American Grand Strategy and The Future of U.S. Landpower

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Some of the key takeaways from the document are that the United States Army War College aims to educate and develop leaders at the strategic level while advancing knowledge in landpower and conducting research. It contains several centers and institutes that contribute to these goals.

The purpose of the United States Army War College is to produce graduates who are skilled critical thinkers and complex problem solvers at the strategic level for both military and civilian leadership roles.

The main organizations within the United States Army War College include the Center for Strategic Leadership and Development, Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute, Senior Leader Development and Resiliency program, School of Strategic Landpower, and U.S. Army Heritage and Education Center.

American Grand

and the Future of
U.S. Landpower

Joseph Da Silva
Hugh Liebert
Isaiah Wilson III



Carlisle Barracks, PA


The United States Army War College

The United States Army War College educates and develops leaders for service
at the strategic level while advancing knowledge in the global application
of Landpower.
The purpose of the United States Army War College is to produce graduates
who are skilled critical thinkers and complex problem solvers. Concurrently,
it is our duty to the U.S. Army to also act as a think factory for commanders
and civilian leaders at the strategic level worldwide and routinely engage
in discourse and debate concerning the role of ground forces in achieving
national security objectives.

The Strategic Studies Institute publishes national

security and strategic research and analysis to influence
policy debate and bridge the gap between military
and academia.



The Center for Strategic Leadership and Development

contributes to the education of world class senior
leaders, develops expert knowledge, and provides
solutions to strategic Army issues affecting the national
security community.
The Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute
provides subject matter expertise, technical review,
and writing expertise to agencies that develop stability
operations concepts and doctrines.

U.S. Army War College


Senior Leader Development and Resiliency

The Senior Leader Development and Resiliency program

supports the United States Army War Colleges lines of
effort to educate strategic leaders and provide well-being
education and support by developing self-awareness
through leader feedback and leader resiliency.
The School of Strategic Landpower develops strategic
leaders by providing a strong foundation of wisdom
grounded in mastery of the profession of arms, and
by serving as a crucible for educating future leaders in
the analysis, evaluation, and refinement of professional
expertise in war, strategy, operations, national security,
resource management, and responsible command.
The U.S. Army Heritage and Education Center acquires,
conserves, and exhibits historical materials for use
to support the U.S. Army, educate an international
audience, and honor Soldierspast and present.


The Strategic Studies Institute (SSI) is part of the U.S. Army War
College and is the strategic-level study agent for issues related
to national security and military strategy with emphasis on
geostrategic analysis.
The mission of SSI is to use independent analysis to conduct
strategic studies that develop policy recommendations on:
Strategy, planning, and policy for joint and combined
employment of military forces;
Regional strategic appraisals;
The nature of land warfare;
Matters affecting the Armys future;
The concepts, philosophy, and theory of strategy; and,
Other issues of importance to the leadership of the Army.
Studies produced by civilian and military analysts concern
topics having strategic implications for the Army, the Department of
Defense, and the larger national security community.
In addition to its studies, SSI publishes special reports on topics
of special or immediate interest. These include edited proceedings
of conferences and topically oriented roundtables, expanded trip
reports, and quick-reaction responses to senior Army leaders.
The Institute provides a valuable analytical capability within the
Army to address strategic and other issues in support of Army
participation in national security policy formulation.

Strategic Studies Institute

U.S. Army War College Press



Joseph Da Silva
Hugh Liebert
Isaiah Wilson III
December 2014
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ISBN 1-58487-645-X


Foreword ....................................................................ix

Raymond T. Odierno
Foreword: The Armys Miracle Moment .............xiii

Robert L. Caslen, Jr.
1. Introduction ...........................................................1

Hugh Liebert
Part I: American Grand Strategy ...........................35
2.  The Rise of China and the Decline
of the U.S. Army .................................................37

John Mearsheimer
3. A
 merican Grand Strategy and the
Future of Landpower in Historic Context .......55

Scott A. Silverstone

4. Reconsidering American Power .......................81

Isaiah Wilson III
5. The Military Power to Deter, Defend,
Enforce, and Pacify .............................................95

Huba Wass de Czege
Part II: Force Planning and the U.S. Army ........133
6. Strategy and Force Planning in a Time
of Austerity ........................................................135

Michael J. Meese

7. Strategic Means: Building an Army

for an Era of Strategic Uncertainty ................151

Douglas Macgregor
8. Rebalancing Land Forces in the United
Kingdom and Australia ...................................177

Matthew Cavanaugh
9. Maintaining and Modernizing the
Force in Periods of Reduced Resources .........189

Conrad Crane
10. The Army in Times of Austerity .....................201

Michael J. Meese
11. Translating Strategic Ends into Means ..217

Kerry J. Schindler
12. New Challenges for the U.S. Army ................231

David W. Barno and Nora Bensahel
Part III: Future Missions .......................................249

13. Shaping Strategies: Geopolitics and
the U.S. Army ....................................................251

Richard Rosecrance
14. Offshore Balancing or Overbalancing?
A Preliminary Empirical Analysis of the
Effect of U.S. Troop Presence on the Political
Behavior of Regional Partners .........................261
Jordan Becker


15. Europe, Landpower, and Their

Importance in U.S. Grand Strategy .................287

Seth A. Johnston
16. Prevent, Shape, Win in Context:
The Asia-Pacific .................................................307

Albert S. Willner
17. Pivoting Without Stumbling in Asia ...............319

Joseph Da Silva and Douglas Ollivant
18. Back to Reality: Why Landpower
Trumps in the National
Rebalance Toward Asia ....................................337

Robert Chamberlain
19. Prevent, Shape, Win in Context:
The Central Region ...........................................353

Isaiah Wilson III
20. Strategy and Landpower on the
Continent of Africa ...........................................371

John Baskerville
21. Adjusting the Paradigm: Human
Security as a Strategic Approach
Toward Stability, Counterterrorism,
and Military Effectiveness ...............................387

Andrew Gallo and Cindy Jebb
22. Landpower in the Cyber Domain ..................407

Suzanne C. Nielsen


Part IV: Human Capital .........................................427

23. The Human Domain: Leader Development ..429

Nadia Schadlow
24. From Swords to Ploughshares:
Veterans Affairs and U.S. Grand Strategy ....443

Daniel M. Gade
25. Conclusions ........................................................455

Joseph Da Silva and Cindy Jebb
About the Contributors ..........................................475


The current international security environment
is characterized by unprecedented uncertainty. In
the Asia-Pacific, our allies adjust to Chinas rise and
hedge against instability coming from North Korea.
In the greater Middle East, the Syrian civil war draws
in powerful state and nonstate actors, Irans weapons program worries its neighbors, the Arab Spring
continues its uncertain course, and we see a growing
Sunni-Shia split throughout the region. In Europe, the
need for a strong North Atlantic Treaty Organization
alliance has become clear as nations along Russias
periphery reevaluate their strategic alignments in the
wake of the situation in Crimea. In Africa, weak states
with ethnic and religious tensions set conditions for
terrorist groups to operate with near impunity. It is in
this uncertain and unstable world that U.S. military
forces will operate for the foreseeable future.
These security challenges require us to remain the
most highly-trained and professional All-Volunteer
land force in the world, uniquely organized with the
capability and capacity to provide expeditionary,
decisive Landpower to the Joint Force, and ready to
perform the range of military operations in support of
combatant commanders to defend the Nation and its
interests at home and abroad, both today and against
emerging threats.
In order to ensure our Army is postured for the
future, we must continue to look forward. We know
that the pace of change is accelerating. The number
of connections between people and societies has increased exponentially. Media can elevate local actions
instantly to strategic importance. Technology and


weapons once reserved to states now find their way

into the hands of disaffected individuals and disruptive groups. These conditions suggest it will become
increasingly more difficult for the United States to act
independently. Thus, developing a global network of
unified Landpower will be an essential element of our
Nations future security.
However, before we can develop a global Landpower network, we must first fully understand where
the intersection of Landpower occurs with the human
domain. Our experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan
clearly reinforced that lasting strategic results are
only achieved by influencing people effectively. Conflict, in all its forms, remains a fundamentally human
endeavor. Destroying infrastructure and weaponry
offers a physical approach to shaping an adversarys
decisions, but by itself is rarely sufficient and can occasionally be counterproductive. Success depends as
much on understanding the social and political fabric
of the surroundings as it does on the ability to physically dominate them. A security strategy that does not
adequately take into account human factors and the
need for Landpower to take and hold terrain in a future conflict will be fundamentally flawed.
This volume takes a hard look at the many challenges our Nation and our Army will face and the
grand strategy we need for the future. More importantly, it poses tough questions and looks forward at
what our future missions may be and how our Army
should be organized to accomplish those missions.
Additionally, it examines the way in which we grow
and manage our talent, our most important resource,
and whether that is sufficient to meet our future needs.
As a profession, we must always be willing to take a

hard look at ourselves and ask these tough questions.

It is the best way to ensure that we do not just focus on
today, but think and prepare for tomorrow.

General, 38th Chief of Staff
U.S. Army


In 1980, the United States defeated the Soviet
Union in an Olympic hockey game. The victory was
surprising and dramatic; in short order, it became the
Miracle on Ice, and in 2004, it became the subject of
a feature film, Miracle. But what was happening off the
ice on February 22, 1980, was as significant as what
happened on it. As the victorious American team left
the rink in Lake Placid, NY, other Americans began
their 110th day of captivity in Tehran, Iran. As the Soviet team hung their heads, Soviet troops surged into
Afghanistan. The American victory was a sensation in
part because it seemed an aberration.
The events surrounding the Miracle on Ice foreshadowed our current threat environment. How do
we better anticipate second- and third-order effects
of events? Did the Cold War lens narrow our understanding of possibilities? Are our current lenses,
whether they be post-9/11 or post-Iraq/Afghanistan
wars, as clear as they should be? One may argue that
the forces of globalization have made many threats
more proximate both in space and time. Failing to
fully comprehend global complexities often results in
repercussions right around the corner. We cannot afford an Army that cant see around the corner, which
is why officer education is a security imperative.
I assumed the role of Superintendent of the United
States Military Academy after spending much of the
last decade in combat. I can guarantee that Americas
Army will always respond to our Nations call, but
to be most effective, we must always be preparing
for what lies around the corner. The Army not only


provides the country with an essential element of its

strategic hedge, but right now it is also providing the
enablers to prevent conflict and shape conditions that
support our national interests. This is the perfect moment to aggressively focus on our leader development
through education. The complexity of the security
environment is such that how we fight wars may not
adequately address many of the threats that put our
Nations interests at risk, and we need leaders who
can think strategically to address proactively these
emerging security challenges.
What impact do these complex regional security
issues have on tomorrows regional security environments, and how should we approach them? This is a
real question faced by many Army units that are now
regionally aligned. At first glance, this complexity in
a regional context may seem daunting to a division
or a brigade. If we just look at the Middle East, there
is no doubt that major states in the region suffer from
demographic pressures, resource scarcity, economic
deprivation, rampant urbanization, and other human
security issues that would place enormous stress on
any state, much less illegitimate and underdeveloped
ones. Moreover, many of these states have been in
existence only since the last century, were carved out
artificially by Western powers, and have depended
on outside powers for both legitimacy and aid. For
example, Syrias Hafiz al-Assad was able to maintain
power through the Cold War by relying on Soviet aid,
while Egypt received a tremendous amount of aid
through its bold realignment with the West. In truth,
these leaders, among others, derived much of their legitimacy from the international community, not necessarily from their own people.


The United States favorably viewed this situation

because these states remained stable. What September 11, 2001, demonstrated, however, is that this stability came with a price, and the forces of globalization
facilitated the emerging trends of human security issues. These issues feed directly into the messy concept
of legitimacy that once only entered into academic
discourse, not practical applications of military power. Over time, the legitimacy formulas have changed,
and people have become a potent political force that
cannot be ignored.
The Army, whether in the Pacific, the Middle East,
Africa, or anywhere else in the world, will always be
engaged with the indigenous population, other U.S.
Government departments and agencies, international
and regional organizations, nongovernmental organizations, other Department of Defense Services, and
host nation leaders and informal leaders. It is within
this regional context that Army leaders will face increasing challenges from dynamics as varied as environmental changes, cyber effects, new technologies,
and extremist ideas. How does one learn to lead in
such a fast-changing world? How do leaders learn
not just how to solve problems but to have the agility
to anticipate new problem sets and lead others to do
the same?
First, leaders must begin their strategic thinking
and develop essential habits of mind at the undergraduate level. These habitsthat is, thinking critically,
creatively, holistically, and empatheticallymust be
continually nurtured because they are the foundation
for the intellectual curiosity that ensures the health of
the Army as a learning organization.1 Such thinking
does not automatically occur just because someone is
promoted to colonel.


Second, leaders need to immerse themselves in

broadening opportunities, whether it be serving an assignment with interagency partners, a posting abroad
with key allies, or attending graduate school and serving on West Points faculty, which offer an opportunity
to study in depth, learn from civilian counterparts in
all walks of life, and develop the humility necessary to
know what they do not know. Broadening of officers
is also invaluable to developing the civil-military relationships and mutual trust so essential to our democracy and our profession. A key part of my job here is
to ensure we resource faculty so they can continually
deepen their studies and conduct important research
so that we can continually look around corners across
all domains.
Third, a values-based education is imperative, to
include valuing intellectual courage: the courage to
ask the hard questions, to reevaluate long-held assumptions, and to know when it is time to embrace
new traditions. It also inculcates professionals with
the moral courage to ensure that our words and deeds
are aligned with our values.
Educated officers, guided by the Chief of Staff of
the Armys Prevent, Shape, and Win framework,
can translate this framework into tangible roles and
missions with impactful results. The Army already
is contributing to the joint force in terms of enablers,
such as its intelligence, logistics, civil affairs, weapons
of mass destruction security, train and assist, and other
military-to-military roles and missions. Such leaders
are not produced overnight. The Army must invest in
its junior leaders now to ensure we grow strategicallyminded senior leaders who are unafraid to think differently in our changing world, who value diverse
talents, who know how to work collaboratively with


other enablers throughout our government and international communities, and who have the right empathy required to truly empower people on the ground
to make good choices.
The country requires Army leaders of great courage to stay the course without seeing immediate effects. This is particularly hard for an Army culture
and a political process that crave immediate effects.
We are committed to invest in our people to produce
servants to the Nation who can look around corners
and decisively set strategic conditions that best support our national interests, while keeping combat
teams ready. The Army has always been the Nations
strategic hedge, and embracing leader education as its
key component of leader development has been an essential element of being this hedge. To paraphrase the
coach of the 1980 U.S. hockey team, great moments
come from great opportunities. We cannot let this
moment pass.


Lieutenant General, U.S. Army
U.S. Army Military Academy

1. For this description of strategic thinking, see Gregory D.
Foster, Teaching Strategic Thinking to Strategic Leaders, The
World & I Online, November 2005, online edition.


Hugh Liebert
Hugh Liebert is the lead author of this chapter. Contributing
authors include Robert Chamberlain, Jessica Grassetti, John
Griswold, Todd Hertling, Michael Rosol, and Scott Smitson.

Since men live upon the land and not upon the sea,
great issues between nations at war have always been
decidedexcept in the rarest caseseither by what
your army can do against your enemys territory and
national life, or else by the fear of what the fleet makes
it possible for your army to do.

Julian Corbett,
Some Principles of Maritime
Strategy (1911)1

The decade following September 11, 2001, witnessed a strategic anomaly: an island nation playing
the part of a Landpower. For U.S. leaders worried
about terrorism, weapons of mass destruction, and
the frightful prospect of their convergence, the oceans
on the nations flanks, and the friendly neighbors
along its borders seemed suddenly immaterial. As
the United States sought to reconstruct the region that
had sent suicide bombers to its shores, the American
military instrument tilted toward the large land forces
deployed into Afghanistan and Iraq. But now these
wars have waned. Strategies for countering terrorism
have evolved from nation-building to targeted strikes.
An era of austerity has emerged. In grand strategic debates, the United States has again drifted offshore.
As a result, the U.S. military faces a dramatic rebalancing among its services. The absence of an existential

threat leaves the U.S. land servicesthe Army, Marines, and Special Operationsfacing an existential
question.2 For a born-again island, just what is Landpower for?
One can attempt an answer in one of two ways.
First, one can start from the toolLandpowerand
consider the range of missions it might be used for.
But this assumes that we know the tool we have at
hand, which is by no means evident. Landpower is
divided internally into a tangle of branchesinfantry, armor, and so oneach of which claims to be the
trunk, while externally it is separated from not only
sea and air power, but from diplomacy, economics,
and other instruments of national power.3 Individuals
within each division act (and often think) as if their
department, service, or branch reflected nature carved
at its joints. But they do notor at least not necessarily. It is therefore preferable to take a second line of approach, and to start from the task rather than the tool.
The tasks that come immediately to view, however,
themselves issue from these very divisions among the
nations tools, such that core national interests can appear distinct when approached militarily, economically, or diplomatically. What is more, it is not clear
that one can consider national interests apart from the
means a nation has to pursue them, since some ends
might exceed a nations grasp. Both task and tool,
then, deserve a say. What is needed is some starting
point that allows one to think outside of the boundaries that structure the nations policy instrument (and
give rise to the parochial preferences of each part),
while allowing means to have their proper say in the
determination of ends.
It is this starting point that grand strategy provides. Grand strategy entails the calculated relation
of means to large ends.4 In foreign policy debates, it

signifies the overarching objective orienting all the

means at a nations disposaldiplomatic, economic,
and military. The grand strategist views the military
as one tool among others and Landpower as merely one of its facets; the lines dividing the military
from diplomacy, land from sea, infantry from intelligence, blur in the eye of the grand strategist, who
looks on disciplinary barriers like Joshua looked on
Jerichos walls. In the formulation of grand strategy the primary fact is the nations broad objectives
in the world at large; everything else might inform,
but should ultimately follow from, those objectives.
It is from this perspective that one can consider most
profitably the place of Landpower among the nations
policy instruments.
When Corbett pioneered the maritime angle of
strategic vision in opposition to the then-dominant
divisions of Britains services, he looked on military
force as a grand strategist would. This perspective
enabled him to discover that so long as humans live
upon the land and not the sea landpower will remain
an essential instrument of national power. The following volume stands on the shoulders of Corbett and
others like him in posing this question: What is the future of landpower in U.S. grand strategy? We begin by
considering U.S. grand strategy, past and present, and
the place of the military within it. We then consider
the nature of landpower and the missions appropriate to itparticularly when means are constrained by
austerity. We conclude by considering how the landpower of the United States and its allies might help
to address foreign policy challenges in regions vital
(Asia and the Middle East) and peripheral (Africa
and Latin America) to national interests. This chapter
will map the main questions that arise from each of
these topics.

At present, U.S. grand strategy represents a set of
questions and a method of deliberating upon them
rather than a set of definitive answers, for it is not clear
that the United States has a grand strategy. Some lament this fact and suggest that were a single purpose
to animate the myriad tools at American policymakers
disposalas containment did during the Cold War
American foreign policy would be more successful
than it is.5 Others say that the United States, in fact,
pursues a grand strategyglobal domination to its
detractors, liberal internationalism or the freedom
agenda to its promotersalbeit surreptitiously (and
perhaps foolishly).6 Still others claim that the problem
is not a deficiency of grand strategy but an excess: according to one account, the Barack Obama administration has two grand strategies; on another account, the
United States has consistently pursued four.7 In light
of such deep uncertainty regarding what end might
possibly coordinate U.S. diplomatic, economic, and
military means, it is not surprising that the proper
balance among the military services seems so elusive.
Perhaps it is so hard to know what Landpower is for
because we hardly know what American power is for.
Past as Prologue.
It is in moments of uncertainty regarding future
American grand strategy that American history is
most instructive. Its most general lesson is perhaps the
most important: we have been here before. To those
who worry that the United States has grown weak
relative to rising powers, American history offers up

moments of far greater weakness, such as when the

United States was constrained to be merely the wellwisher to freedom and independence of all and the
champion and vindicator only of her own.8 To those
content with the present U.S. position but worried
about downward trends, American history offers its
own moments of darknesspost-War of 1812, postCivil War (especially in the South), post-Vietnam
each of which ushered in soul-searching, followed
by reform and, eventually, another dawn.9 If nothing
else, then, one learns from the American past that each
nation in its time plays many parts.
Alongside moments of profound strategic uncertainty, the history of American grand strategy holds
moments of deep ambivalence regarding the place
of Landpower within the nations military. When
the frontier closed in the 1890s and the United States
first became an island, Army leaders responded to
their prospective diminishment by professionalizing
the force.10 Nearly a century later, U.S. victory in the
Cold War, rapid advances in missile technology, and
an awesome display of land dominance combined to
make Landpower seem, once again, all but obsolete. In
the 1890s and the 1990s, the balance of military power
shifted away from the landonly to be restored within a generation. Is the proper lesson from these episodes that Landpower should not be diminished since
at some point it will be needed again, or that the nation can raise Landpower to meet a future crisis, just
as it has in the past?
Goals and Challenges.
Since the close of its frontier, American grand strategy has been animated by two broad goals: preventing the rise of a European or Asian power capable of

overcoming U.S. oceanic defenses, and making the international political order more nearly resemble U.S.
domestic political order. Both goals pertain to national
security, but they conceive of the nation differently.
The first considers the American nation one discrete
group among many; the second considers the American nation a potentially universal set of ideas. The first
goal includes issues in American nationalism and the
second in American liberalism. The identity and grand
strategy of the United States, a liberal nation, has been
defined by the tension between the two.11
As a result of these competing traditions, identifying true U.S. national interests at any given time has
been challengingand the present day is no different. Today, those who start from American nationalism tend to locate the overriding national interest in
forestalling the rise of China to regional hegemony,
and to a lesser degree in countering the threats of terrorism and nuclear proliferation.12 Those who start
from American liberalism also worry about the rise
of China, though more for its illiberalism than for its
sheer power, and they worry, too, about the health of
the international economy and international institutions.13 How do these two sets of interests converge
and diverge? What are the U.S. core national interestsenduring, particularly to the present, and going
forward into the 21st century?
Strategy and Force Planning in Times of Austerity.
American policymakers understanding of U.S.
national interests informs their force planning decisions. Which of the military services are built up and
which drawn down, which weapons systems are invested in and which cancelled, what sort of officers

are cultivated and promoted and which are notall

of these decisions depend in large part on the national
goals the military is meant to serve. As of this writing,
the national goal of rebalancing (or pivoting) to
Asia in order to manage Chinas rise has become most
prominent, and concomitantly an operational concept
known as Air-Sea Battle has shaped much of the debate over force planning.14
Theorists of Air-Sea Battle hold that potential U.S.
adversaries in Asia and the Middle East may not soon
be able to confront the United States in a great power
war, but they are not for that reason strategically
negligible.15 Indeed, China and Iran are quite close
to limiting American power in certain select circumstancesparticularly in choke points of global commerce like the Straits of Malacca and Hormuz. These
states are investing heavily in the weapons necessary
to achieve this goal. The result could be catastrophic
for U.S. interests, with a view to both preventing the
rise of regional hegemons and maintaining global commerce. The United States should therefore invest in
military means to counter these threats; since they are
threats in the first instance to our navy, i.e., our ability
to project power close to our adversaries shores, they
are best met with sea and air power. Landpower is a
tertiary concern.
This doctrine has won widespread assent for a
number of reasons. In part, it operationalizes widespread American anxieties; in part, it speaks to an age
of austerity in which manpower has become increasingly costly; in part, it reflects long-standing U.S. preferences for anesthetic technology over messier forms
of military power. But Air-Sea Battle also raises a host
of as yet unanswered questions: How should austerity
influence our force planningis investing in capital-

intensive military hardware and decreasing investment in human capital, in fact, the optimal balance?
Can Air-Sea Battle alone deliver what it promises?
What is the role of Landpower in Air-Sea Battle and in
future force planning more generally?
To answer this question, we must know what
Landpower is. This is not a straightforward matter, because it is of Landpowers essence that it is not a whole
unto itself, but a component of national military force,
which itself is a component of national power. Landpower, then, is a part of a part. Like each of its sister
services, it embodies a partial insight into geopolitics.
Proponents of sea power know both that the world is
divided into two large islandsfour if one cuts at the
isthmusesand that modern nations struggle to sustain themselves when unable to interact by sea. Proponents of air power know that the complex systems
characteristic of modern states, including populations
and economies, tend to organize themselves into
spokes and potentially vulnerable hubs. Proponents
of Landpower, by contrast, know that human beings
trade and travel by sea and airbut they live on land.
The Future of U.S. Landpower.
Landpowers potential roles within grand strategy
flow from this foundational fact. Because humans live
on land and modern states monopolize coercive force
in order to protect them where they live, Landpower
has the potential to displace foreign states by controlling inhabited terrain. Because modern states aspire
to protect their populations, decisions to deploy pop-

ulations-in-arms are a costly sign of resolve. Because

humans have the potential to interact face-to-face and
eye-to-eye on land, Landpower has a unique capacity
to acquire intelligence, exercise immediate judgment,
and foster relationships; on land, modern war comes
closest to conflict on a human scale. In short, because
humans live on land, Landpower has a unique potential to deter aggression, signal commitment, and shape
allies and enemies intentions.
If, however, the balance of U.S. national interests
has shifted toward maritime regions, in what ways
are Landpowers latent traits to manifest themselves?
How might an extended period of fiscal austerity
influence the grand strategic roles that Landpower
might assume?
The Army in Times of Austerity.
As ours is not the first moment of strategic uncertainty in the nations history, so it is not the first time
that the U.S. Army has encountered austerity. Nevertheless, there is a widespread reluctance to learn
the lessons that these past encounters might offer the
present. As prior periods of budget stringency have
approached, academic and professional journals have
been quick to advise the military what cuts to make,
but slower to develop systematic theories based on
past cases.16 This has been true of the current period
of budget stringency as well. Once a period of stringency has passed and resources again become plentiful, there is little incentive to review previous policy
choices.17 So we have a responsibilitynow, in particularto ask what we might learn of the Armys history
under austerity.

Perhaps the most comprehensive study of austeritys impact on the U.S. Army as a whole is Michael
Meeses Defense Decision Making Under Budget
Stringency: Explaining Downsizing in the United
States Army.18 Meese argues that, when faced with
limited funding, the Army has shown consistent cultural and institutional biases. It has prioritized people
over modernization, short-term readiness, and doctrine. It has preferred a large, hollow, but expandable
force to a smaller, better-manned force. It has opted for
equitable allocations of resources between commands
and branches, even when the threat environment suggested that some commands and branches were more
important than others.19 These inclinations did not
have entirely negative results. The Armys focus on
personnel and leadership during the interwar years,
for instance, expanded its professional education system, which figured prominently in producing a generation of Dwight Eisenhowers and George Marshalls in
the next war. Nevertheless, the intentional neglect of
technological modernization and readiness assumed
that the nation would have significant time to react
to new threats, while lagging technology, the hollow
force, and reluctance to prioritize spending made
development and testing of new doctrine difficult.20
There are exceptions to Meeses model (one might
consider in particular Maxwell Taylors post-Korean
War Pentomic Army21), but there have also been confirmations of it subsequent to the cases he examined.
The post-Vietnam Army, for instance, was an example
of success that worked within the broad limits of the
model, but also recognized the importance of readiness, modernization, sustainability, and doctrine. The
Armys success in Operation DESERT STORM arose
from just these post-Vietnam structural reforms.22


What are we today to make of prior efforts at reform under the strictures of austerity? While the existing literature on this theme agrees on the importance of balancing personnel, leadership, doctrine,
readiness, and equipment, a number of questions still
remain.23 To what degree does the Army accurately
identify national threats and create a force to deal with
them, particularly since such choices may lay outside
of the Armys bureaucratic interests in autonomy,
funding, and organizational prestige? How should
the Army inform national strategy and grand strategy
in these periods? Is the Army capable of providing reliable and candid feedback to political leaders about
its full capabilities (and lack of capabilities) under
austerity? To what degree have recent examples of senior officer misconduct damaged the Armys ability to
advise senior civilians? How can senior political and
military leaders incorporate changes in capabilities
into revised and possibly more limited visions of U.S.
grand strategy?
Landpower as a Strategic Means.
As useful as historical cases are, a number of important factors separate contemporary debates over
Landpower from their predecessors. Among these
factors is the prominence of the Reserve Components. Over the past decade, the U.S. Army Reserve
and Army National Guard have made indispensible
contributions to national securityat home and, especially, abroad. As senior Army leaders look ahead
to challenges beyond 2014, the implications of the past
decades experience for the future relationship of Active and Reserve Components are unclear. Creighton
Abrams originated the total force concept in order


to ensure that the All Volunteer Force would not sever

the Armys connection to American society. As the
modern day Army looks to the future, it once again
must revisit the question of what balance it wants and
needs to maintain between Reserve, Guard, and Active Components. Ultimately, the Army has considerable say in determining how it relates to the nation it
serves. However, the nations fiscal reality will weigh
heavily on this question.
Senior leaders inside and outside the Army must
not view moving force structure into the Reserve
Component as a panacea for budget woes. Overreliance on Reservists prevents these Soldiers from pursuing meaningful civilian careers; it therefore disrupts
the Reserves traditional balance between citizen and
Soldier. To avoid this, leaders of both the Active and
Reserve Components must work assiduously with Department of Defense (DoD) and congressional leaders
to find that narrow fulcrum point between overusing
the Reserve Component and allowing its hard-earned
warfighting prowess to atrophy.
Upsetting the Citizen-Soldier identity of the Reserve is undesirable not only because it violates tradition; it is also strategically unwise. As the Army leaves
Afghanistan, senior Army leaders face the challenge of
translating national strategy into coherently-defined
demands on the total force. Some of these demands
are likely to be qualitatively different from the Armys
traditional roles. They will include such varied requirements as defending computer networks, combating terrorist organizations, combined operations
with foreign militaries for training and operations,
and disaster relief, both at home and abroad. Senior
leaders should consider ways to meet these demands
in terms of capabilities to employ rather than existing


organizational structures to deploy. By virtue of their

Citizen-Soldier makeup, Reserve Component units
possess a unique and wide-ranging set of skills, and
this expertise is not always apparent, at present, to
planners outside the reserve itself. Army leaders have
a rare opportunity to rebalance capabilities across
the Total Force to maximize the advantages that the
Reserve Component can best provide, while retaining the rapid-deployment capabilities that the nation
needs in the Active Component.
What, then, is the proper role for the Reserve
Components in the post-Afghanistan U.S. Army?
How can the Armys leadership best employ Reserve
Component capabilities to pursue our nations strategic imperatives? How should the Army align its Active and Reserve Component force mix to meet these
The Human Domain: Leader Development.
Another factor that sets current debates over
Landpower apart from earlier iterations is the U.S.
land forces abundanceoverabundance, in factof
talented and tested leaders. These commissioned and
noncommissioned officers are not only battle-tested,
but tested in a particularly demanding and potentially damaging sort of battle. The generation preceding theirs had fought in Operation DESERT STORM,
where conventional lines were clearly drawn, and the
strategic objective of defeating the Iraqi Army and restoring Kuwaiti sovereignty was achieved in a mere 89
hours. All of this had the dangerous effect of suggesting that, from that point forward, war would be quick
and easy. How different the experiences of the succeeding generation have been.24 The sons and daugh-


ters of Gulf War veterans found war to be grisly and

intense, a test of combat and diplomatic skills alike.
They have endured long periods of boredom and anxiety; they have become by turns humanitarians and
killers. Above all, their experiences have reinforced
the enduring truth that war is not a matter of mere
machines. Rather, war is an all too human endeavor
as Clausewitz put it, a matter of compulsion and will.
This truth will continue to endure. The debates
that usher in the post-war period, however, focus
not on securing hard-won insights into war, but on
each services parochial preferences. Which service
can best assert its relevance? Which one can produce
the most convincing narrative? These are practically
consequential questions, of course, but in a more fundamental sense, they are profoundly unserious. They
neither reflect nor engage the wide range of capabilities, experience, and flexibility that this generation of
military men and women offers.
Above all, these questions do not reflect the lessons that this generation learned first-hand. A range
of current Army leaders remember viscerally that the
necessity of counterinsurgency came unanticipated,
and many draw from that memory the following conclusions: events dictating U.S. involvement in regional
and world conflicts have and will continue to surprise
us;25 effective strategy requires that war be understood
as a tool of policy; and the United States must maintain in its kit the potential to shape political situations
on land, particularly for the sake of reconciliation once
the killing is done. If we doubt any of this, and choose
instead to focus on the sorts of war we would prefer
to wage, we will likely be reminded of another lesson the past decade taught: the enemy has a vote. U.S.
enemies watch it closely and trace its vulnerabilities


carefully. The Armys struggles to pacify Afghanistan

and Iraq in particular have not gone unnoticed. Future
hybrid threats will likely pool the military resources
of host nation-states and employ them in an asymmetric manner that removes associationand thus
the possibility of clear, satisfying retaliation by U.S.
instruments of power. How will the United States employ joint task forces to keep states accountable and
counter a quickly proliferating hybrid threat? How
will it approach regimes that are failing institutionally and ripe for such nonattributed fighters? How
will it shape these political conditions to avoid these
precarious situations in the first place?
A generation of experienced leaders must shape
the answers to these questions. The challenge is to
resist the temptation to define the nations problems
according to each agencys preferences. Strategy is in
part a function of the terms dictated by the nature of a
threat, which does not usually comply with what we
would like that threat to be. The nation requires leaders who are agile, flexible, and sharp; thanks to the
peculiarly trying war it has waged for the past decade,
it has them, by and large. How, then, can the United States retain and continue to develop leadership
suited both to the nations wars and to the nations
thinking about war?26
Applying Lessons of the Past: Prevent, Shape, Win.
American thinking about war traditionally has rested on a strong distinction between war and peace. The
American military, by contrast, uses peace to prepare
for war and so has always approached this distinction
differently.27 Recent Army doctrine has deepened this
characteristic military approach by viewing peace as


a time not only to prepare for war, but to prevent it

on terms favorable to the United Statesi.e., to make
the military in peacetime as effective an instrument of
policy as it is during war.
At the foundation of this doctrine is recognition
that the Army can signal and shape as well as fight.
Maintaining the Army as a force more than equal to
any other nations, for instance, serves as a powerful
deterrent to war. This is particularly so when the Armys strategic positioning enhances its power as a signal of resolve, as it does when troops are stationed in
critical regions abroad and when they are regionally
aligned at home. The Armys peacetime interactions
with foreign militariesand particularly those of allied nationshas also been reconceived along these
lines, as a means for shaping vital regions and nurturing partnerships in a manner favorable to national
interests. Regionally acculturated talentleaders as
fluent in foreign languages as they are expert in the
capabilities of foreign armsfacilitates Landpowers
shaping role. With prevention and shaping, emerging
Army doctrine holds, the United States stands to win
wars as the most reflective warriors have historically
done. Ultimate excellence [in war], wrote Sun Tzu,
lies not in winning every battle, but in defeating the
enemy without ever fighting.28
But without fighting, how does one know when
one has subdued an enemy? It is easier to show territory conquered and trophies seized than it is to prove
what is by nature a negative casebut for a set of
strategies, the war would have come (or the enemy
would remain). As a result, even if it is true that prevention and shaping deserve scarce resources, it is still
a difficult case to make persuasively. An officer who
speaks Korean has a less viscerally-felt value than an
Abrams tank positioned along the demilitarized zone.

The notion of prevention and shaping as a core

Army mission raises other questions as well: Is it, in
fact, possible to scale-up some of the skills traditionally associated with the relatively small Special Forces? Can the Army afford the time it takes to cultivate
leaders who specialize in regions, as well as units
whose regional alignment is a meaningful indicator of
a shared skill (not only a shared slot on deployment
lists)how might these goals alter the Armys present systems of recruitment and promotion? Could
such officers and units in fact maintain their regional
alignment, given the Armys identity as both a global
power and an all-purpose force?
Having taken stock of task and tool, we turn to
consider concrete casesthe strategic decisions that
American leaders will face in coming years. Austerity
and a renewed appreciation of Landpowers peacetime role in shaping allied forces have combined to
heighten American leaders sense of the worlds multipolarity (or as others have put the point, its postAmerican character). This has opened an unparalleled
opportunity for creative strategic thought. What new
structures and practices can bond the United States to
its allies, allowing each to efficiently rely on the others strength? What opportunities do regions of vital
interest afford the United States? What aside from
distraction and entanglement do regions of peripheral
interest offer American grand strategists?


Rebalancing Land Forces in the United Kingdom

and Australia.
The United States is not alone in its efforts to reshape its force structure for the demands of the 21st
century. The United Kingdom (UK) and Australia
have engaged in 5 years of intense introspection on
their future strategy and the place of Landpower in
it. To be sure, their strategic constraints, opportunities, and worldviews are their own; they cannot be
translated immediately into American English. It is
nevertheless worthwhile to consider what American
strategists might learn from the thoughts and deeds of
two of their closest allies.
The most recent appraisal of the UKs strategic
direction culminated in the 2010 Strategic Defence and
Security Review (SDSR), the first review of its kind in
British history. The SDSR set out new priorities for
the defense establishment and mapped out significant
cuts in defense budgeting, especially within the British Army. When these cuts are finally finished in 2020
(and British involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan has
drawn down) the total force will shrink from 150,000
to 82,000 troops. This Army is much smaller than it
has been, but it is intended nevertheless to remain relevant on the battlefield and to conduct seamless allied
and coalition operations with the United States. Subsequent development of the 2010 SDSR has stressed
that it is in the UKs interests to address instability
and conflict overseas when possible. To this end, the
British government intends to amplify the power of its
small land force through both whole-of-government
approaches to foreign policy (e.g., closer integration
of diplomatic and military efforts) and reform of the
Armys organizational structure.29 Britains Army 2020


concept divides its Landpower into (1) a reaction

force capable of conducting no-notice crisis response
missions; (2) an adaptable force, composed of a mix of
regulars and reserves, to build other nations military
capacity, oversee homeland resilience, and support
the long-term efforts of the reaction force; and (3) a
force troops organization to carry out myriad combat service support missions.30 Taken together, these
reforms aim to generate a force tailored to Britains
strategic goals.31
While Britains Landpower reforms have responded first and foremost to austerity, Australias have
had shifting geostrategic realities in viewparticularly the rise of China and the United States recent
rebalancing (or pivot) to Asia. Like their British
counterparts, Australian strategists emphasize wholeof-government approaches to security challenges;
they accordingly present the Army as just one component in Landpower, and they construe Landpower broadly to include other government agencies,
nonprofits, contractors, and coalition partners.32 The
Australian Army is intended to be a highly flexible
and responsive force capable of performing missions
across the spectrum of conflict. Above all, the Army is
expected to pursue what the Australian Defence Force
calls adaptive campaigning, the attempt:
to influence and shape the overall environment to facilitate peaceful discourse and stabilise the situation,
noting that there may be no end state to an operation
but rather an enduring set of conditions conducive to
Australias national interests.33

The Australian Armys commitment to adaptive

campaigning has been further elaborated in the new
Plan BEERSHEEBA initiative.34 This plan integrates

regular and reserve components into an expeditionary force adept at both traditional Landpower and
amphibious operations. The Australian Army is accordingly organized into three Multi-Role Combat
Brigades, three other combat enabler brigades, and a
well-integrated special operations command. Like the
British Army, then, the Australian Army is beginning
to organize its forces along dedicated functional lines.
Unlike the British Army, the Australian Army sees less
of a distinction between Landpower and sea power,
and instead considers itself to play a role distinct from
boththat of a land-based, amphibious-capable force
able to support a broader national maritime strategy.
Both British and Australian efforts to transform
their Landpower should be of great interest to the
United States. Although the three nations face distinct
security challenges, the similarity of their regimes and
the long precedent of collaboration among their armed
forces suggest that the United States might learn from
their examples. But what lessons are American strategists to take? Do British and Australian reforms suggest how U.S. Landpower should be organized in
order to prevent, shape, and win? How will these
deep changes in the forces of U.S. allies impact multinational plans and operations? Can shared interests
enable closer collaboration and coproduction between
the three armies? Austerity measures and new strategic challenges may have the unintended consequence
of encouraging new levels of collaboration within the
Anglosphere, but it will require farsighted leadership on the part of all three governments to realize this
potentially attractive possibility.


Prevent, Shape, Win in Context:

The Asia Pacific and the Middle East.
Collaboration among allied land forces and innovative approaches to U.S. Landpower are particularly
important in light of emerging challenges in regions of
vital strategic interest: Europe, Asia, and the Middle
East. The Pacific Rim and Middle East present oddly
similar challenges with a view to the American application of Landpower. Both regions pose significant logistical difficulties; both include American allies that
may not prefer large-scale permanent deployments;
both contain American adversaries with significant
ballistic and cyber capabilities; both give rise to dangerous state-collapse scenarios that would demand
a land-based response; and both present American
strategists with the dilemma of supporting vulnerable
allies to maintain a regional balance of power, while
preventing wealthy free-riders from passing the buck
to the United States. This last challenge is particularly
complex when it is hard, as it often is, to distinguish
between vulnerable ally and wealthy free-rider.
Prevention requires land forces capable of responding
decisively across the spectrum of operations; threats
to American interests in oil and global trade require
additional deterrent capacity from missile defense
and defensive cyber. Should the United States fail to
prevent contingencies from arising in either Asia or
the Middle East, partner capacity, prepositioned logistics, and, most importantly, the relationships formed,
rehearsed, and strengthened through shaping operations, will all factor in the success of the American
What are the tools that generate prevent, shape,
and win capabilities in these regions? Air-Sea Battle


proposes that the United States ought to focus its contribution to regional security on highly mobile and
lethal off-shore platforms. In the Middle East, Air-Sea
Battle would likely entail the closure of many, if not
all, of the bases in the region, and shifting to underway replenishment, i.e., ship-to-ship refueling. This
change might invite other wealthy or rising powers to
contribute forces of their own; it might also reduce the
U.S. costs of underwriting the worlds shipping and
resource markets. In the Pacific Rim, Air-Sea Battle
implies a heavy investment in strike capabilities at the
expense of ground forces. Proponents of Landpower,
however, argue that Landpower possesses unique attributes that make it in many cases a superior option to
naval and air power, and thus American engagement
in these regions ought to include significant development and augmentation of allies land-based forces.
It is difficult to think clearly about the various
ways forward in both Asia and the Middle East,
though, without a firm understanding of what exactly
the United States intends to do in the coming years.
The demands of offshore balancing are quite different
than those of hegemonic stabilization; working alongside China during its rise is quite different than undertaking containment in the South China Sea. Without clear thinking about national strategy, trying to
think clearly about Landpower is premature. On the
other hand, a number of lesser questions may prove
relevant to the larger question of U.S. strategy in these
regions. What are the intentions of Iran and China
both in terms of their near-abroads and in terms
of investing in global security? How should military
signalsinvestments in new weapons systems, for instancebe understood to reflect intentions? What is
the relative effectiveness of land forces compared to


other types of national power? How does Landpower

factor differently in the regions of vital interest to the
United States? What is the impact of emerging Army
capabilitiesmissile defense, cyber, and space in particularon the Asian and Middle Eastern security
Prevent, Shape, Win in Context: Lessons Learned
in Africa and South America.
The strategies that leaders of U.S. Landpower are
currently developing with a view to regions of vital
interest are in many cases the very same strategies that
have been pioneered in regions of peripheral interest.
In Latin America, it has been more than 20 years since
a significant number of U.S. ground forces were deployed into combat and more than a decade since a
significant number were stationed abroad.36 In Africa,
much the same is true.37 A DoD official has recently
claimed that the U.S. militarys Africa Command
will have succeeded if it keeps American troops out
of Africa for the next 50 years.38 The U.S. Southern
Command would likely agree. In both cases, prevention has long been recognized as a winning strategy.
But to say that the U.S. military has been truly out
of Africa and Latin America would be to neglect the
role that shaping strategies have played in this win.
A small number of troops, many of them Special Forces, have, in fact, been usedsparingly but efficiently,
as their impact has far surpassed what their numbers
alone would lead one to believe. In Columbia, for instance, engagement with local leaders, military training, and strategic deployment of nonmilitary aspects
of U.S. power (witness the U.S.-Columbia Trade Promotion Agreement of 2006) have all contributed to an


important strategic advance against the drug trade

and toward greater regional stability. Central America
proved a model for Central Africa. In 2011, President
Obama deployed 100 U.S. troops to assist local forces
in their pursuit of Lords Resistance Army leader Joseph Kony. Although as of this writing Kony remains
at large, this operation has so far been considered a
successand the skills acquired, intelligence gathered, and relationships formed have the potential, at
least, to enable future U.S. influence over a deeply unstable region. Ounces of shaping have proven more
efficient and more effective than pounds of cure.
This can sometimes seem to be the case, however,
up to the point that prevention and shaping metastasize into something more problematic. What prevents
these early interventions from escalating into more
prolonged engagements? Are certain prevent-shape
strategies more likely to avoid escalation than others?
Apart from concerns over escalation, what strategies
have proven most successful in these regions, and
which of these can be effectively transferred to other
regions? What force structures have proven most effective? Are tiny Special Forces teams sufficient, or are
there ways to bring more numerous Landpower units
productively to bear?39
Since the time of its founding, U.S. insularity was
considered an achievement to be won. If we are wise
enough to preserve the Union, Hamilton wrote in
1787, we may for ages enjoy an advantage similar to
that of an insulated situation.40 From New York City,
Hamilton could turn already from the Atlantic and
peer over the horizon to the point where the continent


descended back into the sea. He knew that Great Britains shores had kept her (mostly) innocent of standing
armies, and, in so doing, had preserved her liberty
the very same liberty he and his heirs would enjoy, if
only they kept in view what has come to be called the
stopping power of water. Hamilton considered it a
sort of special providencethe benevolence of nature
and, perhaps, of natures God.
But water starts as much as it stops. It is true, as
Corbett knew, that humans live on land, but, for most
of their history (and still today), humans have travelled
more rapidly through elements foreign to themthe
sea and now the air. Hamilton knew this, too. He envisioned a great trading nationthe worlds emporium,
ideally positioned between the two ends of the globes
great land mass, destined to be more pivotal to global
communication and commerce than even her British parent had been. Here, too, Hamilton has proven
What Hamilton did not knowor at least, chose
not to dwell on in the writings that have come down
to usis how waters starting power could work at
counterpurposes from its stopping power. He had before him a cautionary tale to this effect: an island playing the part of a Landpower and failing. The United
States has achieved the insularity Hamilton foresaw;
it has met the commercial destiny Hamilton prophesied; it now remains for it to enter into regions Hamilton left uncharted. How should an island nation, no
longer as insular as islands ought to be, conceive of


1. Julian Corbett, Some Principles of Maritime Strategy,
Annapolis, MD: U.S. Naval Institute Press, 1988 [1911], p. 16.
2. Funding for Special Operations has not recently faced the
same scrutiny as funding for the Army and Marines; however,
debates about the core identity of Special Operationsbetween
those who favor direct tactics like targeted raids and those who
favor indirect tactics like building partner nations militaries
are more intense now than perhaps ever before. On this and related debates, see in particular Linda Robinson, The Future of U.S.
Special Forces, Council Special Report No. 66, New York: Council
on Foreign Relations, April 2013. For considerations of how the
Army and Marines might coordinate with Special Operations, see
Fernando Lujn, Light Footprints: The Future of American Military
Intervention, Washington, DC: Center for a New American Security, March 2013; and John Nagl, Institutionalizing Adaptation: Its
Time for a Permanent Army Advisor Corps, Washington, DC: Center
for a New American Security, June 2007.
3. On the varied worldviews and priorities of U.S. military
branches, see in particular Carl Builder, Masks of War: American
Military Styles in Strategy and Analysis, Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1989.
4. For this formulation, see John Lewis Gaddis, What is
Grand Strategy? Lecture delivered at Duke University, February 26, 2009, available from
5. For lamentations of the absence of U.S. grand strategy, see
the Gaddis lecture cited previously and the sources collected by
Daniel Drezners article on the theme. See Drezner, Does Obama
Have a Grand Strategy? Why We Need Doctrines in Uncertain
Times, Foreign Affairs, Vol. 90, No. 4, July-August, 2011, pp. 57-68,
especially p. 57.
6. John Mearsheimer, Imperial By Design, The National
Interest, Vol. 111, January-February, 2011, pp. 16-34.


7. For the Obama administrations two grand strategies, see

Drezner, Does Obama Have a Grand Strategy? p. 58. For the
United States four grand strategies, see Walter Russell Mead,
Special Providence: American Foreign Policy and How It Changed the
World, New York: Routledge, 2002.
8. John Quincy Adams, Speech to the U.S. House of Representatives on Foreign Policy, July 4, 1821, available from One might compare Adams notion of the exemplary power of American liberty to more
recent iterations of the theme. Immediately following the passage
quoted, Adams argues that the United States can recommend
the general cause, by the countenance of her voice, and the benignant sympathy of her example. The 2010 National Security
Strategy claims that the United States promotes universal values
abroad by living them at home, and will not seek to impose these
values through force, pp. 5, 10, 36.
9. For a study of military and strategic reforms in the wake
of Vietnam, see for instance Andrew Krepinevich et al., Strategy
in Austerity, Washington, DC: Center for Strategic and Budgetary
Assessments, 2012.
10. In The Soldier and the State, Cambridge, MA: Belknap, 1957,
Samuel Huntington describes this period of reform in some detail.
The withdrawal of the military from civilian society at the end
of the 19th century, he argues, produced the high standards of
professional excellence essential to national success in the struggles of the 29th century, p. 229.
11. For versions of this dual identity in the study of American
political thought, consider the difference between Louis Hartzs
The Liberal Tradition in America, Orlando, FL: Harcourt, 1991
[1957]; Rogers Smith, Beyond Tocqueville, Myrdal, and Hartz:
The Multiple Traditions in America, The American Political Science Review, Vol. 87, No. 3, September 1993, pp. 549-566; and Civic
Ideals: Conflicting Visions of Citizenship in U.S. History, New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1997. One might also consider the
distinction Mead draws between the Jacksonian and alternative
strategic traditions in Special Providence, and Huntingtons evolution from American Politics: The Promise of Disharmony, Cambridge,
MA: Belknap, 1983; and Who Are We? The Challenges to Americas
National Identity, New York: Simon and Schuster, 2004.

12. The 2010 National Security Strategy lists the security of the
United States, its citizens, and U.S. allies and partners as the first
of Americas enduring interests, p. 7.
13. The second, third, and fourth of 2010 National Security
Strategys enduring interests have to do with the economy, universal values, and the international order, p. 7.
14. On the pivot to Asia, see in particular Hillary Clinton,
Americas Pacific Century, Foreign Policy, November 2011; and
Sustaining U.S. Global Leadership: Priorities for 21st Century
Defense, Washington, DC: DoD, 2012.
15. On Air-Sea Battle, see Andrew Krepinevich, Why AirSea
Battle? Washington, DC: Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, 2010; and Jan van Tol, AirSea Battle: A Point-of-Departure Operational Concept, Washington, DC: Center for Strategic and
Budgetary Assessments, 2010.
16. As the military entered its last major period of budget
stringency in the 1990s, for example, International Security, the
leading academic journal in security studies, published a wealth
of work in a single edition recommending new policies, but few
works that attempted to evaluate a period of stringency after
the fact. See, for example, Gordon Adams and Stephen Alexis
Cain, Defense Dilemmas in the 1990s, International Security,
Vol. 13, No. 4, Spring 1989; Robert F. Ellsworth, Maintaining
U.S. Security in an Era of Fiscal Pressure, International Security,
Vol. 13, No. 4, Spring 1989, pp. 16-24; Cindy Williams, Strategic
Spending Choices, International Security, Vol. 13, No. 4, Spring
1989, pp. 24-35.
17. Quality historical works do examine specific periods of
stringency, but even in these works, stringency itself is not the key
study variable, and works, such as Williamson Murray and Allan Millett, Military Innovation in the Interwar Period, Cambridge,
MA: Cambridge University Press, 1996, rarely focus exclusively
on the Army as an organization.
18. Michael Meese, Defense Decision Making Under Budget
Stringency: Explaining Downsizing in the United States Army,


Ph.D. Dissertation, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University, 2000.

Meese examines three periods of budget stringency: the interwar
period between the World Wars, the post-Korean War period,
and the post-Vietnam period. He measures the effectiveness produced by Army policy during this period across a range of areas,
including personnel, force structure, leadership, readiness, modernization, sustainability, and doctrine.
19. Note that these inclinations fit well with Carl Builders
characterization of Army culture in The Masks of War: American
Military Styles in Strategy and Analysis, Baltimore, MD: Johns
Hopkins University Press, 1989.
20. Meese, Defense Decision Making Under Budget Stringency. Until 1940, the Army had little training at the large unit
(Corps) level at all, while small scale training sometimes required
uniting multiple companies under a single commander to provide a large enough force to maneuver. Compare Ronald Spector, The Military Effectiveness of the US Armed Forces, 19191939, Allan R. Millett and Williamson Murray, eds., Military
Effectiveness, Volume 2: The Interwar Period, New York: Cambridge
University Press, 2010, p. 92.
21. The Pentomic Army was a success in breaking the traditional mold of Army culture. Chief of Staff Maxwell Taylor created a significantly smaller force structure, but one fully manned
and functional without augmentation. More importantly, the
Army dramatically shifted focus from personnel to technology.
If this change was successful, however, due to the Armys need
to remain relevant in the nuclear era and the force of personality of war hero Taylor, it was a failure in terms of effectiveness,
sacrificing personnel and leadership for technology. The Army
quickly abandoned the Pentomic concept after Taylors departure
as Chief. See Andrew J. Bacevich, The Pentomic Era: The U.S. Army
Between Korea and Vietnam, Washington, DC, National Defense
University Press, 1986; Meese, Defense Decision Making Under
Budget Stringency, pp. 113-184.
22. For this argument, see Suzanne C. Nielsen, Preparing
for War: The Dynamics of Military Reform, Ph.D. Dissertation,
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University, 2003.


23. Importantly, Meese, Nielsen, and Stephen Rosen all find

that the most important agent for (or obstacle to) change is senior
Army leadership. On the role of the executive decision maker,
consider James Q. Wilson, Bureaucracy: What Government Agencies Do and Why They Do it, New York: Basic Books, 1989, Chaps.
10-12. Contrast Barry Posens classic The Sources of Military Doctrine, in which Posen argues that militaries are largely incapable
of innovation or significant change in peacetime. Posen finds that
Allisons organizational process model best explains militaries in
peacetime and require intervention by political leaders in wartime to force change. Barry R. Posen, The Sources of Military Doctrine: France, Britain, and Germany Between the World Wars, Ithaca,
NY: Cornell University Press, 1984.
24. On the role of generational experience in military leadership, see Edward Cox, Kent Park, Rachel Sondheimer, and Isaiah
Wilson III, Growing Military Professionalism Across Generations, Military Review, Special Edition, September 2011.
25. Even containment during the Cold War, often considered
U.S. grand strategy par excellence, was marked by tremendously
costly, unexpected deviations such as Korea and Vietnam, which
perhaps distracted policymakers from the goal of containing the
Soviet Union.
26. For a compelling treatment of these and related questions,
see Isaiah Wilson III, Educating Holistic Warriors, Chap. 10,
Thinking Beyond War: Civil-Military Relations and Why America Fails
to Win the Peace, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. See also
Gaddis, What is Grand Strategy?
27. For a strong version of this claim, see Huntington, The
Military Mind: Conservative Realism of the Professional Military
Ethic, Chap. 3 in The Soldier and the State.
28. Sun-tzu, The Art of War, John Minford, trans., New York:
Penguin Books, 2002, p. 14.
29. Following the publication of the SDSR in 2010, the British Ministry of Defence, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, and
Department for International Development jointly published the
Building Stability Overseas Strategy (BSOS) in 2011. This strategy
emphasizes preventing war by addressing the socio-political, eco30

nomic, and natural drivers of conflict. It envisions three means

to this end: early warning, rapid crisis prevention and response,
and investment in upstream operations, such as resilient institutions within fragile societies. While the BSOS is in every sense of
the word a government-wide strategic planning framework, all
three pillars, especially the second and third, rely heavily upon a
flexible, adaptive, and responsive Landpower component.
30. The reaction force will be comprised of a division headquarters, three mechanized infantry brigades, and an air assault
brigade. Seen as the British governments main source of landpower deterrence, the reaction force will be trained and equipped
for very high readiness missions. The adaptable force will be
comprised of division headquarters and up to seven UK regionally-based infantry brigades. In addition to the tasks mentioned
in the text, the adaptable force will meet enduring security commitments in Cyprus, Brunei, the Falklands, and ongoing UN missions. The force troops, like the adaptable force, will be composed
of regulars and reserves, and will include multiple brigades.
31. A recent publication explains the logic informing the UK
Army 2020 concept. See The British Army, Transforming the British Army, July 2012: Modernising to Face an Unpredictable Future,
London, UK: Ministry of Defence, July 2012, p. 13:
Army 2020 is an imaginative and practical response to an
extreme challenge: that of confronting an era of strategic uncertainty, exacerbated by economic austerity, with smaller
land forces. It will provide a range of capabilities that can
be adapted to the nations security needs at home and overseas, resetting the Army to meet the unexpected and deal
with future contingencies.

32. Chief of the Australian Army Staff Lieutenant General D.

L. Morrison has addressed the relation between whole-of-government approaches and the security threats Australia faces: The
Defence White Paper 2009 allocates tasks to the ADF according to
a scale of priorities, he says.
All of these tasks make heavy demands on the Army. The
thread binding all these tasks together is the direction that
the ADF implement a maritime strategy in the Defence of


Australia. In order to execute this strategy the ADF requires

a comprehensive understanding of, and an ability to conduct decisive operations within, the Primary Operating
Environment, the archipelagic approaches to Australia. This
necessarily requires a focus on joint, inter-agency and whole
of government operations, concepts.

33. Armys Future Land Operating Concept, Canberra, Australia:

Australian Army Headquarters, 2012, p. iv.
34. The name Beersheeba refers to a World War I battle in
which Australian troops were victorious over Ottoman forces in
Palestine, owing in no small part to changes in technology, tactics,
and doctrine in the months leading up to the battle.
35. On the use of military-to-military engagement in Asia as a
strategic tool, see in particular Isaiah Wilson III, Countering the
Terrorism Threat, Preemptively, through Peacetime Military Engagement, Bryan Lee Cummings, ed., Beyond the Campaign, New
York: Council for Emerging National Security Affairs, 2004. Wilson argues that foreign arms sales and transfers have helped to
maintain U.S. reputation, influence, and access in strategic Asia,
and might in the future be used to U.S. advantage in this and
other theaters.
36. With respect to Latin America, the last significant use of
ground forces in combat was the invasion of Panama in 1989. After control of the Panama Canal passed from the United States
to the Panama Canal Authority in 1999, the American troops
stationed at Soto Cano Air Base in Honduras have represented
the largest deployment in the region; these troops number in the
hundreds. These data are available from
37. In Africa, the last significant use of ground forces in combat was the peacekeeping mission to Somalia in 1993.
38. Comments by then-Principal Deputy Under Secretary of
Defense Ryan Henry at a Meeting of USAIDs Advisory Committee on Voluntary Foreign Aid, ACVFA, May 23, 2007, cited in
Lauren Ploch, Africa Command: U.S. Strategic Interests and the
Role of the U.S. Military in Africa, Washington, DC: Congressional Research Service, July 22, 2011, p. 6.

39. On the question of how to involve U.S. Army forces in

missions traditionally reserved for Special Forces, see the sources
cited in Endnote 2. On the potential uses of heavy arms in light
footprint operations, see Irvin Oliver, Cavalry in the Future
Fight: An Environment for Cavalry Forces, Armor, Vol. 122, No.
1, January-March 2013, pp. 19-22.
40. Publius [Hamilton], Federalist Paper No. 8, available





John Mearsheimer1
What is the future of U.S. Landpower? This is another way of asking: What is the future of the U.S.
Army? The Army has been the most important of the
three major military services over the past decade,
mainly because of the prominence of the Afghanistan
and Iraq wars. The Air Force and especially the Navy
have played secondary roles in those conflicts. I have
spoken with more than a few officers from those two
services over the past decades who have complained
about how all the attention focused on Afghanistan
and Iraq has been detrimental to the interests of the
Air Force and the Navy.
This situation is likely to change significantly in
the next 2 decades, and the Army is likely to be treated as the least important of the three services, which
means it will be allocated less of the Pentagons resources than either the Air Force or the Navy. Indeed,
the Army will probably have to work extremely hard
to secure large numbers of defense dollars.
We are at what I would call a plastic moment in the
history of Americas relations with the wider world.
Fundamental changes are taking place in our strategic
environment that are likely to have a profound effect
on U.S. grand strategy, and on the Army in particular. To be more specific, three changes are occurring in


Americas strategic calculus that will have a marked

effect on the Armys fortunes. Those changes will interact in ways that make the Army a less important
instrument to policymakers in Washington than it has
been in recent memory.
First, the United States is pivoting to Asia to deal
with a rising China. The threat environment in the
Asia-Pacific region, however, does not require large
numbers of American ground forces. If anything, it is
a region in which the geography appears to favor the
Air Force and Navy over the Army. Second, the Iraq
war is over, and hopefully Americas combat role in
Afghanistan will end soon. All of the Armys combat
units are scheduled to be out of Afghanistan by the
end of 2014. Both of these wars are widelyand correctlyregarded as disasters and the United States is
not likely to fight another war like them anytime soon.
Occupation, counterinsurgency, and nation-building
are likely to remain dirty words for years to come. Indeed, American presidents and their lieutenants are
sure to go to great lengths to avoid fighting another
protracted land war in the developing world. That
means the mission that has been the Armys main
force driver over the past decade will probably be of
secondary, if not tertiary, importance in the foreseeable future.
Third, given the troubles afflicting the American
economy, especially its huge budget deficits, the militarys budget is likely to be exposed to the knife in
the decade ahead, forcing the Pentagon to make lots
of hard choices about the kinds of military forces it
should buy. To justify large expenditures, each service
will need a compelling story that explains why it is essential for protecting the national interest. The Army
is going to have a particularly hard job doing that, be-


cause counterinsurgency and nation-building will be

a hard sell, and because the Army is of limited utility
for dealing with a rising China.
There is one additional factor that is unrelated to
the strategic environment that will make life difficult
for the Army in the years ahead. That factor is the Marine Corps. As you all well know, the United States
has two separate land armiesthe Marine Corps and
the Armyand the Marines are going to want to play
a key role in Asia. The Marines are brilliant in public relations, which means they will be very effective
at securing scarce defense dollars. Furthermore, the
Marines are joined at the hip with the Navy, which
will have a big role to play in the Asia-Pacific region,
and will be inclined to privilege the Marines over the
Army more often than not. All of this is to say that the
Army will have to work overtime to be an important
player as the United States becomes increasingly focused on checking a rising China.
Before laying out my thinking on these matters
in detail, I want to emphasize that I am not hostile to
the Army in any way. Indeed, I have a special place
in my heart for that institution. Besides being a former enlisted man in the Army as well as a West Point
graduate, I have long argued that Landpower is the
principal ingredient of military power, and that most
wars are ultimately won or lost on the ground. These
are central themes in my book, The Tragedy of Great
Power Politics, where I also emphasize the limits of independent airpower and independent sea power for
winning wars. Furthermore, when the Vietnam war
finally came to an end in the mid-1970s and the United


States refocused its attention on Europe, I argued that

the Army was of central importance for deterring a
Warsaw Pact attack, and that extra defense dollars
should be spent on buying additional armored and
mechanized divisions and the tactical aircraft needed
to support them, not on procuring more aircraft carriers or more nuclear weapons. But the Asia-Pacific region is not Europe, and when you look at the possible
conflicts that might involve the United States in that
region, it is hard to see circumstances in which we will
need a large and powerful Army.
Let me explain my thinking about the future of
the Army in more detail. How a country thinks about
building its military forces should be largely a function of its grand strategy. Because people define grand
strategy in different ways, it is important to spell out
exactly what I mean by that concept. For me, fashioning a grand strategy involves answering three questions. First, what areas of the world are strategically
important? In other words, what areas of the world
are worth expending substantial American blood and
iron? Second, what are the main threats in those regions that might require a military response? Third,
what kinds of military forces are necessary to counter
those threats? To be more specific, what are the optimum mix of forces for deterring adversaries and defeating them if deterrence fails and war breaks out?
It seems to me that when todays Army leaders
talk about why we need a large and powerful Army,
they rarely make the case by framing it in terms of U.S.
grand strategy. Instead, they talk in broad generalities
about the fact that we live in a large and complicated
world where change happens rapidly and where it is
therefore hard to anticipate where trouble might come
from in the future. They maintain that we have to be


prepared for a wide variety of threats, none of which

are defined with much specificity. One has the sense
from listening to the Army leadership that there is no
mission too difficult for the Army to do expeditiously.
It is an all-purpose Army. This is not a smart way to
strategize, and is not going to help the Army make its
case in a world in which the defense budget is shrinking. Army leaders need to say where their service is
likely to fight, whom it is likely to fight against, and
why the Army is especially well-suited for dealing
with that adversary or those adversaries.
Let me spell out my views on American grand
strategy and explain how the Army fits into the big
picture. I believe we are in the early stages of a fundamental shift in Americas grand strategy. There are
three areas of the world outside of the Western Hemisphere that have been of great strategic importance to
the United States since the early part of the 20th century. They are 1) Europe, 2) Northeast Asia, and 3) the
Persian Gulf. The first two are vital interests because
the worlds other great powers are located there, and
we care greatly about those countries as they are potential rivals that could cause us lots of trouble. The
third areathe Persian Gulfmatters because oil is
located there, and it is an enormously important natural resource for countries around the world.
For all of Americas history, Europe has been by
far the most important of those three areas. Remember that the United States had a Europe first policy before it entered World War II; and even though
Japan, not Germany, attacked us at Pearl Harbor,
we maintained a Europe first policy throughout
the war. During the Cold War, Europe was strategically more important to the United States than Asia,
which is whywhen we ran war games involving a


major conflict between the superpowerswe would

swing American forces out of Asia to Europe. Some
of my Asian friends maintained that we swung forces
out of Asia to Europe because most Americans had
European roots and were more concerned about the
fate of their fellow Westerners. But this was not true.
We privileged Europe over Asia during the Cold War
because the heart of the Soviet threat was sitting in the
center of Europe, not in Asia.
This pecking order is now beginning to change.
Mainly because of Chinas rise, Asia is becoming
the most important area of the world for the United
States, and Europe is likely to become not the second,
but the third most important region. We talk today
about pivoting to Asia, which obviously involves
shifting American forces to Asia from other locations.
This pivot, which is rather low key at the moment,
is likely to accelerate if China grows increasingly
more powerful. But if a country pivots to a particular
area, that must mean it is pivoting away from some
other region. That other region in this case is almost
certain to be Europe, not the Persian Gulf, which is
likely to be the second most important region for the
United States.
There are two reasons the Gulf will remain especially important to the United States. First, it is longstanding American policy to make sure that no single
power in that region establishes hegemony and gains
control over the energy resources there. Second, China and India will both increasingly depend more on
oil and gas from the Gulf in the years ahead, which
means both of those Asian countries will pay serious
attention to that region. In a very important way, Asia
and the Gulf will be tied together. In other words, I
believe that the security competition, which is likely


to develop in Asia between the United States and

China, will extend into the Persian Gulf. However,
that security competition will not extend into Europe.
Simply put, Asia and Europe will remain worlds apart
militarily. Indeed, it is not clear Europe will help the
United States in any meaningful way to contain China.
Instead, it is likely to sit on the sidelines.
There is another reason Europe will not be a source
of major worry for the United States in the next few
decades. There is no threat on the horizon in Europe
that is likely to command our attention. Both Germany
and Russiaour two principal competitors in the 20th
centuryare depopulating. Moreover, there is not
going to be a united Europe that might challenge the
United States in some meaningful way. If anything,
Europe looks to be fragmenting, not integrating
largely because of the Euro crisis, which is like acid
eating away at the foundation of the European Union.
Simply put, Europe is not likely to matter that much
in the decades ahead. Asia and the Gulf are likely to
be the focus of our attention. Again, this represents a
historic shift in Americas strategic priorities.
This shift in how we think about the key regions
of the world will have profound ramifications for the
Army. Europe is a region where Landpower has always mattered greatly. Large armies have settled all
the major wars in European history. Thus, when the
United States entered World War I, it built a huge
Armythe American Expeditionary Forceto fight
against Imperial Germany. It did the same in World
War II with Nazi Germany, although that conflict was
largely settled by the massive land battles that took
place on the Eastern Front between the Red Army and
the Wehrmacht. During the Cold War, we maintained
a large Army on the Central Front to deter the Warsaw


Pact ground forces on the other side of the inter-German border. Thus, when the Vietnam War ended in
1975 and the United States began to focus laser-like on
Europe, it was easy to make the case for maintaining a
formidable American Army.
The geography of Asia, however, looks markedly
different from Europe. Most importantly, there is no
equivalent of the Central Front in the Asia-Pacific region. When you look at the possible conflict scenarios
involving the United States and China, it is hard to
see where a large American Army would be needed.
This is not to say that no U.S. ground forces will be
needed in the region, just that it is hard to imagine
a major conventional war on land between America
and China.
Probably the most Army-friendly contingency in
Asia is a possible war on the Korean Peninsula. Remember that more than 200,000 U.S. Army troops
fought the Chinese Army between 1950 and 1953.
While it is certainly possible to imagine a future war
between South and North Korea, this time the Republic of Korea (South Korea or ROK) military will be able
to handle the North Korean Army. In fact, the ROK
forces are likely to clobber the Norths Army. None of
this is to deny that the United States could get dragged
into a future Korean conflict. After all, we have about
19,000 troops stationed in South Korea, and it is imperative that they remain there for purposes of trying to convince South Koreans that our nuclear umbrella is firmly in place over their heads. Regardless,
any American involvement in another Korean war
would most likely involve relatively small numbers


of U.S. ground forces. It is difficult to imagine a repeat of the conflict that took place in Korea during the
The other potential conflict scenarios in the AsiaPacific region that might involve American military
forces include 1) Taiwan, 2) the Senkaku/Diaoyu
Islands, and 3) the South China Sea. None of them,
however, are likely to involve large-scale American
ground forces. Indeed, it is not even clear that U.S.
troops would be involved in any of those fights. If they
were needed, it might very well be the Marinesnot
the Armythat do the fighting.
The United States and a powerful China will not
only compete in the Asia-Pacific region; they are also
sure to do so in the Indian Ocean and the Arabian Sea
as well, because those large bodies of water link China
with the Persian Gulf. China will want to control those
waters because large amounts of gas and oil destined
for China move across them. However, the U.S. Navy
and countries like India will bear the burden of countering Chinese efforts to control those critically important sea lines of communication. The Army will play a
minor role at best.
The Persian Gulf itself is the one area where the
Army is likely to have an important role in the decades ahead. The United States, as noted, has a deepseated interest in making sure that no country dominates that strategically important region. The main
threat to become a regional hegemon is Iran, which
is why the Ronald Reagan administration supported
Saddam Hussein in the Iran-Iraq War that ran from
1980 to 1988.
American policymakers can deal with threats in
the Gulf in basically two ways: 1) they can rely on
other countries in the region to check an aggressor, as


happened in the Iran-Iraq War; or 2) they can build

and deploy U.S. military units to handle the job. Those
American forces can either be stationed outside of the
regionover the horizon as they sayor on the territory of an ally in the region. Regardless, those forces
would be comprised of a substantial number of Army
units, whether they were stationed in the region or
outside of it. Some of you, I am sure, remember the
Rapid Deployment Joint Task Force (RDJTF), which
the Jimmy Carter and Reagan administrations established in the last decade of the Cold War to intervene
in the Gulf if there was a serious threat to upset the
balance of power. It was comprised of four Army divisions (9th Infantry Division, 24th Infantry Division,
82nd Airborne Division, 101st Airborne Division) and
a cavalry brigade (6th Cavalry Brigade). It also contained a substantial number of Marines.
Given Americas dismal experience in its recent
wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, future U.S. leaders are
likely to rely on countries in the Gulf to check dangerous aggressors rather than sending American troops
to do the job. Nevertheless, there will always be the
possibility that the local powers cannot handle the
task, in which case the United Statesand here we are
talking mainly about the Armywill have to move in
and remedy the problem. This is essentially what happened in the 1991 Gulf War. The United States and
its allies intervened and threw the Iraqi Army out of
Kuwait, because no local power had both the will and
the capability to reverse Saddams aggression. All of
this is to say that the Army is likely to play a key role
in protecting Americas interests in the Persian Gulf.
Let me conclude this discussion of grand strategy
with a few words about Europe. As noted, it will remain an area of strategic importance to the United


States, but it will not command the attention from

Washington that it has in the past. My sense is that
how much attention future American policymakers
pay to Europe will depend on how powerful China
becomes in the years ahead. If Chinas rapid rise continues, the United States will have its hands full containing China and will sharply reduce its presence in
Europe, maybe even remove all of its troops so it can
focus its attention on Asia and the Persian Gulf. If that
happens, it would have serious consequences for the
Army, because the American pacifier in Europe is
built around U.S. ground forces. The more likely scenario, however, is that the United States will gradually and inexorably decrease its presence in Europe,
which will leave the Army with a diminishing role in
that region.
My bottom line regarding grand strategy is that
Asia is rapidly becoming the most important area of
the world for the United States, and the Army will
have a small role to play there. The region where the
Army is most likely to play an important role is the
Persian Gulf, where a substantial body of U.S. land
forces will still be needed to prevent a regional hegemon and counter Chinese influence. Europe, which
has always been an Army-friendly theater, is not likely to be a major concern for the United States in the
years ahead.
Let me now switch gears and talk about conquest
and occupation in the developing world. As part of
the so-called Global War on Terror, the United States
has fought two major wars of conquest since 2001, one
in Afghanistan and the other in Iraq. The American


military went to war in Afghanistan in mid-October

2001, and by early December, it had toppled the Taliban from power and appeared to have won a quick
and decisive victory. That led many people in the
American national security community, and especially in the George H. W. Bush administration, to think
the United States had found the magic formula for
conquering countries in the developing world, affecting rapid regime change, and then getting almost all
American combat forces out of that country quickly so
as to avoid a costly and difficult occupation.
This belief that the Afghan model was a harbinger
of more easy victories to come is what underpinned
the decision to invade Iraq in 2003 and the Bush Doctrine more generally. President Bush and his key advisors were convinced that the U.S. military could win a
quick and easy victory in Iraq, avoid occupation, and
then put its gun sights on the next rogue state in the
region. The choice was obviously between Iran and
Syria. In fact, it might not even have been necessary
to attack either of those countries, because they might
have been so fearful of being defeated by the mighty
American military that they would have surrendered
without a fight. As we now know, the victory in Afghanistan in the fall of 2001 was a mirage; the United
States had not found the magic formula for winning
quick and decisive victories in the developing world.
Instead, it ended up in protracted and costly occupations in Afghanistan as well as Iraq, engaged in both
cases in counterinsurgency operations and nationbuilding.
The Army, of course, has been the key service in
these two conflicts, which explains in good part why
the Army has grown significantly over the past decade. The central problem, however, is that there is


almost no way the Army can win a meaningful victory

in these type of wars; the mission is simply too difficult. Even in those rare cases where the United States
might succeed, it would take many years and a huge
amount of resources. In addition, the Army would pay
a significant price in the process, and the war would
have a corrosive effect on our politics at home, as well
as our foreign policy.
Not surprisingly, there is remarkably little enthusiasm in the American national security community for
invading another country and trying to do social engineering at the end of a rifle barrel. Just look at how the
United States has dealt with Libya, Iran, and Syria. In
the Libyan case, the Americans put no regular Army
troops on the ground and instead relied largely on
airpower to help topple Colonel Muammar Kaddafi.
Furthermore, one White House advisor emphasized
that the United States was leading from behind in
Libya. Regarding Iran, there is no serious threat of
sending American ground forces into that country. If
the United States takes military action against Irans
nuclear facilities, it will be done with airstrikes and
cruise missiles. But even so, it is evident that there is
hardly any appetite for a war with Iran in the United
States. The same is true regarding Syria, where the
Barack Obama administration has gone out of its way
to avoid intervening in that civil war, even with just
Perhaps former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates
best summed up what will surely be the conventional
thinking about future wars of conquest when he told
a West Point, New York, audience in February 2011
that: In my opinion, any future defense secretary
who advises the president to again send a big American land Army into Asia or into the Middle East or


Africa should have his head examined, as General

MacArthur so delicately put it.2
The present situation reminds me of the post-Vietnam period. After that devastating defeat, American
policymakers went to enormous lengths not to get
involved in another costly occupation in which we
had to fight a major counterinsurgency while simultaneously doing nation-building, a task of enormous
difficulty. I am confident that it will be a long time
before the United States tries to conquer another
country in the developing world and transform its
political system.
None of this is to say that we are going to get out
of the business of fighting terrorists targeting the
United States. But we will rely on special operations
forces, allies, and especially drones, to get the job
done. The lead article in The New York Times on April
8 nicely captures where the war on terror is headed.
It reads: Targeted Killing Comes to Define War on
Terror.3 If I am right, this means that one of the chief
reasons for maintaining a large and powerful Army
will be effectively taken off the table. When this happened after the Vietnam Warthe last time we ran
away from doing counterinsurgencywe turned to
Europe with a vengeance, and, of course, Europe during the Cold War was Army-friendly in the extreme.
But this time, we are turning to the Asia-Pacific region
where the Army will only have a minor role to play.
It is hardly surprising that today we talk about AirSea Battle, whereas in the Cold War we spoke about
Air-Land Battle.



Finally, there is the shrinking defense budget.
The Pentagon is already reeling from sequestration,
which mandates that the Pentagon cut its budget by
$41 billion in 2013 and about $500 billion over the next
decade. That comes on top of another $487 billion in
cuts that are already being implemented. There is no
reason to think these troubles are going away anytime
soon, given Americas huge budget deficits, coupled
with the difficulty of curtailing spending on entitlements. Indeed, the situation is likely to get worse. Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel said on April 3, 2013,
in a speech at the National Defense University that the
military must make fundamental changes in how it
operates to deal with new fiscal realities. He made it
clear he was not talking about tweaking or chipping
away at existing structures and practices but, where
necessary, fashioning entirely new ones that are better
suited to 21st century realities and challenges. Hagel
went on to say, Much more hard work, difficult decisions and strategic prioritizing remains to be done.4
In a world where there is an abundance of defense
dollarslike the decade after September 11, 2001
there is usually not much pressure to prioritize, and it
is relatively easy for each service to get a large chunk of
the pie. However, when the pie is shrinking and there
are serious threats on the horizon, which will surely be
the case if China continues its impressive rise, policymakers are forced to pay more attention and be more
ruthless about their spending decisions. This situation
can only be bad news for the Army, because its importance relative to the other services will be less than it
was during the Cold War, when containing the Soviet
Union was the Pentagons overarching mission, or as


it has been over the past decade, when the Pentagon

was consumed by the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.
I want to be clear. I am not saying the Army will
have no role to play in defending the countrys interests in the years ahead. Nor I am hinting that the Army
should be drastically downsized. But I am saying that
when you look at Americas likely grand strategy in
the next few decades, the Army is probably going to
be the least important of the three services. Its role will
certainly be limited in the Asia-Pacific region, which is
likely to be the most important strategic area because
China is located there. The Armys situation could be
especially grim if the Pentagons budget is severely
constrained and Chinas economy continues growing at a rapid clip, necessitating an accelerated pivot
to Asia.
Of course, the Army can help its case by fashioning a clear and concise story that describes the threats
to critical American interests that the Army is best
suited to counter. But even then, there are significant
limits to what can be done, because the future security
environment is unlikely to involve the United States
in major land wars. That is surely good news for the
country as a whole, but not for the Armys budget.
1. Dr. John Mearsheimer was invited as the keynote speaker
to the U.S. Army War College annual Strategy Conference on
April 25, 2013. This speech is reprinted with slight revisions here.
2. Robert Gates, Speech at the United States Military Academy, West Point, NY, February 25, 2011, available from www.

3. Scott Shane, Targeted Killing Comes to Define War on

Terror, The New York Times, April 8, 2013.
4. Chuck Hagel, Remarks by Secretary Hagel at the National Defense University, Ft. McNair, Washington, D.C, April
3, 2013, available from


Scott A. Silverstone
One of the maxims in the field of international relations is that the future is inherently uncertain. Most
observers, however, refuse to accept this proposition
at face value. For those responsible for making decisions in the present, those who must develop budget
priorities, make force structure choices, train our military professionals, and determine where in the world
they should deploy, the inherent uncertainty of the
future is a tremendous challenge they cannot avoid.
Decisions made in the near term about the future of
Landpower will have deep structural effects lasting
years, so the task begs for some method or framework for making the right choices. To deal with this
problem, we typically develop theories that help us
generalize about causes of war and peace and hope
that their predictive power will allow us to prepare
for the future. We follow trends in economic performance, in technology, in political and social phenomena, and in environmental variables that might reveal
future trajectories in the threat environment. We develop forecasting models and track prediction markets that seek to open a window on world events to
come. Unfortunately, despite the great energy poured
into the endeavor, systematic research has shown
that with time, expert predictions prove to be grossly


But the question at the heart of this bookwhat

is the future of Landpower?still stands. Where do
we look for guidance to make informed present day
decisions? Rather than base my approach to the question on shaky predictions for the rest of the 21st century, I prefer to start from a different perspective. A
truly strategic analysis of the question must begin
with a clear understanding of the strategic-political
objectives that the United States seeks to secure and
advance through its foreign policy. Only by starting
with an assessment of our strategic goals can we then
move on to an informed debate about the wide range
of political, economic, and military instruments best
suited to achieve them and the threats that might put
these strategic goals at risk. In other words, what are
we trying to achieve, and what contributions might
Landpower make in the effort?
Arguably, the present-day dilemma over what
role Landpower can play as an instrument of U.S.
policy resembles the dilemma faced by President
Harry Truman in 1949 over whether to authorize the
development of thermonuclear weapons. One group
of advisors was arguing passionately that the United
States must develop and deploy the H-bomb before
the Soviets did, while a rival group was arguing just
as vigorously that it would be a grave escalatory mistake to pursue this new atomic capability. In frustration, Truman observed that until someone could tell
him what Americas overall strategic objectives were
in the post-World War II world, there was no way he
could determine what role this particular instrument
of national power might play, if any. What would an
H-bomb be used for? What political ends would it
help achieve in American foreign policy? How would
it stack up against alternative tools for pursuing those
strategic ends? Out of this debate came National

Security Council Memorandum No. 68 (NSC 68), that

iconic piece of analysis that guided American Cold
War strategy for the next 40 years.2
This chapter seeks inspiration from this earlier
moment of uncertainty to frame the dialogue on the
future of Landpower. It does so by laying out what
seem to be the key strategic objectives from recent
American history, objectives that have in no way been
left behind by history, but capture enduring goals that
are directly relevant to what the United States will
pursue in the years to come. I cannot predict the specific threats to these goals that will emerge over time.
I have no crystal ball to tell me what surprises world
events have in store for U.S. foreign policymakers and
military professionals. Nor can I offer specific recommendations on what the future of Landpower ought
to be. But I do assert that, to start thinking about this
problem, we should first study enduring American
strategic goals. From this vantage point, we will be in
a much better position to make decisions about the alternative means, including Landpower, best suited to
pursue them.
The enduring strategic goals pursued by the United States that incorporated Landpower as an essential
element can be distilled into four basic categories: 1)
grand area access, 2) hemispheric policing, 3) contain and neutralize remote projectable threats, and 4)
contain and mitigate politically-driven humanitarian
crises. While each has distinctive historic roots and
historic conditions have changed over time, the objectives remain as relevant today as they were in the past.
Strategic Objective #1: Grand Area Access.
The single most important strategic objective that
Americans have been willing to accept heavy burdens

and pay severe costs to secure over the past 100 years is
what can be called grand area access. In its simplest
terms, the objective has been to maintain open access
to, and a balanced political order within, Europe, East
Asia, and the Middle East. It is a simple strategic concept that links the costliest commitments of American
power in our history: two million Soldiers mobilized
and deployed to Europe with the American Expeditionary Force by the end of World War I; a total of
16 million Americans in uniform to support the fight
across the European and Pacific theaters in World War
II, over 8 million of them in the U.S. Army3; millions
more who helped shoulder the burden of the U.S. commitment to the defense of Western Europe during the
Cold War and who fought in Korea and Vietnam; and
over 600,000 service personnel for the fight against
Iraq during the 1991 Gulf War. While the world has
changed in profound ways since 1917, nothing has
altered the importance of this core objective for the
United States in the years between World War I and
the early-21st century.
There is a two-pronged explanation for such heavy
commitments of American blood and treasure over
such a long period of time. One explanation emphasizes a harm to avoidpreventing a hostile state from
establishing hegemonic control in one of these key
regions; the other explanation emphasizes the great
gains to be made for American domestic valuesaccess to these regions is seen as an indispensible buttress to liberty and prosperity. Neither explanation
alone can adequately account for how Americans
have conceived of the critical importance of these geographic regions to American interests since the early20th century, so both must be explored as components
of U.S. strategy for the future.


Realist Counter-Hegemonic Balancing.

It is useful to start with the kind of argument advanced by John Mearsheimer in Chapter 1, which is
essentially the negative argument: great power threats
to Americas physical security can originate from
these regions. Mearsheimer is certainly correct when
he points out that, for the past 100 years, American
leaders were willing to make massive commitments of
military power to prevent a hostile state from achieving dominance in Europe, East Asia, and the Middle
East. Why? According to realist theory, the inherent
uncertainties and dangers of an anarchic world compel great states to seek security through material power.4 For Mearsheimer, all great powers have two basic
objectives: 1) to achieve hegemonic dominance within
their own geographic region, and 2) to prevent other
states from achieving hegemony in their own parts of
the world. The fear, according to his Offensive Realist
theory, is that once another state achieves regional hegemony, it is free to roam into other regions, projecting power abroad in a way that might fundamentally
threaten others survival or core interests.5 The strategic objective then, is a negative objective: the prevention, containment, and defeat of power maximization
by other major states.
Consider the strategic value of this objective for
the United States. The United States is the only great
power in modern history to have achieved and sustained regional hegemony successfully. As a result,
for generations the United States has been liberated
from the need to focus on threatening powers within
the Western Hemisphere, and it has therefore been
free to project massive military power on a global basis with virtually no fear that it left itself vulnerable
closer to home. When we consider the advantages this

offers in contrast to the regional threat environment

faced by the other great powers in historyFrance,
Great Britain, Germany, Russia/the Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics (USSR), Hapsburg Austria, Japan, Chinawhich were never free from immediate
geographic threatsit is hard to deny that sustaining regional hegemony will remain a core American
strategic interest.
From the offensive realist perspective, the most serious commitments of U.S. power abroad, particularly
Landpower, have been motivated by the imperative
to defeat the violent quest for regional hegemony by
Germany and Japan in the world wars, and by the Soviet Union or its proxies in Europe, Korea, and Vietnam during the Cold War. A stark example of this fear
from World War II is found in the work of the great
geopolitical thinker Nicholas Spykman. His detailed
analysis of the power potential of a hegemonic Germany and Japan, when in control of the resources of
the European and Asian rimland, led him to conclude
that, if these hostile states joined forces, there was
little the United States could do to resist their efforts
to bottle up the United States physically within the
North American continent. Breaking their hegemonic
drive, therefore, was imperative.6
Liberal International Order-Building.
While this realist perspective clearly is a valuable
theoretical explanation for Americas strategic choices
over the past century, as well as its future strategic
outlook, it provides only a partial explanation. American leaders certainly worried about the potential for
other regional hegemons, using the secure footing,
the resources, and the industrial base of Europe or


Asia to make trouble for the United States within the

Western Hemisphere.
Yet there is another element to American grand
strategy motivating the huge commitments of land and
other forms of power in these cases, a more positive
strategic objective to be pursued in the political and
economic space created within these other regions in
the absence of a hostile hegemon. This positive strategic objective is best captured by a phrase developed in
the late-1930s as Europe descended into war: grand
area access. Simply put, securing Americas core political values, its prosperity, vitality, and strength depended on open access to the markets and resources
of Europe and East Asia, as well as the Middle East. In
other words, the primary motive is not simply to keep
other great powers out of our neighborhood, but to
guarantee that the United States can maintain access
to theirs.
A series of memoranda produced in the early-1940s
by the War and Peace Studies group of the Council
on Foreign Relations, which had been commissioned
by an understaffed State Department, demonstrated
that, for a robust American economy to survive, it had
to maintain access to European markets and critical
resources from Southeast Asia. Co-existence with a
Nazi-dominated continent with its closed economic
system in one critical part of the world, and Imperial
Japans Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere in the
other, would force the United States to fall back on
hemispheric self-sufficiency. But as the War and Peace
Studies group concluded, self-sufficiency was impossible.7 Spykman came to the same conclusion.8 An
American economy that provided growth and opportunity for its citizens in industry, labor, and finance
demanded an open international economic order.


NSC 68.
We find this exact strategic outlook underpinning
Americas assessment of the Soviet threat and the containment response, just a few years after victory over
Germany and Japan rescued grand area access from
the violent expansion of these aspiring hegemons.
Specifically, grand area access is the core strategic objective articulated in NSC 68, the seminal document of
the early Cold War that made the case for containment
as the long-term American approach to the postwar
threat environment. While NSC 68 had its origins in a
different historic context, the document still has great
value for our contemporary study of Landpower,
past and present, because it presents a simply articulated characterization of the United States of America
and the grand strategic political ends that its foreign
policy must ultimately support. Just as important,
NSC 68 presents a claim about the global conditions
necessary to achieve those political ends that has enduring relevance as a grand strategic perspective connecting at least 100 years of history to the present and
the future.
According to NSC 68, the fundamental purpose
of the United States . . . is to assure the integrity and
vitality of our free society. One of the realities it
claims to emerge as a consequence of this purpose
is our determination to create conditions under
which our free and democratic system can live and
prosper.9 In other words, the vitality of a free society
and the prosperity of its citizens depend on maintaining [a] material environment in which they flourish. Logically and in fact, therefore, the Kremlins
challenge to the United States is directed not only to
our values but to our physical capacity to protect their

In yet another section of NSC 68, its authors go

so far as to acknowledge that containment of Soviet
powerdespite the heavy commitment of resources
to this negative goalis not the essence of American
grand strategy. Containment serves a deeper strategic
Our overall policy at the present time may be described as
one designed to foster a world environment in which
the American system can survive and flourish. . . . This
broad intention embraces two subsidiary policies. One
is a policy which we would probably pursue even if there
were no Soviet threat. It is a policy of attempting to develop a healthy international community. The other is
the policy of containing the Soviet system. . . . The
policy of striving to develop a healthy international
community is the long-term constructive effort which we
are engaged in. . . . It, as much as containment, underlay
our efforts to rehabilitate Western Europe. Most of our
international economic activities can likewise be explained in terms of this policy.11

This deeper strategic purpose is largely forgotten

in how we typically remember postwar U.S. foreign
policy, which tends to fixate on military competition
with the USSR as though this were the only objective
being served by U.S. grand strategy. The deeper strategic goal was to sustain access to key geographic regions, more specifically, politically stable regions populated by states stitched together through institutions
that open markets, allow for maximum participation,
facilitate dense networks of social and economic interaction, enhance the predictability of behavior, and reduce the role of coercion and dangerous threats within them.12 As NSC 68 declared, the role of military
power is to serve the national purpose by deterring
an attack upon us while we seek by other means to

create an environment in which our free society can

flourish.13 This is realist power politics in the service
of liberal institutional order that ultimately sustains
American domestic political values.
Defeating German and Japanese aggressive expansion before 1945 and deterring the geographic expansion of Soviet power afterwards served the same underlying goals; the massive commitment of American
power was a prerequisite for the long-term constructive effort to break open, defend, and sustain grand
area access, institutionalize progressively wider sections of the planet, and ultimately secure the material
environment that will help maintain vitality and liberty at home. Nothing changed in the U.S. underlying
grand strategic framework when the Cold War ended
and the Soviet Union collapsed. This profound historical event simply broadened the geographic scope
most immediately in Eastern Europe and former Soviet republicsthat Americans could consider as ripe
for integration,14 while stoking debate on what other
parts of the globe should be included in the material
environment that is truly vital for American interests
and worth the commitment of blood and treasure to
safeguard and stabilize.
Realist Balancing, Liberal Order, and Landpower Today.
The specific identity, character, and intensity of
threats to this open, stable, institutionalized order certainly have changed since the end of the Cold War (the
so-called rogue state problemIraq, North Korea,
and Iran, for example15), but the objective of preventing, containing, or defeating these threats to guarantee unfettered access to the grand areas has not. In the
1990s, force structure decisions hinged on the Two


Major Regional Contingencies concept. In one sense,

this is a threat-based planning assumption: as a worstcase scenario, the United States might find itself at war
concurrently in Northeast Asia and Southwest Asia,
based on aggression from North Korea in one region
and Iraq or Iran in the other. But these scenarios are
considered threatening in the first place and serious
enough to justify a massive Landpower response, because they put grand area security at risk. Our contemporary fears of a nuclear armed Iran do not really
spring from scenarios in which Iran uses this capability to project offensive power against the United States
itself. The fear is that nuclear weapons will allow Iran
to deny the United States and its allies the freedom of
action they now enjoy in a geographic region that is
critical to the global economy.
It is within this same grand strategic framework
that we can assess the implications of Chinas rising
economic, political, and military power and the American response. More specifically, Americas grand
strategic tradition helps explain why Chinas AntiAccess/Area Denial (A2/AD) strategy creates such
anxiety in Washington. It cuts directly against the very
core objectives American strategic thinkers settled on
in the late-1930s and have worked so hard to sustain
over the ensuing 70 years. Anti-Access, Area-Denial;
it is hard to think of a policy label that would be more
provocative for American strategic thinkers.
Within official Chinese sources, A2/AD is certainly cast as an inherently defensive concept.16 Chinese
ballistic missiles that threaten American airbases in
the western Pacific, anti-ship missiles designed to sink
aircraft carriers, interceptor aircraft meant to blunt
American and allied airpower, and submarines on patrol from the East China Sea to the Straits of Malacca


are all characterized as military capabilities necessary

for defending Chinas legitimate security interests
along its Pacific coastline and for breaking maritime
blockades that could strangle Chinas export-dependent economy and importation of oil. According to
realist international relations theory, Chinas military
investments are perfectly understandable. From this
perspective, no major state should tolerate such a
gross imbalance in relative power, which makes China vulnerable to American power projection right on
Chinas doorstep.17
Many Americans tend to dismiss the notion that
Chinas military modernization is driven by legitimate fear for its security. Secretary of Defense Donald
Rumsfeld once declared, since no nation threatens
China, one must wonder: Why this growing investment? Why these continuing large and expanding
arms purchases? But as Professor Charles Glaser
rightly notes:
The answer should have been obvious. If China were
able to operate carrier battle groups near the U.S. coast
and attack the U.S. homeland with long-range bombers, Washington would naturally want the ability to
blunt such capabilities.18

Yet the same capabilities that China develops to

defend its territory and contiguous waters can also
be used offensively to coerce neighboring states into
conceding their claims to contested territory, or to
seize this territory outright (such as in the Senkaku/
Diaoyu islands or the South China Sea). Perhaps, as
realist theory suggests, a more powerful China will
be a more confident, ambitious, and risk-acceptant
China,19 willing to enforce the sovereignty it claims
over the entire South China Sea. China might make

a play to forcibly reunite Taiwan with the mainland,

or intimidate American allies or partner states (such
as Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, Thailand, and
Singapore) to abandon their close political and economic ties with the United States, to include compelling the withdrawal of American military forces from
their territory.
These are the scenarios that American political
leaders and security professionals worry about. It is
not that a strengthened China will actually send carrier battle groups to patrol the waters of the Western
Hemisphere or seek partner nations in the Americas
willing to provide bases for their strategic bombers
or their marines. The fear is that China will turn a
putatively defensive A2/AD capability into a robust
force that will shield aggression and intimidation
that ultimately dissolve U.S. deep political, economic,
and military connections that have extended across
the entire western Pacific and East Asia for generations. The fear is that the United States will lose grand
area access.
If there is a role for American Landpower in Asia,
it should contribute to the neutralization of aggressive forms of A2/AD. How might the Army be used
to convince China that aggressive or coercive uses of
its growing military capabilities are likely to fail, thus
reducing their temptation to even try aggressive or coercive tactics? Alternatively, how can American Landpower help sustain the political desire, the political
will, and the ability of regional states to remain active
members of the broader system of unhampered interaction that the United States seeks to secure? This is
the challenge for the most creative strategic thinkers,
particularly those responsible for adapting the American Army to changing regional dynamics.


Of course, the Army will continue to play a critical role in deterrence and defense on the Korean
peninsula. North Korea remains what we might call
a legacy threat, born in a radically different global
context that no longer exists, yet it lingers as a legitimate threat to our South Korean ally. This threat matters only because South Korea is a critical member of
the Asian grand area that the United States is determined to protect. But beyond this particular hotspot,
Landpower planners should be focused on how this
particular type of military force might support U.S. efforts to maintain access and partnerships across the
wider region.
Strategic Objective #2: Hemispheric Policing.
Each state has a special interest in its own geographic region, its security environment, the political
character of its neighbors, and the regions distinctive
economic opportunities and disruptions. States have
a special interest in their regions migration patterns,
the movement of goods, disease, and criminals, and a
keen interest in the rules that shape regional behavior
and the rights that neighboring states claim. Simple
geographic proximity suggests that potential dangers
and opportunities have greater impact when they appear in the immediate neighborhood rather than halfway around the world.
The United States exemplifies the special attention that states tend to pay to regional affairs. In fact,
the United States has more forcefully articulated its
special interest, and its special obligation and right,
to shape its own region than any other major state.
President James Monroes doctrine of 1823 was an
expression of exceptionalism and separation of the


Americas from the violent and corrupting European

balance of power system, a demand that the great
states of the period refrain from intervention in the affairs of our hemisphere. Of course, the United States
of the early-19th century did not have the power to
actually enforce this demand, nor was Monroes doctrine a declaration of U.S. intentions to take a leadership role in hemispheric affairs. By the turn of the 20th
century, however, with the United States emerging as
the most productive economy in the world and the
Western Hemisphere free of any great power except
the United States, America was in a position to pursue,
in President Teddy Roosevelts words, the exercise of
an international police power to see the neighboring
countries stable, orderly, and prosperous.20
It is true that the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine was the product of a particular historic
context, when American leaders still worried about
European great powers intervening in Latin America
and the Caribbean. The notion of hemispheric policing might seem like an irrelevant anachronism, a
throwback to the days when 5,000 American Soldiers
under General John Pershing chased Pancho Villa
across the northern Mexican desert for 9 months or
when the U.S. Marines governed Haiti for nearly 2
decades. Teddy Roosevelts declaration of the U.S.
right to regional intervention was actually renounced
in 1928; Presidents Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Hoover,
and Franklin Roosevelt took pains to convince their
regional neighbors that the United States was not going to mimic the rough hewn imperialism that other
great powers pursued around the world. Cold War
regional policing with Landpowerfrom preparations for a massive assault on Cuba in 1962 through
the invasions of the Dominican Republic in 1965 and


Grenada in 1983certainly follows the strategic logic

of the Monroe Doctrine, yet these cases seem less relevant to an era that is not dominated by great power
rivalry that could spill over into the U.S. backyard.
While the historic details have changed dramatically since the early-20th century and the Cold War
era, those responsible for the future of U.S. Landpower
should not be so quick to write off hemispheric policing as a mission left behind by history. The U.S. interventions in Panama in 1989 and Haiti in 1994 illustrate
the kinds of scenarios that might indeed be replayed in
the future, and which might certainly lead future political leaders to demand a similar response from the
U.S. Army. In December 1989, approximately 26,000
U.S. military personnel launched Operation JUST
CAUSE to overthrow Panamanian strongman General
Manuel Noriega. The list of American grievances was
long: Noriega was under indictment for drug trafficking by a U.S. federal court; his Panamanian defense
forces had racked up over 300 incidents of harassment
against American service personnel and family members serving in the canal zone; Noriega undermined a
democratic turn in Panamanian politics by invalidating the results of presidential elections in the spring of
1989 that his candidate lost; and Noriegas regime was
declared an unacceptable threat to the security of the
Panama Canal. The U.S. Army deployed thousands
of Soldiers from a wide range of units for the highintensity assault.21
The U.S. occupation of Haiti in September 1994 also
fits this hemispheric policing category. The motivation
for the operation was twofold. First, as the operations
nameUPHOLD DEMOCRACYbluntly points out,
the most public motive was democratization and
humanitarian stabilization. In 1991, democratically


elected president of Haiti Jean-Bertrand Aristide was

ousted in a military coup by Lieutenant General Raul
Cedras. Diplomatic pressure and economic sanctions
eventually led Cedras to sign an accord in July 1993
conceding power. But a year later, with Cedras still
in Port-au-Prince, the United Nations (UN) Security Council passed a resolution authorizing the use
of military force to restore democracy, the first time
in the organizations history the UN has approved
forcible democratization of a member state.22
A second motivation for the invasion was just as
important, perhaps more so: to stop the relentless flow
of thousands and thousands of Haitian boat people
trying to reach the United States in flimsy crafts between 1991 and 1994. To keep the refugees from reaching the beaches of Florida, the George H. W. Bush
administration set up an interdiction operation that
would gather refugees at sea and bring them to camps
at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. During this period, approximately 30,000 Haitians passed through the camps, the
maximum population reached nearly 13,000 refugees
at one point.23 When the Bush administration realized
that this process was actually enticing more Haitians
to flee into U.S. custody, they controversially changed
policy and began to return all refugees to Haiti. President Bill Clinton had campaigned against this cruel
policy, but during his first year and a half in office,
the United States continued to interdict and return. By
September 1994, President Clinton was ready to pull
the trigger on military intervention in Haiti to resolve
the problem at its source. With the 82nd Airborne in
the air en route for an assault, and the 3rd Special
Forces Group and the 10th Mountain Division staging
out of Guantanamo Bay for the invasion, a last ditch
diplomatic effort by former President Jimmy Carter,


Senator Sam Nunn, and retired General Colin Powell managed to convince Raul Cedras to leave. The
planned invasion was converted into a peacekeeping and nation-building operation, but it was a close
run thing.
Strategic Objective #3: Contain and Neutralize
Remote Projectable Threats.
Since 2001, U.S. Landpower has been consumed
with this strategic objective. The case of Afghanistan
is a perfect illustration of the problem and the goals
sought by American leaders. Under Taliban rule, Afghanistan harbored al-Qaeda, which used this secure
territorial base to plan, organize, train, and direct its
jihadists in attacks against U.S. targets in Africa, Yemen, and in the homeland. In the words of Ambassador Michael Sheehan, former Assistant Secretary
of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity
Conflict, Afghanistan became a sanctuary of impunity, an immensely valuable remote and unmolested
zone within which U.S. enemies could develop and
execute operations.24
Since the invasion of Afghanistan, which had as its
strategic goals the destruction not only of al-Qaeda but
the elimination of this particular unmolested base of
operations, al-Qaeda and affiliate organizations have
migrated, seeking new sanctuaries of impunity in
Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, and across North Africa.
While this threat has morphed since 2001, the United
States still has a keen strategic interest in preventing
the emergence of true sanctuaries in remote regions
of the world that violent extremists will use to build,
plan, and deploy. Few dispute this objective. Yet the
continuing challenge is to determine the best ways to
deny these sanctuaries.

The United States pursued the regime change

model in Afghanistan, followed by long-term counterinsurgency operations, nation-building, and continuing strike operations to neutralize al-Qaeda and its
Taliban allies. But when former Secretary of Defense
Robert Gates bluntly asserted that any future defense
leader who advised the President to again send a big
American land army into Asia or into the Middle East
or Africa should have his head examined, he was
admitting deep skepticism about the regime change
and nation-building option.25 But skepticism over this
Landpower-intensive and immensely complicated,
ambitious approach does not mean that the United
States can turn its back on the sanctuaries of impunity problem. The debate will go on regarding the right
mix of other ways to seek our objectivefrom drone
strikes, special forces, and law enforcement operations to training indigenous security forces and fostering economic development. Along the way, however,
it is important to clearly define the ultimate strategic
goal in those parts of the world that the U.S. targets:
denying sanctuary to violent extremists who seek to
strike targets of high value to the United States, and
not to transform these remote parts of the world into
Western-leaning progressive democracies.
Invasion and regime change in Iraq in 2003 is a
more complicated case. Despite the mixed messages
coming from the Bush administration, the President
acknowledged that there was no evidence linking
Saddam Husseins regime with the September 11,
2001, attack, nor was there a prior concern that Iraq
was serving as a sanctuary of impunity for al-Qaeda
operatives, like Afghanistan had. The affiliated group
al-Qaeda in Iraq that the American military battled
was a product of the political upheaval following the


downfall of the Baathist regime, the emergent insurgency and sectarian violence, and mere opportunism. Once the jihadist threat emerged, however, the
fear that a post-Saddam Iraq might actually become a
sanctuary of impunity became a key motive for continuing U.S. counterinsurgency and nation-building
operations. As part of the broader U.S. counterterrorist
strategy in these years, the hope was that if Iraq could
be developed into a tolerant, prosperous, representative democracy, it would be a model for the rest of the
Islamic world to adopt and thus drain the swamp
that supported violent ideologies and terrorist action.
While the specter of terrorists in Iraq was part of
the larger strategic narrative in this war, the claim that
Iraq had active weapons of mass destruction (WMD)
programs took a central role in how the remote threat
was defined, and the heavy Landpower option was
justified. Along with terrorism, WMD proliferation
has been defined as the most serious remote threat
faced by the United States and its allies since the early1990s. Given that Iraq had no actual WMD programs,
this war will never serve as a positive case of successful counterproliferation that will inspire future invasions of other suspected proliferators. Moreover, the
high costs and frustrations it produced will continue
to generate Gates-like reluctance to use heavy armies
in this way again. It is virtually inconceivable that
U.S. leaders will purposefully replicate the Iraq model
as a way to neutralize the Iranian nuclear program.
However, it is conceivable that airstrikes against
Irans nuclear infrastructure will set us climbing up
an escalation ladder that eventually leads to consideration of some form of Landpower commitment to establish escalation dominance and end this conflict on
U.S. terms. Army planners would be wise to consider


Landpower options in Iran should a preventive strike

unintentionally produce escalating conflict.
Strategic Objective #4: Contain and Mitigate
Politically-Driven Humanitarian Crises.
During the 1990s, U.S. leaders directed ground
forces to intervene in civil conflicts that were producing or threatened to produce significant humanitarian tragedy on several occasions. The list is familiar:
Operation PROVIDE COMFORT in Kurdish northern
Iraq (1991); Somalia (1992); Bosnia (1995); and Kosovo
(1999); these are a small sample of the much longer
list of political-humanitarian crises that generated international angst and intervention by non-U.S. forces
over the past 2 decades.26 Many defense analysts,
political leaders, and military professionals went so
far as to declare in the 1990s that intervention in civil
conflicts was the primary new mission for U.S. Landpower, a mission that should drive force structure,
training, and doctrine. The ability to deter and defeat
conventional threats on the Korean peninsula and in
Southwest Asia remained, but civil conflict seemed to
be the new game that the U.S. Army had to address.
During the first decade of the 21st century, U.S.
interventionist energies were fully absorbed by Afghanistan and Iraq. But as the years move us further
away from these wars, it is inevitable that the new humanitarian tragedies that appear will produce pressures for intervention, and U.S. political leaders will
occasionally be tempted to respond (or at least ask
the military for an analysis of the options). Perhaps
the greatest variable shaping this particular strategic
objective is the political will in the United States to
actually commit land forces to contain and mitigate


the humanitarian consequences of civil conflicts. Just

as the Somalia Syndrome stifled American will to
intervene in Rwanda in 1994, a similar Afghanistan/
Iraq Syndrome will seriously dampen enthusiasm to
turn to the muddy boots option in places like central
Africa. Intervention in Libya in 2011 was restricted
largely to air power, while there was virtually no willingness to apply direct American military power to
stanch the killing of the Syrian civil warand intervention with ground forces was openly rejected.
If the 1990s provide any clue to the conditions that
could increase the likelihood of robust U.S. intervention in civil conflicts, something to watch is whether
U.S. political leaders talk about (or perceive) the ongoing crisis as a direct test of American prestige on
the international stage. More specifically, the United
States is more likely to intervene if failure to do so
would represent a severe blow to Americas reputation for power and leadership.
It was this concern, not the horrible images of
starving babies, that compelled President George H.
W. Bush to volunteer an American interventionist
force for Somalia. The international outcry for American action in the fall of 1992 took a particular form:
the President was hearing from leaders around the
world that his failure to deploy a military relief mission would fundamentally undermine the incredible
prestige that the United States had generated during the Gulf War of 1991. In turn, it would erode the
Presidents efforts to use the image of this superpower
acting to help right the worlds wrongs as the foundation of continuing American leadership in the postCold War era. For Bush, it was better to accept the
risks of intervention than to damage American credibility this way, and thus undermine a great source of
American power.

This chapter has not ventured specific predictions
about developments in world affairs that the United
States must confront in the years ahead. Instead, it has
been a retrospective on how U.S. leaders have defined
core strategic objectives over the past 100 years. Each
of these strategic objectives has been met with a mixture of national resources, tools of potential power,
and a mixture of concepts for how to achieve them.
This includes the use of American Landpower. While
the chapter began by warning against the prospects
of prediction as the key to answering our core questionwhat is the future of Landpower?it will end
with a prediction of sorts. The four strategic objectives discussed previouslygrand area access, hemispheric policing, containing and neutralizing remote
projectable threats, and containing and mitigating
politically-driven humanitarian criseswill endure
in U.S. foreign policy. As a starting point, Landpower
planners should take a hard look at how this particular form of power might contribute to these enduring
goals and interests.
1. Philip E. Tetlock, Expert Political Judgment: How Good
is it? How Can We Know? Princeton, NJ: Princeton University
Press, 2006.
2. Terms of Reference, National Security Council (NSC) 68:
United States Objectives and Programs for National Security, Washington, DC: NSC, April 14, 1950.


3. Kent Roberts, Robert Palmer, and Bell Wiley Greenfield,

The United States Army in World War II: The Army Ground Forces,
the Organization of Ground Combat Troops, Washington, DC: U.S.
Department of the Army, Historical Division, 1947.
4. The most important work to make this argument is Kenneth N. Waltz, Theory of International Politics, New York: McGrawHill, 1979.
5. John Mearsheimer, The Tragedy of Great Power Politics, New
York: W. W. Norton, 2001.
6. Nicholas J. Spykman, Americas Strategy in World Politics: the
United States and the Balance of Power, New York: Harcourt, Brace
and Co., 1942; Nicholas J. Spykman, The Geography of the Peace,
New York: Harcourt, Brace, and Co., 1944.
7. The most detailed archival study of the War and Peace
Studies memoranda has been conducted by Carlo Maria Santoro, Diffidence and Ambition: The Intellectual Sources of U.S. Foreign
Policy, Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1992, pp. 75-82.
8. Spykman, Americas Strategy in World Politics, pp. 198, 266,
9. NSC 68, section II. Emphasis added.
10. Ibid., section IV b. Emphasis added.
11. Ibid., section VI a. Emphasis added.
12. G. John Ikenberry, Liberal Leviathan, Princeton: Princeton
University Press, 2011.
13. NSC 68, section IV c.
14. For example, see President Clintons national security
strategy, A National Strategy of Engagement and Enlargment,
Washington, DC: The White House, 1995.


15. K. P. OReilly,Perceiving Rogue States: The Use of the

Rogue State Concept by U.S. Foreign Policy Elites, Foreign Policy Analysis, 2007, pp. 295-315.
16. Peter J. Brown, The PLA Raises its Voice, Asia Times,
March 9, 2010.
17. Andrew Nathan and Andrew Scobell, How China Sees
America, Foreign Affairs, September-October, 2012.
18. Charles Glaser, Will Chinas Rise Lead to War? Why
Realism Does Not Mean Pessimism, Foreign Affairs, MarchApril, 2011.
19. See Fareed Zakaria, From Wealth to Power, Princeton, NJ:
Princeton University Press, 1998.
20. President Theodore Roosevelt, Address to Congress,
December 6, 1904.
21. R. Cody Phillips, Operation Just Cause: the Incursion into
Panama, CMH Pub No. 70-85-1, Ft. McNair, DC: U.S. Army Center
of Military History.
22. Office of the Historian, Intervention in Haitia, 19941995, Washington, DC: U.S. Department of State, available from
23. Harold Koh, Captured by Guantanamo, Open Democracy, September 2005, available from
Barbara Crossette, U.S. to Close Refugee Camp at Guantanamo
to Haitians, The New York Times, May 29, 1992.
24. Spencer Ackerman, Mike Sheehan on Counterterrorism,
The Washington Independent, October 10, 2008.
25. Thom Shanker, Warning Against Wars Like Iraq and Afghanistan, The New York Times, February 25, 2011.


26. The U.S. intervention in Haiti is discussed in the section

on hemispheric policing. The direct impact of the Haitian crisis on
American territorial interests puts it in a different category from
humanitarian interventions in other parts of the world.


Isaiah Wilson III
The author would like to acknowledge and thank members
of the Department of Social Sciences faculty at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, New York, who participated in
development of the guiding theme paper for the 62nd Student
Conference on U.S. Affairs (SCUSA), and in particular the conferences executive secretary, Major Irvin Oliver, for their collective insights and research in the early development of this
authors power vs. force thesis put forward in more mature
form in this chapter. Parts of this chapter have appeared previously in The True Tragedy of American Power, Parameters,
Vol. 43, No. 4, Winter 2013-14, pp. 15-26, and Thinking Beyond
War: Civil-Military Relations and Why America Fails to Win the
Peace, Revised Edition, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.

What individuals do is related to what they think. . . .

Since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds
of men that the defences of peace must be constructed.
Francis Beer1

If the past 12 years of long wars in Afghanistan and

Iraq were not sufficient lessons, the current and developing complex and muddied situation in (greater)
Syria only amplify the clear inconvenient truth: a
blunt reconsideration of American power, its purpose,
its promise, and the perils that come if and when its
limits are not respected, is long overdue. It is time to
reconsider the American story, our national narrative,
and from our beginnings as a nation and always at the
heart and soul of our constitutional self, rethink the
limits of American power.


In this chapter, I will distinguish between force

and power. On the basis of that distinction, I will assess the limitations of Air-Sea Battle and the promise of Prevent-Shape-Win. I will then conclude
by considering how American power, properly understood, might contribute to a renewed national
grand strategy.
As every graduate of Physics 101 knows, Sir Isaac
Newton defined power with the following equation:
Power = Force x Displacement/Time.
Newton could not account for power without
force, but he did not consider the two to be identical.
In addition to force, one had to account for both time
and displacement, the imaginary straight path from
the initial and final positions of a point, the length and
direction of which one expresses in the displacement
vector. All of these variables stand in harmonious
symmetry in nature as reflected in Newtons equation.
When one applies Newtons elegant equation to
the world of power politics, however, each variable
suddenly springs to life and asserts its primacy. Force
proves the most assertive of all, at least if the American
case and the traditional American Way of War are
any indication. For some time now, the United States
has possessed a preponderance of force, especially the
force generated by industry and the military, and this
preponderance has led American strategists to equate
the capacity to generate force with the capacity to generate and sustain power. Like nations laboring under
a resource curse, a bounty of windfall riches too
bountiful for their own good, so the United States suffers from a force curse. All problems seem to have


military or economic solutions; even right seems vulnerable to might. Elements of power other than force
thus can far too easily fade from the strategists view.
Newtons force was couched always and everywhere in these complicating variables; naked force
alone was a monstrosity, incapable of manifesting as
power. For long stretches of its history, the United
States shared something like Newtons sensibility.
The basis of the constitutional discussions during our
founding centered on how to maximize liberty and
prosperity, and how to shape and order force with
a view to these ends. Force was viewed as an instrument because the Founders understood themselves to
be establishing a nation of laws, not of men (as John
Adams put it), a regime in which force was prevented
from endangering popular rulein short, a republic.
The goal was sufficient centralization of force to ensure citizens rights and no more than the minimum
necessary to protect and ensure liberty. By using principle to restrain force, the ends of government to limit
and define its means, the Founders understood, the
nation could generate true power.
Where does American power stand today? U.S.
force is unsurpassed; American power, however, is
limited by appearing only in the guise of force. American military force has had a mixed record of success,
particularly over the past decade in Afghanistan and
Iraq. These and other irregular wars and military-humanitarian operations (MHOs) the United States has
engaged in have demonstrated the inability of mere
military force to generate the conditions necessary to
resolve conflicts: political agreement among internal
factions, improved capacity in host nation civil governance, and increased economic development. Force
of arms can bring down regimes with far greater ease


than it can build them up. Partly as a result of the

prominence of force in the American disposition toward the world, the persuasive and alluring aspects
of Americas soft powerits ability to attract other
states through its ideals, ideas, and cultureis also
in question. And with good reason, as the U.S. focus
on force led it in many cases to compromise its own
core ideals with greater effectiveness than any enemy
could have done.
This is the heart of the paradox we face: a system of
government that generates power by restraining force
has produced a nation commanding unsurpassed
force, and with it the tendency to place force rather
than power at the core of its international relations. As
the Founders knew, military force is an essential element of American power. But this power rests equally
on its capacity to effect or prevent change by means
of its prestige and legitimacy, which have as much
to do with the opinion of those subject to American
power as with the opinions of Americans themselves.
True power is legitimate, purposeful, and strategic in
securing national interests; it includes and exceeds
mere force.
Our challenge is to think beyond forcebeyond
war, as it has come to be understoodand to think
instead about power. American power is not, at bottom, a military matter. Rather, it is an instrumentally
effective, legal, and ethically legitimate, and, above
all, strategic appropriation and deployment of our
nations bounty of forceall for the grand purpose
of achieving better solutions to the compound security challenges our nation faces. Nonetheless, our


conception of power and force does have profound

consequences for how we understand and structure
our military. In debates over the future structure of
the U.S. military, our nations tragic obsession with
force assumes the form of an equally tragic focus on
Many are already advocating a national strategy,
Air-Sea Battle (ASB) that focuses on high technology
threats to the global commons or a peer competitor
(such as China) with a corresponding commitment
never again to fight a low technology, protracted,
counterinsurgency war. Such a strategy seductively
appeals to those concerned by the growing cost of
land forces in the midst of austerity. It also appeals to
those who would minimize fog and friction in war
by using high technology intelligence, surveillance,
and reconnaissance (ISR), which leverages traditional
strengths of the American military industrial complex.
It appeals so strongly, in fact, that it has risen in a remarkably short period of time to become the de facto
national strategy. A critic of Air-Sea Battle, Brigadier
General (Retired) Huba Wass de Czege compares this
development to other attempts to derive strategy from
technological superiority:
An idea that began life as a concept for overcoming the
new and envisioned anti-access tactics of a great and
modern power like China gained legitimacy in the new
American way of high-end war, laden with the faulty
logic of its predecessor of a decade ago, Rapid Decisive Operations (RDO). RDO informed the logic and
design of the 2001 and 2003 invasions of Afghanistan
and Iraq to depose the Hussein and Taliban regimes;
both invasions depended on overwhelming precision
air and naval firepower and a light presence of U.S.
ground forces to change intolerable situations on the


ground. The approach endorsed by Secretary Gates

would rely entirely on overwhelming precision air
and naval firepower. This approach applies the logic
of economic sanctions to bring a foreign government
to terms by indirect pressure on the public it governs.2

The Air-Sea Battle concept is an operational approach that prioritizes assured access to the global
commons of the sea, air, space, and cyberspace domains while relying heavily on continued American
air and naval superiority. It also envisions a greater
reliance on regional alliances and an increased acceptance of risk in other areas. The leading advocate
of Air-Sea Battle, Dr. Andrew Krepinevich argues
that it amounts to a strategy of assured access [and]
reflects a sense of what the U.S. military can realistically achieve.3 The realism of Air-Sea Battle arises
from both its suitability to a nation unwilling to pay
the high costs of maintaining a standing army and its
suitability to the high technology U.S. economy. It is a
strategy that speaks simultaneously to American fiscal
anxiety and to American economic and military pride.
But is Air-Sea Battle in fact a strategy? Even its advocates seem uncertain about the appropriate scope
of Air-Sea Battle. Seen as a new paradigm for national military strategy, however, Air-Sea Battle raises
a host of difficult questions. Foremost among them is
the place of Landpower. What size and type of force
structure would be necessary to complement air and
naval assets? Air-Sea Battle also rests on a questionable
notion of deterrence. Air-Sea Battle represents a capability that can be used against our enemies but lacks a
strong signaling mechanism to show resolve. Carriers
and aircraft come and go quickly into a region; they
are excellent signals of capability but poor signals of
commitment. Without demonstrating resolve, it is difficult to reassure friends and fence-sitters in regions

of interest that the United States is there, not only

virtually or from-a-distance but in a substantial and
sustainable way. Without considerable land forces, it
is also more difficult to dissuade actual or potential adversaries from testing U.S. will and resolve. So while
Air-Sea Battle, as an operational concept, represents
an effective military doctrine and method for gaining
access in areas where our enemies have adopted AntiAccess/Area Denial (A2/AD) tactics and weapons
systems, it does not adequately address the strategic
issue of how to avoid conflict in the first place, nor
does it speak to what happens after you gain access. It
addresses the how but not the why. For that reason, it
is better understood as an operational idea rather than
a strategy. Ironically, it is Sir Julian Corbett, Britains
greatest maritime strategist, who best expressed this
point. The central theme of his work, he said, was the
powerlessness of a navy without an army equally well
organized to act where the power of the fleet ends.4
The current vogue for Air-Sea Battle has been
useful, however, insofar as it has forced military
and civilian leaders to reconsider the very nature of
Landpower. Again, we can turn to Sir Julian Corbett
for an expression of the Armys essential raison detre:
He wrote:
Since men live upon the land and not upon the sea,
great issues between nations at war have always been
decidedexcept in the rarest caseseither by what
your army can do against your enemys territory and
national life, or else by the fear of what the fleet makes
it possible for your army to do.5

Since war is ultimately a human endeavor, fog

and friction are inherent in all warfare. And since
human beings live on land, not in the sea or air, hu87

man engagement by soldiers and marines in shaping,

combat, and post-combat operations must always figure prominently in the larger and diverse ensemble of
forces available to a nation.
To turn to our technological preeminence for solutions to vexing human problems is to confuse the fruit
of our success with the cause of it. We do not enjoy
power because of our advanced technology; we enjoy
advanced technology because of our power. It is not
in the air and on the sea, nor on cyber or outer space
that wars are won. In the final analysis, they are won
where the humans who wage them live, and this is on
land. If the centrality of Landpower in national strategy raises difficult challenges, these are much better
confronted with humility than ignored with hubris.
How, then, can our legions succeed militarily in a
manner consistent with the principles of the American regime? In answering this question, the first step
is to recognize that, for the past 60 years, tactical military excellence alone has not translated to strategic
success. This is the heart of the paradox that haunts
the American way of war and peace, or rather how
America intervenes with force: the United States frequently proves better at winning battles than wars.
In light of this fact, our future thinking and preparation must do two things. First, we must maintain the
capacity to fight and win on the battlefield; for while
victories in battle do not necessarily lead to victories
in war, strategic success cannot be built upon battlefield failure. Second, we must think beyond the battlefield, and consider what is required of the land force
so as to realize national strategic goals. Fundamental


to this second line of thought is the strategic value of

the land force itself. While tactical and operational
success rests on controlling the air, sea, land, cyber,
and space domains, strategic success lies in controlling and influencing the human domain. Since, as
Corbett recognized, humans dwell on land rather than
in other domains, Landpower willor shouldcontinue to play a central role in national strategy.
The U.S. Army has put forward the PreventShape-Win strategic solution to envision how Landpower might contribute to national strategy. I discuss
the significance of each of these termsprevent, shape,
and winelsewhere in this volume.6 Here, I address
two specific challenges associated with this strategic solution: regional alignment and the difficulty of
recognizing wins.
First, let us consider regional alignment, the current Army initiative to align brigade combat teams
to specific regions of the world. Making U.S. forces
regionally aligned is an important first step, but it is
insufficient unless these forces are led by regionally
acculturated talent, i.e., commissioned and noncommissioned officers familiar with not only the military
forces in a given region, but the regions languages
and cultures as well. The effective power of our forces
aligned with the Middle East will be multiplied exponentially if they are led by modern-day T. E. Lawrences. But to attract and develop this sort of talent
requires a system of professional development and
promotion quite different than the one the Army currently uses. For an institution to produce Lawrences,
it must have the investment strategy of a Warren
Buffet; it must embrace the long-term view, for the
most valuable human capital is not accumulated overnight. Shaping strategies, like the Individual Re-


tirement Account, penalize early withdrawals while

rewarding expectation management and, above all,
strategic patience.
Patient prevention and shaping are awarded with
wins. But the wins they lead to are not always the
ones the Army, and our U.S. Armed Forces more generally, are prepared to acknowledge, for the ultimate
goal of these kinds of strategies is victory without battle. To gain a clearer sense of what this entails, consider the case of Turkey. After World War II, the Turkish
military was a poorly-trained manpower-heavy force
on the North Atlantic Treaty Organizations (NATO)
flank. Through the deployment of military advisers,
military equipment transfers, and whole-of-government support over the span of decades, Turkey developed into the second largest power in NATO and
a lynchpin of American Middle East security. With
the fall of Communism, Turkey emerged as a regional
pivot state, connecting Europe and the Middle East,
and providing vital support during the First Gulf War
and Operations PROVIDE COMFORT and NORTHERN WATCH. Because Turkey acted in its own sovereign interests in the lead-up to the Second Gulf War, a
number of observers have questioned Turkeys value
as an ally; however, they fail to acknowledge that Turkey has continued to provide support to U.S. efforts
in Iraq throughout the most recent war, and today
supports U.S. efforts in the Syrian conflict. None of
this was fated. It is the long-term return on an investment seeded nearly half a century ago, one which has
continued in ways small and large over that entire
span. The Turkey case represents a clear winnot on
the battlefield, but through prevention and shaping
strategies. As we look to possibilities for an extended
diplomatic-military intervention in Syria, the 90-year


investment in the U.S.-Turkey relationship may be

coming to maturity, bringing large dividends to the
United States, with the possibility of Turkey taking
on some form of lead role in a future regional coalition aimed at protecting humanitarian safe zones, or
in the longer term, containing and stabilizing conditions at and within the boundaries of a widening Syria
civil war.
These questions will be at the core of our political debates in the years to come. While it is beyond
my intent (and ability) to address each of them here,
there are a few principles that can help us to consider
how the military might maximize its contribution to
national strategy in the face of budget stringency:
A diverse spectrum of talented personnel provides an important hedge against uncertainty.
Investments here, and now, will bear countable
positive returns in the long run.
Risk can be accepted by focusing service, command, and functional capability and by reducing redundancy and interservice competition.
Limited focused research and development can
develop technologies that hedge against uncertainty.
Personnel quantity is costly; personnel quality
is priceless.

Reductions should facilitate and, indeed, require draconian cuts to preserve only what is
truly value-added.
Engagements with foreign military personnel
to shape the strategic environment have longterm strategic benefits.
We need a holistic campaign-quality solution.
Modules of unique and specialized functions
and rolespackages of multi-composition


forces that are capable of semi-independent

actioncan be plugged-in-for-play with
other modules or into a mother ship headquartering node depending on the breadth
and nature of the intervention itself. This
paradigm could conceivably be broadened
as an organization and operational (O&O)
model for integrating not only differing
kinds of national military power (joint integration), or for that matter national power in
general (interagency and intergovernmental
integration), but also multinational power.
This Joint, Interagency, Intergovernmental, and Multinational (JIIM)-based construct would provide a national and beyond
constabulary-quality and campaign-quality
force for international intervention. Postmodern crises and conflicts have already
proven themselves to be complex, compound, and protracted affairslong wars.
Strategic prioritization, adherence to guiding
principles, and powerful leadership are essential to achieving the most effective military at
the conclusion of a period of budget stringency.
Observing these principles will make it more likely
that this period of fiscal austerity leads not to American decline but to a fundamental re-examination and
renewal of American grand strategy.
A renewed American grand strategy would acknowledge the nations tragic flaw: its pride in its


force and technology. It would also acknowledge the

proximity of this flaw to the nations virtue: the set
of principles and institutions for restraining force that
have proven uniquely adept at producing abundant
prosperity, power, and with themunsurpassed
force. It would, finally, exorciseor at least contain
the ghost that has haunted American intervention by
casting war as a matter of mere force rather than an
element of American power.
The great challenges and opportunities that lie before U.S. statesmen and statesmanship lie in questions
of American Power. Power is about choiceschoices
over how to generate force, in different quantities and
of different qualities; whether we choose to generate
force on our own, or in genuine partnership with others. But as Newton taught us centuries ago, the bigger
determinant over the strength and direction of power
is found in how we displace force over time. Displacement of force, or rather how we as a nation choose to
use our force, and the manner of behavior behind our
uses of that force, independently and in collective actions with others, is a strong determinant of power . . .
just and rightful power . . . legitimate power.
Austerity in terms of dwindling dollars and cents
does nothing to deny citizens or elected leaders from
making these power choices. Only a self-imposed austerity of sense and sensibility can deny a great nation
like the United States of all the opportunity that rides
on the dangerous winds of future times ahead that
are, undeniably, ambiguous, and ripe with crisis.


1. Francis Beer, Meanings of War and Peace, College Station,
TX: Texas A&M University Press, 2001, p. 6.
2. Huba Wass de Czege, The Hard Truth About Easy Fighting Theories: The Army is Needed Most When Specific Outcomes
Matter, Landpower Essay No. 13-2, April 2013, p. 1, available
3. Andrew F. Krepinevich, Jr., Strategy in a Time of Austerity: Why the Pentagon Should Focus on Assuring Access, Foreign Affairs, Vol. 91, No. 6, November-December, 2012, pp. 58-69,
especially 67.
4. Sir Julian Corbett, Some Principles of Maritime Strategy, Annapolis, MD: U.S. Naval Institute Press, 1988, p. 16.
5. Ibid., p. 336.
6. See Wilsons Chapter 19, this volume.


Huba Wass de Czege
Any discussion of grand strategy must begin with
a common understanding of the eternal logic for keeping and employing arms. Western political elites responsible for recent defense policy have been sadly
innocent of this field of knowledge, believing that new
weapons and modern concepts have overturned ancient wisdoms. Both in antiquity and today, application of military force is justifiable only if it has a high
probability of causing humans to react as intended.
Only then does applied force become power.
As consequential as military power is, it is surprising that the language with which concepts of military power are formulated and expressed is so crude.
Thinking in terms of air power, sea power, Landpower, space power, and cyber power may be useful to the
proponents of these categories of power in budget
battles at home, but it impedes clear and imaginative
thought about defense policy and military strategies
toward the world at large. These powers promise the
control of certain conceptual domains, but the sort
of control envisioned is difficult to achieve in water, air, and space, while being nearly impossible on
landwhere most human activity takes place. The
very term Landpower therefore confuses more than
it clarifies.
Instead of classifying powers according to their
domains, strategists would do better to divide power
according to its functions. Military power can deter
attack, defend against attack when deterrence fails,

attack in order to impose and enforce a new and better peace where an intolerable one exists, and pacify
an intolerably violent situation. Strategists through
the ages have brought military force to bear for these
broad categories of purpose, and so will strategists today. Strategists have not always been successful, however. Even when subject to overwhelming military
force, humans do not always react as intended. This
is so because force is not power, and because force
potential is transformed by a logic specific to each
of these broad categories of strategic purpose. Those
making the very consequential decisions of national
and military strategy must be aware of these logical
distinctions, or their strategies will fail.
Before turning to the specific functions of military
powerto deter attack, defend against attack, attack
to enforce a better peace, and pacify a violent and
armed populationit will be useful to address a more
general question: What is military power? Wise strategists think of power, to whatever purpose it is put,
in relative rather than absolute terms. All the sides in
a conflict try to cause the humans on the other side
to react as they intend. The outcome of the conflict is
determined by a relative superiority of power specific to the case at the essential points of confrontation. Thus relative military power is not determined
by mere comparisons of the military potential inherent in the capabilities each side has at hand. Although
the amount and quality of military capabilities and
resources available to each adversary are important,
relative power is determined in the main by how these
capabilities and resources affect the humans on each
side of the conflict when they are brought to bear.

From Potential to Power: Intangibles

and Pyrrhic Victories.
The conversion of potential to power is largely a
function of intangible and nonquantifiable factors. Superior knowledge of war and sound decisionmaking,
better training, higher motivation, greater firmness of
purpose, and, above all, the ability to learn and adapt
more rapidly while operating, have caused armed
forces and their leaders to succeed, even against numerical odds. The great captains of historyAlexander, Hannibal, Caesar, Gustavus Adolphus, Fredrick,
Napoleon, Mao, Ho Chi Minh, and othershad the
ability to upset simple force ratios.
Wise strategists also understand the difference
between the power to win battles and the power to
win wars. Winning battles is important, but the battles
have to count toward winning wars. Understanding
which battles do and which do not is purely an intellectual matter. Vietnam is the classic example. Although
the U.S. Army demonstrated superior combat power
in battle after battle and the Vietnamese suffered far
greater casualties than the Americans, the United
States did not succeed in causing Ho Chi Minhs government to withdraw its forces from South Vietnam
and settle for a divided nation. The North Vietnamese regimes ability to absorb far more losses than the
American side thought possible ended up tipping the
power balance and caused American combat forces to
withdraw instead. Ho Chi Minhs final victory over
the South Vietnamese regime in 1975 resulted from his
ability to win key battles against the American-armed
and -supplied Army of the Republic of Vietnam, and
then to consolidate power in all the human habitations
(cities, towns, and villages) of South Vietnam.


The power to decide battle is also relative and a

matter of transforming given combat forces into the
power to influence the decisions and options of adversaries. It does not matter what service or combination of services comprise combat forces, nor whether
battles are fought at sea, in the air, in space, or on land.
The logic is everywhere the same.
From Potential to Power: Maneuver, Firepower,
Protection, and Leadership.
Prior to battle there exists only capability. Leaders
and the forces of their environment, to include the actions of the enemy, transform this capability into the
power to contest the outcome. Superior leaders and
units can generate enough power on the battlefield to
prevail against forces vastly superior by any objective
criteria. Combat potential transforms into superior
power at the decisive point and time to win the battle, by means of the appropriate combination of four
factors: maneuver, firepower, protection, and skilled
Maneuver is the dynamic element of combat. It is
achieved by concentrating forces in critical areas to
gain and to use the advantages of surprise, psychological shock, position, and momentum to leverage available combat capabilities and thereby create a decisive
relative advantage vis--vis an opponent on the battlefield. It may be the movement of forces to achieve
a position on the battlefield from which to destroy or
threaten destruction of the enemy. Its effect can be to
throw the enemy off balance by uncovering or taking
advantage of a weakness in dispositions, by unhinging his coordination, by invalidating his planned or
current actions, by capitalizing on his unreadiness to
counter our actions, or any combination of these.

It is the effects thus created which contribute

to combat power. Mobility or movements in and of
themselves do not create this effect although relative
mobility or relative movements are enabling capabilities. These other factors, and the capabilities which
contribute to them, are also important to create maneuver effects: knowledge of the enemy and terrain
generated by study of the enemy, reconnaissance,
and other intelligence activities; effective command
and control of subordinate forces; flexible operational
practices; sound organization; and reliable logistical
Firepower provides the enabling, violent, destructive force essential to realizing the effects of maneuver. It is the means of suppressing the enemys fires,
neutralizing his tactical forces, and destroying his
ability to fight. This is done by killing, wounding, or
paralyzing the enemys soldiers and by damaging the
materiel and installations necessary for his continued
combat effectiveness. In combat, personal arms, crewserved direct fire weapons, mortars, artillery cannons
and missiles, air defense guns and missiles, attack
helicopters, Air Force and Navy aircraft, and Naval
gunfire bombardment all deliver firepower.
Again, it is the effect of firepower, which contributes to combat power, and not its unapplied or misapplied potential.Counting available weapons and munitions is an insufficient predictor of the effects they
can achieve. It is the accuracy and volume of fires, the
lethality of munitions, and the flexible employment of
weapons systems, which combine to create this effect.
Therefore, efficient and effective target-acquisition
systems, viable and effective command and control, a
steady supply of the right munitions, and the tactical
and operational mobility necessary to place weapons


within range of critical targets are necessary ingredients of this element of combat power.
There has been a tendency to focus exceedingly
on kinetic killing potential in defense planningin
essence, on weapons and their precise and lethal munitions. But for weapons and munitions to produce
valid firepower effects, they depend highly on relevant knowledge; strategic mobility; flexible sustainment; and robust, integrated command and control. In
the recent military interventions and in the wargames
the Services use to explore future force requirements,
weapons and munitions were abundantly available
at every stage. But shortages in the key enablers of
firepower make it difficult to bring this impressive
potential to bear. The tendency, ahead of operations,
is to consider these enablers burdensome overhead,
and to underestimate the value of investments in having more of them. Analytical wargames replicate lethal effects easily, but the enablers not as well. This
biases outcomes toward the contribution of weapons
and munitions based on their numbers rather than on
the lethal effects they can realistically produce. For instance, it will be very difficult to gather the volumes
of information needed to perform the high tempo
large-scale firepower-based operations some strategists imagine for the future. In reality, the capacity to
produce relevant knowledge will limit the tempo of
any such operations. When that capacity does not materialize in actual situations, the tempo and effectiveness of firepower-based operations will slow.
Protection is the shielding of the fighting potential
of the force so that it can be applied at the decisive
time and place. Protection has two components. The
first includes all actions to counter the enemys firepower and maneuver by making soldiers, systems,


and units difficult to locate, to strike, or to destroy.

Among these actions are security, dispersion, cover,
camouflage, deception, suppression, and mobility.
These actions routinely include the reinforcement and
concealment of fighting positions, command posts,
and support facilities.They also include the need to
protect force elements from attack by irregular forces
wherever they arefrom fort to foxhole. The second
component includes actions to keep soldiers healthy,
to maintain their fighting morale, and to diminish
the impact of severe weather. It also means keeping
equipment in repair and supplies from becoming lost.
As in the other elements of combat power, the effects
of protection contribute to combat power. These effects are measured by the fighting potential actually
available at the moment of decisive combat.
Leadership is the component upon which all others depend. It provides purpose, direction, and motivation in combat. Leaders function through personal
interaction with their soldiers and through command
and control systems and facilities. The primary function of leadership in battle is to inspire and to motivate
soldiers to do difficult things in trying circumstances.
While leadership requirements differ by echelon,
leaders must be men and women of character; they
must know and understand soldiers and the physical
tools of battle; and they must act with courage and
conviction. Leaders must understand how to control
and to integrate fire, maneuver, and protection effects. In short, it is the overall effect the leader creates
on the battlefield vis--vis the enemy through proper
application of his potential maneuver, firepower,
and protection capabilities which generates relative
combat power.


Prior to battle, leaders set the pre-conditions which

make winning possible. Superior combat power has
its roots in proper preparation. Preparation includes
many matters of long-term concern at the highest levelsforce design, equipment design, procurement resources, doctrinal development, and the training and
education of soldiers and their leaders, to name only
a few. The tactical commander on the battlefield has
a more immediate perspective. To him, preparation
involves logistic readiness and motivation. It means
continuous planning and training to the moment
of, and even during, active combat. It means training throughout campaigns because every endeavor
causes the unit to learn either good or bad habits and
to gain valuable insight about an ever-evolving situation. Winning commanders and leaders in all Services
and at all echelons must demand excellence under all
conditions and must strive to make it habitual.
The outcome of battle can therefore be thought of
as the complex interaction of the antagonists in a two
(or more)-sided equation in which the sides attempt
to maximize the effects of their leadership, maneuver, firepower, and protection, while simultaneously
taking actions to degrade the ability of the other side
to do the same. The leader who strives to win must
operate on both sides of this equation before and
during battle.
Transforming force potential into power is not a
matter of brawn but brain. This way of thinking about
military power applies to any purpose, but master
strategists must take one further conceptual step because the logic of power is specific to the end it serves.
As long as other states or groups exist and are capable
of advancing hostile agendas by violent means, they
will keep arms and the ability to use violence to serve
them in four essential ways: to deter others from us102

ing arms against them; to defend themselves when

others attack; to attack others to enforce their will on
them; and to pacify armed internal subgroups. These
basic purposes apply to nation-states and alliances
of states, as well as tribes, clans, and families in the
absence of states.. These basic purposes also apply to
stateless political and criminal movements, as well as
to state-based insurgent movements. Success in them
requires mastering the logic unique to each.
Military capability-in-being deters others from using force to advance their own hostile ends. The mere
existence (without the need to act) of sufficient capabilities can guarantee a status quo and free the state
from coercion by the violent threats of others. The
art of deterring is based on understanding only two
Two Fundamentals of Deterrence: Image and Risk.
First, deterrence, like beauty, is in the eye of the
beholder. As difficult as it might be to project the fully
deterring image, under the right circumstances such
images of a military force-in-being exert the power
to influence events as usefully as any other. In fact, a
properly constructed deterrent is the most economical
use of military capability: a less costly way to preserve
the status quo than to be forced to defend it. In many
cases, the same military force standing in uncommitted readiness can project a deterring image to more
than one potential adversary when an active diplomacy prevents collusion among them. In a strategic
sense, such forces are hardly uncommitted.


Deterrence is wholly psychological. What matters

is the image, not the reality. For example, if Country A
can convince its neighbors that it has a terrible weapon which it would unleash if attacked, then it need
not actually have itmaintaining the illusion of having it is enough. The deterring threat must be credible to the object. (Was this the game of bluff Saddam
Hussein was playing with his Iranian neighbor prior
to March 2003?) During the Cold War, both sides were
concerned about the credibility of the mutually deterring nuclear threat each posed to the other. Europeans
worried whether the United States would retaliate if
they were attacked, thus inviting retaliation against
American cities. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) alliance is based on the promise each
member makes to all others to come to the aid of any
member who is attacked. Establishing an integrated
and standing defensive command structure, and the
commitment of national forces to it, underwrote the
credibility of this promise. American forces stationed
in Europe, and the annual reinforcement of these
troops to exercise with their NATO partners, further
bolstered the credibility of this deterrent. The United
States has made such promises to individual nations
on the Pacific Rim such as Taiwan, Korea, Japan, and
The Philippines. Will the United States risk going to
war by intervening in an attempted aggression against
these Allies? Or can the potential aggressor produce
a rapid fait accompli, thus preempting intervention?
These are vital questions for strategists today.
The second fundamental of deterrence is that the
deterring images value must exceed the threshold of
acceptable cost in light of anticipated gain. In other
words, it must make the enemy ask, Is the risk of
losses worth the prize? Humans generally value life


and limb, especially their own or those of people they

know and care about. Historically, however, political
leaders have bargained the lives and limbs of their
citizens for ends they value more. Policemen, firemen,
airmen, sailors, marines, and soldiers risk life and limb
daily to do their duty. Historically, aggressors have
been notoriously over optimistic beforehand about
the losses they would endure, and the time it would
take to seize their prize. When Hitler launched Operation BARBAROSSA, he thought the Soviet Union
would fall as rapidly as Poland and France.
It is equally important to appreciate that some
people, in some circumstances, simply cannot be
deterred. In fact, in some societies, individuals willingly sacrifice life and limb because the reward for the
sacrificial act itself is greater than the goal for which
it is offered. Such attitudes confound the usual logic
of deterrence, as with todays Islamic fundamentalist
suicide bomber.
In every case, a deterrent has to be tailored specifically to those people who are most likely to decide whether or not to act. The projection of deterring
images plays an important complementary role in
all other uses of military force at all levels, from the
grand strategies of nation-states to the single combat
of armed individuals. For instance, a force could more
easily pursue any number of intentions merely by positioning a detachment of it just large enough to check
several options of its opponent. The art, of course, is
to know how to project the right image so that it is appropriately recognized and therefore sufficient.


Deterrence and Modern Technology.

Sometimes advances in technology pose dilemmas for deterrence because new problems need to be
solved. In the years between World Wars I and II, the
French built a defensive marvel of modern technology across most of the German World War I invasion
avenues. Of course, they encountered political problems when they considered walling off the avenues
through Belgium, and they considered the Ardennes
impenetrable. The Germans solved the problem with
new technology of their owna rapidly mobile army
supported by close support aircraft in lieu of lumbering artillery. And they saw the Ardennes differently
than the French.
New technologies pose dilemmas for strategists
because they pose new threats to the tactics formerly
used by responding allies to deter an aggressors attack. Any aggression is preceded by preparatory maneuvers and repositioning. Deterring maneuver and
pre-positioning is possible within a narrow window
of timefrom when an aggressive pattern is recognized and acted on to the moment the aggressor
commits to attack. On the one hand, modern military
capabilities can enable the aggressor to narrow this
window. On the other hand, some modern defenses,
now called anti-access/area denial (A2/AD) systems
by U.S. planners, can extend from a countrys sovereign soil far over the land, waters, and airspace a
reinforcing power needs for deterring maneuver and
If countries fearing aggression could acquire and
deploy these kinds of defenses themselves, they would
increase the deterrent value of their defenses. But
when they do not take full advantage of these capa-


bilities themselves, and rely instead on the old tactics

of protection by allied response, a new set of problems
results. Coming to the aid of an ally already under attack is made more difficult because these extended
defenses (A2/AD) need to be suppressed, and this
requires engaging immediately in acts of war deep in
the aggressor homeland, without diplomatic or political preliminaries. This is one thing when the responding ally already has its own troops under attack in the
allied country. But this is increasingly not the case.
Is, then, an allys promise to respond to a sudden attack a credible deterrent? If the allys intervention is
meant to deter by means of maneuver and repositioning, knowing that there is a very narrow span of time
during which these acts of deterrence must occur raise
dilemmas of timing that tempt preemption. It may be
difficult to know whether the aggressor is merely posturing for political effect or is actually attacking. Acting before unequivocal evidence of aggression can be
found risks triggering hostilities, but waiting until the
evidence is clear risks acting too late.1
When the aggressor is shrewd, the act of aggression
occurs in a very brief blitzkriega period so short
that the potential counteraggression force arrives to a
consolidated outcome. This would put the responding
ally in the position of having to choose one of several
poor options. One is to abandon an ally entirely, an
obviously bad choice. Another is to commence a counteroffensive to recover the sovereign soil of an ally at
the cost of a ground invasion force of impossibly large
proportions (per lessons of Iraq), which risk triggering
a nuclear and cyber escalation about the time the aggressors regime senses an existential threat. A variant
of this option would be to begin a negotiation while
building a larger and more powerful coalition to recover the allys seized terrain.

Finally, one could respond with the tactics of sea

and air action advocated by the authors of Air-Sea
Battle: A Point of Departure Operational Concept.2
We will suspend critiquing these last two options until we address the logic of military power that applies
to defense and offense. But clearly, extensive deployments of A2/AD systems, though defensive, affect the
workings and stability of deterrence postures. Strategies must be found to stabilize these postures. Such
strategies will stem from examination of how modern
technology can affect the logic and power of defense
and offense, the task to which we now turn.
When deterrence is not enough to check the several
options of each of several equally potent dispersed enemy forces, the first fallback is to defend and thus buy
time for other options. Military capability employed
defensively is the status quo guarantor of last resort.
When deterrence, combined with diplomacy and all
other peaceful means, fails to preserve the status quo,
people will fight others to preserve it. These others
who chose to use force rather than peaceful means
to change the status quo may be external powers, internal insurgents, or a combination of both, as in the
Vietnam War.
The Fundamentals of Defense: Bringing Real
Potential to Bear against an Attack.
Like deterrence, defense has its own peculiar logic.
While deterrence depends on the adversarys interpretation of an image of potential, what matters in the art
of defense is the real potential and how best to bring it


to bear in order to defeat the attack. In general, it is less

costly for the defender to retain the status quo than it
is for the aggressor to change it. All other things being
equal, the defender merely has to cause the attack to
fail to achieve its aim. Well-prepared defenses tend to
improve the reach, accuracy, and protection of weapons and the morale of their operators. Those who defend their home turf usually know the ground better,
can find concealed positions, and are more likely to
surprise their opponents.
During the 20th century, military professionals
widely believedand often provedthat tactical
military forces defending a position could deny success to a force three times as large if they were equal
in quality, which of course, is not always true. Small,
determined, poorly armed but well-led defenders
have held off capable forces exponentially larger than
themselves. A relatively poor and small nation without aggressive designs but strong determination can
create a strong defense against invasion by combining
its geography and its infrastructure of cities, towns,
canals, roads, railroads, and other man-made obstacles to make military invasion difficult. In addition,
its regular forces can specialize in one thingdefense
of their homeland. Finally, the defender can create an
inexpensive paramilitary home guard that complements the regular force by avoiding and hiding from
the attackers strength only to emerge after being bypassed to attack supporting forces and functions, the
intent being to avoid losing as long as possible in the
hope of a negotiated peace or some other kind of relief.
The challenge and major preoccupation of the defense is to seize the initiative from the attacker and to
cause the attack to culminate before it succeeds. Successful defense depends on leveraging inherent ad-


vantages: better knowledge of the country; increasing

vulnerability of the attackers logistics and other supporting structures as these extend into the defenders
country; the support of the population for regular,
paramilitary, and irregular defenders; and the greater
motivation of fighting for home and family. (Just because a regime is unpopular does not mean it cannot
claim the home court advantage against foreigners.) These advantages, when aimed systematically at
eroding the attackers momentum and constraining
his freedom of action, cause the attack to culminate.
The problem, then, is to restore lost towns and territory through counteroffensive action, perhaps with
the aid of allies, who by this time have managed to
respond. When this is not possible, counteroffensive
action can begin underground by initiating a resistance movement. Early initiation of guerrilla action
and subversion in occupied areas can cause the attack
to culminate short of victory and then provide leverage to the conventional counteroffensive. Causing the
attack to culminate via guerilla action can also establish the basis for a viable insurgency.
This struggle is also a contest of will. Success by either side in the physical clash hardens will. Early losses dishearten the attacker disproportionately because
they suggest misjudgments about the defenders potential and cast doubt on other judgments yet to be
tested. The defender must capitalize on these. In the
contest of will, evidence of success or failure indicates
a trend and foretells the future. Evidence of a coming
culmination of the attack short of success emboldens
defenders and depresses attackers. In the contest of
will, time is on the side of the defender: The attacker
needs to complete his business before the people at
home tire of the effort. The defender merely needs to
outlast the attacker and deny him his goal.

Ultimately, it is the defender and not the attacker

who decides when to end the fighting, and he does
so when either of two conditions occur: He has given
up hope of success, or the attacker has eliminated all
means of resistance. All of these factors combine to
support Carl von Clausewitzs assertion that defense
is the stronger form of war.3
Defense and Modern Technology.
The discussion of defensive logic up to this point is
based on historical experience, and it remains a sound
basis for defense in the future. Modern technology has
the potential to strengthen the defense more than the
offense. The wide deployment of counteraccess and
area denial weapons and networks has already been
mentioned. We only need to flip our understanding of
these around to realize how technology has strengthened the power of defenses.
In the late-1980s, the Soviets saw strike complexes
as the next major military development. They meant
the synergistic combination of sensors connected to
processors; connected to decisionmakers; connected
to various lethal, destructive, and suppressive weapons served by robust networks, and tuned to a specific purpose. Those tuned to defensive purposes were
labeled surveillance strike complexes. These can be
set to react automatically to the initiative or intrusion
of an adversary. Such surveillance strike systems have
been under development for some time. Well-planned
defenses for most of the last century included such
rudimentary defensive strike networks. Their sensors
were forward observers or manned radars linked by
radio or telephone to fire direction centers. These were
further linked to aircraft or to cannons on the ground


or afloat. The replacement of analog with digital technology greatly speeds the kill chain, and renders it
far more efficient. Elaborately integrated air defenses
of industrialized armed forces are surveillance strike
complexes that can evolve to be much more potent
and far-reaching.
Though highly effective, the logic of surveillance
or defensive strike networks is relatively simple, consistent, and predictable. Any penetration of the area
of surveillance of a defensive strike network is immediately identified friend or foe, an engagement decision is made, the best available response is selected,
targeting data is sent to the responding weapon system, the target is engaged, damage is assessed, and
the cycle may repeat again if required. This entire kill
chain can be automated, or it could contain human
nodes as sensors or decisionmakers. Some elements
could be very low tech. The power of integrated strike
networks derives from the combination of the very
short time from initial sensing to striking (making it
more likely dynamic targets are engaged) and from
the precision and potency of the strike.
The possibilities for various kinds of integrated
strike networks will explode. The science of automatic
target recognition is advancing at great speed. Civilian wireless networks are rapidly expanding around
the world, and both wireless technology and computer processors are being integrated in more commonly
available devices daily. The very technologies most
likely to proliferate soonest will prompt rational opponents fearing attack to defend from urban web
defenses covered by integrated defensive strike networks. Savvy irregulars, for instance, will use rapidly
proliferating technologies to deny access to large cities
(or specific urban neighborhoods), jungle and mountain redoubts, and their base areas.

The United States and its allies could estab

systems to respond instantly to every recognizable
hostile attack phenomenon. This application of technology has the potential to strengthen defenses to a
remarkable degree. This would be especially true
against a high tech blitzkrieg attack on one of our allies, in which target discrimination is not a great technical problem. We should devote as much energy and
innovation to improving the defenses of our allies, as
we now do to schemes for going to war without an
army. When our allies become blitzkrieg proof, the
most dangerous dilemmas of deterrence are solved.
Military forces also fight to change the status quo
when persuasion, compensation, bribery, and intimidation fail, and others choose to defend the status quo
by force. This is the purpose of offensive wars, campaigns, battles, and even offensive engagements within defensive wars. In other words, this logic applies to
counteroffensives to restore sovereign territory lost to
an aggressor.
Offense has its own peculiar logic as well. To
change the existing status quo is the most ambitious
of all intended uses of military forces, requiring the
most preparation, effort, expertise, and good luck.
The Fundamentals of Attack: Bringing
Real Potential to Bear Against Defense.
What matters in the art of attack is also real potential
and how best to bring it to bear to defeat the defense.
Once launched into his enterprise, the attacker will
test his own potential against the image that failed to


deter. To counter the defenses strengths, the attacker

has the advantage of deciding when and where initial
engagements will be fought. The defender is obliged
to react and either shift and expose reinforcing forces
or meet local attacks with inferior forces in prepared
All offensive endeavorsany effort to change the
status quorequire a two-armed strategy. One arm
communicates threats or inducements aimed at the
intellect, or will, of the opposing chief decisionmakers. Such communications, whether through actions,
words, or images, are intended to shape decisions and
elicit desired responses. For best results, the intended
recipient must perceive the communication, understanding and interpreting it in such a way that the
message compels him to act in the way intended by
the sender.
Because of the extraordinary difficulty of achieving the desired change in the status quo through this
arm alone, the other arm must act to force the desired
change in the status quo, regardless of the decisions
or actions of the opponent. This arm creates new and
very relevant facts, sometimes in plain sight, sometimes hidden, until the new reality is fact.
The real enemy of the attacker is culmination before ends are achieved. Sound intelligence is vital to
the attack: Having misjudged the situation is the most
frequent cause of premature culmination. While understanding physical systems such as transportation,
industrial, financial, and communications infrastructures is challenging for modern intelligence, it is relatively easy compared with learning how a complex
society will react to attack. The logic of a societys response can be learned only through a combination of
very intrusive intelligence sources prior to action and


purposeful interaction during offensive operations.

Even then, the attackers understanding of his opponents response will be imperfect.
The single advantage of the offense over the defense is having the initiative to optimize all available
potential, but knowing what potential is available and
relevant and how to optimize it depends on a sound
theory of the situation. Such theories then become the
provisional truth upon which optimum plans are
made and actions taken. The trick is to understand the
provisional nature of such truths and revise them as
the situation changes and learning takes place; plans
and actions must adapt in media res.
All of this takes time, however, and time is the enemy of the impatient attacker. The traditional answer
to such complexity has been shock and overwhelming
force, which simplify complexity by treating much of
it as irrelevant. Such methods require the willingness
to accept heavy collateral damage and the potential
loss of internal allies as the acceptable price for the
desired change in status quo. The alternative is to be
patient. Although modern democratic states lack patience when wars are costly and they have difficulty
accepting the heavy collateral damage associated with
traditional ways to simplify complexity, when sufficiently aroused, modern democracies will send their
troops to war for a change in the status quo, even
though they do not fully comprehend the complexities they will encounter. When that happens, it pays to
understand the logic of the offense and its dilemmas.
The offensive schemes of sophisticated modern authoritarian states will be governed largely by similar
logic and its dilemmas. They, too, will respond to internal pressures to change a status quo that is broadly
believed to be intolerable, especially when leaders see


responding to such pressures will enhance remaining

in power, the deterrent of opponents is not credible,
and the risks are acceptable. They, too, will misread
the logic of those they attack.
Attack and Modern Technology.
If the argument so far is based on historical evidence, how will modern military technology affect it?
There have been at least three stages in the recent application of technology to attack. Let us consider each
in turn before turning to the weaknesses they share.
1. The 1980s: Reconnaissance Strike Complexes. In
the 1980s, the Soviets developed the idea of reconnaissance strike complexes. Offensively oriented networks
with high tech reconnaissance elements initiating the
kill chain could be a prominent feature of all future
offensive actions, at every scale. These networks could
be reliably keyed to finding and destroying specific
key components of the enemys man-made systems of
defense. Such proactive systems could also carry out
deliberate ambush-like engagements with devastating effects on the enemy. The greatly expanded ability
to acquire, track, and process more targets at greater
ranges would make it possible for proactive offensive
systems to strike many discrete targets that comprise
the essential elements of an opposing military formation or functional grouping, all at once. This would
affect forces mounted in land, sea, or air vehicles far
more than dispersed light infantry.
There are great advantages to employing precision
weapons in large numbers and within compressed
time frames. The concept of time-on-target artillery
strikes is not new. The advantage of precision fires is


greatest against unwarned enemy mechanized air, sea,

and ground formations or against fixed sites. Their effectiveness against such forces when mobile begins to
degrade rapidly once the enemy is warned and begins
to evade. Such evasion greatly increases the difficulty
of subsequent targeting. The greatest challenge for
such tactics is dispersed conventional or paramilitary
infantry, or irregulars in sophisticated urban web
Equally important will be a planning mindset that
sees target sets in terms of their systemic significance.
This mind-set merely requires the adaptation of the
principles of target value analysis developed by
the Army artillery school in the early-1980s. This approach to deep battle targeting was used to identify
the highest payoff targets in a large force array based
on our knowledge of enemy doctrine, the context of
the engagement, and the mission of the friendly force.
The role of reconnaissance strike complexes will
grow as a prominent feature of modern offensives
because of their efficiency in finding and dismantling
man-made systems of the defense and vital physical
infrastructures, even when hidden and well guarded.
2. The late-1980s and early-2000s: Wardens Concentric Rings. Prior to the First Gulf War, thinkers
such as Colonel John Warden of the U.S. Air Force
thought along similar lines.4 Wardens important innovation was to introduce a new way to think about
how to achieve desired results, or effects, using rapidly evolving aerospace technologies. He argued against
the current serial approach to bombing campaigns
and advocated attacking many targets in parallel, using the new capabilities of the Air Force. Older technology required many aircraft carrying many bombs


to concentrate on a few strategically valuable targets

at one time. Bombing campaigns proceeded in series
from target to target. This lengthy and predictable
process exposed many aircrews to achieve a particular outcome. New technology permits many such targets to be attacked in parallel by fewer aircraft, and
each aircraft can attack more than one target because
the bombs they carry are far more precise and more
potent. Warden reasoned that enhanced technical intelligence permits a greater knowledge of how manmade enemy defensive systems combine, and where
to strike for maximum effect.
In theory, attacking large numbers of targets in
parallel within a very compressed time frame should
yield greatly magnified shock effect at greatly reduced
aircrew exposure. The demonstration of Wardens
methods and new airpower capabilities have been
truly awesome in recent conflicts such as the Kosovo
air war and the opening campaigns to depose the Taliban regime of Mullah Omar in Afghanistan and the
Baathist regime of Saddam Hussein in Iraq.
But Warden went further. He also argued that the
modern industrial state is very vulnerable to precision
weapons delivered by American Airmen in stealth aircraft, especially if they attack large numbers of targets
in parallel within a very compressed time frame. The
key to this sort of an attack was Wardens concentric
rings theory. He saw the modern state in terms of five
concentric rings of targets with the power grid in the
center and military communications next, followed
by fuel supplies, normal communications, and the
transportation system. Destroying these would paralyze an enemy without destroying his people. Field
forces would be of little consequence because the enemy leadership would capitulate before the campaign


of precision bombardment completed the final ring

of targets. This strategy of striking vital infrastructure rapidly and surgically, Warden believed, would
guarantee rapid success with limited risk and without the great loss of life of earlier bombing methods.
This implied that the old two-armed logic of offensive
strategy no longer appliedthe arm necessary to enforce the desired change in the status quo regardless
of the decisions or actions of the opponent would not
be needed.


Figure 5-1. Wardens Five Rings.

3. Today: Air-Sea Battle. In 2010, other innovators
proposed a variant of Wardens theory. The second or
enforcing arm of offensive campaigns would be un119

necessary in a war with rising powers, they suggested. These authors revised Wardens concentric rings
theory to distant blockading the flow of goods and
resources from and to an adversary powers economy
for as long as it takes for its leadership to come to
terms. And they argued that, applied long enough and
competently, distant blockadetheir form of shock
and awewould prove decisive. In its fundamental
assumptions, Air-Sea Battle is revised Warden. Like
Wardens theory, Air-Sea Battle has already proven
to be widely popular, but like Wardens theory, it neglects the decisive element of military power: the capacity to force a change in the status quo regardless of
the opponents decisions.
4. The Weakness of One-Armed Attack. Proponents
of concentric ring theory and Air-Sea Battle share a
common flaw: they use only the arm of strategy that
attempts to communicate with the intellect or will of
opposing decisionmakers, and not the arm of strategy
that attempts to force a change in the status quo regardless of the opponents decisions. Some will argue
that only one arm of offensive strategy is required because, according to Wardens concentric rings theory,
air forces can essentially deprive the opponent of the
capacity to decide since modern states (and modern
warmaking) depend on networks vulnerable to air
strikes. But will such operation enforce our will on the
enemy? While leaders cannot communicate as before
and the country may not be able to fight as before, the
fighting will not be over after this first major shock
and awe battle and a desirable peace will not be in
sight. If all outcomes, beyond such a point, are acceptable, then one arm will do.


Once chosen, one-armed offensive strategies are

roads to unpredictable and unfavorable outcomes;
they are not reliable ways to change intolerable status quos. This is so because, within these strategies,
cause and effect are weakly linked; between bombing
campaigns and capitulation, there lie the very human
brains of war-stressed leaders, most of whom are only
partly known to the attacker.
Regardless of what happens to networks and infrastructures, when countries like China or Iran are
attacked based on this theory, enemy leaders and the
people of the country would decide to continue resistance. Events will have solidified the people more
than cowed them. This appears to have happened
after the London Blitz according to the study of
Canadian psychologist J. T. McCurdy.5 During the
summer of 1940, British military and civilian leaders prepared for hundreds of thousands to be dead,
more than a million wounded, and mass panic in the
streets. One military estimate predicted the Army unable to defend the British Islands because it would be
preoccupied with controlling a traumatized public.
They believed that an air campaign against London
could cause the British to lose the war with Germany.
During the fall of 1940, the Germans commenced 57
consecutive nights of devastating bombardment at
the beginning of an 8-month-long concerted effort to
cause the British government and its people to give
up fighting and accept the will of their enemy. Tens
of thousands of high-explosive bombs and a million
incendiary devices fell, damaging a million buildings.
Entire neighborhoods were laid waste, and the casualties were indeed high, if not as high as expected. The
British leadership had assumed that a traumatic effect,


like being bombed, would have the same effect on everybody, and that the difference between near misses
and remote misses would be the degree of trauma
they suffered. This was not the finding of McCurdys
study. It found that those who survived near misses
were indeed traumatized, but those who survived
remote misses were affected in an unexpected way.
They became hardened by the experience of surviving
the severe bombardments, and ever more determined
to persevere. And, as we know, Winston Churchills
government became all the more determined not to
give in, but to pursue unconditional surrender instead.
They will fall back on low-tech communications. National security and political organs now in existence in
such countries stretch to the grass roots. The final fall
back for populations in such disastrous straits are traditional social frameworks. Soon varied suppressed
contending forces (ethnic, religious, political, or other)
will spring into action with various change agendas.
If matters are left to the remaining forces and frameworks to resolve, some new order will evolve. But the
outcome is as likely to be as intolerable as the situation
that warranted offensive operations in the first place.
It would be as unwise to have caused it deliberately as
it would be to try to predict the outcome.
We have already mentioned how well Wardian
theory performed in the first battles of the Afghan and
Iraqi wars. But such thinking also fueled over-optimism about the course and outcome of those wars. It
also caused high-level leaders to believe in an ill-designed and puny second strategic armone that was
not able to impose an acceptable status quo within politically acceptable costs and time.
Distant blockading compounds this weakness by
setting in motion causal chains affecting globalized


economic interdependencies in unpredictable, fratricidal, and even suicidal ways. For instance, China
is now Americas third largest export customer after
Canada and Mexico. How broad would be the economic ramifications of a distant blockade of China?
Are we confident they would harm China more than
the United States? How certain can we be in regarding the response of Chinese leadership? So not only
might unpredictable causal chains transform China
into something more intolerable than it was when war
started, but unpredictable causal chains will surely
shrink the global economy intolerably as well.
It is one thing to modify or disrupt man-made systems; it is quite another thing to modify or disrupt the
intentions of actual men. Because we can only ever
guess what strangers are thinking and what factors
matter to them, we cannot know with certainty whether air and naval attacks on high value targets will cause
submission, or how long it will take before decisions
to submit are taken, or what form these decisions will
take. Democracies may respond one way to damaged
infrastructure, while tyrants, who are as likely as not
to have let infrastructure crumble while constructing
palaces, may respond differently. All decisionmakers
are dealing with varied pressures, some unknown to
us, and these pressures arise from various directions
and constantly change in direction and amplitude. We
can predict with some confidence, however, that once
we attack a determined enemy, that enemys definition of winning will promptly become not losing, or
delaying defeat (indefinitely, if possible) until the
coalition tires of pursuing its original strategic ends.
Rather than trust in our predictive powers, we should
recall how powerless we were against Ho Chi Minhs
unification of Vietnam, and allow this memory to in-


spire strategic modesty and prudence. Above all, we

should assume an inscrutable and implacable enemy.
Naval and air forces play the leading role in the
first arm of offensive strategy, and they figure prominently in the second. Naval, air, and space forces can
gain information about objects and activities on the
ground, and they can influence adversaries activities
and strike objects. Nevertheless, only truly integrated
operations containing a sufficiency of ground forces
can control the activities of adversaries and enforce
desired outcomes. When implacable foes have to be
defeated and the desired outcome is a specified new
condition or behavior, only unified action including a
significantly large land force can secure it. We should
also be reminded beforehand how difficult such undertakings remain.
The fourth basic purpose of military forces is pacification. Pacification is necessary because groups of
people within a state have gone to war, and normal
policing agencies can no longer enforce the peaceful
and lawful behavior of potentially hostile forces, warring factions, or violent criminals.
The Fundamentals of Pacification:
Overwhelming Force and Its Alternatives.
In the past, great powers treated insurrections with
overwhelming force, often exterminating offending
cities, towns, villages, ethnic groups, tribes, or clans to
eliminate the source of resistance swiftlyat least for
a generationand to advertise a deterring example.


Pacifying the old-fashioned way does not work for

modern democratic states that hope to remain influential and popular in this transparent, globalized world.
The undesirability of extermination as a mode of
pacification requires modern democratic states to compensate in two ways, both difficult. First, the armed
security forces of the state can seize the initiative from
the national level down to the local, and apply focused and discriminating force. Knowing the enemy
very well, having very good intelligence, and being
more creative and strategically savvy than the enemy
is essential. In addition, the state has to separate the
enemy from the support of the people; it must know
the people and retain their trust. Put another way, successful pacification in the modern era requires a very
surgical two-edged strategy that combines the fundamental logic of offense (because one aspect of the situation requires change) and defense (because another
important aspect of the situation must be defended).
The status quo changing (offensive) arm of a pacification strategy must also embody two arms (like any
strategy to enforce a change in the status quo must)
one arm unifies physical and psychological pressure
to affect the choices of insurgent leaders, followers and
supporters; and the other arm takes away their best
options one by one, and relentlessly. This pressuring
arm must include a relentless pursuit into sanctuaries, giving the insurgent no respite from evasion. The
defensive arm must provide real around-the-clock
security from the armed propaganda and reprisals of
insurgent fighters. A fearful and exposed population
is lost to the government.
The worst possible conditions for making war on irregulars occur in the wake of changing regimes, when
the fundamental choice of legitimate government is


between a foreign occupier and a homegrown competitor. The key to regime change is not the knocking
down of the regime and its forces, but the successful
immediate pacification of the population despite the
power vacuum that follows regime change. And this
has to be achieved before the legitimacy, in the eyes of
the population, of a liberator becomes the illegitimacy
of an occupier.
Pacifying unruly ungoverned space is very difficult to do; there are no shortcuts. It takes keeping
people safe and getting them on the side of peace. It
is also very expensive in terms of trained and armed
manpower. Some studies, based on rare historical
successes, have judged the price to be no less than 20
security personnel per 1,000 citizens.6 This approach
also requires legitimate and efficient courts and prisons. It takes patience, time, evenhandedness, and consistency of word and deed. The benefit, however, is
that the state decides when normal is attained, and
warring factions as well as insurgents are eventually
integrated into a peaceful society.7
Second, the state can simultaneously war and police in the same area of operations. This is the far more
complex practice, and the one actually more common
today. Success at warring and policing requires keeping straight who it is you are fighting and with whom
you are enforcing the law of the landconfusing this
point incurs great penalties. The principle of policing violence is to suppress it (and resulting property
damage) to tolerable levels by creating and reinforcing the perception that perpetrators will face a high
probability of being caught and prosecuted, and that
there is no honor in this. Policing successfully requires
retaining the moral high ground, and strong and legitimate institutions of justicecourts, laws, and police.


For policing to succeed, more and more of the population must see the insurgents violent acts as crime.
Going to war with an insurgent is admitting defeat in
that regard.
Warring successfully requires being able to defend
favorably a desired status quo on the one hand (by
causing the insurgents attacks upon it to fail), and on
the other, to cause a movement of committed warriors
of a sacred cause to submit to the rule of the sovereign states authority. Some argue that the one facilitates the other, but to work well in tandem, they must
both be perceived to succeed by the population and
by the insurgents. In practice, they sap strength from,
and undermine, one another when one or the other
is seen to fail. It is possible to switch from warring to
policing once a moral high ground and stronger legal institutions are established, but switching back to
the warring approach is an admission of weakness
and failure.
Weak states with weak institutions condemn
themselves to perpetual pacification by warring until
they win legitimacy with the people and the armed
struggle with their armed opposition. Aid by outsiders must be provided without delegitimizing the government in the eyes of the people. This is very difficult
to do.
Pacification and Modern Technology.
Volumes could be written about technique and experience, all worthy of attention, but this is the simple,
yet difficult to follow, logic of pacificationenforcing
peace in communities of people at war with each other
and their governments. Unlike deterrence, defense,
and attack, pacification is not altered significantly by


modern technology. The challenge for the pacifying

power has less to do with new weapons than with the
fact that each case of pacification is unique.
The most recent U.S. experience with pacification
illustrates the point. American and other NATO soldiers and marines found themselves in the worst possible situation by 2006 when the most recent American
counterinsurgency manual, Field Manual (FM) 3-24,
was written. They were strangers in lands where the
government was ineffective and where their primary
task was to cause people to trust their own governments and institutions for physical and economic security. In addition to this, as stated earlier, pacification is a very people-intensive business. There were
too few U.S. and allied soldiers at firstat the time
there should have been many more, and when they
were still seen by many as liberators. There should
have been far fewer soldiers when the surge of more
forces came because, by this time, they were seen as
occupation forces.
With a view to future strategy and force planning,
the question is under what conditions will U.S. Soldiers and Marines be employed for this broad purpose? It is hard to imagine the need for rapid response
formations of specially trained pacification Soldiers to
be rushed to faraway and strange lands at short notice and at the invitation of foreign governments. It
is more likely that pacification missions will follow
an internal breakdown in governance or a deliberate
regime change. In either case, the pacification effort
would be anticipated and would begin immediately
in the wake of active or potential combat operations
to seize and secure inhabited localities. It is also likely that governments that face internal turmoil will
at some point request support by training cadres of


experts that trickle, rather than flood, into the country. U.S. strategists need not prepare for a land war
in Asia, yet they cannot neglect pacification scenarios
like the ones described here. Pacification, like attack,
can succeed only on the basis of integrated operations
containing robust ground forces.
We should never again put ourselves into situations in which we are unprepared and powerless to do
what we intend with the forces we are willing to commit. We should have no delusions about the difficulty
of using war to bring about desired change in human
situations. In both Afghanistan and Iraq, the faultiness of over-simplified Wardian thinking was vividly
displayed. In both cases, an opening shock and awe
battle-winning strategy was not followed with a wellthought-through war-winning strategy. As a result,
we failed to enforce the peace on our terms. What is
worse, we have failed to learn why we failed.
The reason, in brief, is that we do not yet understand what military power is. Military power is not
raw destructive force. Military power, at bottom, is
the ability to influence human decisions and behavior; it entails the focused and constructive use of force
alongside other instruments of power. Indeed, it is a
matter of brain as much as brawn. Strategists must
understand both military power in generalhow maneuver, firepower, protection, and leadership translate combat potential into real effectsand military
power in its specific functionsdeter attack, defend
against attack when deterrence fails, attack in order
to impose and enforce a new and better peace where
an intolerable one exists, and pacify an intolerably


violent situationbefore they can properly assess the

role of military power alongside other instruments of
national power in an overarching grand strategy.
The makeup of the Armed Forces should reflect
what each service contributes to causing human adversaries to react as we intend when these very different strategic purposes must be achieved. While
capable forces in being are essential, our ideas about
how to use them are far more so. Our past actions suggest that we confuse potential lethal force with power.
As of this writing, the emerging consensus regarding the role of military power in U.S. grand strategy
is badly flawed. We think much more about winning
the first tactical battles of the next war rather than
the construction of robust and stable deterrents, and
powerful defenses. We have far too little respect for
the difficulty of enforcing the peace we desire when
we attack.
The fundamental goal of U.S. military in Asia
should be not to prepare for war with China in such a
way which risks increasing the likelihood of war, but
to craft a deterrent of sufficient strength to prevent
war. Developments in technology, interacting with
the eternal logic of defense and attack, facilitate this
goal as much as they enable rising powers to deploy
A2/AD capabilities at U.S. expense. Defensive strike
networks enable the United States to make its allies
blitzkrieg proof, and, in the event that defenses falter,
commitment of U.S. troops to allied countries can act
as an insurance policy, signaling U.S. resolve. Prudently stationed and regionally aligned ground forces
at home can support those stationed abroad while
checking several options of our opponents simultaneously. Additionally, the same overconfidence in our
own air and sea power to force decisions on oppo-


nents leads strategists to overestimate the significance

of the enemys air and sea power. Just as we cannot
control intractable and inscrutable enemies via bombing and blockade, so enemies cannot control us or our
allies. Our allies can deploy the same A2/AD capabilities that we foresee China developing, and, given their
proximity to China and their cumulative economic
strength and interest in global trade, they have every
incentive to do so. In short, creation of an effective deterrent that exploits advances in technology, utilizes
the defense capabilities of our allies, and properly estimates the role of air, sea, and Landpower in the two
arms of strategy (that which strongly communicates
our will to leaders, followers, and supporters, and that
which decisively enforces our terms) is more likely to
advance U.S. interests than the alternatives offered by
proponents of Air-Sea Battle.
Military power is but one component of such a
strategy, and Landpower is but one component of
military power. Indeed, to christen a strategy Air-Sea
(or for that matter, Air-Land) is to obscure the jointness inherent in all forms of modern combat, and to
weaken national strategy by diminishing one of its
parts. What is the proper name for the incorporation
of Air, Sea, and Land in a balanced national strategy?
Perhaps it is simply military power. It is the nature
of this power and its essential purposes that I hope to
have illuminated here.
1. Brigadier General Huba Wass de Czege, The Costs and
Risks of AirSea Battle, Army, November 2011.
2. Jan van Tol, AirSea Battle: A Point-of-Departure Operational
Concept, Washington, DC: Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, 2010.

3. Carl von Clausewitz, Michael Howard and Peter Paret, eds.

and trans., On War, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press,
1976, p. 358.
4. John Warden, Air Theory for the Twenty-First Century, available from
html. Also see John Andreas Olsen, John Warden and the Renaissance
of American Air Power, Washington, DC: Potomac Books, 2007.
5. J. T. McCurdy, The Structure of Morale, Cambridge, United
Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 1943.
6. See James T. Quinlivin, Force Requirements in Stability
Operations, Parameters, Winter 1995-96.
7. This is the approach the British government chose to pacify
the Irish Republican Army (IRA) and to transform the IRA into
a political movement that has forsworn the use of violence. This
successful example of policing as a strategic alternative to warring is also a good illustration of the elegantly simple logic of
the policing approach. While the IRA side certainly employed a
warring logic during the conflict, Great Britain did not dignify
the conflict as war. Instead, they insisted that the fundamental
right of sovereign states is to monopolize the use of force. Internal
and transnational stateless groups did not posses that right. They
treated IRA violence, although politically motivated, as criminal
behavior in all respects and very consistently. In fact, they treated
all warring social factions neutrally. While they treated all acts of
violence as crimes, they invited any and all disaffected groups to
participate in the political mainstream. A great many arrests were
made, and the system of justice sorted out the criminal from the
innocent. There were missteps along the way, and the justice system occupied a large portion of the British Army for a very long
time. When the level of violence subsided enough, the government offered terms including political inclusion and legitimacy in
exchange for disarmament. Violations will inevitably occur, but
they will be addressed through the police and the established legal system. For a more detailed discussion of this approach, see
Huba Wass de Czege, On Policing the Wild Frontiers of Freedom, Army, July 2006.





Michael J. Meese
An earlier version of this article was published as an Institute
for National Security Studies Strategic Forum paper. The views
expressed in this article are the authors own and do not necessarily reflect the views of the American Armed Forces Mutual
Aid Association or any government agency.

On February 13, 1989, General Colin Powell, who

was in transition between his job as National Security
Advisor and Commander of the U.S. Forces Command, gave a speech at Princeton University, Princeton, NJ. In answer to a question about grand strategy
as the Cold War was ending, Powell replied, All of
the sophisticated talk about grand strategy is helpful,
but show me your budgets, and I will tell you what
your strategy is.1 This chapter reinforces Powells
observation and focuses on the means part of the
ends, ways, and means of grand strategy to explain
how austerity affects strategy and force planning. By
first examining theory about budget reductions, we
can then describe the current, austere U.S. budgetary
environment. We conclude with the current strategic
options that will likely characterize the contemporary
discussion of strategy and force planning.
The defense budget system is most accustomed
to and works better when budgets are growing, not
shrinking. In fact, in the 63 years of Department of De-


fense (DoD) budgets, the budget grew in 49 of those

years, with only 14 years in which the defense budget
was reduced.3 From a functional perspective, most
U.S. federal government processes are designed for
incremental spending, where much of last years
budget provides the base for the following year and
budget debates concentrate on where best to allocate
any incremental increases. With decremental spending, there is rarely an obvious reduction of strategic
ends to guide the reduction in means. As budget expert Allen Schick explains, Decrementalism diverges from incrementalism in at least three significant
ways. Decremental budgeting is redistributive rather
than distributive; it is less stable than incremental
decisions; and it generates more conflict.4
As a practical matter, budgeting in austere times
is different because of the strategic context in which
decision are made. With an increasing budget, advocates of particular programs argue for increases to
those programs from the overall increase to the budget. If successful, in the following year, they can ask
for more funding; alternatively, programs that were
not favored previously may receive additional funding in the following years increment to compensate
for smaller earlier increases. In contrast, with a decreasing budget, a reduction that is taken in one year
may not insulate a particular service or program from
continued or increased reductions in the future. Quite
the contrary, if a program survived with a 10 percent cut last year, the reduced level is the new starting
point for next years budget negotiation. This places a
premium on defense leaders understanding the longterm budgetary conditions so that they can make wellinformed strategic decisions.


Even if the budget system could be used to make

relevant cuts, political, institutional, bureaucratic, and
other factors can lead to continuing obsolete weapons,
forces, bases, and concepts even though they are likely not the most effective way to accomplish the ends
of grand strategy with the means available. As Carl
Lieberman states:
Decrementalism tends to apply cuts broadly, but often fails to establish clear-cut priorities for reducing
expenditures. Moreover, in a period of decremental
spending, powerful political forces are likely to seek
exemptions from proposed reductions for their preferred agencies or programs.5

In the extreme, austerity may cause political leaders to scramble to preserve constituent interests, military officers to fight to protect pet projects, decisionmakers to placate the demands of competing groups,
and no one to focus on the security needs of the nation.
Consequently, during a period of austerity, when it is
most important to maximize the effectiveness of each
defense dollar, billions can be diverted to goals that
may not provide the most effective contribution to
national security. Strategy and force planning under
austerity is different from normal budgeting and requires full understanding of the current U.S. budgetary and fiscal realities.
The austerity in national security spending is a
function of a drawdown from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the need to reduce all parts of the budget to
address the federal fiscal crisis, and a concomitant reprioritization within national power to support a new,

albeit incompletely defined strategy. The federal fiscal

crisis largely stems from the often polarizing and challenging national debate concerning the appropriate
size of the federal government. As Figure 6-1 shows,
the gap between the top line (spending) and the bottom line (tax revenue) represents the federal deficit,
which has averaged about 2 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP) during nonrecession years.6
The deficit expands during recessions (with spending
up to maintain government programs and revenues
down as fewer workers are paying taxes) and shrinks
as the economy grows, even achieving surpluses, as it
did from 1998-2001. On average, prior to the 2008-09
Great Recession, the United States was taxed at about
18 to 19 percent and had nonrecession federal spending averaging about 20 to 21 percent. While not ideal,
this 2 percent fiscal gap was manageable.

Figure 6-1. U.S. Federal Spending and Revenue

as a Percent of GDP.
With the Great Recession of 2008, leaders of both
political parties took significant, unprecedented action


with the American Recovery and Revitalization Act in

February 2009. This Stimulus Bill authorized $787
billion (5.67 percent of GDP) in infrastructure spending, need-based aid, and tax expenditures, increasing
government spending to 25 percent of GDP and reducing taxes to 15 percent of GDP. This exacerbated
the national debt, which has now grown to over 100
percent of GDP for the first time since World War II.7
The fundamental question of means that confronts
the Nation is on the right side of Figure 6-1. The 201323 lines reflect the Congressional Budget Office (CBO)
projection for the federal budget, optimistically assuming there is no recession in the future. The gap between 19 percent of GDP in revenue and 22-23 percent
of GDP in spending cannot be sustained indefinitely.
Consequently, there is substantial need to reduce all
forms of spending, including defense spending. To
make matters worse, increasing numbers of the baby
boom generation are over 65, living longer, and receiving Social Security and growing Medicare benefits.
Over the past 50 years, the main role of the federal
government has evolved with the gradual expansion
of mandatory entitlement spending and a commensurate reduction in the role of defense. In 1960, for
example, 52 percent of the federal budget was spent
on national defense, and 21percent was spent on entitlement programs. Today, the roles have more than
reversed with defense comprising just 18percent of
the federal budget and entitlement spending totaling 60 percent of the 2013 budget. Consequently, as
reflected in Figure 6-2, as federal spending on defense
is reduced, the growth in individual payments or government health care spending will likelyand very
rapidlyabsorb any reductions in defense spending.


Figure 6-2. Components of U.S. Federal Spending.

The United States has actually had this problem
beforein 1983when the nation was in a significant recession, Social Security was rapidly becoming
bankrupt, and the national deficit and debt were approaching historically high peacetime levels. The difference was that political leaders, primarily Republican President Ronald Reagan and Democrat Speaker
of the House Tip ONeill, found a way to solve the fiscal crisis through a compromise facilitated by a commission headed by Alan Greenspan and bipartisan
compromise between Senators Pat Moynihan and Bob
Dole, which significantly reformed Social Security
and extended its solvency by over 50 years. Reagan
and ONeill had to accept higher taxes, lower benefits,
and other reforms, but they compromised and solved
the problem.8


Sadly, the political environment today is characterized by extreme polarization, which significantly
limits the chances for coherent strategic choices to
enhance national security. Instead of compromise,
national leaders narrowly averted a debt ceiling crisis with the Budget Control Act of 2011, which prescribed sequestration. Sequestration was viewed as so
draconian and anti-strategic that it would force political leaders to compromise, but it failed to do so. As a
result, the nation faced a fiscal cliff in January 2013,
delayed sequestration until March 1, and then allowed
budget formulas instead of coherent policy to dictate
federal spending. The government shutdown and
difficulty extending the debt ceiling in October 2013
reflects the continuing political paralysis in Washington. The Murray-Ryan Bipartisan Budget Conference
Agreement in December 2013 forestalls an immediate
crisis in 2014, but does not provide substantial movement toward a comprehensive solution in the future.
Without a national consensus on the systemic budgetary challenges described earlier, cuts in defense
programs will have little impact on the national fiscal crisis. If cutting an Army or Marine division might
save $5 billion per year, such savings would merely
represent $5 billion in entitlement reform that would
not be done, tax revenues that would not be raised, or
domestic programs that would not be cut.
So, under these economic and political circumstances, what should be done with regard to force
planning in an era of austerity? First, defense leaders
need to engage in a credible dialogue about austerity
as part of grand strategy so that as defense is cut those
savings are actually used for deficit reductionthat is,
to improve the nations fiscal position and not for other
political priorities. Second, defense leaders should not


just notice, but focus on, other parts of government

because of their effect on national security. Arguably,
one of the greatest threats to U.S. national security
is the unchecked expansion of entitlements without
commensurate revenues which leads to increased federal debt, retarded national growth, and further austerity that undermines U.S. national security. While
some might argue the military should not comment
on domestic programs or entitlement spending, it is
not only appropriate, but it is essential that leaders
provide their best military judgment about the impact
of those programs on economic security and national
defense. Finally, with this as context, defense leaders
still need to make strategic choices with regard to national security priorities, which is the focus of the final
section of this chapter.
Strategy in an age of austerity must carefully consider current defense spending and the levels from
which proposed reductions begin. First, the historical approach to DoD spending has been for the Army
to receive roughly 25 percent of the defense budget,
nearly consistently, for the past 60 years. The exceptions have occurred when Army spendingas a percent of the overall DoD budgetincreases in support
of combat operations during wartime. The fiscal year
(FY) 2014 budget reflects that return to the 25 percent
level, as noted in Figure 6-3.9 As sequestration was
imposed, it affected all DoD budget accounts, except
military pay and a few other programs, with a proportional reduction of spending.10 It was certainly not a
strategic decision on how best to take the cuts. It was
the easiest, albeit least thoughtful, method of impos-


ing austerityacross-the-board salami slice reductions of all parts of the defense budget.

Figure 6-3. Service Budget Shares.

Understandably, defense leaders thought that imposition of cuts through sequestration was the absence
of a strategy, and Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel
directed DoD leaders to conduct a Strategic Choices
and Management Review (SCMR):
to help ensure the Department of Defense is prepared
in the face of unprecedented budget uncertainty . . .
[and] to understand the impact of further budget reductions on the Department and develop options to
deal with these additional cuts.11

In addition to identifying specific management reforms, overhead reductions, and proposed reductions
to military compensation, the SCMR identified, but


did not decide between, two broad options going forward, each of which would represent a distinct strategic direction. Hagel outlined these two broad options
in this way:
Approach 1 concentrates on technology and acquisition and trades away size for high-end capability:
Army would be reduced from the 490,000 that
is planned for now to between 380,000 and
450,000 active duty Soldiers for the future force.
Navy would be reduced from 11 carriers to 8 or
9 carriers.
Marines would be reduced from 182,000 currently to between 150,000 and 175,000 active

Continued modernization, especially against
anti-access and area-denial threats with longrange strike, submarine cruise missiles, joint
strike fighters, and special operations.
Approach 2 concentrates on force structure and
trades away high-end capability for size:

Army, Navy, and Marines would generally
retain projected sizes to sustain capability for
regional power projection and presence.
Modernization programs would be cancelled
or curtailed, with slower growth to cyber and
other programs.
Defense would, in effect, take a decade-long
modernization holiday.
While Hagel made no decision among these approaches, these kinds of strategic options effectively
illustrate substantial tradeoffs among defense priorities. Either approach would be substantially different


from the current across-the-board cuts and would

represent a fundamental strategic choice. Mark Gunzinger, from the Center for Strategic and Budgetary
Assessments, argues that 1993 Bottom Up Review was
the last time the Pentagon created a new vision for
how the U.S. military should prepare to meet the nations security challenges.12 If adopted, either of the
SCMRs fundamental approaches would have a similar strategic impact on national defense to that of the
1993 Bottom Up Review, which provided the general
vision for DoD force planning over the past 20 years.
For those looking for a strategic choice, the recently
published 2014 Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) was
disappointing. Instead of articulating a clear choice,
it made the force smaller overall and emphasized the
calamitous impact of continuing sequestration levels
of cuts.
In an uncharacteristically blunt section of the QDR
entitled Implications of Sequestration-Level Cuts on
the Defense Strategy and Force Planning, the report
The return of sequestration-level cuts in FY2016 [the
current law] would significantly reduce the Departments ability to fully implement our strategy . . . risks
associated with conducting military operations would
rise substantially. Our military would be unbalanced
and eventually too small and insufficiently modern to
meet the needs of our strategy, leading to greater risk
of longer wars with higher casualties. . . . Ultimately,
continued sequestration-level cuts would likely embolden our adversaries and undermine the confidence
of our allies.13

In the QDR, DoD has forestalled making fundamental strategic choices and instead has declared to


Congress and the public that, if we follow the current

law, we will have longer wars, more casualties, emboldened adversaries, and undermined confidence in
our nations security. This is an alarming statement
about the current political-military environment in
which defense decisions are made.
When the Nation eventually does make a strategic
choice, it is worth noting from a budgetary standpoint
that Approach 2 described by Hagel is more consistent with most of the defense decisions that have been
made by the United States in previous postwar periods. The need for military engagement in the world as
either a global superpower or the leader of the West
during the Cold War has meant that procurement
budgets either rose or fell much more rapidly than the
overall defense budget (see Figure 6-4) as services relied less on always replacing the latest equipment. Instead, they continued research and development and
then procured equipment if and when funding became
available.14 The contrast is clear as the dashed line reflecting procurement has much greater annual fluctuations (both up and down) than either the defense
budget as a whole (thick line) or military personnel
spending (thin line). Since it is unlikely that the U.S.
Armed Forces will confront a technologically-superior
military competitor in the next decade, deferring fleetwide procurement of new technology may be the best
way to allocate scarce funding in the near future.


Figure 6-4. Annual Changes in Spending

The best example of deferring modernization was
the Army during the 1970s, which maintained its
16division, 770,000 Soldier force structure, but had
very little money for modernization. General Creighton Abrams, the Chief of Staff of the Army at the time,
put the Armys limited research and development
funding into the Big Five weapons: the Abrams
Tank, the Bradley Fighting Vehicle, the Blackhawk
and Apache helicopters, and the Patriot missile. He
also streamlined Army organizations, improved acquisition practices, and revitalized training. Then,
when funding was available in the 1980s, procurement
could be increased to provide the basic systems that
remain the mainstay of the Army today. Some investment in research and development as a hedge against
technological surprises is appropriate, but, during this
period of strategic uncertainty and fiscal austerity,
large-scale procurement should not be funded at the


expense of forces that can shape the current international environment.

Strategy and force planning concepts are fundamentally different in a time of austerity because
the defense budgeting process that may work with
spending increases has significant problems executing budget reductions. To make strategic choices effectively, leaders must understand the context of their
decisions, which includes the current U.S. fiscal and
political circumstances that make strategic planning
extremely difficult. As a result, the absence of strategy was implemented through the sequestration cuts
imposed by the Budget Control Act of 2011, which
reduced spending across-the-board. There is a chance
for coherent strategic choices, and DoD has identified
fundamental choices in the Strategic Choices and Management Review, but it avoided making those choices
in the 2014 QDR, preferring to wait until there was
greater potential relief from sequestration-imposed
austerity. If a strategic choice is made, it may help resolve the connection between ends, ways, and means
and be an important step forward in developing an
effective U.S. grand strategy.
1. Colin Powell, The Changing Foreign Policy Environment, Lecture to Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University,
Princeton, NJ, February 13, 1989.
2. For further insights on decremental spending, see Michael
Meese, Defense Decision Making Under Budget Stringency:
Explaining Downsizing in the United States Army, Ph.D. Diss,
Princeton, NJ: Princeton University, 2000.

3. Of the 49 years of growth, over half (32 years) included

real (inflation-adjusted) growth and 17 included nominal growth.
Calculations based on DoD Comptroller, National Defense Budget
Estimates for FY 2014 (Green Book), Washington DC: Department of
Defense Comptroller, May 2013, Table 6-1, recording changes in
Total Obligational Authority from FY 1948 to FY 2013.
4. Allen Schick, Incremental Budgeting in A Decremental
Age, Policy Sciences, Vol. 16, September 1983, pp. 1-25.
5. Carl Lieberman, Making Economic Policy, Englewood Cliffs,
NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1991, p. 19.
6. Calculations based on data from Council of Economic Advisors, Economic Report of the President, Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 2013, Tables B-80 and B-1 for fiscal years
1970-2013 (hereafter EROP); and Congressional Budget Office,
Budget ProjectionsFebruary 2013 Baseline Projections, Washington, DC: Congressional Budget Office, February 5, 2013, Table 1.
7. Calculations based on EROP, 2013, table B-79. The 2013 National Debt is projected to be $16.7 trillion, which is 107.7 percent
of GDP. Of this total, $11.9 trillion (77.5 percent of GDP) is debt
held by the public, and the balance is the portion of debt which is
held by government agencies (such as trust funds).
8. See Robert G. Penner, The Greenspan Commission and
the Social Security Reforms of 1983, Triumphs and Tragedies of
the Modern Presidency, Washington, DC: Center for the Study of
the Presidency, available from
9. Calculations based on DoD Comptroller, Table 6-13.
10. Sequestration could have also affected military pay, but
President Barack Obama chose to exempt military personnel from
the automatic reductions for both fiscal year 2013 and 2014. See
Andrew Tilghman, Military Pay to Be Exempt from Sequestration in 2014, Army Times, August 9, 2013.


11. Chuck Hagel, as quoted in Statement on Strategic Choices and Management Review, July 31, 2013, available from www.
12. Mark Gunzinger, Shaping Americas Future Military: Toward a New force Planning Construct, Washington, DC: Center
for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, 2013, p. ii.
13. Quadrennial Defense Review 2014, Washington, DC: Department of Defense, March 4, 2014, p. 53.
14. Calculations based on DoD Comptroller, Table 6-8.


Douglas Macgregor
Today, Americans are disinclined to support military interventions in conflicts where the United States
itself is not attacked, and American economic prosperity is not at risk.1 In 1975, it was No more Vietnams;
today, it is No more Iraqs!2 This attitude is reinforced
by both the current absence of an existential military
threat to the United States and the American publics
demand for jobs and economic growth instead of
military spending.3
Yet, it would be wrong to conclude that the publics attitude emanates from complacency about the
nations security or from some nave view of international politics.4 On the contrary, American public
support for a robust defense establishment remains
strong. The American experience in Iraq simply imparted the lesson that open-ended missions involving masses of U.S. ground troops designed to occupy
backward, hostile societies are unaffordable and strategically self-defeating.5 For the first time in decades,
the pressure on American political and military leaders to formulate strategic aims worth fighting and dying for before American blood and treasure are sacrificed is enormous and growing.
Regrettably, the growing demand for a new and
less belligerent foreign policy has yet to be matched
by coherent strategic guidance to the armed forces
from the President and the Secretary of Defense. The


resulting mismatch between forces and capabilities

on the one hand, and missions and political-military
objectives on the other, is staggering.6 The Army,
along with the rest of the U.S. Armed Forces, is adrift,
floating on a sea of strategic uncertainty. A new U.S.
National Military Strategy will eventually emerge, but
until it does, the U.S. Armys leadership confronts
austere, interwar levels of defense spending and constrained budgets that require an effective and efficient
organization of Army fighting power for conflicts in 5,
10, or 15 years.7
In fact, future conflicts are more likely to resemble the Balkan Wars of the early-20th century; brutal
conflicts involving Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, and
Turkey in fights to secure ports, cities, and territory
abandoned by the retreating Turkish armies. Today
and in the future, similar fights for regional power
and influence will overlap with interstate competition for energy, water, food, mineral resources, and
the wealth they create. These conflicts promise to be
far more lethal and dangerous than any the United
States has experienced since 1991.8 More important,
without a robust and capable integrated Army warfighting component, salvos of precision guided weapons from the nations aerospace and naval forces will
become the 21st century equivalent of siege warfare.
They will decide little of strategic importance on land.
In this new environment, shrinking the 1990s Army
to a lower number of divisions and brigades while
maintaining the three- and four-star headquarters to
expand the old Cold War Army if needed is not the
formula for success.
Instead, the U.S. Army should be organized for the
unexpected, strategic surprise; a Korea-like Emergency in 1950 or a Sarajevo-like event in 1914; pu-


nitive expeditionary operations to destroy imminent

threats or deployments of ground forces to support allies already engaged in conflict will take center stage.
The changes in technology, society, and the international system already underway make the case for a
new 21st century Army that can do the following:

Organize scalable, self-contained, lego-like
Army formations for joint, all arms operations in a nonlinear, nodal, and dispersed,
mobile warfare environmenta future battle
space potentially more lethal than anything
seen since World War II.
Develop ground forces packaged for joint warfighting operations; formations that integrate
functional capabilitiesManeuver, Strike, Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance (ISR),
and Sustainmentacross Service lines inside
an integrated framework for joint, operational
command and control (C2).
Train and equip Army formations that punch
above their weight, mobilizing fighting power
disproportionate to their size (high lethality,
low density); formations with the capability to
close with the enemy, take hits, sustain losses,
keep fighting, and attack decisively (mobile, armored firepower).
Prepare formations to surge from a joint rotational readiness base, not from a tiered readiness, Cold War mobilization posture.
Demand that all Soldiers from squad leader to
four stars demonstrate performance against an
objective standard in training and readiness;
character, competence, and intelligence (C2I)
must trump all other considerations in the context of promotions in order to nourish a new,


core group of military leaders prepared to cope

with the unexpected when it arises.
Now is not the time for the Armys senior leadership to cling to the past. Poorly thought out solutions
rooted only in tradition will cause the future Army to
relive the past, not master the future. For the present,
the Armys senior leadership does not have the luxury
of knowing precisely which power or alliance of powers the United States may eventually confront in war.
Thus, the Armys task is to build a mix of capabilitybased expeditionary fighting formations that will be
strategically decisive wherever and whenever they
come ashore to fight. A new Army organization for
combat is indispensable to this process.
With the end of the 30 Years War in 1648, interstate warfare transformed into a minimally destructive contest for the acquisition of land, resources, and
productive populations (human capital). The French
Revolution, 150 years later, and its martial offspring,
Napoleon Bonaparte, reversed this evolutionary process by making warfare an unlimited struggle of peoples. This sort of warfare faded during the 19th century
(in Europe, at least) when Europes great powers deliberately sought to contain the forces of internal revolution and the wars of German and Italian unification
between 1848 and 1871, but in the two World Wars of
the 20th century, the nation in arms returned with
a renewed capacity for the wholesale destruction of
human life and property.9 The U.S. Army trained and
equipped millions of American citizens, the human
foundation for victory in wars that had already con-


sumed tens of millions of lives long before the U.S.

Armed Forces arrived to fight.
Clearly, things have changed since the end of
World War II. Post-industrial warfare will not require
the conversion of enterprises from private to public
management or the mobilization of millions of men in
Army uniform. The lions share of U.S. defense dollars
fund specific technology and capability-based equipment and forces. Single-Service warfaretogether
with the industrial age air, land, and sea based forces
it supportsis being supplanted with highly mobile,
joint, integrated, aerospace, and sensor-dominated
force structures, all with more devastating firepower
and effect than anything seen in World War II.
ISR capabilities, long-range strike (air, land, sea,
and space-based stand-off attack) forces (kinetic and
nonkinetic) now decisively influence not only tactical
maneuver, but the operational and strategic conduct of
operations. These conditions give rise to the requirement for mobility and dispersion in land warfarea
development that elevates tactical dispersion on land
to the operational level of war.
To survive and flourish in this post-industrial age,
the U.S. Army must recognize that masses of superficially trained citizen Soldiers with rifles designed
to hold ground no longer equal military power.10
Holding ground made sense when the purpose was
to systematically cleanse millions of square miles of
enemy forces in Europe and Asia. Holding ground
along the 38th Parallel in Korea made sense when the
American people refused to support an offensive to
reunite the Korean Nation in 1952.
But holding ground in the face of todays massive
commercial and military surveillance increasingly
linked to an array of precision guided weapons is sui-


cidal. U.S. ground forces that immobilize themselves

in defensive works on the World War II model or,
worse, inside large, forward operating bases, will not
succeed. Smaller, highly mobile, and lethal formations
will dominate warfare. Commanders at the lowest tactical level will have to operate autonomously on the
basis of the operational commanders intent.
This recognition demands a shift in Army thinking
away from holding ground and toward enemy-oriented maneuver and strike operations. Ground or
topography must be viewed from the vantage point of
mobility or moving, not holding. The goal in American warfighting operations should be to achieve area
dominance through the skilled employment of persistent ISR and strike assets, combined with the rapid
maneuver of ground combat forces to close with and
destroy the enemy. The goals should not be to flood
the battle space with vulnerable light forces.
There will always be times when control of critical
points on land is vital, but control must be achieved
without concentrating vulnerable light forces in static
defensive positions that invite destruction by future
enemies strike assets. Put another way, M-16 versus
AK-47 warfare is an unrewarding exchange, something Americans want to avoid, not pursue.
Like modern, post-industrial economies, the Army
must become leaner, faster, flatter in command and
control, and much more capable of dispersed, decentralized operations to both survive and dominate
land warfare. Maneuver in this sense diverges sharply
from the linear concepts of the past with phase lines,
excessive control measures, and terrain-oriented
goose eggs. These control measures were designed by
commanders during World War I when senior officers
feared that without tight control from above millions


of citizen Soldiers would be impossible to manage or

control in combat. Today, Army ground forces must
be designed for dispersed, mobile warfare, a type of
warfare that requires greater independence at lower
levels than in the past. In this new strategic setting
Army ground forces must be capable of conducting
deep operational maneuver to key strategic objectives, bypassing or selectively attacking enemy elements immobilized by air, space and missile power.
To attain this capability, the Army must become
Benjamin Graham, the intellectual father of value
investing, described the marketplace in terms that
should resonate with professional Soldiers who study
and understand war:
In the short run, the market is like a voting machine,
tallying up which firms are popular and unpopular.
But in the long run, the market is like a weighing machine, assessing the substance [intrinsic value] of a
company.11 (emphasis added).

War is much like the market. War assesses the substantive strength and capability of the participants.
War rewards superior firepower, survivability, and
agility. War punishes vulnerabilities, fragility, and immobility.12 When Soviet and Imperial Japanese Army
(IJA) forces collided on the plains of Nomonhan in
1939,13 superior Japanese aircraft outranged and outfought the opposing Soviet air force to a draw,14 but
Japanese airpower could not compensate for the IJAs
weakness in mobility, armor, and firepower. The IJAs

infantry-centric ground force was decisively defeated.

Japan sued for peace.
The hard lesson that mass and athleticism do not
equate to fighting power were not lost on postwar Japans Self Defense Force (JSDF). Despite its constitutional restrictions, todays JSDF fields armored forces
larger and more capable than the combined armored
strength of the French and British armies. Emperor
Hirohitos observation that Our military leaders put
too much emphasis on (fighting) spirit and forgot the
significance of science,15 still resonates in Japan.
The Japanese experience is one contemporary Army
ground forces must not repeat with Army forces too
light to survive and fight effectively in a battle space
where mines, rocket-propelled grenades, machineguns, mortars, chemical agents, barbed wire, tanks,
air defense systems, and unmanned combat aerial vehicles are plentiful. To say that Army Forces should
be leaner and more agile is not to say that they must
be lighter and, hence, more vulnerable to destruction.
In land warfare, the keys to success are better sensors,
more robust information system designs, and accurate, devastating firepower from a variety of armored
platforms, integrated with bettermore effectively
organized, trained, and commandedSoldiers.
The aforementioned trends point to a 21st century Army that consists of self-contained formations,
mission-focused force packages organized around
maneuver, strike, ISR, and sustainment capabilities
for employment under Joint C2. These formations
are self-contained, survivable mobile combat formations rich with firepower of 5,000-6,000 troops under
brigadier generals with robust staff structures (see
Figure 7-1). They are designed to deploy and fight
as unreinforced, stand-alone formations and operate


inside a joint military command structure that tightly

integrates ground maneuver forces within the Joint
ISR-Strike complex that in many ways Air-Sea Battle
(ASB) tries to create.16

Figure 7-1. Combat Maneuver Group:

A Permanently Organized Capability-Based
Force Module.
Early in any conflict on the Eurasian landmass,
Army combat groups would provide critical warfighting capabilities to halt or preempt enemy action. Early
arriving formations would team with naval and air
forces to rapidly secure ports and air fields, and fix enemy forces for destruction by joint strike assets. Given
the embedded Joint command, control, communications, computers, and intelligence surveillance and
reconnaissance (C4ISR) and robust staff organization,
combat groups provide the nucleus for coalition and
allied land forces that will eventually mount counteroffensive operations. Joint theater missile defense in


particular is vital to the provision of Army cruise and

ballistic missile defense that otherwise threatens U.S.
and coalition operations.
In todays environment of no-notice crisis and
conflict, Army combat forces must be capable of moving rapidly from widely dispersed staging areas in the
continental United States deploying into a crisis or
regional conflict and initiating an attack, all without
pausing. The only way for the Army to achieve this
capability and provide a pool of ready, deployable
combat troops is to link the unit replacement policy to
a training and readiness structure that deploys Army
units in a peak state of readiness to fight.
A rotational readiness system that moves Army
forces through four 24- to 36-month readiness phases
or windowstraining, deployment, reconstitution,
modernization/education/leaveensures the Army
can always provide 35,000 to 50,000 ready, deployable troops inside combat groups at all times. This
approach also ensures the National Command Authorities (NCA) always know what Army forces/
capabilities can deploy and manages operations and
maintenance funds more efficiently. In addition,
Army combat groups or mission-focused capability
packages are precisely aligned with the strategic air
and sea lift required to move them. The advantages of
the combat group organization within this system are
1. Combat groups offer more capability with less
overhead at lower cost.
2. The mission-focused character of combat groups
expands the nations range of strategic options by offering the modular continuum of response the joint
force needs;


3. Combat groups enable the Army to shed unneeded equipment, rationalizing modernization within a joint rotational readiness system. The system also
preserves depth in the fighting force that is at risk of
further cuts;17
4. Within the proposed joint readiness system,
combat groups are also faster to deploy and cheaper
to maintain and modernize than the current divisioncentric structure;
5. Combat groups are high lethality, low density
formations, organized and equipped to mobilize fighting power disproportionate to their size. In short, they
punch above their weight and are scalable.
Today, the Armys leadership is once again trying
to re-equip the old, shrinking ground force by building
and inserting updated versions of old equipmentthe
ground combat vehicleinto old organizations. This
was the French armys approach to modernization
between 1920 and 1940. It is the road to ruin, not future victory. High risk development programs like the
Future Combat Systems (FCS) are unaffordable and
unlikely to result in funding. Rapid prototyping using
a proven platform is far more promising because it mitigates risk and speeds up delivery. Todays Army cannot risk binding Army modernization efforts through
massive programs intended to stamp out ideal designs
over 20-year production runs (FCS).
Rapid prototypings principle disadvantage lies in
smaller production runs and retooling costs, but this
disadvantage is offset by the closer interaction with
the user community. However, when tied to a new
force design, rapid prototyping is a better, more costeffective way to explore and develop new capabilities
quickly with smaller inventories of new equipment in


Soldiers hands before larger investments are made.

Once we know which technologies and platforms are
promising, it is easier to assess which ones will provide mission essential force attributes. High resolution modeling can be employed to refine desired attributes, but field trials with real Soldiers are still critical.
Since technologies are really designs for instrumental action to achieve a desired effect, only the use by
Soldiers and technicians of new technologyin rigorous field trials or against a capable opponentcan
reveal vulnerabilities and advantages. The light reconnaissance strike group (LRSG) is the right test bed
for new platforms. The LRSG is a dispersed mobile
warfare design explicitly organized and equipped
for rapid decisive operations inside a joint force. It
employs manned and unmanned aircraft and sensors
forward with ground maneuver elements to provide
the coverage needed to exploit the formations potentially devastating, precise firepower. Along with
strategic and tactical mobility, the LRSG has the striking power, superior mobility, and survivability to
conduct armed reconnaissance and drive any enemy
force on the ground into kill zones for joint precision
strikes or to destroy a dispersed enemy in detail.18 (See
Figure 7-2.)
All of these points suggest the Army senior leadership link modernization to the development of new
formations or combat groups of roughly 5,000-7,000
troops commanded by brigadier generals. These formations should be designed to be capability-based
force packages for dispersed, mobile warfare within
a new joint C2 structure designed to integrate Army
capabilities into larger joint forces.


Figure 7-2. New Equipment Tied to a New Force

Design with a Joint Purpose.
As a result, they should be organized with manned
and unmanned aviation, reconnaissance, standoff attack and artillery systems, Service support, and close
combat troops. Formations must include logistical
support groups, missile defense, and new forms of
strike groups, organized in peacetime for the way they
would deploy and fight in a crisis or conflict.
In an Army of roughly 400,000 to 450,000 troops,
a 250,000-man field Army that consists of combat
groups (see Figure 7-3) rotates through a joint readiness system of 6 to 9-month phases. Depending on the
national command authorities, 30,000 to 50,000 troops
inside combat groups can be maintained in a state of
readiness to deploy and fight on a moments notice.
Since they are pre-determined force packages, the required transportationrail, air, and sea liftcan be


aligned with them. This approach also puts an end

to the customary last minute, hasty assembly of units
and equipment for deployment in crisis or conflict.

*Note: (Construction Engineers can be consolidated from all the

services into one pool for joint employment).

Figure 7-3. Notional Reorganized Army Forces.

Inspector generals with the rank of major general
and supporting inspection teams can be constituted
from existing Army resources to test and evaluate
combat groups at the outset of the readiness phase to
ensure standards for readiness and deployment are
met. XVIII and III Corps headquarters could be tasked
with the responsibility to provide these teams. Such a
system would create the basis for an orientation that
focuses attention on the demands of operational readiness, not the needs of garrison life in an Army composed of first, second, and third class units, depending
on when the unit is placed in the Armys old Cold War
mobilization system.


In the event a major war breaks out, either part or,

all of the 250,000-man field Army could be deployed
in a matter of 3-5 months while additional reserve
units mobilize at home. Formations can be assembled
in whatever mix is needed in a particular theater. It
is worth remembering that at the height of the Korean Conflict, the Army maintained force of 201,000
troops on the Korean Peninsula. The deploying force
described here is larger. It would arrive faster and in
a much higher state of readiness. Its lethality and mobility, thanks to its equipment and integration within
the ISR-Strike framework of the Joint Force, would be
many times greater.
The rotational readiness and formation replacement scheme will go a long way toward achieving the
goal of creating a new culture that supports joint expeditionary warfare by thoroughly grounding young
officers in their profession and engendering trust and
confidence in the Soldiers that their officers are competent and caring leaders. By making training cycles
and deployment cycles predictable, the struggle for
time and resources at the lowest levels should become
less stressful.
For the Soldiers living in this system, enlistments
of 36 months or longer would guarantee assignment
for the duration of their service to a combat group stationed on a permanent basis at a designated home garrison in the United States. If Soldiers elected to stay in
the Service, they would have the option of continuing
to serve with the same combat group for years. All of
these factors seem to create the stability Soldiers and
their families need.
In summary, integrated all arms warfare is an
operational concept that integrates capabilities across
Service lines to maximize synergy and economize


losses. However, all arms warfare also requires a force

design with fewer echelons of C2 and a faster decision cycle that employs joint/integrated sensors with
maneuver elements to provide the coverage needed
to exploit the joint potential in the U.S. Air Force/U.S.
Navy ISR-strike-maneuver-sustainment complex, as
well as advanced aviation and ground combat platforms. Ideally, everything above the brigadier general
commanded formations should be stripped away and
replaced with a single layer of headquarters that has
the Joint C4ISR capabilities, the expertise and command authority necessary to integrate ground forces
into a joint/combined theater campaign plan.
Unity of Effort across Service lines demands that
regional unified command structures direct warfighting operations from a unified, all arms perspective.19
The Goldwater-Nichols Act, like the Articles of Confederation, was a profound improvement over the ad
hoc arrangements of the past, but like the Articles of
Confederation, the legislation failed to endow the new
unified order it created with the authority required to
unify its parts.20
Today, the multitude of single-Service operational,
two, three, and four star headquarters that proliferate
inside the regional unified commands militate against
unity of effort in ways that also overlap with the destructive inter-Service fight for shrinking defense dollars. They too will eventually be transformed and consolidated into single-integrated command structures
capable of commanding and employing whatever
modular capability-based forcesISR, strike, maneuver, or sustainmentthe Services send to them. If the


strategic vision fails to produce this outcome, fiscal reality eventually will. The anticipated reduction in the
number of unified commands will simply accelerate
this process.
Building the integrated, joint C2 inside the regional
unified commands will take time, but the coming interwar period is the right time to experiment, test, and
evaluate the potential alternatives. The Army is ideally positioned to lead this process. As a first step, the
Army can stand up two Joint Force Land Component
Commands (JFLCC), one oriented to the East or the
Pacific and, the other oriented to the West or North
Africa and the Middle East. (See Figure 7-4.)

Figure 7-4. Proposed Joint Force Land Component.

With the expansion of strike and ISR assets, the
JFLCC Commander must have deputies from the
Navy and the Air Force, together with staffs committed to employ the full complement of air, ground, electronic, and information operations capabilities. Sensor


systems that detect, locate, track, and target vehicles

and groups of people moving within a large area of
the earths surface provide unprecedented capabilities. A deputy for maneuver, an Army major general,
is included in the JFLCC, making the deployment of
division headquarters unnecessary.
This is not to suggest that in the future U.S. Forces
will always know everything all the time. On the contrary, perfect situational awareness is an illusion. But
it does suggest that the integration of maneuver and
strike capabilities through the integration of Army, Air
Force, and Navy capabilities is the path to decisively
exploit what U.S. Forces will know. Thus, all arms
warfare requires a force design with fewer echelons of
C2 and a faster decision cycle that employs joint/integrated sensors that reside primarily in the aerospace
and naval forces with maneuver elements land.21
The contemporary Army leadership should take
note of conclusions reached decades ago by a generation of senior officers who fought the worlds last Great
War. In November 1944, General Courtney Hodges,
Commander of First Army, was asked to testify before
the Joint Chiefs of Staffs Special Committee for the Reorganization of National Defense. Hodgess testimony
emphasized the following points:
That there was no necessity for separating the ground
and air forces, but that it was imperative in future years
especially at the War College and at Leavenworth, the
officer be thoroughly trained in both ground and air
operations so that logically by this system an air force
officer could command a corps or an army.22

Hodgess comments highlight a critical issue for

todays Army: The deficit the Armys senior leadership should worry most about is intellectual, not

fiscal. Joint operational concepts in the sense of integrating maneuver and strike on the operational and
tactical levels must be developed in ways that utilize
basic, learned principles, but are still flexible enough
to permit the maximum number of approaches to
unforeseen operational challenges. Contingency war
is warfare with unexpected parameters, waged with
insufficient time to prepare, and fought in a place
where the political and military leadership did not anticipate fighting. If the Army is to posit future conflict
scenarios successfully, and then to infer from them
the need for capabilities that may not yet exist inside
a force with an adaptive force design, a small body
of talented, professional officers is needed to study
the range of operational and strategic problems and
recommend solutions.
Eliminating the unneeded echelon of brigade command will offer the opportunity to promote younger
officers faster to flag rank. While this change would
constitute an improvement, by itself, it would not be
enough. For a new human capital strategy to have
any meaning, it must institutionalize a selection system that values talent more than longevity of Service
(C2I = Character, Competence, Intelligence). The officers selected to perform these tasks must be chosen
on the basis of demonstrated performance against objective standards: examinations for entry to the Staff
College, testing and evaluation at the training centers,
and assessments during deployments. Simply selecting those who have cultivated influence at the fourstar level by serving as aide-de-camps or marrying
the generals daughter is not the answer. Developing
officers with the courage and imagination to explore
new ways of doing things is too important to ignore.
Observations about the character and talents of a serv-


ing officer must come from more than one sourcehis

or her immediate superior.
Serving Army officers continue to express dissatisfaction with an Army that lacks objective measures
to discriminate between levels of performance, thus
undermining leadership development. Graduates of
Army schools are criticized for the inability to quickly
develop creative solutions to complex problems in
a time-constrained environment.23 Clearly, a better
means for talent management is desperately needed
in the Army.
To get the right leaders into the right positions of
authority and responsibility, leaders at every level
(squad leaders through four stars) must demonstrate
performance against an objective standard. Standards
for technical competence are rigorously enforced at
sea in the U.S. Navy. Pilots who fail to master the required skills are washed out of flight school. Similar
standards must be established and enforced across
the Army. Without concrete standards of performance
and tests for competence, an environment conducive
to initiative and independent action within a commonly understood operational framework from lowest to highest levels will simply not emerge. For example, once a captain has completed command, his or
her file should be stamped validated and then set
aside. At this point, the skills and knowledge required
for further advancement will be fundamentally different and not simply an extension of the first 5 or 8 years
of service.
A written examination required for admission to
the General Staff College is essential. By publishing
the list of required reading and study material, validated captains would know precisely what areas
would be tested and what skills they would need to


perform well. The top 25 percent of the officers tested

would be admitted once the test results were compiled. Every captain would be given three opportunities over 3 years to take the examination and qualify
for admission to the residence course.
Americans tend to forget that, long before we were
an independent Nation-State, we were, first and foremost, an Army. It was the professional core of that
American Army, the Continental Army, that endured
the years of hardship and despair, cooperated closely
with the army and navy of France, and finally defeated
the British army at Yorktown. In the end, the combination of character, competence, and intelligence gave
Americans victory at Yorktown and, with that victory,
In fundamental terms, the Continental Army was
an early vindication of Helmuth von Moltkes ageless principle, The most outstanding institution in
every nation is the Army, for it alone makes possible
the existence of all other institutions.24 In this sense,
the U.S. Armys central role in American society as
the guarantor of American liberty and the rule of law
that supports it has changed little since Washington
commanded Americas first Regular Army on the
battlefield at Yorktown. The time for the reemergence
of Americas regulars is upon us. Now is the time
to deploy intellectually and professionally, both to
restore the foundations of economic prosperity inside
the United States and to create the basis for future unassailable American military power.
Soldiers know what is required: ready, deployable
Army forces-in-being, highly trained forces capable


of decisive action on land within a joint warfighting

framework. Bold new initiatives to create the Army
forces described in this chapter can succeed, but incremental changes on the margins of the Cold War status
quo court failure and will produce few real savings
with no qualitative increase in the Armys warfighting
Unfortunately, the Army, grounded as it is in the
past, is seldom adept at dealing with the future. During the last interwar period, end-strength fell, and
dollars dried up. New ideas and new organizations
for combat were treated as disruptive. Officers who
did not conform to the party line vanished. General of
the Army George C. Marshall spent 6 years (1939-45)
replacing the Armys generals and recovering Army
Forces from 20 years of professional neglect.
In 1996, Andrew Grove, former chairman of the
board of Intel Corporation, described a strategic inflection point as a point in time when the balance of forces
shifts from the old structure, from the old ways of doing business and the old ways of competing, to the
new, leading large organizational structures to adapt
and thrive or simply decline and die.25 The Army has
reached an historic strategic inflection point. How the
Armys senior leadership organizes, trains, and equips
its forces to deal with strategic uncertainty now will
determine whether the Army thrives to fulfill this mission, or is marginalized and defunded.
1. Paul Richter, Americans Turning toward Isolationism,
The Los Angeles Times, October 25, 2012, p. 1.
2. Daniel Tencer, GOP Congressmen: Everyone Agrees Iraq
War a Horrible Mistake, The Raw Story, March 19, 2010.


3. Walter Pincus, Pentagon Officials: Spending Is Bloated.

Senate Panel Is Told about Need to Reduce Costs, The Washington Post, September 29, 2010, p. 1.
4. Eric Nordlinger, Isolationism Reconfigured, Princeton, NJ:
Princeton University Press, 1995, p. 50.
5. Amitai Etzioni, Bottom-up Nation Building Afghanistan,
Pakistan, and Iraq, Policy Review, No. 158, Hoover Institution,
Stanford University, December 2009/January 2010.
6. James Kitfield, A Decade of War: What the U.S. Military
Learned,, March 22, 2013.
7. Only Two US Army Brigades Now Combat Ready, Chief
Says, Defense News, October 21, 2013, available from www.
8. Colin Freeman, Saudi Arabia Targeting Iran and Israel
with Ballistic Missiles, The Telegraph, July 10, 2013. Also see Ballistic and Cruise Missile Threat, NASICR-1031-0985-13 July 2013,
Report prepared by the National Air and Space Intelligence Center with participation of the Defense Intelligence Agency Missile
and Space Intelligence Center and the Office of Naval Intelligence,
Washington, DC, July 2013.
9. Will and Ariel Durant, The Lessons of History, New York:
Simon and Schuster, Inc., 1968, p. 82.
10. Russell F. Weigley, The American Way of War: A History
of the United States Military Strategy and Policy, Bloomington, IN:
Indiana University Press, 1973, p. 359.
11. Benjamin Graham, The Intelligent Investor, New York:
Harper Business Essentials, 1973, p. 121.
12. Wendell Minnick, Heavy Armor Still Has Role in China,
Defense News, April 19, 2010. Heavier vehicles are for real wars,
said, Dean Cheng, a research fellow at the Heritage Foundation
looking at Chinese military development. Chinas periphery is
not like Europe, with well-paved super-highways.


13. Alvin Coox, Nomonhan: Japan Against Russia, 1939, Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press: 1985, p. 84. Also known as
the Battle of Khalkha River, the battle took place between the cities of Nuren Obo and Nomonhan. The total area spanned no more
than 100 kilometers wide and at a depth of a little less than 30
kilometers at the widest. In this small area would be the largest
and most costly defeat for the Kwantung Army by the Soviets
until August 1945. Japan was simply outmatched with about half
the troops, almost a fifth of the aircraft, and a tenth of the tanks
that the Soviets had.
14. Dimitar Nedialkov, In the Skies of Nomonhan: Japan versus
Russia May-September 1939, Manchester, United Kingdom (UK):
Crecy Publishing Limited, 2011, pp. 140-141.
15. Stephen Large, Emperor Hirohito and Showa Japan: A Political Biography, New York: Routledge, 1992, p. 132.
16. General Norton A. Schwartz, USAF, and Admiral Jonathan W. Greenert, USN, Air-Sea BattlePromoting Stability
in an Era of Uncertainty,, February
20, 2012.
17. According to retired Army Major General Robert Scales,
Affordable readiness can best be achieved by adopting some
form of rotational deployment scheme for the entire U.S. Army
both at home and overseas. Robert H. Scales, Jr., USA, Yellow
Smoke: The Future of Land Warfare for Americas Military, Lanham,
MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2003.
18. John Matsumura et al., Lightning over Water, Sharpening
Americas Light Forces for Rapid Reaction Missions, Santa Monica,
CA: RAND National Defense Research Institute, 2000, p. 103.
19. Cross-domain synergy: The complementary vice merely
additive employment of capabilities in different domains such
that each enhances the effectiveness and compensates for the
vulnerabilities of the others . . . Joint Operational Access Concept
(JOAC), Version 1.0, January 17, 2012.
20. General (Ret.) Pete Chiarelli, Beyond GoldwaterNichols, Joint Forces Quarterly, Autumn 1993, p. 71.


21. Lieutenant General David A. Deptula, USAF, and Major

R. Greg Brown, USAF, A House Divided: The Indivisibility of Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance, Air Power Journal,
Air University, December 2008, p. 21.
22. Major William C. Sylan and Captain Francis G. Smith, Jr.,
Normandy to Victory: The War Diary of General Courtney H. Hodges
and the First US Army, John T. Greenwood, ed., Lexington, KY:
University of Kentucky Press, 2008,pp. 166-167.
23. See the 2011 Center for Army Leadership Annual Survey
of Army Leadership, Technical Report 2012-1, Ft. Leavenworth,
KS: U.S. Army Combined Arms Center, May 2012.
24. Helmuth von Moltke, Kriege und Siege (Wars and Victories),
Berlin, Germany: Vier Falken Verlag, 1938, p. 645.
25. Andrew Grove, Only the Paranoid Survive: How to Exploit the Crisis Points that Challenge Every Company, New York:
Currency-Doubleday, 1999, pp. 30-33.


Matthew Cavanaugh
On July 4, 1918, four infantry companies from
the American 33rd Division fought alongside the 4th
Australian Division at the Battle of Hamel.1 American
Corporal Thomas A. Pope earned the Medal of Honor
while serving under the higher command of Australian Corps Commander Lieutenant-General Sir John
Monash, who in turn was commanded in the British
sector by General Sir Douglas Haig.2 As this episode
suggests, American, British, and Australian soldiers
have a deep tradition of shared sacrifice.
Nearly a century later, austerity accurately describes the zeitgeist in Washington, DC, London,
United Kingdom (UK), and Canberra, Australia.
The British Army is reducing from an active force of
102,000 to 82,000.3 An Australian foreign policy think
tank director recently wrote, Australias military
spending has slipped to 1.6 percent of gross domestic
product . . . this is the lowest it has been since before
World War II.4 In the United States, a recent Reuters
story highlighted the reduction of 10 brigade combat
teams and cuts which total 80,000 soldiers over the
next 4 years.5 Moreover, as U.S. Army Chief of Staff
General Raymond Odierno recently acknowledged in
Foreign Affairs, the organization is adjusting to major
changes like declining budgets, due to the countrys
worsened fiscal situation.6 All three governments
face resource constraints.


Austerity, however, is not a strategy. Scholars

have defined strategy as the art of balancing ends,
ways, and means.7 The American, British, and Australian ground forces each face a meaningful reduction
in means and broadly consistent ends, which can
shift due to the nature of elective politics. It is therefore important that the ways ought to be adjusted
to keep each countrys strategy in balance. It is in this
context that this chapter addresses the following questions: Are there viable options for collaborative rebalancing strategies? Which partnered policiese.g., coproduction, joint-venture8might be most mutually
beneficial for the United States and its closest allies?
When the American, British, and Australian armies
collaborate, can they be greater than the sum of their
parts? If so, how?
First, are there recent examples of viable options
for collaborative rebalancing? Interestingly, it appears
that one comes from the sea. The U.S. Navy faces a
similarly resource-constrained environment: observers note the steep decline in fleet size (from roughly
600 to less than 300) since the end of the Cold War.9
Others counter by looking at relative numbers like
the displacement of the U.S. battle fleet which is
larger than at least the next 13 navies combined, of
which 11 are our allies or partners.10 While the United
States has fewer ships (or means), the opportunity
clearly exists to look for new international collaboration (ways) to achieve similar ends. As Admiral
Michael Mullen once commented, he was after that
proverbial 1,000 ship Navya fleet-in-being, if you
will, comprised of all freedom-loving nations.11


Mullens realization: international collaboration can

extend limited resources.
In October 2007, the U.S. Navy, U.S. Marine Corps,
and U.S. Coast Guard collaboratively published A Cooperative Strategy for 21st Century Sea Power, a historical first document intended to create a unified maritime strategy.12 The strategy highlights efficiencies
gained by pooling resources, as well as reaching out to
other nations and organizations to form partnerships
of common interest to counter . . . emerging threats.13
This initiative resulted in the 26-nation Combined
Maritime Forces, an organization formed to enhance
maritime security, counterterror, and counterpiracy
cooperation.14 Though sea power approaches are clearly different than the land domain, here one can find
contemporary evidence for a feasible, multinational
solution to a resource-constrained military environment. But how should these three forces collaborate?
Both co-production and joint-venture among the
American, British, and Australian armies appears impracticable. The massive gap in overall defense spending among the threeAmerica approached U.S.$700
billion in 2010, while Britain went below $60 billion,
and Australia came in around $25 billion in the same
yearthese figures demonstrate the significant imbalance in resources.15 There is one noteworthy exception
from World War II that is helpful in explaining why
this imbalance matters. In 1942, an American test pilot
flying a problematic American test plane (Pursuit
Fighter 51 or P-51) at a British airfieldsuccessfully
recommended that a British-designed engine (RollsRoyce Merlin 61) be put in the P-51 to improve per-


formance.16 This co-production enterprise made the

planes performance outstanding, and a meaningful
asset in the Allied effort.17 At first glance, one might
conclude that this is a mark in favor of co-production.
However, crucially, the context in which this success
occurred is radically different to the contemporary
environment. Compared with World War II, todays
relative poverty of military investment and the lack of
impending external threat makes it doubtful that each
public would accept anything less than full national
control and accountability of national defense expenditure (particularly the United States).
Joint-venture does not appear workable either.
The 2010 Franco-British Defense and Security Treaty
was lauded as a model of joint-venture, but ahead of
the 2012 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
Summit in Chicago, some assessed that a number
of political and military challenges remain in the
relationship between the two equipment-sharers.18
Though co-production and joint-venture enterprises
have practical challenges, there is an even greater reason to be skeptical. Elective politics can subtly shift
the ends which a country seeks in a particular conflict. One can see verification of this in the wrangling
over potential intervention in Syria.
At the time of this writing, the civil war in Syria
is roughly 2 years old, has killed over 100,000 and
sentenced two million Syrians to flee the country.19
Nearly 1 year after President Barack Obama remarked
that the Syrian governments use or transfer of chemical weapons would be a red line, it appeared that
the line had been crossed. The U.S. intelligence agen-


cies assessed with high confidence that the Syrian government used a nerve agent in the Damascus
Despite British Prime Minister David Camerons
support for military involvement, his parliament voted 285-272 against any type of military intervention.21
Columnist Roger Cohen opined that this marks a watershed moment that leaves the special relationship
in search of meaning.22 Cohen found Ed Milliband,
the opposition Labour Party leader, counseling that
the lesson for Britain is it must sometimes strike out
on its own, even if that means separately from America.23 Oxford University historian Hew Strachan has
recently recorded similar thoughts.24
There appears to be a divergence afoot in Australia as well. Michael Fullilove rightly notes that, Australia is the only country to have fought beside the
United States in all of its major conflicts over the past
century, including Vietnam and Iraq.25 Past may not
be prologue, however: a poll from the Lowy Institute
found that only 38 percent of Australians would support American military action in Asia . . . in a conflict
between China and Japan.26 So, Australian attitudes
might be changing about the use of force in ways that
are not favorable to the United States.
Australia is serving a 2-year term on the United
Nations Security Council, making it a part of the response to the Syrian conflict.27 Also, the 2013 Australian parliamentary election shifted power from the
Labor Party and (outgoing) Prime Minister Kevin
Rudd to a Liberal-National coalition led by (incoming) Prime Minister Tony Abbott.28 Immediately after
the election, the press speculated about a policy shift,
with some noting that Abbott has been far less vocal than Mr. Rudd in his support for an American-led
strike against the Syrian government.29

In sum, both with respect to the British and Australian armies, one should assume that co-production
and joint-venture endeavors would be subject to the
vagaries of shifting political winds, thereby rendering
such collaboration difficult at best.
Bearing this in mind, what partnered policy
might fit this ever-changing reality? General Stanley
McChrystal once wrote about the importance of understanding the enemy network.31 U.S. policymakers
would also do well to understand the friendly network. The human network is there when needed, but
can be unplugged when politically necessary. Armies
often simplify their common tasks to a three-word
slogan: ShootMoveCommunicate. All three
are underpinned by morale and trust.32 Though each
country may use different weapons to shoot and
separate vehicles to move, the ability to communicate in a common language can make each force
compatible without commitment. This is a desirable
collaborative way in an environment marked by reduced means and brimming with questions about
policy ends.
There are a number of policies that would promote
this sort of communication:
1. International Staff Integration: Americans, British, and Australian officers have served together intimately for the past decade in war. To maintain these
relationships, international assignment service should
continue in peacetime. Australian Major General Richard Burr currently serves as the Deputy Commanding
General for Operations at U.S. Army Pacific, for instance.33 This sort of staff integration can be expanded.


2. International Doctrine: One study from the 1990s

found that less than half of all doctrinal publications
carried multinational sections.34 The default should
be to include sections devoted to international partner operationsthat is how America typically fights
3. Communications Architecture: Colonel John
Angevine has argued that The number one tacticallevel interoperability issue among the Americans,
British, and Australians is the lack of an integrated
tactical-level COP [Common Operating Picture].36
He further reports that, the absence of a tactical-level
COP has proved deadly in the past and significantly
inhibit[s] coalition operations.37 Higher headquarters
and staffs often work well together, but interaction on
the tactical and operational levels (i.e., brigade and below) should be fused more effectively.
4. Defense Diplomacy: Too often policymakers
react to reduced budgets by cutting travel spending.
The relationships gained in the crucible of war must
be maintained through to the next conflagration.
Cost-effective, online networking initiatives like the
Australian Ikahan program, as well as private efforts like Rally Point, ought to be explored.38 The focus, however, should be shared experience in order
to develop the trust that enables communication. The
commander of U.S. Army Pacific recently stated his
commitment to defense diplomacy despite austerity,
Weve been able to fence our engagements throughout our theater of operations. . . . In this business . . .
relationship building is building trust, and thats the
part I want to make sure we hold onto.39 This is a
helpful sign, precisely what it means to enable the
human network, but there is more that could, and
should, be done.


The challenge, as Steven Jermy of the British Royal
Navy has written, is that Strategy making is problem
solving of the most complex order, because it deals
with three of lifes great imponderables: people, war,
and the future.40 Supporting the human network is
simply better policy than co-production and jointventure because it is there when needed, yet can be
rapidly disconnected when politically expedient. In
an environment of significantly reduced means
and loaded with questions about policy ends, this
is a feasible, collaborative way that empowers the
American, British, and Australian ground forces to be
greater than the sum of their parts.
1. Gary Sheffield, The Chief: Douglas Haig and the British Army,
London, UK: Aurum Press, 2011, p. 293.
2. Ibid., p. 294. See also Pope, Thomas A., Washington, DC:
Center of Military History, available from
3. Andrew Chuter, Reductions Will Limit Armed Forces
Capabilities, UK Military Chief Warns, Defense News, August
22, 2013, available from
4. Michael Fullilove, Caught Between the U.S. and China,
The New York Times, September 5, 2013.
5. David Alexander, Army To Eliminate 10 Brigades at U.S.
Bases in Drawdown: Odierno, Reuters, June 25, 2013, available from

6. Raymond T. Odierno, The U.S. Army in a Time of Transition: Building a Flexible Force, Foreign Affairs, May-June,
2012, p. 11.
7. See Arthur F. Lykke, Toward an Understanding of Military Strategy, The U.S. Army War College Guide to Strategy, Carlisle, PA: Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College, 2001,
pp. 179-185.
8. Note: Both co-production and joint-venture should
generally be considered multinational shared investment in, and
the development of, new military technologies for those participating nations.
9. See Robert D. Kaplan, Americas Elegant Decline, The
Atlantic Monthly, November 2007.
10. Robert Gates, quoted in Ibid.
11. Ibid.
12. James T. Conway, Gary Roughead, and Thad W. Allen, A
Cooperative Strategy for 21st Century Sea power, Washington, DC:
Department of the Navy, United States Marine Corps, and United
States Coast Guard, October 2007, p. 1.
13. Ibid., p. 5.
14. See Combined Maritime Forces, Wikipedia, available
15. The Economist: Pocket World in Figures, 2013 Ed., London,
UK: Profile Books, 2013, p. 102.
16. Paul Kennedy, Engineers of Victory: The Problem Solvers
Who Turned the Tide in the Second World War, New York: Random
House, 2013, p. 121.
17. Ibid., p. 122.


18. Benoit Gomis and Andrea Barbara Baumann, U.K.France Defense Cooperation in Spotlight Ahead of NATO Summit, World Politics Review, March 21, 2012.
19. United Nations Human Rights Committee, Number of
Syrian refugees tops 2 million mark with more on the way, September 3, 2013, available from
20. Office of the Press Secretary, Government Assessment of
the Syrian Governments Use of Chemical Weapons on August
21, 2013, Washington, DC: The White House, August 30, 2013,
available from
21. Roger Cohen A Much Less Special Relationship, The
New York Times, August 30, 2013.
22. Ibid.
23. Ibid.
24. Hew Strachan, British National Strategy: Who Does It?
Parameters, Vol. 43, No. 2, Summer 2013, p. 51.
25. Fullilove.
26. Ibid. See also The Lowy Institute Poll 2013, Sydney,
Australia: Lowy Institute, June 24, 2013, available from www.
27. United Nations Security Council, United Nations Website, available from
28. Matt Siegel, Australian Labor Party Is Dealt Sharp Blow
in Vote, Ending 6 Years in Power, The New York Times, September 8, 2013.
29. Ibid.
30. Note: Human network refers to person-to-person linkages in any meaningful professional form (i.e., voice, electron-


ic). In this case, the objective is to cut across organizations and

national boundaries.
31. Stanley McChrystal, It Takes a Network, Foreign
Policy, March-April 2011, available from
32. Colin S. Gray, The Strategy Bridge: Theory for Practice, Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2010, pp. 214-215.
33. Amber Robinson, USARPAC Honors Deputy Commanding General for Operations, Army: News Website, January
17, 2013, available from
34. See Jay M. Vittori, Making the Case for Multinational
Military Doctrine, Joint Forces Quarterly, Spring 1998, pp. 109-115.
35. Note: The only exception ought to be those that just do not
make sense, i.e., funeral arrangements.
36. John Angevine, Dangerous Luxuries: How the Quest
for High-End Capabilities Leaves the ADF Vulnerable to Mission Failure and More Dependent on the United States, Sydney, Australia: Lowy Institute for International Policy, June 2011,
pp. a2-vi, a2-vii.
37. Ibid.
38. See Ikahan Alumni Pertahanan Indonesia-Australia,
available from See also Rally Point, available from
39. Kevin Baron, U.S. Army Fences Off Military Diplomacy from Sequester, Foreign, May 14, 2013, available
40. Steven Jermy, Strategy for Action: Using Force Wisely in the
21st Century, London, UK: Knightsone, 2011, p. 6.


Conrad Crane
The U.S. Army once again faces the challenge of
maintaining and modernizing the force. American resources devoted to defense decline after every major
conflict. During these recoils from wars, threats are
usually poorly or narrowly defined, domestic economic concerns and a desire to return to normalcy
overshadow foreign policy, and the Army struggles
to define its missions as policymakers decide to rely
more on other services. Army Chiefs of Staff generally
find themselves with much flexibility and little direction in determining cuts and priorities, while facing
a widening gulf between strategic commitments and
resources. Far-sighted leaders have met this enduring challenge by maintaining trained and educated
Soldiers who could rise to their responsibilities when
danger again threatened, by concentrating on a few
key and relatively inexpensive weapons systems when
money was scarce, and by laying the groundwork for
more extensive acquisitions when policies changed
and conflicts erupted.
The service has responded to this challenge in
many different ways. By and large, the Army has not
had the opportunity to undertake major modernization programs. Instead, it has moved incrementally


while preparing to take advantage of rare opportunities for more abundant funding: a long war with a
buildup, or a national security policy reemphasizing
land forces.
The United States did not concern itself with
building and sustaining the military forces of a world
power until the 20th century. Before then, the peacetime Regular Army was always very small, with the
expectation that militia and volunteers could be called
up for emergencies. While the Navy worried about
keeping up with the latest technology, the Army did
not. This all changed after World War I. The primary
security threat to the United States was perceived as a
rising Japan, with a resulting focus on the Pacific and
the Navy (the first American strategic pivot to that
region), but the solution to such danger was thought
to lie mainly in naval arms limitations treaties. Meanwhile, the National Defense Act of 1920 did establish
a base active force of 280,000 Soldiers to defend the
homeland and perform expeditionary duties. The legislation was heavily influenced by the Guard lobby in
Congress, and depended on the Guard and an Organized Reserve to help mobilize almost 2 million draftees in 60 days for a war. The Army also made some effort to incorporate promising new technologies from
World War I such as the tank and airplane, but internal opposition to those weapons systems, the absence
of imminent threats, and the reluctance of the executive and legislative branches to provide much funding
limited the options of the Roaring Twenties. Indeed,
in some circles, the solution to the threat of war was
just to sign a treaty outlawing it.1
The Great Depression of 1929 made matters worse.
As budgets got even tighter and the depression deepened, the Army Air Corps nevertheless proved adept


at procuring money to purchase new aircraft. The rest

of the force was less successful at such modernization.
Though the Army knew that it needed tanks, trucks,
and general mechanization, when budget priorities
were set, Chiefs of Staff almost always favored trained
Soldiers over new weapons. There was an assumption
that the next generation of technology would be better, and that educated leaders would be able to build
and adapt the Army when necessary. Consequently,
the service school system thrived in the 1920s and
1930s, and the best officers were assigned as students
and faculty. In the meantime, the service successfully
developed and fielded less expensive but still important weapons like the MI Garand rifle and a new 105mm howitzer.2
The big explosion of modernization, however, occurred during the buildup and execution of World War
II, when the planning and priorities of those interwar
Chiefs of Staff were generally vindicated. Much of this
success was due to a board system where each branch
developed requirements which the Chief of Staff then
prioritized. When the budget floodgates opened to
prepare for war, there were plenty of well-developed
concepts on the table for programming. The Air Corps
and Quartermaster Corps also proved especially adept at working with manufacturers to advance their
technology in aircraft and motor vehicles. Probably
the greatest failure was in tank development, which
was due in major part to the lack of a distinct armor
The end of that war produced a similar drawdown
and neglect of the Army. International Communism
was the new threat, and the Navy and a newly independent Air Force squabbled over who should have
the primary responsibility for deterrence. By 1948,


when the Army had been reduced to 1/16th of its

peak World War II strength, General Omar Bradley
declared that it was in a shockingly deplorable state,
with almost no combat effectiveness.4 Armored
forces were so depleted that some tanks had to be
removed from museum display pedestals for deployment to the Korean War.5 That conflict surprised everyone, but the Dwight Eisenhower administrations
assumption that nuclear threats had finally forced
the Communists into the armistice in 1953 only reinforced the focus on such weapons. Ikes New Look
de-emphasized conventional forces, and the Army
developed the short-lived Pentomic Division concept
for relevance on the nuclear battlefield.6 Strategic Air
Command thrived, but the Army and Marine Corps
lost manpower and modernization programs as the
administration held fast to budget limitations. Korea
did spark more reliance on civilian scientific advisors
and the development of a new Army Combat Developments System, which did produce the designs for
the M60 main battle tank, M113 APC, and M14 rifle by
the early-1960s.7 But there was not yet money to field
them. A robust Reserve Component (RC) program
again would meet any major conventional war contingency, and in the Reserve Forces Act of 1955 Congress
set the ceiling for such forces at 2.9 million men. By
1960, there were almost a million drill-pay reservists
on the rolls. Again relying on the RC was seen as the
hedge against a major ground war; yet again, when
that war came, draftees would be used instead for
most manpower needs.8
John F. Kennedys shift to a national security policy
of Flexible Response provided major impetus to reinvigorate conventional forces, including the purchase
of new armored vehicles and support for the Armys


investment in air mobility. Secretary of Defense Robert McNamaras emphasis on systems analysis helped
motivate the Army to set up a new Combat Developments Command in 1962, which brought into use the
AR-15 rifle along with the new helicopters.9 These
would soon be tested in Southeast Asia. The Korean
War had globalized the national security strategy of
containment beyond Europe, and now Communism
had to be stopped in Vietnam. But counterinsurgency
against light and guerrilla forces does not provide
much justification for force modernization. In the
aftermath of war in Southeast Asia, the Army again
suffered severely, ending up with the Hollow Force
of the late-1970s. Army leaders realized that the force
needed to modernize, especially after the 1973 ArabIsraeli War, but defense budgets were again shrinking. One of the main reasons for the shift of combat
support and combat service support assets to the
RC by Creighton Abrams was to free up funding for
long-delayed modernization of active combat units.
However, by 1979, six of 10 continental U.S.-based divisions were rated not combat ready, as was one of
four in Europe. The U.S. Army in Europe commander
complained that his force had become obsolescent.
Even for a substantially smaller force, budgets were
inadequate to achieve production rates to replace aging equipment with new models which were ready to
field, such as the Abrams tank and Apache helicopter.
The Congressional Budget Offices explanation for
that state echoes eerily today:
Yet the underlying problem may have been an imbalance between defense resources and national security
commitments that made it impossible for DoD [the


Department of Defense] to buy both readiness and


In the 1970s, the Army had neither.

The Armys last great opportunity for modernization occurred with the Ronald Reagan defense buildup
in the early- and mid-1980s. After an unsatisfactory
period where doctrine writers were given primary responsibility to determine Army needs, the 1973 war
jolted the Army into a new approach. The newly created Training and Doctrine Command reinvigorated
combat developments. Again, farsighted leaders during tough times laid the groundwork to exploit service
opportunities, and the Big Five systems developed
and fielded between 1971 and 1990Abrams tank,
Bradley fighting vehicle, Apache and Blackhawk helicopters, and Patriot missile systemstill provide the
backbone of the force today. All the services thrived
during this period, but a national security strategy reemphasizing strong conventional forces to further deter the Soviet Union aided the Army greatly. Reagans
defense policies really envisioned a fusion of the New
Look with Flexible Response.11
Operation DESERT STORM in 1991 revealed the
impressive results of Army modernization. It also began another period of ground force drawdown and
neglect. Chief of Staff Gordon Sullivan realized the
risks the service faced in trying to maintain its preeminence. He set four goals to guide changeReshape the
Force, Resource the Force, Integrate and Strengthen
the Force, and Maintain the Edgeand gave specific
guidance to all his key subordinates about managing
that risk.12 He warned his new Deputy Chief of Staff
for Operations:


My sense is that tight resources will drive many to

try and eliminate the complementary capabilities that
give joint forces such powerful synergy; that there will
be, in some quarters, an undue willingness to rely on
technological solutions; and that wishful thinking will
lead some to sacrifice readiness to other motives.13

His concerns are very recognizable today.

Sullivan set up the Louisiana Maneuvers and battle labs to define requirements further, and his successors continued to refine the system under increasing
budget pressures. There have been numerous congressional debates about returning hollowness since
Operation DESERT STORM. The fate of the Comanche helicopter, Crusader artillery system, and Future
Combat Systems demonstrates the vulnerability of
major Army modernization programs in periods of
vague threats and tight budgets. Generally, the Army
has not fared well in maintaining its share of modernization since the era of Joint Requirements began in
1986. DoD studies at the opening of the new millennium faulted the Army for its branch procurement
focus that was perceived as inefficient, and Congress
ordered more centralization. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff General Peter Pace then drove the establishment
of a Joint Requirements Oversight Council to further
streamline the acquisition process with a purely top
down approach.14 While these changes did make the
system more efficient, it can be questioned whether it
has been as effective as the more decentralized branch
approach in developing and meeting Army needs for



By the time of the 2001 Quadrennial Defense Review,
declining budgets had again put considerable strain
on the Army to balance readiness, modernization,
and manpower. As during the 1920s and 1930s, Chiefs
of Staffs in this stressful period tended to emphasize
keeping trained and ready personnel over weapons
procurement. The aftermath of September 11, 2001,
solved that budget dilemma for the moment. However, like earlier counterinsurgency in Vietnam, the
long war against terrorism and insurgency in Afghanistan and Iraq, in which the Army has been so deeply
engaged, again has not nurtured congressional support for ground force modernization. Past experience
highlights three key insights that senior Army leaders
should keep in mind during yet another period of constrained resources.
1. Keep professional military education and training programs robust. The future remains unknown
and unpredictable, and the ability of Soldiers to learn
and adapt under fire has always been an important
Army strength. Many studies have shown that having trained and ready Soldiers led by adaptable leaders are more important than having the most modern
2. Even when budgets are tight, the Service can still
pursue the development and fielding of one or two
relatively inexpensive game-changers. These could
range from a new infantry weapon to revolutionary
cyber capabilities. Innovation does not stop just because money is scarce. Thinking might be hard, but it
is cheap.
3. That also means that more extensive modernization programs should still be developed. The service


must be prepared to quickly take advantage of more

abundant resources when they become available.
The difficulties balancing modernization and readiness for future crises will be exacerbated by the demise of the draft. Instead of bringing draftees into an
expansible active component for a crisis, now Guard
and Reserve forces must be deployed instead, requiring a new emphasis on their modernization as well.
Even more problematic for the Army and the Armed
Forces is the current economic and budgetary situation, with the additional impact of sequestration from
the Budget Control Act of 2011.
But the Army has faced and overcome such problems previously, even when the Great Depression
worsened funding from a nation little inclined to
spend money on the military in the first place. As this
review of the Armys history of responding to periods of reduced resources has shown, far-sighted leaders have met this enduring challenge by maintaining
trained and educated Soldiers who could rise to their
responsibilities when danger again threatened, by
concentrating on a few key and relatively inexpensive
weapons systems when money was scarce, and by laying the groundwork for more extensive acquisitions
when policies changed and conflicts erupted.
1. Allan R. Millett and Peter Maslowski, For the Common Defense: A Military History of the United States of America, New York:
The Free Press, Revised and Expanded Ed., 1994, pp. 380-400.
2. Ibid., pp. 396-404. On the schools, see Peter J. Schifferle,
Americas School for War: Fort Leavenworth, Officer Education, and
Victory in World War II, Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas,


2010; and Harry P. Ball, Of Responsible Command: A History of the

U.S. Army War College, Carlisle, PA: Alumni Association of the
U.S. Army War College, 1983.
3. Edgar F. Raines, Jr., The Army Requirements System, 17752009, Washington, DC: U.S. Army Center of Military History,
2009, pp. 34-61.
4. Garry L. Thompson, Army Downsizing Following World War
I, World War II, Vietnam, and a Comparison to Recent Army Downsizing, Fort Leavenworth, KS: Command and General Staff College,
2002, pp. 34-35.
5. Arthur W. Connor, Jr., The Armor Debacle in Korea, 1950:
Implications for Today, Parameters, Spring 1992, pp. 66-76.
6. A. J. Bacevich, The Pentomic Era: The U.S. Army between Korea and Vietnam, Washington, DC: National Defense University
Press, 1986.
7. Raines, pp. 77-82.
8. Millett and Maslowski, pp. 534-552.
9. Raines, pp. 82-92.
10. Andrew Feickert and Stephen Daggett, A Historical Perspective on Hollow Forces, Washington, DC: Congressional Research
Service, 2012, pp. 5-8; James T. Currie and Richard B. Crossland,
Twice the Citizen: A History of the United States Army Reserve, 19081995, Washington, DC: Office of the Chief, Army Reserve, 1997,
pp. 212-215.
11. Raines, pp. 99-105; Millett and Maslowski, pp. 614-618.
12. For example, see Letter, General Gordon Sullivan to Lieutenant General Leon Salomon, undated, Letters to Commanders
Binder, Papers of Gordon Sullivan, Carlisle, PA, U.S. Army Heritage and Education Center.


13. Letter, General Gordon Sullivan to General John Tilelli,

July 21, 1994, Letters to Commanders Binder, Papers of Gordon
Sullivan, Carlisle, PA: U.S. Army Heritage and Education Center.
14. Raines, pp. 114-123; Feickert and Daggett, pp. 10-19.


Michael J. Meese
Winston Churchill famously said, Gentlemen,
we have run out of money. Now we have to think.1
Although neither the Department of Defense (DoD)
nor the Army have run out of money, in the current
period of austerity, coherent strategic thinking will be
essential. The Army has a compelling strategy that can
resonate with the American public and decisionmakers, but Army leaders must both understand and effectively articulate the Armys role in the context of
American grand strategy to effectively make the case
for Landpower.
To explain the role of the Army in times of austerity, this chapter will review the Armys history confronting budget stringency over the past century. In
doing so, it will identify the four fundamental tendencies that have dominated the Armys approach during past periods of stringency and explain how they
are affecting the Army today. Finally, with this perspective, the chapter provides a specific proposal that
could help the Army emphasize its appropriate role in
U.S. grand strategy and improve its ability to contribute to national security.
The Army has undergone several periods of austerity throughout the past century; indeed, they have occurred regularly every 20 yearsduring the interwar
1930s, the post-Korea 1950s, the post-Vietnam 1970s,


and the post-Cold War 1990s. A comprehensive examination of each of those periods of downsizing reflects
significant continuities, even though the international
situation, domestic politics, and budgetary stringency
were different in each case.2 This is not surprising, both
because of the relatively stable institutional culture
within the Army and the fact that, in almost all cases,
the generals who were making decisions for the Army
during one period of stringency were field grade officers during the previous stringency (20 years earlier)
and were commissioned during or soon after the stringency prior to that (40 years earlier).3 The Army itself
is a prisoner of its own experiences, and it is important
to understand those experiences if Army leaders are
to make effective policy.
In examining previous periods of austerity, it appears that the Army has a deeply ingrained approach
to peacetime decisionmaking, which I call the peacetime Army Concept. The peacetime Army Concept
consists of four tenets, which have a subtle, but profound, impact on the Army and the Armys effectiveness.4 The first is the Armys consistent emphasis on
people, with the tendency to trade all other factors
equipment, readiness, sustainability, and othersto
preserve the emphasis on Soldiers and officers already
in the Army. The second is the Armys emphasis on
expansibility, so that Army leaders will generally
maintain large organizational structures that can be
filled quickly in the event of rapid expansion rather
than cut down those structures. The third is the emphasis on equitable allocation of resources among
all major commands and branches, with less of a tendency to redistribute power or radically reorganize
the Army to meet new conditions. The fourth tenet
is that the Army will adopt inappropriate strategy


for its doctrine, using a tailored form of the national

strategy rather than concentrate on the Armys role in
that strategy. These tenets, which are consistent over
time, are not in and of themselves wrong, but strategists should consider and understand them as they
plan for Army downsizing. Each will be described
with their historical antecedents and contemporary
Emphasis on People.
Concentrating on people is understandable because war is a human endeavor and soldiers are fundamental to accomplishing the Armys mission. The
Army has always been the most manpower-intensive
service and the relationship between the society and
the military often focuses on the Army more than other services. During the 1930s interwar years, the Army
went to great lengths to emphasize citizen-soldiers,
while maintaining and expanding the number of officers and Soldiers. During the 1970s, the Army emphasized making the All Volunteer Force work as the
draft ended on July 1, 1973. After the Cold War, even
as the size of the Army reduced by one-third (from
780,000 to 495,000), Army leaders made exceptional
efforts not to separate any officers involuntarily.5 This
emphasis on people is not wrong, but it needs to be
properly understood within the context of the decisions concerning Army force structure.
Today, the nation has the benefit of having the most
experienced Army that it has ever had as it enters a
period of downsizing; once again there is an emphasis
on people. There is an understandable desire to retain
all of those leaders, and decisions about separation
policies are particularly difficult when one considers


the human faces behind the budget numbers. However, it is important to recognize that, while personnel
quality is priceless, personnel quantity can be very
expensive. Because the Army is the most personnelintensive force, the increasing military compensation
over the past decade has most significantly affected
the Army. Military pay has become a huge, mandatory expenditure within the Army budget that significantly constrains flexibility, as noted in Figure 10-1.
Civilian pay is a large part of Operations and Maintenance spending and is also difficult to control. In
other words, once the end strength of the Army is set,
personnel numbers will drive the budget spending.

Figure 10-1. Relative Costs within Services.

Obviously, it would not be wise, or even possible,
for the Army to stop emphasizing people, but the
Army can leverage austerity to improve the long-term
effectiveness of its people. There are several steps,
however, that the Army can take now: First, the Army
can continue to emphasize personnel quality, even as
end strength is reduced. In each of the previous peri-


ods of stringency, the Army invested in leader development programs, whether it was at the U.S. Military
Academy, the U.S. Army War College, the Noncommissioned Officer Academy, or other programs. Those
relatively modest expenditures retained the leaders
who were interested in expanding their education,
and in each future conflict those investments in leader
development paid huge dividends.6
Second, as the most personnel-intensive service,
the Army should champion effective compensation
reform to reduce overall personnel costs. For example, the recently published 10-15-55 plan offers an
alternative retirement system that would result in
significant savings (a projected $3.84 billion per year)
and could actually enhance the quality of personnel
in the Army.7 Programs such as this should not just
be reluctantly forced upon the Army, but should be
championed by the Army as a way to reduce costs and
enhance personnel quality.
Third, in previous periods of stringency, the Army
had great difficulty whenever there was significant
uncertainty regarding future personnel cuts. Until
and unless Army leaders can establish the long range
end strength of the Army, the annual budget cycle
can become paralyzed by just fighting for a personnel
number. However, the Army has solved this problem
in the past. Most famously, Chief of Staff of the Army
Creighton Abrams had an explicit agreement with
Secretary of Defense James Schlesingerwhich became known as the golden handshakethat fixed
the Armys declining personnel strength and permitted the Army to restructure within that new, lower
fixed number (of 785,000 Soldiers).8 While difficult
to achieve, gaining a definitive decision on the quantity of Soldiers after the drawdown would permit the
Army to focus on the quality of those that remain.

Expansible Units.
In previous periods of austerity, the Army frequently emphasized the need to maintain relatively
larger units, even if they lacked Soldiers to fill those
units. Historically, larger units provided the superstructure into which newly recruited Soldiers could
be mobilizedas they were during World WarII.
Organizationally, larger units provided greater senior leadership responsibility and more headquarters
for operations, planning, and training of leaders and
staffs. After Vietnam, Abrams had a choice between 11
robust divisions or 16 expansible divisions. He deliberately chose to retain more units that were explicitly
designed to be hollow, supported by round out
units mobilized from the National Guard to bring
them to full strength.9 In the late-1990s, when the
Army had to reduce its forces from 495,000 to 480,000,
a relatively small reduction, it took Soldiers from existing units without reducing the overall structure
of the Army. This led to a degradation of readiness
within many of the Armys units, which was criticized
by many observers at the time as a step back toward a
hollow Army.10 Finally, there is a great propensity to
maintain larger structures with more headquarters in
more locations, because divisions, brigades, and other
elements of force structure are extremely difficult to
justify and recreate after it is cut.
Today, the Army may have broken with this precedent, at least within Active Duty forces. It appears
to be choosing relatively fewer, but more robustly
manned units. For example, the Army recently decided to reduce the number of brigade combat teams
(BCTs) from 43 to 32. Concurrently, the Army will


take some of the personnel authorizations that were

saved from those units that are eliminated to add one
maneuver battalion into each remaining armored and
infantry brigades.11 This approach of fewer, but more
robust brigades, would be a break from past reductions and would recognize that there is less need or
justification for large expansible units today, given the
need for more robust units that have a higher degree
of readiness.
Equitable Resource Allocation.
The Army has always had a tendency toward equitable resource allocation for several reasons. Functionally, land warfare requires combinations of teams,
and it is difficult during a particular period of stringency to know with certainty that a particular force
or capability will not be important in a future war.
Organizationally, many of the different parts of the
Army have strong constituencies and substantial bureaucratic effort can be expended with limited results
if Army leaders try to reduce any particular group.
Finally, from a practical standpoint, across-the-board
cuts, which treat all organizations similarly, are the
fastest and easiest way to implement reductions. The
sequester imposed by the Budget Control Act of 2011
reinforced this tenet of the Army Concept with a salami slice to all aspects of the budget. With greater
time and strategic study, however, it may be possible
to establish priorities and preserve specific parts of the
Army while cutting others.


During peacetime austerity, the Army frequently
confuses its service doctrine with national strategy.
In each of the four major cases of downsizing in the
last century, the Army adopted a scaled-down version of the existing national strategy as doctrine. In
the 1930s, as national strategy emphasized pacifism,
disarmament, and a defensive military, the Army followed suit and did not develop a doctrine of offensive, combined arms warfare until the outset of World
War II. In the 1950s, as national strategy emphasized
massive retaliation with nuclear weapons, the Army
developed the Pentomic Army without any doctrine for fighting on a non-nuclear battlefield, thus
requiring rapid changes in Vietnam. In the 1970s, as
national strategy emphasized dtente, the Army followed with a defensive doctrine, called Active Defense. Active Defense primarily emphasized only
deterrence instead of the offensive steps that would
be taken when deterrence fails, and the Army had to
respond rapidly in 1983 with AirLand Battle. In the
1990s, as the nation became fascinated with the postOperation DESERT STORM Revolution in Military
Affairs, the Army invested in Force 21 high technology, and then had to scramble to fight protracted
counterinsurgencies against low-technology enemies
in Iraq and Afghanistan. Army doctrine needs to be
consistent with national strategy, but that does not
imply that it must be the same as national strategy.
When the Army has followed national strategy too
closely, it has led to significant, rapid changes at the
outset of the next war.


Today, many people support a national strategy

that focuses on either high-technology threats to the
global commons or a peer competitor (such as China);
there is a corresponding commitment never again to
fight a low-technology counterinsurgency war. This
kind of approach is articulated as part of the Air-Sea
Battle Concept, which supports the emphasis on countering anti-access, area-denial systems that will likely
be employed against U.S. Forces.12 Such a strategy seductively appeals to those who argue for minimizing
fog and friction in war by using high technology
intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR),
which leverages traditional strengths of the American
military-industrial complex. While the destruction of
targets with precision strike weapons is necessary, it
is not a sufficient condition for the United States to
achieve all of its objectives when the nation goes to
war. Just as shock and awe failed to win the war in
Iraq rapidly in 2003, advocates of a strategy that maximizes standoff and minimizes risk will likely not be
able to achieve the desired effects necessary to support U.S. national security.
Grand strategists should recognize that fog and
friction are inherent in all warfare, and that war is
ultimately a human endeavor. While technology is
helpful and indeed necessary, the human engagement
by Soldiers and Marines in pre-combat, combat, and
post-combat operations must always be the focus of
land forces. Does that mean that the Army has a role in
a potential long-term conflict with China? Yes. However, that role is not likely to involve confronting China or Chinese forces on their mainland. The Armys
part of the pivot to Asia is to engage in pre-combat
shaping operations throughout the world, just as Chinese forces and industry expand the Chinese sphere of


influence in Central Asia, Africa, and South America.

Through security assistance, exchanges, partnership
exercises, peacekeeping missions, building host nation forces, and other military engagements, the Army
can shape the international environment to enhance
all aspects of U.S. security. The proper doctrine is not
for the Army to stake out a position in Air-Sea Battle,
but to determine how Landpower most effectively
contributes to the overall grand strategy.
A good example of the kind of engagement that
would support U.S. policy throughout the world is to
build on the Armys development of regionally aligned
brigades.13 For the past decade, all Army units have
practiced this kind of regional focus in their preparations for combat deployments to Iraq or Afghanistan.
The Army should expand on regional alignment to
actually allocate units in support of combatant commanders, just as the Navy allocates steaming days
for carrier battle groups.14
For example, if the Army had 32 active BCTs,
during steady-state operations with the Army Force
Generation (ARFORGEN) 3-year cycle, one-third of
those BCTs would be available for deployment or
engagements in any given year. Assuming that 11
active BCTs would be available for 12 months each,
the Army could provide a total of 132 BCT-months
in each year, in addition to BCTs from the National
Guard. The BCT-months could be allocated to combatant commanders in a manner roughly analogous
to the forward presence of Navy carriers. If ongoing
operations in Afghanistan required three brigades,


that would be 36 BCT-months for Central Command

(CENTCOM) and that command may be allocated 10
additional months for exercises and partnerships, for
a total of 46 months. Additional allocations might be
something like the following:

Central Command (CENTCOM)

Pacific Command (PACOM)
European Command (EUCOM)
African Command (AFRICOM)
Southern Command (SOUTHCOM)
Northern Command (NORTHCOM)


46 BCT-months
24 BCT-months
18 BCT-months
20 BCT-months
12 BCT-months
12 BCT-months
132 BCT-months

The details of this plan would certainly need to

be worked out, to include recognizing that BCTs that
were training for one mission could always be reoriented to another more urgent crisis as circumstances
The general approach, however, would allow regionally allocated BCTs to deploy to those commands
as part of exercises, work with host-nation units, participate in partnership exercises, or deploy as part of
ongoing operations. Within the ARFORGEN 3-year
cycle, units would be preparing for these requirements during their training yearpossibly participating in Leadership Training Program visits the year before they are in the window for operational missions.
This would provide continuity and planning for the
combatant commander. The result would likely be
that combatant commanders would have additional
requirements beyond the limited number of months
available and would be advocates for sustainingor
potentially increasingArmy units to better support
their theater plans.


This proposal would take into consideration all

four of the tenets discussed earlier and would help
reinforce the most important aspects of the Army as
it adjusts to current and future conditions. First, it
recognizes the valuable contribution of people and
provides a specific region for leaders to become experts in as they prepare for their regional deployment.
An even more radical proposal would leverage the
concept of Talent Management and actually assign
people with expertise in specific areas to units prior to
deployment.15 Using Talent Management would both
enhance the capability of the units and the career satisfaction of those assigned to the units.
Second, the regional allocation of units would
counter the tendency for the Army to hollow units
as it has during past periods of austerity. Since those
units are committed to support combatant commanders, the Army has an incentive to ensure that they are
at or near full strength as a commitment to those who
depend on them.
Third, this proposal would counter the tendency
for equity in resource allocation, because units that are
preparing for deployment would naturally get the priority. As resources are cut, they would not be implemented across-the-board, but would fall on those
units recently returning from their regional commitments; these units would have more time to recover
from any resourcing shortfall before the next deployment cycle.
Finally, this proposal would ensure that the allocation of Army units was a vital part of the national security discussion among combatant commanders, the
Joint Chiefs of Staff, and other senior defense leaders.
Combatant commanders would likely make robust
use of the BCTs allocated to them to enhance their the-


ater security plan in support of the overall National

Security Strategy. Ideally, combatant commanders
would become advocates for ensuring that there were
enough Army units to create the BCT-months necessary to support their overall strategy.
The Army has significant experience reacting to
budget austerity as it has regularly faced budget reductions every 20 years since 1930. In each of those
casesthe 1930s, 1950s, 1970s, and 1990sthe decisions that Army leaders made had a significant influence on the effectiveness of Army forces that fought
in major conflicts during the decade following each
period of stringency. With the stringency of the 2010s,
what should the Army do to prepare for the unforeseeable conflict of the 2020s? Army leaders should
recognize the four tendencies that the Army will follow in its downsizing: focusing on people, expansible
units, equitable resource allocation, and conflating
national strategy with Army strategy. By understanding those tendencies, Army leaders can make better
decisions, one of which could be to expand the current
work to align Army brigades with specific regions of
the world. Careful decision making by national leaders
can enhance the ongoing contribution of Army forces
to national security both today and in the future.
1. Churchills quote, which is also associated with New
Zealand physicist, Ernest Rutherford, is cited in numerous
places, including Lawrence P. Farrell, Gentlemen, We Have
Run Out Of Money; Now We Have to Think, National Defense,
November 2011.


2. For a comprehensive examination of the Army during periods of austerity, see Michael Meese, Defense Decision
Making Under Budget Stringency: Explaining Downsizing in
the United States Army, Ph. D. Diss: Princeton, NJ: Princeton
University, 2000.
3. For example, the Army leaders who are executing the decisions today were commissioned in the midst of the post-Vietnam
austerity and remember what then Chief of Staff of the Army Edward Shy Meyer described to Congress as a hollow Army in
1979. When those same leaders were majors, they were all offered
(and declined) a voluntary separation incentive as the Army
was paying people to leave in the 1990s. These common experiences undoubtedly influence their reactions to the current period
of stringency.
4. The Army Concept is a phrase borrowed from Andrew
Krepinevich, The Army and Vietnam, Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1986, pp. 6-7. He brilliantly used it to describe the wartime Army Concept, which focused on a large,
conventional land war which relied heavily on firepower and
failed to prepare it adequately for the counterinsurgency warfare
of Vietnam.
5. The only forced separations in the post-Cold War drawdown were 277 officers who were commissioned in 1979 and were
separated as a reduction-in-force board in 1992. See David H. McCormick, The Downsized Warrior: Americas Army in Transition,
New York: New York University Press, 1998, p. 114.
6. The description of leader development during each period
of downsizing is described in Meese. For specific details, see also
Mark C. Bender, Watershed at Leavenworth: Dwight D. Eisenhower
and the Command and General Staff School, Fort Leavenworth, KS:
Command and General Staff College, 1990; William W. Whitson,
The Role of the United States Army War College in the Preparation of Officers for National Security Policy Formulation, Ph.D.
Diss., Medford, MA: Tufts University, Fletcher School of Law and
Diplomacy, May 1, 1958; and Leadership for the 1970s, Carlisle, PA:
U.S. Army War College, October 20, 1971.


7. See Roy A. Wallace, David S. Lyle, and John Z. Smith, A

Framework for Restructuring the Military Retirement System, Carlisle,
PA: Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College, July 2013.
8. Lewis Sorely, Thunderbolt: General Creighton Abrams and the
Army of His Times, New York: Simon and Schuster, 1992, p. 363.
9. Specifically, nine of the 16 divisions relied heavily on the
RC. Four divisions had their third roundout brigade in the National Guard, and five other divisions required dozens of reserve
battalions to complete their structure. See Secretary of Defense,
Annual Report of the Secretary of Defense on Reserve Forces, Fiscal
Year 1975, Washington, DC: DoD, 1976.
10. See Mark E. Gebicke, Testimony, Military Readiness: Observations on Personnel Readiness in Later Deploying Army Divisions,
GAO/T-NSIAD-98-126, Washington, DC: General Accounting
Office, March 20, 1998.
11. Michelle Tan, Army Announces 10 Brigade Combat
Teams to be Cut, Army Times, June 25, 2013.
12. General Norton A. Schwartz, U.S. Air Force, and Admiral
Jonathan W. Greenert, U.S. Navy, Air-Sea Battle: Promoting Stability in an Era of Uncertainty, The American Interest, February
20, 2012.
13. General Raymond Odierno, Regionally Aligned Forces:
A New Model for Building Partnerships, Army Live: The Official
Blog of the United States Army, March 22, 2012, available from See also Steve
Griffin, Regionally-Aligned Brigades: Theres More to This Plan
than Meets the Eye, Small Wars Journal, September 19, 2012.
14. Navy carrier battle groups have a certain number of
steaming days in which they in operate each year. Combatant
commanders are supported by carriers as part of routine operationsrecognizing that a crisis can always adjust the priorities
among ships at sea. Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabuss discussion
of steaming days is discussed in FY 2013: The Year the Navy


Sprinted in Circles, Maritime Security, September 18, 2013, available from
15. See Casey Wardynski, David S. Lyle, and Michael J. Colarusso, Toward a U.S. Army Officer Corps Strategy for Success: A
Proposed Human Capital Model Focused upon Talent, Carlisle, PA:
Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College, April 2009.


Kerry J. Schindler
How large should be the Army or any of the Services? Given the potential costs of Army forces in the
future, this is literally the trillion dollar question. In
the past, this question was answered with another
question, to do what? It is in attempting to answer
this second question that national strategy is formed.
So what do you do when the answer to that question,
your strategy, exceeds what you can afford? Some
would argue that either your strategy must be adjusted or your budget must increase, but neither option is
always possible. A third option exists: optimize your
force structure to be more versatile, and thus try to
do more with what you have, while articulating the
risk to the decisionmakers. News headlines tend to
focus on the important issue of end strength, but the
mix of capabilities occupying the ranks of the Service
end strength is an equally important issue. The Army
is a tool of national policy; end strength determines
the size of the tool while shaping the force determines
what kind of tool the Army will be. Decisions regarding the Armys capabilities have far reaching effects
because if what the world or problem planners anticipate proves an illusion, then future decisionmakers
are left to rely on the flexibility of chosen capabilities.
Can the nations tools adapt to the problem, not try
to force the problem to adapt to them? As an Army
Force Manager, focusing on determining the best mix
of Army capabilities to meet the strategy is how we
spend our days.


Every several years, the Secretary of Defense issues Defense Planning Guidance (DPG) to provide specific instruction to each of the Services regarding their
strategic requirements, objectives, and constraints.
In 2012, the DPG raised two questions with respect
to the Armys force development: How large should
the force be (Sizing)? What should the force be able
to do (Shaping)? Though these two questions seem
symbiotic and critical to meeting past Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) guidance, they become divergent
and antagonistic when bound by the DPG guidelines
and pre-sequestration fiscal constraints. Additionally,
sequestration has caused the Defense community to
reevaluate the DPG and QDR guidance to determine,
within the new fiscal reality, what strategy can we afford. This emerging strategy will likely still lean on
the DPG constructs to provide analytic rigor to this
new question, as development of new scenarios and
modeling would take several years.
In answering the first question (regarding Sizing), the DPG requires Services to consider one of
three possible futures referred to as Integrated Security Constructs (ISCs).1 Of the three developed (ISCA, ISC-B, and ISC-C), the DPG allows only the first
two to be used as Sizing constructs to determine
the required size of each Service. These ISCs are a
compilation of two large operations (usually one defeat and one deter),2 homeland defense activities, and
multiple small scale engagements ranging from partner building to peace enforcement to kinetic force on
force over a 13-year timeline spanning the near to mid
term (within the next 20 years). In answering the sec-


ond question (regarding Shaping), the Army must

ensure its force is capable of performing 11 primary
mission scenarios3 given the likely adversaries across
the full Range of Military Operations (ROMO). The
ROMO includes offensive, defensive, foreign stability and defense support to (Domestic) Civil Authority
(DSCA) Operations. The DPG further specifies Services must use Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD)
approved scenarios or Combatant Command War
Plans to develop Shaping constructs.4 The Army
tries to vary the climate, geography, and weather to
ensure demand pictures for each capability span the
full ROMO and encompass Army equities in the 11
DPG primary mission areas.
The conflict within the DPG is that of the three ISCs,
it allows the Services to use only one of two ISCs (ISCA and -B, and only ISC-B has significant ground forces) to determine the Size of the Service when each
ISC contains coverage of only a few of the 11 required
DPG primary mission areas. The use of only one ISC
also fails to address the full range of environmental
considerations as it contains only two specific fights
which neglect other possible situations involving
those adversaries as well as other possible adversaries
all together. Even using the one ground force-centric
ISC to Size the Army would lead to an end-strength
well below what is required to accomplish the 11 DPG
primary mission areas and ensure Americas security.
Because the Secretary of Defense, through the
QDR process, and Congress, through appropriations,
specify the Size of the Army, the Army focuses on
the Shape of that given end-strength. The mechanism by which the Army determines its Shape is the

Total Army Analysis (TAA). Like the defense budget

process, TAA is conducted annually, but it takes much
more than a year to complete. Army planners spend
up to 18 months to model and analyze, a year to build
a budget, 8 months to compile, and 9 months for testimony and debate on Capitol Hill. As a result, several
TAAs are ongoing simultaneously. Each determines
the appropriate Shape of the Army and provides
Army budget builders with a Budget Force (Program Objective Memorandum Force or POM Force)
to build the Army Budget submission, which covers 5
years at a time.
TAA consists of two phases: Capability Demand
Analysis (CDA) and Resourcing (see Figure 11-1). The
CDA process usually takes just over 12 months and
numerous inputs to produce a thoroughly analyzed
modeling output. This becomes the Science of the
demand for each capability. The Army puts the Human-in-the-Loop to temper the Science of the demand with the Art of military experience to decide
what to resource and where to assume risk. For example, TAA uses average dwell time (how long a unit
spends at home between deployments for the modeled ISC) to determine which units have higher capacity and those requiring additional resources to meet
modeled demands. If the dwell time was only slightly
higher for a Combat Aviation Brigade (CAB) than for
a Composite Truck Company and the Army was required to divest several hundred spaces, the Science
would say get rid of the CAB. The Art would likely
select the Truck Company for inactivation as it can
take up to four years to build and train a CAB, while
it requires considerably less time to build a Composite Truck Company, contract for a truck company,
nationalize the Teamsters or train an unutilized Firing
Battery to move cargo.

Figure 11-1: Total Army Analysis:

End-to-End Shaping Process.
The Resourcing phase is not as much about where
to apply resources as about determining where to
assume risk and identifying what risk is acceptable.
Furthermore, just because a POM Force fits within the
directed end-strength does not mean the Army will
have the funds for readiness or modernization. Risk
will need to be assessed as to whether to maintain the
capability or the capacity; fewer modern, ready forces
vs. more, less modernized, less ready forces.
The length of time it takes to complete a TAA
process presents challenges to Army leadership. Senior leaders provide strategic guidance for Shaping at the beginning of the TAA process, which will
come to fruition a full 4 years later. Since the average
length of term in office for the Secretary of the Army
(SA) and Chief of Staff, U.S. Army (CSA) is 4 years,
senior leaders generally execute the budget from the
previous office holder.

This does not mean, however, that the SA and CSA

are totally constrained. To the contrary, if the SA or
CSA decided tomorrow to move the 82nd Airborne
Division to Fort Campbell, Kentucky, from Fort Bragg,
North Carolina, they could. It may result in Soldiers
marching to Kentucky without their families, living in
shelter halves, and eating surplus meals ready-to-eat
from the first Gulf War, but it could be done. When
the plan does not make it into the Army Annual Budget submission, senior leader plans are constrained by
the discretionary funds available for reprogramming5
in the year of execution. If this hypothetical move of
the 82nd Airborne Division were to make it into the
budget submission, those Soldiers would have barracks, moving expenses, training facilities, and other
Soldier and family services available when they arrived at Fort Campbell. Generally, decisions resulting
in a requirement for Military Construction (MILCON)
could mean the final decisions may actually have been
from previous administrations to ensure the facilities
are available for the Soldiers, as the MILCON process can take up to 5 years from decision to building
Because TAA requires about 38 percent of the time
between senior leader initial budget guidance and year
of execution (18 months of the 4 years), TAA is often
called unresponsive. In reality, if the strategy does not
change, TAA can use previous modeling and analysis and go right into a Resourcing Phase, reducing the
budgeting process to less than 3 years (TAA is about
4 out of 32 months; 12.5 percent). While this still takes
a considerable amount of time and likely still leaves
execution to the predecessors of the senior leaders
making the decision, the process is still faster. To the
contrary, if a change in strategy creates the need for a


new scenario or vignette, the 4-year timeline would

likely expand an additional 12 to 24 months to allow
the Secretary of Defense and the Joint community time
to develop an agreed upon construct and the Army
time to develop the appropriate concepts of support,
model the scenarios, and analyze the results.
In July 2013, the CSA and SA announced they
would reorganize the Army brigade combat teams
(BCTs) no later than the end of fiscal year (FY) 2017 in
conjunction with end-strength reductions in the Active Component (AC) to 490,000 (from a wartime high
of 570,000), Army National Guard (ARNG) to 350,200
from 358,200 (a reduction of 8,000) and the U.S. Army
Reserve (USAR) suspension of a 2007 Grow the Army
decision to increase from 205,000 to 206,000 (1,000
spaces) in 2012. The Army has since decided to accelerate those end-strength and organizational changes
to complete them prior to the end of FY 2015.
The AC will accomplish both the end-strength
reduction and BCT reorganization by inactivating a
Corps Headquarters and 13 BCT headquarters while
maintaining significant combat power through redesigning the remaining BCTs and aligning combat
power (a third maneuver battalion) to them from the
inactivating BCTs. The Army will transition from 45
AC BCTs with a total of 98 maneuver battalions to approximately 32 BCTs with about 92 maneuver battalions. The BCT reorganization allows the senior leaders
the ability to build a highly versatile mix of tailored
and networked organizations to provide a sustained
flow of trained and ready forces for current commitments and to hedge against unexpected contingencies.


Additionally, by maintaining the maneuver battalions,

the Army maintains the strategic base to expand the
number of BCTs to meet future surge requirements.
The Reserve Component (RC) will accomplish its reductions by removing unencumbered spaces from RC
jobs currently unoccupied by RC Soldiers. The BCT
reorganization also eases the burden on multiple installations and their communities. Instead of reducing
eight or nine AC BCTs at approximately 3,500 spaces
each from a like number of installations, the BCT reorganization spread the reductions across every installation with BCTs.
Finally, we must never underestimate the political pressure associated with end-strength reduction.
With personnel costs accounting for over 50 percent of
the Defense budget, personnel cuts become inevitable.
Most elected officials generally agree we must reduce
Defense spending, but many generally agree personnel cuts should come in someone elses district, making any unit reduction difficult politically. The Army
considers this during the Resourcing Phase of TAA.
The Army and the other Services are poised at a
crucial budget crossroads that will shape the nature
of each Service. How ready will the Army be? How
much modernization will occur over the next decade?
What core competencies will the Army maintain and
from which must it walk away? Ongoing budget negotiations and legislated reductions in Total Obligation Authority (TOA)how much money the Army
was appropriated by Congresswill force the Army
to an end-strength below 490,000 in the AC, 350,000 in
the ARNG, and 205,000 in the USAR. The Shaping


question for TAA will no longer only be where to assume risk, but what can the Army still do; essentially,
what strategy can we afford?
The Army has always struggled with the proper
balance between end-strength, readiness, and modernization. Over the past 12 years, this balance was
easy to achieve with the additional appropriations of
Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) funding to
the TOA. But with the elimination of OCO and the
TOA reductions, the Army is entering into uncharted
challenges. As shown in Figure 11-2, the TOA line is
fixed (and declining). If you over-invest in personnel, readiness and/or modernization will suffer. The
Army would have untrained personnel lacking adequate equipment to meet the challenges of an everchanging enemy. If you continue with modernization
and/or readiness, you may not have the number of
forces required.

Figure 11-2. Declining Budgets,

Readiness/Modernization, and Personnel Costs.
At the legislated spending levels, choosing where
to set the spending line for personnel will not only


change the strategy for how the United States is able

to interact with the world, but the Army strategy on
how it will be manned, trained, and equipped. The
Army has several options to explore:
The Army could choose to build more units than
it has people (over-structure) to maintain the leadership opportunities and depth in capabilities, which
could be expanded to meet a surge. Since senior noncommissioned, warrant and commissioned officers
can take decades to develop, the Army may need to
relook unit designs and the nature of the generating
force to keep higher grades to accommodate future
growth. This would be like a factory having a once
a year increase in production needing 100 employees
(80 of which are highly skilled jobs) and 80 employees
(70 highly skilled) during the slow production season. By laying off the 20 lower skilled, entry-level jobs
(which are more easily and quickly trained) during the
slow production season and keeping the more costly
highly skilled employees, the company is able to meet
its surge requirement. This would mean fewer people
(lower skilled, entry level) in the Army and units not
fully manned.
Moreover, the Army may need to evaluate compensation and pay levels to find a more affordable
solution (the less you spend per Soldier, the more Soldiers you can afford). Assess the length of time spent
in a grade and potentially expand the pay scale to
make it possible to retire as say, a captain. Speaking
of retirement, changing the service requirements for
retirement from 20 years to 25, 30, or even 40 would
also save funds.


The Army could choose to change the length of
schools (officer, warrant, noncommissioned, even basic and advanced individual training) by either removing instruction and/or by requiring the Soldiers new
units to provide the deleted instruction to the Soldier
or the individual Soldier to make up the missed curriculum through correspondence. Reduce the number
of seats at certain schools and require some Soldiers
to complete via correspondents courses. Additionally,
the Army may need to reduce the number of units
funded to train beyond the squad or platoon level.
The Army could rely more on pre-positioned
equipment sets (forward deployed equipment the
units would use to fight) and reduce the equipment
in units to the minimum level required to train; forgo
modernization or cancel procurement programs; and
divest specialized equipment in favor of more general
purpose equipment. These are all ways for the Army
to minimize equipping costs.
At present, Congress is still debating the 2014 budget and the OSD has begun QDR 2014 to address what
the defense strategy will become. The Army continues to explore all options for building a force capable of fighting and winning the nations wars. TAA
will find the best mix of forces within the given endstrength and strategy while minimizing the impact to
our Soldier, their families, and all those communities
that have provided our Army with such great support. We Army Force Managers are truly living in
interesting times.


1. ISCs were built to represent multiple military operations
or demand signals of various size, complexity, and duration
integrated into a time-phased response over a 7-to-13-year time
period. See 2010 QDR Report, Washington, DC: U.S. Department
of Defense, pp. 42-43.
(ISC-A): A major stabilization operation, deterring and defeating a highly capable regional aggressor, and extending support to civil authorities in response to a catastrophic event in the
United States. This scenario combination particularly stressed the
forces ability to defeat a sophisticated adversary and support domestic response.
(ISC-B): Deterring and defeating two regional aggressors
while maintaining a heightened alert posture for U.S. forces in
and around the United States. This scenario combination particularly stressed the forces combined arms capacity.
(ISC-C): A major stabilization operation, a long-duration deterrence operation in a separate theater, a medium-sized counterinsurgency mission, and extended support to U.S. civil authorities. This scenario combination particularly stressed elements of
the force most heavily tasked for counterinsurgency, stability,
and counterterrorism operations.
2. Defeat and Deter. See Defense Planning Guidance, Washington, DC: Department of Defense, April 11, 2012. U.S. forces
will remain capable of deterring and defeating aggression by any
potential adversary. As a nation with important interests in multiple regions, our forces must be capable of deterring and defeating aggression in one region even when our forces are committed
to a large-scale operation elsewhere. Deterrence is described in
(Joint Publication 3.0, Joint Operations, Washington, DC: Department of Defense, March 22, 2010.) The prevention of action by the
existence of a credible threat of unacceptable counteraction and/
or belief that the cost of action outweighs the perceived benefits.
3. The 11 DPG Primary Mission Areas are Counter Terrorism (CT) and Irregular Warfare (IW); Deter and Defeat Aggression; Project Power Despite Anti-Access/Area Denial Challenges;
Counter Weapons of Mass Destruction; Operate Effectively in


Space; Operate Effectively in Cyberspace; Maintain a Safe, Secure

and Effective Nuclear Deterrent; Defend the Homeland and Provide Defense Support to Civil Authorities (DSCA); Provide a Stabilizing Presence; Conduct Stability and Counterinsurgency Operations; and Conduct Humanitarian, Disaster Relief and Other
4. Not all of the OSD scenarios reside in the three ISCs. OSD
continues to update and build its library scenarios by changing
locations, adversaries, events, duration, timing, coalitions, Joint
integration, U.S. interests, etc. Any scenario from this library can
be used for Shaping. Additionally, combatant commanders are
constantly building and updating war plans for potential contingencies in their area of operations to prepare a better detailed,
well-thought-out response, which can be quickly applied. War
plans are an important Shaping tool.
5. The Army may not spend or obligate more than the Congress has appropriated and can use funds only for purposes specified in law. The Antideficiency Act prohibits them from spending
or obligating the Government to spend in advance of an appropriation, unless specific authority to do so has been provided in
law. H. R. 4310643, SEC. 4301. Line 010, specified the Army had
$1,223,087,000 for operations and maintenance for maneuver
units in 2013. The Army had an internal plan going into 2013 on
how it will use those funds (it was the basis for the amount requested). The Army leaders can change the plan for using those
funds in the year of execution as long as it has not already been
obligated (spent).


David W. Barno
Nora Bensahel
The U.S. Army, like the nation as a whole, is facing difficult new strategic challenges. Thirteen years
of constant warfare will end in 2014, when the last
U.S. combat troops leave Afghanistanthe longest
war in U.S. history. At the same time, the battles in
Washington continue about the future role and size of
the Army. Substantial cuts to the defense budget will
reduce Army end strength below 490,000 active-duty
troopsdown to 450,000, 420,000, or even as low as
380,000 under one severe scenario.1
Yet these challenges are not unprecedented. Cycles
of drawdown and rebuilding have occurred repeatedly in the pastoften with similar and even deeper
funding cuts than the U.S. military faces today2and
the Army has adapted in response. In the 1930s, for
example, the United States retrenched from the world
after the carnage of World War I, and military budgets shrank substantially. With Army end strength
slashed precipitously from wartime highs, the service
responded by investing in education and leader development, rebuilding its intellectual capability for
warfare when budgets were tight. That investment
paid off in growing a generation of officers who went
on to win World War II. In the 1950s, the Army faced
serious questions about the continuing relevance of
ground combat in the nuclear era, while seeing substantial defense resources shift to the rapid growth of
U.S. strategic airpower and the beginnings of space


competition. Echoes from both of these gloomy periods can be heard today in arguments about roles and
missions, budget share, and the future of land warfare.
Today, the Army once again faces similar problems
of constrained resources and questions of relevance,
especially given the rapid technological innovations
that enable increasing standoff and unmanned capabilities. Yet the United States will continue to need
ready and capable ground forces that can address
unexpected threats, and fight and win wars that cannot be resolved simply through applying standoff
weaponry, but require ground and populations to be
controlled. In order to ensure that it can respond to
the full range of challenges with capabilities that the
nation may demand in this fast-changing, resourceconstrained future, the Army will need to address six
key challenges: 1) redefining land warfare; 2) leveraging technology for the close fight; 3) reshaping the
roles of the active and reserve components; 4) making
expansibility work; 5) attracting and retaining talent;
and 6) addressing the paradox of coming home.
Since at least the end of World War II, the U.S. military has embraced a deeply-held value of maintaining technological dominance over current or potential
adversariesan unwavering commitment to develop
and employ advanced weaponry whenever possible
instead of sacrificing the lives of men and women.
This has been seen most clearly in the continuing U.S.
commitment to air and space superiority, which has
not been seriously challenged in the last 5 decades.
Such a profound national commitment to military
technological dominance in conflict can best be de-


scribed as the American Way of War.3 It continues today, yet remains a philosophy in which the Army fits
only uncomfortably due to its close combat battlefield
Over the last 40 years, the Armys major conceptual contribution to warfare was known as Air-Land
Battle. The development of this innovative concept
and its diverse web of supporting doctrine, materiel,
education, and organizations were prime examples of
the Armys renaissance after Vietnam. Conceived in
the 1980s as a means of defending Western Europe in
the face of overwhelming Soviet conventional forces,
Air-Land Battle provided a unifying concept of fighting that animated the Armys entire system of conventional warfare from the last stages of the Cold War
through the beginning of this century.4 Air-Land Battle
was designed to attack the forces of the Warsaw Pact
simultaneously in depth across all of its serial attacking echelons. It achieved this through unprecedented
integration of air and ground strike capabilities ranging from the front lines of combat all the way to the
enemys deepest reserves.
Driven by this Air-Land Battle doctrine, the Army
spent 40 years shaping its weaponry, force structure,
training, leader development, and even its personnel system largely around the continental defense of
Western Europe. The logic of this approach during the
Cold War was unassailable given the massed armies
of the Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact aimed like a
dagger at the heart of Europe, presenting an existential threat to the West. But with the fall of the Soviet
Union and shifts in global power toward the Pacific
Rim, that era has endedand no subsequent concept
of land warfare has emerged in the 21st century to
take the place of Air-Land Battle.


With the dominance of the maritime domain in the

Asia-Pacific, U.S. warfighting constructs are increasingly being framed around this operating environment; the foremost construct is called Air-Sea Battle.
This geostrategic rebalancing to the Pacific brings the
maritime and expeditionary nature of the Pacific Rim
to the forefront of military challenges, and reflects a
set of demands much different from the continental
nature of the European theater. Air-Sea Battle has become a central organizing construct around which the
Navy and Air Force seek to confront the area denial
and anti-access threats common not just in the Pacific,
but arguably in many other regions of the world as
well. The Armys role in this new construct is both
unclear, and to date, seemingly limited. In effect, this
shift away from a 20th century continental model
to a 21st century maritime model has left the Army
without a prime directive around which to organize
its forces.
The Army needs to generate a compelling narrative about what land warfare will look like in the 21st
century, and how it intends to organize and prepare
itself for the challenges that it will face. Senior Army
leaders have frequently argued against cutting Army
end strength by noting that the United States has never accurately predicted the next war it will conduct.
While true, this argument has failed to resonate because it does not articulate a positive vision for the futurewhat types of threats the Army will face, how it
needs to reorganize and train to address those threats,
and the end strength (balancing active and reserves) it
will need to be successful. Crafting this strategic narrative should be among the Armys top priorities.


The Army, and land forces writ large, face the
unique demands associated with closing with the enemy and killing or capturing him in face-to-face proximity. This last 100 yards has always been the most
deadly domain of warfare, and remains today the
portion of the battlefield least influenced by modern
technology. Even in the first two major U.S. wars of
the 21st century, the technology available to aid and
protect Soldiers and Marines in close-in fighting was
largely limited to improved body armor, robots for
detecting and disarming roadside bombs, and mineresistant vehicles.
The Army must aggressively push for better technological solutions to its squad-level problems of both
protection and mobility. Infantry squads today on average carry far more weight on their backs than their
counterparts from World War II; they have gained the
least from the revolutions in information and material technologies that have transformed so many other
warfighting functions. Robotics for load-carrying and
more hazardous tasks associated with infantry combat offer promise, but the technology base has not
faced demands to deliver truly innovative solutions.
Ten years into our recent wars, both Army and Marine
infantrymen were often maimed and killed by simple
land mines that were discovered by stepping on the
device. This threat has been present for more than 100
years on the infantry battlefield, yet Soldiers today
have little to counter primitive explosive land mines
beyond what their great-grandfathers employed on
D-Day in 1944. This should be simply unacceptable.


The arena of ground mobility for infantry Soldiers

also remains at a primitive standard. Despite immense
advances in strategic and operational mobility enabled
by massive military cargo jets and nimble assault helicopters, todays infantryman, upon arrival at the battlefield, often reverts to a human pack mule. Soldiers
climb mountains carrying as much as 100 pounds of
ammunition, batteries, communications gear, food,
and water on their backs, unassisted by modern technology. Faster development of both robotics and exoskeletal augmentation could help provide substantial support to get cargo off Soldiers backs and out
of their rucksacks. Thirteen years into a ground war
fought largely on foot, semi-autonomous, all-terrain
robotic mules should be part of every foot-mobile
infantry formations kit. In the second decade of the
21st century, the lack of basic technology to unburden
Soldiers in the close fight is scandalous.
The success of the Armys reserve componentthe
Army National Guard and Army Reserveover the
last 13 years at war has been indisputable. The shock
absorber capability provided by mobilizing large
numbers of reserve formations permitted the Army
to sustain an extraordinarily high set of operational
demands as it simultaneously fought prolonged land
campaigns in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Without the
operational depth provided by these Guard and Reserve formations, the active Army simply would have
been unable to meet these demandsand the all-volunteer force might well have been broken.


Not only did Guard and Reserve Soldiers and

units repeatedly integrate into two combat theaters
and fight with active formations for more than a decade, but they did so with a solid record of tactical
success. They also brought a remarkably diverse set
of civilian skills to environments where nation-building became a core mission of deployed Army forces.
Moreover, the moral authority that the Reserve component of the Army now brings to the table in discussions of the future composition of the Army should
not be underestimated. The permanent placement of a
four-star National Guard officer on the Joint Chiefs of
Staff reflects this dynamic. The Army Guard and Reserve will never go back to the days of much-derided
weekend warriors. They have paid a steep price in
blood and commitment in the recent wars unmatched
since at least the Korean war.
Moreover, recent studies have established some
solid baselines for comparing Active and Reserve cost
structures.5 These figures demand a serious look at
how the Army Guard and Reserve can be even better integrated with the Active force for a wide range
of missions as budgets come down. There can be no
return to the old model. Army forces that are not required to deploy and fight inside of perhaps a 6-month
window now must be evaluated more seriously for
placement in the Army Guard or Reserve, rather than
kept in the Active component at high expense. These
might include select tank and artillery formations not
needed in the early days of expected conflicts; shifting those forces from Active to Reserve retains these
key capabilities in the force at less cost (and readiness)
during what could be a dramatic down-sizing of the
active Army. Aggressive use of advanced training
technologies (discussed later) could also help retain


their combat readiness at higher levels than has been

possible in the past. The Guard and Reserve also offer
unique opportunities to leverage high end civilian talents of their members in fields where the military lags
civilian industry such as cyber, media, mobile communications, and many other high technology fields.
Although it is not difficult to identify some key
trends that will shape the future strategic environmentthe increasing role of advanced technologies,
for exampleit is virtually impossible to predict exactly when and how U.S. military forces will be used in
the future.6 The Army must balance the need to maintain ready forces for the most likely (probably lower
level) contingencies, while ensuring it preserves robust enough capabilities to deal with the most dangerous eventuality should it materialize. Military forces
must always hedge against this uncertainty, but this is
particularly critical for the U.S. Army as it absorbs the
potentially large force structure cuts described previously. The cuts must be done in a way that prioritizes
expansibilitythe ability to regenerate capabilities
and even force structure should unexpected scenarios
demand them in the future.7
Expansibility requires ready Active and Reserve
forces, since there is little hope that new force structure and end strength can be generated if existing
forces cannot meet their missions. In 2012, the Department of Defense (DoD) explicitly stated that it would
resist the temptation to sacrifice readiness in order
to retain force structure when allocating future cuts,8
and both Army Chief of Staff General Raymond Odierno and Secretary of the Army John McHugh have


reaffirmed this principle.9 Deep budget cuts driven by

sequestration have already undercut that promise.10
But even if readiness can be fully maintained, it is not
enough. The Army will also need to retain more midgrade and noncommissioned officers than it would
otherwise, since these experienced leaders would become the core of any new units formed in any rapid
expansion of the force. Regenerating junior personnel
would not be easy, but given the right incentives for
accession, it would be easier than regenerating the
people who lead them.
Creating a more expansible Armyone that can
be grown rapidly in the face of a major conflictwill
require Army leaders to think innovatively about how
to rapidly and efficiently bring Active and Reserve
formations more quickly to high readiness. It will also
require serious dedication to the planning and regular rehearsal of rapidly creating wholly new combatready unitssomething the Army has not done on
a large scale since World War II. More Active Duty
Soldiers need to be dedicated to both of these tasks,
and to share this responsibility equally with the Army
National Guard and Army Reserve. Ensuring that the
Reserve component remains an operational reserve
with resourced plans to upgrade quickly when activated for combat missions will require careful planning, commitment, and cooperation by both Active
and Reserve leaders.
Returning to a version of the 1980s round-out/
round-up model would be one way to better integrate Active and Reserve formations, increasing their
readiness in peacetime and ensuring they have a wartime focus. Selected brigade combat teams (BCTs), for
example, could be blended formations, and include
both Active and National Guard battalions and com-


panies. They could be designed so that they would be

ready for combat within 4 to 6 months of activation.
The Active Duty elements of these BCTs would have
full-time responsibility not only for their own Active
unit readiness, but also for shaping training for the
National Guard elements to ensure that they work together seamlessly to achieve full unit readiness once
the blended unit is activated.
A second set of units could be designed for growth
from near-cadre status to full capability in 10 to 12
months. This would institutionalize the ability to regenerate parts of the Army that are shorn during the
coming drawdown, should future circumstances demand more ground forces. The Army did this with
some success during the last decade, when the end
strength of the Army temporarily increased to 570,000,
and it added numerous new BCTs to meet wartime
rotational demands. The Army must now invest in
the cadre units and individual structures to make
expansibility a well-oiled Army capability for future
conflicts. This zero to full-up ability to build new
units should be exercised and evaluated by creating
one new BCT per year (as another stands down) to
test, adjust, and validate this vital new capability.
As the Army faces the end strength cuts described
earlier, it must ensure that the best of its talent remains
in uniform. Regardless of the eventual size of the cuts,
the Army cannot afford to simply shed its people at
random to meet much lower authorizations. Strategic
cuts are required.
The end of the Cold War in the early-1990s provides a cautionary tale for the next Army drawdown.


The Army was rapidly reduced in this era by nearly

40 percent, and multiple incentive structures encouraged officers and troops to exit quicklyoften without regard to their future value to the force. West
Point graduates, as one example, who are normally
required to serve 5 years on Active Duty after graduation, were allowed to leave service after as little as
2 years in uniform.11 Needless to say, such incentives
robbed the force of some of its most expensive human
capital investments without systematically assessing
the future consequences.
The current military compensation and retirement
systems are enormously expensive. They consume
more than a third of the defense budget today, and
they are projected to consume the entire defense budget by 2039.12 These systems will likely be reformed
in the coming years, especially since the congressionally-mandated Military Compensation and Retirement Modernization Commission is due to report its
findings in early-2015. Any changes, however, will
undoubtedly alter retention incentives in some unintended ways. For example, the Commission may recommend creating portable retirement benefits, similar
to civilian 401(k)s. While this might make sense from
a fiscal perspective, it would also make it much more
difficult to retain talented personnel after 10 years of
Active Duty service. Right now, most officers and senior sergeants who stay in for 10 years are likely to stay
in until they become eligible for retirement benefits
after 20 years of service. A portable benefits program
would need to be accompanied by new incentives for
the most talented personnel to remain in uniform.
Finally, the reality for Soldiers making career decisions in the coming years will be deeply influenced by
the perverse reality that service in a peacetime Army


may prove much less attractive to combat veterans

than continued operational combat duty. Long hours
performing mundane tasks in garrison, lack of training
dollars, and perhaps even a less clear Army mission
will all mitigate enthusiasm about a career in uniform
for combat-experienced younger officers and sergeants
alike. Moreover, this growing millennial generation of
Soldiers may chafe against the peacetime leadership
styles of a hierarchical institution after years of having broad autonomy and decentralized control in the
combat theaters. Managing this transition and keeping the best in the force as pressure mounts for rapid
cuts will be perhaps the most important leadership
challenge for this generation of Army leaders in the
current drawdown. Army leaders, from generals to
company commanders, will need to take on this responsibility with fierce determination to fight for the
best to remain in the force, and to relentlessly find and
eliminate the bureaucratic and leadership frustrations
that cause great leaders to leave.
The U.S. Army is returning home for the first time
since before World War II. The United States forwardstationed numerous Army units around the world
during the Cold War and beyond, especially in Europe
and in Asia, and many other units rotated abroad for
training exercises with allies and partners. During the
past decade of war, operational tempo ran so high that
many units and personnel deployed to Afghanistan or
Iraq multiple times, often with a year or less at home
for respite and retraining. Yet during this same time,
the U.S. Force posture abroad changed significantly.
The 2004 Global Defense Posture Review recommended


forward-stationing fewer units and instead building

forward operating sites and cooperative security locations that would leave very little permanent global
military presence. As a result of that review and subsequent decisions, the number of U.S. Army units forward-stationed in Europe and in Northeast Asia has
shrunk considerably.13
After the withdrawal of U.S. combat forces from
Afghanistan, the vast majority of U.S. Army units will
be based in the United States, with potentially only
two of its BCTs permanently stationed outside the
United States.14 Furthermore, deep cuts in the defense
budget will mean fewer dollars available for training and exercises, particularly those that require expensive deployments overseas. In the next couple of
years, the U.S. Army will complete the transition from
a forward-deployed wartime force into a garrison
peacetime force, where far fewer troops will have the
opportunity to train and serve abroad.
Yet at the same time that Army units and personnel return home, they will be just as isolated from the
American people and the society they serve. Less than
1 percent of Americans choose to serve in the military.
With many of those volunteers coming from military
families, even fewer among the general population
gain direct knowledge of or experience with the military. And even though the Soldiers in this at home
Army will now have mailing addresses in the United
States, many will remain nearly as physically removed
from American society as they were when they were
abroad. Many of them will even remain isolated from
their local communities, since numerous food, shopping, and entertainment options exist entirely within
base perimeters. Moreover, many Army bases are located in relatively remote areas, far distant from the


diversity found on the coasts or in sprawling metropolitan areas where Americans increasingly reside.
As a potentially (much) smaller Army is distributed
across even fewer bases, the risk grows that the culture of the Army will become increasingly separate
fromand less tolerant ofthe diverse culture of
most Americans, especially those living in growing
urban centers. This would be profoundly unhealthy
both for the Army and for the nation more broadly.
The Army (like the other services) will need to find
ways to counter this trend. One option would be to
increase outreach activities, such as speaking tours by
young officers and veteran sergeants to urban areas
and elites in the media, Hollywood, business, and
academia. Another would be to significantly increase
the opportunities for more members of these same
key communities to visit Army bases and see troops
and training. Finally, any future efforts to realign and
close excess Army bases should carefully consider not
only the potential budgetary savings, but the need to
maintain an Army presence across as broad a swath
of the U.S. population as possiblenot just in rural
low-cost areas, or on a small number of Mega-bases. Americans deserve to better know the heart and
soul of the military that their tax dollars support, and
whose members are sworn to protect them. A drift
into isolation between the two in coming years risks
losing the support of the American people, as well as
creating an Army that does not share the same values
and outlook as the society that it defends.
The U.S. Army is at a key crossroads, coming out
of two wars and entering into a period of strategic
uncertainty. It will get smaller, perhaps substantially

so. Its resources will decline, perhaps in greater share

than those of the other Services. Its men and women,
hardened by years of unrelenting combat, will be
dealing with fiscal austerity and challenges in sustaining readiness not seen in over a decade and a half. It
will be based largely at home, removed from both its
recent combat theaters and the day-to-day view of the
American people.
Drawdowns and tight resources after wars have
been a normal part of the Armys 239-year history.
Managed well, they present a unique opportunity to
shape the force with the knowledge and experience
gained from extensive recent combat experience, and
to keep the best and most far-sighted veterans in the
force for the future. Done badly, they can decimate
morale and drive out much of the brightest talent.
But at the end of the day, leadership will determine
which path the Army follows. The requirements for
hands-on, committed, and visionary leadership of
this Army through the coming years are as vital at the
company and battalion commander levels as they are
for the Chief of Staff of the Army. They will build the
next Army out of the reorganized remnants of todays
force. They must strive to do it quickly, and well. And
they need to be organized around a central vision for
the Armys future.
Lieutenants and sergeants ultimately make decisions about staying in or leaving the Army because
of belief inor loss of confidence intheir immediate
leadership. Battalion commanders and first sergeants,
captains, and sergeant majors will have to shape this
force into its next incarnation by working hard to
lead though adversity with verve and confidence,
informed by history. The Armys senior leadership
needs to do all it can now to engage its mid-grade and


junior leadership with the six challenges we outlined

here. All the answers may not yet be evident, but the
entire Army needs to be involved and committed to
working the challenges. That is what the young men
and women who comprise this peerless force deserve
as they make decisions about servicethe life decisions about continued service in the coming years. An
Army that creates and sustains that conversation will
be ready to fight and win once again when the next
war erupts.
1. When Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel presented the
results of the Strategic Choices and Management Review, he mentioned that one of the options for allocating sequestration-level
cuts would further shrink the active Army to between 380,000 to
450,000 troops. See Hagel, Statement on Strategic Choices and
Management Review, Washington, DC: DoD, July 31, 2013, available from
2. According to a report by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), the defense budget decreased by 43 percent
after the Korean war, by 33 percent after the Vietnam War, and 36
percent after the end of the Cold War. If the sequestration-level cuts
take effect as mandated in law, the defense budget will decrease by
31 percent from the peak spending levels during the wars in Iraq
and Afghanistan. See Clark A. Murdock, Kelley Sayler, and Ryan
A. Crotty, The Defense Budgets Double Whammy: Drawing
Down While Hollowing Out from Within, Washington, DC: CSIS,
October 18, 2012, available from
3. Russell F. Weigley, The American Way of War: A History of
United States Military Strategy and Policy, Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1973.
4. Douglas W. Skinner, Airland Battle Doctrine, Alexandria,
VA: Center for Naval Analyses, 1988.


5. In particular, the Reserve Forces Policy Board (RFPB) found

that Reservists, when not activated, cost less than one-third the
amount of their Active Duty counterparts. See Reserve Forces
Policy Board, Eliminating Major Gaps in DoD Data on the Fully-Burdened and Life-Cycle Cost of Military Personnel: Cost Elements Should be Mandated by Policy, RFPB Report FY13-02,
Washington, DC: Reserve Forces Policy Board, January 7, 2013.
6. For more on the difficulties of national security prediction,
see Richard Danzig, Driving in the Dark: Ten Propositions about
Prediction and National Security, Washington, DC: Center for a
New American Security, October 2011, especially pp. 14-16.
7. The most recent Defense Strategic Guidance identified this
principle as reversibility, described as an ability to make a course
change that could be driven by many factors, including shocks or
evolutions in the strategic, operational, economic, and technological spheres. See Sustaining U.S. Global Leadership: Priorities for 21st
Century Defense, Washington, DC: DoD, January 2012, pp. 6-7.
8. Ibid., p. 7.
9. See the transcript of Odiernos comments at the Brookings
Institution, Washington, DC, February 15, 2013; McHughs statement to the U.S. Senate Committee on Armed Services, Washington, DC, March 8, 2012, available from www.armed-services.;
and McHughs statement to the U.S. Senate, Subcommittee of the
Committee on Appropriations, Washington, DC, March 21, 2012,
available from
10. Loren Thompson, Why A Modest Cut to the Budget Will
Cause Major Damage to the Military, Forbes, February 25, 2013,
available from
11. Other incentives included the Voluntary Separation Incentive and the Special Separation Benefit programs, which started
in 1992, and the Temporary Early Retirement Authority, which
started in 1993. See Bernard Rostker, Right-Sizing the Force,


Washington, DC: Center for a New American Security, June

2013, p. 22.
12. Todd Harrison, Rebalancing Military Compensation: An
Evidence-Based Approach, Washington, DC: Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, 2012, p. 1.
13. Stacie L. Pettyjohn, U.S. Global Defense Posture, 17832011, MG-1244-AF, Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation,
2011, pp. 86-90.
14. The Army currently bases two BCTs in Europe, and is currently assessing whether Army units should rotate through South
Korea instead of being permanently stationed there. Michelle Tan
and Lance M. Bacon, Changing the Korean Tour, Army Times,
July 22, 2013.





Richard Rosecrance
In the long term, the nations which control the
most productive territories will have an edge in charting the future direction of the world. Globalization,
economies of scale, and network primacy all have a
territorial dimension. Together, they govern economic
power which will ultimately determine political and
military outcomes. This is why U.S. military bases
in Europe are criticalthey help to provide stability
and political predictability in the most important economic areas of the world.
Economic power includes population, wealth, industrial skills, natural resources, and the capacity to
use them effectively. These factors of economic power
are clustered regionally in certain places. Insofar as
the definitive capacity of Landpower is the control of
territory, Landpower plays a vital role in the international distribution of economicand with it, politicalpower. The presence of U.S. land bases in Europe
and Asia help maintain the worlds present prosperity
and expanding Western power in the future. U.S. national interests are best served by using its Landpower
prudently and proactively to shape power relations in
Europe and Asia.
Historically, the maintenance of power is partially the result of a competitive spirit and effective
engagement with foreign countries. Interwoven with

waterways and internal and external seas, Europe traditionally has provided the arena for an historical competition among its adjacent states. But mountain barriers and great rivers have made universal conquest a
difficult option for any aspiring hegemon. Even small
water-protected countries have usually been able
to maintain their existence. Thus both defense and
offense have been honed in the European context.
Over time, the economic development of European countries and their overseas offshoots has lent
industrial primacy to these nations. Writing in 1904,
Halford Mackinder claimed the world island (that
is, Eurasia from the British Isles to the Kamchatka
peninsula) would eventually come to control the
world. It possessed huge resources, giant populations,
and a dominant land mass. It was the locus in which
the industrial spirit came to fruition. If Eurasia were
controlled by a single power, even the possessors of
America and Africa could not hope to contend effectively against it. As late as World War II and the ensuing Cold War, strategists believed that, if this Eurasian
giant and productive region were to fall into a single
pair of hands, it could write finis to opposition located
An America linked with Eurasia would be very
strong; an America opposed by Eurasia, very weak.
In many ways this is still true. Modern economies revolve around economies of scale industries, industries
in which unit costs decrease with greater production.
How many economies of scale industries are situated
elsewhere? Where does the most sophisticated manufacturing occur? Where are the great agricultural
and mineral resources but in Europe, Russia, and the
United States?


It is the European Union (EU) which has begun

this modern-day enlargement process in recruiting new members. It has enlisted one key country
after another: Poland, Hungary, the Balkan countries,
and the Baltic countries. Now the EU is encroaching
upon the Caucasus: Moldova, Ukraine, Georgia, and
later the Stans are lining up to join.1 Robert Mundell, the Nobel laureate who coined the requirements
for an optimum currency area, later forecast that, in
time, 50 countries would join the Euro-zone. This may
be an exaggeration, but five to 10 new countries are
in the mix of applicants to join the existing 28 right
now. As the EU proceeds into what was once Western
Asia, the power of Europe will not only mount, but it
will attract others as well. In geopolitical terms, the
agglomerating Europe (joined with the United States
in both North Atlantic Treaty Organization [NATO]
and Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership
[TTIP]) will represent the strongest geopolitical magnet seen in world politics as it integrates its members
into a more coherent whole. The West, in other words,
is not only resurging, it is growing strongerdeveloping Asian nations will have to sell there, and their
technology will largely come from there.
NATO membership has brought in Albania, Iceland, Canada, and the United States as well as Norway. The EU has separately recruited Cyprus, Malta,
Finland, and Sweden, as well as Ireland. Alternating
offers have led one state after another to join one organization and then the other. The same will likely
be true in the future as Ukraine and then Georgia are
considered for membership in the West.
In recent years, and particularly after President
Barack Obamas pivot to Asia, many have come to
believe that developments in the Pacific and Asian

realm might outweigh the U.S. past emphasis upon

Eurasia. According to this view, India, Japan, China,
Indonesia, and perhaps South Korea (at some point
joined with the North) could take primacy away from
the northerly West. But that is unlikely to happen.
East Asias development has depended upon selling
in North America and Europe. The value contributed
by Asian exports typically is still less than 50 percent of the sale price of the product in question. Also,
Asian countries are traditional rivals of each other.
China, for instance, traditionally has opposed Japan,
Vietnam, India, and Korea for regional influence. The
East Asian area is unlikely consolidated into one vast
bloc that can challenge Europe and the United States.
Many East Asian countries are linked or contractually allied to the United States and Europe. Chinese
coercive efforts result, not in bandwagoning, but with
increasing regional resistance, bringing unlikely partners like Vietnam and India together.2
Thus the central truth is that a new balance of power will not be formed in Asia against the United States
or Europe. The United States and Europe together
constitute nearly one-half of world gross domestic
product (GDP), an amount that is not likely to change.
As Europe enlarges and the United States and Europe
come more closely together economically, the lateral
strength thus gained will more than compensate for
Chinas economic growth, which, in any event, is
slowing down.3
Americas greatest strength in Asia and elsewhere
is its democratic character. As democracy spreads in
Asia, the United States and the West will benefit. Right
now, in Southeast Asia, as one example, China has
an advantage in local demographic terms. Overseas
Chinese constitute key minorities in Indonesia (5 per254

cent), Philippines (2 percent), Malaysia (25 percent),

Thailand, and Burma (5 percent). As a proportion of
GDP of the country concerned, overseas Chinese earn
much more than their proportion of the population
would suggest, ranging from 50 percent in Indonesia
and 63 percent in Malaysia, to 60-70 percent in Burma
and Thailand. The United States does not have any
substantial American population in these countries;
hence it will need economic (trade and investment)
relationships that can serve broader social purposes.
But as Bill Clinton told Jiang Zemin: You are on
the wrong side of history. As democracy proceeds
in Burma, Singapore, and ultimately Vietnam and
China, the United States will be strengthened.
As Joe Nye shows, to gain soft power, the United
States needs high prestige resultsin democratic decisionmaking, economics, culture, sports, art, movies and other activitiesto demonstrate continuing
Western and American clout.4 Why emphasize these
strengths? The answer is to achieve an overbalance
of power.
Achieving a mere balance of power is not enough
to guarantee favorable outcomes over the long term
in broader world politics. The United States needs an
overbalance of power to defuse opposition and avoid
a hostile response.
This was the great mistake in 1914the consolidation of the Triple Entente as a counterweight to
the Triple Alliance represented a mere balance of
power, not an overbalance. In the longer-term, winning over China will not come from the creation of a
balance of power. The West will need an even stron-


ger economic and political coalition to attract China.

Beijing will need to be part of a Western economic
powerhouse to achieve its long-term economic and
political objectives.
The consolidation of such a grouping was also the
key to the end of the Cold War. The United States had
built an overpowering coalition which included more
than 75 percent of world GDP. As a result, Russia was
better off joining, than opposing the Western group.
But Russia did not have the democratic credentials to
become a full member of the West, and it still does not,
despite diplomatic efforts in Syria.
How does this influence the strategy of the U.S.
Army? It means that U.S. bases in Europe are absolutely critical politically. They assist the political and
military stability that the EU needs to continue to
project in attracting new countries to the East. Just
imagine what repercussionseconomic, political,
and militarythere would be if U.S. troops were to
withdraw, especially as Russia is pressing Ukraine,
Moldova, and Georgia to rejoin its economic space.
The U.S. Army is not the sufficient cause of European
success, but it is a likely necessary cause of continued
Western unity and economic progress.
To assist democratic tendencies in Asia, trade will
not be enough. The United States needs on-shore basing arrangements, which it has in Korea, Japan, and
Australia. If choke points emerge in Malacca, facilities in Singapore may be helpful. But the key here is
not naval bases, but politically relevant land bases on
shore in Asia.


Land bases facilitate Asias transition to democracy. It is no accident that the Communist Party
School in Beijing is now examining a future in which
the Communist Party of China (CPC) will either lose
power or be diluted as a monopolistic political influence. Experts have studied the examples of Taiwan
and Singapore as they coped with the prospect of opposition. Singapore is most attractive from the Chinese point of view because Lee Kuan Yews Peoples
Action Party has maintained its dominance since 1965.
Chiang Ching-kuo ruled on behalf of the Kuomintang
Paty (KMT) in Taiwan until the mid-1990s, but then
recruited the Democratic Progressive Party as a loyal
opposition, and it won the election in 1996. Gradually acknowledging the need for change, the CPC understands that until it achieves democratic openness
both politically and economically, it will not be able to
join key, high profile international groupings like the
Trans-Pacific Partnership, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, and the G-7.
How can the United States sophisticatedly but not intrusively assist this process? As in Europe, the critical
idea is provide a backstop to allies in the region so that
they would not be victims of pressure or territorial
expansion by the mainland.
The U.S. Army has critical roles in two major U.S.
objectives: (1) maintaining U.S. links to Eurasia and
creating an overbalance of power; and, (2) securing
the democratic transition in Eastern Europe and facilitating a similar transition in Eastern Asia. To perform
these functions, the Army will ultimately need on-


shore facilities with access to Eastern Europe that are

also close to East Asia. If the U.S. Army is to use shaping strategies, where better than in the critical states
of the West which will ultimately determine the fate
of the world?
Ultimately Europe will have to become even larger. This enlargement, however, will not be achieved
through conquest. One trend often preceding the
spread of the EU is the spread of military cooperation
through NATO. Admission into NATO requires adherence to military standardization and compatible
means of state governance. Potential NATO member
states begin the process of changing domestic institutions. These domestic transitions frequently continuestates like Croatia, the newest addition to the EU,
strive to meet the economic and political requirements
of the EU. Land bases provide security. But, more
importantly, these bases perpetuate a process of
U.S. Army bases, however, except for the informal
relationship with Poland based upon past requirements for missile defense, are not moving further
east. Aegis cruisers will patrol the Mediterranean, but
new military bases are unlikely to be set up. When
expanding military influence, the United States must
consider Russiaovert NATO expansion exacerbates
tensions with Russia. The Army must take a gradual
and measured approach to the expansion of military
cooperation. Special Forces might test the political waters of military integration. In a passive form of maneuver warfare, relatively less problematic states can
be exploited by regionally aligned brigades. U.S.
Army units might collocate with host nation units,
offsetting costs and furthering integration. Incirlik,
Turkey; Ramstein, Germany; and other bases (to say


nothing of those in Kuwait) allow the United States

to assist imperiled allies. The careful introduction of
military Landpower allows for the maintenance of an
economic and political overbalance of power in the
Euro-Mediterranean region.
Efforts such as TTIP create the overbalance of
power necessary to maintain western power and international prosperity. But sustaining this overbalance
requires the expansion of the EU into Eastern Europe.
The U.S. Army has a unique opportunity to shape the
East European security environment, allowing further
economic, and eventually, political integration in the
region. U.S. bases in East Asia help ensure the maintenance of the current military and economic status quo
and thus facilitate the environment in which liberal
democracy can emerge.
It is, of course, part of the conventional wisdom
that air and sea systems are the wave of the future.
They travel more swiftly over their continental spaces
than land forces can do over ground terrain. But these
forces, though present, are evanescent. They do not
stay. They do not interact with populations and little
with politics. The key to continental security are land
forces which literally compel the United States to act
in ways that air and sea contingents cannot do. Europe is secure today because it can concentrate on economics and culture instead of military dangers. Japan,
Australia, and South Korea know the security which
only comes from the presence of U.S. land forces. Perhaps the United States does not need new land bases
in Asia, though in time Singapore and the Philippines
may ask for them. But, it is certain that the EU cannot expand to the East without the guarantee that
U.S. ground forces, stationed nearby, can offer. U.S.
forces may not have to fight, but they provide a politi-


cal and security reassurance that no other U.S. force

can muster.
1. These are aside from Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Iceland, Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia, and Turkey, currently in line
to join the EU.
2. Though unlikely to be formed, any effective economic
agreement among East Asian members would certainly involve
the United States.
3. See e.g., Barry Eichengreen, Donghyun Park, and Kwanho Shin, When Fast Growing Economies Slow Down, Working Paper 16919, Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic
Research, March 2011.
4. See Joseph Nye, Chap. 4, The Future of Power, New York:
Public Affairs, 2011.


Jordan Becker
In this volume, John Mearsheimer and Richard
Rosecrance address the role of U.S. Landpower in an
era of U.S. strategic rebalancing toward the Asia Pacific region.1 Their assessments differ significantly, but
are not mutually exclusive. Mearsheimer emphasizes
the importance of dealing with a rising China, the
U.S. shift away from counterinsurgency in the wider
Middle East, and the Armys lack of operational utility in a major conflict in Asia, as opposed to Europe.
At the same time, he predicts that the United States
will gradually and inexorably decrease its presence in
Europe, which will leave the Army with a diminishing role in that region. He envisions the United States
maintaining an over-the-horizon capability in areas
of concern, an approach which he and others have
referred to as offshore balancing.2
Rosecrance, on the other hand, focuses on the strategic utility of land forces. He emphasizes the geostrategic and economic importance of Europe, noting the
importance of the Euro-Atlantic economic community,
specifically highlighting ongoing Transatlantic Trade
and Investment Partnership (TTIP) negotiations. He
sees the West as an important strategic grouping,
the continued cohesion of which is supported by U.S.
land presence in Europe. Perhaps more critically, he


argues that rather than offshore balancing, the United

States should seek to overbalance: to generate or
maintain a cohesive Western strategic and economic
sphere with which potential rivals (such as China)
would be compelled to engage constructively, presumably in not only the economic sphere, but the
realm of security as well.
Crucial to this argument is Rosecrances claim that,
in both Europe and in Asia, the presence of U.S. bases
and troops is absolutely critical politically. While
Mearsheimer does not specifically address this claim,
his over-the-horizon argument indicates an opposing
strategic approach. Rosecrance makes his claim for
three reasons: First, U.S. troop presence ensures continued political and military stability in Europe, a
claim that resounds with Mearsheimers earlier arguments regarding the role of the United States in intraEuropean peace,3 and with more recent arguments
that rely on Mearsheimers theoretical framework.4
Second, Rosecrance suggests that the presence of U.S.
forces serves to enhance or cement broader political
ties or maintain links with allies and partnersthat,
in essence, U.S. troops buy the United States influence
among the states in which they are stationed. Finally,
he argues that U.S. troop presence supports democracy and democratization in Eastern Europe and Asia.
This chapter attempts to deal systematically and
empirically with the generally opposing, but occasionally complementary, claims made by Mearsheimer
and Rosecrance. Based on the arguments sketched out
by each in this volume and using panel data covering
the years 1950-2011 for both Europe and East Asia, I
develop and test a theory that a policy-relevant variable, the number of U.S. troops stationed in a particular country,5 provides a useful (if only partial) expla-


nation for the extent to which states align with the

United States politically and strategically. I find that
the more U.S. troops are stationed in a country, the
more closely that countrys foreign policy orientation
aligns with that of the United States.
Because Mearsheimers assessment of the role of
the U.S. Army rests primarily on his appreciation of
the operational utility of land forces in Asia, it offers
less tractable material for empirical political analysis.
Nonetheless Figure 14-1 captures the obvious historical fact that the United States has maintained (relatively) limited troop presence in Asia, punctuated with
major inflows for the purposes of fighting wars. So,
while the topography of Asia may not be ideal for
the application of Landpower in combat, the United
States has found it strategically necessary to use Landpower in Asia on two occasions in the last 60 years.6
Figure 14-1 also speaks to Mearsheimers prediction of
a gradual and inexorable decrease in the U.S. presence
in Europe. In fact, a dramatic exit from Europe began
immediately following the Cold War, only stabilizing
with the Balkan crises of the mid- and late-1990s. Decreases have continued incrementally in recent years,
and after the removal of two brigade combat teams
in 2012, the United States now has roughly the same
number of troops in Asia that it does in Europe. In
other words, the much touted rebalancing of the
last 3 years has been taking place, at least in terms of
troop presence, for 2 decades.


Figure 14-1. Number of U.S. Troops in Europe

and Asia, Over Time.
Mearsheimers broader concept of over-the-horizon use of U.S. power or offshore balancing can be
contrasted to Rosecrances conception of overbalancing, which explicitly requires onshore capabilities.
I make use of these contrasting theories of the strategic utility of U.S. Landpower to test the following
H1: The greater the U.S. troop presence in a state,
the more that states foreign policy orientation will
align with that of the United States.
Secondarily, I test Rosecrances claims about
the role of U.S. troop presence in promoting
H2: The greater the U.S. troop presence in a state,
the more pluralistic that states domestic institutions
will be.

Dependent Variable.
The dependent variable in this analysis is the
alignment, or foreign policy orientation, of potential
partners and allies of the United States, as measured
by the proximity of a states ideal point in the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA)7 to that of the
United States. Ideal point proximity, or the difference
between state is ideal point in UNGA votes in year t
and that of the United States, is the best available indicator of attitudinal shifts and polarization in world
politicswhen global politics are more polarized,
average ideal point proximity numbers increase (see
Figure 14-2). Ideal point proximity is not only indicative of foreign policy orientation on issues of global
importance; it also corresponds with more strategic
and even operational measures of alignment. Among
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) members, for example, ideal point is highly correlated with
an Atlanticist (broadly pro-American)8 strategic foreign policy orientation.9 Among NATO members, an
Atlanticist foreign policy orientation offers a powerful
explanation for resource allocation toward military
operations, a crucial indicator of not only strategic
alignment, but willingness to share the burden of collective defense and security.10 In short, ideal point
proximity is a powerful measure for the influence the
United States is able to exercise on other states across
an array of strategically important areas, and therefore
quite useful in testing the effect of U.S. troop presence
on foreign policy alignment.


Figure 14-2. UNGA Alignment with the

United States over Time, by Continent
(Lower Score = More Aligned w/U.S.).
Independent Variable.
The independent variable in the analysis is the
number of U.S. troops present in a particular country. I use the natural log of this number because, for
most of the period studied, large troop presence is so
highly concentrated in a few states (Japan and South
Korea in Asia, Germany and Italy in Europe). In this
way, the analysis can better capture the effect of relatively small changes in the number of troops present
in a country, which is more relevant for policy questions about the use of, for example, Foreign Area Officers (FAO) in support of Special Forces or regionally
aligned forces. Numerous studies have made use of
this independent variable, measuring its effect on


economic growth where troops are stationed,11 U.S.

Foreign Direct Investment in states in which troops
are stationed,12 and even the security behavior of the
states in which U.S. troops are stationed as measured
by their own troop levels, along with their propensity
to initiate or become the target of interstate disputes.13
However, no study has explicitly addressed the effect
of troop presence on foreign policy orientation.
Control Variables.
To address the potential for omitted variable bias,
I introduce a series of control variables to the analysis.
First, I control for the region (or continent) in which
U.S. troops are deployed. The United States has deployed troops at different times, in different numbers,
and in varying patterns in Europe and Asia, as highlighted by Figure 14-1. The effect of those troops is
likely to differ between the twoa difference in effect
is, in fact, a core element of Mearsheimers operationally-focused discussion of the irrelevance of ground
forces in Asia.
Second, I control for the gross domestic product
(GDP) (natural log) and population (in millions) of
the state in which U.S. troops are deployed, based on
the collective action logic that richer and more populous countries are more likely to assert more autonomous foreign policies, while poorer and less populous
countries are more likely to align with larger powers.14
Third, I control for economic interdependence, in
the form of bilateral trade volume with the United
States, in thousands of dollars per capita,15 based
on Rosecrances argument that economic interdependence has an effect on foreign policy behavior.16


Fourth, I control for threat proximity,17 measured

in thousands of kilometers from Moscow (for European states), and thousands of kilometers from Beijing
(for Asian states), based on Stephen Walts balance of
threat logic.18
Fifth, I control for veto points19 in order to account for the effect of domestic political constraints
on a states ability to adjust international positions.20
This control is also consistent with Rosecrances argument linking troop presence and domestic political
institutions. The effects of veto points may, in fact, be
mixed: While more veto players may slow a states
ability to adjust foreign policy positions quickly based
on changes in U.S. troop presence, theories linking
regime type and state alignment suggest that a state
having a pluralistic institutional environment would
simply make alignment with the United States more
Sixth, I control for the size of the force positioned
in a particular country, or troop contingent size. This
control stems from the intuition that states in which
U.S. troops are stationed will respond differently to
different sizes of troop contingent. Accordingly, I created four categories of contingents: First, contingents
up to 200 personnel, which reflects the type of contingent that would be able to conduct ongoing military
to military engagement and support a continued rotational presence, but do not represent even a companysized element permanently stationed in a country;
second, contingents between 200 and 2,000 personnel,
which represent a forward deployed battalion-sized
unit or smaller; and third, contingents between 2,000
and 25,000 personnel, which represent one or several forward deployed brigade-sized elements. The
fourth category, 25,000 personnel or above, repre-


sents forward deployments of division or corps-sized

Table 14-1 provides the bivariate correlations of
each dependent and independent variable, and Table
14-2 presents the descriptive statistics.
I begin with a bivariate analysis between U.S.
troop presence and UNGA alignment, visually represented in Figure 14-3. Panel A provides the full sample
of country years ranging from 1950 to 2011, whereas
Panel B simply provides a snapshot of the relationship in 2011 with country labels. In both cases, we
observe the hypothesized relationship that countries
with more U.S. troops will align more closely with
the United States, with ideal point proximity ranging
from 1.5 in the United Kingdom (UK) to nearly 4 in
Vietnam. Of some concern is the presence of a cluster
of apparent outliers. However, those states are all in
Asia, and when we parse the relationship by continent, as in Figure 14-4, we find that the relationship is
much more consistent. This helps confirm the use of a
region/continent dummy variable as a control.



Table 14-1


Table 14-2

Figure 14-3. Bivariate Relationship between

U.S. Troop Presence and UNGA Alignment.

Figure 14-4. Bivariate Relationship between

U.S. Troop Presence and UNGA Alignment,
by Continent.

This bivariate analysis is almost certainly biased

by omitted variables. In addition, states like Vietnam
and the UK still appear to be slight outliers, appearing to be less (Vietnam) or more (UK) aligned with
the United States than the number of troops stationed
there would suggest, even in the continent-specific
Figure 14-4. This concern about bias requires multivariate analysis that adequately addresses the particular strategies of various states.
Multiple Regression Specification.
To assess H1 more systematically, I estimate the
following equation using Ordinary Least Squares
(OLS) regression:

is the proximity of country is foreign policy
orientation in year t, as captured by Bailey et al.s ideal
point measure, to the United States, and
is the
number of U.S. troops in country i in year t. Xit is the
matrix of control variables, outlined earlier, employed
to address omitted variable bias. Because the number
of years in the analysis is relatively small compared to
the number of observations, I employ panel corrected
standard errors.22
The results are presented in Table 14-3. It is important to note that in Table 14-3, a negative correlation
coefficient indicates closer proximity to U.S. foreign
policy orientation. Note also that Vietnam and South
Korea are dropped from the model during years in
which the United States was engaged in armed conflict in those countries, as the objective of this analysis
is to measure the effects of troop deployment in terms
of influencing allies and partners in the way that
Rosecrance indicates in this volume, and these massive combat deployments would bias that analysis.


Table 14-3

Not displayed in the tables are the results of an

analysis of H2, that greater U.S. troop presence will
be associated with more pluralistic domestic institutional environments, represented in the model by veto
points. While a model controlling for regional and
collective action factors yields a correlation coefficient
of .28 significant at the .05 level, the r-squared is very
small, and the statistical significance of the correlation
disappears when economic interdependence is added
to the model, casting doubt on the hypothesis that U.S.
troop presence affects the development or consolidation of democratic or pluralistic political systems.
The results in Table 14-3 progress through the 8
regression models sequentially, with Model 1 establishing the bivariate relationship visualized in Figure
14-3, followed by a testing of the strength of that relationship with the addition of control variables. Of
course, these additions do not entirely rule out omitted variable bias, and even the fully specified model,
which includes country fixed effects, accounts for only
62 percent of the variation in ideal point proximity.
In model 2, I add a dummy variable accounting for
whether a state is in Europe or Asia. The logic for this
variable is captured visually in Figure 14-4: European
states are systematically more aligned with the United
States than Asian states, represented by the .65 point
downward shift of ideal point proximity in the baseline regression, equal to nearly 10 percent of the difference between the highest and lowest measures in
the entire data set. In other words, European states are
systematically 10 percent more closely aligned with
the United States than are Asian states.
Model 3 adds national wealth and population in
order to account for Mancur Olson and Richard Zeckhausers collective action logic.23 Model 4 adds a mea-


sure of economic interdependence with the United

States, a variable that Rosecrance assigns great importance to elsewhere,24 and that is also correlated with
foreign policy alignment (see Table 14-1).
Model 5 adds a threat proximity variable (capital city distance from Moscow or Beijing) to capture
Walts balance of threat logic.25 Model 6 adds veto
points, under a variation of Witold Henisz and Edward Mansfields logic that shifts in foreign policy
are likely to be slower in states with more political
constraints, quantified as veto points.26 Veto points
also help capture the extent to which a states political
regime is pluralistic.
Model 7 adds an interaction term between the independent variable and a categorical variable: the size
of the U.S. troop contingent (rotational only, battalionsize or less, brigade up to division, and division or
more, indicated by troop numbers). Figure 14-5 demonstrates the logic of the inclusion of this variable:
the four troop contingent sizes demonstrate not only
different intercepts, but different slopes in the scatter
plotted bivariate relationship between foreign policy
alignment and troop numbers. It is also worth noting
that the relationships vary significantly during and
after the Cold War, with the correlation being highest among small troop contingent countries during
the Cold War, and highest among larger troop contingent countries in the years that followed.27 The end of
the Cold War affected both the independent and the
dependent variable in this study: the end of the Cold
War resulted in a less polarized world, and therefore
lower ideal point proximity scores. It also resulted
in the withdrawal of almost two thirds of the U.S.
forces in Europe from 1990 to 1994, and a smaller, but
perceptible reduction in Asia.


Figure 14-5. Bivariate Relationship between

U.S. Troop Presence and UNGA Alignment,
by U.S. Troop Contingent Size.
Model 8 makes use of the 60-year length of the
period covered. If it is true that troop presence influences the foreign policy orientation of the state in
which the troops are located in a way that causes them
to align more closely with the United States, then as
troop numbers increase in a state, that state should become more aligned with the United States. To test this
hypothesis, I add country-level fixed effects, which
eliminate country-level variation and measure the effect of shifts in U.S. troop numbers within individual
countries. Model 8 is therefore particularly rigorous,
helping ensure that results are not driven by unobservable factors particular to individual states, such as
cultural or linguistic affinity or historical ties, which


may affect both the number of U.S. troops present in a

state and that states foreign policy orientation. In Table 14-3, the coefficient remains negative and increases
significantly. This suggests fairly robust results, and a
strong relationship between U.S. troop presence and
foreign policy alignment.
The key finding of Table 14-3 is that there is a
strongly negative and significant effectthe more
U.S. troops are in a country, the more closely aligned
its foreign policy orientation is with that of the United
States. The r-squared in the baseline model is .156, indicating that 15.6 percent of variation in foreign policy
orientation is accounted for by the number of U.S.
troops in a country. While not a huge number, this is
still a fairly significant finding.
As each control is added into the model, the correlation coefficient remains stable as the r-squared
increases. In the fully specified Model 7, which still
allows cross-country variation, a one standard deviation (roughly 3 percentage point) movement in the
number of troops in a country is associated with a .25
point shift in that countrys foreign policy orientation. To put this figure in comparative perspective, .25
points was the difference between France and Bulgarias respective proximities to the United States in 2011.
Moving through the other control variables in the
fully specified model, we find that the Europe dummy
is significant: European states are, all else equal, 1.13
points closer (over a quarter of the difference between
the United States and the most distant state) to the
U.S. foreign policy orientation than are Asian states.


Among the collective action variables, GDP is not

significant, but population is positive and significant,
indicating that more populous states are slightly less
likely to align with the United States. This seems reasonable, given that the latent power associated with
population might increase the likelihood of a state
having a more autonomous foreign policy. The coefficient is very small, however.
The correlation between economic interdependence and foreign policy alignment is paradoxical:
states that are more economically interdependent appear to be less closely aligned with the United States,
although the coefficient is very small, particularly
relative to the amount of trade. This could be related
to trading states being less inclined to align politically
with any large powers for fear of affecting the commerce on which they depend.
Threat proximity is associated with alignment
with the United States, consistent with Walts theorizingthe closer a state is to Beijing or Moscow, the
more closely aligned it is with the United States. The
analysis confirms Walts claims.
Veto points behave interestinglythey correlate
negatively with the dependent variable, indicating
that states with more veto points are more likely to
align with the United States. This is consistent with
the basic outlines of theories of democratic peace,28
but inconsistent with the notion that additional checks
will limit a states ability to respond quickly to international stimuli and incentives.29 However, when interacted with troop numbers, more veto points shift
states away from the United States, indicating a challenge for U.S. troops in pluralistic institutional environmentswhile states with more veto points are
more closely aligned with the United States, the effect


of troop presence in those states is limited. It is also

important to note that the biggest shift in r-squared
(from .375 to .603) takes place when adding veto
points into the model, which suggests that regime
type has a more significant effect on alignment than
does troop location. Recall also that there is little evidence suggesting that troop presence has any effect on
The categorical troop variables also behave interestingly: shifts in numbers in very small and very
large troop presence countries have the expected effect of moving those countries orientations away
from that of the United States; but in countries with
brigade-sized contingents, the coefficient is small and
negative. This result is also dependent on time period,
with a significant shift taking place as the Cold War
concluded. The bottom line findingthat troop presence is positively correlated with foreign policy alignment with the United Statesremains unchanged.
In sum, the empirical analysis demonstrates a
strong correlation between shifts in U.S. troop presence and foreign policy alignment among partners
and allies. Countries hosting more U.S. troops appear
inclined to align with the United States in the UNGA,
and UNGA alignment also correlates, among NATO
members, with Atlanticism and willingness to invest
in military operations,30 suggesting that this alignment has political and strategic significance beyond
mere grandstanding in the General Assembly.
This chapter has introduced a theory explaining
how U.S. troop presence might affect the foreign policy orientation of countries in which those troops are


stationed. While other variables, in particular regime

type, threat proximity and broader region-specific
factors seem to exert a strong effect on foreign policy
orientation, I observe that U.S. troop presence is a
meaningful predictor of the extent to which a states
foreign policy orientation is likely to be aligned with
that of the United States. More U.S. troops are associated with greater alignment states foreign policy
orientations with that of the United States.
This finding has theoretical implications in relation to the arguments presented by Mearsheimer and
Rosecrance in this volume, as well as policy implications for the future of Landpower. I have used an
extensive data set to empirically assess two hypotheses generated from Mearsheimer and Rosecrances
work: that the presence of U.S. troops increases U.S.
influence with states in which they are stationed, and
that the presence of U.S. troops fosters democracy in
those states.
I find little evidence supporting the second hypothesis, but significant evidence supporting the first.
This suggests that, if the United States is primarily
concerned with troop placement as it affects the operational utility of those troops in combating potential
adversaries, or even with the development of pluralistic and democratic political institutions around the
world, an over-the horizon strategy such as that
proposed by Mearsheimer may be good enough. But
if the United States is interested in developing a strategically meaningful Western grouping, or even in influencing the foreign policy orientation of East Asian
states in a way that aligns them more closely with the
United States, a more robust military presence may be
of use. While stationing troops is a costly endeavor, it
is worth noting that troop presence is, in fact, a policy


relevant variable that the United States can control directly, unlike the presence and proximity of threats, the
wealth or population of partner states, or the nature of
those states regimes. Trade volume, which is, to an
extent, amenable to policy decisions, appears less correlated with foreign policy alignment than does troop
presence. In a period in which the United States and
its partners are facing significant resource constraints
and negotiating the Trans-Pacific Partnership as well
as the TTIP, the United States would appear to have
significant opportunities to achieve complementarity
between the stationing of land forces and intensification of economic interdependence.
1. See Mearsheimer, Chap. 2, and Rosecrance, Chap. 13, in
this volume.
2. Christopher Layne, From Preponderance to Offshore Balancing: Americas Future Grand Strategy, International Security,
Vol. 22, No. 1, 1997, pp. 86-124. John J. Mearsheimer, The Future
of the American Pacifier, Foreign Affairs, 2001, pp. 46-61. John J.
Mearsheimer, The Tragedy of Great Power Politics, WW Norton &
Company, 2001, p. 63.
3. John J. Mearsheimer, Back to the Future: Instability in
Europe after the Cold War, International Security, Vol. 15, No. 1,
1990, pp. 5-56.
4. Sten Rynning, Germany is More than Europe Can Handle: Or, Why NATO Remains a Pacifier, NATO Defence College Research Paper No. 96, Rome, Italy: NATO Defence College,
September 2013.
5. Tim Kane, Global US troop deployment, 19502005,
Report, Washington, DC: Center for Data Analysis, 2006, p. 2-6.
Active Duty Military Personnel StrengthsBy Regional Area and by
Country, Washington, DC: Department of Defense, available from

6. The effectiveness of these engagements is, of course, well

beyond the scope of this analysis, but their occurrence is worth
7. Michael Bailey, Anton Strezhnev, and Erik Voeten, Estimating Dynamic State Preferences from United Nations Voting
Data, Social Science Research Network, 2013.
8. For the purposes of this analysis, I narrowly define Atlanticism as the perception that NATO, with active American leadership, is the central institutional component of European security,
per Nina Grger and Kristin Haugevik, The Revival of Atlanticism in NATO? Changing Security Identities in Britain, Norway,
and Denmark,Oslow, Norway: Norway Institute of International Affairs, 2010. Broader visions of the concept of Atlanticism are
common; for a detailed discussion of the social, cultural political
and economic aspects of Atlanticism see Kenneth Weisbrode, The
Atlantic Century: Four Generations of Extraordinary Diplomats who
Forged Americas Vital Alliance with Europe, Cambridge, MA: Da
Capo Press, 2009.
9. Bailey et al.s ideal point has a bivariate correlation of .43
with the expert analysis of Biehl et al.s Bundeswehr study of European strategic cultures, and of .16 with an automated content
analysis of 95 strategic documents produced by NATO member
states, significant at the .05 level. Heiko Biehl, Bastian Giegerich,
and Alexandra Jonas, Strategic Cultures in Europe, Schriftenreihe des Zentrum fr Militrgeschichte und Sozialwissenschaften, Vol.
15, 2013.
10. Jordan M. Becker and Edmund J. Malesky, Pillar or Pole?
The Effect of Strategic Culture on Burden Sharing and NATOs
Future, Social Science Research Network, 2013.
11. Garett Jones and Tim Kane, US Troops and Foreign Economic Growth, Defence and Peace Economics, Vol. 23, No. 3, 2012,
pp. 225-249.
12. Glen Biglaiser and Karl DeRouen, Following the Flag:
Troop Deployment and US Foreign Direct Investment, International Studies Quarterly, Vol. 51, No. 4, 2007, pp. 835-854.


13. Carla Martinez Machain and T. Clifton Morgan, The Effect of US Troop Deployment on Host States Foreign Policy,
Armed Forces & Society, Vol. 39, No. 1, 2013, pp. 102-123.
14. Mancur Olson and Richard Zeckhauser, An Economic
Theory of Alliances, The Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol.
48, No. 3, 1966, pp. 266-279.
15. Katherine Barbieri and Omar Keshk, Correlates of War
Project Trade Data Set Codebook, 1009, Version 3.0, 2012, available from; Katherine Barbieri, Omar M. G. Keshk, and Brian Pollins, Trading Data: Evaluating our Assumptions and Coding Rules, Conflict Management and Peace Science,
Vol. 26, No. 5, 2012, pp. 471491.
16. Richard N. Rosecrance, The Rise of the Trading State: Commerce and Conquest in the Modern World, Vol. 386, New York: Basic
Books, 1986.
17. Christian Skrede Gleditsch, Distance Between Capital
Cities, Data, Etc., available from
18. Stephen M. Walt, The Origins of Alliances, Ithaca, NY:
Cornell University Press, 1987.
19. Thorsten Beck, George Clarke, Alberto Groff, Philip
Keefer, and Patrick Walsh, New Tools in Comparative Political
Economy: The Database of Political Institutions, The World Bank
Economic Review Vol. 15, No. 1, 2001, pp. 165-176.
20. Witold J. Henisz and Edward D. Mansfield, Votes and
Vetoes: The Political Determinants of Commercial Openness,
International Studies Quarterly, Vol. 50, No. 1, 2006, pp. 189-212.
21. Michael W. Doyle, Liberalism and World Politics, American Political Science Review, Vol. 80, No. 4, 1986, pp. 1151-1169.
22. Nathaniel Beck and Jonathan N. Katz, What To Do (and
Not To Do) with Time-Series Cross-Section Data, American Political Science Review, 1995, pp. 634-647.


23. Olson and Zeckhauser, pp. 266-279.

24. Richard N. Rosecrance, The Rise of the Trading State:
Commerce and Conquest in the Modern World, Vol. 386, New York:
Basic Books, 1986.
25. Walt.
26. Henisz and Mansfield, pp. 189-212.
27. The results captured in Table 14-3 are also not robust to
the introduction of year dummies into the fully specified model,
suggesting further study of the effect of different time periods on
the relationship between troops would be appropriate.
28. Bruce Russett, Grasping the Democratic Peace: Principles
for a Post-Cold War World, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University
Press, 1994.
29. Henisz and Mansfield, pp. 189-212.
30. Becker and Malesky.


Seth A. Johnston
What is Europes place in U.S. grand strategy, and
what are the implications for U.S. Landpower? The
contemporary discourse on the U.S. pivot to the
Asia-Pacific and the accompanying maritime-focused
Air-Sea Battle doctrine discount the grand strategic
significance of Landpower and of Europe. Yet, both
remain deeply important and intertwined with one
another. Landpower is central in European affairs,
and Europe remains vitally important to the United
States. As a result, U.S. grand strategy must avoid pivoting off balance by according too little consideration
to the two. The most significant issues at stake concern
the futures of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
(NATO) and U.S. military bases in Europe. Sound
strategic and empirical reasons suggest that NATO
will endure, and that force presence in Europe offers
the United States significant advantages.
The rise of China and the U.S. pivot to the Asia-Pacific implies a relative decline in Europes significance
to the United States. Indeed, much of the controversy
over the initial use of the term pivot stemmed from
the concerns of Americas European allies over the
prospect of abandonment and of those elements of the
U.S. foreign policy establishment that seek to main-


tain strong transatlantic links. These concerns seemed

borne out by announcements of U.S. military force rebalancing that would see troops cut in Europe, while
new basing arrangements sprung up in Australia and
elsewhere in the Pacific.
But to see Asias rise and the U.S. pivot (now
referred to as rebalance) as coming at Europes expense is misleading in two ways: Such a view wrongly
undervalues Europes importance in the international
system and to the United States, and it ignores the
consistency of Europes grand strategic objectives
with those of the United States.
First, the relative emphasis on Asias rise discounts
Europes significance, which is considerable, both in
absolute terms and relative to other regions. Europe
is a major pole of the world economy. The common
market of the 28 member states of the European Union
(EU) constitutes the largest economy in the world, its
U.S.$17.6 trillion gross domestic product (GDP) now
slightly larger than that of the United States. Its nearly
510 million citizens give it a population well greater
than the United States and smaller than only India
and China.1
Militarily, the 25 European members of NATO
collectively spend U.S.$283 billion on defense, figures far exceeding Chinas $90 billion or Russias $53
billion annual totals. The countries of NATO Europe
maintain more than two million troops under arms,
slightly fewer than China but more than double the
next largest non-NATO countries, India and Russia.2
Qualitatively, European forces are among the most
technologically advanced, well equipped, and highly
trained in the world. With many European countries
also having participated in recent EU and NATO military operationsincluding the NATO-led Interna-


tional Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan

since 2003European forces are also experienced.
To be sure, there are reasons to worry that Europes
material power may decline. But fears about the collapse of the Euro currency following the 2008 financial
crisis have largely abated. While Europes population is aging and slowly shrinking, its labor force is
among the healthiest, best educated, and most highly
skilled in the world. By any material standard, Europe
remains an enormously significant region.
The significance of Europes material power is
even greater when considered in view of its integration with the United States. The United States and Europe are each others most important economic partners. The transatlantic economy accounts for as much
as U.S.$5 trillion in total commercial activity per year
and employs up to 15 million workers on both continents. The United States and Europe are each others
greatest source and destination for foreign direct investment (FDI), together accounting for approximately two-thirds of all global FDI. U.S. firms invested
$37 billion in China between 2000 and 2010, relegating China to 12th place as a single-country destination for U.S. FDI, behind Belgium, France, Germany,
Switzerland, Ireland, the United Kingdom (UK), and
the Netherlands. U.S. investment in the Netherlands
alone was nine times more than in China during the
decade 2000-10. Despite the financial crisis, U.S. and
EU financial markets continue to account for over
two-thirds of global banking assets; three-quarters of
global financial services; and more than half of global
stock market capitalization. A remarkable 93 percent
of global foreign exchange holdings were in dollars
(62.1 percent), euros (26.5 percent), or sterling (4.2 percent) in mid-2010.3 No other economic relationship in


the world is as intertwined or influential as the transatlantic economy.

The same is also true of the military and security ties between Europe and America. NATO is in a
class of its own among military alliances. Not only do
NATO countries account for roughly two-thirds of
total world defense spending while enjoying quantitative and qualitative strengths in military personnel
and equipment, but NATO provides a highly institutionalized mechanism for security cooperation among
its members. A political decisionmaking process in
the North Atlantic Council approves the design and
implementation of the Alliances strategic concept,
while an integrated military command structure provides for a standing multinational chain of command,
and various NATO agencies facilitate common standards for doctrine, organization, training, and operations. Given its capacity to organize strategic ends and
the ways and means to achieve those ends, NATO
might even be considered as a strategic actor in its
own right. More than 60 years of longevity accords a
certain expectation of durability to this status.
The integration of material capabilities between
Europe and America points to the second major reason why it is misleading to see Asias rise and the U.S.
pivot coming at Europes expense: Europe contains
the strongest and most likely partners in U.S. grand
strategy. Europe and the United States remain aligned
in their grand strategic objectives and are willing and
able to work together to a remarkable degree. Liberal
democracies on both sides of the Atlantic continue to
share common interests in individual freedom and
human rights, economic prosperity and development,
democratic governance, security, and the rule of law.
Europe and the United States will not always agree on


the particulars of every issue, of course. But the broad

general consensus on objectives makes Europe a natural grand strategic partner of the United States in the
future just as it has been in the past. Europes substantial material capabilities provide considerable incentives to continued cooperation, while the highly integrated economic and politico-military relationships
between Europe and the United States offer proven
ways of organizing partnered action. Seen as a rebalancing of strategic means rather than ends, the U.S.
pivot toward Asia demonstrates more continuity than
change: on the enduring questions of desired grand
strategic ends, the United States and Europe remain
consistent and largely united.
Europes place in U.S. grand strategy has powerful
implications for U.S. Landpower. Landpower is a defining consideration in European politico-military affairs. Europes continental strategic geography dates
at least to Charlemagne, whose 800 AD foundation of
the Carolingian Empire united European lands under
a single ruler for the first time since the fall of the Western Roman Empire three centuries earlier. Its division
in 843 AD established the broad outlines of the monarchies of France and the Holy Roman Empire, and
ultimately the modern Landpower nations of France
and Germany. For nearly 300 years, the House of
Habsburg battled to establish continental dominance
against the Ottoman Turks in the 16th century, against
the Reformation in the 17th century, against commercial and philosophical liberalism in the 18th century,
and against the unification of a rival German national


state in the 19th century.4 In the meantime, Napoleon

came closer than anyone since Charlemagne in unifying Europe, not only through conquest but through
the continental system that sought to employ Landpower in the service of economics between 1806 and
his first abdication in 1814.5
Noncontinental powers have found Landpower
decisive in their efforts to influence modern European
affairs. Britains historic policy of opposing any bid for
continental hegemony depended on the deployment
of Landpower, often in concert with allies, in the most
crucial moments. While Napoleon met his demise at
Waterloo against the combined forces of Wellington,
Blcher, and others, the absence of British forces in
Belgium a century later influenced Germanys strategic miscalculation in 1914.6 The ensuing stalemate on
the Western Front of World War I ultimately came to
an end following the commitment of U.S. Landpower
in Europe after 1917, and the wars consequences were
measured in terms of their destruction of four monarchical land empiresGerman, Austro-Hungarian, Ottoman, and Russian. The withdrawal of U.S. and British land forces after the Great War reduced the risk to
Hitlers remilitarization programs and left the Western powers fewer options to counter his expansion in
the 1930s prior to the outbreak of general war. A reapplication of Landpower then decided the outcome
to the European theater in World War II: Despite the
punishing impact of strategic bombing and the vitality of maritime power in bringing U.S. resources to the
continent, the land forces of the Soviet Union inflicted
more than two-thirds of German losses, and the war
ended only with the physical occupation of Germany
by British, French, Soviet, and U.S. troops.7


The maintenance of strong Landpower commitments underpinned the tense but stable balance of
power after the war. The Iron Curtain that descended
across Europe after 1945 defined the battle lines of the
Cold War and was a direct result of the Landpower
situation at the end of World War II. Following the
Cold War, the enlargement of NATO and the EU were
among the most important instruments in creating a
continental Europe whole and free.8 Even today,
Landpower remains central to contemporary European political and economic life. However, noncontinental Britain remains outside two of the most significant
features of the EU: the Euro common currency and the
Schengen Agreement that allows passport-free travel
across national borders.
The role of U.S. Landpowers consistent application as a contributor to peace and stability in Europe
should not be taken for granted. Many of the same
ingredients that historically have destabilized Europe persist today. Unresolved disputes and frozen
conflicts in the region continue in Cyprus, Kosovo,
Transnistria, Nagorno-Karabakh, Armenian-Turkish
relations, and Greek complaints with (the former Yugoslav republic of) Macedonia. Ethno-linguistic differences lingering from Russification policies in the
former Soviet Union loom in the Baltic states, Ukraine,
the Caucasus, and others.
Europes frontiers remain prone to more open conflict. In the past decade, war in the Middle East has
twice bordered NATO territory in Turkey, leading the
Alliance to deploy additional land forces there in the
lead-up to the Iraq War in 2003 and during the Syrian
Civil War following the shooting down of a Turkish jet
and the shelling of Turkish territory by Syrian forces
in 2012.9 The revolutions of the Arab Spring begin-


ning in 2010 have contributed to violence and instability across the Mediterranean in North Africa, where
European and/or U.S. forces have since intervened in
Libya, Mali, Niger, and the Central African Republic.10
Europes risk of great power competition and conflict also remains real. The Cold War may be over,
but that was not the end of history. Russia remains
an enormously important country with vital interests
in Europe. Russia is the largest country in the world
by land area, possessed of territory stretching across
nine time zones, the worlds largest arsenal of nuclear
weapons,11 and an advanced conventional armaments
industry. It is the second largest global producer of
oil and of natural gas,12 and is a major supplier to Europe.13 Russias leading political figure since the Cold
War, Vladimir Putin, has sought to reestablish Russias regional influence and has spearheaded such
initiatives as the Collective Security Treaty Organization and Shanghai Cooperation Organization as multilateral alternatives to Western institutions like the
Partnership for Peace and Organization for Security
and Cooperation in Europe. More significant is Russias demonstrated willingness to use force unilaterally. Russia invaded Georgia, its neighbor and a former Soviet republic, in 2008 following several years
of Georgian overtures toward the EU and NATO. The
United States transported Georgian troops home from
their participation in the Iraq War coalition but otherwise avoided direct intervention in the conflict. Russian troops, deployed ostensibly to protect Russian
minorities in the Georgian regions of Abkhazia and
South Ossetia, still occupy these regions. Russias relations with Ukraine appear to be following the model
of Georgia. Following Ukraines apparent turn toward
Western-style democracy after the Orange Revolu-


tion in 2005, Russia twice disrupted natural gas flows

to Ukraine, in 2006 and 2009, putting significant pressure on Ukraine and causing cascading shortages in
the EU. Russias 2014 invasion of Ukraine, home to
Russias Black Sea naval fleet at Sebastopol, also involved a justification of protecting ethnic Russian minorities in the Crimea. Ukraine is the largest country
by land area wholly within Europe, and it borders
four NATO members.14
The most pressing issues, then, affecting Europes
place in American grand strategy with implications
for Landpower are the futures of NATO and of U.S.
military bases in Europe. There are strong reasons to
believe that NATOs future is secure. Although U.S.
forces in Europe are set to decline, there are strong
arguments for maintaining bases there.
The Once and Future NATO (?):
Keeping Russia Out and Germany Down.
The future of NATO is promising because the underlying strategic aims of the Alliance remain sound.
The memorable formulation of NATOs first Secretary
General Lord Hastings Lionel Ismay on the Alliances
central purposesto keep the Americans in, the Russians out, and the Germans downstill resonate for
Europe today.15 American involvement provides Europe with security at low cost, while America retains
influence on the strategically important continent and
proximity to other regions of interest. Russias illiberalism, heavy-handedness with neighbors, as well as


its support for undemocratic regimes in other regions

(e.g., Syria) are of strategic concern to both Europe
and the United States. The German question has been
the central European Landpower issue since unification in 1871.16 After 150 years and two world wars, the
role of this large and powerful country at the heart of
the continent remains an important concern for Germany itself, as well as its neighbors. Americas security guarantee in NATO was instrumental in setting
the conditions for Franco-German rapprochement
and the leadership of those two states in European
integration since the 1950s. As economic and monetary union and the financial crisis have increasingly
pushed Germany to a position of greater leadership
within the EU, a strong NATO militates against renewed concern in Europe about German power, while
also increasing Germanys own confidence in assuming the leadership role appropriate for the continents
greatest Landpower by population and economy.
NATO In Afghanistan.
The continuing relevance of the Alliances strategic
rationale is the greatest reason to expect its continuing
endurance, despite some post-Cold War predictions of
its demise and more recent concerns that NATOs fate
might be tied to the outcome of the war in Afghanistan. After all, its command of the ISAF in Afghanistan, starting in 2003 and set to end in 2014, has been
the most ambitious military operation in NATOs history.17 NATOs involvement in Afghanistan began as
a direct consequence of Alliance politics following the
terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 (9/11). NATO
promptly, and for the first time in its history, invoked
its collective defense clauseArticle V of the North


Atlantic Treatycommitting the Alliance to treat the

9/11 attack on the United States as an attack upon all.
But the United States largely rebuffed NATO in its
initial responses and invasion of Afghanistan, having
concluded following the 1999 Kosovo air campaign
that an ad hoc coalition would be more expedient than
working through NATO.18 The United States turned
to NATO for assistance in Afghanistan 2 years later
as it shifted its own resources to the invasion of Iraq.
European allies that opposed the Iraq war but were
already participating in the United Nations-mandated
ISAF saw NATOs assumption of that mission in Afghanistan as a low-cost way to curry favor with the
United States.
At the same time, NATO members lacked consensus on the purpose of the ISAF mission. Initially
limited to peacekeeping in Kabul area in 2003, this
mission expanded to cover the entire country and the
full range of military operations by the end of the year
2006. Countries that had justified participation on
peacekeeping or humanitarian grounds to their domestic audiences found these developments difficult
to explain. This gave rise to a complex web of so-called
national caveats on the use of force in Afghanistan:
the NATO-led chain of command was nominally in
charge, but many countries caveated their participation such that their forces were prohibited from certain
kinds of operations. The result was often that countries conducted independent and largely uncoordinated campaigns in different parts of the country: for
example, the British in Helmand province, Germans
in Kunduz in the north, Italians in the east, Turks often in Kabul, and Americans in the east. Violence skyrocketed in Afghanistan following the NATO/ISAF
assumption of responsibility throughout the country


in 2006. Inefficiencies notwithstanding, the effort also

suffered from a poverty of resources, as NATO force
levels in much of the country were lower than what
they had been during the preceding U.S.-led Operation ENDURING FREEDOM. Ultimately, the United
States decided to increase dramatically its presence in
Afghanistan after 2009, effectively Americanizing the
NATO effort under the command of Generals Stanley
McChrystal and David Petraeus.
Afghanistan revealed significant problems of burden sharing, national caveats on the use of forces, and
other matters that make NATO less likely to undertake
large-scale expeditionary military operations of the
Afghanistan sort for the foreseeable future. The conflict in Afghanistan also helped reveal the factionalization of NATOs membership since its enlargement
to 28 members since the end of the Cold War. Longstanding Western European NATO members have
cut defense budgets amid economic concerns, while
newer members in Eastern Europe remain concerned
about territorial security risks, especially following
the 2008 Russian invasion of Georgia. Meanwhile, the
capabilities gap between Europe and the United States
has widened to a point greater than at any time since
the early Cold War era.19
But these problems of strategic ways and means do
not undermine the potential for cooperation emanating from consensus over strategic ends. NATO is already moving beyond its experiment in Afghanistan.
At its Lisbon Summit in 2010, NATO adopted a new
Strategic Concept that declared its core tasks to be
collective defense, crisis management, and cooperative security (i.e., political and military partnership).
NATO confirmed its role as the institution of choice
for organizing the limited military intervention in


Libya from February to October 2011. It has also pursued naval and counterpiracy operations off the Horn
of Africa and the Gulf of Aden, a training mission in
Iraq, and advisory assistance to the African Union,
among others. At Chicago in 2012, NATO leaders recommitted to a winding down of the ISAF mission by
2014, while maintaining a longer-term political promise and also went on to address wide-ranging regional
and global security concerns in a 65 point statement.
NATO also embarked on a cost saving reduction of its
integrated military command structure and promoted
a Smart Defence initiative for states to cooperate
and create efficiency in their force structure planning
and equipment acquisitions.
NATO after Afghanistan.
NATO after Afghanistan therefore appears set to
continue two seemingly contradictory trends: one regional and conservative, the other increasingly global
and innovative. Both will be shaped not only by the
last decades experience in Afghanistan, but also by
the widening gap in capabilities between the United
States and its allies, as well as downward pressure on
defense budgets across the Alliance.
First, NATO increasingly will emphasize its traditional purpose of territorial defense in Europe. This
reflects a chastened appetite for large scale expeditionary operations like those in Afghanistan. It also
reflects the maturing role of Eastern European NATO
members, many of which joined the Alliance during
the Afghanistan era but which value membership primarily as a guarantee against Russia.
Second, NATO will sustain an increasingly extraregional or global outlook despite reduced likelihood


of large-scale expeditionary operations. NATOs

entry into niche areas such as cyber and missile defense contribute to this trend, as does the continued
development of global partnerships with countries
outside NATOs core Euro-Atlantic area. Even the
concern of Eastern European NATO members regarding Russia requires some focus on the near-abroad.
Budget concerns will keep the scale of these activities
small, however.
NATO will continue to cultivate and leverage the
global partnerships it built since the end of the Cold
War and especially during the last decade. This reflects
the willingness and capacity of non-NATO countries
to partner with NATO or submit to its procedures, as
Australia, South Korea, and more than 18 others have
done in Afghanistan. It also represents a continuing
ambition for NATO to assume modest, limited expeditionary operations such as its bombing campaign in
Libya and counterpiracy efforts off the Horn of Africa.
Future NATO initiatives are less likely to involve the
unanimous participation of all members, and more
likely to involve ad hoc coalitions within the Alliance
and in concert with non-Alliance member countries.
NATOs standards and procedures will continue to
provide the common multinational framework into
which members and partners alike interoperate in a
plug-and-play fashion. Leading European states
may turn to NATO both for this common framework
and to access U.S. capabilities, as the UK and France
did in Libya.
In reference to U.S. grand strategy, both trends in
NATOthe regional and the expeditionaryserve
American interests: a renewed emphasis on European
security serves U.S. interests in that important region,
while cultivation of NATOs expeditionary capabili-


ties operationalizes European strategic means in ways

that can serve mutually beneficial ends.
After the future of NATO, the status of permanent
U.S. military bases in Europe is the next most important grand strategic issue with implications for Landpower. Americas European bases have seen three
major rounds of cuts during the last 25 years: The
first was a result of the end of the Cold War and the
success of arms control agreements such as the Conventional Forces in Europe treaty; the second was a
result of the U.S. militarys transformation efforts
in the early-2000s, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan,
and transatlantic tensions during the George W. Bush
administration; and the third is ongoing, as part of
the post-Iraq drawdown and pivot toward the AsiaPacific. Cold War U.S. force levels in Europe peaked at
425,000 just before the Berlin Crisis of 1958, declined
during Vietnam and then leveled at just above 300,000
during the 1980s. The first post-Cold War reduction
saw a two-thirds decrease to just above 100,000 troops.
These levels declined by about one-quarter to 75,000
after 2003. Further force reductions announced in 2012
would reduce total U.S. forces by another one-quarter,
and would reduce the size of the U.S. Army in Europe
to approximately 30,000 troops.20
While many of these cuts were sensible, there are
important reasons to consider maintaining permanent
U.S. bases in Europe. On a continent where Landpower is so important, the presence of U.S. land forces
demonstrates U.S. credibility and commitment to the
transatlantic Alliance. They are, in other words, an important strategic means to support an important stra-


tegic end: peace and stability in Europe. One hundred

years since World War I, the historical lesson of the
U.S. failure to remain actively engaged in European
security should not be forgotten. Sixty years since the
end of World War II, the success of U.S. efforts to prevent another general European war is also noteworthy. Persistent American Landpower in Europe was
an essential ingredient in winning the peace after 1945
and sustaining peace through the Cold War, the Balkan crises of the 1990s, and into the 21st century.
Furthermore, U.S. bases are important for facilitating combined training with European forces, building
capacity, and maintaining capability for future combined operations. Habitual relations among European-based U.S. forces and their local counterparts allow
forces to implement interoperable doctrine and develop standard operating procedures for efficient and
effective interoperability. Combined training areas
such as the U.S.-operated Joint Multinational Readiness Center in Germany allow tactical formations to
conduct small and large unit training. U.S. presence
at European headquarters such as Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe in Mons, Belgium, and
Southern European Task Force (Airborne, U.S. Army)
in Vicenza, Italy, allows U.S. forces to plan military
operations and to integrate more fully with other
instruments of national power.
Europes geographic proximity to other regions of
interest to the United Statesparticularly the Middle
Eastfurther argues for the maintenance of U.S. bases
in Europe. In the 1990-91 Gulf War, U.S. deployments
to the Persian Gulf largely flowed through Europe
and were built around the Cold War-era plans for
the reinforcement of NATO forces along the interGerman border (the so-called REFORGER exercises).


In the Afghanistan and Iraq conflicts since 2001, U.S.

bases in Europe have provided important logistical
and training areas, as well as a vital medical waypoint
for wounded service members evacuated from the
combat theaters. The distance between Iraq and the
U.S. Armys Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in
Germanythe largest military medical center outside
of the United Statesis less than half the distance to
the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in
Maryland or any other in North America.
A difficult-to-quantify but noteworthy implication
of sustained U.S. bases in Europe is the potential for
the cultivation of personal relationships, civil-military exchange, and cross-cultural understanding. Social liberals cite the popularity of transatlantic study
abroad programs (in 2009-10, more than 188,000 students from the United States and EU studied abroad
on the other side of the Atlantic21) and tourist volumes
(more than 10 million EU tourists in the United States
in 201022) as evidence of close transatlantic ties. The
millions of U.S. troops and their families based in Europe since World War II contributed to this impact,
due not only to their numbers, but also to the fact that
many of these Americans lived in Europe for several
years. Forward basing of U.S. troops in Europe also
has a practical military training value insofar as soldiers practice cross-cultural competences, an essential
qualification for modern warfare, which frequently
involves cooperation with multinational forces and
local host nation populations.



Balance is an important consideration in grand
strategy. U.S. grand strategy weighs global interests
and objectives and employs a variety of military and
nonmilitary instruments of national power as means.
There is a sensible rationale for the rebalance of means
to the Asia-Pacific and for the thoughtful uses of air
and maritime power, as well as the sizeable U.S. economic, diplomatic, informational, and cultural capabilities. But there are also sound reasons to maintain
a considerable focus on the importance of Europe,
Landpower, and their combination with one another.
Europe is one of the most important regions of the
world in its own right, and its fortunes are integrated
with those of the United States to a remarkable degree
through economic, military, and institutional ties.
Shared interests make Europe and the United States
natural and mutually beneficial grand strategic partners. The history of European politico-military affairs
is largely a history of Landpower, and there are important indicators that familiar historical patterns persist.
These patterns should make U.S. leaders confident
that their Landpower commitments have contributed
to European peace and stability, but they should also
make U.S. leaders cautious about overestimating that
stability in the absence of U.S. commitment. In appreciation of the importance of Europe and Landpower
there, U.S. grand strategy should accord continued
attention to the maintenance of a strong NATO and
permanent U.S. military bases in the region.


1. See
2. See
_PR_CP_2012_047_rev1.pdf; International Institute for Strategic
Studies, The Military Balance, 2012.
3. See
4. A. J. P. Taylor, The Habsburg Monarchy, 1809-1918: A History
of the Austrian Empire and Austria-Hungary, Chicago: University of
Chicago Press, 1948, p. 10.
5. See, for example, Norman Davies, Europe: A History, New
York: Oxford University Press, 1996; Paul Kennedy, The Rise and
Fall of the Great Powers, New York: Random House, 1987.
6. See, for example, Sidney Bradshaw Fay, The Origins of the
World War, Vol. 1, New York: Macmillan, 1928, pp. 42, 204.
7. Casualty data varies widely, with some crediting the Eastern Front with up to three-quarters of German losses during the
war. A recent statistical study places the figure closer to twothirds: Rdiger Overmans, Deutsche militrische Verluste im Zweiten Weltkrieg (German Military Casualties in the Second World War),
Munich, Germany: Oldenbourg Verlag, 2000.
8. George H. W. Bush, Remarks by the President of the United
States to the Citizens in Mainz, Rheingoldhalle, Mainz, Federal
Republic of Germany, May 31, 1989.
9. See
10. See
11. See
12. See


13. See; and epp.
14. Russia and Turkey are larger but have the bulk of their
land areas in Asia.
15. Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, A Transforming Alliance, Speech
by the Secretary General of NATO, Cambridge Union Society,
Cambridge, England, February 2, 2005.
16. See, for example, Wilhelm Rpke, Die Deutsche Frage (The
German Question), Erlenbach-Zrich, Switzerland: E. Rentsch,
1945; David Calleo, The German Problem Reconsidered: Germany and
the World Order, 1870 to the Present, New York: Cambridge University Press, 1978.
17. Afghanistan stretched NATOs institutional competencies
in three important ways. First, operations in Afghanistan represented the first major land combat operation the Alliance had ever
undertaken. Second, it was undertaken outside of NATOs traditional Euro-Atlantic geographic area. Third, NATO integrated
many nonmember partner countries into the effort.
18. Ellen Hallams, The United States and NATO since 9/11, New
York: Routledge, 2010, pp. 35-53.
19. See Robert M. Gates, The Security and Defense Agenda,
Future of NATO, Speech by the Secretary of Defense, Brussels,
Belgium, June 10, 2011, available from
20. See
/02162011-dod-announces-plan-to-adjust-posture-of-landforces-in-europe.htm; and Jordan Becker, Offshore Balancing or Overbalancing? A Preliminary Empirical Analysis of the Effect of U.S. TroopPresence on the Political Behavior of Regional Partners,Chap.
14in this volume.
21. See
22. Ibid.


Albert S. Willner
The author is indebted to his Center for Naval Analyses (CNA) colleagues Dr. Tom Bickford, Dr. Alison
Kaufman, Dr. Joel Wuthnow, Dr. David Finkelstein
and Ms. Tamara Hemphill. Their U.S. Army in Asia
research insights proved invaluable. Some of the concepts discussed in this paper are elaborated on in Joel
Wuthnow et al, The U.S. Army in Asia: Opportunities
and Challenges Report of a Workshop of Experts (Alexandria: VA, CNA, August 2013) and forthcoming CNA
reports on related topics.

The U.S. rebalance toward the Asia-Pacific region,

officially announced by the Barack Obama administration in January 2012, has important implications for
the role of Landpower and the U.S. Army.1 Commonly
known as the Defense Strategic Guidance (DSG), it lays
out the rebalance strategy which includes shifting the
U.S. focus in the post Iraq-Afghanistan campaign environment to a greater emphasis on seizing opportunities and meeting challenges in Asia. This shift is designed to occur even as the United States maintains its
ability to meet commitments in the Middle East and
other regions.
Former U.S. National Security Advisor Tom Donilon elaborated on the administrations vision and
. . . the overarching objective of the United States in
the [Asia-Pacific] region is to sustain a stable security environment and a regional order rooted in eco307

nomic openness, peaceful resolution of disputes, and

respect for universal rights and freedoms. To pursue
this vision, the United States is implementing a comprehensive, multidimensional strategy: strengthening alliances; deepening partnerships with emerging
powers; building a stable, productive, and constructive relationship with China; empowering regional
institutions; and helping to build a regional economic
architecture that can sustain shared prosperity. These
are the pillars of the U.S. strategy. . . .2

This chapter discusses how the Asia-Pacific landscape is changing, the potential implications, and how
the United States Army can support the U.S. rebalance
to the Asia-Pacific region.
In order to develop an understanding of how the
Army can best support the U.S. rebalance while meeting obligations elsewhere, it is important to outline
some issues for consideration:
First, in terms of potential conflict, the North
Korean challenge continues to be the dominant
and most pressing one for the United States and
its key allies and partners. The outbreak of hostilities on the Korean peninsula could potentially involve three nuclear powers and would
have dramatic consequences throughout the
region. U.S. alliance commitments to the Republic of Korea and Japan to deter and defend
will continue to require critical U.S. military
attention in order to keep peace and maintain
stability on and around the Korean peninsula.
Second, the rise of China has enormous consequences for the United States, the region,
and the world. The United States is commit308

ted in part to building a cooperative bilateral

military-to-military relationship in a way that
is mutually beneficial and contributes to peace
and stability in the region. New opportunities
to advance the defense relationship will be important to develop and, if successful, are likely
to have far reaching positive consequences.

Third, due in part to the rise of China and
changing power dynamics in the region, U.S.
alliance partnersJapan, the Republic of Korea, Australia, Thailand, and the Philippines
and others are rebalancing as well to meet the
changing economic and security environment.
Understanding and taking into account their
changing perspectives and efforts is critical to
meeting the objectives of the U.S. rebalance.
Fourth, the potential for large-scale interstate
land wars in Asia appears to be receding. Although India-Pakistan and China-India land
conflicts remain possibilities, only on the Korean peninsula is there the potential for a significant U.S. Army ground force engagement.
As the likelihood of ground war in the AsiaPacific region declines, states are likely to
shift their strategic perspectives and defense

Fifth, domestic and transnational challenges
such as terrorism, insurgency, disasters, pandemics, piracy, narcotics, and human trafficking will require Asia-Pacific governments to
devote greater attention and resources to internal defense and other ways of dealing with
these security threats. This has important implications for how the United States will need
to engage and understand the changing needs
of the region.

Sixth, in the past decade, for several Asia-Pacific states, economic and security issues in the
maritime domain have led to a shift in attention
and resources away from a traditional Landpower focus. This shift to the maritime has
important implications for the U.S. military. In
particular, U.S. Landpower leaders must consider how best to secure important land assets
that are important to securing the maritime
Seventh, other powers of consequence are rising, most notably India and Indonesia, potentially opening up new opportunities for the
United States. The U.S. military can play an
important role in working with its counterparts
to address common security interests in the
Eighth, beyond the Republic of Korea and Okinawa in Japan, the willingness of states in the
region to accept the basing of large numbers
of U.S. ground forces on their soil appears unlikely in the near term. Maintaining a smaller
footprint has implications for rotational and
temporary deployments and perhaps a greater
emphasis on engaging key states to preposition
equipment offshore.
Finally, regional institutions in Asia are playing a greater role in the development of international rules and norms, communication,
and influence. Interactions with key allies and
partners within these institutions are likely
to become more important in meeting shared


For the Army to properly support the rebalance

to Asia, leaders must first endeavor to understand
the interests and changing desires of other players
in the regionmost importantly those of key allies,
partners, and potential adversaries. While the items
listed previously are not a comprehensive list of areas
of concern, these issues highlight the need to reengage with and appreciate the domestic pressures and
strategic perspectives of key states, and the potential
implications for the United States and its military in
the region.
What the Army can likely sustain should, in part,
influence how the Army rebalances to Asia. The global demand signal for Army capabilities and engagement remains highclearly, the U.S. Army cannot be
all things to all armies. It is no surprise, particularly in
an era of dwindling resources and competing requirements, that intra- and inter-regional prioritization in a
joint and combined context will be needed. Within the
Asia-Pacific region, some are already asking whether
the United States will be able to keep its rebalance
commitment over the long term. As individual AsiaPacific governments deal with a host of domestic and
international challenges, their evolving perceptions of
the U.S. commitment will likely influence significantly
the strategic direction they decide to take.
U.S. national security obligations around the globe
will test Asia-Pacific commitments. As the Army is
pulled in multiple directions, it will be challenged
to make meaningful and sustainable choices within
the region. How, then, does the U.S. Army rebalance
to Asia and what must leaders consider as it contin-


ues meeting national security obligations in other

regions, particularly the Middle East? How does the
Army effectively support key allies and partners? The
rebalance to the Asia-Pacific region deserves a comprehensive Army plan in order to balance competing demands against regional security priorities. The
following is offered as a starting point.
Maintain the Ability to Deter and Defeat
While this seems fairly straightforward, the Armys ability to partner in both a joint and combined
context is critical not only to meeting U.S. interests,
but in reassuring allies and partners as well. U.S.
Landpower forces, to include the Army, Marines, and
Special Operations, often offer a visible and potent reminder of U.S. commitment and power. In places like
the Republic of Korea, Japan, and the Philippines, for
example, U.S. Landpowers contribution to deterrence
and defense cannot be underestimated and deserves
to be reiterated. Less visible perhaps is the Armys
enduring contribution to setting the theater for others to deter and defeat potential adversaries. Missile
defense, strategic communications, and logistics infrastructure capabilities are all examples of how the
Army fulfills its enabling role. Even in a primarily air
or maritime conflict, the U.S. military and others in
the Asia-Pacific region are reliant on Army capabilities, particularly should operations take place over an
extended duration.


Support Department of Defense (DoD) Efforts

to Develop a Deeper U.S.-China Military Dialogue.
One of the pillars of the rebalance is to build a
stable, productive, and constructive relationship with
China. Bilateral exchanges between senior civilian and
military leaders, a recently completed humanitarian
assistance table top exercise, and multiple interactions
in the Gulf of Aden between the United States, China,
and others all have contributed to deepening the dialogue. The Army, through its mature institutional and
functional area exchange program, is well positioned
to further develop links to the Chinese military that are
mutually beneficial and contribute to peace and stability in the region. China Foreign Area Officers (FAOs)
are potentially a significant strategic multiplier for the
United States, and selecting and retaining the right officers will be important to advancing dialogue with
the Chinese military.
Redefine Forward Presence.
The Armys forward presence has historically been
a key component in building and maintaining relationships with key allies and partnersin Asia, it has
been doing so for over a century. As the United States
rebalances to and within the Asia-Pacific region, however, its units and individuals will be interacting with
countries and populations that have little appetite
for a large U.S. presence on the ground. Making the
Armys presence known and relevant will require revisiting traditional models of engagement. It may be
necessary to 1) reprioritize rotational or temporary
deployments and exercises in line with the DSG; 2)
revisit where to focus institutional exchanges aimed


at promoting alliance and emerging partners; 3) work

with other U.S. services to limit unneeded and costly
redundancies; and 4) rethink how Army attachs,
security assistance, and liaison officers stationed in
country can better meet DoD, U.S. Pacific Command
(PACOM), and Army rebalance priorities.
Build and Retain Country and Regional Expertise.
Individual states in the Asia-Pacific region are
undergoing significant changes that could affect U.S.
interests dramatically. Understanding their domestic
situations and their bilateral and multilateral relationships are of paramount importance. The Army may
want to consider what adjustments need to be made to
better develop and sustain broad language, cultural,
and security expertise, all of which will be relevant for
the long term. Repetitive regionally aligned assignmentsto PACOM, to United States Army, Pacific
(USARPAC), or DoD or joint positions in Washington
and abroad, if managed well, can enhance the Army
and joint communitys understanding of the changing dynamics in the region. The Army FAO program
should be reexamined. Is the current structure for developing and assigning highly skilled and peak performing FAOs aligned properly with rebalance and
Asia-Pacific country priorities? Is the Army developing FAOs in a way that best supports combatant commanders in engaging key allies and partners? Is the
Army retaining and promoting the right FAOs needed to support the rebalance and U.S. national policy


Determine Troops to Task Costs.

There are likely more tasks implied by the rebalance than there are troops to commit. Regionally
aligned forces will only partially meet the demands
of allies and partners in the region. Part of the Armys
ability to successfully support the rebalance will probably depend on the ability to reach back to U.S. based
units and individual soldiersactive, National Guard,
and Reserve. One consideration may be focusing designated units for repetitive exchanges with key allies
and partners to provide greater exposure and create
opportunities to build more resilient relationships
in country.
Reinforce and Highlight Combat Capability.
Army combat experience gained in Afghanistan
and Iraq is likely to be of particular interest to key
allies and partners. A focused effort that sends midgrade combat veterans, officers, and noncommissioned officers out to engage in a way that reinforces
perceptions of U.S. capability and military-to-military
cooperation may prove of value. The Army, along
with the Marines, is especially well positioned to pass
warfighting lessons learned on to those in the AsiaPacific region facing their own counterterrorism or
insurgent threats.
Revisit Partner Capacity Requirements
in the Region.
The rebalance, coupled with declining resources,
means that the Armys capacity will be stretched.
Building partner capacity will be important to miti-


gating risk. Assessing key allies and partners changing needs and will and matching these against U.S.
requirements will be an important first step in getting
the right mix needed to advance common security
interests. In some cases, even a small partner contribution may yield important benefits in advancing an
important relationship.
Maximize Opportunities that an Army
4-Star Brings to the Region.
The 2013 elevation to the rank of general for the
Commander, United States Army, Pacific, means
that the United States and the Army will have a new
leader well positioned to advance joint and combined
engagement, exercise, command, control, and coordination initiatives of importance. In a region where the
majority of countries top uniformed military leaders
are Army, this change has the potential to dramatically enhance PACOM and Army objectives among
key leaders in key states.
The U.S. rebalance toward the Asia-Pacific region
presents tremendous opportunities and challenges for
the U.S. Army. Successfully implementing the rebalance in a diverse and complex strategic environment
will not only require understanding U.S. intent and
objectives, but those of key states in the region. As Donilon commented, rebalancing means devoting the
time, effort and resources necessary to get each [pillar
of the strategy] right.3 It is hoped that this chapter
contributes to that endeavor.


1. Sustaining U.S. Global Leadership: Priorities for 21st Century
Defense, Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Defense, January 2012, available from
2. Remarks by Tom Donilon, National Security Advisor to
the President: The United States and the Asia-Pacific in 2013,
The Asia Society,New York, March 11, 2013, available from www.
3. Ibid.


Joseph Da Silva
Douglas Ollivant
Air-Sea Battle (ASB) has been the topic of much
discussion since the Barack Obama administrations
announcements in 2010 of a strategic rebalance (popularly known as the pivot) toward the Asia-Pacific
region. The ASB concept envisions a combined Air
Force and Navy team overcoming the anti-access
(preventing an opponent from entering ones territory) and area denial (limiting an opponents mobility once inside your territory) strategies (A2/AD) of
potential adversaries. Since 2010, many policymakers
have hailed ASB as the new paradigm of future warfare.1 Andrew Krepinevich, one of the originators of
the ASB concept, maintains that Air-Sea Battle is:
focused less on repelling traditional cross-border invasions, effecting regime change, and conducting largescale stability operations . . . and more on preserving
access to key regions and the global commons, which
are essential to U.S. security and prosperity.2

Air-Sea Battle is particularly important as the United States looks to the Pacific, say its supporters, since
it can deter China from pursuing territorial expansion
while reassuring U.S. allies of our commitment to
their defense and, by extension, to regional stability.
While many proponents of Air-Sea Battle (including
the Navy and Air Forces Air-Sea Battle Office, created in 2011) claim that ASB is an operational concept
rather than a strategy (perhaps in response to critiques

of ASB as a strategy), it is clear that other proponents

think of ASB in larger terms.3
A successful Pacific strategy against an emerging
power, however, must accomplish two basic tasks.
First, it must engage China in order to encourage its
ongoing emergence within the international community as a responsible and prosperous stakeholder. Second, it must balance against Chinese territorial expansion through responsible and effective deterrence. To
this end, Aaron Friedberg has suggested that:
The engagement half of this strategy has been geared
toward enmeshing China in global trade and international institutions, discouraging it from challenging
the status quo, and giving it incentives to become what
the George W. Bush administration termed a responsible stakeholder in the existing international system.
The other half of Washingtons China strategy, the balancing half, has looked to maintain stability and deter
aggression or attempts at coercion while engagement
works its magic.4

We suggest that while ASB may serve as an effective operational concept in solving the A2/AD
problem, it fails as a strategic concept for at least four
reasons. Air-Sea Battle fails to effectively deter China,
does not reassure U.S. allies in the region, exacerbates
the security dilemma and thereby hinders engagement, and puts the United States on the wrong side of
an economic cost equation.
The present prevalence of ASB cannot be understood apart from the decision to rebalance toward the
Pacific; however, the genesis of ASB predates U.S.

strategic reorientation. The origins of the concept can

be traced back to at least the mid-1990s and the Office
of Net Assessment under Andrew Marshall. Marshall
began his career as a nuclear strategist in the 1950s
and in 1973 became the first (and so far, only) director of the Pentagons Office of Net Assessment (ONA),
a group tasked to search for potential threats to U.S.
dominance.5 Marshalls office ran a series of war game
scenarios in the Asia-Pacific region that looked at
potential challenges to U.S. dominance in the world.
From ONAs viewpoint, the main challenger turned
out to be a rising China which had invested large
amounts of money in A2/AD capabilities to thwart
U.S. offensive capabilities. In 2009, the Obama administration formed a China Integration team, based
primarily around the Navy and Air Force, whose task
was to look at how the United States could improve
its capabilities in a potential conflict against China.6
The results of their findings found their way into the
2010 U.S. Department of Defense Quadrennial Defense
Review, which directed the Navy and Air Force to develop a joint air-sea battle concept . . . for defeating
adversaries across the range of military operations,
including adversaries equipped with sophisticated
anti-access and area denial capabilities.7
Air-Sea Battle rose to prominence as the United
States began to draw down its wars in the Middle East
and openly discussed its intention to reorient toward
the Asia-Pacific region. Then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced the new focus of U.S. strategy
in January 2010: One of the most important tasks of
American statecraft over the next decade will be to
lock in a substantially increased investmentdiplomatic, economic, strategic, and otherwisein the
Asia-Pacific region.8 This new strategy, which quick-


ly became popularized as the pivot, would proceed

along six lines of action:
strengthening bilateral security alliances, deepening
our working relationships with emerging powers,
including with China, engaging with regional multilateral institutions, expanding trade and investment,
forging a broad-based military presence, and advancing democracy and human rights.9

While the new strategy intended to increase investments along diplomatic, economic, and military
efforts, the diplomatic leg was to be the largest and
leading element. However, as with many policies,
the sequencing and timing of these lines of action has
proven problematic, as has the intended emphasis on
diplomacy. Soon after the pivot was announced, many
think tanks and defense intellectuals began to write
about and publicize ideas about the military portion
of the rebalancing strategy, as did a number of the services most affected.
In April 2010, the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments (CSBA) published a 123-page report:
AirSea Battle: A Point-of-Departure Operational Concept.10 While technically the product of a private think
tank, this report has been seen in many quarters as
a statement of the Pentagons military intentions toward China. In August 2011, the Pentagon announced
the formation of the Air-Sea Battle Office, and in January 2012, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs published
the Joint Operational Assured Access Concept (JOAC)
and nested ASB underneath its overarching operational framework.11 Finally, in May 2013, the ASB
office published the official document detailing the
ASB concept: Air-Sea Battle: Service Collaboration
to Address Anti-Access & Area Denial Challenges.12

As the timeline, discussed previously, details, the

ASB concept spanned 2 decades of development and
is only now beginning to be finalized. One could argue, however, that ASB comes in two versions. There
is a modest version, promoted (at least officially) by
the Air-Sea Battle office, that seeks merely to collaborate to address the A2/AD challenge. This version
can beand often isjustified as prudential military
planning. However, there is a stronger version, as in
the CSBA paper, that promotes ASB as the primary
venue through which China should be approached. It
is this second version that seems to have captured the
imagination and to which most responses are directed.
The rise of China poses a challenge to the United
States accustomed freedom of action in the Pacific.
While the economic growth of China directly benefits
the United States, U.S. strategists are concerned that
China will transform its economic wealth into military
power. Indeed, it seems to have already started. Chinas military budget grew an average of 9.7 percent
a year between 2003 and 2012, and currently stands
at an estimated $114 billion, though still just a fraction of U.S. defense spending.13 These expenditures
are of concern to the United States because China continues to invest in A2/AD technologies designed to
keep the United States out of key areas in the Pacific
and increase the zone of Chinese influence. This is the
crux of the military problem in the Pacific: As Chinas
wealth increases and its military expenditure grows,
the military balance will begin to shift against the
United States and in favor of the Chinese, empowering
the Chinese to exert more authority over its neighbors
and ultimately (albeit indirectly) against U. S. interests
in the region. In short, the Chinese will be able to use
both geographical proximity and (relatively) cheap


A2/AD systems to deny freedom of action to the U.S.

military, and the U.S. Navy particularly.
The greatest immediate concern for the ASB proponents appears to be that the Peoples Liberation Army
(PLA) might use its military force in a dispute over
Taiwan.14 A PLA attack on Taiwan might involve a
preemptive strike on Japanese and forward-deployed
U.S. forces. According to proponents of ASB, the
overall PLA strategy may be to inflict substantial losses on U.S. forces, lengthen U.S. operational timelines
and highlight the United States inability to defend its
allies.15 Once the PLA achieved this goal, it could assume the defense and deny U.S. forces access to the
theater until the United States determined it would be
too costly to undo.16 In order to accomplish these ends,
the Chinese would have to gain surprise and achieve
a quick, decisive victory, as a longer campaign would
favor the United States and its global logistics network.
Because of this issue, the PLA would conduct a multiphase attack so as not to draw out the conflict. First,
in the opening minutes of a conflict, the PLA would
seek to render U.S. and allied forces deaf, dumb, and
blind, by destroying or degrading U.S. and allied intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) capabilities.17 Second, the PLA would conduct ballistic
attacks launched from various platforms supplemented by air strikes on key U.S. forward air bases. These
attacks would be designed to deny the United States
the ability to generate combat power for a counterattack.18 Next, the PLA would launch land-based antiship ballistic missiles (ASBM) and anti-ship cruise
missiles (ASCM) against all major U.S. Navy and allied warships in order to raise the cost of the U.S. operation to unacceptable levels. Finally, the PLA could
interdict U.S. and allied sea lines of communication


throughout Southeast Asia and the Western Pacific in

order to divert resources.19 In essence, the PLA would
deny the U.S. sanctuary from its forward bases in the
Pacific, raise the costs of recovering the lost area, and
ultimately abandon its desire to influence these areas
of the Pacific.
ASB attempts to prevent that scenario by developing networked, integrated forces capable of
attacking-in-depth to disrupt, destroy, and defeat
adversary forces.20 Forces would be integrated from
all domainsair, sea, land, and cyberprior to entering theater. In the event of a PLA attack, U.S. and allied forces would attack initially to disrupt the PLA
command, control, communications, computers, and
ISR networks. These attacks would come from allied
stealth bombers, submarines, and cyber weapons.
The next phase would focus on destroying the PLA
A2/AD platforms and weapon systems providing
freedom of action.21 Finally, the United States would
defeat PLA-employed weapons post-launch, thus defending friendly forces from attack and allowing for
U.S. sustained operations.22 ASB advocates believe
that once the United States and its allies have defeated
PLA A2/AD and follow-on weapon systems, they will
cease their actions because the cost of further escalation will be too great.
While ASB claims to be only an operational concept, it continually makes strategic promises that it
falls short of delivering. ASB fails to deter China, lends
itself to uncontrollable vertical escalation, exacerbates
the security dilemma, and places the United States on
the wrong side of the cost equation.


Failure to Deter.
ASBs fundamental claim is its ability to deter
China and other adversaries from exerting military influence in the region. Deterrence is a form of coercive
violence that, when used appropriately, convinces an
adversary not to take a certain action. In order to exercise effective deterrence a state must demonstrate
both the capability to carry out the threat and the resolve or commitment to carry through on the threat if
needed. ASB fails to deter China because both halves
of this equation are not fully demonstrated.
Air-Sea Battle relies, by its very nature, on seabased platforms. U.S. naval assets have enjoyed an
asymmetric technological advantage over potential
adversaries arguably since the end of World War II,
and certainly since the end of the Cold War. However,
the rise of regional powers such as China, equipped
with their own high-technology industries and capable of producing cutting-edge electronic consumer
goods, means that the United States asymmetric advantage is likely to diminish. U.S. military assets may
continue to have an advantage in terms of degree,
but they will no longer have an advantage in terms of
kind. Missile technologies produced by the Chinese,
for instance, may be inferior to American versions, but
they will be good enough that if employed in mass
against an inherently vulnerable target, they will have
a high probability of hit and kill.
In the cyber realm, while relative capacities are untestedat least at the unclassified levelit is far from
clear that U.S. cyber defenses will stand up to an attack
by Chinese military or closely aligned civilian hackers or cyber militias.23 Again, much of the hard-


ware that forms the Internet backbone is produced in

China, and there may be inherent vulnerabilities built
into the core that would give the Chinese, and not the
United States, the asymmetric advantage.24 In at least
two of the key aspects of ASBnaval and cyber powerit is not clear that, should push come to shove,
they would survive an initial Chinese attack.
Air-Sea Battle also suffers from issues of demonstrated resolve. U.S. warships and airpower can serve
as powerful signals of military capacity. However, because ships and planes can quickly move both in and
out of a region, they do not signal resolve. This is a
fact that is not lost on the Chinese or U.S. allies in the
region. While ASB could help to demonstrate one limited form of capability, it works inversely against attempts to signal resolve or commitment because of the
inherently transient nature of air and sea power. At
the end of the day, if the situation in the South China
Sea grows too fraught, air and naval assets can easily
be pulled back to the second island chain.
While ASB has gained some popularity in the United States, it is perceived very differently among our
Pacific allies. While the Pacific allies definitely seek assurances of both hard security guarantees and softer
diplomatic attention, Australia, one of our strongest
regional allies, has expressed concern over combined
interoperability in the ASB concept. In Australia, the
debate has begun over whether to purchase new submarines that can reach the distances that would be
called upon in an ASB concept or continue with the
current line of submarines merely focused on Australian coastal defense.25 In order for ASB to be success-


ful, it must be interoperable with both the Japanese

and Australian forces. Debate in both countries is raising concern about the effectiveness of ASB and its potential to escalate conflict needlessly.26 Escalation is of
great concern to the neighboring states that must live
with the long-term consequences.
U.S. foreign policy in the Pacific must include a
clear deterrence framework in which ASB (as a capability, not a strategy) is part of an escalation ladder
that is transparent to adversaries and allies alike.27
ASB appears to lend itself to very rapid vertical escalationone single and particular aspect of power moving very quickly to more extreme levels. In this case,
the vertical escalation involves the need to execute
kill chains against all the nodes of PLA A2/AD defenseslaunchers, sensors, networks, and command
and controlin order to prevent their use against
inherently vulnerable sea-based platforms. This involves an immediate attack against the sovereign soil
of a nuclear-armed power.
The ASB concept also fails to guarantee strategic results, failing to reassure allies who cannot help but notice this fatal flaw. Thomas Schelling famously argued
that military strategy can no longer be thought of, as
it could for some countries in some eras, as the science of military victory. It is now equally, if not more,
the art of coercion, of intimidation, and deterrence.28
ASB is an operational concept that aims at achieving a
military victory, and then makes the assumption that
this military victory will lead to strategic victory. Ultimately, the United States wants to return the international system back to stability after hostilities have
ended, but there is no guarantee that China will in fact
change or moderate its behavior when faced with indepth attacks on its industrial heartland. ASB is nota-


bly silent on how the international system returns to a

state of equilibrium on the morning after.
Security Dilemma.
Additionally, ASB might exacerbate the security
dilemma. The security dilemma is a classic international relations concept, which holds that one states
steps to increase its own security decrease the security of others;29 as other states begin to take steps to
also increase their security, a back-and-forth contest, and potentially instability, results. The situation
might seem unavoidable, but Robert Jervis correctly
suggests that states can increase their security and
avoid the dilemma if states can distinguish between
offensive and defensive measuresthat is, if there exist some sources of security that do not threaten the
security of another state.30
It is this scenario that exists in Asia currently.
Chinas A2/AD capabilities are inherently defensive
in nature. Admittedly, offensive actions could be
taken within this defensive umbrella; any weapon
can be seen as offensive within its range. But A2/AD
capabilities are not weapons a state would purchase
to pursue strategies of enlargement or adventurism.
The United States in turn responded with a concept
designed around offensive weapons, platforms, and
doctrineASB. The authors of ASB maintain that the
United States has benign intentions in the region and
claim that the Chinese are trying to shift the balance
of power in the Pacific; the Chinese, of course, consider their own intentions benign and claim the United
States poses a threat to its interests. From the perspective of the Chinese, violations of state sovereignty by
the United States in Serbia, Iraq, and Libya create a


disturbing precedent. Chinas key vital interests are

the security of its borders, which have been invaded
repeatedly over the centuries, and the protection of
its industrial base. The introduction of an offensive
military concept that includes the destruction of vast
cities deep in Chinas industrial heartland should be
expected to receive a response. Last year in a debate
sponsored by the Center for Strategic and International Studies, Gaoyue Fan, a senior research fellow
at the PLA Military Science Academy said that, If the
U.S. military develops Air-Sea Battle to deal with the
[Peoples Liberation Army], the PLA will be forced to
develop anti Air-Sea Battle.31
The authors of ASB have used poor analogies to
sell ASB as a viable strategy in the Pacific, comparing
the U.S. standoff with a rising China to its Cold War
competition with the Soviet Union. On the surface,
this seems like a logical comparison. Since the United
States emerged triumphant out of the Cold War, perhaps we should adopt similar strategies with respect
to China. However, the analogy quickly breaks down.
During the Cold War, the United States and the Soviets openly called each other enemies, threatened each
other, and fought proxy wars; however, they could
still keep diplomatic relations open along various
levels of communication. This was possible because
of the strategic architecture between the two states.
This architecture prevented misunderstanding from
turning into crisis due to the various levels of horizontal and vertical escalatory measures that could be
metered at the highest levels. The introduction of ASB
into the Pacific changes the psychological equilibrium
between the two powers, leading (again) to near instant vertical escalation that can hardly be metered.
How many Americans are willing to gamble that in a


military exchange with China, after we have destroyed

a large portion of Chinas industrial base, China will
not react with its nuclear arsenal? Is this not how the
United States would likely respond to an attack on
its homeland by a near-peer competitor? How many
of us want to make this gamble based upon a poor
historical analogy?
Finally, the ASB concept works against long-term
U.S. interests in the region because it puts the United
States on the losing end of the economic cost equation.
In the previous security dilemma scenario, the introduction of ASB will result in a response by the Chinese or any adversary. Even if we are to assume that
the Chinese will not respond offensively and instead
will solely improve their defensive postures, ASB still
does not improve U.S. security or influence in the region. A2/AD capabilities are comparatively cheaper
than the means to defeat them, with the result that security competition with respect to A2/AD can become
both iterative and exponential. The United States introduces ASB, China improves their A2/AD abilities
to overcome it; the United States must then improve
ASB, which will cost exponentially more than its first
generation. In 2010, the Economist described this paradigm: Missiles are good value. Compared with a
fully equipped aircraft-carrier, which might cost $15
billion-20 billion, a missile costs about $1m.32 The
authors of ASB have repeatedly claimed that China
wants to change the military balance in the Pacific
without fighting, harking back to Sun Tzus axiom,
To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of
skill.33 While supporters of ASB use this logic as an


argument for the concept, it seems that if the Chinese

wanted to swing the military balance without fighting, forcing an adversary to overspend their resources
on offensive measures in the Pacific would be an intelligent strategy. It would seem that as Chinas rate of
growth remains high, a better approach to keeping the
balance in the Pacific would be to improve the A2/
AD capabilities of our allies in the region and force the
Chinese into the losing side of the cost equation.
The authors of ASB have done a tremendous job
convincing both policymakers and defense officials
of the efficacy of the new concept. But these promises
of effectiveness are based on poor historical analogies
and flawed concepts of war. While ASB serves as an
effective operational concept in solving the A2/AD
problem, it fails as a strategic concept because it fails
to effectively deter China, lends itself to vertical escalation, exacerbates the security dilemma hindering
engagement, and puts the United States on the wrong
side of an economic cost equation. These weaknesses
put the United States at risk, or at least leave it suboptimally positioned. While most Americans hope
that conflicts will be won easily and at low cost, ASB
simply does not deliver on these promises. Those in
the security community owe it to the American public
to scrutinize any defense concept that pledges to deter
potential enemies. ASB makes these claims but fails
to deliver its full promise. This is not to say that ASB
should not continue to be developed as a concept
it is hard to argue with the idea of any two services
learning to be more interoperable. But ASB should be
downgraded from the primary focus of military action


in the Pacific in favor of a much more robust strategy

of engagement and provision of A2/AD technologies
to the surrounding states.
1. These definitions are taken from the May 2013 Air-Sea
Battle Concept document released by the Air-Sea Battle Office,
available from Anti-Access (A2) is an action intended to
slow deployment of friendly forces into a theater or cause forces
to operate from distances farther from the locus of conflict than
they would otherwise prefer. A2 affects movement to a theater.
Area denial (AD) is an action intended to impede friendly operations within areas where an adversary cannot or will not prevent
access. AD affects maneuver within a theater.
2. Andrew Krepinevich, Strategy in a Time of Austerity,
Foreign Affairs, November 1, 2012, available from www.foreign
3. See, e.g., Jan Van Tol et al., AirSea Battle: A Point-of-Departure Operational Concept, Washington, DC: Center for Strategic and
Budgetary Assessments, 2010, in which the Chinese PLA appears
in the second sentence of the executive summary.
4. Aaron L. Friedberg, Bucking Beijing, Foreign Affairs, August 18, 2012, available from
5. Greg Jaffe, US Model for Future War fans tensions with
China and inside Pentagon, The Washington Post, August 1,
2012, available from
6. Stephen Glain, The Pentagons New China War
Plan,, August 13, 2011, available from,


7. Quadrenial Defense Review Report, Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Defense, 2010, pp. 32-33, available from www.comw.
org/qdr/fulltext/1002QDR2010.pdf. The quoted passage continues:
The concept will address how air and naval forces will integrate capabilities across all operational domainsair, sea, land,
space, and cyberspaceto counter growing challenges to U.S.
freedom of action. As it matures, the concept will also help
guide the development of future capabilities needed for effective power projection operations.

8. Hillary Clinton, Americas Pacific Century, Foreign

Policy, November 2011, available from
9. Ibid.
10. Jan Van Tol, Mark Gunzinger, Andrew Krepinevich, Jim
Thomas, AirSea Battle: A Point-of-Departure Operational Concept, Washington, DC: Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, April 2010.
11. Joint Operational Access Concept (JOAC), Version 1.0,
Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Defense, January 17, 2012.
12. Air-Sea Battle: Service Collaboration to Address Anti-Access & Area Denial Challenges, Washington, DC: Department of
Defense, May 2013.
13. Marcus Weisgerber, Annual DoD Report Claims Steady
Chinese Military Expansion, Defense News, May 6, 2013.
14. While the CSBA ASB authors maintain that ASB should
not be viewed solely through the lens of the defense of Taiwan
(p. xi), they also spend a great deal of time on the vulnerability of
Taiwan (see, e.g., pp. 11, 13, 20, 30, 37, 72).
15. Jan Van Tol et al., p. xv.
16. Ibid.
17. Ibid.


18. Ibid.
19. Ibid.
20. Air-Sea Battle: Service Collaboration to Address Anti-Access &
Area Denial Challenges, p. 4.
21. Ibid.
22. Ibid.
23. Shambaugh, p. 298.
24. Richard Clarke, All US Electronics from China could be
infected, Defense Tech, available from
25. Ross Babbage, Australia Needs Strategic Rethink on
Submarines, The, May 20, 2013, available from the
26. Ben Schreer, Australia and AirSea Battle: Not Sold Yet,
The, April 22, 2013, available from
27. Ibid.
28. Thomas C.Schelling, Arms and Influence, New Haven: Yale
University Press, 1966, p. 34.
29. Robert Jervis, Cooperation under the Security Dilemma,
World Politics, Vol. 30, No. 2, 1978, pp. 167-214. Copyright 1978 by
Cambridge University Press.
30. Ibid.
31. Jaffe.
32. Chinas Missiles, The Economist Online, December 6,
2010, available from


33. Andrew Krepinevich, Chinas Finlandization Strategy

in the Pacific, The Wall Street Journal, September 11, 2010.


Robert Chamberlain
This chapter appeared previously in Armed Forces Journal,
May 1, 2013. The author gratefully acknowledges permission
to republish.

The American Army is an organization in search

of a strategic purpose. American conventional involvement in the war in Afghanistan is drawing to a
close, the security establishment has rejected armed
nation-building as a viable national strategy, and the
projection of military power seems to take the form
of drones and air support to local proxies. Simultaneously, the withdrawal from land wars in the Middle
East and the prioritization of East Asia has led to a decline of the doctrinal focus the organization has spent
a decade refiningcounterinsurgency, or COIN
and the concomitant rise of the new strategy du jour,
Air-Sea Battle. In this brave new world, it is not clear
what Landpower does and, thus, what the Army is
good for.
As a service with a limited presence in the air and
on the sea, this is all a little nerve-wracking. How
does an organization that projects Landpower contribute usefully to an off-shore doctrine and a defense
focus on the waters around the Chinese coast? It has
been suggested that the Army advertise itself as the
only solution to state collapse, capable of rushing in
to manage the consequences of a North Korean implosion. Others argue the Army should maintain its

COIN focus and commitment to stability operations.

Still more turn their focus to the special operations
forces (of which the Army provides 60 percent). My
assessment is not nearly so modest: If Asia is the central theater in which American national objectives will
be challenged in the coming decade, then Landpower
is the key to decoupling economic and military competition in the region, and the Army is the best organization to lead a defense strategy that supports peace,
stability and growth.
The current obsession with the rise of China and
the active debate about its implications for the world
and the appropriate Western response have afflicted
the American foreign policy establishment with an
acute case of cognitive dissonance. On the one hand,
Chinas growing military capacity and willingness to
employ force or threats of force to resolve regional
disputes is alarming and may indicate an armed confrontation is in the offing. On the other, Chinas active
participation in the global economy, substantial financial interests across the region, and heavy investments
in the United States may indicate that it is essentially a
status quo power more interested in wealth than conquest. The truth almost certainly lies somewhere in
the middle, and, thus, the appropriate American strategy is to prepare for war while encouraging trade. The
challenge, then, is to ensure that the pursuit of one
goal does not inhibit the other.
The grand strategic solution to this challenge is
containment-lite. In this approach, America seeks
out smaller regional states threatened by Chinas
growing power and facilitates their balancing strategies by offering a much less threatening alternative
than simply bandwagoning behind Chinas regional
aspirations. Thereby, American power in Asia is


pooled with smaller states, and incipient Chinese

militarism is checked. However, unlike the Cold War,
Chinese membership in regional organizations is encouraged, expanding Chinese trade is welcomed, and
Chinese economic growth is applauded. The goal is
to raise the cost of militarizing international disputes
such that the only rational Chinese alternative is to
seek pacific resolution through the tools of economic
or diplomatic power.
This solution is not without controversy. In Asias
New Age of Instability, Michael Wesley suggests
that smaller states in the region cannot pay their share
militarily against China, larger states are not interested in a partnership with the West, and the American
public is uninterested in costly foreign wars in defense
of a local ally. By contrast, I argue that small states will
contribute progressively more as the Chinese threat
emerges, that larger states will respond to growing
threats nearby by considering alliances that previously would have been unthinkable, and that the rally
round the flag effect makes U.S. intervention credible
in domestic political terms. But I will set those debates
aside and ask the reader to assume that it is possible to
form new alliances in the region, and that public opinion is no barrier to short- to medium-term American
military action. Instead, I wish to consider what tools
of American power best facilitate containment-lite,
which requires that they must demonstrate military
resolve without communicating aggressive intentions.
Before addressing the specific Landpower polices
that would best advance American interests in East
Asia, I will discuss the strategic ends within contain-


ment-lite that military means and ways must provide.

The whole purpose of the strategy is to encourage
Chinas peaceful rise, underwrite regional stability,
and firmly delink military and economic modes of
competition and dispute. The military contribution to
these goals must therefore balance martial and diplomatic logics; the path to military superiority in the
region could lead to strategic failure if it induces Chinese militarism, arms races, and a fait accompli crisis
strategy. Instead, American military power should
operate according to a defensive realist logicincreasing the security of allies without threatening China
directly. Supported, but not dominated, by Air-Sea
Battle, it must be able to allocate forces in such a way
as to signal resolve and diffuse regional crises by removing the credible threat of Chinese military action
against smaller states. Air and sea power cannot accomplish these missions alonethe linchpin of a successful American defense strategy in Asia is its use of
The most obvious advantage of Landpower among
the islands and peninsulas of East Asia is its heavily
defensive character. Unlike Central Europe during the
Cold War, where vast armored forces threatened the
interests of each superpower and prudent defensive
measures were indistinguishable from growing offensive capability, land theaters in Asia are separated
from one another by vast bodies of water. This is a
truly excellent situation from the U.S. perspective,
since it means that land conflict can be localizedU.S.
forces in Korea do not threaten China with the specter of rapid military defeat, nor would American reinforcements to allies in Southeast Asia or elsewhere
in the region. In fact, we have multiple 20th-century
examples of local wars in Asia staying relatively local,


despite superpower involvement. Thus, the deployment of an American brigade to assist in the defense
of an ally signals resolve and contributes military capacity without threatening China directly in a way
that the deployment of a carrier task force or an air
wing simply cannot.
Landpower is uniquely advantageous for a strategy of containment-lite, due to its ability to achieve regional stability without increasing Chinese insecurity.
However, the American Landpower strategy in Asia
must encompass much more than the rapid deployment of combat units into crises. Landpower must
address the full spectrum of regional defense needs,
which require careful cultivation of defense partnerships and capabilities in order to match the right force
with each emerging contingency. The use of Landpower in Asia must also inform American doctrine
and procurement strategies, as the Army returns to its
conventional mission while expanding other capabilities. The chief of staff of the Army refers to these three
elements as Win, Shape, and Prevent, respectively. Together, they form the three components of Americas
strategic solution.
It is hard to think about Landpower without the
boom of a cannon, the rumble of a tank, or the endless
rows of soldiers on parade. But the full conventional
capability of the United States is only one aspect of
Landpower, and one that should be imagined alongside the shuffling of paper, the snapping of clipboards,
and a small headquarters element winding their way
through an airport. Landpower strategy must shape
the security environment prior to the arrival of con-


ventional forces, which could either facilitate victory

or perhaps even forestall a conflict altogether.
The most limited form of Landpower engagement is back-channel coordination. In concert with
other American diplomatic initiatives, this approach
enables concerned regional powers with which the
United States has no formal relationship to lay the
groundwork for future engagement. It is the time for
staff officers to have confidential discussions about
future anticipated defense needs, how the recipient
power understands U.S. policy objectives, and how
American Landpower could help check Chinese militarism. This is also an opportunity to establish interoperable systems and procedures that will prove invaluable as American Landpower involvement moves up
the scale.
A more overt tool of Landpower is foreign military
sales, military aid packages, and technology transfers.
These require virtually no uniformed presence or formalized relationship, but still facilitate the spread of
military resources that can check Chinese adventurism. Moreover, to the extent that the Chinese threat
is a function of air power or theater ballistic missiles,
military systems of a purely defensive nature can be
Further down the spectrum is the explicit integration of contingency planning between the United
States and the local ally. This requires careful consideration of disembarkation points for U.S. reinforcements, their planned contribution, the command relationships of the forces in the field and all the myriad
other details that create battlefield friction. In addition
to personnel from the embassy, this might also entail
the rotation of headquarters elements through joint
war-game exercises.


Next are the types of conventional army interactions that are normally associated with Landpower:
major joint exercises, rotating units, or even a permanent presence. These sorts of actions are easily understood and retain the desirable stabilizing properties of
Landpower, but are also rather expensive. In the contemporary budgetary environment, it is imperative to
maximize the cost-effectiveness of American defense
initiatives. By preparing the ground through early
shaping operations and staff integration, the United
States will retain the flexibility to move forces quickly
throughout the region while avoiding the costs of
keeping units permanently on station.
In addition to a shift in defense strategy that prioritizes the stabilizing effects of Landpower over the
inherently threatening alternatives discussed later, it
will also be necessary to build a Landpower capacity
that is designed to address both Pacific geography and
Chinese capabilities. This represents both a return to
the modern Armys conventional roots and a significant evolution in how it understands its role.
The Chinese regional military threat is primarily
conventional and must be checked by conventional
capabilities. While it would be foolhardy for the U.S.
military to completely forget the lessons of the past
decade and refuse to prepare units for COIN and
stability operations, it would be equally myopic to
decide that these operations ought to be an organizational priority in years to come. When China has used
offensive military force to assert its political will, it has
not been a particularly subtle affair in terms of either
manpower or effect. Thus, a doctrine and equipment


set that is built around small platoons running around

the battlefield in up-armored humvees and mine resistant ambush protected military vehicles (MRAPs)
is a recipe for disaster. The Peoples Liberation Army
(PLA) will not be defeated by COIN and if America
wishes to lend credible assistance to its allies, it will
need to do so in terms of a conventional capability,
supported by adequate training and equipment, that
can defeat the PLA on conventional terms. The beauty
of Landpower, however, is that the ability to defeat
an expeditionary force from China that advances
down one of the growing number of paved arteries
that connect the regions industrial centers does not
necessarily entail the ability to advance deep into
Chinese territory and threaten China itself. Unlike air
and sea power, the force can be tailored to meet the
requirements of a limited war and return the system
to stability.
However, many American allies in the region and
many countries potentially threatened by Chinese
power are islands. If China chooses to employ military
threats against these states, the threat would almost
certainly take the form of sea, air, or missile attack.
Traditionally, these have been the purview of our vast
and powerful Navy and Air Force. But the trouble
with relying on these services is that keeping enough
air and sea power in the region to sink the Chinese
navy or cripple the Chinese missile fleet is an inherently threatening and destabilizing force posture.
I propose that, rather than relying on our ability to
achieve dominance in the air and on the sea to thwart
potential Chinese military adventurism, America develop a land-based anti-access/area-denial (A2/AD)
capability of its own. This entails the expansion of theater missile defense initiatives, further development of


the U.S. air defense capability, and investment in landbased anti-ship systems. All these capabilities, with
the exception of some elements of missile defense, are
currently met in Air-Sea Battle by the Air Force and the
Navy. That means what the U.S. perceives as defending its allies, the Chinese could legitimately perceive
as an expansion of power in the region. By contrast,
land-based A2/AD systems are purely defensive.
Once the attacker has been defeated (the planes driven
off, the missiles shot down, the ships sunk, etc.), the
system has no further capability. For example, a joint
strike fighter could shoot down incoming aircraft and
then be rearmed to attack ground targets. The same is
simply not true for land-based air defense.
One approach to regional defense which has captured the imagination of American policymakers in
the aftermath of the Libyan revolution is to supply
American firepower to local allies through the use
of precision strikes guided by small special operations teams. In a conventional scenario, this approach
would have our allies fight on their land, while we
contributed firepower and technological capability
from air and sea.
This is the Rumsfeldian dream rebornthe lowcost policy option that leverages American technical
know-how and the ultimate expression of the send
a bullet, not a man philosophy of casualty-aversion.
The tools for implementing this vision are myriad:
strike aircraft deployed from bases in the region or
carrier groups, missiles launched from destroyers and
submarines, or even long-range bombers flying from
Diego Garcia or Missouri.


The issues with using this approach in Asia are

two-fold. First, this particular strategy has never been
tried in the face of a robust air-defense network. It is
one thing to bomb Taliban loyalists and Libyan pickup trucks. It is quite another to attack a military with
the full suite of air-defense optionsfrom shoulderlaunched missiles to integrated radar systemsat its
disposal. As the Israel Defense Forces learned to their
dismay in 1973, the assumption that the skies will remain open is a dangerous one indeed. Second, this option is enormously destabilizing. Specifically, it will
encourage militarizing and winning any dispute as
quickly as possible. I will elaborate this point further.
Consider, for example, the lessons of Libya from
the perspective of the target of U.S. bombing. One obvious policy alternative open to American targets is to
give in to U.S. demands, but another more appealing
alternative exists: One could simply win as quickly
as possible. American firepower is immense, but it
is not all-powerful. If one can win the ground campaign quickly and decisively, then one has the ability
to disperse ones forces, absorb some casualties, and
wait for the Americans to give up and leave or try to
introduce ground forces of their own. But, of course,
the initial American reliance on air power will likely
entail the loss of uncontested ports of entry. Thus, the
target has the advantage of opposing an amphibious
assault using modern weapons, which holds out the
prospect of massive losses to the United States. Given
the increased cost of reversing the military outcome,
the United States is more likely to simply accept the
new status quo and move on. Therefore, you, as the
target, have every incentive to go as quickly as possible in order to present America and its allies with a
fait accompli.


The solution to this problem, from an off-shore firepower perspective, is simply to place more firepower
in the area in order to compound the difficulties an
aggressor would face in achieving a quick victory. Of
course, more firepower would simply encourage the
aggressor to move that much quicker, thus requiring
more firepower, and so on. This is a classic conflict spiral, which has the twin disadvantages of being costly
and destabilizing. It will increase Chinese militarism
and fail to control American defense outlays, which is
to say that it utterly fails to achieve the overall strategic goal of delinking military and economic disputes,
fostering stability and discouraging militarism.
Air-Sea Battle, the doctrine being created by the
Navy and Air Force to support the rebalance toward
Asia, offers a different approach. In Air Sea Battle:
Promoting Stability in an Era of Uncertainty and
Air-Sea Battle: Clearing the Fog, the service proponents of this doctrine argue that projecting American
power in the region will require the ability to get there
in the first place. With the growing Chinese investment in A2/AD technologies, there is serious concern
about Americas ability to project power credibly. In
order to ensure that the U.S. military can remain a viable instrument of national policy in Asia, this doctrine
proposes to integrate air and sea power in such a way
that American forces can arrive safely in the region
and undertake whatever missions are necessary.
To that end, Air-Sea Battle requires that A2/AD
systems are attacked simultaneously and in-depth by
all available means. It is not enough to simply shoot


down incoming ballistic missilesthe United States

will also attack their launch platforms, the radars that
guide them, the facilities that power the radars, the
computers that make it all work, etc. This would seem
to necessitate attacks against the Chinese mainland,
which raises two important possibilities for the evolution of this doctrine.
In one evolution, which I will call Offensive AirSea Battle, proponents of firepower are able to successfully make the case that, as long as one is going
to attack China to facilitate the further introduction of
forces into the region, one might just as easily use this
capability to deter Chinese militarism altogether. If
China is a rational actor, then using offshore firepower to threaten Chinese assets raises the costs of military action by China, thus encouraging them to seek
alternative means by which to achieve their national
goals. Landpower becomes a costly redundancy, and
the optimal solution for U.S. regional defense needs
is simply to invest further in the ships and aircraft
that can project power against Chinese forces and
From a Chinese perspective, this is obviously extraordinarily threatening. Even implicit threats of
force against Chinese cities would have to be met with
a robust counterthreat to valued American assets. On
the low end, this could mean a naval buildup and
an investment in missile capabilities to threaten U.S.
bases throughout the region. On the high end, it could
mean an expansion of the Chinese nuclear arsenal and
a more aggressive nuclear readiness posture. In any
event, the emergence of a new arms race and increasing
military tensions would represent a significant failure
of U.S. policy. While this policy is not currently under
open consideration, history has shown repeatedly that


the siren song of air-power-based compellence has an

almost irresistible attraction for policymakers.
The other evolution, which is the current trend in
Air-Sea Battle among the services, is what I call Defensive Air-Sea Battle. In the defensive approach,
Air-Sea Battle is not meant to compel anyone to do
anything. It merely overcomes A2/AD barriers and
allows American forces to arrive safely in theater. This
is all well and good, but it raises two additional issues.
First, how much air-sea capability is enough? Second,
what is the American land contingent meant to be
doing upon arrival?
First, in purely military terms, more is almost always better. As long as one can sustain a force logistically, then, all else being equal, greater numbers often
lead to faster victories, lower casualties and a wider
margin of error in dealing with unanticipated developments. However, in the larger strategic sense, more
power can sometimes lead to less security. This is because of the ever-present security dilemma, in which
an increase in one states military capability threatens
another, thus inducing the second state to expand its
own capability in response. Even if both states have
benign intentions and seek only their own survival,
they nonetheless end up spending progressively more
on arms without ever enhancing their own safety.
In fact, the system may become less secure, as each
state becomes increasingly well-armed and prepared
for war.
A twist on the security dilemma proposed in the political science literature is that if a military system had
only defensive purposes, it would be less threatening.
Conversely, if a system had only offensive purposes,
it would certainly induce a robust response. Further, if
one could tell defensive from offensive technologies,


the system would be more stable, but if the two were

indistinguishable, then a security dilemma would occur because one states defensive preparations would
look like a potential threat to another and vice versa.
The problem with the two possible evolutions of
Air-Sea Battle identified here is that the offensive cannot be distinguished from the defensive. If disrupting
Chinese A2/AD capabilities requires a simultaneous
attack that involves strikes against the Chinese mainland, then, by definition, a greater investment in AirSea Battle represents a greater ability to attack China.
The policy implication, then, is that not only must Defensive Air-Sea Battle remain doctrinally modest, but
the associated procurement and deployment strategy
must remain modest as well. It does no good to commit doctrinally to limited aims if doing so entails a
massive arms increase and triggers the strategic outcome (militarization and instability) the doctrine was
meant to avoid.
The second issue with Defensive Air-Sea Battle is
that it really is not a strategy at all. It is a handy operational template that pre-coordinates the necessary
assets to facilitate the projection of American power
into East Asia in the face of enemy A2/AD capabilities. This is all well and good, but it is hardly an acceptable basis for American regional defense strategy.
How America ought to deploy its power in order to
delink military and economic competition, encourage
the peaceful rise of China, and foster Asian regional
stability remains an open question, one which can
only be addressed by the prudent development and
employment of Landpower.


After a decade of nation-building and revisionist
adventures, America seems to be returning to a realist
foreign policy. Prudence is once again the supreme virtue, security and stability the guiding lights. The hinterlands in the arc of instability, where transnational
terrorism networks go to regroup, are the purview of
special operations and drones; the bulk of American
military power is being refocused on missions of central national importance. Chief among these is ensuring the peace and prosperity of East Asia. With the renewed focus that the rebalance toward Asia implies
must come new thinking. Dominance in the air and
on the sea may demonstrate the extent of American
power, but it also creates a zero-sum security environment. In the world of Air-Sea Battle, America and
China may find themselves locked in a security competition that serves the interest of neither state.
By contrast, Landpower represents a flexible tool
that is uniquely suited to the Asian security environment. The Navy remains the essential guarantor of
global commerce and the freedom of the seas, and the
Air Force gives policymakers an unparalleled set of
global strike options. But only the Army and Marines
can provide a security commitment to Americas partners in Asia that does not simultaneously threaten
China itself. Landpower is the only avenue by which
America can enhance regional security and stability,
deter Chinese militarism and encourage Chinese commitment to the global status quo. It is Landpower,
and Landpower alone, that can bring Americas Asia
policy back to reality.


Isaiah Wilson III
The author is indebted to his U.S. Central Command and U.S.
Africa Command colleagues. Some of the concepts and figures discussed and included in this chapter are representative
of concepts and concept (graphical) designs reflected in the
2013 U.S. Central Command Theater Strategy, September 2013.
That withstanding, the concepts and propositions presented
in this chapter reflect the authors views and opinions alone,
and do not represent official U.S. Central Command, Joint Staff,
Department of Defense, nor U.S. Government policy, more

The United States is now approaching a grandstrategic inflection point.1 Domestic and international
transitions will both challenge and create great opportunities for U.S. Central Command, which serves as
the fulcrum of U.S. vital national interestsinterests
that lie at the heart of U.S. global power.
The U.S. Central Command (USCENTCOM) operating environment currently includes 20 countries.
Among them are nascent democracies recovering from
years of fighting, fragile nations attempting to regain
control of ungoverned space, and government leaders cautiously assessing our actions (and those of our
adversaries) to map their future security framework.
For the foreseeable future, three of the Nations four
formally-stated missionsdefense of the Homeland,
counterproliferation of weapons of mass destruction
(WMD), and ensuring the free flow of resourceswill
remain anchored to the Central Region.


The geography of the USCENTCOM areas of responsibility (AOR) is a lynchpin of the global economy
and includes critical international sea lines of communication (SLOCs), including the maritime chokepoints
of the Suez Canal, Strait of Hormuz, and the Bab alMandeb Strait. With over 550 million people, 18 languages, hundreds of dialects, and 22 separate ethnic
groups, the demographics in the AOR create an opportunity for friction and rivalry. The region includes
both the wealthiest and most impoverished of the
worlds Muslim-majority states; abundant petroleum
and natural gas reserves; an aspiring nuclear power
and known state-sponsors of terrorism; former Soviet
Union client states; prolific criminal networks trafficking in narcotics, weapons, and persons; and a wide
variety of violent extremist organizations (VEOs). (See
Figure 19-1.)
These conditions are further impacted, compounded, by underlying currents of growing SunniShia sectarian divide, a rising struggle between radical and moderate forms of government and styles of
governance, endemic economic disparity, and an
equally growing and worrisome age gap, exacerbated
by an enlarging youth populationover 40 percent of
the region is between 15-49 years of age. The region
has never been peaceful and enduring U.S. national
vital interests have repeatedly required deft, vigorous U.S. involvement in specific affairs. The intersection of these trendsgeography, demographics,
and political-military conflictswill challenge the
equilibrium of the regional balance of power for the
coming decades.


Figure 19-1. The Strategic Environment

of the Central Region.
Given these security atmospherics, USCENTCOMs challenge is to constantly assess its regional
priorities to ensure that we do not create a say-do
gap that could embolden adversaries and weaken the
bonds of trust and confidence the United States has
built through decades of investing in partner capacity.
The U.S. Army, as part of the Joint Force, has started to explore the potential for militarily effective and
fiscally responsible uses of Landpower through what

it calls the Prevent-Shape-Win (PSW) strategic solution. PSW is a new construct designed to explain the
various roles of the Army. It is, at bottom, an attempt
to break an old paradigm where Army leaders only
focused on one end of the conflict spectrumconventional warat the cost of the other types and kinds of
war and warfare that could have prevented conflict or
even shaped the environment in more favorable terms
for the United States. (See Figure 19-2.)

I would like to acknowledge the contributions of Rob Chamberlain, Joe Da Silva, and Cara Clarke in development of this
concept design, as part of our work in 2013 leading the CSAs
Prevent-Shape Group, as part of the CSAs Unified Quest Army
Futures Wargame.

Figure 19-2. Prevent, Shape, Win.


The U.S. Army and Joint Forces Capstone Concepts

use Prevent to describe force generation (the capacity
to conduct war), deterrence (preventing an adversary
from taking an action they would otherwise take), and
compellence (inducing an adversary to do something
they do not want to do).2 Effective compellent and deterrent forces contribute to the larger preventive end,
as they signal long-term resolve and the willingness
to pay high costs (without having necessarily to pay
them). The goal should be to place enough boots on
the ground to suggest that more boots could soon arrive; the goal should not be to minimize the U.S. regional footprint and the potential costs of deployment
for their own sake, as both courses may be counterproductive with a view to compellence and therefore
ultimately with a view to cost-cutting as well. Sound
and effective prevention is an effective way to shape
the behavior of near-peer rivals and to address the
swamps that breed extremism, insurgency, and terrorism. The best way to drain swamps is to prevent
them from filling in the first place; as they say, an
ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
The Shape component of Prevent-Shape-Win
includes strategies that mold the environment in
which U.S. troops operate and create positive perceptions of America abroad. These strategies require the
right forces to be placed at the decisive points on the
globe in order to conduct successful deterrence and
compellence and thus facilitate Prevent and Win requirements; they aim to adjust the strategic calculations of allies and adversaries by building the strength
of our partners through a variety of means, from
foreign military sales to direct reinforcement, and by
demonstrating to our adversaries our preparedness
and resolve. They are designed to support whole-of-


government initiatives as an important part of our national diplomatic and homeland security strategies.3
As each of these shaping strategies is highly contextspecific, the forces designed to carry them out must be
agile and adaptivetailored, scalable, and task-organized to accomplish their specific strategic objectives.
There are several key and critical challenges companioning a Prevent-Shape-Win strategic approach,
two of particular importance:
1. The Challenge of Coercion: Coercive diplomacy, where the threat of force is used to prevent
undesired behavior (deterrence) or cause compliance
(compellence), requires both capability and credibility
to be effective. It is not enough to have forces available; the target state must believe that force will be
used for as long as is necessary to alter its behavior.
Moreover, the threat must be specific enough that the
target believes it can be avoided through behavior
modificationtailored deterrence causes compliance,
imprecise deterrence causes reaction.
2. The Challenge of Commitment: Whether adjusting allies or adversaries calculations of U.S. strategic
commitment to a region, facilitating Prevent or Win
activities, or supporting whole-of-government efforts,
the armed forces must do the following: provide tailored capabilities, demonstrate an enduring presence
that will be there in a crisis, and meet interlocutors on
their own terms. It will not work to show up with a
lot of the wrong assets. It will not work to have a big,
expensive, transient capability that is too big to risk.
It will not work to make our partners speak our language about our concerns. We have to meet people
where they are to succeed. (See Figure 19-3.)


I would like to acknowledge the contributions of Rob Chamberlain, Joe Da Silva, and Cara Clarke in development of this
concept design, as part of our work in 2013 leading the CSAs
Prevent-Shape Group, as part of the CSAs Unified Quest Army
Futures Wargame.

Figure 19-3. Relationships Turn Means

into Outcomes.
In fact, it is because of these two critical challenges
or shortcomings endemic to Prevent and Shape strategies, as well as others, that maintaining a robust,
credible, and present physical force capable of lethal
compellence (i.e., warfighting) is fundamental to PSW
as a winning strategic solution. While Prevent and
Shape approaches are long-term investments that can
and do yield significant effective-cost dividends,
maintaining a clear-and-present force at-the-ready,

postured at the appropriate locations to strike at the

right timing, if and when required, is the essential insurance policy to these long-term investments. If and
when deterrence fails, a nations capacity to generate
and direct force in powerful ways is paramount.
To provide security, stability, and prosperity
across the Central Region, USCENTCOM manages
current ongoing conflicts while shaping those conditions that prevent confrontations from becoming
future conflicts. The USCENTCOM Theater Strategy
focuses on six resource-informed ends: improve and
increase regional stability and security, advancing
U.S. vital national interests across the Central Region;
deter regional adversaries; marginalize and erode the
influences of those VEOs that have the capability to
threaten U.S. national interests, working with regional
partners in their efforts to actively counter regional
VEOs and mitigate conditions that promote extremism; counter the proliferation, acquisition, and use of
WMD that threatens U.S. vital interests; support U.S.
ambassadors and the diplomatic corps in the formation and execution of AOR Country Team Mission
initiatives and programs; and enhance and responsively deploy partner capacity to respond to regional
Through a near, mid, and long-term theater strategy, USCENTCOM works closely with regional and
international partners to promote cooperation among
nations, respond to crises, deter or defeat state and
nonstate aggression, and support Department of State
efforts to develop economic growth and responsible


governance. In the near and mid-term, USCENTCOM

utilizes the Theater Campaign Plan (TCP) to achieve
its desired military objectives. While its long-term
objectives will most likely extend beyond the current
TCP, the conditions the Command established now
will benefit those that follow.
Although the element of manage exceeds nearterm and mid-term objectives, managing conflicts is
the cornerstone of the USCENTCOM TCP and ongoing
operations. Under this effort, USCENTCOM supports
nascent democracies emerging from either combat
operations or internal revolution (i.e., Arab Spring).
Principally by working by, with, and through regional partners, the mission is to deny VEOs and adversaries attempting to take advantage of these fragile
democracies and exploit ungoverned spaces.
Actions, activities, and operations to prevent confrontations and situations from becoming conflicts
requires USCENTCOM to partner with Department
of State, other U.S. Government agencies, as well as
planning and working with allies and regional partner nation-states. These actions are intended to bridge
the gap between near-term objectives and long-term
shaping efforts. The goal of prevent is to bolster
fragile nations in order to keep them from slipping
into a conflict.


Shaping underlying currents to influence the future is paramount to prevention of future conflicts.
Shaping efforts cross the entire theater-strategic
framework (near-mid-long term actions). Building
partner capacity (BPC), conducting regional exercises,
and developing a regional security architecture not
only supports U.S. efforts to deter adversaries but also
creates opportunities to share ideas that cross cultural
and geographic divides. These strategies require the
right forces to be placed at decisive points within the
Central Region theater in order to conduct successful
deterrence and compellence and thus facilitate Prevent and Win requirements. Through Shape activities,
USCENTCOM aims to adjust the strategic calculations
of allies and adversaries by building the strength of
our partners through a variety of means, from foreign
military sales to direct reinforcement, and by demonstrating to our adversaries our preparedness and
resolve; and they are designed in such ways that support whole-of-government and multilateral initiatives
as an important part of our national diplomatic and
homeland security strategies. USCENTCOM, through
its Theater Strategy and Theater Campaign Plan (TCP),
seeks to manage long-range shaping activities increasingly through a by-with-through, conditions-based
BPC collective approach, with a forward-presence
posture of a minimum compliment of maximumeffectiveness U.S. forces forward-postured in-theater
for reassurance of U.S. durable commitments both for
friendly nations and partners in the region, as well as
reassurance of U.S. capability and resolve for our adversaries upon which they can adjust and moderate
their strategic calculations.



There are two aspects of the current and future
global security environment that are of particular importance to the USCENTCOM AOR: First, there is the
dangerous convergence of otherwise separate threats
(e.g., VEOs; Syria Crisis; Iran) in such a way as to require the execution of two or more contingency or war
plans near-simultaneously. Second, there is rising fiscal austerity and defense budget stringency. Through
these times of complex, compound security dilemmas
and resource austerity, USCENTCOM seeks opportunities to increase regional and international participation in U.S. security efforts (i.e., by-with-through).
The past two-plus decades of investments in materiel support to regional friends and partners, as well
as relationship-building efforts throughout the Central Region have proven very profitable investments,
yielding what is today a relatively mature, yet still maturing, USCENTCOM durable presence built around
the following three theater-spanning foundational capabilities and capacities:
Forward Headquarters.
Robust headquartering forward in Qatar, Bahrain,
and Kuwait, along with USCENTCOM ForwardJordan (CF-J) joint-combined headquarters provides
hub architectures allowing for effective integration
of regional partners, as well as allies from beyond the
region for possible coalitional contingency operations.
This presence also provides an enduring, durable U.S.
presence, which in and of itself serves to reassure


friends and allies, as well as adversaries, of U.S. resolve. Forward headquarters signal U.S. commitment
not only to its own unilateral interests, but to regional
partner security interests, while demonstrating robust
U.S. physical force capability and capacity.
Robust, Emergent Regional Partnerships.
Over the past decade, USCENTCOM has accelerated its Build Partners/Build Partner Capacity shaping efforts, partnering with regional nations in operations in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya (the latter now a
formal part of the U.S. Africa Command AOR). This
period of time has witnessed unprecedented support
for regional maritime air defense exercises. Also, exercises such as the International Mine Counter Measure
exercise have united over 40 nations from six continents in defense of the region. Through these types
of mature/maturing collective regional partnership
activities, the United States is able to set and shape the
conditions across the Central Region that will one day
afford the Nation with a way to build down its own
forces committed to security efforts in the region bywith-through a building-up of regional countries
capabilities and capacities to advance security, stability, and prosperity across the region.
USCENTCOMs military forward presence and
military-to-military relations have led to a number
of big wins over the past few years, building off of
over at least 3 decades of dedicated foreign assistance
and security assistance investments. Over the past 2
years, USCENTCOM has made significant gains with
Gulf Cooperation Country (GCC) partners on establishment of bilateral defense plans against Iranian aggression. In the area of counterpiracy, through U.S.-


regional partner combined operations, piracy activity

has been steadily trending downward since 2011, with
52 hijackings in 2009 trending downward to 7 hijackings in 2012, and zero hijackings as of November 2013.
Arguably, two of the most powerful expressions of
effective long-ranging Shaping through BPC investments and activities can be seen in USCENTCOMs
International Mine Counter Measure Exercises (IMCMEX) and the Combined Air Operations Center
(CAOC). With respect to IMCMEX, USCENTCOM
has executed two successful exercises over the last 2
years, with over 40 participating regional and foreign
allied countries. IMCMEX increases U.S. and partner
nation unilateral and combined abilities in supporting
and executing coalition mine interdiction warfare operations by improving maritime operational and tactical capabilities; force readiness; command, control,
communications, computers, and intelligence; and by
exercising tactical planning and execution. At least 20
years of military-to-military engagements with GCC
partners have yielded a relatively mature Integrated
Air and Missile Defense (IAMD)/Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) collective theater defense capability. The
Air Forces Central Gulf CAOC, which is manned by
all GCC air forces, U.S. and U.K. air forces, is a hallmark coalition enabler centered on BMD/IAMD integration, with this Gulf CAOC providing the potential
for GCC countries to shoulder an increasingly greater
portion of the collective regional defense burden (operational and financial support).
These are only a few examples of the big returns
that can come from a long-range dollar-cost averaging by-with-through regional partners approach to
prevent and shape civilian-military activities. With
the reality of emerging, increasingly ambiguous,


and compounding security threats and the added

complication of defense budget stringency, such bywith-through indirect approaches can help achieve
an adequate risk-mitigating gap-spanning plan and
approach. The anchor of this kind of approach lies
in robust BPC investments and durable U.S. forward
presence. Presence equals relationships. Relationships
build and buy trust. Trust with truly capable regional
partners buys the U.S. influence. However, it must be
understood that the cornerstone to such a strategic approach is strategic patience and a tolerance of ambiguity. There are big penalties for early withdrawals
from Prevent and Shape initiatives. But conversely,
like an individual retirement account investment, with
patience, these kinds of investments can yield grand
returns if allowed to mature. Through stable and patient development of partners and capacities in other
nations and organizations, as well as talent and a credible incentive structure in our own, the United States
achieves and can continue to achieve large dividends
over the long term. The search for year-to-year return
on investment is illusory. These projects develop over
years, and a full cost-benefit analysis is often possible
only after a decade or more of effort.
As the United States inevitably and unavoidably
rebalances its forces in the face of growing fiscal austerity, it will need to find ways to build, man, train,
equip, maintain, and finance theater-spanning headquarters that can provide command-and-control, and
act as sustaining hubs capable of effectively and


rapidly receiving strategically-deployed joint and

combined forces, while integrating these forces into
effective Combined-Joint force packages readied for
mission operations throughout the entire region.8 The
capabilities that are critical for ensuring a durable
presence in the Central Region and that provide the
cornerstone of an effective regional defense/security
architecture include: physical military forces capable
of responding to crises (i.e., counterterrorism/counter-violent extremist organizations [VEO] operations;
non-combatant evacuation operations [NEO]; humanitarian assistance [HA]; counterpiracy operations;
personal recovery [PR], etc.); scalable command and
control (C2) infrastructure and personnel (including
security cooperation operations [SCO]-type command
and control missions); forces capable of securing infrastructure and personnel; base and port access footprints (i.e., APOD/SPOD/prepositioned stocks/lines
of communications, sustainment, and supply; senior
headquarters-forward (i.e., component commands);
forces to execute security assistance and security cooperation activities (e.g., train-and-equip, train-advise-assist, train-the-trainer operations); intelligence,
surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR); and special
operations forces (SOF) mission activities.
In light of U.S. defense force reductions (i.e., build
downs) and increasing defense budget cuts, all U.S.
Armed Services are exploring and investing in some
form of regional alignment of forces in support of a
tilt in U.S. defense strategy more toward continental
U.S.-basing of U.S. forces and an on-call forward-deployment rather than forward-presence strategic force
posture. Regional architectures become all the more
essential in light of this shift in U.S. strategic deployment and posture planning.


Leveraging security assistance and cooperation is

the key to the Manage-Prevent-Shape strategic solution, and maintaining a durable regional defense/
security capability architecture (i.e., right forces plus
the right posture) is the critical enabling capacity for
that strategic solution. Building systems that address
the needs of a specific deterrent in a specific theater
(such as land-based missile defense or anti-access/
area denial in Asia) is expensive. But the United States
need not bear that expense alonethrough a variety
of means (foreign military sales, foreign military financing, co-production) partners can contribute to the
development of capabilities that support U.S. strategic
Given that strategy always wears a dollar sign,9
we must continue to define and work toward achievement of our regional strategic goals with a pragmatic
optimism tempering aspirations, our own and those of
our regional friends and partners, with fiscal realities.
That said, austere times are times of penury but also
of promise as well, creating the kinds of environmental conditions ripe for great transformational change.
Lest we forget: there was a similar set of conditions
as we emerged from the Cold War in the early-1990s.
Two wars (Cold War and Gulf War I) were then winding down; the economy crawled sluggishly out of a
global recession; and U.S. Armed Forces experienced
a commensurate building down of U.S. Armed Forces
and intended rebalances from previous regions of major focus. This set of conditions generated a 20+-year
evolution and maturation of the USCENTCOM AOR,
both in terms of physical regional architectures and,
most importantly, in terms of building the capacity of
regional partners to generate their own force designs
and systems. This current moment of compounding


security challenges married with austerity could serve,

as it did more than 20 years ago, as the next 2-decade
long great transformation. In short, current conditions
present certain perils for sure but unique promise as
well. We must proceed with guarded optimismbut
optimism nonetheless.
1. For a more extended description of the United States
grand-strategic transition, see Isaiah Wilson III, Beyond COIN,
The American Interest, Vol. 9, No. 1, Autumn 2013, pp. 5-11.
2. U.S. Army Capstone Concept, Washington, DC: U.S. Army
Training and Doctrine Command, December 2012.
3. Ibid.
4. Excerpt from USCENTCOM Theater Strategy, UNCLASSIFIED, Washington, DC: Department of Defense, September 2013.
5. By Manage we mean: 1) to deal with skillfully and efficiently; 2) to look after, long-term, and make decisions about; 3)
to meet ones day-to-day needs. See Merriam-Webster Dictionary.
6. Prevent is a descriptive that encompasses a combination
of force generation (i.e., the physical capabilities and capacities
to conduct war), deterrenceboth general and specific (i.e., preventing an adversary from taking an action they would otherwise
take; causing an adversary to reconsider their strategic calculations), and compellence (i.e., inducing an adversary to do something they do not want to do with the promise of a capacity and
will to use physical force, and in a timely fashion).
7. The Shape component of the manage-prevent-shape strategic solution includes strategies that mold the environment in
which U.S. troops, unilaterally and/or multilaterally, operate and
create positive perceptions of America abroad.


8. In military vernacular, combined, joint, reception-stagingonward movement and integration, or CJRSO&I.

9. Bernard Brodie, Strategy in the Missile Age, Santa Monica,
CA: RAND Corporation, January 15, 1959.


John Baskerville
In the October 25, 2013, installment of LiveatState,
The U.S. Department of States web chat program for
international journalists, Commander of United States
Africa Command (AFRICOM) General David M. Rodriguez and Assistant Secretary of State for African
Affairs Linda Thomas-Greenfield engaged journalists
from throughout the continent on U.S. foreign policy
and security cooperation in Sub-Saharan Africa.1 After
fielding several terrorism-related questions, the most
recent of which referenced terrorist activities in Mali
and Niger, Rodriguez asserted that the solution to
terrorism in the region is a long-term, broad, wholeof-government approach by all our partners, as well as
all the international community.2 He explained that
terrorism is not solved just by military operations,
but is ultimately contingent upon economic development, improvement in governance, and rule of
law and law enforcement.3 He characterized these
factors as capacities that the Department of Defense
(DoD), the Department of State, and the interagency
help build in African nations. Three key themes underpin Rodriguezs statements: 1) the inextricable link
between governance, development, opportunity, and
security issues on the continent; 2) the necessity of a
whole-of-government approach to complex security
issues; and 3) the notion that the ultimate objective for
the United States is to enable its African partners to
confront these security issues.


However, as straightforward as these ideas may

appear at first blush, they are intertwined with some
of the more perplexing issues in contemporary discussions of U.S. grand strategy. These ideas suggest
that issues of governance, development, security, and
extremist ideology in far reaches of the globe are intimately linked to one another and to the security of
U.S. citizens and interests, both at home and abroad.
Rodriguezs ideas also suggest how U.S. policymakers might implement effective, large-scale, whole-of
government, and multinational approaches to complex security issues such as organizing and establishing measures of effectiveness for prevent and shape
operations. For students of Landpower, specifically,
these ideas require thinking through the mix and division of labor between various types of land forces
(reserve and active component forces, special operations and conventional forces) and exploring innovative, low-cost, small footprint approaches to security
objectives.4 Through a brief analysis of U.S interests
in the AFRICOM area of responsibility, AFRICOMs
strategy in support of those interests, and the role of
land forces in AFRICOMs strategy, this chapter seeks
to inform the greater discussion on U.S. grand strategy and the future of Landpower.
AFRICOMs 2013 posture statement identifies
countering terrorism as DoDs priority mission in Africa and countering violent extremist organizations
as the first among the Commands priorities.5 This
mission is a fitting starting point for considering the
objectives of a comprehensive U.S. strategy in Africa,


for the breadth of the challenge leaves none of the enduring U.S. interests untouched.6 As evidenced by the
September 2012 attack in Benghazi and the January
2013 attack on a British oil facility in Algeria, extremist organizations pose a direct threat to the security of
the United States, its citizens, and its allies.7 Extremist
organizations are intricately tied to poor governance
and the lack of opportunity, security, stability, and
peacesometimes as inhibitors, sometimes as indicators, sometimes as by-products.8 As a result, the end of
countering violent extremist organizations demands
ways and means borne of effective and innovative
integration of all instruments of power.
AFRICOM defines U.S. vital national security
interests in Africa as:
protecting the security of the global economic system,
preventing catastrophic attacks on the homeland,
developing secure and reliable partners, protecting
American citizens abroad, and protecting and advancing universal values.9

In support of these interests, AFRICOM aims its strategy at deterring and defeating near-term threats to
U.S. interests, along with:
building long-term partnerships that support and enable the objectives outlined in the U.S. Strategy Toward Sub-Saharan Africa: strengthening democratic
institutions; spurring economic growth, advancing
trade and investment; advancing peace and security;
and promoting opportunity and development.10


One of AFRICOMs guiding principles is that:
over the long run, it will be Africans who will best be
able to address African security challenges, and USAFRICOM most effectively advances U.S. security
interests through focused security engagement with
African partners.11

This guiding principle, along with U.S. strategic defense guidance on low-cost, small-footprint approaches, helps shape the activities AFRICOM undertakes
in support of its objectives.12 In AFRICOMs theater
strategy and regional campaign plans, one observes a
spectrum of relatively small-scale activitiesreferred
to as operations, exercises, and security cooperation
engagements. They are often situated within a larger
Joint Interagency Intergovernmental Multinational
framework, aimed at enabling African partners to
shape a secure, peaceful, and prosperous regional order. Within this framework, U.S. military forces train,
assist, advise, and mentor African military forces. U.S.
forces undertake these tasks across a broad level of engagement, from bilateral to sub-regional and regional
engagements, and from the small-unit to the institutional level. Of course, discovering and killing or capturing violent extremists is essential to U.S. strategy as
well, but it does not represent the most prevalent use
of land forces across the continent.13



In the Introduction to the May 2013 white paper
entitled Strategic Landpower: Winning the Clash of
Wills, U.S. Army Chief of Staff General Raymond
Odierno, U.S. Marine Corps Commandant General
James Amos, and Commander, U.S. Special Operations Command Admiral William McRaven assert that
their three organizations intersect in the land domain
among people.14 These leaders extol the virtues of
Landpower at war, as well as short of war.15 In the
short of war section, they speak of interdependent
teams of conventional and special operations forces
conducting activities that preclude and deter conflict
through shaping operations that leverage partners
and populations to enhance local and regional stability.16 This characterization of strategic Landpower,
predicated on building the capacity of local forces .
. . while maintaining a low-cost, small footprint presence aligns cleanly with the majority of AFRICOMs
operations, exercises, and security cooperation engagements.17 Within these engagements, one can also
note the intersection of conventional forces and special operations forces breaking down the conventional
wisdom that special operations forces operate in the
realm of human interaction, whereas conventional
forces focus on combined arms maneuver, with less
regard for the impact of human interaction.18 The notion of Landpower breaks down the divisions separating Army, Marines, and Special Operationsand
AFRICOM demonstrates the resulting unity of effort
with particular clarity.
In practice, AFRICOMs (short of war) land-based
activities, largely aimed at preventing conflict and


shaping the operating environment, take the form of

engagements led by U.S. Army Africa, Marine Corps
Forces Africa, U.S. Special Operations Command Africa, Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa, National Guard forces as part of AFRICOMs State Partnership Program, and 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 1st
Infantry Division, AFRICOMs Regionally Aligned
Brigade.19 In these activities, rarely, if ever, does one
see a perfectly clean split, dividing certain types of
forces into certain set realms. Rather, one observes
interdependent teams of forces: Marines leading
a cadre of Marine and Army National Guard forces
in Liberia; Conventional Forces and Army National
Guard Special Operations Forces working in conjunction with one another in Mali; a Civil Affairs unit from
Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa working
alongside the U.S. Agency for International Development and an Ethiopian nongovernmental organization. The three events (one operation, one exercise,
and one security cooperation engagement) described
give a brief glimpse of what AFRICOMs (short of
war) activities look like in practice.
Operation ONWARD LIBERTY. In this ongoing operation, Marine Corps Forces Africa have
taken the lead in establishing a cadre of approximately 50 personnel from the ranks of the U.S.
Marines, Michigans Army National Guard,
and the U.S. Air Force to serve as advisors and
mentors to counterparts from the Armed Forces
of Liberia. Their objective of restructuring the
Armed Forces of Liberia, to include rebuilding
of the army from the ground up, stems from
the peace agreement that ended the Liberian
Civil War in 2003.20


Exercise Atlas Accord. In the 2012 iteration of

the annual exercise, which took place in Mali,
U.S. Army conventional forces partnered with
members of the 19th Special Forces Group
(Army National Guard) to engage with troops
from six African nations on retrieval and delivery of resupply materials and humanitarian aid, along with pathfinder operations to
find and mark suitable drop zones. The focus
of the exercise was to help build capacity for
receiving and distributing aid and supplies to
the population when a natural disaster or other
disruptive event has made access to these necessities difficult or impossible.21
In the fall of 2013, over a 10-week period, 21
Military Police personnel from 2nd Brigade,
1st Infantry Division, AFRICOMs Regionally Aligned Brigade, executed a security cooperation engagement in which they trained
Ugandan forces on route security, riot control,
marksmanship, first aid and combatives in
preparation for an African Union Mission in
Somalia (AMISOM) deployment. The focus of
the engagement was to prepare the Ugandan
Military Police to plan, execute, and sustain
counterterrorism operations against Al-Shabaab and other al-Qaeda affiliates in Somalia.22
Initial Success and Enduring Challenges.
In a December 2012 address at George Washington
University, General Carter Ham, then-commander of
AFRICOM, noted the success of the African Union-led,
U.S. and international community-supported mission


against Al-Shabaab that had pushed the group mostly out of the capital, Mogadishu, and the port city
of Kismayo.23 In the larger framework of AFRICOMs
model for activities, this successful collaboration was
especially poignant. From the standpoint of building
partner capacity, relatively small-scale engagements
had enabled U.S. military mentors and advisers to
improve the capabilities of regional AMISOM forces
through training in skills, such as intelligence analysis
and countering improvised explosive devices. From
the standpoint of effective whole-of-government collaboration, AFRICOM closely coordinated with the
Department of State for its activities and received
funding for these engagements through the Department of State Global Peace Operations Initiatives Africa Contingency Operations Training and Assistance
(ACOTA) program.24
Yet, in this same address, Ham also took a moment to acknowledge the persistent threat Al-Shabaab
poses, to include the potential to launch future attacks
within Uganda and Kenya to undermine these states
will to continue to take the fight to the group. Indeed,
when Rodriguez appeared on LiveatState in the fall of
2013, it had been just over a month since Al-Shabaab
had launched a deadly attack on the Westgate Mall in
Nairobi. So, as much as AFRICOMs activities provide
a potential example for the successful employment of
strategic Landpower in a prevent and shape construct,
their work against groups who continuously transform, have no regard for borders and exploit seams,
and who viciously target will, demonstrates the
precarious nature of the human domain. The Chiefs
of the Land Forces describe the complex challenges
Landpower confronts in this way:


The threat of hybrid warfare, involving multiple entities; the increasing ability of non-state actors to destabilize entire regions and challenge national forces; the
complexity of rules of engagement that constrain one
side and enable the other to operate with near impunity amongst the people . . . the increasing pace and
mutability of human interactions across boundaries,
through virtual connectivity, to form, act, dissolve,
and reform in pursuit of hostile purposes.25

Working in such a complex and potentially volatile environment, while relying on interagency and regional partners, raises numerous questions for those
willing to grapple with the concept of strategic Landpower. With regard to building partner capacity and
working with willing and able partners in the region,
one must think about the following dynamics:
How do the various populations conceptualize
what the United States deems as violent extremist organizations, and what makes their
narratives resonate or fall on deaf ears?
As the United States equips, trains, advises, and
mentors armed elements, how do the populations think of armed forces and militias and the
use of violence?
How do the governments and other political actors in the region view extremist organizations,
and what are the relationships between these
organizations and various political stakeholders and powerbrokers, especially in the wake
of ongoing disruptive events, such as the Arab
How does the United States articulate threats
and security interests such that its activities
resonate as mutually beneficial global public
goods, as opposed to activities that support
narrow, selfish interests?26

With regards to working within an interagency

framework, one must confront the following

How can DoD and its interagency partners
synchronize and pace operations such that
individual armed units do not outpace larger
defense institutions, threatening the viability,
credibility, and professionalism of the armed
forces? How can individual armed units be
kept from outpacing legal, law enforcement,
and governing structures, threatening representative, civilian-led governance?27
How can DoD stay open and flexible enough in
its thinking to broaden its conceptualization of
threat, while at the same staying sharp enough
in its kinetic operations to deal effectively with
imminent, tangible, physical threats?

How can DoD and the Department of State
break down barriers and close seams that exist
across geographic combatant command boundaries and across regional bureaus?
During the past decade-plus of conflict, the U.S. Army
has faced numerous types of asymmetric threats from
adversaries seeking to evade U.S. Army overmatch capabilities on the battlefield. The Army responded by
developing rapid and adaptive processes to counter
and defeat these new threats. However, with the coming reduction of Army personnel and funding, there
is significant risk of the erosion of the capabilities and
knowledge gained over the course of these operations.
How can the Army best institutionalize the lessons
learned over the past decade, or should the Army


make the deliberate decision to relearn these capabilities in future conflict?28

Army Imperatives section of the

2013-14 Key Strategic Issues List

This quote addresses lessons from the past; however, a range of paradigm shifts make it a relevant
backdrop for thinking about AFRICOMs current focus and strategy. The overarching shift is a move away
from thinking of asymmetric threats strictly during
conflict and on the battlefield to thinking of asymmetric threats in a framework of prevention and shaping
across both physical and cognitive domains. Within
that framework, U.S. Army overmatch capabilities
become strategic Landpower efforts, sometimes kinetic and lethal, but often aimed at building partner
capacity to confront challenges. Traditional notions of
fighting on a battlefield transition to understanding
and interacting with dynamics of ungoverned spaces,
the Internet, traditional trade routes, urban centers,
and any of a number of unlimited spaces where narratives of violence may take root and give rise to
action. Defeat, while still including kinetic kill and
capture operations, now includes activities targeting
governance, development, security, and information,
aimed at making small, long-term, difficult-to-measure progress against ideology and conditions that
would make segments of the population vulnerable to
that ideology.
Any way one views it, the threat is still there. The
fact that the United States is, for now, pulling large
numbers of forces and significant formations from
the battlefield does not diminish that broader reality.
However, in a paradigm in which low-cost, small-foot-


print forces play a significant role in building partner

capacity to shape the environment and prevent conflict, AFRICOMs activities present an opportunity to
innovate, experiment, learn about challenges, and institutionalize effective interagency and multi-national
approachesnot necessarily under fire, but while leveraging the important lessons learned over the past
decade on the battlefield.
1. TRANSCRIPT: General Rodriguez on Security Cooperation
in Sub-Saharan Africa, available from
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.
4. For additional discussion on the mix and division of labor
between reserve and active component forces and special operations and conventional forces, see 2013-14 Key Strategic Issues List,
John F. Troxell, ed., Carlisle, PA: Strategic Studies Institute, U.S.
Army War College, pp. 1, 6, available from strategicstudiesinstitute.
and Sustaining U.S. Global Leadership: Priorities for 21st Century Defense, Washington, DC: DoD, January 2012, p. 3, available from For innovative, low-cost, small footprint approaches, see Sustaining U.S.
Global Leadership.
5. Statement of General Carter Ham before the Senate Armed
Services Committee, Washington, DC, March 7, 2013, p. 5, available from These statements are commonly referred to as posture


6. For enduring U.S. interests, see National Security Strategy,

Washington, DC: The White House, May, 2010, p. 7, available from
American interests are enduring. They are: The security of
the United States, its citizens, and U.S. allies and partners;
A strong, innovative, and growing U.S. economy in an open
international economic system that promotes opportunity
and prosperity; Respect for universal values at home and
around the world; and An international order advanced
by U.S. leadership that promotes peace, security, and
opportunity through stronger cooperation to meet global

7. Statement of General Ham before the Senate Armed

Services Committee, p. 3.
8. For further discussion on the link between extremist organizations, instability, and poor governance, see Charles W. Hooper, Going Farther by Going Together: Building Partner Capacity
in Africa, Joint Forces Quarterly, Issue 67, 4th Quarter 2012, p. 9,
available from
Africas security challenges are daunting: terrorism and
growing violent extremist organizations, piracy, and the illicit trafficking of arms, narcotics, and people. Poverty and
corruption in many regions contribute to an insidious cycle
of instability, conflict, environmental degradation, and disease that erodes Africans confidence in national institutions
and governing capacity. This, in turn, creates the conditions
for a wide range of transnational security threats that can
threaten Americas homeland and its regional interests.

9. Statement of General Ham before the Senate Armed

Services Committee, p. 5.
10. Ibid., p. 6.
11. Hooper, p. 9.


12. Sustaining U.S. Global Leadership, p. 3.

13. Redefining Americas Military Leadership, The National
Military Strategy of the United States of America, Washington, DC:
DoD, 2011, p. 6, available from
NMS%20FEB%202011.pdf. The strategy outlines that the United
States will be prepared to find, capture, or kill violent extremists
wherever they reside.
14. Strategic Landpower: Winning the Clash of Wills,
Washington, DC: U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command,
available from The introduction to
the white paper is signed by Raymond T. Odierno, GEN USA;
Chief of Staff, James F. Amos, Gen, USMC, Commandant; and
William H. McRaven, ADM, USN, Commanding. The authors
define strategic landpower as the application of Landpower
toward achieving overarching national or multinational (alliance
or coalition) security objectives and guidance for a given military
campaign or operation.
15. Ibid.
16. Ibid.
17. Ibid.
18. Troxell, p. 1.
19. As noted, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division is AFRICOMs regionally aligned force. Numerous sources
discuss the concept of regionally aligned forces. See, for instance,
Army Strategic Planning Guidance 2013, Washington, DC: U.S.
Department of the Army, available from
In Hooper, Going Farther by Going Together, p. 13, the author
states the following with regards to USAFRICOM:
The RAF (regionally aligned force) concept is an innovative
approach consistent with USAFRICOMs emphasis on operating with small teams and maintaining a light footprint. Security cooperation engagements will be conducted primar-


ily by small tailored units from within an aligned brigade.

This alignment over time will allow staff and subordinate
units to foster enduring security relationships and develop
expanded regional knowledge as well as an understanding
of our partners unique security requirements.

20. Operation ONWARD LIBERTY, available from

21. Atlas Accord, available from
22. Rich Bartell, Ugandans Train for Future AMISOM Mission, available from
23. TRANSCRIPT: General Carter Ham Discusses Security
Challenges, Opportunities at George Washington University,
available from
24. Statement of General Ham before the Senate Armed Services Committee, p. 14.
25. Strategic Landpower: Winning the Clash of Wills.
26. Daniel W. Drezner, Does Obama Have a Grand Strategy:
Why we need Doctrines in Uncertain Times, Foreign Affairs, Vol.
90, No. 4, July-August 2011, p. 65.
27. In security sector reform, the need for coordination and
synchronization of activities across government agencies is a recurring theme. See, for instance, U.S. Security Sector Assistance
Policy, Washington, DC: The White House, available from www. Also see Troxell, p. 18. This observation
is also based on conversations with several military and civilian
professionals with extensive experience in security assistance and
security sector reform.
28. Troxell, p. 2.


Andrew Gallo and Cindy Jebb
This work reflects the views of the authors and not the views of
the U.S. Government, Department of Defense, the U.S. Army,
or West Point. The authors would like to thank several scholars
in the Department of Social Sciences to include the Combating
Terrorism Center, especially Michael Meese, Reid Sawyer, Liam
Collins, Nelly Lahoud, Arie Perliger, Gabe Koehler-Derrick,
Alex Gallo, and Don Rassler, as well as P. H. Liotta, Angelica
Martinez, Assaf Moghadam, and Mark Crow. All have discussed
portions of this chapter especially as Cindy Jebb prepared several speeches and talks regarding this topic. This chapter builds
from and contains major portions of Jebb and Gallo, Adjusting the Paradigm: A Human Security Framework for Combating Terrorism, Chap. 16, Mary Martin and Taylor Owen,
eds., Handbook of Human Security, New York: Routledge Press,
2013, pp. 210-222.

In his last speech at the United States Military

Academy at West Point, New York, as the Secretary
of Defense in February 2011, Robert M. Gates warned
the Corps of Cadets that, while we cannot know with
absolute certainty what the future of warfare will
hold, we know that it will be exceedingly complex,
unpredictable, and unstructured. Matter-of-fact, he
When it comes to predicting the nature and location
of our next military engagement . . . our record has
been perfect. We have never once gotten it right, from


the Mayaguez to Grenada, Panama, Somalia, the Balkans, Haiti, Kuwait, Iraq, and morewe had no idea a
year before any of these missions that we would be so

Given the dynamic nature of the environment in

an era of complex local, regional, and global change,
it is helpful to consider a new paradigm with a set of
guiding principles that the U.S. military might leverage in its operations. Specifically, a human security
framework provides a multidimensional and comprehensive approach that offers decisionmakers a practical set of options to achieve realistic outcomes.
Before we examine security, there are some macro-level truths that we must first acknowledge. First,
Carl von Clausewitzs basic premisethat war is a
continuation of politics by other meansis a useful
foundation upon which we can build.2 This enduring
principle ought to be a touchstone as the United States
searches for a paradigm that will help guide national
security in a dangerous world. Second, we believe that
Secretary Gates aptly describes the current complex
In recent years the lines separating war, peace, diplomacy, and development have become more blurred,
and no longer fit the neat organizational charts of the
20th century. All the various elements and stakeholders working in the international arenamilitary and
civilian, government and privatehave learned to
stretch outside their comfort zone to work together
and achieve results.3

For the U.S. military, this reality means that it must

be prepared to operate effectively across a range of
operations, many of which will consist of a complicated mixture of lethal and nonlethal actions designed to

affect not only military conditions, but also political,

economic, social, and other conditions within a given
operational area.4 Moreover, there must be an equally
understood common purpose at all levels and across
the continuum. The military must not only synchronize
its own actions, it must also effectively strive for unity
of effort toward achieving a common goal with civilian organizations and non-U.S. military organizations
in the operational area. The nonlinear, fast-changing
nature of security environments requires that all leaders embrace the reality of these complex operations.
Past approaches have limited our ability to effectively anticipate, understand, and operate in these
complex environments. In fact, such approaches have
constrained our ability to understand the problem,
and in many cases reduced our thinking to binary dyads, such as we-they; us-them; peacekeeping-counterterrorism; and military-nonmilitary.5 While the world
appears much simpler when viewed in such a binary
manner, it causes security professionals to understate
or miss the important contextual dynamics necessary
for accurately assessing problems and capitalizing on
Military leaders must not only be able to solve nuanced, unstructured problems, they must also be able
to identify new problem sets; and this is increasingly
more challenging. In regards to terrorism, it is not sufficient to just understand the structure of al-Qaeda
(AQ); one must also understand its growing complexityhow it is morphing, influencing, and connecting
to other groups and individuals globally, regionally,
and locally. Many of these types of challenges require
a multidimensional approach, with the military in a
supporting role. Subsequently, military leaders must
be open to forming new teams that reflect diverse


perspectives and approaches whatever the operation,

guided by a common purpose and a unity of effort.
There are two major questions that permeate this
paradigm shift. First, how do we nurture strategic
thinking? This does not necessarily mean how do we
produce strategists? Rather, it asks how we develop
strategic thinking that is holistic, critical, creative, systematic, empathetic, and forward-leaning.6 This challenge applies not only to the military, but also across
the government, the private sector, and among hostnation and allied partners. Second, how do we make
sure that we do not lose the hard-earned lessons of the
past decade? For the United States, it is unfortunate
that the U.S. Army had to relearn counterinsurgency
after the U.S. experience in the Vietnam War. Now
that military operations have wound down in Iraq and
we are leaving Afghanistan, how do we ensure that
we do not lose critically important lessons learned?7
Within this context, the purpose of this chapter is to
share some thoughts on a potential way forward for
the military, specifically the U.S. Army.
The problem of terrorism was the initial driving
factor for our military engagements over the last decade.8 Bruce Hoffman, in a discussion at West Point
shared that, while terrorist organizations are dangerous, the real danger is the political movements that
they can spark. The Princeton Project refers to terrorism as a global insurgency with a criminal core . . .
that should be addressed by a counter-insurgency
that utilizes a range of tools. . . .9 These two views are
important for two major reasons. First, they suggest
that terrorism is not merely a military problem, but
one that must be addressed primarily with nonmilitary means. Second, they highlight the crisis of legitimacy found in many parts of the world where people
are also suffering from grave human insecurities.


The first step to understanding legitimacy is to
consider security from the individuals point of view.
This human security perspective opens up the security aperture in important ways.10 When the United
Nations (UN) presents aggregate data such as one billion people who lack access to clean water, two billion
people who lack access to clean sanitation, three million people who die from water related diseases annually, 14 million people (including 6 million children)
who die from hunger annually, and 30 million people
in Africa alone who have HIV/AIDS, it primarily describes and reflects myriad human insecurities and
the increasing global gap between the haves and the
While there are some commonalities among underdeveloped regions, they are far from all alike. One
commonality, however, is that many of these transnational forces are directly harmful to people, do not
recognize borders, and are particularly harmful to
susceptible regions that are already suffering. Human
security is a concept that both describes these conditions and provides an approach to better understand
their effects. The UN recognized this approach in a
1994 document:
The concept of security has far too long been interpreted narrowly: as security of territory from external
aggression, or as protection of national interests in
foreign policy or as global security from the threat of
nuclear holocaust. It has been related to nation-states
more than people. . . . Forgotten were the legitimate
concerns of ordinary people who sought security in


their daily lives. For many of them, security symbolized protection from the threat of disease, hunger,
unemployment, crime [or terrorism], social conflict,
political repression and environmental hazards. With
the dark shadows of the Cold War receding, one can
see that many conflicts are within nations rather than
between nations.12

Clearly, not all areas face the same insecurities.13

As we have witnessed, these insecurities frequently
have diffuse global effects, such as migrations, reverberations in Diaspora communities, environmental
impacts, and even the exportation of terrorism.14 The
human security paradigm should remind strategists
that they must approach issues holistically and empathetically; this painstaking analysis, patience, and
tenacity is imperative to reach a set of realistic, achievable outcomes that are the result of understanding the
problem, possible opportunities, and the identification of trade-offs and risks.
An effective human security framework and a set
of guiding principles must be oriented to achieving
realistic outcomes. While these outcomes will likely
vary in time and place, failing to establish realistic,
achievable ends will result in unfocused policies and
the eventual loss of political will. It is often understood
that a primary national interest is fostering a stable
world order. Our national security strategies suggest
that encouraging democracy would in fact lessen the
prevalence of terrorism.15 It is what we hope for in
Iraq and Afghanistan.
What would reducing the prevalence of terrorism
and stabilizing the world order entail? Ralf Dahrendorf explains stability as the sum of two key components: effectiveness and legitimacy:


Effectiveness . . . means that governments have to be

able to do things which they claim they can do . . .
they have to work. Legitimacy, on the other hand, is a
moral concept. . . . A government is legitimate if what
it does is right both in the sense of complying with
certain fundamental principles, and in that of being in
line with prevailing cultural values.16

Legitimacy is rooted in the people, not imposed.

This central concept suggests that achieving stability
requires tireless efforts, perseverance, and tenacity.
Small changes over time will make a difference. The
United States and the international community must
demonstrate strategic patience, while learning how to
better tap nonmilitary capital in ways that will make
a difference. For the United States, this may require
restructuring and properly resourcing its interagency
process, so that the United States may effectively leverage all aspects of its power, such as diplomatic,
economic, financial, agricultural, and commercial influences. Monitoring progress will be difficult but essential as policymakers, politicians, academics, business, nongovernmental organizations, and military
leaders forge an adaptable way ahead.
Tony Blair suggests that the first step in determining whether to intervene anywhere is to diagnose the
problem.17 Key to this process is to understand and
value the local perspective. To diagnose the problem
effectively, one must understand that often there is a
conflict eco-system at play.18 If you do not understand that eco-system, affecting change in one area
may produce unwanted change in another. The dynamic terrorist threat exists in such an eco-system.19
Therefore, it is important to rethink securityfor
whom, from whom, by whom, and with what means
to understand better this eco-system.20

The human security framework sheds light on the

importance of the local perspective. For example, while
international terrorism may be a U.S. priority, terrorism may not be the most pressing security problem
for the host nation or its people. In many areas, there
are far more pressing issues that affect daily survival.
Moreover, a foreign forces presence in a country itself
changes the security environment. The infrastructure,
whether it is new roads, bridges, or electric grids, that
the military provides enables the population, but also
the adversary. Our actions may inadvertently create
winners and losers. Even just moving vehicles may
disrupt activities. Clearly, the simple acts of showing
respect, reciprocity, and trust are extremely important
at the individual engagement level. Even acts of kindness can seem cruel in a country occupied by so-called
liberators. Empathic understanding is crucial.
This complex, uncertain, and unstructured environment presents a challenging landscape to assess
progress. Many times progress does not occur in a
linear fashion, and an overreaction may exacerbate
the situation. For example, as a country democratizes
and a terrorist group sees the window of opportunity
closing, there may actually be a spike in violence. For
Spain during the late-1970s and early-1980s, this was
the case with the Basque National Liberation Movement (ETA). Spains continuing adherence to democratic principles allowed it to contain and marginalize
ETA, while furthering the states legitimacy.21
It is also extremely difficult to assess adversaries
like AQ because it requires hard and continuous study
as the object of study constantly changes. A Combating Terrorism Center publication suggests the importance of assessing AQ across five dimensions: in terms
of its power to destroy, power to inspire, power to


humiliate, power to command, and power to unify.22

Moreover, it is difficult to distinguish among bandits,
terrorists, smugglers, thugs, and perhaps other illicit
actors who support peoples livelihoods. Yet, by not
distinguishing among them, there is grave risk of applying a strategy that might exacerbate the problem,
misunderstand risks, or engage the wrong people.
Of course, when we look only for threats, we miss
opportunities. Often, providing opportunities for others creates opportunities for ourselves. General David
Petraeus identified money as even more effective than
ammunition in the campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan.23 This new dimension of military activityexpeditionary economicssuggests that grave human insecurity in many areas is a result of very little effective
economic activity. The military has some tools that
may help it act as the paramedic before the civilian
experts are able to assist with long-term economic development.24 Having said this, it is important to take
the time to identify what economy does exist. What is
currently being produced? How is it produced? And
who benefits? There may be existing businesses, and
perhaps even local entrepreneurs, that could be supported.25 Military strategists must learn to map the
political landscape, taking note of both formal and informal leaders, in order to recognize the power structures that may help to alleviate human insecurities.
Many practitioners and scholars rightfully ask why
the West helps the rest when local or non-Western answers can be found. In fact, Petraeus first observation
in the article cited earlier concerns the importance of
empowering the local people. He quotes T. E. Lawrence: Do not try to do too much with your own
hands.26 Collaboration between international and local communities is important to build local stakehold-


ers on projects that are jointly planned and relevant.

While the United States and its allies want and ought
to help states counter terrorism, this help cannot be
at the expense of the local people, and it cannot allow
real grievances to be ignored.27
In decisions to empower local forces, as in all
strategic decisions, there are trade-offs that must be
acknowledged. Let us consider two here. First, states
must balance liberty and security. The temptation during wartime is to shift so much toward security that
governments and societies no longer reflect the values
that define and guide them. Strengthening local forces
sometimes produces gains in security at the expense
of losses in other values (including liberty) that Western societies hold dear. Striking the right balance in a
world faced with dire transnational security issues is
challenging. There is also a trade-off between urgent
and legitimate action. When urgent action must be
taken, it is easiest to operate unilaterally, but unilateral
action is frequently considered illegitimate. Moreover,
insurgents and terrorists try to provoke governments
to take harsh retaliatory measures through violent actions. The trade-off between urgency and legitimacy,
then, must also be carefully weighed.
Of course, the adversary faces its own trade-offs
and makes choices that we must understand, although
it is difficult for us to do so. Martha Crenshaw distinguishes between terrorists who have an effect in the
security environment and those who succeed in producing their desired outcome. To evaluate a terrorist
groups effect, one must observe outcomes alone, but
to assess the groups success one must understand its
intentions.28 Similarly, the international community
must distinguish between having an effect and succeeding; the two are not necessarily the same thing


since a quick win in the short term might undermine a

long-term strategic goal.
Traditionally, we apply military solutions to security problems, especially when we have a narrow view
of security. As the old saying goes, when all problems
are viewed as nails, there is no need to use anything
but a hammer. As noted earlier, the majority of security challenges do not fall cleanly in the traditional kinetic category. The human security framework
highlights this reality by shedding light on the transnational, multifaceted, and multidimensional nature
of the security environment. As we rightly apply a
human security lens and see more comprehensively
the multidimensional nature of security challenges, it
is imperative that we reassess the roles and missions
of militaries. Specifically, if war is a continuation of
policy through other means, as Clausewitz reminds
us, then how do we bring to bear an integrated approach across all dimensions of power, while realizing
that the nonlinear and complex nature of the security environment requires overlapping jurisdictions of
No one nation can address the challenges that face
all of humanity. The human security approach calls
for the sharing of intelligence, knowledge, and perspective in order to facilitate an integrated strategy
in support of policy. As discussed earlier, one of the
challenges is to identify early the indicators of terrorism, insurgency, or opportunity. The earlier, the better to detect and take appropriate action. This is very
difficult, but in order to shape the future, one must
be open to different possibilities by not only sharing
information, but applying different perspectives on
the issues. Moreover, collaboration between international and local communities is important to build lo-


cal stakeholders on projects that are jointly planned

and relevant.
We are not suggesting that the international community must embark on a full-out nation-building effort everywhere there is terrorism. Quite the contrary.
If terrorism is deemed a national and international
security threat, there are combinations of kinetic and
nonkinetic approaches that can address the terrorists
kinetically, while simultaneously holding state leaders
accountable and addressing the human insecurities in
society. By fully diagnosing the problem in context
and partnering among agencies internal to the U.S.
Government, local stakeholders, and the international
community, a more cost-effective early approach is
better than waiting until open conflict and war occur
at great costs. In other words, we offer a rethinking
of the tools to address what has been recognized as a
security environment that presents primarily nonmilitary challenges. While the military must accept its role
in this nontraditional context, it is time that the United
States and the international community capitalize on
the enormous but not yet fully tapped nonmilitary elements of power that reside in the U.S. Government,
society, and international community.
This rethinking is in line with the recent literature
regarding future roles and missions of the military
and specifically the Army. In the 2012 Army Strategic Planning Guidance, Secretary of the Army John M.
McHugh and Chief of Staff of the Army General Raymond T. Odierno emphasized that the Army must be
an indispensible partner and provider of a full range
of capabilities to Combatant Commanders in a Joint,
Interagency, Intergovernmental, and Multi-national
(JIIM) environment.29 In order to do so, these senior
leaders provide a prevent, shape, and win framework


supported by a regionally aligned force that will help

secure populations while assisting our allies security
forces. Such missions emphasize the development of
mutual understanding between the United States
and its allies. Understanding security from the individuals point of view by focusing on the concerns of
ordinary people must be an integral component of a
security model in todays operational environment.
From this discussion, we offer guiding principles
that inform strategic direction. We deliberately do not
offer a highly-detailed, cookie-cutter approach; the
security environment demands otherwise. However,
the human security lens offers some guiding principles that could best help inform not only decisions
on whether to intervene but how to intervene with
a better understanding of realistic outcomes. In fact,
while these guiding principles hold whether they are
in place at the highest levels of government or at the
small military unit level, they are mostly aimed at the
U.S. military.
Diagnose the Problem.
The human security lens raises the right questions
not only to best understand the changing dynamic of
a terrorist organization, but the context in which it is
operating, to include the regime and its leaders, as
well as all the environmental factors that affect human
survival and dignity.


Identify Opportunities.
The human security approach highlights the economic, political, religious, and societal landscape to
include informal leaders. This process leads to empowering local stakeholders, to include women.
Collaboratively Determine Achievable Outcomes.
While achieving national interests, the United
States and the international community must view
outcomes empathetically and in partnership with local
stakeholders. In other words, there must be an empathetic understanding of the sources of legitimacy and
the varied levels of state effectiveness. It is too easy to
impose our own views on such matters. Moreover, as
the security environment changes, we must be willing
to reassess outcomes.
Acknowledge that Assessments Are Hard.
Assessments are critical, but we must also acknowledge their difficulty. Quantitative assessments
do not adequately describe progress, given the nonlinear nature of complex situations; at worst, reliance
on the wrong quantitative indicator can serve to incentivize behavior that worsens the problem at hand.
It is important that assessment criteria be established
collaboratively to establish partnerships among local
stakeholders more firmly to best achieve both legitimacy and effectiveness.


Understand Trade-offs and Manage Risk.

The human security paradigm highlights tradeoffs, especially if there are losers and winners involved
in certain decisions. There may be trade-offs between
short- and long-term gains and between unilateral
and collaborative action. The important point is to
acknowledge those trade-offs and seek to better understand the risks involved, both to ensure informed
decisions and to better prepare for second and third
order effects.
Be Ready for Full-Spectrum Operations.
The military must be ready for full spectrum operations in any situation. Even within a short span of
distance, one local area may require immediate kinetic operations, while an adjoining area may require a
nonkinetic approach. Given the short- and long-term
uncertainties, the best hedge for now, and in the future, is competence across the full spectrum. It is this
imperative that we focus on in the last guiding principles, which describe aspects of our profession.
Be Self-Aware.
The actions a military takes, even with the best intentions, may have adverse effects, especially if those
actions include occupying another country. Units and
service members affect the security environment; adversaries adapt; over time the local populations can
become weary.


Value Human Capital.

Full spectrum competence under complex and
uncertain conditions requires a diverse set of talents.
As the U.S. military engages in talent management, it
must ensure that the professional requirements of its
members align with the personnel bureaucracy that
manages recruitment, retention, employment, and
Continually Professionalize Ourselves and Assist
with Professionalizing Other Militaries.
The military must ensure that its members continue to have the experiences, education, and training required to face complex challenges successfully
today and in the future. The positive impact that the
U.S. military has had professionalizing other militaries should not be underestimated. Build upon the interagency and coalition partnering that has occurred
over the last decade; educate and train alongside
these partners.
Prepare Future Leaders Both at Home and Abroad.
The challenges facing future leaders require strategic thinkers who embrace the warrior ethos and are
guided by moral-ethical principles. In short, the United States and its allies require leaders of character.
This point may seem self-evident, but it is worth stating explicitly in the midst of budget stringency. The
current programs at the Service Academies, War Colleges, and Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC)
educate and develop the U.S. officer corps, but their
international programs also achieve tremendous effects around the world.31

Let us revisit the concept of strategic thinking introduced earlier. In a recent Foreign Affairs piece, General (Ret.) Stanley McChrystal observed:
In Iraq, when we first started, the question was,
Where is the enemy? . . . As we got smarter, we started to ask, Who is the enemy? . . . And then . . . we
asked, Whats the enemy doing or trying to do? And
it wasnt until we got further along that we said, Why
are they the enemy?32

As Secretary Gates explained at a talk at West

Point, we cannot expect our officers to succeed in
these environments unless we provide them with the
right experiences, education, and incentives.33 There is
too much at stake to do any less.
1. Robert M. Gates, Speech to the United States Military Academy, February 25, 2011, available from
2. Carl von Clausewitz, Michael Eliot Howard and Peter Paret, eds. and trans., On War, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University
Press, 1989, p. 87.
3. Robert Gates, Washington, DC, July 15, 2008, as cited in
Mark Crow, Senior Conference XLVI, Bridging the Cultural Divide: NGO-Military Relations in Complex Environments, Senior
Conference Paper, West Point, NY, May 28-30, 2009.
4. Army doctrine refers to these operations as full-spectrum
operations. See Field Manual 5-0, The Operations Process, Washington, DC: Department of Defense, March 26, 2010.
5. See Azza Karam, Transnational Political Islam and the
USA: An Introduction, Azza Karam, ed., Transnational Political Islam: Religion, Ideology and Power, London, United Kingdom
(UK): Pluto Press, 2004, p. 2.

6. Gregory D. Foster, Teaching Strategic Thinking to Strategic Leaders, The World & I Online, November 2005, online edition. Also see Gregory D. Foster, Research, Writing, and the
Mind of the Strategist, Joint Forces Quarterly, Spring 1996.
7. Operations in Iraq and Afghanistan have wound down as
of this writing; however, the authors acknowledge that changes in
these two areas may slow or reverse this process.
8. For a full discussion on the definition of terrorism, see Cindy R. Jebb, P. H. Liotta, Thomas Sherlock, and Ruth Beitler, The
Fight for Legitimacy: Democracy vs. Terrorism, Westport, CT: Praeger Security International, 2006, pp. 3-5.
9. See Ibid., pp. 3-7, for a discussion on perceptions and definitions of terrorism. Bruce Hoffmans definition is from Bruce
Hoffman, Lecture at West Point, April 2004; the Princeton Project
reference comes from G. John Ikenberry and Anne-Marie Slaughter, Forging a World of Liberty under Law: U.S. National Security in
the 21st Century, Princeton, NJ: The Woodrow Wilson School of
Public and International Affairs, Princeton University, September
27, 2006, p. 9.
10. Note that this section is modified from Cindy R. Jebb, Laurel J. Hummel, Luis Rios, and Madelfia Abb, Human and Environmental Security in the Sahel: A Modest Strategy for Success,
P. H. Liotta et. al., Environmental Change and Human Security, The
Netherlands: Springer Books, 2008, pp. 343-353.
11. Part One: Towards a New Security Consensus, Report
of the High-Level Panel on Threats, Challenges, and Change to the Secretary General, New York: United Nations, p. 17, available from as cited in Jebb et al., Human
and Environmental Security, p. 346.
12. United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Report,
1994, pp. 3, 22-23, as quoted by P. H. Liotta, The Uncertain Certainty, Lanham, MD: Lexington, 2004, pp. 4-5.
13. The UNDP lists the following categories of insecurity:
economic, food, health, environmental, personal, community,
and political. UNDP, UN Development Report, Chap. 2, New
Dimensions of Human Security, pp. 22-25 as cited in P. H. Liotta

and Taylor Owen, Sense and Symbolism: Europe Takes on Human Security, Parameters, Vol. 36, No. 3, Autumn 2006, p. 90.
14. Also see Tedd Gurr, Why Minorities Rebel: Explaining
Ethnopolitical Protest and Rebellion, Minorities and Risk: A Global
View of Ethnopolitical Conflicts, Washington, DC: United States Institute of Peace, October 1997, pp. 123-138; and Robert Kaplan,
The Coming Anarchy, The Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 273, Issue 2,
February 1994, pp. 44-76.
15. Jebb et al., The Fight for Legitimacy, p. 6.
16. Ralf Dahrendorf, On the Governability of Democracies,
Roy C. Macridis and Bernard Brown, eds., Comparative Politics:
Notes and Readings, Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole Publishing
Company, 1990, pp. 285-286. Also see Jebb et al., The Fight for
Legitimacy, p. 7.
17. Tony Blair, Doctrine of the International Community,
Speech delivered to the Chicago Economic Club, April 22, 1999.
18. David Kilcullen, Counterinsurgency Redux, Small Wars
Journal, available from
19. David Kilcullen addresses the many differences between
the classical insurgent and the modern insurgent, calling attention to the complex conflict eco-system that harbours numerous
insurgent groups. See Kilcullen, p. 9-10.
20. This notion of security was discussed by P. H. Liotta in a
presentation at West Point, NY, January 11, 2011.
21. For more on this case, see Cindy R. Jebb, The Fight for
Legitimacy: Liberal Democracy Versus Terrorism, The Journal of
Conflict Studies, Vol. XXIII, No. 1, Spring 2003, pp. 126-152.
22. Al-Qaidas Five Aspects of Power, Combating Terrorism Center, CTC Sentinel, Vol. 2, No. 1, January 2009, p. 1.
23. David H. Petraeus, Learning Counterinsurgency: Observations from Soldiering in Iraq, Military Review, JanuaryFebruary 2006, p. 4.

24. Jeff Peterson and Mark Crow, Senior Conference Paper,

West Point, NY, 2011.
25. See Mark Crow, Economics and Counterinsurgency,
Briefing to 10th Mountain Division, March 2011.
26. Petraeus, p. 3.
27. Interestingly, the UNDPs Arab Development Report cited
the Arab world as suffering from three deficits: the freedom deficit; the womens empowerment deficit; and the human capabilities/ knowledge deficit relative to income. Womens empowerment should not be an after-thought, but rather it is essential to
addressing human insecurities and moving societies forward. The
Arab Human Development Report 2002: Creating Opportunities for
Future Generations, New York: United Nations Human Development Programme, p. 27.
28. Martha Crenshaw, Terrorism in the Algerian War, Terrorism in Context. University Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State
University Press, 2001, p. 475.
29. 2012 Army Strategic Planning Guidance, Washington, DC:
Department of Defense, p. 4.
30. See Talent Management Series beginning with Casey
Wardynski, David S. Lyle, and Michael Colarusso, Towards a U.S.
Army Officer Corps Strategy for Success: A Proposed Human Capital
Model Focused Upon Talent, Carlisle, PA: Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College, April 2009.
31. Ibid.
32. Gideon Rose, Generation Kill: A Conversation with
Stanley McChrystal, Foreign Affairs, Vol. 92, No. 2, March-April,
2013, p. 6.
33. Secretary of Defense Robert M Gates speech delivered
February 25, 2011 to the Corps of Cadets at West Point, New York.


Suzanne C. Nielsen
The views expressed in this chapter are those of the
author and do not purport to reflect the position of the
United States Military Academy, the Department of
the Army, or the Department of Defense.
As this volume goes to press, the author notes that
Secretary of the Army John McHugh approved the
creation of a Cyber Branch within the Army on September 1, 2014. This chapter, which was written prior
to this development, remains useful to thinking about
the desirable characteristics of this branch and the
supporting changes within the Army that are needed
if this innovation is to succeed.

In addition to the need to adapt to ensure that

Landpower remains relevant in meeting the countrys
security needs, the senior leaders of todays Army face
a fundamentally new challenge. They must develop
forces capable of operating and defending military networks in a contested cyber environment and conducting full-spectrum cyberspace operations in the service
of the national interest. While instituting change in
military organizations is never easy or quick, meeting
this new imperative poses a special combination of
challenges that adds to the usual difficulties.
This chapter seeks to provide useful context for
this new mission, while briefly outlining what mission accomplishment may require. First, it puts the
problem in perspective by tracing the need for military cyber force development back to changes in the
strategic environment. Second, it acknowledges that

military innovation is necessary but not sufficient; it

must occur in the context of supporting developments
across the interagency in order to be fully successful. Third, it surveys existing propositions about how
change occurs in military organizations, and explores
their implications in light of the need to build military forces capable of meeting the demands of military
cyberspace operations. Finally, it concludes with a
brief survey of changes within the U.S. Army to date.
Though the Army has made progress, its efforts fall
short of true innovation. It has not yet developed cyber personnel or organizations designed to approach
military cyberspace operations as a fundamentally
new way of war.
Over the last several decades, the United States
and other economically and technologically advanced
countries have become dependent on cyberspace. In
an amazingly short period of time, the Internet has
gone from being a venue for collaboration among a
small circle of trusted users to a place where individuals and organizations around the world communicate
and obtain information, make and store wealth, operate critical infrastructure, and perform vital national
security functions. Even Americans who do not own
a computer cannot avoid dependence on cyberspace,
given that their personal information, economic activities, communications, and the essential services
on which they rely have reflections in or depend on
For society as a whole, one need look no further
than the U.S. financial system to get a sense of how


significant cyberspace has become. A disruption to

the New York Stock Exchange that had its origins in
cyberspace would be significant; a fundamental loss
of confidence in the system would have grave consequences for U.S. and global economies with difficultto-forecast ripple effects across society, government,
and the international system.
The growing dependence of critical societal functions on cyberspace has not yet been accompanied by
commensurate efforts to secure that space. This situation is made all the more dangerous by the existence
of a wide array of malicious actors with increasingly
dangerous capabilities. Those who seek to protect networks or other cyberspace resources are generally at a
structural disadvantage, given that security has often
taken a back seat to other goals such as functionality
in system and architecture design. The vulnerabilities
that do exist are subject to being exploited by diverse
threat actors who range from individual hackers, to
criminal groups, to states. Their activities include intrusion, theft, disruption, and even destruction. This
destruction could occur through the deployment of
malware designed to destroy information technologies, or the use of cyberspace to manipulate industrial
control systems that regulate the operation of systems
essential to critical infrastructure or other industrial
processes in physical space. An example of the latter
was the Stuxnet worm, discovered in June 2010, which
damaged a number of uranium enrichment centrifuges in Iran. Though such incidents have a dramatic
impact, other activities like the widespread theft of
intellectual property from American universities and
companies could have implications that are of even
greater significance for the long-term prosperity and
security of the country.


The dependence of modern societies on a cyberspace that is fundamentally insecure constitutes a significant transformation in the strategic environment
in which the United States advances and protects its
national interests. To date, however, the U.S. Government and private sector have barely begun to grapple
with the full implications of this transformation. One
could find fault with individual leaders or organizations across the public and private sectors for a slow
rate of progress, but it is useful to recognize the inherent difficulties involved.
Since a full enumeration of the difficulties in securing cyberspace would require more space than is
appropriate here, this section will describe just three
examples for illustrative purposes. First, cyberspace is
relatively unique in that internationally-agreed upon
protocols allow users to operate as if international
borders did not exist. Geography is not completely
irrelevant, since sovereignty can still be exerted over
cyber infrastructure that is physically located within
a particular country. Nevertheless, borders are much
less salient for a variety of reasons, including the insignificance of physical distance; the speed at which
cyberspace operates; and the difficulty of attributing a
cyber activity to the responsible actor. Second, cyberspace is intrinsically a multi-stakeholder domain in
which private sector actors play a leading role. In the
United States, for example, the private sector builds
most cyberspace resources, owns and operates cyber
infrastructure, and provides the vast majority of the essential services upon which the functioning of society
relies. As they conduct these activities, private sector
entities respond to market incentives; in the aggregate,
their activities may not produce a level of risk that is
acceptable to society as a whole. Government actions


to address this situation through regulations or the establishment of standards are highly contentious and
politically charged. As a third issue, tradeoffs between
security and the privacy and civil liberties of individual citizens seem stark, which complicates efforts by
the U.S. Government to improve cyber security. It is
undoubtedly possible to improve cyber security while
simultaneously protecting civil liberties and privacy,
but technical complexity increases the difficulty of explaining such initiatives. In addition, it is likely that
many Americans do not fully understand the risks to
their welfare and privacy that exist in the status quo,
which leads to weak public support for new policies.
Efforts to advance and protect U.S. national interests in this new strategic environment are not primarily the responsibility of the Department of Defense
(DoD), but DoD and the military services have a role
to play. The relatively borderless nature of cyberspace poses a challenge, given that U.S. laws and the
structure of the government were developed to deal
with a world in which distinctions between foreign
and domestic were clear, relevant, and useful. To
mitigate the risks that dependence on cyberspace creates, departments and agencies will have to leverage
their unique authorities while engaged in an intense
form of operational collaboration that does not come
To see why strong interagency partnerships are
necessary, consider a scenario in which an adversary
state actor uses foreign and domestic cyber infrastructure to disrupt the operations of critical infrastructure.


As a result of its responsibilities and legal authorities,

the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) within the
Department of Justice has the lead with regard to law
enforcement and domestic counterintelligence activities. It therefore has a necessary role in any effort to address the malicious use of cyber infrastructure within
the United States. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) will also need to leverage its authorities
and capabilities to protect the private sector by establishing standards and orchestrating requests for technical support. In the scenario already described, DHS
has a vital role to play in lessening the vulnerability
of critical infrastructure and in consequence management. The intelligence community is a third important
player, as it is the essential provider of intelligence on
foreign threats and indications and warning. In the
previous scenario, the intelligence community would
be a source of information about foreign intentions
and capabilities that would lead to better defenses;
ideally, the intelligence community could also provide real-time information that would allow an attack
to be stopped before succeeding. Finally, the DoD has
a critical role to play in defending the country from
foreign threats, when ordered to do so, through military activities abroad or through defense support to
civil authorities. As Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel
has made clear, the responsibility of the DoD to defend the country extends to the cyber domain.1 This
could include the use of military forces in cyberspace
to defeat an attack.
It is within this strategic context that the development of Army cyber forces should be assessed. The
establishment of Cyber Command in 2010 reflected
an appreciation that the military needed to unify its
approach to cyberspace operations. It also reflected


a decision to take a fundamentally joint approach.

Rather than assign a particular military service the
responsibility for cyberspacea role that the U.S.
Air Force sought unsuccessfullycyberspace operations are similar to other military operations in that
they will be conducted by joint force commanders.
The military services must train, equip, and provide
forces to these commanders. Though its creation was a
critical step forward, U.S. Cyber Command is a small
headquarters of less than 1,000 people. The forces that
will provide the capability and capacity the military
needs to operate in cyberspace must be built by the
military services.
When thinking about military change, it is useful
to start by recognizing that innovations that lead to
the more effective or efficient performance of military
tasks cannot be taken for granted. Like all large organizations, military services seek to coordinate the efforts of a large number of people to perform collective
tasks. To make this possible, they are designed for stability rather than change. The organizations, processes, and incentive structures that foster this stability
can also create vested interests and an organizational
culture that favor the status quo.2 In addition, the
armed services are government bureaucracies whose
leaders operate in an environment of constraints.
Whereas executives in the private sector have discretion over basic choices such as what their organizations will produce, executives in government cannot
entirely set their own goals and have limited ability
to allocate resources such as a labor and capital in the


manner they see fit. Government executives have an

incentive to define their organizations jurisdiction
and to seek ways to reduce the costs of maintaining
that turf. As political scientist James Wilson points
out, In a government agency, maintenance requires
obtaining not only capital (appropriations) and labor
(personnel) but in addition political support.3 Substantial change usually requires the management of
diverse internal and external constituencies, as well as
stakeholders and overseers across the executive and
legislative branches. Finally, change in military organizations can be plagued with uncertainty. In peacetime, militaries can try to assess effectiveness through
wargaming or simulation, but the real test is likely to
occur in the high-stakes environment of combat when
lives are on the line.4 This may tend to produce a natural conservatism when it comes to decisionmaking
about change.
In the face of these substantial challenges, some
have argued that change in military organizations is
likely to occur only under special circumstances: when
demanded by a political leader from outside the organization; in response to a major organizational failure;
or in response to budget constraints.5 Key obstacles to
the first source of change include the difficulty busy
political leaders face in acquiring adequate knowledge to drive reform and in ensuring that reforms are
carried out. Organizational failure, the second source
of change, does not always enable those responsible
for change to see how to perform better. As security
studies scholar Stephen Rosen has pointed out, failure could simply lead to more failure.6 Finally, a lack
of resources will not necessarily produce improvements; organizations may simply become less capable. In sum, while these three situations may some-


times contribute to positive change, there is nothing

within them that makes organizational improvements
As Wilson points out, change in government
seems to be a highly contingent process about which
no general theory exists. However, it is possible to
make some valuable, limited generalizations. Following Wilsons definition of innovation as consisting of
a change in core tasks, Rosen defines military innovation as a change in one of the primary combat arms
of a service in the way it fights or alternatively, as the
creation of a new combat arm.7 Rosen argues that innovation requires the development of a new theory
of victory, promising career paths for specialists in
the new way of war, and organizations in which these
specialists can be employed. In sum, peacetime military innovation occurs when respected senior military
leaders formulate a strategy for innovation that has
both intellectual and organizational components.8
A second type of change in military organizations
is reform, defined as an improvement in or the creation of a significant new program or policy that is intended to correct an identified deficiency.9 A reform
does not necessarily require a new theory of victory
or a change in core tasks. However, it does require
institutionalization. Like innovation, the role of leaders within military organizations can be critical since
meaningful change requires deliberate effort over a
substantial period of time. To have impact, the implementation of reform should occur in an integrated
fashion across doctrine, training practices, personnel
policies, organizations, equipment, and leader development programs. An example is the transformation
of the U.S. Army between the Vietnam War and the
1991 War in the Persian Gulf. Though it did not change
its core task, it became much more operationally and

tactically effective through a program of integrated

reforms in a number of areas. The implementation of
this kind of holistic change is generally possible only
when these changes are underpinned by sound analytical work and implemented by an organizational
entity with broad authority over the development of
the entire organization.
Both these forms of military change are relevant to
the development of needed cyber capabilities within
the U.S. Army today. Rosens conception of innovation is applicable to thinking about the creation of
cyber forces. These forces would need to draw on expertise fostered through the development of new career pathways and employed in new organizational
constructs. New cyber units would also have in common with the traditional combat arms of infantry, armor, and field artillery the capability to deliver effects.
The idea of reform is also useful in thinking about the
integration of cyber capabilities across the force. All
U.S. Army formations depend upon assured access to
communications and information technology for the
accomplishment of their missions. Commanders and
staffs across the Army will need to be able to integrate
cyber capabilities into their military operations, while
all users of cyber resources have a role in contributing
to their effective operation and defense.
Another important factor that may impact the
prospects for innovation or reform is organizational culture. As pointed out by defense analyst Carl
Builder, members of the military services tend to have
particularly strong collective values and worldviews
reinforced through long years of service. The material
interests of the services and the self-worth of individuals within them may become intertwined in a complex fashion, shaping how the services see the tasks


that are appropriate to them as well as threats.10 Several scholars, to include Elizabeth Kier in her study
of armies in the interwar period and Andrew Krepinevich in his study of the U.S. Army in Vietnam, have
argued that organizational culture can make armies
resistant to change.11 It should be noted that organizational culture need not always operate in this manner.
Military historian Williamson Murray, for example,
argues that the German Army in the interwar period
had a culture of critical examination that was conducive to learning and to change.12 However, these
three scholars are likely to agree that organizational
culture matters and should be examined for the likely
impediments or impetus to change that it creates.
While Wilson may be right that there is no single,
general theory capable of accounting for change in
government bureaucracies, the literature surveyed
does suggest some useful questions:
Do senior leaders within the Army embrace the
need to develop cyber forces and to integrate
cyber capabilities across the force?
Is there a new career pathway for specialists in
military cyberspace operations?
Is there a single organizational entity responsible for ensuring an integrated approach to
cyber force development?
How does Army culture create opportunities
or obstacles to the development of cyber forces
and the integration of cyber capabilities across
the force?
At this point, answers to these questions are preliminary since the development of cyber forces within
the U.S. armed forces is in its early stages. Nevertheless, attempting to answer these questions is useful in


assessing the Armys progress to date as well as prospects for future change.
Before addressing these questions, however, there
are four aspects of military cyberspace operations that
should be discussed since they shape the context and
impetus for change. First, due to the highly classified
nature of threat activity, a general lack of experience
with the consequences of adversary action, and a
broad unfamiliarity with the range of potential effects
that cyber forces can produce, there is lingering uncertainty about both the necessity to change and the
potential value added of cyber forces.
Second, it should be acknowledged that the development of cyber forces must contend with service
perspectives about core tasks. As mentioned, DoD
is currently approaching cyberspace operations as a
joint activity. This may facilitate progress; Army cyber forces may have a natural advantage in providing
support to ground force commanders due to familiarity with their needs, and the same may also be true
of the other services. However, the fact that military
cyberspace operations are joint also means that no
service views cyberspace operations as a core task.
Instead, cyberspace operations may be viewed as an
add-on, and potentially a draw on resources better devoted to capabilities at the center of a services view of
its contribution to the joint force. Cyber forces are not
carrier task forces to the Navy, advanced fighters to
the Air Force, or brigade combat teams to the Army.
In an environment that is fiscally constrained, this


could lead all services to neglect their development. A

useful historical parallel might be the position of special operations forces within the military services. The
sense that they were not adequately developed by the
services eventually led Congress to intervene with the
creation of Special Operations Command (SOCOM)
and the granting of at least some role to SOCOM in
shaping the development of capabilities.
Just as military cyberspace operations in the past
have not been viewed by the Army as one of its core
tasks, they also have not been viewed by any of the
communities within the Army as its central function.
The Armys Signal Corps historically has provided,
operated, and sought to secure communications systems through a compliance-oriented approach. Unfortunately, a compliance-oriented approach to securing
networks is no longer adequate given rapid advances
in information technology as well as the increasing
capabilities of threat actors. Instead of believing that
adherence to set standards will result in adequate
security, it is necessary to presume that all information systems and networks will remain vulnerable
and to be proactive in countering threats. The Armys
Military Intelligence Corps, on the other hand, has
conducted intelligence operations in cyberspace and,
when ordered, applied this same expertise to attack.
The Military Intelligence Corps is therefore expert on
network exploitation and the threat, but not on the operations, security, and defense of friendly networks.
This situation leads to a fragmented and suboptimal
approach to cyberspace operations, which would ideally be conducted by a single force that operates, defends, and attacks in an integrated manner.13 In addition, because both the Signal and Military Intelligence
communities view cyberspace operations as only one


of their tasks, they may not emphasize investments

toward accomplishment of the cyber mission.
A third aspect of military operations in cyberspace
to consider is their transnational nature, which may
lead to the need for different constructs and concepts
than military operations in the physical domains. For
example, regional combatant commanders are accustomed to control over all U.S. military forces in
their geographic areas of responsibility. Given the
interconnected nature of cyberspace, the speed of
developments in that domain, and the insignificance
of physical distance, it is not clear that concepts and
doctrine developed for the physical domains will be
appropriate. The actions of adversaries in cyberspace
are not bound by geography, increasing the need to
collaborate with other commands, interagency partners, or allies. In addition, given that cyberspace is
a multi-stakeholder environment, policy considerations and requirements for interagency deconfliction
may drive a need for centralized decisionmaking that
exceeds what is commonly required for traditional
military operations.
Finally, there are aspects of military cyberspace
operations that run counter to some aspects of service
culture. In the case of the Army, the talents and character traits needed for cyberspace operations are unlikely to match fully the characteristics that the Army has
traditionally sought in its soldiers, demanding a new
model for attracting, retaining, training, employing,
and promoting the right people for this new mission.
In addition, military operations in cyberspace require
highly specialized training and experience which can
be fully developed and utilized only over a substantial
period of time. This poses a challenge to the Armys
bias toward the development of generalists who gain


broad experience through relatively short periods of

service in diverse duty positions. Finally, though some
on-the-ground support may always be necessary, the
Army may need to accept that operations conducted
remotely may be more effective.
Though the Army has made progress in its development of cyber capabilities, significant challenges
remain. To provide greater resolution, it is useful to provide preliminary answers to the questions
raised earlier.
Do senior leaders within the Army embrace the
need to develop cyber forces and to integrate cyber capabilities across the force? The answer to this question
would appear to be yes. On numerous occasions,
Chief of Staff of the Army General Raymond Odierno
has embraced the need to develop cyber forces within
the Army and to enhance cyber capabilities across
the Armys formations. However, while this rhetorical support is important, it is likely that senior leaders
below the level of Odierno who are able to focus more
specifically on cyber force development are probably
needed to pioneer a new cyber force. It is not yet clear
who these leaders will be, especially given the incentives that the branches of Signal Corps and Military
Intelligence have to limit their investments in cyberspace operations.
Is there a new career pathway for specialists in military cyber operations? As discussed, if the Army does
create new units with the core mission of conducting
integrated cyberspace operationsacross the missions to operate, defend, and attackthe key source
communities are likely to be the Signal Corps and


Military Intelligence. To date, the Military Intelligence

Corps has created one new enlisted military occupational specialty, and the Signal Corps has created one
new warrant officer specialty. The Signal Corps has
also discussed additional changes, to include changes
to its officer corps. However, these changes are within
the traditional areas of focus of these two communities: the Signal Corps operates and defends, and the
Military Intelligence Corps exploits and attacks. New
specialties capable of integrating across previously
separate mission areas have yet to be created; within
current branch structures, it seems unlikely this will
happen. In addition, there are no new career pathways
for the commissioned officers who will lead future
cyber formations.
With regard to cyber force development, it is hard
to overstate the significance of the absence of a career
path for officers who want to specialize in this new
combat specialty. Since cyberspace operations are not
viewed as a core task by the involved communities,
officers who work in this field may run the risk of being marginalized. Those who do work in this area are
unable to remain dedicated to the cyber mission and
have a successful career. Faced with this situation,
some of the most experienced and talented emerging
experts will choose to leave the service. Until there is
a career pathway for the Armys cyber leaders, and
an organizational structure within which they can be
trained, utilized, and promoted, cyber force development in the Army will progress slowlyif at all.
Is there a single organizational entity responsible
for ensuring an integrated approach to personnel
policies, doctrine, training, leader development, and
organizations? When it was first stood up as an operational command in 2010, Army Cyber Command was


also given force proponency for the development of

cyber capabilities. Though this sounds like the means
to a unified approach, in reality force development remained fragmented. As branches of the Army, Signal
and Military Intelligence continued to operate distinct
force development processes. There were separate
and distinct approaches to personnel, doctrine, training, leader development, and organizations across the
missions that together constitute cyberspace operations. In addition, the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) retained other functions
relevant to cyber force development.
In addition to having responsibility for force proponency that was arguably unmatched by its authorities, Army Cyber Command also had limited authority
as an operational entity. It could exercise operational
control over what the U.S. Army Network Command
(Signal) and U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command (Military Intelligence) labeled cyber, which
gave these organizations the incentive to limit explicit
commitments to cyberspace operations.
The Army has recently made progress in this
area, though it has preserved a degree of separation
between the Signal Corps and Military Intelligence
Community. The progress was a recent decision by
the Army Chief of Staff to return cyber force development responsibilities to TRADOC, which was originally designed to be the force development integrator
across the Army. However, the Army also created the
new Cyber Center of Excellence (the term used by the
Army for its branch centers and schools) out of the
former Signal Center of Excellence. It is not yet clear
whether this Cyber Center of Excellence will eventually be able to integrate cyber force development across
all relevant missions.


Cyber force development in the Army remains at

a nascent stage. Doctrine remains to be written, career paths are yet to be established, organizations that
blend the needed expertise of the Signal and Military
Intelligence communities below the level of Army Cyber Command are yet to be created, and robust training and certification for cyber units and for leaders
and operators across the force are in the early stages
of being established. Where changes have been made,
they have fallen short of making cyberspace operations a new core task for any of the relevant communities within the Army, and the Army as a whole is
just beginning to gain an appreciation of how the new
strategic environment should shape its operations
across the physical and cyber domains.
How does current Army culture create opportunities for and/or obstacles to the development of cyber
forces and the integration of cyber capabilities across
the force? As the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are
drawing to a close, the Army is focused on recapturing the basic, tactical competencies for high-intensity
conflict that have degraded during the decade since
September 11, 2001. For example, one of the Armys
major leader development initiatives has been to reemphasize the role of the observer-controller in the
combat training centers as a critical developmental
opportunity for company grade officers. While this
initiative may be constructive, the priority placed on
it does not necessarily reflect a culture that is eager
to embrace cyber personnel with unique characteristics who engage in long periods of service in highlyspecialized organizations and who may operate most
effectively when located remotely from the close fight.
The Army may be able to accommodate multiple sets
of career expectationsone for those engaged in tra-


ditional, ground combat roles and another for those

who fight in cyberspacebut that remains to be seen.
The pressure to prize the former over the latter could
be even more intense as the Army faces a reduction in
force structure and stringent fiscal constraints.
The creation of cyber forces within todays military services poses many challenges. In this regard,
the Army is not unique; the challenges manifest themselves in varying ways across all the services. In fact,
these challenges may be so great that the only real solution may become the creation of a completely new
service that has military cyberspace operations as its
core task from the very beginning. Until this happens,
however, what the services do will matter. Can they
succeed at the admittedly difficult task of military innovation? Or, instead, are the challenges too great?
Concerned observers are left hoping that the United
States does not have a cyber war on its hands before it
has the military forces it will need to fight it.
1. See, for example, Secretary Chuck Hagels speech at the
University of Nebraska, June 19, 2013, in which he stated: DoD
has a responsibility to defend our nation, and that extends to cyberspace, available from
2. There are numerous studies that make these points, to include: Graham Allison and Phillip Zelikow, Essence of Decision,
2nd Ed., New York Addison-Wesley Educational Publishers,
1999; Morton H. Halperin, Bureaucratic Politics and Foreign Policy,
Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution, 1978; Carl Builder,
The Masks of War: American Military Styles in Strategy and Analysis,


Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1989; and

Richard A. Stubbing with Richard A. Mendel, The Defense Game:
An Insider Explores the Astonishing Realities of Americas Defense Establishment, New York: Harper & Row Publishers, 1986.
3. James Q. Wilson, Bureaucracy: What Government Agencies Do
and Why They Do It, New York: Basic Books, Inc., 1989, p. 181.
4. Stephen Peter Rosen, Winning the Next War, Ithaca, NY:
Cornell University Press, 1991, pp. 8, 69-71; Williamson Murray, Innovation: Past and Future, in Military Innovation in the
Interwar Period, Williamson Murray and Allan Millett, eds., Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1996, p. 301.
5. For the expectation that military organizations will stagnate when left on their own, see Barry R. Posen, The Sources of
Military Doctrine, Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1984.
6. Rosen, pp. 8-9.
7. Ibid., p. 7.
8. Ibid., pp. 7, 20-21.
9. This discussion draws on Suzanne C. Nielsen, Preparing
for War: The Dynamics of Peacetime Military Change, Ph.D.
Diss. Harvard University, 2003, especially Chap. 1. This definition is from p. 16.
10. Builder, p. 6.
11. See Elizabeth Kier, Imagining War: French and British Doctrine Between the Wars, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press,
1997; and Andrew F. Krepinevich, Jr., The Army and Vietnam, Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1986.
12. Murray, Innovation, pp. 312-318.
13. This section draws on Robert K. Ackerman, Cyber Command Redefines the Art, Signal, June 1, 2013, available from





Nadia Schadlow
Todays complex world creates an environment that
requires much more of our leaders. It is not enough
to be technically and tactically proficient. We must be
able to assess, understand, adapt, and yet still be decisive. We have to think through complex multidimensional problems, taking into account the diplomatic,
economic, military, political, and cultural implications
of every action. And we have to do all of this in an
age of instantaneous global communication, an age
in which the flow of information and its influence on
the local and global audience is often just as important as military action in determining the outcome of
General Raymond Odierno1

In Afghanistan and Iraq, some of the earliest lessons were that the consolidation of combat victories
required an understanding of the human domain of
the contested landscape in which U.S. troops were operating. Accounts of the wars, from soldiers to general
officers, stressed that U.S. planning and preparation
had not taken physical, cultural, and social environments adequately into account. The concept of the human domain seeks to account for these factors, and in
so doing to connect tactical and operational battlefield
actions to desired strategic outcomes.2 It also helps to
guide leader development, as the U.S. Army forms officers capable of operating in the contested political,
economic, cultural, and social environments that 21st
century warfare entails.


The human domain concept holds that although
trained in the controlled application of combat power,
[Army soldiers] quickly became fluent in the controlled application of national power.3 The Army is
developing the concept of the human domain and introducing it to soldiers on several levels. At the strategic level, the Strategic Landpower initiative, led by
the Army Chief of Staff, the Marine Corps Commandant, and the Commanding General of U.S. Special
Operations command (SOCOM) describes the human
domain concept.4 The Strategic Landpower initiative
is an effort to study the application of Landpower to
achieve national objectives and to convey the idea
that we must think beyond the battlefield and consider what else is required to turn joint tactical victories into strategic success. The concept describes war
as inarguably the toughest of physical challenges,
and that we therefore tend to focus on the clash and
lose sight of the will and that as a result, more attention needs to be paid to those contextual factors that
influence peoples perceptions and actions, be they
government and military leaders or groups within a
A recent discussion of the strategic Landpower
concept by commander of SOCOM Lieutenant General Charles Cleveland and Special Forces officer Lieutenant Colonel Stuart Farris (who served six tours in
Afghanistan as a member of the 3rd Special Forces
Group [Airborne]), compares that concept to the earlier development of Air-Land Battle.6 Air-Land Battle
emerged in response to the threat posed by the Soviet
military and the recognition that an attrition based


strategy would not be suitable for dealing with the

Soviet threat. In todays context, the strategic Landpower concept emerged in response to the likelihood
that enemies would continue to pursue asymmetric
advantages against the United States, through unconventional, irregular, and hybrid means. As a result,
Cleveland and Ferris argue that forces will be required
to understand populations within the operational context and take actions to influence human behavior to
achieve desired outcomes. Overall, they observe that
combat power in the form of superior weapon systems
and new technologies may lead to tactical successes
but that strategic success will require a more complete
understanding of the human domain.
Also at the strategic level, the human domain concept is being reinforced through the Armys development and implementation of regionally aligned forces. Regionally aligned units are organized for specific
mission sets and regional conditions. By aligning unit
headquarters and rotational units to combatant commands and tailoring combatant training centers and
exercises to plan for likely contingencies, it is hoped
that units will be given the focus and time to gain the
expertise and cultural awareness required to meet regional requirements more rapidly and effectively. In
March 2013, the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division (2/1ID) was designated to support U.S.
Africa Commands security cooperation and partnering requirements. Teams of soldiers from the brigade
will deploy to multiple African countries to engage
in partnering and training events and to support bilateral and multinational military exercises. Over the
next few years, the Army will establish the alignment
of I Corps to U.S. Pacific Command, III Corps to U.S.
Central Command, and XVIII Corps to the Global


Response Force. In addition the Army will align divisions to U.S. Southern Command, U.S. Northern
Command, U.S. European Command, and U.S. Africa
Command and will later align brigades to support
theater requirements. Of significance vis--vis these
regional alignments is that in the past, although the
Army aligned Corps and even brigades to certain areas, they did so for operational war plans and not for
shaping operations during peacetime.
These efforts reflect dual acknowledgement of the
importance of how local and regional political and
cultural factors will shape U.S. outcomes and the importance of prioritizing leader development topics for
mission accomplishment. Regionally aligned forces
will require soldiers to study, in detail, the places
they are likely to deploy to, which, according to commander of the Armys Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) General Robert Cone, must be an
intellectual commitment. Moreover, there will tactical andoperational benefits: in preparing for regional
deployments, units will begin experimenting with the
right mix of cultural, language, andtacticaltraining
during the pre-deployment period. Soldiers will develop a greater appreciation forworking with foreign
militariesand developing capabilitiesthat may be required in future conflicts; officers will develop a better
appreciation for drivers of instability in regions and
how (and how not) to build capabilities and capacity
with partnered units.
At the tactical and operational levels, the human
domain concept is being advanced through two important areas of training and education which have
been directly informed by experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan: mission command and wide area security
operations. First, the political, cultural, and social is-


sues that comprise the human domain are being introduced through the U.S. Armys broader focus on
mission command. Mission command is the U.S. militarys principle of empowering junior officers to exercise independent judgment in the absence of real-time
guidance from above. In Iraq and Afghanistan, enormous decisionmaking authorities devolved to lower
levels and the current effort to advance mission command seeks to inculcate this reality of modern combat.
Mission command comprises more than the human domain, but it is through the mission command
concept that issues related to this domain are being
brought to soldiers attention. With the new awareness
of the human domain, mission command now encourages leaders at all levels to understand the principle
of influencing people in the local area as well as winning kinetic battles. Contemporary discussions about
mission command identify the requirement that the
commander must understand the problem, envision
the end state, and visualize the nature and design of
the operation.7
Success will require an understanding of the political, social, and cultural environment in which a unit
operates. Throughout the recent wars, small units
conducted decentralized operations across wide areas. Operations, led by young officers, involved continuous interactions between friendly forces, enemy
organizations, and civilians. Small units were directly
affected by the need to plan for and operate among
the reconstruction requirements of local populations.
Since each engagement with the enemy carried political, social, and cultural consequences, soldiers at the
tactical level had to deal with local politics.8 While
there are ongoing debates about the nature of future
war and the degree to which it will involve protracted


on the ground deployments, most engagements involving U.S. Army troops will require the skills associated with mission command and the human domain.
Wide area security is a core operational concept
through which the human domain idea is also being
introduced to Army leaders. The 2009 Army Capstone
Concept, the more recent 2012 Capstone document,
and Army Doctrine Publication (ADP) 3-0, Unified Land
Operations, articulate the wide area security concept.
Wide area security is the ability to deny the enemy
positions of advantage, to consolidate gains and to
protect populations, forces, activities and infrastructure in an area of operations. It involves the ability
to respond to the evolving character of a conflict by
developing the situation through action and by continuously assessing of tactical, operational, strategic,
and political contexts in order to defeat the enemy
and support allies. Years of fighting in Afghanistan
and Iraq highlighted the need for military forces to
defeat identifiable enemy forces and to establish area
security over wide areas of operations to facilitate the
wide range of activities necessary to achieve political objectives.9 While future contingencies may look
different than those that unfolded during the recent
wars, wide area security recognizes that solders must
operate through the full spectrum of war and that conflict is not linearit requires attention to the human
domain as well as combat throughout an operation.
This requires organizations, soldiers, and leaders who
can understand and adapt to the complexity and uncertainty of future armed conflict.10
The challenge of training and education is to balance instruction in the enduring features of war with
the modern changes to its character. Carl von Clausewitz captured this point elegantly when he wrote,


very few of the manifestation in war can be ascribed

to new inventions or new departures in ideas. They
result mainly from the transformation of society and
new social conditions.11 The Armys introduction of
the human domain concept is important not because it
discovered something new, but because it recognizes
an enduring characteristic of war and sets forth the
need to develop leaders to meet this requirement. As
one former brigade commander pointed out in a recent issue of Military Review, leader development is
not the outcome of a series of classes or the product
of a sequence of assignments; nor is it the job of one
person or organization. Rather, leader development is
a continuous process in which, ideally, lessons from
one experience inform other experiences.12 The subject of the human domain, which incorporates a range
of factors that shape operational and strategic outcomes, lends itself to this approach to education and
The earlier discussion identifies many of the positive steps the Army is taking to introduce and institutionalize the human domain concept. Nonetheless,
some additional considerations and improvements
might be considered going forward. First, we should
consider why the term political was omitted from
the description of the human domain in the Strategic Landpower concept. Politicsthe relationships
among people and groups competing for power and
seeking to advance ideaswill impact almost any conceivable U.S. engagement in pre-conflict and conflict
contingencies. Politics is a term that is not adequately
captured by the documents existing references to


social or cultural. An absence of the word politics from discussions about the human domain suggests that knowledge about political relationships and
tensions and objectives in a particular region would
not be a core part of leader development. This would
be shortsighted. Leader development programs related to the human domain must, necessarily, focus
on preparing soldiers for the political considerations
that they will face in any deployment to any theater
around the world.
Second, to operate more effectively in the land
domain while fully accounting for the human aspects
of conflict and war, the Army requires an additional
warfighting function. Currently, it has six warfighting
functions: mission command, movement and maneuver, intelligence, fires, sustainment, and protection. A
warfighting function is a group of tasks and systems
(people, organizations, information, and processes)
united by a common purpose that commanders use
to accomplish missions and training objectives. Army
forces use the warfighting functions to generate combat power. All warfighting functions possess scalable
capabilities to mass lethal and nonlethal effects. The
Armys warfighting functions link directly to the joint
A seventh warfighting function would capture the
tasks and systems that provide the lethal and nonlethal capabilities to assess, shape, deter, and influence
the decisions and behavior of a people, its security
forces, and its government. Such a function would
provide the foundation for training, education, and
leader development in the human domain area and
would help to institutionalize the human domain concept.14 Army leaders have debated the idea of adding a
seventh warfighting function since (at least) the spring


of 2012, when TRADOC leaders met at the U.S. Army

War College as part of the Armys ongoing campaign
of learning. The issue is still being discussed. The
Army should make a definitive decision to add this
seventh warfighting function. Doing so would send
a clear signal to soldiers that political, cultural, and
social considerations impact combat outcomes just
as other warfighting functions such as fires, mission
command, and protection.
Capturing the human domain idea within a new
warfighting function would be a pivotal shift for the
Army. It would be the decisive way to affirm that
these political activities are central to war, to winning,
and that they have always been so. Moreover, since
the warfighting functions do not change as often as
other Army concepts or doctrines, it would embed the
idea of the human domain more permanently into the
Armys identity. In addition, historically, the Armys
attempts to institutionalize some of the ideas behind
the human domain concept have almost always taken
place outside the regular Army: first by creating a
civil affairs reserve structure after World War II and
then by shifting most activities related to the social,
political, economic and cultural spheres to the special
forces. The Strategic Landpower concept, which features the human domain, was signed separately by
the commanding general of SOCOM. Yet the human
domain requirement exists throughout the full spectrum of war; it impacts the whole conventional force
and a war fighting function that acknowledges this
would accurately capture both recent and historical
Army experiences.
Third, as the Army considers what it must do to
organizations, soldiers, and leaders who can understand and adapt to the complexity and uncertainty of


future armed conflict, it must make it clearer to both

soldiers and civilians how the personnel system is
changing to allow for the incorporation of these challenges. The new doctrine on the Army Profession establishes political-cultural expertise as one of the
four fields of expertise for all Army professionals.15
This is important because it identifies the issue as an
Army-wide goal (i.e., not a goal for the special forces
alone). But analyzing and producing the associated
doctrine, organization, training, materiel, leadership
and education, personnel, and facilities (referred to as
DOTMLPF) will be a concrete and necessary next step
toward institutionalizing the human domain (and
strategic Landpower) concept.16
The Armys human resources structure will determine whether and how the human domain is adopted
into the mindset of future leaders. Formal doctrine and
the worlds finest training cannot transform strategic
thinking if the personnel system is agnostic or hostile.
In addition, while many strategic statements exist that
emphasize the need to change priorities in the way the
Army organizes, mans, trains, equips, and sustains to
ensure that it is an agile, responsive, tailorable force
capable of responding to any mission, anywhere, anytime the practical matter is whether leaders that embrace the human domain are able to thrive through
assignment and promotions in the coming years. The
Armys 2013 Strategic Guidance acknowledges that
unit training and leader development are critical to
prepare for operations in a complex environment.17
Political, social, and cultural considerations of the regions in which Army forces will operate and deploy
will be a critical component of unit training and leader
development. The problems posed by these political
and cultural drivers will challenge Army leaders at
all levels.

One Army major who completed a detailed study

of officer development observed that Army senior
leaders identified the need for a new type of officer, a
multi-skilled leader, often dubbed the pentathlete,
who could meet the challenges of the modern battlefield as a function of his maturity, experience, education, and formal training. The study noted however,
that U.S. Army officers faced a career path marked
by up or out promotions, short tours leading and
commanding soldiers, and few opportunities to seek
advanced degrees in residence. Officers weather the
other second and third order effects of an outdated
20-year retirement plan that does not optimize the resources dedicated to building a highly effective officer
There remains considerable anecdotal and survey
evidence from junior leaders that the existing human
resources system continues to reward orthodox career paths. A more flexible personnel system might
be essential to identify the Armys most creative and
insightful officers and empower commanders to engage them successfully. Will the Army personnel system adapt to reward less conventional career paths
oriented toward the human domain?
1. General Raymond Odierno, Interview, Joint Forces
Quarterly, Issue 55, 4th Quarter, 2009.
2. Strategic Landpower Task Force paper, May 2013, signed
by USA Chief of Staff General Raymond Odierno, Commandant,
U.S. Marine Corps General James Amos, and Admiral William
McRaven, available from


3. Major General Peter W. Chiarelli and Major Patrick R. Michaelis, Winning the Peace: The Requirement for Full Spectrum
Operations, Military Review, July-August 2005, p. 4.
4. See Strategic Landpower Task Force paper.
5. Ibid.
6. See Toward Strategic Land Power, Army, July 2013,
pp. 20-23.
7. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin
Dempsey, Mission Command White Paper, April 2012, p. 4, available from
8. See TRADOC Pamphlet 525-3-0, Army Capstone Concept 2009,
Washington, DC: U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command,
for discussion of this. See also Brigadier General Herbert McMaster, Centralization vs. Decentralization: Preparing for and Practicing Mission Command in Counterinsurgency Operations,
Lessons for a Long War: How America can Win on New Battlefields,
Thomas Donnelly and Frederick Kagan, eds., Washington, DC:
American Enterprise Institute (AEI) Press, May 2010, pp. 64-92.
9. Ibid., p. 13.
10. TRADOC Pamphlet 525-3-0.
11. Carl von Clausewitz, Michael Howard and Peter Paret,
eds. and trans., On War, Book VI, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1976, pp. 45-46.
12. Colonel Doug Crissman, Improving the Leader Development Experience in US Army Units, Military Review, May-June
2013, p. 7.
13. These descriptions are in Army Doctrine Reference Publication (ADRP) 3-0, Unified Land Operations, Washington, DC:
Department of the Army HQ, May 2012, p. 3-2, available from


14. See Army Capstone Concept, Washington, DC: U.S. Department of the Army, December 2012. While this concept was discussed in that document, most recent discussions and debates (as
of the summer of 2013) may be downplaying the seventh warfighting function idea.
15. Chap. 3, available from
16. Cleveland, p. 23.
17. Army Strategic Planning Guidance, Washington, DC: U.S.
Department of the Army, 2013, available from usarmy.vo.llnwd.
18. Major William D. Linn, II, Officer Development: A Contemporary Roadmap, Ft. Leavenworth, KS: School of Advanced Military
Studies, Academic Year 2008, available from


Daniel M. Gade
For its Tommy this, an Tommy that, an Chuck him
out, the brute!
But its Saviour of is country when the guns begin
to shoot;
An its Tommy this, an Tommy that, an anything
you please;
An Tommy aint a bloomin foolyou bet that Tommy sees!

Rudyard Kipling, Tommy, 1892

There is no question, as this volume makes clear,

that Landpower is a key part of power projection and
of achieving our grand strategic aims. All too often,
however, our nations focus is on the strategic imperative of making plowshares into lethal swords, and
not the moral imperative of turning the swords back
into plowshares after their mission ends. This is not
a new phenomenon: the members of the famous Bonus Army that gathered in Washington, DC, in 1932
were attempting to cash in on promised benefits that
were not due them until the end of 1945, and the Civil
War Veterans on both sides were generally treated
with something like benign neglect by the society they
returned to after their service ended.1 Within the last
generation, the treatment of Veterans after the Vietnam War was particularly shabby. Our society has
seemingly addressed this problem: spending at the


Department of Veterans Affairs has nearly tripled

over the last decade, and thousands of large and small
Veterans groups exist to serve Veterans.2 Arguably,
however, the pendulum has now swung too far in one
direction. The current system of Veterans care smothers them under a paternalistic blanket, stifling personal growth, employment, and social opportunity.
Our warriorsour swordsare not being returned to
society as productive plowshares; but instead are allowed to rust, their skills and their potential wasted.
This rust is all around us: unemployment among
young Veterans is nearly twice that of their age-group
peers, even though Veterans as a whole are more educated and healthier than average citizens, and leave
the service with valuable job skills and discipline.3
Veterans commit suicide at a much higher rate than
their civilian peers, and anecdotal stories about drug
and alcohol abuse, domestic violence, and other indicators of poor reintegration are legion.4 In short, our
societys efforts to reintegrate Veterans after service
are failing, and there is a better way.
The Veterans disability compensation system is in
crisis. It encourages almost one out of every two retiring service members to call themselves disabled.5 It
habituates millions of talented young men and women
to think of themselves as broken and dependent upon
others for support for the rest of their lives. Todays
disability system actually interferes with healthy reintegration of Veterans. It tells injured service members
all the things they cannot do. It literally trains them
to highlight their incapacities rather than their capacities. It is built on outdated medical criteria, emphasiz-


es disability, discourages mainstreaming, and impairs

independence and self-reliance.
Beyond these destructive effects at the individual
level, the system has become unbearably expensive.
Disability payments to Iraq-Afghanistan Veterans
alone are now on a path to cost taxpayers $425 billion over the next 40 years, and that is a conservative estimate.6 Disability and medical care together
are projected to be nearly a trillion dollars over that
timeframe.7 Todays disability payments are untaxed,
rise with inflation, are not tied to income level, have
no work requirement, and do not even require the
recipient to seek treatment for his or her disabilities.
The system creates the perfect incentive for Veterans
to invest time and effort in proving to the government
that they cannot overcome or make accommodations
for their injuries. It literally buys learned helplessness
and dependence.
Work and self-reliance are among the very most
important elements in long-term human flourishing
and happiness. Work not only puts us on a path to
economic independence but also lends a sense of accomplishment and self-worth, creates a social network
that pulls us out of isolation and self absorption, and
gives dignity to our daily routine. People who do not
work for their own living are more depressed, more
solitary, less healthy, and poorer. Soldiers who leave
the spirited, mission-oriented, team work of military
service and fall into the isolation of the mailbox economyliving off of disability checks, consigned to their
couch at homeare particularly likely to lose their
sense of purpose.



What if, rather than trickling a lifelong entitlement
of payments to Veterans, sapping their initiative and
self image, we instead invested heavily up front in retraining them to succeed at their dream job and participate fully in their communities, such that their injuries would not interfere.8 With new social attitudes
toward disability, some remarkable modern technology, widespread computer enhancements of work, and
many legal protections and physical accommodations
growing out of laws like the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons with a disability in the United States
have wider horizons than at any time in human history and many options for satisfying work.
Instead of maintaining the current, broken disability compensation system with its built-in work disincentives, the government should try a more promising
alternative. In return for surrendering their lifetime
entitlement to disability checks, government and
private industry would pour medical, rehabilitative,
educational, and training resources into them over a
much shorter periodperhaps 1 to 4 years, depending on the goal of the rehabilitation and the conditions
of the individual Veteran. These investments could
include everything from trauma therapy to computer
instruction to personalized occupational training.
For the first time, Veterans would have a choice.
They could either stick to the old system of monthly
checks that discourage work and independence. Or
they could avail themselves of intensive resources
focused on maximizing their strengths and personal
potential. This alternative recovery track would begin with an extensive battery of diagnostic evaluations to determine physical and mental health, innate


aptitudes, interests, and personality traits, and what

accommodations might be necessary for social, professional, and recreational life. Based on these results,
a personalized educational and therapeutic course
would be offered to the Veteran.
While Veterans already have health coverage and
in theory some training options, in practice, few highquality programs exist. Private and not-for-profit
projects like the Shepherd Centers SHARE Program,
the University of California-Los Angeles Operation
Mend, Welcome Back Veterans Home Base Programs,
and dozens of other top-notch rehab providers would
be used to transition Veterans to an exciting new level
of competence and independence.
Beyond healing injuries, this track would ensure
that participants have all of the adaptive equipment
they need at home, and in their places of school and
work to ensure they live full and independent lives.
The Veterans Administration and charitable organizations like Habitat for Humanity provide these unevenly now, mostly for the home, but individuals are
largely left on their own to coordinate accommodations at schools and places of work.
Perhaps most importantly, this program would
work with Veterans to set and achieve new education
and career goals. Service members exiting the military
with a disability must simultaneously get used to a
completely different work world and altered personal
abilities. In a period of uncertainty, it can seem easier
just to accept guaranteed disability payments and
forget about making the transition to independence.
The new track would attack the root of the problem
helping Veterans figure out where their aptitudes,
interests, and opportunities lie now that their military careers are over. This proposed recovery track


would connect Veterans with the right training and

education for their career goals, and ensure that they
complete their degrees or vocational training without
wasted time or resources.
Finally, this recovery track would provide supported work opportunities for Veterans, easing
their transition into rewarding family-supporting
careers. Programs such as Workforce Opportunity
Services and the National Organization on Disability have already addressed some of these needs with
small cohorts.
This new recovery track would provide the nonprofit partners with funding, quality control, and
evaluation services, and provide every Veteran with
resources, case-management, and personal coaching. This potent combination would lift and energize
many Veterans who are currently lost in the shuffle
and languishing, their talents lost to their families and
to society as well. Graduates of this program would
enjoy higher incomes and higher quality of life.
Not every Veteran will be ideal for this program.
On one end of the spectrum, there are small numbers
of Veterans who are so catastrophically injured that
independent living, much less self-sustaining employment, will be impossible. These are appropriate candidates for lifelong disability pensions. On the other
end of the spectrum, Veterans with minor disabilities
do not require intensive rehabilitation to achieve their
full potential as civilians. But most of the surge in disability payments since 2002 comes from Veterans with
moderate disabilities rated at between 30 percent and
60 percent. These are prime candidates for front-loaded rehabilitation instead of lifelong pensioning.
There will be strong interest among Veterans in this
voluntary track. Few young men and women want to


languish on entitlement payments. The challenge of

rising to a major personal remake will appeal to many
September 11, 2001-era Veterans. There are successful
models available that would guide implementation.
The Netherlands instituted a civilian disability reform
that places first priority on reemployment, and incentivizes both individuals and employers to find accommodations for previous work, or invest in retraining
for new jobs.9 The Canadian military employs a lumpsum mechanism to better encourage injured Veterans
to return to work.10
As for costs and financing under the current disability system, the average annual compensation for a
typical Veteran newly entering the system was about
$8,000 per year.11 Over the next 4 decades, each of these
individuals will collect hundreds of thousands of dollars from their fellow citizens in the form of disability
payments. Even worse, billions of dollars of economic
activity that they would have generated will be lost
This trial will actually save taxpayer money while
dramatically improving Veteran outcomes by spending just a portion of that sum in an intensive, frontloaded fashion. For the equivalent of perhaps 5 to 8
years of average payments, a typical participant could
be put on the road to a much better life, without a
lifelong entanglement in the government disability
This alternative system would include funding for a careful evaluation on the professional and
health outcomes of Veterans in the pilot program
compared against a control group receiving standard
Veterans disability compensation, and also against a
third group receiving simple lump-sum payments.
With documented success, this program would be


positioned for rapid adoption and expansion by the

Department of Veterans Affairs. The ultimate benefits of this pilot program could be enormousfor
participants and the treasury alike. Total government
spending in this country on disability compensation
is about $262 billion in 2013, between Social Security
Disability Insurance, VA Disability Compensation
and Pensions, and Supplemental Security Income.12
That includes Veterans, those compensated through
our Social Security System, and others. If even 10 or
20 percent of recipients volunteer for an alternative of
front-loaded training resulting in work success and
independent life, the 40-year difference in improved
personal outcomes and reduced government spending
would be enormous. Literally hundreds of thousands
of lives will be touched and hundreds of billions of
dollars saved.
Todays disability programs are well intentioned
but unsustainable; they cause much human misery
and seriously damage government finances. The Recovery Track would remedy both of those problems.
Because this reforms heavy upfront investments for a
limited time would ultimately be repaid by eliminated
lifetime costs down the road, the program could be a
pioneer in using Social Impact Bonds, or the so-called
pay-for-success grant model which offers private investors a chance to finance reforms in return for a portion of any long-term savings.13 Pay-for-success grants
and Social Impact Bonds have excited many social entrepreneurs, but it can be difficult to find a social dysfunction where there is a sufficiently large, potentially
productive population, and a substantial yet revers-


ible set of costs such that the resulting savings could

attract market investors. Veteran disability payments
represent a perfect opportunity for bringing this new
tool to bear, so that private resources can be wielded
to repair public problems.
This plan does not immediately end the current
disability compensation system, despite its well-documented flaws. The interest groups that thrive on the
current system are too well-entrenched and invested
in the current plan for that to be a realistic goal. Instead, this plan offers injured Veterans a new choice,
on a voluntary basis, in how they will recover and
set themselves up for success after their service. This
plan treats injured Veterans with the same rights and
respect we now accord other people with disabilities,
and allows them a chance to flourish on their own two
feet rather than become permanent wards of the state.
The country has a Grand Strategic imperative to
protect itself and its interests abroad. Generating and
utilizing military force requires that citizens be made
into soldiers and used as tools of the State. It is obvious that some of the soldiers used in this manner
will be killed or maimed, and that many will require
lifetime medical care and pensions. However, the use
of Landpower cannot and should not be held hostage
to the fact that the legacy costs of wars are so high.
Out of control Veterans benefits increase the financial
costs of strategic engagement and impair our ability to
shape the world when needed by military force. It is
incumbent upon those who claim to be Grand Strategists to consider the issues raised in this chapter, not
as a separate and distinct, but as an integral part of
the Landpower equation. Poorly designed post-service reintegration policies harm our Grand Strategic
interests in two major ways: first, they dramatically


increase the direct costs of the use of military force,

perhaps even to the point where the ability of a democratic society to use that force may be crippled or at
least hampered. Second, as the poem which opened
this chapter points out, An Tommy aint a bloomin
foolyou bet that Tommy sees! The society also sees
what Tommy sees, and citizens will be unwilling to
join the military if they continue to see malaise and
widespread problems with Veterans care. There is no
Landpower without soldiers.
1. Following the Department of Veterans Affairs, we capitalize Veteran and its derivitives.
2. Thomas Meyer, Serving Those Who Served, The Philanthropy
Roundtable, Washington, DC, 2013, p. 187.
3. Meredith Kleykamp, Unemployment, Earnings, and Enrollment among Post 9/11 Veterans, Social Science Research, Vol.
42, No. 3, May 2013.
4. Richard J. McNally and B. Christopher Frueh, Why Are
Iraq and Afghanistan War Veterans Seeking PTSD Disability
Compensation at Unprecedented Rates? Journal of Anxiety Disorders, Vol. 27, Issue 5, June 2013, pp. 520-526; Farhana Hossain, Peter Baird, and Rachel Pardoe, Improving Employment Outcomes
and Community Integration for Veterans with Disabilities,
Working Paper, New York: Manpower Demonstration Research
Corporation, available from SSRN, or
5. The precise proportion is 45 percent at present. See
6. See Linda Bilmes, The Financial Legacy of Iraq and Afghanistan: How Wartime Spending Decision Will Constrain


Future National Security Budgets, Cambridge, MA: Harvard

University, available from
7. Ibid.
8. See Richard Burkhauser and Mary C. Daly, The Declining
Work and Welfare of People with Disabilities, Washington, DC: American Enterprise Institute, September 2011, available from www.; and David Autor, Mark Duggan, and David Lyle, Battle Scars? The Puzzling Decline in Employment and Rise in Disability
Receipt among Vietnam Era Veterans, Cambridge, MA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, May 2011, available from economics.
9. Burkhauser and Daly.
10. Elizabeth Schaefer and Eric W. Christensen, Lump Sum
Alternatives to Current Veterans Disability Compensation, Alexandria, VA: CNA Corporation, 2006, available from
11. This figure is calculated from VA statistics on the average
level of disability of Veterans newly entering the system.
12. This figure includes $51B in Veterans payments, $145B in
SSDI payments, and about $60B in SSI, available from www.ssa.
13. Jeffrey Liebman, Social Impact Bonds, Report, Washington, DC: Center for American Progress, February 9, 2011,
available from


Joseph Da Silva and Cindy Jebb
Perhaps the Army is a hammer, but that hammer does
not just drive nails to destroy but also to build.

Cadet Nate Davison,

West Point Class of 2014
MX 400: Officership

We open with one of our cadets discussion points

in the capstone course for 4th-year cadets at West
Point, NY. We co-teach MX400: Officership, a course
that provides an overarching examination of our profession and helps crystallize in cadets the strategic
thinking they have acquired through their liberal arts
and sciences education. As with this compendium,
MX400 does not offer cadets a playbook or a definitive
solution; rather, it offers a strategic approach toward
understanding roles and missions, while providing
guiding principles to members of the profession of
arms. It captures French General and strategist Andr
Beaufres perspective from 1965: The word strategy
may be used often enough, but the science and art of
strategy have become museum pieces. . . . Strategy
. . . is a method of thought.1 At the end of the day,
an Army in transition will depend on the talents and
character of its leaders and soldiers and their ability to secure effectively the nations interests, implement policy, and win the nations wars while securing
the peace.


Even as we work to nurture habits of mind that

foster strategic thinking, it is important to acknowledge that too often our biases and narrowed perspectives hinder real strategic thinking. Gregory Foster
describes strategic thinking as encompassing critical, systematic, holistic, creative, and, we would add,
empathetic thinking. Strategic thinking is accompanied by self-awareness, and it enables leaders to look
around corners to anticipate second and third order
effects.2 Moreover, this kind of thinking complements
a strategic framework that necessarily focuses on the
nations security interests and its diplomatic, informational, military, and economic means. Strategic thinking also considers constraintsincluding fiscal limitations, perceived and/or real war weariness, and lack
of political willas well as the risks involved with any
course of action, given the internal and external security environment.3 Adding to the complexity is the
realization that within our own country and among
allies and friends, it is difficult to sustain a foreign
policy consensus in the midst of a dynamic, complex,
and global conflict ecosystem.4
For two reasons, we examine these strategic issues with cadets who will soon be second lieutenants: first, strategic thinking must start early and be
nurtured through a lifetime. Strategic thinking does
not automatically happen when officers arrive at the
U.S. Army War College as senior officers. Second, if
we are truly embedding the mission command ethos
within our profession, then we must develop leaders
of character who will be able to address the unknown
challenges that lie around the corner.
The Army now faces numerous challenges. Clearly, the Army is working toward understanding its
roles and missions now and in the future, as well as


the force structure and human capital that it will require. There is consensus on several key points. First,
the Chief of Staff of the Army provides an important
starting point with his articulation of a prevent, shape,
and win strategic framework supported by a regionally aligned force. Second, there is consensus that we
cannot lose the hard-fought lessons of the past decadeplus of war. Of course, the challenge of capitalizing on
lessons learned is understanding which lessons ought
to be brought forward and which lessons are unique
to a particular set of circumstances. Third, we have
to approach the uncertain future with humility while
thinking strategically. At the very least, we have to
think through all phases to include winning the peace.
This imperative translates to working jointly at the
lowest levels but also continuing our partnering with
whole-of-government and society (nongovernmental
organizations, international governmental organizations, and local government). All are required to deter,
attack, defend, and win the peace; in all of these functions, the Army plays a prominent role.5
When the Army shifted its focus during the postVietnam era to the Soviet threat, it lost its institutional
memory of counterinsurgency and other forms of
warfare. The Army also did not pay attention to developments in other parts of the world, where second
and third order effects are now just being realized. For
example, our support of the mujahedeen in the 1980s,
with the aim of fighting the Soviets, helped to globalize a radical form of Islamic insurgency. Moreover,
what were once thought to be nontraditional threats
cannot now be ignored by serious strategists: climate
change, disease, refugee flows, land scarcity, and
terrorism. Each represents a vulnerability that can
expand from states to regions and from regional to
global proportions.

The Armys strategic posture must be nested within the nations grand strategy and should focus on
other states, as well as nonstate actors. Nevertheless,
by focusing on Asia, the Persian Gulf, and Europe, the
United States may miss emerging threats elsewhere.
With the diffusion of technology and the rise of nonstate actors, the nation may leave itself vulnerable if
it does not help to shape dynamics and conditions in
other parts of the world before they become direct
threats. Even as the United States prepares for potential state rivals in the Pacific, U.S. leaders must consider how their actions may be perceived by their allies
and adversaries since what they consider defensive in
nature may inadvertently signal offensive intentions.6
As the Armys understanding of its role in U.S.
grand strategy advances, it is important to identify
sources of bias. Highlighting the assumptions one uses
to develop theory, strategy, and policy helps one to
understand differing perspectives and lays the foundation for rigorous study and testing of competing
ideas. The job of military professionals is to provide
sound military advice grounded in time-tested facts
and challenged assumptions. When unchallenged assumptions structure strategic debate, military professionals should be the first to question them.
Let us consider four assumptions rightly recognized in contemporary debates, to include the preceding chapters, over U.S. Landpower and grand
1. The United States will not fight any wars in the
near future.
2. If the United States is forced to fight a war, it can
rely on its technological comparative advantage.

3. Given that budget constraints will force reductions in military spending and that these reductions
entail acceptance of some strategic risk, it is safer to
accept risk by greatly reducing the size of the Army
rather than other services.
4. The United States will avoid conflicts similar to
Afghanistan and Iraq by building the Army to fight
only conventional, rather than unconventional, wars
to prevent future policymakers from repeating their
predecessors mistakes.
As each of these claims is influential but unproven,
it is important to examine them critically. We will discuss each in turn.
Assumption #1: The United States will not fight
wars in the near future.
The first assumption is not always publicly stated,
but it can be inferred by the roles and missions assigned to the component forces. The budgetary process, consisting of an iterative exchange between Congress and the Department of Defense, determines the
size and shape of the Army.8 As of this writing, the
most recent budget has decided that end strength (or
total manpower) for the Army will be 450,000 by Fiscal Year (FY)2015, from a high of 560,000 in FY2012.
Without a clear and articulate narrative for Landpower in the 21st century, this end strength seems likely
to continue to decrease, leaving the nation exposed to
considerable risk in the event of another war.9
There seem to be two primary drivers for the assumption that the United States will not fight wars in
the near future: war-weary public sentiment and the
belief that whatever conflicts the United States en-


gages in will not be land wars.10 Polls of the American

public reveal their war-weariness. A 2014 survey conducted by the Pew Research Center and the Council
on Foreign Relations (CFR) found that 52 percent of
Americans believed that the United States should
mind its own business in the world, and a record 80
percent believed the United States should focus on domestic problems over international issues.11 In many
ways, these viewpoints are unsurprising. Americans
have watched countless men and women return home
dead or wounded from wars many do not understand, fought in countries that seem not to welcome
the presence of U.S. troops. In addition, since 2008,
the choices between domestic and international issues
have grown starker, as the opportunity cost of sending
soldiers overseas is seen in terms of domestic spending on programs such as infrastructure, jobs, health,
education, or other internal investments. Americans
do not want to hear about more war. The experiences
in Afghanistan and Iraq serve as a warning of the perils of intervention.
While at least one of the first two wars of the 21st
century is seen as a war of choice, however, there is
no guarantee that the next war will allow a choice.
Nonparticipation might not be an option if land forces
are necessary to defend national interests. Policymakers must also consider ongoing roles and missions
that support national interests such as grand area
access, hemispheric policing, the containment and
neutralization of remote projectable threats, and the
mitigation of humanitarian crises. When these interests are threatened, it is unlikely that Landpower will
continue to seem as irrelevant to their promotion as it
currently does.12 Public sentiment reflects this point as
well. In the same survey conducted by Pew and CFR,


56 percent of Americans disagreed with the idea that

America should remain isolationist.13 Public sentiment
is divided between war-weariness and resolution to
maintain international engagement. Americans are
neither myopic nor nave, but they do deserve clear,
logical, and sound arguments for the use of military
force in the future.
Assumption #2: The United States can rely
on technology to win its wars.
While Americans may be divided about the role of
America in the world, they are not ambivalent about
their faith in technology. Many believe the United
States can rely on its comparative technological advantage to win the wars of the future. This viewpoint
should not come as a surprise as one of the most powerful images to come out of the global war on terror is
that of the armed predator drone patrolling the skies
and dropping ordnance on unsuspecting terrorists.
Drones, robots, and cyber capture the imagination of
most Americans, particularly as they project a view
of future warfare tailored to the American advantage.
Without a doubt, American technology has helped
to cement the U.S. military as the premier fighting
force in the world, but it has also hidden some inconvenient truths about the nature of conflict and war.
Theories that rest in the destructive force of technology fail to understand this fundamental and eternal
truth: war is a human endeavor.14 Force is only effective when it produces the change in human behavior
that it was initially summoned to change; then and
only then can it be deemed military power.15 Technology-based strategies or concepts that do not consider
all the elements of national powerboth military and
nonmilitarywill ultimately fall short of their goals.

As we move into the future, technology will continue to play a large part in providing for our security
as a means to accomplish strategic ends; however,
technology alone does not win wars. Certainly, technology can augment other elements of American powerincluding Landpower. Simple faith in advanced
technology, combined with the hope that war will not
recur soon, risks U.S. national security.
Assumption #3: Reducing the size of the Army
quickly saves cost with minimal risk.
The third assumption rests on the idea that it takes
much longer to build a Navy than it does an Army. If
this were so, downsizing the Army would be an acceptable risk if, in fact, we could quickly raise an educated, well-trained, and disciplined Army. It is true
that it takes a considerable amount of time to build a
naval ship5 years, for instance, in the case of a Virginia-class nuclear powered submarine. It is also true
that during World War I and World War II, the United
States put millions in uniform in a short time. It seems
easier to build an Army than to construct a Navy; as
a result, the case for a large Navy rather than a large
Army seems strong.16
This argument is misleading, however. An army
that is well-trained and effective takes as much time
to build as a strong navymore, in certain cases. The
preceding narrative of the U.S. experience in major
wars fails to note the performance of the U.S. Army
in the opening battles of these major conflicts. History was not kind to these armies. From the experiences of the American Expeditionary Forces in the
opening days of World War I, to the battle of Kasserine Pass in World War II, or the failed and infamous


Task Force Smith in Korea, the Army paid deferred

costs in human lives. In the edited volume, Americas
First Battles, various authors discuss the first battles
of Americas first nine wars from 1776 to 1965. The
lessons are striking. The United States lost five of the
nine first battlesLong Island, Queenston, Bull Run,
Kasserine, and Osan. Even more striking is that the
battles that were wonSan Juan, Cantigny, Buna, and
Ia Drangwere won at a very high cost in human
lives.17 Preparation, training, and education are the
costs of building a capable Army. When these costs go
unpaid in peacetime, they are deferred until the war
begins and then exacted in human lives due to inexperience. This deferred cost was often overlooked in
budget discussions of the past, and it continues to be
overlooked today.
How long does it take to build an expert in the management of violence? How long does it take to build
a brigade combat team filled with quality sergeants
steeped in Army doctrine? How long does it take to
educate, train, and inspire a quality lieutenant, and to
build and sustain the institutions (such as West Point)
devoted to this task? Building a quality Army unit is
about more than wielding steel; it is about developing
thoughtful leaders of character who can reason logically, think strategically, lead formations, and develop
cohesive teams through tough training, shared sacrifice, and common purpose. Cost must be measured
not only in dollars and cents, but in the time it takes
to rebuild a quality fighting force after deactivating it.
History has taught us a sobering lesson: when we do
not invest properly in peacetime to build the quality
force we need in war, then costs are measured in the
blood of Americas sons and daughters.


Assumption #4: An Army built only for

conventional war prevents adventurism in
unconventional wars.
The final assumption focuses on the Army and its
internal divisions. As the force begins to transition
from 13 years of war, different camps have arisen within the Army to debate the future of the force. Many
within the Army argue that the wars in Afghanistan
and Iraq were mistakes that should not be repeated,
and the only way to avoid these wars in the future
is to construct an Army that is designed to fight only
conventional conflicts. An Army designed only for
conventional fights will limit the options of future policymakers.18 Similar arguments were made after the
Vietnam war, when the Army organized around the
Soviet conventional threat in Europe and then maintained this force structure even after the Cold War.
The Army did not just focus on conventional threats;
it discounted counterinsurgency wars as aberrations
never to be fought again. Lieutenant General William
DePuy, the first commander of the Armys U.S. Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC), put the point
plainly, U.S. combat forces were not and are not the
preferred or proper instrument for counterinsurgency operations amongst the people.19 Reflecting this
strong dislike for counterinsurgency strategy, DePuy
endeavored to purge the Army educational system of
a majority of related courses and texts. From 1972 to
1976, both the Armor School and the Artillery School
largely discontinued courses on counterinsurgency.
At the same time, the Intelligence School cut counterinsurgency down to only 4 hours in its Officer Basic
Course, and the U.S. Command and Staff College also
steadily diminished academic hours for it. Since many


of the Army leaders also wanted to lessen the focus

on counterinsurgency, DePuy was largely successful
in this endeavor, even when many of the faculty at the
Armys educational institutions objected.20
As threats in the 1990sBosnia, Kosovo, and Haiti, for instancedemonstrated the need for different
capabilities and schools of thought, the Army, nonetheless, largely maintained its focus on its Cold War
force structure. We saw similar problems as the Army
planned and executed both the Iraq and Afghanistan
wars, where planning did not include phase four,
or any serious thought into post-war reconstruction.
This refusal to recognize the role of the Army in postwar reconstruction helped to exacerbate alreadytenuous situations.
One can argue that today the United States does
not face a clear conventional threat. Uncertainty is the
dominant view of the future. In the face of uncertainty, flexibility and adaptability will be keys to success.
Indeed, the only true defense against an uncertain
security environment is an educated force with adaptive formations. As we move forward, it is important
to remember that the threat and the environment will
decide how we will have to fight. The true failures in
Afghanistan and Iraq were not in formations but in
the inability of the people in the formations to deal
with the post-war environment and win the peace.
The Army should not prepare never to do these missions again, but to ensure that its people understand
them when we do.
As the country continues to look for efficiencies
within the DoD, the Army will most likely pay the bill
for cost cutting because of the previously stated assumptions: the nation will not fight any wars in the
near term; it can rely on technology; reducing the


Army quickly cuts costs with little risk; and an Army

built for conventional war can preclude unconventional missions. These assumptions require rigorous
study and debate, however. It is important that Army
leaders help to frame the discussion about the future
of the U.S. military more accurately.
A common maxim among military historians is
that military defeat is the best teacher for an Army.21
The basic idea is that in defeat an Army can look at itself candidly and see past institutional interests, identify deficiencies, and implement reforms. Historically,
that has not proven true in every case. Edward Drea
notes that:
The way an Army interprets defeat in relation to its
military tradition, and not the defeat itself, will determine, in large measure, the impact an unsuccessful
military campaign will have on that institution.22

Dreas observation is enlightening, yet it does

not go far enough. Military institutions process all
events, both defeat and victory, in relation to their
military tradition. As the U.S. Army looks to the past
to inform its future, it must ensure that it draws the
right lessonsnot just those that fall in line with
preconceived views.
Todays U. S. Army finds itself at a difficult yet familiar crossroads. After most major conflicts, the U.S.
Army has faced a number of challenges: constrained
budgets driving personnel strength, unclear strategic guidance, internal debates about force structure


and mission focus, and, of course, questionable domestic will for the commitment of troops in foreign
interventions. The Army now finds itself once again
challenged in terms of its relevance, size, shape, and
ultimately the future of its organizational DNA. While
these challenges seem historically cyclical, the security
environment, fiscal, and bureaucratic realities today
call for fresh thinking as well.
How has the U.S. Army responded to previous periods of budget austerity? By and large, it has focused
on investments in human capital, on the understanding that well-trained and educated leaders would
ensure appropriate and prudent transitions once austerity ended and budgets increased.23 The Army has
also tried to maintain expansibility while distributing
resources equally among its commands, as seen in
the interwar period between World Wars I and II.24
Insofar as these policies have succeeded previously,
perhaps they can help to guide todays Army leaders.
Nevertheless, todays situation presents new challenges. The Army seems to be competing with more
groups than ever before for dominance over expertise
in the land domain. In the past, the Army competed
with the Marines over various mission sets, but today
the National Guard (Guard) and Special Operations
Command (SOCOM) present new competition. SOCOM has come to challenge the Army for functions
such as training foreign militaries and even some direct action missions. In addition, the wars in Iraq and
Afghanistan have forced greater use of the Guard and
Reserve. Today, the Guard advocates for its budget
apart from the regular Army; the Guards preferences
are at times at odds with Army estimates, ideas, and
force structures. New understandings and cooperative agreements must be developed going forward to
make this relationship among the Army, Guard, Re467

serve, and SOCOM an enduring and fruitful one for

all organizations. These Landpower organizations
complement one another and make U.S. Landpower
effective across a wide range of mission sets.
These four organizations coexist in a symbiotic relationship. The Marines provide a small and necessary
mobile force that can react quickly around the world,
while relying on the strategic depth and staying power of the regular Army to sustain operations or build
upon initial gains. The Guard and Reserve provide
the strategic depth and logistics needed by the regular Army, while relying on training, education, and
institutional support from the regular Army. SOCOM
relies on the Army to train, develop, and lend quality
officers, noncommissioned officers (NCOs), and Soldiers to the various SOCOM units; in many cases, the
Army builds on the battlefield effects of these SOCOM
units. Within these complementary relationships, the
Army is the primary sustainment force, human capital
developer, and dominant deterrent. However, without the Marines, Guard and Reserve, and Special Operations, the Army could not play the role that it does,
nor could these organizations produce the results
they do without the symbiotic relationships that exist
among the components of U.S. Landpower.
The past 13 years have seen much debate about
the logic, efficacy, and feasibility of the missions in
Iraq and Afghanistan. Many see these wars as a needless waste and a loss of national blood and treasure.
Without a doubt, much was spent and many great
Americans were lost in these wars, but we honor them
best not by ignoring the past but by allowing these

events to inform our path forward. As we draw down

in the Middle East and return home, the Army coming back is much more experienced, battle-hardened,
and adaptive.
The people in our force, with their broad experience and talents, make up an invaluable investment.
Harnessing the returns on this investment will be the
key to ensuring that the Army of the future is prepared to meet a complex security environment. As
the Army transforms within this environment, it will
be even more critical that its members sustain their
professional identity vis--vis a daunting, albeit necessary, bureaucracy.25 The Army must focus its attention on its human capital since the Armys people will
be essential to strategic adaptation in support of the
countrys security interests.
Human capital is the Armys strategic hedge. This
hedge is necessary if we are to have a resilient Army
that can anticipate problem sets, solve problems, and
take decisive action across a range of roles and missions. We offer the Armys talent management model
as a way to guide the recruitment, development, employment, and retention of human capital. The evaluation and promotion system should align with these
activities as well. The key to understanding the need
for talent management is recognizing that the world
has moved beyond the industrial era, and the people
who comprise our government are not interchangeable. We all have unique talents that need to be recognized and valued and therefore recruited, developed,
employed, and retained.26
There are several transformations occurring within the Army that provide important opportunities
to implement talent management. For example, the
Army is opening up all combat roles to women and
taking a serious approach to sexual harassment and

assault within its ranks. To know that gender will no

longer constrain accessibility, we can reevaluate with
renewed focus what talents are indeed required for
particular branches and assignments.
We offer the following principles as some of
the key lessons gathered over the course of this
project and discussions with various scholars and
1. Continue to train as a member of the Joint, Interagency, Intergovernmental, and Multinational team
and understand how the Army contributes to the
Joint Force.
2. Understand the Armys role as a deterrent to
prevent war against the homeland, friends, and allies.
3. Be prepared to shape the environment through
all phases to include phase four: post-war reconstruction.
4. Engage political leaders so they understand opportunity costs and risks.
5. Approach the security environment and its challenges with the humility to ensure we properly diagnose the problem and do not rely on flawed or untested assumptions.
6. It is much harder and requires more resources
to hold and secure an objective than to initially take it.
7. Educate, educate, and educate. Investment in
the education of our Soldiers and officers, more than
any platform or machine, has generated dividends
over the history of our Army.
While this is not an all-inclusive list, we do hope that it
provides a starting point for future discussion.
We opened the chapter with a quotation from one
of our cadets. In doing so, we highlight that the decisions we make now impact the lives of the young officers and Soldiers who have chosen to serve. They are

the nations strategic hedge; in an uncertain, complex,

and dangerous world, the nation counts on those who
comprise this hedge.
As we close this volume, we hope that this is not
seen as a book of answers but rather a point of departure for further discussion, debate, and inquiry. Not
everyone will agree with all of the ideas presented
here, but we hope that all agree that the venture is
worthwhile. We encourage others to continue the research and push this thinking forward. Let us move
forward deliberately and thoughtfully, with the courage to collect the lessons we learned, the energy to enact the changes we need, the wisdom to challenge the
untested ideas of the day, and the humility to admit
our mistakes.
No one truly knows where, how, or when the
Army will be used in the future. Predictions of these
events are tenuous at best. But we can know one thing
for certain. As General (Ret.) Frederick M. Franks, Jr.,
remarked to cadets in the opening days of MX 400:
Sometime after graduation, and I cannot predict when,
our Nation will look to you to accomplish a mission of
extreme difficulty and importance, and one that only
you and your soldiers can do. I do not know the conditions nor part of the world, nor even how long after
graduation, but I know you will be on the spot to deliver mission accomplished at least cost to the soldiers
our Nation has entrusted to your command. You must
be ready for that and have your soldiers ready. You
must begin to get ready for that here as cadets just as
you are doing today. This is why you are here.27

At some point in the future, the nation will turn to

the Army to accomplish a mission as difficult and important as those in our history. Regardless of the mission, we must be ready and able to accomplish it with

the least cost to our Soldiers. Keeping this in mind, we

hope that others will follow this volumes endeavor
to tackle large questions and push discussion so that
when that day comes, when the call is given, and our
mission is receivedwe are ready. Too much is at
stake to do any less.
1. Hew Strachan, The Lost Meaning of Strategy, Survival,
Vol. 47, No. 3, Autumn 2005, pp. 33-54, especially p. 44.
2. Gregory Foster writes extensively on strategic thinking.
See Gregory D. Foster, Teaching Strategic Thinking to Strategic
Leaders, The World & I Online, November 2005, online edition.
Also see Gregory D. Foster, Research, Writing, and the Mind of
the Strategist, Joint Forces Quarterly, Spring 1996, as also cited in
Gallo and Jebb, Chapter 21 in this volume.
3. See The Art of Strategy and Force Planning in Strategy and
Force Planning, 3rd Ed., Newport, RI: Naval War College, p. 20 for
a more detailed examination on the strategic framework.
4. David Kilcullen, Three Pillars of Counterinsurgency, Remarks delivered at the U.S. Government Counterinsurgency Conference, Washington, DC, September 28, 2006,
available from
5. Huba Wass de Czege discusses the functions of attack, deter, defend, and pacify in, The Military Power to Deter, Defend,
Enforce, and Pacify, Chap. 5 in this volume.
6. See Robert Chamberlain, Back to Reality: Why Land Power Trumps in the National Rebalance Toward Asia, Chap. 18 in
this volume.
7. See Michael J. Meese, The Army in Times of Austerity,
Chap. 10 in this volume, regarding adopting national strategy as
Army doctrine.


8. See Kerry Schindler, Translating Strategic Ends into

Means, Chap. 11 in this volume.
9. See David Barno and Nora Bensahel, New Challenges for
the U.S. Army, Chap. 12 in this volume.
10. U.S. Public Positive About Americas Global Economic
Engagement, While Support for International Intervention Slips,
Finds New Pew Research-CFR Poll, news release, Washington,
DC: Council on Foreign Relations, December 3, 2013, available
11. Ibid.
12. See Scott Silverstone, American Grand Strategy and
the Future of Landpower in Historic Context, Chap. 3 in this
13. U.S. Public Positive About Americas Global Economic
Engagement, While Support for International Intervention Slips,
Finds New Pew Research-CFR Poll.
14. See Huba Wass de Czege, The Military Power to Deter,
Defend, Enforce, and Pacify, Chap. 5 in this volume.
15. On the distinction between force and power, see Isaiah Wilson, Reconsidering American Power, Chap. 4 in this
16. Elisabeth Bumiller, Romneys Proposal for More
Military Ships Draws Skepticism, The New York Times, October 20, 2012, available from
17. Charles E. Heller and William A. Soft, eds., Americas First
Battles, 1776-1965, Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas Press, 1986.
18. See Elisabeth Bumiller, West Point is Divided on a War
Doctrines Fate, The New York Times, May 27, 2012, available


19. William E. DePuy, Selected Paper of William E. DePuy, compiled by Richard M. Swain, Donald L. Gilmore and Carolyn D.
Conway, eds., Fort Leavenworth, KS: Combat Studies Institute,
U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, 1994, p. 373.
20. Donald B. Vought, Preparing for the wrong war? Military Review, Vol. 57, No. 5, May 1977, pp. 1934.
21. Conrad C. Crane, Avoiding Vietnam: The U.S. Armys Response to Defeat in Southeastern Asia, Carlisle, PA: Strategic Studies
Institute, U.S. Army War College, September 2002, p. 2.
22. Edward J. Drea, In the Service of the Emperor: Essays on the
Imperial Japanese Army, Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press,
1998, p. 13.
23. See Conrad Crane, Maintaining and Modernizing the
Force in Periods of Reduced Resources, Chap. 9 in this volume.
24. See Michael Meese, The Army in Times of Austerity,
Chap. 10 in this volume.
25. For the tension between bureaucratic and professional
identities, see Don M. Snider, Once Again, the Challenge to the U.S.
Army During a Defense Reduction: To Remain a Military Profession,
Vol 4, Professional Military Ethics Monograph Series, Carlisle,
PA: Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College, and Center for the Army Professional Ethic, February 2012, p. 1.
26. For a full discussion of human capital and the role of accession, development, employment, and retention in talent management, see Casey Wardynski, David Lyle, and Michael Colarusso,
Towards a U.S. Army Officer Corps Strategy for Success: A Proposed
Human Capital Model Focused Upon Talent, Carlisle, PA: Strategic
Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College, 2010.
27. Frederick M. Franks, Jr., Address to MX 400: Officership, West Point, NY: U.S. Military Academy, August 27, 2013.



DAVID W. BARNO is a Senior Fellow and Co-Director of the Responsible Defense Program at the Center
for a New American Security, Washington, DC.
JOHN BASKERVILLE is an Academy Professor of Arabic in the Department of Foreign Languages at West
Point, NY.
JORDAN BECKER is a recent Assistant Professor of
International Relations in the Department of Social
Sciences at West Point, NY.
NORA BENSAHEL is a Senior Fellow and Co-Director
of the Responsible Defense Program at the Center for
a New American Security, Washington, DC.
MATTHEW CAVANAUGH is an Instructor in the Department of Strategic Studies at West Point, NY.
ROBERT CHAMBERLAIN is an Assistant Professor
of International Relations in the Department of Social
Sciences at West Point, NY.
CONRAD CRANE is Chief of Historical Services
for the U.S. Army Heritage and Education Center,
Carlisle, PA.
JOSEPH DA SILVA is a recent instructor of International Relations in the Department of Social Sciences at the United States Military Academy at West
Point, NY.


DANIEL M. GADE is a recent Assistant Professor of

American politics, policy, and strategy in the Department of Social Sciences at West Point, NY.
ANDREW GALLO, a recent Assistant Professor of
American politics, policy, and strategy in the Department of Social Sciences at West Point, currently
serves as a brigade S-3 (operations) in the 3rd Cavalry
Regiment at Fort Hood, TX.
CINDY JEBB is Professor and Department Head in the
Department of Social Sciences at West Point, NY.
SETH A. JOHNSTON is an Assistant Professor of
International Relations in the Department of Social
Sciences at West Point, NY.
HUGH LIEBERT is an Assistant Professor of American politics in the Department of Social Sciences at the
United States Military Academy at West Point, NY.
DOUGLAS MACGREGOR is Executive Vice President
of Burke-Macgregor Group, LLC, Reston, VA.
JOHN MEARSHEIMER is the R. Wendell Harrison Distinguished Service Professor of Political Science and the co-director of the Program on International Security Policy at the University of Chicago,
Chicago, IL.
MICHAEL J. MEESE is the Chief Operating Officer at
The American Armed Forces Mutual Aid Association,
Fort Meyer, VA.


SUZANNE C. NIELSEN is Professor and Deputy

Head in the Department of Social Sciences at West
Point, NY.
DOUGLAS OLLIVANT is a partner and Senior Vice
President for Strategy at Mantid International, LLC.
RICHARD ROSECRANCE is Adjunct Professor of
Public Policy at Harvards John F. Kennedy School of
Government, Research Professor of Political Science
at the University of California, and Senior Fellow in
the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs,
Cambridge, MA.
NADIA SCHADLOW is a Senior Program Officer in
the International Security and Foreign Policy Program
of The Smith Richardson Foundation, Westport, CT.
KERRY J. SCHINDLER is Branch Chief, Programs
Branch (Team TAA), in the HQ Department of the
Army G-37 Force Integration and Management Division, Washington, DC.
SCOTT A. SILVERSTONE is a Professor of International Relations in the Department of Social Sciences
at West Point, NY.
HUBA WASS DE CZEGE is the Founder and First Director of The School of Advanced Military Studies, Ft
Leavenworth, KS.
ALBERT S. WILLNER is a Principal Research Scientist
in the China Studies Division at the Center for Naval
Analyses, a nonprofit corporation, in Arlington, VA.


ISAIAH WILSON III is a Professor of Political Science

and former director of the American Politics, Policy,
and Strategy Program in the Department of Social Sciences at the United States Military Academy at West
Point, NY. He currently serves as a staff officer in the
U.S. Central Command.



Major General William E. Rapp
Professor Douglas C. Lovelace, Jr.
Director of Research
Dr. Steven K. Metz
Joseph V. Da Silva
Hugh P. Liebert
Isaiah Wilson III
Editor for Production
Dr. James G. Pierce
Publications Assistant
Ms. Rita A. Rummel
Mrs. Jennifer E. Nevil


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