Hardening From The Liquid State
Hardening From The Liquid State
Hardening From The Liquid State
0026-0673/96/0910-03775 ] 5.00 O 1997 Plenum Publishing Corporation
R . A . Oganyan et al.
t, C
which indicates the absence of crystalline particles of a second phase exceeding 10 nm in size. The smearing of distant
reflections in the electron diffraction pattern shows that individual regions are oriented at angles of at most 10.
Figure 1b presents a light-field image of a microstructure
in which we discovered individual dendrite regions 30 - 50 nm
in size under conditions of a near-Bragg orientation.
The white network in the dark-field image of the halo region in Fig. lc represents an amorphous phase. In all probability, it forms in hardening of a liquid phase of eutectic
composition that solidifies in the form of thin layers between
dendrites ofbcc iron. The width of the layers is 10 - 20 nm.
Q, deg
Fig. 3. Diffractograms of steel with 0.5% B after annealing at different temperatures (the numbers at the curves): e ) M23(C , B)6; ) MrC.
Such a structure is typical for steels after eutectic crystallization at very high cooling rates. In our case the cooling rate
determined from measured distances between axes of dendrites of second order (20 - 50 nm) exceeded l 0 6 deg/sec.
Structural Transformations in Boron-Containing High-Speed Steel Hardened from the Molten State
Data obtained by the method of differential scanning calorimetry show that crystallization in the studied amorphouscrystalline steel with an atomic fraction of boron and carbon
R . A . Oganyan et al.
Fig. 5. Structureof steel with 0.5% B afterannealingat 1000C:a) in a light field;b) in a dark field.
(- 8oooc).
As the annealing temperature is increased, the matrix
grains and the particles of the excess phase grow. The number
of particles of the excess phase decreases due presumably to
dissolution of the finest particles and the resulting growth of
the coarser ones and also coagulation of particles.
This restructuring creates favorable conditions for the development of processes of plastic deformation and provides
bending to 180 without failure.
A 2-h annealing of specimens at 1000C was conducted
in evacuated quartz ampoules in a KS-400 furnace with Silit
heaters. After thinning, the structure of the ribbons was studied under an EM-100CX electron microscope.
After annealing at 1000C the grain size in the matrix
was 5 ~tm (Fig. 5). Particles of the excess phase were positioned along grain boundaries and inside grains. The electron-microscopic examination allowed us to identify particles
of M23(C, B)6 carboboride 0.3 - 0 . 5 ~tm in size and particles
of M6C carbide 0.15 - 0 . 3 ~tm in size.
Structural Transformations in Boron-Containing High-Speed Steel Hardened from the Molten State