially tens of thousands of samples) to produce the hourly stats. Of course, if that
level of analysis is required, an industrial reporting



on the task at hand: simple access to the

data. BI solutions just do not address this.

Industrial metrics

Drivers in an industrial reporting solution

solution would package and compress

remote requests of data and securely pass
that data to the reporting server, performing the task as effciently as possible.
It is also extremely valuable to recognize the different types of data in industry, for example, real-time, history,
and especially alarm data. An industrial
report generator understands alarms
and provides the ability to intelligently
query and display results based on the
uniqueness of that data. Ideally, connectivity to disparate data sources will be
normalizedpresented in a similar way
to the userto remove any data access
complexities and allow the user to focus


The world of automation wants answers

to automation questions. How many
times did that pump cycle? What was
the maximum and average temperature
reached when the motor was running
for more than 1 hour? How long did that
batch take? Does that furnace meet the
required Thermal Uniformity Standards?
Is the building effciency as expected for
todays weather conditions?
The answers can come from any reporting system, but will come easily in a
system designed for this type of analysis.
Ideally, these metrics can be applied to a
data query, and the results will be formatted for presentation with little additional
effort, because the report generator is
smart, and display objects are aware of
upstream statistics.
Some process reports are time based,
for example, monthly, weekly, or shift
reports for production, energy, or quality. However, some processes are event
based, displaying irregular start and end
times. The latter can be considered analytics on batches of data. Examples of
the latter are the backwash process of
a water fltration system, triggered by a
flter pressure and fnished at a minimal
turbidity level, or any traditional batch
process in the food, pharmaceutical, or
chemical industries. This type of reporting can be tricky for BI tools.
Batches of data require the identifcation of the batch and then subsequent
queries of sensor data based on the
batch start and end time from automation data sources like plant historians. Batches may not be stored ahead
of time. Batches may require manual
identifcations or can be automatically
triggered through monitoring a status
variable (pressure drop or turbidity) as in
our previous example. Industrial report
generators can also automatically name
batches based on HMI/SCADA tag data
or manual selections.

Formatting and presentation

Formatting data to deliver automation
information is critical. All report generators offer formatting options for display-


ing values. But in the world of automation, values need to be displayed in a

context, for example in relation to alarm
limits or the display of objects that conform to specifc standards.
Take, for example, the Setpoint Analysis Report on a thermal process and the
validation that the thermal processing
was a success. This sample report displays a variety of productivity features
that are delivered through a set of standard analytic functions and graphic objects that are function aware: the analysis
of a set of sensors, the detection of appropriate soak start and end times based
on last sensor in and frst sensor out,
the calculations of duration and rate of
changes, the fnal determination of pass/
fail, and the resulting presentation in a
Setpoint Analysis aware trend chart.
Of course, a reporting solution should
also offer a broad range of presentation
objects such as pie charts, bar charts,
tables, trends, and x-y plots. But in automation, users will beneft from numeric
displays, gauges with color bands,
graphic images with data overlays, and
performance objects.

Manual data entry

Automation data is never complete.
There is always the need for some level of
manual data entry, either as lab samples
or operator observations. A reporting
solution for automation has the ability to integrate user-friendly data collection mechanisms. These can take
many forms, from automatically importing CSV or Excel data fles to data entry
forms in a web portal. In either case, the
resulting reports will be a combination of
automatically acquired data from automation and business systems and information entered manually or through bar
codes and other data input methods.

Flexible delivery options

One of the most important aspects of
any report generation solution is not
the actual generation of the report. It is
the storage and delivery of information.
Here too, BI tools can come up short.
The generation of information spawns
the need to intelligently archive said information. This can include automatically naming directories and defning


Sample analysis reports and displays

the longevity of storage, automatically

purging that which is no longer needed.
After archiving comes delivery. Delivery
often includes automatically emailing
to individuals or groups. Reports are
often delivered to remote archives; FTP
should be an option. Finally, reports
should be easily accessible through an
intranet or Internet web portal. Web
portals should support all browser types
(e.g., Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox,
Safari) and both full browser and mobile browser form factors independent
of operating system, (e.g., iOS, Android,
Windows, or Linux). These delivery options are part of a robust, easy-to-use
reporting solution designed for automation systems. Add-on technologies
should not be required.

Support for vertical applications

In addition to the features for broad
market appeal, report generation
needs to address the requirements of
vertical applications. The life sciences
markets of pharmaceutical and biotechnology require a high degree of se-

curity and user authentication, version

management, audit trails, and electronic signatures. These features are
necessary for 21 CFR Part 11 requirements. Other markets may require
high availability and the ability for
report generators to support primary
and backup printing devices. In even
more critical circumstances, reporting
solutions may be required to work in
tandem, allowing one report server to
automatically take over in the case of
a primary report server failure.
Although BI tools can and do clearly
address some of the requirements of
the industrial automation marketplace, it is also clear that new purposebuilt solutions will offer signifcant
advantages across the board, and especially in vertical markets. Although
the purchase price of automationoriented reporting tools is typically
higher, their overall cost of ownership
will be greatly reduced due to the savings in development and customization and by leveraging the automation-oriented statistics, easy-to-use

confguration environment, and reduced learning curve.

With connectivity to all automation
data sources, purpose-built automation-oriented reporting and dashboard solutions can aggregate information from a wider range of sources
than BI tools offer. Finally, as a confgured solution with all functionality
already delivered, these tools display
higher reliability and a signifcantly reduced learning curve, letting you focus
on acquiring and delivering information, not getting caught up in IT technologies and system integration. n


Roy Kok ([email protected]) is

an automation industry veteran of more
than 30 years, having worked with HMI/
SCADA and reporting technologies. Kok
is the vice president of sales and marketing for Ocean Data Systems, makers of
Dream Report.
View the online version at www.isa.org/intech/ND20141205.



adoption of
Applications, technology,
and systems

ndustrial wireless instrumentation is rapidly becoming the technology of choice

for a growing class of applications. A wireless deployment saves signifcant costs
compared to an equivalent wired installation, resulting in savings of 20 to 30 percent in
simple confgurations. Cost reductions can be
even more compelling in scaled installations
or in remote locations. Where wiring is cost
prohibitive or infeasible, wireless enables bestpractice instrumentation wherever it is needed
for effcient and safe industrial operation.
The cost advantages of wireless instrumentation improve with scale. In a wired system,
the cost of each additional instrument requires extra wiring and the associated labor,
equipment, and maintenance. A wireless
system, if designed for scalability, can accommodate additional devices with the same
infrastructure and no additional wiring. For
the first time, applications with hundreds or
thousands of measurement points can be reasonably contemplated.
Until fairly recently, most users and experts
viewed wireless instruments as intrinsically
inferior to their wired counterparts, with wired
instrumentation always being preferred when
feasible. As experience with wireless technology grows, this attitude is shifting, with wireless becoming the default user selection for
well-proven applications. Today, major users
require cost justifcation for wired instrumentation in applications where wireless has been
demonstrated to exceed user requirements.
In Clayton Christensens model of innovation, adapted in fgure 1, low-cost products
initially take a beachhead position with simple applications at the lower end of a market.
From that starting point, they work their way
up-market. A tipping point occurs when
mainstream users discover that the lowcost products can be used in high-end applications. Today, most major users are in
the mainstream adoption zone, which is
shown as an oval to indicate that adoption
rates vary from user to user.

Wired versus wireless instrumentation

Table 1 summarizes the main differences between wired and wireless instrumentation.
Some of the listed characteristics, such as
fading and interference, relate to radio considerations. Other characteristics, such as battery replacement, relate to energy constraints
when wireless instrumentation operates in locations without power.

By Jay Werb






Product performance

demanded at the high
end of the market


W ir e
ta ti o
m en
s tr u

tr e
i n s ti o n
Ma d o p


r e l a ti o
W i ent

Industrial wireless instrumentation is

rapidly becoming the technology of choice
for a growing class of applications.

The cost advantages of wireless instrumentation improve with scale.

Industrial wireless users are quickly learning wireless performs well for a wide
range of applications.

demanded at the low
end of the market

Figure 1. Christensen innovation model adapted for industrial wireless
Source: AIW LLC


Wired instrumentation

Wireless instrumentation

Wiring feasibility and cost

l Data and power
l Cable length, confguration rules

Access point architecture and placement

Range to access points and neighbors

Mesh network design

Infrastructure equipment

Full range of available instruments

l No battery constraints

Partial range of available instruments

l Wireless adapters if power available

Proven in use for decades

l Generally safety integrity level
(SIL) rated

Proven in use for years

l Sometimes SIL rated

Continuous reporting

Bus capacity
l e.g., 420 mA
Reliable until the wiring fails
l Corrosion, vibration, etc.


Add wiring and equipment as needed

Fix wiring after it fails


Periodic reporting
Data freshness and availability
l e.g., 30 seconds @ 99.99 percent
Shared channel capacity
l e.g., 90,000 time slots/minute
Channel transients
l Fading, interference, blockage, etc.
Short-term management:
l Redundancy for automatic self-healing

Monitor instrument reporting

Long-term management:
l Monitor network diagnostics
l Anticipate systematic problems
l Reconfgure wireless infrastructure
l Battery management
l Radio spectrum management

Physical security of device and wire

Physical security of device

Management of credentials and keys
Network diagnostics


Extra wires for redundancy

Radio mesh
Radio as complement to wired link

Table 1. Principal differences between wired and wireless instrumentation

Source: AIW LLC




Major advantages of wireless

instrumentation include:
l Lower cost, especially when large numbers of instruments are installed.
l Manageability. When wired connections fail, they are typically complete
failures that occur without notice. Wireless failures are usually transient, and
those transient problems can mostly be
avoided by preventative maintenance
linked to wireless diagnostics.
l Flexibility. After a wireless system is installed, it is easy to add new wireless instruments and also to report more data
from existing instruments using wireless adapters.
l Security. Wireless security extends
to the feld instrument and does not
rely on physical security of the transmission medium.
l Redundancy within a wireless network. Typically, wired instrumentation relies on a single wire to each
instrument, with various opportunities for failure. Field experience demonstrates that a redundant wireless
channel can be every bit as reliable as
a nonredundant wired channel, particularly when wires are long or subjected to challenging conditions.
l Redundancy at the plant level. A wireless system can add redundancy to
wired reporting, with the same data
reported through wired and wireless
channels. Similarly, when feld instrumentation is involved in an independent protection layer (IPL), wireless
may be an advantage if another IPL
uses available wiring.
Table 1 also suggests a set of generally
agreed upon disadvantages of wireless instrumentation at this time. These considerations can be generally grouped as battery-related and radio-related operation.

a wide range of existing instruments

to wireless, but only if the wired instrument has the power to operate. In
locations where there is no source of
external DC power, instrumentation
options can be limited. New wireless
products are being rapidly released to
meet market demand.
l Continuous reporting. In some use
cases, it is not technically feasible
to sample and report process data
continuously under battery power.
ISA100 Wireless devices can be confgured to report process data frequently in critical applications, with
predictable battery life impacts, but
only if the sensor has the energy to
collect the data in the frst place.
Disadvantages of radio
operation include:
l Procedural barriers. Wired instruments have been used for decades,
and processes for specifying and approving wired systems are well established at user sites. Many of these same
users do not have clear processes for
approving wireless, particularly when
safety credit is involved.
l Statistical nature of radios. Radio performance is statistical by nature, with
packet errors and retries being fundamental considerations for any wireless system design. A well-designed
wireless system will have plenty of
built-in margin, as well as extensive
network diagnostics that detect loss
of margin even while the system

achieves its performance objectives.

Limited reporting rates. ISA100 Wireless is designed to support reporting as
frequently as every 0.25 seconds with
a transmission latency of 0.10 seconds
in structured confgurations. Faster
reporting rates are considered (by the
major standards) unsuitable for battery-powered operation at this time.
l Spectrum management. Wireless instrumentation shares the radio spectrum with other systems and applications. Spectrum management generally
needs to be considered when each new
wireless system is installed, and should
also be continuously monitored. A
well-designed wireless system will have
performance margins built in and will
include extensive diagnostics to detect
loss of margin due to radio interference
and other considerations. ISA100 Wireless radio diagnostics include metrics
that are specifcally intended to detect
and blacklist problematic radio channels automatically.
Based on real-world experience with all
of these factors, users of industrial wireless are learning that wireless can deliver
more than adequate performance for a
wide range of applications.

Use cases for industrial wireless

Industrial wireless instrumentation is
being applied to a wide variety of applications today. Figure 2 represents
one way to summarize the major application use cases.

Top use cases for wireless instrumenta:on (2014)

Automated safety
instrumented func:ons

Disadvantages of battery-powered
operation include:
l Battery maintenance. Maintaining the
batteries of wireless devices somewhat
offsets wireless cost savings. A welldesigned wireless solution should ensure that battery replacement occurs
in conjunction with an instruments
general maintenance interval.
l Limited wireless instrumentation. An
ISA100 Wireless adapter can convert



Alerts & alarms

Monitoring & compliance



Open loop

Closed loop







Figure 2. Current landscape of industrial wireless instrumentation

Source: AIW LLC


your Ethernet
network where
you need it most

Eatons ELPRO wireless and wired Ethernet products can solve

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Our broad range of licensed and unlicensed high-speed, longrange wireless modems support 2.4/5.8 GHZ, 900 MHz and
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Our line of robust, fast managed and unmanaged Ethernet
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Together with our Network Management System, Eaton provides your plant with end-to-end network connectivity for
increased productivity, improved safety and reduced total cost.
ELPRO is now Eaton. Same great products plus even more.



The vertical axis shows types of

applications, derived from ISA100
usage classes:
l Monitoring and compliance applications track the status of equipment or a process state, such as
temperature or vibration. Monitoring data is archived for subsequent
review and may or may not be displayed to operators.
l Alerts and alarms track the status of
a process state, such as temperature,
or a safety state, such as hydrocarbon
gas level. Exceptions are reported to
an operator for appropriate action.
l In control applications, wireless is
somehow involved in a control loop.
Open loop means that a user is in
the loop; closed loop means that
the loop is automated. Closed-loop
applications are sometimes divided
into outer loop and inner loop.
l In an automated safety instrumented
function (SIF), a set of equipment is intended to reduce the risk of a specifc
hazard in an automated safety loop.
The green boxes in fgure 2 indicate
where wireless instrumentation is targeted, in actual practice in 2014. This
is intended as a statement of fact, not
to imply that wireless is unsuitable for
other applications. For example, ISA100
Wireless was designed for subsecond
reporting rates, but subsecond timing is
not shown in fgure 2 because few wireless instruments today are so confgured.
Similarly, wireless instrumentation for
automated SIF is shown with a dotted
line to suggest that it is feasible but not
currently being adopted by many users.

According to ANSI/ISA-18.2-2009,
an alarm is an audible and/or visible
means of indicating to the operator an
equipment malfunction, process deviation, or abnormal condition requiring a
response. The essential element of this
defnition is the response to the alarm.
The term alert is generally used for
applications with less rigorous requirements than alarms, for example maintenance alerts where the user response is
not specifc or time critical.
A safety-related alarm designation
can be applied to an alarming application that is a candidate for safety credit as an IPL. To simplify approvals, less
than 0.9 availability may be claimed,
thereby classifying an alarm as a basic
process control system. Regardless of
an alarms classification, high reliability is invariably a key objective.
It is well established that an alarm
system must be designed to effectively handle individual alarms during
normal operation and handle many
alarms during a major plant upset.
Wireless has the potential to support
many more alarms than has been feasible in the past, so alarm management is an essential consideration in
a scaled wireless implementation.

Gas sensing is an important use

case for wireless alarming. The requirements vary by application and
region. For example, the process
safety time of response (t90) for hydrocarbon gas detection as required
in IEC60079-29-1 is 60 seconds. In Japan, the time to alarm must be within
30 seconds for a specifed concentration.

ISA100 Wireless and the

Internet of Things
ISA100 Wireless was designed as an extension of the Internet, building on the
IPv6 Internet of Things standard. IPv6
is an addressing scheme that allows an
essentially unlimited number of devices
to be individually addressable. Collections of devices can still be segregated as
needed for security and manageability,
but with IPv6, addressing considerations
are no longer a constraint. Most forecasts
suggest that tens of billions of devices
will be Internet accessible within a decade. With its use of IPv6, ISA100 Wireless is well positioned to ride that wave.
IPv6 networks use familiar standardsbased addressing and can be managed
using tools derived from traditional
information technology network management tools and systems. Todays

Alerts, alarms, and safety

Alerts and alarms merit special mention
due to safety considerations. Alarming involves an out-of-bounds condition that is reported to a user or system.
Yokogawa Electronics Corporation has
reported that more than 50 percent of
its wireless instrumentation projects require a 110 second update period. Cited applications include gas detection,
fre detection, monitoring for operation
(power), monitoring for safety (steel),
cold temperature monitoring (gas), and
tsunami detection. All of these can be
considered alarming applications.



Figure 3. Flexibility of ISA100 Wireless network


Figure 4. ISA100 structured network design: One network scaled through an IP backbone

Figure 5. ISA100 ad hoc network design: Multiple small networks scaled by duplication

generation of network managers and

automation engineers understand IPv6,
and so will future generations.
Figure 3 illustrates the fexibility of
the ISA100 Wireless universal network
in an example mesh network comprised
of devices from multiple manufacturers. Some manufacturers use the native
ISA100 Wireless protocol, while others
use ISA100 objects with different protocols at the same time. The two legacy
HART devices, wired to a controller, are
simultaneously reporting HART digital
data to the ISA100 Wireless network via
ISA100 WirelessHART adapters.
The Internet of Things approach in
ISA100 Wireless affects network architecture and the user experience in
actual practice.
Figure 4 shows a structured network
design that leverages IP. The ISA100
Wireless network is shown as a single
cloud or mesh with multiple IP backbone connections. In this confguration, multiple gateways are shown as
Internet appliances without a radio.
ISA100 Wireless messages fow over the
IP network. Networks of this kind are
generally rolled out using a structured
methodology, similar to the way a Wi-Fi
or cellular network is typically deployed.

Figure 5 shows an ad hoc network design. A series of small, typically singlepurpose, networks are installed over time.
Each network is attached to a device called
a gateway. The diagram shows that each
gateway also hosts a management function. The connections on the other side of
the gateway are shown as a series of question marks, suggesting that the high-side
interface is not specifed by the standard
and could be just about anything. ISA100
Wireless is designed to scale through IP.
In practice, small systems or evaluation
systems will tend to use ad hoc methodologies as illustrated in fgure 5. However,
as systems scale, most users will prefer to
leverage the IP backbone as illustrated in
fgure 4. Ad hoc systems tend to be rolled
out organically, one project at a time, and
can result in unmanageable chaos at scale.
For example, unplanned battery failure
and communication path instability are
typical symptoms of an ad hoc methodology that is inappropriately scaled.

Ready for prime time

Industrial wireless instrumentation is
now at a stage where major users are
rolling out ISA100 Wireless programs.
The tipping point for industrial wireless occurs when major users switch

from an ad hoc approach to wireless

campaigns. In a bottom-up ad hoc
approach, small wireless systems are
installed one by one to address specifc problems, relying on the passion of proactive early adopters. In
a top-down campaign, solutions are
rolled out to support enterprise strategy. A good process allows for both
approaches, with successful ad hoc
systems being a laboratory for future
wireless campaigns.
Industrial wireless instrumentation
is widely considered suitable for monitoring, control, and alarms, including
safety alarms. Systems may be deployed using an ad hoc methodology to
get started, but users are better served
when systems are scaled using a more
structured methodology that leverages
the Internet of Things. User acceptance
of and demand for IP-based scaled
mission-critical wireless technology is
driving adoption of ISA100 Wireless.
ISA100 Wireless is poised to support a
fast growth curve with its open design,
scalable system and product architectures, and vendor-neutral ecosystem.
For the full white paper, visit www.
isa100wci.org/en-US/Learning-Center/White-Papers/ISA100-WirelessApplications,-Technology,-and-Syst. n

Jay Werb ([email protected]) is the technical director of the ISA100 Wireless Compliance Institute (WCI), where he manages
the organizations compliance and other
technical programs. He is also the editor
and author of the data link layer (mesh)
section of the ISA100.11a standard. Werb
has more than 30 years of experience in
the computer feld, with the past 20 years
focused on wireless. He has been the
technical founder of multiple technology
companies and holds more than a dozen
patents. In addition to his work with WCI,
Werb is a consultant with AIW LLC, where
he assists end users with strategic adoption of industrial wireless instrumentation.
He has a B.S. in biology and a masters degree in management, both from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
View the online version at www.isa.org/intech/20141206.



executive corner | Tips and Strategies for Managers

Protecting your operational integrity

By Clemens Blum


Clemens Blum has been

Schneider Electrics executive vice president,
industry business, since
2010 and is responsible for the integration
of Invensys, acquired
by Schneider Electric
in January 2014. At
Schneider Electric, Clemens has served as
general manager of
the Berger Lahr Group,
general manager of the
SE Motion Group, and
vice president, European division.


ew powerful and capable industrial control systems and software solutions have
created more opportunities for manufacturers to pursue and achieve greater levels of effciency, performance, and proftability. Businesses
now have more data to measure and analyze, as
well as more opportunities to use that data to drive
effciency. This greater interconnectivity between
systems and software has also enabled producers
to be more agile, particularly in reacting to changing business variables and process conditions.
But these new offerings and capabilities have also
created new business vulnerabilities. As manufacturers apply technologies, they must ensure they
are not jeopardizing the operational integrity of the
plant. Operational integrity is simply the unhindered
ability of the system and plant to remain sound and
to continue production. In other words, operational
integrity means safely and securely mitigating and
eliminating threats to business continuity, while
meeting or exceeding production targets.
Producers are correctly looking at the promise
new technologies bring, namely the ability to use
real-time information to better understand their resources, improve how they control costs and business variables, and increase their proftability. The
need for real-time operational data to achieve this
promise has propagated the use of commercial
off-the-shelf information technology solutions in
industrial environments and shifted the industry
toward connected network solutions. Now with
the Internet of Things, big data, and other emerging trends, connectivity has reached a new level of
focus in the discussion, as well as in investments.
Because almost everything can be connected to
anything from anywhere at any timeat a low
costnew opportunities for improving business
processes and performance seem unlimited. For
example, at its Rabigh, Saudi Arabia, refnery complex, Rabigh Refning & Petrochemical Company
implemented a plant information management
system, fully and tightly integrated with its control,
SAP, and other production and corporate business
applications, to optimize output, improve quality,
and increase overall business performance. The solution covers the entire refnery and petrochemical
complex comprising 23 plants.
But regardless of what that new technology and
better connectivity promise for improving business
performance, eliminating and responding to poten-



tial risks to operational integrity must continue to

be the number one priority. Control systems, especially in the continuous process industries, are
critical, not just for driving effciency and ensuring
there is no loss of production, but also for ensuring the safety of the companys assets, people, and
environment. Off-the-shelf solutions and higher,
more frequent interconnectivity have increasingly
exposed industrial control systems to malware and
security threats that traditionally target commercial
systems. For example, since the Shamoon attack,
the preferred target for cybercriminals seems to be
the energy sector, where incidents have increased
52 percent since 2012.
Therefore, when deciding when and how to
implement or upgrade an industrial control system, the focus cannot be entirely on how newer
technology helps achieve production goals. Companies must investigate and understand what and
how many layers of protection wrap the system.
Those safeguards will enable everyone in a plant
to fulfll their roles more effectively. People on the
process-connected side of the system will be better
able to do their jobs, while those in the controlroom side will be able to concentrate on operation
performance, without worrying about risks to the
integrity of the system.
Secure operating platforms must be delivered
with policy, procedure, and layered technical controls to create a defense-in-depth model. To
handle the new challenges of an even more interconnected world, cybersecurity must be considered frst, not as an afterthought. Although the
promise of connectivity is great, so is the threat.
This is the reason plant and operations managers,
especially in critical industries, must ask how any
new or upgraded system is protected and what
impact the upgrades might have on the security of
their operation before they even look at how the
solution will increase and improve effciency.
As industry end users explore and take advantage of new interconnected technology, they can
no longer just talk about security. While many
threats to plant assets, people, and the environment are external and beyond the plants control
(such as natural disasters), many threats are within
the plants control. Taking active, specifc measures
to manage technology upgrades and ensure control systems are cybersecure is the frst step to protecting the operational integrity of the business. n

Tips and Strategies for Integrators | channel chat

South American steel manufacturer replaces legacy

energy management system
By Dave Hellyer

siminas is the largest supplier of

steel products to South America.
With 13 industrial plants strategically located in the states of So Paulo,
Minas Gerais, Rio Grande do Sul, Esprito Santo, and Pernambuco, Usiminas
produces heavy plate, galvanized steel,
electro-galvanized steel, cold-rolled strips,
and more for the automotive, civil construction, mechanical industry, road and
agriculture machinery, furniture, container,
tube, oil and gas, and home appliance
markets across Brazil and Latin America.
The Usiminas plant located in Ipatinga,
Minas Gerais, Brazil, had been managing an
energy system application developed with
an older human-machine interface software
that was no longer supported by the developer. The energy system collects real-time
data from all steel-mill, plate-mill, coking,
lamination, continuous casting, and other
process units, using advanced optimization
algorithms created by Usiminas for performance and demand prediction requirements.
Challenge: Replace legacy system
As part of the energy system, the water monitoring application has a general
overview screen and manages 25 water
systems in a hot standby confguration.
The upgraded system had to support hot
standby redundancy for nonstop operations without missing data or experiencing
downtime caused by a server failure.
Meeting the challenge required replacing
the 100,000 tag legacy system, modernizing the user interface and system architecture, adding more operator stations on the
network, and adding a hot standby server
to help maximize system availability and
uptime. To design, build, and implement
its new system, Usiminas collaborated with
Tatsoft, which provided consulting, project
management, application development,
and testing and installation services. Usiminas provided the advanced optimization
prediction algorithms as well as committed
resources to help implement the system.
One of the most demanding aspects of

this project was communicating with serial and Ethernet

devices from several different
simultaneously. To reduce the need for
upgrading the controllers and
devices on the system, Usiminas leveraged a third-party
serial-to-Ethernet interface
so industrial devices were directly accessible
from the network. Legacy devices can be
monitored and controlled from any network
location or the Internet. Different confgurations and features are available for specifc
applications, such as protocol conversion,
real COM drivers, and TCP operation modes.
OPC servers were used for several other devices. Usiminas also had to interface with
Oracle and Microsoft SQL databases where
historical alarms and trend and process
data are stored and managed using the
connectivity tools within the new system.
The old system required 100,000 tags.
It has been replaced with new software
that requires less than half that number
of tags, due to the built-in properties and
application objects. The new system now
includes 35 nodes distributed across the
entire plant. Operators can monitor the
unit operations with remote clients, so
they are not tied to a single desktop.
To help ensure the correct operators are
logged in during a shift, the software has
an automatic logout feature. After eight
hours, the software logs out the operator and gives access only to the operator
registered in the current shift. Another feature is a startup delay, which prevents the
system from generating erroneous alarm
conditions as it starts up.
Native features in the new software notify
the operator if an active alarm requiring action
has not been resolved after a specifc amount
of timehelping avoid human failure. The
system controls external components, including third-party Windows services, and other
external processes for greater stability when
the primary station unexpectedly shuts down.
The displays show active screen images

of pumps, motors, and valves, and the

operator can add comments about operations, which other operators can read to
know what is happening or for specifc
process details. A summary of actions that
includes those comments is kept.
The security system can manage shifts
of operators. The currently logged-in operator can execute only the specifc actions
for which he or she has clearance. In these
cases, the operator can only log into the
system if he or she is on the correct shift.
There are three shifts confgured, with a
specifc group of operators in each. The
system executes an auto-logoff at the
end of the shift to be ready for the next
operator on the next shift.
One fnal major beneft for Usiminas is
that the new software fully leverages the
resources available from the computer,
including memory, multicore CPUs, and
advanced graphics cards. To take full advantage of those resources, the computer
used as the server for this system includes
Windows 64-bit OS and 10 GB RAM.
Increased reliability, effciency
Guilherme Publio Teixeira, manager of the energy and utilities systems support group at the
Usiminas plant, said, software, used in the
migration of the integrated recirculation monitoring system at the Ipatinga facility proved to
be stable and reliable, increasing the process
effciency and cost optimization. n

Dave Hellyer ([email protected])

is vice president of sales and marketing at
Tatsoft, a member of the Control System
Integrators Association.


association news | Highlights & Updates

In memoriam
Ed Sullivan

SA instructor Ed Sullivan passed away on 11 October 2014. Sullivan was a veteran instrumentation professional who began his career
in the U.S. Air Force. He was an instrumentation technician, a design
engineer in both the offce and the feld, and an instructor in the classroom and plant. He worked in education, agriculture, aviation (licensed
commercial pilot), chemical, food, medical, pharmaceutical, and textiles
for organizations including Allied Chemical Corporation, Toledo Scales
Distributors, Lockwood Greene Engineers, and the U.S. government. He had an extensive
background in instrumentation and electrical design, application, documentation, and
feld startups. Sullivan was a member of the National Occupational Competency Testing Institute and the author of numerous calibration documentation procedures. He also
developed calibration data formats and established preventative maintenance programs.
Sullivan started teaching for ISA in 1999 with the objective to share my knowledge and
experience with those who are to follow me. He will be sorely missed by members of his ISA
family, but remembered as a valuable colleague and individual to have known and worked
with. He contributed much of his knowledge and expertise to the success of ISA courses. He
challenged his students to think beyond what was on paper or right in front of them.

2015 ISA division

2015 Food and Pharmaceutical
Industries Division (FPID)
912 February 2015
Siemens Industry, Inc.
Philadelphia, Pa.
60th ISA Analysis Division
Symposium (AD)
2630 April 2015
Galveston Convention Center
Galveston, Texas
15th ISA LDAR-Fugitive Emissions
1921 May 2015
Astor Crowne Plaza
New Orleans, La.

Keith Otto

ormer chair of the InTech editorial advisory board, Keith David Otto,
P.E., passed away on 14 October 2014. After serving in the U.S. Navy
as a gunfre control technician and earning a B.S. in electrical engineering, Otto worked on the Thor and Titan missile/rocket projects early in his
career at AC Spark Plug. His career also included positions at American Can
Co., Fischer & Porter Co., and Marathon Engineering, where he also served a
13-year term as president. Otto went on to work for James River Corporation
as director of manufacturing technology and later cofounded Neenah Engineering Inc., where
he worked until May 2014.
He was an active member of several technical societies, including ISA, TAPPI, IEEE, IAAI,
and IAEI. Otto is the namesake of the Keith Otto Award, which is presented each year to the
author of the best article in InTech. Otto was a lifelong member of ISA who served on the
editorial advisory board. Colleague Walt Boyes remarked, Keith was always a voice of professionalism and moderation on the publications board and on the InTech editorial advisory
board. He was one of those fantastically competent, quiet engineers who was much more
interested in getting things done than in self-aggrandizement. He will be truly missed.
Jerry Voss

SA67 member and ISA instructor Jerry Voss passed away on 1 November 2014. Voss was a highly qualifed instrumentation and control
systems specialist with many years of experience in U.S. naval and
commercial nuclear reactor facilities. He specialized in project management and programmatic/design support in the areas of software quality
assurance, digital process improvement, set point analysis, drift analysis,
and licensing of instrumentation.
Voss was a longtime POWID Symposium supporter, presenter, and session chair. He was
also a valued ISA course instructor, course developer, and standards leader. Colleague Ron
Jarrett wrote that we have lost a great leader and more importantly a dear friend. His
family explained that he really much preferred to be working toward a goal, getting things
done, and helping someone than having all eyes on him. He was passionate about getting
things right. Voss cared deeply about his colleagues, friends, and family and was willing to go
out of his way to help out, share a laugh, or just listen to someones concerns. In his professional life, he strived to give of his best to clients and colleagues alike.



61st International Instrumentation

Symposium (IIS)
Co-sponsored by MFPT
1115 May 2015
Westin Hotel
Huntsville, Ala.
58th Power Industry Division
Symposium (POWID)
711 June 2015
Kansas City Marriott
Kansas City, Mo.
2015 Water/Wastewater and
Automatic Controls (WWAC)
46 August 2015
Wyndham Lake Buena Vista Resort
Orlando, Fla.
2015 Process Control and Safety
912 November 2015 (tentative)
Norris Convention Center
Houston, Texas

Certifcation Review | association news

ISA Certifed Automation Professional

(CAP) program
CAP question
Consider the following automation system
n Preventive maintenance for 1 hour
every month
n Quarterly preventive maintenance for
2 hours each quarter
n One failure that results in 6 hours of
n One failure that results in 4 hours of
What is the uptime for this automation
system if it runs 24 hours a day, 365 days
a year?
A. 99.66%
B. 99.77%
C. 99.86%
D. 99.89%

CAP answer
The most important measure for production equipment support is operational
availability, or uptime.
Automation equipment that operates
for 365 days x 24 hours per day = 8,760
total possible up hours. This equipment gets preventive maintenance for 1
hour every month (12 hours per year),
plus additional quarterly preventive maintenance of another 2 hours each quarter
(8 more hours per year).
There was one failure that resulted in
6 hours of downtime and a second failure that resulted in 4 hours of downtime.
Thus, total downtime for all maintenance
was 12 + 8 + 6 + 4 = 30.
The correct answer is A, 99.66%.

Certified Automation Professionals

(CAPs) are responsible for the direction,
design, and deployment of systems
and equipment for manufacturing and
control systems.

Operational Availability (Ao) = Uptime

(Operational Time) = 8760
30 = 99.66%
Total Time
Reference: Trevathan, Vernon L., A Guide
to the Automation Body of Knowledge,
Second Edition, ISA, 2006.

ISA Certifed Control Systems Technician

(CCST) program
CCST question
Which of the following is a valid form of
the PID algorithm?
A. Proportional and derivative modes on
error, integral on measurement
B. Proportional and integral modes on
measurement, derivative on error
C. Proportional, integral, and derivative
modes on error
D. Proportional, integral, and derivative
modes on measurement

CCST answer
The correct answer is C, Proportional,
integral, and derivative modes on error.
The standard PID algorithm is confgured so that each of the three terms operates on the error (SP PV). Proportional
and derivative actions can also be confgured to operate on PV (measurement),
but not integral. Integral requires a reference against which to integrate (i.e., SP
as a reference, and error as the quantity
over which to integrate).
Answers A, B, and D all include integral on measurement, and therefore are
not valid forms of the PID algorithm.
Reference: Goettsche, L. D. (Editor),
Maintenance of Instruments and Systems, Second Edition, ISA, 2005.

Certifed Control System Technicians

(CCSTs) calibrate, document, troubleshoot, and repair/replace instrumentation for systems that measure and control level, temperature, pressure, fow,
and other process variables.



Distillation column loop tuning

Trust the operator, but verify the basics

By Harley Jeffery

ontrolling distillation columns is a tough

assignment due to the interacting nature
of the process and the upstream/downstream effects of loop tuning. In this example,
the column bottoms level control had stability
problems (cycling), causing manual operation
and the operators constant attention.
The bottoms level needed to be controlled to
a set point that minimized the time the liquid
sat in the receiver for quality purposes. However, it had to maintain a fairly tight range to
prevent fooding the bottom tray on the range
upper end and to maintain suffcient pump
suction head for the bottoms pump out for the
lower constraint.
Previous loop tuning had resulted in excessive
movements to the bottoms fow that adversely
loaded the downstream column. Thus, the operators ran the level-to-fow cascade control loops
in manual and constantly manipulated the outfow to maintain the bottoms level within the desired range. Of course, as other matters required
operator attention, the bottoms level would drift.

Figure 1. Loop inspection data forms




When the operator intervened for the required

correction, the resultant upset of the columns affected production rate and quality.
Discussions with operating personnel revealed that they typically let the level foat within a comfort range, because the process would
fuctuate but not to the point of concern. If it
looked like an up or down trend was developing, then a small bump was made to the outlet
fow, and they waited for correction. If the deviation from set point became greater, then larger bumps to the outfow were performed, and
they again waited for correction. When asked to
place the level/fow in cascade operating mode,
the level loop would typically overcorrect and
begin to cycle. The outlet fow loop was considered to be working well even though it was manipulated in manual.
The operators had learned from experience
what appeared to be a nonlinear gain control
strategy. Trusting their judgment, we then proceeded to verify the basics before implementing the strategy.


Basics Loop tuning and performance

Plant walk through
The frst step for loop performance benchmarking is walking
through the process to investigate the type and installation of
the process measurement and fnal control elements. Then,
returning to the control room, we recorded the distributed
control system (DCS) control strategy and tuning. The loop
inspection data forms were used to document the as-found
control (fgure 1). The measurements were selected with the
latest technologies and appeared to be installed with good
practices. The control valves were a high-performance design and offered no constraints to push loop response if
needed. The as-found tuning parameters were questionable
and therefore confrmed our process of verifying base-level
loop performance.
The DCS confguration application was traced to verify a
typical level-to-fow cascade strategy per fgure 2. The DCS
also has several built-in cascade application enhancements
that we activated.
Designing and testing
Verifying performance begins with designing the loop tests,
which include gathering time series data of the process measurements to analyze the overall process trends, statistics for
variability, and response to upsets. Then we perform individual loop bump tests to gain process dynamic data and valve
performance. We elected to use the EnTech Toolkit to collect,
analyze, and help tune the control loops. However, this plant
uses Foundation Fieldbus, which communicates digitally to
the DCS. The toolkit requires a voltage signal for the process
inputs. A recently added feature of the DCS uses characterizable I/O modules, so they were employed to read the process
variables over the DCS communications structure and reproduce the values on analog output (AO) modules (fgure 3).
The toolkit was then connected to these AOs and successfully
able to collect pertinent process data from the DCS.
With the toolkit gathering process
data, we could collect time series shortterm data and overnight runs for longerterm data and saw the disturbance to
the level and various operator responses. The loop bump testing confrmed
that the slave fow loop was capable of
aggressive tuning with good response to
0.5 percent bumps (fgure 4).
Loop tuning and verifying performance
The fow loop was retuned with the
new parameters to minimize delay in
response to the master level control.
With the fow loop in cascade mode,
the level output bumps verified an
integrating process with a long dead
time. The level controller was retuned
with increased gain and very slow reset. With the revised tuning, the level

Figure 2. Bottoms level-to-fow cascade strategy

Figure 3. Collecting analog data from Foundation feldbus devices

Figure 4. Flow loop bump test







Figure 5. Nonlinear gain algorithm (NLG)

controller was then put in automatic with the fow loop in

cascade. We monitored the performance. The results showed
cycling was minimized, and the set point was maintained
within the desired limits.
However, the standard proportional, integral, derivative
(PID) level-to-fow cascade manipulated the fow to maintain the set point with the same response for small deviations, as well as larger ones. This degree of fow change to the
downstream movement caused disturbances to the highly
interactive distillation process.

Advanced control (trusting the operator)

The question then became how to maintain an acceptable
bottoms level while minimizing downstream disturbances
caused by outlet fow changes. Returning to the operators
methodmanually making small changes to the outlet fow
to maintain the level within a comfort band around the set
point and only making larger fow changes if the level was approaching a constrainthad the beneft of minimizing fow
disturbances to the downstream column.
The operator method looked like a good example of the nonlinear gain control algorithm (fgure 5). This technique uses a
gap around the set point where small gain is in effect. This is
equivalent to the operator not changing the outlet fow if the level
is within his or her comfort zone. However, as the PV-SP error increases, the gain is increased to make the appropriate correction;
again, as the operator sees that the level is, in fact, headed to a
constraint, then additional outlet fow is used to correct the level.
The DCS has a built-in NLG function that can be enabled
on the PID algorithm:
l NL_MINMOD is the gain applied when the absolute value
of the error is less than NL_GAP. To get deadband behavior,
set NL_MINMOD to 0.
l NL_GAP is the control gap. When the absolute value of the
error is less than NL_GAP, KNL = NL_MINMOD.
l NL_TBAND is the transition band over which KNL is linearly adjusted as a function of error.
l NL_HYST is a hysteresis value. Until the absolute value of
the error exceeds NL_GAP + NL_HYST, KNL = NL_MINMOD. Once the absolute value of the error has exceeded
NL_GAP + NL_HYST, the absolute value of error must return to a value less than NL_GAP before KNL returns to a
value of NL_MINMOD. If NL_GAP is 0, then the value of
NL_HYST has no meaning (effectively assumed to be 0).
We then enabled this feature and collected additional
data/observations in order to tune the gap, transition band,
min mod (gain), and hysteresis. In general, we tried to mimic
the operators method and add a smoother implementation
of the fow set point changes.
Placing the bottoms level master controller to automatic and
the slave outlet fow controller to cascade with the nonlinear
gain enabled and tuned, the level was maintained with acceptable limits around set point while minimizing the fow to the
downstream distillation process. Recent follow-up with the
plant site indicated that the loops are still in automatic, allowing
operators to spend time in more productive efforts. n

Harley Jeffery ([email protected]) has worked in

the feld of industrial process control for more than 40 years, starting with Fisher Controls as a valve application engineer. He has been
a control systems engineer and engineering manager with Control
Southern for the past 34 years. His experience includes design, implementation, testing, startup, and ongoing improvement of DCSs.
Jeffery received a BSIE from Louisiana State University.



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workforce development | Professional Growth

Who owns your career?

By Dean Ford, CAP

ecause previous columns have focused on the intricacies of developing the workforce of the future,
I want to take a slightly different twist
on this important topic. From primary
education through graduate learning,
workforce development is vital to our
growth as a profession. ISA has formed
a partnership with FIRST (For Inspiration
and Recognition of Science and Technology), and the Automation Federation has
developed the Automation Competency
Model and is working with various learning institutions to develop automationspecifc curriculum. With all of this work
going on, what are we, the professionals
who currently make up the automation
workforce, doing to enhance our careers
and support our own profession?
What is your career path?
Over the years, I have seen that an overwhelming majority of automation professionals do not have a solid, actionable career plan. I cannot explain why this is the
case, but it seems to be the reality. How
many of us have determined what we
want from our careers? What do we want
to be in fve, 10, 15 years? The norm is
the passive path, where we put our careers in the hands of others. As we gain
more seniority in a company, often we are
expected to take on more responsibility
or we are placed in a position where our
expertise and passion are misplaced. For
instance, a great senior technical person
may be placed into a project management role in which he or she will likely
struggle to be successful and will feel out
of place.
Automation professionals can fnd
themselves in a variety of roles, such as
technicians, engineers, managers, sales,
service, feld techs, commissioning specialists, technical gurus, and process experts. We can work for end users, systems
integrators, vendors, engineering frms,
ourselves, and many other employers. The
possibilities are endless. With all these options, how do you differentiate yourself


from others? How do you demonstrate

your mastery of automation?

You have to be an expert at

To succeed, you have to be an expert
at something and be able to demonstrate that expertise to others. It is diffcult to be an expert in the total feld
of automation, because the body of
knowledge is so expansive. One of the
best ways to demonstrate your mastery
of the profession is that of certifcation.
ISA has set the standard for certifcation
programs in the automation profession.
The Certifed Control Systems Technician (CCST) and Certifed Automation
Professional (CAP) are designed specifcally for this. CAP is a globally recognized certifcation demonstrating that
the holder has a working knowledge of
the automation profession and can be
trusted to perform the duties required
in automation.
Another avenue for U.S.-based automation professionals is the Control

To succeed, you have to be

an expert at something and
be able to demonstrate that
expertise to others.
Systems Engineer (CSE) Professional
Engineers license. Licensure, although
not offcially globally recognized, is still
a strong differentiator for automation
professionals. In addition, the CSE allows engineers to seal designs in the
states they are licensed. The CCST and
CAP are unique in that they are globally
recognized. The CSE is only a state-bystate recognition in the U.S. if you want
to use it in its offcial capacity.
None of these programs should be
taken lightly. They come with obligations
to perform your job ethically and professionally. The exams are tough and rightly


so. To obtain the certifcation, it takes

preparation and a lifelong commitment
from you. There are ongoing requirements to keep your certifcation active
and relevant. Once you obtain the certifcation, you too are held to the higher
standard that the certifcation demands.
These certifcations are administered
by third parties and designed with very
strict standards. They can be used by
you to demonstrate to your employer
and clients that you are an expert in your
profession. It is important to note that
by obtaining these certifcations, you are
committing yourself to upholding the
high standards of the profession and to
performing your job accordingly. Your
peers, employers, and clients know they
can trust you to do the right thing.
Take charge!
You own your career. Do not put it in the
hands of your employer or manager. Get
involved in your profession. Differentiate
yourself from others by obtaining recognition through certifcation, licensure, or
both. When you take active ownership
of your career, you will see a marked improvement in your job satisfaction. Do
your research and make sure the path you
choose is the one you want. Be prepared
to make the necessary changes to reach
your goals.
I look forward to welcoming you to the
group of certifed professionals who have
taken charge of their careers. n

Dean Ford, CAP, ([email protected])

serves the professionals of Westin Engineering, Inc., as VP North American Engineering. In this role, he keeps our electrical, water and wastewater infrastructure
safe, secure, and reliableprotecting
both the public and the environment.
Reference: Trevathan, Vernon L., A Guide
to the Automation Body of Knowledge,
Second Edition, ISA, 2006.

New Benchmarks & Metrics | standards

Alarm management update

NSI/ISA-18.2-2009, Management
of Alarm Systems for the Process
Industries, has found wide use
across the process industry sectors. The
standard addresses the development,
design, installation, and management of
alarm systems in the process industries.
Alarm system management includes multiple work processes throughout the alarm
system life cycle. The standard defnes
the terminology and models to develop
an alarm system and the work processes
recommended to effectively maintain the
alarm system throughout the life cycle.
The IEC version of the standard, IEC
62682, has been completed and will be
published by the end of 2014. ISA18 cochairs Donald Dunn and Nick Sands led
the IEC work as convener and secretary/
editor, respectively. Dunn is the director
of engineering in the Amarillo Division for
Phillips 66. Sands is the global alarm management leader for DuPont and a Manufacturing Technology Fellow for DuPont
Protection Technologies.
InTech caught up with the two at the
ISA Leaders Meeting in Kansas City, Mo.,
in early November for a brief interview
following a one-day meeting of ISA18.
Are there any signifcant changes in the
forthcoming IEC version from the original
ISA standard?
Dunn/Sands: IEC 62682 eliminates country-centric criteria that were present in the
original standard. In addition, there was a
shift of the normative criteria (should to
shall) within IEC 62682. The IEC work
utilized one editor (Sands) of the document
in lieu of the clause editors used in writing
the original ISA-18.2, promoting a more
cohesive document with consistent wording and terminology throughout.
What are the key goals for ISA18 in 2015?
Dunn/Sands: The bulk of the subjectmatter experts on alarm management participate on ISA18. The starting point in the
IEC work, of course, was ANSI/ISA-18.22009. As co-chairs of ISA18, we elected

to edit the 2009 standard by incorporating

the changes implemented during the IEC
work and then submitting the document
to the ISA18 committee for comments.
Thus, ISA18 is now in a very good position to complete a revision of ISA-18.2 in
the coming year. Other goals for ISA18

The standard defnes the

terminology and models to
develop an alarm system
and the work processes
recommended to effectively
maintain the alarm system
throughout the life cycle.
in 2015 include publishing additional ISA
technical reports (TR) to provide support in
using the standard, covering Identifcation
and Rationalization (TR2) and Basic Alarm
Design (TR3); and nearing completion of
two additional technical reports, Philosophy (TR1) and Alarm Management for
Packaged Systems (TR7). We also expect
progress on the revision of ISA-18.1, Annunciator Sequences and Specifcations.
The ongoing ISA18 work cited by
Sands and Dunn refects a continuation
of the development of a comprehensive
series of technical reports to support the
standard. Previously published technical
reports in the series include:
n ISA-TR18.2.5-2012,
Alarm System
Monitoring, Assessment, and Auditing,
provides guidance and information supplementing the standard on the use of
alarm system analysis for both ongoing
monitoring and periodic performance
assessment. Monitoring, assessment,
and audit are essential to achieving and
maintaining the performance objectives
of the alarm system. These activities
can identify improvement opportunities
in the other life-cycle stages, such as
philosophy, rationalization, detailed design, implementation, operation, maintenance, and management of change.

ISA-TR18.2.4-2012, Enhanced and Advanced Alarm Methods, helps users

evaluate when to use enhanced and advanced alarming methods, what benefts
they can achieve, and what challenges
and costs to expect. Per ANSI/ISA-18.22009, enhanced and advanced alarm
methods typically go beyond the basic
methods and techniques that are usually, or at least initially, applied. Although
signifcant improvement in alarm system
function and performance can usually
be made by following the basic alarming
methods and principles, in some cases
they may not be suffcient to achieve
the goals for performance and operator
guidance stated in the alarm philosophy.
n ISA-TR18.2.6-2012, Alarm Systems for
Batch and Discrete Processes, covers
the application of alarm management
principles in the standard to batch and
discrete processes. The general principles
and techniques described are intended
for use in the life-cycle management of
an alarm system based on programmable
electronic controller and computer-based
human-machine interface technology.
Use of the technical report should consider batch and discrete process alarms
from all systems presented to the operator, which may include basic process
control systems, annunciator panels,
safety instrumented systems, fre and
gas systems, and emergency response
systems. Following the recommended
guidance will help to identify and address
alarm specifcation, design, implementation, and management opportunities
that are important to batch and discrete
processes. It can also help minimize the
generation of nuisance alarms that could
complicate and frustrate an operators
awareness, understanding, and response
to abnormal situations.
For information about viewing or obtaining the ANSI/ISA-18.2-2009 standard
and the supporting technical reports, visit
www.isa.org/standards. For information
about ISA18, contact Charley Robinson,
[email protected]. n



product spotlight | Loop Tuning

Focus on loop tuning

Control performance analytics
The Control Performance Analytics service
for the process industry includes the Simatic PCS 7 process control system, which
captures process and status data from
control loops. The service is suitable for
the chemical and pharmaceutical, food
production, oil and gas, and glass and
solar industries. Like the plug-and-play
principle, the service can be quickly installed
during ongoing operation with a relatively
small fnancial investment. A data collector, such as a nanobox, is installed on site. This device
captures process data from control loops (e.g., process tags and alarms) previously defned by
the user. It then transmits the data to the Siemens operation center. The experts there analyze
the data and make their evaluations available to the customer as reports via a web portal.
Siemens, www.siemens.com

Thermal control solutions

The customizable, application-specifc thermal control system has an EZ-ZONE RM temperature
controller. The controller is fexible and scalable; users can mix inputs and outputs to confgure
control loops, limit loops, and monitoring points. The solution improves system reliability, eliminates compatibility issues, and reduces wiring time and complexity. It also has full EtherCAT communication protocols via the Semiconductor Temperature Controller Profle ETG.5003.2060
specifed by the EtherCAT Technology Group. The solution also has power switching capable of
2 amps to 15 amps internally or pilot duty switching of high amperage systems.
A touch screen operator interface terminal allows an operator to monitor or make enhancements to the process, monitor alarms, and communicate various parameters to multiple devices. Users can create each individual zone of control on the screen. With a touch
to the screen, operators can change control and alert parameters, view data, and evaluate
historical events. The software, EZ Builder 500, allows users to customize the look and feel
of the system to match their companys brand.
Watlow, www.watlow.com

Temperature control I/O

The UIS-04PTN PT100 temperature control I/O module may be either
snapped onto the back of a UniStream human-machine interface
(HMI) panel next to a CPU to create an all-in-one HMI + programmable logic controller (PLC), or installed on a standard DIN rail using a
local expansion adapter to avoid wiring to the door. It combines dual
CPUs, a variety of HMI touch panels, and local and remote I/O installation to help original equipment manufacturers and system integrators
cut costs, save space, and reduce programming time.
Users can remotely access the module through PCs, tablets, and
smartphones via VNC; they can also cut system programming time
by 50 percent, because the system anticipates the programmers
intentions and allows them to reuse written code.
Unitronics, www.unitronics.com



Temperature controllers

The CN38S series of temperature controllers

is easy to program and has an input for thermocouple, RTD, and thermistor; a sensitive
touch keypad; and programmable password
protection. The sensor keyboard guarantees
protection from dust and liquids in every
critical environmental situation. The softstart makes it possible to eliminate thermal
shock and mechanical stress during start up.
It is suitable for the process manufacturing,
chemical, automotive, and water industries.
Omega, www.omega.com

PXU PID controllers

The PXU series of proportional-integralderivative controllers is designed for machine builders, systems integrators, and
commercial equipment manufacturers.
The series enables tighter, more reliable
control over a wide range of processes,
including temperature, fow, and pressure, from a single model.
Capable of being deployed in precision process applications within the
food and beverage, plastics, packaging,
energy, gas, heat-treating, commercial,
and medical industries, the PXU series
offers 1/16, 1/8 and 1/4 DIN-size models.
The series has a bezel design with large
displays for better visibility from long
distances, optional RS-485 communications for integration with PCs, PLCs, and
HMIs, and 1-inch shorter depth to save
panel space. It is programmable via the
front panel push buttons or the companys Crimson confguration software,
and it has on-demand auto-tuning.
Universal inputs support thermocouple,
RTD, 010 VDC, and 420 mA (050).
Red Lion, www.redlion.net

Congratulations to ISA Honorees

and newly elected Fellows
Theodore R. Barben

Xiang (Sherry) Liu, Ph.D.

George C. Bentinck

Karen McMillan

Lorne D. Brackenbury

Dale C. Merriman

Thomas J. Burke

Michael J. Murray

Donald C. Clark

Kevin Patel

Paul Gruhn
Philip C. Harris
Bill R. Hollifield
ISA Calgary Section
ISA Process Management
and Control Division
A. Vimala Juliet, Ph.D.

Hector R. Perez
J. Prakash, Ph.D.
James F. Tatera, CSAT
Ultra Electronics, 3eTI
Enio Jose Viana
Ludwig Winkel

10 November 2014
Arvest Bank Theatre at The Midland
Kansas City, Missouri, USA

For more information

about the program,
please visit

ad index

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Adalet ............................................................ 8

Daisy Data Displays ..................................... 31


Exida ............................................................. 11

ARC Advisory Group .................................... 56


Eaton ............................................................. 41

Festo.............................................................. 26

Arjay Engineering Ltd. ................................. 32


Emerson Process Management ...........Cover 4


GE Measurement and Control ..................... 15


Beamex ........................................................... 6

Endress + Hauser, Inc. ..........................Cover 2


Honeywell Process Solutions ..............Cover 3

ISA ..................................................... 20, 51, 55
ITS Enclosures ................................................. 9
Megafex....................................................... 32
Moore Industries ............................................ 3
ProComSol, Ltd. ............................................ 50
Ronan ............................................................ 21
Ultra Electronics ........................................... 33
UL .................................................................. 27

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Datafles list useful literature on products and services that are available
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To receive free copies of this literature, please contact each manufacturer
via their provided contact information.
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Plus Maintenance Books,

Tips & Training
Sample of Jobs Available at ISAJobs.isa.org
See more at ISAJobs.isa.org, where you can
search for available jobs or advertise positions
available within your company. ISA Members
post resumes at no charge.

(Required by 39 U.S.C. 3685)
Title of Publication: InTech

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Filing Date: 09/30/14

Frequency: Bimonthly

Number of Issues
Published Annually: 6

Annual Subscription Price: $9.52


Mailing Address and Business Headquarters:

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Publishing: Susan Colwell

Editor: Bill Lydon

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Fire safety systems inspector/technician

Century Fire Protection: Positions are available in the southern U.S.
for sprinkler, extinguisher, and alarm inspectors and technicians with
three-to-fve years of experience. The ideal inspectors and technicians will be organized, professional, good communicators, and
have basic computer skills. A valid drivers license, high school diploma or GED, and minimum three years of experience in inspecting or
servicing fre sprinkler, extinguisher, and alarm systems in required.
NICET level II or III, backfow, NAFED, and manufacturers certifcation is preferred . . . see more at ISAJobs.isa.org.
Manager automation engineering
EMD Millipore: This position in Danvers, Mass., is primarily responsible for providing innovative automated solutions to existing
manual processes through collaboration with equipment suppliers
and internal colleagues, organic development, and strong project
management. Qualifcations include a minimum of 10 years of experience in the specifcation, development, testing, and validation of
automated manufacturing equipment; a BSEE; experience in medical, biotechnology, or a similar feld; and experience in a GMP manufacturing environment . . . see more at ISAJobs.isa.org.
Instrumentation and control supervisor
The City of San Diego: The supervisor installs, tests, adjusts, and
maintains digital and analog circuitry, microprocessor controlled
devices, PLCs, variable frequency devices, and other devices on a
variety of water and wastewater treatment instruments. The position requires two years of full-time experience performing similar duties, including experience in electronic instrumentation and control
equipment. The candidate should also have supervisory experience,
a valid California Class C drivers license, and Grade D2 Water Distribution Operator Certifcation from the California Department of
Public Health . . . see more at ISAJobs.isa.org.



the fnal say | Views from Automation Leaders

Welcome to the next generation of automation media!

By Rick Zabel


automation.com) is vice
president, publisher, and
occasional editor of Automation.com, and has
been with the company
since its inception in
2000. Previously, Zabel
worked with Wunderlich-Malec Engineering Inc. of Minnetonka,
Minn., where he was
the marketing manager
for the process control
and software integration business groups.
Zabel has a B.S. in electrical engineering.


e all live and work in a global, competitive environment. It is an environment

that requires companies to look internally and evaluate their strengths and weaknesses.
It is an environment that compels companies to
look externally for complements to their existing
product or service offerings. It is an environment
that enables potential business partnerships and
possible acquisitions. This environment spawned
a strategic publishing partnership more than fve
years ago between two automation-focused organizations: ISA and Automation.com. The natural
progression of that partnership was the recent acquisition of Automation.com by ISA.
The International Society of Automation (ISA) and
Automation.com began their partnership in October of 2009. At that time, ISA published the wellestablished InTech magazine, as well as InTech online
and InTech e-newsletters. ISA wanted to continue
and expand their electronic content offering to their
members and subscribers. To do that effectively and
effciently, the organization needed a partner.
Since the company formed in 2000, Automation.
com developed as a proven, proftable, digital-only
media company. Automation.com became the leading automation-related online news and resource
site and the publisher of Automation Weekly and
various topical e-newsletters. ISA recognized the
strength of Automation.coms e-newsletter offering. Because we operated in the same market, the
two companies partnered to offer a comprehensive
series of electronic newsletters to their combined
automation audiences. In 2009, the distribution list
of the newly co-branded newsletters was 90,000.
Today, our newsletters are distributed to 140,000
automation professionals worldwide. The partnership benefted both ISA and Automation.com.
Over the past fve years, our two companies
learned a lot from each other, particularly each
others strengths. ISA, with approximately 30,000
members, excels at generating relevant technical
content for automation standards, training, symposia, books, and InTech magazine; and ISA has developed a renowned corporate sponsorship program.
Automation.coms strength is content delivery and
offering exciting, effective advertising opportunities
in digital channels.
ISA is a healthy, well-established, individual member-based organization. Over the decades, ISA established and grew a signifcant investment portfolio. In



the past two years, it made signifcant website and

infrastructure investments to enable faster growth.
ISA saw the opportunity to take our partnership to a
new level by purchasing Automation.com.
ISA leadership began talking internally about the
possibility of purchasing Automation.com one year
ago. In March of this year, those conversations turned
external to include the equity partners of Automation.com. When I was presented with the acquisition
possibility, I immediately voiced my support. I have
led the Automation.com media business since its inception in 2000. I understand ISA, the automation
and publishing markets, and their dynamics. I have
seen the positive effects our partnership had on our
media products, readers, and advertisers. I immediately recognized the potential collaborative synergies
that could occur if we became united. In my opinion,
it was the proverbial no-brainer progression of our
relationship. I think everyone will agree that it makes
perfect sense for ISA to own Automation.com.
ISA purposefully created Automation.com as an
independent, for-proft company to sustain its entrepreneurial, nimble spirit. It is important to understand that Automation.com will continue to operate
as it has for the past ffteen years. ISA and Automation.com will now be able to present a more cohesive publishing strategy to beneft readers, advertisers, ISAs partners, and the automation community
as a whole. Our now collective, integrated media
offering includes the Automation.com website,
InTech website, co-branded e-newsletters, InTech
print magazine, and the new InTech Plus mobile app
and PULSE digital magazine.
The acquisition will allow us to explore other possible publishing activities and new content delivery
options. One of ISAs strategic goals is to provide automation professionals with the coolest delivery
of content. This acquisition will help ISA achieve that
goal. Together we have the opportunity to become
the offcial voice of the automation profession.
One thing I have learned in my career is the value
of networks and teamwork. A collection of companies or individuals will always be more powerful
and more successful than one single company or individual. The combination of ISA and Automation.
com will be greater than the sum of the two individual organizations. There are endless possibilities and
opportunities yet to be explored. Please send me
your feedback. I look forward to being a part of the
ISA family and the entire automation community. n

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