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XML Publisher Questions with Answers



Overview: Oracle XML Publisher is a template-based publishing solution delivered with the
Oracle E-Business Suite. It provides a new approach to report design and publishing by
integrating familiar desktop word processing tools with existing E-Business Suite data reporting.
At runtime, XML Publisher merges the custom templates with the concurrent request data
extracts to generate output in PDF, HTML, RTF, EXCEL (HTML), or even TEXT for use with
EFT and EDI transmissions
Basic Need for XML: Consider the following scenarios
We have a RDF report with tabular layout which prints in English
New Requirements:
User1 wants the same Report needs to be printed in Spanish
User2 wants the Same Report needs to be printed in chart format
User3 wants the Same Report output in Excel
User4 wants the Same Report output to be published on intranet or internet
User5 wants the Same Report output eliminating few columns and adding few other
A new RDF needs to be created for each requirement stated above or an existing RDF needs to
be modified with huge amount of effort but whereas with XML Publisher it can be done very
XML Publisher separates a reports data, layout and translation components into three
manageable pieces at design time; at runtime all the three pieces are brought back together by
XML Publisher to generate the final formatted, translated outputs like PDF, HTML, XLS and
RTF. In future, if any there is any change in layout we just need to add/modify the Layout file
Data Logic: Data extracted from database and converted into an XML string.
Layout: The layout templates to be used for the final output are stored and managed in the
Template Manager.
Translation: The translation handler will manage the translation that is required at runtime
In brief the steps are as follows:a. Create a procedure and register it as Concurrent Program so that we write XML tags into
output file.
b. Build a Data Definition & XML Template using XML Publisher.
c. Create a relation between XML Template & Concurrent Program and run the concurrent
Requirements for XML Data Object Reports
Oracle XML Publisher Release 5.5 patch 4206181
Template Builder 5.5

Template builder is used to create template/layout for your report. Usually Template builder 5.5
is available in Oracle XML Publisher patch itself but you can also download it
from http://edelivery.oracle.com. First select Oracle Application Server Products then select your
platform and then locate the Oracle XML Publisher Release 5.6.2 Media Pack v1 for Microsoft
Windows, as below:
Download the Desktop edition from the below:
When you download the XML Publisher Desktop edition you get a Zip file containing setup for
XML Publisher Desktop Install Shield, this installs some components into Microsoft Word.
After installing, the Word Add-Ins is attached to the menu bar for the word document. This menu
lets you attach an XML data source document, add the XML data to your template, set
preferences and preview the output.
In detail along with screenshots:A concurrent program is written that spit out an XML file as output such concurrent program can
be of type SQL or PL/SQL or Oracle Report or any other supportable type, provided it can
produce a XML output.
1. Here I have a very simple PL/SQL procedure, which fetch the records from AR tables and
write the output in xml tags.
NUMBER,v_customer_id VARCHAR2)
/*Cursor to fetch Customer Records*/
CURSOR xml_parent
customer_name , customer_id
customer_id = to_number(v_customer_id);
/*Cursor to fetch customer invoice records*/
CURSOR xml_detail(p_customer_id1 NUMBER)
SELECT ra.customer_trx_id customer_trx_id, ra.ship_to_customer_id
ship_to_customer_id, ra.trx_number trx_number,aps.amount_due_original ams
FROM ra_customer_trx_all ra, ar_payment_schedules_all aps
WHERE ra.ship_to_customer_id = p_customer_id1
AND aps.customer_trx_id = ra.customer_trx_id
/*First line of XML data should be <?xml version="1.0"?>*/
FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.OUTPUT,'<?xml version="1.0"?>');
FOR v_customer IN xml_parent
/*For each record create a group tag <P_CUSTOMER> at the start*/
/*Embed data between XML tags for ex:- <CUSTOMER_NAME>ABCD</CUSTOMER_NAME>*/
FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.OUTPUT,'<CUSTOMER_ID>' || v_customer.customer_id ||

FOR v_details IN xml_detail(v_customer.customer_id)

/*For customer invoices create a group tag <P_INVOICES> at the start*/
v_details.customer_trx_id || '</CUSTOMER_TRX_ID>');
v_details.ship_to_customer_id || '</CUSTOMER_ID>');
/*Close the group tag </P_INVOICES> at the end of customer invoices*/
/*Close the group tag </P_CUSTOMER> at the end of customer record*/
/*Finally Close the starting Report tag*/
exception when others then
FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.log,'Entered into exception');
END Demo_XML_Publisher;

2. Create an executable SampleXmlReport for the above procedure Demo_XMML_Publisher.

Go to Application Developer Responsibility->Concurrent->Executable
3. Create a new concurrent program SampleXmlReport that will call the SampleXmlReport
executable declared above. Make sure that output format is placed as XML.
Go to Application Developer Responsibility -> Concurrent ->Program
4. Make sure we declare the parameters for the procedure.
5. Add this new concurrent program with Receivables request group. Either using the following
code or through below application screen.
=> 'Receivables All'
) ;
when others then
dbms_output.put_line('Object already exists');

Go to System Administrator Responsibility ->Security ->Responsibility->Request

6. From the receivables responsibility (depends on which responsibility we added our concurrent
program here it is receivables)
From the menu View->Requests->Submit A New Request->Single Request
Note: The layout field is blank as we havent attached any Template or layout to this concurrent
program yet.
By submitting the above request we get the output in xml (depending on procedure) as follows:
<?xml version=1.0 ?>
7. Save the above code as SampleXmlReport.xml
Note: Before saving the XML string in notepad remove the dashes
8. Create Template/Layout for the report using Template Builder. Here is a sample template.
Note the following:
The data fields that are defined on the template
For example: Customer Name, Customer Id
The elements of the template that will repeat when the report is run.
For example, Customer trx id , Invoice Number and Original Amount Due. All these fields on the
template will repeat for each Employee that is reported.
9. Mark up your template layout.

Like a mail-merge document theres placeholders for the data youre going to add, and then you
can add whatever formatting you like.
10. Now the next step is to select Data > Load XML Data from the toolbar menu, then pick up
the XML data a file ie.SampleXmlReport.xml. Once the data is loaded, a Data Loaded
Successfully dialog box comes up and you can then start adding data items to the template.
11. To add data items from the XML file into your report, you locate in the document the
placeholder for the field youre going to add, highlight it and then select Insert > Field from the
toolbar. A dialog box comes up with all of the available data items, you select the one you want
and click insert as shown below:
12. You can add repeating rows into your document by selecting Insert > Table/Form from the
toolbar. This brings up a different dialog box that lets you drag a parent node in this case, P
Invoices into the middle section, which becomes your repeating rows.
13. Calculate the average for amount due original. Select Insert->Field from the Add Ins toolbar.
Then select the tag that calculates the average for that particular field.
14. Once we are done with adding up all the fields in the template save it as an rtf which looks as
To confirm the output from the template we build. Click on preview and select the type in which
format the output is required.
15. Adding the Template to ORACLE Application.
In order to add the template to application the user should have the responsibility XML Publisher
Administrator assigned.
In this step we do 2 processes, registering concurrent program as Data Definition in template
And register the template using the data definition created.
Go to XML Publisher Administrator->Data Definitions->Create Data definition.
Here we fill all the details to create data definition
NOTE: Make sure the code of the data definition must be the same as the short name of the
Concurrent Program we registered for the procedure. So that the concurrent manager can retrieve
the templates associated with the concurrent program
We can add our xml file SampleXmlReport.xml in data definition here:
16. Now create the template with the help of template manager
At the runtime the concurrent managers request interface will present the list of available
templates with respect to the data definition registered. We will upload the rtf template file
created here. We will select the language and territory.
We can upload different templates for different languages and territories.
17. Now run the concurrent program to get the desired output.
From the receivables responsibility, use the submit request form to run the concurrent request.
The default layout is displayed which we can change as per the requirement. For changing the
template click on options to look for all templates register with that concurrent program.
Here in the above example my template is SampleXmlReport which is displayed in layout field.
And once the request is submitted we will get the output in PDF as
This is the final output as desired in the PDF format.

Dynamic Content using Sub Templates

By Tim Dexter-Oracle on Dec 01, 2011

I have written about sub templates in the past on a few occasions; the principle behind them is
pretty simple. If you have common report components that can be shared across reports; be they
blocks of text like standard contract clauses or maybe some common calculation or function,
drop them into a sub template and share the love. Develop once, use everywhere!
A colleague was recently tasked with conditionally bringing into a report output, paragraphs of
static text based on some user preferences. Thats an ideal candidate for a sub template approach;
drop all of the paragraphs in to an RTF subtemplate and then just conditionally pull them in
based on some boolean expressions.
You might, quite naturally think about conditionally importing a series of sub templates rather
than defining one, with all the content. However, XSL does not allow the conditional import of
sub templates so you must take the single template approach. You can of course, import multiple
sub templates if you have a lot of content to bring in but in most cases I would expect a single
sub template will suffice.
BIP does need to know what those paragraphs need to be for each user whether thats as a set of
parameter values or a data element in the incoming data set. For this example I have used both
approaches and they work all flavors of BIP. Implementation of the sub template onto the servers
is going to be a little different but the main principle is the same. I have mercilessly ripped out a
nice graphic from Leslies (doc writer extraordinaire) documentation.

This is for the 11g version that supports loading sub templates into the report catalog as objects.
They can then be referenced in your main template using the import statement:
The subtemplate folder is going to be from the /SharedFolders or /My Folders root. For instance,
I have a sub template paragraphs loaded into a test folder under Shared Folders. The import
statement in my main template is <?import:xdoxsl:///Test/ParaSubTemplate.xsb?>
Update from Leslie
For those of you testing using your own My Folder area. The syn tax is
<?import:xdoxsl:///~username/path to subtemplate.xsb?> where username is your user name. For
example: <?import:xdoxsl:///~tdexter/Subtemplates/Template1.xsb?>
Recommend you move them into the shared folder area in production.
For 10g you will either need to drop them into an accessible directory and use the file URI or
mount them into the web server directory structure and access them via an http URI. I normally
mount them in a directory under the xmlpserver directory e.g
J2EE_HOME\applications\xmlpserver\xmlpserver\subtemplates, a template is then accessible
via the URI http://server:port/subtemplates/template.rtf
Make sure you set the Allow External References property to true for the report so that the sub
template can be accessed.

The actual content of the sub template is pretty straight forward. Its a series of paragraphs
bounded by the template command e.g.

<?end template?>

<?end template?>

<?end template?>

Now we have the dynamic content defined its a case of conditionally bringing it into the main
template. For this example I have demonstrated two approaches; both rely on the required
paragraph information to be in the main dataset:
1. Using parameters to allow the user to select the appropriate paragraphs to be brought
in. This means creating the parameters and ensuring that you have set the property on the data
model to include the parameter values in the XML result set.
Once thats done its just a simple case of using id statements to check if a given paragraph should
be included:
<?if:.//PARA1='1'?><?call:para1?><?end if?>

This assumes my parameter is called PARA1 and that a 1 means include it, it could easily be a
Y or True value, you are just testing for it.
2. Including a value in the data to define what paragraphs should be included. If you have
stored what paragraphs should be included for a given entity i.e. customer, supplier, employee,
etc. Then you can extract those values into the data set and test for them. For this demo I have a 5
character set of 1s and 0s to represent the paragraphs that need to be included e.g. 10110. I
just use a substring command to find out if a particular paragraph needs to be included.
<?if:substring(.//PARAS,1,1)='1'?><?call:para1?><?end if?>

Where PARAS is the element holding the 1s and 0s string to be parsed.

You can of course use some other means of marking whether a paragraph needs to be included or
not. Its just a case of parsing out the values with a substring or similar command.
You should be able to generate dynamic content such as this:

XML Publisher Interview Questions and Answers


What are the XML publisher tables.









how to create report with out .rdf?
Ans> Using Data template..see below link
how to write a loop in rtf template design ?
Ans> <?for-each:G_invoice_no?>
..<?end for each?>
how to design sub templates in rtf layout ?
Ans> using following tags..
This is Last Page
<?end template?>
how to call a header or footer ?
Ans> using this tag <?call:header?> and <?call:footer?>
We have to use header section and footer section of the page.
How to break the page in specific condition ?
Ans> <?split-by-page-break:?>
How to use section break ?
Ans> <?for-each@section:G_CUSTOMER(This is group name)?>
How to create multi layouts in XMLP ?
Ans> using below conditions
Your template.
<?end when?>
Your template.
<?end when?>
Your template.
<?end when?>
<?end choose?>
How to calculate the running total in XMLP?
<?xdoxslt:set_variable($_XDOCTX, 'RTotVar', xdoxslt:get_variable($_XDOCTX, 'RTotVar') +
column name) )?><?xdoxslt:get_variable($_XDOCTX,
How to submit a layout in the backend ?
Ans> we have to write a procedure for this using the below code
=> 'application name',
=> 'your template code',
=> 'En',

=> 'US',
=> 'PDF'
11. How to display the images in XMLP?
Ans> url:{'http://image location'}
For example, enter:
url:{'${OA_MEDIA}/image name'}
12. How to pass the page numbers in rtf layout?
Enter the following in your template:
13.How to display last page is differently in XML Publisher Reports.
Ans> what you want to dispay the test anything write in last of page
last page header

<?end body?>

more questions i will update soon.........

we have any doubts on this please give the comment....i will respond...u r comment

What is BI Publisher?
A. It is a reporting tool for generating the reports. More than tool it is an engine that can be
integrated with systems supporting the business.
Is BI Publisher integrated with Oracle Apps?
Yes, it is tightly integrated with Oracle Apps for reporting needs. In 11.5.10 instances xml
publisher was used, in R12 we can it BI Publisher
What is the difference between xml publisher and BI Publisher?
Name is the difference, initially it was released on the name of xml publisher( the initial
patchset), later on they have added more features and called it Business Intelligence Publisher. In BI
by default we have integration with Datadefinitions in R12 instance. Both these names can be used
What are the various components required for developing a BI publisher report?
Data Template, Layout template and the integration with Concurrent Manager.
How does the concurrent program submitted by the user knows about the datatemplate or layout
template it should be using for generating the output?
The concurrent program shortname will be mapped to the code of the Datatemplate. Layout

template is attached to the datatemplate, this forms the mapping between all the three.
What is a datatemplate?
Datatemplate is an xml structure which contains the queries to be run against the database so
that desired output in xml format is generated, this generated xml output is then applied on to the
layout template for the final output
What is a layout template?
Layout template defines how the user views the output, basically it can be developed using
Microsoft word document in rft (rich text format) or Adobe pdf format. The data output in xml format
(from Data template) will be loaded in layout template at run time and the required final output file is
What are the output formats supported by layout template?
xls, html, pdf, eText etc are supported based on the business need.
Do you need to write multiple layout templates for each output type like html/pdf?
No, only layout template will be created, BI Publisher generates desired output format when the
request is run
What is the default output format of the report?
The default output format defined during the layout template creation will be used to generate
the output, the same can be modified during the request submission and it will overwrite the one
defined at layout template
Can you have multiple layout templates for a singe data template?
Yes, multiple layouts can be defined, user has a choice here to use one among them at run time
during conc request submission

Where do you register data and layout templates?

Layout template will be registered under xml publisher administrator responsibility>Templates
Data template will be registered under xml publisher admininstrator responsibility> Data
I want to create a report output in 10 languages, do I have to create 10 layout templates?
No, BI Publisher provides the required translation for your templates, based on the number of
languages installed in your oracle apps environment requires outputs are provided
What is the required installation for using BI Pub report?
BI Publisher deskop tool has be installed. Using this tool you can preview or test the report
before deploying the same on to the instance.

How do you move your layout or data template across instances?

xdoloader is the utility that will be used.
What is the tool to map required data output and layout templates so that they can be tested in
local machine?
Template viewer will be used for the same.
Which component is responsible for generating the output in xml format before applying it to layout
DataEngine will take DataTemplate as the input and the output will be generated in xml format
which will then be applied on layout template
Can BI publisher reports be used in OAF pages?
XDO template utility helper java classes are provided for the same.
Name some business use cases for BI reports?
Bank EFT, customer documents, shipping documents, internal analysis documents or any
transactional documents
How do you pass parameters to your report?
Concurrent program parameters should be passed, ensure that the parameter name/token are
same as in the conc prog defn and the data template
What are the various sections in the data template?
Parameter section
Trigger Section
Sql stmt section
Data Structure section
Lexical Section
What does lexical section contain?
The required lexical clause of Key Flex field or Descriptive FF are created under this section
What triggers are supported in Data template?
Before report and After report are supported
Where is the trigger code written?
The code is written in the plsql package which is given under defaultpackage tag of data
what is the file supporting the translation for a layout template?
A. xliff is the file that supports the translation, you can modify the same as required.

Q. How do you display the company logo on the report output?

A. Copy and paste the logo (.gif. or any format) on the header section of .rtf file . Ensure you resize
per the company standards.

RTF Template : Working with variables

Lets see how we can use the variables to store temporary data or use for calculation. This is
achieved using xdoxslt: function. These are the BI Publisher extension of standard xslt
Use xdoxslt:set_variable () function to set /initialize the variable and xdoxslt:get_variable()
function to get the variable value. $_XDOCTX is the System variables to set the XDO Context.
/*initialize a variables*/
<?xdoxslt:set_variable($_XDOCTX, counter, 0)?>
/*update the variables value by adding the current value to MY_CNT, which is XML element */
<?xdoxslt:set_variable($_XDOCTX, counter, xdoxslt:get_variable($_XDOCTX, counter) +
/* accessing the variables */
<?xdoxslt:get_variable($_XDOCTX, counter)?>
/*Working in a loop*/
<?xdoxslt:set_variable($_XDOCTX, counter, 0)?>
/*increment the counter*/
<?xdoxslt:set_variable($_XDOCTX, counter, xdoxslt:get_variable($_XDOCTX, counter) + 1)?>
<?end for-each?>
<?xdoxslt:get_variable($_XDOCTX, counter)?>
Hope this help in understanding variable gimmicks.
Need help on RTF template design or BI Publisher implementation, please
contact [email protected]

What is XML Publisher?

Oracle XML Publisher is a template-based publishing solution delivered with the Oracle E-Business
Suite. It provides a new approach to report design and publishing by integrating familiar desktop
word processing tools with existing E-Business Suite data reporting. At runtime, XML Publisher
merges the custom templates with the concurrent request data extracts to generate output in PDF,
HTML, RTF, EXCEL (HTML), or even TEXT for use with EFT and EDI transmissions.

XML Publisher has been ported over to the PeopleSoft enterprise ERP suite. XML Publisher will be
the reporting tool of choice from Oracle when Fusion Applications become available.

What are the various sections in the data template?


The data template is an XML document that consists of 5 basic sections:

Data Query
Data Structure

How do you migrate layout or data template across

We can use XDOLoader utility to migrate both data template and layout. Below is the example:
Data Template:
java oracle.apps.xdo.oa.util.XDOLoader UPLOAD \
-DB_USERNAME ${apps_user} \
-DB_PASSWORD ${apps_pwd} \
-FILE_CONTENT_TYPE text/html \

java oracle.apps.xdo.oa.util.XDOLoader UPLOAD \

-DB_USERNAME ${apps_user} \
-DB_PASSWORD ${apps_pwd} \

-FILE_CONTENT_TYPE application/rtf \

Do we need to create multiple layout templates for printing

report in multiple languages?

We can achieve multi language report by two ways

Different layout template for different languages This approach can be chosen if the
layout is also different from language to language.
2. Generate XLIFF template for each language
XLIFF (XML Localization Interchange File Format) : format for exchanging localization
data. XML based format that enables translators to concentrate on the text to be translated. We
use this option when we want to use the same layout and apply specific translation.

Can you have multiple layout templates for a singe data

Yes! Multiple layouts can be attached, so that user will have a choice here to use one among them at
the time of concurrent program submission

How to get a output of a XMLP report in different formats like

While submitting the concurrent program you select the output format in options form of Up on
Completions selection.

What is Data Template and Layout Template?

Data Template:
Datatemplate is an xml structure which contains the queries to be run against the database so that
desired output in xml format is generated, this generated xml output is then applied on to the layout
template for the final output

Layout Template:
Layout template defines how the user views the output, basically it can be developed using Microsoft
word document in rft (rich text format) or Adobe pdf format. The data output in xml format (from Data
template) will be loaded in layout template at run time and the required final output file is generated.

How does the concurrent request relate both data template

and layout template it should be using for generating the
The concurrent program short name will be mapped to the code of the Data template. Layout
template is attached to the data template, this forms the mapping between all the three.

What are the various components required for developing a

BI publisher report?

Data Template
Layout template
Integration with Oracle Concurrent Manager

What is the difference between XML publisher and BI

Name is the difference, XML Publisher (today) is only found within E-Business Suite. Prior to
release 12, it was added in via a patch. In R12, it comes pre-installed. Both these names can be
used interchangeably.
XML Pub operates entirely within EBS and can only be used within EBS. BIP can be installed as
a standalone version running off of several OC4J compliant engines, such as Application Server
and Tomcat. BIP can be pointed anywhere, so you could do reports out of an OLTP or warehouse
database, MSSQL and even within EBS.
Licensing is already included in EBS, and the standalone costs whatever plus maintenance.
BI Publisher is based on OC4J, which is a J2EE compliant engine, which for all practical
purposes, is a Web server. You see OC4J in lots of other Oracle products which typically have
one thing in common: they expose their application to the user via a Web interface. XMLP is also
based on this because EBS runs off of Application Server.
Both include a desktop component, which is an add-in to Word, and the work there is the same
regardless of which flavor youre using. You can create templates and publish them, there being a
slight difference in how each version does that.

What triggers are supported in Data template?

There are two different triggers supported by Data Template:
Before Trigger
After Trigger

What are the main XML Publisher database Tables?

Here are the few important tables of XMLP:

Where and What is the code written in the Data Template

The code is written in the plsql package which is mentioned under defaultpackage tag of data

what is the file supporting the translation for a layout

XLIFF is the file that supports the translation, we have one XLIFF file for each language.

How to do Looping in XMLP?

you can use the below syntax for looping:
<?end for-each?>

How to create sub templates in rtf Template?

Here is the Sub Template tag:
sub template design/tags
<?end template?>

Here header is the sub template name.

After that you call header sub template any where in the rtf with below syntax:

How do you pagebreaks after specific rows?

We can use below tag for page break:
But to use this conditionally we can use below syntax:
<?if:position() mod 5=0 ?>
<?end if?>
Note: we should not use split-by-page-break in a table

How to create a conditional Layout in XMLP?

Here is the syntax for creating different layouts based on condition:
..design your Layout here..
<?end when?>
..design your Layout here..
<?end when?>
..design your Layout here..
<?end when?>
<?end choose?>

How to restrict rows in a Group based on some condition in

We can use below syntax to restricting the rows in the Group based on condition:
<?for-each:Group_Name[./Field_name with Condition]?>
In this examples it will filter the Records with EMP_ADDRESS is not Null and Displays in the

How to handle NULL values as Exceptions in XMLP?

We use section:not property to handle NULL values.
<?if@section:not(//GROUP_NAME)?>Message/Action<?end if?>
<?if@section:not(//G_HEADERS)?>No Data Found for the Parameters Provided Master <?end if?>
Displays the Message
No Data Found for the Parameters Provided Master

How to find String Length in XMLP?

Tag to find the length of the String
<Name>Samantha</Name> (i.e Data Source)
Template Layout:
<?Name?> is <?string-length(Name)?> characters length Word.
Samantha is 8 characters length Word.

How to use Variables in XMLP?

Here is a small example of how to use variables in XMLP rtf layout:
Declaring the Variable R
<?xdoxslt:get_variable($_XDOCTX, R)?>
Declaring the Variable R and Assigning the Values 4 to R
<?xdoxslt:set_variable($_XDOCTX, R, 4)?>

Get the Variable value

<?xdoxslt:get_variable($_XDOCTX, R)?>
This adds 5 to variable R and displays it
<?xdoxslt:set_variable($_XDOCTX, R, xdoxslt:get_variable($_XDOCTX, R)+5)?>
This subtracting 2 to varaible R and displays it
<?xdoxslt:set_variable($_XDOCTX, R, xdoxslt:get_variable($_XDOCTX, R)-2)?>
Similarly U can use any mathematical Operation to the variable R.

How to Sort Data in the XMLP?

Syntax:Case 1:<?sort:Field_Name?><?Field_Name?>
It sorts the data in Ascending order by Default.if Order By is not mentioned
Case 2:<?sort:Field_Name;Order by?>
It sorts the data based on Order By mentioned here like Ascending Or Descending
Case 3:<?sort:Field_Name;Order by;data-type=text?>
It sorts the String Data based on Order By mentioned here like Ascending Or Descending
Examples:Case 1:<?for-each:EMP_DETAILS?>
<?sort:EMP_NO?><?EMP_NAME?><?end for-each?>
Case 2:<?for-each:EMP_DETAILS?>
<?sort:EMP_NO;descending?><?EMP_NAME?><?end for-each?>
Case 3:<?for-each:EMP_DETAILS?>
<?sort:EMP_NAME;ascending;data-type=text?><?EMP_NAME?><?end for-each?>

How to repeat the Header of the template on each and every

page of the output in XMLP?
Use <b><@section:?></b> tag to repeat a section in any specific region of a

(Or)You can also use header part of rtf (MS word feature) to insert the information you want to repeat
on all pages.

What are the different ways to show/insert an image on XMLP


There are 4 different ways to insert/show an image in rtf:

Insert an image directly on rtf just by using MS word standard feature
Using OA_MEDIA: storing on server and giving physical path of the image
Using URL of a image hosted on some website
Retrieving the image store in a database as BLOB type

Can XML publisher reports be used in OAF pages?

We can use XDO template utility helper java classes to embed XMLP report on OA Pages

Which component is responsible for generating the output in

XML format before applying it to layout template?
DataEngine will take DataTemplate as the input and the output will be generated in xml format which
will then be applied on layout template
More information: http://oracleappsdna.com/2014/10/developing-xml-publisher-reports-using-datatemplate/

What is the default output format of XMLP report?

The default output format defined during the layout template creation will be used to generate the
output, the same can be modified during the request submission and it will overwrite the one defined
at layout template

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