Protecting Animals

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Protecting Animals

Our Labour values tell us that we have a moral duty to treat the
animals we share our planet with in a humane and compassionate
way. No other major political party has such a proven track record
of decisive action for animals at home, on farms and in the wild.
The last Labour Government achieved much to end the cruel
and unnecessary suffering of animals: the banning of hunting with
dogs, securing an end to cosmetic testing on animals, banning fur
farming and introducing the Animal Welfare Act 2006.
This is a legacy that we are proud of one which we believe
shows that Labour is the only party to trust on animal welfare.
A Labour Government will continue to lead the way on animal
welfare, starting with these six pledges that build on our previous
achievements at home and abroad.

Ed Miliband
Leader of the Labour Party

Maria Eagle
Shadow Secretary of State for the
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Defend the Hunting ban

Ban the use of wild

animals in circuses

Ten years ago the Labour Party ended

the cruel practice of hunting with dogs.
Labour believes that the unnecessary
and prolonged suffering of defenceless
animals has no place in civilised society.
The hunting ban is a testament to
the progress made since the days of
bear baiting and other such barbaric
blood sports.
Yet despite its success and the
overwhelming support of the British
public, the Hunting Act 2004 is under threat
from the Tories and the Liberal Democrats,
who have promised to hold a free vote
on repealing the Act. David Cameron
has repeatedly stated his opposition
to the Hunting Act.
Only Labour can protect the Hunting Act
because Labour is the only major political
party committed to defending it.

Travelling circuses are no place for wild

animals. Being moved from place to place
in cramped and substandard enclosures,
forced training and performance, loud
noises and crowds of people are the
unavoidable distressing realities
for animals in circuses.
The Labour Party believes that animals
should not be subjected to the
unacceptable conditions of circus life.
Unfortunately despite calls from the
British public, MPs and animal welfare
campaigners, this Tory-led Government
have failed to take action to end this abuse.
Despite promising to ban the use of wild
animals in travelling circuses in England in
March 2012, the Tory-led Government
blocked the legislation. The next Labour
Government will ban this cruel practice.

End the Governments

ineffective and inhumane
badger culls
Bovine TB is a scourge on our countryside;
it devastates livelihoods as well as
communities. The lastLabour Government
spent 50 million andten years on a field
trial which came tothe conclusion that
badger culls could make no meaningful
contribution toreducing Bovine TB and
in fact could make the problem worse.
The Tory-led Government decided to
go against the science and proceed with
badger culls. Following repeated failures
to meet deadlines and targets, they have
now effectively become an inexpert
unscientific mass cull with no rigorous
monitoring or evaluation.
The Government disbanded the
Independent Expert Panel, which found the
first year of pilot culls in 2013 were neither
effective nor humane. A member of the
panel has since described the Governments
approach as willfully ignoring the concerns
of its own scientists and as an abuse of the
scientific method.
Only a Labour Government will end these
disastrous badger culls and put scientific
evidence at the heart of policy. We will work
with scientists, wildlife groups and farmers
to develop an alternative strategy to get the
problem of Bovine TB under control,
including stricter cattle measures and
prioritising badger and cattle vaccinations.

Improve the protection

of dogs and cats
Poor dog breeding practices cause
suffering. There are more puppies being
bred than there are good homes available,
while large scale puppy farms and
backstreet breeders operate in terrible
conditions where dogs are frequently
sick or unsocialised.
Unlawful trafficking of puppies with little
to no regard for their health means many
fall sick or die shortly after purchase, leaving
their owners heartbroken and lumbered
with huge vet bills. Unsocialised dogs can
present a threat to humans and other
animals and are victims of the trade
thatviews them as mere commodities.
Ineffective regulation, a lack of information
for pet owners and a failure to deal with
irresponsible and cruel breeding practices
have shown that the Tory-led Government
cannot be trusted to improve dog welfare.
There are also concerns relating to the
breeding and sale of cats.
Labour will review the inadequate
regulations on the sale and breeding of
dogs and cats. It is clear that poor breeding
and rearing practices contribute greatly to
the number of abandoned animals rescue
centres have to deal with. The next Labour
Government will build on our landmark
Animal Welfare Act 2006 to develop a
strategy which brings together improved
dog and cat welfare.

Tackle wildlife crime and

reduce animal cruelty
on shooting estates
Birds of prey are intensively persecuted,
and iconic birds such as the hen harrier
are in danger of being lost as a breeding
species in England. More needs to be
done to protect these birds of prey on
shooting estates.
The practice of snaring also needs to
be reviewed. Snares can cause extreme
suffering to animals and often a painful,
lingering death. Because snares are used
mainly, though not exclusively, on shooting
estates to protect game birds, it is right that
Labour works with stakeholders to address
this cruel practice.
The Labour Party is clear that more should
be done to reduce the suffering of animals
on shooting estates. The next Labour
Government will undertake an
independent review on how to:
End the illegal persecution of birds
of prey, such as the hen harrier
Prevent non-target animals getting
trapped in snares
Ensure the humane treatment
of game birds

Lead the fight against

global animal cruelty
The humane treatment of all animals
should be a benchmark for any civilised
society. National governments have a
duty to work together to fight animal
cruelty across the world.
The last Labour Government had a proud
record of achievement on international
animal welfare including the introduction
of the EU trade ban on seal products,
preventing commercial whaling and
banning the use of great apes in animal
The next Labour Government will again
lead international efforts to combat illegal
wildlife crime, including online. Labour will
push to end all commercial whaling, and
prevent the poaching and near extinction
of endangered species such as elephants,
rhinos and tigers, which perpetuates
criminal activity and undermines economic
development in the countries in which
it occurs.

The next election will be the most

important for a generation. Labour
is the only major party that offers
a clear choice to protect the welfare
of animals. Ourdecisive record of
action for animals at home, on farms
and in the wild is a source of pride.
A vote for Labour on 7May isavote
against animal cruelty.

6734_15 Printed and promoted by Iain McNicol, General Secretary, the Labour Party,
on behalf of the Labour Party, both at One Brewers Green, London SW1H 0RH.

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