Drawing To Learn Science

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Drawing to Learn in Science

Emerging research suggests drawing should

be explicitly recognized as a key element
in science education.

Shaaron Ainsworth1*, Vaughan Prain2, Russell Tytler3


26 AUGUST 2011 VOL 333 SCIENCE www.sciencemag.org

Published by AAAS


hould science learners be

challenged to draw more?
Certainly making visualizations is integral to scientific
thinking. Scientists do not use
words only but rely on diagrams,
graphs, videos, photographs, and
other images to make discoveries,
explain ndings, and excite public interest. From the notebooks
of Faraday and Maxwell (1) to
current professional practices of
chemists (2), scientists imagine
new relations, test ideas, and elaborate knowledge through visual
representations (35).
However, in the science classroom, learners mainly focus on
interpreting others visualizations; when drawing does occur, Revealing understanding. Drawings by two 11-year-olds (left and right) of an evaporating handprint show representait is rare that learners are system- tional choices that guide and communicate individual understandings.
atically encouraged to create their
own visual forms to develop and show under- tional topics reduce them to passive roles Drawing to Reason in Science
standing (6). Drawing includes constructing (7, 8). Reformers advocate more interac- To show conceptual understanding, students
a line graph from a table of values, sketch- tive, inquiry-based learning (9). Surveys of must learn how to reason with multiple, often
ing cells observed through a microscope, or teachers and students indicate that, when visual, modes (9). Understanding sound
inventing a way to show a scientic phenom- students drew to explore, coordinate, and waves, for instance, can involve being able to
enon (e.g., evaporation). Although interpre- justify understandings in science, they were coordinate a range of wave diagrams, timetation of visualizations and other informa- more motivated to learn than from conven- sequenced representations of air particle
tion is clearly critical to learning, becoming tional teaching (10). The use of drawing movement, and pressure variation. Different
procient in science also requires learners caters to individual learner differences, as representations have distinctive attributes that
to develop many representational skills. We a drawing is shaped by the learners current both guide and constrain what learners do and
suggest five reasons why student drawing or emerging ideas and knowledge of visual come to understand (1719). As they select
should be explicitly recognized alongside conventions.
specic features to focus on in their drawwriting, reading, and talking as a key element
ing, learners reason in various ways, alignin science education. We offer distinct ratio- Drawing to Learn to Represent in Science
ing their drawing with observation, measurenales, although in practice any single draw- Students need to learn how scientists use ment, and/or emerging ideas (6, 20). Practice
ing activity will likely rest upon multiple jus- multiple literacies of this subject to con- in exible manipulation of representations
tications. Both old and new technologies struct and record knowledge, where reading, has been argued to be central for developoffer exciting opportunities. We conclude by writing, and talk are integrated with visual ing expertise (21). Classroom research shows
highlighting important questions yet to be modes (1113). Generating their own rep- how students reason as they generate and
answered and key future research to extend resentations can deepen students under- rene models supported by expert teacher
teachers and learners use of drawing.
standing of the specic conventions of rep- guidance (22, 23). This creative reasoning is
resentations (e.g., This is how a line graph distinct from, but complementary to, reasonDrawing to Enhance Engagement
works.) and their purposes (e.g., the effec- ing through argumentation (24).
Many students disengage from school tiveness of line graphs for showing continuscience because rote learning and tradi- ous quantitative information), as well as how Drawing as a Learning Strategy
representations work more generally (e.g., Effective learning strategies help learners
a representation is better when it is coher- overcome limitations in presented material,
School of Psychology, University of Nottingham, University
ent, compact, and parsimonious) (3, 14, 15). organize their knowledge more effectively,
Park, Nottingham NG7 2RD, UK. 2Faculty of Education, La
Trobe University, Bendigo 3552, Australia. 3School of EduTeachers can guide students to acquire the and integrate new and existing understandcation, Deakin University, Waurn Ponds 3217, Australia.
visual literacies of science at the point when ing; ultimately, they can be transformative
they will see their relevance and appreciate by generating new inferences (25, 26). Draw*Author for correspondence. E-mail: shaaron.ainsworth@
their explanatory power (16).
ing can be one such effective strategy (6, 27).

For example, asking learners to read a text
and draw what they have understood requires
them to make explicit this understanding in
an inspectable form [(28), see g. S1 in supporting online material (SOM)]. Unlike other
constructive strategies, such as writing summaries or providing oral self-explanations,
visual representations have distinct attributes
that match the visual-spatial demands of
much of science learning. Moreover, visual
representation has been shown to encourage
further constructive strategies (29). Inventing
representations (including drawings) acts as
preparation for future learning, because it can
help students discern key features and challenges of new tasks (30).
Drawing to Communicate

Scientists draw to clarify ideas for colleagues,

students, and the public (2, 5). In externalizing
private knowledge more permanently, visual
representation is one way to enable broader
dissemination (4). Through drawing, students
make their thinking explicit and specific,
which leads to opportunities to exchange and
clarify meanings between peers (31). Where
learners generate and publicly share their representations, they learn by critiquing the clarity, coherence, and content of what they and
their peers have drawn (32). These windows
into student thinking can serve teachers in
diagnostic, formative, and summative assessment (33, 34) (g. S2).
Current Programs and New Directions

Various programs featuring drawing are now

in progress (22, 23, 35). The Role of Representation in Learning Science (RiLS) project
(36) is an exemplar showing how, through
hands-on activities and a variety of multimodal representations in which drawing was
central, learners aged 10 to 13 were guided to
generate, justify, and rene representations in
science (g. S3).
In a unit on water, students produced
representations of particle ideas beyond the
teachers experience of previous performance. For example, in one task, a class of
students placed their wet hands on paper and
then were challenged to represent what happens as the handprint diminishes. The drawings reect learners expanding on previous
work to reason about particle distribution
and movement, energy exchange, and timesequencing (see the gure). Students visual
choices indicate thoughtful engagement with
the task of creating a coherent account of the
phenomenon. Through appraisal and renement of drawings, teachers and students
established some representational conventions, such as the circles reecting particles.

Teachers used these diagrams to assess and

then further rene students understandings
of particle behavior.
The RiLS approach supported students
to deepen their understanding of the selective purpose of representational choices.
For example, a student justied the selective
nature of his animation of particles in evaporation thus: I was just focusing on what
they do, not representing other things like
shape and sizethey are very, very tiny.
RiLS teachers have noted that their students
engaged more in class, discussed at a higher
level, and performed better in their workbooks (36). Analysis of test results showed
stronger outcomes than in previous studies using comparable methods (37). Further
research is now needed to establish explicit
connections between drawing used in this
way and learning.
Although there is growing evidence of the
benets of drawing to learn science, many
unanswered questions remain. One active
arena is exploration of how learning with
new technologies can benet from drawing.
Learners can draw to help them understand
what they are seeing in complex visualization
environments (38). Drawing can be the way
learners create models and interact with a system (39, 40), or their freehand sketches can
be automatically marked to provide timely
feedback (41). Technology is also broadening our concept of drawing as learners create animations (42) or use cameras and clay
models on drawn backdrops to generate 1-s
stop-frame movies of science processes (43).
We also need to research the fundamental mechanisms of drawing to learn. What
skills do you rst need to develop in order to
best take advantage of learning by drawing?
Perhaps some topics are sufciently difcult
to draw that attempting to do so is counterproductive. A further important research area
concerns how teachers can best support their
students to use drawing alongside writing
and talking in the classroom. However, what
is clear is the growing interest in drawing as
it reects new understandings of science as
a multimodal discursive practice, as well as
mounting evidence for its value in supporting
quality learning.
References and Notes

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44. The authors are afliated with RiLS.

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