13 March 2008
13 March 2008
13 March 2008
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This was only a 0.7% increase from Q3 but a 14% rise over Q4
Sodium Chlorate 2006. This indicates that the upward trend has softened a bit
and that prices increased less steeply last year.
The North American market is mostly stable and the tighter feel
remains in place. Some producers are virtually sold out but can At the same time, prices in C$ have decreased due to the
serve their regular customers on a normal basis. As a result, strengthening of the Canadian Dollar. In Q4, sellers exported
there are no reports of serious supply constraints for contrac- at C$413/mt compared with C$454/mt during the first quarter
tually agreed quantities but it appears likely that there is very of 2007. This is almost a 10% decrease but the average import
little availability for additional enquiries. price in 2007 was higher than in the previous year. While
fluctuations in 2006 were flattish, there was a steep upward
The upward trend in demand over the past months has tight- movement at the beginning of 2007 and levels have only fallen
ened the market considerably and sellers consider the good slightly below the low of 2006.
offtake as the main reason for the current market balance.
Sodium chlorate producers virtually sell their total output and USA, Sodium Chlorate Imports from Canada, 2001-2007
there are signs that the latest available inventory figure has (000 mt/quarter)
seen another decrease. Suppliers are depleting their invento- 165
ries in order the meet customer requirements and the good 420
global demand makes it difficult for producers to return to more
comfortable inventory levels. Moreover, there is some concern 150 400
regarding availability later during Q1 when several units will be
P r ic e , U S $ /m t
undergoing maintenance. The recent production constraints 380
at Eka Chemicals’ unit at Moses Lake and Erco’s facility at 135
Buckingham have exacerbated the attempts to achieve any 360
improvement in overall availability. It is understood that both 120
units are recovering or are already back to normal and, as a
result, there are no longer reports of production difficulties at
present. 105
Buyers are hoping for some capacity expansions in the future
in order to improve the supply/demand balance. The capacity 90 300
expansion at Canexus’ unit at Brandon came onstream in H2 01 02 03 04 05 06 07
February and the capacity has risen from 264,000 mt/year to
295,000 mt/year. The impact on the North American market is
expected to remain low as the overall output has only increased Canada Sodium Chlorate Trade
slightly. While the total capacity amounted 1.86 million mt/year January-December, 000 mt
so far, the maximum output of sodium chlorate now is 1.89
million mt/year. The company is hoping to improve its own 2005 2006 2007
situation in the market and to rebuild stocks. This will also give
the seller the opportunity to meet some additional enquiries Imports 0 0 0
and increase the shipped volumes across North America.
The latest import figures of sodium chlorate into North America USA 608 564 518
are now available and it appears that the downward trend that Japan 42 48 57
has emerged over the past two years continues. Imports from Chile 0 18 17
Canada declined in Q4 2007 by almost 5% over Q3 and totalled Thailand 8 8 10
127,900 mt. This was the second lowest figure last year. While Brazil 7 3 4
levels in Q1 and Q3 were almost equal around 134,000 mt, Others 4 9 13
imports in Q2 were only 121,400 mt. 2007 was the first year
when imports on a quarterly basis were constantly below the Total 668 649 609
135,000 mt. As a result, yearly imports have dropped. While
around 563,700 mt sodium chlorate were shipped from Canada
into North America in 2006, it was only 518,000 mt the following Looking at the sodium chlorate trade balance of Canada, it can
year. This is a decline by 8%, which shows the somewhat be found that shipments into deep sea markets are largely
downward trend in imports. stable or underwent a slight growth. Exports to Japan have
risen by almost 16% as a consequence of the conversion to
Despite the lower number of shipments into North America, the ECF bleaching processes and higher chlorate demand, while
upward trend on pricing remains present. There has been a all other deep sea countries have seen minor fluctuations only.
sharp and steady rise since the end of 2006 and levels rose The US remains the main destination for Canadian material
further in all four quarters of 2007. In Q4 last year, the average but total exports have seen a further decline in 2007 down to
import price for material from Canada was around $420/mt. 518,000 mt.
March 2008 - BCR 219 Harriman Chemsult Ltd
Sales in South America were also somewhat higher than in In contrast to the present positive picture for hydrogen peroxide,
2006. Sales totalled C$90.7 million, which is an 8.4% rise over the increasingly less favourable general economic conditions
the previous year. This was mainly due to higher prices for both in North America are a cause for concern for everyone. Signs
sodium chlorate and chlor-alkali. that the US economy is close to or in recession have increased.
Despite injections of liquidity by the Federal Reserve and the
For 2008, an minor increase of sodium chlorate capacity is strong likelihood of another reduction in interest rates, credit
planned due to the fast growth of the market and Canexus is markets have continued to deteriorate. Consumer confidence
benefiting from the investment opportunities in South America. is already at a low level but continues to be eroded by the
March 2008 - BCR 219 Harriman Chemsult Ltd
problems in the housing market with consumer spending also Now, gains for the hydrogen peroxide market at the expense of
increasingly affected by higher food and fuel costs, reducing sodium hydrosulphite also seem a possibility. As discussed
discretionary buying power. Crude oil prices reached a new elsewhere in this report, there has been a massive and
record in early March. Employment statistics show a fall in the unprecedented worldwide rise in the price of sulphur as a result
number of jobs. Prospects look relatively bleak. of fertilizer shortages and the costs and prices of all its down-
stream products have been rising sharply, including sodium
Despite these ominous signs in the general economy, the pulp hydrosulphite. This is expected to continue throughout 2008,
and paper industry still seems to be running reasonably well possibly longer, and could give short or medium term oppor-
with the obvious exception of newsprint. North American tunities for substitute peroxide in some applications.
market pulp production is at a high level. One reason for this
is the low value of the US dollar. However, growth in the North The official statistics from Statistics Canada for the total monthly
American industry has also been encouraged by difficulties in production of hydrogen peroxide in Canada have now been
other parts of the world. Pulp production in Finland has been published up to the end of 2007. They cover the four production
reduced by the imposition of escalating duties on pulpwood plants of FMC, Degussa, Arkema and Kemira representing
exports by Russia. In Indonesia, the government ban on cutting slightly more than one third of total North American hydrogen
mixed tropical hardwood has led to lower pulp production since peroxide capacity. There are no comparable public figures for
mid last year. the USA.
Several factors have acted to favour the BCTMP business in Average 95% 95% 90% 85%
Canada. Demand in China has been increased since mid-
2007 following the closure by the government of many small
polluting straw pulp mills. Disruptions in European BCTMP
production, especially in Finland as a result of shortages of The capacity utilisation rates in the table have been calculated
imported Russian wood and significantly increased costs, using published plant capacity data, amended by any later
tended to increase BCTMP demands from Canada throughout changes notified by the producers. Details of the capacity of all
2007. The start up of International Paper’s 200,000 mt/year the hydrogen peroxide plants in North America were last
BCTMP mill at Svetogorsk, Russia in December 2007 may reported in Bleaching Chemicals Report in July 2007. Until the
ease this pressure depending on what portion of the output is end of 2006, the total capacity of the four plants in Canada was
market pulp. However, the impact is offset by M-real’s closure taken as 258,000 mt/year (570 mlbs/year). The expansion of
of its 105,000 mt/year BCTMP plant at Lielahti, Finland mainly Arkema’s plant at Becancour by 20,000 mt/year in November
as a consequence of high wood costs. It has also become clear 2006 increased total Canadian capacity by about 7.5% and
that the progressive and now full integration by Sinar Mas of the North American capacity by about 2.5%. The new Canadian
output of the 330,000 mt/year Meadow Lake, Saskatchewan capacity total of 278,000 mt/year was used to calculate average
BCTMP mill, which it purchased in January last year, has utilisation rates for 2007.
tightened conditions for BCTMP market pulp.
The graph shows that there was quite steady production in
Since the beginning of 2007, technical experts have consid- Canada during 2004 and 2005 close to the rate that might have
ered that some of the unexpected buoyancy in the peroxide been expected at that time. In contrast, output in 2006 and 2007
market has been the result of a gradual rebalancing of pulp appears to have been interrupted by a series of plant shut-
bleaching sequences a few points away from sodium chlorate downs some of which were signalled at the time. In Q2 2006,
in the direction of hydrogen peroxide. Although the affect on a the production figure was unusually suppressed for statistical
mill by mill basis is small, some progressive incremental confidentiality rules leaving a gap in the data.
growth in the total market is believed to have been achieved.
The driver for this has been mainly cost saving with the tighter The low output recorded for Q4 2006 appear to have been at
market and above average price increases for sodium chlorate least partly the consequence of Arkema’s shutdown for its
experienced in 2007. With chlorate prices having again risen expansion at Becancour, believed to have been close to a
sharply in 2008, there may be further limited movement in the month’s duration. In H1 2007, output returned to a more usual
same direction this year. level but was again affected by scheduled and unplanned plant
March 2008 - BCR 219 Harriman Chemsult Ltd
shutdowns in Q3 and Q4 2007 equivalent to nearly two weeks Natural Gas, NYMEX Henry Hub Price
closure in each quarter. The monthly data show significant
2007-2008, $/MMBtu Monthly Average
downward spikes in September and November. Overall,
Canadian production in 2007 was about 3% lower than two 9
years earlier in 2005 with no total output figure available for
Canada, Hydrogen Peroxide Production
2004-2007,(000 mt) 7
60 6
Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb
USA, Hydrogen Peroxide Trade
40 January – December, (mt as product)
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
04 04 04 04 05 05 05 05 06 06 06 06 07 07 07 07
2005 2006 2007
With growth in the Canadian peroxide market, net exports from Imports
Canada to the USA have been declining each year since 2000. Canada 38,874 36,920 45,685
In 2007, they were barely positive. In addition, a bulk import of Others 1,518 2,042 2,068
4,200mt of 70% product from Europe was required to cover a
scheduled maintenance outage during H2. Various plant Total 40,392 38,962 47,753
production difficulties may account for the relatively tight feel to
the whole North American market throughout 2007. It remains Exports
clear that the market is running sufficiently close to full capacity Canada 29,423 32,641 40,381
that the individual performance of any one of the ten plants can Mexico 14,458 13,011 13,237
have a significant impact on the supply demand balance of the Latin America 10,898 5,332 10,463
whole market within a quite short period of time. Clearly, the Europe 1,857 1,582 2,945
larger plants are of greater significance in this. Asia Pacific 731 771 1,128
M. East/Africa 356 246 388
The price of natural gas continues to be an important issue for
hydrogen peroxide producers and their customers that are Total 57,723 53,583 68,542
affected by energy surcharges as it has a direct impact on the
cost of raw material hydrogen. Nymex Henry Hub daily spot
natural gas prices were on an upward track throughout Febru- US trade statistics for the past three years are shown in the
ary reaching $9.4/MMBtu by the end of the month, the highest table. The volumes reported are mt as shipped and not as
price for more than two years. The average for the month was 100%.
$8.59/MMBtu, 8% higher than in January and 14% higher than
the February average last year. In early March, prices continued For the past eight years, the volume of US imports from Canada
to rise towards $10/MMBtu driven by cold weather and the has mostly been following a trend of gradual reduction while US
record prices for crude oil. exports to Canada have generally been reasonably steady. The
picture is blurred by the fact that the statistics are reported for
US stocks of natural gas at the end of February were about 4% product as shipped and not as 100%. However, the trend is so
above the five year average. Although storage levels are robust that it is unlikely to be changed by small movements in
currently above average, they are 10% lower than at this time the average concentration of the product shipped in either
last year having fallen from record levels at the start of the direction even over this quite long period.
heating season. Colder than expected weather since Decem-
ber has meant that stocks have run down more rapidly than Fundamentally, the trend seems to be the result of the growing
forecast and will be harder to replace in the summer. If the tightness in the North American hydrogen peroxide market over
weather remains cooler than normal in March, prices will the years and particularly in Canada. Shipments from Canada
continue to rise. Increased imports of LNG to rebalance the to the US market have been restrained because of lack of
market will also mean higher prices. Some previous price availability. Since 2003, the appreciation of the Canadian dollar
forecasts are beginning to look optimistically low. has played a part but the trend was already well established
before this became an important consideration. In H2 2007,
Published information shows that Solvay’s monthly energy there was an unusual situation as trade in both directions was
surcharge for March is $0.05/lb (100%) based on a natural gas at a much higher level than in recent years but remained in
closing price of $8.930/MMBtu. FMC’s energy system is quar- balance. As noted earlier, it appears that the reinforcement of
terly and the surcharge for Q1 based on a natural gas price of Canadian availability by the 20,000 mt/year (100%) expansion
$7.114/MMBtu will remain at $0.035/lb (100%) until the end of of Arkema’s Becancour plant since the end of 2006 was offset
March. Other producers do not currently publish this informa- by an increased level of plant shutdowns during the second half
tion. of the year.
March 2008 - BCR 219 Harriman Chemsult Ltd
March 2008 - BCR 219 Harriman Chemsult Ltd
With low consumption in January, shipments to North America The statistics from the China Clay Producers Association have
were 5.9% lower than a year earlier. However, the year started recently been issued showing the kaolin production volume in
well for shipments overseas, which were 30% ahead of Janu- Georgia up to Q3 2007. The production in the first three quarters
ary 2007 with positive variances of 61% for Latin America and of the year was about 5% lower than in the corresponding
32% for Western Europe. This meant that total shipments, at period in 2006. Although this is a slightly more negative
924,000 mt were only 0.3% lower than January 2007. On the variance than most of those seen since 2001, the graph
other hand, North American production in January at 910,000mt confirms that the overall tendency over the past few years has
was 10.1% lower than January 2007 and consequently there been for a gentle decline in production levels. Although this
was another decrease in mill stocks. These reduced by trend seems to be a rather negative indicator for this sector of
13,000mt during the month and finished 63,000mt lower than hydrosulphite consumption, it is not the only consideration as
a year earlier although at a similar level to January 2006. ore selection, processing choices and higher brightness re-
Publishers’ inventories were 135,000mt lower than last Janu- quirements are also important elements determining the
ary. amount of hydrosulphite consumed at each production site. It
is still generally reported that hydrosulphite consumption by the
With the higher value of the Canadian dollar against the US kaolin sector has now remained quite stable for several years
dollar over the past few years, a larger proportion of the losses despite this gradual erosion of the total production volumes in
in production and plant closures that have occurred in North Georgia. Although there are considerable economic and
America have tended to be in Canada rather than in the USA. business pressures on the kaolin industry, no immediate
The graph shows linear trend lines applied to monthly produc- change to this situation is expected.
tion in the two countries during 2006 and 2007. Projection of
these most recent figures show that the average rate of produc- USA, Kaolin Production, 2004-2007, (million mt)
tion in Canada is now reducing by an annual 8.7% with US
production reducing at an annual rate of about 5.3%. If contin- 1.50
ued, the implication for 2008 is an annual loss of 560,000 mt/
year of production in Canada and 230,000 mt/year in the USA, 1.45
a total average reduction of 790,000 mt/year (7.3%) for North
America as a whole. It is inevitable that these trends will
continue to have a negative impact on the level of hydrosulphite
demand by the newsprint industry, particularly in Canada.
North America, Newsprint Production
2005-2007, (000 mt) 1.25
700 1.20
Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3
04 04 05 05 05 05 06 06 06 06 07 07 07
There is increasing concern that the slowdown in the US
500 economy, largely stemming from the problems in the housing
450 market combined with much increased gasoline prices, which
400 are a consequence of record crude oil prices, are beginning to
put a brake on consumer expenditure with a negative impact on
the textile industry. Some initial indications of hydrosulphite
offtake by the textile sector in 2008 seem to confirm this
although seasonal factors may also be relevant. The effect is
Canada USA Linear (Canada) Linear (USA) expected to be more serious for home furnishings than for
apparel and the impact on the domestic industry may be
mitigated by reduced import pressure from the decline in the
It is reported that the first and second $20/mt instalments of the value of the dollar, notably against the Yuan and the Indian
phased $60/mt price rise for newsprint in Q1 were generally rupee.
implemented successfully in January and February with the
March increase also expected to go through. The situation has The trade statistics up to the end of 2007 confirmed that the rate
been helped by AbitibiBowater’s progress in fulfilling its target of increase of US total textile imports slowed for the year in
to shut down 600,000 mt/year of newsprint capacity during Q1. comparison to 2006. In volume terms, total imports of textiles
and apparel grew by only 1.9% in 2007. This was lower than
However, AbitibiBowater has now surprised everyone by an- the 2.6% recorded for 2006 or the 8.3% in 2005. Imports from
nouncing a second $60/mt phased increase to follow imme- China grew by 15% to account for 40% of the total compared to
diately in Q2. Many other newsprint producers have already 36% in 2006 and 33% in 2005. Shipments from Mexico and
stated that they will follow this. Even if this second increase Canada continued to decline. In 2007, volumes from Mexico
were to be fully implemented, North American newsprint prices were down by 11% having already fallen by 12% in 2006.
would still be lower than those in Europe at the current ex-
change rate of $1.5 per Euro. Meanwhile, volumes from Canada were down 22% having
fallen by 19% in 2006. Apart from China, the biggest gain in
A requirement set by the US Department of Justice for approval supplying US textile imports in 2007 was made by Vietnam with
of the Abitibi Consolidated, Bowater merger was that the an increase of 31%. The large increase was most likely the
375,000 mt/year, two machine Snowflake, Arizona recycled result of Vietnam, which has very low labour costs, joining the
newsprint mill should be sold. In mid-February, it was an- WTO at the beginning of the year. Apart from Mexico and
nounced that this will be acquired by Catalyst Paper. Canada, the largest losses were by Pakistan and South Korea.
March 2008 - BCR 219 Harriman Chemsult Ltd
The long decline in employment by the US textile and apparel A summary of US sodium hydrosulphite trade statistics for the
industry continued in 2007 at a similar rate to previous years. whole of 2007 is shown in the table together with a comparison
According to preliminary US Department of Labor statistics, against the previous two years.
seasonally adjusted employment fell between December 2006
and December 2007 by 20,900 (-11.4%) to 162,900 in textile
mills and by 6,400 (-3.9%) to 155,700 in textile product mills USA, Sodium Hydrosulphite Trade
while apparel industry employment fell by 20,200 (-9.0%) to January – December, mt
204,700. The total loss by the industry during the year was
47,500 (-8.3%) to 523,300. It seems sure that part of the 2005 2006 2007
reduction in numbers was due to improvements in productivity
although some of the remainder must have been the result of Imports
import related plant closures and reduced output. Canada 24,366 10,303 16,374
Europe 3,339 3,642 2,949
The latest statistics provided by the Federal Reserve Board on China 3,040 4,126 8,929
Industrial Production are shown graphically for textile and Other Asia 36 - 647
apparel categories. The first graph shows annual movements
over the past ten years, emphasising the loss of US apparel Total 30,781 18,071 28,899
production to imports over that period as well as the decline in
the production of US textile mills. Only the production of textile Exports
product mills remained relatively constant over the past decade Canada 6,017 6,889 382
although even that has shown some decline since2005. Mexico 962 641 165
South America 38 1 45
The second graph details the past three years by quarter. It Europe 145 258 3
emphasises the 19% fall in the production of textile mills over M. East/Africa - 1 -
the past two years as well as the 12% decline in the output of
textile product mills over the same period. The decline in the Total 7,162 7,790 595
housing market may be a relevant factor in this as well as the
movement of production overseas. According to this data,
apparel production has remained reasonably stable over the The major increase in imports from China in 2007 confirmed
past three years although the annual graph confirmed that it the long-term business arrangement between Chemtrade
suffered huge losses between 1997 and 2004. and ZhongCheng Chemicals by which Chemtrade closed its
Leeds, South Carolina powdered hydrosulphite plant at the
USA Textile Production Indices (Fed. Res.) end of 2006 and replaced this with material purchased from
(2002=100), 1997-2007 China.
USA Textile Production Indices (Fed. Res.) USA, Sodium Hydrosulphite Imports
(2002=100), 2004-2007 2004-2007, (000 mt)
70 1
65 0
Q4 04 Q1 05 Q2 05 Q3 05 Q4 05 Q1 06 Q2 06 Q3 06 Q4 06 Q1 07 Q2 07 Q3 07 Q4 07 Q4 04 Q1 05 Q2 05 Q3 05 Q4 05 Q1 06 Q2 06 Q3 06 Q4 06 Q1 07 Q2 07 Q3 07 Q4 07
Textile Mills Textile Product Mills Apparel Canada Europe Other Asia China
March 2008 - BCR 219 Harriman Chemsult Ltd
USDC trade statistics have tended to underestimate caustic soda, in response to a series of unscheduled produc-
hydrosulphite exports in the past. However, the large reduction tion outages due to weather, technical and equipment issues
in hydrosulphite powder exports in 2007 to Canada, Mexico and at several plants.
elsewhere following the closure of Chemtrade’s Leeds pow-
der plant at the end of 2006 were confirmed. Contributing to the tightness are a number of turnarounds at the
end Q1 or early Q2, including maintenance outages at FPC and
Chinese export statistics have always appeared to be the most Dow. Oxychem has already taken its Taft LA membrane line
reliable measure of the movement of sodium hydrosulphite down to convert it to KOH production.
into North America from China. These are summarised in the
Deep Sea section of this report but the detail for the USA and Following the $50/dst announcement, OxyChem posted a
Canada to the end of 2007 is shown in the graph. further $30/dst price increase at the end of February. Most
producers are targeting $80/dst but the implementation date is
China, Sodium Hydrosulphite Exports to N. America subject to contractual terms. It is expected that the full $80/dst
2000-2007, (000 mt) will be in place in the market by 1 April. So far levels have risen
by around $50/dst at the US Gulf.
Regional markets have yet to respond to the $50/dst increase
but this is believed to be a function of time. Some suppliers have
increased prices by the full $80/dst since 1 March, but others
are only targeting $50/dst at this point.
6 It is not clear how successful the full $80/dst will be on the East
4 Coast, as a large volume of imported caustic soda is heading
2 towards the Eastern Seaboard in March/April. Supply is tight on
0 the West Coast, however, and the full $80/dst is likely to be
H1 H2 H1 H2 H1 H2 H1 H2 H1 H2 H1 H2 H1 H2 H1 H2
00 00 01 01 02 02 03 03 04 04 05 05 06 06 07 07 accepted in this market.
To USA To Canada
On 20 February OxyChem announced a chlorine price increase
of $35/st for delivery by pipeline and $50/st for rail delivery, with
Although ZhongCheng Chemicals and other Chinese produc- immediate implementation or as contracts permit. With tangi-
ers were previously active in the North American market, the ble pressure on chlorine balances, the market interpretation of
supply and marketing agreement made between ZhongCheng this is ‘defensive’, to avert further erosion. However, there are
and Chemtrade permanently changed the situation from Q4 signs in the market that chlorine pricing may be close to the
2006. The 31,000mt shipped in 2007 was in line with expec- bottom of the current cycle.
tations and indicative of future levels.
US Chlorine Prices
Chemicals $295-305/st
Bleachers/Re-packers $300-310/st
The balance of the North American caustic soda market is Weighted average $300/st
tightening. On 21 February Olin declared force majeure on
While producers are supplying their regular customers nor-
Sodium Chlorate mally to a large extent, those buyers looking for additional
material are desperate to secure sufficient quantities. Apart
Sodium chlorate availability for spare product market remains from the very strong demand, there have been unconfirmed
limited in the European market, while production at most major reports of production issues recently which also might have
plants is running normally and according to seasonal norms. had an impact on overall availability. However, the effects of
There have been recent cases of interruptions due to power interruptions to production are believed to be minor but have
supply constraints but it appears that these have now been contributed to the greater tightness in the market.
resolved. Despite the good level of output at chlorate produc-
ers, the market has tightened further over the past few weeks In the 2008 outlook, no significant change is expected in the
and both sellers and buyers consider the current situation as market and it is anticipated that there will be little spare product
exceptional. However, most suppliers are able to meet the available. Although the situation has worsened recently, there
regular requirements of their customers but report that they are are slight sings of relaxation due to a more balanced feel in the
struggling to meet any other occasional enquiries. pulp market. Pulp inventory has reportedly increased to close
to 30 days due to good wood availability.
The main reason for the tense market balance is an increase
in demand. Offtake has picked up in Europe but also global As a result of the higher stock levels, sodium chlorate demand
demand is on an upward trend. As a result, producers are is likely to soften. However, offtake is expected to remain strong
receiving a higher number of enquiries from European custom- during the remainder of H1 2008 and close to the producers’
ers and have more export requirements at the same time. output figures. Consequently, an improvement in sodium
March 2008 - BCR 219 Harriman Chemsult Ltd
chlorate availability would not mean the return to a balanced a higher number of deliveries in the Consumer Packaging
feel in the market but rather an easing of the extremely tight business is seen as the main reason for the improvement.
situation at present. However, the result was negatively impacted by the weaker
US$, the rise in pulp prices and the low selling price of coated
Most companies have now published their financial results of magazine paper. Paper deliveries declined by almost 6% and
last year and state that 2007 was a strong year. Several market amounted 3.9 million mt (2006: 4.2 million mt). In the outlook,
players were able to achieve higher sales but also had to deal the company is expecting a rise in demand for its main products
with a sharp rise in costs, which was not offset by higher prices in 2008 and is looking to increase prices for a number of
in all cases. products in order to offset cost increases.
Kemira is reporting that its operating profit in the pulp and paper UPM has now published a more detailed report of its 2007
sector has decreased by almost 36% down to c66.8 million in results and revealed that sales have increased over 2006 to
2007. At the same time, the sector’s revenue increased from c10.035 million (2006: c10.022 million). There has been a
c993 million in 2006 to c1018 million last year. Demand has visible improvement in profitability last year, which was mainly
been good over the past year and is expected to remain stable seen during H1. The effect slowed down during H2 as the rise
during the coming months. The start of the new paper chemi- in costs was higher than anticipated. In addition, the strong
cals plant in Uruguay was somewhat delayed but the facility has competition in the paper market prohibited the company from
now started operations. The plant has been constructed raising prices for products other than newsprint and uncoated
following Botnia’s new pulp mill in Uruguay. fine paper.
It has been a strong year for Sodra Cell with new sales records The total cost increase amounted 3% over the previous year but
due to a combination of higher volumes and an increase in UPM was successful in reducing some variable as well as fixed
pricing. However, the results have been negatively impacted costs. Despite the reduction in paper capacity, the company
by a storm last year that felled around 15 million cubic metres has invested in the remaining units in order to improve effi-
of forest. The operating profit has risen from SK1.551 million ciency. In 2008, demand is expected to remain good although
to SK1.669 million in 2007. The company also achieved higher there is growing concern regarding the availability and costs of
revenue, which has grown by almost 11% to SK17.794 million. wood fibre. Moreover, exports duties for wood from Russia are
However, profit in the pulp business has dropped slightly due expected to increase and the UPM is considering alternative
to the rise in costs. Although capacity utilisation remained at sources.
a high level, the producer was working with low inventory. Sodra
cell was successful in increasing its market share in Europe Nordic c525-600/mt fd
as Canadian suppliers focussed on markets other than the Continental Europe c525-575/mt fd
European one.
March 2008 - BCR 219 Harriman Chemsult Ltd
General economic conditions in Europe are gradually becom- Total Nameplate 25 1,258
ing more difficult. The situation is made worse by the likelihood
that the USA is already in recession. Eurostat has reported that Total Effective Capacity (95%) 1,195
EU-27 economic growth in 2007 was 2.9% with Eurozone
growth at 2.6%. This was lower than the previous year mainly
because of the slowdown in consumer spending in Q4. Retail Apart from the companies mentioned in this table, there are
sales were better in January this year but the underlying trend believed to be three producers in Russia. Khimprom has a
is weak. Although activity in the service sector has improved capacity around 20,000 mt/year and there are two very small
slightly this year, indices show that manufacturing is slowing others, one of which is still believed to use an electrolytic
in Europe. The greatest difficulties are in Southern Europe, process. Information on this is very sparse and there are no
which is now seeing a significant slowdown. reports of any of this product being shipped outside Russia.
Production in the Ukraine stopped about ten years ago.
The rate of inflation in the Eurozone continued at a record 3.2% Eastman, Sokolov certainly closed its plant in the Czech Re-
in February, well above the preferred level of just below 2%. This public in mid-2004. In any case, all of these have been excluded
still leaves the ECB with the policy dilemma of needing to from the table, as have Negev Peroxide in Israel and the two
increase interest rates to control inflation but without further Turkish producers, as they are not strictly in Europe although
slowing growth. The pressures on the economy are intensify- they still supply small quantities of hydrogen peroxide to the
ing with high commodity prices, the price of crude oil at a record, European market.
tighter credit conditions and the Euro at a record level of over 1.5
US dollars. Although the Eurozone recorded a significant trade Based on this information, the total nameplate capacity of the
surplus in 2007, there are concerns that this is now being 25 hydrogen peroxide plants in Europe is currently 1,258 kmt/
quickly eroded by the high exchange rate. year. It is, however, generally acknowledged that the effective
capacity of these plants is substantially lower than this figure.
At the beginning of March, Arkema announced that it is planning Under current conditions, a reduction of 5% from nameplate is
to double the capacity of its hydrogen peroxide plant at Leuna, believed to be a reasonable estimation and total effective
Germany to 80,000 mt/year by mid-2010 at an investment cost European hydrogen peroxide capacity at the end of 2007 was
of Euro 40 million. Arkema believes that this investment is 1,195 kmt/year.
necessary to boost its position in Europe and continue to meet
growing demand from the pulp and paper industry. The The average capacity of the hydrogen peroxide plants in Europe
company sees the plant as being ideally located to serve is currently slightly over 50,000 mt/year. There are economies
growing markets at the heart of Europe. The capacity increase of scale and the last 20 years has seen the progressive closure
is equivalent to about 3% of the current European total. of a number of smaller, older and less cost effective units with
the concentration of the business into the larger plants. The
This announcement was made almost exactly on the anniver- distribution of the number of plants in each size range is shown
sary of Arkema’s similar notification that it intended to increase in the graph.
the capacity of its Jarrie plant in France by 10%. That expansion
became operational in Q4 2007. In the announcement, the
company also called attention to its expansions at Becancour Europe, Hydrogen Peroxide Plant Capacities
in Canada by 20,000 mt/year in 2006 and at Shanghai by 40,000 Number of plants in each size range, (000 mt as 100%)
mt/year due on stream in the middle of this year. When all these
expansions are completed in mid-2010, Arkema’s worldwide
capacity will be 440,000 mt/year in five plants. Arkema will then 7
be the only world producer with all its plants exceeding a 6
Number of plants
March 2008 - BCR 219 Harriman Chemsult Ltd
The changes in European peroxide capacity that have been been increased since 2000 at a significantly slower rate than
announced over the years since the beginning of 2000 are the expansion of the market. Apart from 2007, when there was
detailed in the next table. In the first four years, the only changes no growth, the European market was growing at an average rate
were FMC Foret’s expansion at Delfzijl at the end of 2001 and of 4-5% over that period.
the restart of Degussa’s mothballed smaller stream at Ant-
werp, which brought back about 40,000 mt/year to the market Europe, Total Hydrogen Peroxide Capacity
in 2002. In 2004 and 2005, the capacity additions were all in Changes since 2000, (000 mt as 100%)
the Nordic region and directed at the growth in demand from the
pulp and paper industry. In Continental Europe, the small
improvements at Povoa and Rozenburg were offset by the 1,275
closure of Eastman Sokolov. 1,250
European Hydrogen Peroxide Production Capacity 1,200
Changes since January 2000
Year Plant Kmt/year 1,150
Degussa, Antwerp line 2 out of mothball
Implemented 1,125
2000 - - Jan-00 Jan-01 Jan-02 Jan-03 Jan-04 Jan-05 Jan-06 Jan-07 Jan-08
2001 FMC Foret, Delfzijl (expansion) 15 In March, the first product is expected to be produced by the new
230,000 mt/year hydrogen peroxide plant being built at Zandvliet,
2002 - - Antwerp by Solvay in conjunction with BASF and Dow Chemical
as feedstock for propylene oxide production using HPPO tech-
2003 - - nology. The associated propylene oxide plant is scheduled to
come on stream in May.
2004 Solvay, Povoa (improved technology) 3
2004 Kemira, Rozenburg (debottleneck) 2 This new hydrogen peroxide plant stretches technology, being
2004 Eastman, Sokolov (plant closed) -5 twice the size of any single stream hydrogen peroxide plant in
2004 Eka, Bohus (debottleneck) 7 the world today. Its first priority will be to supply the necessary
2004 Kemira, Helsingborg (debottleneck) 8 feedstock for propylene oxide production reliably. There is a
theoretical surplus, which may eventually become available but
2005 Eka, Alby (debottleneck) 8 the plant is not currently linked to Solvay’s logistical and supply
2005 Finnper (improved technology) 45 network for the general market and this will only be a consid-
eration for the future.
2006 Solvay, Torrelavega (plant closed) -24
2006 FMC Foret, Delfzijl (debottleneck) 15
UK, Hydrogen Peroxide Trade
2007 Arkema, Jarrie (expansion) 10 January – December, mt as 100%
March 2008 - BCR 219 Harriman Chemsult Ltd
during the whole of 2007 are shown in the previous table of Asia, notably China and India, the increase has been even
together with a comparison against the previous two years. The larger. At first, this was expected to be a short-term phenom-
statistics show mt as 100%. enon but fears are now increasing that the high level of prices
could continue throughout 2008 and into 2009. The impact on
For a reason that is unclear, UK statistics for imports of the production costs and prices of a whole range of commodi-
hydrogen peroxide from Sweden have now been substantially ties has already been very severe. A very large escalation in the
understated for number of years. In the table, Swedish export price of sulphuric acid has been most generally noticed but all
statistics to the UK have been substituted as they are believed products derived from sulphur are affected including sulphur
to be more accurate. dioxide, sulphates and sulphites as well as, of course, sodium
Between 2000 and 2003, there was a strong increase in
hydrogen peroxide imports into the UK driven by growth in the Now BASF has taken a lead in Europe by announcing that it will
volume supplied from Sweden, which peaked at over 9,000 mt be increasing the sales prices for its hydrosulphite worldwide
in 2003. After 2004, this volume stabilised at close to 7,000 mt/ by at least Euro120/mt or the equivalent in local currency. The
year and has been gradually falling since then. The product increase will be effective from 1 March or as soon as contracts
from Sweden is imported mainly if not wholly by Eka to supply allow. It seems certain that other European producers will
part of the demand of the pulp and paper industry in the north follow with a similar move. This increase is additional to the
of England as well as the requirements of companies associ- modest price rise initiatives that were made in Q4 last year but
ated with the Akzo Nobel group located in the UK. which left average prices for the early part of 2008 little changed
compared to 2007. This was before the full impact of escalating
UK, Hydrogen Peroxide Imports sulphur prices became apparent.
2000-2007, (000 mt as 100%)
Significant price increases for hydrosulphite have already been
implemented in other parts of the world. In North America,
10 temporary surcharges started to be introduced towards the end
of January. In Asia, the price of Chinese hydrosulphite has now
8 been increased by £400/mt since the end of January on top of
the $200/mt increase implemented mid-2007.
March 2008 - BCR 219 Harriman Chemsult Ltd
On the other hand, deliveries from the European industry were Textiles 4.47 4.84 8.4%
down by 2% because imports from Canada recovered to their Clothing 3.24 3.38 4.0%
2005 level having fallen in 2006. These trends seem likely to
continue in 2008. During H2 2007, European newsprint pro- Textiles & Clothing 7.71 8.22 6.5%
ducers became increasingly concerned about the supply de-
mand balance in Europe and determined to take action to Of which:
improve this. The temporary and permanent capacity reduc- Imports from China
tions announced by major European producers for 2008 amount
to about 1 million mt/year or about 7.5% of total European Textiles 0.89 1.10 23.9%
newsprint capacity. Clothing 1.19 1.45 21.6%
Europe, Newsprint Total Shipments (CEPIPRINT) Textiles & Clothing 2.08 2.55 22.6%
12-month Moving Total, (000 mt)
Source: Eurostat
In 2006, total imports of textiles and clothing into EU-25 coun-
12,100 tries grew by 6.1% by volume with textiles increasing by 4% and
12,000 clothing by 9%. The latest confirmed European statistics up to
the end of Q3 2007 again show that the rate of growth has
11,900 accelerated this year. Part of the reason for this may be that Q1
11,800 2006 was an exceptionally below trend figure, inflating growth
in 2007. Nevertheless, it is clear from the last four years data
that the upward trend is in excess of 5% per year. European
11,600 textile production has been eroded because of this.
05 05 05 05 06 06 06 06 07 07 07 07 08
EU-25, Textile and Clothing Imports, (million mt)
There has been no firm news on the final outcome of the 3.0
discussions between newsprint producers and their custom- 2.9
ers on the level of price increase for 2008. A modest decline 2.8
from last year’s level is predicted. Although newsprint mill and
machine closures have significantly improved the supply de- 2.7
mand balance in Europe, prices remain significantly higher 2.6
than in North America. 2.5
Since the capacity reductions announced in North America for
Q1, principally by AbitibiBowater, prices there have been rising 2.3
strongly, potentially reducing the difference. However, this has 2.2
been partly offset by the high and still appreciating value of the Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Euro, which continues to put pressure on European prices and
2005 2006 2007
encourages further growth in competitive shipments from
North America.
The total volume of textile and clothing imports into EU-25 in the
Although there has been pressure on the European textile first nine months of 2007 was 6.5% higher than in the same
industry for a long time, business conditions have become period in the previous year with textiles growing by 8.4% and
more difficult over the past three years following abolition of clothing by 4.0%. China was a major beneficiary of the growth
textile quotas at the beginning of 2005. The disadvantage of the in imports with a total increase of 22.6%. Its textiles grew by
European industry has been increased by the 25% apprecia- 23.9% and clothing by 21.6%. Between the first nine months
tion of the Euro against the US dollar over the past two years to of 2006 and the same period in 2007, China moved from a
now exceed $1.5 per Euro. 27.0% share of EU-25 imports to a 31.0% share, taking 92%
of the growth in volumes.
This has increasingly made the European market a more
attractive destination for Asian textiles than the USA. All parts The average year on year price of all textile and clothing imports
of the European textile industry have experienced pressure on fell by slightly less than 2% in Euro terms in the first nine months
domestic volumes and prices, loss of export opportunities and of 2007. Chinese clothing prices were about the same but
the transfer of production facilities elsewhere. Some countries textiles fell by about 10%. Product mix factors may have played
in southern Europe such as Italy, Spain and Portugal have felt a part in this.
the effects more than elsewhere and this has had a larger
impact on their domestic hydrosulphite demand. The latest statistics giving details of Chinese hydrosulphite
March 2008 - BCR 219 Harriman Chemsult Ltd
exports to Europe by country of destination are shown in the The distributor/textile market in Southern Europe is very quickly
table for the whole of 2007 with a comparison to the previous sensitive to price.
two years. The data are summarised on a half-yearly basis in
the graph over the past eight years. Usually, the volume in the For many years, the price of Chinese hydrosulphite entering
first half has tended to be stronger than in the second half. This Europe has tended to be low in comparison to the normal
was again the case in 2007 but total shipments in H1 were the European price level. With Chinese prices quotes in US
highest ever recorded with exceptionally large movements to dollars, the increasing strength of the Euro has accentuated
Germany and to the Netherlands. In contrast, the volumes this difference. Chinese hydrosulphite prices tended to be
recorded in H2 were the lowest since before the year 2000. lower than elsewhere partly because of lower costs in China
Shipments to Italy, which are usually quite consistent, were but also as a result of overcapacity and consequently over-
abnormally low with movements to other European countries intensive competition between different Chinese producers,
also heavily reduced. This sharp fall in the volume of imports which reduced returns to unrealistic levels. This situation
was associated with the significant increase in price levels. began to change in 2007 mainly as a result of the Chinese
government’s decision to shutdown heavily polluting or very
energy inefficient production. Three polluting hydrosulphite
Chinese Exports of Sodium Hydrosulphite to W. Europe plants in China were closed by the government in H2 2007,
January – December, (mt) reducing the level of over-capacity. The resulting reduction in
availability allowed prices to rise in Chinese domestic and
2005 2006 2007 export markets.
It seems likely that the higher imports into Netherlands and Chlor-Alkali
Germany in H1 2007 were exceptional and through an interme-
diary. These volumes declined to the usual level in H2. In
contrast, it appears that the sharp reduction in import volumes The caustic soda market continues to be affected by supply
in H2 2007 was a response to the decision of Chinese export- constraints and the balance of the market has tightened.
ers to increase their prices by an average of $200/mt mid-year. Several producers have been hit by production issues in Q1,
March 2008 - BCR 219 Harriman Chemsult Ltd
including Akzo, Dow and Vestolit. A number of other suppliers increase announcement, effective 1 April. Although there have
are understood to be struggling with low inventory due to earlier been no further official announcements yet, it has emerged that
and ongoing production outages. other producers are also looking to raise prices by c40-50/dmt
in Q2. In Italy, producers have announced a c20/dmt price
As a result, the market appears to be tightening. Since the start increase, effective 1 March, in response to the tighter supply
of Q1 producers had been reporting low inventory levels and conditions.
difficulties in supplying customers but until fairly recently,
buyers did not appear to be affected by any supply issues. The shipping market has been actively traded in recent weeks.
However, their perception of the market appears to be chang- European suppliers are reporting strong demand from the
ing, as the tightness seems to be filtering through to the Americas and several parcels have been fixed for end of
distributor and end-user levels of the market. February or early March loading. Spot export price ideas are
moving upwards and there are indications of fixtures at around
The tighter market conditions would appear to support produc- $400/dmt fob or above.
ers’ aspirations for higher caustic soda prices. At the end of
February a Northwest European major announced a c45/dmt Chlorine production in January amounted to over 910,000 mt,
price increase on caustic soda for Continental Europe and a roughly in line with the same month last year. Average daily
£30/dmt rise for the UK, with immediate application or where production in January 2008 saw a 1.3% rise over the previous
terms permit. This has been followed by a c50/dmt price month.
have resumed last year. There were some small quantities
Sodium Chlorate from Germany and China last year but these were accounting
for less than 2%. As the upward movement of imports is mainly
Sodium chlorate imports into South Africa have seen another due to the improvement of profitability, it is expected that
significant rise in 2007. This was mainly due to the improve- shipments will level off around the current import amount.
ment in performance following the restructure of business at
domestic pulp mills. For example, the operational perform- Prices are also on an upward trend and have reached a new
ance at Mondi’s PM31 paper machine at Merebank has im- record level. In 2007, the average import price was $491/mt; an
proved significantly. As a result of upgrade works, production almost 14% rise over 2006. This is a much steeper rise than
at the site in Richard’s Bay has also improved and output picked seen in the past years, when the average growth rate varied
up by 4% in 2007. around 2-4%. The only exception was 2001/2002 when levels
have seen a similar rise to the one last year. It is expected that
South Africa, Sodium Chlorate Imports, 2000-2007 the upward pressure continues over the coming months but a
somewhat slower growth rate appears to be likely.
14 500
450 Hydrogen Peroxide
Imports, (000 mt)
Price, $/mt
400 The hydrogen peroxide market in Chile continued to grow
6 strongly in 2007, driven by rapidly increasing demand from the
pulp and paper industry. The two major new pulp projects
4 completed in H2 2006 by Arauco at its Nueva Aldea mill and by
2 CMPC at Santa Fe together added just over 1.6 million mt to
Chile’s market pulp output, increasing it by about 50% to a new
0 300 total close to 5 million mt. This added a significant increment
00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 to Chile’s annual hydrogen peroxide requirements from 2007.
Other Canada Finland $/mt Demand is also growing from Chile’s important mining sector
mainly in the areas of metal separation and cyanide detoxifica-
Due to the increase in output sodium chlorate requirements in
South Africa are now somewhat higher and the most recent There is currently no production of hydrogen peroxide in Chile
figures are showing a clear upward trend in imports. In total, and the market is entirely supplied by imports. At the end of
around 13,100 mt of material were shipped into the country in 2004, Solvay announced plans to build a greenfield plant with
2007 and this is a 25% rise compared with the previous year a capacity in the range 40,000-50,000 mt/year (100%) to supply
(2006: 9,800 mt). Finland remains the main importer but the the growing demand in the country. Although the planned
countries share has decreased considerably. While Finnish location of the new unit was not identified, Solvay’s intention
producers were importing around 8,300 mt in 2006, the total was to re-use redundant equipment from an older permanently
amount in 2007 was 6,700 mt. At the same time, shipments deactivated hydrogen peroxide unit at Deer Park, Texas, USA
from Canada were about four times higher. The level has risen that became available during the 2005 expansion of that plant.
from 1,500 mt in 2006 to 6,200 mt in the following year.
Canada’s share on chlorate imports into South Africa was Solvay’s original target was to build the plant in time to start
rather low over the past years but reached an equal level to production during 2008. However, these plans appear to have
Finland’s share in 2007. While virtually all material in 2006 was been shelved for the time being because of the current uncer-
of Finnish or Canadian origin, shipments from other countries tainties in Chile’s energy and particularly natural gas supplies.
March 2008 - BCR 219 Harriman Chemsult Ltd
Instead, Solvay seems to be giving greater priority to a progres- The Chilean economy is performing reasonably well. High
sive expansion of its Peroxidos plant at Curitiba in Brazil by inflation rising to 7.8% year on year in December 2007 has been
another 45,000 mt/year up to a final capacity of about 165,000 the result of increased energy costs and higher food prices due
mt/year. Since the discovery of major new deepwater reserves to the drought. With monetary tightening, inflation should
in the Santos basin, off the coast south of Sao Paulo, Brazil’s decline in 2008. The latest figure for annual GDP growth was
future natural gas supplies have looked much more secure as 4.1% with industrial production rising at an annual rate of 3.4%
a long-term source of hydrogen raw material for hydrogen in December. With its economy strongly oriented towards
peroxide production. copper mining, high copper prices have given Chile a strong
trade and fiscal surplus but have led to an appreciation of the
Meanwhile, Chile is facing a long term energy crisis. The Chilean Peso against the US dollar creating some cost prob-
country requires natural gas for power generation as well as lems for other export industries.
domestic and industrial use. Because of long term political
problems with neighbouring Bolivia and Peru, neither country The pulp industry in Chile is mainly although not entirely in the
is prepared to export natural gas to Chile, despite their large geographical north-south centre of the country where the cli-
reserves. Instead, Chile has to obtain what natural gas it can mate is most suitable for fast-growing plantation timber. It was
indirectly through Argentina. However, this supply is diminish- traditionally based on radiata pine although increasing amounts
ing, as Argentina is itself running short of natural gas. of eucalyptus are now being used. The industry is dominated
by two large companies, Arauco and CMPC. Both completed
Bolivia, where there are huge reserves but supply has stag- major pulp expansion projects in 2006 that added significantly
nated through lack of investment since nationalisation, has to hydrogen peroxide demand in 2007.
struggled to meet its long term contractual obligations to Brazil
and Argentina. However, it tends to give priority to Brazil, which Arauco now has a pulp capacity of over 3 million mt/year from
has a larger and more important contract. Bolivia’s exports to five mills in Chile and one in Argentina while CMPC produces
Argentina are well below the contracted level and a crisis is 2 million mt/year from its three mills in Chile. About 40% of the
developing in Argentina as the southern hemisphere winter pulp produced is from eucalyptus and the remainder from pine.
approaches. Argentina suspended natural gas supplies to Market pulp production costs in Chile are particularly favour-
Chile in 2007 and Chile will continue to have difficulties in 2008. able in comparison to North America and Europe. This is
mainly because of the low cost of growing pulpwood in South
The energy crisis in Chile has been exacerbated by the severe America. Costs in Chile are slightly higher than in Brazil but are
drought that is affecting the country. Apart from giving major much lower than in almost all other parts of the world. Overall
problems for agriculture, the water levels at hydroelectric dams cost in Chile is also reduced by a good transport infrastructure
are at an all-time low affecting hydroelectric power generation. from plantation to mill and mill to port.
The government has already taken measures such as extend-
ing daylight saving time in order to avoid starting electricity Arauco’s capacity includes the output of its 550,000 mt/year
rationing in March. To try to cover short-term needs some power market pulp mill in Valdivia, southern Chile, which started
generation plants have been converted to use diesel or coal. production in February 2004. Unfortunately, the mill was
There is investment in new generating plants based on coal temporarily shutdown by the local environmental authorities for
and hydroelectric supplies but these cannot be available until two months in H1 2005 when its treated effluent discharges
2010. were blamed for the death of rare black-necked swans in a
nearby nature reserve. When the mill was restarted in Q3 2005,
Meanwhile, to avoid the dependence on Argentina, large liquid its output was restricted to 440,000 mt/year, 80% of its capacity.
natural gas processing facilities are being built in several Arauco has applied several times to the local environmental
locations, including Quintero, which is on the coast close to authorities to increase pulp production to full capacity, most
Santiago and further north at Mejillones, Antofagasta. These recently in Q3 2007 but so far, all these requests have been
will allow a long-term solution by importing by sea probably refused.
from the Caribbean and Asia. However, most of these projects
are also scheduled for completion from 2010 and the supply Arauco started up its greenfield Nueva Aldea pulp mill at Nuble
situation will be critical in 2008 and 2009. in the Bio Bio region of Chile, 50km east of Concepcion in
September 2006 and it reached full capacity during H1 2007.
Index of Average Quarterly Exchange Rate The 856,000 mt/year two-line mill was designed to produce
equal quantities of pine and eucalyptus pulp. About half of the
Value of Chilean Peso Relative to US Dollar pulp produced is being sold to China with most of the rest
110 destined for Europe. The mill is being operated and monitored
strictly in accordance with the guidelines ordered by the Chil-
105 ean environmental authorities, COREMA, to avoid any possibil-
100 ity of a repeat of the problems experienced at Valdivia.
March 2008 - BCR 219 Harriman Chemsult Ltd
eucalyptus market pulp line was added, with a capacity of Chile, Hydrogen Peroxide Imports
780,000 mt/year raising the total capacity of the mill to 1.14 2000-2007, (000 mt as product)
million mt/year. Like Arauco’s Nueva Aldea mill, the new line 18
at Santa Fe moved rapidly towards full production in H1 2007. 16
Since the start up, CMPC has diverted some of its attention to
improving the efficiency of its other operations and may con-
sider an expansion at its Laja pine pulp mill in the future.
Both CMPC and Arauco continue to see long-term growth
prospects for the Chilean pulp industry. However, it will be 6
about ten years before a new generation of Chile’s pine and 4
eucalyptus forests will begin to be ready for harvesting. Both 2
companies have stated that further significant developments 0
H1 H2 H1 H2 H1 H2 H1 H2 H1 H2 H1 H2 H1 H2 H1 H2
in the Chilean pulp industry before that time are unlikely. In the 00 00 01 01 02 02 03 03 04 04 05 05 06 06 07 07
meantime, they continue with investments in Latin American
Others Belgium USA Venezuela Brazil
countries outside Chile.
The table shows statistics for the import of hydrogen peroxide A new development in H2 2007 was a substantial increase in
into Chile in 2007 compared to the previous two years. These imports from Turkey as well as new imports from South Korea.
statistics are mt as shipped and not as 100%. The Turkish company HPAS with a plant in Bandirma has now
been shipping product to South America for several years,
mainly to Brazil and Argentina in 2005 and 2006 but more
Chile, Hydrogen Peroxide Imports recently to Chile, Peru and Colombia. Volumes have been
January – December, mt as product rather variable, possibly related to the availability of specialised
shipping containers. Similarly, there have been imports from
2005 2006 2007 South Korea into Colombia and Guatemala for several years
and earlier into Brazil but Chile is new in H2 2007.
Brazil 12,099 17,064 24,339
Belgium 1,045 3,748 4,219 The graph gives a good indication of the strong development of
USA 6,270 1,576 1,894 the Chilean market over the past five years. The pulp develop-
Korea - - 835 ments firstly at Valdivia from 2004 then at Nueva Aldea from H2
Turkey 82 82 482 2006 and Santa Fe from H1 2007 already generated a visible
France - - 61 increase in peroxide requirements, which will continue. In the
Germany 21 62 22 absence of new pulp developments, the rate of growth is
Spain 29 1 1 expected to slow in the future.
Others: 1 6 14
March 2008 - BCR 219 Harriman Chemsult Ltd
including phosphate rock, sulphuric acid and ultimately sul- der split between Latin America and Middle East/Africa. Exports
phur. to Europe are still comparatively small.
Although there are large stockpiles of sulphur in various parts Exports are an important part of total demand for the Chinese
of the world, logistics factors are constraining its general hydrosulphite industry but there is also strong growth in the
availability leading to very sharp price rises. China imports domestic market, which has now reached substantially over
large and growing quantities of sulphur mainly for sulphuric 200,000 mt/year. The domestic market is mainly oriented
acid production but its inventories fell in Q4 2007 creating a towards the textile industry, which accounts for about 90% of the
shortage and the start of panic buying with spot prices rocketing total with the remainder being taken by the pulp and paper
towards ten times the normal level. Because of this, the prices industry and in minor applications. The buoyant domestic
of all the downstream products of sulphur have been affected market for hydrosulphite has been maintained in China be-
including sulphur dioxide, sulphuric acid, sulphites, sulphates cause the Chinese textile industry has so far been able to
and, of course, sodium hydrosulphite.. achieve a very high annual growth rate year after year.
The latest trade statistics from China have now been published The Chinese economy grew extremely rapidly in 2007 with GDP
detailing exports of sodium hydrosulphite up to the end of 2007. increasing by 11.4%. Chinese industrial output in December
A total for the year in excess of 140,000 mt has always been 2007 expanded by 17.4% compared to the same month in
expected and was achieved. The statistics show that the total 2006. Because of fears of overheating, the government took
volume of exports to all destinations in 2007 at 141,194 mt was measures to slow the economy throughout 2007 with six
a new record by a significant margin being 22,500 mt (19%) increases in interest rates implemented through the year to
higher than in 2006. control monetary growth. This seems to have been increas-
ingly effective and GDP growth in 2008 is now forecast to be at
The most important contribution to this came from a major a rate below 10%.
increase in exports to North America, which grew by 83%,
increasing by more than 14,000 mt to 30,964 mt for 2007 as a The government’s determination to operate a tight monetary
whole. This growth was largely the result of a full year’s policy in 2008 has been influenced by recent higher rates of
operation of the deal between ZhongCheng Chemicals and consumer price inflation. This reached a new 11-year high in
Chemtrade, announced at the end of October 2006, to supply January at 7.1% and is expected to go higher in the short term.
the North American market with powder product. A further boost Inflation is being driven by higher food and energy prices that
to 2007 exports came from a continuation of the major in- were especially affected in January by the very bad winter
creases in sales to the Japanese and Taiwanese markets that weather, which prevented the movement of food and coal.
began in 2005 following the closure of the domestic However, there is concern that this could spread to the general
hydrosulphite production in both those countries. In addition, economy. For example, annual wage increases of around 13%
shipments to many other countries both inside and outside have been reported for the Pearl River area. The government
Asia showed significant organic growth. is expected to continue to raise interest rates in 2008.
The graph of total annual exports of hydrosulphite from China In 2007, China’s trade surplus was a new record at $262 billion.
over the past ten years illustrates the long-term trend of this However, the government has been allowing the appreciation
business. Exports have significantly more than trebled over of the Chinese Yuan to proceed more rapidly than previously to
that period. The developments in North America, Japan and reduce this as such a high trade surplus also has an inflation-
Taiwan added a total of close to 45,000 mt/year to exports ary impact. At the end of February, the appreciation of the Yuan
between 2004 and 2007 and were the result of plant closures against the US dollar since the ending of the fixed exchange rate
in those countries than cannot be repeated. It is inevitable now policy in July 2005 reached 15%.
that the rate of growth will slow substantially as all the available
new markets for the product are becoming saturated. Future Index of Average Quarterly Exchange Rate
growth will be more related to organic growth in hydrosulphite Value of Chinese Yuan Relative to US Dollar
world markets. 116
March 2008 - BCR 219 Harriman Chemsult Ltd
Details of Chinese exports of hydrosulphite in the whole of 2007 In the Middle East / Africa region, shipments to South Africa were
are shown in the table together with a comparison to the high but partly offset by much lower exports to Nigeria. Smaller
previous two years. African markets continued at the higher rate seen in 2006.
Volumes to the UAE were much increased but mainly in the first
half of the year. Exports to South America were boosted by good
China, Sodium Hydrosulphite Exports volumes to Mexico, Brazil and Chile, possibly the result of
January – December, (mt) Chemtrade’s withdrawal from production of powder
hydrosulphite. Exports to Western Europe were high in H1 but
2005 2006 2007 much reduced in H2 leaving the year’s total lower than 2006.
In Eastern Europe, there was a noticeable increase in exports
Japan 5,742 9,041 11,563 to Bulgaria.
Taiwan 7,856 9,997 11,182
Thailand 6,668 8,119 7,808 China, Sodium Hydrosulphite Exports
Indonesia 5,395 5,522 6,627 2004-2007, (000 mt)
Pakistan 3,027 4,347 6,596 40
S. Korea 5,061 4,927 5,065
Bangladesh 3,388 5,441 3,535
India 1,033 1,879 3,244 30
Vietnam 1,658 2,335 2,392 25
Hong Kong 2,096 1,543 1,112 20
Australia/NZ 8,249 7,638 6,596
Other Asia/Pacific 3,647 4,956 5,423
Total Asia/Pacific 53,820 65,745 71,143 10
Turkey 4,667 5,954 5,369 0
South Africa 1,311 1,694 3,324 Q4 04 Q1 05 Q2 05 Q3 05 Q4 05 Q1 06 Q2 06 Q3 06 Q4 06 Q1 07 Q2 07 Q3 07 Q4 07
Egypt 1,204 1,668 1,559
Europe / N. America S. America
Nigeria 2,645 2,865 1,417
Africa / M. East Asia / Pacific
Other M. East/Africa 2,741 3,564 3,649
Total M. East/Africa 12,568 15,745 15,318
Over-intensive competition between Chinese hydrosulphite
Mexico 3,691 4,030 6,603 producers over many years meant that the product was under-
Brazil 4,104 4,264 4,928 valued even under Chinese cost conditions with low levels of
Colombia 1,711 2,541 1,754 profitability for the industry. Meanwhile, weak or ineffective
Other S. America 2,954 4,178 4,699 environmental protection laws meant that waste treatment
Total S. America 12,460 15,013 17,984 costs were non-existent or very low for the polluter but with a
heavy social cost. Under these conditions, the average price
Total N. America 8,557 16,914 30,964 of Chinese sodium hydrosulphite exports fell to a low point of
$450/mt FOB in 2003. Gradual price rises between H2 2003
Italy 1,276 1,387 889 and H1 2007 were driven by inescapable raw material and
Other W. Europe 1,632 1,404 1,661 energy cost increases to reach about $600/mt.
Total W. Europe 2,908 2,791 2,550
In mid-2007, there began a very significant series of changes
Total E. Europe 2,422 2,483 3,235 in China that led to a dramatic change in this situation. Most
importantly, the Chinese government began to take much
Total World 92,735 118,691 141,194 stronger action to control polluting chemical plants. This was
part of the enforcement of the pollution reduction targets that
were set in the 5-year plan to 2010. These called for a 10%
The strong growth in the total volume of hydrosulphite exported reduction in pollution over the five year period with the enforced
over the three years shown is clear. As noted earlier, the most closure of many small industrial polluters in a whole variety of
significant contributions to this growth were made by the different industries. ZhongCheng Chemicals is still extremely
increases in North America as well as in the Asia/Pacific region confident that it can continue to meet all the government’s
as a result of the plant closures in Japan and Taiwan in 2005. requirements but other Chinese hydrosulphite producers have
However, there were also some other noticeable changes in problems. It is clear that at least three separate sodium
2007, mostly positive. hydrosulphite production plants were closed down for this
reason during H2 2007. This has significantly reduced over-
Export volumes to the Asia / Pacific region showed a continuing capacity and the resulting reduced availability has created a
consolidation of sales to Japan and Taiwan in 2007. These are business environment that is more favourable to price rises.
now the largest individual markets in the region supplied from The explosion at the hydrosulphite plant of Zhejiang Huidelong
China. There was significant growth in sales to Pakistan in has now precipitated an availability crisis.
2007 but this was offset by a reduction in the volumes to
Bangladesh. Substantial growth in exports to India in 2007 was Over the past year, the pace of cost increases in China has
surprising in view of the reconfirmation of anti-dumping duties accelerated, especially when measured in US dollar terms.
on Chinese hydrosulphite by the government of India for an- During 2007, the Yuan has appreciated by about 7% against the
other five years from Q4 2006. However, the sharp increase in dollar, part of the now 15% appreciation since mid-2005 when
all prices may be having an influence on this. Exports to most the peg was removed. In mid-2007, Chinese export VAT refund
other Asian countries showed normal year-to-year variation. rates were reduced. The higher rate of inflation in China led to
March 2008 - BCR 219 Harriman Chemsult Ltd
growth in wage costs, particularly in the cities. Energy and raw During 2007, the Chinese domestic price of hydrosulphite rose
material costs rose rapidly with the large escalation in sulphur by 60-70% reaching in excess of RMB 6,000/mt ($800-850/mt)
prices being most important in H2. by the end of the year. Export prices were increased by an
average of around $200/mt (33%) mid-year although this did
not show fully in statistics until Q4 as can be seen from the
China, Sodium Hydrosulphite Average Export Price graph. Although this was the average increase across all
2004-2007, ($/mt FOB) markets, it was influenced by contracts in some countries
825 where the increase was consequently more restrained. In
800 contrast, the price rise was even greater elsewhere with many
775 export markets seeing escalations in the range of 55-60%
750 between Q2 and Q4 leading to average prices in Q4 of around
725 $850-950/mt FOB China.
675 The $400/mt price rises announced in January/February 2008
650 resulting from the sulphur crisis combined with shortages of
625 electricity and coal, and the changed market situation are
additional and will force almost all export hydrosulphite prices
well over $1,200/mt in H1. They will remain at this higher level
until sulphur markets return to a more normal situation. It is not
Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 yet possible to predict when this will occur but it may not be until
04 05 05 05 05 06 06 06 06 07 07 07 07 2009.
March 2008 - BCR 219 Harriman Chemsult Ltd
Africa is 165,000 mt/year based on eucalyptus with start up Wisconsin. The company forecasts that increasing demand
expected by the end of 2009. from China for US recovered paper means that it must become
more flexible in its choice of fibre for recycling and potentially
USA: Inland Empire Paper Company has announced plans make greater use of lower grade waste paper. This will require
to invest $40 million to install a new TMP plant at its mill in new technology and process modifications. The $23 million
Millwood, Washington state. The new plant, to be supplied by project is expected to be completed by mid 2009.
Metso, will replace mechanical pulp systems installed in the
1960’s. It will have a heat recovery system that will significantly USA: Georgia-Pacific is planning to replace the deinking line
reduce Inland Empire’s dependence on natural gas for drying at its 407,000 mt/year Broadway tissue mill at Green Bay,
its paper products. The project is scheduled for completion in Wisconsin. The aim is to increase yield from poorer quality
2009. feedstock, reduce energy and water consumption and move
away from hypochlorite bleaching. The $50 million project is
USA: SCA is planning to upgrade all three deinking lines at expected to be completed by Q1 2009.
its 225,000 mt/year 100% recycled tissue mill at Menasha,