9 Parts Desire Essay

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Kevin Turnbull

GHist 150
Michael Seth
March 2, 2015
Nine Parts of Desire Essay
As shown in the book Nine Parts of Desire, Muslim people
sometimes have different ideas about how to interpret the teachings of
the Koran, Hadith, and other Islamic holy texts when it comes to the
role of women.
One Islamic scripture related to women that is interpreted in
multiple ways is that of marriage. To paraphrase, the Koran says that
women and men were made to be mates for each other in the image of
God. This seems to imply that marriage should be an event equally
shared and enjoyed by men and women. However, as Brooks narrates
at the beginning of chapter 3, a marriage ceremony consists more of
the brides father passing ownership of her onto her new husband. This
makes the marriage seem more about the father and the groom than
the bride. Another example, later in the chapter, shows that many
Muslim women are afraid of marriage, because a husband has absolute
power within that institution. Many Muslim women therefore want to
find a husband that they know very well, but other Islamic teachings
prevent them from spending time alone with a man before marriage. It

seems contradictory to say that marriage should be a celebrated union

of two mates in Gods eyes, yet the woman is often treated unfairly.
Another teaching of Islam that is often taken to extremes is the
teaching that girls should remain virgins until marriage. While many
Muslim people simply use self-control to uphold this teaching, there are
some people, as shown in Chapter 2, who take this to extremes with
the practice of female circumcision. The mutilation of the female
genitalia is not advocated, or even mentioned, in any Islamic holy text,
but some people interpret these texts to this extreme. Later on in the
same chapter, Brooks explains how many Muslim men use the concept
of dishonor to dissuade women from committing adultery. They believe
that if they take away the pleasure a woman will receive during sex, it
will take away the temptation. However, it is against Muslim teachings
to limit a womans sexual pleasures, so thats another contradictory
Another contradictory notion in Islam expands over more than
one teaching. The word Islam derives from a word meaning peace.
Yet for all of these teachings mentioned, plus many others, violating
them could mean harshly violent punishment, even so far as execution.
It seems contradictory to base a religion off of peace, and yet have so
many rules that can cause one to lose their hands, their genitals, or
even their life.

In conclusion, the teachings of Muhammad, as outlined in the

holy texts of Islam, are often interpreted in many ways, and these
interpretations often contradict each other.

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