Gaslight Playsheet: Turn Sequence and Actions Movement

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Turn Sequence and Actions

Movement: Models have the following move rates per turn.

Each character/unit/vehicle, etc has one or more cards placed in a

sequence deck.

V .90 (BETA)

Draw an action card from the deck.

That unit makes any morale checks required.
If the unit passes morale or did not have to make a morale
check, the figures in the unit perform actions.
Close combats which developed are now fought.

Infantry move up to 6 in any direction; cavalry moves

up to 12. If charging, infantry adds +1D6; cavalry adds
Vehicles first make a Sustain roll. If they pass this roll,
vehicles may pivot up to their Spin number (in degrees)
then move in a straight line up to their Speed.

Modifiers (all are cumulative)

Moving through rough terrain (woods, water, rough/broken
ground, mud/deep snow, etc..x 1/2 movement
Crossing linier obstacle (low fence/wall, etc)..-2
Unit is without a Leader..x 1/2 movement
Models out of command (more than 12 from its unit Leader)
No model may perform more than a single action. Not all models in
may not move at all.
a unit need take the same action.
Command: All models in a unit must be 12 or less away from
A model with a Freeze morale result may take no action on its
their units leader to be considered in command. A unit without a
next card draw. Models out of command may take no actions, but
leader automatically promotes the next character within the unit to
will defend themselves in close combat.
leader when its next card is drawn. If there is no other characters a
model is chosen from the unit to function as the unit commander for
One turn is completed when the action deck is empty. Reshuffle the movement and formation purposes only. In all cases a unit counts
deck and start a new turn.
all penalties for being leaderless on the turn a new leader takes
Formations: Formations should be informal. Any sort of
over. As a player option, instead of promoting some other model
amorphous mob or uneven line will do. Undrilled troops should not from the unit as leader, an unattached character may take over a
be allowed to be in any formation that appears too geometric or
leaderless unit at any time. Out of command models may take no
linear, and should be reset into a more disorganized formation.
Saving Throws: All main character models, animals, and vehicles have a Save attribute. When ever the character takes a hit from any
source it is allowed a save throw to avoid being killed. Roll a D20 per hit received. On a roll less than the model Save attribute the model
avoids being killed by that hit. For character saves only, Save attribute is when shot from behind (anywhere outside targets frontal

Shooting & Weapons Chart Number in ( ) equals number of shots weapon can make per turn, if more than one.



Thrown Stuff
< 3
< 6
< 10
< 20
< 9
< 18
< 6
< 12
Small Catapult
< 12
< 24
Musket or Carbine
< 12
< 24
< 6
< 12
Muzzle Loading Rifle
< 18
< 36
Repeater / Breach Loading Rifle
< 12
< 24
< 3
< 6
Bolt-Action Rifle
< 18
< 36
Semi-Auto Rifle (2)
< 18
< 36
Submachine Gun (2)
< 6
< 12
Gattling / Nordfeldt Gun (2)
< 18
< 36
Light Machine Gun (2)
< 18
< 36
Medium Machine Gun (3)
< 24
< 48
Heavy Machine Gun (4)
< 24
< 48
Swivel Gun
< 12
< 24
Grenade Launcher (Old)
< 9
< 18
Grenade Launcher (New)
< 18
< 36
Grenade Blast
< 2
---* Save Roll Modifier: used only when targeting vehicles.

Shooting Procedure: Models can only shoot at





targets within 180 to their front. Vehicle weapons fire

through an arc of 90 from the direction the gun is
pointing. Range is always measured from center of
firing group to center of target group when units are
involved. Otherwise measure from the actual gun
barrels of cannon and vehicles. Character models
always fire at specific models, never units as a whole.
A unit may fire on more than one target in one turn. If a
model must reload, place a marker next to it whenever
it shoots. Roll a D20 for each shooting model and apply
any modifiers. A hit is scored on a roll of less than the
shooters shoot attribute when at short range. At long
range the shooter must roll less than (rounded up) its
Shoot attribute.
Shooting Modifiers
+1 if target behind light cover*
+2 if target behind hard cover*
*If a target unit is split between two or more cover
types, it counts the cover that most models in the unit
have. If equal, count as one less than the best cover it

Shooting at Vehicles: As normal except the vehicle gets a save

throw. If the save throw is less than the vehicles Save attribute
the shot bounces off; if the save roll is equal to the Save, a nonpenetrating hit has been scored on the vehicle; if the save roll is
greater than the Save the shot is a penetrating hit; if the save
roll is a 20 or more, the hit is a catastrophic hit. A vehicle that
fails its save throw rolls on the Vehicle Hit Chart (see rules).
Shooting at Heavy Weapons/Artillery/Equipment: Small
arms (or similar) only hit crew. Heavy weapons and artillery
may also hit the target gun/equipment as follows: roll any die
for each hit suffered. On an even result, the target gun is hit in
addition to the crew; on an odd result, only the crew is hit.
Distribute crew hits in the same fashion as with small arms fire.

Casualties from Small Arms: Once a unit /crew receives casualties,

roll a D20 and divide the result by 2 (rounded up). Count to that number
on the figures in the target unit/crew, from front to back and from left to
right, taking off as a casualty every figure that hits that number.
Continue to count through the sequence until all casualties on the
unit/crew are allocated. Attached Main Character CAN be hit in this
Shotguns/Grapeshot: They fire in a 30 arc to their front out to their
max range. It automatically hits 1D6/2 figures (round up) within this arc.
Once casualties are inflicted, roll a D6. Count to that number on the
figures in the target unit, starting with the closest target figure within arc
and range, taking off as a casualty every figure that hits that number.
Continue to count through the sequence until all casualties on the unit
are allocated. Main Character CAN be hit in this way.
Cannons/Large Ordnance: The Shoot number for the cannon is equal to the best Shoot attribute amongst the crew. Measure range and
fire arc from the barrel of the cannon. If a hit is scored there is a chance more than one figure is actually hit. Roll a D20 and divide (round
up) the result by the Divide by for the type of cannon firing on the Artillery Effects Chart. The result is the max number of models hit
by the shot. Next determine the first figure hit by rolling a D20/2 (round up). Count to that number on the figures in the target unit/crew,
from front to back and from left to right. That model is the first hit by the shot. All further casualty allocation is determined by the
following priority list. Cycle through this list until all casualties have been allocated, or there are no other models left within the shooting
cannons radius in inches. Main Character CAN be hit in this way.

Next closet model to front of the first casualty, within cannons radius.
Next closet model to rear of first casualty, within cannons radius.
Next closet to left of first casualty, within cannons radius.
Next closet to right of first casualty, within cannons radius.

Artillery Effects Chart

Radius Divide By
*SRM: Smoothbore / Rifled


-10 / ----2 / +0
-0 / +2
+2 / +4

Charge Allocation Priorities

Unless the charger is outnumbered by the target
unit, all target models that remained stationary
after their receive charge morale check must be
No model can be contacted by two chargers until
all charged models that can be reached have a
charging model in contact with them.
No more than three models may attack any one

Close Combat:

The units leader must be able to see the target (i.e., within 180
of his front facing) in order to declare a charge on it. A unit must pass a morale check
in order to declare a charge on a target unit. If passed, the target unit must then
immediately make a morale check to hold their ground. Once both units have made
their morale checks, the charging unit moves all its models into contact using the
following target priorities.
After charging is completed, all models fight by rolling a D20 for each combatant.
Each fighting model scores a hit if it rolls less than its Scuffle attribute. Any noncharacter model is immediately killed if it receives any hits. Models with a Save
attribute (Main Characters, animals, etc) are allowed a Save roll for each hit they
receive to avoid being hit.

Morale: To test morale, a unit rolls D20, divides the result by 2 (for units) or 5 (for crews), rounding down, and then modifies the roll as indicated
below. If the modified roll is less than the number of figures remaining in the unit, the unit passes morale and can act normally that turn. If it
rolls equal or more than the number of figures in the unit, it fails the check; roll for each model in the unit on the Morale Failure Results Chart.
Unless otherwise stated, all morale checks are made by a unit when its card is drawn, before it takes any actions for that turn.

Morale is checked when

Morale Modifiers
If army commander is within 3..-2
If unit leader is present..-1
If unit is behind light cover..-1
If unit is behind hard cover..-2

If the unit is charging..-1

Unit is Crack..-1

Unit is Green..+1
Morale Failure Results Chart (Unless stated otherwise, these actions replace a models normal actions for the turn.)
Adventurer Leader

9 - 10
11 - 12
13 - 20

The unit loses a figure.

The unit wants to charge (take immediately after a charge is declared).
The unit is going to receive a charge (take immediately after the charging unit
passes its morale check to charge).
When the army commander dies.
A vehicle must make a check whenever it suffers any kind of hit.
GM calls for a check.

9 - 10
11 - 12
13 - 14
15 - 20

9 - 10
11 - 12
13 - 14
15 - 16
17 - 20

9 - 10
11 - 12
13 - 14
15 - 16
17 - 18
19 - 20

5 - 10
11 - 12
13 - 14
15 - 16
17 - 18
19 - 20

Run off the table!

Run 12 away from enemy!
Back 6 away from enemy.
Freeze (no action next card).
Run 12 in random direction.
Charge toward nearest enemy.
Fire at random enemy.
No effect; may make normal actions.

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