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The key takeaways from the book are how to buy businesses using little to no money down of your own and leverage the business's own cash flow, as well as how to flip businesses for large profits.

The book discusses strategies for buying businesses using little to no money down of your own, such as leveraging the business's own cash flow. It also provides tips for flipping businesses for large profits.

The book explains that one can buy a business using its own cash by leveraging the business's assets and cash flow. It discusses using techniques like leveraged buyouts that allow purchasing a business without using one's own cash.

How To

Buy A Business
Using Its Own
By Mike Warren
Author/Business Maverick/Investor

Copyright 2012, Vickers Capital, Inc.

All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form
nor used for teaching purposes without the prior
written consent of the author and copyright owner.

Vickers offers a $500 reward for notification of illegal

copying, selling, teaching or transfer of materials.

The information presented in this volume is meant to

enhance your knowledge about purchasing and flipping
businesses for a profit. Mr. Warren is not an attorney
or accountant. Requirements, forms, time limits,
procedures and regulations vary by county and state.
Verify all information before implementing any advice
given in this book. If legal advice or other expert
assistance is required, the services of a competent
licensed professional should be sought.
documents and techniques should be reviewed by
All stories or testimonials
included in these training materials are for
example only.

I wrote the all-time bestselling New York Times

bestseller on how to buy real estate with little
or no money down. Mike Warren has done the
same for buying businesses for little or no
money down. As I read it, I kept saying to
myself, Why didnt I think of that?! Mike has
organized and systematized and simplified the
key steps of how to succeed. I guarantee youll
find Ive found lots of mind expanding ideas
here that save you a lot of time and wasted
effort while making almost obscene profits.
Robert G. Allen, author of the New York Times
bestsellers, Nothing Down, Creating Wealth,
Multiple Streams of Income and co-author of
the mega-bestseller, The One Minute

Table of Contents
How to Buy a Business Using Its Own Cash ...... 5
Leverage, Leverage and More Leverage ........... 23
Find the Best No Money Deals Even Though
You Never See Them Advertized..................... 36
Starting Your Research on the Prospective
Company ....................................................... 54
Secrets to Buying a Business with Its Own Cash
and None of Your Own ................................... 61
LBO and Hidden Techniques for Buying a
Business ......................................................... 69
The Art of the Deal ......................................... 81
How to Make Financing is a Walk in the Park .. 93
Laugh All the Way to the Bank Taking Over Sick
Companies .................................................... 99
The Art of the Flip ........................................ 106
Get All the Guidance You Need for Cash Deals
and Flips ....................................................... 118
Wrap Up ....................................................... 126

Chapter One
How to Buy a Business Using Its
Own Cash

Thank you for your time in learning the secrets

that I will cover in this book. I have a couple of
goals. One, I am going to show you how to buy
any type of business in any industry using none
of your own cash. Two, I will show you how to
buy a business using its own cash. Three, I will
show you the benefits of buying a business for
the express purpose of flipping it 12-18 months
later for a much larger profit (using none of your
own cash of course).
Does that get you excited so far? It should,
because I get excited every time I think about
the number of people we help get started buying
a business of their own that pays them $100k a
year or more in salary or partnering with clients
who find and then flip the business without
having to be involved in day-to-day operations
for a much larger payday that could be worth
Buying a business is often surrounded in
mystery and misinformation. One of the biggest
myths about buying a business is that it requires

a lot of cash. In fact, by reading this book, youll

find that you can buy a business without using
any of your own cash. It is a reality, not a
fantasy. You may find a business that does
require a little bit of cash but you know what?
That cash is readily available from other people.
It does not have to be your cash. And often it
can come from the most unexpected of sources.
The American Dream was to own a house. Now
the American Dream is getting rid of the job,
being your own boss and having a business that
provides you a six or seven figure income each
year to support the lifestyle that you want,
doing the things you want to do with the people
you want to do those things with, when you
want to do them, and money no longer becomes
a big issue.
I wrote this book to cover the basics of how to
buy a business with none of your own cash.
And the format that Ive used in this book is
more of a question and an answer format. So
Ive taken the most common questions that
people ask me in my seminars or from some of
my high level coaching students and even some
of my business partners who Ive partnered with
to buy a business. Ive broken it down into the
most common questions on how you actually
get this process done of finding a business and

buying a business, structuring a deal and then,

ultimately, getting yourself that high paying
paycheck. For more aggressive entrepreneurs I
even talk about the art of flipping a business
using none of your own money and how to get
paid along the way for doing it as well as
receive a huge sum of cash at the end.
One of the biggest distinctions I want to you to
grasp is that you can; in fact, buy a business and
you can flip a business. So buying a business is
only part of the equation. For the people who
really become successful, who become
multimillionaires, what they do is go out there
and find a business that they can flip. This is
what I do and I can help you if youre ever
interested in doing this, so keep this in mind
and well find a business and flip it. It could
generate a couple hundred thousand dollars a
year in profit, which would make that, about a 1
million to 1.5 million or 2 million or even a 3
million dollar business depending on the
We can turn it around in 12 to 18 months we
can typically triple the profit of that business in
12 to 18 months and sell that for about three
times more too seven times more than what you
might get otherwise. So a 1 million dollar
business, we could sell it for 3 to 5 million,

sometimes even as much as 7 to 10 million

dollars. We can do that in 12 to 18 months at the
most maybe about 24 months. So if you think
about it you can buy a 1 million dollar business
with no cash out of your pocket and turn
around in 12 to 18 months, sell that business for
3 to 7 million dollars or more.
Now think about the profit potential. And in
the meantime youre generating a five, six or
sometimes even a seven figure paycheck
depending upon the type of business. But, for
the most part, youre looking somewhere
around a six figure paycheck while you double
or triple the profit of that business and then cash
out 12 to 18 months down the road.
There are a lot of people that get hung up on
some of the financing techniques most people
assume are for the use of private individuals
such as Donald Trump, Rupert Murdoch, Phil
Ellison, Richard Branson, some of these big, high
level billionaire moguls and deal makers. And
Im here to tell you thats not the case. This is a
perfect opportunity for you and for me. So, if
youre ready lets get started.

Question - The most common question I get is

people say that they assume that they need at
least some money to start a business. Is that
true or not?
Answer - Its a natural assumption to think that
you need a lot of cash but its not true. I know a
lot of people who have been literally broke and
used techniques from this book and from my
high level coaching and theyve gone out, found
a business and structured the business deal so
that they could buy that business with none of
their own cash and have gone on to make
millions of dollars. This is a super easy if done
correctly and powerful and productive
Another question - I want more than just a
basic hot dog stand. I want something that
will provide a more comfortable living that
will give me at least a five or six figure
paycheck. Is that possible?
Answer - The answer is absolutely yes. And if
anyone tells you other than that, youre talking
to someone who doesnt know what theyre
doing. They are not a person whos familiar
with buying and selling businesses. They dont
understand financing. They dont understand
how money works. One thing thats really

important is you have to keep in mind where

are you getting your advice from?
So if youre getting advice from an accountant
who makes $40,000 a year, well, then you will
get $40,000 a year advice. If you take advice
from accountants like mine who pull in six
figures each year, well, guess what? They
understand how to structure a deal, how to
make lots of money and they also partner on
different deals with you. So if you think about
it, you need to consider who youre getting your
advice from. Most people that you get advice
from, they dont know what theyre doing, so
youre getting poor advice from someone who
just doesnt have any experience.
So, yes, you can get a business thats more than
a basic hot dog stand. And were talking about
a business that can pay you six figures literally
from the day that you walk into that business
even though you went in with none of your own
cash. And Ill prove it here in a little bit.
Another question - Where do I get the money
to start off?
Answer - Since this seems to be a question that
just comes up over and over and over again,
lets go ahead and talk about some ways that

you can get money to buy a business if you want

to do that.
And Im not saying that its your money, Im
just saying how do you get some of the money.
So one of the things that you can do is you can
use assets of the very business that youre
buying to pay for its actual purchase. And, yes,
its true, you can do that. Now well talk about
in detail, oh, five, six or seven different ways
that you can count on the seller get this, yes,
you can count on the seller of the business for
the money that you need to actually buy a
business. This is one of the ways that we can
buy a business with its own cash. Then, well
cover a whole bunch of other ways that you can
get the money if the seller cant do it for you.
I like using OPM or Other Peoples Money In
fact, I love using OPM. to buy a business. It
allows me to leverage the business better. I have
none of my cash at risk and I can increase my
profit. I always like to have extra cash sitting
around. And lets assume that youre interested
in buying a business and you have no cash then
this is a perfect scenario.
Another question - Mike, Im a little leery, a
little skeptical about being able to go in and
buy a business with no money down. I hear
what youre saying but, do the small

businesses do it like that or is this only for the

big, big boys who have publicly traded stock?
Whats really the deal here?
My answer is that I expect you to be a little bit
skeptical of this type of transaction mainly
because youve never seen a business advertised
for no cash down and you probably are never
going to see that.
In other words you go and you look online for a
business for sale. Do you ever see a business
thats for sale where the owner says Im going
to sell it for no cash down? No. They all say
that they want either all cash most of them all
say they want all cash or they want 50% down.
Just because somebody asks for a lot of cash
down doesnt mean that you have to give them
a lot of cash. And another thing is that even if
you were to give them cash it doesnt have to be
your cash. The cash can come out or from the
business itself.
Also keep in mind that all of the interested
parties in one of these business sale transactions
do not reveal the intimate details of whats
going on in the deal and what theyre willing to
take or not take. So you arent likely to know a
ton about no money down transactions and how
they go down until you actually get into the
transaction and start working.

Here are the statistics for you left brainers who

want numbers. Its pretty common that youre
looking somewhere of 40% 50% of all of the
small businesses that are sold in todays market
are sold with no cash investment from the
buyer. Yet it will still get all of the sellers a
dream list or bucket list of what they want out of
the business but it could be sold with no money
down or cash investment from you. So this is a
very cool strategy that were about to get into.
Another question - Mike, Im still a little
skeptical. Can you give me some examples of
people who actually did these types of
transactions where they did these no money
down deals?
Answer - You betcha! In fact, I could give you
story after story after story but let me give you
some that you may have heard and some that
you may not have heard. By the time we get to
the story youll realize Gosh, I know that
brand. And youll see that they all started their
companies with none of their own cash. They
were able to bootstrap it, meaning they were
able to do it without financial help from others.
Let me give you the first This is from a guy
name Ray Kroc. Now, Ray Kroc was a 52 year
old milkshake salesman back in 1955 when he
convinced brothers Mac and Dick McDonald to
sell him a lonely little hamburger stand, which
was located near Burbank, California. Now,

Kroc didnt have any money to speak of so he

worked out a really unique and highly
leveraged no cash down lease arrangement. On
its first day in business Krocs cash register rang
up $366.12. It rained that day, he later
explained. The following week daily sales
doubled. Today the registers at McDonalds
ring up a bit more than that, taking upwards of
20 billion dollars a year.
McDonalds is both the biggest owner of
commercial real estate and the biggest food
service corporation in America. And Ray Kroc
didnt have to spend a penny of his own to get
started. In fact, McDonalds is one of the largest
owners of real estate.
Most people think
McDonalds is about hamburgers. McDonalds
is about real estate.
The thing about
McDonalds, they own the best locations in
every single city. Theyre on all the corners.
Think of all the corners where you have seen
them. Theyre in the best locations. Those
properties are worth more. McDonalds is about
systems and real estate. Its not about burgers.
Heres another example. Heres a gentleman
named Paul Orfalea. He was known as a C
student just out of college and he started the
now famous Kinkos copy stores without a
penny of his own money. It began in 1971 when

he convinced a commercial bank there was

demand among college students for a
convenient, multi-purpose coffee shop. The
bank loaned him $5,000 to take over an 80
square foot hamburger stand for that purpose.
And Orfalea went on to build his tiny operation
into a 400 million dollar chain of nearly 800
stores throughout America.
How about a man named Chris Zane who is in
the experience business. Whether it's selling
bikes in his Connecticut store or filling orders
for corporate rewards programs, he knows a
successful business is about more than just
selling stuff. Zane, 46, got his start at age 12
fixing bikes in his parents' East Haven,
Connecticut, garage. At 16, he convinced his
parents to let him take over the lease of a bike
shop going out of business, borrowing $23,000
from his grandfatherat 15 percent interest. His
mother tended the store while he was at school
in the mornings. In his first year, he racked up
$56,000 in sales. This year, he expects to bring in
$21 million.
Heres another one. Tom Monaghan, who was a
1960 college dropout, partnered up with his
brother and bought a failing pizzeria (well talk
more about troubled businesses later) near
Ypsilanti Michigan and secured a bank loan in

order to satisfy his end of the deal. A year into

the business, Monaghan bought out his brother
and developed a soon to become brilliant game
plan. He opened stores near college campuses
and military bases and promised delivery in 30
minutes. Dominos Pizza is now an American
fixture, taking in annual sales of nearly 1 billion
dollars. Monaghan gets to indulge in a rich
mans fantasy by owning a major league
baseball team, the Detroit Tigers. Not bad for a
guy who didnt have a spare dime to his name
starting out.
Heres a famous confectioner named William
Wrigley Jr. in 1891, carmaker Henry Ford in
1903, Readers Digest publishers DeWitt and Lila
Wallace in 1922 was all bootstrapped
entrepreneurs using other peoples money to lay
down a foundation for great business fortunes.
So think about it. These were some people who
went out and either started and leveraged a
business or got a bank loan or got a lease or was
able to use the business assets to fund the
business or to get terms with creditors. These
are some ideas that well talk about in a little bit
in more detail. But they were all able to
bootstrap their startup so that it required none
of their own cash to get into the business.


Question - Mike, I hear you talking about

these stories but does it really apply to people
Answer - You bet it does. In fact in Inc.
Magazine they quoted as The financial system
that was accessible to early entrepreneurs
remains equally accessible today. And I gave a
few examples. Heres a lady named Megan
Duckett. When Megan Duckett moved to Los
Angeles from Australia 21 years ago, she was 19
years old and had big dreams of working in the
entertainment industry. She took a job with an
event planner and in her free time began sewing
at her kitchen table, making bedding, drapes
and costumes.
When the request to make the linings inside 10
decorative coffins for her employer's Halloween
event came up, Duckett took on the challenge.
"That was one of the turning point moments
when I began to realize I have a skill set that
other people didnt have," she says. Duckett also
knew that positioning herself as a specialist in
designing props and entertainment dcor would
set her apart. Her next big project, designing 25
silk chandeliers for The Mirage in Las Vegas,
came a year later.
By 1996, Duckett was earning more money
sewing than the $45,000 salary from her fulltime job at the event-planning company. She

quit and rented an 800-square-foot warehouse,

hired three seamstresses and generated $80,000
in revenue her first year.
In 2006, she began producing bags and other
items bearing the company logo to make the
Sew What? brand more recognizable. "I
realized that people werent buying me; they
wanted to buy a brand," she says. Four years
ago, Duckett branched out by offering the
option to rent drapes and other props rather
than purchase them and by 2011 her Los
Angeles-based company, produced sales of $5
million in addition to the $1.2 million her second
business Rent What? generated. Today she
manages 44 employees across both businesses.
Heres another lady named Sandra Kurtzig who
was a 24 year old pregnant housewife living in a
small northern California community when she
started ASK Computer Systems in a spare
bedroom of her apartment. She goes on to say
that We needed the money.
So Kurtzig, trained in computer sciences,
worked at night to develop a program that
keeps tracks of inventory and customers orders
on a factory floor. She had true grit and help
from some pretty impressed lenders. Kurtzig
launched her firm and watch it rise like a rocket.
By 1985 her born-in-a-bedroom startup had sales

of 79 million dollars. By 1992 that figured had

gone to 131 million dollars. Kurtzig had only
meager savings when she started out and
financed the growth of her business without a
penny to spare.
Another example is when Terry Finley bought
his first horse, Sunbelt, for $5,000 in 1991, he felt
stuck in his job selling life insurance. Finley had
been betting on horses for years, but had never
made an investment like this. After Sunbelt won
his first race that year, Finley started running
small ads in racing papers and attracted an
investor who paid $5,000 for partial ownership
of Sunbelt. Within two months, he bought his
second horse, Cals Zen Jr., and continued
buying more horses on credit cards.
Soon after, he quit his job and founded West
Point Thoroughbreds, a Saratoga Springs, N.Y.based race horse syndication management
company. From the outset, Finley talked with
clients who ran their own companies and asked
for suggestions about growing a business.
"We started trying to build a brand and a
reputation," Finley says. Through this informal
advice, he learned the importance of tracking
metrics. In 2004, he hired a web designer to
revamp his website.


Today, West Point Thoroughbreds owns 55

syndicated horses and has 550 investors who
profit when their horses win a race, are bred or
get sold. Revenue has grown from $2 million in
2005 to $6.5 million annually over the past three
There is something that I want you to really get
out of the stories that I shared with you. Theyre
very inspiring, I know. And, yes, it does prove
that it can be done. I dont want you to get the
false impression, though, that its instantly super
easy and automatic to achieve the exact same
results. It takes determination. It takes having
the right coaches guide you through the process,
having the right team around you. It means
getting savvy advice and being in love with
your own independence. Having your own will
to succeed and succeed beyond your wildest
expectations is essential. If you have the drive
to want more from your life then you can be
truly successful as far as you can make it.
Here is the bottom line. Money should be the
least of your worries when it comes to buying a
business. So lets just talk about where weve
been and what weve talked about so far. The
biggest myth is that you need money to start a
business. Actually you can buy any size or type
of business with none of your own cash, a

business that can pay you a six figure income.

You can use the assets of the business that
youre buying to actually pay towards purchase.


Chapter Review

Its estimated right now that between

40% 50% of all small business sales are
purchased with no cash investment
from the buyer.


Some famous startups include Ray Croc,

the 52 year old milkshake salesman who
went on to start McDonalds with no
cash of his own.


And then, finally, money is the least of

your worries when going into business.


Chapter Two
Leverage, Leverage and More
You may not be aware of it but the only thing
that stands between you and no money down
purchase of a business understands the word
leverage. Believe it or not you actually already
know how to use it. Heres a simple example.
You have a credit card, right? When you go to
the store and you make a purchase and you use
your credit card did you know that youre using
the banks money to buy whatever that purchase
was? Youre using somebody elses money to
buy an asset and then you pay that money back
over time. Thats actually leveraging using
other peoples money.
Leverage is nothing more than using other
peoples money. So if you think back to the
movie Pretty Woman with Richard Gere and
Julia Roberts When you think back to that
movie, he was a high level financier who found
and bought businesses, broke them apart and
then sold off the different businesses he sold
them off in pieces. Well, hes flying back and
forth and hes wheeling and dealing and
negotiating. Hes got his penthouses and his jets
and his cars and limos. Hes got all that stuff.


And, you know, ultimately, all hes doing is

using other peoples money, hes using the
bankers money to buy these deals because he
has a specific team in place. Hes has specific
knowledge of how the deal works.
structures the deal so theres none of his own
cash involved in the transaction. He uses other
peoples money. He leverages the business,
buys a business and then sells it off and keeps
the profit. He keeps the difference of what its
worth. And thats what were about to do.
Question - Mike, doesnt it require a certain
level of sophistication or education in order to
buy a business, especially one without using a
lot of cash?
Answer: It does require information.
sophistication? Not so much. Thats one of the
major myths that keeps ambitious would-be
entrepreneurs, perhaps just like you, from
buying your own business and creating a six
figure paycheck and then turning around and
flipping that business because you dont
understand the rules of the game. So its really
information. Its not really sophistication.
You dont need to have previous business
ownership background. You dont need to have
an MBA thats not required to get into

business without using any of your own cash.

In fact, to be honest, youre probably better off
without these types of typical preconceived
ideas and formulas one learns in graduate
school. For some people who have a higher
education it actually clouds their thinking about
whats required to get into business, and it
keeps them from doing it because they think
they have to over analyze the numbers. And the
reality is you dont. You just have to have the
drive, persistence and the determination to see
the deal through.
Question - Okay, Mike, heres a question for
you. How simple is it to buy a business using
100% leverage?
Answer - Its as simple as 1, 2, 3 and maybe
even 4 if the seller or lender needs just a little
bit of convincing. So lets go through the steps:
1. Typical sellers (yes the sellers) often go on to
finance 70% 100% of the purchase. Its true.
Well talk about how we do that in just a little
2. Any remaining amount of cash can usually be
financed through the sellers bank.


3. A business broker or even a supplier to the

business can also be called on to contribute to
your no cash deal.
4. You can use the cash flow of the business to
cover the down payment required.
The idea is to build such stair steps of financing
to reach your goal. And all of these can be
created together.
Question - Mike, does a seller willingly go
along with all this?
Answer - If you can make sure the seller gets
what he or she wants in some form or fashion
then the answer it absolutely yes. Finding a
business on no cash terms doesnt necessarily
mean the seller ends up with no cash. Its just
not your cash theres the key. The other key is
to know the leveraging possibilities you can
bring to the table and which to suggest for a
given situation. Im going to give you a bunch
of them in this book and many others in a free
training video on my website. Visit
Now just to give a little plug here for myself, I
want you to know that our company has

programs that show you, the bootstrap

entrepreneur, exactly how to use these tools,
these powerful tools, to your advantage. And
these details will be in the back of the book as
well. We will also show you not only how to
buy a business but lets say you want to really
take this to the next level, the right thing to do
here if you really want to take it to the next level
is to buy the business and then flip the business.
So imagine youre still having a six figure
paycheck each year and in 18 24 months you
got a seven figure paycheck when you sold the
business. And now you have 1, 2 or 3 million
dollars in cash sitting in the bank versus
$100,000 a year as a paycheck. Which would
you rather have? So if you think about the end
in mind first, which is buy the business with the
intent to flip it, then you may want to actually
partner with us in order to find these businesses
and then flip them down the road.
Question - Hey, Mike, Im still a little fuzzy.
Can you give me an idea of how to use
leverage and how to bring leverage to the
bargaining table so that I can buy a business?
Answer - Absolutely. Lets use the case of one
of our students, Sally. Now Sally had a regular
9 to 5 job and was extremely interested in going
out on her own. In this case she wanted to own

an online business that sells product via an

internet website. She had found this website
through one of the online businesses for sale and
found that it was actually generating a good
income and that it could be run from home
(because she also had two young kids at home).
She wasnt able to pay the kind of cash usually
requested as a down payment for this type of a
We walked her through the process and
consulted with her about using everybody elses
money except her own. We showed her how to
leverage the cash of the business to purchase
and how to increase her profit more than 30%
within the first 60 days. She is now on the path
to growing the business and flipping it very
Question - Mike, can you give me some
specific details on Sally?
Answer - At one of our special two day Flipping
a Business Boot Camps, we actually gave Sally
some very specific details on exactly how to
approach the seller and how to find that
particular seller. It turns out that the seller was
an individual named Adam who is selling after
being three years in the same kind of business
and he wanted to do something different due to
some family issues at home. There was nothing

unusual about the seller who was actually like a

whole lot of other sellers that weve run into.
He was a little uneasy, at first, about the whole
situation but was certainly willing to listen and
was definitely interested in getting the amount
of money that he wanted. In this case he was
asking $230,000. Now we knew that the internet
business had solid financials because they had
arranged an evaluation through a local CPA in
his particular area.
Now heres whats called the proverbial $64,000
question: After consulting with Sally, I asked
Adam what financing would actually be
available from him when he sold the business?
Now keep in mind that Adam was the actual
seller and we asked this question of the seller,
Adam, how much financing would be available
if we agreed to pay him full price. Now Adam
was extremely excited about not having to go
through any kind of haggling on the price. So
his response was actually fairly common. He
actually agreed to finance half or $115,000 of the
purchase price of the business to make it easy
for the buyer to come in. So right away we had
half the cash in order to buy the business and we
got the owner of the business to actually do that
part of it.


Question - How do you know that the seller is

always going to be so willing?
Answer - We dont know that the seller will
always be so willing to meet our terms. But if
theyre motivated sellers they are a good bet to
finance some portion of the price. Many sellers
see it as a good return on investment. They also
know its a good way to win and get the full
asking price. I also noted in our example earlier
with Sally that the seller, Adam, didnt ask if the
seller would finance, she asked how much the
seller would finance. This was actually whats
known as an assumptive close. Making the
assumption puts a little extra pressure on the
seller to buy into the deal. If he or she is not
initially inclined to do so, making an assumptive
close makes it harder for them to back out of.
Question - So, Mike, what happened next?
Answer - Thats actually pretty straight forward.
Sally asked about the existing internet businesss
existing debts. Now, to the seller this was a little
bit like asking a first date if there were any dark
spots in her past or his past. Adam was a little
upset about the question, initially. However,
anticipating that kind of response we suggested
to Sally that she explain to the seller, Adam, that
shed be willing to assume the debt as part of the

purchase price. So if there are any debts in the

business, Sally would take them on. So not only
would the owner, Adam, be willing to finance
half the business but if theres any existing debts
that Sally would take on those debts as well.
Question - Mike is this part of another
financial stair step?
Answer - You got it. If you were in the same
situation you could explain to a seller that he or
she will end up with the same amount of
money, the only difference being you would
assume the debt and take it out of your down
Question - So, Mike, the seller agreed?
Answer - You bet he did. The seller agreed to
turn over another piece of the pie. In other
words, there were liabilities totaling $60,000.
This brought the sellers total commitment from
$115,000 plus another $60,000 to $175,000 or
actually from $230,000 asking price, weve got
$115,000 plus $60,000 makes that $175,000. And
the remaining amount needed to leverage for a
no cash deal was only $55,000. Now we also
know and realize that no lender would spring
for the rest against the internet business because

the assets would already be committed as

collateral for the $115,000 note that the seller
would sign.
Now heres our ace in the hole. Is this economy
we knew that conventional lenders would not
finance the remaining amount because the
existing assets of the company were already
going to be collateralized by the note the seller
would create as part of the owner financing.
We eventually approached a reliable source that
can always be tapped: the internet companys
suppliers, specifically its vendors of the
products that they were selling. Now, I will
cover more on this particular strategy in a later
chapter. Now the supplier knew that the
internet business was his lifeblood and he
wanted to cement a solid relationship with the
new owner so he committed to a $30,000 loan to
be paid back within the first year. So that only
leaves $25,000. So whats the next step?
We then had a conversation with Sally and
decided to ask Adam if hed be willing to accept
a 30 day postdated check for the amount during
which time Sally would borrow from the cash
flow of the business to actually make that
payment. As insurance for the seller, all the
closing documents will be held in escrow until

the checks clear and the seller gets his cash. The
seller had to think about it a bit, but thanks to
the relationship that had been built with Sally
and the time he had already invested in
negotiations, but he finally agreed to the terms
of the deal.
Question - So, Mike, whats the moral of the
Answer - Once you realize price is nothing but
an object to be reached by walking up
individual, financial stair steps, youll never
again be frightened off by an asking price or
down payment. Nor will you any longer believe
the myth that it takes cash you dont have to
make such a transaction. As of today you
should just pretend the term down payment
doesnt exist anymore because, for you, it
doesnt. Essentially the phrase down
payment does not really exist for you anymore.
Now, with that I said I will also add that if you
have cash of your own to put into a business
you can get the deal down faster. Remember, it
does not have to be your cash.


Question - Mike, Im afraid of taking on this

debt. I know you said debt is not a bad thing,
but Im stuck.
Answer - Going into debt to can be scary. For
most people this keeps them from living their
dreams. Most people are programmed to think
that owing money is a horrible thing. Imagine if
the fear of debt had stopped the people whose
rags-to-riches stories I shared with you earlier.
They would never have succeeded in the way
they did.
The key secret to remember is to structure the
debt in such a way so that it can easily be paid
by the cash flow of the business. If you do it
correctly then owning a business with 100%
leverage is within your grasp. If you are still
unsure then you need to partner with someone
(like us) who can walk you through the process
and maybe even own part of it with you or at
the very least pay you a substantial finders fee
(more on this later).
If you are still unsure then you need to partner
with someone (like us) who can walk you
through the process and maybe even own part
of it with you or at the very least pay you a
substantial finders fee (more on this later).


Chapter Review

The second biggest myth about buying a

business with no cash is that it requires
a lot of sophistication and high finance.
And, in fact, it doesnt require that at all.


Another one is the seller, the sellers

bank and even the sellers suppliers are
likely sources to fund your purchase.


Our multi day workshop can show you

how to expertly wield the powerful
tools of leverage, whether youre buying
a business or flipping a business.


Another one is remember theres no

reason to be frightened off by an asking
price or down payment. In fact, for you,
the term down payment doesnt even
exist anymore.


And finally you shouldnt ever be afraid

of debt if you can structure it so that it
can be paid by the business itself.


Chapter Three
How to Find the Best No Money
Down Deals Even Though You
Never See Them Advertised
First off, its not your fault. What I mean is
youve probably been conditioned to think
theres always a cash requirement to buy a
Sellers, in fact, have also been
conditioned to always ask for cash because they
feel the need for some type of a payment in
exchange for turning over their business. Thats
why youll always find a down payment figure
attached to the announcement of the business
thats for sale. Unfortunately that figure scares
off a whole lot of potential buyers.
Well, the fact is virtually any business can be
purchased using its own cash or with no cash
down payment of any kind if you approach the
seller in the right way. But first you have to
know exactly what type of business is right for
you. In todays market, as its been even in the
past and itll probably be in the future, to sell a
small privately owned business is going to
require the owner to actually participate in the
sale meaning that they have to carry paper,
they have to help the sale of that business.
Otherwise, its not going to go through. Very

rarely will you ever see a business being sold for

100% all cash regardless of the amount. So it
doesnt matter if youre talking about a $300,000
business or youre talking about a $3 million
dollar business.
Question Whats the best way to decide on a
business that Id like to buy?
Answer Well if you already have a specific
desire to be in a particular niche or industry,
then great go for it. Otherwise, we can
certainly show you ways to accelerate your
search and make it a whole lot more profitable
and fast. Whatever way you choose, you need
to know a couple statistics.
According to the Small Business Administration,
there are at least 1000,000 very good solid
businesses with annual sales over $400,000 to
$500,000 that is sold each year to folks who use
little or none of their own money. In fact one of
these businesses could be yours.
Question - How do I start looking for such a
Answer There are a couple ways.


You can do all the work on your own,

developing expertise by looking at a lot
of businesses; and through trial and
error, discover how to approach the
subject of the no cash transaction with
sellers. This is what we did in the very
beginning. We learned from our own
mistakes through trial and error, which
can sometimes be expensive in both
time and money. And of course, Im
sure youve used some similar format
on other endeavors that youve had in
the past.


Or you can start with our unique

coaching method and learn from people
whove actually been there, people who
will actually be there to support you
through the process, walk you through
or cut down on the search time that you
need, help you avoid the inevitable and
costly mistakes of flying solo on your
own and doing it all by yourself. Thats
why we have this unique multi day
Its set up specifically to assist serious
entrepreneurs through the search and
acquisition process so that they dont
have to go it alone. You might say that
were your golf instructor when youre
first learning how to golf and then we
become your trusted coach if you want

to partner with us on doing a particular

Once you understand the no cash of
your own process, youll have the
additional power of being able to flip
businesses on a regular basis, quickly
buying and then selling them for profit
to potentially make hundreds of
thousands of dollars a year. And well
cover this a little bit more in detail in a
later chapter.
Question Where do I get leads on businesses
that might be available for no cash?
Answer: Once youre in the buyer/seller
pipeline, the options will actually just
materialize believe it or not, especially if youre
connected to well-networked acquisitions
companies like ours.
On the other hand, there are a lot of traditional
sources that are out there that you should
You can look in your basic
newspaper; you can look in Craigslist; you can
simply type in Google businesses for sale, and
youll find millions of potential websites that
will come up with that phrase. In one recent

Google search it came up with 1,510,000,000

websites. Thats a lot!
You could also look in The Wall Street Journal;
you can look in USA Today; you can look in
Entrepreneur Magazine or Success Magazine.
These are all great places where companies are
trying to sell particular businesses.
But sometimes the best businesses are ones that
you dont even hear about being sold because
they dont know that they can be sold. Ill talk
about that a little bit later as well.
When youre looking for the businesses that are
for sale, really what you're trying to scan and
eliminate are companies that are not worth your
time or effort. We need to understand why the
seller is selling and is it possible that they may
consider a non-cash offer.
This is what our company specializes in and
helping you figure out which are those best
types of companies to go after and look at that
subtle little language that they may use.
It doesnt really matter what the asking price is
that theyre selling the business for or how much

down payment that theyre asking for either. It

doesnt really matter. If you like the way the
business sounds, you dont risk anything by
simply giving the business a call and possibly
visiting the business or at least calling and
starting a conversation.
Remember your down payment is not an
issue. You can find the money in lots of ways.
If you have the cash, thats great. It will help
speed up the process, but its not always a
Question Should I use business brokers or
will they jack up the price of the business to
allow for their commission?
Answer Most business brokers that we know
especially reputable ones do not jack up the
price of the business to cover their commission.
Its actually helpful to have a broker involved in
the transaction because the broker is someone
that will actually motivate the seller to get the
business sold and will help the seller through
any issues that they may have, so theyre
motivated by their commission to get the
business sold. So business brokers - actually

play an important role in this process and I

actually like having them in this process.
Also keep this in mind over half of all the
businesses that are sold are sold through brokers
so they cant be overlooked as sources for your
new business. The best thing that you can do is
become a qualified buyer to that broker and not
just some sort of bottom feeder or tire kicker.
Question Can I seek out the seller directly
and if so, how do I do it?
Answer You know, whats interesting is that
most buyers people who want to go out and
buy a business dont even think about this
particular strategy, even though its exactly the
way the business brokers get their listings. So a
business broker most often will approach a
business owner and see if they want to sell and
then like, Oh yeah, okay. I guess Id like to
sell, versus a business owner who says, Hey,
its time for me to sell my business, and they
contact a broker, specifically the broker
contacting the business first.
So the advantage of you contacting a seller
directly is that you get a good candidate before
its officially up for sale and by doing that, you

get to avoid any competition of any other

prospective buyers. Plus, when a prospective
seller makes the effort to contact you, theyre
really motivated to sell. Thats what I love just
by using the right marketing pieces you get
them to contact you first which means youre in
the power seat.






Answer Well, you want to look and cast the

widest net possible in the field that youre
interested in buying or whatever niche that
youre interested in buying. You can also buy
mailing lists through the local Yellow Pages; you
can go to specialty mailing lists online; you can
go to trade associations; trade journals;
newsletters and you can look at newsletters
which are listed by industry.
So you can look up a resource called Business
Rates and Data at your local library or online and
using mailing lists of brokers. They will get you
lists of small businesses and you can mail to all
of them and see if theyre interested in selling
their business for all cash. Now keep in mind I
said all cash and yes, I meant all cash. I did not
say it had to be all your cash. Lets keep that in

So once youve gotten a list of businesses that

you might be interested in targeting, figure out
what geographic area you want to be in and
then send each a personalized letter of inquiry
asking them if theyd be interested in selling the
business for all cash.
Question Is there any specific language that I
should use?
Answer In our multi day workshop, we
actually teach the language of respect and
credibility for such an approach. Thats very
important. You want the seller to take you
seriously and you want them to also understand
that you respect their company.
You simply make a statement of interest in a
carefully constructed and properly formatted
letter. In addition you always perk up interest
when you include and underscore the following
phrase: I am a cash buyer. Keep in mind, as I
said earlier, its not your cash.
You also want to include whats called a Call to
Action or a CTA in the letter that motivates your
seller to phone immediately. And by the way, a

1% or 2% response to your mailing is considered

excellent. So if you send out 100 letters to 100
prospective businesses, you know, one or two
sellers calling you back and saying theyre
interested is a good response rate, keeping in
mind that one business can get you a six-figure
salary while you then turn around and flip that
business for a $2, $3, $500,000, even a million or
$2 million profit 18 to 24 months down the road.
Even after your mailing to all your prospective
business owners, you can also follow up by
phone to any of those that you dont hear from.
Remind them of the letter. Now you have a
reason that youre calling. Youre saying, Im
calling about the letter that I sent you a week
and half ago regarding about you selling your
business for all cash. I wanted to see if you
might be interested. Thats a great opening line
and will at least pique their interest and they
may talk to you. If they say no, fine. Hang up
the phone; its not a big deal and move on to the
next one. Because Im very busy I actually train
one of my virtual assistants to do this for me and
set the appointment to talk to the owner
directly. I get a ton more calls completed and
appointments set. Easy as pie!


Question Well, Mike, if they say yes or I

might or maybe, whats the next step that I
should take?
Answer The best approach is really a
personalized approach. If youre in the local
area, its always better to invite the owner either
to breakfast or lunch, followed up by a tour of
his business or his facility.
If its a
manufacturing facility, industrial warehouse
wherever his office is get a look at it because if
hes interested, let him talk about how great the
business is.
People love to talk about
themselves and their business. Let him talk and
be proud.
Now this is where I ask you to do a little
clandestine research where its actually right
there in the open, but you get a good idea of is
this a business that you would really want to
buy or not, rather than whatever the seller of the
business is saying on the phone. You actually
get to take a look at it right there on the spot.
Well talk a little bit later about how to qualify
and analyze the business and what
documentation to ask for from an owner for
your evaluation.


Question Mike, are there any other ways I

can obtain some good quality leads of people
who might be interested in selling their
Answer Yes, absolutely simply advertise that
you are interested in buying and you are a cash
buyer. We have found its great using Craigslist
as a cash buyer and directing them either to a
website or a toll-free recorded number where
they can just get a little bit of information.
You dont want to give them too much
information because theyll make a decision on
whether or not they want to talk to you or not
based on whatever information you gave them.
So if youre a little bit more vague, it forces them
to actually talk to you so that you can kind of
pre-screen them and talk to them a little bit
Most of the time when you see a business thats
for sale, its usually done by the sellers; but its
also a great way as a buyer you finding a
business thats for sale.
So when youre looking to place your ad, you
want to place it in a specialized business
category trade journals and newsletters that

target your primary industry that youre

interested in. If youre willing to broaden your
horizons a bit and go outside that particular
niche or industry, Sunday classifieds are a good
place to advertise; again, Craigslists are perfect
for this. Whats nice about Craigslist is its all
free and when the ad expires, you simply just
keep renewing the ad, changing the words. You
can have 10 or 15 different ads running in 10 or
15 different markets, all talking about buying a
business for all cash.
By advertising in different publications, you also
reach sellers who would not normally be
reachable by direct mail. So you want to be able
to reach out to the sellers in multiple ways,
essentially in a way that they would respond to.
Some do it by phone; some do it by mail; some
do it by reading different publications that they
may be interested in. We have even started
experimenting with Facebook advertising,
asking if somebody would be interested in
selling their business for all cash.
When they call you, theyre now pursuing you
rather than you them, so you actually gain the
psychological advantage where youre in the
drivers seat. They need you; you dont need
them and thats a very important position to be
in and one that I absolutely love.

Question Mike, what should I say in my ad?

Answer Thats the easiest thing of all. All it
needs to say to get your phone ringing is, Im
looking to buy a business in X - whatever that
industry or niche is - Immediate cash
available, or All cash available. In some
cases I prefer not to use the word all, so if you
want to allow for a little variation, just use the
word immediate cash available. Keep in mind
I dont mean your cash. Yes, I know Im starting
to sound like a broken record, but hopefully
youre starting to get the point.
Question Mike, are there any backdoor or
hidden ways to find good businesses for sale?
Answer Yes, in fact, there are. Some good
sources of leads to businesses that might be for
sale are the actual suppliers of those businesses.
They always seem to know whos thinking of
selling in that particular industry.
So how could you convince them to help? Well
its not your normal back-scratching situation
where you help them/they help you. You
know, they give you the names of the clients

they believe would be willing to sell and if you

end up buying one of those businesses, you too
will become a loyal and perhaps even more
active customer.
So whats in it for them is that you become the
new owner and you keep them as a supplier and
hopefully you will increase the growth of the
business which means youd buy more products
from them. So theres a long-term benefit for
them telling you about it.
Question Okay, Mike, I get it, so how do I
find these suppliers now?
Answer All you have to do is ask people in the
business. For example, if you wanted to buy a
candy store or manufacturing company, ask
them or ask the manager of a local manufacturer
whos the local wholesaler and call and ask to
speak to the sales person for that particular area
that youre interested in. And youll find that
suppliers typically have a pretty good
relationship with their long-time customers. So
theyre definitely in a position to know which
ones might be either contemplating a sale or
might be approachable on the subject.


This is an important thing to really keep in

The supplier connection is a very
important inroad into acquisition opportunities
that almost everyone else ignores and Im
sharing it with you right now. Dont ignore it.

Question What about making an offer for the

company you work for; and how often does
that happen and how do I approach the
Answer You know its interesting that nearly
25% of business buyers eventually buy the
company theyve slaved for as employees. So
your new business may literally be right under
your nose.
Heres something to keep in mind. You dont
want to buy a business for a couple of reasons
just because its convenient or that you know the
business. Rather, you need to feel that, I like
this kind of business; I like the people I work
with and I know that I can make it grow.
If your employers been in it for a number of
years, if the business is just coasting year to year;
if there are clear signs of decline and the
business has been ignored, you can simply
inquire with the owner, Hey, do you think

youd ever be interested in selling the business,

Mr. Owner? And he might just answer, You
know, I probably would. And believe it or not,
it happens more than you think and the result
can be a non-cash bonanza if you handle it right.


Chapter Review

There are a ton of great no-cash of your

own deals available.


By partnering with professionals like us

who have already been there you save
yourself a ton of time and fruition and


You can also flip a business for a

much larger payday when you keep the
end in mind first.


Leads for great deals are all around you

including the WSJ and Craigslist.


Business brokers can be your best friend

for finding good deals.


Suppliers are a hidden secret for good

leads that almost everyone else ignores.


Chapter Four
Starting Your Research on the
Prospective Company
Using the strategies in the previous chapters,
you may have identified a company that you are
interested in buying or flipping and have had
initiated negotiations with the seller. It is at this
point that it is crucial that you stop, look around
and make sure you have the right team in place
to properly evaluate the true value of the
Your first instincts may be of
complete excitement and want to accelerate the
process just so that you can close on your first
common rookie mistake is to not do a thorough
evaluation of the business and just accept the
information the seller is providing you about the
business without doing an in depth evaluation
of the business, its assets and factors that affect
the industry your prospective business is in.
You need to take all the time you and your CPA
needs to look at the numbers, investigate all
things related to this business. A seller will not
be offended if you take some time to do this. In
fact they may be more suspicious of doing
business with you if you are in a hurry and are
rushing the deal.


The key player on your team at this point is

your CPA.
Find a CPA who has good
experience in advising and evaluating
businesses preferably businesses similar to the
one you are considering. It can make all the
difference in the world. Your CPA will be able
to analyze the books, the cash flow the assets,
etc. to determine a viable offer and evaluate
successful your future marketing plan will be.
They will find the red flags and the sleeping
dogs and also find hidden golden opportunities
that the existing owner never saw or acted on. It
is in this process that the CPA can help you plan
your entire negotiation strategy and plan for
future marketing.
Question - Mike, what are some good signs or
even bad signs that my accountant or CPA can
look for?
Answer: Well lets cover the good signs first:
You want to look for lots of current assets
meaning that they have some cash or anything
that might be able to be turned into cash or
accounts receivable within the next 12 to 18
months. Also look for possible inventory.
Let take a look at a couple of bad signs. If they
have lots of debt especially short term debt like
contracts or bank loans these types of liabilities
are definitely things to frown on although they
could be a negotiation point down the road to
allow you to get a better deal on buying the

company. Now the main difference between

assets and liabilities is whats called the a
companys net worth so a high net worth or
what is called the book value of the company
make the business a good no cash candidate
because you can use the assets of the company
to buy the company. Now we will go into that
in a little more detail in a later chapter.
Dont overlook other assets of the company such
as fixed assets: furniture, machinery, equipment,
computers, phone systems, vehicles, and real
estate. Those types of assets will take a little
longer to liquidate or borrow against but they
can prove to be very valuable in the long term.
Let me give you an insider secret: Sometimes
youll find a seller of a business who will declare
the fixed assets of the business as being actually
worth more than what is shown on books. Now
the question often comes up about how much
do you argue with the seller over those assets
being worth more than whats shown on the
books. Here is the insider secret: It could
actually be better for you to accept the sellers
stipulated number, the reason is you can
actually depreciate those assets substantially
each year as operating expenses out of the
pretax dollars or pretax profits of running the
business, So in essence the seller is actually
lowering the price of the company by declaring
the higher value of the fixed asset.


Question - Mike Ive heard people say that

there is hidden treasures inside of a business.
How can that factor into a no cash deal?
Answer - When you ask the right questions of a
seller during your evaluation often times youll
uncover some little hidden golden nuggets in
the form of inventory or equipment. that might
be carried on the books at one value but is worth
a lot more than what actually is stated on books.
You may also discover an asset that might be
totally over looked by the seller. Ultimately
what this means is you can take those assets and
turn them into cash which can be used for the
actual down payment of the business.
It is always to your advantage to look at the
business and all assets of the business to see if
any of the assets can be turned into cash in order
to make the deal happen. For instance you can
have an asset of the company that the owner
doesnt feel has value that can be sold, you find
someone whos willing to buy the asset and as
long as you have an agreement or contract you
can go into a bank an borrow against the asset
for your down payment.
Question - Are there any other things that go
into the evaluation that will impact what I
offer for the business?
Answer: In of our multi day workshops we
provide you with over a 90 question check list
that we developed to assist in the investigation
of a business. This is what we refer to as a due

diligence check list. Its ultimately what we call

CYA or Cover Your Assets type of check list to
make absolutely certain that you know what
you are negotiating to buy. Now of course, some
of the questions may not apply to the particular
business that you are buying or the niche or
industry that you are buying but most will
For Instance:

Who are the sellers major customers?

How much do they spend annually?
How long have they been with seller and are
they likely to remain as customers?
How are businesses products marketed?
Why are specific techniques used by seller to
market the products?
If they have a sales staff, is the compensation
high enough to give motivation to the sales
We essentially help you figure out whatll be the
major factors affecting the growth or the client
of sales over the last several years with the
business, and how its likely to go in the future,
and how it will actually happen. So this is what
we do in our multi day workshop. We also show
you how to encourage whats called customer

loyalty so we walk through and show you how

to invest. We assess whether the company is
lacking in the area of
repeat purchases,
customer loyalty or whats often referred to as
a continuity realizing it is far easier and a whole
lot cheaper to grow by marketing to existing
customers that finding a new customer.
Typically it costs seven times more to find a new
customer than is does to keep and sell to
existing one. In some of our workshops we also
go thru in detail investigation of physical plants
(facilities), its zoning , lease agreements,
insurance, we cover payroll, employee benefits,
relationship with neighbors and businesses and
all sorts of different things. Ultimately you need
the right questions to ask about OSHA issues
and if there is union there might be
representatives, so you might have to cover all
of those questions, it depends on the industry
you are in however.










Chapter Review:
Dont make the mistake of being so excited
about the business that you dont take time to do
a proper evaluation.
Dont worry about offending the seller by
performing a rigorous evaluation of the
A thorough evaluation will help you determine
the business true value and also its ability to
grow in the future.
On your team, make sure you have a deal
oriented CPA to help in evaluating the company
Some good signs include lots of assets meaning
anything that can be turned into cash with in
about 12 t 18 months.
Dont argue with the seller over the value of the
fixed assets being worth more than what is
actually shown on the books, it actually helps
you in negotiating the final price of the business.
Dont overlook hidden assets that can be turned
into immediate cash like old inventory or
equipment that can be sold off thats no longer
being used.
Talk to customers and suppliers about the
quality and relationship with the seller.


Chapter Five
Secrets to Buying a Business
Using Its Own Cash and None of
Your Own
I know you are going to absolutely love this
chapter. In fact; so many people have read
about this particular chapter because it gives
you some easy and yet quite often over looked
ways of getting the money that you need to buy
the business through that power of that little
word called leverage. My main goal is to show
you how to make the business pay for itself
without requiring you to contribute any of you
own money, unless you want to, of course.
Question - Mike, is it possible to take money
out of cash flow, it seems like that might be a
little bit riskier or reserved only for people
who have a whole lot more education?
Answer - You know its sad but true that a lot of
leveraging techniques have that reputation,
unfortunately its not true, and if more people
knew about them many talented would be
entrepreneurs would have been successful in
business a long time ago. Leverage type
techniques only seen in the area of high finance
experts because you only hear of their use on
large scale multi-million or billion dollar deals.
But understand this as an average Joe Schmo or
Jane Schmo you can put these powerful yet

simple business buying miracles to use right

now today as you read this book.
Question - Is there an easy and simple way to
explain how to use a business own cash flow
for financing purposes?
Answer - You bet there is, let me start by giving
you a little perspective on how much money
were are really talking about.
I heard an expert put it this way the amount of
cash on average that a business puts into its cash
register over just 2 to 3 weeks is usually enough
to cover the down payment to buy that business.
Think about that for a moment. The cash that
ends up going into the cash register in just a
matter of days is usually enough so that with a
little bit of creativity you can use it to satisfy the
sellers down payment. Did you get what I just
said? What could you do with what I just said?
Think about it. Well it can work no matter what
type of business you are after, doesnt matter. It
could be a chain of restaurants, a beauty shop,
an accounting practice, a manufacturer, an
internet marketing business, a hotel, and it
doesnt matter.
Heres an inside secret. There is no law that says
you cant borrow that money all you have to do
is figure out how to use the cash that has been
collected in the cash register just after you take
over to officially pay for the business. That part
can be amazingly easy to do. You get your CPA

to do a few calculations on cash flow and know

how to approach and appease the seller with
your proposal.
Question - Mike, this is exciting tell me the
process, please?
Answer - Well you have just a couple of steps
that you will need to follow. First you or your
CPA will need to determine the net cash flow
generated over the first several weeks of the
business, by figuring the difference between
cash receipts and what has to be paid out in
expenses. Then after you do that all you have to
do is negotiate a deal that enables the seller to
receive the down payment directly out of the
cash flow once youve taken over the business.
Now I know it sounds almost too good to be
true let me give you an example: This was a new
entrepreneur whose name was Kelly and Kelly
wanted to buy a thriving sandwich shop chain
that was in the Chicago area.
She was bright and energetic and even had a
college degree which is certainly no requirement
and she had a little bit of restaurant background.
She did not have the ability to pay the $150,000
the seller wanted as a down payment on the
total sale price of $1,000,000. Now this chain of
sandwich shops was already grossing in excess
of $1M to 1.5M per year in the various local
gourmet supermarkets in the area. What is
great about this particular deal is that Kelly was
able to get the owner of the sandwich shops to

finance the $850,000 over a six year period at a

7% interest rate. The problem for Kelly was
raising the $150,000 down payment that she
Kelly got creative and asked her parents for a
loan. They were able to lend her $45,000 leaving
her a balance of $105,000. So she still needed the
extra money and here is where Kelly took our
advice. She got her CPA who developed a cash
flow statement for the first month under the
clients new ownership. The suppliers would
not require payment for the first month, so Kelly
would have that expenditure in 30 days or 60 to
90 days depending on the supplier. What she
would have to cover would be expenses such as
rent, payroll and utilities and they had to be
factored in. She could not take those out.
The question I am sure you are asking Was
Kelly able to pull it off? The answer is yes. On
seeing the numbers from the analysis from the
CPA, Kelly was convinced that they could easily
pull $145,000 from the business itself within four
weeks. So her big question and fear was how
could she convince the seller who expected a fat
$150,000 check on closing to wait three to four
weeks for their money. Now this is where a
little creativity, a little bit of persuasion and a
little bit of eagerness comes in. Kelly contacted
us and her CPA and we devised a plan that
enabled the seller to hold the final papers of the
sale for four weeks. During that period Kelly,

the buyer would pay him a little over $26,000

per week. Now if she missed a payment, the
seller would have the right to renege on the
entire deal. What is great here is that the seller
bought into the plan that Kelly had on the
$1,000,000 sandwich shop with no cash of her
The key here is to get a good accountant who
can professionally guide you over the magical
cash flow numbers.
Be careful not to
overestimate income or the amount you need to
pay out during that period. Otherwise you
could be up a creek without a paddle as one
would say. That is why we guide our students
and partners through these types of deals.
Question - Mike I get what you are saying
about the strategy that I could leverage the
cash flow from the cash register but what if the
seller still insists on cash at closing? What do I
Answer - It is possible that the seller could still
insist on cash at closing and having the right
CPA on your team and having us in your back
pocket to consult with to come up with creative
solutions is your strongest weapon. So lets say
you happen to call me up and we are talking on
the phone trying to find the right solution on
how to structure the deal so that you could end
up owning this company without having little
or no cash out of your pocket, what would we

come up with? There are several alternatives for

making no cash deals happen despite having the
seller insist on cash at closing. Let me cover just
a couple of them for you. This is by no means
all of the different techniques that we use or that
we consult on with our clients and our partners.
The first one is called the Legal Stall. In this
scenario the seller wants cash up front and you
to take it out of the cash flow after you take it
over. In this scenario, our company will help
you find a technicality that will allow you to
insist that your down payment not be deposited
into escrow until certain conditions are met. An
example of this would be the official transfer of
franchise or proper zoning regulations. So you
reach an agreement with your check and I
should be very clear here, your un-cashed check
is actually held in escrow until all conditions are
met. In the meantime, you take over the
business, put away the required cash in the
ensuing weeks and make that check good when
the times comes to actually cash it. Pretty cool,
Another one is called the Stubborn Seller. Here
is we are talking about a seller who is a little bit
hard-nosed and rejects your fancy financial
strategy to pay him out of his own business. In
a deal like this, we help you make the deal go
through easier by using an advanced cash flow
arrangement. This is where we would figure
out the net cash flow, but instead of you
collecting the money, the seller collects it

directly. Now that cash would have normally

gone to pay suppliers but you with our
assistance work out a deal to defer paying the
creditors for that several week period. The
seller still gets his cash, the supplier will get
paid just a little bit later and you end up
walking into the deal with no money.
Question - How difficult is it to get suppliers
to defer receiving their payments?
Answer - The first part of this is to establish
your creditability with the supplier and keep in
mind that your CPA can help attest to the credit
worthiness of the business and how reasonable
this is for your plan. Sophisticated suppliers are
actually familiar with these types of negotiating
techniques and what is called the so called trade
payables by a new owner. Typically a supplier
will extend you 60 days credit which would give
you plenty of time to pay back the supplier over


Chapter Review:







When you look at a business cash flow

you understand how easy it can be for
the business to buy itself.
There is no law that says you cant
borrow that money. You just have to
figure out how to use it after you take
over to pay for the business.
The amount of money the business puts
into the cash register over several weeks
is usually enough to cover the down
Get a good CPA or accountant who can
guide you through the numbers and
make sure you can pull this off.
Some sellers are a bit stubborn so you
have to utilize legal or accounting
strategies to overcome their objections.
You can withhold the final papers and
ask the suppliers for an extension to
make payments and guarantee any
missed payments would enable the
seller to renege on the deal.
Deferring payments to suppliers is
relatively easy providing you establish
your credibility with them.


Chapter Six
LBO and Hidden Techniques for
Buying a Business
Some of my students know that I do a lot of real
estate and paper investing as well as buying and
flipping businesses. I want to relate leverage to
real estate investing. When you buy a property,
you put in a little money and leveraged the rest.
You made a small down payment and used
somebody elses money, like the bank for the
A leveraged buyout or LBO is using the same
method to buy a business except you very often
use the assets and cash flow of the business to
complete the down payment and even the
monthly installments. A lot of people think that
this is reserved only for multi million and billion
dollar deals on Wall Street and in the movies.
But that is not the case. The business can literally
buy itself and we use the leveraged buyout
(LBO) or the LBO ideas to buy any sized
company without any of your own money.
Now when I go into talking about flipping a
business I want to make a distinction here.
When I buy a business I intend on running, the
owner will probably be out of the business. If I
am looking to flip a business, the owner stays in
the business and we sell it later for a much
higher profit. The owner now receives a smaller
percentage of a much larger deal versus

whatever down payment they were going to get

in an outright sale.
As I go through this chapter, I want you to think
about if you are interested in buying a business
that you will own and run yourself and keep for
as long as you choose or is your goal to buy the
business and then flip it. You really need to
understand the difference and make the
distinction in your strategy. If you really get
into the mindset that you are going to buy and
flip it and then change your mind later, that is
fine but at least if you know what your exit
strategy is going to be, you can use some of the
techniques that we are talking about here to buy
the business and then use some of our
marketing and training techniques to actually
increase the profit of the business so you can sell
it later or just keep the cash flow if you want.
There are some of the things that we teach our
students at our multi day training workshop.
Question - Are there a ton of LBO techniques
or are there only one or two?
Answer - To learn how to use an LBO you need
to understand that there are many different
ways it can be done. To someone who knows
nothing about the business or is not educated in
this type of industry about buying a business
they can seem very skeptical or mysterious even
illegal to people who just dont know. In our
office we have over 40 different LBO techniques
that any entrepreneur, including you, with just a

little bit of knowledge and assistance can put

into action to make a no or low cash down
payment to make a business acquisition.
Question - Mike, what kinds of leverage
individuals like me who are just getting
Answer - Aside from using the businesses own
cash flow to buy the business which is what we
covered in the previous chapter, you actually
knock on the door of businesses that stand to
benefit from the transaction more than you do.
Those people are your prospective suppliers.
Lets think about this for just a minute. You are
going to be a giant cash cow to them especially if
you are going to make the business grow
beyond its present levels. You will be buying
more products from them on a regular basis and
they will want to keep your business. Here is
my inside secret: We find out which is our main
supplier of the business and approach them
with a very simple offer. They would loan us X
amount of dollars in exchange for our continued
business. I guarantee you that once we present
the math to them in calculating the minimum
annual return on their investment and adding
the interest on the loan, even those who might
initially be reluctant usually come around.
Now naturally, you would make an agreement
that if you switch suppliers you would pay the

balance of the loan immediately. This locks you

into using a specific buyer for a time until the
loan is repaid and would also establish your
credibility as someone who will make this
business succeed.
Question - Mike, can you give me another LPO
Answer - Sure, lets talk about something that is
called a sale/lease Back. Under the sale/lease
back approach, this is a really good leveraging
tool. It works in real estate, it works in
equipment, it works in receivables, and it works
in many different areas. Basically it works like
this: you sell equipment or machinery to a third
party who then in turn, turns around and leases
that equipment back to you. This is a great way
for you to get a chunk of cash for the down
You need to use that equipment anyway so you
are paying a small monthly payment on it but
that comes out of the cash flow of the business.
We can help you with this process at our
Question - I heard someone mention the term
factoring. Is this an LBO technique or should I
ignore that?


Answer - Factoring is a great way to get some

cash into a business. Factoring is actually a little
known, especially among small businesses,
method of buying without using cash. Now
bank or finance company would lend you
typically up to 80 percent of the value of all of
the receivables. A receivable is money that is
owed to the business that is typically under 60
days old. If the business has receivables that are
older than 60 days you would probably have a
problem borrowing against them so dont look
at that as a method of creating cash when you
are evaluating the company.
So it makes a lot of sense for you to dig into the
receivable situation in any business you may be
interested in buying.
Inside secret:
You can actually sell the
receivables to a factoring company who would
pay you as much as 70 percent of their value.
The remaining amount less the companys fee,
and after the receivables are collected. You get
cash today of 70 percent of the receivables and
you get a little bit of money later down the road.
That is a good deal for everybody.
Question - It is worthwhile to look at assuming
the payables of the business and possibly
using that to buy down the sellers down


Answer - You bet! You are absolutely on the

right track. When we consult with clients like
you who want to buy businesses for little or no
cash, we always look at the possibility of
assuming the trade payables that is owed to
suppliers. Now depending on the amount that
is owed, assumptions of these obligations can
either reduce or eliminate your down payment
entirely. Keep in mind you will still have to pay
the suppliers within 30 to 60 days but for that
time period you can in effect take over the
business on what is known as an interest free
supplier credit or loan. Cool? Right?
Question: What is your option on buying a
company by using a credit card? Would you
recommend it?
Answer - In this current economy, many
individuals have found that credit card limits
have been slashed or eliminated all together
without any notice putting many companies and
individuals into a bind. Now if you have a
credit card where you can get $5,000 or $10,000,
$50,000 or have been through some of our
business credit building programs where you
can get $200,000 to $500,000 lines of credit that
dont use your personal credit, then yes you can
use those lines of credit for your down payment.
If you have been following with our business
credit builder programs where a lot of these
lines of credit have zero interest loan

arrangements. You are borrowing the money

and paying it back using the cash flow of the
business and you are paying zero percent
interest on it. Now that is a great way to go!
Question - I remember in the movie Pretty
Woman that Richard Gere would assume the
debts of an existing company as a way of
taking control of the company and then break
the company apart and sell off various parts of
the business. Is this something that could be
done on a smaller scale in the $1,000,000 to
$5,000,000 range?
Answer - I mentioned debt earlier and debt
scares some people. Debt can actually be used
as leverage and can be a great opportunity for
you to go in and acquire a business using
existing cash flow of the business to pay debt
and you assume the debts of the business when
you take it over. Often times you will find a
seller who puts a business on the market to get
out from under the debt that is in the business
already. Sellers, who feel the pressure of never
ending obligations and the fear of staying above
water, are Sellers who are more than willing to
trade freedom of getting out from under the
business and debt for no cash down payment
just to get out. Acquiring the existing debt often
eliminates your need for cash in buying the
business to begin with.

A company that is overleveraged or has high

debt can be a great takeover opportunity
because you have the knowledge of how to go
into that company and triple its profit in 12 to 18
The existing debt is based on its
existing cash flow. You may increase its profit
by doing some small things that do not
necessarily increase your expenses. You would
turn that business around and more than cover
that debt and the payment on the debt and make
yourself a healthy profit in the meantime.
One thing I want to caution you about is not
over analyzing the deal. Dont fall into paralysis
by analysis. If you see a good deal, dont be
afraid to move forward and look at the deal.
Dont ignore is just because you are unsure of
the numbers. Get a good CPA on your team
who will evaluate the numbers for you and help
structure your deal or contact our firm, who will
help you in structuring the deal where we could
partner in bringing cash to the deal or find the
factoring companies, CPAs, attorneys, etc. This
is what our company does.
Right now are some of the best times we have
had for buying a business. Just as it is a great
time to buy real estate, it is a great time to buy a
business. People are short on cash and want to
get out from under the business. Keep in mind;
if you are looking to buy a business that you
want to run you can structure the deal in a
phenomenal way. If you are looking at buying

the business and then flipping it, you are going

to keep the owner in place, increase its profit
and then flip it down the road for an even larger
payday without doing all the work managing
the company on a day to day basis.
Question - Can you give me one more LBO
Answer - Here is one you may or may not
already think/thought of. If you find a business
using a business broker, the business broker
may loan you back their commission that they
are going to make on the transaction. Keep in
mind that brokers may insist in the beginning
that financing is not their business but an easy
come back on that is that you are up against the
wall and if they can loan you a portion of their
fee at a reasonable interest rate of course you
can actually do the deal. A smart business
broker will see the writing on the wall that you
are up against and see the deal will be in
jeopardy any other way. If you dont close the
deal, they dont make a fee. But if you do close
the deal and they get part of their fee, then they
get the rest of it later plus interest. So by
loaning just a little bit or all of their commission,
the deal goes through, they get their fee plus


Question - Are there any other no cash

techniques you havent touched on?
Answer - Absolutely!
In our multi day
workshops we go over all the no cash methods
of buying a business. The one thing I want you
to keep in mind is if you are serious about
buying a business for yourself or flipping it, we
want to partner with you and structure the
proper way to buy the business and then
flipping it down the road so that everybody can
make money. Keep in mind that money is not
an obstacle that stops you from buying a
business. It is just a small little step that you
have to go over to have the life that you want
and the business that you want to turn around
and flip for hundreds of thousands or even
millions of dollars


Chapter Review:







When you use a credit card, you are

actually using leverage meaning that
you are borrowing using other peoples
money. Or when you buy a house, you
make a small down payment and are
using the banks money to buy the
Our multi day workshops will cover
over 40 different viable forms of LBO
buy out techniques.
Suppliers can help provide the financing
because they need and want your
Using the businesses own receivable by
borrowing against them or selling them
to a factoring company where you get
70 percent of their value can get you the
cash that you need right away.
Assuming the payables of the company
is another way to pay the sellers cash
down payment.
Assuming the debt is yet another way of
taking over a company without paying
a down payment.
Be aware of paralysis of analysis. If it is
a good company have your team back
you up and move forward with the deal


A business broker may provide you

with part of the financing that you need
from his commission.


Chapter Seven
The Art of the Deal
Most people who get started buying businesses
get intimidated because they dont understand
the rules of the game. And that is exactly what
it is: a game and a very old game. It is actually
very easy to do if you have the right kind of
coaching on the sidelines. Getting the deal to
work in the time frame you want and under the
terms that you want is more or less about
addressing the sellers emotional wants and
needs as it is finding money for the deal.
If you learn to focus with some of the
intangibles dealing with the psychological issues
of what the seller wants versus what the seller
needs will mean the deal will get much easier
for you and you will get a better deal. Newbies
who start out and only focus on the numbers
and the financing of the company lose sight of
some of the personal issues that can be equally
or more important than the actual numbers.
In buying a business is really not different than
buying a piece of real estate. When buying a
piece of property that would rent for more than
it would cost me to get a loan on the property, I
would take a small down payment, buy the
property using a bank loan or private funding to
finance the difference, make a monthly payment

on the property using the rental income from the

property and keeping the remaining balance as
profit each month. Plus you get to depreciate
the house itself which helps lower my taxes
which means a profit each month. This can be
done not only with single family houses but
apartment buildings and other commercial
buildings and it works on business. It is really
not different. You are just looking at a single
family house as an investment vehicle and a
business is the same investment vehicle.
Question - What is the single most important
thing that I need to pay attention to for this
deal to work out?
Answer - Your relationship with the seller is
based on trust and confidence in each other. It is
important to make sure this is maintained
throughout the entire evaluation process and all
the way up to the closing table. The financial
numbers, the evaluation, the review are all
important and I am not trying to undermine that
but you must establish some type of rapport
with the seller otherwise the deal always risks
collapsing and falling apart.
Question - What makes this deal so fragile?
Answer - A big thing to look out for is called
sellers remorse. It is like in real estate where
you have buyers remorse where I have an
investor who wants to sell me a house or

apartment building at a discounted amount and

then they want to change their mind at the end
because they think they can get a better deal
elsewhere or they dont want to let go of it
because they managed it for such a long period
of time. It is the same in a business where the
owner of the business is so involved in that
business when they finally decide to let go they
wont know what else to do with their time so
they get scared and wont let go of the business.
You will typically be able to tell you have
sellers remorse the longer you see the
negotiations go on. Sellers remorse is a definite
deal killer that you must be able to remedy or
know when to move on.
Question - Mike, I heard a term called Sellers
envy. Can you explain that?
Answer - On top of sellers remorse, you have
something that is known as Seller Envy. You
will encounter this more when you are working
with no cash down deals. Here are the basics:
You are able to negotiate a great deal with the
seller of the business, you used LBO and you
were able to structure the deal with no cash of
your own and even the rest of it 100 percent
financed by the seller. You are feeling really
good about it, you like the deal and then out of
the blue all of the sudden the seller says
something or starts to resist going to closing.

Here is what is actually happening underneath

it all. It is possible that several years ago the
seller paid many thousands of dollars in cash up
front for the business or started it with cash of
his own. You are now buying it with everyone
elses money but your own and it doesnt matter
that it isnt fair or logical in that everybody in
the deal is getting what they want. The seller
looks at it and it is just the principle of the thing.
The seller is thinking that somehow you are
smarter that he or she was many years ago and
my gosh what will it look like when people find
out they sold the business to you cheaply and
you didnt pay a penny of your own cash?
Question - Well Mike, what is the solution?
Answer - It is time for empathy. The seller
needs to be gently reminded of what he or she is
getting out of the deal. It doesnt matter where
the money is coming from, the seller is still
getting what he or she wanted. Who wants to
go through this whole process again with
another prospective buyer when you are ready
to sign giving the seller everything they asked
It is possible if the seller is financing part of the
transaction that they may be worried how the
buyer is going to pay if something goes wrong.
If that in fact is the case, you can remind the
seller how secure he or she really is in this

matter if you default not to mention what you

have to lose. This should cancel out any notion
that you are getting the business for nothing.
This is also a great time if you are looking at
flipping the business and you are stepping in
and are using some leverage techniques to get
the down payment or the cash the business
needs to be able to grow and you are going to
help grow the business and triple its profit in 12
to 18 months to remind the seller that they are
staying in the business and are going to get a
much bigger payday about 18 to 24 months
down the road from now. They still stay in
control of the business. Sometimes flipping a
business is, in fact much easier than buying a
business because you can get rid of all of these
fears because the seller is still involved in the
business running it day to day. You are coming
in and using better marketing techniques and
taking over the business for a major ownership
percentage of the business in return
additional growth.
Question - Can you go over some bargaining
basics I need to look for?
Answer - Sure. Lets talk about several of them:

Come to the bargaining table

knowing as much about the sellers
position as possible. In other words,
what is behind the persons interest
in selling the business?


How motivated are they to sell?

What are their problems and what
does the seller want to do in their
life after they sell the business?

You can typically get the answers from the seller

or the people around the seller. These answers
will give you insight on how to approach the
negotiation. I liken this to being able to see the
other persons cards in a game of Texas Holdem. You know what the seller has so you
know how to play your hand. Pretty simple,
Focus on the terms of the sale, not the price.
Most small businesses will typically sell in the
one to three times their cash flow. Once our
firm has been able to help you accurately
determine that number, price almost becomes a
non-issue. You simply need to imprint your own
brain these no cash down terms so it becomes
your obsession.
Always put yourself in the sellers shoes as you
negotiate. If you keep in mind what you have
learned about the seller, you want to design a
proposal to meet the sellers needs. I always
like to ask the seller for ideas on any problems
that need to be resolved. Your body is designed
with two ears and one mouth so do twice as
much listening as talking. Sellers will reveal a
lot about themselves that will tell you how to

win them over. All you have to do is listen for

Act like Cool Hand Luke, like in the movie.
Always keep a cool head in negotiations that
could go on for weeks and sometimes for a
couple of months. Just means you are getting a
better deal. Negotiations can break down,
emotions can run really high and they can bring
out the worst in everyone.
If you keep in mind that you are in a courtship
or type of romance, then you have the
opportunity to win the hand of the seller.
Make your CPA the bad guy. If it comes to the
point and it is possible that is will that you cant
be flexible and hold your ground without
appearing that you are unwilling or unmoving
all you have to do is simply say I hear you
and I would like to be flexible on this point, but
my CPA feels this would not be appropriate.
This way you dont have to be the bad guy and
you can continue negotiating in a friendly
Dont ever allow your CPA or
attorney or other advisors to be deal breakers.
We have seen more deals fall through because
we have seen CPAs or attorneys who dont
believe that you should do a deal. You have to
be careful about the types of CPAs or attorneys
you put on your team because some of them
never want you to take any risk whatsoever
which means you will never do a deal. You

need to be the final judgment of when the deal

gets pushed to the breaking point.
Question - Can you talk for a few minutes
about the different types of seller personalities
I might run into?
Answer - Let me start off by saying that most
first time sellers are very nervous. This is not
the selling of a car. A business may e something
they have run for a big portion of their
professional lives and it is now about to be sold
or traded or bartered away. This can be an
emotional process for a lot of sellers who are still
invested in their companies. One thing to keep
in mind that I have found in almost all situations
the sellers will try to cover up those feelings.
They dont want you to know that. They want
to gain the upper hand in the bargaining process
so they get all of their emotional and financial
needs met.
So lets talk about some of the seller
personalities that you might run into. The first
one is called the Explorer. This is the person
who tells you that are more or less checking
things out to see if their business is worth selling
and a lot depends on the offer they get. This
type of seller has a position that is designed to
make the seller look as if they could take it or
leave it and dismiss any notion that they are
desperate or would sell out cheaply or would

need a partner to grow the business if you are

interested in flipping the business. This type of
seller is most interest in maintaining a slight air
of indifference because that is how they feel
superior in the negotiation.
Inside secret: This secret is to give it back to the
seller with the same air of indifference. So you
might say something like this: To tell you the
truth, I am just exploring the possibility myself.
But Ill tell you if you give it some thought and
decide that you want to make a move any time
soon, I might be interested in making an offer at
the right price. That will typically get the seller
to move off their position and get their number
and move them off their position real quick.
Another personality is something called Mr.
Magnet. This is the type of seller who says there
are a lot of people attracted to this business.
Even though there might be a number of
potential buyers who might be circling a
business, the sellers will typically make the
claim they are sought after so you will act quick
to not risk the chance of being out bid. Never let
that type of pronouncement sway you in the
least. Dont feel like you will not get the deal
you want because you will be outbid by the
other swarms of buyers. Two can play the same
game. Give the seller your contact information
and ask them to call you when things quiet
down. Now think about what I just said. Give
me a call when all the other deals fall through.

In about 24 to 48 hours you will probably be

getting a call.
Another personality type is the seller called the
Pretender. This type will run some ads for the
business but never fully commit to sell. They
may offer the business at a very high price just
to see if there is a patsy that will take the bait. It
is just like a house that is being sold and the
house is listed for more than the market says it is
worth. They want to see if there is somebody
out there willing to pay more than what the
market will bear but they are not really
interested in selling. If there is somebody
willing to pay the price then sure, they are
willing to sell it.
Another type of Pretender is someone who will
waste your time by hinting or flat out telling you
they are interested in selling but are only
interested in finding out what their business is
worth on the open market. For these type of
sellers we like to go in and actually tell them
what their business is worth. We wont charge
them a dime to do it but it will get our foot in
the door so we could actually do this business as
a flip versus as sale. We could acquire a
majority interest in the business and grow the
business and flip it for a higher multiple down
the road. So the seller ultimately gets all the
cash they want and more by letting us partner
on the deal.


Another type of Pretender is the one who feels

Sellers Remorse. The seller thinks they want to
sell but when it comes down to it they cant bear
to sell the business. The inside secret here is that
something doesnt feel right from the beginning.
Our company and with our coaching we would
recommend that they see a contract detailing the
offer. Now this costs the seller money and
indicates a commitment will likely flush out the
Pretenders from the serious sellers.
Question - Is there a secret to telling what the
seller will take for the business before I
actually make my offer?
Answer - You can use a little known secret of
what is known as a strawman. A strawman is
when you ask friends or other business
associates to approach the same seller playing
the role of another serious buyer and have them
offer very very low terms to buy the business.
Your strawman should be able to get the seller
to concede on some of the points. This becomes
very important intelligence for you that you can
use in your negotiation with the seller. The
strawman offers a lower price than the seller is
asking raising doubts in his or her mind about
the original asking price. You come in and offer
more than they did but less than what the seller
originally asked. The seller being confused by
the earlier bid accepts yours because in
comparison it seems like a really good deal.


Chapter Review:





Negotiating is a very old game and with

some coaching you will be surprised
how well you can play it.
It is critical to establish a relationship of
trust and confidence with the seller.
Sellers Remorse and Sellers Envy can
get in the way of your end sale and
Go to the bargaining table knowing as
much about the seller as you can to get
the best deal.
Focus on the terms of the sale, not the
personalities will enable you to step
ahead and negotiate on your terms.
You could use the secret strategies of a
Strawman to approach the seller with a
low price so he will think your offer is
even better.


Chapter Eight
How to Make the Financing a
Walk in the Park
By now you have had some great ideas and
have learned some techniques on how to come
up with the down payments for making the
business no cash down deal but you may still be
a bit nervous on how to come up the balance of
the sale price. That actually seems harder. In
reality it is not harder. It is relatively straight
forward once you understand that money is all
around you to buy that business. There are lots
of people who would be willing to lend you the
cash to help you buy the business. Keep in
mind that it doesnt have to be your cash. This
is all about leverage and learning about how to
get the deal done.
Question - Where do I look first?
Answer - It is as easy as looking around you. In
fact, lets talk about the most obvious source for
getting money for the business. The most
obvious source is the seller.
Lets talk about the seller for a few minutes:

Sellers are not obsessed with earning

interest. Their objective is to sell the
business for a good price. Saying yes to
a financing request to you as a good



qualified buyer is easy if they will do it

at a lower rate than bank lending rates.
In fact, we have structured many deals
where we are able to go into the
business and structure it out on
payment terms and we never mentioned
interest at all and therefore we get zero
percent financing.
Sellers can be a lot more understanding
about the financing than going to a
bank. Let me say this, I dont like using
banks if I dont have to. I dont ever
want to have to go to a bank to borrow
money and put up my financials and w2s in order to get a loan. I dont want to
do that and you dont need to do that
either. The seller is more likely to
understand your deal because they have
lived and breathed the business for most
of their life.
Working with the seller as your bank,
you do not have to post collateral like
you do with a bank. You have to give
your bank your first born, your blood
and a kidney. When you are working
with the seller of the business they are
not asking for additional collateral. In
fact they will use the collateral in the

business to support your purchase.

Some sellers may ask for a personal
guarantee but other than that they will
use the collateral that is already in the
business as the collateral they use to
loan you the money to buy the business.

Question - Mike, how do I bring up the whole

part about financing with the seller?
Answer - If you have a seller that says they need
all cash at closing, it is true that they may need
some cash at closing but in almost every
situation they dont need all of it in cash. More
than likely the real reason for hesitating on
doing no cash deals maybe concerns about
You have met the seller, he might like you but
he doesnt know you well enough to know if
you can run such a business and cover all of the
financial obligations that you have to him. This
is actually pretty common. This where our
consulting helps out by building in all the legal
assurances that reduce the possibility of loss
including of course a security interest in the
business property or even a binding personal
guarantee if you need it. Something that you
could always say to the seller is If you would
be willing, I would love to hire you as a part
time consultant to help we with new ideas and

share some of your wisdom about running the

Another common technique we use is to when
you buy the business, the former owner agrees
to stay on for at least 6 to 12 months to help you
run the business and provide a smooth
transition. Not only between the two of you but
between the customers and their suppliers.
Now this strategy is also perfect for the flipping
strategy because if the owner is already there, to
the outside world, nothing has changed. In the
flipping strategy, the owner is going to remain
in the business. You are going to step in and
provide better marketing and offer some inside
secrets on how to really increase or triple the
profits in 12 to 18 months that will allow the
owner to cash out of the business at a much
higher multiple.


Chapter Review:

The seller is one of the best resources for

funding the remainder of the purchase
price. Keeping mind that the seller is
more understanding than the bank
would be if you are ever late on a


If the seller wont budge, go to the

sellers suppliers who also know the


Chapter Nine
How To Laugh All The Way To
The Bank By Taking Over Sick
Companies With No Cash Out Of
I am about to reveal to you one of the best kept
secrets in the business world.
speaking, you cant blame the small number of
people who know how to make tremendous
fortunes in this field for not spreading the word.
They are making huge profits while the rest of
the world views the opportunity as an
opportunity for trouble.
They see a sick
business or a business that has difficulty as a
problem. In reality, nothing makes you more
money than taking over a bankrupt or troubled
business. In fact you can create a perpetual
money machine by buying them, quickly
reorganizing them and then selling them for a
hefty profit.
Question - Mike, wouldnt I just end up
owning someone elses problems by taking
over a bankrupt or troubled company?
Answer - In that type of scenario the companys
problems can actually work for you. The

existing debts actually offer you built in

financing for an easy no cash deal. One of the
things we have done for companies in the past,
either companies we are buying, or working for
companies individually, we have been able to
negotiate a businesss debts down between at
least a 40 to 80 percent discount. Sometimes we
can even get down to a 95% discount off of what
they owe simply because we know how to work
with suppliers and the assets of the company.
So if you imagine for a moment taking a
company that has $100,000 in liabilities and
negotiating those liabilities down to a 40 to 80
percent discount, you eventually increase their
profitability of their company by anywhere from
$40,000 to $80,000, actually increasing the value
of the company by a multiple of 1 to 3 in a small
business normal sale scenario.
Question - So Mike, am I becoming a takeover
Answer - Actually a takeover specialist is a great
way to look at it. A takeover specialist knows
that everyday new owners of troubled
companies strike deals with creditors who agree
to walk away with less than 20 or 30 cents on the


Question - Why do creditors accept so little?

Answer - They look at the alternative. What
would they get if the company went into
bankruptcy and liquidated
Creditors often
accept virtually any amount that is greater than
what they would get if the business assets were
put on the auction block? If you offer them just a
little bit more than that, they will grumble and
groan and complain but they will often accept it.
In fact it has also been known that there are
several companies which have been bought and
sold for tremendous profits that went into
bankruptcy as a way to force creditors to accept
less than what they were owed. They paid the
debt at an enormous discount and came out of
bankruptcy and were a very viable company
that were turned around and sold for a very
high multiple because they eliminated all of that
Question - This sounds interesting doing
Corporate Debt Settlement?
Answer - Absolutely! Corporations and other
large businesses understand cash flow. They
understand that some money today is better
than no cash sometime in the future. With the
threat of possible bankruptcy in the future
wiping them out entirely getting something now
is better than some vague promise of something

in the future. So settling a corporations debts is

a very viable alternative to creating a lot of cash
flow. So even if you were to assume the debts of
a corporation, I did not say that you would
assume the debts personally, I just said that the
corporation would still take it over on behalf of
the seller. You can now step in and negotiate a
reduced payoff of those debts as a onetime
payoff. You can still find additional suppliers or
vendors for that corporation later to replace the
ones that you negotiated with.
Question - If I take over a company for pennies
on the dollar, that sound pretty exciting but am
I ending up owning a bad business?
Answer - You know what? In reality there is no
such thing as a bad business. Typically it is bad
management that weakens and makes a
company go belly-up or bankrupt and closes the
businesses doors. It may be that the business in
its current state is actually loser or bad business
but when you step in and use your skills to
ramp up its marketing, ramp up its profits and
reduce its expenses you can turn a bad company
into a stellar company that other companies
including merger and acquisition firms want to


I want to tell you a little story about a young

lady named Jennifer Runyeon who being less
than 30 years old did something most people
her age would never have done. She worked out
a deal to take over a bankrupt company whose
only product a windshield wiper blade. What
made the company unique was that it had three
types of blades instead of one. What Jennifer
did was she ignored the traditional sales
channels like auto parts stores and Sears and
establishments like that, and sold to drivers
through oil company credit cards. She is an
example of going from rags to riches. In just one
year after the takeover, she was then operating a
business grossing $20 million dollars a year.
So what is the moral of the story? Given the
transformation of the innovative management
any business can become a good or even great
Question - Can you give me some of the best
ways to find a business that would be great for
a takeover?
Answer - Learning how to find some of the best
candidates for a takeover and by the way, they
are not typically advertized, is a subject that I
cover extensively at our multi day workshops.
Youll learn about this a bit more in the next
chapter. We will teach you the tell-tale signs

you would look for in business financial

statements specifically the red flags that are in
their balance sheet. You want to do just a little
bit of detective work as well.
For instance?

How are the payables? Is the company

feeling the hot breath of creditors?


How much has the company lost and

for how long?


How much is the owner taking out of

the business, both on and off the books?

These are questions that you learn to ask and to

find the answers to that will indicate if it is a
troubled business and is it ripe for a takeover.
Question - Mike, what is the key to using the
right target for a takeover?
Answer - Once you get the hang of looking for a
business that is ripe for a takeover, it really is
possible that you may want to buy and sell
businesses on a regular basis as a business itself.
I actually call this flipping.
What is critical to your success is in each deal
being really aware of where the bodies are
buried so to speak and knowing the immediate
and long term concerns related to the companys
key employees, their customers, their suppliers,
sales distribution and manufacturing. That is

why it is critical to have in the transaction

people who are competent; they are deal
oriented and know the process of buying and
selling a healthy business as well as a troubled


Chapter Review:






The profit in taking over troubled

companies is one of the best kept
Rather than merely inheriting someone
elses problems you are getting a
company that gets its own built in
financing, you are using its debt.
Suppliers take a small percentage on the
dollar to get rid of what a company
owes them. This drastically reduces the
debt that is owed and increases the
value of the company you are buying.
If the supplies balk at taking a severe
discount for payoff, you can also force
the company into liquidation and use
private financing or even a bank loan to
buy back the assets of the company at a
fraction of their value.
My multi day workshop will show you
how to locate troubled businesses that
would be ripe for takeover.
Dont forget, looking for troubled
companies on a regular bases and then
flipping them quick for a large profit.


Chapter Ten
The Art of the Flip
I want to take a moment and talk about the
benefits of flipping a business. Being able to
structure what a business seller is looking for,
sometimes they need cash, sometimes it is an
emotional need, and sometimes they need cash
to grow the business. It is just not growing to the
point they want it to be, or they just dont have
the management experience to take it to the next
level. This is where you can come in and own a
percentage of the business typically 50 percent
or more of the business, turn around and grow
the business using some marketing techniques
that I will talk about here in a few moments and
literally triple the companys profits in 12 to 18
months and then turn around and sell that
business to another company or even a mergers
and acquisitions firm who will pay a much
higher multiple.
Question - Mike, what are some of the key
Answer - The key ingredient when flipping a
business is that the owner is going to stay in
place. You are not going to take over the
business and run the business. That is not what

you do. You do not have time to do that. In

fact, as a business flipper, you are going to be
working on flipping many businesses at the
same time. You need to have the right team in
place to support you so that the work can be
done properly without you having to run the
company on a day to day basis.
Question - You keep talking about the team, is
the team really that important?
Answer - Absolutely! You need the right team
to guide you and consult with you to make sure
you dont miss anything when you are buying
the business. Thats not all, when you are
looking at flipping a business, you need to have
the right marketers behind you that know how
to grow the business, bring in the additional
sales and of course bring in the profit. This may
be as simple as reducing its existing debt, and
increasing sales. Increasing the number of times
a particular customer buys from that business
each month. Creating auto fills for the company
or continuity programs. There are lots of
different choices.
Question - What are some key things that I
should look for in a company that I might want
to flip?


Answer - Actually there are several things that

you want to look for when looking at a company
that you might want to flip.

Why are they in business to begin with?

In other words, what is their need? If
they dont have a need to sell they are
not going to. You need to find a way to
make them uncomfortable about being


You need to get the owner to look into

the future of their business and compare
against the times in 2007 or 2009 and the
fear of what the future will hold.


Get them back to right now. What do

they see working with your company
will look like in the future?


Have them visualize the lifestyle they

want to live. How do they really want
to see themselves? They had a dream
when they started their company. What
happened to it?


Watch for short timelines.

This is
something to be careful of, watch out for
delayed action, which means there is
another deal on the table. Keep in mind
that you have something that they dont
have. They need you, you dont need


Question - You talked earlier about using an

LBO to buy a business, where I would be the
owner. What are some things that I am going
to be talking about, when I am looking at
partnering with a company that I want later to
Answer - When you are approaching a seller of
a business and this is a business that is not
making the most amount of profit that they
could be making, ultimately your approach is,
are they willing to wait and defer the amount of
money they would get now if they were going
to get a much higher number just down the
road. By allowing you to come in to some better
marketing techniques and increase the profit.
Most of the time the seller is going to say yes,
and they would want to do that. Not all sellers
will and you dont need all sellers to. If the
sellers are arguing with you in the beginning,
this is not a deal that you want. If the seller is
interested in what you have to offer then you
keep moving forward. At any time, you can
pull out of this deal. You dont need them, they
need you. This is something to keep in mind.
Here are a few things that you want to anchor.

You have a team and they do not. Our

company is your team. We can help you
structure these deals.



You have systems that will make their

business much more effective. You dont
have to disclose what all those systems are.


Make them see a greater purpose for the


Question - Are there any good qualifying

questions to ask the seller to determine if this
is a deal that I want to flip
Answer - Sure, let me give you several.

Are the net sales $1,000,000 or more?


Has the company been in business for

at least two years?


Is it a big market?


Does it have audited financial

statements? If not, you can settle for
compiled but you would prefer audited.


Is there a huge upside in the business,

meaning is the business currently
running lower than its percentage of
capacity in whatever industry that it is


Is it a low tech business? Avoid high

tech companies. There is so much
change going on and you risk having
the equipment be obsolete in a short
period of time.



Is it a low skills business? This means

it doesnt require having highly skilled
people that are paid a very high salary
and are not very hard to find.

Those are just a few of the questions that you

would ask. In our course we cover literally 20 of
those in our multi day workshops.
Question - Are there any mindset type
questions that I should ask a business owner
that I am interested in flipping?
Answer - Yes, lets cover several of them. Before
we talk about which questions you should ask, it
is important to understand why the owner of
the business is interested in selling the business
to begin with.
So you want to ask them a couple of questions:

Do they own 100 percent of the

company and if not how many other
owners are there?


What is the structure of the business? Is

it C Corp an LLC, a partnership, what
type is it?


What is their plan for the business to

currently grow? Do they have a plan in



Would they sell the business for the

right price and if so, what is the right
price that they have in their head right


Are you currently profitable? Some will

say yes and some will say no. If they
say no, then potentially it is a troubled
business that we could do a takeover on
and allow the seller to get out of it by
going in and reducing its debt,
increasing its profit and selling the
business off down the road and you
dont have to take on any of the
liabilities. So that is a really good way
to go.

Question - Can you give me some ideas on

where I could find some deals for flipping?
Answer - Aside from coming to our multi-day
workshop where I will cover multiple ways and
show you with scripts and everything else how
to find these deals, lets cover a few here.

You can go to different networking

groups in your town.


Trade shows are a great way to find

companies that may want to sell.


The Chamber of Commerce in your

local area.


Business appraisers.



All of these are great ways of finding deals that

no one else knows about. It is up to you; just let
people know that you are looking to buy a
business all cash. Keep in mind we didnt say it
had to be your cash. Be mindful of the phrasing
that you are using. So, you will find someone
who eventually says they want to sell, or would
be interested in selling. You could find someone
who doesnt think that they could sell because
they dont think their business is worth
anything. They think they have too much debt.
That is a perfect takeover client or a client that
we could do an LPO (leveraged buyout) or
partner with and help them grow. There are
plenty of companies out there that you can make
a tremendous profit with. You just have to start
your search.
Question - Mike, if I am interested in flipping
a deal and it is going to take 12, 18 or even 24
months to do it, how do I make money in the
Answer - That is fairly easy to do because you
are helping them grow the business and you are
literally tripling their profits in 12 to 18 months
or even 24 months, you can structure the deal so
you are actually paid a flat fee per month. A
percentage of whatever the owners salary is on
a monthly basis, based on you actually
increasing the growth of the business. In other

words, if the business is doing for example

$100,000 a month in revenue you get paid a
percentage of all of the additional sales that
occur over that $100,000 which shows the seller
of the business that you are only being paid for
what you do for the business. They have
nothing to lose and everything to gain by
allowing you to work with them.
Question - If I am hearing you correctly you
are saying I can do a flip deal, get paid along
the way and still get a big payday at the end?
Answer - Absolutely! In fact, not only can you
have cash now, you can have a big payday later
and you dont have to put any cash into this
So lets say you were to use one of our
marketing techniques used to increase the
companys profitability. By increasing the
number of times that a client will come in, and
purchase products or services the company sells.
Clients would come on a regular basis instead of
once a year, or once a month or three times a
year or whatever it is. When that happens you
are able to step in and provide immediate profit
to the company.
A new customer costs seven times more than it
costs to sell to an existing customer. You are

making immediate profit right now and you can

get a percentage of that additional sale.
What I want you to focus on is not getting a
percentage of each individual sale but getting a
percentage of the gross revenue increases from
the company when you start helping them
market and bring in more business.
instance, a lot of companies dont have a website
or have a very basic poor website. They are
small companies and they do business by word
of mouth. If you go in and you do a little bit of
marketing, some SEO work, you do a little bit of
local search work and all of a sudden you start
driving traffic to that page.
By the way, any money that you spend to drive
traffic to their website to get them more sales is
paid for by the company. It is not paid for by
you. You are getting paid for your knowledge of
how to put all of these things into place.
Question - Mike can you give me another
example of how to help a company increase its
Answer - Yes. Another thing we can do is we
could also create an auto responder email series
for a business existing clients. Most companies
do not know how to use an auto responder.
They may have heard the phrase before but they
dont know how to use it, how to maintain it or
how to set it up. Because they are too busy

running their business, they dont know how to

use basic internet marketing skills to drive more
business. Keep in mind, the company will pay
for whatever the fees are. Whether you go to a
company like One Shopping Cart or Aweber or
Infusionsoft, you can create an auto responder
series that in essence provides information or
special offers to its existing customer base. On a
regular basis gives an offer to buy a product this
month and get 10% off on your order over X
amount of dollars. All of a sudden that drives
more people to the website, who by more
products on a more frequent basis which will
increase the overall profitability of the company.



Be sure to address the sellers financial

and emotional needs when you are
structuring your deal.


Flipping Businesses enables you to

easily work on multiple deals at the
same time because the owner is still in
place running the day to day operations.


You can make great money during the

flipping process by receiving an agreed
upon percentage of the increase in sales
that you are creating.


Keep in mind that you have something

that the owner wants. They need you
more than you need them. You bring to
the table systems and a vision for a
greater purpose of the business.


Chapter 11
How to Get All the Guidance
You Need for All Cash Deals and
You have read a lot in this book and by now I
am sure you are pretty darn excited about going
out there looking for a company that you could
do an LBO, or a company that you could
possibly flip. The benefit of flipping a business
is that you have no cash in the business deal,
and you make cash along the way while you
increase its profits, and you get a huge payday
at the end. So flipping the business is really the
best way to go. Now I know that some of you
who read this book will be interested in buying
a business no money down and that you will be
happy running. I encourage you to look at the
business that you buy as a business that can be
flipped. Why not have three or four businesses
that you own the majority of ownership in
rather than having one business that takes up all
of your time to run. If you own three or four
businesses that you have majority ownership.
Somebody runs it day to day who is already
familiar with running the business, and you
dont need to step in and figure it out. You just
did more to increase the profitability of the

business and make it better for everyone so you

and the owner can both cash out down the road.
Question - Tell me more about your multi day
Answer - This is a live two day event that we
host in Colorado Springs and occasionally in
different locations throughout the country. We
will sit down in a boardroom setting and go
over in detail what you need to do to find a
business, to interview the owner to negotiate the
deal to get the financing to do the marketing and
ultimately to exit out of the deal in 12, 18 or 24
months and make a profit of a whole lot of
money. Our main goal, I will be blunt is to
partner with you on deals. So our goal is to
teach you the right way to find companies, look
for the very best deals that we can partner on
together. You simply find the deal using what
we teach you, you bring the deal to us, we will
structure the deal, we will do the marketing and
you get a percentage of the deal. So not only can
you get some cash now, on a monthly basis, you
get a percentage of whatever we take in but you
will also get a percentage of a big payday at the
end. Sometimes you may get more cash on a
monthly basis and ignore the payday at the end.
It depends on what your particular need is. We
have something that suits everyone. We have a
copyrighted system that we will disclose to you.
It discusses specifically how you can conduct

your individual search and acquisition for the

right type of business. We show you how to buy
a business from scratch and how to flip it. You
will also learn all the techniques for taking over
troubled companies for pennies on the dollar,
and flipping them by selling them for a
substantial profit once you get them back on
their feet. You will also get a copy of my home
study system that covers everything that you
just learned. Plus all the necessary contracts,
forms and everything you need to buy a
business with leverage or to flip the business
Question - If I have a business candidate right
now, can I bring it to you to partner with you
on the deal?
Answer - Yes, in fact you could do that. If you
have not gone through our training, you must
understand that while we can take a deal
referral from you the percentage will be less
because we have to do more work in the
negotiation and structuring of that deal. If you
go through our multi day workshop you will
make a much higher percentage by spending a
couple days of your time to learn the ins and
outs of the business. You can do this completely
on your own and would be well to your
advantage. But if you dont want to do that or
dont have the time to attend training, you can

certainly bring a deal to us and we will partner

with you to help you buy it as an LBO or how to
go in and flip that company, make cash now and
a lump sum of cash down the road.
Question - What if I am only interested in
flipping a business? Are there any upfront
Answer - I have great news. The answer is no
there are not upfront fees. If you find a business
that you want to go into that we can partner
with you on to flip there are no upfront fees. We
will partner with you on the business. We have
some qualifiers on the business and some due
diligence requirements to make sure we get the
right type of business. This is where our multi
day workshop comes in handy. It teaches you
everything you need to know to go out and find
the right type of businesses that we can partner
with you. We can go in and help the business
grow and triple its profit in 12 to 18 months and
then sell it off down the road with the seller of
the business staying in the business and
knowing full well that they are not selling the
business for all cash right now. They are going
to stay in the business, run it and we are going
to receive a monthly fee. A percentage of the
increased sales or a percentage of the owners
salary and we will also receive a majority of
ownership in the company so that when it is
sold the seller of the business will receive a

smaller percentage of a much larger deal, which

means more money in their pocket at the end.
Question - If I want to buy a business with
none of my own cash and want your help
closing the deal what is the process?
Answer - If you want us to help you structure
the deal we have to know that you are in fact a
serious buyer. You are looking to buy a good
business to make you at least $100,000 to
$150,000 per year in net profits in income or
salary. It is our way of screening out the tire
kickers who are going to waste our time having
us look at all these deals. If this is not the right
model for you to put up a retainer which is fully
applied towards our total fee then you want to
look at flipping a business instead where you
dont have to put up any cash.
Question - This whole idea of flipping a
business sounds great! What kind of money
can I realistically make doing this?
Answer - The numbers that I am about to talk
about dont mean that you will receive that type
of income initially. It is all based on your
experience, your dedication, you motivation and
your persistence to get the deal completed and
follow through all the way to the end. Since we
dont know anything about you, I am going to
give you some basic numbers of what other

people have done, but this doesnt mean that

you will necessarily do the same thing.
Ordinary entrepreneurs have literally become
multi-millionaires by buying and selling
businesses with no intention of actually running
the business for the long term on a day to day
basis. Once you learn the basic formula and
technique is a relative breeze, you might want to
become our client just for that information
alone. We really flush out the process for you at
our workshops so that you will have as much
knowledge about this amazingly profitable
technique as some of the savviest entrepreneurs
that are out there.
Question - How can I learn more about your
program before I commit to it?
Answer - That is actually relatively easy. The
easiest thing that you can do is to come to one of
our trainings. We offer a money back guarantee
that if you come to the training and you are not
100 percent satisfied, at the end of the first day
of training I will give you your money back. It
really is that simple. I know I am taking a risk.
You can come to the training and get all the
information and then walk out and say Give
Me My Money Back!
I know that could
happen, but you know what? I believe in
honesty and I believe that you are an honest
person so if it requires me to put my money
where my mouth is and you put your faith in

me and I put my faith in you, I will show you

what to do. Come to the training, attend the
first day and get all the information that we
have to offer right there. If you like it, you stay
the second day and you know it is well worth it.
The fee to attend the workshop are rather high, I
will tell you that right off the bat. If you want to
come to the event, just give my office a call and
we will give you some additional information.
The phone number to call is 800-901-8132. Call
that number on the dates and locations of our
next events. I also have an free online webinar
training about flipping businesses that you can
watch by going to our website at


Chapter Review




We will walk you step by step through

the whole process from prospecting to
closing the deal to flipping the deal.
You pay a $7,000 retainer which applies
toward the balance of our fee paid only
upon the successful closing of your
acquisition. This is only if you are
interested in buying a business and not
partnering with us.
If you intend to flip a deal you dont
need to pay any retainer but you do
need to attend our live training event.
Buying on leverage may make you
consider thinking bigger in considering
buying a business that can pay you a
whole lot more.


Wrap Up
I want to thank you so much for taking the time
to read by book. I hope it has enlightened you,
surprised you and maybe even more
importantly motivated and inspired you. If you
are truly serious about finally tasting the fruits
of independence, and about being your own
boss at last, and not having to take gruff from
anyone anymore, and about finally being the
master of your own destiny. Instead of
wondering what the future may hold in a job
that could be snatched away at any moment.
Take the next step toward freedom and a true
measure of happiness. Attend one of our live
events, find a business, flip that business and
start making the money that you know you
deserve. Good luck, happy hunting and let us
know of your success!

Check us out online at:
Free webinar training:
Call 1-800-901-8132 to attend one of our trainings.


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