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The subject matter of these proceedings for declaration of nullity of title are parcels of land with a total area
of 39.99 hectares, more or less, known as the JUSMAG housing area in Fort Bonifacio where, military officers,
both in the active and retired services, and their respective families, have been occupying housing units and facilities
originally constructed by the AFP.
Private respondent SHAI is a non-stock corporation organized mostly by wives of AFP military officers.
Records show that SHAI was able to secure from the Registry of Deeds of the Province of Rizal a title Transfer
Certificate of Title in its name to the bulk of, if not the entire, JUSMAG area.
The Rizal Registry issued TCT No. 15084 on October 30, 1991on the basis of a notarized Deed of Sale
purportedly executed on the same date by then Director Abelardo G. Palad, Jr. of the Lands Management Bureau
(LMB) in favor of SHAI.The total purchase price as written in the conveying deed was P11,997,660.00 or P30.00
per square meter
It appears that in the process of the investigation conducted by the Department of Justice on reported land
scams at the FBMR, a copy of the aforesaid October 30, 1991deed of sale surfaced and eventually referred to the
National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) for examination. The results of the examination undertaken by NBI
Document Examiner Eliodoro Constantino reveals that the puported signatures in the document are forgeries.
On October 16, 1993, then President Fidel V.Ramos issued Memorandum Order No. 173 directing the
Office of the Solicitor General (OSG) to institute action towards the cancellation of TCT No. 15084 and the title
acquired by the Navy Officers Village Association (NOVA) over a bigger parcel within the reservation. A month
later, the OSG, in behalf of the petitioner Republic, filed with the RTC of Pasig City the corresponding nullification
and cancellation of title suit against the private respondent SHAI, purported signature thereon of Palad is a forgery;
b) there are no records with the LMB of (i) the application to purchase and (ii) the alleged payment of the purchase
price; and c) the property in question is inalienable, being part of a military reservation established under
Proclamation No. 423.
On pre-trial the Republic, as plaintiff therein, marked (and later offered in evidence)the Deed of Sale dated October
30, 1991 as its Exhibit "A,"and TCT No. 15084 as Exhibit "B."Respondent, then defendant SHAI adopted Exhibits
"A" and B as its Exhibits "1" and 2, respectively.
During the trial, the Republic presented as expert witness NBI Document Examiner Eliodoro Constantino
who testified on NBI QDR No. 815-1093 and asserted that the signature of Palad in Exhibit A is a forgery. For
his part, Palad dismissed as forged his signature appearing in the same document and denied ever signing the same,
let alone in front of a notary public holding office outside of the LMB premises. Pressing the point, Palad stated that
he could not have had signed the conveying deed involving as it did a reservation area which, apart from its being
outside of the LMBs jurisdiction, is inalienable in the first place.
For its part, then defendant SHAI presented an opposing expert witness in the person of Police Inspector
Redencion Caimbon who testified that Palads signature in Exhibit A is genuine. Mrs. Virginia Santos, then SHAI
president, likewise testified, saying that applications to purchase were signed and then filed with the LMB by one
Engr. Eugenia Balis, followed by the payment in full of the contract price.
Eventually, in a decision dated October 7, 1997, the trial court rendered judgment dismissing the Republics
complaint as it considered the parcels covered by the deed in question as no longer part of the FBMR. Therefrom,
the Republic went on appeal to the CA which affirmed in toto that of the trial court.
Hence, this petition of the Republic.
ISSUE: Was the JUSMAG area, during the period material, alienable or inalienable, as the case may be, and,
therefore, can or cannot be subject of a lawful private conveyance?

Petitioner Republic, correctly asserts the inalienable character of the JUSMAG area, the same having not
effectively been separated from the military reservation and declared as alienable and disposable.
The President, upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources, may
designate by proclamation any tract or tracts of land of the public domain as reservations for the use of the Republic
or any of its branches, or for quasi-public uses or purposes. Such tract or tracts of land thus reserved shall be nonalienable and shall not be subject to sale or other disposition until again declared alienable. Consistent with the
foregoing postulates, jurisprudence teaches that a military reservation, like the FBMR, or a part thereof is not open
to private appropriation or disposition and, therefore, not registrable, unless it is in the meantime reclassified and
declared as disposable and alienable public land. And until a given parcel of land is released from its classification
as part of the military reservation zone and reclassified by law or by presidential proclamation as disposable and
alienable, its status as part of a military reservation remains,even if incidentally it is devoted for a purpose other than
as a military camp or for defense. The same is true in this case.
There is no doubt that the JUSMAG area subject of the questioned October 30, 1991sale formed part of the
FBMR as originally established under Proclamation No. 423. And while private respondent SHAI would
categorically say that the petitioner Republic had not presented evidence that subject land is within military
reservation,and even dared to state that the JUSMAG area is the private property of the government and
therefore removed from the concept of public domain per se its own evidence themselves belie its posture as their
evidence both the TCT and the Deed of Sale technically described the property as situated in Jusmag area located at
Fort Bonifacio which is now renamed Fort Mckinley a declared a military reservation.
The Republic has, since the filing of its underlying complaint, invoked Proclamation No. 423. In the
process, it has invariably invited attention to the proclamations specific area coverage to prove the nullity of TCT
No. 15084, inasmuch as the title embraced a reserved area considered inalienable, and hence, beyond the commerce
of man.
The October 30, 1991 Deed of Sale purportedly executed by Palad, assuming its authenticity, could not
plausibly be the requisite classifying medium converting the JUSMAG area into a disposable parcel. And private
respondent SHAIs unyielding stance that would have the Republic in estoppel to question the transfer to it by the
LMB Director of the JUSMAG area is unavailing. It should have realized that the Republic is not usually estopped
by the mistake or error on the part of its officials or agents.
Since the parcels of land in question allegedly sold to the private respondent are, or at least at the time of
the supposed transaction were, still part of the FBMR, the purported sale is necessarily void ab initio.
Moreover, Article XII, Section 3[of the 1987 Constitution forbids private corporations from acquiring any
kind of alienable land of the public domain, except through lease for a limited period.
The interplay of compelling circumstances and inferences deducible from the case, also cast doubt on the
authenticity of such deed, if not support a conclusion that the deed is spurious.
1. Palad categorically declared that his said signature on the deed is a forgery. The NBI signature expert
corroborated Palads allegation on forgery.Respondent SHAIs expert witness from the PNP, however, disputes the
NBIs findings. In net effect, both experts from the NBI and the PNP cancel each other out.
2.Palad signed the supposed deed of sale in Manila, possibly at the LMB office at Plaza Cervantes, Binondo. Even
if he acted in an official capacity, Palad nonetheless proceeded on the same day to Pasig City to appear before the
notarizing officer. The deed was then brought to the Rizal Registry and there stamped Received by the entry clerk.
That same afternoon, or at 3:14 p.m. of October 30, 1991to be precise, TCT No. 15084 was issued. In other words,
the whole conveyance and registration process was done in less than a day. The very unusual dispatch is quite
surprising. Stranger still is why a bureau head, while in the exercise of his functions as the bureaus authorized
contracting officer, has to repair to another city just to have a deed notarized.

3. There is absolutely no record of the requisite public land application to purchase required under Section 89 of the
Public Land Act. There is also no record of the deed of sale and of documents usually accompanying an application
to purchase, inclusive of the investigation report and the property valuation. The Certification under the seal of the
LMB bearing date November 24, 1994 and issued/signed by Alberto Recalde, OIC, Records Management Division
of the LMB pursuant to a subpoena issued by the trial court attest to this fact of absence of records. Atty. Alice B.
Dayrit, then Chief, Land Utilization and Disposition Division, LMB, testified having personally looked at the bureau
record book, but found no entry pertaining to SHAI.
4. In its Answer as defendant a quo, respondent SHAI states that the deed of sale specifically meritorious Official
Receipt No. 6030203 as evidence of full payment of the agreed purchase price An official receipt (O.R.) is
doubtless the best evidence to prove payment. While it kept referring to O.R. No. 6030203 as its evidence of the
required payment, it failed to present and offer the receipt in evidence. We can thus validly presume that no such OR
exists or, if it does, that its presentation would be adverse to SHAI.
A contract of sale is void where the price, which appears in the document as paid has, in fact, never been paid.
5. The purchase price was, according to the witnesses for SHAI, paid in full in cash to the cashier of the LMB the
corresponding amount apparently coming in a mix of P500 and P100 denominations. Albeit plausible, SHAIs
witnesses account taxes credulity to the limit.
TCT No. 15084 of the Registry of Deeds of Rizal issued on the basis of such Deed are declared void and

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