Ijert: A Combined Image Steganography Technique Based On Edge Concept & Dynamic LSB

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International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)

ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 1 Issue 8, October - 2012

A Combined Image Steganography Technique Based on

Edge Concept & Dynamic LSB
Marghny H. Mohamed1, Naziha M. AL-Aidroos2, and Mohamed A. Bamatraf3
Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Computers and Information, Asyut University, Egypt.
Department of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Petroleum, Hadhramout University,
Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Science, Hadhramout University, Yemen.




Steganography is the art and science of hiding data.

The secret message is hidden in such a way that the
observer cannot detect any changes in the original
image. In this paper, we proposed an efficient
steganographic scheme to hide data over gray scale
images. This scheme is based on the property of human
eye, which is more sensitive to the change in the
smooth area than the edge area using pixel value
difference, beside employing the LSB substitution
technique as a fundamental stage. The experimental
results over greyscale images showed the ability of
embedding high data capacity with preserving stego
image quality. Efficiency of the model is evaluated
using two metrics, the PSNR value as one of the
evaluation metrics, and the data payload (capacity) as
the second. Moreover, based on that the secret message
is replaced with dynamic LSBs, our scheme can
effectively resist several image steganalysis techniques.

from drawing attention from the opponent, should

maintain an imperceptible stego image quality. That is
to say, if there are more similarities between the cover
image and the stego image, it will be harder for an
attacker to find out that the stego image has important
secret data hidden inside it (Wu and Hwang, 2007).
This way, the secret data is more likely to travel from
the sender to the receiver safe and sound.
There are many ways to hide information in images.
Any text, image, or anything that can be embedded in a
bit stream can be hidden in an image. Image
steganography has come quite far in recent years with
the development of fast, powerful graphical computers.
An image in a computer is an array of numbers that
represent light intensities at various points (pixels).
These pixels make up the images raster data. Digital
images are stored in either 24-bit (true color images) or
8-bit per pixel files. Hence 8-bit color images, like GIF
files, can be used to hide information. Here, each pixel
is represented as a single byte, and the pixel's value is
between 0 and 255. Grey scale images are preferred
because the shades are changed very gradually between
palette entries. This increases the image's ability to hide
information (Franz et al., 1996).
Image steganographic techniques can be divided into
two groups (Wu and Tsai, 2003): the Spatial Domain
technique group, and the Transform Domain technique
group. The Spatial domain technique embeds
information in the intensity of the pixels directly, while
the Transform domain technique embeds information in
frequency domain of previously transformed image.
Our proposed scheme is a kind of the spatial domain
The most well known techniques to data hiding in
images are least significant bit (LSB) substitution, and
masking & filtering techniques. LSB is a simple
approach to embedding information in an image. But
image manipulation can destroy the hidden information
in this image.
The steganography domain is growing up very
quickly. A lot of mathematical papers and practical
trials are published every day. Some of these papers are
used LSB method in an attempt to get a new data
hiding techniques or to develop an existing techniques,
such as: (Battisti et al., 2006; Chan and Cheng, 2004;
Chang et al., 2003; Huang et al., 2011; Kekre et al.,

Keywords: Data Hiding; LSB Substitution; Pixel

Value Difference; Steganography.

1. Introduction
In recent years, enormous research efforts have been
invested in the development of digital image
steganographic techniques. Image steganography is a
secret communication technique used to transmit secret
messages that have been embedded into an image. In
image steganography, the original image and the
embedded image are called the cover image and the
stego image, respectively. The sender hides the secret
message in a cover image that has no meaning, and
then transmits the stego image to the receiver through a
public channel. In the transmission process, the public
channel may be intentionally monitored by some
opponent who tries to prevent the message from being
successfully sent and received. The opponent may
randomly attack the stego image if he/she doubts the
stego image carries any secret message because the
appearance of the stego image shows obvious artifacts
of hiding effect (Liao et al., 2007). For this reason, an
ideal steganography scheme, to keep the stego image


International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)

ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 1 Issue 8, October - 2012

The paper is organized as follows; briefly background

about the techniques used in the proposed method is
introduced in Section 2. Our scheme is presented in
Section 3. The experimental results with some analyses
and discussions are shown in Section 4. Finally, the
conclusions are provided in Section 5.

2. Background
2.1. Least Significant Bit Hiding (LSB) Scheme:
Least significant bit (LSB) insertion is a common and
simple approach to embed information in a cover file: it
overwrites the LSB of a pixel with an s bit.
Unfortunately, modifying the cover image changes its
statistical properties, so eavesdroppers can detect the
distortions in the resulting stego images statistical
properties. The general operation of data hiding by
using a simple LSB substitution method is described in
this section.
Many steganogrphic methods embed a large amount
of the secret information in the first k LSBs of the
cover image pixels. Because of the imperfect sensibility
of the human visual system, the existence of the
embedded secret information can be imperceptible.
A digital image I can be represented by a two
dimensional, with size (N= width height). Each
image is composed of finite elements each of which has
a definite location and amplitude. These elements are
referred to as image pixels, I = {P1,..,PN}, where every
pixel in the greyscale image consists of 8 bits:
, where:
LSB with k embedding factor
, for every
targeted for embedding data bits replaces the set of
, , keeping the rest of bits
without effect.
The generated set of pixels
represents as
the stego image , where:



2008; Ker, 2005; Khalaf and Sulaiman, 2011;

Mohamed et al., 2011; Wang et al., 2001).
The LSB-based methods, directly embed the secret
data into the spatial domain in an unreasonable way
without taking into consideration the difference in
hiding capacity between edge and smooth areas. In
general, the alteration tolerance of an edge area is
higher than that of a smooth area. That is to say, an
edge area can conceal more secret data than a smooth
area. While human perception is less sensitive to subtle
changes in edge areas of a pixel, it is more sensitive to
change in the smooth areas. So, new embedding
techniques using the advantage of edge detection
technique are introduced, such as, (Chang and Tseng,
2004; Chen and Wu, 2009; Li et al., 2006) which
evaluate the correlation between neighboring pixels to
determine whether a pixel is located in an edge area or
a smooth area, and how many bits should be embedded
in that pixel accordingly, using method named Side
Match. Another technique proposed by Wu and Tsai
(2003), using the pixel-value differencing (PVD)
method to distinguish edge and smooth areas. The PVD
technique can embed more data in the edge area which
guarantees high imperceptibility. Based on this
technique, several papers are suggested in order to
provide data hiding methods achieve high embedding
capacity as possible. From these papers, (Chang et al.,
2008; Chen et al., 2010; Padmaa and Venkataramani,
2010; Wang et al., 2008; Yang and Weng, 2006; Zhang
et al., 2009).
Because the PVD method does not utilize the smooth
area to hide large amount of secret data, the capacity is
still low. In order to achieve higher capacity, another
researchers used a combination of PVD and LSB.
These techniques are based on the idea of using PVD
when the difference between a pair of pixels is large
(edge area), and using LSB method when the difference
is small (smooth area), such as, (Al-Sadi and El-Alfy,
2011; Kim et al., 2008; Li et al., 2006; Liao et al.,
2011; Wu et al., 2005; Yang et al., 2007; Yang et al.,
The proposed approach introduces a new hybrid
method integrating both a dynamic classical LSB data
hiding technique and the pixel value difference
technique. Our primary target here is to increase the
capacity of embedded data without much distortion, by
using the difference value between pixels adjacent to
the target pixel. The difference value is used to decide
which pixels belong to an edge area and which are not.
To embed the secret data bits within the spatial domain
of these pixels by comparing the secret data bits with
the similar corresponding pixel bits of the cover image
pixels in the smooth area. We experiment on various
standard images to evaluate the efficiency of the
proposed method, and as a result, our method is able to
produce stego image more similar to the original


The following example describes how the LSB

embedding happens, suppose we have the following
P1= [11001011], P2= [00011010], P3= [01001100].
And the bits want to embed it in the LSBs positions are
M = [010], the resulted pixels after embedding will be:
P1= [11001010], P2= [00011011], P3= [01001100].
The quality of the stego image produced by simple
LSB substitution may not be acceptable. It means that
the method degrades the image quality and probably
attracts unauthorized attention. Once he/she notices the
stego image, secret message can be easily extracted by
simple LSB analysis.
The proposed method can solve these problems, even
though it is based on classic LSB, yet it is totally
different as the embedding process is not a uniform in
terms of what pixels are selected for embedding in the
cover image. This increases the complexity of the

International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)

ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 1 Issue 8, October - 2012

hidden data extraction in one hand and preserves the

image quality in the other hand, by minimizing the
number of the modified LSB bits.

Step 1: Obtain the edge image of the cover image IC,

by dividing the image into overlapping blocks, each
block consists of 4 neighboring pixels (Figure 1).

2.2. Pixel-Value Differencing (PVD) Scheme:




Figure1. A target pixel and three neighboring pixels

Where the target pixel

with gray value
, let
be the gray value of the
neighboring pixels, right pixel as
, down-right
pixel as
and down pixel as
Step 2: Calculate the difference value d of each block
to indicate the smooth and edge regions, then select the
maximum difference among them as follows,
Step 3: Using Equation (4), we decide whether the
target pixel is included in an edge area, if value is
more or equal to a certain threshold, otherwise it
included in a smooth area, after this step we obtain two
sets of pixels, the first called edge pixels denoted as
(E), and the other called smooth pixels denoted as (S).
Where e, s are the edge pixels size, and smooth pixels
size respectively, N = e + s.
Step 4: Initially set the secret data bits index (
For all smooth pixel
, as a first
step in the embedding process, the first 2 LSB bits are
reserved immediately for embedding, as follows,



The alteration of edge areas in the human visual

system cannot be distinguished well, but the alteration
of smooth areas can be distinguished well. That is, an
edge area can hide more secret data than a smooth area.
With this concept, Wu and Tasi, (2003) proposed a
novel steganography technique using the pixel-value
differencing (PVD) method to distinguish edge and
smooth areas. This method relies on the idea that not all
pixels can store the same number of bits of the secret
data. Instead of inserting the secret bits directly to the
end of each byte of the cover image (which is the way
in which LSB works), they determine the number of
bits to be embedded based on the differences between
pairs of adjacent pixels. This allows the method to
embed more data in the edge area of the cover image
without too much reduction in the stego image quality.
An edge is characterized by significant dissimilarity
in gray levels being used to indicate the boundary
between two regions in an image fragment. Edge
detection is a significant area of the image processing
and machine vision due to the fact that edges are
considered to be the important features for analyzing
the most essential information contained in images
(Chen et al., 2010).
In the proposed method, we employed the PVD idea
to generate the edges of the cover image.

P(i ,j)

3. The Proposed Scheme

In this section, the proposed scheme will be
introduced in detail, it consists of two procedures, the
embedding procedure and the extracting procedure.

3.1. The Embedding Procedure:

Any image I consist of set of pixels:
I = {P1,.., PN},
Pi = 8 bits,
The image size is computed as:
Where W,
are the image width and height
respectively. Suppose M is the secret data bits, with
length n,
The proposed method takes the dependency
advantage of pixels on its surrounding neighbors. The
correlation between a pixel and its neighbors decides
whether it is located in smooth area or in an edge area.
The data embedding algorithms steps are as follows.


are the first and second bits of the
pixel respectively. Then, the embedding continues as
to 8)

Where j is the bit index of the smooth pixel , the
metadata about last embedding in the pixel is saved
in the 3LSBs of the corresponding edge pixel .
Step 5: After embedding all the secret data bits, the
stego image is generating.
The block diagram of the entire embedding procedure
is represented in Figure 2.

International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)

ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 1 Issue 8, October - 2012

3.2. The Extracting Procedure:


Divide cover image I into edge

(E) and smooth areas (S)
k=1, i =1, j=3

to binary system
j =1



Figure 2. A Block Diagram of Embedding Steps

Divide stego image into edge (E ) and smooth (S )
i =1
Extract last occurrence of embedded
bits from the 3LSB bits of


go to next

Extract secret bits from corresponding


Extract all secret data?

Success the extraction process

Figure 3. A Block Diagram of Extracting Steps

4. Experimental Results


To recover the original secret data at the receiving

side, the original image must be known to determine
the original edge (E) and smooth (S) areas before
embedding, then the following steps are done.
Step 1: Find the edge and smooth areas of the cover
image, as the same way described in the previous
Step 2: Using the position of the original smooth and
edge areas we can determine which pixels belong to the
edge area (E ), and which are belong to the smooth
area (S ) in the stego image (I ), easily.
Step 3: For each smooth pixel
in the stego
image, extract the metadata which defines the position
of the last occurrence of embedded bits on it from the
3LSB of the corresponding edge pixel .
k = k +1,
j = j +1.
is the extracted data bits.
Step 4: At this stage, the retrieving algorithm finishes
and the embedded data has been retrieved completely.
The extracting procedure steps are described in Figure

The experimental results presented in this section

demonstrate the performance of our proposed scheme.
To conduct our experiments, we used four 128128
standard grayscale images, Baboon, Lena,
Pepper and Cameraman. These images are shown
in Figure 4.

, k = k +1
, k = k +1


i = i +1

(a) Baboon

(b) Lena

(c) Pepper

(d) Cameraman

k = k+1
j = j+1
if k = secret data size

if j > 8

Save last occurrence of

embedded data on 3Lsbs of Ei


Figure 4. Four 128128 grayscale images


if k = secret data size

Save last occurrence of embedded data on 3Lsbs of Ei

Stego image

is produced


International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)

ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 1 Issue 8, October - 2012

A series of pseudo random binary numbers are used

as the secret data to be embedded into the cover
The performance of the proposed scheme is
considered from two viewpoints. The visual quality of
the stego image and the data payload (capacity).
The peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) was utilized to
evaluate the stego image quality. PSNR is often
expressed on a logarithmic scale in decibels (dB), it is
applied on the stego and the cover images. It is defined


is the mean square error between the cover
and stego images. For a cover image whose width and
height are
and ,
is defined as:
are the pixel values of the cover and
stego images, respectively.

Table 2: Experimental results for the proposed method

Cover Images



Note that, a large PSNR value means that the stego

image is most similar to the original image and vice
versa. Generally, if the PSNR value is larger than 30
dB, then the distortion on the stego image is hard to be
detected by human eyes (Al-Sadi and El-Alfy, 2011;
Chou et al., 2008). Our experimental results show that
the proposed method can embed a large amount of
secret data (reaching 1.56 bpp) while keeping a high
visual quality (above 30 dB), as shown in Table 2.
The mentioned metrics could clearly prove the
applicability of the proposed model. The selected
metrics produced a set of results to be discussed and
justified based on behaviour of the algorithm.
The proposed scheme has several advantages. Firstly,
in the smooth area the embedding is done based on
similarity between the data secret bits and the smooth
pixels bits, except the first two least significant bits,
this means, the proposed method does not cause any
change in the pixel bits of smooth area almost, the
embedding process in the 2 LSB bits can be considered
as the worst case of the model capacity, in case of no
match is met in the remaining part of the pixel. At the
same time in case of further match(s) is/are found
capacity will be improved without causing any effect in
image quality as the similarity between bits is the
embedding criteria for the remaining bits. Otherwise, in
the edge area we just embed the metadata about last
position we embed in the corresponding smooth pixels,
only in the 3LSBs of it, this indicates that our method
does not change the image statistics to a noticeable
extent. Secondly, mapping capacity is variable and can
be decided depending on the number of pixels in the
smooth and edge area, and the amount of data to be
mapped. Also, it depends on how much the secret data
is similar to the image pixels bits by searching for the
higher similarity rather that blindly embedding the data.
All of that reduce the changes in the original cover
image due to embedding secret data and makes it hard
to be recognized by human eyes. Finally, the proposed
scheme requires much less computations because its


As a performance measurement for embedding

capacity, the average number of bits embedded into
each pixel is calculated as:

of the proposed method for the four grayscale images

are shown in Table 2.



Table 1 shows the quality of the stego image and the

number of edge pixels in each of them, which are
generated by the proposed scheme.





Stego images

No. of edge Edge images



Table 1. The stego image quality generated by our scheme

The average of PSNR, and capacity is calculated for

6 runs with different secret data bits length, the results


International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)

ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 1 Issue 8, October - 2012

steps are so simple, easy and don't need complex

computations such as some techniques which transform
image in the frequency domain.

5. Conclusion



In this paper, a new method to embed secret data into

the cover image by a dynamic LSB substitution method
based on divide the cover image into edge and smooth
areas, using the pixel-value differencing to improve the
image quality of the stego image and increase the
embedding capacity of the cover image. The main idea
here is to utilize the similarity in the smooth area,
unlike simple techniques that use the edge area.
Because the feature that the human eye cant detect the
changes on edge area easily, we embed only 3LSBs
bits on its pixels to save the metadata about the last
occurrence of the embedded bits in the corresponding
smooth pixels. This advantages provided by the
proposed scheme benefit in generating a higher quality
stego images under the HVS more similar to the
original image. Experimental results confirm that the
proposed scheme is successful in obtaining a stego
image of satisfactory quality. Moreover, it can resist
steganalysis systems which are based on statistical

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