Pre Test Acept 2014

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Choose the word or phrase in A, B, C, or D which best completes each blank

space in the text
1. The use of flags as symbols of national identity began to develop a thousand years
a. Signs
c. Codes
b. Plans
d. Goals
2. The microtelephone is miniaturized telephone transmitter and receiver that can
be inserted in the car
a. Attached
c. Heard
b. Impaled
d. Placed
3. The main routes used by the pony express were equipped with stops for food and
a. Stables
c. Drinks
b. Shelter
d. Sleep
4. Light hovercrafts can traverse very effectively virtually any surface.
a. Cross
c. Detor
b. Dig
d. Elevate
5. The florida power and Light Company serves more than two million customers.
a. visitors
c. tourist
b. clients
d. shelters

A. Sentence Completion : For questions 1-3, choose the word or phrase in A, B, C, or
D which best completes each blank space in the text
1. ______ a bicameral, or two-chamber, parliament.
(A) Canada has
(B) Having Canada
(C) Because Canada has
(D) That Canada is having
2. _______, the first Black denomination in the United States.
(A) Richard Allen founded the African Methodist Episcopal Church
(B) Richard Allen, who founded the African Methodist Episcopal Church
(C) The African Methodist Episcopal Church founded by Richard Allen
(D) The foundation of the African Methodist Episcopal Church by Richard Allen
3. Nutritionists _______ goat milk to be rich, nourishing, and readily digested.
(A) considering
(B) is considered
(C) are considered
(D) consider

B. For questions 4-7, choose the word or phrase in A, B, C, dan D which best
completes blank spaces
Ibsen -----------4------------- as a playwright in 1849 with Catiline when he was twentyone. The first sequence of dramatic works, which ranges from this initial drama to
The Pretenders of 1863, ---------5-------- to the student of Ibsen primarily because of
the plays sporadic movement between experimentation and eclectic imitation and, of
course, in the ways in which they point toward the plays.
Source: Lyons. 1972. Henrik Ibsen. The Divided Consciousness, p xi-xii, Southern Illinois University Press.

4. (A)

begins his work

began his work
has begun his work
had begun his work

5. (A)

is interesting
is interested
are interesting
are interested

C. Error Identification : For questions 6-8, choose the word or phrase in A, B, C, dan
D which is wrong
6. Some art historians have say [A] that too many [B] artists have tried only to imitate
[C] previous [D] painting styles.
7. The tongue is capable of [A] many motions and configurations [B] and plays a vital
role [C] in chewing, swallowed [D], and speaking.


In this section of the test, you are required to demonstrate your ability to
paraphrase or recompose sentences and to recognize language that is appropriate
for standard written English. There are four parts to this section, with special
direction for each part.

A. Number 1 contain complete and correct sentences. For each number, you are
required to choose the most appropriate paraphrased sentence closest in
meaning to the original one.
1. Forgiving other people is not an easy matter.
A. An easy matter is not forgiving other people.
B. Not an easy matter forgiving other people.
C. Other people is not easy job forgiving.
D. It is not an easy matter forgiving other people.
B. Number 2 contain incorrect sentences. The incorrect part of sentence has been
identified for you. You atre required to find the correct option to replace
underlined part
2. Since I was young, I was studying english.
A. Studied
B. Have studied
C. Would study
D. Have been studying
C. Number 3, Choose the most appropriate and correct sentence
3. (A) When We are listening a romantic song, She is coming.
(B) Aisyah, Who wears a black veil, is my best friend in my class because She
always helps others to solve other people.
(C) Because of memorize many vocabularies, A number of my friend gets a high
(D) After I wrote many poems, i go to market to accompany my friends to buy
D. Number 4 contains jumbled sentences. One of the sentences has been underlined.
You are required to choose the next sentence which logically follows the
underlined one.
4. 1. Pramoedya was born on February 6, 1925, in the town of Blora in the
heartland of Java, then a part of the Dutch East Indies.
2. But he felt that the family name Mastoer (his father's name) seemed too
aristocratic. The Javanese prefix "Mas" refers to a man of the higher rank in a
noble family. Consequently he omitted "Mas" and kept Toer as his family name.
He went on to the Radio Vocational School in Surabaya but had barely
graduated from the school when Japan invaded Surabaya (1942).
3. His maternal grandfather had taken the pilgrimage to Mecca.[1] As it is written
in his semi-autobiographical collection of short stories "Cerita Dari Blora", his
name was originally Pramoedya Ananta Mastoer.
4. He was the firstborn son in his family; his father was a teacher, who was also
active in Boedi Oetomo (the first recognized indigenous national organization in
Indonesia) and his mother was a rice trader
5. During World War II, Pramoedya (like many Indonesian Nationalists,
Sukarno and Suharto among them) at first supported the occupying forces
of Imperial Japan. He believed the Japanese to be the lesser of two evils,
compared to the Dutch.



E. Number 5 contains jumbled sentences. You are required to identify the correct
order to form a good paragraph.
6. (1) His works span the colonial period, Indonesia's struggle for independence,
its occupation by Japan during the Second World War, as well as the postcolonial authoritarian regimes of Sukarno and Suharto, and are infused with
personal and national historyPramoedya Ananta Toer was born on 6 February
1925 30 April 2006.
(2) The Dutch Government imprisoned him from 1947 to 1949
(3) He was an Indonesian author of novels, short stories, essays,polemic and
histories of his homeland and its people.
(4) Pramoedya Ananta Toer was born on 6 February 1925 30 April 2006.


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