Learning BeagleBone Python Programming - Sample Chapter

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BeagleBone is a barebone computer that can be

configured and customized for different applications and

is almost half the price of a standard computer. This
book will cover the basics of how BeagleBone Black's
hardware interface subsystems work, and can be
controlled using two popular Python libraries for
BeagleBone Black. You will be introduced to BeagleBone
Black's GPIO, PWM, ADC, UART, SPI, I2C, and eQEP
subsystems. We will then dive deep into more complex
built-in peripherals, demonstrating different ways
to receive input from a user including buttons,
potentiometers, and rotary encoders with the eQEP
module. We will also learn about interfacing with external
devices; this will be demonstrated using the serial
modules to interface with external devices such as
temperature sensors and accelerometers. Towards the
end of the book, we will present a couple of real-world
problems and demonstrate how to solve them with the
skills you've acquired.

Who this book is written for

Set up BeagleBone Black for development

with the PyBBIO and Adafruit_BBIO
Python libraries

Understand how each of BeagleBone

Black's hardware interface subsystems

Connect many different types of hardware

to BeagleBone Black

Use Python code to control and

communicate with external hardware

Write programs that interact with the

physical world around you

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Alexander Hiam

If you have experience with the Python language and

are interested in getting started with electronics, then
BeagleBone Black is the perfect platform for you and this
book will provide you with the information you need.

What you will learn from this book

Learning BeagleBone Python Programming

Learning BeagleBone
Python Programming

C o m m u n i t y

E x p e r i e n c e

D i s t i l l e d

Learning BeagleBone
Python Programming
Unleash the potential of BeagleBone using Python

Alexander Hiam

In this package, you will find:

The author biography

A preview chapter from the book, Chapter 1 'Before We Begin'
A synopsis of the books content
More information on Learning BeagleBone Python Programming

About the Author

Alexander Hiam is a freelance embedded systems designer. He has a bachelor's
degree in computer science (embedded systems) from Marlboro College. He is the
sole proprietor of Gray Cat Labs, where he has been doing contract software and
hardware development since 2012.

Alex developed and actively maintains the PyBBIO Python library for BeagleBone.
He has designed BeagleBone Capes professionally for clients, and he also actively
contributes to the BeagleBone community by helping provide support on the mailing
list and IRC channel and mentoring for the BeagleBoard.org organization during
Google Summer of Code.

The BeagleBone Black is a powerful system that can be used in a huge number
of cool projects and is a great platform to learn about embedded systems and
embedded Linux, but it can be difficult for beginners to find the resources they
need to get started with it. The goal of this book is to use the Python programming
language to introduce you to many of the different hardware interfaces available
on the BeagleBone Black, and to teach you how to use them to communicate with
external hardware with the help of the PyBBIO and Adafruit_BBIO Python libraries.
This book will take you through the system, from initial setup to creating complete
programs, and each new concept along the way is introduced with practical and
contextual examples.

What this book covers

Chapter 1, Before We Begin, introduces you to the BeagleBone Black and to each of its
hardware interfaces that are used throughout the book.
Chapter 2, Getting Started, takes you through the initial steps to get your BeagleBone
Black setup and ready to use, and briefly introduces you to the PyBBIO and
Adafruit_BBIO Python libraries.
Chapter 3, Digital Outputs, goes more in depth into using the GPIO modules to
generate digital outputs, and guides you through your first hardware interface
programs to blink some LEDs.
Chapter 4, PWM and ADC Subsystems, describes in more detail the pulse width
modulation and analog-to-digital converter subsystems, and guides you through
using them to fade LEDs, control servo motors, measure light levels, and more. It
also introduces some basic concepts for analog signal conditioning.


Chapter 5, User Input, presents some methods of using external hardware to

interface with your BeagleBone programs, including potentiometers, buttons,
and rotary encoders.
Chapter 6, Program Output, covers some methods of using external hardware to
provide feedback to the user, from LED and LCD displays to sending e-mails and
text messages.
Chapter 7, Serial Communication, describes in more depth the UART, I2C, and SPI
serial subsystems and how they can be used to communicate with external
digital devices.
Chapter 8, Interfacing with External Devices, walks you through the steps required
to interface with a new digital device by writing a Python module to communicate
with an accelerometer over I2C.
Chapter 9, Using the Network, shows you some ways of taking advantage of the
BeagleBone Black's network connection to remotely control and monitor your
Chapter 10, A Practical Example, walks you through using what you've learned to
build a BeagleBone Black weather station with remote monitoring and automatic
over/under temperature e-mail or text message alarms.
Appendix A, The BeagleBone Black Pinout, provides you with a visual description of the
BeagleBone Black's expansion headers and the different ways each pin can be used.
Appendix B, Disabling HDMI, teaches you to disable the HDMI output.

Before We Begin
Before we start hooking up hardware and writing code, we'll need to have an
understanding of what we're working with. This chapter will introduce you to the
BeagleBone and highlight the various interfaces it provides to connect to external
devices. It will cover:

An overview of the BeagleBone system

An overview of the BeagleBone's peripheral interfaces, and what types of

external devices each can connect to

Some additional hardware and tools that you will need if you want to
duplicate the examples given throughout the book, and where you can
buy them

An overview of BeagleBone
The BeagleBone boards are a series of small, powerful, and affordable Linux
computers that are perfect for embedded applications such as home automation,
robotics, industrial control, and much more. They are designed by BeagleBoard.org
(http://beagleboard.org/) and are fully open source. They are based on the Texas
Instruments AM335x 1GHz ARM Cortex-A8 series of microprocessors, and can run a
number of different operating systems, including various GNU/Linux distributions,
Android, and even Windows Embedded CE. The current BeagleBone model being
produced is the BeagleBone Black rev C, which ships with a Debian GNU/Linux
distribution. Therefore, this book will focus on using Debian on the BeagleBone Black,
though much of the information given will apply to other BeagleBone models and
Linux distributions as well.


Before We Begin

The following screenshot shows the BeagleBone board:

The BeagleBone Black's AM335x microprocessor contains a number of built-in

peripheral interface subsystems, enabling it to accept and generate many different
forms of inputs and outputs. The BeagleBone Black includes two 2 x 23 pin rows of
female header pins, giving a total of 92 connection points for hardware expansion
using the processor's peripheral interface subsystems.

General purpose input/output

The general purpose input/output (GPIO) module handles all the digital input and
output. In this context, digital refers to the fact that the signals are binary; they are
either 1 or 0, represented by fully on and fully off respectively. In the case of the
AM335x, the fully-on level is 3.3V, and the fully-off level is 0V. The GPIO module is
used for inputs such as switches and buttons, which are either on or off. Its outputs
can be used to control devices, such as LEDs, buzzers, and relays.


Chapter 1

Analog-to-digital converter
The analog-to-digital converter (ADC) module is used to measure analog voltages.
The AM335x ADC can only measure voltages between 0V and 1.8V (and voltages
outside this range may damage your BeagleBone), but, in later chapters, you will
learn how to divide larger voltages to be within this range. The ADC can be used
to receive inputs from devices such as potentiometers, which can be used to create
varying voltages, measure the voltage output of analog sensors for temperature,
light, sound, and different types of gases, and with some additional external
components it can be used to measure electrical current.


Before We Begin

Pulse width modulation

The pulse width modulation (PWM) module is essentially used to generate a square
wave signal at a fixed frequency, and then vary its duty cycle. It gives us the ability
to accurately generate pulses of a configured duration, repeating at a configured
frequency. Like the GPIO module, the PWM module on the BeagleBone Black
operates at 3.3V. These PWM signals can be used to control servo motors, vary the
speed of DC motors and the brightness of LEDs, and with some additional external
components they can be used to generate varying voltages.

Universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter

The universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (UART) modules are used to
transmit and receive RS-232 style serial signals, which is an industry standard
for serializing and transferring information between two devices using a pair of
unidirectional digital signals. They can be used to communicate with PCs, Bluetooth
and Wi-Fi radio modules, and GPS receivers. The BeagleBone Black's UART modules
also operate at 3.3V.


Chapter 1

Serial peripheral interface

The serial peripheral interface (SPI) module is used to communicate over SPI,
which is another industry standard serial protocol. Whereas UARTs are generally
used to connect two devices, SPI is made to connect one master device to one or
many slave devices. It is commonly used on devices such as small character and
graphics LCD screens, external ADCs, and DACs (Digital-to-Analog converters),
as well as on many different types of sensor. The BeagleBone Black's SPI modules
operate at 3.3V as well.


Before We Begin

Inter-Integrated Circuit
Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) is yet another industry standard serial protocol. It also
allows a master device to communicate with a bus of many slave devices, but it
requires fewer pins than SPI. It is commonly used by real-time clocks (RTCs), as well
as in many types of sensors, including Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS)
devices, such as accelerometers, magnetometers, and gyroscopes. The BeagleBone's
I2C modules operate at 3.3V.

Tools and additional hardware

The majority of the demo programs in this book use external hardware that must be
purchased separately. Each time a demo program is given, which requires additional
parts, they will be listed by part number and/or description. We will do our best
to use the most readily available and lowest cost parts. All of the parts used can be
purchased from one or more of the following resources:

SparkFun: https://www.sparkfun.com/

Adafruit Industries: http://www.adafruit.com/

Digi-Key: http://www.digikey.com/

Mouser: http://www.mouser.com/

Farnell / Newark / Element14: http://www.farnell.com/


Chapter 1

The circuits in each demo will be assembled using solderless breadboard and jumper
wires. Both come in many different shapes and sizes.

Breadboards and jumper wires can be purchased from any of the preceding links,
and you'll probably want to start out with one standard-sized breadboard and a
jumper wire kit, such as that from Adafruit:

Breadboard: http://www.adafruit.com/products/239

Jumper wires: http://www.adafruit.com/products/153

That should provide enough breadboard space and jumper wires to assemble most,
if not all, of the demo circuits in this book.

Before We Begin

Just like with software, it is inevitable when assembling hardware that things
won't always work the first time. There are many tools that can greatly reduce
the time it takes to fix these problems. The most useful for the circuits in this book
will be a multimeter, which is a tool that measures voltage and current, and often
additional properties such as resistance, capacitance, and frequency. Both SparkFun
and Adafruit carry very affordable digital multimeters. While these are not high
quality measurement tools, they are certainly suitable for these circuits. Though not
essential, I would highly recommend having some sort of multimeter on hand when
building the circuits in this book.
More helpful than a multimeter for debugging tools such as PWM and serial protocols
is an oscilloscope, which shows you a plot of voltage over time to visualize many
different signals in a circuit. This is a more expensive tool, and will be less necessary
for these circuits. Throughout the book, however, you will see screen captures of an
oscilloscope to show various signals, and it should become evident just how helpful
they can be. Again, Adafruit and SparkFun carry affordable oscilloscopes.

The BeagleBone design

The BeagleBone was designed with prototyping in mind. If its shape and size look
familiar to you, it's probably because the board was designed to fit inside an Altoids
tin, which is great for both transportation and making custom enclosures. All of the
expansion pins are broken out on to two female headers with a 2.54 mm pin pitch,
which is one of the most commonly used spacings in the hobby and DIY world, and
mating male header pins can easily be soldered by hand to add-on boards or wires.
The board can be powered through USB or with a standard DC barrel jack, and
power can also be supplied through the expansion headers.


Chapter 1

Board comparison
There are a number of low-cost single-board GNU/Linux computers on the market
these days, so let's take a look at how the BeagleBone Black stacks up against a
couple of its most popular competitors.
BeagleBone Black

Intel Edison

Raspberry Pi 2 B


1 GHz single-core
ARM Cortex-A8

500 MHz dual-core

Intel Atom

900 MHz quad-core

ARM Cortex-A7


4 GB eMMC,
expandable with uSD


uSD card


512 MB

1 GB

1 GB




HDMI, Composite


10/100 Mbit Ethernet

Dual-band a/b/g/n
Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 4.0

10/100 Mbit Ethernet

GPIO pins




ADC channels


PWM channels


SPI ports

I2C ports


2x 200 MHz 32-bit

PRU microcontrollers

100 MHz 32-bit Intel



Price (USD)




The BeagleBone Black offers great performance and far more hardware expansion
capabilities at about the same cost as the Edison and Raspberry Pi 2 B. That
combined with its active open source community makes it a great choice for
a huge variety of projects.
Another important feature of the BeagleBone is the two built-in PRU (programmable
real-time unit) microcontrollers. These are built right into the AM335x CPU and are
on the ARM interconnect, so they can share memory with the ARM processor as
well as provide direct access to the peripherals. This means high-speed, real-time
tasks can be executed on the PRUs asynchronously without any interruption from
the Linux kernel. With growing kernel driver support and documentation to compile
and load firmware to PRUs, and for communicating with the code running on them
from GNU/Linux user space, they really set the BeagleBone apart from much of its
competition. The PRUs are outside the scope of this book, but there are plenty of
tutorials and examples to be found on the Web.

Before We Begin

Helpful resources
One of the BeagleBone Black's strong suits is the large community surrounding it.
The official site at http://beagleboard.org/ has lots of great information.
The main source for help with BeagleBone-related issues is the mailing list at
There are also plenty of helpful people on the #beagle IRC channel at
There are also many resources online that can help fill the gaps this book leaves on the
electrical side. For instance, the Element14 community at http://www.element14.
com/community/welcome and the EEVBlog at http://www.eevblog.com/, both
contain a wealth of great material, as well as very active electronics forums.

You should now have a better understanding of what the BeagleBone has to offer,
and maybe even some insight into the types of devices we will be interfacing with
in later chapters.
In the next chapter, you will be plugging in your BeagleBone Black and learning how
to log in and get everything we need installed and up to date.

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Where to buy this book

You can buy Learning BeagleBone Python Programming from the
Packt Publishing website.
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book retailers.
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