Sps. Tan V Bantegui

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Characteristics of auction sale


Represented by GUADALUPE B.
G.R. No. 154027 October 24, 2005
In 1954 Gorgonia Bantegui ( married to Jesus Bayot) acquired a parcel of land
located in Quezon City under TCT no. 28458. The property was rented to
spouses Florante B. Caedo and Florencia B. Caedo who resided in said
property until 1994.
In 1970 Bantequi left for the US, returned to the Phil in 1988 to execute a
special power of attorney, making Guadalupe B. Bautista her representative
before going back to the US.
Taxes were paid until 1977 but the real property taxes from the year 1978 to
1983 inclusive of penalties were not paid.
Due to no payment of taxes, the city treasurer of Quezon City sold said
property at public auction on November 21,1984 to Spouses Edilberto and
Josefina Capistrano for the sum of P10,000. The Certificate of Sale of
Delinquent Property was issued on Nov. 26,1984.
The property was not redeemed within one year, title to said property was
consolidated to the Capistranos and TCT No. 361851 was issued in their
names on July 4,1987. The Capistranos , however, did not take possession of
the land nor inform the Caedos about the sale or collected any rent form
them. They did not pay any real property taxes thereon.
On June 20,1998, The property was later sold by the Capistranos to spouses
Evelyn (daughter of the Caedos) and Jesse Pereyra for P60,000. Their TCT
was cancelled and a new TCT was issued on Jan. 10,1989 to Pereyra who also
did not take possession of the property in question but instead mortgaged
the property to Rural Bank of Imus, Cavite. Said mortgage was annotated on
the title.
Bantegui and Caedos were not informed of the transactions, all the while
Caedos paid rent to Bantegui until December 1993.
Bantegui on her part, applied for administrative reconstitution of her title as
it was lost in a fire. Reconstituted Title no. 28458 was subsequently issued in
her name. She paid the realty taxes on the said property for the years 1987
to 1989 but the city treasurer did not accept the payment for the year 1990.

On May 3,1990, the same property was sold by the Pereyras to the spouses
Ramon and Rosita Tan for P350,000 with the latter paying the amount of
P300,000 to the Rural Bank of Imus, Cavite for the release of the mortgage
per agreement by the parties. The Tans likewise paid the overdue taxes and
other expenses incurred by the Pereyras pertaining to said mortgage. The
Tans did not immediately take possession of the property nor inform the
occupants (Caedos ).
But in the latter part of 1990 the Tans through their lawyer informed the
Caedos of their ownership and demanded that they vacate the property.
They later filed an action for ejectment against the Caedos before the MTC of
Quezon City on Jan. 18,1991.
On Oct. 31,1991 the court ruled in favor of Tans. The Caedos interposed an
appeal but failed to appear during the hearing of the case and was declared
in default and later ejected from the property on Feb. 20,1994 when the
house was demolished.
On Feb 11,1992, Bantegui, through her sister Guadalupe Bautista filed a
complaint for the annulment of sale , quieting of title, injunction and
damages with the RTC of Quezon . spouses Caedo enjoined the complaint.
The complaint was later amended on May 14, 1992, impleading the spouses
Capistrano and the City Treasurer of Quezon City as co-defendants, and
deleting quieting of title from the prayer and inserting reconveyance.
RTC decided in favor of respondents, petitioners appealed to the CA.
CA decided in favor of respondent. Declaring that petitioners were not
purchasers in good faith and had no better right to the subject property than
that of any of their predecessor-in-interest, that the auction was tainted with
irregularities such as: no notice of delinquency and of sale were sent to the
WON the Auction sale was valid.
No. the auction sale was not valid.
First, no notice of delinquency or of sale was given to either Gorgonia
Bantegui, the delinquent owner; or to her representative as provided under
Section 65 and 73 of PD 464 the Real Property Tax Code
The auction sale of real property for the collection of delinquent taxes is in
personam, not in rem. Although sufficient in proceedings in rem like land
registration, mere notice by publication will not satisfy the requirements of

proceedings in personam. [P]ublication of the notice of delinquency [will]

not suffice, considering that the procedure in tax sales is in personam. It is
still incumbent upon the city treasurer to send the notice directly to the
taxpayer -- the registered owner of the property -- in order to protect the
latters interests. Although preceded by proper advertisement and
publication, an auction sale is void absent an actual notice to a delinquent
The sale of land for tax delinquency is in derogation of property rights and
due process[;] the prescribed steps must be followed strictly.
In the present case, notices either of delinquency or of sale were not given to
the delinquent taxpayer. Those notices are mandatory, and failure to issue
them invalidates a sale.
Because it was clearly in contravention of the requirements under the law
and jurisprudence,
The subsequent sale of the real property did not make its purchaser the new
While it is true that Transfer Certificates of Title have already been issued in
the names of the subsequent purchasers, they should nonetheless be
invalidated. Considering the failure to abide by the mandatory requirements
of a proceeding in personam, no better title than that of the original owner
can be assumed by the transferees.
Quod nullum est, nullum producit effectum. That which is a nullity produces
no effect.
Moreover, failure to assert ownership over a property is indicative of the
doubtful validity of its sale. The immediate purchasers in the present case
neither took possession nor informed the occupants (the Caedos) of the
formers alleged acquisition of the property. The purchasers did not even
demand rent or ask them to vacate, as a result of which the Caedos
continued to pay rent to Respondent Bantegui.
Section 80 of PD 464 provides that any balance of the proceeds of the sale
left after deducting the amount of the taxes and penalties due and the costs
of sale, shall be returned to the owner or his representative. Again contrary
to the mandate of the law, the balance of the proceeds from the tax sale was
not even returned to Respondent Bantegui or her representative after the
issuance of the final bill of sale. The failure to return the proceeds reinforced
the apparent irregularity not only in the conduct of the tax sale, but also in
its subsequent disposition.

Petitioners were not innocent purchasers for value. Despite their awareness
of defects in their title, they still failed to investigate or take the necessary
Good faith is a question of intention. It consists in the possessors belief that
the person from whom a thing has been received is its owner and can convey
title. It is determined by outward acts and proven conduct
Purchasers cannot close their eyes to facts that should have put any
reasonable person upon guard, and then claim that they acted in good faith
under the belief that there was no defect in the title. If petitioners do not
investigate or take precaution despite knowing certain facts, they cannot be
considered in good faith.
The defense of indefeasibility of a Torrens title does not extend to a
transferee who takes the title despite a notice of the flaw in it. From a
vendor who does not have any title to begin with, no right is passed to a
In the present case, the exercise of the right of possession over the property
was attempted by none of the purchasers, except petitioners. Furthermore,
nothing on the record shows that, aside from Respondent Bantegui, the
purchasers paid real property taxes, as required of every registered property
Curiously, the city government allowed Respondent Bantegui to continue
paying real property taxes even after the redemption period and the
confirmation of the final bill of sale. Moreover, the records mention no
payment of real property taxes from 1984 to 1986.
The Register of Deeds issued a reconstituted title in her name, in which the
property had been registered as early as 1959. For reasons known only to
the alleged purchasers, no attempt was even made to have the title
immediately cancelled. It is basic that registration does not vest title, which
is a mere evidence of title to a property.
WHEREFORE, the Petition is hereby DENIED, and the assailed Decision and
Resolution are AFFIRMED

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