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Educacin con


Valores Evanglicos

FECHA: June 5th


Ruth Letelier

41 pts


60% 24 pts


- Debes realizar esta prueba en absoluto silencio
- Est prohibido el uso de diccionario
- No se permiten borrones, dibujos, rayados ni mensajes
- No olvides consignar tus datos personales en la tarjeta y tu
nombre y apellido en la prueba
- No entregues esta prueba hasta que la profesora lo solicite

Reading compehension. Read and mark the best answer ( 6p)

Someone is knocking on Amandas door. Amanda is at home, but she does not
It is the man who owns the house where she lives.
His name is Mr. Campbell. Amanda calls him the Rent Man.
He has come by to get the rent money Amanda owes(1). Amanda does not
have the money to pay him.
Amanda lost her job at the auto factory three weeks ago.
I worked there for 15 years, Amanda thinks to herself. She is bitter(2). But it
took them just one day to take my job away.
Amanda has no idea when she will find another job. Lots of other people from
her factory lost their jobs three weeks ago too.
She looks for work every day.
She looks for work at a restaurant. You have never worked at a restaurant,
the owner tells her. This job is not for you.
She looks for work at the bookstore. We dont have any jobs right now, the
clerk tells Amanda.
She looks for work at the grocery store. I will call you to let you know, the
manager says.
Amanda is worried. She is running out of money quickly.
There is another loud knock at the door. Amanda sits quietly in her kitchen. She
hopes the Rent Man will go away soon.
(1) debe (2) amargada
1.Who is knocking at Amanda's door?
2.What does Mr. Campbell want?
a) the restaurant owner
a) a book
b) the clerk
b) a car
c) Mr. Campbell
c) a job
d) the manager
d) money
3.Why doesn't Amanda answer the
4.What seems to be the reason
Amanda lost her job at the factory?
a) She is sick.
a) She was bitter.
b) She is not home.
b) She was a bad worker.
c) She has no Money
c) She had worked there too long.
d) She doesn't hear it.
d) Business was slow.

5.Which job might Amanda get?

a) none of them
b) the restaurant job
c) the bookstore job
d) the grocery store job

6.What helpful thing could Amanda

have said if she had opened the door?
a) She could have told Mr.
Campbell that she lost her job.
b) She could have told Mr.
Campbell to go away.
c) She could have told Mr.
Campbell to stop knocking.
d) She could have told Mr.
Campbell she was bitter.


Agree and disagree. Mark the right option according to where they
belong (10p)
7. That's absolutely true!
8. Hmm, possibly, but ...
a) Agree Strongly with an Opinion
b) Disagree Politely with an Opinion
c) Half Agree with an Opinion
d) Disagree Strongly with an Opinion
9. I couldn't accept that for a
a) Agree Strongly with an Opinion
b) Disagree Politely with an Opinion
c) Half Agree with an Opinion
d) Disagree Strongly with an Opinion
11. Well, it depends.

a) Agree Strongly with an Opinion

b) Disagree Politely with an Opinion
c) Half Agree with an Opinion
d) Disagree Strongly with an Opinion
10. I'm afraid I don't agree.
a) Agree Strongly with an Opinion
b) Disagree Politely with an Opinion
c) Half Agree with an Opinion
d) Disagree Strongly with an Opinion
12. Yes, I suppose so, however ...

a) Agree Strongly with an Opinion

b) Disagree Politely with an Opinion
c) Half Agree with an Opinion
d) Disagree Strongly with an Opinion
13. That's exactly my opinion.

a) Agree Strongly with an Opinion

b) Disagree Politely with an Opinion
c) Half Agree with an Opinion
d) Disagree Strongly with an Opinion
14. I couldn't agree more!

a) Agree Strongly with an Opinion

b) Disagree Politely with an Opinion
c) Half Agree with an Opinion
d) Disagree Strongly with an Opinion
15. Yes, perhaps, however ...

a) Agree Strongly with an Opinion

b) Disagree Politely with an Opinion
c) Half Agree with an Opinion
d) Disagree Strongly with an Opinion
16. Well, I'm not so sure about

a) Agree Strongly with an Opinion

b) Disagree Politely with an Opinion
c) Half Agree with an Opinion
d) Disagree Strongly with an Opinion

a) Agree Strongly with an Opinion

b) Disagree Politely with an Opinion
c) Half Agree with an Opinion
d) Disagree Strongly with an Opinion

Asking and Giving for opinions.


a) I feel that we should ...
b) I feel that we could ...
c) I know that we should ...
d) I feel than we should ...

a) May I do a comment on that?
b) May I make a comment in that?
c) May I do a comment in that?
d) May I make a comment on that?

a) Well, I thinks ...
b) Its OK, I thought ...
c) Well, she think ...
d) Well, I think ...

a) For my opinion I think ...
b) On my opinion I think ...
c) By my opinion I think ...
d) In my opinion I think ...




Who do you feel about

How do you feel than
What do you feel that
How do you feel about



What's you opinion for

What's your opinion from
What's you opinion the
What's your opinion about

The interview. Match the two parts (questions and answer) (5p)

Why is this style so important for you?

Have you been living proud of your work as musician?
What do you think about other artistic expressions?
Is this the final of your career?
What is the most important stage where you have sung?

ANo. Oh, no. I will die doing this

BSure. I love my job. I really enjoy this job. I couldnt do anything
without music
C my own style, obviously. Im a romantic
Devery one of them have let a great experience inside of me
EPeople have to do the necessary for expressing their feelings; dance,
painting, sculpture,
writing, all is important. But, from my point of view,
music is the best.


The interview. Listen and mark A(true) or B(false) according to the

text. (2pt each=14 p)
28. Morrissey missed England a lot because its people
29. He thinks that in USA, TV is only for children
30. He likes his real name
31.His real name doesnt appear in his passport
32.Morrissey and the interviewer are old friends
33.He didnt vote anywhere
34.He uses to have many friends

Freaky Zone:
1. El agua congelada pesa un 9% menos que el agua en estado lquido. Es por
eso que el hielo flota sobre el agua.
2. Para que el agua sea salada, basta con que contenga una milsima parte de
su peso en sal.
3. El 90% de los recursos disponibles de agua dulce del planeta estn en la
4. Millones de mujeres y nios deben caminar ms de 10 kilmetros diarios
para conseguir agua potable.
5. El cuerpo humano contiene en promedio unos 37 litros de agua, lo que
equivale al 66% de la masa corporal de un adulto.
6. El cerebro humano es un 75% agua.
7. Los huesos humanos son un 25% agua.
8. La sangre humana es un 83% agua.
9. Una persona puede sobrevivir un mes sin alimentarse, pero slo siete das
como mximo sin beber agua.
10.Cuando una persona siente sed, es porque ha perdido ms del 1% del total
de agua de su cuerpo.

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