4 (-3)
16 (+3)
12 (+1)
7 (-2)
10 (+0)
14 (+2)
Languages /
Challenge 3 (700 XP)
A drekavac represents a restless soul of a human child that has
not been buried properly. It forms a body of a childlike monster
with long fur and big, sharp claws, sometimes stepping on its
own fur and then yelling loudly with a mix of a wolf's howl and
a child's cry. This yell is horrifying to living beings.
It doesn't go far from its true body and attacks those who wander
too close. Usually drekavac attacks those who travel alone,
mounting them and riding to frenzy through the night. If the
person doesnt try to resist this mounting drekavac withdraws to
the darkness as the first glimmer of sunlight appears, leaving his
mount exhausted and a bit confused unable to discern if the
whole night was just a dream. On the other side, those who dont
obey this wicked desire will feel the horror as the drekavac rips
them apart with his claws.
A drekavac cannot be killed while its true body is not buried
with a proper religious ritual. Until then, if its furry form is
destroyed, its soul forms another one at next midnight.