Ijri Te 01 001 PDF
Ijri Te 01 001 PDF
Ijri Te 01 001 PDF
Experiments were carried out to investigate natural convection heat transfer over uniformly heated hollow cylinder models made of aluminium alloy and pure copper. The effect of surface temperature, heat transfer coefficient and Nusselts
number with respect to different heat fluxes and different orientations of two hollow cylinders. In the current study the
heat fluxes range covers from 124w/m2 to 621 w/m2 . Whereas, the different orientations consider for the present investigation are 00(vertical), 300, 450, 600, 900(horizontal) respectively for conducting experiments on both hollow cylinders. Based on the experimental result (surface temperature) the following parameters such as theoretical heat transfer
coefficient, experimental heat transfer coefficient and Nusselt number are evaluated and depicted graphically for both
hollow cylinders made of aluminium alloy and pure copper.
*Corresponding Author:
S. Madhava rao ,
P.G Student, Department Of Mechanical Engineering,
B.V.C. Engineering College,
Odalarevu, India.
Published: December 16, 2014
Review Type: peer reviewed
Volume: I, Issue : I
Citation: S. Madhava rao, P.G student (2014) Experimental Investigation on Heat Transfer By Natural Convection
Over A Cylinder for Different Orientations
The problem of natural convection heat transfer
across a channel of various cross section (rectangular , circular , concentric annulus and parallel
plates) has received considerable attention in view
of its fundamental importance germane to numerous engineering application such as electronic systems , chemical process equipments , combustion
chambers , environmental control system chemical catalytic reactors, fiber and granular insulation
,packed beds ,petroleum reservoirs ,nuclear waste
repositories ,boiler design ,air cooling systems in air
conditioners and so on [1-2] .Atayilmaz and Teke
[3] studied natural convection heat transfer from a
horizontal cylinder experimentally and numerically
and concluded that Nusselt numbers increases with
increasing Rayliegh numbers. Akeel et al. [4] carried out experiments to investigate natural convection heat transfer in an inclined uniformly heated
circular cylinder and deduced an empirical equation of average nusselt number as a function of rayliegh number. Akeel [5] carried out experiments to
study the local and average heat transfer by natural
convection in a vertical concentric cylinder annulus and deduced an empirical equation of average
nusselt number as a function of rayliegh number.
The inclination angle of the cylinder was adjusted as required.
The electrical heater was switched on and
the heater input power then adjusted to give the required heat flux at particular angle
The apparatus was left at least two hours
to establish steady state condition .the thermocouple readings were measured every half an hour by
means of the digital electronic thermometer until
the reading became constant ,a final reading of temperature
Now whole rectangular box is tilted to required angle and wait for half an hour to establish
steady state condition and the note down readings
.then again change the angles with respective vertical and note down the readings,
The input power to the heater could be increased to cover another run in a shorter period of
time and to obtain steady state condition s for next
heat flux .subsequent runs for other ranges of cylinder inclination angles were performed in the same
previous procedure.
during each test run ,the following readings
were recorded:
The angle of inclination of the cylinder in degrees
The readings of thermocouples in degrees
The heater current in amperes.
at different orientations. Local heat transfer coefficient of aluminium alloy was better vertical position ( = 00) compared with the other orientations at
distance between thermocouples top to bottom. The
local heat transfer coefficient increases when hollow
cylinder moves from horizontal to vertical position
The local nusselt number of hollow cylinders made of copper is better than aluminium alloy
at different orientations. The local nusselt number
of copper was better vertical position ( = 00) compared with the other orientations. The local nusselt
number increases with increase of distance between
thermocouples bottom to top. The nusselt number
increases when hollow cylinder moves from vertical
to horizontal position.
The average nusselt number of hollow cylinder made of copper is better than aluminium alloy at different orientations. The heat flux increases
with increase of average nusselt number. The copper has obtained the higher value of average nusselt number at vertical position. Hence, the average
nusselt number is better in vertical position.
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[2].J.P.Holman"Experimental Method For Engineers" McGraw-Hill,'Tokyo,4th Edition 1984.
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Fig 27 variation of local Nusselt number w.r.t distance from the bottom at =00 at different voltages
for aluminium alloyhollow cylinder
Fig.33 variation of local Nusselt number w.r.t distance from the bottom at =600 at different voltages
for aluminiumalloy hollow cylinder
S. Madhava rao,
P.G Student,
Department Of Mechanical Engineering,
B.V.C. Engineering College,
Odalarevu, India.
[email protected]
D. Santha rao
Associate professor
Mechanical dept.
Experience 14 YEARS.
B.V.C. Engineering College
Odalarevu-533210, India
[email protected]
Dr.S. Rajesh
Mechanical Engineering
Assistant professor(9years)
S.R.K.R. Engineering College
Bhimavaram-534204, India
[email protected]