SALES - Laforteza and de Ape

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G.R. No.

137552 June 16, 2000

LAFORTEZA, and LEA Z. LAFORTEZA, petitioners, vs. ALONZO MACHUCA, respondent.
SUBJECT: A house and lot located at No. 7757 Sherwood Street, Marcelo Green
Village, Paraaque, Metro Manila worth P630 000.00.
FACTS: In the exercise of the authority of Special Power Of Attorney, on January 20, 1989, the
heirs of the late Francisco Q. Laforteza represented by Roberto Z. Laforteza and Gonzalo Z.
Laforteza, Jr. entered into a Memorandum of Agreement (Contract to Sell) with the plaintif
over the subject property for the sum of SIX HUNDRED THIRTY THOUSAND PESOS
(P630,000.00) payable as follows:
(a) P30,000.00 as earnest money, to be forfeited in favor of the defendants if the sale is not
effected due to the fault of the plaintiff;
(b) P600,000.00 upon issuance of the new certificate of title in the name of the late Francisco
Q. Laforteza and upon execution of an extra-judicial settlement of the decedent's estate with
sale in favor of the plaintiff (Par. 2, Exh. "E", record, pp. 335-336).
Significantly, the fourth paragraph of the Memorandum of Agreement (Contract to Sell) dated
January 20, 1989 (Exh. "E", supra.) contained a provision as follows:
. . . . Upon issuance by the proper Court of the new title, the BUYER-LESSEE shall be notified in
writing and said BUYER-LESSEE shall have thirty (30) days to produce the balance of
P600,000.00 which shall be paid to the SELLER-LESSORS upon the execution of the
Extrajudicial Settlement with sale.
On January 20, 1989, plaintif paid the earnest money of THIRTY THOUSAND PESOS
(P30,000.00), plus rentals for the subject property .
On September 18, 1998 3, defendant heirs, through their counsel wrote a letter to the plaintif
furnishing the latter a copy of the reconstituted title to the subject property, advising him that
he had thirty (3) days to produce the balance of P600,000.00 under the Memorandum of
Agreement which plaintif received on the same date.
On October 18, 1989, plaintif sent the defendant heirs a letter requesting for an extension of
the THIRTY (30) DAYS deadline up to November 15, 1989 within which to produce the balance
of P600,000.00. Defendant Roberto Z. Laforteza, assisted by his counsel Atty. Romeo L.
Gutierrez, signed his conformity to the plaintif's letter request. The extension, however, does
not appear to have been approved by Gonzalo Z. Laforteza, the second attorney-in-fact as his
conformity does not appear to have been secured.
On November 15, 1989, plaintif informed the defendant heirs, through defendant Roberto Z.
Laforteza, that he already had the balance of P600,000.00 covered by United Coconut Planters
Bank Manager's Check dated November 15, 1989 . However, the defendants, refused to accept
the balance .Defendant Roberto Z. Laforteza had told him that the subject property was no
longer for sale .
On November 20, defendants informed plaintif that they were canceling the Memorandum of
Agreement (Contract to Sell) in view of the plaintif's failure to comply with his contractual
obligations .
Thereafter, plaintif reiterated his request to tender payment of the balance of P600,000.00.
Defendants, however, insisted on the rescission of the Memorandum of Agreement. Thereafter,
plaintif filed the instant action for specific performance.

LOWER COURT: The lower court rendered judgment in favor of the Alonzo Machuca and
against the defendant heirs of the late Francisco Q. Laforteza,.
Petitioners appealed to the Court of Appeals, CA: This affirmed with the decision of the lower
Hence this petition wherein the petitioners raise the issues:
(1) Whether or not the MOA is an OPTION CONTRACT, CONTRACT TO SELL or a
2) WON the six-month period during which the respondent would be in possession
of the property as lessee was a period within which to exercise an option.
HELD: In the case at bench, there was a perfected agreement between the petitioners and the
respondent whereby the petitioners obligated themselves to transfer the ownership of and
deliver the house and lot located at 7757 Sherwood St., Marcelo Green Village, Paraaque and
the respondent to pay the price amounting to six hundred thousand pesos (P600,000.00). All
the elements of a contract of sale were thus present.The elements of a valid contract of
sale under Article 1458 of the Civil Code are (1) consent or meeting of the minds; (2)
determinate subject matter and (3) price certain money or its equivalent.
Even assuming for the sake of argument that the petitioners were ready to comply with their
obligation (and Machuca cannot), we find that rescission of the contract will still not prosper.
The rescission of a sale of an immovable property is specifically governed by Article 1592 of
the New Civil Code, which reads:
In the sale of immovable property, even though it may have been stipulated that upon failure
to pay the price at the time agreed upon the rescission of the contract shall of right take place,
the vendee may pay, even after the expiration of the period, as long as no demand for
rescission of the contract has been made upon him either judicially or by a notarial act. After
the demand, the court may not grant him a new term.
It is not disputed that the petitioners did not make a judicial or notarial demand for rescission.
2) WON the six-month period during which the respondent would be in possession
of the property as lessee was a period within which to exercise an option.
The six-month period, during which the respondent would be in possession of the property as
lessee, was clearly not a period within which to exercise an option. An option is a contract
granting a privilege to buy or sell within an agreed time and at a determined price. An option
contract is a separate and distinct contract from that which the parties may enter into upon
the consummation of the option. An option must be supported by consideration. An option
contract is governed by the second paragraph of Article 1479 of the Civil Code, which reads:
Art. 1479. An accepted unilateral promise to buy or to sell a determinate thing for a price
certain is binding upon the promissor if the promise is supported by a consideration distinct
from the price.
In the present case, the six-month period merely delayed the demandability of the contract of
sale and did not determine its perfection for after the expiration of the six-month period, there
was an absolute obligation on the part of the petitioners and the respondent to comply with
the terms of the sale.
FACTS: Cleopas Ape died in 1950 and left a parcel of land (Lot 2319) to his 11 children. The
children never formally divided the property amongst themselves except through hantal-hantal

whereby each just occupied a certain portion and developed each.

On the other hand, the spouses Lumayno were interested in the land so they started buying
the portion of land that each of the heirs occupied. On 11 Apr 1973, one of the children,
Fortunato, entered into a contract of sale with Lumayno. In exchange of his lot, Lumayno
agreed to pay P5,000.00. She paid in advance P30.00. Fortunato was given a receipt prepared
by Lumaynos son in law (Andres Flores). Flores also acted as witness. Lumayno also executed
sales transactions with Fortunatos siblings separately.
In 1973, Lumayno compelled Fortunato to make the the delivery to her of the registrable deed
of sale over Fortunatos portion of the Lot No. 2319. Fortunato assailed the validity of the
contract of sale. He also invoked his right to redeem (as a co-owner) the portions of land sold
by his siblings to Lumayno. Fortunato died during the pendency of the case.
ISSUE: Whether or not there was a valid contract of sale?
HELD: No. Fortunato was a no read no write person. It was incumbent for the the other party
to prove that details of the contract was fully explained to Fortunato before Fortunato signed
the receipt.
A contract of sale is a consensual contract, thus, it is perfected by mere consent of the parties.
It is born from the moment there is a meeting of minds upon the thing which is the object of
the sale and upon the price. Upon its perfection, the parties may reciprocally demand
performance, that is, the vendee may compel the transfer of the ownership and to deliver the
object of the sale while the vendor may demand the vendee to pay the thing sold. For there to
be a perfected contract of sale, however, the following elements must be present: consent,
object, and price in money or its equivalent.
For consent to be valid, it must meet the following requisites:
(a) it should be intelligent, or with an exact notion of the matter to which it refers;
(b) it should be free and
(c) it should be spontaneous. Intelligence in consent is vitiated by error; freedom by violence,
intimidation or undue influence; spontaneity by fraud.
Lumayno claimed that she explained fully the receipt to Fortunato, but Flores testimony belies
it. Flores said there was another witness but the other was a maid who also lacked education.
Further, Flores himself was not aware that the receipt was to transfer the ownership of
Fortunatos land to her mom-in-law. It merely occurred to him to explain the details of the
receipt but he never did

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