Math2099 s2 2014
Math2099 s2 2014
Math2099 s2 2014
SEMESTER 2, 2014
This course is only available to students for whom it is specifically required as part of their program.
Course structure
This course consists of two strands one on linear algebra and one on statistics. Each strand has 2 lectures per
week and one tutorial or laboratory class per week.
Course staff
The course has two lecturers
Dr Jakub Stoklosa (Statistics) RC-2050, phone 9385-7029, email: [email protected]
Milan Pahor (Linear Algebra) RC-3091, phone 9385-7059, email: [email protected]
You will also be assigned a tutor for the linear algebra tutorials and a tutor for the statistics tutorials/laboratories.
They should be your first point of contact for any questions about this course.
Course description
This course gives an introduction to linear algebra and statistics essential in a wide range of engineering
The final grade in MATH2099 will be based on the sum of the scores from each of the assessment components
in each of the Linear Algebra and Statistics strands. Final grades may be adjusted by scaling with the approval of
the appropriate departmental meeting.
A passing grade will ONLY be given if a mark of at least 40% is obtained in each of
the linear algebra and statistics strands.
We believe that effective learning is best supported by a climate of inquiry, in which students are actively
engaged in the learning process. Hence this course is structured with a strong emphasis on problem-solving tasks
in lectures, in tutorials and laboratories, and in assessment tasks. Students are expected to devote the majority of
their class and study time to the solving of such tasks.
New ideas and skills are first introduced and demonstrated in lectures, and then students develop these skills by
applying them to specific tasks in tutorials and assessments. Computing skills are developed and practiced in
regular computer laboratory sessions.
This course has a major focus on research, inquiry and analytical thinking as well as information literacy. We
will also explore capacity and motivation for intellectual development through the solution of both simple and
complex mathematical models of problems arising in engineering, and the interpretation and communication of
the results.
For each hour of contact it is expected that you will put in at least 1.5 hours of private study.
Linear Algebra:
Tutorial quizzes
Weeks 6 and 10
Final examination
November 2104
IMPORTANT: Students must sit the quizzes in the tutorial in which they are enrolled, unless they have prior
written approval from the lecturer. Students who are unable to attend any quiz due to illness must give a medical
certificate to the tutor at the next tutorial. (There will be no opportunity to re-sit a missed quiz.)
The course will include material from the following. The course content is ultimately defined by the material
covered in lectures.
Linear Algebra
Lecture notes and tutorial problem sets will be made available through the usual Moodle site:
It is essential to bring a printed copy of the lecture notes to each linear algebra class.
FYN: 3, 4.1-4.3
F&B: 1.3-1.5
2: Vector Spaces
Definition and examples. Subspaces.
Linear combinations, spans, linear independence.
Bases, dimension, coordinates.
Kernel, column space, rank and nullity of a matrix.
FYN: 6
F&B: 1.6, 2.1-2.2, 3.1-3.3
3: Linear Transformations
Linear transformations and matrix representations.
Change of basis.
Kernel, image, rank and nullity of a linear transformation.
FYN: 7
F&B: 2.3, 3.4, 7
FYN: 5.1-5.3
F&B: 1.2, 9.2, 6.1-6.5
Hill: 4.6
FYN: 4.4
F&B 4.2
FYN: 8
F&B: 5.1-2
8: Jordan Forms
Direct sums of matrices. Jordan forms.
Deducing Jordan form from the nullities of (A-I)k.
Generalised eigenvectors.
Achieving Jordan form by change of basis.
F&B: 9.4
9: Matrix Exponentials
Definition of exp(A) as a power series.
Action of exp(tA) on generalised eigenvectors of A.
Methods for finding exp(tA).
10: Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations
F&B: 5.3
Homogeneous systems: the solution space, fundamental matrices, methods of solution.
Inhomogeneous systems: the method of variation of parameters.
This course gives an introduction to statistical methods essential in a wide range of engineering disciplines. This
Exploratory data analysis; Probability and distribution theory including the Binomial, Poisson,
Exponential and Normal distributions; Large sample theory including the Central Limit Theorem;
Elements of statistical inference including estimation, confidence intervals and hypothesis testing; One
sample and two-sample t-tests; Linear regression and analysis of variance.
Applications drawn from a variety of engineering disciplines will be illustrated. Many statistical problems
require the use of a computer software package. In this course, students are required to become familiar with
Matlab. Matlab will be used extensively in this course.
applying various graphical and data analysis methods for summarising and understanding data;
applying various statistical models and methods for drawing conclusions and making decisions under
uncertainty in engineering contexts; and,
using Matlab for graphical and statistical analysis.
We believe that effective learning is best supported by a climate of inquiry, in which students are actively
engaged in the learning process. Hence this course is structured with a strong emphasis on problem-solving tasks
in lectures, in tutorials and laboratories, and in assessment tasks. Students are expected to devote the majority of
their class and study time to the solving of such tasks.
New ideas and skills are first introduced and demonstrated in lectures, and then students develop these skills by
applying them to specific tasks in tutorials and assessments. Computing skills are developed and practised in
regular computer laboratory sessions.
This course has a major focus on research, inquiry and analytical thinking as well as information literacy. We
will also explore capacity and motivation for intellectual development through the solution of both simple and
complex mathematical models of problems arising in engineering, and the interpretation and communication of
the results.
Tutorials/Laboratory Classes
These are held at a variety of times and locations as indicated on your timetable through myUNSW. Students are
expected to attend tutorials/laboratory classes, and rolls will be kept. As mentioned above, they start in Week 1
(with a computer lab) until Week 13. Computer tutorials on weeks: 2, 4, 6, and 8. Computer tutorials alternate
with the classroom tutorials which are held on weeks: 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12 (held in the laboratory class) and 13.
Note that in Week 10 there is no tutorial/lab class because of Matlab tests (see below).
The computer labs are all held in the School of Mathematics and Statistics' computer laboratories (ground floor,
RC-G012) in the Red Centre.
Before the start of the session, you should make sure you can logon to the computers in the laboratories using
your zID and zPass. You can activate or unlock your zPass using the UNSW Identity Manager. If you are
having difficulties please go to the Computing Centre helpdesk on the mezzanine level of the Red Centre. You
must have set your password and be able to login to the Mathematics & Statistics computer laboratories
BEFORE the first lab in Week 1.
You are advised to start, as soon as possible, the preliminary online Matlab Quizzes which are available through
Maple TA from the UNSW Moodle course website. This is designed to get you started using Matlab, and they
form part of your assessment (see below).
Announcements may be made in lectures or through the course web site.
Lecture Slides
Lecture slides in pdf format will be made available as a course pack and via the UNSW Moodle web site. They
are not a substitute for attendance at lectures. In addition, laboratory and tutorial material will also be made
available on this website.
Your lecturer will have regular consultation times which will be advertised in lectures and on Moodle. There will
also be additional regular consultation times advertised with other members of the statistics department. At these
times you are welcome to just turn up! For other consultation times, please email your lecturer for an
Besides the final exam, there are two tests during the session - a mid-session test during the tutorial in Week 7,
and a lab test in Week 10. There will also be introductory Matlab quizzes which are due to be completed by the
end of Week 2 and then three online statistics quizzes due in at the end of Weeks 5, 9 and 12.
Introductory Matlab quizzes
Mid-session test
1) 2pm Thursday 28
August (Week 5);
2) 2pm Thursday 25
September (Week 9);
3) 2pm Thursday 23
October (Week 12)
Week 7 tutorial
Week 10
Exam period
Final examination
1.5 hours
Note that students must sit the test in Week 7 in the tutorial in which they are enrolled unless they have
prior written approval from the lecturer. Students who are unable to attend the test must give a medical
certificate to the lecturer. There will be no opportunity to resit a test.
The Matlab part of MATH2099 (Statistics) is assessed in the following ways:
Introductory Matlab quizzes, to get you started with the basics of Matlab.
Laboratory test in Week 10.
The introductory Matlab quizzes will be administered through UNSW Moodle and Maple TA. They are due by
the end of Week 2. You are allowed as many attempts as you want. Your best mark will count.
You will be required to arrange a time to do your lab test through the School of Mathematics and Statistics'
Student Web Portal, to which there will be a link on Moodle. Further details of the Matlab test will be made
available on Moodle and in lectures closer to the time. Students are advised to arrange the time for the Matlab
test as soon as possible as there are limited places available at each time.
Students who are unable to attend the test at the time at which they have booked due to illness must give a
medical certificate to the lecturer. There will be no opportunity to resit a test.
The statistics online quizzes over the semester will be administered through UNSW Moodle and Maple TA.
Here are some guidelines you should follow when taking each quiz:
You are allowed a maximum of 3 attempts. Your best mark will count.
Once you begin an attempt at a quiz, you have a fixed time to finish that attempt.
You should only start an attempt at a quiz if you plan to finish it in that sitting.
Once you answer a question, select Save your answer. You will still be allowed to modify your response.
Selecting Finish submits your responses to Maple TA which cannot be changed.
Do not close Maple TA or your web browser during a quiz. You will not be able to continue that attempt
the next time you login.
It is expected that you work on each quiz alone.
Recommended Text
J. Devore and N. Farnum, Applied Statistics for Engineers and Scientists, 2nd Edition, Duxbury Press,
Thomson Publishers.
Available at UNSW bookshop and UNSW library. A student solutions manual also exists.
Additional Readings
A quite comprehensive reference is:
D. Montgomery and G. Runger, Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers, 5th Edition, 2011, Wiley
(previous editions work as well).
Matlab Software
Matlab R2013b is available on the computers in the School of Mathematics and Statistics computer laboratories
on the mezzanine level and ground floor of the Red Centre.
Information on how you can download a copy of Matlab are on the School's web site at:
Matlab references:
School of Mathematics and Statistics, Introduction to Matlab, 2014, available through the course web
School of Mathematics and Statistics, Statistics using Matlab (SUM), available through the course web
Gilat, A., Matlab: an introduction with applications, Wiley, New York, 2005.
Pratap, R., Getting started with Matlab 7, Oxford University Press, 2005.
Higham, D.J. and Higham, N.J., Matlab guide, SIAM Philadelphia, 2004.
Descriptive statistics
Elements of probability
Random variables
1.5, 1.6
7.1, 7.2
7.3, 7.4
8.1, 8.2
Midsession break
Regression analysis
All general administrative information including course and tutorial enrolment,
attendance requirements, student e-mail ,cheating and plagiarism,
applications for special consideration and additional assessment may be found here:
The library has a mathematics subject guide on the web which is a good starting point for mathematical
information. They can be found at
Academic Misconduct
The University of New South Wales has rules relating to Academic Misconduct. They can be found at