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Smart City

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Smart city


1 Terminology
Due to the breadth of technologies that have been implemented under the smart city label, it is dicult to distil a
precise denition of a smart city. Deakin and Al Wear[14]
list four factors that contribute to the denition of a smart
1. The application of a wide range of electronic and
digital technologies to communities and cities

Some denitions of a Smart City place emphasis on citizen engagement, such as at this hackathon in New York in 2013[1]

2. The use of ICT to transform life and working environments within the region

A smart city (also smarter city) uses digital technologies

or information and communication technologies (ICT)
to enhance quality and performance of urban services,
to reduce costs and resource consumption, and to engage more eectively and actively with its citizens. Sectors that have been developing smart city technology include government services,[2] transport and trac management, energy,[3] health care,[4] water and waste. Smart
city applications are developed with the goal of improving
the management of urban ows and allowing for real time
responses to challenges.[5] A smart city may therefore be
more prepared to respond to challenges than one with
a simple 'transactional' relationship with its citizens.[6]
Other terms that have been used for similar concepts include cyberville, digital city, electronic communities,
exicity, information city, 'intelligent city', knowledgebased city, 'MESH city', telecity, teletopia, 'Ubiquitous
city', wired city.

3. The embedding of such ICTs in government systems

4. The territorialisation of practices that brings ICTs
and people together to enhance the innovation and
knowledge that they oer.
Deakin denes the smart city as one that utilises ICT to
meet the demands of the market (the citizens of the city),
and that community involvement in the process is necessary for a smart city.[15] A smart city would thus be a city
that not only possesses ICT technology in particular areas, but has also implemented this technology in a manner
that impacts the local community.
Alternative denitions include:
Ginger et al. 2007: Regional competitiveness, transport and Information and Communication
Technologies economics, natural resources, human
and social capital, quality of life, and participation
of citizens in the governance of cities.[16]

Major technological, economic and environmental

changes have generated interest in smart cities, including
climate change, economic restructuring, the move to
online retail and entertainment, ageing populations, and
pressures on public nances.[7] The European Union
(EU) has devoted constant eorts to devising a strategy
for achieving 'smart' urban growth for its metropolitan
city-regions.[8][9] The EU has developed a range of programmes under Europes Digital Agenda.[10] In 2010,
it highlighted its focus on strengthening innovation and
investment in ICT services for the purpose of improving
public services and quality of life.[9] Arup estimates
that the global market for smart urban services will be
$400 billion per annum by 2020.[11] Examples of Smart
City technologies and programs have been implemented
in Southampton,[2] Amsterdam,[3] Barcelona[12] and

Smart Cities Council: A smart city is one that

has digital technology embedded across all city
Caragliu and Nijkamp 2009: A city can be dened
as smart when investments in human and social
capital and traditional (transport) and modern (ICT)
communication infrastructure fuel sustainable economic development and a high quality of life, with a
wise management of natural resources, through participatory action and engagement.[18]

Frost & Sullivan 2014: We identied eight key aspects that dene a Smart City: smart governance,
smart energy, smart building, smart mobility, smart
infrastructure, smart technology, smart healthcare
and smart citizen.[19]
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Smart Cities: A smart city brings together technology, government and society to enable the following
characteristics: smart cities, a smart economy, smart
mobility, a smart environment, smart people, smart
living, smart governance.[20]
Business Dictionary: A developed urban area that
creates sustainable economic development and high
quality of life by excelling in multiple key areas;
economy, mobility, environment, people, living,
and government. Excelling in these key areas can be
done so through strong human capital, social capital,
and/or ICT infrastructure.[21]


2. Engage eectively with local people in local governance and decision by use of open innovation processes and e-participation,[24] improving the collective intelligence of the citys institutions through EGovernance,[5] with emphasis placed on citizen participation and co-design.[25][26]
3. Learn, adapt and innovate and thereby respond more
eectively and promptly to changing circumstances
by improving the intelligence of the city.[5][27]
They evolve towards a strong integration of all dimensions of human intelligence, collective intelligence, and
also articial intelligence within the city.[28][29] The intelligence of cities resides in the increasingly eective
combination of digital telecommunication networks (the
nerves), ubiquitously embedded intelligence (the brains),
sensors and tags (the sensory organs), and software (the
knowledge and cognitive competence)".[30]

Indian Government 2014 : Smart City oers sus- These forms of intelligence in smart cities have been
tainability in terms of economic activities and em- demonstrated in three ways:
ployment opportunities to a wide section of its residents, regardless of their level of education, skills or
income levels.[22]
Department for Business, Innovation and Skills,UK
2013: The concept is not static, there is no absolute
denition of a smart city, no end point, but rather a
process, or series of steps, by which cities become
more 'liveable' and resilient and, hence, able to respond quicker to new challenges.
Dr S.Himesh: A Smart City is an intrinsically sustainable city which recognizes the physical limits to
its growth without compromising the quality of life
of the present and future generations. A smart city
must also be modular and dynamic in nature and
has the ability to adopt and evolve with time without
compromising the ecological integrity and quality of
life of its inhabitants. Smart city must recognize
its limits to economic and employment opportunities within the limits of assured natural resources,
supportive and assimilative capacity of the region.
A smart city can never be built with an open ended


Bletchley Park often considered to be the rst smart community.

: 1. Orchestration intelligence[5]
Where cities establish institutions and community-based
problem solving and collaborations, such as in Bletchley
Park, where the Nazi Enigma cypher was decoded by
a team led by Alan Turing. This has been referred
to as the rst example of a smart city or an intelligent
2. Empowerment intelligence

It has been suggested that a smart city (also community, Business cluster, urban agglomeration or region) use Cities provide open platforms, experimental facilities and
smart city infrastructure in order to cluster innovation
information technologies to:
in certain districts. These are seen in the Kista Sci1. Make more ecient use of physical infrastructure ence City in Stockholm and the Cyberport Zone in Hong
facilities have also been established in
(roads, built environment and other physical assets) Kong. Similar
through articial intelligence and data analytics to
support a strong and healthy economic, social, cultural development.[23]

3. Instrumentation intelligence

action and management protocols, device technologies,
and support services such as discovery, identity management and security[35] In Santander, the sensors monitor
the levels of pollution, noise, trac and parking.

Hong Kong Cyberport 1 and Cyberport 2 Buildings

Where city infrastructure is made smart through real time

data collection, with analysis and predictive modelling
across city districts. There is much controversy surrounding this, particularly with regards to surveillance issues in
smart cities

Electronic cards (known as smart cards) are another common platform in smart city contexts. These cards possess a unique encrypted identier that allows the owner
to log in to a range of government provided services (or
e-services) without setting up multiple accounts. The
single identier allows governments to aggregate data
about citizens and their preferences to improve the provision of services and to determine common interests
of groups. This technology has been implemented in

4 Research

Examples of Instrumentation intelligence have been

implemented in Amsterdam.[3] This is implemented University research labs have developed prototypes and
solutions for intelligent cities. MIT Smart Cities Lab
focuses upon intelligent, sustainable buildings, mobility systems (GreenWheel Electric Bicycle, Mobilitya. A common IP infrastructure that is open to
on-Demand, Citycar, Wheel Robots); the IntelCities [37]
researchers to develop applications.
research consortium developed solutions for electronic
b. Wireless meters and devices transmit inforgovernment, planning systems and citizen participation;
mation at the point in time.
URENIO has developed a series of intelligent city platc. A number of homes being provided with
forms for the innovation economy [38] focusing on stratesmart energy meters to become aware of engic intelligence, technology transfer, collaborative inergy consumption and reduce energy usage
novation, and incubation, while is oering, through its
portal, a global watch on intelligent cities research and
d. Solar power garbage compactors, car
planning;[39] the Smart Cities Academic Network [40] is
recharging stations and energy saving lamps.
working on e-governance and e-services in the North
Sea region. IGLUS is a global action research project
Some major elds of intelligent city activation are:
led by EPFL that is focused on developing innovative
governance systems for urban infrastructures as a necessary step for realization of the smart cities vision.

Platforms and technologies

The rise of new Internet technologies promoting cloudbased services, the Internet of Things (IoT), real-world
user interfaces, use of smart phones and smart meters,
networks of sensors and RFIDs, and more accurate communication based on the semantic web, open new ways to
collective action and collaborative problem solving.
Online collaborative sensor data management platforms
are on-line database services that allow sensor owners to
register and connect their devices to feed data into an online database for storage and allow developers to connect
to the database and build their own applications based on
that data.[33][34]
The city of Santander in northern Spain has 20,000 sensors connecting buildings, infrastructure, transport, networks and utilities, oers a physical space for experimentation and validation of the IoT functions, such as inter-

5 Commercialisation
Large IT and telecommunication companies such as
Cisco, IBM, and Microsoft have developed new solutions and initiatives for intelligent cities as well. Cisco,
launched the Global Intelligent Urbanization initiative [41]
to help cities around the world using the network as the
fourth utility for integrated city management, better quality of life for citizens, and economic development. IBM
announced its SmarterCities [42] to stimulate economic
growth and quality of life in cities and metropolitan areas with the activation of new approaches of thinking and
acting in the urban ecosystem.


Flagship cases

by the City and information about current travel time on

certain roads is broadcast to allow motorists to determine
Major strategies and achievements related to the spa- the best routes to take.
tial intelligence of cities are listed in the Intelligent
Community Forum awards from 1999 to 2010, in the
cities of Suwon (South Korea), Stockholm (Sweden), 6.2 Barcelona
Gangnam District of Seoul (South Korea), Waterloo,
Ontario (Canada), Taipei (Taiwan), Mitaka (Japan),
Glasgow (Scotland, UK), Calgary (Alberta, Canada),
Seoul (South Korea), New York City (USA), LaGrange,
Georgia (USA), Tehran (Iran) and Singapore, which were
recognized for their eorts in developing broadband networks and e-services sustaining innovation ecosystems,
growth, and inclusion.[43]
There are a number of cities actively pursuing a smart city


A new bus network was implemented in Barcelona due to smart
city data analytics.

Street lamps in Amsterdam have been upgraded to allow municipal councils to dim the lights based on pedestrian usage.[44]

The Amsterdam Smart City initiative[3] which began in

2009 currently includes 79 projects collaboratively developed by local residents, government and businesses.[15]
These projects run on an interconnected platform through
wireless devices to enhance the citys real time decision
making abilities. The City of Amsterdam (City) claims
the purpose of the projects is to reduce trac, save energy
and improve public safety.[45] To promote eorts from
local residents, the City runs the Amsterdam Smart City
Challenge annually, accepting proposals for applications
and developments that t within the Citys framework.[46]
An example of a resident developed app is Mobypark,
which allows owners of parking spaces to rent them out
to people for a fee.[47] The data generated from this app
can then be used by the City to determine parking demand and trac ows in Amsterdam. A number of
homes have also been provided with smart energy meters, with incentives provided to those that actively reduce energy consumption.[5][48] Other initiatives include
exible street lighting[49] which allows municipalities to
control the brightness of street lights, and smart trac
management[50] where trac is monitored in real time

Barcelona has established a number of projects that can

be considered smart city applications .For example, sensor technology has been implemented in the irrigation
system in Parc del Centre de Poblenou, where real time
data is transmitted to gardening crews about the level of
water required for the plants.[12][51] Barcelona has also
designed a new bus network based on data analysis of the
most common trac ows in Barcelona, utilising primarily vertical, horizontal and diagonal routes with a number of interchanges.[52] Integration of multiple smart city
technologies can be seen through the implementation of
smart trac lights[53] as buses run on routes designed to
optimise the number of green lights. In addition, where
an emergency is reported in Barcelona, the approximate
route of the emergency vehicle is entered into the trac
light system, setting all the lights to green as the vehicle approaches through a mix of GPS and trac management software, allowing emergency services to reach
the incident without delay. Much of this data is being
developed into practical solutions in the 22@Barcelona

6.3 Stockholm
Stockholms smart city technology is underpinned by the
Stokab dark bre system [55] which was developed in
1994 to provide a universal bre optic network across
Stockholm.[56] Private companies are able to lease bre as
service providers on equal terms. The company is owned
by the City of Stockholm itself.[13] Within this framework, Stockholm has created a Green IT strategy.[57] The
Green IT program seeks to reduce the environmental
impact of Stockholm through IT functions such as en-

to an underestimation of the possible negative effects of the development of the new technological
and networked infrastructures needed for a city to
be smart.[62]
As a globalized business model is based on capital
mobility, following a business-oriented model may
result in a losing long term strategy: The 'spatial
x' inevitably means that mobile capital can often
'write its own deals to come to town, only to move
on when it receives a better deal elsewhere. This
is no less true for the smart city than it was for the
industrial, [or] manufacturing city.[23]
The Kista Science City from above.

ergy ecient buildings (minimising heating costs), trafc monitoring (minimising the time spent on the road)
and development of e-services (minimising paper usage).
The e-Stockholm platform is centred on the provision
of e-services, including political announcements, parking
space booking and snow clearance.[58] This is further being developed through GPS analytics, allowing residents
to plan their route through the city.[58] An example of
district-specic smart city technology can be found in the
Kista SCience City region.[59] This region is based on the
triple helix concept of smart cities,[23] where university,
industry and government work together to develop ICT
applications for implementation in a smart city strategy.

The high level of big data collection and analytics

has raised questions regarding surveillance in smart
cities, particularly as it relates to predictive policing.m.

8 See also
Collaborative innovation network
Collaborative intelligence
Collaborative software
Digital divide


Santa Cruz

An alternative use of smart city technology can be found

in Santa Cruz, California, where local authorities analyse historical crime data in order to predict police requirements and maximise police presence where it is
required.[60] The analytical tools generate a list of 10
places each day where property crimes are more likely
to occur, and then placing police eorts on these regions when ocers are not responding to any emergency.
This use of ICT technology is dierent to the manner in
which European cities utilise smart city technology, possibly highlighting the breadth of the smart city concept in
dierent parts of the world.


Future Internet
Intelligent environment
Knowledge ecosystem
Knowledge Economy
Knowledge spillover
Open Data
Smarter planet
Sustainable city
The Wisdom of Crowds

See also: Surveillance issues in smart cities

9 References

The criticisms of smart cities revolve around:[23]


A bias in strategic interest may lead to ignoring alternative avenues of promising urban development.[61]
The focus of the concept of smart city may lead

[1] Cities hack their way to livability gains. Smart Cities

Council. Hackathons bring together the good hackers in
an organized competition to see who can make the biggest
contribution to the community in 24 hours or less.

[2] Southampton City Council. SmartCities card. Retrieved 2015-05-30.

[3] Amsterdam Smart City. Amsterdam Smart City ~
Projects. Retrieved 2015-05-30.
[4] Solanas, A.; Patsakis, C.; Conti, M.; Vlachos, I.; Ramos,
V.; Falcone, F.; Postolache, O.; Perez-Martinez, P.;
Pietro, R.; Perrea, D.; Martinez-Balleste, A. (2014).
Smart health: A context-aware health paradigm within
smart cities. IEEE Communications Magazine 52 (8): 74.
[5] Komninos, Nicos (2013-08-22). What makes cities intelligent?". In Deakin, Mark. Smart Cities: Governing,
Modelling and Analysing the Transition. Taylor and Francis. p. 77. ISBN 978-1135124144.
[6] Dept Business(2013) Page 7 As consumers of private
goods and services we have been empowered by the Web
and, as citizens, we expect the same quality from our public services. In turn, public authorities are seeking to reduce costs and raise performance by adopting similar approaches in the delivery of public services. However, the
concept of a Smart City goes way beyond the transactional
relationships between citizen and service provider. It is essentially enabling and encouraging the citizen to become a
more active and participative member of the community
[7] Dept Business(2013) Page 5 Challenges Faced by Cities
and the Need for Smarter Approaches
[8] Komninos(2009) Pages 337355
[9] Paskaleva, K (25 January 2009). Enabling the smart
city:The progress of e-city governance in Europe. International Journal of Innovation and Regional Development
1 (4): 405422(18). doi:10.1504/ijird.2009.022730.
[10] European Commission. Digital Agenda for Europe. Retrieved 2015-05-30.
[11] Dept Business(2013) Page 3 Arup estimates that the
global market for smart urban systems for transport, energy, healthcare, water and waste will amount to around
$400 Billion pa. by 2020
[12] Ajuntament de Barcelona. Barcelona Smart City. Retrieved 2015-05-30.
[13] City of Stockholm. The Smart City. Stockholms stad.
Retrieved 2015-05-30.
[14] Deakin, Mark; Al Waer, Husam. From Intelligent
to Smart Cities. Journal of Intelligent Buildings International: From Intelligent Cities to Smart Cities 3 (3).
[15] Deakin, Mark (2013-08-22). From intelligent to smart
cities. In Deakin, Mark. Smart Cities: Governing, Modelling and Analysing the Transition. Taylor and Francis.
p. 15. ISBN 978-1135124144.
[16] Ginger, Rudolf; Christian Fertner; Hans Kramar;
Robert Kalasek; Nataa Pichler-Milanovic; Evert Meijers
(2007). Smart cities Ranking of European mediumsized cities (PDF). Smart Cities. Vienna: Centre of Regional Science.


[17] Denitions and overviews. Smart Cities Council. The

smart city sector is still in the I know it when I see it
phase, without a universally agreed denition. The Council denes a smart city as one that has digital technology
embedded across all city functions
[18] Caragliu, A; Del Bo, C. & Nijkamp, P (2009). Smart
cities in Europe. Serie Research Memoranda 0048 (VU
University Amsterdam, Faculty of Economics, Business
Administration and Econometrics).
[19] Sarwant Singh (19 June 2014). Smart Cities -- A
$1.5 Trillion Market Opportunity. Forbes. Retrieved 4
November 2014.
[20] About. IEEE Smart Cities.
[21] Smart City - Denition. BusinessDictionary.com.
[22] Draft Concept Note on Smart City Scheme (PDF). Government of India - Ministry of Urban Development.
[23] Hollands(2008) Pages 303320
[24] Ballon, P; Glidden, J.; Kranas, P.; Menychtas, A.; Ruston,
S.; Van Der Graaf, S. (2011). Is there a Need for a Cloud
Platform for European Smart Cities? (PDF). eChallenges
e-2011. Florence, Italy.
[25] Deakin, M (2007). From city of bits to e-topia: taking
the thesis on digitally-inclusive regeneration full circle.
Journal of Urban Technology 14 (3): 131143.
[26] Deakin, M; Allwinkle, S (2007). Urban regeneration
and sustainable communities: the role of networks, innovation and creativity in building successful partnerships. Journal of Urban Technology 14 (1): 7791.
[27] A, Coe; Paquet, G. and Roy, J. (2001). E-governance
and smart communities: a social learning challenge
(PDF). Social Science Computer Review 19 (1): 8093.
[28] Komninos(2008) Pages 112-113
[29] Atlee, T. and Pr, George (2006). Evolutionary Nexus:
connecting communities for emergence.
[30] Mitchell,W. (2007). Intelligent cities. e-Journal on the
Knowledge Society.
[31] Komninos, Nicos. Intelligent cities: Variable geometries of spatial intelligence.. In Deakin, Mark; Al Waer,
Husam. From Intelligent to Smart Cities. Journal of Intelligent Buildings International: From Intelligent Cities to
Smart Cities 3 (3). doi:10.1080/17508975.2011.586671.
[32] Department of Sustainability and Environment (2005).
Melbourne 2030. State Government of Victoria. Retrieved 2015-05-30.
[33] Boyle, D.; Yates, D.; Yeatman, E. (2013). Urban Sensor
Data Streams: London 2013. IEEE Internet Computing
17 (6): 1. doi:10.1109/MIC.2013.85.
[34] WikiSensing: An Online Collaborative Approach for
Sensor Data Management. doi:10.3390/s121013295.

[35] Schaers, H., Komninos, N., Pallot, M., Trousse, B., and
Nilsson M. (2011). The Future Internet. Vol. 6656. pp.
431446. ISBN 9783642208973.

[60] Baxter, Stephen (2012-02-26). Modest gains in rst six

months of Santa Cruzs predictive police program. Santa
Cruz Sentinel. Retrieved 2015-05-26.

[36] MIT Cities. MIT.

[61] Greeneld, A. (2013). Against the Smart City. London:


[37] IntelCities. Intelcities project.

[38] Intelligent City Platforms. URENIO.
[39] Home. URENIO.
[40] AIM. Smart Cities project.
[41] Network as the Next Utility for Intelligent Urbanisation"". CISCO.
[42] About IBM. IBM.
[43] The Intelligent Communities of the Year 1999-2010.
[44] Amsterdam Smart City. Amsterdam Smart City ~ Climate Street. Retrieved 2015-05-30.
[45] Amsterdam Smart City. Amsterdam Smart City ~ About
ASC. Retrieved 2015-05-30.
[46] Amsterdam Smart City. Amsterdam Smart City ~ Do
you have smart solutions for your city?". Retrieved 201505-30.
[47] Amsterdam Smart City. Amsterdam Smart City ~ Smart
Spotlight: Manuel Cayre. Retrieved 2015-05-30.
[48] Amsterdam Smart City. Amsterdam Smart City ~ The
smart home. Retrieved 2015-05-30.
[49] Amsterdam Smart City. Amsterdam Smart City ~ Flexible street lighting. Retrieved 2015-05-30.
[50] Amsterdam Smart City. Amsterdam Smart City ~ Smart
trac management. Retrieved 2015-05-30.
[51] Laursen, Lucas (2014-11-18). Barcelonas Smart City
Ecosystem. MIT Technology Review. Retrieved 201505-30.
[52] BCN Smart City. New bus network. Retrieved 201505-30.
[53] BCN Smart City. Smart trac lights. Retrieved 201505-30.
[54] Ajuntament de Barcelona. Urban Innovation. Retrieved
[55] Stockholm: the capital of Scandinavia. This is stokab.
Retrieved 2015-05-30.
[56] ICT Regulation Toolkit. Models for Infrastructure Sharing: Swedens Stokab. Retrieved 2015-05-30.
[57] Stockholm: the Capital of Scandinavia. Green IT
(PDF) (Press release). Retrieved 2015-05-30.
[58] Stockholm: the Capital of Scandinavia. e-sthlm (PDF)
(Press release). Retrieved 2015-05-30.
[59] Kista Science City Online. Kista Science City. Retrieved 2015-05-30.

[62] Graham, S.; Marvin, S. (1996). Telecommunications and

the city: electronic spaces, urban place. London: Routledge. ISBN 9780203430453.

Hollands, R. G (2008). Will the real smart
city please stand up?". City 12 (3): 303320.
Komninos N. (2008). Intelligent Cities and Globalisation of Innovation Networks. Routledge. ISBN
Komninos, N. (2009). Intelligent cities: towards interactive and global innovation environments. International Journal of Innovation and Regional Development (Inderscience Publishers) 1 (4).
Dept Business (2013). Smart cities - background
paper (PDF). UK Government Department for
Business, Innovation and Skills.

10 Further reading
Most recently published rst
Moir, E.; Moonen, T.; Clark, C. (2014). What
are future cities - origins, meaning and uses (PDF).
Foresight Future of Cities Project and Future Cities
Townsend, Antony (2013). Smart Cities: Big Data,
Civic Hackers, and the Quest for a New Utopia. W.
W. Norton & Company. ISBN 0393082873.
Batty, M. et al. (2012). Smart Cities of the Future. European Journal of Physics Special Topics
214: 481518. doi:10.1140/epjst/e2012-01703-3.
Kwon Hyung LEE (2011). Building a New Smart
City in Asia: Songdo International City in Incheon,
S. Korea (PDF). Incheon Development Institute.
Retrieved 2 July 2013.
Shepard, Mark (2011). Sentient City: Ubiquitous
Computing, Architecture, and the Future of Urban
Space. New York City. Architectural League of
New York. ISBN 978-0262515863.



External links

Cities of the future? Indian PM pushes plan for 100
'smart cities (CNN)
Can open data power a smart city revolution? (The
Smarter cities Articles in The Guardian tagged
'smarter cities
Tomorrows cities: Do you want to live in a smart
city? (BBC News)
The Future of Cities -The Internet of Everything
will Change How We Live Article by John Chambers and Wim Elfrink for the Council on Foreign
The six steps to a Smarter City; and the philosophical imperative for taking them Article by Rick
Robinson of IBM
Getting Smarter About Smart Cities by Robert
Puentes and Adie Tomer for the Brookings Institution
Smart Cities: Collaboration is Key to Realizing
Technologys Promise published by University of
California, Berkeley
Towards Common Data Standards for Smart Cities
and Their Buildings by Michael Jansen, Cityzenith
Nanette Byrnes, Cities Find Rewards in Cheap
Technologies, MIT Technology Review, November
18, 2014
World Bank blog posts tagged 'smart city'
National initiatives
UK Budget 2015 funding for smart cities development
British Standards Institute initiative on Smart Cities
Future of Cities UK Government 'Foresight' Project
on cities
Future Cities Catapult A UK government funded
'global centre of excellence on urban innovation'.
Songdo International Business District Master
About i-Canada Alliance. Aiming to make 'all
Canadian communities large and small, urban and
rural into Intelligent Communities
Investment Potential of Smart Cities - An Indian
Perspective - Research Report by iData Insights



Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses


Smart city Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smart_city?oldid=669550216 Contributors: Alexf, Beland, Kusunose, Illustir, BD2412,
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File:Bletchley_Park_-_Draco2008.jpg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/82/Bletchley_Park_-_Draco2008.

jpg License: CC BY 2.0 Contributors: Bletchley Park Original artist: Draco2008 from UK
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The people from the Tango! project. And according to the meta-data in the le, specically: Andreas Nilsson, and Jakub Steiner (although
KeizersgrachtReguliersgrachtAmsterdam.jpg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Massimo Catarinella
File:Kista.jpg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5c/Kista.jpg License: CC BY-SA 1.0 Contributors: http://
www.e.kth.se/~{}e98_ama/bilder/kista_science_tower/DSC00063.JPG Original artist: Adam Malmcrona
File:Spring_2013_hackNY_Student_Hackathon.jpg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c3/Spring_2013_
hackNY_Student_Hackathon.jpg License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Contributors: Source image on Flickr Original artist: Matylda Czarnecka on


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