Age of Sigmar Errata and Scenarios

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Although Age of Sigmar has taken a unique

approach to Tabletop Gaming, this document

represents a completely unofficial way to
modify the rules into ones more conducive to
competitive play.



Remove Initiative from the Game.
Change the section to read:
In your hero phase, your general can use one
command ability. All generals have the Inspiring Presence command ability, which they may
use any number of times per battle. If they
have one, your general may use each printed
command ability on their Warscroll once per
Add the following section:
If the attack is being made with a Ranged
Weapon in the Shooting phase additional
requirements apply:
Units with any models engaged with enemies (within 3 of an enemy model) may
not perform shooting attacks in the shooting
phase. Special Rules which specifically allow
for Shooting Attacks to be made in the Combat
Phase (such as the Skull Cannons Grind their
Bones, Seize their Skulls ability) circumvent
this limitation.
When targeting an enemy unit with models engaged with allied models, only those which are
greater than 3 of an allied model are eligible to
take Wounds. These models must be the closest
to the firing unit, who cannot shoot through allied models. When assigning the Wound Pool,
should the closest model to the firing unit be
within 3 of an ally, or be an ally, all remaining
Wounds are discounted and the attack ends
Look Out Sir!: Hero models without the
Monster keyword within 3 of an allied unit
cannot be targeted by ranged attacks unless
they are the closest model to the firing unit.
When attacked by a ranged attack, after rolling
to wound, but before making saves of any kind,
the Hero may make a Look out Sir! Roll. On a
4+ an allied unit within 3 (who is not engaged
in close combat) immediately takes any saves
they are required to take as though they were
the initial target of the attack.


Change Step 4) Determine Damage to read:
Once all of the attacks made by a unit have
been carried out, each successful attack inflicts
a number of wounds equal to the Damage characteristic of the weapon. Most weapons have a
Damage characteristic of 1, but some can inflict
2 or more wounds, allowing them to cause
grievous injuries to even the mightiest foe, or to
cleave through more than one opponent with
but a single blow!
In order to make several attacks at once, all
of the attacks must have the same To Hit, To
Wound, Rend and Damage characteristics, and
must be directed at the same enemy unit. If
this is the case, make all of the hit rolls at the
same time, then all of the wound rolls, and
finally all of the save rolls; then add up the total
number of wounds caused. This is the Wound
Pool for the attack
Page 4 - Inflicting Damage
Change the section to read:
After all of the attacks made by a unit have been
carried out, the player commanding the target
unit resolves the Wound Pool by allocating the
wounds to the closest model to the attacking
unit. Sometimes it will be unclear which
model in a target unit is closest to the attacking
unit because there is no discernible difference
between the attacking unit and several models
in the target unit. If two or more models are
equidistant from the attacking unit, the owning
player chooses which model is dealt the wound.
The model is treated as being the closest model
and remains so until either the attacking units
attack ends or the model is slain. When inflicting damage, if a model is allocated a wound, it
must be allocated all remaining wounds in the
pool until either it is slain or no more wounds
remain to be allocated. When assigning
wounds, Unit Command models are always
treated as not being the closest model until
they are the only models remaining. Instead,
after wounds are done, Command Models are
immediately pushed back to be within 1 of
the closest surviving models in the unit or 3
directly away from the attacking unit if they are
the only models left alive.
This may sometimes cause a combat to break
apart if enough wounds are dealt. Units that
begin a Combat Phase engaged with an enemy
unit may always attempt to Pile in and Attack,
even if when Activated they are greater than 3


Once the number of wounds suffered by a

model during the battle equals its Wounds
characteristic, the model is slain. Place the
slain model to one side it is removed from
play. Some warscrolls include abilities that
allow wounds to be healed. A healed wound no
longer has any effect. You cant heal wounds on
a model that has been slain.
Add the following to the second paragraph:
Wizards may attempt to cast spells when
engaged (within 3 of enemy models), but any
spell which directly targets an enemy unit may
only target models they are engaged with. Beneficial spells may only be cast on allied models
or units engaged in the same combat. Wizards
are considered unable to draw line of sight out
of the combat for spells that are neither beneficial nor offensive.
Add the following to the end of the section:
Summoning: Units Summoned during the
Hero Phase may not be activated until the start
of their controlling players Movement Phase.

The Armies

For every 25 counted wounds you may take:

4 Warscrolls
8 Wounds of models with the Hero keyword
(only 60% can be spent on a single model,
rounding up)
6 Wounds of models with the Monster keyword
5 Wounds of models with the Warmachine
All models with 10 or more wounds must be
from the same Compendium as the General.
Regardless of Wound Totals
All named Heroes are 0-1 choices and may
not be taken multiple times.
All unnamed Heroes are 0-2 choices and may
not be taken more than twice.
Models with both the Hero and Monster
keyword count against both allowances
No more than 35% of the armys total Wounds
may be models with the Fly special rule.
When a model receives a Wound through an
upgrade, the bonus is not counted towards your
armys total wounds.
When a unit exceeds 10 models, receive 2
models for each that is purchased with wounds.
i.e. a unit that begins at Five, 1-wound models,
would cost 10 wounds total for a unit of 10, but
only 15 wounds for a unit of 20.


The Armies

Choose the armies as detailed by the composition rules on Page 1.

The Battlefield

Battles in Age of Sigmar are fought across an

infinite variety of exciting landscapes in the
Moral Realms, from desolate volcanic plains
and treacherous sky temples, to lush jungles
and cyclopean ruins. No land is left untouched
by the blight of war.
The best battles are fought over lavishly
designed and constructed landscapes. A
good guide is at least 1 feature for every 2 foot
square, but less is okay and more can make for
a really interesting battle.
Players may either alternate placing terrain
until they are happy, or to help you decide the
placement of your scenery, you can choose to
roll two dice and add them together for each 2
foot square area of your battlefield and consult
the following table:

Terrain Features


No terrain features


2 terrain features


1 terrain feature


2 terrain features


No terrain features

If using this method, players alternate placing

terrain in each 2 foot square before rolling


Unlike normal, before setting up their armies,

both players roll a dice, rolling again in the case
of a tie. The player that rolls higher claims one
of the four table sides as their own, while their
enemy takes the opposite side.
The player who lost this roll then chooses who
deploys their first unit, alternating as normal.
After deployment, place one Banner in the
direct center of the board. Refer to the
deployment map to the side for details.

The General

First Turn

The player that finishes setting up first always

chooses who takes the first turn in the first
battle round.

Holding/Controlling Objectives

For the purposes of this missions, Objectives

can be either Held, or Controlled.
An objective is considered Held if a player owns
more models within range of the Objective than
their opponent.
An Objective is considered Controlled if a
player owns any models within range of an
Objective while their opponent has none.

Game Length

The game lasts until one player has scored 7

Victory Points.

Once the players have finished setting up all

of their units, each player nominates one Hero
model (unless they have no Heroes) to be their


Victory Conditions

The victory conditions of this scenario are tied

to taking the center ground from the enemy.

Primary Objectives

Players begin scoring points at the end of the

second Battle Round.
At the end of a players turn (not Battle Round),
the Active player earns 1 Victory Point if they
Hold the center. This increases to 2 Victory
Points if they Control the center.
Special: In this mission, for the purposes of
model count, the armys General (and only
their General) counts as a number of models
equal to their remaining wounds.

Secondary Objectives

Slaying the enemys General immediately

awards 2 Victory Points.


The Armies

Choose the armies as detailed by the composition rules on Page 1.

The Battlefield

Battles in Age of Sigmar are fought across an

infinite variety of exciting landscapes in the
Moral Realms, from desolate volcanic plains
and treacherous sky temples, to lush jungles
and cyclopean ruins. No land is left untouched
by the blight of war.
The best battles are fought over lavishly
designed and constructed landscapes. A
good guide is at least 1 feature for every 2 foot
square, but less is okay and more can make for
a really interesting battle.
Players may either alternate placing terrain
until they are happy, or to help you decide the
placement of your scenery, you can choose to
roll two dice and add them together for each 2
foot square area of your battlefield and consult
the following table:

Terrain Features


No terrain features


2 terrain features


1 terrain feature


2 terrain features


No terrain features

If using this method, players alternate placing

terrain in each 2 foot square before rolling


Unlike normal, before setting up their armies,

both players roll a dice, rolling again in the case
of a tie. The player that rolls higher claims one
of the four table sides as their own, while their
enemy takes the opposite side.
The player who lost this roll then chooses who
deploys their first unit, alternating as normal.
After choosing table sides, each player places
their armys banner 20 up from their board
edge, and 14 away from the board edge to their
right. Refer to the deployment map to the side
for details.

First Turn

Victory Conditions

The player that finishes setting up first always

chooses who takes the first turn in the first
battle round.

The victory conditions of this scenario are tied

to holding your factions territory, while contesting or claiming your opponents.

Holding/Controlling Objectives

Primary Objectives

For the purposes of this missions, Objectives

can be either Held, or Controlled.

Players begin scoring points at the end of the

second Battle Round.

An objective is considered Held if a player owns

more models within range of the Objective than
their opponent.

At the end of a players turn (not Battle Round),

Holding or Controlling their own Banner awards
1 Victory Point.

An Objective is considered Controlled if a

player owns any models within range of an
Objective while their opponent has none.

Holding the enemys Banner awards 2 Points,

increasing to 3 if they Control it.

Secondary Objectives

Game Length

The game lasts until one player has scored 7

Victory Points.

The General

Once the players have finished setting up all

of their units, each player nominates one Hero
model (unless they have no Heroes) to be their


Slaying the enemys General immediately

awards 2 Victory Points.


The Armies

Choose the armies as detailed by the composition rules on Page 1.

The Battlefield

Battles in Age of Sigmar are fought across an

infinite variety of exciting landscapes in the
Moral Realms, from desolate volcanic plains
and treacherous sky temples, to lush jungles
and cyclopean ruins. No land is left untouched
by the blight of war.
The best battles are fought over lavishly
designed and constructed landscapes. A
good guide is at least 1 feature for every 2 foot
square, but less is okay and more can make for
a really interesting battle.
Players may either alternate placing terrain
until they are happy, or to help you decide the
placement of your scenery, you can choose to
roll two dice and add them together for each 2
foot square area of your battlefield and consult
the following table:

Terrain Features


No terrain features


2 terrain features


1 terrain feature


2 terrain features


No terrain features

If using this method, players alternate placing

terrain in each 2 foot square before rolling


Unlike normal, before setting up their armies,

both players roll a dice, rolling again in the case
of a tie. The player that rolls higher claims one
of the four table sides as their own, while their
enemy takes the opposite side.
The player who lost this roll then chooses who
deploys their first unit, alternating as normal.
After deployment, place three Banners in accordance with the diagram as shown.

The General

Once the players have finished setting up all

of their units, each player nominates one Hero
model (unless they have no Heroes) to be their

First Turn

Victory Conditions

The player that finishes setting up first always

chooses who takes the first turn in the first
battle round.

The victory conditions of this scenario are tied

to determining the value of the terrain and
taking what is most prized.

Holding/Controlling Objectives

Primary Objectives

For the purposes of this missions, Objectives

can be either Held, or Controlled.
An objective is considered Held if a player owns
more models within range of the Objective than
their opponent.
An Objective is considered Controlled if a
player owns any models within range of an
Objective while their opponent has none.

Game Length

The game lasts until one player has scored 7

Victory Points.

Twist of Fate

At the end of the First Battle Round, randomly

remove a non-center flag from the table.


Players begin scoring points at the end of the

second Battle Round.
At the end of a players turn (not Battle Round),
the Active player earns 1 Victory Point if they
Hold the center. This increases to 2 Victory
Points if they Control the center.
Holding the outer Banner awards 2 Victory
Points. This increases to 3 Points if it is Controlled.
Special: In this mission, for the purposes of
model count, the armys General (and only
their General) counts as a number of models
equal to their remaining wounds.

Secondary Objectives

Slaying the enemys General immediately

awards 2 Victory Points.

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