300 KV

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AT SALMIYH"AX" 300/132/11 KV
AT SLWT "A" 132/33/11 KV
Attention of all tenderers is drawn to the following:



The prospective tenderers must submit their offers complete for the above parts of
this tender. Partially submitted offers will not be accepted.
All the specified equipment and as detailed under this specification shall be fully in
compliance with the technical specification and which forms an integral part of this
All the electrical equipment and civil works shall be guaranteed for a period of one
year from the date of energizing (or as stated in Schedule A-1) against any failures,
faults, defects, poor workmanship and repairs, etc.
It is not allowed to change the Kuwaiti Agent from the closing date of tender till the
date of signing of the contract.
The tenderers are allowed to submit materials from sub-suppliers for only those items
in Schedule "A-1*". Offers not complying with these conditions will be
The main equipment shall be manufacturers from approved list in Schedule A1. Therefore the work in this equipment shall be under the direct supervision
of this manufacturer and should be included in the tender price.
The erection companies (non-manufacturers) are requested to extend the
maintenance and guarantee periods for main equipment to three years instead
of one year.
The manufactures should submit their quotations to the erection companies
two weeks prior to the closing date and their prices quoted to the erection
companies must be compatible with their prices offered to the ministry in case
they are participating in the same tender. Otherwise their offers can be
rejected if there is a big difference in their prices quoted to the erection
companies and the prices offered to Ministry or not submitting quotation to
the erection companies.
However, the erection companies must attach the manufactures quoted price
with the tender.






Every page of technical and price schedules must be signed and stamped by local
agent and their principals.
Tenderers are advised to refer to Schedule "V" erection rates relating to interim
payments and Schedule "E" for detailed drawings to be submitted with the offer
Materials made in Kuwait are acceptable provided they fully comply with these
For 300 KV switchgear SF6 tubing shall be provided for all feeder circuits from the
switchgear to the outside of the wall of the switchgear room.
The above SF6 tubing shall be fitted with cable sealing ends suitable for single core,
300 KV 1600 mm. XLPE cables (2 per phase) as detailed in the Details of
Provision shall be made for cable testing, sun shielding, fire retardant, coating of
cables, fire zoning if required, all the above shall be subject to MEW approval.
The above cable sealing ends and arrangement outside the switchgear rooms walls is
referred to below as cable corridor. The 300 KV outdoor bushings shall comply with
the following:
System highest voltage
300 KV
Minimum creep age distance
10900 mm.
Impulse withstand voltage 1.2/50 ms
1050 KV
The 132 KV XLPE 800 sq.mm. cable tails of the four 300 MVA transformer shall be
routed from the 132 KV SF6 sealing ends of the 132 KV switchgear under the
substation building and up to transformers rooms through PVC ducts. These ducts
shall be encased in concrete. The depth of ducts, construction, grouping of circuits,
etc. shall be subject to the purchasers approval.
Tenderers are allowed to propose alternative route of these cables, this however if
accepted by the purchaser will not entitle the contractor for any extra charges to the
contract price.
If 33 KV circuit breakers are SF6 insulated are offered the tenderer should fill the
respective particulars and guarantees in Schedule D of this tender. However, SF6
C.Bs should comply with the requirements of clause 4.4. of Volume I.
For the new 11 KV switchgear, 11 KV circuit breakers shall be of the SF6 insulated or
vacuum type, switchgears with minimum oil circuit breakers are not acceptable. The
tenderers who wish to offer SF6 or vacuum circuit breakers shall submit with the offer
an evidence to show that the circuit breaker which they offer is from sub-suppliers
listed in Schedule A-1 and is in service for at least three years. The tenderers should
fill the respective particulars and guarantees in Schedule D of this tender with
complete and clear technical data. Also they have to attach with their offers technical
literature, description and instructions for operation and maintenance. However, the
offered circuit breakers should comply with the requirements of clause 4.4 of Vol. I.
At approval stage detailed calculations of the strength of the C.B. components shall be
subject to MINISTRY approval.
All tenderers are required to quote for equipment/materials manufactured abroad and
for equipment/materials manufactured locally by approved suppliers
The C.I.F. prices and other charges of these items to be entered in Schedule "J-1"
(column"3"+ column 4) shall be based on the cheapest of the above two makes (C.I.F.
price and other charges (FRANCO) for foreign make and ex-factory and transport to
stores prices for locally made items) and the total of Schedule "J-1" shall be carried
over to the Schedule "J-3" (Summary of Prices).
All tenderers should submit with their offer the original quotation as received from
local manufacturers. When quoting in Schedule "J-1" for locally manufactured







equipment, the prices of "Other charges" in column "4" are to be filled for
"transportation cost from factory to stores.
All tenderers should note that when filling the price schedules, the requirements of
Ministerial decree No.(6) of 1987. This applies to the locally manufactured equipment
and materials approved by MEW. For example: Gulf Cables (Kuwait) manufacturer of
PVC, XLPE insulated cables up to 11 KV and pilot cables and York Gulf
manufacturer of Air conditioning units and Al-Ahlia Co. manufacturer of relay and
control panels, L.T. distribution boards, battery chargers, 33 KV Switchgear and 11
KV Switchgear ,pilot cable marshaling cabinet , telemetry terminal transfer cabinet ,
transformer tap changer control panels and local control panels for 300 & 132 KV
switchgear and 20MVA 33/11.5KV and cast resin 11/0.433 KV transformer and
EBOMAC manufacturer of L.T. Distribution boards (A.C and D.C), 132 kV & 11 kV
Control & Relay panel, Telemetry Terminal Transfer Cabinet & Transformer tap
changer control panel and IPEC Co. manufacturer of relay and control panels, L.T.
distribution boards (AC & DC), pilot cable marshaling cabinet, telemetry terminal
transfer cabinet, transformer tap changer control panel.
The CIF prices and other charges for each of the items to be entered in Schedule J-1
shall be based on the cheapest of the above two makes (CIF price and other charges
for foreign make (FRANCO) and ex-factory and transport to stores prices for locally
made) taking into consideration the preferential percentage given to similar products
of national products and products of national origin given in Ministerial Decree No.
(6) of 1987. The total of Schedule J-1 shall be carried over to the Schedule J-3
Summary of prices.
This is for all tenderers that if they propose more than one supplier in Schedule A for
the items mentioned in Schedule D, then the make and type mentioned in Schedule D
will be considered final, and in case more than one make and type are mentioned in
Schedule D for the same item, then the MINISTRY has the right to select one and
tenderer has to comply with MINISTRYs decision without any objection.
Tenderers offers must not contradict with the decree No.6 for national products
otherwise their offers will be rejected.
Tenderers are not allowed to retype and replace the original tender documents, non
compliance to which will result in rejection of their offers.
All material type test certificates will be submitted where these are not available,
type tests in accordance with specifications and in presence of our appointed
inspector shall be carried out with no extra cost.
Spare parts, tools and accessories that will be delivered shall be in accordance with
make/type finally installed in site and the prices of the same are to be actual for
future reference in case of order during contract running period until the end of
contract guarantee period.
If any material fails during the test as per the test report of our appointed inspector,
then such material shall be re-tested. Repeating the test for the same material for any
reason whatsoever (i.e. due to failure during test, material damaged for any reason)
will be on the contractor's account and to be deducted from your tender price and to
be paid for our appointed inspector.
If any Site test result show difference with factory test results and the variation is
beyond compliance with IEC the contractor will return the equipment to the factory
for a retest and submit a complete result report for MEW approval without any
additional cost.





Supply & installation of telemetry equipment will be done by others. Accordingly all
the telemetry works which will be done by telemetry contractor to be coordinated
with substation contractor.
Training of five engineers from the Ministry for not less than 2 weeks in the Main
equipment Factory (for each of GIS, Transformers, Protection relays, Fire fighting and
Battery Chargers
The contractor shall submit for study and approval the relay settings calculation from
the relay manufacturer based on required parameters collected from MEW for each
substation in the project at least six (6) months before commission shall be
contractors own responsibility.
The contractor after successfully completing the substation will hand over all the
remaining articles of the following to MEW stores.

All left over cables, pcs. of power cables/control cables.

Empty or filled gas cylinders of Nitrogen, SF6 etc.
Metal beams Pcs of beams used for transportation of heavy items like
transformers, switchgear etc.
All empty packing cases (wooden, card board, etc) used for transportation of
parts and equipments.
Empty oil drums and tanks used for transformers oil etc.


Current transformers should preferably not be housed in SF6 circuit breaker chamber.


The necessary manpower has to be provided on the tenderers / contractors

The contractor shall submit relays based on the latest version of digital / numerical relays
from MEW approval list. All protection relays to be provided under this project are to be
latest design and state of the art for which specific approval is to obtained from MEW
including Battery Chargers relays.



The contractor should submit 2 no. laptop with specified design to operate the above
protection relays & battery charger relays complete with original soft copy and all cable
connection, configuration setting, etc. These to be handed over to Maintenance
Department. In additional to the above 4 nos. of laptops with 6 nos. of softcopy and
hardcopy to be handed over to MEW.


Suitable Intelligent Digital Energy Meters measuring active & reactive energy calibrated
and sealed by MEW testing laboratory are to be provided for all transformers on LV side.


The contractor shall submit one original and three copies of all the relevant and latest IEC
standards for GIS and transformer and their components i.e. manufacturing, testing, etc.
Battery & battery chargers, L.T. equipment, firefighting and all other components. The
contractor shall update the above standards during the contract period and should submit
the new version of the same.


The contractor shall submit the Spare Parts lists (Schedule C) in soft copy & hard
copy during two months after the approval of the equipment, these spare parts have
been not handed over unless the contractor get a written request from MEW.
- The Ministry has the right to deduct the spare parts according to the requirement.


The contractor should submit technical details for MEW study and separate approval
for each of:-

Gauges, terminal block, MCBs, bushings, instrument, pressure relief device,

Buchholz, free maintenance breather taking into consideration the slcagel material to
be grey color and not blue color, motor fans, motor pump, deluges valve showing the
name, place manufacture, transducer, battery charge, insulation level for any motor.
These materials to be good quality and have useful long life expectancy.

38 -

The approved power transformer tap changer to be vacuum type otherwise you have
to use filter system if the tap changer is oil type.
The tenderers should arrange the technical familiarization in detail and give lecture
for 12 engineers about IEC standards by specialist of IEC for 5 working days for each
of switchgear and transformers, this will be held in Kuwait and all expenses shall be
included in the tender price.
Contractor shall submit 10 major books for electrical power system.
Dummy panels for each of transformer and switchgear to be submitted to MEW
engineers during the approval stage.
The Ministry has the right to accept any contractor or subcontractor which complete
the prequalification conditions before the tender closing date.
transformer oil used to be an inhibited insulating high class oil with extremely good
electrical and excellent ageing properties meeting IEC 60296 (03), special application



This substation shall consist mainly of the following:



Seventeen (17) bays 63 KA 275/300 KV double busbar totally enclosed, metal clad,
SF6 gas insulated switchgear suitable for indoor installation in brick built building.
The switchgear shall be complete with operation cubicles, 300 KV SF6 tubing, and
isolators, earthling switches, voltage and current transformers, local control cubicles
and all accessories to complete.
Control board complete with one panel for synchronizing for the above 300 KV
Relay board to accommodate the protective relays and digital disturbance recorders
for the above gear.
Four (4) 300 MVA 300/132/33 KV power transformers with ON-LOAD tap changer
300 KV and 132 KV disconnecting link chambers suitable to receive 300 KV SF6
tubing and 132 KV XLPE on H.V. and L.V. sides respectively. The transformers
shall be of the star/star winding connection type with third tertiary winding. The
neutral of the H.V. side of the transformer shall be brought out through SF6 tubing
and shall be grounded through SF6 insulated switch which shall be installed in a
separate room in the substation. Current transformer for restricted earth fault shall
also be SF6 insulated. The neutral of the L.V. side of the transformer shall be
brought out via disconnecting link chamber, with oil immersed bolted copper link.
The current transformer for restricted earth fault protection at 132 KV side of the
transformer shall be of the ring type housed in a suitable sheet steel dust protected,
vermin proof, well ventilated box and provided with the necessary terminal block,
wiring etc. all to the satisfaction and approval of the purchaser. The H.V. side
neutral shall also be provided with SF6 insulated lightning arrestors with detectors
and counters. The method proposed by the tenderers shall be clearly shown on the
drawings submitted with their offers and the cost of such shall be included in the
tender price. SF6 insulated earthing switches, C.T.s for REF protection, etc. shall be
installed in a separate room of the substation, unless otherwise approved.
The surge arrestors and earth switch on H.V. side and link chamber on L.V. side
which are used for earthling of the 300 MVA transformers neutrals should be
connected to earth with adequate size of insulated cable or insulated copper bar
which shall be subject to the approval of the purchaser. Detailed calculations to
prove the adequacy of size insulation shall be submitted by the contractor for
approval purposes.
Four (4) numbers 45 MVAR shunt Reactors
33KV switchgear, control and relay board for 4x45 MVAR shunt reactors.
Thirty-Four (34) bays 10.000MVA 132/145 KV double busbar totally enclosed,
metal clad,SF6 gas insulated switchgear suitable for indoor installation in brick built
building. The switchgear shall be complete with operation cubicles, 132 KV cable
end sealing boxes, and isolators, earthling switches, voltage and current
transformers, local control cubicles and all accessories to complete.





Remote control and relay panels for the above 132 KV switchgear.
Thirty (30) panels, 750MVA
40 KA at 11 KV indoor switchgear.
Remote control and relay panels for the 11 KV switchgear.
Four (4) 30 MVA, 132/11.5 KV power transformers with ON-LOAD tap-changers
three design for parallel operation, the fourth transformer is standby.
Tap change remote control panels for the above transformers.
four 8 ohms neutral earthling resistor and associated change over switch cabinets
with current transformers for REF and standby E/F protection.
Water fire fighting system for the above transformers and shunt reactors.
Two 750 KVA 11/0.433 KV cast resin station transformers.
Low voltage distribution board.
2 Nos. 220 volts and one 110 volts batteries, associated charging, control equipment
and auxiliary D.C distribution boards.
All necessary control and power service cables for connections between all the
substation equipment. This also covers cables for substation lighting, power sockets,
air conditioning and any other auxiliaries, inside or outside the substation building.
The price of all the necessary trays, racks, bridges, covers, etc. has to be included
in the tender price.
1 KV single core 300 sq.mm. XLPE insulated PVC sheathed cable for connection
between L.T. board and wall mounted switch fuse for emergency diesel unit.
Station earthling system.
All transformers (300 MVA and 30 MVA & 750 KVA transformers) and 4x45
MVAR shunt reactors, power cables connecting the above transformers and shunt
reactors to their respective switchgears (132 KV, 33 KV, 11 KV and 1000 volts
All civil works associated with the substation (main building and external civil
Overhead traveling crane for the 300 KV and 132 KV switchgear rooms elec/
Air conditioning associated with the substation building for the 300 & 132 kV
switchgear room, control room, office, communication room, one spare room and
battery charger room. Ventilation of the basement and battery rooms.
Lighting fittings, power outlet sockets, and building wiring installation inside and
outside the substation buildings.
Substation fire fighting system (other than 14 above). It is to be noted that all
wiring is required for substation fire fighting should be concealed.
Pilot cable marshalling cabinets for 11KV switchgear.
Substation special auxiliary and sundry equipment.
Support steel structures for power cable tails in the basement and at the transformer
side, this covers all incoming and outgoing and future circuits.
Supply and installation of transfer telemetry terminal blocks cabinets.
Feeder differential protective relays type Solker RN (5 KV & 15 KV insulation) M/s
Reyrolle are discontinuing manufacture of cable differential relay type "Solkor "R"
both 5 KV and 15 KV and instead producing new version of cable differential relay
called Solkor "RN" for both 5 KV and 15 KV insulation.
It is therefore required to provide Solkor "RF" relays instead of Solkor "R". This is
also applicable to Schedule -C- Spare Parts -.
For 11 KV feeder circuits the existing Solkor "R" 5 KV relays can be used with the
new type Solkor "N" relays by means of changing four links in front of the Solkor N






(5 KV relay) to switch to R mode and these changes shall be carried out by the
contractor of this tender without any extra cost.
Meanwhile, for the far end of 132 KV feeder circuits, the existing Solkor R 15 KV
relay to be dismantled and handed over with proper packing to MINISTRY stores (if
necessary) and Solkor "RF" to be provided and installed instead of the dismantled
Solkor R.
Inter-trip equipment for 300 KV and 132KV feeders.
All the specified equipment and as detailed under this specification shall be fully in
compliance with the technical specifications and which form an integral part of this
Phosphoric self-shining tape to be supplied and wrapped around the cable at equally
interval led distances.
Outdoor flood lighting (photo-electric cell controlled) on poles as erected inside the
substation boundary wall at the four corners and shall be subject to MEW's approval.
The offer price must cover the cost of supply and installation to the satisfaction of
MEWs Engineer, any minor items that may not be specifically mentioned such as
clamps of various kinds, auxiliary relays and contactors, etc. which are necessary for
the completion of the project in a perfect manner. The contractor will not be entitled
to extra charges for such items or due to lack of knowledge. This also includes any
work or material for testing, tuning and commissioning the equipment at the far end
All necessary works for making of ducts using thrust boring method and/or open cut
method for 6 and 8 or above UPVC ducts shall be carried out under the scope of
work of this tender.
It has been decided to use fiber optic cable instead of pilot cable for 300KV and
132KV systems, there for all the tenderers are requested to study these requirements
and include in their offers any interface equipment/ fiber optic compatible relays.
Under Frequency Load Shedding Relays are necessary in new and running substation
projects for 300 & 400 kV level.

NB: 1)


SF6 insulated, metal enclosed, metal oxide type surge arrestors shall be
provided for feeders and SF6 tubes. These arrestors shall be capable to protect
the HV equipments from lighting and switching surge. Further they shall be
designed to prevents any oscillating over voltage during normal/abnormal
switching conditions. Such surge arrester shall be submitted for MEW
approval, supply and erection of the same to be included in the tender price
off the above substation.
Arrestors shall be designed and tested in accordance with requirements of
the relevant parts off IEC 60099 and in the case of zinc oxide arrestors they
shall be type tested in accordance with IEC 60099-4. Routine tests shall be
carried out in accordance with the requirements of this specification.
In additional to the above , the contractors shall study whether or not the
line arrestor located at the SF6 switchgear stations will fully protect the
transformers and switchgears against lighting surges and switching surges ,
the contractor shall perform the necessary calculations. If such calculations
reveal insufficient protection level then additional lighting arrestors directly
connected to the transformer, feeders and busbar tubs line terminals have to
be provided for the above substations without extra cost.
All cable ducts including feeder circuits inside and outside the substation
building and within the boundary wall shall be supplied and installed by the


contractor and the price of such shall be included in the offer. The ducts for
the future circuits are included in this tender.
Stability test on Solkor RF for 132 KV spare feeder and 11 KV feeders are
not required to be carried out since far end equipment are not available.
Commissioning test for inter-trip equipment and relay setting of 132 KV
spare feeder are not required to be carried out since far end equipment are not


Details of Equipment

300 KV Switchgear:
1.1 : Bus bars :

Two sets

Of three phase main busbars of 3000 amps Kuwait rating extending over
Seventeen (17) bays complete with four sets of 3-phase busbar earthing

The above shall include all copper connections, piping, earthing connections, electrical
and mechanical interlocks, auxiliary switches, multi-core cable glands and all other items
necessary to complete including synchronizing facility. Galvanized Steel Supporting
Structure for 300 kV Cables with non-ferrous cable cleats and clamps shall be provided.

1.2 Ten (10) OHL Feeders Bays Nose: 1,3, 16,17 spare
Bay no. 4 to SBPS
Bay no. 5 to JAHR "AX"
Bay no.14 to JAHR "AX"
Bay no. 7 to RDTN "W"
Bay no.12 to RDTN "W
Bay no. 13 6 to SBPS
Each bay comprising:
Two sets 2000 amps 3-phase busbar connections complete.
One set
2000 amps three single phase 300 KV feeder isolator complete with
operating mechanism

Two sets
One set
One set

One set

One set

One set

One set

2000 amps three single phase 300 KV busbar selector switches

complete with operating mechanism
Feeder earthing switch complete with interlocks.
2000 amps three single phase 63 KA, 300 KV SF6 gas insulated
circuit breaker, complete with earthing switches, operating
mechanism, connecting cables, oil pipes, etc. The circuit breaker
shall be suitable to break charging currents not less than 300 amps at
zero power factors.
Three single phase 300 KV metering C.T.s ratio 2000/1 amps.
Class I with adequate output for metering and connection to
disturbance recorder.
Three single phase 300 KV C.T.s class X 2000/1 amp with
adequate output for high speed distance protection relay approved
type with fiber optic compatibility.
Three single phase 300 KV C.Ts class X 2000/1 amps for distance
protection relay approved type in case of OHL or Solkor Cable
differential protection for UGC both protection should have fiber
optic compatibility.
Three single phase 300 KV C.T.s of 2000/1 amps ratio class 5P


One set
One set

One set

One set
One set

with adequate output for directional O/C and E/F relays and also for
connection to the disturbance recorder.
Three single phase 300 KV C.T.s of 3000/1 amps. Ratio class X for
busbar zone protection.
Three single phase indoor 275000 / 110 /110 / 110/110
V3 V3 V3 V3
Volts Star/star/star/open delta/open, delta voltage transformers,
Class 3P accuracy of adequate VA capacity for instruments,
directional over current and earth fault relays and synchronizing.
The V.T. shall have two tertiary winding for connection to each
distance protection relays separately. The value of voltage factor
which is 1.9 Un 30S.
Three single phase 300 KV isolator to be installed on the primary
side of the voltage transformers where necessary.
Three SF6 tubing from switchgear to cable corridor adjacent to
300kV switchgear room, will 300 kV 6-single core cable sealing end
boxes shall be installed (two per phase) complete with necessary
galvanized steel supporting structure.
Local control cubicles located in 300 KV switchgear room as
Six single core (2 cables per phase), cable sealing end boxes to
receive minimum 1600 sq.mm. oil filled cable. These cables end
boxes are located in the concrete corridor so that no 300 kV cable is
laid in the basement.
The above shall include all copper connections, piping, earthing
connections, electrical and mechanical interlocks, auxiliary switches,
multi-core cable glands and all matching current transformers and all
other items to complete including synchronizing facility. Galvanized
steel supporting structure for 300 kV cables together with non-ferrous
cables, cleats and clamps shall be provided.


1.3 Four (4) circuits bays for four (4) 300 MVA 300/132kv power transformers Bays
Nos. 2, 6, 11 & 15.
Each bay comprising:
Two sets
1000 amps 3-phase busbar connections complete.
One set
1000 amps three single phase 300 KV feeder
isolator complete with operating mechanism.
Two sets
1000 amps three single phase 300 KV busbar isolator
switches complete with operating mechanism.
One set
Feeder earthing switch complete with interlocks.
One set
1000 amps three single phase 63 KA, 300 KV SF6 gas
insulated circuit breaker, complete with earthing switches,
operating mechanism, connecting cables, oil pipes, etc.
The circuit breaker shall be suitable to break charging
currents not less than300 amps at zero power factors.
One set
Three single phase 300 KV current transformer, class
10p10 ratio 800/1 amps and of adequate output
For backup over current and earth leakage protection,
metering instruments and disturbance recorders.
Two set
Each three 1- phase 300 KV current transformers class X ratio
suitable to match with 1400/1 amps on 132 KV side, of
adequate output for biased differential protection.
One set
Three single phase 300 KV C.Ts class X 800/1 amps with adequate
burden restricted earth fault protection.
One set
Three single phase 300 KV C.T.s of 3000/1 amps. Ratio
class X for busbar zone protection.

One set

One set

Three single phase 300 KV SF6 tubing connected at the other end
to the 300kv disconnecting link chamber on the 300MVA
Local control cubicle in 400kv switchgear room as specified.

The above shall include all copper connections, piping, earthing connections,
electrical and mechanical interlocks, auxiliary switches, multi-core cable glands
and all
matching current transformers and all other items to complete including synchronizing
facility. Galvanized steel supporting structure for 300 kV cables together with non-ferrous
cables, cleats and clamps shall be provided.
1.4 One (1) bus-coupler circuit bay No. 10:
Comprising of:
Two sets
One set

Two sets

3000 amps, three 1-phase bus-connections complete.

3000 amps, three 1-phase 63 KA 300 KV busbar complete circuit breaker
complete with earthing switches, operating mechanism, connecting cables,
pipes, etc. All necessary earthing connections, multi-core cable glands,
auxiliary switches, interlocks, etc. and all other items necessary to complete.
3000 Amps three single phase 300 KV busbar isolator switch complete with
driving mechanism.


One set
Two sets

Local control cubicle in the 300 KV switchgear room as specified.

One set on each side of the circuit breaker of three single phase current
transformers, Class X with 3000/1 amps ratio and burden for busbar zone
One set
Three single phase 300 KV current transformers, class 10P10 ratio 3000/1
amps and of adequate output for over current and earth leakage protection and
metering instruments.
The above shall include all copper connections, piping, earthing connections, electrical and
mechanical interlocks, auxiliary switches, multi-core cable glands and all other items
necessary to complete.

Two (2) Bus Section circuit bay Nos. 8 & 9 :

Each of these bays is basically of the same components as for bay No. 8&9 of the buscoupler bay except for configuration and arrangement to suit the function it is designed for.

The four sets of busbar earthing switches specified under clause 1.1 above shall be
installed adjacent to these bays Nos. 8 & 9 one set of 3 single phase earthing
switches, one each side.


300 KV power Cables and SF6 Tubing Supporting Structures:

The necessary galvanized steel work for supporting the 300 KV cables or SF6/air
bushings in the concrete corridor adjacent to the switchgear room as the cable
arrangement may be but complete with non-ferrous cable cleats, bolts, nuts, etc to
be supplied.

Four sets
One set

Galvanized steel supporting structures and wall frames for the 300 KV
SF6 tubing of the four 300 MVA transformers.
Permanent and portable steel platforms complete with ladders and rails
for erection, testing, periodical maintenance and repair. This is required
to cover the whole gear.

1.7 Synchronizing:
Synchronizing is required on the 300 KV feeders, B/C & B/S circuits. Thus the tender price
shall cover the supply and installation of all the necessary materials as described under
technical specifications.
1.8 under frequency:
Under frequency is required on the 132 KV feeders , B/C & B/S circuits. Thus the tender
price shall cover the supply and installation of all the necessary materials as described under
technical specifications.


2. Details of Transformers and Shunt Reactors:2.1 :Power Transformers and Associated Equipment:

300/132/33 KV three winding power transformer with nominal capacity of

secondary star and delta windings of 300MVA and 45 MVAR respectively
complete with ON-LOAD tap changers. For load combination, see clause 2.3
of Volume II of the specifications.
However, the transformers shall be complete with current transformer for
restricted earth fault protection. The C.Ts on the neutral connection at high
voltage side shall be SF6 insulated, and at L.V. side shall be of the ring type
housed in an arrangement. The final arrangement shall be subject to MEW at
no extra cost.

Four sets

Transformer neutral earthling arrangement. Each 300MVA transformer neutral

shall be provided as follows:
It is required to provide SF6 tubing from the neutral of the 300MVA
transformer at H.V. side to the neutral earthling isolators. The isolators at
H.V. side shall be SF6 gas insulated switchgear. The neutral of each
transformer shall be brought through SF6 tubing to the neutral earthling switch
together with its control shall be provided and installed. The H.V. side neutral
shall also be provided and SF6 insulated lightning arrestors. The tenderers
shall submit detailed drawings showing their counter proposals to achieve the
above requirements. The cost of all the above mentioned tubing, earthling
switch, current transformer and control, .etc, shall be included in the tender
It is to be noted that separate 300KV neutral earthing enclosures shall be
provided when proposing the substation layout arrangement and shall be
considered as included in the civil scope of work covered by this tender.
Details shall be subject to MEWs approval.
The L.T. side neutral shall be connected to ground via the disconnecting link
The surge arrestor and earth switch on H.V. side and link chamber of L.V.
side which are used for earthing of the 300MVA transformers neutrals should
be connected to earth with adequate size of insulated cable which shall be
subject to the approval of the Purchaser. Detailed calculations to prove the
adequacy of size and insulation shall be submitted by the Contractor for
approval purpose.


Four sets

Delta Windings terminations:

The terminations of the delta winding shall be brought out through 33KV
disconnecting link chamber provided with oil immersed copper bolted links.
The links chamber shall be followed by a H.V. cable box suitable to receive
three (3) single core 33KV 1000 sq.mm. XLPE
300MVA power transformers shall be designed that when no blower and
cooling pumps are running, the transformer is capable to give continuous
output of not less than 60% of its rated capacity in addition to the 45 MVAR
shunt reactor load.
The supply and erection of the power cables for the above transformers and
reactors are included in the scope of supply of this tender.
In the layout arrangement of the substation provisions shall be made for the
necessary civil opening, trays, structures, etc. for laying of the power and
control cables in connection with the above reactors. The cost of these works
shall be included in the tender price.
For the four numbers of 45 MVA reactors, the tenderers shall include for the
construction of the necessary civil rooms and foundation which shall be of the
same design as specified for the power transformers room in this tender and
which shall form part of the substation building and included in the tender
Provision shall also be made in the substation building to accommodate 33
KV switchgear (4) panels to control the above shunt reactors. The cost of civil
works for the above shall be included in the tender price.




The neutral of the H.V. side of 300 MVA transformers shall be brought through
SF6 tube in a room and termination in the neutral gear which shall be in the
form of a cubicle with mimic diagram, indication lights and the isolators shall
have necessary auxiliary contacts for interlocking with the C.B. and for remote
Alternatively, the SF6 insulated isolator, L/A, C.Ts , etc for the neutral of the
H.V. side of 300 MVA transformers can be located in the separate enclosures
providing adequate span for maintenance of all equipment. However, in this
case also, a cubicle is to be provided in the control room with mimic diagram
and semaphore indications, annunciator window, ..etc. complete with wiring for
specified interlocking and remote indications for the above. The entire
arrangement should be subject to the approval of the purchaser.


Details of Transformers:
Note: All ratings are minimum ratings under worst Kuwait conditions.
Details of Transformers
300MVA Transformers
Quantity required
Continuous maximum rating (CMR)
Kuwait with blowers and pumps Running
of Star secondary winding
Type of Installation
Nominal transformation ratio
Method of Cooling:
(OF- Oil Forced)
(AB- Air Blast)
External cooling medium and Oil circulating Air Blast, oil forced.
Phase Connections:
H.V. winding

L.V. winding



Tertiary winding



Neutrals (H.V. &

L.V. brought out)



Vector Group

YN Yno +d


Percentage impedance voltage:(HV/LV

Transformer designed for impulse testing
Type of tap-change equipment



ON-LOAD automatic
remote electrical and manual


Total range of variation of

transformer ratio:
Increasing ratio %
Decreasing ratio %
Number and size of step %

20 x 1.5%


Type of insulation

Class A to BSS 171


Standard I to BSS 171


Insulation Level
Systems highest voltage of:
aH.V. winding
bL.V. winding (Star)
cL.V. winding (Delta)
Transformer designed for parallel operation


Dummy master-group follower control

Marshalling Kiosks
Conservator for two portions
Explosion vents


36 KV



Details of Transformers
Buchholz protection relays (two)
Tap-change gas devices (three)
Disconnecting link chambers gas relays
Winding temperature indications
Oil temperature indications
Low oil level indication main tank
Low oil level indication tap tank
a) H.V. side

b) L.V. side

3 single phase compartments for connections to
300KV SF6 gas tubing and neutral brought out
and connected to SF6 gas
insulated gear through SF6 tubing
as described.
Six (6) cable 132KV 800 sq.mm.
XLPE sealing end boxes (2 per
Phase and one for neutral with suitable size)
Suitable to receive 3 single core Winding 33KV
1000 sq.mm. XLPE cables




Delta connected tertiary

Filling medium:
- H.V. Side
- L.V. side
High Voltage side with SF6 tubing
Low voltage cable disconnecting link
Voltage to earth for which star Point of
transformer winding is to be insulated (H.V &
Equipment to be supplied with transformer
for mounting on control panels or desks:
a Remote step-by-step tap position
indicator flush mounting tube with
black bezelle 6 diameter.
b Voltage control relay with time
delay (1.5%)
c Remote control switches Raise/lower

300MVA Transformers

Phase Voltage



d Change over switches


e Out-of-step relay with hand reset



f Tap change in progress, warning
lamp240 volts A.C.
g Volt-meter flush mounting type
with black bezel.

Remote Supervisory & control

High pressure fire fighting system




3. Remote Control board for 300 KV Switchgear:

3.1 TEN( 10) feeder circuit control panels:
Each circuit is equipped as follows:
Three sets Ammeters scaled for C.T's ratio 2000/1 amps.
One set
Voltmeter scaled 0-300 KV range with a selector switch to select phase
to phase and phase to neutral voltages.
Three sets Voltage failure indication lamps or (LED) light emitting diodes for red,
yellow and blue phases using colored glass lenses.
One set
Auto-trip indication lamp, amber color using glass lenses
One set
SF6 gas low pressure alarm/trip with flag indications.
One set
300 KV SF6 low gas pressure alarm/trip for SF6 tubing connection
between 300 KV switchgear and outdoor bushings.

One set
One set
One set
One set
One set
One set
One set
One set
One set

Healthy trip indication lamp with test button and resistance.

Mega-watt meter (for export/import)
MVAR meter (for export/import)
Power factor meter (lead/lag)
Of control switches with semaphore indication and mimic diagram
colored Yellow.
Selector switch for supervisory/local control
Test terminal block for measuring circuit
Of necessary contactors and/or auxiliary relays for supervisory remote
Of busbars, control m.c.b. labels, test links, small wiring instrument m.c.b.
fittings, etc. to complete including check synchronizing facility and any
other alarms and indications associated with the 300 KV equipment.

Remote Supervisory & Control:

a) Auxiliary relay Remote supervisory tripping of the circuit breaker with a separate
set of contacts to interrupt the auto-trip indication and alarm circuits.
b) Auxiliary relays for remote supervisory closing of the circuit breaker with separate
sets of contacts as may be necessary.
c) Status indication:
iCircuit breaker open closed
iiSelector switch Supervisory local.
iiiBusbar selector isolator: open/closed.
ivLine isolator " open" /" closed "
vEarthing switches . open closed
iDriving mechanism trouble.
iiArcing chamber low SF6 gas pressure (alarm/trip)
iiiIsolation SF6 gas low pressure (alarm/trip)
ivCircuit breaker poles discrepancy
vCircuit breaker failed to trip





Over current trip, earth fault trip, high speed distance relay alarm and trip with
(separate signals for each step).
Busbar fault trip
inter-trip receive alarm.
inter-trip equipment auxiliary supply fail.

Any other necessary auxiliary relays and/or contactors.

Necessary terminal blocks. Wiring from these terminal blocks to the transfer
terminal cabinet shall be 1.5 sq mm. control cables.
Supply, installation and wiring of the following equipment:
iTwo auxiliary relays, one for opening and one for closing the circuit breaker.
iiOne MW and one MVAR transducers
All contactors for remote supervisory control should be clean contacts (potential
free) and fleeting (also for air pressure, gas pressure and oil pressure of driving
mechanism) but with a holding time not less than 25 m.s. All alarms to be signaled
Four (4) 300 MVA Transformer Circuits Control Panels:
Each circuit equipped as follows:

Ammeters scaled for C.Ts ratio 600/1 amps.

Control switches with semaphore indication and mimic diagram
colored Yellow showing the neutral isolators and arrestors.
One set
Selector switch for supervisory/local control.
One set
Auto-trip indication lamp, amber color.
One set
Healthy trip indication lamp with test button and resistance.
One set
300 KV SF6 low gas pressure alarm/trip relays with flag indication
for tubing connection and also for SF6 tubing for transformer neutral.
One set
Test terminal block for measuring circuit.
One set
Inter-tripping relays with flag indication (sending and receiving)
One set
Of necessary auxiliary relay and/or contactors for supervisory remote
One set
Of busbars, control, m.c.b.s, test links, labels, small wiring
instrument m.c.bs fittings, any other alarms and indications
associated with 300 KV equipment and sundries to complete.
Remote Supervisory & Control
Auxiliary relay for remote supervisory tripping of the circuit breaker with a
separate set of contacts to interrupt the auto trip indication and alarm circuits.
Auxiliary relay for remote supervisory closing of the circuit breaker with
separate sets of contacts as may be necessary.
Status indication
iCircuit breaker open Closed
iiSelector switch Supervisory local.
iiiBusbars selection isolators: open/closed.
ivLine isolator " open" - " closed "
viiEarthing switches. open closed
Three sets
One set




Drive mechanism trouble.
Arcing chamber SF6 gas low pressure (Alarm/trip)
Isolation SF6 gas low pressure (alarm/Trip)
Circuit breaker poles discrepancy
Circuit breaker failed to trip
viii) Over current trip, earth fault trip.
Differential and restricted E/F relay trip
Busbar fault trip
Inter-trip receives alarm.



Any other necessary auxiliary relays and/or contactors.

Necessary terminal blocks. Wiring from these terminal blocks to the transfer
terminal cabinet shall be 1.5 sq.mm.
Supply, installation and wiring of two auxiliary relays, one for opening and
one for closing the circuit breaker.
All contacts for remote supervisory and control should be clean contacts
(potential free) and fleeting (except for gas pressure, air pressure and oil
pressure of driving mechanism) but holding time not less than 25 m.s.
All alarms to be signaled separately.

One (1) Bus-coupler & Two(2) Bus-section Control Panels:

Each equipped as follows:
Three Sets
Ammeters scaled 0 3000 amps range.
One Set
Control switches with semaphore indication and mimic diagram
colored Yellow including the control and indication of all isolators
and circuit breakers.
One set
Selector switch for supervisory/local control.
One set
Auto-trip indication lamp, amber color using glass lens.
One set
Health trip indication lamp with test button and resistance.
One set
SF6 gas low pressure alarm/trip with flag indications.
One set
Alarm/trip indication of busbar protection for each of the four zones of
the switchgear. This may be mounted on the bus coupler panel.
One set
Busbar low gas pressure alarm/trip (one for each bus-section) with flag
Remote Supervisory And Control:
a) Auxiliary relay for remote / supervisory tripping of the circuit breaker with
a separate set of contacts to interrupt the auto trip indication and alarm
b) Auxiliary relay for remote supervisory closing of the circuit breaker with
separate set of contacts as may be necessary.
c) Status Indication:
Circuit breaker open closed
Busbar selection isolator Open Closed
Busbar live for each busbar section.
Busbar earthing switches open closed
d) Alarms:
Drive mechanism, trouble
chamber SF6- gas low Pressure alarm/trip
Busbars low gas pressure
Isolation SF6 gas low pressure alarm/trip




Circuit breaker failed to trip

Circuit breaker poles discrepancy
Over-current trip, earth fault trip.
Inter-trip receives alarm, busbar protection supervision alarm
and busbar protection trip for each zone of the main busbars.
Any other necessary auxiliary relays and/or contactors.
Necessary terminal blocks, wiring from these terminal blocks to the transfer
terminal cabinets shall be 1.5 sq.mm.
Supply, installation and wiring of the following equipment.
i) Two auxiliary relays one for opening and one for closing the circuit breaker.
ii) One amp transducer
iii) Four KV transducers (one for each busbar section).

N.B: All contacts for remote supervisory and control should be clean
contacts (potential free) and flatting (except for gas pressure
and oil pressure of driving mechanism) but with holding time
not less than 25 m.s.
ll alarms to be signaled separately.
- All cable low oil pressure alarm gauges (if applicable) must be
fitted with two sets of contacts, one for alarm and one for
tripping of the corresponding circuit.
The gauge contacts must be of the snap action type and rated to
the connected annunciator.
- The busbar live indication and the KV transducer shall be fed
from the auxiliary bus-wires of synchronizing running voltage
where sequence of connection is from 300 KV feeders and
132KV feeders from left to right order when viewed from
- Attention of all tenderers is drawn that the control of all
300 KV isolators must be provided locally and remotely
from the control room. But for the earthing switches to be
controlled from the local control panels only. Further, the
earthing switches for feeders (underground or O/H line
circuits) shall be interlocked with the associated voltage
However, position indication ON/OFF for isolator and
earthing switches shall be provided on the local and remote
control panels. Position indication ON/OFF for V.T. isolators
shall be provided on the local control panel.
- The two relays (50V DC) for tele-control (one for closing and
one for opening the circuit breaker) from the supervisory
centre shall be Siemens V23009/SR15
type or equivalent
subject to MEW approval
3.4 One Synchronizing Panel having:
Synchronizing voltmeters
Synchronizing frequency meters
Synchronous scope (Draw able and rotating type)
Synchronizing relay
By pass switch for synchronizing relay and all other items necessary to complete.

Pr epar ed



Mul l a

(versi o n

R eferenc e:

( 2002 )


Gr ammar

Fo r

Al l




h ttp ://w w w .eq l a 3- sof t.c om

Nai m


A comprehensive scheme for synchronizing, busbar live and busbar voltage measurement
for control centre measurement shall be subject to the purchasers approval.

4.1: Protection Relay Board for 300KV Switchgear

Ten (10) panels for overhead line circuits:

Each panel equipped as follows:
One set
Three directional over current and earth leakage IDMT relay with auxiliary relay,
etc. as specified complete with the necessary contacts for supervisory alarm indication
for all panels.
One set
3-phase solid state distance relay approved type complete with all auxiliaries
including under voltage starting relays, transient blocking, power swing blocking,
auto-re-closing signal block, etc. and arranged in a permissive over reaching
(unblocking) scheme. This type RE93 with inter-tripping through separate channel.
One set
Three phase high speed distance relay of approved type consists of permissive under
reaching type (second main protection) with three steps complete, alarm indicators,
disturbance, event recorder, fault locator and switches and supervisory alarm
indications as specified.
One set
Protective relays with time lag for circuit breaker fail to trip.
One set
Auxiliary relays for connection to disturbance recorders.
One set
Service/test position switches for each relay circuits.
One set
Inter-tripping auxiliary relays at this substation (PLC & Inter-trip equipment
are included under telemetry clause of this tender)

300 KV O/H line circuits:



NB :

Separate current transformer core of suitable accuracy and burden shall be provided
in the 300 KV switchgear for each distance protection.
Main I - ABB type REL670,ver. 34 distance protection complete as specified.
Main II Siemens type 7SA522 all auxiliaries as above but arranged in a permissive
under-reaching (carrier acceleration) scheme.
Separate trip coils shall be provided for connecting independently the trip circuit of the
above mentioned two relays or high speed distance protection.
In the 275000 / 110 / 110 / 110 / 110 voltage transformers.

V3 V3
Separate tertiary winding shall be provided to connect separately double protection
It shall be noted that completely separate screened secondary wiring is to be provided
for each protection scheme described above.
220 VDC supply from two different sources shall be connected to each of the double
protection scheme. One 220 V D.C. supply from the tripping battery and the other
from 220 V DC control battery.
It has been decided to use fiber optic cable instead of pilot cable for 300kV and
132kV therefore all the tenderers are requested to study this requirements and include in t
interface equipment/fiber optic compatible relays.


4.3 Four(4) Panels for the Four 300 MVA Transformers:

Each equipped as follows:
One set
Three phase non-directional over current and earth leakage relays as
One set
Three phase differential relay similar to duo-bias relay of M/s
Reyrolle of England as specified. This relay should be suitable for 3
winding transformers.
One set
Restricted earth fault relay for the high voltage winding of the trans
with auxiliary contacts for indication at National Control Centre.
One set
Protection relays with time lag for circuit breaker fail to trip
Auxiliary relays for connection to disturbance recorder one
connected to H.V. line side and one to the H.V. neutral current
One set
Service/test position switch for each relay circuit or testing sockets
and plugs as per Vol. I.
One set
Of any auxiliary relay for the specified inter-tripping and interlocking
schemes and all other items necessary to complete.


Double differential protection of 300 MVA Transformers:

Generally the scheme is to be prepared based on the above requirement.
However, in this case two trip coils are also provided in the 132 kV switchgear
controlling the L.V. side of the 300 MVA transformers.
One (1) panel for Bus-coupler and two(2) panels for bus-section circuits:
Each equipped with:
One set
One set
One set
One set

One set

Three phase non-directional over current and earth fault relays as

Auxiliary relays for connection to disturbance recorder.
Protective relays with time lag against circuit breaker fail to trip.
Service/test switch for each relays or testing sockets and plugs as per
volume I.

Busbar protection panel: comprising:

Protective relays of the electronic fully digital type, for each busbar zone (section)
with automatic testing continuous monitoring and diagnostics facilities and as
specified, complete with check zone & discriminative zones.
One set Auxiliary relays, matching current transformers, contactors, alarm indication
relays, complete with auxiliary contacts for indication at the National control Centre.
One set Supervisory relays for the secondary C.T. control cables to avoid mal-tripping with
auxiliary relays for local and remote alarm indication.
One set
Testing facility for periodical checking but on the board (i.e. for secondary
testing). Test links and test sockets both are to be provided.


4.6 Disturbance Recorder panel:

One set Of the latest modern version of digital fault recorder for recording of system
disturbance and fault monitoring by acquisition and analysis of power system
disturbance as in clause 8.4, vol. II The digital disturbance recorder shall be
with the following functions and capabilities.
High sampling rate
High recording capacity
Power and frequency recorder
Power grid system quality
Event recorder.
Time synchronizing by GPS receiver.
Remote data transformer facilities
NB :


1) All A.C. and D.C. miniature circuit breakers used for 300 KV switchgear and 300
KVcontrol and relay board shall be fitted with auxiliary contacts wired and
grouped to give remote supervisory alarm indication, in case tripped or opened.
(one local alarm indication for each 300 KV circuit and one signal for whole 300
KV board to N.C.C.).
2) All relays shall have individual flag local indication.
3) If testing sockets and plugs are offered for withdrawal relays, then two plugs
complete with leads, terminals, etc. shall be provided for each substation.
4) General notes clause 6.7.14 of Volume I is also applicable.
Transformer Tap-change Control panels:
The arrangement of tap change control panels with reference to300 KV remote control
panels is subject to approval. These panels shall be arranged to read from left to right as
Panel No.1
300 MVA transformer No.1
Panel No.2
300 MVA transformer No.2
Panel No.3
300 MVA transformer No.3
Panel No.4
300 MVA
MVA transformer

NB: Alternatively the tap change control panels may be arranged to form part of the
300 KV remote control panels, in which case the panel number will be :


2A, 6A, 11A & 15A on300 KV control board.

5.1 Each panel shall be equipped as follows:





Tap change raise and lower control

Tap change control selector switches
Hand or automatic
Individual parallel operation.
Leader or follower regulations control.
Tap change position indicator
Tap change in progress.
One voltmeter
One voltage regulator relay with time delay.
One out-of-step relay
Out-of-step alarm
Drive mechanism motor trouble.

Remote supervisory & Control:

All necessary contactors and/or auxiliary relays
Status indication:


ap positions.

ap changer in progress.
NB: The supervisory/local selection shall be arranged by supervisory/local selector switches
for the 300 KV circuit breakers controlling the corresponding 300 MVA transformers
c ) Alarms :
Tap change in progress, upper limit and lower limit positions of tap
changer, out of step, fans running, buchholz main tank alarm, buchholz
main tank trip, tap changer buchholz trip, winding temperature alarm,
winding temperature trip, oil temperature alarm, oil temperature trip, low
oil level, fan trouble oil pumps running, oil pump trouble and O.L.T.C.
motor trouble.
d) Supply, installation and wiring of the following:

NB : a)

Two auxiliary relays for tap control one for raise-tap and one for lower-tap.
All the 21 tap positions to be wired separately for remote supervisory and not as
measurement through transducer.
All contacts for remote supervisory and control shall be clean contacts (potential-free)
and of the fleeting type with holding time not less than 25 m.s.



In location, dimension and design of tap change panels is subject to MEW approval.
Possibility of designing and placing the tap change control panels of all transformers at
one place will be considered.
All contactors, terminal blocks, label fixtures, wiring ferrules, m.c.b.s links
connections rear access doors multi-core cable glands and all other necessary apparatus
connected with the tap change equipment.


6. Equipment Associated with the transformer:

The neutral of H.V. and L.V. of the transformer is brought out by SF6 insulated tubing and direct
earthing by cable respectively. The H.V. side shall be earthed through SF6 insulated earthing
switch and lightning arrestors with detectors and counters. The C.T. for restricted earth fault
protection shall be SF6 insulated at H.V. side and ring type at L.V. side however through bolted oil
immersed link box.
7. 33 KV Switchgear for controlling of 4x45 MVAR Shunt Reactors:
The scope of work covers supply and erection of four panels 33 KV 3-phase 1000 A Kuwait Rating
switchgear. The 3-phase symmetrical short circuit rating shall be as obtained from detailed
calculations based on network and transformer reactance however not less than 24 KA at 36 KV.
Each of these panels shall be provided with two cable end sealing boxes, one for cable from power
transformer, and the other to the shunt reactor from the other side, i.e. in each panel the 33 KV
cable will be connected in and out. The 33 KV switchboard shall be designed when viewed from
front and counted from left to right as below:
Panel no. 1
Panel no.2
Panel no.3
Panel no.4

Controlling shunt reactor No.1 and fed by 300 MVA transformer no.1
Controlling shunt reactor No.2 and fed by 300 MVA transformer no.2
Controlling shunt reactor No.3 and fed by 300 MVA transformer no.3
Controlling shunt reactor No.4 and fed by 300 MVA transformer no.4

This board shall be erected in a separate room and shall comprise the following:

33 KV Switchgear 45 MVAR shunt Reactor:

Breaking capacity : 24 KA minimum at 36 KV
Nominal rating
1000 amps
Remote controlled automatic motor charged spring close
Trip coil
D.C. shunt trip
D.C. supply
Spring release coil
The switchboard shall be provided with pressure switches for arcing fault protection for
each compartment to trip the circuit breaker in case of faults and this shall be signaled to
the local control room as well as to the supervisory Control Centre. The panels shall have
flap covers with spring assistance to release gases in case of internal faults and this shall be
signaled to the local control room as well as to the supervisory control centre. Each panel
shall be completely separate from the adjacent panels. However, the 4 panels board shall
be rigid, sturdy and shall be of the same design as recently erected in MEW Network.


Circuit breaker

Shall be of the horizontal withdrawal type provided with the

necessary screen shutters, guide rails, pressure switches, earthing
switches complete with internal lighting for each panel for visual
checking of the proper engagement of the isolating contacts.

Cable end sealing boxes with brass wiping glands, earthing clamps and
bonding strips to receive three 1000 sq.mm. 1/core 33 KV XLPE cables
complete with cable lugs, insulating compounds, etc. (Two sets of boxes for
each panel).
Labels One circuit label of adequate dimensions located in a prominent position,
when viewed from the front
One small label at the rear of the panel.
Protection: aBuchholz trip, oil and winding, high temperature trip, low oil level
bOver current and earth leakage and REF protection.
cDifferential protection (common for 300 MVA transformer).
dInter-tripping and interlocking.
eOver voltage relay with V.T for earth fault at 33KV tertiary
Current Transformers
3single phase current transformer for the over-current and earth
One set
leakage protection and instrument ratio 1000/1 amps.
each 3 single phase current transformers for differential protection.
Two sets
3 single phase C.T.s and one phase neutral C.T. for restricted earth
One set
fault of the shunt reactor.
Emergency trip button suitably shrouded or recessed.
Local control
Auto-trip lamp with cancellation push button.
Cable box


Closed state and open state indication.


Spring charged state and uncharged state indication.

ON/OFF lamp indication using glass lenses colored red and

green 240 volts A.C.
Galvanized steel supporting structure for 33 KV cables in the basement, complete
with necessary clamps, cleats, earthing, etc.

One set

7.2 33 KV Surge Arrestors

For the safe switching respectively, tripping operation of the 33 KV circuit breakers.
Tenderers are requested to consider that based on the 300 MVA transformer, 45 MVAR
shunt reactor, connecting power cables and network constants, if the calculations show that
33 KV surge arrestors are necessary to avoid excessive over voltage, these arrestors shall be
supplied complete with counters and shall be installed at no extra cost to the contract price,
the detailed design of which and rating shall be subject to MEW approval prior to
manufacture of the 300 MVA transformers.
The contractor must submit detailed calculations, type test reports to show the maximum
rate of rise of recovery voltage and the amplitude of that voltage together with reference
international standards for checking and approval by the purchaser.



Remote Control & Relay Board for 45 MVA Reactors:

Each panel is equipped as follows:
Remote control of 45 MVAR reactors
To be located in a prominent place in the control room.
Operation a) Control switch trip and close D.C. supply
b) Supervisory/local control selector switch.
Indication: a) Mimic diagram colored red with semaphore indications (normally deenergized) D.C. supply.
b) One healthy trip indication lamp with resistance and test push button.
c) One auto-trip lamp indication
d) Buchholz, oil and winding temperature fan motors, low oil level,
any other services on the reactors.
e) Pressure switches operated with flag indication.
Three ammeters rectangular dial, flush mounting type scaled to suit C.T.
Relays :
a. Restricted earth fault relay.
b. Differential protection
c. Over current and E/F relay.
d. One winding temperature alarm/trip relay.
e. One oil temperature alarm/trip relay
f. Buchholz alarm-trip relay
g. Low oil level alarm

Remote Supervisory & Control:

a) Auxiliary relay for remote supervisory tripping of the circuit breaker with a separate
set of contacts to interrupt the auto-trip indication and alarm circuits.
b) Auxiliary relay for remote supervisory closing of the circuit breaker with separate sets
of contacts may be necessary.
c) Status indication (circuit breaker open , closed withdrawn selector switch
(supervisory local).
d) Alarms:


Driving mechanism trouble.

Over current trip, earth fault trip and REF relay trip.
Buchholz alarm, buchholz trip, winding temperature alarm/trip oil temperature
alarm, oil temperature trip, law oil level alarm.
Any other necessary auxiliary relays/ and/ or contactors.
Necessary terminal blocks.
Supply, installation and wiring of the following equipment:
Two relays of M/s Siemens type V2300 g/SR15 rated at 50 VDC equivalent
are to be used one for opening and one for closing the circuit breakers.
One amp transducer.



All contacts for remote supervisory and control should be clean contacts
(potential free) and fleeting with holding time not less than 25 m.s.

- One circuit label located on a prominent position at the front of the control board.
- One small circuit label located on the rear door.

Small wiring
The cubicle should be completed with all small wiring, m.c.b.s terminal blocks , cable glands,
Test Switch
One test switch (service/test connected in over current and earth leakage protection circuit.
Test switch
As above for REF relay.


Supply & installation of 4x45 MVAR Shunt Reactors.

The technical details of the shunt reactors are given below:
Specifications for Shunt Reactors:
For compensation of capacitive reactive power consumed by the existing cable
networks, it has been decided to install shunt reactors each 45 MVAR and connect to
33 KV Switchgear as described earlier in power transformers and 33 KV switchgear
clauses respectively. These reactors shall be of the outdoor type. However, these
reactors shall be installed in rooms separately as in the case of 300 MVA power
transformer included in this specification.
The technical specifications of the required reactors shall be basically the same as those
described and detailed for power transformers. The iron core which shall be of nonaging cold-rolled grain-oriented silicon steel shall have air gaps which must be set by
preliminary tests before varnishing or treating the entire assembly. These gaps must be
provided by suitable spacers and treatment to avoid noise. The core cross sectional
area must be sufficient to have maximum flux density in core or yoke of 14,000 gauss.
The magnetic circuit construction shall be such that removal and replacement of
windings will limit removing of laminations to a minimum. The required reactors shall
be of the core-type or shell type of oil-immersed and with class A insulation.
Since shunt reactors do not experience heavy short time currents due to short circuits or
heavy load, current densities higher than those specified for the 300MVA transformers
can be used. However, the attention of tenders is drawn to the fact that for evaluation
and comparison purpose of the reactors offered in tender analysis; the cost of losses
shall be capitalized based on KD.500/- per each kilo watt.
The reactor winding shall be fully insulated, with the end coils having additional
protection against abnormal line disturbances. Among other facilities provided for
moving and handling the reactors, directions shall be provided. The cooling radiators
shall be mounted on the tank and these shall be of detachable type with isolating valve
for each radiator element. The oil shall be of the same type as that of the power
The shunt reactors shall be equipped with an oil conservator, breather, piping, valves
and monitoring facilities for local and remote supervisory indications as specified for
the power transformers but as applicable to the reactors.
For connection to the 33KV switchgear 33 KV three single core, 1000 sq.mm. XLPE,
cable termination boxes complete with all primary connections, bushings, supports, etc.
shall be provided. The cable boxes shall be suitable to receive these cables. For


earthing of neutral point of the reactor a separate cable box shall be provided complete
with cable connection to outdoor earthing ring. The noise level measured from the
reactor at a distance of 20 meters shall not exceed 50 db measured in open space and
necessary noise level test shall be carried at works as far as practicable in the presence
of the inspector. Otherwise measurement can be carried out at a distance of one meter
and calculations shall be submitted by the Contractor to show that the specified limit at
20 meters is fulfilled. Neutral current transformer for REF protection shall be of the
ring type suitably mechanical protected subject to MEW approval.


Details of Shunt Reactors:

The main technical data of the shunt reactors shall be as detailed below:


Rated Power
Rated frequency
Rated voltage
Vector group symbol
Number of Phases
Magnetic Circuit
Magnetic flux density at nominal
ratings (in yoke and core)
Type of installation
Method of cooling
Maximum ambient temperature
Limit of winding temperature rise
Limit of oil temperature
Impedance voltage
Designed for impulse testing
Type of insulation
Insulation level
Highest system voltage
Marshalling Kiosk
Pressure Relief device
Breather (s)
Buchholz protection
Winding and oil temperature
Low oil level indicator
Remote supervisory indications
Water fire fighting

50 Hz.
Core type or shell
1.4 tesla
55 C
50 C
40 C
Class A to BSS171
Standard 1 to BSS
36 KV


Details of Equipment contd


132 KV Switchgear:


Two set of three phase main busbars of 3000 amps, Kuwait rating extending over 32
bays complete with four sets of 3-phase busbar earthing switches


Twenty Two (22) OHL Feeders bays Nos:,2,4,5,7, 9,10,12, 14,15,16,21,23,25 27,28,29,32,33
And 1, 8,24&34 are spare.
Bay No.2 to
Bay No.4 to
Bay no. 5 to
Bay No.7 to
Bay No.9 to
Bay No.10 to "
Bay No.12 to
Bay No.14 to
Bay no. 15 to
Bay No.16 to
Bay No.21 to
Bay No.23 to
Bay No.25 to
Bay No.27 to
Bay No.28 to
Bay No.29 to
Bay No.32 to
Bay no. 33 to

bay No.
bay No.
bay No.
bay No.
bay No.
bay No.
bay No.
bay No.
bay No.
bay No
bay No
bay No.
bay No
bay No
bay No
bay No
bay No.
bay No.

Each consisting of :
One Set

800 Amps 3-single phase busbar connections complete

One Set

800 Amps, 3 single phase 132KV busbar isolator complete with

operating mechanism

One Set

800 Amps, 3 single phase 132KV feeder isolator complete with

operating mechanism.


One Set

800 Amps 3 single phase10000 MVA 132KV SF6 gas insulated

circuit breaker complete with earthing switches, operating
mechanism connecting cables, oil pipes, etc. The circuit breaker
shall be suitable to break charging current not less than 160 Amps
capacitive at zero power factor.

One Set

One Set

Three single phase 132KV C.TS ratio 800-500/1 or 5 amps class

1 with adequate output for metering
Three single phase 132KV C.T.S class 5P15 ratio 800/1 with
adequate output for directional overcurrent and earth fault relays

One Set

Three single phase 132KV C.T.S class X, ratio 800-500/1 amps

with adequate output for high speed distance protection and shall
match the C.T.S at the other end. (This C.T. should also be
suitable for connection to Solkor RF relay).

One Set

Three single phase 132KV C.T.S class 5P20 with ratio 800/1A
and adequate output for busbar zone protection and shall match
the C.T.S at the other end and be located on the busbar side.

One Set

Three single phase indoor 132/V3 / 110/V3 / 110/V3 volts

star / star / open delta voltage transformers, class 3P accuracy of
adequate VA capacity for instruments directional overcurrent and
earth fault relays .

One Set

Three single phase 132KV isolator to be installed on the primary

side of the V.T.S or other suitable arrangement as per paragraph
3 of clause 3-12 of Part I of specifications.

One Set

Three single phase 132KV SF6 tubing from the switchgear to the

One Set

One Set

Local control cubicle located in the 132KV switchgear as

power carrier equipment (indoor and outdoor equipment)
including wave traps, coupling condensers, steel supporting
structures, civil foundation, jumpering, etc. (if applicable)

One Set

Three single phase 132 kV cable sealing end box suitable to

receive 1000 sqmm. XLPE cables.

One Set

The above shall include all copper connections, piping, earthling

connections, electrical and mechanical interlocks, intercropping
auxiliary switches, multicore cable glands and all other items
necessary to complete. Also the necessary supporting galvanized
steel works and non-magnetic cleats for supporting the 132KV
cables shall be supplied and included in the tender price.



Four (4) Circuit, 300 MVA 300/132 KV power Transformers Bays Nos: 6,13,26,30
Each consisting of :
Two sets
1400 amps 3-single phase busbar connections complete.
One set
1400 amps 3-single phase 132 KV transformer isolator complete with
operating mechanism, necessary interlocks, etc.
Two sets
1400 amps, 3-single phase, 132 KV busbar isolator complete with operating
mechanism, necessary interlocks, etc.
One set
Feeder earthing switch (of the fault making type) complete with operating
mechanism, interlocks, etc.
One set
1400 amps 3 single phase 10,000 MVA 132 KV SF6 gas insulated circuit
breaker, complete with earthing switches, operating mechanism, connecting
cables, oil pipes, etc. the circuit breaker shall be suitable to break capacity
charging current not less than 160 amps at zero power factor and inductive no
load current of 300 MVA transformers.
Two sets
Three single phase 132 KV current transformers class X ratio 1400/1 amps and
of adequate output for biased differential protection.
One set
Each three single phase 132 KV current transformers, class 5P20 ratio 1400/1
amps for directional over current and earth leakage protection.
One set
Three single phase current transformers, class 1 ratio 1400/1 or 5 amps for
instruments and metering.
One set
Three single phase 132 KV 1400/1 amps current transformers, class X for
restricted earth fault protection.
One set
Three single phase 132 KV C.T.s class 5P20 3000/1 A ratio and output for
busbar zone protection.
One set
Three single phase voltage transformers class 3P, ratio 132000 / 110 / 110
volts for tap change
Control protection, metering and synchronizing.
One set
Three single phase SF6 tubing from switchgear to substation cable corridor
adjacent to the substation building.
One set
Three single phase 132kv isolator to be installed on the primary side of the
voltage transformers where necessary.
One set
Six (6) single phase cable sealing end to receive six 1/core 800. sq.mm. 132 KV
XLPE cables (two per phase)
One set
Local control cubicle (located in the 132 KV switchgear room) complete with
interlocks, alarms, operating switches, auxiliary relays, contactors, etc.
One set
Earthing link boxes and earthing conductors, etc. This includes earthing link
boxes with S.V.L. at the transformer side.


The above shall include all copper connections, piping, earthing connections,
electrical and mechanical interlocks, auxiliary switches, multi-core cable glands
and all other items necessary to complete including synchronizing facility. Steel
supporting structures for cable tails have to be provided.
132 KV CB controlling 300 MVA transformer is required to have double
monitoring for NCC and DCC for CB status indication and MW and MVAR
measurements. The burden of the measuring CT and VT should be adequate for
this purpose. Two MW and two MVARs transducers will be connected to CT and
VT of each bay.


10.4 Four circuits, 30 MVA 132/11.5 KV Power Transformers Bays Nos: 3, 11,22 &31
Each pay comprising :
Two sets
800 amps 3 single phase busbar connections complete.
One set:
800 amps, 3 single phase, 132 KV busbar isolator, complete with
operating mechanism.
One set:
800 amps, 3 single phase 132 KV transformer isolator, complete with
operating mechanism.
One set:
Transformer earthing switch ( of fault making type) complete with
interlocks and driving mechanism.
800 amps, 3 phase, 10000 MVA, 132 KV SF6 gas insulated circuit
breaker complete with earthing switches, operating mechanism,
connecting cables, and piping, etc. The circuit breaker shall be suitable
to break charging current not less than 160 amps capacitive at zero
power factors.
One set:
Three single phase, 132 KV current transformers class 10P10, ratio
200/1 or 5 amps and of adequate output for backup over current and
earth leakage protection and metering instruments.
One set:
Three single phase, 132 KV current transformers, class 5P20 ratio
200/1 or 5 amps and of adequate output for biased differential
One set
Three single phase 132 KV C.T.s of ratio 3000/1A and adequate
output for busbar zone protection class 5P20
One set
Three single phase SF6 tubing from switchgear to substation corridor
adjacent to substation building.
One set
Three single phase 132 KV sealing end boxes suitable to receive three
single phase 132 KV 240 sq.mm. XLPE cables.
One set
Local control cubicles located in the 132 KV switchgear room as
The above shall include all copper connections, piping, earthing
connections, necessary interlocks, inter-tripping, auxiliary switches,
multi-core cable glands and all other items necessary to complete.
Earthing link boxes and earthing conductor, etc. This includes earthing
link boxes with S.V.L. at the transformer side. The necessary
supporting galvanized steel works and non-magnetic cleats for
supporting the 132 KV cables shall be supplied and included in the
contract price.

Two Bus-coupler Circuit Bays No: 17 & 20

Two sets:

One set:

3000 amps, 3 single phase busbar connections complete.

3000 amps, 3-single phase, busbar isolators complete with operating
3000 amps, 3-single phase, 10000 MVA, 132 KV SF6 gas insulated
circuit breaker complete with earthing switches, operating mechanism,
connecting cables and pipes, earthing connections, interlocks, etc. and
all other items necessary to complete.
Local control cubicle located in the 132 KV switchgear room as


One set

Two sets

Three single phase 132 KV current transformers class 10P10 ratio

3000/1 amps and of adequate output for over-current and earth leakage
protection and metering instruments.
Three single phase 132 KV C/T.s class 5P20 3000/1A ratio and
adequate output for busbar zone protection.

The above shall include all copper connections, piping, earthing connections, necessary
interlocks, inter-tripping auxiliary switches, multi-core cable glands and all other items necessary
to complete including check synchronizing facility


Two Bus bar Section Bays Nos: 18,19

These bays are basically of the same components as for the above bay of the buscoupler bay except for configuration and arrangement to suit the function it is
designed for.


The specified four busbar earthing switches shall be located in the above bus-section
bays, however these switches as well as the bus-section isolators shall be of the single
phase type. These shall be complete with the gas monitoring, pressure discs and in
separate gas compartment from the rest of the bus-bars. Regarding location of earthing
switches if different from above will be subject to MEW approval.
Power Cables Supporting Structures:
Four sets:
Hot-dip galvanized steel supporting structures complete with cleats
and clamp for 132 KV cables tails at the 300 MVA transformers.
Four sets:
As above but for 132 KV cable tails at the 30 MVA transformers.
Four sets:
As above but for 33 KV cables at the 300 MVA transformers.
Four sets:
as above but for 33 KV cables at the 45 MVAR shunt Reactors.
Four sets:
as above but for the 11 KV cables at the 30 MVA transformers.
Twenty Two steel supporting strictures for 132kv power cable feeders (20 feeder
bays and 2 future bays )
Any necessary bridge throughout the run of these cables in the
basement (as applicable) shall be included in the tender price.



Power Transformers:
30 MVA 132/11 KV power transformers with on-load automatic tap
change control in accordance with the specifications and complete
with all accessories (three designed for parallel operation and the
fourth transformer is standby) as detailed later.
750 KVA 11/0.433 KV cast resin station transformers with off-circuit
tap-change control in accordance with the specification and as detailed
Power and Station Transformers Details:
NB: All ratings are minimum ratings under Kuwait's worst conditions.
Four :


Details of Transformer

30 MVA Transformer

750 KVA Transformer


Quantity required
Continuous maximum rating (CMR Kuwait)
Type of insulation
Max. transformation ratio
Method of cooling (ON-Oil natural, - AF
Air Forced
External cooling medium
Percentage impedance voltage
Phase connections:
a. H.V winding
b. L.V winding
c. BSS vector group reference
Transformer designed for impulse testing
Type of tap change equipment(on-load or
off load)

30 MVA
132/11.5 KV

750 KVA
11/0.433 KV
AN-Air natural)



Zig Zag
Dzn 10
ON-load automatic
remote elect & manual

Total range of variation of transformer ratio

- increasing ratio
- decreasing ratio
No. and size of step
Type of insulation
Insulation level
System highest voltage of :
a. H.V. winding
b. L.V. winding
Transformer designed for parallel operation
Dummy Master-group follower control
Marshalling kiosk
Explosion vent
Buchholz protection
Winding temperature indicator
Oil temperature indicator
Low oil level indication/s

Class A to BSS171
Standard I to BSS 171

Off-circuit manual to
be housed in an air
Tight box.
Class F to BSS 171






145 KV
12 KV

12 KV
0.450 KV



Details of Transformer

30 MVA Transformer

750 KVA Transformer

a) H.V side

Three cable boxes

each to receive 1-phase
240 sq.mm.O/F XLPE
132KV cables
armoured PVC
Cable box for 10
single core 11KV
solid 630 sq.mm.
PILC cable or XLPE

Cable box for 3-core

11 KV 185 sq.mm
copper conductor
XLPE insulation wire
outer covering
4 cable boxes each to
receive 1/C
500sq.mm. copper
conductor, XLPE
insulated PVC outer
covering 1000 V cable


air tight insulated

cable box with heat
shrinkable termination
Air insulated.

b) L.V. side

c) Filling medium :
- H.V. side



L.V. side

liquid compound or air

H.V. cable disconnecting link chamber
L.V. voltage cable disconnecting link chamber Yes
Voltage to earth for which star point of
11 KV
transformer winding is to be insulated.
Equipment to be supplied with transformers
for mounting on control panels or desk:
a. Remote step by step tap position indicator Yes
flush mounting type with black bezelles 6
b. One and half percent voltage control
relay with time delay
c. Remote control switches Raise/lower
d. Change over switch
Out-of-step relay with hand reset and
flag indication
f. Tap change in progress warning lamp
240 V AC.
g. Voltmeter, flush mounting type with black yes
Remote supervisory and control

0.433 KV




13. Cables:
Power Cables tails for 4x300 MVA 300/132 KV Transformers:
For each of the 300 MVA transformers, the following cables shall be supplied and
Seven single core 800 sq.mm. 132 KV XLPE cables (2 per phase + 1 neutral).
Six of these cables shall be connected from one end to the 132 KV transformer
sealing end boxes and to 132 KV SF6 switchgear from the other end. The neutral of
the transformer is brought out through link box and connecting to outdoor earthing



Power Cable for connection of 4x45 MVAR Shunt Reactors:

(33 KV 1000 sq.mm. XLPE single core copper cable)
For each of the 45 MVAR, 33 KV shunt reactors, 33 KV 1000 sq.mm. 1/core copper
conductor, XLPE insulated power cables are to be supplied and installed for the
following circuits:
from 300 MVA transformer to 33 KV switchgear
from 33 KV switchgear to 33 KV 45 MVAR shunt reactors
from each shunt reactor neutral cable box to the earthing pit.
The tenderers shall include the cost of laying and jointing of the 132 KV 800 sq.mm.
cable tails for 300 MVA transformers at both ends i.e. at transformer and also at 132
KV SF6 switchgear including supply of jointing materials. This also applies for neutral
cable connections.
Similarly for shunt reactors, the cost of laying, jointing, jointing material, earthing, etc.
is included in this tender.
Power Cables for 30 MVA 132/11 KV Transformers:
Four circuits: Each circuit comprising three single core 132KV 240 sq.mm.
XLPE cables as specified and complete with jointing material for connecting
at the switchgear and the transformers.

Four Circuits: Each circuit comprising ten (10) single cores, 630 sq.mm.
copper conductors, XLPE insulated 11 KV power cables as detailed in the
specification and complete with all accessories and jointing material for
connecting at one end to the switchgear and neutral change-over switch box
and the transformers at the other end.


Four Circuits: Each circuit comprises one single core 11 KV 630 sq.mm.
XLPE insulated PVC sheathed cable complete with all accessories for
connection between the 30 MVA transformers neutral earthing change-over
switch cabinet box at one end and to the 8 ohms earthing resistor at the other


Four circuits Ditto do for connection between change over switch and direct
to ground.


Four Circuits: Each 3 KV 400 sq.mm. XLPE cable between resistor and



Power Cables for 750 KVA Transformer:


Two Circuits: Each circuit comprising one 3-core XLPE insulated 11 KV 185
sq.mm. cable as detailed in the specification and complete with all accessories
and jointing material for connecting at the switchgear and the transformers.


Two Circuits: Each circuit comprising seven (7) single core 1000 volts XLPE
630 sq.mm. cables as detailed in the specification and complete with all
accessories and jointing material for connecting at the switchgear and the


Power Cables for Emergency Diesel Unit:

One circuit: four single core 1000 V 300 sq.mm XLPE insulated PVC sheathed cable
for connecting between L.T. board and wall mounted switch fuse for emergency
diesel generator unit.


Power Cables & Fiber Optic cables for Six (6) 300 kV cable tails to overhead
Supply and installation of Four 300 kV cable tails for four circuits each comprising
six 1600 sq.mm. 1/core XLPC cable (2 cable / ph) connected to SF6 switchgear at
one end. Other end to be connected to six outdoor cable end bushing suitable to
receive 1600 sq.mm. XLPC cables to be supplied and installed on steel supporting
structures with their concrete foundations at the gantry location.
a) Basic route length of circuits are 4x350 meter.
Installation shall include, excavation in ground or soil of any nature, laying of cable
cover tiles, protection net and warning tapes, backfilling in stages using stabilized
backfilling to fulfil the current rating required of 1000 ampere per cable (i.e. 2000
amp/ph). The tenderer shall submit his proposal for the spacing and depths of
cables to achieve the required current rating, termination of cables on switchgear
and to outdoor cable end bushing, with their steel supporting structures and
foundations, installation including pressure for the above cable circuits.
Termination of the cables to SF6 switchgear and outdoor sealing ends testing and
commissioning, the cables will be subject to the site tests mentioned in volume I of
specifications which shall include the temperature measurements to prove the
specified current carrying capacity of cables.
Note: Based on the above, the scope of work covers the following:
a) Total length of five circuits 300 kV XLPE 1600 sq.mm
S/C cables:
6x6x350m = 9000 meters
b) Earthing link boxes, surge voltage limiters, earthing conductors, etc = 6 sets
c) Outdoor cable sealing end bushings with their steal supporting structures and
foundations = 6 sets i.e. (each set 6 nos), total 36 nos.
b) Fibre Optic:
Associated with each of the above cable tail circuits, one 48 core fiber and
telephone cable will be laid and connected from one end to the 300 kV marshalling
cabinet in the substation and from the other end, six of these tails to be plumbed


after testing for future connection and the remaining 6 circuits to be jointed to the
existing OBGW associated with the above mentioned power cables.






Bonding and Earthing of the Sheaths of 132 KV Transformer Cable Tails:

Cables, joints and terminations shall be designed, manufactured and installed so as
to result to a fully insulated sheath system.
Cable sheaths shall be single point bonded so as to eliminate sheath circulating
The maximum permitted sheath standing voltage to earth under full load conditions
shall be 65 volts.
A PVC insulated single core earthing cable (conductor size 300 sq.mm. copper)
shall be installed from end to end of the tails and in close proximity to them. Where
open flat spacing of the power cables is employed, this cable shall be installed
between two of the power cables and transposed mid-way. The earthing cable shall
be connected at both ends to the main substation earthing system and at a suitable
position to the main sheath bonds.
Sheath voltage limiter units (SVL's) shall be connected to the unearthed end(s) of
the tails. The star point of the SVL's shall be connected to the earthing cable
specified in 4 above.
All sheath bonding connections shall be made via disconnecting link boxes so as to
facilitate routine over sheath integrity testing. All bonding leads shall be PVC
insulated, of conductor size 300 sq.mm. Copper and be made as short as possible.
Oil feed pipes shall be connected via an insulated coupling so that tanks and ancillary
apparatus may be permanently earthed whilst leaving the cable sheaths insulated.
Tanks gauges, etc. shall be separately bonded to the substation earthing system.
The foregoing paragraphs represent summary of significant requirements but it
would be expected that in case any queries arise on this topic, reference would be
made to internationally recognized source documents which would include the
Electra Paper No.28, May 1973 by Study Committee No.21" . The design of
Specially Bonded Cable Systems" (Also follow-up Paper No.47) .
British Electricity Boards document C.55/2"Insulated sheath Power cable Systems".


Control Board for 132 KV Switchgear:



Feeder Control Panels For Twenty (22) Nos. Feeder Circuits: each having:
Three Ammeters scaled for C.T.'s ratio 800-500/1 amps.
One Voltmeter 0-140 KV range with selector switches to select phases to neutral
and phase to phase voltage.
Three Voltage failure indication lamps or LED light emitting diodes for red,
yellow and blue phases using colored glass lenses.
One Auto trip indication lamp amber color using glass lenses
One Healthy trip indication lamp with test button and resistance.
One SF6 gas low pressure alarm/trip relay with flag indications.
One Megawatt meter, suitable for power flow in both directions.



MVAR meter, suitable for power flow in both directions.

Power factor meter, for leading and lagging reactive power indications for
both power flow directions.
One set: Control switches with semaphore indication (normally de-energized) and mimic
diagram colored "Blue".
Selector switch for supervisory/local control.
Test terminal block for measuring circuits
One set of necessary contactors and/or auxiliary relays for supervisory and remote
One set of busbars, control m.c.b., labels, test links, small wiring, instrument m.c.b.'s ,
fittings , etc to complete, and any other alarms & indications associated
with 132 KV equipment.
Remote Supervisory & Control:
Auxiliary relay for "Remote Supervisory" tripping of the circuit breaker with
a separate set of contacts to interrupt the auto-trip indication and alarm
Auxiliary relay for "remote supervisory" closing of the circuit breakers with
separate set of contacts as may be necessary.
Status indication:
Circuit breaker "Open" - "Closed"
Selector switch "supervisory" - "local".
iii) Busbar isolator open/closed.
Alarms :
Driving mechanism trouble.
Arcing chamber SF6 gas low pressure alarm/trip.
Whole bay SF6 gas low pressure (alarm/trip) .
Circuit breaker poles discrepancy.
Pilot cable / fiber fault.
Over current trip , earth fault trip and solkor trip.
Inter-trip receive alarm.
viii) Busbar fault trip
Circuit breaker fails to tip
10. Inter-tip equipment- fail /Aux supply fail.

All contacts for remote supervisory shall be clean (potential free) and of
fleeting type with holding time not less than 25 m.s. (except for gas pressure
and oil pressure of driving mechanism). All alarms to be signaled separately.

Any other necessary auxiliary relays and/or contactors.


Necessary terminal blocks.


Supply, installation and wiring of the following equipment:

Two relays, one for opening and one for closing the circuit breaker.
One MW and one MVAR transducers

Four (4) 300 MVA Transformer Control panels:
Equipped as follows:



Remote control of 300.MVA transformers

Control switch trip and close
Supervisory/local control selector switch




Mimic diagram with semaphore indication colored "blue"

(normally de-energized) and yellow for the transformers.
One healthy trip indication lamp with resistance and test push
One auto-trip lamp, amber color using glass lenses.
Separate alarm with flag indication of the following:
Buchholz main tank and tap changer. winding temperature, oil
temperature, low oil level for each of main tank and tap changer
tank, Oil pumps troubles, Blowers motors trouble, low SF6 gas
pressure of 300 KV tubing, tap change motor trouble.
Separate trip flag indication for each of the above under (d)
except the following:
Low oil levels, pumps and blowers troubles.
Separate flag indications for each of the differential protection,
R.E.F protection, inter-trip receive indication and O/C & E/L


Three moving coil type ammeters rectangular dial, flush

mounting type, scale to suit the C.T. ratio.
One moving coil type voltmeter rectangular dial scaled 132 145 KV.
one MW meter connected to suit C.T. & V.T ratio
one MVAR meter scaled to suit C.T. & V.T. ratio.
One power factor meter


One circuit label located on a permanent position at the front of

the control panel
One smaller circuit label located on the door.

Small Wiring:
The cubicle should be complete with all small wiring, m.c.b.s, terminal
blocks, cable glands ...etc.
Test Switches:
One set
One set
One set

Two test switch (service/test) connected in differential

protection circuits.
Ditto but in O/C & E/L protection circuit
Ditto but in REF protection circuit.
Test terminal block for measuring circuit.
of necessary auxiliary relays and /or contactors for supervisory
of busbars control m.c.b.s test links, labels.


Small wiring Instrument m.c.bs fittings, any other alarm and

indications associated with 132 kV equipment and sundries to
Remote Supervisory & Control:
Auxiliary relay for remote supervisory tripping of the circuit breaker with a separate
set of contacts t interrupt the auto-trip indication and alarm circuits.
Auxiliary relay for remote supervisory closing of the circuit breaker with separate set
of controls as may be necessary.
Status Indication:
Circuit breaker open/closed (two independent indications for NCC and DCC to be
- Selector switch supervisory/local
- Busbar isolator open/closed
i ) Arcing chamber SF6 gas low pressure alarm/trip
Drive mechanism, trouble & CB poles discrepancy
iii) Whole bay SF6 gas low pressure alarm/trip
iv) O/C & E/L, differential relay and restricted earth fault relay trill.
v) Blowers running, buchholz main tank alarm/trip, buchholz tap changer
trip, winding temperature alarm. oil temperature alarm, low oil level
for each tank (Main & Tap Changer) cooling pumps trouble, winding
temperature trip. O.L.T.C. motor trouble, oil temperature trip, ..etc
vii) Inter-trip receive alarm
viii) Circuit breaker fail to trip
All other necessary auxiliary relays and/or contactors.
Necessary terminal blocks.
Supply, installation and wiring of the following equipment:i)
Two auxiliary relays one for opening and one for closing the circuit
Two MW and Two MVAR transducers to be connected independently
for double monitoring at NCC and DCC.

All contacts for remote supervisory and control should be clean contacts
(potential free) and fleeting with holding time not less than 25 m. sec.

Four (4) 30 MVA Transformer Control Panels:
Each having :
Three Ammeters scaled for C.T.'s ratio 200/1 or 5 amps.
One set
One set
One set

Control switch with semaphore indication (normally de-energized) and mimic

diagram colored "Blue".
Selector switch for supervisory/local control.
Auto-trip indication lamp, amber color using glass lenses.
Healthy trip indication lamp with test button and resistance.
SF6 gas low pressure alarm/trip relay with flag indications.
Test terminal block for measuring circuits.
of inter-tripping relays with flag indications (sending and receiving).
of necessary auxiliary relay and/or contactors for supervisory remote control.


One set

of busbars, control m.c.b.'s, labels, test links, small wiring, instrument m.c.b.'s ,
fittings, etc. and all other alarms and indications associated with 132 KV
equipment and sundries to complete.

Remote Supervisory & Control:

Auxiliary relay for "remote supervisory" tripping of the circuit breaker with a
separate set of contacts to interrupt the auto-trip indication and alarm circuits.
Auxiliary relay for "remote supervisory" closing of the circuit breakers with
separate set of contacts as may be necessary.
Status indication:
Circuit breaker "Open"- "closed"
Selector switch "supervisory"-"local".
iii) Busbar isolator open/closed.
Driving mechanism trouble
Arcing chamber SF6 gas low pressure, alarm/trip
iii) Whole bay SF6 gas low pressure alarm/trip.
iv) Circuit breaker poles discrepancy
Inter-trip receive alarm.
vi) Over current trip and earth fault trip.
vii) Main protection trip (differential protection).
viii) Busbar fault trip
ix) Circuit breaker fail to trip
NB: All contacts for remote supervisory and control should be clean contacts
(potential free) and of fleeting type with holding time not less than 25 m.s.
(except for gas pressure and oil pressure of driving mechanism). All alarms to
be signaled separately.



Any other necessary auxiliary relays and/or contactors.


Necessary terminal blocks

Supply, installation and wiring of two auxiliary relays - one for opening and
one for closing the circuit breaker.

Control Panel for Two (2) bus-coupler bays: each having

Three Ammeters scaled 0 3000 amps
One set
Control switches with semaphore indication and mimic diagram
colored "Blue" .
Selector switch for supervisory/local control.
Auto-trip indication lamp, amber color using glass lens.
SF6 gas low pressure alarm/trip relay with flag indications.
Healthy trip indication lamp with test button and resistance.
Test terminal block for measuring circuits.
One set
of necessary auxiliary relays and/or contactors for supervisory remote
One set
of busbars, control m.c.b.'s labels, test links, small wiring, instrument
m.c.b., fittings and other alarms, and indications associated with 132
KV equipment and sundries to complete.


Remote Supervisory & Control:

Auxiliary relay for remote supervisory tripping of the circuit breaker with a
separate set of contacts to interrupt the auto-trip indication and alarm circuits.
Auxiliary relay for remote supervisory closing of the circuit breaker with
separate set of contacts as may be necessary.
Status indication:
Circuit breaker "open" - "Closed"
Selector switch "Supervisory" - "Local".
iii) Busbar section isolators open/closed.
iv) Busbar "Live" for each busbar
d) Alarms :
Driving mechanism trouble
Arcing chamber low gas pressure alarm/trip.
Busbar low gas pressure for each section alarm/trip
Busbar protection trip for each section
Isolation SF6 gas low pressure alarm/trip.
Circuit breaker poles discrepancy
Over-current protection trip, Earth fault protection trip, Intertrip receives alarm and Circuit breaker fail to trip.
viii) Inter trip alarm
Any other necessary auxiliary relays and/or contactors.
Necessary terminal blocks.
Supply, installation and wiring of the following equipment:
Two relays, one for opening and one for closing the circuit breaker.
One amp transducer.
One Voltage transducer for the 132 KV busbars.
All contacts for remote supervisory and control should be clean
contacts (potential free) and of-fleeting type with holding time
not less than 25 m.s.(except for gas pressure and oil pressure of
driving mechanism) .
The above alarms to be signaled separately.

Two(2) busbar section Control panels: each having:

Three Ammeters scaled for C.T.'s ratio 3000/1 or 5 amps.
One set Control switches with semaphore indication and mimic diagram colored
"Blue" .
One Selector switch for supervisory/local control.
One Auto-trip indication lamp, amber color using glass lens.
One SF6 gas low pressure alarm/trip relay with flag indications.
One Healthy trip indication lamp with test button and resistance.
One Test terminal block for measuring circuits.
One set of necessary auxiliary relays and/or contactors for supervisory remote
One set of busbars, control m.c.b.'s labels, test links, small wiring, instrument
m.c.b., fittings and other alarms, and indications associated with 132 KV
equipment and sundries to complete.


Remote Supervisory & Control:

Auxiliary relay for remote supervisory tripping of the circuit breaker with a
separate set of contacts to interrupt the auto-trip indication and alarm circuits.
Auxiliary relay for remote supervisory closing of the circuit breaker with
separate set of contacts as may be necessary.
Status indication:
Circuit breaker "open" - "Closed"
Selector switch "Supervisory" - "Local".
iii) Busbar section isolators open/closed.
iv) Busbar "Live".
Alarms : Circuit breaker poles discrepancy.
Driving mechanism trouble
Arcing chamber low gas pressure alarm/trip.
Whole bay low gas pressure alarm/trip.
Busbar low gas pressure for each section alarm/trip
Busbar protection trip for each zone.
Busbar protection failure
Over current protection trip.
Earth fault protection trip.
Inter-trip receive alarm.
Circuit breaker fail to trip.





The above signals to be signaled separately.

All contacts for remote supervisory and control should be clean
contacts (potential free) and of-fleeting type with holding time
not less than 25 m.s.(except for gas pressure and oil pressure of
driving mechanism) .
Any other necessary auxiliary relays and/or contactors.
Necessary terminal blocks.
Supply, installation and wiring of the following equipment:
Two relays, one for opening and one for closing the circuit breaker.
One amp transducer.
One Voltage transducer for the 132 KV busbars.

All cable low oil pressure alarm gauges (if applicable) must be fitted with two
sets of contacts. One for alarm and one for the tripping of the corresponding
circuit. The gauge contact must be of the snap action type and rated to suit the
connected enunciator.
The scheme for busbar live and busbar voltage measurement for control centre
shall be subject to MEW approval.
Attention of all Tenderers is drawn that the control of all 132 kV isolators
must be provided locally and remotely from the Control Room but
for the earthing switches to be controlled from the local control panels only
except earthing switches for feeders (underground or 0/H line circuits) which
shall be controlled from the local control cubicle and it shall be interlocked
,with the associated voltage transformers. However, position indication


ON/OFF for isolator and earthing switches shall be provided on the local and
remote control panels.
The two relays (50 v.d.c.) for tele-control (one for closing and one for opening
the circuit breaker) from the Supervisory Centre shall be Siemens
V23009/SRIS type of equivalent subject to MEW approval.





one Synchronizing Panel : having :

Synchronizing voltmeters
Synchronizing frequency meters.
Synchronous scope (Draw able and rotating type )
Synchronizing relay
By pass switch for synchronizing relay and all other items necessary to
complete a comprehensive scheme for synchronizing , busbar live and busbar
voltage measurement for control center measurement shall be subject to the
purchaser's approval.

Protection Relay Board for 132 KV Switchgear: comprising:

Twenty Two (22) O/H line Feeder Circuits:
One Set

Three phase directional over-current and earth leakage

IDMT relay with auxiliary relays etc. as specified and
complete with auxiliary contacts of fleeting type or
auxiliary relay for supervisory indication.

One Set

One Set

One Set

Three phase high speed distance relay complete with reclosing relays, alarm indication contact for remote
supervisory indication all as detailed in the technical
specifications. The proposed type must match the existing
relay at far end. Otherwise the new distance relays shall be
supplied complete for both near and far ends. The existing
relays are to be dismantled, packed and handed over to
MEW stores.
Fault locator suitable for above distance relay (one
independent set for each overhead line circuit). In addition
to compensating unit for each two circuits running in
Circuit breaker fail to trip back-up protection relay

One Set

Service/test position switches for relay circuit or testing

sockets and plugs as detailed in Clause 6.2 (v) of Volume I.

NB:1) Intercropping signal will not be transferred to far end substation in case the
associated feeder line, isolator is in open position except for SF6 low pressure trip on the line
isolator and associated earth switch, 132 KV VT and 132 KV cable box and cable low oil
pressure trip monitored separately at the substation end.


It is clarified that auxiliary supply for HF intertrip equipments for 132 KV
underground cable feeder circuit is not allowed to be connected from 48 volts battery meant
for communication equipments. Any DC/DC convertor, ...etc. if required should be included
in the price of intertrip equipment. Also in such case intertrip equipment specified in
Schedule "C" should be completed with such DC/DC convertor.


Four Circuits for 300 MVA Transformers: Each equipped as below:

One set
one 3-phase transformer differential relay, as suitable for three (3)
winding transformers.
One set
one 3-phase directional over current and earth leakage relay complete
with auxiliary contact.
One set
one 3-phase restricted earth fault relay.
One set
C.B. fail to trip backup protection relay
One set
Test switches for above relays as specified or testing
Socket and plugs as detailed in volume I.


Protection Panels for four Nos 30 MVA Transformers: Each having :

One set
Three phase non-directional over current and earth leakage relay and
complete with contacts of fleeting type of auxiliary relays for remote
supervisory indication.
Circuit breaker fail to trip relay complete with one trip isolating links
and test switch.
One set
of auxiliary relays for the specified inter tripping and interlocking
schemes and all other items necessary to complete.
One set
Service/test position switch for relay circuit or testing sockets and
plugs and as detailed in clause 6.2 (V) of volume I.


Protection panels for Two (2) Bus-couplers equipped with:

One set
Three phase non-directional over current and earth fault relays
complete with auxiliary non-fleeting contacts for auxiliary relays for
remote supervisory indication.
One set
C.B. fall to trip relay, complete with one set of trip isolating links and
test switch.
Two sets
Frequency shedding master trip relays for tripping 132kv & 33 KV
C.Bs to be provided as purchaser's practice
Two under frequency relays to be provided one on each end of the
132KV board.
One set
Service/test switch for relay circuits or testing sockets plugs and as
detailed in clause 6.2 (v) of Vol. I


Protection panels for Two bus-section Circuit, each having:

One set
Three phase non-directional over-current and earth leakage relay and
complete with contacts of fleeting type of auxiliary relays for remote
supervisory indication.
One set
Circuit breaker fail to trip, back-up protection relays (see clause 6.1-v
of Vol. I)
One set
Service/test position switch for relay circuit or testing sockets and
plugs as per clause 5.1 above.




Bus bar Protection shall comprise for each busbar zone the following:
One set
Protective relays of the electronic fully Digtal type, for each busbar
zone (section) complete with an overall check zone with automatic
checking facilities.
One set
Auxiliary relays, matching current transformers, contactors, alarm
indication relays complete with auxiliary contacts of fleeting type for
remote supervisory indication but with holding time at least 25 m.s.
One set
supervisory relays for the secondary C.T. control cables to avoid maltripping with auxiliary relays for local and remote alarm indication.
One set
Test switch complete with one set of trip isolating links for each bay.
One set
Testing facility for periodical checking but fitted on the board. In
addition to facility for secondary injection testing.

All contacts for remote indication at the supervisory centre shall be

clean contacts (potential free) and of the fleeting type with holding
time not less than 25m.s.


All a.c. & d.c. miniature circuit breakers used for 132 KV
switchgear/132 KV control and relay board shall be fitted with
auxiliary contacts wired and grouped to give remote supervisory alarm
indication in case tripped or opened. (One local alarm indication for
each 132 KV circuit and one signal for whole 132 KV board to N.C.C.
All relays shall have individual flag local indication.
If testing sockets and plugs are offered for withdrawal relays, then two
plugs complete with leads, terminals, etc. shall be provided for each
Separate D.C. supply with MCB control for busbar protection.
Regarding circuit breaker fail to trip relay, reference is made to clause
6.7.8 of Volume I.
When primary injection testing on any of the 132 KV circuits is
carried out, the respective busbar protection system should not be put
out of service, thus the necessary interlocking arrangement shall be
provided subject to MEW approval.




30 MVA Transformer Neutral Earthling Arrangement:

The neutral of each 30 MVA transformer shall be individually earthed through 8
ohms resistors. These resistors for four (4) transformers shall be installed in one room
with associated change-over switch cabinets. Etc.
The connection from the neutral cabinet of the transformer to the resistor shall be
carried out by 11 KV 1/core XLPE 630sq.mm. cable. A direct to earth connection,
parallel to the resistor shall also be provided through change-over switches for the
purpose of maintenance of resistor. The change-over switch in normal condition will
be connected to earthing through resistor. This change-over switch shall have no
intermediate position which isolates the transformer neutral and the mechanism
should be spring operated and subject to MEW approval.
One set

of current transformers ratio 1600/1A for restricted E/F and ratio

800/1A for standby E/F for each transformer is to be provided and


suitable installed, and wired in the change-over switch cabinet as


restricted E/F relay for each transformer and one standby E/F relay for
each transformer is to be provided.

16.2 Neutral Earthling Resistors and Change-over Switch cabinets:


Neutral Resistor:
Metallic 8 ohm neutral resistor shall be rated for 800
amps for 30 seconds at 52 C and shall be as detailed in the specifications. One
resistor for each transformer to be provided i.e. total four resistors.


Change over Switch cabinet: four numbers cabinets each with

change over switch, current transformers, cable boxes, etc, as
specified one cabinet for each transformer.


Cable Box:
i) one cable box with brass wiping gland pointing vertically downwards to
receive one 1/core XLPE 11 KV 630 sq.mm cable complete with compression
lugs and heat shrinkable Raychem type termination for connection of
transformer neutral cable of the change-over switch cabinet. One box for each
cabinet i.e. three in total.
ii) Two cable dividing box with compression type brass gland pointing vertically
downwards to receive one 1/core XLPE 11 KV 630 sq.mm.; cable complete
with compression lugs and heat shrinkable type termination.
One for connection between change-over switch cabinet and respective
resistor and second for connection of direct to ground.



All above cables related to transformer neutral connections under above clause
shall be provided by suitable hot-dip galvanized steel supporting structure as
necessary subjected to MEW approval.

11 KV Switchgear:
Thirty (30) panels, duplicate bus bar 11 KV, at 40 KA 750 MVA switchboard and
associated remote control and relay boards comprising panels, reading from left to
right when viewed from the front as follows:
Panel Nos (.1, 2, 3 ,4, 6,7,8 , 9, 11 ,17,18,20, 21,22, 23, 24,26,27,28,29,30) : 11 KV
Feeder controls

Panel Nos. 12 & 16:

Local 750 KVA 11/0.433 KV transformer control.
Panel Nos. 5, 10,19 & 25
30 MVA 132/11.5 KV Transformer control.
Panel No.13
Busbar coupler switch.
Panel No.14&15
Busbar section switch.
Busbar Rating 3000 Amps per phase (Kuwait Rating)



11 KV Switchboard Feeder Controls:

Breaking capacity
Normal current Rating
Busbar current Rating
Trip coils
Spring Release coil
Protection: a)

Feeder control
750 MVA 40 KA at 11000 volts
600 amps (Kuwait rating)
3000 amps (Kuwait Rating)
Remote controlled automatic motor charged spring
D.C. supply shunt trip.
D.C. supply

Solkor RF plain feeder protection manufactured by M/s A.

Reyrolle & Co., Hepburn, England, or equivalent.
Back-up protection comprising over current and
earth fault protection to BSS 142.

Current Transformer a)

Solkor "RF" protection current transformer ratio

400/1ampere class X accuracy one second thermal
O/C & E/L protection current transformers ratio 400/1
A 15 VA minimum capacity for O/C & E/L and for
Local control Emergency "Trip" button, suitably recessed or shrouded.
Instrument panel
One instrument panel mounted in a suitable location to house
"On" and "OFF" indication lamps 240 volts A/C supply, with
glass lenses or L.E.D (light emitting diodes) colored red and
Cable Box
One cable dividing box pointing vertically downwards suitable to
receive 11 KV 3/core 300 sq.mm. copper conductors XLPE insulated,
wire armoured and overall served cable. Termination shall be of the
heat shrinkable type.
In order to facilitate crossing of cores without damage to insulation,
the distance from the cable crutch to the 11 KV terminals shall be
about 630 mm. and accordingly all components of the heat shrinkable
terminations such as non-tracking, stresss control tubing, insulating
sleeves, boots, etc. shall be suitable for these dimensions.

Cable Gland

The cable glands to be of C.W.type and brass made provided with

earthing tag to BS 6121 part 1 suitable for 3x300 sq.mm.
XLPE/SWA/PVC copper cable with an overall outer diameter of 85
mm approximately.
The copper compression lugs shall have a single hole of 17 mm
diameter on the flat palm of the lug for connection. The type of cable
glands and compression lugs are subject to MEW approval.



One circuit label of adequate dimensions, left blank, located on a

prominent position when viewed from the front.



One smaller circuit label, left blank, fixed at the rear of the panel.

11 KV Switchgear - 30 MVA Transformer Controls:

30 MVA transformer control
Breaking capacity
750 MVA 40 KA at 11 KV
Normal current Rating:
1600 Amps (Kuwait Rating)
Busbar current Rating :
3000 amps (Kuwait Rating)
Remote controlled automatic motor charged spring
Trip coil
D.C. supply shunt trip
Spring release coil
D.C. supply.




Biased differential transformer protection of M/s A.

Reyrolle or similar.
Restricted earth leakage protection of the 11 KV side.
Intertrip between 11 KV C.B. and 132 KV C.B. to trip both
simultaneously. (one for sending and another relay for
Interlocking as specified.

Current Transformers:

Current transformers with class 5P20 for biased differential

transformer protection shall have secondary which shall match the
characteristics of the current transformers on 132 KV side.


Current transformers for the restricted earth fault protection ratio

1600/1 or 5 amps.


Current transformers ratio 1600/1 or 5 A class "1" accuracy for

ammeters, power factor meter and kilowatt and kilovar meters.

Local Control: Emergency "Trip" button suitably recessed or shrouded.

Instrument Panel:

Cable Box


One instrument panel mounted in a suitable location to house

"ON" & "OFF" indication lamp 240 volts A.C. supply with
glass lenses or LED (light emitting diodes) colored red and

One cable dividing box with brass wiping glands pointing vertically
downwards to receive nine single core (XLPE), 11 KV 630 sq.mm.
11 KV 630 sq.mm. cables (3per phase) complete with compression
type cable lugs (flexible connections). Terminations shall be of the
heat shrinkable type i.e. Raycum type.
a) One circuit label of adequate dimensions shall be provided.
b) One small circuit label fixed at the rear of the panel shall be provided.


Voltage Transformer:


One 3-phase voltage transformer ratio 11500 / 11

Volts class "1" accuracy for instruments
metering and voltage regulation.

11 KV Switchgear - 750 KVA Local Transformer Controls:

Local transformer control
Breaking Capacity
750 MVA 40 KA at 11,000 volts
Normal current Rating :
600 amps (Kuwait rating)
Busbar current Rating :
3000 amps (Kuwait rating)

Trip Coil
Spring release coil


Remote controlled automatic motor charged spring

D.C. supply shunt trip
D.C. supply

Current Transformers

Local Control :

Emergency "trip" button suitably recessed or shrouded.

Instrument Panel:

One instrument panel mounted in a suitable location to house

"ON" and "OFF" indication lamps 240 A.C. with glass lenses
or LED lighting emitted diodes colored red and green.

Cable Box:

One cable dividing box pointing vertically downwards suitable

to receive 11 KV 3/c 185 sq.mm. copper conductor XLPE
insulated, wire armoured, PVC covering cable with
compression type brass glands, compression type cable lugs,
and arrangement to secure efficient earthing of the armouring.
Termination shall be of heat shrinkable type.



Ratio 100/1 amps 15 VA minimum capacity for O/C &

E/L protection and ammeters.


One circuit label of adequate dimensions.

One smaller label fixed at the rear of the switchgear.

11 KV Switchgear - Busbar coupler & Busbar Section:

Breaking Capacity
Normal current Rating :
Busbar current Rating :
Trip coil
Spring Release Coil
Current Transformers :
Local control

Busbar coupler and busbar section controls.

750 MVA 40 KA at 11 KV
3000 amps (Kuwait Rating)
3000 amps (Kuwait Rating)
Remote controlled automatic motor charged spring
D.C. supply shunt trip
D.C. supply
Over-current and earth leakage protection.
O/C & E/L protection current transformer ratio 2000/1
or 5 amps15 VA minimum capacity.
Emergency "Trip" button, suitably shrouded or


Instrument Panel


One instrument panel mounted in a suitable location to

house "ON" and "OFF" indication lamps 240 volts
A.C. or LED (light emitting diodes).
: as per other panels

Pressure Switch Protection:

One set:

Pressure switches for protection against internal arc faults. These switches
shall be provided for each compartment in each switchgear panel and wired to
trip 11 KV circuit breakers as described in Part I of this specification. Separate
alarm for each panel shall be provided on the 11 KV control board and
through separate
It is preferable to provide suitable arc protection system as alternatively for
the above protection subjected to MEW approval.
auxiliary clean contacts a group alarm shall be arranged for signalling the
alarm to the control centre.


Where the 33 KV & 11 KV SF6 gas insulated switchgears are offered, these
shall be provided with busbar zone protection as detailed under MEW
technical specifications No. MEW/SS/6 Protection scheme as alternative to
the pressure switch protection with the metal clad switchgear type. All
necessary current transformers are to be added in this case.

17.6 : 11 KV Power Cables Supporting Structures:

Thirty (30) sets:


Galvanized steel work for supporting the 11 KV cables between the

switchgear and basement and completed with cable cleats of nonferrous materials, bolts, nuts, etc. (The above includes two future
bays) .Bridges in the basement for 11 KV cables (to be laid in future
by others) should also be provided.

Remote Control & Relay Boards for 11 KV Switchgear:

Remote Control & Relay Boards - Feeder :





Feeder remote control

Control switch "Trip" & "Close" d.c. supply
Supervisory /Local control selector switch
Mimic diagram colored "Black" with semaphore position
indication (normally de-energized ) d.c. supply.
One ammeter flush mounting type scaled for C.T. ratio 400/1
connected in yellow phase, and fitted with maximum demand
indication (hand reset).
One-Solkor "RF" plain feeder protection relay
One over-current and earth leakage protection relays
with flag indications.


All relays shall have spare contacts for supervisory remote

Alarms: a) One auto-trip alarm relay similar to type "J" of M/s Reyrolle
manufacture connected to give individual local indication and remote
supervisory group alarm.
b) Pressure switches operated, SF6 gas low pressure (if applicable) and
d.c. failure.
Healthy Trip Indication: One healthy trip test circuit with lamp, resistance and
push button rest switch.

Labels: a)

One small labels left blank, for engraving locally, located on

the front of the panel.
Two small labels left blank located inside the cubicle and on
the door.
The cubicles to be completed with small wiring, m.c.b.'s,
terminal blocks, glands, etc.

Small wiring:

Test Switches:

a) Test switch (service/test) connected in the O/C and E/L

protection circuits to short C.T.'s to enable testing of protection
b) Similar test switch for Solkor protection circuit. Where
withdrawal relays are used, testing plugs to be provided as per
clause 6.2 (v) of Vol.I

Remote Supervisory & Control:

Auxiliary relay for remote supervisory tripping of the circuit breaker with a
separate set of contacts to interrupt the auto-trip indication and alarm circuits.
Auxiliary relay for remote supervisory closing of the circuit breaker with
separate sets of contacts as may be necessary.

Status Indication:
Circuit breaker auto-trip signal.
Circuit breaker -"open" - "closed" -"isolated".
Selector switch - "Supervisory"-"local".


Any other necessary auxiliary relays and/or contactors.


Necessary terminal blocks.


Supply, installation and wiring of the following equipment:



Two relays of M/s Siemens type V23009/SR15 rated at 50 v.d.c. or

equivalent are to be used, one for opening and one for closing the
circuit breaker.
One MW and One MVAR transducers.
One amp transducer
One KV transducer




All contacts for remote supervisory and control should be clean contacts
(potential free) and of the fleeting type with holding time not less than 25m.sec.
Remote Control and Relay Boards - 30 MVA Transformers:






Remote control of 30 MVA transformers

Control switch "trip" & "Close" d.c. supply.
Supervisory/local control selector switch.
Mimic diagram colored "Black" with semaphore position indication
(normally de-energized) d.c. supply
One healthy trip indication lamp.
One auto-trip lamp indication
Healthy voltage indication with glass lenses colored red-yellow-blue.
One Ammeter, flush mounting type scaled to suit C.T. 1600/1 amps
One megawatt meter connected to suit C.T.s ratio and V.T.s ratio of
11500 / 110 volts
One MVAR meter scaled to suit C.T.s and V.T. ratio.
One power factor meter lead/lag with circular dial.

One biased differential transformer protection relay.


One restricted earth fault relay.


One transformer winding temperature alarm/trip relays with

flag indications.


One transformer oil temperature alarm/trip relays with flag



Buchholz alarm/trip relays main tank with flag indications.


Buchholz trip relay tap-change chamber with flag indication.


Low oil level alarm relay with flag indication.


One inter-trip relay to trip 132 KV and 11 KV C.B.'s with flag



Necessary relays for interlocking.


one Standby E/F relay (one for each 30 MVA transformer)


Pressure relief device operation with flag indication.

All relays to have spare contacts for supervisory remote indication and these
contacts shall have dropout time for minimum 25 m.sec.





One auto trip relay similar to type J of M/s A. Reyrolle connected

to give local supervisory (as applicable) alarm.
Transformer oil temperature (alarm/trip) winding temperature
(alarm/trip) buchholz main tank (alarm/trip) protective device tap
changer (alarm/trip) low oil level and connected to give local
indication and remote supervisory alarm.
Pressure switch operated SF6 gas low pressure (if applicable) and
D.C. failure.
Transformer fan motor trouble alarm

Healthy Trip: One healthy trip test circuit with lamp

resistance and push button test switch.

a) One circuit label, located on a prominent position at the front of the

control board.
b) Two similar labels located inside the cubicle and on the door.

Small wiring: The cubicle to be complete with small wiring, m.c.b's, terminal blocks,
glands, etc.
Test switches: a)

one Test switch (service/test) connected in the transformer

differential protection circuits to short c.t.'s to enable testing of
protection circuits.


One test switch (service/test) connected in restricted earth

leakage protection circuit.

Remote Supervisory & Control:

a) Auxiliary relay for "Remote Supervisory" tripping of the circuit breaker with a
separate set of contacts to interrupt the auto-trip indication and alarm circuits.
b) Auxiliary relay for "Remote Supervisory" closing of the circuit breaker with
separate set of contacts as may be necessary.
Status indication:
Circuit breaker "Open" - "Closed"
Selector switch "Supervisory"- "local"
Circuit breaker auto-trip signal
Alarms: Separate alarm signals for each of differential, over current, earth
fault, restricted earth fault, standby earth fault, buchholz main tank alarm/trip
tap change trip, oil temperature alarm/trip, winding temperature alarm/trip,
blowers running, low oil level of each of conservator main tank and tap
changer tank, "low air/gas pressure" if applicable.
Any other necessary auxiliary relays and/or contactors.
Necessary terminal blocks
Supply, installation and wiring of the following equipment:
Two relays of M/s Siemens type V23009/SR15 rated at 50 v.d.c. or
equivalent are to be used, one for opening and one for closing the
circuit breaker.



One MW and One MVAR transducers.
One amp transducer
One KV transducer
All contacts for remote supervisory and control should be clean contacts (potentialfree) and of the fleeting type with holding time not less than 25 m.sec..


Remote Control and Relay Boards - Local Transformers:

Control of local transformer.
Panel Nos.
Same nos. as for the switchgear panels.
a) Control switch "Trip" & "Close" D.C. supply
b) Supervisory/local control selector switch.
Mimic diagram colored "Black" with semaphore position indication
(normal de-energized) D.C. supply.
Instrument :
One ammeter for C.T. ratio 100/1 Amps complete with isolating
Over current and earth leakage relay.
As for feeder control in addition to an alarm/trip relay with flag
indications for winding temperature.
Healthy Trip Indication: Ditto
Small wiring
Test Terminal Block :
Remote Supervisory & Control:
a) Auxiliary relay for remote supervisory tripping of the circuit breaker with a
separate set of contacts to interrupt the auto-trip indication and alarm circuits.
b) Auxiliary relay for remote supervisory closing of the circuit breaker with separate
sets of contacts as may be necessary.
c) Status Indication:
Circuit breaker auto-trip signal.
Circuit breaker -"open" - "closed" -"isolated".
Selector switch - "Supervisory"-"local".
Any other necessary auxiliary relays and/or contactors.
Necessary terminal blocks.
Supply, installation and wiring of the following equipment:
Two relays of M/s Siemens type 23009/SR15 rated at 50 volts d.c. or
equivalent are to be supplied one for opening and one for closing the circuit
ii) One amp transducer.


All contacts for remote supervisory and control should be clean contacts (potential free)
and of the fleeting type with holding time not less than 25 m.sec.
Remote Control and Relay Boards - Bus bar coupler and Bus bar Section Switch:
Remote control of bus bar coupler and bus bar section switch.
Panel Nos.: Same as for the 11 KV Switchgear panels.
a) Control switch "trip" and "close" D.C. supply.
b) Supervisory / local control selector switches.
Mimic diagram 11 KV circuit colored "Black" with
semaphore position indication (normally de-energized).


One ammeter scaled for C.T. ratio 3000/1 or 5 amps.
One over current and earth leakage relay.
as for feeder control.
Healthy Trip Indication: ditto
Small wiring
Test terminal block :
Remote Supervisory & control:
a) Auxiliary relay for remote supervisory tripping of the circuit breaker with a separate
set of contacts to interrupt the auto-trip indication and alarm circuits.
b) Auxiliary relay for remote supervisory closing of the circuit breaker with separate
sets of contacts as may be necessary.
c) Status Indication:
Circuit breaker auto-trip signal.
Circuit breaker "open"-"closed"-"isolated".
Selector switch-"Supervisory"-"local".


d) Any other necessary auxiliary relays and / or contractors.

e) Necessary terminal blocks.
f) Supply , installation and wiring of the following equipment:
Tow relays of M/s Siemens type 23009/SR15 rated at 50 volts d.c or
equivalent are to be supplied one opening and for closing the circuit
One amp transducer.
- All contacts for remote supervisory and control should be clean contacts (potential
and of the fleeting type with holding time not less than 25 m.sec.
- All relays above shall have flag indications.


Transformer Tap-change Control Panels:

The arrangement of tap-change control desk with reference to 132 KV and 11 KV
remote control and relay panels is subject to approval. These panels shall be arranged
to read from left to right as follows:
Panel No.1
30 MVA Transformer No.1
Panel No.2
30 MVA Transformer No.2
Panel No.3
30 MVA Transformer No.3
Panel No.4
30 MVA Transformer No.4


Alternatively, the tap-change control panels may be arranged to form

part of the 11 KV remote control panels in which case the panels
numbers will be 5A,10A, 19A and 25A.
Tap-change control panels
Tap-change "Raise" and "lower" control switches.
Tap-change control selector switches for :


- Hand or automatic
- individual parallel operation
- Leader or follower regulations control.
Indication: a) Tap-change position indicator.
b) Tap-change in progress
Instruments: One voltmeter with selector switch.
a) One voltage regulator relay with time delay.
b) One out-of-step relay
a) out-of-step alarm
b) Drive mechanism motor trouble.
Remote Supervisory and Control:
a) All necessary contactors and/or auxiliary relays and control relays.
b) Status indication:
Tap changer position (1 to 21 steps), tap-changer in
progress, tap-changer supervision, transformer in parallel and fan running.

The supervisory/local selection shall be arranged by supervisory/local selector

switch of the 11 KV C.B.'s controlling the corresponding 30 MVA transformers.



For 30 MVA transformer:

Tap-change in progress, out-of-step and fans running
Supply, installation and wiring of the following equipment:
Two relays of M/s Siemens type V23009/SR15 rated at 50 V d.c. or
equivalent are to be used for each tap control, one for "Raise Tap" and
one for "Lower tap".
All the 21 tap position to be wired separately for remote
supervisory and not as a measurement through transducer.
All contacts for remote supervisory and control shall be clean contacts
(Potential free) and of fleeting type with holding time not less than 25 m.sec.




All contactors, terminal blocks, labels, fixtures, wiring, ferrules,

m.c.b.'s , links, connections, rear access doors, multi-core cable glands
and all other necessary apparatus connected with the tap-change
Window type annunciator shall be provided at a suitable place on the
control panel with necessary alarms windows (plus 4 windows as spare)
and to which various substation equipments alarm, which are not
covered in the specification (as fire fighting, pressure switches, etc.)
shall be connected. These alarms shall have auxiliary alarm contacts and
which will be connected to substation general alarm for remote
supervisory indication.

Low Voltage Distribution Board:

MVA level
: Not less than 15 MVA (at 415 volts)
Busbar Rating (Phase)
: 1600 amps (Kuwait Rating)
Busbar rating (neutral)
: 800 amps (Kuwait Rating)
Busbar Section Switch(C.B): 1600 Amps (Kuwait Rating)
Nominal Voltage
: 433 volts



Incoming Transformer C.B :

Transformer control
Air-break on load C.B
Two C.B per board
1000 Amps (Kuwait rating)
Current Transformer Three current transformers, ratio 1000/1 or 5 amps
15VA capacity for instruments class 3 accuracy.
Instruments: a)
Ammeter suitably scaled for above C.T. ratio
One voltmeter, with selector switch to select phase to
neutral and phase to phase voltage.
"ON/OFF" and "Isolated Mechanical
Indication" .
Cable Terminations:
Seven terminal arrangements for connecting
seven single core 630 sq.mm. stranded copper
conductor XLPE insulated, PVC overall
c) Moulded case circuit breakers (100 Amps, 60 Amps and 30 Amps units):
Various substation supplies
Fixed type 3-phase and neutral
Six 30 Amps, four 60 Amps and six 100 Amps
30, 60 and 100 amps (Kuwait Rating)
Breaking Capacity: 15 MVA at 415 volts
Mechanical "ON/OFF"

Moulded Case Circuit Breaker or Miniature Circuit breakers:

Control of various substation equipment such as battery
chargers, switchgear charging motors, transformers, controls,
Fixed type
Quantity & Rating:
as needed (with at least 4 spares 1 No. 100 A., 2
Nos. 60 A and 1 No. 30 A
Mechanical "ON/OFF"


Moulded Case Circuit Breaker:

Mobile emergency diesel generator
Type :
Fixed type 3-phase and neutral
Rating :
500 amps
Breaking Fault Capacity: 15 MVA (at 415 volts)
Mechanical "ON/OFF"
Cable Termination:
Four terminal arrangements for connecting four
single core 300 sq.mm. copper conductor XLPE
insulated and PVC served cable.


Emergency Diesel Unit Feeder:

One 500 Amps (3 phase & neutral) wall mounted combination switch fuse
located in the lobby for connection to emergency mobile diesel generating


unit and fed to the M.C.C.B. under 10 (e) above. This switch fuse shall be
suitable for connection of 4-single core, 1000 volts, 300 sq.mm. XLPE
insulated PVC sheathed cable as specified in Item 8.1.10 - Book I . The switch
fuse can be alternatively located in station transformers room subject to
MEW's approval.

Remote supervisory and control

All Necessary auxiliary relays and/or contactors to give remote indications of
total main A.C. failure.

All sundry equipments to complete.
NB: 1)
Please note that the power supply for the fire fighting system will be
connected directly from the L.T. board. Contractor is requested to
make the necessary arrangements in the L.T. Board for such
connections. All cabling, wiring and auxiliary L.T. distribution boards
necessary for this purpose, the cost of such has to be included in the
tender price.
All circuit breakers and miniature circuit breakers must be equipped
with auxiliary contacts for remote indications at the supervisory centre
in case these are tripped due to fault in the sub-circuits or opened
initially by hand. These contacts are grouped to give a local alarm on
the 11 KV control board in addition to the required remote indication.

Fire Protection:
Water Fire Fighting System for Transformers:
One complete water fire fighting system of the high pressure type as described
in the specification and which comprises mainly of high pressure reservoir,
reserve tank, two water pumps, two air compressors, nozzles, valves piping,
detectors, control and alarm panel, ...etc. and which operate in a fully
automatic manner with provision for local and remote supervisory indication
of water level alarm and fire fighting system operated alarm, which shall be
transmitted to National Control Centre. A priming pump and tank shall be
provided at no extra cost to the contract price, if necessary for the proposed
system. Reference to clause 5.36 of Vol. I the piping connection and valve at
the boundary wall shall be fitted with valves suitable for Kuwait Fire Brigade
Engine connections.

All Equipments other than Transformers

Supply, install and commission one complete set of firefighting equipment
comprising mainly Argon or FM200 or Inergen system or any other system
approved by KFD for 11 KV Switchgear, cable box compartment where 11
KV PILC&S cable used, sodium bi-carbonate powder for 132 KV cable
boxes, where 132 KV oil filled cable used portable fire extinguishers, alarm
level detectors, safety precautions regarding partitioning of the building,
closing of openings, etc. all as fully described under clause 8.4 (Book I) of
this specification


For equipment under (21.ii) above:

Supply one set of spares as detailed under schedule C of the spare parts.
Where gas is used, one charged bottle per substation shall be included.


However, the gas content shall be of the weight not less than sufficient for one
fire zone section.

Station Batteries and Associated Charging Equipment:

Two 220 V. d.c. control & tripping battery complete with battery stands, battery
charging equipment, charge fail alarm and associated controls, one for
tripping and one for C.B.'s closing and other services.
Two Auxiliary d.c. distribution boards as specified.
One 110 V d.c. emergency lighting battery , complete with battery stands, battery
charging equipment, automatic change-over contactors and associated
controls, as required in the specifications.
One automatic high speed change over switch to switch over the 220 V d.c. supply
to the tripping circuits, from the tripping to the control battery in case of d.c.
supply for trip fails. This switch over operation shall be signaled to N.C.C. as
persistent alarm.








The capacity of the above batteries shall be sufficient for all equipment
in this tender. Provisions shall also be made to meet the requirements
of future extension. Detailed calculation for determination the capacity
of batteries shall be submitted for approval. The capacity of control
batteries should be adequate for all control and trip loads
For 110 V. d.c. battery the specified capacity under clause 8.2.4 of
BOOK I is a minimum however, based on the substation layout
arrangement as approved by MEW, any increase in this battery
capacity will not entitle the contractor for any extra charges.
The contractor shall submit for approval the calculations to show the
time grading for miniature circuit breaker tripping due to faults on
various auxiliary circuits.
In case protection fuses are used internally in the chargers, these fuses
have to be provided with auxiliary alarm contacts for local alarm and
group N.C.C. alarm.

Control & Power Cables:

One set of a.c. and d.c. power service cables and control cables necessary for all
power service circuits to the switchgear auxiliaries and control equipment, control
boards, marshalling boxes, control indication, alarm, interlocking, protection and
current and voltage transformer secondary circuits, including trays, cleats, etc to
complete and as detailed in the specifications.
Attention is drawn to the routing of tripping and alarm control cables in the
substation, where utmost care should be taken in the design stage to provide adequate
clearance to power cables and may additional screening be provided to prevent mal
tripping or false alarms due to voltage induction. The contractor is requested to
submit cable route layout showing measures taken.
Air Compressor Equipment:( If applicable)
Where compressed air drive for operating mechanism of the300KV & 132 KV circuit
breakers are offered.
Two air compressor units : each consisting of:





One air compressor of adequate capacity with air dryer and filter unit.
One driving motor (433 volts 3-phase, 50 Hz. A.C. supply) with
automatic control units.
Two high pressure storage receivers.
One set of copper pipe connections, interconnecting all the high pressure air
storage receivers, pressure reduction valves, contacts, manometers, high and
low pressure gauge, automatic drain valves, signaling and indication devices
for low and high pressure and a.c. supply failure and all other material to
complete the compressed air generation system as specified.
One set of copper pipe connections to be laid in duplicate feed arrangement,
connecting the central compressed air storage system to the individual circuit
breakers, isolators, including the control valves, joints, etc to complete the
compressed air supply circuits.
One set of pressure switches for starting, stopping automatically the
compressors to keep the preset values of pressure. These switches shall have
auxiliary contacts for local alarm and remote supervisory indication to signal
loss of air, over running, also for master tank air pressure loss, motor trouble,
etc. to be signaled.

25. Pilot cable Marshalling Boxes:

One indoor pilot cable marshalling box for 16-core pilot cables associated with the
11 KV cable feeder circuits and wired as per attached drawings. This box should be
in the 11 KV switchgear room. The contractor shall install and use in this box one
66-way terminal box as shown on the attached drawing.
The above 132 KV & 11 KV marshalling cabinet shall be insulated for 15 KV and
5 KV insulation level. Thus all the terminal blocks in these marshalling cabinets,
control cables between these cabinets and the control boards, all shall be insulated
to the above voltage level i.e. 15 KV and 5 KV respectively. For the pilot cable
cores other than Solkor cores, these shall be protected by means of post office
type surge arrestors. The arrestors shall be rated and voltage insulated as
mentioned above. It may be necessary that another panel installed adjacent to the
marshalling cabinets to accommodate these protective devices, be provided (the
technical details of the arrestors shall be subject to MEW approval). The intertripping core should be protected by isolating transformer with earthed centre top.

Telemetry Transfer Terminal Blocks Cabinets:

One indoor type sheet steel cabinet with double leaf lift off door, to accommodate
the transfer terminal blocks associated with the tele-control, signaling,
metering, etc. as required for the supervisory control centre for the 400 KV
circuits. This cabinet shall be complete with terminal blocks, plugs, wiring,
labels (engraved), glands, bolts, nuts, etc and any other fittings to complete.
One same as above but for 132 KV switchgear and other alarms
One same as above but for only 132 KV side of 4x300 MVA transformers for
double monitoring of circuit breaker status indication and MW and MVAR
measurements for DCC exclusively.
One Same as above but for 33 KV switchgear and other alarms.
One Same as above but for 11 KV switchgear and other alarms.


The above shall include for the necessary terminal blocks, etc. All wiring to these
transfer terminal blocks cabinets shall be 1.5 sq.mm. and included in the tender price.

Station Earthing:
One set substation earthing arrangement complete with earth rods, etc. and as
detailed in the specification and attached drawings.
The cost of earthing cables between the 30 MVA transformers change-over
switch cabinets (for direct earthing) and the 8 ohm resistors to earthing pit
shall be included in the quoted price for substation earthing in Schedule "J-1"
of prices and Rates.
Detailed calculations based on maximum rated short circuit current and duration of 3
seconds has to be submitted for approval. The soil resistivity at the substation site
shall be carried out in the presence and certified by MEW Engineer.
An earthing bar of 30x5 mm shall be provided on the basement ceiling under the 11
KV switchgear and provided with branch connections for earthing the 11 KV feeder
cable glands and armors. This earthing bar shall be connected to indoor earthing ring
at both ends.





Substation Special, Auxiliary and Sundry Equipment:

Substation special & Auxiliary Equipment:
Two sets of 3-phase test plugs for high voltage testing and primary current
direction tests for 11 KV Switchgear.
Three tool cabinets and tools - one for 300 KV switchgear, 132 KV switchgear and
for 11 Switchgear.
Steel key cupboards (one No. for switchgears of each voltage level and one for the
panels in the control room).
One pneumatic wheel truck.
One ladder with rubber wheels
One set gas leakage detection and location device.
One set compressed SF6 gas bottles, of a capacity sufficient for one cable feeder
circuit and one transformer circuit.
Three/six sets 280 KV high voltage test bushings (complete with one 30 meters
280 KV test cable, adaptors, flanges, accessories, bolts and nuts, etc) necessary for
connecting the test bushings to the switchgear and to the test cable (A.C. & D.C.
test bushings) .
SF6 and N2 gases handling units for extracting and pumping in the gas complete
with compressors, storage tanks, valves, vacuum pumps, ...etc.
Primary current injection leads complete with termination lugs.
Any other portable pressure meters necessary for periodical maintenance of the
SF6 circuit breakers.
Three sets
345 KV high voltage test bushings (complete with 345 KV 40 M test cable,
adaptors, ..etc) as detailed in the specifications for 300 KV switchgear.
Hydraulic crimping compression tool kit for 11 KV cable feeders (type HT-130 C
of M/s Chamber or type Y35 of M/s BICC make).
Substation Sundry Equipment:
Operator's desk and chair
Substation cleaning equipment.




Cabinets and racks for spare parts.

Cabinets for drawings & files.

Civil Works, Air-conditioning & Electrical Installations:

The substation building shall be one storey type as required in the introduction
to the civil details and Bill of quantities of these specifications.
All civil works associated with the building and all external civil works
associated with the substation, all as detailed in the specification.
Air-conditioning for the substation building complete as detailed in the
Electrical installations, internal and external for the above, including
installation of wiring, lighting fittings, outlet power sockets, fuse boards, subdistribution boards, etc all as detailed in the specification.
Overhead traveling cranes suitable for the lift of the heaviest part of the 300
KV & 132 KV SF6 switchgears complete with I-beam, rails, etc. to complete
as detailed in the specifications. These cranes shall be of the double girder
Air conditioned Rooms Temperature Monitoring:
The control room, battery chargers, communication, gas and dry powder fire fighting
rooms shall be provided with a temperature monitoring device which in case the
temperature in these rooms exceeds a pre-set value due to the air-conditioning
running out of order, these devices shall give a local alarm indication on the control
board and through auxiliary clean contacts shall be wired to give a service alarm at
the National Control Centre/DCC.


Overhead Traveling Cranes each for 300 KV and 132 KV Switchgear rooms:
Overhead traveling crane suitable for the lift of the heaviest part of the 300 & 132 KV
SF6 switchgear complete with I-beam, rails, etc. To complete as detailed in the
specifications. These cranes shall be of the double girder type must be electrical /
manual type.
Details of Equipment: contd



AT SALMIYH "AX" 300/132/11 KV S/STN BY
The Technical details for Part C are given below:

132 KV Switchgear:
The existing SALMIYH "AX" 300/132/33/11 KV substation was supplied and
erected by M/s / HITASHI and 132 KV switchgear has two sets of three phase
main bus bars of 3000 amps, Kuwait rating extending over 20 bays complete
with four sets of 3-phase bus bar earthing switches and these has been supplied
and installed by M/s HITASHI under contract No. MEW/MC/2624-2001/2002
- SALMIYH "AX" substation.
It is now intended to extend the existing 132 KV switchgear by two bays one
on each side together with its control and relay panel, earthing, etc. and as
detailed later. These extended bays will be connected by 1000 sq.mm. XLPE
cables as follows:
Bay No.01&21.

Each consisting of:

Two sets:
Two sets
One set
One set
One set
One Set :

One Set :
One Set :
One Set :

One Set :

800 amps 3-single phase busbar connections complete

800 amps 3-single phase 132 KV busbar isolator complete with operating
800 amps 3 single phase 132 KV feeder isolator complete with operating
Feeder earthing switch complete with interlocks and driving mechanism.

800 Amps
800 Amps 3 single phase10000 MVA 132KV SF6 gas insulated circuit
breaker complete with earthing switches, operating mechanism connecting
cables, oil pipes, etc. The circuit breaker shall be suitable to break charging
current cot less than 160 Amps capacitive at zero power factor.
Three single phase 132KV C.TS ratio 800-500/1 or 5 amps class 1 with
adequate output for metering.
Three single phase 132KV C.T.S class 5P15 ratio 800/1 with adequate output
for directional overcurrent and earth fault relays.
Three single phase 132KV C.T.S class X, ratio 800-500/1 amps with
adequate output for pilot wire differential protection and shall match the
C.T.S at the other end and to be located on busbar side
Three single phase 132KV C.T.S class 5P20 with ratio 3000/1A and adequate
output for busbar zone protection and shall match the C.T.S at the other end
and be located on the busbar side.


One Set :

One Set :

One Set :
One Set :
One Set :

Three single phase indoor 132/V3 / 110/V3 / 110/V3 volts

star / star / open delta voltage transformers, class 3P accuracy of adequate VA
capacity for instruments directional overcurrent and earth fault relays .
Three single phase 132KV isolator to be installed on the primary side of the
V.T.S or other suitable arrangement as per paragraph 3 of clause 3-12 of Part
I of specifications.
Three single phase 132KV SF6 tubing from the switchgear to the basement .
Local control cubicle located in the 132KV switchgear as specified.
Three single phase 132 kV cable sealing end box suitable to receive 1000
sqmm. XLPE cables.

One set
The above shall include all copper connections , piping , earthing connections,
electrical and mechanical interlocks , intertripping auxiliary switches, multi-core cable
glands and all other items necessary to complete. Also the necessary supporting
galvanised steel works and non-magnetic cleats for supporting the 132KV cables shall
be supplied and included in the tender price.
NB: The 132 KV SF tubing associated with feeder bay shall be dimensioned so that
sealing end oil part is not above the basement ceiling upper level.
two (2) feeder control panels for U/G Feeder circuits (Bays Nos.01,02, 23 & 24)
Each panel equipped as follows:
Three :
Ammeters scaled for C.T.s ratio 800-500/1 or 5 Amps.
One set.
Voltmeter 0-150 kV range with selector switch to selector phase to neutral
and phase to neutral and phase to phase voltage.
Three Nos.
:Voltage failure indication lamps or LED light emitting diods for red, yellow, and blue
phases using coloured glass lenses.
One Set
:Auto-trip indication lamp, amber colour using glass lenses with cancellation push button.
One Set:
Healthy trip indication lamp with test button and resistance.
One :
Megawatt meter, suitable for power flow in both directions.
One :
MVAR meter, suitable for power flow in both directions.
One :
One Set:
One set
One Set:
One Set :
One Set:
One Set:
One Set

Power factor meter, for leading and lagging reactive power

indication for both power flow directions.
SF6 gas low pressure alarm / trip relays with flag indications.
underground cable low oil pressure alarm/trip relay with flag indication.
Control switches with semaphore indication (normally de-energized) and mimic diagram
coloured blue.
Selector switch for supervisory/local control
Test terminal block for measuring circuit.
Of necessary contractors and/or auxiliary relays for supervisory remote control.
of busbars, control mcb, labels, test links, small wiring instrument mcbs, fittings, etc. to
complete and any other alarms & indications associated with 132 kV equipment.

Remote Supervisory Control

Auxiliary relay remote supervisory tripping of the circuit breaker with a separate set
of contacts to interrupt the auto-trip indication and alarm circuits.
Auxiliary relay for remote supervisory closing of the circuit breaker with separate
sets of contacts as may be necessary.


c)i) Status indication (circuit breaker open-closed) selector switch supervisory local.
c)ii) Status indication of busbar isolator open/closed>

Driving mechanism trouble


Arcing chamber SF6 gas low pressure alarm and trip


Whole bay SF6 gas low pressure alarm and trip


Circuit breaker pole discrepancy.


Overcurrent trip, earth fault trip, solkor trip

pilot cable fault.


Circuit breaker fail to trip


Intertrip receive alarm


Intertrip equipment auxiliary supply fail alarm


cable tail low oil pressure alarm/trip.

NB :


All contacts for remote supervisory shall be clean (potential free) and
of fleeting type with holding time not less than 25 m.s. (except for gas
pressure and oil pressure of driving mechanism). All alarms to be
signalled separately.
Any other necessary auxiliary relays and/or contactors.


Necessary terminal blocks.


Supply, installation and wiring of the following equipment

Two relays, one for opening and one for closing the circuit breaker.
One MW and one MVAR transducers.



Protection Panels for two cable feeder Circuits: each having :
One set
Three phase directional overcurrent and earth leakage IDMT relay with
auxiliary relays, etc. as specified and complete with contacts for supervisory
One set
Three phase Solkor RF pilot wire differential relay (15 KV insulation level)
complete with alarm indication contact for remote supervisory indication.
Circuit breaker fail to trip back-up protection relay
One set
High frequency intertripping sending and receiving relays for near and far ends
together with H.F. supervision on the intertripping P/C cores & supply fail
alarm. The number of sets to be supplied for each feeder shall be as detailed in
Schedule "J-1".

One set Service/test position switches for relay circuit or testing sockets and plugs as
detailed in Clause 6.2 (v) of Volume I.
NB: 1)
Intertripping signal will not be transferred to far end substation in case the
associated feeder line, isolator is in open position except for SF6 low pressure
trip on the line isolator and associated earth switch, 132 KV VT and 132 KV
cable box and monitored separately at the substation end.




it is clarified that auxiliary supply for HF intertrip equipment for 132 KV

underground cable feeder circuit is not allowed to be connected from 48 volts
battery meant for communication equipment. Any DC/DC converter, .etc. if
required should be included in the price of intertrip equipment. Also in such
case intertrip equipment specified in Schedule C should be completed with such
DC/DC convertor.

Bus Bar Protection : for TWO extended bays (132 KV)

The existing busbar protection system should be extended to cover the two new bays i.e.
wiring, terminals, summation current transformers, etc. to be included in the tender
price.Shall comprise for each zone the following:
One Set:
One Set:

One Set:
One Set :

Protective relays of the electronic fully static type, for each bus bar zone
(section) with automatic testing facilities.
auxiliary relays, matching current transformers, contactors alarm indication
relays complete with auxiliary contacts of fleeting type for indication at the
Supervisory Centre.
Supervisory relays for the secondary C.T. control cables to avoid mal-tripping
with auxiliary relays for local and remote alarm indication.
Testing facility for periodical checking but fitted on the board in addition to
facility for secondary injection testing.

Tenderers are requested to visit the substation site and acquaint themselves with the site
conditions and the arrangement of the equipment, so that the quoted price covers the work
complete in all respects since no extra cost for any work that may be found necessary to
complete the work will be paid to the contractor due to lack of knowledge.
The existing 132 KV switchgear is double busbar 132 KV, 3000 Amps 10,000 MVA of M/s
Toshiba make, therefore the work on these equipment shall be under the direct supervision of
this manufacturer.
Since Salmiyah "AX" substation is in service, therefore it is of prime importance that every
precaution and safety measures to be taken by the contractor to ensure safety of the existing
equipment and continuity of supply. Any damage of the equipment or interruption of supply
due to neglegancy shall be the responsibility of the contractor.
If adopter is required to connect the new bay to the existing switchgear , then the required
elements to be provided by the manufacturer of the existing switchgear who will supervise
all the extension works.

132 KV power Cable Tails (N.A)

The cables will be laid under separate contract, accordingly no cable tails are required,
the cable contractor will terminate the cable directly to the switchgear, the type of
cable will be 132KV, 630 Sqmm. O/F insulated.


Joint pits and Oil Pressure Tank Pits: (to be constructed by the main approved
substation civil subcontractor)


All oil filled cable joints and oil pressure tanks shall be housed in suitable pits
which shall be designed and built in accordance with the following requirements for
those either within or outside the boundary walls of substations. These pits (except
buried type) shall be of prefabricated structural elements.
All pits, except buried type shall be provided with galvanized steel ladders
and walls, floor and covers shall be designed and protected in such manner to prevent
the ingress of rain or ground water. The size of all pits shall be such as to allow
comfortable working space for jointers. These pits shall be provided with manhole
cover of adequate size to allow the removal of any equipment that may be required,
this cover to be of circular type with clear opening of minimum diameter of 61 cm.
readymade cast iron. Padlocks shall be provided to manhole covers.
Tenderers shall submit design drawings and calculations which will be subject
to the approval of the purchaser. Not more than one set of joints or one set of tanks
shall be located in each pit (set per circuit). Also it will not be permitted to pass more
than the cables of one circuit inside the pit, and thus if the width of the pit will cover
more than the cable reserve of 1 circuit (75 cm) PVC ducts encased in concrete are to
be constructed under the pit to facilitate the laying of future circuits.(4 pipes for every
one meter cable reserve). The cost of these ducts is to be included in the pit prices.


Pits within substation Boundaries:

Pits for joints and tanks shall be consisting of cast in-situ concrete
floor slab minimum 15 cm. thick and reinforced with suitable steel mesh 15
cms thick precast reinforced concrete walls with fair face finish internally.
Top slabs shall be made of precast reinforced concrete, removable strips with
galvanized steel handles for lifting and shall be adequate to sustain a wheel
load of 4 tones or super imposed load of 500 kg/sq.cm. and to be designed in
a manner to stop rain water. The level of the top cover shall be 50 cms above
yard level. Suitable concrete or steel bollards shall be provided around the
pits, 75 cms high and spaced at one meter centers.



Insitu concrete mix to be 1:2:4 with crushing strength of 240 kg/sq.cm.

Crushing strength for precast reinforcement concrete to be 320 kgs/sq.cm.
Stability shall be required for the pit as one unit under several working
For all 33 KV cables, if applicable, the contractor has to construct the above
pits having suitable dimensions. For 132KV cable circuits the contractor will
have to construct the above pits and this should have internal dimensions of

Pits Outside Substation Boundaries:

Pits for straight joints shal consist of precast reinforced concrete elements or cast
insitu reinforced concrete base slab minimum 15 cms. Thick concrete block walls
with top R.C. beams 30 cms deep. The joints shall be protected using fiber glass
sleeve and the space between the outer joint sleeve and the fiber glass sleeve shall be
filled with bitumen, the completed joints shall be surrounded by sieved sand carefully
compaced by hand to a depth of 10 cms. above the top of the fiber glass sleeve.


Precast cable cover tiles shall be placed on top of the joint backfilled with selected
sand upto ground level. Suitable marker pad shall be positioned 15 cms above the
surface. The whole arrangement shall be subject to MINISTRY approval. Where
sheaths bounding link boxes are required, they shall be installed in shallow pit
adjacent to the straight joint and accessible from the surfaces.

Pits for feed or stop joints and oil pressure tanks shall be of similar designs to (A)
above, except that the covers to be designed to sustain a wheel load of 10 tonnes to
the effect of a vehicle mounting adjacent to the pit top slab which shall be at a level of
50 cms above the ground level.
The contractor must get the approval of the Purchaser for the cable
drum length before starting of manufacture.
All hydraulic piping works, tanks, etc. must be prevented from carrying
power system fault current e.g. by using insulated connectors. All metallic
parts of tanks , piping, etc. will be earthed.
It is to be noted that the work under this item covers the supply, laying,
jointing of cables as detailed in the specifications .
Any surplus lengths of cables and/or jointing material has to be


Bonding and Earthing of the Sheaths of 132 KV Transformer Cable Tails:

Cables, joints and terminations shall be designed, manufactured and installed
so as to result to a fully insulated sheath system.
Cable sheaths shall be single point bonded so as to eliminate sheath
circulating currents.
The maximum permitted sheath standing voltage to earth under full load
conditions shall be 65 volts.
A PVC insulated single core earthing cable (conductor size 300 sq.mm.
copper) shall be installed from end to end of the tails and in close proximity to
them. Where open flat spacing of the power cables is employed, this cable
shall be installed between two of the power cables and transposed mid-way.
The earthing cable shall be connected at both ends to the main substation
earthing system and at a suitable position to the main sheath bonds.
Sheath voltage limiter units (SVL's) shall be connected to the unearthed
end(s) of the tails. The star point of the SVL's shall be connected to the
earthing cable specified in 4 above.
All sheath bonding connections shall be made via disconnecting link boxes so
as to facilitate routine over sheath integrity testing . All bonding leads shall be
PVC insulated, of conductor size 300 sq.mm. copper and be made as short as
Link boxes shall be galvanized steel with lockable lids bearing externally the
legend "DANGER - ELECTRICITY" and internally the legend "THESE
insulation shall be such as to withstand an impulse test of 17.5 KV from link
to earth and 37.5 KV between links. Link contact resistance shall not exceed
20 micro-ohms. Links and contact faces shall be tinned copper and shall be
held firmly together by bolts.



The legends should be written in both Arabic and English words.

Inside s/stns the bonding cable from the "Earthed" end of the link box shall be
connected to the inner earth ring bar. The specified 300 sq.mm. bonding cable
shall be used to connect to the earthing system. The connection to the
substation earth bar shall be by brazing a flag connector to the bar and bolting
the bonding cable lug on the flag.
Hydraulic pipework shall be prevented from carrying any power system fault
current by means of the installation of pipe line insulators at appropriate
positions, e.g. adjacent to terminations. Hydraulic equipment (tanks, gauges,
pipes, etc) shall be bonded using suitable size of PVC insulated single core
cable and connected to earth. The arrangement of bonding of the hydraulic
system shall be submitted by the contractor for approval by the purchaser for
each particular installation. Hydraulic equipment shall have purpose made
flags or bosses or studs to enable proper bonding connections to be made.
The foregoing paragraphs represent summary of significant requirements but
it would be expected that in case any queries arise on this topic, reference
would be made to internationally recognised source documents which would
include the following:
Electra Paper No.28, May 1973 by Study Committee No.21". The
design of Specially Bonded Cable Systems" (Also follow-up Paper
British Electricity Boards document C.55/2 "Insulated sheath Power cable Systems".
Earthling Requirements for 132 KV Feeders:
Solid bonding of the power cable lead sheaths is required. The overall design
shall be such as to permit the routine application of PVC oversheath tests (10
KV DC for 1 minute prior to commissioning and subsequently, 5 KV DC for
1 minute).
At straight joints the lead sheaths of the three single core cables forming one
circuit shall be bonded together using insulated bonding cable (see 4 below)
but without making any special provision for disconnection during sheath
testing. The overall installation shall be sufficiently insulated from earth so as
to withstand the sheath test. The connections to the lead sheaths may
conveniently be made by connecting the bonding cable to the joint sleeves. If
the sleeves are flanged then the bonding cable must be connected to both
sides of the continuity of the flange bolts.
At terminations the lead sheaths of the three single core cables forming one
circuit shall be connected to earth using insulated bonding cables (see 4
below) and via 3-phase link boxes (see 5 below).
Bonding cables for power cable sheaths shall in all cases be of single core,
300 sq.mm. stranded copper PVC insulated construction. This size of cable
shall be used regardless as to the anticipated magnitude of fault current at any
particular point in the network. The insulated thickness shall be 3.3 mm
minimum average. The cable shall be embossed with the working "Electric
Cable - Bonding Lead" and the outer surface of the PVC shall be in a graphite
coated. The construction of the cable shall be in accordance with B.S. 6346 in
so far as it applies. The insulation shall be spark tested at 20 KV DC for 1
Link boxes shall be galvanized steel with lockable lids bearing externally the
legend "Danger - Electricity" and internally the legend "These links must be






closed when the cable is in service". The insulation shall be such as to

withstand an impulse test of 17.5 KVP from link to earth and 37.5 KVP
between links. Line, contact resistance shall not exceed 20 micro-ohms links
and contact faces shall be tinned copper and shall be firmly held together by
The legends should be written in both Arabic and English words.
Inside substations the bonding cable from the "Earthy" ends of the link box
shall be connected to the inner earth ring bar. At stop/feed joint bays the
bonding cable shall be connected to 4 earth rods each 1.25 M.long driven in at
the corners of the bay. In all cases the specified 300 sq.mm. bonding cable
shall be used to connect to the earthing system. The connection to the
substation earth bar shall be by brazing a flag connector to the bar and bolting
the bonding cable lug onto the flag.
Hydraulic pipe work shall be prevented from carrying any power system fault
current by means of the installation of pipeline insulators at appropriate
positions e.g. - adjacent to terminations. Hydraulic equipment (tanks, gauges,
pipes, etc.) shall be bonded using suitable size of PVC insulated single core
cable and connected to earth. The arrangement of bonding of the hydraulic
system shall be submitted by the contractor for approval by the Purchaser for
each particular installation. Hydraulic equipment shall have purpose made
flags or bosses or studs to enable proper bonding connections to be made.
On joint sleeves and termination glands there need to be earthing connection
flags or bosses of sufficient size to accommodate the connection to the
specified size of bonding cable.
On flanged joint sleeves there should be two such flags, one on each side of
the flange so that the bonding cable can be connected to both sides of the
sleeve without having to rely on the electrical continuity of the flange bolts.

The scope of work under this item shall comprise mainly of the following:


5NB: 1)

Supply and installation of two 132 KV switchgear bays complete with the associated
relay and control panels to control the above underground line feeder circuits.
The two 132 KV switchgears bays shall be suitable to receive 132 KV 3-single core
1000 sq.mm. XLPE cables and shall be located on each side of the existing
Supply and installation of the required control cables power services cables and
earthing material.
Supply and installation any necessary additional materials/equipment in the existing
AC/DC panels and busbar zone protection panel to cover the extended bays.
supply and installation the necessary additional terminal blocks in the existing
marshalling cabient for pilot cable connections, transfer terminal blocks for DCC
requirement, steel supporting structure, etc. any necessary requirement other than
the above to be included in the tender price.
Commissioning and necessary function testing related to the extension works.
All contacts for remote indication at the supervisory centre shall be clean
contacts (potential free) and of the fleeting type with holding time not less than 25m.s.
All a.c. & d.c. miniature circuit breakers used for 132 KV switchgear/132 KV control
and relay board shall be fitted with auxiliary contacts wired and grouped to give





remote supervisory alarm indication in case tripped or opened. (One local alarm
indication for each 132 KV circuit and one signal for whole 132 KV board to N.C.C.
All relays shall have individual flag local indication
If testing sockets and plugs are offered for withdrawal relays, then two plugs complete
with leads, terminals, etc. shall be provided for each substation.
In addition to test switches or plugs and sockets one set of trip isolation links has to be
provided. This applies to Busbar protection, circuit breaker failure and group trip due
to intertrip such as SF6 low, ...etc.
Separate D.C. supply with MCB control for busbar protection.
When primary injection testing on any of the 132 KV circuits is carried out, the
respective busbar protection system should not be put out of service, thus the necessary
interlocking arrangement shall be provided subject to Ministry approval.
For all protective relays, if the solid state type is offered, these relays should be
provided with self monitoring so that in case of failure of input AC or DC supplies or
failure of internal component that it renders the relay inoperative or result in false
operation, an alarm will be displayed locally and the relay blocked and an alarm shall
be signaled to NCC/DCC separately or as a group alarm in accordance with approved
PUD sheet requirements.

Site Testing and Commissioning:

After the erection 132 KV switchgear are completed these shall be tested with all its
accessories and commissioned with guarantee period after commissioning. All necessary
preparation works for testing and commissioning shall be included in the offered price.
The attention of all tenderers is drawn to the fact that any item of work, i.e.
civil, apparatus, equipment, material, control cables, re-wiring and/or
accessories not specifically mentioned in the specification or schedule of
prices but which is necessary for satisfactory operation of the switchgear shall
be deemed to be provided by the contractor and included in the tender price.
The contractor will not be entitled to extra charges for such items or due to
lack of knowledge.
For this purpose, tenderers are advised to visit the substations sites and acquaint themselves
with the nature of the work and collecting information sufficient to submit a comprehensive
complete offer.



AT SLWT "A" 132/11 KV S/STN BY
The Technical details for Part C are given below:

132 KV Switchgear:
The existing SLWT "A" 132/11 KV substation was supplied and erected by

and 132 KV switchgear has two sets of three phase main bus bars of 800 amps,
Kuwait rating extending over 9 bays complete with four sets of 3-phase bus bar
earthing switches and these has been supplied and installed by M/s GANS

It is now intended to extend the existing 132 KV switchgear by two bays one
on each side together with its control and relay panel, earthing, etc. and as
detailed later. These extended bays will be connected by 1000 sq.mm. XLPE
cables as follows:
Bay No.01&10.

Each consisting of:

Two sets:
Two sets
One set
One set
One set
One Set :

One Set :
One Set :
One Set :

One Set :

One Set :

800 amps 3-single phase busbar connections complete

800 amps 3-single phase 132 KV busbar isolator complete with operating
800 amps 3 single phase 132 KV feeder isolator complete with operating
Feeder earthing switch complete with interlocks and driving mechanism.

800 Amps
800 Amps 3 single phase10000 MVA 132KV SF6 gas insulated circuit
breaker complete with earthing switches, operating mechanism connecting
cables, oil pipes, etc. The circuit breaker shall be suitable to break charging
current cot less than 160 Amps capacitive at zero power factor.
Three single phase 132KV C.TS ratio 800-500/1 or 5 amps class 1 with
adequate output for metering.
Three single phase 132KV C.T.S class 5P15 ratio 800/1 with adequate output
for directional overcurrent and earth fault relays.
Three single phase 132KV C.T.S class X, ratio 800-500/1 amps with
adequate output for pilot wire differential protection and shall match the
C.T.S at the other end and to be located on busbar side
Three single phase 132KV C.T.S class 5P20 with ratio 800/1A and adequate
output for busbar zone protection and shall match the C.T.S at the other end
and be located on the busbar side.
Three single phase indoor 132/V3 / 110/V3 / 110/V3 volts


One Set :

One Set :
One Set :
One Set :

star / star / open delta voltage transformers, class 3P accuracy of adequate VA

capacity for instruments directional overcurrent and earth fault relays .
Three single phase 132KV isolator to be installed on the primary side of the
V.T.S or other suitable arrangement as per paragraph 3 of clause 3-12 of Part
I of specifications.
Three single phase 132KV SF6 tubing from the switchgear to the basement .
Local control cubicle located in the 132KV switchgear as specified.
Three single phase 132 kV cable sealing end box suitable to receive 1000
sqmm. XLPE cables.

One set
The above shall include all copper connections , piping , earthing connections,
electrical and mechanical interlocks , intertripping auxiliary switches, multi-core cable
glands and all other items necessary to complete. Also the necessary supporting
galvanised steel works and non-magnetic cleats for supporting the 132KV cables shall
be supplied and included in the tender price.
NB: The 132 KV SF6 tubing associated with feeder bay shall be dimensioned so that
sealing end is not above the basement ceiling upper level.
two (2) feeder control panels for U/G Feeder circuits (Bays Nos.01,10)

Each panel equipped as follows:

Three :
Ammeters scaled for C.T.s ratio 800-500/1 or 5 Amps.
One set.
Voltmeter 0-150 kV range with selector switch to selector phase to neutral
and phase to neutral and phase to phase voltage.
Three Nos.
:Voltage failure indication lamps or LED light emitting diods for red, yellow, and blue
phases using coloured glass lenses.
One Set
:Auto-trip indication lamp, amber colour using glass lenses with cancellation push button.
One Set:
Healthy trip indication lamp with test button and resistance.
One :
Megawatt meter, suitable for power flow in both directions.
One :
MVAR meter, suitable for power flow in both directions.
One :
One Set:
One set
One Set:
One Set :
One Set:
One Set:
One Set

Power factor meter, for leading and lagging reactive power

indication for both power flow directions.
SF6 gas low pressure alarm / trip relays with flag indications.
underground cable low oil pressure alarm/trip relay with flag indication.
Control switches with semaphore indication (normally de-energized) and mimic diagram
coloured blue.
Selector switch for supervisory/local control
Test terminal block for measuring circuit.
Of necessary contractors and/or auxiliary relays for supervisory remote control.
of busbars, control mcb, labels, test links, small wiring instrument mcbs, fittings, etc. to
complete and any other alarms & indications associated with 132 kV equipment.

Remote Supervisory Control

Auxiliary relay remote supervisory tripping of the circuit breaker with a separate set
of contacts to interrupt the auto-trip indication and alarm circuits.
Auxiliary relay for remote supervisory closing of the circuit breaker with separate


sets of contacts as may be necessary.

c)i) Status indication (circuit breaker open-closed) selector switch supervisory local.
c)ii) Status indication of busbar isolator open/closed>

Driving mechanism trouble


Arcing chamber SF6 gas low pressure alarm and trip


Whole bay SF6 gas low pressure alarm and trip


Circuit breaker pole discrepancy.


Overcurrent trip, earth fault trip, solkor trip

pilot cable fault.


Circuit breaker fail to trip


Intertrip receive alarm


Intertrip equipment auxiliary supply fail alarm


cable tail low oil pressure alarm/trip.

NB :


All contacts for remote supervisory shall be clean (potential free) and
of fleeting type with holding time not less than 25 m.s. (except for gas
pressure and oil pressure of driving mechanism). All alarms to be
signalled separately.
Any other necessary auxiliary relays and/or contactors.


Necessary terminal blocks.


Supply, installation and wiring of the following equipment

Two relays, one for opening and one for closing the circuit breaker.
One MW and one MVAR transducers.



Protection Panels for two cable feeder Circuits: each having :
One set
Three phase directional overcurrent and earth leakage IDMT relay with
auxiliary relays, etc. as specified and complete with contacts for supervisory
One set
Three phase Solkor RF pilot wire differential relay (15 KV insulation level)
complete with alarm indication contact for remote supervisory indication.
Circuit breaker fail to trip back-up protection relay
One set
High frequency intertripping sending and receiving relays for near and far ends
together with H.F. supervision on the intertripping P/C cores & supply fail
alarm. The number of sets to be supplied for each feeder shall be as detailed in
Schedule "J-1".

One set Service/test position switches for relay circuit or testing sockets and plugs as
detailed in Clause 6.2 (v) of Volume I.
NB: 1)
Intertripping signal will not be transferred to far end substation in case the
associated feeder line, isolator is in open position except for SF6 low pressure


trip on the line isolator and associated earth switch, 132 KV VT and 132 KV
cable box and monitored separately at the substation end.
it is clarified that auxiliary supply for HF intertrip equipment for 132 KV
underground cable feeder circuit is not allowed to be connected from 48 volts
battery meant for communication equipment. Any DC/DC converter, .etc. if
required should be included in the price of intertrip equipment. Also in such
case intertrip equipment specified in Schedule C should be completed with such
DC/DC convertor.



Bus Bar Protection : for TWO extended bays (132 KV)

The existing busbar protection system should be extended to cover the new bays i.e. wiring,
terminals, summation current transformers, etc. to be included in the tender price. Shall
comprise for each zone the following:
One Set:
One Set:

One Set:
One Set :

Protective relays of the electronic fully static type, for each bus bar zone
(section) with automatic testing facilities.
auxiliary relays, matching current transformers, contactors alarm indication
relays complete with auxiliary contacts of fleeting type for indication at the
Supervisory Centre.
Supervisory relays for the secondary C.T. control cables to avoid mal-tripping
with auxiliary relays for local and remote alarm indication.
Testing facility for periodical checking but fitted on the board in addition to
facility for secondary injection testing.

Tenderers are requested to visit the substation site and acquaint themselves with the site
conditions and the arrangement of the equipment, so that the quoted price covers the work
complete in all respects since no extra cost for any work that may be found necessary to
complete the work will be paid to the contractor due to lack of knowledge.
The existing 132 KV switchgear is double busbar 132 KV, 800 Amps 10,000 MVA of M/s
Toshiba make, therefore the work on these equipment shall be under the direct supervision of
this manufacturer.
Since SWLT "A" substation is in service, therefore it is of prime importance that every
precaution and safety measures to be taken by the contractor to ensure safety of the existing
equipment and continuity of supply. Any damage of the equipment or interruption of supply
due to neglegancy shall be the responsibility of the contractor.
If adopter is required to connect the new bay to the existing switchgear , then the required
elements to be provided by the manufacturer of the existing switchgear who will supervise
all the extension works.

132 KV power Cable Tails (N.A)

The cables will be laid under separate contract, accordingly no cable tails are required,
the cable contractor will terminate the cable directly to the switchgear, the type of
cable will be 132KV, 630 Sqmm. O/F insulated.



Joint pits and Oil Pressure Tank Pits: (to be constructed by the main approved
substation civil subcontractor)
All oil filled cable joints and oil pressure tanks shall be housed in suitable pits
which shall be designed and built in accordance with the following requirements for
those either within or outside the boundary walls of substations. These pits (except
buried type) shall be of prefabricated structural elements.
All pits, except buried type shall be provided with galvanized steel ladders
and walls, floor and covers shall be designed and protected in such manner to prevent
the ingress of rain or ground water. The size of all pits shall be such as to allow
comfortable working space for jointers. These pits shall be provided with manhole
cover of adequate size to allow the removal of any equipment that may be required,
this cover to be of circular type with clear opening of minimum diameter of 61 cm.
readymade cast iron. Padlocks shall be provided to manhole covers.
Tenderers shall submit design drawings and calculations which will be subject
to the approval of the purchaser. Not more than one set of joints or one set of tanks
shall be located in each pit (set per circuit). Also it will not be permitted to pass more
than the cables of one circuit inside the pit, and thus if the width of the pit will cover
more than the cable reserve of 1 circuit (75 cm) PVC ducts encased in concrete are to
be constructed under the pit to facilitate the laying of future circuits.(4 pipes for every
one meter cable reserve). The cost of these ducts is to be included in the pit prices.


Pits within substation Boundaries:

Pits for joints and tanks shall be consisting of cast in-situ concrete
floor slab minimum 15 cm. thick and reinforced with suitable steel mesh 15
cms thick precast reinforced concrete walls with fair face finish internally.
Top slabs shall be made of precast reinforced concrete, removable strips with
galvanized steel handles for lifting and shall be adequate to sustain a wheel
load of 4 tones or super imposed load of 500 kg/sq.cm. and to be designed in
a manner to stop rain water. The level of the top cover shall be 50 cms above
yard level. Suitable concrete or steel bollards shall be provided around the
pits, 75 cms high and spaced at one meter centers.



Insitu concrete mix to be 1:2:4 with crushing strength of 240 kg/sq.cm.

Crushing strength for precast reinforcement concrete to be 320 kgs/sq.cm.
Stability shall be required for the pit as one unit under several working
For all 33 KV cables, if applicable, the contractor has to construct the above
pits having suitable dimensions. For 132KV cable circuits the contractor will
have to construct the above pits and this should have internal dimensions of

Pits Outside Substation Boundaries:

Pits for straight joints shal consist of precast reinforced concrete elements or cast
insitu reinforced concrete base slab minimum 15 cms. Thick concrete block walls
with top R.C. beams 30 cms deep. The joints shall be protected using fiber glass
sleeve and the space between the outer joint sleeve and the fiber glass sleeve shall be


filled with bitumen, the completed joints shall be surrounded by sieved sand carefully
compaced by hand to a depth of 10 cms. above the top of the fiber glass sleeve.
Precast cable cover tiles shall be placed on top of the joint backfilled with selected
sand upto ground level. Suitable marker pad shall be positioned 15 cms above the
surface. The whole arrangement shall be subject to MINISTRY approval. Where
sheaths bounding link boxes are required, they shall be installed in shallow pit
adjacent to the straight joint and accessible from the surfaces.

Pits for feed or stop joints and oil pressure tanks shall be of similar designs to (A)
above, except that the covers to be designed to sustain a wheel load of 10 tonnes to
the effect of a vehicle mounting adjacent to the pit top slab which shall be at a level of
50 cms above the ground level.
The contractor must get the approval of the Purchaser for the cable
drum length before starting of manufacture.
All hydraulic piping works, tanks, etc. must be prevented from carrying
power system fault current e.g. by using insulated connectors. All metallic
parts of tanks , piping, etc. will be earthed.
It is to be noted that the work under this item covers the supply, laying,
jointing of cables as detailed in the specifications .
Any surplus lengths of cables and/or jointing material has to be


Bonding and Earthing of the Sheaths of 132 KV Transformer Cable Tails:

Cables, joints and terminations shall be designed, manufactured and installed
so as to result to a fully insulated sheath system.
Cable sheaths shall be single point bonded so as to eliminate sheath
circulating currents.
The maximum permitted sheath standing voltage to earth under full load
conditions shall be 65 volts.
A PVC insulated single core earthing cable (conductor size 300 sq.mm.
copper) shall be installed from end to end of the tails and in close proximity to
them. Where open flat spacing of the power cables is employed, this cable
shall be installed between two of the power cables and transposed mid-way.
The earthing cable shall be connected at both ends to the main substation
earthing system and at a suitable position to the main sheath bonds.
Sheath voltage limiter units (SVL's) shall be connected to the unearthed
end(s) of the tails. The star point of the SVL's shall be connected to the
earthing cable specified in 4 above.
All sheath bonding connections shall be made via disconnecting link boxes so
as to facilitate routine over sheath integrity testing . All bonding leads shall be
PVC insulated, of conductor size 300 sq.mm. copper and be made as short as
Link boxes shall be galvanized steel with lockable lids bearing externally the
legend "DANGER - ELECTRICITY" and internally the legend "THESE
insulation shall be such as to withstand an impulse test of 17.5 KV from link
to earth and 37.5 KV between links. Link contact resistance shall not exceed



20 micro-ohms. Links and contact faces shall be tinned copper and shall be
held firmly together by bolts.
The legends should be written in both Arabic and English words.
Inside s/stns the bonding cable from the "Earthed" end of the link box shall be
connected to the inner earth ring bar. The specified 300 sq.mm. bonding cable
shall be used to connect to the earthing system. The connection to the
substation earth bar shall be by brazing a flag connector to the bar and bolting
the bonding cable lug on the flag.
Hydraulic pipework shall be prevented from carrying any power system fault
current by means of the installation of pipe line insulators at appropriate
positions, e.g. adjacent to terminations. Hydraulic equipment (tanks, gauges,
pipes, etc) shall be bonded using suitable size of PVC insulated single core
cable and connected to earth. The arrangement of bonding of the hydraulic
system shall be submitted by the contractor for approval by the purchaser for
each particular installation. Hydraulic equipment shall have purpose made
flags or bosses or studs to enable proper bonding connections to be made.
The foregoing paragraphs represent summary of significant requirements but
it would be expected that in case any queries arise on this topic, reference
would be made to internationally recognised source documents which would
include the following:
Electra Paper No.28, May 1973 by Study Committee No.21". The
design of Specially Bonded Cable Systems" (Also follow-up Paper
British Electricity Boards document C.55/2 "Insulated sheath Power cable Systems".
Earthling Requirements for 132 KV Feeders:
Solid bonding of the power cable lead sheaths is required. The overall design
shall be such as to permit the routine application of PVC oversheath tests (10
KV DC for 1 minute prior to commissioning and subsequently, 5 KV DC for
1 minute).
At straight joints the lead sheaths of the three single core cables forming one
circuit shall be bonded together using insulated bonding cable (see 4 below)
but without making any special provision for disconnection during sheath
testing. The overall installation shall be sufficiently insulated from earth so as
to withstand the sheath test. The connections to the lead sheaths may
conveniently be made by connecting the bonding cable to the joint sleeves. If
the sleeves are flanged then the bonding cable must be connected to both
sides of the continuity of the flange bolts.
At terminations the lead sheaths of the three single core cables forming one
circuit shall be connected to earth using insulated bonding cables (see 4
below) and via 3-phase link boxes (see 5 below).
Bonding cables for power cable sheaths shall in all cases be of single core,
300 sq.mm. stranded copper PVC insulated construction. This size of cable
shall be used regardless as to the anticipated magnitude of fault current at any
particular point in the network. The insulated thickness shall be 3.3 mm
minimum average. The cable shall be embossed with the working "Electric
Cable - Bonding Lead" and the outer surface of the PVC shall be in a graphite
coated. The construction of the cable shall be in accordance with B.S. 6346 in
so far as it applies. The insulation shall be spark tested at 20 KV DC for 1







Link boxes shall be galvanized steel with lockable lids bearing externally the
legend "Danger - Electricity" and internally the legend "These links must be
closed when the cable is in service". The insulation shall be such as to
withstand an impulse test of 17.5 KVP from link to earth and 37.5 KVP
between links. Line, contact resistance shall not exceed 20 micro-ohms links
and contact faces shall be tinned copper and shall be firmly held together by
The legends should be written in both Arabic and English words.
Inside substations the bonding cable from the "Earthy" ends of the link box
shall be connected to the inner earth ring bar. At stop/feed joint bays the
bonding cable shall be connected to 4 earth rods each 1.25 M.long driven in at
the corners of the bay. In all cases the specified 300 sq.mm. bonding cable
shall be used to connect to the earthing system. The connection to the
substation earth bar shall be by brazing a flag connector to the bar and bolting
the bonding cable lug onto the flag.
Hydraulic pipe work shall be prevented from carrying any power system fault
current by means of the installation of pipeline insulators at appropriate
positions e.g. - adjacent to terminations. Hydraulic equipment (tanks, gauges,
pipes, etc.) shall be bonded using suitable size of PVC insulated single core
cable and connected to earth. The arrangement of bonding of the hydraulic
system shall be submitted by the contractor for approval by the Purchaser for
each particular installation. Hydraulic equipment shall have purpose made
flags or bosses or studs to enable proper bonding connections to be made.
On joint sleeves and termination glands there need to be earthing connection
flags or bosses of sufficient size to accommodate the connection to the
specified size of bonding cable.
On flanged joint sleeves there should be two such flags, one on each side of
the flange so that the bonding cable can be connected to both sides of the
sleeve without having to rely on the electrical continuity of the flange bolts.

The scope of work under this item shall comprise mainly of the following:


5NB: 1)

Supply and installation of two 132 KV switchgear bays complete with the associated
relay and control panels to control the above underground line feeder circuits.
The two 132 KV switchgears bays shall be suitable to receive 132 KV 3-single core
1000 sq.mm. XLPE cables and shall be located on each side of the existing
Supply and installation of the required control cables power services cables and
earthing material.
Supply and installation any necessary additional materials/equipment in the existing
AC/DC panels and busbar zone protection panel to cover the extended bays.
supply and installation the necessary additional terminal blocks in the existing
marshalling cabient for pilot cable connections, transfer terminal blocks for DCC
requirement, steel supporting structure, etc. any necessary requirement other than
the above to be included in the tender price.
Commissioning and necessary function testing related to the extension works.
All contacts for remote indication at the supervisory centre shall be clean
contacts (potential free) and of the fleeting type with holding time not less than 25m.s.






All a.c. & d.c. miniature circuit breakers used for 132 KV switchgear/132 KV control
and relay board shall be fitted with auxiliary contacts wired and grouped to give
remote supervisory alarm indication in case tripped or opened. (One local alarm
indication for each 132 KV circuit and one signal for whole 132 KV board to N.C.C.
All relays shall have individual flag local indication
If testing sockets and plugs are offered for withdrawal relays, then two plugs complete
with leads, terminals, etc. shall be provided for each substation.
In addition to test switches or plugs and sockets one set of trip isolation links has to be
provided. This applies to Busbar protection, circuit breaker failure and group trip due
to intertrip such as SF6 low, ...etc.
Separate D.C. supply with MCB control for busbar protection.
When primary injection testing on any of the 132 KV circuits is carried out, the
respective busbar protection system should not be put out of service, thus the necessary
interlocking arrangement shall be provided subject to Ministry approval.
For all protective relays, if the solid state type is offered, these relays should be
provided with self monitoring so that in case of failure of input AC or DC supplies or
failure of internal component that it renders the relay inoperative or result in false
operation, an alarm will be displayed locally and the relay blocked and an alarm shall
be signaled to NCC/DCC separately or as a group alarm in accordance with approved
PUD sheet requirements.

Site Testing and Commissioning:

After the erection 132 KV switchgear are completed these shall be tested with all its
accessories and commissioned with guarantee period after commissioning. All necessary
preparation works for testing and commissioning shall be included in the offered price.
The attention of all tenderers is drawn to the fact that any item of work, i.e.
civil, apparatus, equipment, material, control cables, re-wiring and/or
accessories not specifically mentioned in the specification or schedule of
prices but which is necessary for satisfactory operation of the switchgear shall
be deemed to be provided by the contractor and included in the tender price.
The contractor will not be entitled to extra charges for such items or due to
lack of knowledge.
For this purpose, tenderers are advised to visit the substations sites and acquaint themselves
with the nature of the work and collecting information sufficient to submit a comprehensive
complete offer.




This contract covers the manufacture, testing at factory, Packing and delivery into MEW stores of materials
as detailed in this specification and attached schedule.


The materials are required for extending the purchaser's distribution system and shall be suitable in all
respects for connection to the system, Characteristics of which are as follows: -



System voltage

11,000 Volt

415 Volt


System high voltage

12,000 Volt

457 Volt



50 HZ

50 Hz


Neutral point

solidly earthed or earthed

through 10.5 OHMS resistor.

solidly earthed


Maximum fault level

350 MVA

31 MVA


Duration of fault

1.25 seconds

0.5 Seconds

Climatic conditions in Kuwait are rigorous and during summer the ambient shade temperature rises to 55
degrees centigrade and the sun temperature 85 to 90 degrees centigrade as measured with a black bulb
thermometer. Periods of high humidity are common and a relative humidity of 100% at 30 degrees centigrade
has been recorded. violent sand and dust storms occur, and, even on comparatively still days, fine dust is
carried in suspension in the atmosphere.
The cables will be laid partly in ducts or concrete trenches or trays and partly buried in the ground at a depth
of 75 cm. to 1 Mtr where the soil varies from sandy to rock-like gatch compared to dry hard clay with a
corresponding ground thermal resistivity g of 120 degrees centigrade. cm/watt and a ground temperature
varying from 35 degree centigrade in summer to 15 degrees centigrade winter.
The cables called for in this specification, shall therefore give trouble free service under the worst conditions
encountered in Kuwait and shall carry their rated currents continuously under the worst temperature conditions
which prevail in summer and shall also withstand maximum fault currents without damage or deterioration.
The cable drums will be stored for periods up to two years in the open and will be exposed to direct sunlight.
therefore, the cables will be so designed as to withstand without deterioration in their mechanical and
electrical properties.



Attention of all tenderers are hereby drawn to the following: A)

All materials shall comply as minimum: i)

With the latest relevant recommendations of the International Electrotechnical

commission (I.E.C.) / BSS/IEEE which is specified in this specification

This applies to quality of material and testing, etc. if standards as mentioned above contradict
with this tender specification, then the requirements of this specification shall apply.



Tenderers who wish to base their offers on standards other than those mentioned under (A) can
do so provided that they confirm in their offers that such standards meet the requirements
under (A) as a minimum, and in due time, the successful tenderer will be asked to prove this
and if needed, be verified by the inspectors appointed by the purchaser.


What is mentioned under (A) and (B) above applies wherever (BSS) and I.E.C is mentioned in
the different clauses of this specification.


The manufacturer must have ISO 9001; Quality management standard, certificate of conformity
for the requirement of BASEC SCHEME BA 2250 : Parts 1 & 2 (Enhanced Quality
Management Systems for Product related function) ISO 14001 Environment Management
Standard and BS OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System. In
addition to this the certificate from Internationally recognized testing laboratory KEMA /
ASTA / CESI must also be submitted.


The materials shall be the best of their respective kind and shall confirm to the relevant latest British
Standard Specification or equivalent.


The contractor shall provide facilities for an inspector appointed by the MEW to inspect the materials
during manufacture and after completion.
All materials shall be inspected. The contractor shall eliminate all material that he considers defective
according to the specifications before offering any lot for inspection or before shipping. Waving of
inspection shall not relieve the contractor from his obligation to supply material in accordance with the


The contractor shall carry out all tests specified in the relevant IEC/British Standard Specifications (BSS).
The inspector may carry out or witness any other test that in the opinion of the inspector, are necessary to
determine that the materials complies with the conditions of the specifications.
At least fourteen (14) days notice shall be given to the inspector for arranging dates of inspection /tests. the
contractor shall provide free of cost all materials for tests and any testing equipment necessary for carrying
out the test. The charges of the inspector only shall be to the account of the purchaser.



Tenderers are warned that the materials enroute from the factory to Kuwait is liable to very rough handling.
it is essential that all materials are suitably packed and protected. Each package shall be marked with the
contractors identification mark, the purchaser's order number, package serial number and addressed to
MEW, Kuwait. in addition, the material vocab number is to be written in bold legible letters.


The delivery of the materials shall be as stipulated in the attached schedule of delivery, and shall mean
delivery into mew stores (Franco) at Sabhan.
Tenderers are reminded when filling schedules of delivery to note the penalty clause for late delivery as
given in the Tender Condition.


The tender must be submitted in (2) two copies. All the schedules of the tender must be filled in completely.
Also it must be signed by the authorized person and duly stamped.
There is no binding to award a contract to any of the tenderers.







Cross Linked Polyethylene (XLPE) Insulated Cable

The cable shall carry without damage or undue stress a fault current of
31.5 Kilo Amps. for 1.25 seconds after a continuous period on full load. The cable
shall comply with I.E.C 60502 2 .
The conductors shall be round stranded and shall consist of high purity copper having
a conductivity of not less than 100% International standard. The conductors shall
fully comply with BS 6360. The surface of the individual strands shall be smooth and
clean before the insulation is applied. The cross-sectional area of each of the
conductors of the cable shall not be less than 300 sq. mm. and the conductors shall be
The insulation shall be cross-linked polyethylene applied simultaneously with the
inner and outer semi conducting screens in a common head by a triple extrusion
process. The cross linking must be carried out by a dry nitrogen curing. Steam curing
is not acceptable. The insulation shall be free from any contaminants larger than 0.25
mm. in its largest dimension or porosities or voids larger than 0.13 mm. The
maximum number of voids between 0.05 mm and 0.13 mm allowed shall be 30 voids
per cubic inch of insulation. In plant, repairs of the insulation are prohibited unless
specifically agreed by the Purchaser.
The conductors shall be screened by a semi-conducting screen. This layer shall
consist of black semi-conducting thermoplastic or thermosetting material, and shall
be easily removable from the conductor. The layer shall have an average thickness of
0.38 mm. when measured over top of the strands and shall be cylindrical.
A similar semi-conducting screen shall be extruded over the insulation and shall be
easily removable from the insulation without scratching the surface.
The three cores shall be laid up together with suitable fillers. The bedding shall
consist of at least two layers of a suitable semi-conducting tape or an extruded layer
of semi-conducting material.
The cables shall be armored with galvanized steel wires to give it mechanical
strength and also acts as a low resistance earth return conductor. Electrical contact
shall be maintained between the cores screens and the earthed armour through the
conductive bedding.
The cable shall have an overall extruded sheath of PVC type 9 (BSS 7655 section
4.2) suitable for use in the specified site conditions. The sheath shall be red in colour.
The outersheath of the cables shall have marking by embossing or indenting "MEW"
along with the manufacturers name with upright block letters of minimum 3 mm
height at every two (2) meters of their length.


The manufacturer must have ISO 9001; Quality management standard, ISO 14001
Environment management standard and BS OHSAS 18001 occupational Health and
Safety Management System and submit copies of these certificates with the offer.
In addition, the type test certificate from internationally recognized testing laboratory
KEMA / ASTA / CESI must also be submitted.

Identification of Cores:
The cores shall be identified by numbers (as given in B.S. 6622). Numbers shall be
either printed in line in a colour contrasting with the insulation or by applying a thin
coloured tape longitudinally along each core which should be visible. They shall be
applied in such a manner that the cores will remain identifiable after wiping with a
dry or wet cloth. The spacing shall be such that each number, both as a numerical and
a word, is repeated intervals not greater than 70 mm.


Performance of the cable :In case of any fault develop ( within three (3) years from the date of supply ) on the
cable due to manufacturing defect, the same has to be made good immediately by
way of replacing or repairing. Confirm this in the form of guarantee letter with the


Guarantee for Storage in Open Yard Under Kuwait Climatic Conditions:

A Separate guarantee certificate should be submitted with each offer to guarantee that
the offered cables including the PVC over sheath will with-stand the severe ambient
conditions when stored in the drums in the open yard for a period of two years.


The cables shall be wound on strong wooden cable drums provided with wood
battens to protect the cable from damage. All drums shall become the property of the
purchaser. The cables shall be supplied in drum lengths of 250 meters. The drum
lengths should not vary from this standard length by more than 10 meters.


Inspection and Tests:

The following tests shall be carried out in the presence of our appointed inspectors to
determine whether the materials comply with the specifications. Three copies of the
results/records of all tests shall be furnished to the purchaser.


3.6.1. General:
The contractor shall carry out the tests specified in any applicable international
Electro-technical Commission (IEC) and/or British Standard (BS)
Specifications, unless otherwise agreed upon and such additional tests in the
contractor`s works as in the option of the Purchaser or his representative are
necessary to determine that the works comply with the conditions of this
All samples used for testing shall be to the contractor`s expense and shall not
affect the quantities to be supplied under this contract.
All instrument used for testing purposes, shall be calibrated by an approved
authority and calibration certificates shall be submitted along with the
inspection reports.
The test results/readings recorded during measurements and other observations
noted shall be compiled / tabulated separately for each item of equipment and
furnished to the purchaser in a fully professional manner in three (3) complete
sets. Electronic copies of the reports shall also be submitted in three (3)
complete sets of compact disks (CDs).
3.6.2. Routine Tests:
The Routine Tests shall be carried out at works on each drum of cable. All the
Routine Tests as specified under clause 16 of IEC 60502-2 shall be carried
out. Further it shall be carried out with additional requirements that the voltage
withstand test will be at 25 KV for 15 minutes and the magnitude of discharge
at 1.73 U0 shall not exceed 5pC.
3.6.3. Type Tests:
a. Electrical Type Tests:
Type tests carried out by an independent testing laboratory
ASTA/KEMA/CESI shall be submitted along with the tender. All the
Electrical Type Test specified under clause 18 of IEC : 60502-2 shall be
carried out.
Every offer should be accompanied by full type test certificates and reports
from an internationally recognized independent testing laboratory (ASTA,
KEMA or CESI) for the cables of the specified design, construction and
However, if such certificates and reports cannot be produced and/or are not
acceptable to the Purchaser for any reason, the offer will be rejected


3.6.4. Non-Electrical Type Tests:

All the Non-Electrical Type Tests as required under clause 19 of
IEC: 60502-2 shall be carried out.
3.6.5. Sample Tests:
All the sample tests as specified under clause 17 of IEC:60502-2 shall be
carried out at manufacturers works.
3.6.6. Sample Test to Confirm actual metal Weight:
The sample shall be taken from one drum of each production batch or from
one drum of every 10 Kms. of cable produced in a batch i.e.a sampling
whichever is higher in percentage is to be considered.
3.6.7. Acceptance of Tests:
Should 10% of the samples taken from the selected drums in the consignment
fail to pass any of the above mentioned Routine tests, the whole of the
consignment shall be deemed not to comply with the standards and shall be

Vocabulary Number:
The vocabulary number to be indicated on each cable drum is WA0014112002/6150.
The markings shall be in bold and clear letters and the exact size and type of lettering
shall be submitted to the MEW for approval.


Technical Schedules:
The attached technical schedules shall be completed in all respects by the Tenderer
and returned duly signed, otherwise the offer will be rejected. The value indicated in
general particulars and guarantees shall be as specified in IEC/BSS/IEEE or any other
international standard (which are accepted by MEW). Supporting documents
authenticating the values shall be submitted.

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