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C. G. Anderson
The Center for Advanced Mineral and Metallurgical Processing, Montana Tech of the
University of Montana, Room 221 ELC Building; Butte, Montana, USA 59701
Tel: 406-496-4794, Fax: 406-496-4512
Author e-mail: [email protected]
Throughout the world, there are many orebodies or materials which have significant
value but also contain arsenic. As regulations on the transport, exposure, disposition and
emission of arsenic have become more stringent; it has become increasingly more
difficult to derive the values from these resources. This paper will outline the
fundamentals of alkaline sulfide hydrometallurgy and its successful application to arsenic
bearing ores, concentrates and materials.
Alkaline Sulfide Hydrometallurgy
Hydrometallurgical methods can be employed for treatment of arsenic containing
materials, concentrates and ores as well as complex ones containing any number of
metals. The alkaline sulfide system is essentially a mixture of sodium sulfide and sodium
hydroxide. This is a unique hydrometallurgical system as it is a very selective lixiviant
for the exclusive and selective leaching of tin, gold, antimony, arsenic and mercury.
Worldwide, it is employed industrially in the CIS, China and the United States for the
production of antimony. (1,2,3,4)
When the system is applied to orpiment, As2S3, a solution of sodium thioarsenite is
formed. This can be illustrated as:
Na2S + As2S3 2NaAsS2
NaAsS2 + Na2S Na3AsS3


When applied to arsenic trioxide, As2O3, the reaction is as follows:

1.5 H2O + 2 Na2S + As2O3 NaAsS2 + 3 NaOH
NaAsS2 + Na2S Na3AsS3


Dissolution of elemental sulfur in sodium hydroxide is also used as a lixiviant for alkaline
sulfide leaching of arsenic. The combination of sodium hydroxide and elemental sulfur

results in the formation of species other than just sulfide (S-2). Both sodium polysulfide
(Na2SX) and sodium thiosulfate (Na2S2O3) are created along with sulfide. Figure 1
illustrates the equilibrium diagram for sulfur while Figure 2 illustrates the more
commonly encountered meta stable sulfur diagram.

Figure 1: Equilibrium Eh-pH diagram for Sulfur.

Figure 1. Equilibrium Eh-pH diagram for Sulfur.

Figure 2: Meta-stable Eh-pH diagram for Sulfur.

Figure 2. Meta-stable Eh-pH diagram for Sulfur.

The generation of these predominant meta stable species is illustrated simplistically in the
following scenario.
4So + 6NaOH 2Na2S + Na2S2O3 + 3H2O


(X-1)So + Na2S Na2SX (where X= 2 to 5)


Due to the oxidizing power of polysulfide on sodium thioantimonite, the major species in
solution is normally sodium thioarsenate (Na3AsS4). This can be viewed as follows:
Na2SX + (X-1)Na3AsS3 (X-1)Na3AsS4 + Na2S


Applications of Alkaline Sulfide Hydrometallurgy to Arsenic Leaching

The rest of this paper deals with the specific leaching application of the alkaline sulfide
system to arsenic bearing materials. And, due to space constraints only the leach results
will be shown in this paper except for results of a novel selective gold recovery
technique. The proven techniques and accompanying industrial flowsheets used to
recover and stabilize arsenic with, for example, iron from the solutions is beyond the
scope of this paper. And other papers in this symposium have addressed this issue in
detail as well.
Alkaline Sulfide Hydrometallurgical Treatment of Lead Smelter Speiss
The formation of speiss in lead smelters is a common occurrence and poses process
problems in that significant levels of precious metals are accumulated in the resultant
arsenides and antimonides. An example of hydrometallurgical treatment follows:
Table I. Lead Smelter Speiss Head Sample Assay
Cu,% Ni,% Sn,% Cd,% As,% Sb, % Pb,% Fe,% Zn,% Au g/T, Ag, g/T
43.5 1.4
0.5 0.1 12.2 3.3
1.7 0.9
Table II. Leach Testing Conditions
Leach Time = 6 Hr.
Percent Solids = 25%
Leach Temperature = 105O C
Total Sulfur Concentration = 100 g/L
Free Hydroxide Concentration = 25 g/L

Table III. Leach Test Results

% of Metal Leached
Cu,% Ni,% Sn,% Cd,% As,% Sb, % Pb,% Fe,% Zn,% Au %, Ag, %
0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 99.1 99.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.1
Selective Recovery of Gold from Alkaline Sulfide Solutions
In the examples cited above, it is essential in that any gold leached in the alkaline sulfide
solutions be recovered. As shown in Figure 3, gold is soluble in the alkaline sulfide
system. Gold lixiviation is the result of leaching by polysulfides and sulfides as shown in
equation 8.
2Au + S22- + 2S2- 2AuS- +2S2-


Figure 3. Equilibrium Species Eh-pH Diagram for Sulfur and Alkaline Sulfide Gold
Currently, studies are underway on the actual kinetics and mechanism of the alkaline
sulfide system (64,65,66). A rotating electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance
(REQCM) is being utilized to study the system.
Gold leached by the alkaline sulfide system is readily recoverable by several means
including electrowinning, gaseous precipitation, chemical precipitation, cementation,
solvent extraction and ion exchange. Conventional methods of gold recovery such as
zinc or aluminum cementation are not applicable to this type of solution because of the
dangers associated with stibine or arsine gas generation. As well, the conventional
method of direct collection of gold by activated carbon does not work in these solutions
as it does for gold cyanide solutions.
A novel gold recovery practice(11) has been adopted to quantitatively and selectively
recover gold from complex alkaline sulfide solutions containing a mixture of metals such
as arsenic, tin, mercury and antimony. This is illustrated by selectively removing gold
from an alkaline sulfide leach solution containing these impurities. The assay of the

solution tested is shown in Table IV, and the assays of the final products is shown in table
V. The overall results are presented in Table VI.
Table IV. Alkaline Sulfide Leach Head Solution Assay
Volume L

88.7 ppm

21.0 g/L

5.31 g/L

274 ppm

1.84 g/L

Table V. Alkaline Sulfide Solution Final Assay

Volume, L

14.4 ppm

21.1 g/L

5.21 g/L

274 ppm

1.89 g/L

Final Au Solid Sorbent Assay = 1330.4 g/T

Table VI. Overall Gold Selectivity and Recovery




Further stages of gold recovery treatment on this solution indicate that almost 100% of
the gold can be selectively recovered from the mercury, arsenic, tin and antimony in the
solution. In addition, the substrate solids which have been employed to load the gold
consist of several cheap and readily available materials and direct processing of the
material is probably the cheapest and most effective method of refining the gold.
Also the waste alkaline sulfide solutions can be recycled for further gold leaching or
further processed with low temperature oxidation to sodium sulfate, Na2SO4. This also
oxidizes the arsenic to soluble sodium arsenate which can then be precipitated by
conventional means using iron compounds. This oxidation process has been practiced in
industry (69). The resultant sodium sulfate, after arsenic removal, is further treated by
purification and crystallization to produce high grade, marketable sodium sulfate. This
process is illustrated simplistically in the following scenario.
2 O2 + Na2S Na2SO4


3.5 O2 + 2NaOH + Na2S2 2Na2SO4 + H2O


8 O2 + 8NaOH + Na2S5 5Na2SO4 + 4H2O


2NaOH + 2 O2 + Na2S2O3 2Na2SO4 + H2O


Na3AsS4 + 2 O2



This versatile and environmentally benign chemical is then be sold to and utilized in
industries such as pulp and paper, glass, ceramics, detergents, textile dyes, mineral feed
supplements, bleach and photography. As such, there is no environmental or
toxicological issue in the use of alkaline sulfide gold recovery as the waste products
become value added, marketable by-products.
As well the sodium sulfate produced can be used to regenerate the sodium hydroxide
needed in the process in a manner analogous to industrial dual alkali scrubbing systems
(70). This is as follows:
2Na2SO4 + Ca(OH)2 CaSO4 + 2NaOH


The clean gypsum product can then be marketed and used in such applications as
agricultural soil amendments or as an additive in primary cement manufacture. In
addition, initial efforts are underway and have been successful in regenerating the
necessary H2SO4 and NaOH reagents from the Na2SO4 by-product. The details of this
process will be given in future publications and may be illustrated as follows:
Na2SO4 + 2H2O H2SO4 + 2NaOH


Alkaline Sulfide Hydrometallurgical Treatment of Lead Smelter

Copper Dross Flue Dust
The formation of arsenic and antimony laden dusts in the processing of lead is commonly
encountered. An example of hydrometallurgical treatment of this arsenic trioxide bearing
materials follows:
Table VII. Copper Dross Flue Dust Head Sample Assay
In, %


Sb,% As,% Zn,%


Table VIII. Leach Testing Conditions.

Leach Time = 6 Hr.
Percent Solids = 25%
Leach Temperature = 105O C
Sulfide Concentration = 100 g/L
Free Hydroxide Concentration = 10 g/L

Table VIIII. Leach Test Results

% of Metal Leached
In, %





Alkaline Sulfide Hydrometallurgical Treatment of Copper Enargite Concentrates

In many parts of the world, enargite, Cu3AsS4, occurs as a primary copper mineral.
Alkaline sulfide hydrometallurgy can be effective in treating these types of ores and
concentrates. This is illustrated as follows:
Table X. Copper Enargite Concentrate Head Sample Assay
Cu, %

As, % Sb, % Au, g/T


Table XI. Leach Testing Conditions

Leach Time = 1 Hr.
Percent Solids = 25%
Leach Temperature = 105O C
Sulfide Concentration = 100 g/L
Free Hydroxide Concentration = 10 g/L
Table XII. Leach Test Results.
% of Metal Leached
Cu, % As, % Sb, % Au, %
99.2 99.7 14.3

In this case, a high grade, 38% copper , concentrate with minimal arsenic was produced
for treatment by smelting. The gold in solution was recovered with the technology
portrayed earlier in the paper and the arsenic was precipitated and stabilized with iron
after oxidation of the alkaline waste solutions.
From the cited examples in the paper, which utilized fundamental principles of alkaline
sulfide hydrometallurgy as well as its industrially proven applications for the selective
arsenic removal, it is obvious that arsenic bearing ores, concentrates and materials can be
effectively treated.

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