Videoscribe v2 Tutorial 3 Worksheet

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VideoScribe v2 Core Tutorial 3

your scribe

This worksheet takes you through the

topics covered in VideoScribe v2 tutorial
3 Enhancing your scribe. This will
allow you to work through the tutorial
at your own pace and understand more
fully how to use and get the most out of

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VideoScribe v2 Core Tutorial 3

Enhancing your scribe

01 Using effects
Drawing effects and filters

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In this section of the tutorial we look at different drawing effects and filters you can
use with VideoScribe. First of all we are going to preview the project so far.


Open the project we were working on in the previous tutorials (we called it
Help IT 2 and we saved in a folder called Help IT)

If you dont have this project you can download the .scribe file provided for this
tutorial here and import it as described in the first tutorial. Dont forget to save the
project locally once youve imported it.

With the project open, click the Play button to preview the scribe
so far

Remove the final zoom

At the end of the preview, notice that VideoScribe automatically zooms out to
show all your elements. This happens by default when you preview and also when
you create a video of your scribe. You can turn this option off while in preview
mode so that your scribe video ends on the last camera position you set.

Click the Play button again to go back into preview mode and this
time select the Pause button


Uncheck the Zoom at end option in the bottom right

Notice that you can also use the Skip buttons while in preview mode
to skip to the next or previous element.

Press the Stop button

VideoScribe v2 Core Tutorial 3

Enhancing your scribe

Search the image library

Next we are going to add a few more items to this second scene and look at
some of the effects you can use. First we will use the Search option to search the
image library and find an image to use.

Make sure you are at the correct position on the canvas for your second
scene by selecting the Help IT logo image and then clicking the thumbnail
in the Timeline


Select Add image


Type a keyword search into the Search field at the top of the Add
image screen (we used mug) and then either press return or click on
the arrow button

VideoScribe will return all the images in the library with that keyword.
Tip: We recommend using keyword search rather than browsing the
library folders as this will find all the related images from across the
full library. Also, if no images are found related to your search term
you will be presented with options to search online resources for
suitable images.

Select the image you want to use (we used the yellow mug image)


With the canvas still in the correct position, click Set camera for this new image


Resize the image and position it where you want it (we made it smaller and put
it in the top right corner)


And now click Image properties for this element


Try out the different Brush effects

VideoScribe v2 Core Tutorial 3

Enhancing your scribe

Use brush and colour effects

The Brush option gives the image a
paint brush effect, while Serrated,
Stitch (sew) and Zip change the line
style and also use different drawing
hands. You can also make the image
partially or totally transparent using the
% Solid option.

Press Play in the preview area to see the results of your changes


Click on the tick button when you have finished looking at these options


Next click on Add image again and Search for another image (this time we
used Superman)


Select the image you want to bring onto the canvas (we chose the standing
Superman image)


Set the camera to the same position for this element


Resize this image and position it where you want it (we made it a bit smaller
and put it under the logo)


Go into the Image properties for this image


Now try out the different Colour effects

You have the options to make the image Full colour, Outline, Greyscale or
Silhouette. With the Outline and Silhouette effects you can also change the line/
fill colour by clicking on the coloured square in the bottom right corner of the
preview pane.

Press Play in the preview area at any time to see the results of your changes


Click on the tick button when you have finished looking at these options

VideoScribe v2 Core Tutorial 3

Enhancing your scribe

Change fonts
Next we are going to look at how you can import fonts.
Tip: Before adding each new element, its a good idea to select the
point in the Timeline where you want the new element to appear (it will
be inserted after the selected element).

We want to add a text element just after the mug image, so first select this
item in the Timeline


Then click the Add text button and type in some text (we used Relax! here)


Still in the Add text screen, click on the Fonts button

This brings up the Available fonts screen. The highlighted fonts at the top are
the ones that are currently available in VideoScribe. Under this you will see your
system fonts that VideoScribe can import if you need them. To import a font
simply select it and it will import automatically.
Its important to make sure you have the correct permissions to use a font,
especially if you plan to make a scribe for commercial purposes. You can delete
fonts you have imported using the Delete button. To re-import a font simply click
on it again.

VideoScribe v2 Core Tutorial 3

Enhancing your scribe


Once you have finished in the Available fonts screen click the tick button


Use the + and buttons here to select the font you want to use


Next click on the colour palette button

As well as selecting colours from the colour pallet, you can also enter a Hex code
into the field at the bottom.
Tip: Hex codes are used to identify specific colours and are useful when
you need to match particular colours, e.g. your company brand colours.

Type in a hex code (we used 2BB673 to match our Help IT logo colour) and
click the tick button


Click on the tick again to add this new text

This new text will now be placed on the canvas, and in the Timeline it should
appear in between the mug and the superman items.
Tip: Each time you add a new element, remember to set the camera.
If you want an element to have the exact same camera position as a
previous item, its a good idea to check the canvas hasnt shifted. You
can do this by selecting the existing item and clicking on its thumbnail
in the Timeline. This will prevent unwanted screen movements.

Set the camera for this new element, resize and position as required (we
placed this text just to the left of the mug)

Adjust filter settings

Next we are going to look at how you can use filters. These can be applied to
both images and text, but we will be working with text elements in this case.

Go into Text properties for this item and click the Filters button

VideoScribe v2 Core Tutorial 3

Enhancing your scribe

This takes you to the Filters screen.

Here you can enhance your text (or
image) using Blur and Glow effects.
You can also adjust the Brightness,
Contrast and Saturation.
Underneath these options you can
also turn on and customise the Drop
shadow, Inner shadow and Bevel

Feel free to try out some of these options. As you make changes to these filter
settings you can view the effects in the preview area in the top left part of the screen.

Once you are happy with the filter effects you have created, click on the tick
to save your settings


Back in the Text properties screen, check the option to Draw backwards
Tip: The draw backwards option is useful if you are using a language
that writes from right-to-left (we are just using it for effect).


Click Play in the preview area if you want to see how this text will be drawn


Then click the tick to save these options

Tip: If you want additional text to have the same effects and settings, or
be the same size as existing text then it is a good idea to use the Copy
and Paste buttons.

Use copy and paste


With the text element still selected click on Copy and then
Paste in the bottom right corner of the Edit screen

You will now have a replica of the original text item with all the same formatting
(and camera position). This new element will appear just after the original one in
the Timeline. You can now move and edit the new text element.

Move this new text element to a new position


VideoScribe v2 Core Tutorial 3

Enhancing your scribe


Go into Text properties and select the Replace text option


Here you can overwrite the existing text with your new message (we used
Let us take IT off your hands)


Click on the tick when you have finished


Back in the Text properties screen uncheck the Draw backwards option so
that the text will be written left-to-right


You can centre the text using the Alignment button


Next increase the Animate time to around 2.5 seconds and also increase the
Pause time to 1.5 seconds


Click on the tick when you have finished


Now you will need to move this item to the end of the Timeline as we want
it to appear after the Superman image. Either click and drag it across, or
right-click (CTRL + click on a Mac) and select Move to end.
Tip: When copying (or cutting) and pasting in future we recommend
you select the point in the Timeline where you want the new item(s) to
appear before you click Paste. The pasted items will appear just after
the selected element in the Timeline.

We will be back to add some extra animations here in the next tutorial, but for
now we will start work on our third and final scene.

Erase an element
Instead of moving to a new area of the canvas, we will move back to re-visit our
first scene and show you how you can overlay and change it.

Move the canvas back up to the first area. You can do this by selecting the
first item in the Timeline and then clicking on the thumbnail


Next select the last item in the Timeline so that when we add a new element
it will be placed after this

First we want to make the text in this scene disappear. To do this we are going to
place another element on top of it.

VideoScribe v2 Core Tutorial 3

Enhancing your scribe


Go into the Add image screen and search for the keyword Scribble


One of the items returned will be a blank image click this

Tip: The Scribble out image is very useful for overlaying and hiding
existing elements. This can be used to make items vanish instantly, or
you can use it to produce an erasing effect.


Set the camera for this item


Position the blank image over the top of the text and resize it so it covers it

To make it look like the items underneath simply disappear, you need to change
the Animate time for the Scribble out image to 0.

Try this out and then click Play from here to see what it looks like


Now change the Animate time to around 2 seconds and click Play from
here again

This time you will see it gives an erasing effect. In tutorial 4 we show you how
to change the drawing hand in your scribe there is a hand with an eraser
specifically for use with this effect.
Now that weve created this new blank area we can bring a new image into
this space.

Go into Add image and find an image of a hand holding a business card
(you can either search for the keyword card or look in the Business
library folder)


Bring the image onto the canvas and set the camera


Resize and position this image where you want it

This might be a good time to save your work.

VideoScribe v2 Core Tutorial 3

Enhancing your scribe

02 Moving elements in
Move-in options

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In this section of the tutorial we will show you how to use the move-in animate
method. By default each element will be drawn on the canvas by a hand. Move-in
is an alternative effect where, instead of the hand drawing the item, you can have a
hand slide it into position.

Change animate method

We will use this method to move in the logo image then the business
card image.
Tip: Move-in is a good alternative to draw if you have JPG or PNG
images that wont draw particularly well. Swapping between the two will
provide a bit of variety.

First select the logo image in the Timeline and click on the thumbnail to
move the canvas


Then go into Image properties for this item

Here, at the top of the Image properties screen, you will see that the Animate
method is currently set to Draw.

Select the Move-in tab

You will now see the Move-in options.

On the left you can select the edge or
corner you want the item to move in
from. By clicking on the line symbol
you can choose to bring in the element
in a straight or curved line.
On the right of this you can use the +
and buttons to change the effect from Smooth in to Go too far or Bounce in.

Choose your preferred settings (we chose an upwards arc from the bottom
right corner with a Bounce in effect)

VideoScribe v2 Core Tutorial 3

Enhancing your scribe


Press Play in the preview area to see the effect of any changes you make


Change the Animate time to around 1 second and then click on the tick

Now the Animate time represents how long VideoScribe will take to move the
element into position on the canvas.
If you look at this item in the Timeline
you will see it is now shown as a
Move event. This indicates that this
element will now be introduced using
the move-in animate method.


Click on the business card image in the Timeline and again on the thumbnail
to move the canvas view


Go into Image properties and again select the Move-in tab


This time set the image to come in from the right hand edge and leave the
other move-in options as they are


Click the tick button when you are finished editing this item

If you preview this last move-in you will see that, as with the logo, VideoScribe
will use a hand to move the item in. In this case it doesnt make much sense
using a hand to bring in a hand, so we will be showing you how to change
hands in tutorial 4.

Make sure you save your project so that you can use it for the final tutorial. We
will be looking at using different hands as well as the Morph feature to really
bring your scribe to life.


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