Getting Started With Oracle Data Provider For .NET (VB

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Getting Started with Oracle Data Provider for .NET (VB.

NET Version)

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Getting Started with Oracle Data

Provider for .NET (VB.NET Version)
This tutorial contains the following sections:
Time to Complete

Getting Started with Oracle Data Provider for .NET (VB.NET Version)
This tutorial describes how you can build a .NET application that uses the Oracle Data Provider for .NET to access data in an Oracle

Time to Complete

Creating a Project in Visual Studio
Adding a Reference
Retrieving Data from the Database
Incorporating Interactive Controls
Adding Error Handling
Retrieving Multiple Columns and Rows

Viewing Screenshots
Click icon to show all screenshots

Approximately 30 minutes

In addition to basic Oracle client connectivity software, .NET applications require the use of what is known as a managed data provider
(where "managed" refers to code managed by the .NET framework). The data provider is the layer between the .NET application code
and the Oracle client connectivity software.
The Oracle Data Provider for .NET (ODP.NET) is Oracle's high performance ADO.NET 2.0 compliant data provider that exposes a
complete set of Oracle specific features and tuning options including support for Real Application Clusters, XML DB, and advanced
security. It is available for free download from the Oracle Technology Network website.
When ODP.NET and any required Oracle client connectivity software is installed, application development using Visual Studio can begin.
It is a good idea to confirm client connectivity before starting development. If you can connect to Oracle using SQL*Plus on the same
machine as Visual Studio, then you know that your Oracle client-side software is properly installed and configured.

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associated with each step to view (or hide) the screenshot
associated with that step.

Before starting this tutorial, you should:

1 . Install Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
2 . Install Oracle Database 9.2 or later or Oracle Database XE
3 . Install Oracle 11g Oracle Data Access Components (ODAC) with Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio version or later from OTN

Creating a Project in Visual Studio

To create a new project in Visual Studio, perform the following steps:
1 . From your Windows Program menu, start Visual Studio. From the File menu, select New Project.

2 . From the Project types list, select Visual Basic: Windows. Select the Template Windows Form Application. In the
Name field, enter OraWinApp. In the Location field, enter the directory where you want to save the files. (Note: if the
directory does not exist, it is created). Click OK

22/07/2015 14:13

Getting Started with Oracle Data Provider for .NET (VB.NET Version)

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Getting Started with Oracle Data

Provider for .NET (VB.NET Version)
This tutorial contains the following sections:
Time to Complete
Creating a Project in Visual Studio
Adding a Reference
Retrieving Data from the Database
Incorporating Interactive Controls
Adding Error Handling
Retrieving Multiple Columns and Rows

Viewing Screenshots
Click icon to show all screenshots
Note: Alternatively, you can click an individual icon (or image)
associated with each step to view (or hide) the screenshot
associated with that step.

3 . The project has been created. From View menu, select Solution Explorer to open the Solution Explorer if not
already open.

Adding a Reference
Because your project needs access to an Oracle database, it is necessary to add a reference to the dll containing the data provider.
Perform the following steps:
1 . From Project menu, select Add Reference...

2 . Scroll down the list of Component Names and select Oracle.DataAccess. Click OK.

22/07/2015 14:13

Getting Started with Oracle Data Provider for .NET (VB.NET Version)

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Getting Started with Oracle Data

Provider for .NET (VB.NET Version)
This tutorial contains the following sections:
Time to Complete
Creating a Project in Visual Studio
Adding a Reference
Retrieving Data from the Database
Incorporating Interactive Controls
Adding Error Handling
Retrieving Multiple Columns and Rows

Viewing Screenshots
Click icon to show all screenshots
Note: Alternatively, you can click an individual icon (or image)
associated with each step to view (or hide) the screenshot
associated with that step.

Retrieving Data from the Database

To retrieve data from the database, you can add some controls to your form. Perform the following steps:
1 . From View menu, select Toolbox. The toolbox appears. Expand Common Controls.

2 . Drag the Button control to the Form1 canvas.

22/07/2015 14:13

Getting Started with Oracle Data Provider for .NET (VB.NET Version)

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Getting Started with Oracle Data

Provider for .NET (VB.NET Version)
This tutorial contains the following sections:
Time to Complete
Creating a Project in Visual Studio
Adding a Reference
Retrieving Data from the Database
Incorporating Interactive Controls
Adding Error Handling
Retrieving Multiple Columns and Rows

Viewing Screenshots
Click icon to show all screenshots
Note: Alternatively, you can click an individual icon (or image)
associated with each step to view (or hide) the screenshot
associated with that step.

The control is shown on the canvas. You also need to create a Label.

3 . From the Toolbox, drag the Label control to the Form1 canvas.

4 . Double-click Button1 to open the code window. Note, Form1.vb code window opens.

22/07/2015 14:13

Getting Started with Oracle Data Provider for .NET (VB.NET Version)

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Getting Started with Oracle Data

Provider for .NET (VB.NET Version)
This tutorial contains the following sections:
Time to Complete
Creating a Project in Visual Studio
Adding a Reference
Retrieving Data from the Database
Incorporating Interactive Controls
Adding Error Handling
Retrieving Multiple Columns and Rows

Viewing Screenshots
Click icon to show all screenshots
Note: Alternatively, you can click an individual icon (or image)
associated with each step to view (or hide) the screenshot
associated with that step.

5 . Add the following VB.NET Imports statements before the Public Class declaration.
Imports System.Data
Imports Oracle.DataAccess.Client ' ODP.NET Oracle managed provider
Imports Oracle.DataAccess.Types

6 . Add the following VB.NET code between the Private Sub and End Sub statements.
Dim oradb As String = "Data Source=orcl;User Id=hr;Password=hr;"
Dim conn As New OracleConnection(oradb)
Dim cmd As New OracleCommand
cmd.Connection = conn
cmd.CommandText = "select department_name from departments where department_id = 10"
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text
Dim dr As OracleDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader()
Label1.Text = dr.Item("department_name")

7 . Select Build > Build OraWinApp.

22/07/2015 14:13

Getting Started with Oracle Data Provider for .NET (VB.NET Version)

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Getting Started with Oracle Data

Provider for .NET (VB.NET Version)
This tutorial contains the following sections:
Time to Complete
Creating a Project in Visual Studio
Adding a Reference
Retrieving Data from the Database
Incorporating Interactive Controls
Adding Error Handling

In the output window, ensure you did not get any errors. Now you can run the form.

Retrieving Multiple Columns and Rows


Viewing Screenshots
Click icon to show all screenshots
Note: Alternatively, you can click an individual icon (or image)
associated with each step to view (or hide) the screenshot
associated with that step.

8 . Select Debug > Start Without Debugging.

9 . The form appears. Click button1.

The result is shown in the label. Since the query in the code was to show the department name for department id of
10, the result is the Administration department. Close Form1.

22/07/2015 14:13

Getting Started with Oracle Data Provider for .NET (VB.NET Version)

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Getting Started with Oracle Data

Provider for .NET (VB.NET Version)
This tutorial contains the following sections:
Time to Complete
Creating a Project in Visual Studio
Adding a Reference
Retrieving Data from the Database
Incorporating Interactive Controls
Adding Error Handling
Retrieving Multiple Columns and Rows

Viewing Screenshots
Click icon to show all screenshots
Note: Alternatively, you can click an individual icon (or image)
associated with each step to view (or hide) the screenshot
associated with that step.

Incorporating Interactive Controls

Instead of running the hard coded query, you can add a textbox control to accept user input for the department id. Perform the following
1 . Select the Form1.vb [Design] tab. From the Toolbox, drag the TextBox control to Form1 canvas.

The textbox is shown. You can drag it to the desired location.

2 . Drag a Label control on Form1 canvas.

22/07/2015 14:13

Getting Started with Oracle Data Provider for .NET (VB.NET Version)

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Getting Started with Oracle Data

Provider for .NET (VB.NET Version)
This tutorial contains the following sections:
Time to Complete
Creating a Project in Visual Studio
Adding a Reference
Retrieving Data from the Database
Incorporating Interactive Controls
Adding Error Handling
Retrieving Multiple Columns and Rows

Viewing Screenshots
Click icon to show all screenshots
Note: Alternatively, you can click an individual icon (or image)
associated with each step to view (or hide) the screenshot
associated with that step.

3 . The Label is shown. Right-click Label2 and select Properties.

4 . In the Properties sheet, change the Text property to Enter Department ID:

22/07/2015 14:13

Getting Started with Oracle Data Provider for .NET (VB.NET Version)

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5 . Select the Form1.vb tab.

Getting Started with Oracle Data

Provider for .NET (VB.NET Version)
This tutorial contains the following sections:
Time to Complete
Creating a Project in Visual Studio
Adding a Reference
Retrieving Data from the Database
Incorporating Interactive Controls
Adding Error Handling
Retrieving Multiple Columns and Rows

Viewing Screenshots
Click icon to show all screenshots
Note: Alternatively, you can click an individual icon (or image)
associated with each step to view (or hide) the screenshot
associated with that step.

6 . You use a bind variable to include the value of the text box as part of the SELECT statement. Bind variables improve performance by preventing the
database from having to reparse the SQL statement every time the text box value changes.
Add the following code right after the conn.Open() statement:
Dim parm As New OracleParameter
parm.OracleDbType = OracleDbType.Decimal
parm.Value = TextBox1.Text

7 . Add the cmd.Parameters statement right after the cmd.Connection statement:


8 . Change the code for the cmd.CommandText statement to the following:

cmd.CommandText = "select department_name from departments where department_id = :1"

22/07/2015 14:13

Getting Started with Oracle Data Provider for .NET (VB.NET Version)

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Getting Started with Oracle Data

Provider for .NET (VB.NET Version)

9 . Select Build > Rebuild OraWinApp.

This tutorial contains the following sections:

Time to Complete
Creating a Project in Visual Studio
Adding a Reference
Retrieving Data from the Database
Incorporating Interactive Controls

Check in the output window for any errors reported. If no errors or warnings, proceed with the next step.

Adding Error Handling

Retrieving Multiple Columns and Rows

10 . Select Debug > Start Without Debugging.

Viewing Screenshots
Click icon to show all screenshots
Note: Alternatively, you can click an individual icon (or image)
associated with each step to view (or hide) the screenshot
associated with that step.

11 . Enter 20 for the Department ID and click button1.

12 . Notice that the Label1 changes to the name of the department. This value depends on what is entered in the Department ID field.

13 . Enter 300 for the Department ID and click button1.

22/07/2015 14:13

Getting Started with Oracle Data Provider for .NET (VB.NET Version)

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Getting Started with Oracle Data

Provider for .NET (VB.NET Version)
This tutorial contains the following sections:
Time to Complete
Creating a Project in Visual Studio
Adding a Reference
Retrieving Data from the Database
Incorporating Interactive Controls
Adding Error Handling
Retrieving Multiple Columns and Rows

Viewing Screenshots
Click icon to show all screenshots

14 . This time you receive an error because there is no department with the id of 300. Click Quit. In the next topic you add some error handling so you kn
exactly why you received the error.

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associated with each step to view (or hide) the screenshot
associated with that step.

Adding Error Handling

Error handling is needed to instruct the user why something doesn't work properly. In this topic, you modify your code to prevent an error
when an invalid Department ID is provided. In this tutorial, you add some very simple error handling code. For more robust error
handling, Structured Exception Handling should be used. For more information on Structured Exception Handling with ODP.NET please
refer to the ODP.NET online documentation. Perform the following steps:
1 . In Form1.vb window, change the following code from:
label1.Text = dr.Item("department_name");
If dr.Read() Then
Label1.Text = dr.Item("department_name")
Label1.Text = "Department ID not found"
End If

2 . Select Build > Rebuild OraWinApp. Ensure that there are no errors reported in the output window.

3 . Select Debug > Start Without Debugging.

22/07/2015 14:13

Getting Started with Oracle Data Provider for .NET (VB.NET Version)

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Getting Started with Oracle Data

Provider for .NET (VB.NET Version)
This tutorial contains the following sections:
Time to Complete
Creating a Project in Visual Studio
Adding a Reference
Retrieving Data from the Database
Incorporating Interactive Controls
Adding Error Handling
Retrieving Multiple Columns and Rows

4 . Enter 300 again for the Department ID and click button1.

Viewing Screenshots
Click icon to show all screenshots
Note: Alternatively, you can click an individual icon (or image)
associated with each step to view (or hide) the screenshot
associated with that step.

5 . This time, the message Department ID not found is displayed. Close Form1.

Retrieving Multiple Columns and Rows

In this topic, you want to retrieve more than one set of information using a listbox. Perform the following steps:
1 . Click the Form1.vb [Design] tab. From the Toolbox, drag the Listbox control to the Form 1 canvas.

22/07/2015 14:13

Getting Started with Oracle Data Provider for .NET (VB.NET Version)

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Getting Started with Oracle Data

Provider for .NET (VB.NET Version)
This tutorial contains the following sections:
Time to Complete
Creating a Project in Visual Studio
Adding a Reference
Retrieving Data from the Database
Incorporating Interactive Controls
Adding Error Handling
Retrieving Multiple Columns and Rows

Viewing Screenshots
Click icon to show all screenshots
Note: Alternatively, you can click an individual icon (or image)
associated with each step to view (or hide) the screenshot
associated with that step.

2 . The new listbox appears on the form. You can position and re-size the listbox appropriately. Click Form1.vb tab.

3 . Delete the cmd.Parameters.Add(parm); statement.

4 . Change the cmd.CommandText code from:

cmd.CommandText = "select department_name from departments where department_id = :1";
cmd.CommandText = "select department_id, department_name, city"
+ " from departments d, locations l"
+ " where d.location_id = l.location_id";

22/07/2015 14:13

Getting Started with Oracle Data Provider for .NET (VB.NET Version)

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Getting Started with Oracle Data

Provider for .NET (VB.NET Version)
This tutorial contains the following sections:
Time to Complete
Creating a Project in Visual Studio
Adding a Reference
Retrieving Data from the Database
Incorporating Interactive Controls
Adding Error Handling
Retrieving Multiple Columns and Rows

Viewing Screenshots
Click icon to show all screenshots
Note: Alternatively, you can click an individual icon (or image)
associated with each step to view (or hide) the screenshot
associated with that step.

5 . Also change the following lines of code from:

If dr.Read() Then
Label1.Text = dr.Item("department_name")
Label1.Text = "Department ID not found"
End If
While dr.Read()
ListBox1.Items.Add("The " + dr.Item(1) _
+ " department is in " + dr.Item("city"))
End While

6 . Select Build > Rebuild OraWinApp.

7 . Select Debug > Start Without Debugging.

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Getting Started with Oracle Data Provider for .NET (VB.NET Version)

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8 . Click button1.

Getting Started with Oracle Data

Provider for .NET (VB.NET Version)
This tutorial contains the following sections:
Time to Complete
Creating a Project in Visual Studio
Adding a Reference
Retrieving Data from the Database
Incorporating Interactive Controls
Adding Error Handling
Retrieving Multiple Columns and Rows

Viewing Screenshots
Click icon to show all screenshots
Note: Alternatively, you can click an individual icon (or image)
associated with each step to view (or hide) the screenshot
associated with that step.

9 . The list of all the departments and their location is shown. Close Form1.

In this tutorial, you have learned how to:
Create a project and add a reference
Retrieve data from the database
Incorporate interactive controls and error handling
Retrieve Multiple Columns and Rows

Lead Curriculum Developer: Anupama Mandya, Pallavi Rajan

Other Contributors: Marcie Young, Christian Shay

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22/07/2015 14:13

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