Statics and Dynamics

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The key takeaways are that this course covers statics and dynamics principles applied to particles and rigid bodies subjected to forces. It aims to provide students with a clear understanding of engineering mechanics theory and applications to improve problem solving skills.

The objectives of the course are to provide students a thorough presentation of engineering mechanics theory and applications, apply mechanics principles to particles and rigid bodies, draw free body diagrams, and apply concepts to solve problems to improve problem solving abilities.

ABET is the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology that reviews and accredits engineering programs every six years based on continuous improvement of program outcomes and objectives. Accreditation ensures programs meet standards for effectively preparing students for professional practice.

Course Title

PE 2113 Statics and Dynamics

Fall 2010

Instructor: Dr. Samuel O. Osisanya, P. E.

Associate Professor
Mewbourne School of Petroleum & Geological

Petroleum Engineering Curriculum

Applications &

Basic Science/General

Fundamentals of PE Geology, Rock & Fluid






Course Content
Ground Rules
Grading System
Caring Isnt Coddling
Learning is Your Responsibility

Text Books
R. C. Hibbeler, Engineering MechanicsSTATICS, 12th Edition, PearsonPrentice Hall,

To make you all the best engineers of the
21st century
The main objective of this course is to
provide students with a clear and thorough
presentation of the theory and application of
engineering mechanics. The concept will be
to apply the principles of mechanics first to a
particle then to a rigid-body subjected to a
coplanar system of forces.

1. Provide students with a clear and thorough presentation
of the theory and application of engineering mechanics.
2. The concept will be to apply the principles of mechanics
first to a particle then to a rigid-body subjected to a
coplanar system of forces.
3. Draw free-body diagram which is particularly necessary
for solving mechanics problems.(e)
4. Apply the concept and understanding to solve problems
thereby improving their problem-solving skills.(a, e)
5. To continue to emphasize the importance of units either
SI or US Customary (FPS) (a)
An ability to apply knowledge of math, science and
An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering

Course evaluations are an indirect tool to evaluate attainment of
student outcomes. In order to increase the on-line course
evaluation survey response rate, you must do the following:
Go to the link http:/
Mewbourne School of Petroleum and Geological Engineering
utilizes student ratings as one of the bases for evaluation in the
teaching effectiveness of each of its faculty members. The results
of these ratings are important data used by the faculty members to
improve their own teaching effectiveness, and programs use the
data to assess achievement of a set of learning outcomes. The
original request for the use of these forms came from students,
and it is students who eventually benefit most from their use.
Please take this task seriously, evaluate courses on-line and
respond as honesty and precisely as possible, both to the machine
scored items and to the open-ended questions. We appreciate
your feedback.

What is ABET
Accreditation Board for Engineering and
Technology, Inc.
MPGE is an accredited program and is
reviewed by ABET every six years.
*Upcoming review July 2011.
Accreditation is based on a continuous
improvement process of our program
outcomes and objectives.

MPGE Program Outcomes

We must demonstrate that our students have:

an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering

an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and

interpret data

an ability to design an system, component, or process to meet desired needs

(within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social,
political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability)

an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams

an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems

an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility

an ability to communicate effectively

the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering

solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context

a recognition of the need for, and ability to engage in life-long learning

a knowledge of contemporary issues

an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools

necessary for engineering practice

Program Objectives
Area of Technical Skills
Our Alumni will have successful professional careers in petroleum
Area of Business Acumen
Our Alumni will be emerging or established leaders among their peers
demonstrated by leading projects or teams and creating business
Area of Continuous Learning
Our Alumni will be engaged in activities of life-long learning in
petroleum industry through professional development, advanced
degrees, certifications, and/or continuing education and training.

Area of Service
Our Alumni will be emerging leaders in service to the profession.

Program Objectives
Mapping A K
Outcomes to Objs.


Mapping Courses
to A- K Outcomes
Course Data

Data Collection

ABET Questionnaire
Exit Interviews


External Constituents

Annual Assessment



ABET Certification

Intern Supervisors

Self Study
Advisory Board



2-3 years


Whats in it for you?

Your academic performance in the PE
program indicate where improvements
are needed
Your participation in course evaluations
indicate where improvements are
Your participation in surveys after
graduation indicate how well the program
has met its objectives


Attendance is required
Be prompt as late arrivals disorganize the
Must follow adds and drops policies
Adhere to homework rules & format
Adhere to test rules including academic

Read ahead of class
Time management/how do you learn
Be the best, neat, and honest professional drilling
Recipe for an F
No, I dont grade on a curve . Its too complicated
Caring Isnt Coddling

Term report (essay) evaluation

Engineers, learning ultimately is your responsibility. Today and in the future,

your only security is what you know, what you can do, and how fast you
can learn - Dr. K.K. Millheim - JPT 04/92
Your future is in your hands. While mentors will supply guidance, it is your
responsibility to make learning a key priority.
How do you learn?
commitment, set goals, time management,
take notes, study everyday


1. General Principles
2. Force Vectors
3. Equilibrium of a Particle
4. Force System Resultants
5. Equilibrium of a Rigid-Body
6. Moment of Inertia
7. Kinetics of a Particle: Force and Acceleration
8. Kinetics of a Particle: Work and Energy
9. Kinetics of a Particle: Impulse-Momentum.

Chapter 1 General Principles




Mechanics deals with the state of rest or motion of
bodies subjected to action of forces.
Mechanics is divided into: Rigid-Body; DeformableBody and Fluid Mechanics
Rigid-Body: forms the basis for the design and
analysis of structural, mechanical, and electrical
Rigid-Body is divided into Statics and Dynamics
Statics deals with body at rest or moves with constant
velocity (i.e. acceleration = 0)
Dynamics deals with the accelerated motion of bodies19

Historical Development
Statics development principles are based on formulation
from measurements of geometry and force. Archimedes
(287-212 BC) developed the levers, pulley, inclined
Dynamics involves time. Galileo (1564 1642 AD)
developed pendulums and falling bodies
Newton (1642 1727 AD) the father of mechanics, made
the most significant contributions: laws of motion; laws of
universal gravitational attraction.
Euler, Lagrange, DAlembert and others applied Newtons


Fundamental Principles and Concepts

The concepts and principles are: basic quantities
and Newtons laws of motion
Basic quantities (Units) are
Length, Time, Mass, and Force
Length, Time and Mass are basic units
Force is a derived unit
Other basic quantities concepts are idealization,
particle, rigid-body, concentrated force

Newtons laws of motion


Fundamental Principles and Concepts

Idealization models or idealizations are used in
mechanics in order to simplify application of the theory
Particle has a mass, but a size that can be neglected,
Earth is smaller than the orbit, i.e. the Earth can be
modeled as a particle. The geometry of a particle (body)
will not be involved in the analysis of the problem
Rigid-body means deformations are relatively small and
hence neglected (concept of rigid-body is relative)
Concentrated force: represents the effect of a loading
which is assumed to act at a point on a body


Newtons Laws of Motion

The entire subject of rigid body mechanics is formulated on the basics of Newtons 3 laws
of motion; the validity of which is based on experimental observation

First Law a particle at equilibrium ( i.e. at rest) or moving in

a straight line with constant velocity will remain in the state
provided the particle is not subjected to an additional force.

Second Law: F = mass x acceleration = m x a

Third Law: the mutual forces of action and reaction

between two particles are equal, opposite and collinear;
i.e. action and reaction are always equal and opposite


Newtons Law of Gravitational Attraction

Newton postulated a law governing the attraction between any 2
particles, expressed mathematically as follows: F = Gm1m2/r2

F = force, m1, m2 = mass of each of the two particles

G = universal constant of gravitation and according to
experiment G = 66.73 x 10-12 (m3/(kg.s2))
Weight: is the only sizeable gravitational force between a particle
(with mass m) located at or near the earth surface and earth (of
mass Me).
Hence, W =GmMe/r2. If g = GMe/r2 , then W = mg.
Since F = ma, then g is called acceleration due to gravity.
Question: Show that W = mg


Fundamental Units Used in Mechanics

Units are necessary to describe the results of measurements
Dimensions are used to describe physical quantities;
independent of units. [L], [M], [T] for length, mass, and time
This is a powerful tool in analyzing fluid mechanics problems

There are two systems of units:

SI (aka MKS, SI a moderate version of the metric system)
US or British

SI coherent sets of basic (fundamental) units are Meter,

Kilogram and Second for length, mass, and time respectively.
US coherent sets of basic (fundamental) units are Feet, Slug,
and Second for length, mass, and time respectively.

Systems of Units



Fundamental Units Used in Mechanics

The basic unit of temperature in the SI system is
the Kelvin (K) and it is related to oC as follows: K =
273 +oC
The basic unit of temperature in the US system is
the Rankine (R) and it is related to oF as follows: R
= 460 +oF
The unit of energy in the SI system is the Joule (1
J = 1 N-m)
The unit of energy in the US system is the ft-lbf (1
ft-lbf = 1.356 N-m)
Question: Show that I ft-lbf = 1.356 N-m


Conversion Factors



Conversion of Units
All engineers, especially the engineers of the 21st Century, must be
able to convert between units. If a physical quantity is expressed in any
system, it is simple matter to convert the units from that system to
another. To do this, the basic unit conversion must be known and a
logical unit analysis must be followed.
Mistakes can be minimized if you remember that a conversion factor
simply relates the same physical quantity in two different unit systems.
As an example 1.0 in = 25.4 mm = 2.54 cm describe the same length
The mastering of the procedure for units conversions takes a lot of
practice. Hence, work a lot of problems.
There is a list of unit conversions in your mechanics textbook and many
other textbooks of physics, chemistry, and engineering. Try to develop
these values on your own. Do not memorize them.




Numerical Calculations
Numerical calculations involve the following:
Dimensional homogeneity
Significant figures
Rounding off numbers
Finally, the calculations themselves


General Procedure for Engineering Analysis






FALL 2010

Instructor: Dr. Samuel O. Osisanya, P. E.

Associate Professor
Mewbourne School of Petroleum &
Geological Engineering

Chapter 3 Equilibrium of a

To introduce the concept of the
free-body diagram for a particle
To show how to solve particle
equilibrium problems using the
equation of equilibrium

Condition for the Equilibrium of a Particle

Recall: Particle has a mass, but a size that can be
neglected. The geometry of a particle (body) will not be
involved in the analysis of the problem

When a particle is at rest or moves with constant

velocity, it is in equilibrium. This requires that all the
forces acting on the particle form a zero force
This condition may be expressed mathematically as
F = 0; where F is the vector sum of all the forces
acting on the particle.

Condition for the Equilibrium of a Particle

Not only is the equation F = 0 a necessary
condition for equilibrium, it is also a sufficient
This follows from Newtons 2nd Law of motion
which says that F = ma.
Thus, it follows that a = 0, which implies that the
particle indeed moves with constant velocity or
remains at rest.

Free-Body Diagram
In order to account for all the forces acting on a
particle, it is necessary to draw a free-body diagram.
The diagram is an outlined shape of the particle that
shows all the forces, listed with their known or
unknown magnitudes and directions.
The free-body diagram is simply a sketch which
shows the particle free from its surroundings with all
the forces that act on it.
There are two types of connections often
encountered in particle equilibrium problems:
Springs and Cables and Pulleys

Springs: If a linear elastic spring is used for
support, the length of the spring will change in
direction proportional to the force (this follows
from Hookes law of elasticity). This is
expressed mathematically as F = ks
k = spring constant or stiffness, (N/m)
s = change in length; if s is positive, then F pull
the spring and if s is negative, then F must push
on it

Cables and Pulleys

In this course (except in Chapter 7 Internal Forces),
all cables (or cords) are assumed to have negligible
weight and cannot stretch.
Also, a cable can support only a tensile or pulling
force, and this force always acts in the direction of the
Also, the tension force developed in a continuous
cable which passes over a frictionless pulley must
have a constant magnitude to keep the cable in

Procedure for Drawing a Free-Body Diagram

Since, we must account for all the forces on the

particle when applying the equation of equilibrium,
the importance of first drawing the free-body
diagram cannot be overemphasized. The following
3 steps are necessary:
1. Draw outlined shape: imagine the particle to be
isolated or cut free from its surroundings
2. Show all forces: forces can be active (tend to set
the particle in motion) or can be reactive (tend to
prevent motion)
3. Identify each force: known forces must be labeled
with their proper magnitude and directions.

Example - Free-Body Diagram

The sphere on this figure has a mass of 6 kg and is

supported as shown.

Two forces on the

sphere: its
weight & the
force of cord CE
Two forces on the
cord: FCE and FEC.
Both are equal and
opposite (Newtons
3rd Law

Three forces on the knot:

FCE, FCBA, and FCD, .Note:
the weight of the sphere
does not directly act on
the knot


Coplanar Forces 2-D Force Systems

Recall: In two dimensions, it is easy to find the angle
between two lines or the components of a force
parallel or perpendicular to a line. This is by using

F = 0
Fxi + Fyj = 0
For the above vector equation to be satisfied, the
forces x and y components must both be equal to
zero. Hence

Fx= 0

Fy= 0


3-Dimensional Force Systems

Recall: In 3-D, vector method is employed to solve
the problem. The dot product defines a particular
method for multiplying two vectors and is used to
solve the 3-D problems.

F = 0
Fxi + Fyj + Fzk= 0
For the above vector equation to be satisfied, the
forces x , y, and z components must both be equal to
zero. Hence, Fx= 0 Fy= 0 Fz= 0


Application of Free-Body Diagram

to Petroleum Engineering Drilling



The hoisting system is one of the 6 rig systems.
Its function is to provide a means of lowering and
raising equipment into or out of the hole
Principal components
Derrick & substructure
Block & tackle pulley arrangements

Major routine operations

Making connection
Making a trip
Slip and cut program

Schematic of Block and Tackle

1. Comprises of crown block,
traveling block, and drilling
2. Provides a mechanical
advantage, which permits
easier handling of large
3. Generally mechanical
advantage is less than n
(i.e. less than 100%) due
to friction
4. As n increases,
mechanical advantage
decreases tremendously.



FALL 2010

Instructor: Dr. Samuel O. Osisanya, P. E.

Associate Professor
Mewbourne School of Petroleum &
Geological Engineering

Chapter 4 Force System


To discuss the concept of the moment of a force and
show how to calculate it in two and 3-dimensions
To provide a method for finding the moment of a force
about a specific axis

To define the moment of a couple

To present methods for determining the resultants of
non-concurrent force systems
To indicate how to reduce a simple distributed loading
to a resultant force having a specified location

Moment of a Force - Scalar Formulation

The moment of a force
about a point or axis
provides a measure of
the tendency of the
force to cause a body to
rotate about the point or
On the right figure, the
force tends to cause the
pipe to turn about the zaxis

Moment of a Force - Scalar Formulation

The tendency of the force
to cause a body to rotate
about the point or axis is
called a TORQUE, but
most often it is called the
simply the MOMENT (MO)z
The moment axis (z) is
perpendicular to x-y plane

Moment of a Force - Scalar Formulation

In figure b on the right, force Fz will not
rotate the pipe about the z-axis. Instead it
tends to rotate it about the x-axis.
However, it may not be possible, but
there is a tendency to rotate.
In figure c, no moment is produced about
point O.
The magnitude of the moment Mo = F*d
and it is a vector
d = moment arm or perpendicular
distance from the axis at point O to the
line of action of the force.

Moment of a Force - Scalar Formulation

The direction of Mo will be specified
by using the RIGHT-HAND RULE
The fingers of the right hand are
curled such that they follow the
sense of rotation which would occur if
the force could rotate about point O
The thumb then points along the
moment axis so that it gives the
direction and sense of the moment
vector which is upward and
perpendicular to the shaded plane
containing F and d

Resultant Moment of a System of Coplanar Forces

The resultant moment MRO of the system
of coplanar forces can be determined by
simply adding the moments of all forces
algebraically since all the moment vectors
are collinear.
+ MR O

= F*d

Sign convention
Clockwise is taken as negative
Counterclockwise is taken as positive

Operations Damage (makeup & breakout)

Bending during tonguing (avoidable)

Observe max TJ height (refer API RP7G) (tongue jaw)
Back up with winch and snatch block if tight breakout
Always use two tongs

When making or breaking connections, the pull on the tong lines exerts a
bending force on the pipe, at the top of the slips. If this force is excessive the
pipe will bend, which is seriously bad news. Its also totally avoidable.
There are two cases; tongs at 90 between the arms and at 180. Which is
likely to be the worst case (ask the class)? API RP7G gives a formula to use
to work out H, the height of the tool joint center, to avoid bending.

Operations Damage (makeup & breakout)

Mis-stabbing - Damage to the box seal area. Always
pick up, inspect, restab - NEVER knock it in!


Worked Examples




Cross Product
The cross product of two vectors A and B
yields a vector C which is written as follows:
C = A x B (C equals A cross B)
The magnitude of C is the product of the
magnitude of A and B and the sine of angle
between their tails
The direction of vector C is perpendicular to
the plane A and B such that C is specified by
the RHR. Thus C can be written as follows:

= A x B = (ABsin)uc

ABsin defines the scalar

uc = unit vector defines the direction of C


Laws of Operation of Cross Product

1. The commutative law is not valid, i.e
A x B B x A, in fact, A x B = - B x A
2. Multiplication by a scalar

a(A x B) = (aA) x B = A x (aB) = (A x B)a

3. The distributive law
A x (B + D) = (A x B) + (A x D)


Commutative Law of Cross Product

The commutative law is not valid, i.e
A x B B x A, in fact, A x B = - B x A = -C


Cartesian Vector Formulation of Cross Product

This is concerned with the cross product
of the pair of Cartesian vectors. For
i x j = ijsin()uc, the magnitude is 1x1
Sin(90) = 1 and its direction is
determined by the RHR and it shows
that the resultant vector points in the +k
direction, thus, i x j = (1)k. In similar
manner we have the following:
i x j = k i x k = -j
j x k = i j x i = -k
k x i = j k x j = -i


Cross Product of Unit Vectors


i x k = -j



j x i = -k



k x j = -i


1. The above results should not be memorized, rather it should be

clearly understood how each is obtained by using the RHR and the
definition of the cross product. A simple scheme shown right above
is helpful for obtaining the same results when the need arises.
2. If the circle is constructed as shown, then crossing two such
vectors in a counterclockwise fashion around the circle yields the
positive third unit vector, e.g. k x i = j.

3. Moving clockwise, a negative unit vector is obtained, e.g. i x k = -j


Cross Product of 2 General Vectors A and B

If A = Axi + Ayj + Azk and B = Bxi + Byj + Bzk , it can be shown that
A x B = (AyBz- AzBy)i - (AxBz- AzBx)j + (AxBy- AyBx)k
The above equation may also be written in a more compact
determinant form as follows:

To find the cross product of any two Cartesian vectors A and B, it is

necessary to expand a determinant whose first row of elements consists
of the unit vectors i, j, and k and whose second and third rows represent
the x, y, and z components of the two vectors A and B respectively

Cross Product of 2 Vectors

The figure on the right shows
how to expand a 3 x 3
The figure shows how the 3
minors are generated. Adding
the results and noting that the
j element must include the
MINUS sign yields the
expanded form of A x B as
A x B = (AyBz- AzBy)i - (AxBzAzBx)j + (AxBy- AyBx)k


Moment of a Force Vector Formulation

(Application of Cross Product)

The moment of a force F about a point O or actually about the moment axis
passing through O and perpendicular to the plane containing O and F is
expressed as MO = r x F
r = a position vector drawn from O to any point lying on the line of action of F
Magnitude: MO = rF sin = F (r sin)= Fd
Direction: The direction is determined using RHR. From the figure above, the
curl of the fingers like the curl around the moment vector, indicates the
sense of rotation caused by the force. Since the cross product is not
commutative, it is important that the proper order of r and F be
maintained (i.e. you cannot write Mo = F x r)

Principle of Transmissibility: From the figure on

the left MO = rA x F. However, r can extend from O to
any point on the line of action of F. That is MO = rB x F
= rC x F. As a result F has the properties of a sliding
vector and can therefore act at any point along the line
of action and will create the same moment about point
O. This is refer to as the principle of

Cartesian Vector Formulation of a Moment: If we

establish x, y, and z coordinates axes, then the
position vector r and F can be express in Cartesian
form as shown on the left. Clearly
MO = (ryFz- rzFy)i - (rxFz- rzFx)j + (rxFy- ryFx)k

The physical meaning of these moment components

becomes evident by studying the figure on the left. For
example, the i component of MO is determined from
the moments of Fx, Fy, Fz about the x-axis. In
particular, note that Fx does not create a moment or
tendency to cause turning about the x axis since the
force is parallel to the x axis


Resultant Moment of a System of Forces

If a body is acted upon by a
system of forces as shown on
the figure on the left, the
resultant moment of the forces
about point O can be determined
by vector addition resulting from
the successive application of MO
= rA x F. This is expressed
symbolically as follows:
MO= (r x F)

Note: uF = rB - rC
AB = (14)0.5





Principle of Moments
Principle of Moments also known as Varignons
theorem (1654 1722) states that the moment of a
force about a point is equal to the sum of the
moments of the forces components about the point.
That is if F = F1 + F2, then
MO = r x F1 + r x F2 = r x (F1 + F2) = r x F
This concept has important application to the
solution of problems and proofs of theorem that
follow, since it is often easier to determine the
moments of a forces components rather than the
moment of the force itself.





Reduction of a Simple Distributed Loading

In many situation, a very large surface area of a body may
be subjected to DISTRIBUTED LOADINGS such as those
created by wind, fluid, or simply the weight of a material
supported over the bodys surface.
The INTENSITY of these loadings at each point on the
surface is defined as the pressure p (force per unit area)
which can be measured in lbf/ft2 or Pascal (N/m2)
In this section, we are going to consider the most common
case of a distributed pressure loading which is uniform
along the axis of a flat rectangular body upon which the
loading is applied.


Distributed Loading
This figure shows the most
common case of a
distributed pressure loading
which is uniform along the
axis of a flat rectangular
body upon which the loading
is applied.
The arrows show the
direction of the intensity of
the pressure


Distributed Loading
The entire loading on the plate is a
system of parallel forces infinite in
number and each acting on a
separate differential area of the
plate. The loading function p=p(x)
Pascal is only a function of x since
the pressure is uniform along the
Multiplying p=p(x) by the width a-m
of the plate results in w = [p(x)a]
N/m = w(x) N/m as shown in the
figure above right. w(x) is a
measure of load distribution along
the y-axis which is in the plane of
symmetry of the loading

Consequently, the load-intensity

diagram for w=w(x) is represented
by a system of coplanar parallel
forces shown in 2-D.

Distributed Loading

Since, the load-intensity

diagram for w=w(x) is
represented by a system of
coplanar parallel forces
shown in 2-D, using the
method of reduction, this
system of forces can be
simplified to a single
resultant force FR and its
location x can be specified



Magnitude of Resultant Force for Distributed Loading

Since FR = F, the magnitude of

FR is equal to the sum of all the
forces in the system.
Since dF is acting on an element
of length dx and w(x) is a
force/unit length, then at the
location x, dF = w(x)dx= dA, the
area under the curve. That is,
the magnitude of dF is
determined from the colored
differential area dA under the
loading curve.
That is, FR = w(x)dx =dA = A=
total area under the loading


Location of the Resultant Force for a Distributed Loading

Applying MRo = MO the location x
of the line of action of FR can be
determined by equating the moment
of the force resultant and the force
distribution about point O (the yaxis).
Since dF produces a moment of
xdF = xw(x)dx about O, then for the
entire plate xFR =xw(x)dx
1. The equation represents the x Solving for x gives the following:
coordinate for the geometric center or
centroid of the area under the
distributed loading diagram.
2. Hence, the resultant force has a line of
action which passes through the
centroid C of the area defined by the
distributed loading diagram w(x) 38


Location of the Resultant Force for a Distributed Loading

Oncex is determined, FR by
symmetry passes through point
(x,O) on the surface of the plate
as shown on the right.
In conclusion, the resultant
force has a magnitude equal to
the volume under the
distributed load curve p=p(x)
and a line of action which
passes through the centroid
(geometric center) of this







FALL 2010

Instructor: Dr. Samuel O. Osisanya, P. E.

Associate Professor
Mewbourne School of Petroleum &
Geological Engineering

Chapter 5 Equilibrium of
a Rigid Body

To develop the equations of equilibrium for a
rigid body
To introduce the concept of the free-body
diagram for a rigid body
To show how to solve rigid-body equilibrium
problems using the equations of equilibrium

Conditions for Rigid-Body Equilibrium

The conditions for rigid-body equilibrium are developed by
considering the free-body diagram of an arbitrary particle of
the body. Two forces act on this particle.
The internal force, fi and the external force Fi
The internal force is caused by interactions with adjacent
particles and external force represents the effects of
gravitational, electrical, magnetic, or contact forces
between the particles.
If the particles is in equilibrium, then applying Newtons first
law we have:
F i + fi = 0

For all the particles, Fi + fi = 0


Conditions for Rigid-Body Equilibrium

For all the particles, Fi + fi = 0
Furthermore, fi will be zero since the internal
forces between particles within the body will occur
in equal but opposite collinear pairs (Newtons 3rd
Law). Hence, Fi = 0
Using the same approach, considering the moment
of the forces acting on the particle, the particle will
be in equilibrium if ri x (Fi + fi)= ri x Fi + ri x fi = 0
For all the body, we have ri x Fi + ri x fi = 0

Conditions for Rigid-Body Equilibrium

For all the body, we have ri x Fi + ri x fi = 0
The second term is zero since the sum of the
internal forces = 0, and hence the resultant moment
of each pair of forces about point O is zero, that is
Mo = ri x Fi = 0
Hence the TWO equations for equilibrium of a rigid
body can be summarized as follows:
F = 0

Mo = 0

Conditions for Rigid-Body Equilibrium

These two equations F = 0 and Mo = 0 require that a rigid
body will remain in equilibrium provided the sum of all the
external forces acting on the body is equal to zero and the sum
of the moments of the external forces about a point is equal to
These two equations are also sufficient for maintaining
Many types of engineering problems involve symmetric loading
and can be solved by projecting all the forces acting on a body
into a single plane.
We are now going to apply these equations to 2-D and 3-D
problems. Recall that for 2-D we can always use scalar solution
and for 3-D we generally used the vector formulation

Equilibrium in 2-D:Free-Body Diagrams

Successful application of the equations of equilibrium
requires a complete specification of all the known and
unknown external forces that act on the body. The best way
to account for these forces is to draw the bodys free-body
On the sketch it is necessary to show all the forces and
couple moments that the surrounding exert on the body so
that these effects can be accounted for when the equations
of equilibrium are applied.
Hence, a thorough understanding of how to draw a freebody diagram is of primary importance for solving problems
in mechanics

Free-Body Diagrams Support Reactions

As a general rule, if a support
prevents the translation of a body in a
given direction, then a force is
developed on the body in that
Likewise, if reaction is prevented, a
couple moment is exerted on the

Example - Support Reactions

This figure shows one way a horizontal member such

as a beam is supported a roller or cylinder. The roller
prevents the beam from translating in vertical direction


Example Support Reactions

This figure shows another way a horizontal member such as a

beam is supported using a PIN. The pin passes through a
hole in the beam and two leaves which are fixed to the
ground. The pin can prevent translation in any direction.
Easier to represent this force by 2 components, Fx and Fy.


Example Support Reactions

The most restrictive way to support the beam would be to

use a fixed support as shown above. This support will
prevent both translation and rotation of the beam. Hence,
to do this a force and couple moment must be developed
on the beam at its point of connection.



External and Internal Forces

A rigid body is a composition of particles hence both
external and internal loadings may act on it.
However, internal forces are not represented on the freebody diagram. Why? These internal forces always occur in
equal but opposite collinear pairs and hence their net effect
on the body is zero.
In automobiles, the connecting parts represent internal
forces which would not be included on the free-body
diagram of the automobile.
Particles or bodies outside the boundary exert external
forces on the system and hence these forces must be
shown on the free-body diagram

Weight and Center of Gravity

A body subjected to gravitational field has a specific
weight. This force resultant is called the weight of the body
and the location of its point of application is called center of
gravity. The method used for its calculation will be
developed in Ch.9
In this Ch. 5 however, if the weight of the body is important,
this force will be reported in the problem statement.
Also, when the body is uniform or made of homogeneous
material, the center of gravity will be located at the bodys
geometric center or centroid. If the body is nonhomogeneous (i.e. heterogeneous) or has unusual shape,
then the location of its center of gravity will be given.

Idealized Models
When an engineer performs a force analysis of any object, he or she
considers a corresponding analytical or idealized model that gives
results that approximate as closely as possible the actual situation.
To do this, careful choices have to be made so that selection of the
type of supports, the material behavior, and the objects dimension
can be justified.
In complex cases the above process may require developing several
different models of the object that must be analyzed but in any case,
this selection process requires both SKILL and EXPERIENCE.
In this course, idealized models of specific objects will be given in
some of the examples. It should be realized, however, that each
case represents the reduction of a practical situation using simplified

Procedure for Drawing a Free-Body Diagram

To construct a free-body diagram for a rigid body or group of bodies
considered as a single system, the following steps should be performed:
Draw Outlined Shape
Imagine the body to be isolated or cut free from its constraints and connections
and draw (sketch) its outlined shape.
Show All Forces and Couple Moments
Identify all the external forces and couple moments that act on the body. Those
generally encountered are due to (1) applied loadings, (2) reactions occurring at the
supports or at points of contact with other bodies (see Table 5-1), and (3) the
weight of the body. To account for all these effects, it may help to trace over the
boundary, carefully noting each force or couple moment acting on it.
Identify Each Loading and Give Dimensions
The forces and couple moments that are known should be labeled with their proper
magnitudes and direction. Letters are used to represent the magnitudes and
direction angles of forces and couple moments that are unknown. Establish an x, y
coordinate system so that these unknowns, Ax, By, etc., can be identified. Indicate
the dimensions of the body necessary for calculating the moments of forces.

Important Points
No equilibrium problem should be solved without first drawing the freebody diagram, so as to account for all the forces and couple moments
that act on the body.
If a support prevents translation of a body in a particular direction, the
support exerts a force on the body in that direction.
If rotation is prevented, then the support exerts a couple moment on
the body.
Study Table 5-1. DO NOT MEMORIZE IT
Internal forces are never shown on the free-body diagram since they
occur in equal but opposite collinear pairs and therefore cancel out.
The weight of a body is an external force, and its effect is shown as a
single resultant force acting through the bodys center of gravity G.
Couple moments can be placed anywhere on the free-body diagram
since they are free vectors. Forces can act at any point along their lines
of action since they are sliding vectors.

Example 5.1






Equations of Equilibrium
Recall that the two equations which are both necessary and sufficient
for equilibrium are as follows:
F = 0
Mo = 0
When the body is subjected to a system of forces which all lie on the
x-y plane, then the forces can be resolved into their x and y
components. Hence, the conditions for equilibrium in 2-D are:
Fx = 0
Fy = 0
Mo = 0
Fx and Fy represent, respectively, the algebraic sums of the x and y
components of all the forces acting on the body, and Mo represents
the algebraic sum of the couple moments and the moments of all the
force components about the axis perpendicular to the x-y plane and
passing through the arbitrary point O, which may lie either on or off the

Equations of Equilibrium Procedure for Analysis

Coplanar force equilibrium problems for a rigid body can be solved using the
following procedure.
Free-Body Diagram
Establish the x, y coordinate axes in any suitable orientation.
Draw an outlined shape of the body.
Show all forces and couple moments acting on the body.
Label all the loadings and specify their directions relative to the x, y axes. The sense of a
force or couple moment having an unknown magnitude but known line of action can be
Indicate the dimensions of the body necessary for computing the moments of forces.
Equations of Equilibrium
Apply the moment equation of equilibrium, about a point (O) that lies at the intersection of
the lines of action of two unknown forces. In this way, the moments of these unknowns are
zero about O, and a direct solution for the third unknown can be determined
When applying the force equilibrium equations, orient the x and y axes along lines that will
provide the simplest resolution of the forces into their x and y components.
If the solution of the equilibrium equations yields a negative scalar for the force or couple
moment magnitude, this indicates that the sense is opposite to that which was assumed in
the free-body diagram.





Two- and Three-Force Members

The solution to some equilibrium problems can be
simplified by recognizing members that are
subjected to only 2 or 3 members
2-Force Members: when a member is subjected
to no couple moments and forces are applied
only at only two points on the member, the
member is called a two-force member.
3-Force Member: If a member is subjected to only
three forces, then it is necessary that the forces
be either concurrent or parallel for the member
to be in equilibrium

Constraints for a Rigid Body

To ensure the equilibrium of a rigid body, it
is not only necessary to satisfy the
equations of equilibrium, but the body must
also be properly held or constraints by its
Some bodies may have more supports than
are necessary for equilibrium, whereas
others may not have enough or the support
may be arranged in a particular manner that
could cause the body to collapse (i.e. not in


Constraints for a Rigid Body -Redundant Constraints

When a body has redundant supports, that is, more
supports than are necessary to hold it in equilibrium it
becomes statistically indeterminate.
Statistically indeterminate means that there will be more
unknown loadings on the body than equations of
equilibrium available for their solutions.
The additional equations needed to solve indeterminate
problems of these types are generally obtained from the
deformation conditions at the points of support. These
equations involve the physical properties of the body
which are studied in subjects dealing with the mechanics
of deformation, such as Mechanics of Materials or
Strength of Materials.

Constraints for a Rigid Body Redundant Constraints

In this figure, 2-D case, there are
five unknowns, that is MA, Ax, Ay,
By and C, for which only three
equilibrium equations can be written
(Fx = 0, Fy = 0, Mo = 0); that
is the problem is statistically
The additional equations needed to
solve indeterminate problems of
these types are generally obtained
from the deformation conditions at
the points of support.



Constraints for a Rigid Body -Improper Constraints

In some cases, there may be many
unknowns forces on the body as there are
equations of equilibrium, however,
instability of the body can develop because
of improper constraining by the supports.
For 2-D problems, the axis is perpendicular
to the plane of the forces and therefore
appears as a point. Hence, when all the
reacting forces are concurrent at this point,
the body is improperly constrained.
Furthermore it becomes impossible to
solve completely for all the unknowns.
Basically, the summation of the moment is
not zero.

Summary - Determinacy and Stability

If a body is supported by
a minimum number of
constraints to ensure
equilibrium, then it is
statistically determinate.
If it has more constraints
than required, then it is
statistically indeterminate.
To properly constrain the
body, the reactions must
all be parallel to one
another or concurrent



Instructor: Dr. Samuel O. Osisanya, P. E.

Associate Professor
Mewbourne School of Petroleum &
Geological Engineering

Chapter 9 Center of
Gravity and Centroid

To discuss the concept of the center of
gravity, center of mass, and the centroid
To show how to determine the location of the
center of gravity and centroid for a system of
discrete particle and a body of arbitrary

Center of Gravity
The center of gravity G is a point which locates the resultant weight
of a system of particles.
The weights of the particles comprise of a system of parallel forces
which can be replaced by a single (equivalent) resultant weight
having the defined point G of application.
The generalized formulas for determining the center of gravity are
given as follows:

Center of Gravity

The above equations are easily remembered if it

is kept in mind that they simply represent a
balance between the sum of the moments of the
weight of each particle of the system and the
moment of the resultant weight for the system

Center of Mass

If the acceleration due to gravity g for every particle in

the previous slide is constant, then W = mg and the
center of gravity equation becomes the equation above.
These are the equations for center of mass.
By comparison, then, the location of the center of gravity
coincides with that of center of mass if g is constant.
However, center of gravity is not independent of
gravity whereas center of mass is independent of

Center of Gravity for a Rigid-Body

A rigid body is composed of an infinite number of particles and so if
the principles used to determine the equation for the CG of discrete
particles are applied to the system of particles composing a rigid body,
it becomes necessary to use integration rather than a discrete
summation of the terms. The resulting equations are given as follows:

Center of Mass of a Rigid Body

For the center of mass of a rigid body, the
density or mass per unit volume is used.
This density is related to specific weight by
the equation = g.
Substituting g into Eqn. 9.4, and
assuming g is constant, the center of mass
is determined.

The centroid C is a point which defines geometric center of an
object. Its location can be determined from formulas similar to
those used to determine the bodys center of gravity or center of
In particular, if the material composing a body is uniform or
homogeneous, the density or specific weight will be constant
throughout the body, and therefore this term will factor out of the
integrals and cancel out of Eqn. 9.4.
The resulting formulas define the centroid of the body since they
are independent of the body weight and instead depend only on
the body geometry.
Three specific cases are considered: Volume, Area, and Line





Solving Centroid Problems

In order to use Eqns. 9.4 to 9.7, it is best
to choose a coordinate system that
simplifies as much as possible the
equation used to describe the objects
The terms x, y, and z in the equations
refer to the moment arms or coordinates
of the center of gravity or centroid of the
differential element used.







Example Centroid Problem

Locate the centroid (x, y) of the exparabolic segment of the shaded area


Example Centroid Problem

Locate the centroid (x, y) of the shaded area





Instructor: Dr. Samuel O. Osisanya, P. E.

Associate Professor
Mewbourne School of Petroleum &
Geological Engineering

Chapter 10 Moments of


To develop a method of determining the
moment of inertia for an area
To introduce the product of inertia and show
how to determine the maximum and
minimum moments of inertia for an area

Definition of Moments of Inertia for Area

Centroid is determine in Chapter 9 by considering the first
moment of the area about an axis. That is, we evaluate
the integral xdA
Moment of inertia (I) is the integral of the second
moment of an area such as x2dA
The moment of inertia for an area is a quantity that relates the
normal stress or force per unit area, acting on the transverse
cross section of an elastic beam, to the applied external
moment M, which causes bending of the beam.
The theory of mechanics of materials shows that the stress
within the beam varies linearly with its distance from an axis
passing through the centroid C of the beams cross-sectional


Practical Application of
Moments of Inertia

Bottom Hole Assembly (BHA)

BHA Design contributing factors;
1. Resistance of the collars to buckling (OD, ID, material).
Resistance is higher with a larger OD or a smaller ID
2. Length between supports (stabilizers). The greater the distance,
the less the resistance to buckling

Downhole conditions contributing factors;

1. Torque high torque will make buckling more likely as more
stress is imposed on the collars
2. Hole angle high angle hole gives support to the DC and
decreases the likelihood of buckling
3. In gauge or over gauge hole If hole is over gauged, then lateral
support is less effective and buckling is more likely


Critical buckling load of a tubular

Critical buckling load, Pc

2 EI


WhereE = Young's Modulus, 30 x 106 psi for steel

I = 2nd moment of area, in4
L = Length between stabilizers, inches.
Be careful of units !

Critical Buckling - Example

A 90-ft build assembly is to be run; bit - NB stab
90-ft of 8 OD x 3 ID DCs - FG stab. What is the
maximum load on the column before buckling of
these drill collars occurs?


Critical buckling Example 2

A 90-ft build assembly is to be run; bit - NB
stab 90-ft of x 9 x 3 ID DCs - FG stab.
What is the maximum load on the column
before buckling of these drill collars occurs?


94 34

2 EI

318 in 4

80, 700 lbs


Effect of Length Between Stabilizers

8 x 3 drill collars. I = 197 in4.

With 90-ft between stabilizers, Pc = 50,000 lbs.
What is the effect of reducing length to 60-ft?
Recalculate the Pc for L = 60-ft,the reduced

2 EI

2 30 106 197

60 12

112,518 lbs

More resistance to buckling !



BHA Buckling - Conclusions


Drilling BHAs can and do buckle under high WOB.

OD has a major influence on the critical load to buckle, Pc.
Length between stabilizers has a major influence on Pc.
If the BHA buckles dynamically, there are potential
a. Fatigue damage on the connections.
b. Physical damage to collars and hole at contact points.
c. High torques required to turn the string.


Moment of Inertia
Considering the area
A shown in Figure
10.2 which lies in the
x-y plane, the
moments of inertia are
determined by
integration as shown
in the equations.



Polar Moment of Inertia

The second moment of dA about pole O or z-axis from

Figure 10.2 is referred to as the polar moment of inertia.
Polar Moment of Inertia is used to determine the torsional
stress in a shaft.
It is defined as dJo = r2dA, where r is the perpendicular
distance from the pole (z-axis) to the element A.
For the entire area the polar moment of inertia is given
below. The relationship between Jo and Ix, Iy, is possible
since r2 = x2 + y2


Parallel-Axis Theorem for an Area

If the moment for an area is known about an axis passing through its centroid, which
is often the case, it is convenient to determine the moment of inertia of the area about
a corresponding parallel axis using the parallel-axis theorem.
That is, the moment of inertia of an area with respect to any axis not through its
centroid is equal to the moment of inertia of that area with respect to its own
centroidal axis plus the product of the area and the square of the distance between
the two parallel axes. In equation form: Ix = Ix + Ad2. This equation is also called the
transfer equation. Transfer may be made only between parallel axes.

This 2nd integral = 0 since

YdA = YdA andY= 0.

A similar expression can be written for Iy, i.e.

The form of each of these 3 equations states that the moment of inertia for an area about an axis is
equal to the moment of inertia for the area about a parallel axis passing through the areas centroid
plus the product of the area and the square of the perpendicular distance between the axes


Radius of Gyration
The radius of gyration of a planar area has
units of length and is a quantity that is often
used for the design of columns in structural
Provided the areas and moment of inertia are
known, the radius of gyration are determined
from the following formulas:



Moment of Inertia for an Area by

When the boundaries for a planar area are expressed
by mathematical functions, Eqs. 10.1 may be integrated
to determine the moment of inertia for the area
If the element of area chosen for integration has a
differential size in two directions, a double integration
must be performed to evaluate the moment of inertia.
Most often however, it is easier to perform a single
integration by choosing an element having a differential
size or thickness in only one direction



Orient the element so that the length is parallel to the axis about which the
moment of inertia is computed. This situation occurs when the rectangular
element shown above (a) is used to determine Ix for the area. Hence the
entire area is at a distance y from the x-axis since it has a thickness dy.
Thus Ix = y2dA. To find Iy, the element is oriented as shown in (b) above.
The element lies at the same distance x from y axis so that Iy = x2dA












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