Beyond Consciousness
Beyond Consciousness
Beyond Consciousness
Fundamental Principles of
Andrew Vernon
The predecessor to this book, You Are He, was a series of commentaries on the teaching of my spiritual master, Shri Ranjit
Maharaj. It was of necessity colored by his way of expressing
himself and by the terms he used. In this second book, I have
tried to express my own understanding in my own words,
using plain language. There is no special terminology here
and no use of words that you cannot find in an ordinary
English dictionary. I have tried to say what I want to say as
clearly and simply as possible, while remaining true to the
essential thought of my teacher and to the teaching of the
other great masters of this tradition.
Since the publication of You Are He in 2003, I have been refining a list of about 70 key concepts, or fundamental principles, which together provide a framework for a philosophy
of nonduality that is not dependent on any particular path or
way. These principles are set out in list form in the first
Preface v
Beyond Consciousness
chapter of this book. The remainder of the book is an expansion of, and a fuller explanation of, those principles. The various chapters in the book have for their titles the essential
questions that occur sooner or later to the spiritual seeker:
What Is This World? Is There a God? Who or What Am
I? What Is Realization? and so on.
vi Preface
Fundamental Principles
What Is Reality?
Is There a God?
Who Or What Am I?
What Is Life?
What Is Realization?
Contents vii
Fundamental Principles 1
Beyond Consciousness
2 Fundamental Principles
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Fundamental Principles 3
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4 Fundamental Principles
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Fundamental Principles 5
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6 Fundamental Principles
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Fundamental Principles 7
Beyond Consciousness
8 Fundamental Principles
This world is a living, breathing, ever-changing, blissful manifestation of the will of the Absolute. The universe is the form
of the Supreme Lord. The world of multiplicity, of separate
objects that the mind sees, is an illusion. There is only oneness
in the world, however it may appear to the mind and the
senses. The world is fundamentally a positive, joyful place. It
is the birthright of human beings to experience the bliss that
comes with true knowledge and universal vision. If we do not
always see the world in this way, it is because we have identified ourselves with the individual I or ego. It is the will of
the Absolute that we should forget our true nature in this
way, and it is also the will of the Absolute that we should
return again to the source and find our true selves again.
How does it happen that the Absolute Reality, which fills this
world to the brim with universal pure consciousness, comes to
be identified with the individual form, the individual I? To
Beyond Consciousness
Beyond Consciousness
1. One point that will be emphasized in this book is that the understanding that one does not exist as an individual entity is not something to be feared. One does not lose anything realone only gains
(or regains) that which is most true in oneself.
Beyond Consciousness
The power that conjures up the dream of the world is consciousness. Consciousness exists in all forms and is in fact the
Beyond Consciousness
Beyond Consciousness
is not real. It is created by the mind. In reality, there is nothing but being, consciousness, and bliss. Within the dream of
the world appearance, there is only the all-pervasive, universal power of consciousness projecting itself through and
within all things gross or subtle, like the colors that are
formed when pure white light is refracted through a prism.
We do not see the pure light itselfwe only see its appearance as color.
Beyond Consciousness
that appears to happen to this imaginary person is also completely illusory. There is no substance to experiences. They
come and go, appear for a moment, then disappear and are
forgotten. All of the experiences of ones so called life have
come and gone. Where have they gone?
The world of experience is an insentient world. It has the feeling of life only because of the presence of consciousness.
When an experience occurs, it is perceived and processed by
the memory that is already there. If it were not so, there
would be no sense of recognition in the perception and therefore no perception at all. There are no new experiences for this
reason. The circle of perception-recognition-memory is a
mechanical process. It happens spontaneously without anyone doing anything. The only life comes from the light of consciousness which illuminates the present moment as the light
illuminates the frame that is passing in front of it in a cinema
projector. In reality, there is nothing but this living light of
consciousness itself, which is always one light, never separated or divided in any way. Consciousness lends the feeling
of life to the individual form because of its own self-awareness. There is no birth and no death for this self-awareness.
Beyond Consciousness
already have. In this way, knowledge becomes static or crystallized into a pattern. This pattern then forms the basis for
interpreting other experiences. The process begins in the
infant and continues throughout the life of the body. We
assume that a very small child is having experiences. Actually, it is not, because there is no I center to whom the experiences occur. When we look at a baby or infant we are seeing
only the self-awareness of consciousness animating that form,
just as it is the self-awareness of consciousness that animates
animals, which also have no concepts and consequently no
sense of I. However, the experimental movements that the
baby is constantly making are laying the foundation for more
coordinated movements in the future. In the same way the
eyes, ears, and other sense organs are accumulating the
impressions on which future perceptions will be made. At a
certain point, the process of perception starts on the basis of
these impressions stored in memory and that same process
continues for the remainder of that lifetime. No experience is
real. No experience is ever experienced by anybody. Nothing
that can ever be experienced is real. 4
Beyond Consciousness
The only answer that can be given is that it was done for
sport, for enjoyment, and for the pleasure of finding itself
again after being hidden to itself for so long. The world is the
play of consciousness. Consciousness hides itself from itself
by means of a gap that appears between the human body
and mind and the pure state of Self-knowledge. Because of the
appearance of this gap, consciousness forgets its true nature,
identifying itself with the limited human mind, and the
human mind is not aware of itself as pure consciousness. This
gap is called ignorance, for the sake of explanation. How-
Beyond Consciousness
What Is Reality? 19
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20 What Is Reality?
Beyond Consciousness
It is misleading to speak about reality as though it could possibly be known in any way. However, we also have to understand that consciousness can know itself. When this happens,
the nature of reality is automatically understood.6 Consciousness knowing itself, which is self-knowledge, is the pure state
of consciousness, and this state is the manifest, or active,
aspect of reality. Although this state of self-knowledge is still
not the Absolute Reality, it is the closest possible approach to
that reality. The appearance or manifestation of universal consciousness cannot be in any way separate from the absolute
reality. The nature of consciousness cannot be other than the
nature of that Absolute Reality. This means that reality can
know itself indirectly by the Self-knowing of its manifest
power, and this is the nature of enlightenment. Reality mani6. This is like going from one level of understanding, on which
meaning and purpose is hidden, to a higher level, on which these
things are abundantly clear.
What Is Reality? 21
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fests consciousness, and in the Self-knowing of that consciousness, reality knows itself.
From the point of view of Self-knowledge, reality is understood to be the source of consciousness, whereas from the
point of view of the individual human mind, that understanding cannot arise. The sun of the Absolute Reality is obscured
by the clouds of identification with the illusory objects in the
illusory world perceived by the illusory individual I. The
individual person cannot know reality at all but consciousness knows itself to be the radiance of the Absolute Reality.
22 What Is Reality?
Beyond Consciousness
Reality is absolutely trustworthy. We ourselves are not separate from reality. Therefore, we are connected to the source for
the entire creation. How can anything bad ever happen to
us when we are one with the source of all that appears? Naturally, I trust that everything will unfold rightly, as I myself am
connected to the source of that unfolding. I am myself the only
One. 7
What Is Reality? 23
Is There a God? 25
Beyond Consciousness
Pure consciousness is the divine power, is God. It is the worshipper as well as the object of all worship. Because there is
no separation between the Absolute and its power of universal consciousness, by worshipping that power the worshipper
is able to worship that which is the source of everything, but
which does not have any attributes of its own. Consciousness
is the direct expression of the freedom and purity of the Absolute, which, in itself, cannot be known or experienced. Consciousness, however, can be known and experienced, not in
the way that we are accustomed to experience objects, but by
being that. 8
8. This is why we say that consciousness is the worshipper as well as
the object of worship. One becomes That, or, more precisely, one
realizes that one already is That.
26 Is There a God?
Beyond Consciousness
There are many analogies for the relationship between consciousness and the forms that appear within it: the ocean and
its waves, gold and the ornaments made from it, electricity
Is There a God? 27
Beyond Consciousness
and the appliances connected to it. Under the all-seeing, allwitnessing eye of consciousness, the process of evolution continues by itself. As long as there is desire for more and more
experiences, new forms continue to appear and to interpret
those experiences by assimilating them into the already
known. Consciousness, meanwhile, simply rests in its own
happiness, blissfully unaffected by the drama of the individual experience. This play of experience is going on at the level
of the mind, and is based on the concept of I or I exist.
This is the basic illusion, the fundamental ignorance, by
which human beings are bound. However, ultimately, this
bondage is only in the mind and can be transcended by going
beyond the mind to the level of Self-knowledge. The world of
experience, of names and forms, goes on by itself, with consciousness only acting as the power that makes everything
28 Is There a God?
Beyond Consciousness
Is There a God? 29
Beyond Consciousness
edge or not. In those beings who have realized the truth of the
all-pervasive consciousness, it illuminates the mind with wisdom, so that that person becomes a beacon of light in the
darkness of ignorance.
30 Is There a God?
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Is There a God? 31
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32 Is There a God?
Beyond Consciousness
What is consciousness? It is your own being, your own existence. It is your own manifestation, your own expression.
Nothing is closer to you than that. It is limitless and infinite.
Consciousness is like space, only without the quality of emptiness. Space is not empty. Even the space between the electrons
in an atom is pervaded by consciousness. Consciousness can
be seen as a kind of energy. It has definite existence, even
though it is so subtle. This consciousness is the joy that we feel
when life seems good to us. That joy or bliss is the self-awareness of consciousness. It is our self-awareness, as there is only
one self-awareness. If we were in any sense separate from
reality, we would have no being or consciousness. Therefore,
whenever there is self-awareness or the sense of being, of
presence, of self-existence, that awareness and that presence is
consciousness, that is God. All that is happening is that consciousness is aware of its own existence as happiness, joy.
That happiness is the true nature of the human being, and of
Is There a God? 33
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34 Is There a God?
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Is There a God? 35
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36 Is There a God?
Beyond Consciousness
God the Absolute allows the manifold appearance of the universe to occur within Himself through the power of consciousness and, at the same time, draws the elements of that
manifestation back into His own being. This descent-ascent, or
projection-withdrawal, of the elements of the universe is a
Is There a God? 37
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38 Is There a God?
Who Or What Am I? 39
Beyond Consciousness
now is the universal pure consciousness. We are ourselves allpervading God-consciousness and nothing apart from that.
What is the nature of consciousness? It is infinite and limitless. It has itself no kind of form but only manifests where
there is a form. It is all-knowing, and knows itself in every
form. Wherever there is knowing or perception of anything,
that is consciousness. Wherever there is not knowing and
absence of perception, that is also consciousness. To say that
one thing is consciousness and another thing is not consciousness is impossible. All that can be said is that consciousness is
more completely revealed to itself in one condition than in
another. Consciousness is also present when there is ignorance of the true nature of the human being, only in ignorance, there is incomplete knowing. God allows Selfignorance to appear, because without Self-ignorance, there
would be no Self-knowledge. In other words, God becomes
identified with the individual forms through ignorance in
order to realize Himself through Self-knowledge. Therefore
ignorance is also an aspect of the divine power.
40 Who Or What Am I?
Beyond Consciousness
Who Or What Am I? 41
Beyond Consciousness
In the human being, the sense of I or individual consciousness depends on the food consumed by the body for its continued presence in that form. This shows that consciousness is
a form of energy that is able to maintain its association with a
particular form under certain conditions, that is, in the presence of the functioning of a vast number of life-processes,
which, together, refine the super-subtle consciousnessessence from the gross forms of food. This does not mean that
consciousness is created by food, because consciousness was
42 Who Or What Am I?
Beyond Consciousness
The whole cycle of birth, the arising and pursuit of desire, disillusionment, and death, all happens within the subtle sphere
of the mind, like a dream. No one is born and no one dies.
Human society, with its emphasis on individual rights and the
10. This understanding comes only when the true oneness of existence is realized. Until that time, the I and the you have
empirical or relative reality.
Who Or What Am I? 43
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44 Who Or What Am I?
Beyond Consciousness
It is not an individual person who experiences Self-realization or enlightenment. It is consciousness itself, realizing itself
through the means of a particular form. There is a bubble on
the surface of the ocean. The bubble bursts. Has it become
realized? No, there was always only ocean. By means of this
self-effacement or destruction of the false pride of individuality, consciousness manifests itself in all its purity on the level
of the human mind and on the level of the world. As a result,
the mind, and the world experienced through the mind, are
seen to be nothing but consciousness.
Self-realization is the simple revelation of the mystery of infinite consciousness. The pure, infinite God-consciousness is
spread out everywhere in this world that appears to the
senses, but, as long as there is Self-ignorance, we cannot see it.
When that realization does occur, we understand that there is
only consciousness, and that there is no difference between
ourselves and the world. The perceiver and the perceived,
together with the concepts of knowledge and ignorance, illusion and reality, and inside and outside, all disappear. There
is no difference between the manifest world and its manifesting principle. Both are pure consciousness and nothing else,
just as the waves and the ocean are nothing but water. The
world is a mystery that is in no way different or separate from
the mystery of ones own existence. The world that has
Who Or What Am I? 45
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46 Who Or What Am I?
What Is Life? 47
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48 What Is Life?
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What Is Life? 49
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50 What Is Life?
Beyond Consciousness
the results of these actions, over and over, because of its selfbelief, which is really nothing but Self-ignorance. How long it
will take for this Self-ignorance to turn into Self-knowledge in
a particular case no one can say. God has infinite patience.12
Life is a process in which the power of universal consciousness is giving to all the fruits of past actions. It does not
require the intervention of individuals because the law of
cause and effect operates mechanically. All actions have their
corresponding results, good or bad, positive or negative, and
anything in between. For the individual soul, which is created
What Is Life? 51
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52 What Is Life?
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Beyond Consciousness
ing to the law of cause and effect. Human beings are so accustomed to believing that they are individuals, and human
society is so completely bound up with that false assumption,
that it is not possible for them even to think without relating
that thought to the imaginary center called I. The assumption that there is free will and that I am doing arises out of
this false notion of individuality.
Beyond Consciousness
Beyond Consciousness
We can perhaps imagine a society in which each of its members lives free of the imaginary burden of individuality that
creates the sense of separateness. In such a society, there
would be no selfishness, no greed, no violence, no lawsuits, no
police, no pollution, no abuse of power, and none of the other
negative factors that are so characteristic of the society in
which we live today. The violence and corruption that plagues
human society has at its root the false assumption of separateness and the desire to protect what one considers to be me
and mine. As a result human beings are lost in selfishness
and the self-centered pursuit of an individual ideal of happiness. This inevitably brings the individual into conflict with
others who have different ideals or different goals, and with
society as a whole, which tends to flatten out individuality
and make all of its members conform to a pattern of conventional or normal behavior. There will always be bitterness
and suffering in a society that is based on the illusion of separateness. There are no solutions to the problems of society on
the level of society itself. The only solution is on the level of
the individual. Each person must come to his or her own
understanding of the truth that there is only oneness in this
world and that there is only an apparent separation between
the individual forms. All beings are expressions of the same
Beyond Consciousness
Everything manifests by means of natural processes, governed by natural laws. There is nothing that is outside of the
scope of nature, nothing that does not conform to the laws
that govern the greater whole. The universe is a single expression, a single manifestation that contains an infinite number
of different aspects, attributes, and forms, but which still
remains one indivisible unity. Where is the doer in all of
this? There is no doer. There is no question of doing. There
is just manifestation, one everything. While it is true that
human beings function as separate forms, they are only separate from one another in the way that the cells of the body are
separate from each other. Each cell performs its own function
but all are necessary and all have their place. There is an
underlying unity that allows the cells of the body to function
in harmony with one another, each one doing the work that is
appropriate to itself. In the human being, the false belief in
the separate I or ego destroys this harmony and is the cause
of suffering and misery, both for the individual and for the
Beyond Consciousness
the universe like a vast machine. It is a dreaming consciousness. It flows on and on, evolving forms, sustaining them, and
destroying them according to the play of the three forces
(active, passive, and neutralizing). Consciousness is the power
that allows everything to happen, just as electricity powers all
kinds of appliances. However, the actions themselves unfold
as the result of the interaction of forces, through the connecting mechanism of cause and effect. Everything happens in the
only way it can happen. What is happening now is the result
of what has happened in the past. In this sense, life is perfect
unfoldment. It is perfect because it is as it has to be and cannot
be otherwise. What we experience, good and bad, is a result of
the good and bad actions that we have performed in the past.
If we do not receive the fruits of those actions in this life, then
we will receive them in another life.
Beyond Consciousness
does not mean that the Absolute Reality, acting through the
manifest divine power, cannot intervene in that process. It
would be absurd to suppose that the One who makes the laws
out of His own Being cannot change those laws or override
them if He so wishes. In general though, it would seem that
the Lord does not intervene in the working out of the processes that He has set in motion. Even if He does intervene to
modify or cancel some effect, the motive for this intervention
cannot be other than love and compassion. It would be an
injustice to project our human weaknesses onto God and suppose that He is capricious and is capable of arbitrarily bestowing grace on one and not on another. Grace is always available
and is available to all. Prayer is an effective means of receiving divine grace, if that prayer is sincere and heartfelt. The
aspirant who prays to God for grace is opening a pathway
within himself or herself to receive an influence that is always
available, but which requires a particular attitude of devotion
and surrender to be activated.
What is ultimately required of the spiritual aspirant is surrender to the divine will. One must understand ones position. It
is necessary to make efforts to gain true spiritual knowledge
and understanding. However, at a certain point, one must
also understand that one cannot find what one is seeking by
ones own efforts alone. Divine grace is necessary, and this
Beyond Consciousness
can only be gained by weakening the ego which has functioned for so long as ones sense of separate individuality.
Duality is in fact threethe male, the female, and the attraction between themthe positive, the negative, and the attraction between themthe Creator, the creation, and the
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Beyond Consciousness
To the realized or enlightened, there is no doubt that it is oneself that one was seeking. The complete absence of doubt is
the characteristic of the realized or enlightened person. Liber-
What Is Realization? 65
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66 What Is Realization?
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What Is Realization? 67
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68 What Is Realization?
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Everyone knows the difference between positiveness and negativeness by feeling, sense. Negativeness is self-centered, collapsing in. Positiveness is expanding, radiating. The answer to
the question whether the world is good or bad is that there is
both good and bad in the world that we experience through
our thought, through our minds. However, that from which,
and in which, this world of duality appears, that is to say, the
power of pure consciousness, is itself entirely positive. Consciousness never searches, never strives to find the answer,
because for it there is no question. Questions arise in the mind
and on the level of the mind. All questions are therefore products of duality and for this reason there are no definite
answers. Words simply cannot convey what is beyond them.
If there were definite, unequivocal answers to the questions
that seekers ask, they would have been provided long ago.
Thinking is therefore ultimately of no use and must be abandoned. 14
What Is Realization? 69
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70 What Is Realization?
The eyes of a saint are always concentrated on the supreme Self. The
minute he is aware of himself, sainthood is lost. (Shri Neem Karoli
Beyond Consciousness
Be asleep even in the wakeful state, abide in the Self and remain
uncontaminated by what goes on around. Your silence will have
more effect than your words and deeds. (Shri Ramana Maharshi)
Only by becoming identified with the Lord, can one worship Him.
(Shri Anandamayi Ma)
Abiding in the Self, free from all notions about oneself, the world,
and the Lord is the highest bhakti. (Swami Dayananda)
When he has fully attained the knowledge of the Self, and realized it
as his only refuge, he devotes himself exclusively to contemplation
of the Self. He alone is the true knower of Brahman who directs his
mind towards the Self, and shuns all other thoughts as distractions.
(Brihadaranyaka Upanishad)
Beyond Consciousness
He is always in tune with Self. Like the bee, only interested in honey
from the flower, he is always resting in the Self. Inside and outside,
only Self. (Tukaram)
Beyond Consciousness
One who does not get excited by the possession of spiritual knowledge of the root cause can, with love and devotion, cultivate and
brighten it. (Shri Nisargadatta Maharaj)
Your only duty is not to forget Him. Always remember Him, that
is, be in communion with Him. (Dadaji)
Spend your time seeing the atma in all situations everywhere, recognizing yourself as the non-dual atma and enjoying the ananda of
yourself. (Shankara, Vivekachudamani)
The greatest religion of all is the religion of Self, which means our
consciousness must be always there and that is the sign of the real
sage. (Samarth Ramdas, Das Bodh)
Beyond Consciousness
Cover photographs:
Front: Mandala (Hindu)
Back: Mandalas: Islamic (left), Buddhist (right)