ED 2-Marks Qus & Ans

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Entrepreneurships (Two Mark Questions)

1. Define Entrepreneurship ?
It is defined as the activity of an individual or a associated individuals,
undertaken to
initiate, maintain or aggrandize profit by production or distribution of economic
goods and
2. List the different types of Entrepreneurs?
The different types of Entrepreneurs are
1. Innovating Entrepreneur 2. Imitative Entrepreneur
3. Fabian Entrepreneur 4. Drone Entrepreneur
3. What are the characteristics of an Entrepreneur?
The various characteristics are hard work, Achievement, optimistic,
foresight, Organiser Innovator.
4. List out some successful entrepreneurs in our country?
Tata, Birla, Modi, Dalmia, Kirlosker are some for the successful entrepreneurs in
5. Classify the entrepreneurship Functions?
They are classified into Risk- bearing organization and innovation.
6. What do you mean by solo operators?
Solo operators are entrepreneur who essentially work alone and if needed at all,
employ a few employees
7. Who are active partners?
Active partners are those entrepreneurs who start/carry on an enterprise as a
8. Who are inventors?
Entrepreneurs with their competence and inventiveness invent new products.
They are
called as inventors.
9. Give any two difference between entrepreneurs and Intrapreneur?
Entrepreneurs Intrapreneur
(i) An entrepreneurs is independent Intrapraneur is dependent on the
entrepreneurs (ie) the owner
(ii) An entrepreneurs himself raises Funds are not raised by the
Funds required for the enterprise by the intrapreneur

10. Define innovating Entrepreneurs?

Innovating entrepreneurs is one who introduces new goods, inaugurates new
of production, discovers new market and reorganizes the enterprise.
11. Define imitative entrepreneurs?
Imitative entrepreneurs do not innovate the charges themselves, they only
techniques and technology innovated by others.
12. Give any two difference between Entrepreneur and manager
Entrepreneur Manager
1. An entrepreneur is the A manger is the servant in the enterprise
owner of the enterprise owned by the entrepreneur
2. The reward of an entrepreneur A manager gets salary
get for bearing risks involved as reward for the services rented by him
in the enterprise is profit in the enterprise salary of a manager is
which is highly uncertain certain and fixed.
13. Give any two functions of an entrepreneur?
._ Determination of business objects
._ Raising necessary funds
._ Recruitment of men
._ Undertaking the business operations
14. Who are challengers?
These are the entrepreneurs who plunge into industry because of the
challengers it
presents. When one challenge seems to be met, they begin to look for new
15. Who are Buyers?
These are entrepreneurs who do not like to bear much risk. Hence in order to
risk involved in setting up a new enterprise, they like to buy the ongoing one.
16. Where did the word entrepreneur evolved from ?
The word entrepreneur has been taken from the French language where it
cradled and
originally meant to designate an organizer of musical or other entertainments.
17. Explain about life timers?
These entrepreneurs take business as an integral part of their life. Usually, the
enterprise and business which mainly depend on exercise of personal skill fall in
this type.

18. Explain about done entrepreneurs?

These entrepreneurs refuse to adopt opportunities to make changes in formula.
enterprise may suffer from loss.
19. Define Intra preneurs?
They are new breed of Entrepreneurs. They emerge with in the confine of
industry. Top executives are encouraged to hold new ideas.
20. What are the basis elements of Entrepreneurship?
(i) Risk Bearing
(ii) Innovation
16 Marks Questions
1. Explain the different Functions of an Entrepreneur ?
2. Explain the different types of Entrepreneur ?
3. Give the difference between Entrepreneur and Intrapreneur?
4. Explain the basis elements involved in Entrepreneurship?
5. Explain the Growth of Entrepreneur in India?
6. What are the characteristics of an Entrepreneur ?
Entrepreneur Motiratron (2mark Questions)
1. What are the Motivating factors needed for an entrepreneur?
1. Educational background
2. Occupational experience
3. Desire to work independently in Manufacturing line
4. Desire to branch out to manufacturing
5. Family background
6. Assistance from government
7. Assistance from financial institutes
8. Availability of technology/ raw material
9. Other factors
2. What are the internal factions to the entrepreneur?
a) Strong dense to do something inpendent in life
b) Technical knowledge and/or manufacture expenses
c) Business experience in the same or related line.
3. What are the external factors to the entrepreneur?
a) Financial assistant from institution sources
b) Assemodalan in indusial estates
c) Machinery on hive purchase
d) Attitude of the government to help new units
e) Profit Margin
f) Heavy demand

4. Write any three ambitions needed for an Entrepreneur?

a) To success self employment
b) To make money
c) To guan social prestige
5. Write any three facilitating factors which motivates a person to
become an
a) Success stores of entrepreneurs
b) Property indented/self acquired/wifes
c) Advance or influence of family members/relates/friends
6. Write some factors that is needed for achievement to become an
Need for accruement is simply the design to be well not so much for the safer
recognition or prestige but for the safer of an inters feely of personal a
complement. It is need
for achievement trust moorages people to take risk. People with high need for
behave in an entrepreneurial way. Need for achievement stimulates me behaves
of person to
be an entrepreneurs.
7. Write some psychopath factors for entrepreneurs moorhen.
1. keen interest is structure inrohmy modulate risk
2. Dense for taking personal responsibility
3. Inveigher or none instruments actual
4. Original skills
8. How Ambition is related to motivation?
Ambition is the mother of all mothers. The intentrus and the initiate of the man
directed by his albinos . It is the ambitun that electrifies mans
9. What are the steps needs to establish an entrepreneurial system?
1. Search for business ideals
2. Process the ideals
3. Select the best idea
4. Assemble the necessary inputs resources
5. Establish the enterprises.
10. What are the considered needed for evaluation and testy of
business ideas.
1. Primary evaluation and testy
2. Detailed analysis
3. idea selector
4. input requirement

11. Write some considered needed for selection of an ideas for a

product or service.
a) Product where impalas are bussed or retread by the government.
b) Products when can be expensed easily and profitability
c) Products which should high profitability
12. What are the main inputs needed for launches an enterprise?
1. Information and intelligence
2. Finance
3. Personnel
4. Rewards and maturation
13. What are the dates needed for an entrepreneurs to establish an
a) size and native for the product or sources
b) volume and source of supply
c) price cost volume relationship
14. How France is necessary for an enterprise
France is the bowed of business and it series as the lubricant for the wheels of
machinery. A business entranced request finance for fixed assets as well as for
current assets.
15. What are the two methods considered for the estrema of funds requests for
1. Cost theory
2. Ecunny theory
16. What are the rewards and membrane needed for an entrepreneurs ?
1. Considerable wealth
2. Presaged and status in the surely
3. Economic independence and power
4. Sense of adherences and pride
17. What are the advantage of industrial forms in the establishment of
i. Bootrny of orders for supply of products
ii. On me spet sales of products
iii. Assessing the trends in competition
18. What are the tremors needed for maturation
i. Maslovs need hiesarehy theory
ii. Mcckellands acquired needs theory
19. What are the needs explanted in Masters need hierarchy theory?
The hierarchy of human needs consists of
a) Physiological needs
b) Safely and secured needs

c) Socral needs
d) Eyo needs
e) Self actrelisalin needs
20. Write has internel fachus & exhend feelures needed for motiration
for establishy
1. Internal Factors
(a) Educational background
(b) Occupahnil expresses
(c) Family background
2. Eternal factors
a) Asstace from government
b) Francal anrstane from, institution
c) Heavy demand for product
1. Explain the different source of ideals
2. Write noted on
a) Rewards and mortaring of an entrepreneurs
b) Role of industrial fairs
3. What do you understand by entrepreneur mutable? Druid in detail
4. Explain the factors ubranch mutable people to become entrepreneurs
5. Describe the motrachned fared that cause entrepreneurs group in a
Business (2 Mark Questions)
1. What is small-scale incurred?
The govt of India defined small scale indiny as uint employing less chain 50
employee, if using power and less chain 100 employees without the use of
power with a
capital amt not exceeding Rs.5 Lacks.
2. Types of Small- scale Industries.
a) Manufacturing Industries
b) Feeder Industries
c) Serving Industries
d) ancillary to large Industries
e) Quarrying or mincing
3. Relaleouship b/o small and clues units:
i) Competitive
ii) Supplementary
iii) Initiative
iv) Servicing

4. What are the types of rationale?

i) Employment argument
ii) Equaling argument
iii) Decimalization argument
iv) Lament resource argument
5. Give the objectives of small scale in durries ?
(i) to bring blew areas 100 in the mainstream of national development.
(ii) to promote balanced regional development in the whole country?
(iii) to ensure more equitable destination of national income.
6. What are the main problem of small-scale in durries ?
a) Raw Material
(b) Problem of finance
(c) Problem of marketing
(e) Problem of Under-Utilization of capacity other problem.
7. Define a project?
A project typically has a distinct merinos that is designed to achieve and a dea
terminality point, the achievement of the mission.
8. What are the baric alternates of project ?
(i) A course of action
(ii) Specific objection
(iv) Definite tinier perspective
9. Name the types of projects:
(i) Quantifiable and Non-quantification project
(ii) Sectored projects
(iii) Techno- Economic Projects
10. What are the classification of sectored project?
i) Agriculture and allied sector
ii) Irrigation and power sector
iii) Inclury and Mincing sector
iv) Transport and communication sector
v) Social service sector
vi) Miscellaneous sector
11. Define BEP:
Break even point is the level of production/sales where the includible enterprise
each neither profit nor incur loss.
B.E.P = x100

F = Fixed cost

S = Sales projected
V = Variable cost.
12. What is Network Analysis ?
A network is a set of symbols connected with each other with a sequential
with each step making the compaction of a project/event.
13. Types of Network Analysis:
i) Programme Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT)
ii) Critical path method (CPM)
iii) Graphical Evaluation and Review Technical (GERT)
iv) Workshop Analysis scheduling programme (WASP)
v) Line of Balance (LOB)
14. Difference b/w pert and CPM
i) Its orgin militancy its orgin is industry
ii) its allow uncertainty Does not allow certainty
15. Common Error in project Formulation :
1) Product section
2) Capacity Uhization Estimates
3) Mcorket study
4) Technology selection
5) Selection of ownership form.
16. What doc you mean ex-ante analysis?
Project apprised mean assessment of a project. It make for both proposed and
projects. In case of former the project appraisal is called ex-ante analysis.
17. Methods of project Appraisal:
i. Economic Paralysis
ii. Financial Paralysis
iii. Market Paralysis
iv. Technical feasibly
v. Managerial Competence
18. Define proprietorship ?
It is the oldest form of business ownership in India. The enterprise is owned and
controlled by one person.
19. Advantages of proprietorship
i) simple form of organization
ii) Owner freedom to take decision
iv) Tax advantage

v) Easy disillusion
20. Define Partnership :
Awarding to Indian partnership out 1932 section (47), The relation b/w person
have agreed to share the profile of business curried on by all or any off them
acting for all.
16 Mark Question
1. How do small scale enterprises contorts to the national cake, Discuss.
2. Define a project report/business plan why is a project report prepared
3. How will you anticipate market for your proposed product.
4. You plan to start a small enterprise. How would you choose the appropriate
form of
ownership proton for your enterprise.
5. One man control is the best is the man is big enough to control every thing.
Do you
agree? Give reason.
2Marks Questions
Financing & Accounting
1. Sate the need for Financing planning?
Finance that facilitates an enterprises to bring together land, labour machinery
& Law
materials to centime then to produce goods.
2. What do you mean by long term capital ?
This is the money whose Repayment is assigned for more than 5 years in future.
3. Explain short term capital?
The crossword capital that is to be repaid win in one years.
4. Determine the sources of finance?
- Internal Source
- External Source
5. Elaborsete Internal source?
- Funds are levied from with in the enterprise
- Financing could be owner capital known am equity.
6. Deserter about external source?
Funds levied from other then external source are from external sources
7. Define capital structure?

It is the basic between debt & equity capacity. Also called as detract quity
8. Factors determine capacity structure ?
- Nature of business
- Size of enterprise
- Trading on requite
- Cash flows
- purpose of Financing
- Provision for future
9. Board certificate of loans?
- Short tam loans
- long tern loans
10. Explain long term loans ?
Loan taken for fairly long desertion of time regarding from 5 years to 10 or 15
These loan are raised to meet the financial requirement.
11. Explain share?
Share is unit into which the total capitals of a company is divided.
12. Explain types of share?
- Preference shares
- equity shares
13. Define project design?
It defines the individual activities which go in to the corpus of the project and
interrelationship with each other.
14. Explain network?
A network is a sesis of entered activities which result in some product of service
which in this contributes to me goals of a business or other organization.
15. Explain activity?
An activity between to some action which is a time consuming effect necessary
complete a specific event .
16. Explain event?
An event refers to the start or completion of some activity & as such consumers
neither time nor resources.
17. What is a network diagram?
It is a graphical representation to project.

18. Define Burst?

An event may be the starting event for more number of activities and in met
case such
an event will be called an burst?
19. Define node ?
When an event is an enclosing event for more number of activities, such an
event will
be technology called an mode.
20. Define dummy activities?
A dummy activity is an imagery activity which consumers neither time nor
21. What is skate ?
A skate or that is the time to spare the time over which the activity may be
with out affecting the over sill completion of the project .
22. Define forecourt pass ?
It is the first operational energies undertaker for scheduling computations with
help of network diagrams.
23. What do budget formulation exercise in volumes?
- Marketing department
- Production department
- accounting department
24. Use of critical post method (CPM)?
It differentiates planning and scheduling?
25. Define scheduling?
It refers to the in reduction of time in to the plan there by reating time schedule
for the
various activities so that these is a precise known time that each activity in the
project will
1. What are the various types of network techniques?
2. Describe the produces for the construction of project work?
3. What is meet by CPM. What are its reliant features?
4. Explain the objectivite & functions of IC IC I
5. How will you decide, as an entrepreneur, the most editable agency or project

Support to Entrepreneurs (2mark Questions)

1. What are the varicose forms of organization ?
i) Sole Proprietorship
ii) Partnership
iii) Joint stock company
iv) Co-operative Enterprise
2. Name the salient features of sole proprietorship
a) Single ownership
b) One man control
c) No expense legal entity of the firm
d) Unlimited liability
e) Undivided risk
3. Merits and demerits of sole proprietorship
Merits Demerits
i) Ease of formation Limited funds
ii) Direct motivation Lack of specialization
iii) Independent control Unlimited liability
iv) Quick decoction Uncertain life
4. Characterizes of partnership firm :
a) Agreement - Written or oral
b) Lawful business
c) Sharing of profit
d) Utmost good faith
5. What are the merits of partnership ?
1. Larger financing resources
2. Flexibility of operation
3. Capacity for survival
4. Specialization and balanced approach
6. What are the factors for fancying a business enterprise?
a. Nature of business Service, Trade
b. Scale of operation Volume of business
c. Degree of direct control desired by owner
d. Division of profit among the owner
e. Scope and plan of internal organization
f. Comparing tax liability
7. Name any two needs for incentives:
a) To remove regional disparities while developed
b) To provide competitive, strength survival and growth .
8. Benefit of Taxation :
i) Tax holiness

ii) Depreciation allowance

iii) Development rebate
iv) Rehabilitation allowance
9. Name few function of Director of Exhibitions.
a) Arranging participation in international exhibitors
b) Arranging Indian exhibitions around
c) Planning show room in fore in counties.
10. What are the functions of export promotion council?
i) Arranging Market survey
ii) Developing trade contact
iii) settling trade disputes
iv) Assisting quality control
v) Joint participation in trade fairs and exhibition abroad
11. What are the function of commodity Boards?
i) Promotional activities
ii) Intensive rsistance to expected
iii) Precipitate in exhibition ands pairs aboard.
12. What are the stases involved in imports procedure?
a) Placing of indent
b) Terms of payment
c) Currin formation
d) Clearing formation
13. Name some of custom formatives:
i) Endorsement on the bill of lading
ii) Bill of entry
iii) Bill of site
iv) Application to import
14. What is incentives?
The term incentive is a general one and includes concersion sutured and
15. What do you mean by subsidy?
Subsidy denoted single lump sum which is given by Govt to an industry.
16. Define Boundy?
The term boundy denoted bonus or financial aid which is given by Govt to an
to help it compete with other units in the nation s or in the foreissn market
17. Procedure for registration in partnership form
i) Name of the firm
ii) Principal place of its business

iii) Name of our places where the firm caring on business

iv) Names in full and permanent add of all the pertness.
v) Duration of firm if any
vi) Nature of forms business
18. Advantages of subsidized and incentives ?
i) They act as motivational force which makes the prospective entrepreneurs to
enter to enter into manufacturing fine to start in durries in backward arrears.
19. List any four schemes of incentives in operations?
a) Interest free loam
b) Freeport security
c) Land and building at conventional date
d) Provision for seed capillal
20. For what purpose rehabilitation alliance is given:
i) Pilot or civil disturbance
ii) Flood, hurnicane, cyclone, Earthqueen and other natural dissacer.
ii) Accidental fire or expansion
1. a) What are the salient features of a partnership firm?
b) What are the merits of partnership firm?
2. How will you choose the appropriate form of entrepreneurial origination for
3. What are the various incentives offered by the central and state government
for the
promotion and growth of small business in India?
4. Describe the procedure for the import of capital goods and raw materials?
5. Explain the activities of the following bodies?
a) Export promotion council
b) Trade Representative of India abroad
c) Indian Institutive of Freeing trade.
d) Trade fair Authority of India.

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