Bufnita Mica
Bufnita Mica
Bufnita Mica
l = loose
hv = sl
v = fixed
s = stick eyelets (2x) Hook with white 2l. round 1: 6v in the last ch from hook. round 2: 2v (12V) round 3:
1v, 2v in next dc crochet, tie-off with hv (18v). Work with color 2l. round 1: 6v in the last ch from
hook. round 2: 2v, close to hv (12v). Tour 3: 2l, 1s in the same sense as hv. Then 2s in each dc (24s)
Ch 2.
round 1: 6v in the last ch from hook.
round 2: 2v (12v).
variant Hook 2l. round 1: 6v in the last ch from . crochet hook round 2: 2v, 2v in next dc crochet (8V). Tour
3: 8v. Tour 4: 3v, 2v in next dc crochet (10v). Tour 5: 10v. round 6: 2v, 2v in crochet next dc (12v). Tour 7:
12v, tie off with a sl st. Leave a long thread for the sewing of the ears on the head. Finish: Glue the eyes with
fabric glue onto the head. (Fixed Sewing can possibly too). Sew the beak (fill light) right under the eyes. Sew
the belly one turn under the beak fixed. Sew the wing angle to the body, at the height of row 26. In a hanging
model of this owl you hook a chain of 50v and attach in the middle of the head. At the bottom you can attach
various ribbons and a chain of unloading unload about 50. Possibly a bell sew the bottom of the abdomen.