!stage 5 Test Review

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Name _____________________________________

Stage 5 Test Review

For the test:

Identify, form, and translate nominative plural nouns

Identify, form, and translate plural verbs
Match plural subjects with plural verbs and translate them in a sentence.
Discuss the theater in Pompeii, actors, perfomances, pantomime, and comedy. P. 81-84
Define the theater related terms: Odeon, cavea, orchestra, scaena, scaena frons, pantomime, farce,
Plautus, Terrence
Identify and translate Stage 5 vocabulary
Give derivatives for Stage 5 vocabulary
Identify, translate, or discuss the 6 PMAQ terms: e.g., R.I.P., et. al., P.S.

I. Nouns or Verbs? Singular or Plural?: For the following words, please identify whether they are
nouns or verbs and if they are singular or plural. If they are nouns, please identify whether they are
nominative or accusative and which declension they belong to.
1. agricola
2. canes
3. rideo
4. senem
5. sunt

6. laborat
7. puerum
8. iuvenis
9. clamant
10. nautae

II. Theater Terms: Please identify/define the terms below.

scaena frons
III. Charts: Write the charts on the board in the space below.

IV. Practice for the Test:

Name _____________________________________

Stage 5 Test Review

A. Choose the correct form of the verb and translate the sentence into English.
1. t (sum, es, est, sunt) nauta.
2. puellae (sum, es, est, sunt) bonae.
3. ego (sum, es, est, sunt) agricola.
4. leo (sum, es, est, sunt) magnus.
B. Choose the correct form of the noun and translate the sentence into English.
1. (ego, t, Grumio, ancillae) est coquus.
2. (ego, t, Quintus, pueri) sum flius.
3. (ego, t, puella, feminae) es bonus.
4. (ego, t, canis, domini) sunt rat.
C. Choose the correct form of the verb and translate the sentence into English.
1. leo canem (audio, audis, audit, audiunt).
2. agricolae ad theatrum (plaudo, plaudis, plaudit, plaudunt).
3. t puerum non (video, vidis, vidit, vident).
4. Mater et pater in foro (ambulo, ambulas, ambulat, ambulant).
5. ego (dormio, dormis, dormit, dormiunt).
6. Quintus in atrio (sedeo, sedes, sedet, sedent).
D. Choose the correct form of the noun and translate the sentence into English.
1. (ego, t, Hercules, puer et puella) in triclinio sedent.
2. (ego, t, femina, nautae) ad theatrum ambulat.
3. (ego, t, pater, actores) canem voco.
4. (ego, t, ancilla, coqui) ad villam venis.
5. (ego, t, servus, senatores) in foro stat.
6. (ego, t, canis, senes) dominum salutant.

Name _____________________________________

Stage 5 Test Review

1. magna turba est in urbe.

Transl: ________________________________________________________
2. pstrs per portam ruunt.
Transl: ________________________________________________________
3. pv Gruminem petit.
Transl: ________________________________________________________
4. puer per viam currit.
Transl: ________________________________________________________
5. puellae ad thetrum ambulant.
Transl: ________________________________________________________
6. mult specttrs in thetr sedent et ctrs exspectant.
Transl: _____________________________
7. canis in vi stat.
Transl: _____________________________
8. dominus abest, dliciae meae!
Transl: _____________________________
9. euge! clmant agricolae, ctrs adsunt!
Transl: _____________________________
10. Poppaea, cr t clmrem facis? cr t m vexs?
Transl: _____________________________
11. ctius et Sorex in thetr fbulam agunt.
Transl: _____________________________
12. omns Pompin ad thetrum contentunt.
Transl: _____________________________
13. ctius in scaen stat, et Pompin plaudunt.

Name _____________________________________

Stage 5 Test Review

Transl: _____________________________

1. (pastor,pastores) ad theatrum contendunt.
2. (Puella, puellae) actorem laudat.
3. (Venalicius, venalicii) ad urbem veniunt.
4. (Femina, feminae) fabulam spectant.
5. (senex, senes) in firi dormit.
6. (puer, pueri) in urbe sunt.
1. Omnes Pompeiani (actorem, actor) spectant.
2. Grumio (cena optima, cenam optimam) coquit.
3. (Senem, senex) fabulam dat.
4. Caecilius (ancillam, ancilla) quaerit.
5. agricolae (clamor, clamorem) faciunt.
6. Puellae (Cerberus. Cerberum) audiunt.

Name _____________________________________

Stage 5 Test Review

1. (pastor, pastores) ad theatrum contendunt.

2. (puella, puellae) actorem laudat.

3. (venalicius, venalicii) ad urbem veniunt.

4. (femina, feminae) fabulam spectant.

5. (senex, senes) in foro dormit.

6. (puer, pueri) in urbe sunt.

ASSIGNMENT: Complete Exercise B. In the first blank write the Latin

sentence with the noun form that accurately completes the sentence. In
the second blank write a good English translation of the sentence.
GRAMMAR NOTE: This is more practice in recognizing what noun case is
needed. If a subject is needed, you must choose the noun that is in the
nominative case. If an object is needed, you must choose a noun in the
accusative case. Review page 26 if you are confused. singular, then the
verb must also be singular. If the subject is plural, then the verb must be
plural. Review page 75 if you are confused.
1. omnes Pompeiani (actorem, actor) spectant.

2. Grumio (cena optima, cenam optimam) coquit.

3. (senem, senex) fabulam dat.

4. Caecilius (ancillam, ancilla) quaerit.

Name _____________________________________

Stage 5 Test Review

5. agricolae (clamor, clamorem) faciunt.

6. puellae (Cerberus, Cerberum) audiunt.

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