Blasting Tight Construction Whitepaper

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Tight Construction Blasting:

Ground Vibration Basics, Monitoring, and Prediction

By: Frank J. Lucca, Terra Dinamica LLC
This is the first white paper in a series that is being
prepared for close-in or tight blasting situations. These
papers are basic and should be used as an introduction to
blasting in municipal environments and other locations where
close-in blasting is needed for rock excavation.
Effective blast design and optimization requires that a
multitude of variables be choreographed into a single event.
These variables include but are not limited to safety,
borehole diameter, borehole depth, stiffness ratio, stemming
height, stemming type, burden, spacing, subdrill, explosive
type, explosive energy, explosive quantity, initiations
systems, delay pattern, and the geology must be taken into
In close-in or tight construction blasting (1 foot to 20
feet), there is less margin for error because of the
proximity of structures affected by flyrock and vibration
There has been considerable study from the US Bureau of
Mines and other government agencies on vibration and
airblast effects from surface mining operations. But, there
has been little research conducted on construction blasting
and even less on the effects of close-in blasting. Due to
this, the current municipal regulations do not reflect the
type of blasting and blasting effects generated by tight
blasting. These regulations are extremely conservative and
becoming more so on a daily basis.
The current trend for engineers writing construction
specifications is that if a 2-inches/second limit is good, a
lower limit must be much better. They do not take into
account the different type of blast geometry, explosive
energy, vibration wave frequencies, building construction,
or geology encountered.
Blasting is an engineering science, but since it is not an
exact science, it is also an art. In construction blasting,
especially tight blasting, this is even truer.
Anybody with an engineering or geologic background through
either education or experience can read basic handbooks and
understand the concepts and methods of blasting, but even
the most educated will not truly understand or be able to do
blast design, specification writing, monitoring in tight
blasting situations without actual hands-on experience.
Terra Dinamica L.L.C.- Effective Blast Design and Optimization
Copyright 2003
Author: Frank J. Lucca

Sound blast designs are based on the following 4 factors:

1. Explosive Energy Confinement.
2. Explosive Energy Distribution.
3. Explosive Energy Level.
4. Explosives Application Experience.
Explosive energy confinement, distribution, and level can be
calculated using basic explosive engineering formulas found
in most handbooks. Explosives Application Experience is
developed over time using different techniques and products
in different types of applications and geologies.
The following document has been prepared using sound
explosives engineering principles and the extensive
experience of the author gathered during tight construction
blasting projects, regular construction blasting, quarry
blasting, and mining operations around the world.
This is a basic primer for the explosives engineer and
blasters who have to perform blasting operations in tight
quarters and municipalities.
Blast induced Ground Vibration
In a simplified version of what happens when explosives are
detonated in a blasthole, the chemical reaction of the
explosives produces a high pressure, high temperature gas.
This gas pressure (detonation pressure) crushes the rock
adjacent to the blasthole. The detonation pressure decays
or dissipates quickly. The second phase, which immediately
follows or is in conjunction with detonation phase, is the
shock and stress wave propagation phase. When the wave
front moves forward, it will encounter discontinuities
and/or interfaces. At these points, some energy is
transferred across and some is reflected back.
During and after the stress wave propagation, high pressure,
high temperature gases extend radial cracks and any
discontinuity, fracture, or joint. The explosive energy
will always take the path of least resistance. Once the
blasted rock is separated from the bedrock, no further
fracturing occurs because the gas pressure escapes. This
entire process occurs within a few milliseconds from
detonation of the explosives.
In basic terms, the energy not utilized in the breakage
process is wasted energy.
This energy is dissipated in
the form of vibration, airblast, and watershock (charges in
open water).
Vibration is a wave motion created from an energy source, in
the case of rock blasting; the source is explosive energy
and rock movement. Vibration wave motion is normal and
Terra Dinamica L.L.C.- Effective Blast Design and Optimization
Copyright 2003
Author: Frank J. Lucca

caused by many things including walking, running, cars,

hammering, door slamming, and natural seismic events.
Primarily, blast induced ground vibrations are the result of
the detonation pressure pushing the blasted rock away from
the bedrock. This large force against the bedrock or
unbroken portion causes the bedrock to vibrate. When the
vibration is transmitted through the ground, this is called
propagation. The propagation velocity is the speed at which
the vibration waves travel. As vibration waves travel away
from the energy source the vibration is reduced or decays,
this is called seismic attenuation.
Properly designed blasts utilize the majority of explosive
energy to break the rock. Poor designed blasts will have
higher vibration levels due to wasted energy.
To understand blast-induced vibration, one must understand
the following vibration components and terminology. A good
example that is seen in many texts as an explanation of
vibration is the following example.
The ground vibration caused from blasting is similar to the
motion of a floating object placed in the water near the
energy source. The distance between the wave crests that
move the object is the wavelength. The speed at which they
travel outward from the energy source and moves past the
object is the propagation velocity, the particle velocity is
the speed at which the object bops up and down, and the
frequency is the number of times the object bops up and down
in one second.
In blasting, ground particles oscillate in response to a
vibration wave. This oscillation is measured in particle
velocity. The maximum rate is the Peak Particle Velocity
(PPV). In blasting this is measured in inches per second or
millimeters per second.
Velocity is a measure of the distance that could be traveled
by particles in 1 second, measured in inches/sec (ips) (also
known as speed in laymans terms). e.g. 60mph means
something will travel 60 miles in 1 hr, 1 ips means a
particle would move 1 inch in 1 second. The actual time
that particles are moving is much less than 1 second, so
even if we measure 2 ips, the ground may only actually move
0.2 inches if ground movement only occurred for one 10th of
a second.
Particle motion is defined as ground particles oscillating
in response to the arrival of the vibration wave. There are
basically 2 types of vibration waves, Body Waves and Surface

Terra Dinamica L.L.C.- Effective Blast Design and Optimization

Copyright 2003
Author: Frank J. Lucca

Peak Particle Velocity is the maximum rate of particle

movement; displacement is the distance the particle moves
back and forth or the distance a particle or object moves
from its position of rest. The change in displacement over
a unit of distance is called strain.
Besides Peak Particle Velocity, the frequency is one of the
most important factors controlling the response of
Frequency is the number of times the
particles move back and forth in one second. This back and
forth motion can also be referred to as oscillations. The
number of oscillations/second or cycles/second that a
particle makes under influence from the vibration wave is
measured in Hertz (Hz).
Frequency is dependent on site geology, distance to the
blast, and delay sequencing (hole firing time).
The nature of the effect of frequency allows tight blasting
without damage and also can allow higher peak particle
velocities. Within 1-2 meters or 3 to 7 feet, blast
frequencies can be many thousands of hertz. Although, they
attenuate or decay quickly, the frequency can still be
extremely high at a monitoring point under 20 feet. These
frequencies can be so high that normal equipment cannot
measure the level.
Structural dynamics research has shown the importance of
vibration wave frequency in tight blasting situations. In
many cases, blast limits and specifications are based on
blasting situations in mining and quarrying. Frequency,
although looked at in regards to standard blasting limits is
hardly ever taken into account when designing specifications
for tight blasting.
When structures are excited by blast vibrations, that may be
equal in all variables, except frequency, the structure in
question will respond much differently to a ground motion
with a principal frequency of 20 hertz as opposed to a
ground motion with a principle frequency of 150 hertz.
To complete tight construction blasting projects in a cost
effective, timely manner, and with minimal impact on
surrounding structures, it is imperative that the explosives
engineer understands the importance of frequency in
specification writing, blast design, and interpretation of
Also, it is important for the explosives engineer to have a
firm grasp of other methods to define vibration wave peak.
During the monitoring of a blasting project, the term
acceleration maybe used to define the vibration wave peak or
intensity. Acceleration should always be examined in terms
Terra Dinamica L.L.C.- Effective Blast Design and Optimization
Copyright 2003
Author: Frank J. Lucca

of the principal frequency and should not be used as a

stand-alone limit.
Acceleration (a) is defined as the velocity per unit of
time. As an example would be the car commercial that states
0 -60 in 10 seconds . The car is accelerating to 60
miles/hour in 10 seconds, which means there is a speed
(velocity) that is calculated over time. The acceleration
would be 6 mph/second.
The combination of vibration wave peak particle velocity
(the peak speed the particle moves from rest to highest
displacement and back down like the bobbing cork example
stated earlier), and the frequency (number of movements in 1
second) are used to calculate acceleration. The
gravitational acceleration on the earths surface (constant
of 386.4 inches/second = 1 gravity (g)) is used to convert
the acceleration measurement (which is measured in
inches/second) to gravity.
The formula used is for approximate maximum acceleration is:
Accel. =

2 * pi * V * f

Where: Units of acceleration = gravity, V= PPV (ips), f =

frequency (Hz).
We can calculate acceleration or measure it with the
seismograph. When acceleration is calculated instead of
measured, the number is usually much lower then the actual
result because the vibration wave is not a true sinusoidal
curve. This is also the reason when using acceleration and
frequency to convert to peak particle velocity in
inches/second that it too is an approximation. But, this
can give us a good approximation of whats happening.
In close-in blasting situations, high accelerations can make
the perceived vibration seem more intense and can also make
the seismic data unreliable.
To measure blast vibration, we use instruments called
seismographs. The geophone is the part of the instrument
that contains sensors. The geophone must be firmly attached
to the material that is being monitored. If the geophone
moves more than the material, it has decoupled. When
monitoring close-in construction, this can readily occur
especially if vibration wave acceleration is exceeding 1 g.
When acceleration exceeds 1 g, it is much more likely that
the seismograph sensor or geophone will experience
Terra Dinamica L.L.C.- Effective Blast Design and Optimization
Copyright 2003
Author: Frank J. Lucca

As an example, if a board is sitting on top of a table, and

the table experiences some type of force, the board will
move much more than the table. In this example, the board
is equivalent to the geophone. When a blast occurs, the
rock is barely shaking or vibrating, but the geophone moves.
The vibrations being recorded are actually the geophone
moving, not what the rock is experiencing.
There are other problems that may occur to seismographs when
used for close-in monitoring. These include exceeding the
operational limits of the transducer and/or aliasing.
Inside of the geophone are the instruments that measure the
vibration. In most commercial seismographs, these
instruments are called Seismic Velocity Transducers. A coil
moving through a magnetic field measures the output of the
In cases where the vibration frequency is high (over 250
Hz), the peak particle velocity approaches four
inches/second, acceleration is over 1 g, or the geophone is
placed in an area that will experience a multitude of
different wave types at the same time, transducer decoupling
may occur. This happens when the coil inside of the
magnetic field moves enough to disrupt the magnetic field.
This is exceeding the operational limits of the transducers.
Acceleration transducers or accelerometer seismograph units
can be employed for close-in monitoring in the near field,
but do not function well for midfield or far field
monitoring. Again, if setup in the wrong location, it too
can generate anomalous readings.
Using the same table and board example: If someone pounds on
the table, the board will jump or bounce up. If a bag of
sand is placed on the board, it will be held down.
Although, a large enough force applied to the table will
still move the board and sand bag. Because the instruments
are being set up so close to the blast, no amount of cover
will keep the geophone from moving more than the rock.
Also, as first example demonstrates, even if the geophone is
not decoupling, the transducer can be stressed beyond the
operational limits.
Aliasing is a phenomenon, which can occur whenever a signal
is not sampled at greater than twice the maximum frequency
of the signal.
This causes high frequency signals to
appear at low frequencies. Also, to measure the amplitude
correctly in high frequency situations, the sample rate must
be at least 4-5 times of the actual frequency being

Terra Dinamica L.L.C.- Effective Blast Design and Optimization

Copyright 2003
Author: Frank J. Lucca

Frequencies in the extreme near field can be as high as 6000

Hz. Although, this signal attenuates quickly, it can still
be many hundreds of hertz within 20 feet of a blast.
will exceed most commercial blasting seismograph operational
limits and will generate erroneous data.
In other words, if an attempt is made to use normal
commercial seismographs in the extreme near field to monitor
blasting, the operational limits of the seismic transducers
or data collectors will be exceeded in the particle velocity
and frequency measurements, which will generate incorrect
Vibration Waves
To understand vibration control in tight blasting, the
explosives engineer must understand vibration wave
construction and phenomenon.
Blast induced vibration waves can be divided into three main
categories: compressive, shear, and surface. To measure the
motions, three perpendicular components of vibration motion
must be measured. They are as follows:
Ground vibration direction
1. Transverse- horizontal motion at right angles to the
2. Vertical Up and down movement
3. Longitudinal (Radial) - Horizontal movement along a
line between the recorder and the blast.
The three main vibration wave types can be divided into body
waves and surface waves.
Body waves propagate through the body of the rock or soil.
One type of body wave is known as P-Waves (Compression and
Tension Waves). P-Waves are Push/Pull waves and they are
the compression/dilatation in the direction of wave travel.
They travel in the following mediums: solids, liquid, gas.
The compression creates a change in volume of the medium.
An example of these types of waves occurs when a rope or
string is stretched and vibrates.
The other type of body wave is the S-Wave. This is a
transverse wave that moves at right angles to the direction
of wave travel. These waves can only travel in a solid
medium. S-Waves create a change in shape of the medium. An
example would the flexing a rope. The rope moves up and
down, but the wave travels to the other end.
At small distances as those seen in close-in blasting,
blasts produce predominantly body waves. These body waves
propagate outward somewhat spherically until they contact
Terra Dinamica L.L.C.- Effective Blast Design and Optimization
Copyright 2003
Author: Frank J. Lucca

any boundary. These boundaries can include another layer of

rock, free face, fracture, joint, surface, or soil. When
body waves arrive at these intersections, surface and shear
waves are produced.
Surface Waves travel along the outer surface layer of rock.
They do not penetrate into the rock mass. The wave motion
of surface waves decreases with depth. 1 wavelength in
depth is equal to zero motion or no surface wave.
Surface waves are larger than body waves but travel slower
(Frequency). These are the waves, which cause most of the
vibration problems and complaints. These waves are the
large energy carriers and produce the largest motions.
There are two basic types of surface waves, the Love Wave
and the Rayleigh Wave. Love Waves are transverse waves that
propagate in a surface layer on top of another medium (Soil
overlying rock). Rayleigh waves travel in the free surface
and the particle motion is elliptical.
When blasting in the extreme near field (under 20 feet)
without a soil layer, these surface waves are almost nonexistent. For the development of regulations, the studies
and research performed mostly involved the measurement of
surface waves at large distances. In tight blasting
situations, the body waves are the dominant waves and create
surface waves when interacting with structures. Normally
when body waves interact with a free surface, the peak
particle velocity is doubled.
If a seismograph is setup in an incorrect location such as
near structures, etc, this doubling phenomenon will cause
erroneous data.
Transmission and reflection of vibration waves also affect
the peak particle velocities. In the case of two equal
compression waves colliding, the stresses will add and
double. Once they pass, they will resume their initial form
and continue. In conditions where two opposite waves
(compression and tension) collide, the stresses will cancel
one another and then continue on and resume their initial
If a seismograph is setup in an area where there are a
multitude of surfaces and structures, the interaction of the
vibration waves with each other, surfaces, and structures
may cause the seismograph readings to be erroneous and not
representative of the actual peak particle velocities
affecting the structure.
Seismographs should be setup outside of the structure of
concern. If seismographs must be setup inside or on the
structure of concern, an analysis should be completed that
Terra Dinamica L.L.C.- Effective Blast Design and Optimization
Copyright 2003
Author: Frank J. Lucca

indicates the damping and/or the amplification effect of the

When monitoring inside of a structure or extremely close to
the blast, an array of seismographs should be used in
various locations to insure that the proper readings are
being recorded.
Using vibration prediction formulas, and information from
the seismograph array, a good approximation of the peak
particle velocity can be calculated at the point or
seismograph in question.
Many regulations and studies incorporate the use of scaled
distance for some basic vibration prediction and blast
design starting points.
Scaled Distance
Scaled Distance (SD) is a scaling factor that relates
similar blast effects from various charge weights of the
same explosive at various distances. Scaled distance is
calculated by dividing the distance to the structure of
concern by a fractional power of the weight of the explosive
There are two excepted scaled distance formulas used in
blasting, square root scaling and cube root scaling.
Square root scaling is the general formula used in most
regulations and general blasting situations, where the
charge can be considered linear. Cube root scaling is used
for blasting in the extreme near field where the charge can
be considered a point charge or in explosions involving very
large quantities, such as those created by nuclear
explosions. Ambraseys and Hendron first suggested cube root
scaling for use in prediction of blast vibrations in the
year 1968.
Square Root Scaling
Many times when construction-blasting specifications are
encountered, designing to a certain square root scaled
distance factor is required. This is useful as a beginning
estimate for vibration control and provides a conservative
and safe charge weight for the test blast program. Since
explosives confinement is not taken into consideration,
there can and usually is a large variation in results,
especially in tight blasting situations. It should be noted
that small charges generate vibrations with higher
frequencies and smaller displacements.

Terra Dinamica L.L.C.- Effective Blast Design and Optimization

Copyright 2003
Author: Frank J. Lucca

A 1.5-lbs. (.68 kg) charge of explosive will USUALLY

generate more vibration than 3 - 1/2-lbs. (.2 kg) charges
even when detonated at the same time.
Square Root Scaled Distance Formula
Scaled Distance (SD) = Distance Structure
Weight =


Cube Root Scaling

Cube root scaling should be used
the extreme near field (under 20
blasting. Cube root scaling can
for the prediction of frequency,
discussed here.

for vibration prediction in

feet) in construction
also be used as the basis
but that will not be

Cube Root Scaled Distance Formula

Scaled Distance (SD) = Distance Structure
Weight =


Delay Sequencing
Blasting regulations usually state that only a certain
amount of explosives may be detonated per delay, this has
come to be know as the 8 millisecond delay window or 8 ms
window. What this means is that amount of explosives being
detonated at a given time not overlap with other blastholes
being detonated within 8 ms. Years ago, researchers realized
that charges needed to be separated to achieve optimum
fragmentation and vibration response. At the time, the
explosives initiation systems available could provide a
separation of at least 8 ms on paper, so, 8 ms was
recommended as the minimum time needed for separation of
Separation of charges is extremely geology dependent. With
the advent of modern electronic microsecond accurate
initiation systems, this author believes that this be viewed
on a case-by-case basis after analysis of the area to be
blasted is completed.

Terra Dinamica L.L.C.- Effective Blast Design and Optimization

Copyright 2003
Author: Frank J. Lucca


Vibration Prediction
Basic prediction of peak particle velocity can be achieved
using Oriards formula, which follows:
PPV = K x (D/W^)^-1.6 =

(SD)^-1.6 x K

PPV = Peak Particle Velocity in inches/second (ips)

SD = Scaled Distance
^-1.6 = to the -1.6 power
K = Confinement Factor
Lower Bound: 20
Average: 150
Upper bound: 242
Highly confined: 605,
To calculate the K factor, use the following
K = PPV/(D/W^)^ 1.6
PPV = 1.4 ips, lbs. = 7, D = 20
K = 1.4/(20/7^)^-1.6
K = 35.62
1. Calculate Scaled Distance = SD = Distance/Weight^
2. Calculate SD to the 1.6 power
3. Multiply by the K factor. Choose the K factor or
calculate from previous blasts.
4. K x SD^-1.6 equal to your predicted PPV.
5. K factor has huge significance.
6. If this formula is used well, it can be accurate. This
formula is used in regression curves, but K factor and
power are calculated from the data.

Terra Dinamica L.L.C.- Effective Blast Design and Optimization

Copyright 2003
Author: Frank J. Lucca


Peak Particle Velocity Prediction Table for various SD & K.

Table: SD = Scaled Distance, K = confinement factor
Upper Bound
Lower Bound
Vibration Prediction with Hendrons Formula & Cube Root
Using the formula: PPV = K x (D/w^.33)^-1.6, vibration for
very close-in or tight blasts can be predicted in the same
format as using Oriards formula except substituting cube
root scaled distance factor for the square root scaled
distance factor.
To predict vibration and check the output information
recorded by seismographs in a seismograph array, both
formulas can be used to determine the correctness of data.
When setting up a seismograph array, seismographs are setup
at the closest point of concern to the blast. In tight
blasting situations, as explained earlier, this can lead to
erroneous data. Special units can be purchased or built
specifically for this type of situation, but this can be
costly and time consuming.
To validate data, other seismographs should be setup in-line
and behind the closest unit.

Terra Dinamica L.L.C.- Effective Blast Design and Optimization

Copyright 2003
Author: Frank J. Lucca


The following diagram shows a typical seismograph array:

Seis C
Seis B
Seis A

Blast Area
4 lbs/delay
Seismograph A = 15 feet from blast, PPV = 1.40 ips
Seismograph B = 35 feet from blast, PPV = 0.53 1ps
Seismograph C = 50 feet from blast, PPV = 0.30 ips
Extrapolation of the data follows:
First, calculate the K factor for Seismographs B & C.
Seis B: K = 0.53/(35/4^.5)^-1.6 = 51.66, Seis C: K =
0.30/(50/4^.5)^-1.6 = 51.73
Second, take the average of the two K factors = (51.66 +
51.73)/2 = 51.69 = 51.70
Third, calculate the expected Peak Particle Velocity for
seismograph A and compare the data. Because seismograph A
is under 20 feet, we can assume the blastholes will act as a
point charge and use Hendrons formula, which uses cube root
Use the average K factor developed from the array and
replace in Hendrons formula:
PPV = K x (D/W^.33)^-1.6 = 51.70 x (15/4^.33)^-1.6 = 1.41
The actual reading taken from the seismograph was 1.40 ips.
The calculated reading (1.41 ips) and the seismograph A
reading are basically equal and it can be assumed the
seismograph is accurate.

Terra Dinamica L.L.C.- Effective Blast Design and Optimization

Copyright 2003
Author: Frank J. Lucca


If the geophone of seismograph A has decoupled or the

readings are above the operational limits of the unit, this
technique can be used to give an estimate of probable peak
particle velocity at seismograph A .
This technique should only be used after thorough research
and investigation into the response and accuracy of the
seismograph array.
Another technique used for vibration prediction is the use
of a regression analysis.
Regression Analysis
Regression Analysis is the process of estimating peak
particle velocity (dependent variable) statistically from
the independent variables of explosive weight/delay and
distance to the structure of concern (scaled distance).
Peak particle velocities tend to decrease with the increase
of scaled distance. This means that the by plotting the
data on a log-log graph will give the appearance of a linear
From this data, an equation for the best fit
or mean can be developed as:
PV = K x (SD)^s
Where PV = the particle velocity and K is the y-intercept,
it represents the value of the line when it intercepts the
particle velocity axis at a scaled distance of 1. S is
called the slope. The slope represents the decrease in
particle velocity as the scaled distance increases.
From the standard deviation of the data, confidence
intervals can be determined, which are based on an amount of
explosives/delay that can be detonated at a certain
For example, a confidence range of 50% means
that 50% of the data will fall below the 50% confidence
line. If the analysis generates data that is interpreted
based on a vibration limit of 1.0 inch/second, that 8
lbs/delay of explosives can be detonated at 20 feet and
statistically, 50% of the peak particle velocities will be
below 1 inch/second.
Normally, in blasting, a 95% confidence line is calculated.
To develop a good analysis, a minimum of 30 35 data sets
need to be analyzed. If done properly and enough
seismographs are used, this can be accomplished and begun in
the test blast program.
Regression analysis should be continued throughout the
project and blast design should be adjusted accordingly.
Terra Dinamica L.L.C.- Effective Blast Design and Optimization
Copyright 2003
Author: Frank J. Lucca


A typical regression analysis graph using square root scaled

distances follows as an example.
Velocity Attenuation Curve


U pper Bound 95 %
Confidence Level








Utilizing the techniques of regression analysis and the

vibration prediction formulas, blasts can be optimized and
designed with confidence for close-in or tight blasting.
The added benefit of high frequencies helps to reduce the
potential of vibration effects and damage.
All houses crack from environmental forces. These forces
include temperature change, humidity change, and settling.
Other forces interact with structures and also cause damage.
It is extremely difficult to distinguish between blastinduced damage and normal aging effects.
1. Threshold effects- refers to hairline cracks that may or
may not be seen by the naked eye (75 microns or less).
Threshold effects do not damage the structural integrity
of the structure.
2. Minor Damage- Cracks that are visible to the naked eye
but do not effect the structural integrity of the
structure. May or may not be repaired. It usually
depends on the aesthetic appearance. Quarry and
construction blasting with PPV as low as 2-3 ips (50.8
mm/s 76 mm/s) has been known to damage houses, but in a
Terra Dinamica L.L.C.- Effective Blast Design and Optimization
Copyright 2003
Author: Frank J. Lucca


normal house, it usually takes between 5.5-6.5 ips (137

mm/s 165 mm/s) or higher.
3. Major Damage- Damage from blasting usually does not reach
these levels. This type of damage is associated with
earthquake levels of vibration. Usually involves
structural damage.
Various government agencies have based regulations and blast
limits on results of studies of large scale blasting
The types of blast designs, explosives, and blast pattern
geometry are much different then those encountered in tight
or close-in construction blasting.
Normally, in tight blasting situations, small diameter
explosives (2 inch or less) are used in short blast holes
(12 feet or less). Whereas, in large-scale long-term
blasting operations, 8-inch diameter charges (or greater)
over 40 feet deep are employed. These large charges create
large surface vibration waves that are large energy carriers
and have low frequencies.
In tight blasting situations, it is not uncommon to have
vibration frequencies as high as 1000 hertz at 15 feet and
many thousands within 5 feet. Also, the propagation
velocity of the wave is so fast at these short distances,
the peak particle velocity only lasts for a short duration.
With these high velocities and frequencies, structure damage
potential is low, especially with concrete and brick
Below are common residential criteria developed by various
regulatory agencies, they should not be applied to close-in
or tight blasting situations.

Terra Dinamica L.L.C.- Effective Blast Design and Optimization

Copyright 2003
Author: Frank J. Lucca


Range of Common Residential Criteria and Effects

0.5 ips
12.5 mm/s
0.75 ips
19.1 mm/s
25.4 mm/s
50.8 mm/s
5.4 ips
137 mm/s
9 ips
229 mm/s
20 ips
508 mm/s

Bureau of Mines recommended guideline to prevent

threshold damage in plaster-on-lath construction near
long-term, large-scale surface mines with large scale
blasting operations. (RI 8507)
Bureau of mines recommended guideline to prevent
threshold damage in sheetrock construction near longterm, large-scale surface mines with large scale blasting
operations. (RI 8507)
OSM regulatory limits for residences near long-term,
large-scale surface mines with large scale blasting
operations at distances of 300 5000 feet (9840 m
16,400 meters).
Widely accepted limits for residences near construction
blasting and quarry blasting. (BuMin Bull 656, RI 8507,
various codes, specifications, and regulations). Also
allowed by OSM for frequencies above 30 Hz.
Threshold effects to the average house subjected to
quarry blasting vibrations. (BuMin Bull 656)
About 90% probability of Threshold damage from
construction or quarry blasting vibrations. (BuMin Bull
For close-in construction blasting, minor damage to
nearly all houses, structural damage to some. For lowfrequency vibrations, structural damage to most houses.



Below are recommendations based on the authors experience

for a starting point to develop acceptable levels or
vibration limits for close-in blasting (under 20 feet).
Safe and Conservative Blasting Limits
Peak Particle Velocity
2.0 ips 51 mm/s
2.5 ips 64 mm/s
3.0 ips 76 mm/s
3.0 ips 76 mm/s
5.0 ips 127 mm/s
5.0 ips 127 mm/s
5.0 ips 127 mm/s
15.0 ips 381 mm/s

Residential Homes with plaster on lath
Residential Homes with sheetrock construction
Commercial Structures/buildings
Wooden Bridge
Well-cured concrete- can vary up to 375ips
Steel/reinforced concrete bridge
Buried pipelines- blast out of fracture zone.
Cased drill holes

Tight blasting around reinforced concrete structures can be

looked at as though the concrete is manmade rock.
Lewis Oriard has done considerable work in researching
effects on these structures. This author has used his basic
recommendations many times without a problem. The following
is referenced in the International Society of Explosives
Engineers Blasters handbook and books by Oriard (see
When blasting outside the boundaries of concrete the results
are variable and are dependent on how the concrete was
poured, type of reinforcement, and raw materials used.
Terra Dinamica L.L.C.- Effective Blast Design and Optimization
Copyright 2003
Author: Frank J. Lucca


Tests have shown concrete not to generate cracks until 375

ips was reached and craters not forming until 600 ips. The
author does not recommend using these as limits, but it
shows the variability of concrete.
In 1976, the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) developed
limits based on Oriards research and investigation. These
are still conservative and can be applied to concrete
footing, walls, dams, bridges, etc.
The limits are based on concrete age and distance from the
blast. A distance factor (DF) was developed to multiply by
acceptable peak particle velocity limits based on the age of
the concrete in hours and days.
The following charts show the concrete age, allowable peak
particle velocity, and distance factor. These are used to
generate allowable conservative limits for blasting.
Concrete Age
0 - 4 hours
4 hrs. - 1 day
1 - 3 days
3 - 7 days
7 - 10 days
10 days and up
46 m)
76 m)

Allowable PPV- IPS (mm/s) x Distance Factor

4 ips (102 mm/s) x DF
6 ips (152 mm/s) x DF
9 ips (229 mm/s) x DF
12 ips (305 mm/s) x DF
15 ips (381 mm/s) x DF
20 ips (508 mm/s) x DF

Factor (DF)
= 0 - 50 ft (0 15

DF = 1.0

= 50 150 ft (15

DF = 0.8

= 150 - 250 ft (46

DF = 0.7

= >250 ft (76 m)

DF = 0.6

For example, if concrete is 1.5 days old and blasting is 15

feet away, the allowable peak particle velocity would be 9.0
Age: 1-3 days = 9 ips
Distance 15 feet, DF = 1.0
9.0 ips x 1.0 = 9.0 ips
If the structure is above ground (freestanding wall, etc),
this limit can be divided in half for safety. Example: 9
ips 2 = 4.5 ips
As can be seen, residential and conventional limits should
not be placed on tight or close-in blasting operations,
especially on concrete reinforced structures.
Terra Dinamica L.L.C.- Effective Blast Design and Optimization
Copyright 2003
Author: Frank J. Lucca


Thorough research needs to be completed before any limits

and specifications are written for the blasting operations.
Too often, engineers are hired to write blasting
specifications that do not have the appropriate experience
to develop specifications that will allow safe and efficient
blasting without undue limitations.
Many times blasting specifications are developed for public
relations and public perception.
The following graph comes from a study completed by the US
Bureau of Mines in the early 1980s. As can be seen,
individuals are extremely sensitive to vibration. When most
individuals experience blast-induced vibration, it seems to
be much higher in intensity then actual.
Peak Particle Velocity- ips, mm/s
< 0.10, 2.54
0.10, 2.54
0.20, 5
0.40, 10.2
0.60, 15.2
1.00, 25.4
1.50, 38
2.00, 50.8
4.00, 101.6

% of Complaints

Regulations are in place to reduce complaints. As can be

seen from the above information, damage normally will not
occur in properly functioning and designed blasts.
Damage is normally caused by long duration vibration waves
with high peak particle velocities and low frequencies. For
example, an earthquake can have peak particle velocities of
30 ips or greater with frequencies below 1 hertz and last
many seconds.
To a human, a blast vibration wave with a peak of 1.5 ips
and a frequency of 40 Hz and duration of 0.5 seconds may
feel just as intense.

Terra Dinamica L.L.C.- Effective Blast Design and Optimization

Copyright 2003
Author: Frank J. Lucca


When writing
constructing blast
designs, and
blasting related
complaints in closein or tight blasting
situations, it must
be remembered that
the regulations
developed for
blasting are usually
not based on tight
blasting situations.
Thorough and complete
research and investigation needs to be started and kept ongoing throughout the project duration to insure that
blasting can be completed cost effectively and efficiently
without causing damage to surrounding structures, equipment,
personnel, and keeping neighbor and abutter complaints to a
The vibration frequency component is key in developing blast
designs for tight blasting situations. If blasting limits
are created that are different then current blasting
regulations in-place in states and/or municipalities, then
the limits should be based on a combination of frequency,
peak particle velocity, and the type of structure affected
by the blast induced vibration.
Monitoring tight blasting situations can be difficult. The
proper equipment needs to be purchased or built specifically
for these types of projects. This should be part of the
blasting specification. The specification should also take
into account monitoring location. If equipment cannot be
obtained that can monitor the blast from the proper
locations, specifications can be developed for monitoring
from a farther location based on vibration wave attenuation.

Terra Dinamica L.L.C.- Effective Blast Design and Optimization

Copyright 2003
Author: Frank J. Lucca


Applied Explosives Technology For Construction and Mining
Stig O. Olofsson/Dyno, 1997
Blast Vibration Monitoring and Control Charles H. Dowding,
Construction Vibrations Charles H. Dowding, 2000
Efficient Blasting Techniques Blast Dynamics, 1994
Explosives: An Engineering Tool- Giorgio Berta,
Italesplosivi, 1990
Explosives Engineering, Construction Vibrations and
Geotechnology, Lewis Oriard, 2002
Engineering Geology Richard E. Goodman, 1993
Explosives and Rock Blasting, Atlas Powder Company, 1987
The Effects of Vibrations and Environmental Forces, Lewis
Oriard, ISEE, 1999
Guide to Underwater Explosive Excavation, J.S. Bower, 1977
ISEE Blasters Handbook, 17


Edition, 1998

Surface Blast Design, Konya and Walter, 1990

Terra Dinamica LLC Research, 1998-2003
Various Bulletins and Reports- US Army Corp of Enineers, US
Bureau of Mines, OSM, etc.
Vibration From Blasting David E. Siskind, 2000

Terra Dinamica L.L.C.- Effective Blast Design and Optimization

Copyright 2003
Author: Frank J. Lucca


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