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MethodsX 1 (2014) 130136

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jou rnal homep age : x

Elimination of the formation of biolm in

industrial pipes using enzyme cleaning
Xiaobo Liu *, Bo Tang, Qiuya Gu, Xiaobin Yu *
The Key Laboratory of Industrial Biotechnology, Ministry of Education, School of Biotechnology, Jiangnan
University, Wuxi 214122, Jiangsu, China


Currently, there is a growing demand in how to eliminate the biolm formed in industrial pipelines, especially in
food, fermentation, and water treatment industry. However, the traditional techniques for CIP (cleaning in place)
are usually ineffective, supercial, halfway, and do not clean or sterilize microbes located in the inner layers of the
biolm. A recent strategy for removing the biolm in pipes is employing enzymes to clean it in the circulating
water system under an optimal condition. However, how to operate and control the whole cleaning process is
difcult. Here, we will introduce the strategy of enzyme cleaning to make it more appropriated and effective.
 A modication of CIP method is proposed for higher efciency by using N-acetylmuramide glycanohydrolase
as catalysts whose optimal pH and temperature is 10  1 and 45  2 8C, respectively.
 The initial efciency of enzyme cleaning was evaluated by testing the content of ATP in water sample using
Clean-TraceTM (3M Corporation).
 Lastly, the terminal water was tested with SLYM-BARTTM (HACH Corporation) to nd out whether there were
biolm-forming bacteria, such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Lakretz et al. (2011) [1]), Pseudomonas uorescens
(OToole and Kolter (1998) [2]), iron bacterium, etc.
2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://

* Corresponding authors. Tel.: +86 0570 22101803; fax: +86 0570 22101803;.
E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected] (X. Liu), [email protected] (X. Yu).
2215-0161/ 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://

X. Liu et al. / MethodsX 1 (2014) 130136


Method: Enzyme cleaning technique
Keywords: Biolm, Enzyme cleaning, Biolm-forming bacteria, CIP (cleaning in place)
Article history: Received 3 July 2014; Accepted 14 August 2014; Available online 26 August 2014

Method details
In the water treatment process, traditional CIP techniques can usually remove or sterilize microbes
on the surface of pipes. Taking the advantages of low cost and low energy consumption, these
strategies were universally used in food, fermentation, and water treatment industry [1,3]. However,
when the biolm forms in pipelines, the traditional methods would not be available to eliminate it
completely [2]. By contrast, the strategy of using muramidase to remove the biolm in pipes is more
effective and in-depth. The comparison of effectiveness between the traditional CIP and enzyme
cleaning technique is shown in Fig. 1 and Table 1.
Preparation of material
In this new strategy, N-acetylmuramide glycanohydrolase is introduced as the critical enzyme
which will react with the polymeric matrix of the biolm, reduce its adherence and make the biolm
detach from the surface. In this study, the optimal pH and temperature for reaction is 10  1 and
45  2 8C, respectively. The temperature of 45  2 8C is used throughout the whole application procedure.
The material was processed in the following manner.


Pure soda (200 g/L solution)

Pure acid (5 mol/L HNO3/H2SO4/citric acid)
0.25% Enzyme (Biorem A1, Biorem 10)
Aller test kit (MERCK Corporation)

Fig. 1. Comparison of effectiveness between the traditional CIP and enzyme cleaning technique.

X. Liu et al. / MethodsX 1 (2014) 130136


Table 1
Comparison of the effectiveness between enzyme cleaning technique and traditional CIP methods.

Raw water
Sand-ltered water
Carbon-ltered water
RO water
Deoxygenated water

Traditional CIP technique

Enzyme cleaning technique









RLU value indicates the concentration of ATP (cATP) in the water sample. For enzyme cleaning, if the result is below 100 RLU, the
cleaning effect is good, otherwise it should continue.  represents no slime-forming bacteria are detected in this water
sample. + indicates slime-forming bacteria are occasionally found in this water sample. ++ indicates slime-forming bacteria
obviously exist in this water sample. +++ indicates many slime-forming bacteria can be detected easily in this water sample.

 Bart test kit (HACH Corporation)

 ATP 1G kit (3M Corporation)
 75% Alcohol
Instruments and tools

pH meter
500 mL sterile bottle
Sampling bottle, asks
Pipette (0.11 mL, 5 mL)/disposable syringes (1 mL, 5 mL)

Preparation of enzyme solution for cleaning

In Fig. 2, the detergent 1 is the initial enzyme solution, and the detergent 2 represents soda or acid
which were used to adjust the pH and clean the pipes. The cleaning process can be proceeded with
according to the following steps:
1. Drain the retention water in all pipes and equipment.
2. Remove the in-line micro lter (d < 50 mm) unless they are necessary to protect equipment or be
3. Pump detergent 2 (200 g/L soda) into water tank to keep the pH at 10  1.
4. Pump detergent 1 (enzyme) into water tank to make the enzyme concentration reach 0.25%.
In this step, we need to test whether the concentration of enzyme solution meets the cleaning
requirement using Aller test kit (Fig. 3a). Firstly, sample 500 mL enzyme solution, and then get 5 mL
sample into ask using a disposable syringe. Please note that both ask and syringe need to be washed
using samples previously. Add two drops of Cl-1 reagent into ask, and the sample will change into
purple. Then, drop Cl-2 reagent into ask slowly and shake it simultaneously until the sample turned
from purple to yellow. After that, drop Cl-3 reagent into ask slowly and shake it simultaneously until
the sample changed from yellow to purple, and record the consumed volume of Cl-3 reagent as V1
(Fig. 3b). The initial water was also tested according to the above process. The concentration of enzyme
solution could be calculated following the formula below:

V1  V0

Note: (a) V1 represents the volume of Cl-3 reagent consumed by enzyme solution. (b) V0 represents
the volume of Cl-3 reagent consumed by the initial water. (c) Ec represents the concentration of


X. Liu et al. / MethodsX 1 (2014) 130136


Fig. 2. The ow chart of enzyme cleaning process.


Fig. 3. (a) Aller test kit. (b) Operation of titration experiment using the Aller test kit.

enzyme solution which should be within the range of 0.25  0.02%. (d) The number 372 indicated the
coefcient of volume conversion from Cl-3 reagent to enzyme solution in the formula.
5. Lastly, circulate the prepared enzyme solution in all pipes and equipment which need to be cleaned.

Test of ATP in process water

ATP is the essential energy molecule which universally exists in all organisms. Therefore, one can
quickly judge whether there are any living organisms or the biolm was completely eliminated by
testing the amount of ATP (<10 cATP) in water (Fig. 4a). Here, we introduce ATP luciferin test
technique which is based on the positive relationship between uorescence intensity and ATP
concentration while the uorescence reaction is catalyzed by luciferase (Fig. 4b).
The AIP test can be carried out by the following steps (shown in Fig. 5):



X. Liu et al. / MethodsX 1 (2014) 130136

Fig. 4. (a) Releasing energy reaction of ATP in organisms. (b) Fluorescence reaction of ATP when catalyzed by luciferase. P
represents the phosphate group. This reaction can produce a lot of uorescence light.


Fig. 5. The operation steps of ATP test using Clean-TraceTM ATP detector.

1. Get a water quality sampling rod out of the bag (storage at 28 8C) and keep it in balance for 10 min
at room temperature before use.
2. Pull rod core and immerse it into the sample for a few seconds, then take it out and ensure there is a
drop of liquid at the bottom of the rod core.
3. Carefully insert the rod core back into test bars (make sure the core do not recline on wall and the
sample rods can enter into the reaction liquid at the bottom). Then press the red part of the sample
rods to make it fully inserted into the reaction liquid.
4. Shake the test bar for 5 s to mix the liquid more completely.
5. Turn on the Clean-TraceTM ATP detector. When self-check process is completed, open the slot and
insert test bar.


X. Liu et al. / MethodsX 1 (2014) 130136


Fig. 6. The operation steps of BART test for slime-forming bacteria.

6. Lastly, close the slot and start to test for about 10 s, record the results (unit: RLU). For enzyme
cleaning, if the result is below 100 RLU, the cleaning effect is good, otherwise it should continue.

Bart test for biolm-forming bacteria

The SLYM-BARTs can be used as a P/A test capable of indicating to some extent the possible
organisms present in the water sample. Slime-forming bacteria are able to produce copious amounts
of slime without necessarily having to use any iron. Iron bacteria also produce slime but usually it is
thinner and involves the accumulation of various forms of iron (
After enzyme cleaning, one should test the water samples again, to assess the efcacy of the
procedure. If the BARTs reveal there are still biolm-forming bacteria, enzyme cleaning should be
carried out again. The slime-forming bacteria should be tested to evaluate the micro-ecology of the
pipelines after enzyme cleaning (see Table 1). The potentially slime-forming bacteria can be tested
following the steps below (Fig. 6):
1. Remove the inner tube from the outer tube.
2. Using the outer tube from the BART, or a different aseptic container, collect at least 20 mL of sample.
Note: Do not touch or contaminate the inside of the tube or lid. Use aseptic technique.
3. Fill the inner tuber with sample until the level reaches the ll line. Note: After removing the cap
from the inner tube, set it down directly on a clean surface. To avoid contamination, do not invert the
4. Tightly screw the cap back on the inner tube. Return the inner tube to the outer tube and screw the
outer cap on tightly. Allow the ball to rise at its own speed. Do not shake or swirl the tube.
5. Label the outer tube with the date and sample origin.
6. Place the BART tube away from direct sunlight and allow to be incubated at room temperature.
Check the BART visually for reaction daily.



X. Liu et al. / MethodsX 1 (2014) 130136

Fig. 7. The growth of slime-forming bacteria in BART tubes after incubation. The uorescence in tubes was observed under the
UV light.

Slime-forming bacteria generally produce the thickest slime formations under aerobic (oxidative)
conditions, which develop around the oating ball. Growth may be recognized as a cloudy or gel-like
growth, which can be localized or occur throughout the sample. These growths are usually white, gray,
yellow, or beige in color and can darken over time (
Meanwhile, they can usually have uorescence when incubated in BART (Fig. 7). For these samples,
safely dispose using a dedicated microwave oven or by autoclaving them.
This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.
21176105), Program of the Key Laboratory of Industrial Biotechnology, Ministry of Education, China
(Grant No. KLIB-KF201105). MethodsX thanks the (anonymous) reviewers of this article for taking the
time to provide valuable feedback.
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natural organic matter (NOM), Water Sci. Technol. 64 (2011) 18761884.
[2] G.A. OToole, R. Kolter, Initiation of biolm formation in Pseudomonas uorescens WCS365 proceeds via multiple, convergent
signalling pathways: a genetic analysis, Mol. Microbiol. 28 (1998) 449461.
[3] C.A. Ta, M. Freundorfer, T.F. Mah, et al., Inhibition of bacterial quorum sensing and biolm formation by extracts of neotropical
rainforest plants, Planta Med. 80 (2014) 343350.

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