PMP Smart Start Guide

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Sm artStart
G uide


I decided to go with Cheetah Learning because the company was founded by a

rocket scientist. They better know how to do Project Management!

2011-2013 Cheetah Learning LLC

The PMI Logo is a trademark of the Project Management Institute,
Inc. which is registered in the United States and other nations.

August 2013

PMP What
The Science of Project Management
The PMP Credential



PMP Certification Process Overview
Educational and Experiential Requirements
Accelerating Your Application Process
Filing Your Application
Application Processing Time
Eligibility Duration
Current Eligibility Changes
PMI Professional Development Program
The PMP Exam
Computer-based Examination Administration
Passing Score
Exam Questions
Preparation and Study
Self Study or Commercial Prep
Types of Courses


PMP The Cheetah Way

Joining PMI
About Cheetah Exam Prep for the PMP
Classes Offerings
Cost Comparison
Cheetah Students
Covered Costs
When to Take the PMP Exam
Cheetahs Guarantee
Cheetahs Success Rate
How to Register


CHEETAH LEARNING - 2008 PMI Professional Development

Provider of the Year for PMP Exam Prep.

2013 - Cheetah Learning, LLC

Congratulations. Downloading your free Cheetah SmartStart Guide for the PMP
exam puts you on the fast track toward Project Management Professional (PMP) certification. More than 500,000 people have downloaded this guide since its release in July
2001, learning from the valuable tips and tactics we include for passing the PMP exam
and then keeping the guide as a handy reference.
We designed the guide so you can easily read through it in 30 minutes, dividing it into
four sections for easy access to information: PMP What,
PMP Why, PMP How and PMP The Cheetah Way. So
get comfortable for the next half hour, and find out what you
According to PMIs Project Management
need to know to be prepared for the PMP exam.

Salary Survey Sixth Edition, despite the

At Cheetah, we do things differently. Much of the information
in the following pages you would have to pay for by attending
a formal PMP exam-prep class. But Cheetah Exam Prep for
the PMP is designed to get you to pass the PMP exam, not
just prepare for it. So we provide these tools to prep for the
exam for free in this guide. Enough said. Lets take a look at
what Project Management and the PMP certification are.

recent recession affecting many professions,

project managers have reported salary increases. The survey also indicated that PMP
certification clearly carries added value.
Overall, PMPs are getting paid more than
non-PMPs ($10,000 more on average in 6
major countries).

According to, median salaries those who hold the PMP credential can be up
to 30% higher than their non-credentialed colleagues. Why? Because the more successful
people and organizations are with projects, the more successful they are overall. There
is no secret to Project Management success; its the science of getting things done. But
when did it start and how has it evolved?

The Science of Project Management

Every person and every organization does projects. Projects
have been around for as long as the Earth has existed, and
Project Management has continued to evolve. In todays fastpaced, business-oriented world, we now have modern Project
Management standards, tools and techniques to quickly and
efficiently reach our milestones and complete our projects.
Modern Project Management has been evolving since the
days of World War II and the Manhattan Project, which is its
birthplace. To successfully create the worlds first nuclear
weapons, the brains behind the effort developed new methods
of planning, execution and control. The Manhattan Project
had enormous unknowns and overwhelming logistics. Three
secret cities were built to support the project, each with close
to 20,000 residents. It was an enormous undertaking to plan,

2013 - Cheetah Learning, LLC

Studies indicate that only 25% of all projects
worldwide succeed in achieving budget,
schedule, and quality objectives. However,
these same studies indicate a 75% success rate for projects that employ modern
Project Management concepts, tools, and
techniques. These facts, coupled with our
new ANSI Standard, are the driving forces
behind todays enormous interest in modern
Project Management.

execute, and control the process of building, populating, and sustaining the cities. Many
of the concepts and tools we use today in Project Management were developed during
the Manhattan Project.
More than 20 years later, in 1969, the Project Management Institute (PMI) was established to create industry standards, advance the science of Project Management and
promote professional responsibility. In 1984, a small handful of project managers became the first PMPs, and three years later, PMI published the industrys first comprehensive set of accepted Project Management standards, The Project Management Body
of Knowledge (The PMBOK Guide). The PMBOK Guide was updated in 1996, 2000,
2004, 2008, and again in January 2013 with the release of The PMBOK Guide Fifth


In Harold Kerzners must-read book, In
Search of Excellence in Project Management, he studies 200 of the worlds
top corporations. His findings indicate

In September 1999, The PMBOK Guide became a

formal American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
Standard, ANSI/PMI 99-001-1999. Now, with The PMBOK Guide serving as an ANSI Standard, industries
throughout the world have uniform tools and techniques to manage projects, along with a worldwide
Project Management common language.

that only 29 of the 200 companies

Although the ANSI Standard is quickly being embraced worldwide by industries, governments, institulent or on the right track. We have a
tions and academia, there is still a lot of catching up
to do. PMI estimates there are 20 million professionlong way to go before a high Projectals currently working in Project Management worldManagement maturity level is achieved
wide, of this only about 400,000 hold PMI accreditathroughout the industry as a whole.
tion. While some professions within the information
technology sector have made major strides in adopting modern Project Management practices, we cant forget that every part of an organization is involved in project work and can benefit tremendously by adopting modern
Project Management techniques.
achieve his highest rating as excel-

For example, look at the marketing department in a standard company. Marketing expenditures are typically 10% to 20% of a companys gross revenue, so a company
generating $100 million in revenue spends $20 million in marketing. People in marketing are managing multi-million-dollar projects with minimal Project Management skills,
and research shows that projects managed without using modern Project Management
techniques have a 75% failure rate. Couldnt marketing professionals drive significant
improvement in their organizations marketing projects by becoming certified in Project
Management? Definitely! And its not just the marketing department that could benefit.
The same can be said for professionals who work in engineering, product development,
facilities management all areas of an organization where projects are the life blood of
day-to-day life.
The PMP Credential
As the Project Management professions flag bearer, PMI does extraordinary work to advance
the science and application of modern Project Management. One of its significant accomplishments and on-going programs is the formal certification of project managers the Project
Management Professional program. This program helps ensure the highest professional and
2013 - Cheetah Learning, LLC

ethical standards within the community of practicing Project Management professionals. Earning the PMP credential increases peoples career options, gives them more ability to influence
the successful outcome of their projects and provides more opportunities for increasing their
salary. It offers similar benefits for organizations that employ people who are PMP certified.
What does this all mean for you? It means there is a rapidly growing demand for Project
Management Professionals to lead the worlds industries using effective Project Management techniques. Check out a few of the large, web-based employment sites. Search for
PMP or PMI and see how many employers are looking for PMP/PMI-certified project
managers. Check back next week, and the number most likely will have grown.

At Cheetah Learning, we have helped people from a wide variety of professions become
PMP certified and have some amazing success stories about how people have dramatically improved their careers because of this certification. From the HR manager who, on
a whim, decided to become PMP certified and in two years was the Executive Director of
Human Relations with a $40,000 pay raise, to an Environmental Consultant who became
PMP certified to improve his business and saw a jump from $250,000 to $750,000 in just
six months, and a middle-school teacher who went through the program and is now leading curriculum development projects for her school district. Getting the PMP credential
was the critical element to launching themselves into amazing career success.
Everyone does projects its part of life. By becoming a professional in how you pursue
projects, you move your career in the right direction. Its easy to tell someone you can
get things done, that you are a project manager. But when you have a PMP certification
to prove it, your story rings true. If you want a sure way to advance your career, become
PMP certified.

The following table shows which parts of an organization gain the most by having certified Project Management Professionals. Look at your own organization and determine
which areas spend a significant amount of time and/or money on projects. Those are the
groups that benefit tremendously from having PMP-certified staff to lead projects. This is
where you, as a PMP, can deliver significant value, and its where you can have tremendous influence in motivating others to obtain their PMP credential, while benefiting your
career and your organization.

2013 - Cheetah Learning, LLC

PMP Value for Various Departments in Organizations


Time Spent on
Projects Overall

Money Spent on

Value of PMPs in
the Department

New Product Development









Customer Service






















PMP Certification Process Overview
The stated purpose and goal of PMIs Project Management Certification Program is the development, maintenance, evaluation, promotion, and administration of a rigorous, examination-based,
professional certification program of the highest caliber. In 2006, the PMP credential process
received ISO 17024 accreditation.
The certifi cation program supports the international community of Project Management Professionals and is designed to objectively assess and measure professional knowledge. PMP program
requirements and eligibility standards are applied fairly and impartially, and are consistent with
applicable laws.
To achieve PMP certification, you must satisfy all the educational and experiential requirements
established by PMI and must demonstrate an acceptable and valid level of understanding and
knowledge about Project Management that is tested by the PMP certification examination.
Educational and Experiential Requirements
In order to be considered eligible to take the PMP exam, you must meet PMIs experience and
education requirements. You can choose to qualify in one of two categories.
Category 1 At the time of application, you must hold a baccalaureate or equivalent university degree and have a minimum of 4,500 hours of Project Management experience within the five Project
Management Process groups. Groups are explained on the next page. Your Experience Verification
Form(s) must show a total of at least 4,500 hours, and the project dates must indicate that you have
at least three years of Project Management experience within the eight-year period prior to the
application. You must include at least 36 unique (non-overlapping) months of Project Management
experience on the Experience Verification Form(s) to satisfy the three-year requirement. Cheetah
students learn the terminology required by PMI to make sure their efforts on projects count towards
eligibility for the PMP exam.

2013 - Cheetah Learning, LLC

If you dont have the Project Management experience to pursue the PMP certification, consider
earning your CAPM certification instead. We offer a PM Fundamentals Online Certificate Program
that prepares you to take, and pass, the CAPM exam.
Required Documentation
1.Date of completion of your baccalaureate or equivalent university degree.
2.Experience Verification Form(s) meeting criteria listed above.
3.Thirty-five (35) hours of PM training prior to applying for PMP eligibility for people who register and pay for Cheetahs Exam Prep for the PMP online or classroom course, we offer an online
course that when successfully completed (as verified by a course completion certificate) may be
used to satisfy this requirement, if needed. This is only available to people who register and pay for
Cheetahs Exam Prep for the PMP course.
Project Management Process Groups
Initiating Processes: Recognizing that a project or phase
should begin and committing to do so.
Planning Processes: Devising and maintaining a workable
scheme to accomplish the business need that the project was
undertaken to address.
Executing Processes: Coordinating people and other resources
to carry out the plan.
Monitoring and Controlling Processes: Ensuring that project
objectives are met by monitoring and measuring progress and
taking corrective action when necessary.
Closing Processes: Formalizing acceptance of the project or
phase and bringing it to an orderly end.
Category 2 You can qualify under this category if at the time
you apply, you do not hold a baccalaureate or equivalent university degree but hold a high-school
diploma or equivalent secondary-school credential and have a minimum of 7,500 hours of Project
Management experience within the five process groups. The number of hours on your Experience
Verification Form(s) must total at least 7,500 hours, and the project dates must indicate that you
have at least five years of Project Management experience within the eight-year period prior to
the application. You must indicate at least 60 unique (non-overlapping) months of Project Management experience on the Experience Verification Form(s) to satisfy the five-year requirement. Again,
Cheetah students learn how to position their project efforts in the correct terminology to ensure
they meet eligibility requirements for the PMP exam.
If you are unable to meet the requirements to sit for the PMP exam, consider earning your CAPM
certification. Our PM Fundamentals Online Certificate Program is designed to help you prepare for,
and pass, the CAPM exam.
Required Documentation
1.Experience Verification Form(s) meeting criteria listed above.
2.Thirty-five (35) hours of PM training prior to applying for PMP eligibility for people who register
and pay for Cheetahs Accelerated Exam Prep for the PMP online or classroom course, we offer
an online course that when successfully completed (as verified by a course completion certificate)
may be used to satisfy this requirement, if needed. This is only available to people who register
and pay for the Cheetahs Accelerated Exam Prep for the PMP course.
2013 - Cheetah Learning, LLC

Accelerating Your Application Process

The eligibility application includes your Experience Verification
Forms that detail your Project Management work experience
and educational background, and your examination application with appropriate fee. Your application and documentation
must be in English and must be thorough and accurate. With
the Cheetah process we show you in the section that follows
how you can reduce the time needed to file your application
from eight hours to two hours.
Our accelerated online or classroom program, Cheetah Exam
Prep for the PMP course, helps you every step of the way to
move you quickly and easily through the exam-prep process,
from confirming your eligibility and thoroughly preparing you
for the exam to sitting for the exam on the fifth day. Be sure
to share Cheetahs exam-prep process and success rate with
your employer when requesting your choice for PMP training.

There is a science to preparing people for
the PMP exam. The key is not in the what,
its in the how. At Cheetah, we are masters
of the how of using accelerated learning in
our curriculum design. Others may copy us,
but they dont compare to us. We guarantee
you will pass the PMP exam not just learn
about Project Management. Our methodologies are unusual, probably not like anything
youve experienced before. So put what you
know aside, dont argue with success, and
well show you how to pass the PMP exam

Filing Your Application

Summarize your Project Management experience, including
the project names and companies for which you did the projects. The verification form has to summarize your project experience by Project Management phase. If you are a Cheetah
student, and you have questions about filling this out, contact
our career counselors for help. Click on our Work Verification
Spreadsheet link to see a sample.
File Your Information Online By Going To: This online form is available through
PMI to file your application. Its best to first become a member
( before filing this form as the
exam fee drops from $550 to $405 for members.

PMI audits 5-6 percent of accepted certification applications, so dont even stretch the
truth. During the audit process, PMI requires
formal verification by your employer(s) and
schools of all information. This process is
designed to maintain quality in the certification program. If incorrect information is found
during the audit process, you will have your
certification of eligibility revoked.

Application Processing Time

PMI states it will process your certification application within
5-to-10 working days, though you will find it usually is much faster than that when filing
online. Occasionally, PMI does experience delays during peak demand periods. At
those times, it can take up to six weeks to process your application. Once your application
is submitted you will be asked for exam payment (You pay PMI direct for the exam as they
are the ones who grant the certification). They will respond to your exam payment with an
Eligibility Letter that includes information that you use to schedule your exam at (Note: Approximately five-to-six percent of those paying for exams
are selected for a random audit that must be completed before your eligibility is confirmed.)
Eligibility Duration
You must take the PMP exam within one year of receiving your approval to test, since
you cannot renew it. If it expires, you have to apply and pay again. You can request a
partial refund if you decide not to take the exam after you have been approved. PMI will,
however, retain $200 to cover processing costs.
2013 - Cheetah Learning, LLC

Contact Hours of Project Management Education

You are required to have a minimum of 35 hours of formal
Project Management training prior to applying for eligibility.
Most people have some form of Project Management training, since training from a wide variety of sources is considered valid. (See PMI requirements outlined in the contact
hours of the PM Education section that follows.) However,
if you dont have the 35 hours, we offer a free online course
that satisfies this requirement. People must register and
pay for our online or classroom Cheetah Exam Prep for
the PMP course to qualify for the online course offering
and must successfully complete the course as verified by a
course completion certificate before reporting and submitting an application to PMI.

When people submit their PMP eligibility
application online with PMI, it takes
approximately 5-10 days for PMI to respond
by requesting payment for the exam.
(You pay PMI for the exam as they are
the ones who actually grant the certificate).
Once you pay PMI for your exam, you will either be informed that you were chosen for a
random audit (about 5% of candidate are)
or you will be issued an eligibility letter
which includes information you will need to
schedule your exam at

You must verify at least 35 contact hours of specific instruction that addressed learning
objectives in Project Management. Document all education hours regardless of when
they were accrued. The course work must be completed at the time of application.
The course hours may include content on project quality, scope, time, cost, human
resources, communications, risk, procurement, and integration management. You can
satisfy the educational requirements by demonstrating the successful completion of
courses, workshops and training sessions offered by one or more of the following types
of education providers:
1. PMI Registered Education Providers (R.E.P.s)*
2. PMI Component organizations*
3. Employer/company-sponsored programs
4. Training companies or consultants
5. Distance-learning companies, including an end-of-course assessment
6. University/college academic and continuing education programs
* Courses offered by PMI R.E.P.s, PMI Components (chapters, specific interest groups,
colleges), or PMI, are pre-approved for contact hours in fulfillment of the educational
eligibility requirement.
NOTE: One hour of classroom instruction equals one contact hour. If you have completed a university or college course on Project Management that met for three hours
per week for 15 weeks, you would document 45 contact hours. If only a portion of a
course dealt with Project Management, only the hours spent on project management
can be applied toward the total. The following education does not satisfy the
education requirements:
PMI chapter meetings*
Self-study (e.g., reading books)
* If at least one hour of a chapter meeting is spent conducting a learning activity, the
hour(s) spent in that activity can be counted towards the educational eligibility requirement. Refer to the PMI Credential Examination Policies & Procedures section in this
handbook for details on next steps after you submit your application.
2013 - Cheetah Learning, LLC


PMI Professional Development Program

Once you have successfully completed the certification
process and passed the exam, you are officially PMP
Cheetah Learning is a Registered Educacertified. Congratulations! Keep in mind that you must
tion Provider (R.E.P) of PMI, which means
still satisfy PMIs Professional Development Program to
maintain your certification. You must earn a minimum of
that after you have obtained your PMP
60 Professional Development Units (PDUs) every three
credential you use as a resource to fulfill
years and agree to adhere to PMIs Project Management
the contact hours you need to maintain
Professional Code of Professional Conduct. Detailed
your PMI credential. Cheetah is also
information on the program is included in the mailing
you receive once you pass the exam. Cheetah Learning
authorized to grant Continuing Education
offers online, cutting-edge Project Management courses
Units by the International Association for
that allow you to earn your PDUs whenever its conveContinuing Education and Training.
nient, including a 2PDU-of-the-Month Club that delivers
an online course to you each month to help you easily earn your 60 PDUs. We also offer a number of free
career-success development tools to our PMP students. Our goal is to ensure that
our students are the most successful people on the planet. Be sure to share our
goals along with your own when you meet with your employer to discuss your PMP
training options.
The PMP Exam
Once you get your eligibility letter, its time to focus on the PMP exam. For many
PMP candidates, the exam is the most challenging part of the certification process.
So lets take a look at what youll encounter.
Computer-based Examination Administration
The PMP exam is offered via computer at approximately 1,700 testing centers
worldwide, with 300 in North America. The testing centers in North America are
operated by the Prometric organization. When you receive your PMP eligibility letter, you must schedule a date/time directly with the testing center. Detailed information is provided with your letter. As soon as you find out that PMI has processed
your online application, you can call Prometric to schedule your exam or go to


When you arrive for the exam, you must sign in. The
exam proctor calls your name to start the exam in the
Being relaxed is the best way to pass this exam.
order in which you have signed in. Before starting your
Eat an adequate meal before the exam, and learn
exam, you must show two forms of identification along
stress-reduction techniques for when things get
with your eligibility letter. One must be a government form
tense. Drive to the exam location several days
of identification such as a drivers license or a passport
that has your picture and signature. The other can be a
before your exam to be sure you know how to
credit card or your PMI membership card, as long as it
get there. Make sure to bring healthy snacks and
has your signature. The test center will give you a locker
water for your breaks.
outside of the testing room for your belongings. Some
centers watch to make sure you empty everything out
of your pockets, including your wallet. You will not even
be allowed to bring in your own pen. Many test centers do not let you access your
locker during the exam. If you bring snacks and water, which you will find
necessary, you can keep it on top of the lockers.

2013 - Cheetah Learning, LLC


Once you have taken care of your personal belongings,

your proctor will give you ear plugs, scratch paper and
two pencils. PMI added a calculator function to the exam
so you cannot bring a programmable calculator to the
test. The proctor then takes you to your specific testing
station, which is separated from the other stations by
partitions that look like office cubicle walls. Depending
on the test center, the room may be dimly or brightly lit.
It might be hot or cold, so dress in layers just in case.
You may also have a desk lamp. The computer screen
is normally 19 to give you a large viewing area, and the
test questions are presented one at a time in plain black
and white to avoid screen clutter. Some people find the
computer screen is too close to their face, and they have
a hard time viewing the questions. If you have trouble
viewing close up, bring your glasses.

You do not have to start the exam when you
first sit down. We recommend you do the
tutorial first, then start the exam. Cheetah
test takers are able to quickly record the
key PM concepts and equations on scratch
paper provided by the test center when they
first arrive. This keeps them calm when they
encounter difficult questions that require
working through complex calculations or
thought processes. It also makes them
feel less rushed to get their answers down
before they forget them.

If you have special considerations, such as ADD, a visual

impairment, cerebral palsy, etc., you can contact PMI and request special consideration.
Usually you have to provide a doctors note specifying the condition and request additional time or help, such as a reader if you have a visual impairment. In our experience,
PMI is generous in giving extended time for the test or providing a resource if needed.
Do not be shy about requesting this consideration as you want to pass the test the first
time. The consideration must be approved and in place before you receive your eligibility.
The test center cannot provide special consideration unless it is part of your eligibility.
When you sit down at your testing station, the proctor
helps start the exam process. You are given the option
of doing the computer tutorial before starting. Definitely
do this, since it will help you get acclimated to the testing
environment. Once you start the exam, a clock also starts
showing how much time you have remaining to complete
the exam. The tutorial IS NOT PART OF THE FOURHOUR TEST. The exam is 200, multiple-choice questions,
randomly selected by category from a bank of thousands
of possible questions. No two exams are identical. You
have four hours to complete all 200 questions.

Most people find the examination process
very stressful, but those who go through the
exam after the Cheetah Exam Prep course
are encouraged and supported by following
our diet, exercise, lifestyle and attitude plan
to significantly decrease their stress levels.
Our program also improves their focus and

Passing Score
concentration, even under the most difficult
The PMP exam has 200 multiple-choice questions, with
circumstances. Course participants say they
175 of those items scored and 25 unscored. There are
have never felt better passing the exam is
two levels of information provided on your score sheet.
One is the overall examination results, which tells you
sure to help with that overall feeling of well
whether you passed or failed. The other is a diagnostic
representation of your proficiency level per domain.
Each domain is accompanied by one of three possible
proficiency levels proficient, moderately proficient, or
below proficient. There is not a minimum or maximum number of domains in which you
need to demonstrate proficiency in order to pass the exam. Your pass/fail score is based
on your overall performance, not on how many questions you answered right or wrong
in a particular domain or chapter. Note: The 25 unscored items are placed randomly
2013 - Cheetah Learning, LLC


throughout the exam and not counted against your grade.

However, you do not know which questions are unscored.

You have a little more than one minute per ques-

Even with our coaching and our intense immersion aption during the exam. The best strategy is to anproach, every once in a while we have people who dont
swer the easy questions first since you dont score
clear the gate, even though they report they have never
more points by answering the hard ones.
failed an exam in their life. You not only have to thoroughly know your stuff, you also have to have a variety of
real-world experience to work through the questions. The
people from our Cheetah Exam Prep for the PMP course who score very high on the
exam have a wide range and depth of PM experiences, are able to completely immerse
themselves in the four-day classroom or four-week online program and are able to use
the techniques taught in the program to relax and focus during the exam.
If you dont clear the gate with a raw score (number of correctly answered items on the
examination) to pass on your first attempt, you can take the exam again just submit a
Re-examination Form to PMI. There is no waiting period to submit the form or to re-take
the exam. You can usually reschedule your exam within two weeks, but you must submit
your re-examination form within one year from the original test date. Once PMI processes the re-examination fee, they send you a new eligibility letter containing testing information and identification code. You are allowed to test three times in a year. If you dont
pass, you must wait a year to reapply to sit for the exam again. The re-examination fee is
$275.00 USD for PMI members and $375.00 USD for non-members. We get a number of
students through our program that didnt pass the exam the first time through when they
were using their own self-study approach or one of the other exam-prep programs on the
market. We love having them in our class the pass rate for that group is very high with
our approach.
Exam Questions
Be careful if youre practicing with an exam database that gives you short questions with
five answers that is the previous format when the exam was 320 fact-oriented, multiplechoice questions. Thank goodness PMI took a different approach! With the old exam,
candidates were given eight hours to complete it. So if you knew your facts and figures,
you could whip through the exam questions pretty easily. With the new format, all of this
has changed.
Todays exam is designed to fully test your understanding of modern Project Management concepts, standards, tools, and techniques not to see if you can regurgitate a
boatload of facts and figures. The questions are designed to test both your understanding and your practical application abilities, so you see a wide variety of question types.

2013 - Cheetah Learning, LLC


The exam includes some simple, factual questions such

as these two examples:
Which of the following is used to ensure the
description of the product of the project is
correct and complete?
Verify Scope
Procurement Audit
Configuration Management
Project Management Information System

Some exam questions offer you all correct
answers to choose from while others ask you
to choose the best answer where none of the
choices are what you would choose to do in real
life. You have to read some of these questions
three or four times to understand them. Take your
time, check your work, and answer each question
from the PMI perspective.

Your most recent project status report contains

the following information:
EV=3,500, AC=4,500 and PV=4,200. The schedule variance is:
Many questions will require you to eliminate the incorrect answer, such as:
Inputs to develop schedule include all of the following except:
Network Diagrams
Risk Register
Activity Resource Requirements
Project Scope Statement
Heres one more:
PMIS is a tool in which of the following processes:
Perform Integrated Change Control
Direct and Manage Project Execution
Monitor and Control Project Work
Develop Schedule
There are also some fill-in-the-blank type questions. The examples up to this point
represent the easier types of questions on the exam. The more difficult questions, which
comprise most of the exam, are those that present a hypothetical situation and then ask
you for the best response. Here is an example:
Youve been hired to manage a multinational team of engineers to build a bridge
across an isthmus. The team completed the project on time and within budget. At
the ribbon cutting ceremonies, you are presented with the keys to the city and a
vacation package for two. Your most appropriate action would be to:
Gracefully accept both
Accept the key to the city but decline the vacation for two
Accept both but return the vacation for two in
private after the ceremony
Decline both
2013 - Cheetah Learning, LLC


These questions can be very challenging, especially if

youre anxious and tired. First, the question is long and
drawn out. Then it requires you to make a judgment
call rather than selecting a clear answer. With this type
of question, you must stay focused, clearly understand
what is being asked, and then use a combination of
your training and practical experience to select the best
answer. In this example, all four options are logical, but
one will be better than the others. Here, the best answer
is the second one, according to PMIs Code of Ethics
and Professional Conduct. Many candidates get this type
of question wrong because they either fail to fully understand what the question asked, or they dont understand
the concepts behind PMIs Standards.
If you have studied the right materials,know The PMBOK Guide, can draw on a solid experiential background in Project Management and stay focused
throughout the exam, you will do fine with all question

During the test, mark the questions on the computer if you dont immediately know the answer,
so you can easily find them when you go back to
check them later. By the time Cheetah students
get to the exam, theyre already in the habit of
recording whether they knew the answer immediately, could narrow their choices or had no
idea. This allows them to focus on the questions
they know and move through the exam quickly.
Then they have time to go back to the ones they
marked. Not only does this save time during the
exam, but it builds your confidence as you answer
the easier questions so your mind is clear for the
more difficult ones.

Preparation and Study

There is an unlimited amount of advice within the Project Management community concerning what to study and how to prepare to successfully pass the PMP exam. There are
scores of good reference books and commercial exam-prep courses available. Regardless of the approach and sources of information you
decide to use, there are two basic musts.


We participate in a variety of Internet discussion boards where we hear a number of different

takes on the PMP exam. Some people say the
first 50 questions are the hardest; others say the
first 10 questions were especially challenging or
that there were many long and complex questions
throughout. Each PMP exam is randomly generated so there is no typical test. To ensure Cheetah

First, you must have an effective combination of

both practical experience and formal training in
modern Project Management to pass the PMP
exam. You cannot succeed without both.

When people can absorb new information in at least three different formats
and contexts, they can more quickly and easily recall that information. When
studying for the PMP exam, find a variety of formats that present the
information on the test and review your study material at least three times.

students are prepared for whatever is on their

particular exam, we prepare them in two ways.
First, they learn how to stay relaxed and focused
even under difficult situations. Second, Cheetah
instructors and training developers are constantly
reviewing the most current edition of The PM

BOK Guide and integrating fresh, updated material into our courses. Thats one reason why were
your best chance to pass the PMP exam.

2013 - Cheetah Learning, LLC

Second, assuming you satisfy the experiential

criteria for certifi cation, you must acquire formal
training in modern Project Management concepts,
standards, tools, and techniques. Most candidates
who take the exam have solid experience and
training in several Project Management areas.
For example, a PMP candidate may be expert in
Scheduling, Network Diagramming and Cost
Estimating but weak in Risk Management and
Procurement Management. Very few candidates
have solid training and experience in all areas of

modern Project Management, yet the PMP exam requires a thorough understanding of
all areas to pass. That being the case, you need some formal training to at least reinforce your weaker areas and ensure you are using the proper PMI terminology.
A general outline of what you must have down cold to take the exam is
a thorough understanding and working knowledge of the current PMBOK Guide:
Project Management Context and Framework
Project Management Processes and the Five Process Groups
All Ten Project Management Knowledge Areas
1.Project Integration Management
2.Project Scope Management
3.Project Time Management
4.Project Cost Management
5.Project Quality Management
6.Project Human Resource Management
7.Project Communications Management
8.Project Risk Management
9.Project Procurement Management
10.Project Stakeholder Management
Multiple sets of Inputs/Tools and Techniques/Outputs
47 Defined Project Management Processes
54 Common Project Management Acronyms
381 Project Management Term Definitions
A thorough understanding of and working skills with:
Network Diagramming
Earned Value Analysis
Project Scheduling
General Management Practices
Change Control Systems
Work Authorization Systems
Work Breakdown Structures
Strategic Business Planning
Project Task Interdependencies
General Accounting Standards
Quality Control
Quality Assurance
Conflict Management
Motivation Theory
Communications Management
Risk Management
Contracts Administration
Procurement Management
PMP Professional Responsibility

2013 - Cheetah Learning, LLC


There are many sources of information and training available to help you prepare for the
exam. The important thing to recognize is that your sources need to include all of the
listed items.
The PMBOK Guide is an essential part of your study materials. You must know it inside
and out, understanding that The
PMBOK Guide is an industry
standard. It is not a teaching
guide or textbook, so it may be
difficult to read and intuitively
understand. Remember that you
cannot learn modern Project
Management from The PMBOK Guide alone.
Successful preparation requires
supplementing your The PMBOK Guide studies with other
material that addresses the basics of modern Project Management. There are many excellent
texts and desk references available, written by experts in Project Management. Some
offer in-depth and comprehensive information, while others are good for quick answers
to common Project Management tools and techniques. Project Management: A Systems
Approach to Planning, Scheduling and Controlling (8th edition, 2001) by Harold Kerzner,
Ph.D., provides most of the supplementary information you need. It is a 1,200-page,
small-print text that takes some time to master. It is a good idea to focus your supplemental study only on those areas that track with The PMBOK Guide. Use The PMBOK
Guide to identify the areas you need to study and then go to the other PM references for
that supplemental information.
There are 29 questions on the PMP exam to address Professional Responsibility. The
best single source of study material in this area is PMIs Code of Ethics and Professional
Conduct, available at PMIs web site. The concept and practice of respecting cultural
differences is an integral part of Professional Responsibility. Therefore, any material that
addresses this topic may be a good source for supplemental study.

Make sure the PMP exam prep method that you use reflects the information
in the PMBOK Guide - Fifth Edition, as this is the most recent PMBOK book
and what PMI will test on.

2013 - Cheetah Learning, LLC


Updates to the PMP Certification Exam

The PMP exam most recent changed occurred on 1 July 2013 when PMI updated the
PMBOK to the fifth edition.
The major changes from the 4th edition to the 5th edition PMBOK are the following:

The Fifth Edition continues to reflect the evolving knowledge within the profession of project management
and represents generally recognized good practice in the profession.

The content from Section 3 The Standard for Project Management of a Project has been moved to
Annex A1. The new Section 3 addresses project management processes and Process Groups as in
previous editions.

A new Knowledge Area has been created called Project Stakeholder Management that increases the
focus on identifying and engaging stakeholders. This increases the number of Knowledge Areas from nine
to ten.

Four planning processes have been added to reinforce the concept that each major Knowledge Area has
a planning process focusing on how that area will be planned and executed.
Self Study or Commercial Prep
Surveys indicate that only 10% of all candidates take the self-guided study approach.
With this method, you get what you put into it. If youre confident you can learn and assimilate all the material you need to know to clear the exam, and you can put in several
hours per day for several months, try this route. Its not the fastest, but if you have more
time than money (and you cant make money from your time), then its the way to go.
The worst that will happen is you spend three-to-six months studying and dont pass the
exam. Self-guided study certainly works for some candidates, but for most, it represents
the longest and riskiest path.
Types of Courses
If passing the exam after investing hours of study time is important to you, then you
might want to consider a prep course. But make sure your time is well spent. Some prep
courses provide the same information you get in this guide and not much more, and
there are many seminars and development courses from which to choose. PMI usually
has a current list of Registered Education Providers on its web site. To ensure this type
of training fulfills the 35-hour, pre-exam training requirement, make sure you participate
in a program offered by a Registered Education Provider. The list of companies offering
exam PMP exam prep is extensive and dynamic. You may want to check out https://ccrs. to get the most up-to-date listing.

2013 - Cheetah Learning, LLC


There are a variety of options for commercial training, and there are pros and
cons to consider with each approach.. For example, the majority of PMP prep
courses are two or three days in length, cost about $1,700 (when you factor in
travel costs), and promise the world in their promotional materials. However, all
they really do is direct you on what to study and provide you with their recommended study materials, much of which we cover in this guide. You may still have
to spend a few hundred hours studying on your own.
Before signing up for one of these programs, talk directly with the provider to
clearly understand what youre getting. Many guarantee that you will pass using
their method, but there are all types of hoops you have to jump through to validate the guarantee in terms of pre-course and post-course studying. They also
over promote their pass rate and simply rely on their students to report their own
scores. At Cheetah Learning, our PMP coaches pay is based, in part, on whether their students pass, which we verify with PMI. So our pass rates are the ONLY
documented pass rates in the industry that undergo a full, internal audit. Ask the
provider youre considering if their instructors are compensated based on pass
rate and how they are audited.

There are a number of honest and reputable companies that offer PMP exam-prep programs. But
dont fall for deceptive advertising tactics. Ask the following questions:

Do you guarantee I will pass the exam? If so, find out the terms of their guarantee. Ask if the
company reimburses the fee to retake the exam if you dont pass.
How do you document your pass rates? Many companies make undocumented claims about
pass rates. If they dont verify every students results, be careful. Also ask how their instructors are
compensated. Cheetah PMP coaches are compensated based on their students passing, so the
Cheetah pass rate is internally audited.
Do most people take the test immediately after the prep program? If the prep provider doesnt
encourage you to take the exam immediately following the course, be guaranteed that you will
have to do more studying after their program.
Do I need to purchase extra prep material in addition to what I get in class? No, but you do need

a copy of The PMBOK Guide, which is not part of Cheetahs course materials. Many other
training companies, however, tell you what you need and what you should do and then leave you
on your own to study. This can end up costing you more money and time than you thought, and
may reduce your chances of passing the exam. At Cheetah, we teach you in class or online what
you need to know to pass the PMP exam guaranteed. So how much is your time worth?

2013 - Cheetah Learning, LLC


Several of these providers offer hundreds of

sample exam questions, typically available on
CD-ROM, to help you prepare. Practicing with
sample test questions is a valuable and very
effective technique to help prepare for the exam
and should be included in any PMP exam-prep
program. However, this is certainly not an effective stand-alone study method. Be careful of any
commercially available exam questions based on
the old 320-question exam format. It can be very
disorienting to prepare extensively using one style
of test question and then find a completely different style on the actual exam. Remember that no
commercial training groups know what questions
are on any given exam. If they claim to or claim
they have written the exam, be careful. If you use
their material you may violate PMIs Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct and lose the PMP
certification you worked so hard to attain.
PMI has very strict rules against sharing with others what was on the exam. It is much
more important to fully understand the standards, concepts, tools, and techniques. This
way, you are prepared to effectively tackle any question presented in any format. If youre
using one of these CDs to prepare, and you easily score in the high 90s, then the questions are not representative of what youll see on the exam.
Some providers offer online options to get you through the certification process. These
approaches give you access to their content and some are even instructor backed. You
have to be disciplined, and some recommend you set aside at least 16 weeks to go
through their programs.
It is important that you clearly understand what youre getting into with a PMP examprep program. More than one-third of our students come to Cheetah after having gone
through someone elses exam-prep course. If Cheetah Exam Prep for the PMP is the
right course for you, you should still be knowledgeable about what else is out there when
you sit down with your employer to talk about PMP exam-prep training options.

PMP The Cheetah Way

With our complete immersion approach, Cheetah Learning is your best chance to pass the
PMP. Our Cheetah Exam Prep for the PMP online and classroom courses are designed
to prevent the retention leak that happens when you continually start and stop the study
process. In our four-day classroom course, you study the right material in the most efficient way to stimulate instant recall and accelerate learning. One of Cheetahs alumni, Pat
McNabb, commented about the Cheetah Exam Prep course that .the attitude of importance, encouragement, and 24-hour-a-day focus is like a wave that sweeps you up and
helps carry you through the exam. Someone asked me what I thought about taking a series of Saturday classes in prep for the exam. My thought is that this kind of learning would
be too diluted to have the same impact of the solid four-day infusion that Cheetah delivers.

2013 - Cheetah Learning, LLC


Our four-week online course follows the same

accelerated learning principles with the same
successful results. One of our online exam-prep
alumni, Jon Stevens, said that by the time I finished the course, I was averaging just below 90%
on the practice tests and feeling very confident for
the examI wouldnt hesitate to recommend the
Cheetah online PMP exam-prep course to anyone.
Our approach is modeled on accelerated learning
techniques that have been proven over the course
of 40 years, and it is supported by more than 18
certified Cheetah PMP coaches, the most in the
industry, who are certified in coaching people using
accelerated learning principles. Cheetahs method
has the highest level of assurance that you will
pass the exam NO MATTER WHAT ELSE IS
GOING ON IN YOUR LIFE. If you dont pass the
exam after completing our course, we reimburse
the PMI-member exam retake fee ($275 USD).
Even for the very small number of people who dont pass the exam the first time with our
approach, they do so the second time within a month. See our guarantee details beginning
on page 22.
Joining PMI
Although there is no requirement to be a PMI member for PMP certification, it makes sense
to join. Annual membership fees are low, and you receive numerous benefits, including an
immediate $150 USD discount on your certification exam fee. The discount alone basically
pays for your first year. As a member, you are part of the worlds largest network of Project
Management Professionals and can enjoy the benefits of staying well informed and networking with other professionals in the field.
About Cheetah Exam Prep for the PMP
We have extensive information about the online and classroom Cheetah Exam Prep for the
PMP courses on our web site at You also can call our Cheetah
Learning PMP Exam Prep course hotline at 888-659-2013 and ask for Jean Steinmetz, or
contact her directly at 860-712-1267.
Class Offerings
We offer our classroom program weekly in cities throughout the world. Check the current
schedule by visiting our web site at
If you have a minimum of eight people who are interested in participating in the program,
we will consider hosting a public course in your area. Contact us to see if we can add your
city to our event calendar. Since we also teach this course in-house, we can organize a
class at your company if you have 10 or more people who need to become certified,
providing all the benefits of our public classes along with cost savings.
If you cant make it to one of our classroom locations, be sure to learn about our online Cheetah
Exam Prep for the PMP exam course. Instead of four days in the classroom, you can go through
the same preparation over a four-week period, spending 12-to-14 hours per week studying.
2013 - Cheetah Learning, LLC


Cost Comparison
During our exam-prep PMP course, students learn how to analyze the risk of different
project options known as Expected Monetary Value analysis. Getting the PMP certification is a project (its a temporary endeavor, unique, and has a definite beginning and end).
And you have two ways of completing that project. You can choose between the Cheetah
accelerated approach and the traditional approach (self-study). Each approach has associated risks and these risk events can have either a positive or a negative impact. Lets take
a look at those risk events.
The four basic risk events associated with pursuing the PMP are:
Passing the PMP exam
Failing the PMP exam
Studying for the PMP exam
Taking a PMP exam-prep course
These risk events can happen whether you choose Cheetahs accelerated approach or the
traditional approach. For each risk event, there exists a probability that it will occur and an
associated cost (or gain) for that risk event.
The expected monetary value (US pricing) for each risk event is calculated by multiplying
the probability of the risk event times the cost (or gain) of that risk event occurring. With
this information, we can calculate the expected monetary value for the risk events associated with each PMP pursuit option and determine an overall expected monetary value for
the accelerated PMP pursuit approach vs. the traditional PMP pursuit approach. Table 1
shows the Expected Monetary Value Analysis for the Cheetah vs. the Traditional Approach
for getting the PMP certification. A positive number represents a gain while a negative
number represents a loss.
The Expected Monetary Value Analysis shows that with the Cheetah approach to pursuing
the PMP, there is an associated $4,450 gain. With the traditional approach, there is an associated $4,100 loss. This makes the Cheetah approach an $8,550 better option.
Table 1. Expected Monetary Value Analysis
Cheetah Approach

Traditional Approach


Probability of

Impact $

Value (P x I)

Probability of

Impact $

Value(P x I)

Pass the


+$10,000 (typical






(our pass rate)

pay raise)

(standard pass rate)

(typical pay raise)

Fail the






(our fail rate)

(we reimburse the

(standard fail rate)

(cost to retake the exam)


(180 hours x $50 per hour)



cost of the retest)

Study for




the Test

(our course is

(40 hours x $50

(% of people who

only a week long)

per hour)

study this much)

Take a



-$3,350 (avg.




(Cost of course)

(average cost of


(% of people who

(average cost people spend

our classroom


take a prep course)

on prep material and com-



petitors programs)

+$4,450 USD
2013 - Cheetah Learning, LLC


-$4,100 USD

Cheetah Students
So who chooses to take the accelerated Cheetah approach to PMP certification? People
who know how to get things done. Think about it. If you had a project manager who came
to you and said this project has a 65% chance
of being successful, and its going to take me six
months, and one who said this project has a 98%
chance of being successful, and it will take me a
week, who would you think was the better project
manager? There are a lot of copy cats out there,
but theres only one Cheetah. They dont have our
success rate or our follow-up programs. If youre
serious about your success in Project Management, tell your employer that Cheetah Learning is
not only your best chance of passing the PMP but
the most logical choice from the three perspectives
that drive all projects cost, schedule, and quality.
Covered Costs
The cost of the classroom Cheetah Exam Prep for the PMP course is shown once you
click on the Register for Class link next to your selected class, and you see the online
course cost once you click through on the Register PMP Exam Prep Online Course link
on the home page. The cost of the four-day class includes all
class materials, equipment, lunch, mid-morning and mid-afternoon snacks, trainers being
available more than 14 hours each day at your convenience, and the guarantee that you
will pass the exam. You just need to bring a copy of The PMBOK Guide with you. Our
course cost does not include the price PMI charges to take the exam. You are required to
pay the exam fee directly to PMI once you receive approval to test, and you are responsible for scheduling your own exam date. Cheetahs price reflects very high value 98%
success, four days of your time. You spend just one week to complete all exam preparation work and take the actual PMP exam. Once you factor in the cost of study materials,
class fees and study hours, other exam-preparation options are considerably more costly
and time consuming. The online course cost covers all materials, unlimited online access
to your instructor and the Cheetah guarantee that you will pass the exam. The course
cost does not include the fee PMI charges to take the exam, but it does reflect very high
value 99% success and four weeks of your time.
When to Take the PMP Exam
We highly recommend you schedule your exam on the Friday morning immediately following the last day of class (or the next day after completing the course) at the Prometric
test facility either near where you are taking our classroom course or near your home if
you completed our online class. Once registered for a classroom course, we provide a
list of the closest Prometric centers to our class. Our online course kit provides a link to
where you can view all Prometric locations and test times. Some people dont get their
eligibility application in on time to reserve a seat at the exam location for that Friday. For
those folks, we suggest they schedule their exam early the following week when they
return to their home town. When you register for the Cheetah Exam Prep course, you
receive a list of the Prometric testing facilities near the course location you selected.
Cheetahs Guarantee
We guarantee you will pass the PMP exam after participating fully in the program. Participation in the program means receiving your eligibility letter from PMI, having your
exam scheduled for Friday of class week (or within seven days of the last day of class),
2013 - Cheetah Learning, LLC


scoring a 100% on your memory map, being on

time and staying until the end of class and participating in all classroom and/or online activities. If
you dont clear the exam the first time, we set up a
customized study/coaching program to prepare you
for taking the exam again. Throughout the program,
the coaches modify the material and presentations
to fit individual learning style differences. We have
PMP exam-prep down to a science. Cheetah PMP
coaches take extensive measurements throughout
the course and can predict your score on the actual
PMP exam within an average of 5 points.
Our exam prep mission statement is to prepare
you to pass PMIs PMP credentialing exam. Your
coach is totally committed, dedicated and available
to you during your online and classroom course to
answer questions and work with you so you can
pass the PMP exam. Your course includes sample
tests so your coach can monitor your progress and
readiness. Based on your individual performance
and exam scores, your coach may suggest specific
areas of study for you to review outside of class
and possibly suggest rescheduling your exam a few
days later to give you additional time to prepare.
Our experience shows most people pass on their first attempt. In the event that you fail
the exam after taking our four-day class or completing our four-week online course, our
guarantee offers you the following:
Cheetah Exam Prep for the PMP Four-Day Classroom Course
If You Fail the Exam Notify your PMP Coach immediately so that s/he can create a
customized study plan based on your actual exam results (fax or e-mail your score sheet
from the Prometric testing center to your PMP coach) and all your activities throughout
the four-day class. Your coach will be able to tell if you had trouble in a particular area of
knowledge or if you had a test-taking technique issue. S/he will guide you through the
process of rescheduling your second or third exam. Please note that you must take the
second exam and/or third exam within 30 calendar days of the previous exam date.
Cheetah Learning reimburses you for the retake after you take the exam a second time.
We reimburse the PMI-member exam fee ($275 USD) up to two times once your application to retake the exam has been processed, you receive your NEW eligibility number,
and you schedule your exam retake within the specified time period. In the event you do
not pass the PMP exam after your third attempt, Cheetah Learning will fully refund the
fee you paid us to take the course.
Cheetah Exam Prep for the PMP Four-Week Online Course
If You Fail the Exam If you dont pass the exam on the first attempt Cheetah Learning
will either (a) extend your online access to our exam-prep class for an additional four
weeks and reimburse you one PMI-member exam retake fee ($275 USD) once your
application to retake the exam has been processed, you receive your NEW eligibility
2013 - Cheetah Learning, LLC


number and schedule your exam retake within 30 days of the previous exam date or (b)
provide you with a promotion code to receive a $750 USD discount off our four-day exam
prep classroom course at any of the scheduled locations in the United States.
Our four-week, exam-prep course guarantee is valid ONLY if you complete the precourse work in two weeks, the Exam Prep Online course in four weeks, and you take
your second exam within 30 calendar days of failing the first time.
Cheetahs Success Rate
Since we started offering this program, nearly 40,000 participants, most of who are now
PMPs, have gone through our Cheetah Exam Prep for the PMP courses. We know what
you need to know to pass the exam. We have it down to a science. This is not an add
on course for us like it is for many PMP exam-prep providers and for companies that
have tried to copy our program to offer it in-house on their own. Interestingly enough, we
still get a great number of students from companies that have created their own Cheetah-like PMP exam-prep program. They just cant afford the hit to their career if they
dont pass the exam. Preparing people to be successful, FAST, with the PMP exam is
what we do. We have the most courses offered throughout the world, so we are also the
fastest at rolling in new changes to the course to ensure our pass rate remains high. We
are the best because we put all our energy into making sure our students are the most
successful people on the planet. Cheetah Exam Prep for the PMP is the course to take
if you need to earn your PMP and want the assurance that you will pass the PMP exam
the day immediately following your course. It is your best chance to pass the PMP exam.
Many companies suggest their pass rate is well above the 90% range, but ask them to
support their statistics. Some training companies make selected calls to students and
seem to support their statistics that way through selective sampling. Others make
a guess. Cheetah supports a 97% pass rate by tracking each and every student who
comes to class. We verify they have passed by having them fax their score sheet to their
Cheetah Coach AND check to make sure their name is listed on the PMI registry. And
since our PMP coaches are paid, in part, based on their students success, all our pass
rates are audited as part of their compensation. We support our students, if they happen
to fail, to make sure they stay focused and attain their certification.

Become PMP certified and watch your career options soar. Register to take the Cheetah Exam Prep
course today. Its your best chance to pass the PMP exam. Take your career in the right direction FAST.
How to Register
You can register at our web site,, or by contacting our registration hotline toll free in the United States at 888-659-2013 or from outside the United
States at 604-536-2531. Once you register and pay, you have access to our ONLINE
orientation kit to speed you through the PMP certification application and prepare you to
pass the exam after four days in our classroom course or four weeks in our online class.
Looking forward to becoming part of YOUR ongoing success story!

Cheetah PMP Exam Prep Team

2013 - Cheetah Learning, LLC


Cheetah PMP SmartStart Guide



75% Projects Fail. No common way of doing

projects causes chaos-less predictable
outcomes. 98% people call themselves
PMs without any credentials

75% Projects Succeed. Common way of doing

projects creates opportunities because of more
succesful outcomes. PMPs create more value
for their organizations than non-PMPs

All people and organizations do projects.

Project Success = Overall Success

Become Eligible
with PMI

Pass PMP
Certification Exam


4-hour test, 200 multiple choice questions.

Test very tricky-65% pass rate
Be able to logically deduce correct
answer very quickly

Prove you have the project experience.

4500 hours with college degree 7500
without college degree. Prove you have the
education 35 hours PM training

Cheetah Exam Prep

for the PMP Exam

Long Term
Career Support


Start on Monday, PMP by Friday

Offer the most classes worldwide
Just-in-time course material ensures
most current prep for every class
80% new business from word of mouth
very satisfied client base
CEO selected as one of the top 25 most
influential woman in PM worldwide due to
PM teaching technique

Cheetah Learnings commitment is to help

our students be the most successful people
on the planet
Cheetan PMPs learn how to learn. FAST.
This stays with them for life
Cheetah PMPs get access to numerous
career development opportunities on an
on going basis. (We share what we are
Cheetah Network enables Cheetah PMPs
to tap into success, FAST
2013 - Cheetah Learning, LLC


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