The Awakening: Why Should I Care?

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The Awakening

by Kate Chopin
In A Nutshell
The Awakening is a novel by American novelist Kate Chopin about a womans
transformation from an obedient, traditional wife and mother into a self-realized, sexually
liberated and independent woman. Despite the books place in the current literary canon
(its now a classic), when The Awakening was published in 1899 it received awful reviews.
While reviewers acknowledged Chopins masterful literary technique, they were absolutely
shocked with the protagonists independence and sexual liberation. This makes sense
when you consider that women were not fully considered people at this time: Louisiana law
still held that wives were the property of their husbands. Not surprisingly,The
Awakening was "re-discovered" in the early 1970s (right around Second Wave feminism)
and is now celebrated as a masterful insight into the mores of late nineteenth century

Why Should I Care?

Nowadays, Edna would be an artist you know, paint always under her fingernails. Shed
dig smocked dresses and the skinny jeans trend. Not to mention sexual liberation. But
in The Awakening, Edna drowns. And that, more than anything else, tells you why you
should care.Victorian society never gave Edna a real shot at personal fulfillment. Edna
wants to be human, which, lets face it, who doesnt?
But what does it mean to be human anyway? Most obviously for Edna, it means not being
Mr. Pontelliers possession. So being human equals not being an object. For Edna at least,
being human means the right to independence regardless of societal restrictions.
Obviously, the notion of the individual versus society has lived on until this day. Even
though our society may be more accepting than Ednas, individual choices frequently come
into conflict with societal expectations. For instance, maybe you really want to be a stay-athome dad, but everyone else in your life disagrees. Or you want to work as a photographer
instead of as a lawyer. Edna would say: go for it.

How It All Goes Down
When the book opens, Edna Pontellier is an obedient wife and mother vacationing at Grand
Isle with her family. While there, however, Edna become close to a young man named
Robert Lebrun. Before they act on their mutual romantic interest in each other, Robert
leaves for Mexico. Edna is lonely without his companionship, but shortly after her return
to New Orleans (where she usually lives with her family), she picks up the male equivalent
of a mistress. Although she does not love Alcee Arobin, he awakens various sexual
passions within her.

Concurrent to Ednas sexual awakening is her determination for independence. Instead of

spending her days concerned with household matters, Edna pursues her interest in
painting. Rather than depending financially on her husband, Edna moves into a house of
her own. By the time Robert returns, professing his love for Edna and his desire to
someday marry her, Edna can no longer handle societal strictures particularly marriage.
Without finishing the conversation about their future, Robert leaves Edna. Heartbroken, she
returns to Grand Isle. Once there, she swims far out to sea and presumably drowns.

The Awakening is largely about an identity crisis. Dissatisfied with her labels as "wife" and
"mother," Edna Pontellier seeks an independence that is hard to come by for Victorian
women. The "awakening" that Edna experiences is the awakening of her true self her real
humanity that had lain dormant under a socialized exterior. The unleashing of the Inner
Edna in the face of societal convention constitutes the main thrust of the novel.

Women and Femininity

The restrictions and expectations imposed on Edna Pontellier in The Awakening are based
purely on her gender. The societal structure of the Victorian Era decreed that a woman was
fit to be only a wife and mother, but Edna has other ambitions: artistic, financial, and sexual
freedom. In seeking her own identity, Edna necessarily runs counter to her societys notions
of womanhood.

In The Awakening, marriage is a huge barrier to happiness and individual fulfillment
because the archetypical marriage had an "I Tarzan, you Jane" dynamic. At the start of the
novel, Edna is barely conscious of her habit of simply acquiescing to her husbands orders,
but as the book progresses, she begins to disobey his commands and make her own
decisions about how to spend her time and energy. Furthermore, by the end of the book
that Edna is so disillusioned by the whole institution of marriage that she doesnt even want
to marry the man that she truly loves.

In The Awakening, love is a fantasy. Its used in jest by the Creole community (Robert
Lebrun in particular), and we also know that Edna has a history of infatuations that
culminate in a crush on the aforementioned Robert. This time, however, Robert swears its
real. But after they declare their love for each other, reality sets in. They have different
priorities: he wants marriage, she wants freedom. This novel really doesnt fall for the whole
"true love" shtick.

Society and Class

The Awakening features that age-old conflict between the individual and society. Is it more
important to conform or to be yourself? Our protagonist Edna views herself as a superfabulous individual, but society has a different take on the matter.

Repression plays out subtly in The Awakening, as the open, "free-speaking" Creoles who
are partly responsible for Ednas awakening (artistically, sexually, etc.) turn out to be all talk
and no walk. At the end of the day, the Creoles really do expect husbands and wives to be
faithful to one another. They limit their scandalous behavior to flirtatious talk and "dirty"
novels. Restraint is the name of the game here. In contrast, Edna, who begins the novel as
very repressed, learns the talk and then walks the walk.

Art and Culture

In The Awakening, producing real art requires holding a position outside the societal
mainstream. The lives of the two artists we see inThe Awakening, Mademoiselle Reisz and
Edna Pontellier, suggest that art requires a singular devotion that is impossible to have if
also married. The Awakening thus paints a conflict between the pursuit of art and
acceptance by society. Mademoiselle Reisz and Edna are both willing to pay the price to be
real artists.

In The Awakening, Edna Pontellier challenges her role as a mother while Adele Ratignolle
fulfills it to a tee. Motherhood is not a dynamic or fluid concept in The Awakening, but rather
a static, idealized image that all women should aspire to. This image functions as an ideal
while at the same time holding women to an impossible standard. Edna refuses to play this
game as she considers her children to be perfectly secure and happy without involvement
on her part.

Respect and Reputation

In The Awakening, the main characters live in a society obsessed with reputation. Mr.
Pontellier in particular carries this obsession out to unhealthy ends he becomes more
concerned about his reputation than about his marriage, and is willing to put good money
on it. To have a good reputation in The Awakening, however, is not necessarily viewed as
being synonymous with having a good character.

Life, Consciousness, and Existence

In Kate Chopins day, ideas about the human psyche (including the subconscious) were
just beginning to gain momentum. Regardless of whether Chopin was intentionally
integrating these concepts into The Awakening, issues of the subconscious are definitely
present in the novel as we see Edna come to terms with deeper layers of her identity. We
see her acting on impulses she doesnt understand and feeling depressed when she denies

these impulses. Moreover, we can also see Ednas "awakening" as the awakening of her
true inner self that has been operating below the level of her conscious mind.

Symbolism, Imagery, Allegory
Several types of birds appear repeatedly in The Awakening. Well break it down for you.

The parrot and the mockingbird

At the start of the book, the parrot shrieks and swears at Mr. Pontellier. Now, well take a
wild guess and say that the parrot represents Edna or, more specifically, that it gives
voice to Ednas unspoken feelings. Also, its in a cage, which is a form of literal
imprisonment that highlights Ednas figurative imprisonment.
The mockingbird, also caged, likely represents Mademoiselle Reisz with its odd markings
and the whistling notes it produces. Moreover, we learn at the start of the novel that the
mockingbird is perhaps the only one whos capable of understanding the parrots Spanish.
Its a stretch, but by the end of the novel, Mademoiselle Reisz is the only one capable of
understanding Edna.
Caged birds in general are representative of women during the Victorian Era, who expected
by society to have no other role besides that of wife and mother. Its reasonable to think of
the women as living out their lives in gilded cages present for decoration, given every
comfort, and banned from any real freedom.

Mademoiselle Reiszs comment

She says to Edna that "the bird that would soar above the level plain of tradition and
prejudice must have strong wings." In other words, you need courage to defy society.

Bird with the broken wing

As Edna is about to walk into the ocean, she sees "a bird with a broken wing . . . beating
the air above, reeling, fluttering, circling, disabled, down, down to the water." This bird could
represent Ednas failure to find freedom her failure to "soar above the plain of tradition."
The bird has a broken wing, yet Mademoiselle Reisz said it would need to have strong
wings. Similarly, Edna clearly lacks those strong wings as she drowns in the sea.
Another interpretation is that Ednas plunge into the water is a defiant rejection of Victorian
womanhood and that the bird represents the destruction of that irksome ideal.

The Sea

Symbolism, Imagery, Allegory

On one hand the sea is a symbol of empowerment in The Awakening. In the sea, Edna
learns to swim (and, by extension, learns that she does in fact have control over her own
body). The sea also functions as a lover. Chopin writes: "The touch of the sea is sensuous,
enfolding the body in its soft, close embrace."
On the other hand, Edna drowns in the sea.
How are we supposed to read this apparent contradiction? Did Edna get (figuratively) too
drunk off of empowerment and die? Or is this a deliberately circular choice by Edna, as in,
she wanted her life to end where it truly began?

Symbolism, Imagery, Allegory
Cigars appear over and over in The Awakening as a symbol of masculinity and traditional
manhood. Victorian women were not allowed to smoke at all, and certainly not cigars.
Interestingly, Kate Chopin herself defied this restriction by smoking often in public. She was
ostracized for her behavior.

Where It All Goes Down

Grand Isle and New Orleans during the late nineteenth

The temporal setting is important because of the restrictive society in which Edna lives.
Ednas story wouldnt make much sense if it took place in a society where divorce is
possible, or artistry is supported regardless of gender.
As for the importance of setting the story in the Bayou State, the Creole lifestyle plays a key
part in awakening Edna to the joys of being open and passionate. Even more importantly,
Ednas vacation at Grand Isle is also a key part of her awakening. Her constant dips into
the ocean awaken Edna in a very physical way (and not just sexually). In clich terms,
swimming empowers Edna. The sea teaches her to gain control of her movements and of
her body, rendering it harder for her to obey when Mr. Pontellier acts like he owns her body.

Who is the narrator, can she or he read minds, and, more importantly, can we
trust her or him?

Third Person (Omniscient)

What is going on with the narration? Often it seems completely objective: "They formed a
congenial group sitting there that summer afternoon." Other times it focuses in on Ednas

thoughts: "Mrs. Pontellier was beginning to realize her position in the universe as a human
being, and to recognize her relations as an individual to the world within and about her."
(Theres no way a narrator pretending to be a fly on the wall would know that.) What takes
this text from third person limited to third person omniscient, however, are the scenes
where Edna is not present.
Lets take a closer look at the scenes lacking Edna: the opening scene with Mr. Pontellier
(and the parrot), the scene where Adele warns Robert to stay away from Edna, the scene
where Mr. Pontellier seeks medical advice, and the last chapter with Victor and Mariequitas
points of view. The non-Edna scenes show us the ways in which Edna is discussed/viewed
by those close to her. This third person omniscient business, in other words, helps us
understand Edna. In the opening pages of the novel, Mr. Pontellier views Edna as his
property. During Adeles conversation with Robert, we see that Adele views Edna as a
traditional woman who will take flirtation seriously. The last two non-Edna scenes, however,
show us that Ednas behavior has become incomprehensible to those around her. Mr.
Pontellier is convinced shes mentally unbalanced, and Victor and Mariequita are confused
by her sudden appearance at Grand Isle and subsequent insistence on going for a swim.

Literary Fiction, Tragedy
Lets put it this way: Edna doesnt get a happy ending. At the closing of the novel, she
either drowns from exhaustion or she dies intentionally. As for the whole "literary fiction"
component of The Awakening, the entire novel focuses on chronicling Ednas psychological
journey rather than relating exciting plot details.

Take a story's temperature by studying its tone. Is it hopeful? Cynical? Snarky?

Somber, serious, and solemn

Chopin wrote The Awakening in fairly formal prose that conveys a certain sense of gravity
to the story. This seriousness is exacerbated by the novels point of view the third person
omniscient point of view tends to be much more distant than, say, first person.

Writing Style
Controlled, Perceptive, Concise
From the first page of The Awakening, Kate Chopin establishes her stylistic control over her
words; she follows the formal rules of grammar. Her sentences are sharp and exact, and
her word choice is always precise. Heres a typical Chopin paragraph this one comes
right at the end of Chapter One:
Coming back to dinner? his wife called after him. He halted a moment and shrugged his

shoulders. He felt in his breast-pocket; there was a ten-dollar bill there. He did not know;
perhaps he would return for the early dinner and perhaps he would not. It all depended
upon the company which he found over at Kleins and the size of the game. He did not
say this, but she understood it, and laughed, nodding good-by to him.
Chopin alternates between being very specific and somewhat vague in her narration; for
instance, she may use several paragraphs to describe one object or one specific moment,
or she may use one short sentence to sum up a lengthy, complicated event. We can
assume, since we know Chopins a master stylist, that she gives lots of details in order to
emphasize an event or an objects underlying importance, and that she quickly summarizes
the insignificant stuff so we dont waste much time thinking about it.

Whats Up With the Title?

"The Awakening" is a phrase which symbolically describes what happens to the main
character, Edna Pontellier, as she becomes an aware and conscious human being in the
course of this book. What is she conscious of? Mostly the fact that her life has been
constrained by her role in her family, and that theres more to Edna than wife and mother

Whats Up With the Ending?

Talk about mixed signals. The ending of The Awakening takes the reader on an emotional
roller coaster.
As the last chapter begins, there is little sign that Edna intends anything more than some
solitary time at Grand Isle. Sure, it's the off-season, and no one's around, but she seems
pleasant and chatty with the people she sees. She even asks Victor Lebrun for some
dinner and to set up a place for her to spend the night. That's not exactly the kind of
behavior we expect from someone who is about to commit suicide.
Finally, Edna pops on down to the seashore, and takes off her bathing suit. "How strange
and awful it seemed to stand naked under the sky! How delicious!" the novel comments.
"She felt like some new-born creature, opening its eyes in a familiar world that it had never
This exhilarating gesture of freedomstanding naked on a beachis compared to a birth,
but words such as "strange" and "awful" hint to the reader that something more than naked
time is going on here.
As Edna swims out to sea, she becomes overwhelmed by the elements. "[It] was too late,"
the novel tells us, "her strength was gone." Without coming out and saying it explicitly, the
novel strongly suggests that Edna dies.
So, Edna dies, but does she do so intentionally? Does she commit suicide or is it the
accidental death of an inexperienced, overwhelmed swimmer?

It depends on what you think is going on in Edna's mind as she swims out to sea. Here are
two options:
Edna does not intend to commit suicide. Instead, she embraces, a little too
enthusiastically, Mademoiselle Reisz's feeling that the artist needs the "courageous soul
that dares and defies," lines she remembers as she swims out.
She wants to push herself, do something extreme, in much the same way that people
bungee jump or skydive for kicks. By flouting social convention and starting up life as a
sexually and artistically independent woman, she has already experienced a kind of social
death. To the rest of society, she no longer exists because she doesn't conform to any
social roles, like wife or mother.
This "death" has enabled her rebirth into the free woman she now is. The physical death
she experiences at sea is really just a shadow of the first social death. Her swimming out to
sea is her final gesture of defiance at the world, the final assertion of her individual spirit.
It's just that she gets carried awayliterally, out to sea.
Edna does intend to commit suicide. The childhood memory that dominates the last
scene is a memory that returns from the first part of the novel. It's a memory that includes
the mysterious cavalry officer who was her first romantic obsession.
This romantic obsession is placed next to some parting words from Robert: "He did not
know; he did not understand. He would never understand," Edna thinks. Edna commits
suicide because she realizes that there is no place in this world for a woman who asserts
her erotic needs and her independence from society.
So what do you think? Was it intentional or not? Or would you rather revel in the ambiguity?

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