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International Journal of Geosciences, 2012, 3, 490-506

http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/ijg.2012.33052 Published Online July 2012 (http://www.SciRP.org/journal/ijg)

Frequency of Cyclonic Disturbances and Changing

Productivity Patterns in the North Indian Ocean
Region: A Study Using Sea Surface Temperature
and Ocean Colour Data
Madhumita Tripathy, Mini Raman, Rashmin Dwivedi, Ajai
Marine, Planetary, Earth Science Group, Space Applications Centre (ISRO), Ahmedabad, India
Email: [email protected]
Received December 14, 2011; revised March 5, 2012; accepted April 6, 2012

In recent years we are observing devastating cyclones like Nargis, Gonu, Sidr, Liala, Phet etc in the North Indian Ocean
associated with heavy rains, thunderstorm, high tide and intense winds that caused shocking destructions in the coastal
areas. As these are originating over the Ocean and propagating towards land, they also change physical property as well
as biological structure of the Ocean. In recent years, several attempts were made to associate tropical cyclone trends
with climate change resulting from green house warming. The studies have indicated an increase in intense cyclones in
the Arabian Sea. Time series analysis of ocean colour data have revealed rapid and profound change in the productivity
pattern over the last few years in the Arabian Sea that appears to be related to the warming trends being experienced
over the Asian subcontinent. In view of the above, a study was carried out to examine the frequency of cyclonic disturbances in the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal and its effect in modulating the productivity patterns. Data on the
monthly and annual occurrences of tropical cyclones in the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea were collected from
1908 to 2007 from SAARC Meteorological Research Centre and Indian Meteorological Department. Sea surface temperature (SST) from NOAA-AVHRR and phytoplankton biomass indexed as chlorophyll-a concentration from Sea
WiFs for ten years (1998-2007) were used to study the physical and biological effects of cyclonic events in the Arabian
Sea (AS) and the Bay of Bengal (BOB). Analysis of the monthly and annual occurrences of tropical cyclone reveals an
increasing trend of cyclonic disturbances in the AS whereas there is a decreasing trend in the BOB in the last decade
(1998-2007). SST analysis indicates decrease in monthly average SST by 1.5C to 1.75C in the AS and 1.5C to 1.25C
in the BOB in the pre-monsoon season. Phytoplankton biomass was observed to increase by a factor of two after the
passage of cyclone. Results of the ten year analysis and comparison with the climatology showed that frequent occurrence of cyclonic events that cause short term-nutrient enrichment of upper-stratified ocean resulting in enhanced biological productivity and perturbations in the otherwise stable and seasonally-varying ecological structure of the North
Indian Ocean.
Keywords: Cyclonic Events; Arabian Sea; Bay of Bengal; SST; Chlorophyll-a; Ecological Structure.

1. Introduction and Background

Cyclonic events are characterized by a low-pressure
center and numerous thunderstorms. In tropical north
Indian Ocean while cyclones are known as tropical cyclones, in North Atlantic Ocean and northwestern Pacific
Ocean they are known as hurricanes and typhoons. There
are six favorable conditions for cyclogenesis [1]. Sea surface temperature (SST) is one of most important factor
for development of cyclones. Tropical Ocean SSTs increased by approximately 0.5C between 1970 and 2004
[2]. This significant increase in SST is thought to be due
to increase in greenhouse gasses like carbon dioxide,
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methane, nitrous oxide [3]. Ocean plays an important

role in carbon cycle through physical, chemical and biological process. Through the process of photosynthesis
phytoplankton converts inorganic to organic carbon and
removes carbon-dioxide from atmosphere. Thus change
in phytoplankton growth and community will affect carbon dynamics. Phytoplankton growth depends on sunlight, availability of nutrients and temperature. In the tropical region where sufficient amount of sunlight is available throughout the year, phytoplankton blooms occur
mainly by cold nutrients rich water is coming from deep
to the surface through upwelling or convective mixing.
Arabian Sea (AS) and Bay of Bengal (BOB) are two


basins in North Indian Ocean. Though AS and BOB are

landlocked to the north, they show large contrast in
salinity, SST and even productivity pattern [4]. Both the
basins are influenced by south westerly wind in summer
and north easterly in wind in winter season. Rather than
monsoonal wind very high intense but short duration
cyclonic winds are frequent in both the basins. There are
increase in occurrences of intense cyclones in AS [5,6] as
well as in all of the world basin [7] and change of oceanic
property was observed after cyclone travel [8-14]. Remote sensing is a useful tool in mapping chlorophyll-a
distribution in spatial and temporal scale. Different ocean
color sensors: OCTS, POLDER, MOS, SeaWiFS, OCM,
MODIS-PM etc. are operated to fulfill the purpose. With
unique spiral shape and central eye, the tropical cyclones
are memorable features on any satellite image. IMD
(Indian Meteorological Department) reported the intensity, wind speed, positions etc. of the different stages
of cyclonic disturbances in the BOB and AS with the
help of convention surface and upper air observations,
coastal automatic weather station (AWS), ships and buoy
observations, cyclone detection radar (Doppler weather
radar) and satellite cloud pictures from the polar orbiting
meteorological satellites and the geo-stationary satellites
(INSAT 3A & Kalpana 1).
In this paper, we discuss the frequency of cyclonic
disturbances in the AS and the BOB using 100 years data
from 1908 to 2007 and its effect in modulating the
changing productivity pattern using daily and monthly
data of Sea surface temperature (SST) from NOAAAVHRR and phytoplankton biomass indexed as chlorophyll-a concentration from SeaWiFs for ten years
(1998-2007) in the pre-monsoon and post-monsoon
season in the open ocean. We have also discussed the
comparison of the effect between the AS and the BOB.
This paper demonstrates that frequent occurrence of
cyclonic events causes short term-nutrient enrichment of
upper-stratified ocean resulting in enhanced biological
productivity and perturbations in the otherwise stable and
seasonally-varying ecological structure can bring longterm shift in average weather conditions and ecological
structure of the North Indian Ocean.

2. Datasets and Methodology

2.1. Cyclonic Disturbances Data
The monthly and annual occurrences of tropical cyclones
in BOB (10S to 32E, 78E to 110E) and AS (10S
to 32E, 32E to 78E) in winter monsoon (DJFM), premonsoon (AM) summer monsoon (JJAS), and post
monsoon (ON) season were collected from 1908 to 1996
from SAARC Meteorological Research Centre (SMRC)
publication No. 1 [15] and from 1997 to 2007 from
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Mausam journal published by IMD [16-26]. The information about the path traveled by cyclonic disturbances
was obtained also during 1998 to 2007 in pre-monsoon
and post-monsoon season from Mausam journal [17-26].
Cyclonic disturbances data are categorized into Low
pressure (L), Depression (D), Deep Depression (DD),
Cyclonic Storm (CS), Severe Cyclonic Storm (SCS),
Very Severe Cyclonic Storm (VSCS) and Super Cyclone
Storm on the basis of 10 minutes sustained wind speed
(criteria by IMD) [15-26]. Analysis for the study: Annual frequency of 100 years data of tropical cyclone are
tabulated and pooled on a decadal scale in Indian Ocean
Region. 1997-2006, 1987-1996, 1977-1986, 1967-1976,
1957-1966, 1947-1956, 1937-1946, 1927-1936, 1917926, 1907-1916 decades are used. Mean of the tropical
cyclone occurrence in each decade was calculated.

2.2. Bathymetry Data

The bathymetry image was generated using a gridded
data obtained from ETOPO5. The gridded data is in 30
minutes resolution. The cyclonic disturbances in open
ocean (>500 mt) were taken for study.

2.3. SST and Chlorophyll-a Data

The Global daily and monthly data of NOAA-AVHRR
daytime SST of 4 km resolution and SeaWiFs chlorophyll-a of 9 km resolution were obtained from 1998 to
2007 from ftp://podaac.jpl.nasa.gov and http://oceancolor.
The version of NOAA-AVHRR SST was pathfinder
version 5. It was a new reanalysis of the AVHRR data
stream using multi-channel sea surface temperature algorithm developed by Rosensiel School of marine and Atmospheric Science (RSMAS) and the NOAA National
Oceanographic Data Centre. Methods involved generating radiance images from raw data using calibration coefficients obtained from header file and generating brightness temperature using Planks law and McClains
split enhanced algorithm for computing SST. Processing
steps produced twice daily global SST. Monthly data was
produced by temporal averages of daily data.
Level-3 binned file format was used for SeaWiFs
chlorophyll-a. The ocean colour algorithm OC4V5, a
four band (443,490,510,555), maximum band ratio proposed by OReilly et al. [27] was used to compute chlorophyll-a concentration.
Analysis for the study: Subset for BOB (10S to 32N,
78E to 110E) and AS (10S to 32N, 32E to 78E)
was generated. For each of the images of SST and chlorophyll images square grids having a resolution of 0.225
degrees (25 km 25 km) were generated for analysis and
the corresponding bathymetry grids were also generated.
The grids were generated using the vector module in



ERDAS IMAGINE of version 9.1 and the minimum,

maximum, mean and standard deviation of the SST and
chlorophyll images were estimated for each grid.
Generation of SST and chlorophyll-a climatology image: Monthly climatology of SST and chlorophyll-a was
prepared averaging each square grid of resolution 0.225
degree from 1998 to 2007. Standard deviation was also
calculated. The range of standard deviation was within
Daily Analysis: 4 km SST images were degraded to 9
km SST image using degrade module of ERDAS IMAGINE. Then pixel basis analysis was done then with both
9 km SST and 9 km chlorophyll-a image.


3. Results
3.1. The Occurrence of Cyclonic Disturbances
(CD) in the BOB and AS
Annual and decadal occurrence of cyclonic disturbances
(CD) in the BOB and AS during 1908 to 2007 is shown
in Figure 1.
The decadal variation shows that in the BOB there
were two complete cycles consisting (1908 to 1957) period and (1957 to 1987) period. But 1908 to 1957 period
in AS did not show remarkable variation and another period 1957 to 1987 in both AS and BOB showed the same
type of trend. But after 1987 BOB showed the decreasing





Figure 1. (a) Annual occurrence of cyclonic disturbances in the BOB and AS during 1908 to 2007; (b) Decadal occurrence of
cyclonic disturbances in the AS and BOB; (c) Decadal occurrence of cyclonic disturbances in the AS and BOB in the post
monsoon season; (d) Decadal occurrence of cyclonic disturbances in the AS and BOB in the pre-monsoon season.
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trend and AS showed the increasing trend.

The post monsoon decadal variation of both BOB and
AS showed same cyclic pattern up to 1987 and from
1988 to 2007 the increasing trend was observed in the
AS whereas BOB did not show.
In pre-monsoon season AS showed continuous increasing trend up to 1977 and from 1978 to 1997 there
were no cyclonic disturbances, but the present decade
during 1998 to 2007 showed increasing trend and also it
was 25% more than 100 years mean of occurrence of CD
whereas cyclic pattern in occurrence of CD consisting
(1908 to 1947), (1948 to 1987) and (1987 to 2007) periods were observed in the BOB in the pre-monsoon season.

3.2. Climatology of SST and Chlorophyll-a for

Premonsoon Season (April and May) and
Post Monsoon (October, November) Season
in the Bay of Bengal and Arabian
SST and chlorophyll climatology for April, May and
October, November during 1998 to 2007 period is shown
in Figures 2(a) and (b).
Northern AS SST was from 28.5C to 29C whereas
BOB SST was from 29.5C to 30.2C during May month.
SST variation was from 29.5C to 30C in northern BOB
whereas; SST variation was from 28.5C to 29.4C in the
northern AS in October month. SST was lower in November month compared to that in October month in the
northern Indian Ocean.
Chlorophyll ranged in the open ocean in the AS was
from 0.1 to 0.19 mg/m3 in April month. Above 20N
latitude 0.45 - 0.8 mg/m3 chlorophyll was observed in the
north AS. In central BOB 0.1 - 0.15 mg/m3 chlorophyll-a
variation was observed.
Chlorophyll-a variation was observed from 0.1 to 0.16
mg/m3 in the AS and from 0.1 to 0.15 mg/m3 in the BOB
in May month in the open Ocean. Higher value of chlorophyll-a in a range 0.4 - 0.8 mg/m3 was observed in
May in the 20N around Srilanka and around Oman coast
from 2N - 10N latitude in the Arabian Sea. In post
monsoon period chlorophyll-a concentration from 0.15 to
0.25 mg/m3 was observed in the open ocean in the BOB.
Western AS showed high chlorophyll-a from 0.5 mg/m3
to 1 mg/m3 in the post monsoon period.

3.3. The Occurrence, Path, Duration of Different

Category of Cyclonic Disturbances (CD)
during 10 Years (1998-2007) Period
During the study period from1998 to 2007 CD which
were occurred in the AS and BOB in the pre-monsoon
season are shown in Figure 3.
Among the five CD in the AS in the pre-monsoon
season, there were two VSCS in 1999 and 2001 and two
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SCS in 2002 and 2004 [18,20,21,23]. In 1998 there were

a DD on 28 May 1998 in east-central AS, but it did not
turn into CS [17]. On 15 May 1999 a well-marked lowpressure area formed adjoining north Kerala coast and
intensified into D, CS, SCS and VSCS and crossed Pakistan coast on 20 May 1999 [18]. During 21-28 May 2001,
low-pressure area formed over southern parts of central
Arabian Sea intensified into VSCS on 22 May 2001 but
after that it weakened and on 28 May 2001 it turned into
depression and dissipated in the Sea [20]. Between the
two SCS on 2002 and 2004, SCS (6-10 May 2002)
crossed Arabia coast and SCS (5-10 May 2004) dissipated off Saurashtra coast [21,23].
Among the seven cyclonic disturbances in the BOB in
the pre-monsoon season during 1908 to 2007 (Figure 3),
SCS (17-22 May, 1998) and CS (13-15 May, 2007)
crossed Bangladesh coast, VSCS (10-19 May, 2003) and
VSCS (16-19 May, 2004) crossed Myanmar coast and
VSCS (25-29 April, 2006) crossed Arakan coast [17,22,
23,25,26,]. There was one DD in 2002 May month [21]
and one D in 2007 [26], which were not intensified into
CS. In post monsoon season there were three SCS, two
CS and two deep depression which did not turn into cyclonic storm in the Arabian Sea whereas in the Bay of
Bengal there were one super cyclone in 1999, four VSCS,
one SCS, five CS, nine depression and deep depression

3.4. The Effects of Different Category of

Cyclonic Disturbances (CD) in Monthly
SST and Chlorophyll-a Distribution
from Climatology
3.4.1. Pre-Monsoon Season in the Arabian Sea Very Severe Cyclonic Storm (VSCS)
Variation in SST field
The SST variation along the storm track of VSCS of
May 1999, 10 years May climatology and different noncyclonic May month (2003, 2005, 2006) is shown in
Figure 4. Climatology May SST varied from 28.5C to
30.11C along the storm track. There were no cyclonic
disturbances in pre-monsoon season in 2000, 2003, 2005,
2006, 2007 [19,22,24-26]. May SST 1999 variation along
the cyclone track was much lower than May SST climatology and non-cyclonic May month also. Lowering of
SST in 1999 was much lower than standard deviation
range obtained from the 10-year climatology. Maximum
lowering of SST was 0.5C to 1.75C around 14.5N to
21.5N latitude compared to climatology. The lowering
of SST started beyond standard deviation of 10 years
climatology when wind speed increased from SCS to
VSCS [18].
Variation in chlorophyll-a field
The variation of chlorophyll from 0.14 mg/m3 to 0.27




Figure 2. (a) Climatology SST variation in April, May and October, November month during 1998-2007 in the North Indian;
(b) Climatology chlorophyll-a variation in April, May and October, November month during 1998-2007 in the North Indian
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Figure 3. The tracks of tropical cyclones in the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal in the pre-monsoon season during 1998 to

mg/m3 was observed in May chlorophyll climatology

whereas in the northern AS, chlorophyll was higher
compared to southern Arabian Sea along the storm track.
Chlorophyll-a variation in May 1999 along the storm
track was compared with 10-year climatology (Figure 4).
Around 20N to 22N 150% increased chlorophyll from
climatology was observed where VSCS wind speed sustained [18].
But the variation of SST and chlorophyll in May 2001
was within standard deviation of 10 years climatology. Severe Cyclonic Storm (SCS)
Variation in SST field
The SST variation along the storm track in May climatology was from 29.25C to 30.10C. Mean SST variation in May 2004 along the storm track is shown in Figure 5.
From 11.5N latitude to 13.5N latitude the wind speed
increased from D to SCS and from 13.5N to 15N wind
speed decreased from SCS to CS [23]. From 11.5N to
16N around 495 km path had shown lower SST compared to climatology and it was beyond the standard deviation. Maximum decrease in SST was ~1.5C (Figure
Variation in chlorophyll-a field
The chlorophyll distribution was from 0.13 mg/m3 to
0.23 mg/m3 in May climatology along the storm track
Figure 5. 495 km path from 11.5N to 16N with low
SST also showed high chlorophyll concentration comred to climatology and corresponding increased phytoankton biomass was 30% to 66% from climatology
(Figure 5). Cyclonic Storm
Variation in SST field
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The minimum and maximum temperature was 28.9C

and 30.35C along the storm track in the 10 years May
climatology (Figure 6).
The mean SST variation in May 2002 along the storm
track during May 2002 is shown in Figure 6. SST was
decreased from 30C to 28.75C around 67E to 65E
longitude corresponding to wind speed increased from D
to DD [21]. But when wind speed was increased from
DD to D [21] SST again increased but still that increase
was lower compared to 10-year climatology value (Figure 6). Again wind speed increased [21] from 62.5E
longitude and SST was lowered up to 28.25C (Figure 6).
But whole path length around 1320 km was lowered
compared to climatology SST (Figure 6).
The climatological May chlorophyll was ranged from
0.11 mg/m3 to 0.22 mg/m3 along the storm track (Figure
6). In May 2002 increased chlorophyll was seen 0.075
mg/m3 compared to climatology value (Figure 6). From
63E to 56E (around ~770 km path) of high chlorophyll
compared to climatology value was seen (Figure 6).
In Arabian Sea in pre-monsoon season decrease in
SST ~1C and increase in chlorophyll ~0.132567 mg/m3
was observed when wind speed was increased from D to
DD and CS and SCS (Figure 7).
3.4.2. Pre-Monsoon Season in the Bay of Bengal Very Severe Cyclonic Storm
May SST 2003 showed maximum cooling of ~1.5C
along the storm track. With lower SST 1045 km from
5N to 14.5N showed higher chlorophyll-a distribution
and maximum increased chlorophyll-a 0.1 mg/m3 was
observed from climatology. The SST and chlorophyll-a
distribution was within the standard deviation of 10 years
climatology in May 2004 and April 2006.




Figure 4. Mean SST and chlorophyll-a variation along the VSCS in the pre-monsoon season in the Arabian Sea.

Figure 5. Mean SST and chlorophyll-a variation along the SCS in the pre-monsoon season in the Arabian Sea. Severe Cyclonic Storm

In May month of 1998 the SST variation along the cyone track does not show any effect but the SST along the
whole path was higher compared to the climatology SST.
But when the wind speed increased from CS to SCS [17],
higher chlorophyll-a distribution was observed from
18N to 20N but still the chlorophyll-a distribution was
within the standard deviation. Cyclonic Storm
The SST was lower along whole storm path compared to
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climatology during May 2007. Maximum decrease of

SST was ~1.25C compared to climatology around 16.5N
latitude. Increased chlorophyll was observed roughly
from 0.25 mg/m3 - 0.4 mg/m3 around 18.25N to 20N
latitude in May 2007.
3.4.3. Post Monsoon Season in the Arabian Sea Severe Cyclonic Storm
Maximum decrease of SST ~1C from 53.5E to 51E
was observed from climatology in November 2003 where
the variation of November SST climatology was from




Figure 6. Mean SST and chlorophyll-a variation along the CS in the premonsoon season in the Arabian Sea.



Figure 7. The effect of different stages of cyclonic events on SST (a) and chlorophyll-a (b) in the open ocean in the pre-monsoon season in the Arabian Sea.

28.17C to 29.18C with mean SST was 28.56C along

the storm track. There were two areas from 59.5E to
57.5E and from 54.5E to 52.5E longitude in November
2003 showed high chlorophyll-a concentration compared
to climatology and even that increase was beyond the
standard deviation of 10 years climatology. Maximum
increase of chlorophyll-a was ranged from 0.15 mg/m3 to
0.25 mg/m3 compared to climatology. Cyclonic Storm
The SST and chlorophyll-a variation of October 1998
and October 2001 was within the standard deviation of
10 years climatology.
3.4.4. Post Monsoon Season in the Bay of Bengal Super Cyclone
In October 1999 maximum decrease of SST roughly
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from 0.5C to 2.0C was observed from climatology and

low SST was observed around 17.5N to 20N whereas
high chlorophyll was observed roughly around 16.5N to
18.5N and Increased of chlorophyll-a was doubled from
10 years chlorophyll-a climatology. Very Severe Cyclonic Storm
November SST 2007 did not show any affect by VSCS,
but along the whole path roughly ~1155 km November
chlorophyll 2007 was higher than climatology. Maximum increase of chlorophyll was from 0.05 mg/m3 to 0.3
mg/m3 from climatology in November 2007.
The SST and chlorophyll variation was within standard deviation of 10 years climatology in November
1998, 2000. Around 15.5N latitude there were increased
chlorophyll-a ~0.1 mg/m3 was observed in November
1998. 1C decrease of SST in November 2000 was observed around 81E longitude.


M. TRIPATHY Cyclonic Storm

The SST and chlorophyll-a variation in October 2000
and 2001 along the cyclone track were within the standard deviation of 10 years climatology.

3.5. Daily Analysis of SST and Chlorophyll-a

and Spatial Extension of Affected SST
and Chlorophyll-a
3.5.1. Daily Analysis of SST and Chlorophyll-a
To understand the anomaly in SST and chlorophyll in
monthly images one example of cyclonic storm in the
Arabian Sea during 6-10 May 2002 was taken for daily
analysis. The duration of the cyclonic storm was 6 May,
2002 to 10 May 2002 [21]. The ideal variation of wind
speed from Levitus climatology was 0 - 6.5 meter/second
in May month and 0 - 4 meter/second in April month
(Figure 8). The wind speed variation on 18 April 2002
was ranging 1 - 3.5 meter/second along the storm track
(Figure 8).
SST variation on 18th April was taken as base for daily
SST analysis. SST was varying from 28.4C to 30.3C
along the storm track on 18th April 2002.
Variation in SST
The variation of SST of 14 days before and 10 days
after of cyclonic storm (during 22 April, 2002 to 22 May,
2002) across the storm path is shown in Figures 9 and
The variation of SST on 22 April, 2002 and 23 April,
2002 was similar to the variation of SST of 18 April,
2002. From 24 April to 28 April higher SST compared to
18th April, 2002 was observed. On 26 April and 27 April
3.5C higher SST compared to 18 April was observed on
28 April lower SST was observed from 63E to 65E and
1 May onward lowering of SST was started. On 3 May
maximum 4C lower SST was observed. Because of
heavy cloud cover during cyclone period satellite data
were not available.
After cyclonic storm on 11 May 2002 ~2C lowering
of temperature was observed from 61E to 55E. On 13
May 2002 onwards the lowering of temperature was
more and after 10 days on 21 May ~3C low SST was
observed from 18th April.


Variation in chlorophyll-a
The chlorophyll-a variation during 22 April 2002 to 1
May, 2002 was varying from 0.094 - 0.22 g/m3 across the
storm track (Figure 11). The chlorophyll distribution
along the storm track was averaged from 22 April to 1
May as the variation of chlorophyll was less during this
period and lowering of SST started after 1 May. This
averaged chlorophyll distribution from 22 April to 1 May
was considered as base.
After cyclonic storm the distribution of chlorophyll
during 11 May to 21 May was shown in Figure 10. On
12 May 55E to 61E latitude high chlorophyll was observed. Maximum ~240% increased chlorophyll was
observed on 20 May around 55E longitude. 21 May
Onward the distribution was within the average chlorophyll-a from 22 April 2002 to 1 May 2002.
3.5.2. Special Extension of the Effect of Cyclonic
In order to understand how much area of the basin was
affected by cyclonic storm, two examples of cyclonic
disturbances in the Arabian Sea were discussed. The path
of VSCS, 1999 (Figure 12(a)) was latitude wise whereas
the path of CS, 2002 (Figure 12(b)) was longitude wise.
The SST and chlorophyll-a distribution right and left
side of VSCS, 1999 is shown in Figures 13 and 14.
From 3 degrees right to 8 degrees left from track of
VSCS, 1999 showed low SST along whole path compared to climatology. But high chlorophyll was observed
from 1 degree right to 8 degrees left. The chlorophyll-a
distribution in 2 degrees right and 3 degrees right from
storm track was within the standard deviation (Figure
13(a)). The chlorophyll-a distribution was much higher
in the left side compared to right side of the track VSCS
1999. In 7 degrees left 300% increased chlorophyll was
observed compared to climatology.
Similar observation was observed in case of CS, 2002
also. From 1degree right to 7 degrees left from track of
CS, 2002 showed lower SST along whole path compared
to climatology. From 2 degrees right onward the SST
variation was within the standard deviation. Maximum
150% increased chlorophyll was observed in two degree
left from storm track of CS, 2002.

4. Discussion and Conclusions

Figure 8. Wind speed of April and May month along the

storm track from climatology data in the Arabian Sea. Scalar wind speed along the storm track on 18 April 2000.
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Analysis of 100 years data showed that there was increasing trend of cyclonic disturbances in AS whereas
there was a decreasing trend in the BOB in last decade
Cyclonic disturbances caused an enhanced phytoplankton biomass in the open ocean of upper stratified
water column in the BOB and the AS.
Higher cyclonic wind speed caused high phytoplankton biomass in the North Indian Ocean [10]. But only




Figure 9. SST variation during pre-cyclone period (from 22 April 2002 to 4 May 2002) along storm track.
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Figure 10. SST variation during post-cyclone period (from 11 May 2002 to 2 May 2002); (b) Along storm track.
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Figure 11. Chlorophyll variation during post-cyclone period (from 11 May 2002 to 21 May 2002) and comparison with average chlorophyll during 22 April, 2002 to 1 May, 2002 along storm track.

high wind speed was not sufficient reason for increased

phytoplankton biomass, duration of high wind speed and
path covered by the cyclonic wind also control the increased productivity pattern. For example the chlorophyll
and SST variation were within the standard deviation of
10 years climatology in May 2001 in the Arabian Sea.
The most probable reason was that in May 2001 cyclone
wind speed increased from low pressure to very severe
cyclone within 1 day and cover only 110 km path. Signal
of the effect of cyclonic disturbances was observed in
November 2003, whereas in October 1998 and October
2001 the distribution of chlorophyll-a and SST were
within standard deviation in the BOB. The cyclonic wind
continued only 110 km and 165 km path in October 1998
and October 2001 whereas cyclonic and severe cyclonic
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wind persisted 614 km paths in 2003.

The cyclonic wind effects both chlorophyll and sea
surface temperature distribution in both Arabian Sea and
Bay of Bengal in daily scale [9,10,12,14]. But the decrease of SST and corresponding increased productivity
pattern in both BOB and AS would be significant in climate change contest, if the daily changes in physical
property would reflect in monthly chlorophyll-a and sea
surface temperature distribution.
In 2000 there were no cyclonic disturbances in the
pre-monsoon and post-monsoon season. It was observed
that May SST 2000 was colder compared to May SST of
different years. In 2007 though in May there were no
cyclonic disturbances, but there was a severe cyclonic
storm Gonu during 1-7 June 2007 [26] and a cyclonic



Figure 12. The path of VSCS, 1999 and parallel path from
track from VSCS, 1999 (a). The path of CS, 2002 and parallel path from track of CS, 2002 (b).

storm Yemyin during 25-26 June 2007 [26] in the Arabian Sea. That is why 2000 and 2007 were excluded from
non cyclonic year list.
The effect of VSCS in May 1999, CS in May 2002,
SCS in May 2004 and VSCS in May 2001 in the premonsoon season in the AS was discussed. Among the
four cyclonic disturbances in three cases of 1999, 2002
and 2004 the effect of cyclonic disturbances were observed in monthly image of SST and chlorophyll-a. But
the effect was not seen in May 2001. In May month of
1999, 2002, 2004 the maximum decrease of SST was
observed in monthly scale respectively 1.75C, 1.5C,
and 1.5C whereas the increased of chlorophyll-a was
approximately 150%, 66% and 66% along the storm
track in the AS. The chlorophyll-a distribution also
showed high chlorophyll-a distribution in the left side
Copyright 2012 SciRes.


compared to right side.

The effect of VSCS in May 2003, CS May 2007, SCS
in May 1998, VSCS May 2004, and VSCS in April 2006
in the pre-monsoon season in the BOB was discussed.
Among five cyclonic disturbances only in 2003 and 2007
the effect of cyclonic disturbances was observed in
monthly scale. In rest of the cases the variation of SST
and chlorophyll was within the standard deviation of 10
years climatology. The maximum cooling of SST in May
2003 was 1.5C, in May 2007 was 1.25C and maximum
increase of chlorophyll-a was 66% in May 2003 and abnormally high 160% in 2007 along the storm track compared to climatology was observed.
In the post monsoon season the cyclonic disturbances
were having short path length in the BOB compared to
premonsoon season in the AS. The effect of SCS in November 2003, CS in October 1998, and CS in October
2001 was discussed. Signal of the effect of cyclonic disturbances was observed in November 2003, whereas in
October 1998 and October 2001 the distribution of chlorophyll and SST were within standard deviation. The
maximum decrease of SST was observed ~1C and
maximum 100% increase was observed in November
2003 along the storm track.
The occurrences of cyclonic disturbances and intensity
were more in the BOB in post monsoon season compared
to other season. During 10 years period (1998-2007)
there were four D, four DD, which did not intensified in
to cyclonic storm. Rather than that there were seven CS,
one SCS, four VSCS and one super cyclonic storm.
Among all the disturbances, the effect of cyclonic disturbance was observed in super cyclone October 1999
and VSCS November 2007. In 1999 the maximum decrease of SST was observed 2C and increased phytoplankton biomass was 100% along the super cyclone
track. In 2007 increased phytoplankton was 100% from
climatology but SST variation does not show the effect in
2007. In rest of the cyclonic disturbances, the distribution
of SST and chlorophyll was within the standard deviation
of 10 years climatology.
The cause of the low SST and high productivity in the
monthly scale was examined by daily scale analysis taking one example of cyclonic storm during May 2002. 12
to 7 days before there was high SST compared to climatology. Before 5 days the lowering of SST started and
after 10 days of cyclonic storm lower SST compared to
climatology was observed. Correspondingly high phytoplankton biomass was observed after 10 days of cyclonic
storm. After cyclonic storm maximum 3C low SST and
240% increased phytoplankton biomass extended up to
10 days and contributed in monthly scale.
In order to understand how much area of the basin was
affected by cyclonic disturbances, two examples of cyclonic disturbances in the Arabian Sea were discussed.




Figure 13. SST distribution right side (a) and left side (b) from storm track of VSCS, 1999.
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Figure 14. Chlorophyll distribution right side (a) and left side (b) from storm track of VSCS, 1999.
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The path of VSCS, 1999 was latitude wise whereas the

path of CS, 2002 was longitude wise. In both the cases
lower SST and higher chlorophyll distribution in the left
side compared to right side from the storm track was
Frequent such disturbances in the pre-monsoon and
post-monsoon season can result in a changing ecological
structure of the open ocean on a decadal scale in the
BOB and AS.

5. Acknowledgements
The authors would also like to thank two anonymous
reviewers for their critical comments and useful suggestions, which helped to improve the manuscript and also
to PoDAC and other sites used for the study.


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