Mountain Man Brewery Company Case Analysis
Mountain Man Brewery Company Case Analysis
Mountain Man Brewery Company Case Analysis
MMBC has various and compelling reason for the success. In terms of product
offering, it is considered as West Virginias Beer although it is a regional brewer. It
has superb name recognition. In addition, it has very strong brand position with
consumers favoring MM Lagers unique taste and quality ingredients from the family
Brand Awareness was one of the core reasons for the success of MMBC. The brand
success was with blue collar consumers. The other keystone was the perception of
quality in Mountain Man Lager and the brand loyalty it grew. In terms of quality, the
attributes that defined the quality of Mountain Man, like its smoothness, percentage
of water content and drinkability and moreover, its better flavored and slightly
higher than average alcohol content made unique and contributed to companys
brand equity. Enlightening on the history of MMBC, its status is as an independent,
family owned brewery which creates an aura of authenticity. Besides this, MMBC has
the few core attributes which has been keys to success like authenticity, quality and
toughness of lager Beer.
The bequest of the company is its main distinguishing trait from its competitors.
Holding the title of West Virginias Beer allows MM Lager to have an ingrained
exposure to consumers in the region and act as a natural default for its blue collar
patrons. Finally, MMBC has a trained sales force that is very adept and getting its
product into the right channels to compete with national breweries
libation; however, substituting a light version of their favorite brand. With these
factors on the rise every day and the core demographic of MM Lager reaching an
age bracket were considerably less portions of income are dedicated to alcohol
purchases, the brewery has slowly lost market share to the larger domestic brewers
that have been fortunate enough to capital to invest on increased advertising and