Assignment - Personal Skills Development

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The satisfaction that accompanies that the successful completion of any task
would be incomplete without the mention of people whose ceaseless cooperation
made it possible, whose constant guidance and encouragement crown all efforts
with success. I am grateful to Mr.V.Gajendran for the guidance, inspiration and
constructive suggestions that helpful me in the preparation of this assignment.
I also thank my colleagues who have helped in successful completion of the

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- Edexcel Reg. No. CH56848





2. TASK 01


3. TASK 02


4. TASK 03


5. TASK 04


6. TASK 05


7. TASK 06


8. TASK 07


9. TASK 08






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- Edexcel Reg. No. CH56848

In this assignment there are four tasks. Even though there is a link within these
tasks, each task deals with a separate topic. Task-01 will demonstrate the use and
the type of documents and also this task expecting me to write an official letter to
request for stationeries. Task-02 will illustrate about report writing and notice
writing. Also I am going to prepare a report to the higher management in order to
make aware them about the miss use of the organizations stationeries and prepare
a notice to make the employees aware about the scenario.Task-03 will explain the
importance of distributing a message by using different communication
methods.Task-04 will discuss about the importance of arranging discussions and
minutes writing. Task-05 will illustrate about the behavioral factors will be
maintained in order to make the activity productive. In Task-06 I am going to
produce an action report to avoid the above stated stationery misses use in the
organization. In Task-07 I am going to explain the process of decision making.
And Task-08 will demonstrate the limitations that one has to face in a
communication activity.

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The Oxford dictionary define a document as a piece of written, printed or
electronic matter that provide information or evident. Generally we could define
the documents as a tool of physical evident of an information, data or record
related to the subject of the process. A document is a work of nonfiction writing
intended to store and communicates information, thus acting as a recording.
Documents are often the focus and concern business administration and
government administration. The word is also used as a verb as "documenting"
describes the process of making a document.
The term Document may be applied to any discrete representation of meaning, but
usually it refers to something physical like one or more printed pages or to a
"virtual" document. e.g. electronic document (digital) format.

Literature Review
Documents are sometimes classified as Secret, private or public. They may also be
described as draft or proof. When a document is copied the source is referred to as
the original. There are accepted standards for specific applications in various
fields, such as:

Academic: theses, desertion, paper, journal

Business and accounting: invoice, quote, REP, proposal, contract
Law and politics: Summons, certificate, license, gazette
Government and industry: white paper
Media and marketing: brief, mock up, script

Such standard documents can be created based on a template. Traditionally, the

medium of a document was paper and the information was applied to it as ink
either by hand (to make a hand-written document) or by a mechanical process
(such as a printing, press or, more recently, a laser printer)
Through time, documents have also been written with ink on papyrus (starting in
ancient Egypt) or parchment; scratched as runes on stone using a sharp apparatus;
stamped or cut into clay and then baked to make clay tablets(e.g., in the Sumerian
and other Mesopotamian civilizations). The paper, papyrus or parchment might be
rolled up as a scroll or cut into sheets and bound into a book. Today short
documents might also consist of sheets of paper stapled together. Modern
electronic means of storing and displaying documents include desk top computer
and monitor with printer, personal digital assistant, dedicated e book devices,
electronic paper, information appliances, digital audio players, and radio and
television service providers. Digital documents usually have to adhere to a
specific file format in order to be useful.

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Documents of Westford
Different types of organizations use different and variety of documents. The
Westford campus also uses variety of documents according to its process
applications. Initially we could identify the different units of the Campus as per
their functions.

Administrative function
Financial function
Academic function
Marketing function

1. Administrative Function
Administration function is undertaken by the Administration department, financial
function is undertaken by the Financial /Bursary department Academic function is
handled by the academic department or the faculty and the marketing function is
handling by the marketing department. All these departments use different type of
documents to keep their process in record form. These formats are printed and
kept ready for use by the customer or end user who will fill up the forms and
complete the forms with data or records. When these forms are completed and
accepted by the relevant authorities it will become an official document and kept
in official custody.

Administration Department
Documents used by the administration department could be classified into two
Documents used by the staff (Internal Customer)
Documents used by the public (External customer)
Documents used by the internal customers (staff) could be listed out as per
their function or task.

This document is used to record the attendance of an employee including the
time of arrival and departure and absenteeism. In modern world this document
is replaced by digital time clock or thumb print recorder.

The leave register is used to record the leave of an employee. This record
various leave such as medical, casual, privileged, duty and no pay leave.

Holiday work application:

This document records the purpose and approval of the employees who intend
to work on holidays which warrants higher management approval or consent.

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Travelling & Subsistence application:

This document records the details of travelling and subsistence details of an
employee and contains the approval of the superior who grant permission for
the official travelling.

Employees promotion applications and increment applications are recorded in
this document and preserved for future reference.

The transfer application forms are used to apply for transfer from one
department to another department and records are maintained by the human
resources department.

Documents used by the external customers (students) could be listed out as

per their function or task.

Application for enrolment:

This document is used by the students who apply for the campus for
admission. This application form will be scrutinized by the management and
next step will be taken to test the student eligibility to enroll in the faculty.
This application will contain all the record of the student as his bio data.

Student Registration:
This document will function as a record of students who selected for the
admission by the management after completing the admission test.

Student Record Book:

Student record book will carry all the records of the students activities while
they are in the campus. This will contain their core information in the faculty
and their achievement.

Application for library:

The students who wanted to use the library or to borrow books from the
library should become member of the library. Therefore they have to apply for
the membership of the library. The students have to make declaration to return
the books promptly to the management.

Application for Recreation/Gymnasium:

The students who wanted to use the sports or gymnasium has to apply for the
membership to make declaration to abide by the rules and regulation of the
club. This document will contain all the detail of the students and their option
to use the variety of sport.

Application for Car park:

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The students who wanted to use the car park has to apply for permission to use
the car park and the management will allocate available parking slot to the
students and this document will keep the record of the user.

Application for Examination:

The students will use this application form to apply for the examination on
every semester. The examination department will keep track of this record and
issue admission card for the eligible students to sit for the examination.

2. Financial Department (Bursary)

Documents used by the financial department could be classified into two

Documents used by the staff (Internal Customer)

Documents used by the public (External customer)

Documents used by the internal customers (staff) could be listed out as per
their function or task.

Salary Sheet:
Every employee of the Westford will be issued with a salary sheet to mark
their monthly salary and this will be documented by the bursar department for
record keeping and to keep track of their emolument. Also each employee will
be issued with individual salary sheet for their payment.

Miscellaneous payment:
The employees are paid with various payments such as bonus, incentive,
allowances etc. These payments other than salary are categorized under
miscellaneous payment and these records are kept with necessary details for
future reference.

Penalty and surcharges are recovered through this document and this
document will carry all the details of the penalty and surcharge in detail for
future reference.

The expenses paid by the officers who are entitling for reimbursement of the
expenses will be reimbursed by this document with necessary approval.

All the payment received by the institute will be documented by a receipt by
the relevant authority and the receipt will carry all the details of the payment
made and the purpose. This document will be kept under custody of
authorized persons for audit purpose.

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Documents used by the external customers (students) could be listed out as

per their function or task.

Paying in Voucher:
This form will be used by the students or other users to make payment to the
institute for various purposes and this document will carry all the details of
payment and the purpose of the payment.

As mentioned earlier this document will be used to make withdrawal of
payment made earlier by those who entitled to get this kind of reimbursement

Miscellaneous payment:
As mentioned earlier this document will be used to make payment other than
the core business of the institute such as parking, library etc.

When a person made a payment and later wanted to cancel the payment or
partially cancel the payment may do so through this document. A student who
wanted to withdraw from the examination could use this form to withdraw his
exam fees.

3. Academic Department
Documents used by the Academic department could be classified into two

Documents used by the staff (Internal Customer)

Documents used by the public (External customer)

Documents used by the internal customers (staff) could be listed out as per
their function or task.

Student Record:
Every faculty will maintain students record for their internal use and
reference. This student record will carry all the detail of the student and his
progress of the studies.

Register of Handouts/Tutorials:
A register will be maintained by the faculty for distribution and receipts of the
handout and tutorials for students and this document will control and ensure
the distribution and acceptance of the handout and tutorials.

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Examination schedule:
This document will record the various type of examination with date and time
and will contain the details of examination.

Examination application/Exemption:
This register will be used by the authorities to keep record of the examination
applications of the students and the exemption granted to them.

Register of Evaluation:
This register will be used to maintain the marks and evaluation made by the
examination department. This will contain all the detail of the student results.

Documents used by the external customers could be listed out as per their
function or task.

Application for tutorials/Handouts:

This form will be used by the students to obtain the necessary handout from
the faculty as well as to receive the tutorials from the faculty.

Application for Consultation:

This form will be used by the students to make application or appointment to
meet the lecturers/tutors/supervisors for their academic discussion.

Application for Repetition/Viva:

This form is used by the students to apply for re sit the examination or take
part in the oral examination. This form is used by the students who are
referred in the subject.

Student Record Book:

Student record book is maintained by the students for their academic activities
and examined by their supervisor.

4. Marketing Department
Documents used by the Marketing department could be classified into two

Documents used by the staff

(Internal Customer)
Documents used by the public (External customer)

Documents used by the internal customers (staff) could be listed out as per
their function or task.

Tender Forms:
This format is used by the vendors who apply for various jobs called by the
institution to mark their bid.

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These notices are issued by the institute to make publicity about their courses
and service and the academic activities undertaken by the institute.

Advertisement receipts:
Receipts issued by the advertisement agencies are recorded in this register for
record keeping and audit purpose.

Paying in vouchers:
Various payments made to the institute for marketing purpose will be paid
under this document. e.g. Tender fees and quotations.

Documents related to Market research:

There are different types of market research formats are available in the
institute marketing division to conduct market research to ascertain the
institute standing in the market.

Documents used by the external customers (staff) could be listed out as per
their function or task.

Opinion / Suggestion forms:

These forms are used by the beneficiaries to send their suggestions and
opinions to the management for their marketing study.

Market survey forms:

These formats are issued by the marketing research team to study the market
intelligent survey of the institute.

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Official letter to the higher management in order to request for stationeries

Mr. Terry Rogers Leon
8 Town Lane
Date: 08 December 2011
Administrative Manager
Westford Campus
Telephone: +42156985652225
Fax: +425685215212521
Email: [email protected]
Dear Sir,
The institute needs stationary for their annual stock. The indent for the necessary
stationeries is given in the attached schedule. We intend to maintain the minimum
stock level and the new order is placed considering the re order level of the stock
determined by each department who uses the stationary with the sole intention of
eliminating the wastage.
We hope in the future we could use the Just in time approach to fulfill our
stationary requirement and if possible we wish to suggest to the management to
make it online of the stationary requirement which will bring down the wastage to
zero level.
Thanking you,
Yours Faithfully,
Terry Rogers Leon

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Stationary schedule


Administrative function
Holiday Work Application
Travelling & Subsistence Application
Promotion/ Increment
Application for enrolment
Student Registration
Student Record Book
10 Application for library
11 Application for Recreation /Gym
12 Application for Examination
Financial Function
Salary Sheet
Miscellaneous payment
Penalty/ Surcharges
Paying in Voucher
Academic Function
Student Record
Register of handouts/ Tutorials
Examination Application/ Exemption
Register of Evaluation
Application for tutorials/ Handouts
Application for Consultation
Application for Reptilian/Viva
Marketing function
Tender Forms
Advertisement receipts
Paying in Vouchers
Documents related to market Research
Opinion/Suggestion Forms
Market survey forms











Table 1.1

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Date: 0

Mr. R. Rajendram (chief of administration)

Mr. V.Gajan (Secretary)
Misuse of stationeries

Preparing a Report to higher management about the misuse of the

organizations stationeries
As it was conveying to my perceive at the conference apprehended on 07/01/2011
to facilitate our organizations stationeries are being distorted, I encompass a
conscientiousness to craft you the administration conscious of the truth. That is
the motive why I engrave this statement.
This is how the organizations stationeries are being misrepresented:

Institutes stationeries are not taken for private uses

Credentials are wasted by printing drafts slightly than printing the final copy
Fountain pens are superfluous before their full use
An employee uses their own stationeries carefully
Let they required stationeries from the sanctioned persons acquiescence
Gets the instant action for against the stationery misusing staff without any

Yours Faithfully,

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Preparing a notice to make the employees aware of the scenario

Dear all,
It has been brought to my notice that the stationeries in all the departments of
our organization are being misused by some employees. As a first step I would
like to request you to use the stationeries sparingly. Here after, if anyone is
proved to be guilty of misusing the stationeries of the organization will have to
bear the consequences.
The Management,
Westford Campus

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Explaining the Importance of Distributing a Message
Communication is the activity of conveying meaningful information.
Communication requires a sender, a message, and an intended recipient, although
the receiver need not be present or aware of the sender's intent to communicate at
the time of communication; thus communication can occur across vast distances
in time and space. Communication requires that the communicating parties share
an area of communicative commonality. The communication process is complete
once the receiver has understood the sender.

Examining the Use of Different Communication Method

Mainly there are 4 types of communication methods, they are:

Verbal communication
Non verbal communication
Formal communication
Informal communication

Verbal communication
The Verbal communication refers to the spoken words in the communication
process. Oral communication can either be face-to-face communication or a
conversation over the phone or on the voice chat over the Internet. Spoken
conversations or dialogs are influenced by voice modulation, pitch, volume
and even the speed and clarity of speaking. The other type of verbal
communication is written communication. Written communication can be
either via snail mail, or email. The effectiveness of written communication
depends on the style of writing, vocabulary used, grammar, clarity and
precision of language.

Non verbal communication

Non-verbal communication includes the overall body language of the person
who is speaking, which will include the body posture, the hand gestures and
body movements. The facial expressions also play a major role while
communication since the expressions on a persons face say a lot about his/her
mood. On the other hand gestures like a handshake, a smile or a hug can
independently convey emotions. Non verbal communication can also be in the
form of pictorial representations, signboards, or even photographs, sketches
and paintings.

Formal communication
Formal communication includes all the instances where communication has to
occur in a set formal format. Typically this can include all sorts of business
communication or corporate communication. The style of communication in
this form is very formal and official. Official conferences, meetings and

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written memos and corporate letters are used for communication. Formal
communication can also occur between two strangers when they meet for the
first time. Hence formal communication is straightforward, official and always
precise and has a stringent and rigid tone to it.

Non Formal communication

Non formal communication includes instances of free unrestrained
communication between people who share a casual rapport with each other.
Informal communication requires two people to have a similar wavelength and
hence occurs between friends and family. Informal communication does not
have any rigid rules and guidelines. Informal conversations need not
necessarily have boundaries of time, place or even subjects for that matter
since we all know that friendly chats with our loved ones can simply go on
and on.

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Discussing the Importance of Arranging Discussions
As a professional in the working world, there will be times when you will be
required to participate in discussions. If you have trouble speaking out the turn,
interrupting others or if you are lack of confidence in properly expressing
yourself, the techniques about handling yourself in a discussion can be invaluable.
This is a helpful advice for any individual, working with other people in any
industry. Discussing ideas in a group is one of the best ways to solve the problem.
When a person becomes a burden in group discussions due to lack of experience
or have an excess amount of excitement or a general lack of social skills, these
factors can contribute to how you are viewed by your colleagues and superiors in
the workplace.
If you are in a managerial position, it is imperative to provide an open forum for
discussion where your subordinates feel comfortable sharing their ideas. If a
person participating in a discussion feels that their opinion will be ignored then
the members within the group will hesitate to share what could be valuable
solutions to business issues in discussions.

Importance of Discussion
Group Discussion makes some students weak in the knees. That is because
everyone is looking in your face. You have to speak up and keep talking.
Everyone is watching everything. Your diction, style of talking, fillers and facial
expressions and body language are aged.
But Charlie if you are well equipped with current social affairs, general
knowledge and basic understanding and most of all confidence you will fly
through the GD.
Here is what they look at when enter a group discussion:
Team player Here they check if you can work in a team. Have patience to hear
another persons point of view.
Reasoning ability Given a question like How will inflation affect the job
scenario. One must understand the question and think of the various paradigms
that can be affected and if there is a solution to it, then how will it be brought
Leadership Given a start how you lead the group. Bring out the maximum
potential of the other members. How you play it cool and keep calm yet resolve
the given task. You should be able to give direction, co-ordinate, contribute and
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Initiative This is given a lot of importance, as you have to know when to speak
and when to initiate a new topic.
Assertiveness You have to be sure and confident of what you say. When you are
assertive, it shows in your body language.
Flexibility On one side you have to be open to what others are talking on a
topic. But on the other side you cannot keep dribbling with the stand you have
taken. At the onset think which side of the fence you want to sit on and then take a
side of the debate and stick to it.
Listening and awareness go hand in hand You must be alert and know what is
happening around you. Listen to what others have to say so you are able to gauge
the situation and use it to your benefit.
You will score maximum on your initiative that you take in a conversation. Also
once you take up a topic if you keep on track then you score more points. Keeping
a cool head when everyone is talking or refuting your point of view and then
steering the conversation to its path and asserting your point of view will
culminate to scoring more points.

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Minutes January 7th 2011

Directors Present:
Also Present Were:
HR Manager, Marketing Manager, Finance Manager, Planning Manager.
Directors Absent:
The director R.Rajendram called the meeting to order at 9.30am and the secretary
Mr.T.R.Leon recorded the minutes. A board of directors was present, and the
meeting, having been duly convened, was ready to proceed with discussion.
On January 7th 2011 at 9.30 am we started the meeting was held under the
leadership of the director. In this case, we discussed about how to prevent the
stationary misuses in our company. During the discussion, the manager mention
about our company staff had been used stationery incorrectly. The following
suggestions were made by the Manager and Director board to reduce our
stationary problem.
Action plan
Staff uses their own stationeries carefully.
Dont use the stationeries for own needs.
Let they needed stationeries from the authorized persons permission
Gets the immediate action for against the stationery misusing staff without any
End of the meeting we decided to conduct the next meeting on April 7 th 2011 at
10.30 am.
Thank you.
The Secretary

The Director

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Explaining how the behavioral factor should be maintained in order to make
the activity productive.
Behavioral factors that are to be maintained in order to make the activity
productive in a group discussion depend on three factors they are:

Active participation
Non verbal factors
Animation factors

Any behavior or action which may be observed by a person who is speaking;

Make eye contact with the speaker

Have good posture by facing the person speaking and lean slightly forward
towards the speaker.
Concentrate on every word being spoken. (Try and recall the words being
Sit and reflect on what has been said before making a response. (Avoid
thinking of a response while the speaker is still speaking.
Use non-verbal cues such as shaking your head to tell the speaker you are
Use verbal cues such as "um-huh" to let the speaker know you are listening.

Listening Responses
Sometimes a listener will appear to look away while listening. This does not
necessarily mean they have stopped listening, they may be thinking. These are
possible responses:

A person looking up is thinking about what is being said in a visual manner.

They are visualizing what is being said
A person looking off to the side is an auditory listener and is really hearing
what is being said.
A person looking down is an emotional listener and is feeling what is being

The skills that are usually evaluated in a conversation are;

Communication Skills
Good communication skills are skills that facilitate people to communicate
effectively with one another. Effectual communication engages the choice of
the best communications channel, the technical know-how to use the channel,
the presentation of information to the target audience, and the skill to
understand responses received from others. Self development, interpersonal

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skills, mutual understanding, mutual cooperation and trust is also important to

set a complete channel of most effective and winning communication skills.
Interpersonal Skills
Interpersonal skills are all the behaviors and feelings that exist within all of us
that influence our interactions with others. Whether we are shy or bold, quiet
or passive, domineering or cooperative are all different examples of
characteristics of interpersonal skills. How do we develop our interpersonal
skills? We dont really at least not consciously. These skills are learned from
watching our parents, the television and our peers. Children imitate in an
attempt to learn. Most of what we believe to be true about ourselves and the
world around us, we do not stop and examine. It is only when problems arise
that we are given a glimpse into our interpersonal skills and the potential for
change that exists.
Leadership Skills
Leaders help themselves and others to do the right things. They set direction,
build an inspiring vision, and create something new. Leadership is about
mapping out where you need to go to "win" as a team or an organization.
Leadership is dynamic, vibrant, and inspiring.
Yet, while leaders set the direction, they must also use management skills to
guide their team to the right destination in a smooth and efficient way.

Motivational Skills
Motivation means encouragement. Its a driving force that helps any
individual to move further. Many a times we are made to do the same job
every day. This is where motivation comes into picture. By motivating the
individual he may be encouraged to work and bring new prospects and
revenues. .
Why Motivations?

Reduces boredom
Brings new prospects and revenues
Leads to job satisfaction and mental peace
Avoids jealousy and prejudice amongst team
Helps to achieve deadlines faster

Team Building Skills

Team Building refers to a wide range of activities, presented to businesses,
schools, and sports teams, religious or nonprofit organizations designed for
improving team performance. Team building is pursued via a variety of
practices, and can range from simple bonding exercises to complex
simulations and multi-day team building retreats designed to develop a team
(including group assessment and group-dynamic games), usually falling
somewhere in between. It generally sits within the theory and practice of
organizational development, but can also be applied to sports teams, school

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groups, and other contexts. Team building is not to be confused with "team
recreation" that consists of activities for teams that are strictly recreational.
Teambuilding is an important factor in any environment, its focus is to
specialize in bringing out the best in a team to ensure self development,
positive communication, leadership skills and the ability to work closely
together as a team to problem solve.

Presentation Skills
Presentation is the practice of showing and explaining the content of a topic to
an audience or learner. Presentations come in nearly as many forms as there
are life situations. In the business world, there are sales presentations,
informational and motivational presentations, first encounters, interviews,
briefings, status reports, image-building, and of course, the inevitable training
Although individuals most often think of presentations in a business meeting
context, there are countless occasions when that is not the case. For example, a
Non Profit Organization presents the need for a capital fund-raising campaign
to benefit the victims of a recent tragedy; a school district superintendent
presents a program to parents about the introduction of foreign-language
instruction in the elementary school artist demonstrates decorative painting
techniques to a group of interior designers; a horticulturist shows garden club
members or homeowners how they might use native plants in the suburban
landscape; a police officer addresses a neighborhood association about
initiating a safety program.

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Stating the action that I could take to avoid stationery misuse

Appointing a suitable person responsible to take care the stationeries


One person will be responsible to care the stationary misuse. Reward and
punishment are the two general methods that people use to promote appropriate
and good behavior and to demote inappropriate or bad behaviors. Based on these
mechanisms I like to prepare action plan that I believe would avoid stationery
misuse. A suitable person responsible for stationeries is appointed. On a monthly
base a token of appreciation will be given to persons for their appropriate use of
stationeries. If someone is found guilty of misusing stationeries, one day salary
will be taken away from that person. If a person continues to misuse stationeries,
that person will be given a memo.

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- Edexcel Reg. No. CH56848

Defining the Terminology of Decision Making
Decision making can be defined as an act of making up ones mind about
something. The important decisions that one makes have the ability to change
ones life. If the decision is going to bring major changes in ones life, one has to
make it in a careful way. Therefore, to have high chances of being successful, it is
important to make decision in a systematic way.

Characteristics of an Effective Decision-Making

It focuses on what is important

It is logical and consistent.
It acknowledges both subjective and objective thinking and blends analytical
with intuitive thinking.
It requires only as much information and analysis as is necessary to resolve a
particular dilemma.
It encourages and guides the gathering of relevant information and informed
It is straightforward, reliable, easy to use, and flexible.

Explaining the Processes of Decision Making

The decision making process consists of a sequence of sections that fit together
depending on the type of problem to be solved. These are:

Problem Definition.
Problem Analysis.
Generating possible Solutions.
Analyzing the Solutions.
Selecting the best Solution(s).
Planning the next course of action (Next Steps)

The above Process is only a guide for problem solving. It is useful to have a
structure to follow to make sure that nothing is Handled Properly Nothing here is
likely to be brand new to anyone, but it is the pure acknowledgement and
reminding of the process that can help the problems to be solved.

Problem Definition
The normal process for solving a problem will initially involve defining the
problem you want to solve. You need to decide what you want achieve and
write it down. Often people keep the problem in their head as a vague idea and
can so often get lost in what they are trying to solve that no solution seems to
fit. Merely writing down the problem forces you to think about what you are
actually trying to solve and how much you want to achieve. The first part of

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the process not only involves writing down the problem to solve, but also
checking that you are answering the right problem. It is a check-step to ensure
that you do not answer a side issue or only solve the part of the problem that is
most easy to solve. People often use the most immediate solution to the first
problem definition that they find without spending time checking the problem
is the right one to answer.

Problem Analysis
The next step in the process is often to check where we are, what the current
situation is and what is involved in making it a problem. For example, what
are the benefits of the current product/service/process? And why did we decide
to make it like that? Understanding where the problem is coming from, how it
fits in with current developments and what the current environment is, is
crucial when working out whether a solution will actually work or not.
Similarly you must have a set of criteria by which to evaluate any new
solutions or you will not know whether the idea is workable or not. This
section of the problem solving process ensures that time is spent in stepping
back and assessing the current situation and what actually needs to be
After this investigation, it is often good to go back one step to reconfirm that
your problem definition is still valid. Frequently after the investigation people
discover that the problem they really want to answer is very different from
their original interpretation of it.

Generating possible Solutions

When you have discovered the real problem that you want to solve and have
investigated the climate into which the solution must fit, the next stage is to
generate a number of possible solutions. At this stage you should concentrate
on generating many solutions and should not evaluate them at all. Very often
an idea, which would have been discarded immediately, when evaluated
properly, can be developed into a superb solution. At this stage, you should not
pre-judge any potential solutions but should treat each idea as a new idea in its
own right and worthy of consideration.

Analyzing the Solutions

This section of the problem solving process is where you investigate the
various factors about each of the potential solutions. You note down the good
and bad points and other things which are relevant to each solution. Even at
this stage you are not evaluating the solution because if you do so then you
could decide not to write down the valid good points about it because overall
you think it will not work. However you might discover that by writing down
its advantages that it has a totally unique advantage. Only by discovering this
might you choose to put the effort in to develop the idea so that it will work.

Selecting the best Solution(s)

This is the section where you look through the various influencing factors for
each possible solution and decide which solutions to keep and which to

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disregard. You look at the solution as a whole and use your judgment as to
whether to use the solution or not. In Innovation Toolbox, you can vote using
either a Yes/No/Interesting process or on a sliding scale depending on how
good the idea is. Sometimes pure facts and figures dictate which ideas will
work and which will not. In other situations, it will be purely feelings and
intuition that decides. Remember that intuition is really a lifetimes experience
and judgment compressed into a single decision.
By voting for the solutions you will end up with a shortlist of potential
solutions. You may want to increase the depth in the analysis of each idea and
vote again on that shortlist to further refine your shortlist.
You will then end up with one, many or no viable solutions. In the case where
you have no solutions that work, you will need to repeat the generation of
solutions section to discover more potential solutions. Alternatively you might
consider re-evaluating the problem again as sometimes you may not find a
solution because the problem definition is not well defined or selfcontradictory.

Planning the next course of action (Next Steps)

This section of the process is where you write down what you are going to do
next. Now that you have a potential solution or solutions you need to decide
how you will make the solution happen. This will involve people doing
various things at various times in the future and then confirming that they have
been carried out as planned. This stage ensures that the valuable thinking that
has gone into solving the problem becomes reality. This series of Next Steps is
the logical step to physically solving the problem.

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In this job I didnt face any more difficulties because my personal skills
development subject mentor trained me healthily so that knowledge keeps me
stronger on this issue. At the same time I bit struggled with when I committed to
take judgments about the communities. In this task Im listing the facts that I
difficult to face.
Sharing the difficulty, problem and limitation I generally face when
participating in communicative activities
Some people tend to have a hard time listening to people who do not speak in the
language properly. Ineffective listening is usually the single biggest hindrance to
effective communication between people.
The following is a list of some of the most common barriers to listening,
PREOCCUPATION - Some people are so preoccupied with their problems that
they fail to concentrate on what another person says. By failing to give someone
our full attention, it may seem that we are trying to defend our own position so
vigorously we cannot afford to let down any of our guard. Some people are so
preoccupied with their own interests, concerns, or goals that they only hear what
relates to their activities. Preoccupation negates the possibility of empathetic
understanding that is essential for any relationship.
LACK OF INTEREST - Many people only listen to the things that will bring
them those benefits. Tuning a preacher out is a common pattern for many
churchgoers. They have grown used to not agreeing with their pastor. Many closed
minded people fail to see the relevance of past messages. Elders lose interest in
the concerns of certain groups in the church because they are not interested in
problems outside of their domain. Youth may tune out elders because they
consider the older generation out of touch with the needs of contemporary youth
PHYSICAL OR EMOTIONAL CONSTRAINTS - Certain factors may hinder
the way people listen to what is really important. Perhaps people are so hungry,
tired, or discouraged that they do not have the mental or emotional strength to
listen to someone tells about which is important for them.
EXTERNAL INTEFERENCE - Certain physical distractions can inhibit people
from hearing 100% of what is being said. Poor sound equipment can limit the
amount of information that is communicated clearly. Outside noise from people's
conversation, sporting activities, or car horns may discourage people from getting
every word of a message.
NEGATIVE ATTITUDES - Skeptical attitudes can hinder the communication
between people. Distrust tends to block communication. Many of the Pharisees
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- Edexcel Reg. No. CH56848

failed to hear what Jesus Christ said because of their attitudes of unbelief,
resentments or fear.
LACK OF DISCIPLINE - Some people fail to hear what others say because they
have not trained their minds to be disciplined and focused. Give others your entire
attention when they are speaking. Jesus even gave His time and attention to listen
to the needs of children.
MISUNDERSTANDING - Many preachers are disappointed because their
audience fails to grasp the key principles of their sermons. Even worse, some
people will put a negative spin to a message. Certain people distort what has been
said by hearing something different than what was intended. Finally, some people
will only hear what they want to hear. Their minds are closed to hearing what the
Holy Spirit is speaking to them about. God knows what specific changes need to
be made in each person's life. Our verbal communication needs to be backed up
with a consistent life of love, faithfulness, and self-control if people are to
consider our communications as credible.
Explaining the personal oriented development and knowledge I could achieve
within the course of time
To overcome the difficulties, problems and limitation, and to develop personal
oriented skill and knowledge two areas support me strongly.

Learning: In order to increase my vocabulary I read a lot.

Practice: In order to develop personal oriented skills, the IDM gives me
chance to present what I learned both in writing and in presenting in the class

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- Edexcel Reg. No. CH56848

In task 1 I have explained what are the different types of documents that we can
used for our day to day office work. In addition I have prepared an official letter to
the higher management in order to request for office stationeries. In task 2 I did
prepare a report the higher management in order to make aware them about the
miss use of the organizations stationeries & prepared a notice to make the
employees aware about the scenario and also described importance of distributing
a message by using different communication method in 3rd task. In task 4
explained arranging discussions and provide evidence about a certain discussion
by stating minutes. In task 5 explained behavioral factors should be maintained in
order to make the activity productive. And I prepared an action plan to aware the
miss use of the organizations stationary in task 6. In task 7 I have described about
the process of decision making. In the last task discussed about the difficulties,
problems and even limitations that I have to face generally when participating for
above stated communicative.

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- Edexcel Reg. No. CH56848


Personal Development and Management Skills
Chris Routledge and Jan Carmichael (Nov 2007) ISBN: 1843981483

Electronic Article:

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- Edexcel Reg. No. CH56848

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