Kedar Nath Motani and Ors. Vs Prahlad Rai and Ors. On 25 September, 1959

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Kedar Nath Motani And Ors. vs Prahlad Rai And Ors.

on 25 September, 1959

Supreme Court of India

Kedar Nath Motani And Ors. vs Prahlad Rai And Ors. on 25 September, 1959
Equivalent citations: AIR 1960 SC 213, 1960 1 SCR 861
Author: Hidayatullah
Bench: S Das, K Dasgupta, M Hidayatullah
JUDGMENT Hidayatullah, J.
1. This appeal with a certificate granted by the High Court of Patna has been filed against its
judgment and decree dated March 6, 1952. By that judgment, the High Court reversed the decree of
the Subordinate Judge of Motihari dated March 29, 1946.
2. The suit was filed by the present appellants for a declaration of their title to 136 odd bighas of
Ryotikasht lands and for possession thereof either exclusively or jointly with the defendants. A claim
for mesne profits and interest was also made. The suit was decreed by the Subordinate Judge,
Motihari, on the ground that the defendants were in possession of the suit lands as benamidars. The
trial Judge found that the consideration for the acquisition of these lands had proceeded from the
predecessor of the plaintiffs, who had acquired them in the farzi names of Prahlad Rai, Gulraj Rai
and Nawrang Rai. He also held that the benamidars were related to Radhumal by marriage, and that
Radhumal found it convenient to use their names. These findings were accepted by the present
respondents in the High Court. They, however, raised before the High Court certain contentions
found against them by the trial Judge. In the plaint, the appellants had given their reasons for
acquiring the property benami in the names of Prahlad Rai, Gulraj Rai and Nawrang Rai. They had
stated that, according to the terms of the lease, ryoti lands taken in the names of the lessee or his
relatives and servants were liable to be resumed by the Bettiah Raj after the termination of the lease,
and that the benami transaction was entered into to avoid this contingency. The answering
respondents, therefore, contended in the Court of First Instance that the predecessor of the
appellants had caused these lands to be settled by the Bettiah Raj benami in their names to
effectuate a fraud upon the Bettiah Raj, and the fraud having succeeded, the plaintiffs-appellants
were not entitled to a judgment. They also contended that after the termination of the lease of the
appellants with the Bettiah Raj these lands were settled or deemed to be settled with them. Both
these grounds were accepted by the High Court.
3. In this Court, the respondents have taken the same stand, and have also contended that the
acquisition of these lands having been achieved by means of forging the signatures of Prahlad Rai,
Gulraj Rai and Nawrang Rai, the present appellants are not entitled to a judgment on the
application of the maxim, ex turpi causa non oritur actio. They, however, contend that if it be the
view of the Court that both the parties had conspired to deceive the Bettiah Raj or were guilty of
illegality, even then, potior est conditio defendantis.
4. By the decisions of the two Courts below and the concession of the respondents, all questions of
fact must be taken to be finally decided. The question as to whether the acquisition was benami or
not cannot any longer be-reopened, and the case has therefore to be considered only with regard to
the principles contained in the maxims above referred to and the fact whether there was any fraud
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intended on the Bettiah Raj and, if so, whether it was effected and who was responsible for it.
5. Though the decision of the case may appear to lie within a very narrow compass, it is necessary to
recount rather voluminous facts bearing upon the history of these acquisitions. On April 1, 1922, the
manager of the Court of Wards, Bettiah Raj, granted a lease of village Bijbania for 10 years (Asin
1327 to Bhado 1336, vide Ex. 7, to Radhumal, who was the karta of the joint family now represented
by the plaintiffs and Mahadeo, respondent 6. On June 26, 1931, the lease was renewed for a further
period of 10 years (1337 to 1346). Two of the conditions of this lease will have to be referred to in the
sequel, and may conveniently be quoted here for easy reference :
"4. Not to make any settlement of land with a raiyat or other tenant without the consent of the
manager, and in any application for such consent to any settlement of land recorded as zirat or
bakasht in the record of rights to state the reason of the lessee for wishing to make such settlement,
and the area or zirat or bakasht land which would remain in the demised property after such
settlement if it were made, and when it is proposed to make any settlement with a relative or servant
of the lessee to state that fact; and it is hereby declared that the manager shall be entitled as a
condition of giving consent to any such settlement to require that an amount to be assessed by him
shall be charged as a salami on any such settlement.
16. Not to retain possession after the expiry of lease of any raiyati holdings or other interest in the
leased property, acquired during the term of the lease whether by private purchase, purchase at
auction sale, mortgage, sub-lease, surrender or otherwise, and any such holding or interest thus
acquired will pass to the lessor, provided that the lessee will be entitled to receive from the lessor a
sum equivalent to any loss he may have suffered by purchasing holdings at auction sales for arrears
of rent, the loss to be calculated by setting against the purchase price the profits made by the lessee
from the land since the date of purchase subject to any general instructions which may be issued by
the Board of Revenue, the Manager will determine the amount to be received by the lessee under
this clause, and his decisions will be final."
6. Between the years 1920 to 1925 Radhumal acquired 136 odd bighas of lands, now the subject of
dispute, in various ways. 94 odd bighas were purchased at Court sale, 7 odd bighas by private sales
and 6 odd bighas were acquired by abandonment of tenancies by the previous tenants. These 136
odd bighas also included 27 odd bighas of lands, which are described as Ghair Mazrua, Patti Kadim
and Kabil Lagon. These lands were settled with Prahlad Rai, Gulraj Rai and Nawrang Rai by the
Bettiah Raj. The answering respondents are Prahlad Rai and the legal representatives of the other
two. In settling these lands with these persons, Radhumal himself as lessee recommended them to
the Bettiah Raj, and it is now proved and admitted in the case that he had also caused the signatures
of these persons to be made upon the documents filed in the Bettiah Raj by others than the apparent
signatories. As has been pointed out already, this device was resorted to, to avoid the operation of
clause 16 of the lease quoted above. It was also used to reduce the salami payable to the Bettiah Raj
under clause 4 which in the case of a stranger was lower than in the case of the lessee, his relatives
and servants. The respondents had denied all these pleas, and had stated that the lands were settled
with them by the Bettiah Raj, and that they were not the benamidars of Radhumal. They now rely
upon the facts pleaded by the appellants in regard to the device resorted to, to save the lands from
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the operation of cls. 16 and 4 and further plead the illegal conduct of Radhumal in causing the
signatures of Prahlad Rai, Gulraj Rai and Nawrang Rai to be forged on the documents filed with the
Bettiah Raj.
7. Radhumal died on February 28, 1934. After his death, Bala Prasad, appellant No. 3, was adopted,
and the adoption was also recognised by the Bettiah Raj. The lease was also transferred to the name
of Bala Prasad. In 1935, it is alleged the widow denied, at the instigation of Mahadeo, respondent 6,
this adoption, and Mahadeo, in his turn, started to disclaim all interest in the property. The other
respondents also began asserting their title against the heirs and representatives of Radhumal. It
was also alleged that Mahadeo had removed all the kabalas and some of the receipts and had given
them to Prahlad Rai, which were used by the answering respondents in all subsequent proceedings.
In 1936, proceedings under s. 144 of the Code of Criminal Procedure were commenced, which
terminated in favour of Prahlad Rai's party by an order of the Sub-Divisional Officer on June 4,
1936. The order of the Sub-Divisional Officer was, however, reversed by the District Magistrate,
Champaran, and on revision to the High Court, the finding of the District Magistrate was reversed in
its turn, though the rule itself was discharged. The High Court recommended the commencement of
proceedings under s. 145 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, if there was any apprehension of breach
of peace. These proceedings were commenced and finally terminated on May 18, 1942, by an order
against the appellants, who were therefore compelled to bring this suit inasmuch as, according to
them, the decision in the criminal courts cast a cloud upon their title.
8. The main issue around which the controversy in the present case has revolved in the trial Court is
the fifth, framed by the Subordinate Judge. It reads as follows :
"Are the defendants farzidars of the plaintiffs in respect of the suit lands ?"
9. As we have already stated above, this issue has now been finally decided in favour of the
appellants. The High Court has held that they are not entitled to a judgment in spite of this finding,
on the ground that they had perpetrated a fraud upon the Bettiah Raj, and this fraud disentitles
them to a judgment. The High Court has also stated that after the termination of the lease, the
answering respondents must be deemed to be ryoti tenants of the Bettiah Raj, because rent was
accepted from them and not from the lessee. One of the learned Judges of the High Court decided
the case mainly on this ground, but the learned Chief Justice gave reasons on both the points. The
learned Chief Justice also adverted to the fact that there were certain illegalities committed by
Radhumal, which made the condition of the respondents stronger.
10. We begin with the point about the creation of a new tenancy by the Bettiah Raj after the expiry of
the lease granted to Radhumal. We may point out that this aspect of the case was not pleaded by the
answering respondents, and it is difficult to accept this case, which requires fresh evidence and
material for a finding. The case of the respondents was that they had taken settlement of these lands
from the Bettiah Raj in the very beginning. There was no occasion, therefore, for a fresh settlement
with them, and the plea that after the expiry of the lease there was, in fact, or there must be deemed
in law, a fresh settlement with them, is not open to them. There is evidence in the case to show that
B. H. forms were not issued once again after the expiry of the lease given to Radhumal. R. N. Prasad
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(P.W. 3) stated that a certified copy of the B. H. form under which land was settled with a ryoti
tenant was issued to the settle for his information, and no such fresh B. H. forms have been
produced by the respondents. In view of these two facts, we must say, with respect, that the High
Court was in error in constructing a new case for the respondents. It is not open to a Court in appeal
to consider media concludendi not pleaded by a party and to give judgment on their basis.
11. This leaves over for consideration the two maxims and the question of fraud perpetrated upon
the Bettiah Raj. The maxim, in pari delicto etc., can hardly be made applicable in this context.
Neither the appellants nor the respondents at any time pleaded that Prahlad Rai, Gulraj Rai and
Nawrang Rai conspired to effect a fraud upon the Bettiah Raj. In this respect, the cases of the
appellants and the respondents are poles apart. While the appellants claim that Radhumal did not
even consider it necessary to obtain the consent of these three persons and even did not obtain their
signatures, the respondents claim that Radhumal had nothing whatever to do with the acquisition of
these lands and had merely recommended them to the Bettiah Raj in his capacity as the lessee.
Where both parties do not show that there was any conspiracy to defraud a third person or to
commit any other illegal act, the maxim, in pari delicto etc., can hardly be made applicable. The
appellants and the answering respondents were not in pari delicto. The respondents claimed to be
innocent parties, who had acquired the lands themselves, and the appellants, on the other hand,
stated that the respondents knew nothing about the matter and were not even consulted. In our
opinion, the application of the maxim was erroneous.
12. This leaves over for consideration firstly whether a fraud was effected upon the Bettiah Raj, and
whether it was successful. The appellants contend that the Bettiah Raj was in full possession of the
information that this was a benami transaction and salami was obtained to the tune of Rs. 1,680 and
was waived only in respect of lands considered not worthy of demanding a salami. It is stated by the
appellants in the evidence that the Bettiah Raj was informed about the benami nature of the
transaction and Rai Bahadur Motilal Basu, the Assistant Manager of the Bettiah Raj, which was
under the Court of Wards, was informed about this. R. H. Prasad (P.W. 3) stated that Rai Bahadur
Moti Lal Basu was Assistant Manager of the Estate, and that he was an experienced officer. Narain
Lal, (P.W. 17), deposed that in his presence Radhumal had told Moti Lal Basu that he was taking the
settlements in the farzi names of his relations. It is also clear that in 1936 when the dispute went to
the District Magistrate, Champar an, all these facts were set out in the rival cases of the parties both under ss. 144 and 145 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. The District Magistrate was an officer
of the Court of Wards, and he knew by 1936 that the tenancies were taken benami by Radhumal.
After the expiry of the lease, the Court of Wards did not enforce clause 16 in spite of this knowledge,
and it therefore appears that the fraud was not effected, because the person or authority said to be
defrauded knew all the facts, and elected not to take any action. There is nothing in the record
beyond the statement of the appellants in the plaint to show that the salami was unduly low. On the
other hand, the answering respondents claimed to have paid proper salami from their own funds. It
has been held, however, that Radhumal paid the salami, a fact not now questioned. The rival
admissions cancel each other and leave the matter at large. The matter was never put in issue except
as to who paid the salami and the sufficiency or otherwise of the salami was never tried. In view of
the fact that fraud cannot be said to have been effected, we do not think that the appellants who
have clearly established the benami nature of the transactions can be deprived of their judgment.
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The authorities do not go to that length, because public policy demands that where fraud might have
been contemplated but was not perpetrated, the defendants should not be allowed to perpetrate a
new fraud.
13. Coming now to the question whether the appellants' suit was rightly dismissed by the High Court
on the application of the maxim, ex turpi causa etc., we have first to see what are the specific facts on
which this contention is based. The case of the appellants was that the property was taken benami in
the names of Prahlad Rai and others to avid the implication of clause 16. In making the application
to the Bettiah Raj the signatures of Prahlad Rai and others were made by Radhumal or some one
under his instructions, because the relationship between Radhumal, Prahlad Rai and others was so
intimate that it was considered unnecessary to trouble them. Inasmuch, as the matter was brought
to the notice of the Assistant Manager of the Court of Wards, all these facts were capable of being
investigated, including the making of the signatures by Radhumal. No doubt, the making of the
signatures of another person without his consent, express or implied, is an offence under the
ordinary law, but the intention was not so much to forge the signatures but to present the
application in the names of those persons. However it be, we proceed on the assumption that there
was some illegality committed by Radhumal in approaching the Bettiah Raj and also in the
execution of the B.H. forms, which were also signed with the names of these persons. The question
is whether this illegality is sufficient to non-suit the plaintiffs on the application of the maxim.
14. The law was stated as far back as 1775 by Lord Mansfield in Holman v. Johnson [(1775) 1 Cowp.
341, 343; 98 E.R. 1120, 1121], in the following words :
"The principle of public policy is this; ex dolo malo non oritur actio. No Court will lend its aid to a
man who founds his cause of action upon an immoral or an illegal act. If, from the plaintiff's own
stating or otherwise, the cause of action appears to arise ex turpi causa, or the transgression of a
positive law of this country, there the Court says he has no right to be assisted. It is upon that
ground the Court goes; not for the sake of the defendant, but because they will not lend their aid to
such a plaintiff. So if the plaintiff and defendant were to change sides, and the defendant was to
bring his action against the plaintiff, the latter would then have the advantage of it; for where both
are equally in fault, potior est conditio defendentis."
15. There are, however, some exceptions or "supposed exceptions" to the rule of turpi causa. In
Salmond and William on Contracts, four such exceptions have been mentioned, and the fourth of
these exceptions is based on the right of restitutio in integrum, where the relationship of trustee and
beneficiary is involved. Salmond stated the law in these words at p. 352 of his Book (2nd Edn.) :
"So if A employs B to commit a robbery, A cannot sue B for the proceeds. And the position would be
the same if A were to vest property in B upon trust to carry out some fraudulent scheme : A could
not sue B for an account of the profits. But if B, who is A's agent or trustee, receives on A's account
money paid by C pursuant to an illegal contract between A and C the position is otherwise and A can
recover the property from B, although he could not have claimed it from C. In such cases public
policy requires that the rule of turpis causa shall be excluded by the more important and imperative
rule that agents and trustees must faithfully perform the duties of their office."
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16. Williston in his Book on Contracts (revised edition), Vol. VI, has discussed this matter at p.
5069, para. 1785 and in paras. 1771 to 1774, he has noted certain exceptional cases, and has observed
as follows :
"If recovery is to be allowed by either partner or principal in any case, it must be where the illegality
is of so light or venial a character that it is deemed more opposed to public policy to allow the
defendant to violate his fiduciary relation with the plaintiff than to allow the plaintiff to gain the
benefit of an illegal transaction."
17. Even in India, certain exceptions to the rule of turpi causa have been accepted. Examples of those
cases are found in Palaniyappa Chettiar v. Chockalingam Chettiar [(1920) I.L.R. 44 Mad. 334] and
Bhola Nath v. Mul Chand [(1903) I.L.R. 25 All. 639].
18. The respondents rely upon Farmers' Mart Limited v. Milne [[1915] A.C. 106], Alexander v.
Rayson [[1936] 1 K.B. 169], and Berg v. Sadler & Moore [[1937] 2 K.B. 158], to show that this case
falls within the rule accepted and applied in those cases. The application of the rule is, however,
conditioned by one thing, namely, that a plaintiff who is not allowed to succeed must be unable to
sustain an action except upon the plea of the illegality committed by him. In Lord Dunedin's speech
in Farmers' Mart Limited v. Milne [[1915] A.C. 106], reference has been made to three cases,
Simpson v. Bloss [(1816) 7 Taunt. 246; 129 E.R. 99], Fivaz v. Nicholls [(1846) 2 C.B. 501; 135 E.R.
1042] and Taylor v. Chester [(1869) L.R. 4 Q.B. 309]. In the first case, it was laid down that the test
was whether a demand connected with an illegal transaction was capable of being enforced in law,
and whether the plaintiff required any aid from the illegal transaction to establish his case. Tindal,
C.J., in the second case observed as follows :
"I think that this case may be determined on the short ground that the plaintiff is unable to establish
his claim as stated upon the record, without relying upon the illegal agreement originally entered
into between himself and the defendant."
19. In the last case, Mellor, J., observed that the true test was by considering "whether the plaintiff
could make out his case otherwise than through the medium and by the aid of the illegal transaction
to which he was himself a party". In Alexander v. Rayson [[1936] 1 K.B. 169], it was held by the
Court of Appeal that there was a locus poenitentiae but that the repentance must be before the fraud
or illegality had been carried out.
20. Recently, the Court of Appeal in Bowmakers Ltd. v. Barnet Instruments, Ltd. [[1945] 1 K.B. 65],
reviewed the law on the subject, and laid down that every illegality did not entitle the Court to refuse
a judgment to a plaintiff. Du Parcq, L.J., observed as follows :
"In our opinion, a man's right to possess his own chattels will as a general rule be enforced against
one who, without any claim of right, is detaining them, or has converted them to his own use, even
though it may appear either from the pleadings, or in the course of the trial, that the chattels in
question came into the defendant's possession by reason of an illegal contract between himself and
the plaintiff, provided that the plaintiff does not seek, and is not forced, either to found his claim on
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the illegal contract or to plead its illegality in order to support his claim."
21. We are aware that Prof. Hamson has criticised this case in (1949) 10 Cambridge Law Journal,
249, and has forborne its application, except in the clearest possible circumstances. The law has
been also considered by Pritchard, J., in Bigos v. Bousted [[1951] 1 All. E.R. 92], where all the
authorities are referred to.
22. The correct position in law, in our opinion, is that what one has to see is whether the illegality
goes so much to the root of the matter that the plaintiff cannot bring his action without relying upon
the illegal transaction into which he had entered. If the illegality be trivial or venial, as stated by
Williston and the plaintiff is not required to rest his case upon that illegality, then public policy
demands that the defendant should not be allowed to take advantage of the position. A strict view, of
course, must be taken of the plaintiff's conduct, and he should not be allowed to circumvent the
illegality by resorting to some subterfuge or by mis-stating the facts. If, however, the matters is clear
and the illegality is not required to be pleaded or proved as part of the cause of action and the
plaintiff recanted before the illegal purpose was achieved, then, unless it be of such a gross nature as
to outrage the conscience of the Court, the plea of the defendant should not prevail.
23. We must remember that benami transactions are common in India, and have always been
recognised. They are entered into for a variety of reasons, and the benamidar holds the property in
trust for his principal. In the present case, the object of the benami transaction was merely to keep
the property from being resumed by the Bettiah Raj on the expiry of the lease in favour of
Radhumal, which undoubtedly the Bettiah Raj could have done, if it had been so minded. The
information about the benami transaction was, however, not withheld from the Bettiah Raj, and
even with that knowledge, the Bettiah Raj took no action against Radhumal or the benamidars. The
plaintiffs recanted inasmuch as they asserted their true title and true facts before the occasion for
the Raj to act arose. Thus, the fraud, though intended, was not perpetrated, because the fraud could
only be effected at the end of the lease term, and the locus poenitentiae which the lessee possessed
was duly used long before the expiry of the lease. The illegality was also of a trivial character,
inasmuch as the signatures of Prahlad Rai and others were made on the relative documents on the
faith of their close friendship and relationship and under the assumption that no objection from
them would proceed to the making of the application on their behalf and to the signing of the B. H.
forms in their names. The appellants were not required to prove this fact as part of their cause of
action, and indeed, if the answering respondents are to be believed, they asserted as vehemently that
the signatures were not forged but were their very own.
24. In establishing the benami nature of a transaction, the cardinal point to be proved is the source
of money and this was done, and it was also established that Prahlad Rai and others were merely
farzidars. To prove these things, it did not require the proof of the signatures, and we do not think
that the plaintiffs could not make out a case of the benami nature of the transaction, without having
to rely upon the additional fact that the signatures of Prahlad Rai and others were made upon the
application and the forms without their knowledge.

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25. We think that in the present case there is no room for the application of the maxim, ex turpi
causa non oritur actio in all its rigour, and the exceptional case, to which we have referred, applied.
We are accordingly of the view that the appellants having proved their case of benami acquisition of
these properties - a case which is not now questioned - the fact that the signatures of Prahlad Rai
and others on some relative documents were not their own, cannot disentitle the
plaintiffs-appellants to a decree. The exceptions to the rule contained in the maxim were not
considered by the High Court, which proceeded entirely upon the supposition that every illegality or
fraud disentitled a plaintiff to a judgment. That, however, is not the law. We accordingly hold that
the appellants were entitled to a decree in their favour, and with respect, it was wrongly disallowed
by the High Court.
26. We set aside the judgment and decree of the High Court of Patna, and restore those of the
Subordinate Judge, Motihari. In the circumstances of this case, we think that we should make no
order about costs of this appeal.
27. Appeal allowed.

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