Energy Prices, Energy Efficiency, and Fuel Poverty

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Energy prices, energy efficiency, and fuel poverty1

Vivien Foster, Jean-Philippe Tre, and Quentin Wodon

World Bank
September 2000
Because electricity is much more efficient than other sources of energy for certain uses such as
lighting, access to electricity can help in promoting energy affordability in developing countries. Using
data from Guatemala, this note suggests that the price reduction per efficient kilowatt-hour which can be
expected from access to electricity is substantial. This price reduction could generate a large reduction in
measures of fuel poverty which capture the inability of households to meet their basic energy needs.

JEL categories: I31, Q42

Corresponding author: Email: [email protected]

This paper is part of a research project on Infrastructure reform and the poor in the Latin America Region of the
World Bank. The authors benefited from discussions with Antonio Estache and Kathy Lindert. The views
expressed here are those of the authors and need not reflect those of the World Bank.


Many households in developing countries do not have the means to satisfy their basic energy

needs. Part of the problem lies in the technologies used by those without access to electricity for lighting
and powering appliances, such as candles, kerosene lamps, and batteries2. These technologies are orders
of magnitude more expensive per efficient kilowatt-hour than electricity. Access to electricity could
provide significant savings in energy costs for the population not yet connected to the grid. Using data
from Guatemala, this note provides a simple method for measuring the reduction in the price of energy
that can be expected from access to electricity. It also provides estimates of the reduction in fuel poverty
which could be achieved with better access to electricity, where fuel poverty defined as the inability by
households to meet their energy needs. Section 2 describes the method, and section 3 provides the results.

A household is said to be fuel poor if its energy consumption does not meet basic energy needs.

Following the income poverty literature, in order to measure fuel poverty, we use the first three measures
of the FGT (Foster, Greer, and Thorbecke, 1984) class. The first measure is the headcount index of fuel
poverty, which is simply the percentage of the population living in households with an equivalent energy
consumption below the fuel poverty line. This is denoted by P0. The second measure, which captures the
depth of fuel poverty, is the fuel poverty gap index P1. It estimates the average distance separating the
fuel poor from the fuel poverty line as a proportion of that line (the mean is taken over the whole sample
with a zero distance allocated to the households who are not poor). The third measure, which captures the
severity of fuel poverty, is the squared fuel poverty gap index P2. It takes into account not only the
distance separating the fuel poor from the fuel poverty line, but also the inequality among the poor.
Denoting by Ei the energy consumption for household i, by Z the fuel poverty line, by N population size,
by wi the weight for household i (equal to the household size times the expansion factor, the sum of the
weights being N), the three fuel poverty measures are obtained for values of equal to 0, 1, and 2 in:

P =

( wi / N )1 i

Ei Z


When measuring the energy consumption of household, it is important to take into account the
quality or efficiency of various fuels. In the case of Guatemala, the 1998/99 ENIGFAM (Encuesta

The energy literature suggests the existence of a transition process whereby households gradually ascend an energy
ladder. The ladder begins with biomass fuels (firewood and charcoal), moves to modern commercial fuels (kerosene
and LPG), and culminates with electricity (e.g., Albouy and Nadifi, 1999). The reality is somewhat more complex
and the empirical work suggests that at any given point in time, households rely on a range of fuels that
encompasses at least two steps of the energy ladder (e.g., Barnes and Qian, 1992; Hosier and Kipondya, 1993;
ESMAP, 1994; Eberhard and van Horen, 1995). In Guatemala, the country used for this note, our data indicates that
households use on average 2.6 different types of fuels.

Nacional de Ingresos y Gastos Familiares) income and expenditure survey provides monthly household
expenditures for batteries, candles, electricity, fuelwood, kerosene and butane gas (in the case of
fuelwood, for the households who gather their own wood, the survey provides an estimate provided by
the household as to the cost of purchasing an equivalent amount of fuelwood in the market place). We
convert these expenditures into comparable units of efficient energy consumption by using not only
regional unit prices from Guatemalas Consumer Price Index, but also energy efficiency factors from the
United Nations (1987). Formally, denoting by Pik the market or gross price of fuel k with k=1, , K,
for household i, by Cik the household expenditures for that fuel, by EFk the efficiency factor reflecting the
quality of fuel k, and by Eik the amount of energy provided by fuel k in standardized efficient kilowatthours, we obtain the total amount of energy provided by the various fuels for household i as:

Ei =

k =1

E ik =

C ik
ik / EFk

k =1


In equation (2), the net price per efficient kilowatt-hour for fuel k is equal to Pik /EFk. Table 1
compares the gross and net prices per kilowatt-hour for each fuel. For cooking, the net prices show that
despite a low gross price, fuelwood is as costly as propane gas on a comparable efficiency basis. Both
fuels are slightly cheaper than electricity in net terms. For lighting, the conversion from gross to net terms
dramatically wipes out any apparent cost advantage of kerosene. Candles remain by far the most
expensive source of lighting, whether in gross or net terms. For appliances, the gross to net conversion is
not relevant since all alternatives are based on electricity. However, the figures show that batteries are
substantially more expensive per kilowatt-hour than mains electricity.
Several methods can be used in order to estimate the fuel poverty line Z. One method consists in
computing the average energy consumption of households whose overall per capita consumption level
falls within plus or minus 10 percent of the US$ 1 (Purchasing Power Parity adjusted) income poverty
line used in the international literature on income poverty. In the case of Guatemala in 1998/99, this gives
a subsistence energy threshold of 2,125 kilowatt-hours per year (5.8 kilowatt-hours per day). A second
method consists in defining a basic set of energy needs. A consultation with energy experts in Guatemala
led to the suggestion that a household should be able to run two 60 watt light bulbs and one 16 watt radio
for four hours each day. A household should also be able to use five two-kilogram logs of fuelwood each
day for cooking. This leads to a fuel poverty line of 2,154 kilowatt-hours per year (5.9 kilowatt-hours per
day). Given the similarity between the two estimates, we will adopt the first value as the fuel poverty line
since it has the advantage of being derived directly from the household survey data set.
Next, to measure the impact of access to electricity on fuel poverty, we start by noting that the
average net price paid by households i for each efficient kilowatt-hour of energy consumed is:

Pi =


k =1




/ Pik ) EFk

k =1

Given that electricity is much more efficient and thereby cheaper than other fuels for lighting,
households without access to electricity are likely to have a higher net price per efficient kilowatt-hour
than those with access. It turns out that the average value of Pi for households with access to electricity is
0.518 Qz (1 US$ 7.65 Qz) per efficient kilowatt-hour. The average value for households without access
to electricity is 1.350 Qz. While part of this difference may be due to access to electricity itself, part may
also be due to other differences in characteristics between households with access and households without
access. To find out the marginal impact of access to electricity on efficient energy prices controlling for
other household characteristics, regression analysis is needed. Let L represent a vector of geographic
location dummies, H a vector of characteristics of the residents in the household including quintile
dummies for the households position in the distribution of per capita income, R a vector describing the
physical characteristics of the households residence, G a dummy variables for access to the electricity
grid, and O a vector of dummies for access to other sources of energy. We estimate the following

log( Pi ) = 0 + 1 Li + 2 H i + 3 Ri + 4 Gi + 5 Oi + i


A negative and statistically significant estimate for 4 would suggest that access to electricity
reduces efficient energy prices by 4 percent. When households without access gain access to electricity,
their energy price would then be reduced to Pi(1+ 4). If we assume that the amount of resources devoted
to energy by the household remains unchanged after the reduction in price provided by access to
electricity (this may under-estimate the impact of the reduction in price on fuel poverty if energy is a
normal good), the new level of consumption is given by Ei/(1+ 4), in which case fuel poverty becomes:
P =


E /(1 + 4 )
( wi / N ) 1 i

Ei Z



Table 2 provides estimates of fuel poverty based on the fuel poverty line of 2,125 kilowatt-hours
per household per year. Among the households with access to electricity, the average price paid per
effective kilowatt-hour is 0.52 Qz, and the average yearly consumption is 3.804 kwh. The households
without access to electricity have a lower consumption (2,892 kwh) and they pay a higher price (1.35
Qz/kwh). One fourth of the population with access to electricity is fuel poor (headcount index of fuel

poverty equal to 0.255), as compared to half of the population without access (headcount of 0.509). The
differences between the two household groups are even larger with the poverty gap and square poverty
gap. If the households without access were given access to electricity, the headcount index of fuel
poverty among that group would be reduced to 0.365, and the other fuel poverty measures would be
reduced similarly. The relatively large impact of access to electricity on fuel poverty comes from the
regression estimates provided in table 3. At the national level, the coefficient for access to the public
electricity grid is 0.277, with a confidence interval of [-0.304,-0.238]. Fairly similar results are obtained
for private access to electricity (less than 2 percent of households are in this situation). The coefficient
estimates are also similar in the urban and rural sub-samples. Although a few other variables have a
statistically significant impact at the 5 percent level on the net price per efficient kilowatt-hour, none of
those variables has an impact as large as that of access to electricity (although this is not shown in table 3,
the regression also contains a large number of housing variables, but most of these are not statistically
significant at the five percent level). To conclude, while access to electricity would not equalize the fuel
poverty status of the two groups of households (those with and without access to electricity), it would go
a long way in reducing differences between the two groups.


Albouy, Y. and Nadifi, N. (1999) Impact of Power Sector Reform on the Poor: A Review of Issues and the
Literature, Mimeo, World Bank, Washington DC.
Barnes, D. and Qian, L. (1992) Urban Interfuel Substitution, Energy Use and Equity in Developing
Countries: Some Preliminary Results, Mimeo, World Bank, Washington DC.
Hosier, R. and Kipondya, W. (1993) Urban household energy use in Tanzania. Prices, substitutes and
poverty. Energy Policy, 21, pp. 454-473.
ESMAP (1994) Ecuador: Energy Pricing, Poverty and Social Mitigation, Report No. 12831-EC, Energy
Sector Management Assistance Program.
Eberhard, A. and van Horen, C. (1995) Poverty and Power: Energy and the South African State, Pluto
Press, East Haven, Connecticut.
Foster, J., Greer, J., and Thorbecke, E. (1984). A Class of Decomposable Poverty Measures,
Econometrica, 52: 761-66.
Leach, G. and Gowen, M. (1987) Household Energy Handbook: An Interim Guide and Reference
Manual, World Bank Technical Paper Number 67, The World Bank Group, Washington DC.
United Nations (1987) Energy Statistics: Definitions, Units of Measure and Conversion Factors, Studies
in Methods No. 44, Department of International Economic and Social Affairs, Unites Nations, New York.
Van der Plas, R. and De Graaff, A. (1988) A Comparison of Lamps for Domestic Lighting in Developing
Countries, Energy Series Paper No. 6, Industry and Energy Department, World Bank, Washington DC.

Table 1: Gross and net unit prices for different fuels (US$ per kWh)
Cooking fuels
Lighting fuels
Car batteries
Sources: Authors computations from Leach and Gowen (1987), Van der Plas and De Graaff (1988), and
Guatemalas Consumer Price Index.

Table 2: Fuel poverty estimates with and without access to electricity

Households with access
to electricity

Price per effective kwh

Net consumption (kwh)
Fuel poverty
Poverty gap
Squared poverty gap
Source: Authors estimation using ENIGFAM 1998/99.

Households without access to electricity

Current situation
After gaining access


Table 3: Determinants of the logarithm of the price per efficient kilowatt-hour, Guatemala 1998/99
[The regression also contains a large number of housing variables, most of which are not statistically significant]
Coef. St. Err. 95% Conf. Int. Coef. St. Err. 95% Conf. Int. Coef. St. Err. 95% Conf. Int.
Private elec.
-0.277 0.042 -0.359 -0.196 -0.249 0.046 -0.338 -0.160 -0.311 0.092 -0.491 -0.132
Public electricity
-0.271 0.017 -0.304 -0.238 -0.287 0.020 -0.325 -0.248 -0.252 0.036 -0.322 -0.182
Access to butane
0.136 0.021 0.095 0.177 0.061 0.057 -0.052 0.173 0.111 0.034 0.044 0.178
Cooking with elec.
0.066 0.036 -0.005 0.137 0.064 0.028 0.009 0.118 0.349 0.606 -0.839 1.537
-0.007 0.012 -0.031 0.016 -0.016 0.012 -0.039 0.007 0.015 0.032 -0.046 0.077
-0.007 0.010 -0.026 0.012 -0.005 0.009 -0.022 0.013 -0.018 0.028 -0.073 0.036
-0.043 0.012 -0.066 -0.019 -0.025 0.011 -0.047 -0.003 -0.070 0.031 -0.131 -0.009
Babies squared
0.000 0.004 -0.007 0.008 0.004 0.004 -0.004 0.012 -0.005 0.008 -0.021 0.012
Children squared
0.001 0.002 -0.004 0.005 0.000 0.002 -0.004 0.005 0.004 0.006 -0.009 0.016
Adults squared
0.004 0.001 0.001 0.007 0.002 0.001 0.000 0.005 0.007 0.003 0.000 0.014
Female head
-0.082 0.020 -0.121 -0.043 -0.051 0.017 -0.084 -0.018 -0.183 0.067 -0.315 -0.051
Age of head
0.001 0.000 0.001 0.002 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.003 0.001 0.001 0.006
Head 6-8 years
0.006 0.015 -0.023 0.035 0.008 0.013 -0.018 0.033 0.008 0.048 -0.086 0.103
Head > 9 years
0.004 0.012 -0.019 0.027 0.002 0.011 -0.020 0.024 -0.003 0.031 -0.065 0.058
Spouse 0 years
-0.112 0.022 -0.155 -0.068 -0.060 0.020 -0.098 -0.021 -0.275 0.067 -0.406 -0.144
Spouse 6-8 years
-0.103 0.024 -0.149 -0.056 -0.066 0.020 -0.106 -0.027 -0.220 0.082 -0.381 -0.058
Spouse > 9 years
-0.109 0.021 -0.150 -0.068 -0.056 0.018 -0.091 -0.020 -0.281 0.064 -0.406 -0.155
Head industry
-0.017 0.012 -0.041 0.006 -0.019 0.011 -0.040 0.003 -0.021 0.033 -0.085 0.043
Head family wk.
-0.103 0.049 -0.200 -0.006 -0.037 0.046 -0.128 0.054 -0.208 0.124 -0.452 0.036
Head public wk.
-0.024 0.018 -0.059 0.012 -0.030 0.014 -0.058 -0.001 0.104 0.096 -0.085 0.293
Head employed
0.043 0.017 0.009 0.076 0.019 0.015 -0.010 0.049 0.123 0.053 0.019 0.228
Head searching
0.060 0.048 -0.035 0.154 -0.017 0.040 -0.094 0.061 0.382 0.184 0.021 0.742
Spouse industry
-0.061 0.021 -0.102 -0.019 -0.054 0.018 -0.089 -0.019 -0.075 0.070 -0.213 0.063
Sp. Family wk.
-0.079 0.031 -0.140 -0.018 -0.075 0.027 -0.129 -0.022 -0.057 0.096 -0.246 0.132
Sp. Public wk.
-0.071 0.030 -0.129 -0.013 -0.068 0.024 -0.114 -0.022 -0.211 0.209 -0.621 0.199
Sp. Employed
0.080 0.020 0.041 0.118 0.069 0.017 0.036 0.102 0.069 0.065 -0.059 0.197
Sp. Searching
-0.028 0.080 -0.186 0.129 -0.037 0.068 -0.171 0.096 -0.089 0.267 -0.613 0.435
-0.029 0.030 -0.088 0.030 -0.041 0.028 -0.095 0.014 -0.030 0.080 -0.187 0.127
0.035 0.029 -0.022 0.092 0.042 0.025 -0.006 0.091 0.048 0.097 -0.142 0.238
-0.024 0.023 -0.068 0.021 0.004 0.022 -0.039 0.046 -0.075 0.056 -0.185 0.035
0.017 0.025 -0.032 0.065 0.035 0.022 -0.009 0.079 -0.043 0.069 -0.179 0.093
0.171 0.028 0.117 0.226 0.021 0.027 -0.033 0.075 0.362 0.065 0.234 0.489
-0.048 0.044 -0.134 0.038 -0.022 0.037 -0.094 0.050 -0.139 0.154 -0.442 0.164
-0.047 0.044 -0.134 0.040 -0.054 0.042 -0.136 0.028 -0.008 0.112 -0.228 0.213
1st quintile
0.033 0.026 -0.018 0.085 0.051 0.031 -0.009 0.112 -0.017 0.064 -0.141 0.108
2 quintile
-0.010 0.022 -0.053 0.033 -0.012 0.023 -0.056 0.033 -0.049 0.058 -0.162 0.065
3rd quintile
-0.056 0.018 -0.091 -0.020 -0.038 0.016 -0.070 -0.006 -0.123 0.053 -0.228 -0.018
4th quintile
-0.010 0.015 -0.039 0.019 -0.005 0.012 -0.029 0.020 -0.054 0.051 -0.154 0.046
-0.445 0.048 -0.538 -0.352 -0.277 0.074 -0.422 -0.132 -0.391 0.121 -0.628 -0.153
Source: Authors estimation using ENIGFAM 1998/99. 7127 observations (5229 urban, 1898 rural). Adjusted R2
of 0.084 for the national sample (0.089 urban, 0.088 rural).

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