The Hollywood Oscar Symbolizes An Egyptian Sun God

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The author argues that Hollywood and the global elite worship Egyptian gods and use events like the Oscars to promote their agenda.

The article discusses Robin Williams and Johnny Depp acknowledging demonic possession in their work, as well as the extreme occult content promoted in many Hollywood movies.

The author claims that the Oscar statuette was based on a statue of the Egyptian gods Ptah, Sokar and Osiris that was owned by the Roman Emperor Hadrian.

The Hollywood Oscars are a Modern

Reenactment of an Ancient Egyptian

Sun-god Festival
by Jeremy James

From time to time we like to expose the extent to which this world is run by people
who hate Christianity and who worship the gods of ancient paganism, especially the
gods of ancient Egypt. An earlier paper examined the role of witchcraft in Hollywood,
with particular reference to an episode of the television series, Two and a Half Men.
Last year, we published a detailed study (over 200 pages) analyzing the influence of
Egyptian religion and astrology on the occult symbolism embodied in the buildings
and monuments of London.
In this paper we will show how the gods of Egypt are revered by the millionaires and
moguls who control Hollywood. The fallen angels who think of themselves as gods
are especially attracted to the acting profession since they can exploit it, often with
exceptional skill, as a vehicle for their own infernal philosophy. It is well known that
many actors and actresses make a pact with these angels (demons) in order to receive
their invisible assistance. The same is true of many rock stars and stand-up
comedians. For example the manic comedian, Robin Williams, who committed
suicide in 2014, was a man of great talent by worldly standards but was tormented by
the many demons that used him for their own purposes:

"Yeah! Literally, it's like possession all of a sudden you're in, and
because it's in front of a live audience, you just get this energy that just
starts going...But there's also that thing it is possession. In the old days
you'd be burned for it...But there is something empowering about it. I
mean, it is a place where you are totally it is Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde,
where you really can become this other force." [Robin Williams
interviewed by James Kaplan, US Weekly, January 1999]
The highly acclaimed actor, Johnny Depp, was quoted as follows in Vanity Fair:
"I know that I have demons. I don't know if I want to get rid of them
altogether, but I would like to experience them in a different way. Maybe
go face to face with them. I've never really had the time to go to therapy.
Well, here and there. But not enough to help me." ["Johnny Be Good,"
Kevin Sessums, Vanity Fair, February 1997]

Robin Williams

Johnny Depp

Hollywood's fixation with the occult

Hollywood's fixation with the occult has become more extreme in recent years. As a
result the movie industry is the greatest source today of demonic propaganda. Some of
its output is too disgusting to describe, even in outline. For some reason many people
think they can watch this stuff and not be affected, but they are gravely mistaken.
The top guys in Hollywood worship the fallen angel known as Lucifer. This includes,
not just studio bosses and leading actors and actresses, but thousands of directors,
producers, and scriptwriters, along with other influential but little known participants
in the studio system. As hard as it is for us to imagine, they have sold their souls for
worldly success. In return, their infernal master expects his agenda to be pushed to the

The industry has reached the stage where Lucifer himself is being brought to the
screen by Fox and Warner Brothers. What is more he will be given a sympathetic
portrayal. According to an article in Deadline Hollywood (February 19, 2015) the TV
series will be "based on the characters created by Neil Gaiman, Sam Kieth and Mike
Dringenberg for DC Entertainments Vertigo imprint" and will center on "Lucifer
who, bored and unhappy as the Lord of Hell, resigns his throne and abandons his
kingdom for the gorgeous, shimmering insanity of Los Angeles, where he gets his
kicks helping the LAPD punish criminals."
Notice how Lucifer comes to Los Angeles, capital of the global movie industry.
At first it may seem as though Hollywood has finally got to the point where it can
showcase Lucifer in a positive way. However, if we look more closely, we will find
that it had actually reached that point albeit in a less obvious way back in 1929
when it launched the annual Academy Awards.

Neil Gaiman, creator of The Sandman
series of comic books which celebrates
"Hell's Hierarchy" and its leader, Lucifer.
Neil Gaiman featured in an episode
of The Simpsons.
Why are children introduced to a
Luciferian author via this so-called
family cartoon? This is how
Hollywood conditions children
to read occult comics.

The Annual Academy Awards

The annual awards, which are overseen by a Master of Ceremonies, are given to
around fifty people in recognition of their contribution to the movie industry. The
focus throughout is on a golden statuette. The ceremony itself is broadcast live to over
200 countries, making it possibly the most watched annual event in the world.
Given the prominence of the Awards and the adulation showered upon their
recipients, the statuette itself must surely have some significance. Unfortunately the
official details are very sketchy. Seemingly it is meant to depict a knight holding a
Crusader's sword and standing on a movie reel with five spokes. According to
Wikipedia, "The five spokes represent the original branches of the Academy: Actors,
Writers, Directors, Producers, and Technicians."
But is this really true? Even the name given to the statuette is somewhat bizarre. It is
said to have derived from a remark by a top executive in the movie industry, who
declared that the statuette "looked just like my Uncle Oscar." Even though the award,
along with the statuette, was instituted in 1929, it was not until 1939 that the
Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences officially named it the Oscar.

Statuary displayed at
the Awards ceremony .

The world famous Oscar statuette.

The figure in the statuette has a pose very similar to that found among ancient
Egyptian artefacts. One does not have to search for long to find a striking likeness in
the sun god Ptah. This seems to have been the prototype for 'Oscar', as shown by the
photos below:

Ptah Statue,
Egyptian Museum
of Turin, Italy.

Ptah Statue,
Museum of Antiquities,
Cairo, Egypt.

Ptah Statue,
Metropolitan Musuem
of Art, New York.

Ptah Statue,
Tutankhamun's Tomb.

Ptah Statue,
Dutch Museum of
Antiquities, Leiden.

Ptah Statue,
Sold by Sothebys,
New York, June 2012.

In addition to the physical similarities a naked or lightly veiled man, erect pose, bald
head, hands over chest, right hand uppermost they all grasp a sceptre that runs from
the chest to the feet. All of these features may be seen on the Oscar statuette.
The only additional feature on the Oscar statuette is the 'movie reel' base, comprising
a golden disk with five rays emanating from it. This is consistent with the figure of a
sun-god standing on a solar disk.
The sceptre is known as a was, which represents power and dominion. Ptah was the
foremost of all the gods of ancient Egypt, the all-powerful sun god whose lofty
position warranted several epithets or titles:
Ptah the beautiful face
Ptah lord of truth
Ptah master of justice
Ptah who listens to prayers
Ptah master of ceremonies
Ptah lord of eternity.
It is significant that one of his titles was 'master of ceremonies'.

The tripartite god Ptah-Sokar-Osiris

Over time Ptah became identified with the god of death leading to rebirth, Osiris, and
the god of death as a transformative process, Sokar. Geraldine Pinch describes this
Egyptian tripartite god as follows:
"Ptah was also part of the triple entity Ptah-Sokar-Osiris. This divine
group has been interpreted as symbolizing the whole cycle of
regeneration, with Ptah standing for creation, Sokar for death as
metamorphosis, and Osiris for rebirth. Ptah-Sokar-Osiris was
sometimes seen presiding over the judgment of the dead in the Hall of
the Two Truths. He remained important in funerary religion right into
the Roman Period."
She goes on to describe the Sokar component of this trinity in revealing detail:
"The ancient god of the cemeteries of Memphis, Sokar became the god
of death as a transformative process. His qualities are often combined
with those of the chief god of Memphis and the god of the dead to
form the tripartite deity Ptah-Sokar-Osiris. The annual Festival of
Sokar was one of the great events of the Egyptian ritual calendar... He
was also a divine craftsman...At some point this aspect of Sokar seems
to have been transferred to Ptah. Ptah and Sokar could be paired as
creator deity and god of the dead as Ra and Osiris often were. As early
as the Old Kingdom, Sokar was said to be the name of Osiris after he
was murdered by his brother Seth...Statuettes of Ptah-Sokar-Osiris
placed in tombs sometimes contain copies of the Book of the Dead...

Figures of Sokar were prepared as part of the month-long Khoiak

Festival, the annual reenactment of the mysteries of Osiris. The
instructions for making these figures were said to be based on a divine
prototype." [emphasis added]
- Egyptian Mythology: A Guide to the Gods, Goddesses, and
Traditions of Ancient Egypt, Geraldine Pinch, Oxford
University Press, 2002

Oscar is a variant of Sokar

If you have not already guessed it, the god 'Sokar' is almost certainly the origin of the
phony name, Oscar. His statuettes were placed in tombs places of transformation
and rebirth and revered as sacred talismans. The mysteries of Osiris, which depict
the cycle of regeneration, were reenacted annually in what was probably the main
public celebration in ancient Egypt. This required the production of figures of Sokar
based on a "divine prototype."
Not only is Sokar identified with Ptah but, as Pinch states, the name Sokar was
applied also to Osiris the great god of Freemasonry after he was murdered by his
brother Seth.
The annual Academy Awards would seem to be a modern reenactment of an Egyptian
sun-god festival, where the 'stars' (gods) are honored before the high priests of the
profession, where highly revered statuettes of Ptah-Sokar-Osiris made in accordance
with an approved prototype are distributed to the most esteemed devotees, and
where the entire pageant is overseen by a Master of Ceremonies. And just as the
festival was observed across Egypt, the Academy Awards ceremony is observed in
over 200 countries around the world.

The prototype
Of the many specimens that survive, the statue of Ptah that most influenced the
original prototype would seem to be the one in the Serapeum at Hadrian's Villa,
Rome, which is owned by the Vatican Museum see photo overleaf.
The Emperor Hadrian, who was quite open about his homosexuality, was strongly
devoted to the gods of paganism and hated both Christianity and Judaism. He ordered
that Jerusalem be renamed Aelia Capitolina in honour of the god Jupiter. 'Aelia'
referred to his own family name, while 'Capitolina' referred to the Capitoline Hill in
Rome where the foremost temple of Jupiter was located. He also changed the name of
Judea to Syria Palaestina as an insult to the Jews, whose great enemy had been the
Philistines. As if these blasphemies were not enough, he ordered the construction of a
temple to Jupiter in Jerusalem and had the Temple Mount ploughed over so that it
became difficult subsequently to determine where exactly the great temple of the
LORD had actually stood.



Statue of Ptah, Hadian's Villa

Oscar Statuette

His attempts to Hellenize the Jews and force them to abandon their religion led to the
Second Jewish Revolt in 132 AD and the final dispersal of the Jewish people. Over a
three year period his army in Judea killed about 600,000 Jews by the sword and
utterly destroyed 50 fortified towns and nearly a thousand villages. So great was the
destruction that seemingly not one olive tree was left standing in the entire country.
Those who survived the sword perished through famine and pestilence, or were sold
as slaves and scattered across the Empire.
When Jewish sources mention Hadrian it is always with the epitaph "may his bones
be crushed", an execration that was never applied to either Vespasian or Titus who
destroyed the Second Temple. It is curious, therefore, that the statue of Ptah-SokarOsiris that seemingly was used as the prototype for the Hollywood Oscar statuette
was the one owned by a Roman emperor who had many of the characteristics of the

No matter how much evidence we present of the pagan affiliations and sinister goals
of the Global Elite, there will always be a significant proportion of people who remain
unconvinced. It is our hope, however, that Bible-believing Christians will take stock
of this evidence and weigh it for themselves. Scripture speaks again and again of an
organized and intractable enemy who hate the LORD and all who worship Him.
These flesh-and-blood adversaries are very real and utterly determined to destroy
Judeo-Christianity. While they are very skilled at concealing both their existence and
their modus operandi, they are also incredibly arrogant and like to broadcast their
ideals from time to time in a variety of ways. The annual Academy Awards is one
such 'broadcast'.
Not only do they worship Ptah-Sokar-Osiris and the gods of ancient Egypt, but they
want the rest of the world to worship them as well. At present this is done only in a
disguised form. They are confident, however, that the coming New World Order will
allow them to eradicate true Biblical Christianity and replace it initially with a
christianized new-age religion of love, peace and tolerance. Once that is established,
they will commence the open celebration of the gods of ancient Egypt and await the
incarnation in human form of their god Ptah-Sokar-Osiris, whom they believe will
usher in the Golden Age. As Christians we know this individual as the Antichrist, but
to the millionaires and moguls who control Hollywood he is 'Uncle Oscar.'
----"Their idols are silver and gold, the work of men's hands.
They have mouths, but they speak not:
eyes have they, but they see not:
They that make them are like unto them;
so is every one that trusteth in them."
(Psalm 115:4-5, 8)

Jeremy James
June 12, 2015

For further information visit

Copyright Jeremy James 2015

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