ED 2-Marks Qus & Ans
ED 2-Marks Qus & Ans
ED 2-Marks Qus & Ans
c) Socral needs
d) Eyo needs
e) Self actrelisalin needs
20. Write has internel fachus & exhend feelures needed for motiration
for establishy
1. Internal Factors
(a) Educational background
(b) Occupahnil expresses
(c) Family background
2. Eternal factors
a) Asstace from government
b) Francal anrstane from, institution
c) Heavy demand for product
1. Explain the different source of ideals
2. Write noted on
a) Rewards and mortaring of an entrepreneurs
b) Role of industrial fairs
3. What do you understand by entrepreneur mutable? Druid in detail
4. Explain the factors ubranch mutable people to become entrepreneurs
5. Describe the motrachned fared that cause entrepreneurs group in a
Business (2 Mark Questions)
1. What is small-scale incurred?
The govt of India defined small scale indiny as uint employing less chain 50
employee, if using power and less chain 100 employees without the use of
power with a
capital amt not exceeding Rs.5 Lacks.
2. Types of Small- scale Industries.
a) Manufacturing Industries
b) Feeder Industries
c) Serving Industries
d) ancillary to large Industries
e) Quarrying or mincing
3. Relaleouship b/o small and clues units:
i) Competitive
ii) Supplementary
iii) Initiative
iv) Servicing
F = Fixed cost
S = Sales projected
V = Variable cost.
12. What is Network Analysis ?
A network is a set of symbols connected with each other with a sequential
with each step making the compaction of a project/event.
13. Types of Network Analysis:
i) Programme Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT)
ii) Critical path method (CPM)
iii) Graphical Evaluation and Review Technical (GERT)
iv) Workshop Analysis scheduling programme (WASP)
v) Line of Balance (LOB)
14. Difference b/w pert and CPM
i) Its orgin militancy its orgin is industry
ii) its allow uncertainty Does not allow certainty
15. Common Error in project Formulation :
1) Product section
2) Capacity Uhization Estimates
3) Mcorket study
4) Technology selection
5) Selection of ownership form.
16. What doc you mean ex-ante analysis?
Project apprised mean assessment of a project. It make for both proposed and
projects. In case of former the project appraisal is called ex-ante analysis.
17. Methods of project Appraisal:
i. Economic Paralysis
ii. Financial Paralysis
iii. Market Paralysis
iv. Technical feasibly
v. Managerial Competence
18. Define proprietorship ?
It is the oldest form of business ownership in India. The enterprise is owned and
controlled by one person.
19. Advantages of proprietorship
i) simple form of organization
ii) Owner freedom to take decision
iv) Tax advantage
v) Easy disillusion
20. Define Partnership :
Awarding to Indian partnership out 1932 section (47), The relation b/w person
have agreed to share the profile of business curried on by all or any off them
acting for all.
16 Mark Question
1. How do small scale enterprises contorts to the national cake, Discuss.
2. Define a project report/business plan why is a project report prepared
3. How will you anticipate market for your proposed product.
4. You plan to start a small enterprise. How would you choose the appropriate
form of
ownership proton for your enterprise.
5. One man control is the best is the man is big enough to control every thing.
Do you
agree? Give reason.
2Marks Questions
Financing & Accounting
1. Sate the need for Financing planning?
Finance that facilitates an enterprises to bring together land, labour machinery
& Law
materials to centime then to produce goods.
2. What do you mean by long term capital ?
This is the money whose Repayment is assigned for more than 5 years in future.
3. Explain short term capital?
The crossword capital that is to be repaid win in one years.
4. Determine the sources of finance?
- Internal Source
- External Source
5. Elaborsete Internal source?
- Funds are levied from with in the enterprise
- Financing could be owner capital known am equity.
6. Deserter about external source?
Funds levied from other then external source are from external sources
7. Define capital structure?
It is the basic between debt & equity capacity. Also called as detract quity
8. Factors determine capacity structure ?
- Nature of business
- Size of enterprise
- Trading on requite
- Cash flows
- purpose of Financing
- Provision for future
9. Board certificate of loans?
- Short tam loans
- long tern loans
10. Explain long term loans ?
Loan taken for fairly long desertion of time regarding from 5 years to 10 or 15
These loan are raised to meet the financial requirement.
11. Explain share?
Share is unit into which the total capitals of a company is divided.
12. Explain types of share?
- Preference shares
- equity shares
13. Define project design?
It defines the individual activities which go in to the corpus of the project and
interrelationship with each other.
14. Explain network?
A network is a sesis of entered activities which result in some product of service
which in this contributes to me goals of a business or other organization.
15. Explain activity?
An activity between to some action which is a time consuming effect necessary
complete a specific event .
16. Explain event?
An event refers to the start or completion of some activity & as such consumers
neither time nor resources.
17. What is a network diagram?
It is a graphical representation to project.