Line Coding Techniques
Line Coding Techniques
Line Coding Techniques
Polar encoding
Two Voltage levels
One +ve voltage
One ve voltage
Average or dc component is reduced
Ex : NRZ, RZ, Manchester, Differential Manchester
RZ Contd
Advantage:most effective encoding
Disadvantage:Requires two signal changes to encode one bit
Hence occupies more bandwidth
Manchester encoding
Instead of high equaling 1 and low equaling 0 a timing interval
is used to measure high or low transition
Uses inversion at the middle of each bit interval
- provides synchronization
- bit representation
Manchester encoding-contd
Digital Modulations
What is Digital Modulation ?
What is the difference between line coding
& Digital modulations ?
Analog modulation versus Digital
Different types of digital modulation
Amplitude is susceptible to sudden changes
Bit rate = baud rate ( bit rate=number of bits/ sec
: Baud rate = number of signal units /sec )
BW= bit rate
Up to 1200bps on voice grade lines
Used over optical fiber
Bandwidth of 5000 Hz for an ASK signal, what are the Baud rate & bit rate?
for ASK Baud rate=bit rate
Bit rate =5000bps
Baud rate = 5000
Binary Frequency
Shift Keying (BFSK or FSK)
Most common form is binary FSK (BFSK)
Two binary values represented by two different
frequencies (near carrier)
Both amplitude & phase remains constant
cos(2f1 t) refers to binary 1 where f1= fc - a
cos(2f2 t ) refers to binary 0 where f2 = fc+ a
Quadrature PSK
More efficient use by each signal element
representing more than one bit
e.g. shifts of /2 (90o)
Each element represents two bits
Can use 8 phase angles and have more than one
9600bps modem use 12 angles , four of which have
two amplitudes
Offset QPSK (orthogonal QPSK)
Delay in Q stream
In the presence of noise, bit error rate of PSK and QPSK are about 3dB
superior to ASK and FSK
Quadrature Amplitude
Modulation (QAM)
QAM used on asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL) and some wireless
Combination of ASK and PSK
Logical extension of QPSK
Send two different signals simultaneously on same carrier frequency
Use two copies of carrier, one shifted 90
Each carrier is ASK modulated
Two independent signals over same medium
Demodulate and combine for original binary output
QAM Levels
Two level ASK
Each of two streams in one of two states
Four state system
Essentially QPSK
Four level ASK
Combined stream in one of 16 states
64 and 256 state systems have been
Improved data rate for given bandwidth
Increased potential error rate
PSK - contd
Equivalent to sinusoids by multiplying with +1 for
binary 1
Equivalent to sinusoids by multiplying with -1 for
binary 0
Demodulator to detect the phase with respect
some reference phase
Note :
Nyquist signaling rate for a LP Channel of Bandwidth W
Hz, the maximum signaling rate is 2W pulse/sec
. For PSK we can transmit only W pulse / Sec over Band pass
channel that has a Band width of W Time /bit is T=1/W
PSK attains half the signaling rate of LP Case QAM is used to recover the factor
QAM- contd
Send two different signals simultaneously on
same carrier frequency
Use two copies of carrier, one shifted 90
Each carrier is ASK modulated
Two independent signals over same medium
Demodulate and combine for original binary output
Stands for modulator/ demodulators
Modulators Digital signal to analog signal ASK,FSK,PSK ..
Demodulators Analog signal into digital signal
- > Sending End
Modem transforms a computer Signal into analog form
Analog signal carried across a standard telephone line
> Receiving Side
it converts the transmitted analog signal from telephone line to digital form
before passing into computer
Wireless media
For medium with obstruction n>2
Alfa = nlog10 d dB Signal level can be maintained over distance
Twisted Pair
Two wires twisted together ?
Reduces interference
Reduce cross talk
Passes wide range of frequencies
Alfa 1 to 4db/mile at 1 khz
10 to 20 db/mile at 500khz
UTP is used in telephone network
Digital Subscriber loops (DSL)
Description of twisted pair Cable categories
Category 1 Voice transmission, not suitable for data
Category 2 Voice & low speed data transmission capacity up to
4 mbps
Category 3 Data & voice transmission rated at1 0 mhz, used in
ethernet , Fast Ethernet , Trunking <16 MBPS
2. Co-axial Cable
A solid center conductor is coaxially located with a cylindrical outer conductor
Two conductors are separated by insulator
Provides better immunity over interference & crosstalk Provides higher
BW(>MHZ) Ex Cable TV System uses a BW of 500 MHZ
1) Cable TV Distribution
54 - 500 MHZ
Analog TV signal occupies 6 MHZ band
50 to 70 Channels
2) Ethernet LAN
10 Base 5 - > 10 Mbps Maximum lengths of 500 meters
Communication system
Category 2 Voice & low speed data transmission capacity
up to 4 Mbps
Category 3 Data & voice transmission, rated at 10 MHz,
uses-ethernet , Fast Ethernet , Token ring
Category 5 100 Mbps
Digital Subscriber loops (DSL)
Co-axial Cable-contd
1) Cable TV Distribution
54 - 500 MHz
Analog TV signal occupies 6 MHz band
50 to 70 Channels
2) Ethernet LAN
10 Base 5 - > 10 Mbps Maximum lengths of 500 meters
10 Base 2 - > Thin Co-axial Cable ( 5mm),10 Mbps, maximum
length 200 meters
3. Optical Fiber
Greater advantages over copper based digital
transmission system
Greater reduction in cost (usage of repeater is reduced)
Reduces space requirement
High transmission rate-single optical fiber carry higher rate
than copper system
Do not radiate significant energy, interference from
external sources, crosstalk
Analog transmission
analog waveform transmission
Time & amplitude to be exactly
Cost of transmission line is
high as distance increases
-eg-pair of copper wire
Attenuation/distortion is more
Requires repearters
Digital transmission
Symbols are transmitted
Receiver to find symbols with
Cost of transmission line is
less-eg pair of copper wires
Attenuation/distortion tolerable
Requires digital repeaters
Serial Transmission
Parallel transmission
Simplex modes of transmission
Duplex modes of operations
Half duplex modes of operations
Terminology contd
Synchronous Transmission
Asynchronous Transmission
Spectrum of signal
Serial Transmission
Simultaneous Transmission
Each bit on separate channel
All the bit representing a character
Transmits group of bits at one time
No. of bits varies from device to device
Transmission is quick
Requires complex communication link (Multi wire copper cable)
Longer Cable more degradation
Limited in length (few meters)
Certain Definitions
Baud rate
Bit rate
Baud Rate
Baud is a unit of signaling speed or transmission
It is a number discrete changes in a single period of
a signal
Communication channel transmitted at 300 Baud
-Means signaling rate of the channel is changing 300
Bit Rate
Bit Interval-Time required to send one single bit
Bit rate is the number of bit intervals / second
It is number of bits sent in one second (bps)
Example 1: Bit rate 2000bps
Duration of each bit = 1/bit rate= 1/2000= 500s
Bit rate is the number of bits per second. Baud rate is the number of signal
units per second. Baud rate is less than or equal to the bit rate.
Bit rate = 1/10ms=0.1 kbps
In Analog Communication
Total capacity of communication Channel
Range frequencies medium pass without loosing
one half of the power contained in signal
Difference between highest and lowest
frequencies that medium can satisfactorily pass
Greater bandwidth most signal can carried over
given frequency range
Voice grate lines frequencies 300 Hz to 3300 Hz
BW = 3300-300=3000 Hz
But ITU regulation voice bandwidth 4kHz
Bandwidth- conts
In Digital Communication
Bandwidth refers to data rate
Amount of data that can be transferred over communication
media in a given period
Measures in bps
LAN <100 Mbps
Dialup communication Model 300bps to 33.6Kbps or 56Kbps
WAN 1.5 Mbps to 45 Mbps
Music signals vary rapidly
Audio Compact Disk (CD) system BW 22 KHz
Delay = tprop + L/R
tprop= d/c
d=distance c=velocity of light
Time to translate a file can be reduced by inreasing
transmission bit rate
Delay and bit rate trade off
Example :
Why Digital ?
Ease with which digital signals are
generated compared to analog.
Digital signals are subject to less distortion
and interference than are analog signals.
Easier to detect and correct errors in digital
Digital circuits are :
more reliable
more flexible
Digital Transmission Objective
To transmit a given symbol selected from
a finite set of possibilites
- Eg., Binary digital Tx- 0 & 1 transmission