Chapter 11 Software Installation N Backup

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Chapter 11: Software installation and backup

Chapter 11
Software installation and backup

Last revised: 20/6/2004

Chapter 11 Outline

In this chapter we will learn about:

Installing software from binary RPM packages

Installing software from source
Archiving software with tar
Backing up and restoring the file system with dump and restore

Installing packages


RedHat package manager (RPM)

RPM packages
Querying packages
Installing packages
Upgrading and uninstalling packages
Installing packages using YaST
Package selection using YaST
Installing packages using Konqueror
Downloading binary RPMs from the Internet
Installing from source the pros and cons
Installing from source the procedure

RedHat package manager (RPM)

The RedHat package manager (RPM) partly automates the installation

and removal of software packages

Widely used -- not just on RedHat linux -- used by SuSE, too

Primarily used to install binary packages which are pre-built for a specific
linux distribution and version

The SuSE linux installation CDs consist mainly of RPM packages

RPM maintains a database of packages currently installed

RPM packages

An RPM package contains several elements

The files that make up the package (executables, configuration files,

documentation, etc)

Installation scripts

Package description

Dependency information

RPM packages have file names of the form:

Name of

build number


package is
built for

Querying packages

The rpm command lets you query the

currently-installed packages

Do now!

$ rpm -qa

List all currently installed packages

$ rpm -qf /bin/bash

Which package does this file come from?

$ rpm -qi logsurfer

Print general description of package

$ rpm -ql logsurfer

List files contained in package

With the -p flag, rpm can query uninstalled packages (rpm files)
$ rpm -qip gcc-3.2-45.i586.rpm

$ rpm -qlp gcc-3.2-45.i586.rpm

Print general description

of an uninstalled package
List the files contained
in an uninstalled package

Installing packages

Packages are installed using:

# rpm -ivh package_name.rpm

-i flag means install, -v, -h flags just give more verbose output

# rpm -qa | grep yacc
Package is not currently installed
# cd /media/cdrom/suse/i586/
# rpm -ivh yacc-91.7.30-764.i586.rpm
################################# [100%]
################################# [100%]
# rpm -qa | grep yacc
Package is now installed


Software is often dependent on other software

Programs are dependent on the libraries against which they are linked
(linux uses dynamic linking to shared libraries)

Graphical tools may be dependent on underlying command-line tools

Program will not work if the supporting software is not available

One of RPM's benefits is its dependency checking

Will not allow installation of a package which has missing dependencies

# rpm -i totem-0.99.2-77.i586.rpm
error: Failed dependencies: is needed by totem-0.99.2-77

Upgrading and uninstalling packages

Packages can be upgraded by using rpm -U instead of rpm -i

The older version of the package is automatically removed

If no older version is installed, rpm -U behaves just like rpm -i

Packages can be uninstalled using rpm -e package_name:

# rpm -qa | grep yacc
# rpm -e yacc
# rpm -qa | grep yacc

Note that you need only specify

the base name of the package

RPM will not allow removal of a package on which other currently

installed packages depend:
# rpm -e m4
error: Failed dependencies:
m4 is needed by (installed) autoconf-2.57-137
m4 is needed by (installed) bison-1.75-109

Exercise: Installing a package with RPM

In this exercise we will use RPM to install the GNU C compiler from
the United Linux CDs. You must be logged in as root for this. Then we
will write and compile a tiny program, to verify that it works.

1. Verify that gcc is not installed by trying to run it (with no arguments).

You should receive a message to say that the command is not found
2. Insert United Linux CD2, and mount it on /media/cdrom
3. cd to the directory /media/cdrom/UnitedLinux/i586 and list the
contents. What files do you see?
4. Run the query commands (rpm -qip and rpm -qlp) on one of the
5. The gcc compiler is in the package gcc-3.2-45.i586.rpm. Try to
install this package, using the example in the notes. What happens?
6. Install the missing supporting library which was reported by rpm. (It is
in the same directory), then repeat the installation of the gcc
compiler. It should work this time

Exercise: Testing the gcc compiler

7. Return to your tux account. cd to your home directory and create a
file called greet.c with the contents:
printf("hello world\n");
8. Compile the file with the command:
$ gcc greet.c -o greet
9. Run the program with the command:
$ ./greet

Does it work? If so, congratulations! You have successfully installed

the C compiler from an RPM package

Installing packages using YaST

Click here to select the place(s) you

want to install software from. Can be:
Local CD or DVD
Hard drive
Over network using FTP, HTTP,

Click here to select the packages

you want to install

Package selection using YaST

This window shows all available

packages that match your
search. Use the check boxes
to select the ones you want
These tabs display
info about the
selected package

This pane lets you locate packages

- by name
- by functional groups

Click here to
install the
selected packages

Installing packages using Konqueror

Selecting an RPM file in Konqueror will display package information

and give you the option to install it

Click here to install the

package using YaST
These tabs display
package information
(Similar to using
rpm -qip, rpm -qlp)

Downloading binary RPMs from the Internet

There is a lot of free software available for linux which is not provided
on the SuSE distribution is a good place to look

If you download binary RPMs, be sure to get the right version

It needs to be compiled for the right architecture (i586, sparc, alpha, etc);

This is usually apparent from the file name

In many cases it needs to be configured for the correct distribution. For

example, RedHat and SuSE put many configuration files in different
places; packages built for one distribution will often not work on another

This is not always apparent from the file name

Installing from source: the pros and cons

If you have gcc and related development tools installed, it's easy to
download and build from source code

You can install software for which no binary RPM is available

You can get the latest version (the SuSE RPMs are likely not the latest)

The same source distribution can be built on many platforms

You have greater choice in configuring the software

Where the pieces will be placed in the file system

Which features are compiled in and which are excluded


You need the compiler, etc. installed

Your system may become more difficult to maintain and upgrade,

especially if support is provided by a third party

Installing from source: the procedure

Source distributions are most commonly supplied as tarballs

Compressed archives built using the tar utility

Here is the command sequence for building the net-snmp package

from source; it is very typical
First, download the tarball net-snmp-5.1.tar.gz from a suitable
internet archive such as, into /tmp (say)
Extract the archive into
some convenient directory

$ cd ~/build
$ tar zxvf /tmp/net-snmp-5.1.tar.gz
$ cd netsnmp-5.1
$ ./configure
$ make
$ su -c 'make install'

This will probe your system and create a

'makefile' suitable for building the software
on your machine
Build the software
Install the software (usually
needs to be done as root)

Archiving and backup tools

Archiving and
backup tools

Creating archives with tar

tar examples
dump and restore
Creating a dump
Dump regime
Doing a full restore
Using restore interactively
Third-party backup solutions

Creating archives with tar

tar (originally, tape archiver) is a popular tool for archiving files

Archives ownership, timestamps, etc. as well as a file's data

Options include:



Create an archive
List the contents of an archive
Extract files from an archive. Files are extracted to the current directory
Append to archive
Append to archive if file newer than copy already in archive (You must
specify exactly one of c, t, x, r or u)
The following argument specifies the name of the archive
Verbose mode: list the files being added / extracted
Compress/uncompress the archive using gzip compression
Compress/uncompress the archive using bz2 compression


tar examples

Archive the current directory, writing the archive to /tmp/foo.tar:

$ tar cf

/tmp/foo.tar .

Archive the directory /home/tux, writing the archive (compressed)

to /tmp/tux.tar and listing the files added to the archive
$ tar czvf /tmp/tux.tar.gz


List the files in the archive foo.tar:

$ tar tvf /tmp/foo.tar

Extract all the files from the compressed archive tux.tar.gz:

$ tar xzvf /tmp/tux.tar.gz

Extract one file from the archive

$ tar xzvf /tmp/tux.tar.gz shopping

Exercise: Using tar

1. Following the examples in the notes, create two tar archives of the
files in /etc:

The first should be called /tmp/etc.tar and should be uncompressed

The second should be called /tmp/etc.tar.gz and should be gzipped

2. Compare the sizes of the files /tmp/etc.tar and /tmp/etc.tar.gz

What compression factor is achieved? _____________________

3. List the files in the compressed archive and verify that the file motd is
present (hint: use grep)
4. Remove the file /etc/motd, using rm
5. Restore the file /etc/motd from the compressed archive and verify
that it is now present

Congratulations! You have created a tar archive and restored a file

from it.

Dump and restore

The programs dump and restore provide a way to efficiently backup a

filesystem so that it can be restored following a catastrophic failure
The contents of a dump depend upon the dump level (an integer in
the range 0 to 9)

A level 0 dump dumps everything

A level 1 dump dumps everything not on the most recent level 0 dump

A level 2 dump dumps everything not on the most recent level 1 dump

... and so on

Incremental dumps are efficient because most of a fileystem changes

infrequently; an incremental dump only contains the changes since
the most recent dump at a lower level
When restoring a file system from an incremental dump, start with
the level 0 dump and work through the most recent dumps at each
higher level.

Creating a dump

A typical dump command:

# dump 1uf
The dump
level: 0-9
Record the date
and level of the
dump in




st0 is the SCSI

tape device

The name of the

filesystem to be

The next argument

is the name of the
file or device on which
to write the archive

It is recommended that a filesystem should be unmounted (or

mounted read-only) whilst a dump is in progress

Dump regime

A pre-planned regime is needed for effective use of dump


Do a level 0 dump every month

Do a level 1 dump every week

Do a level 2 dump every day

Keep enough tapes/CDs that you can restore even if one is faulty

Label the tapes or CDs (not the boxes!)

Routinely verify that you can read the backups

Do not try to use media beyond their working life

Keep backup media off-site

Consider the security implications anyone with physical access to the

media can read them

Doing a full restore

The restore command is used to recover files from a dump

To restore an entire partition after a catastrophic failure

To restore individual files

To restore an entire partition:

Rebuild an empty file system on the partition

Restore each dump level, starting with level 0


mke2fs /dev/hda5
mount /dev/hda5 /new1
cd /new1
restore rf /dev/st0
restore rf /dev/st0

Build a new file system

Restore the level 0 dump

Restore the level 1 dump

Using restore interactively

restore -i starts an interactive mode and provides a shell-like

interface that lets you move around within the directory structure on
the dump, list the files, and select the ones you want to extract
Interactive commands include:


Change directory (within the dump)


List the files in the current directory (within the dump)


Add a file to the list of files to be extracted


Remove a file from the list of files to be extracted


Extract the selected files


Exit from restore

Exercise: Using dump and restore

In this exercise, we will make a level 0 dump of the /new1 partition.

Then, we will destroy the contents of the partition (by re-building an
empty file system on it) and restore the contents from the dump

1. Following the example in the notes, make a level 0 dump of the

filesystem on /new1, storing the dump in a file in /tmp
2. Unmount the file system mounted on /new1
3. Destroy the file system on /dev/hda5 by creating a new, empty file
system on it. Take care to use the correct partition name:
# mke2fs /dev/hda5
4. Remount the hda5 partition onto /new1 and list the contents to verify
that it is empty
5. Following the example in the notes, cd into /new1 and restore the
level 0 dump. Verify that the files have been restored.

Third-party backup solutions

There are many free and commercial backup products for linux

Build on, or replace traditional tools such as tar and dump/restore

Many offer backups across the network to a central backup server

Amanda, originally from Univ. of Maryland (

Afbackup (

Integrity (

Mondo (

many others ...


What does RPM stand for?

What command would you use to obtain a list of the files contained in
the (uninstalled) package foo-1.2-23.rpm?
What command will list all the RPM packages currently installed?
Give one advantage, and one disadvantage, of installing from source
code, compared with installing from a binary RPM
What commands would you use to extract a compressed tar archive
called foo.tar.gz into the directory /tmp/build?
True or false?

When you create a dump, the lower the dump level, the bigger the dump
will be

You need the gcc compiler installed before you can install RPM packages

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