BEEE Notes

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Define Active & Passive elements.
The element which is capable of generating or supplying energy is called Active element.
Example: Generators, Batteries, Operational Amplifiers etc., the element which is capable of
receiving energy is called Passive element. Example: Resistor, Inductor, Capacitor
Define the terms Loop and Mesh.
The closed path of a network is called a Loop. An elementary form of a loop which cannot
be further divided is called a Mesh. In other words Mesh is closed path that does not contain
any other loop within it.
Define the terms Node and Junction.
A Node is a point in the network where two or more circuit elements are connected. A
Junction is a point where three or more circuit elements are connected.
Define Ohms law.
The ratio between the potential difference across two terminals of a conductor and current
through it remains constant, when the physical condition of the conductor remains
unchanged. Here the physical condition is temperature.

5. Define Kirchoffs current law.

The algebraic sum of currents entering and leaving a junction is equal to zero. A node
n is shown in the diagram. For this node according to Kirchoffs current law, i 1-i2+i3i4+i5=0. In other words, the sum of currents entering a junction is equal to the sum of
the currents leaving the junction. A node n is shown in the diagram. For this node
according to Kirchoffs current law, i1+i3+i5=i2+i4.
6. Define Kirchhoffs voltage law.
The algebraic sum of potential rises and potential drops around a closed circuit
is equal to zero. For the circuit shown the diagram, consider the loop ABEFA,
According to Kirchhoffs Voltage Law, E 1-i1R1-i3R=0. In other words, the
potential rises around any closed circuit equals the sum of the potential drops in
that circuit. For the circuit shown the diagram, consider the loop ABEFA,
according to Kirchhoffs Voltage Law, E1=i1R 1+i3R.
7. Define power and energy. Give the expression for electrical power and
Power is the rate of doing work and its unit is Watt. The unit of electric power is defined in
terms of the joule per second. One joule per second is the work done when one coulomb of
electricity is moved through a potential difference of one volt in one second. Power P = EI =
I2R = E2/R Watts. Energy is the product of power and time. If the power remains constant at
P during the period of time t seconds, the energy equals Pt Watt-sec or Joules. Energy W = Pt
= EIt = I2Rt = E2t/R Joules.
8. Define RMS value of an ac voltage signal.(June 2011) (Dec 2012) (Dec 2013)
The effective value of an AC is defined as that value of DC which on passing through a
resistance R ohms for a given time T seconds, produces the same heat as the AC passing
through R for the same time T. Mathematically,


i21 +i 22 +i23 + +i 2n



Area Under t h e Squred Curve


9. Define Average value of an ac voltage signal.

The average of the instantaneous values taken over one complete cycle of the wave.

10. Define form factor.

The ratio between RMS value and average value is known as form factor. For sine wave
signal the value of form factor is 1.11.
11. Define peak factor.
The ratio between Maximum value and RMS value is known as peak factor. For sine wave
signal the value of peak factor is 1.414
12. Write down the expression of equivalent resistance for n number of resistors
in series connection.
For n resistors connected in series, the equivalent resistance is given by,
13. Write down the expression of equivalent resistance for n - number of resistors
in parallel connection.
For n resistors connected in parallel, the equivalent resistance is given by,
1/ Req=1/(R1+R2+R3+..+Rn )
14. Define power factor.
Power factor is defined as the cosine of phase angle between voltage and current. Power
factor = cos , where phase angle.
15. Write down the formulae for converting Star to Delta.
Rab = (Ra Rb + Rb Rc + Rc Ra ) / Rc, Rbc = (Ra Rb + Rb Rc + Rc Ra ) / Ra, Rca = (Ra Rb + Rb Rc
+ R c R a ) / Rb
16. Write down the formulae for converting Delta to Star.
Ra = (Rab Rca) / (Rab + Rbc + Rca), Rb = (Rbc Rab) / (Rab + Rbc + Rca), Rc = (Rca Rbc) / (Rab + Rbc
+ Rca)
17. Explain resonance in a RLC series circuit.
The impedance of a RLC series circuit is given by Z = R + j(X L - XC) ohm. In the above
equation if XL =
X C, then Z = R. i.e. the circuit acts as a pure resistive circuit. The total
current drawn by the circuit is in phase with the applied voltage, the power factor will then
be unity. This occurrence is called as series resonance.
18. What are the different ways of representing an alternating quantity?
1. Instantaneous value, 2. Peak or crest value or amplitude, 3. Peak to Peak value, 4. Average
5. RMS or Effective value
19. Define Phasor and Phase angle.
A sinusoidal wave form can be represented or in terms of a phasor. A phasor is a vector with
definite magnitude and direction. From the phasor the sinusoidal wave form can be
reconstructed. Phase angle is the angular measurement that specifies the position of the
alternating quantity relative to a reference.
20. Define Impedance and state its unit.
Impedance is the opposition of the circuit to the flow of alternating current. It is represented
by Z and its unit is Ohm.
21. Define Real or True or Average Power, Reactive Power and Apparent or Total power.
Real Power is the power which does some useful work in a given circuit. P=VI cos , Unit:
W (Watts). Reactive power is imaginary power which flows from load to source Q=VI sin ,
unit is VAR. Apparent power S=VI, Unit: VA (volt-ampere) or S= P+jQ.
22. What are the advantages of 3 phase circuits over single phase circuits?
1. Generation, transmission and distribution of 3 phase power is cheaper, 2. More efficient,


3. Uniform torque production occurs.

State the relationship between line voltage & phase voltage and line current & phase
current of a 3 phase delta connected system.
In delta connection the phase voltage (V ph) is equal to line voltage (V L) and phase current
(Iph) is 1 /

times of line current (IL)

Vph = VL & Iph = IL /


State the relationship between line voltage & phase voltage and line current & phase
current of a 3 phase star connected system.
In star connection the phase voltage(V ph) is equal to 1 /

times of line voltage(VL) and

phase current(Iph) is equal to line current(IL)

Vph = VL /

& Iph = IL


Give the expressions for Wattmeter readings in terms of Voltage, Current and Power
factor angle in Two Wattmeter method.
W1 = VL IL cos (300+ ) & W2 = VL IL cos (300- )
Where VL is line voltage , IL is line current, is phase angle and W 1& W2 are
power measured by
26. Give the expressions for finding Power factor of the load for Wattmeter reading in
Two Wattmeter
method .
cos = cos {tan-1[

(W2 W1 ) / (W2 +W1 )] }

where is phase angle and W1& W2 are power measured by wattmeters

Mention the three torques required for the proper operation of indicating instrument.
(June 2011)
1. Deflecting torque, 2. Controlling torque, 3. Damping torque.
28. What are the advantages of electromechanical measuring instruments? (DEC 2012)
1 1. Torque to weight ratio is high and hence error due to friction is very small.
2. Cheap in cost.
3. Simple in operation.
4. Unaffected by temperature variation.
29. Two resistances of 4 and 6 are connected in parallel across 10V battery. Determine
the current through 6 resistance.(DEC 2013)

R1=4, R2=6 ,I1=6A, I2=4A
30. State the advantages of sinusoidal alternating quantity.(May 2014)
1) Mathematically, it is very easy to write the equations for purely sinusoidal waveform. 2)
Any other type of waveform can be resolved into a series of sine or cosine waves of
fundamental and higher frequencies, sum of all these waves gives the original waveform.
Hence, it is always better to have sinusoidal waveform as the standard waveform.


What do you meant by balanced load in 3-phase circuit? (May 2014)

All 3 sources are represented by a set of balanced 3-phase variables and Line impedances are
equal in all 3 phases.


1. What is the principle of operation of DC generator?
When a coil rotates in a magnetic field, the flux linked with the coil changes. Hence an emf
is induced in the coil which is proportional to the rate of change of flux linkage. E =


2. What is the principle of operation of DC Motor? (DEC 2013)

When current carrying conductor is placed in a magnetic field, it experiences a force. The
magnitude of force is given by Lorentz force equation whose direction is given by Flemings
left hand rule.
3. List the parts of dc machine
The parts of a dc machine are 1)Yoke, 2)Poles, 3)Pole shoes, 4)Inter poles, 5)Armature
Core, 6)Commutator, 7)Brushes, 8)Armature winding, 9)Field winding
4. Classify the dc machines based on their excitation.
Based on their excitation, the dc machines can be classified into self excited and separately
excited. The self excited dc machines can be further classified into series, shunt, compound
based upon the connection between the armature and field windings.
5. What is back emf or counter emf? (DEC 2012)
In a D.C motor, when armature rotates the armature conductors cut the field magnetic field
and therefore an emf is induced in the armature. This induced emf acts in opposition to the
applied voltage and also it opposes the incoming line current. It is customary to call this
opposing emf as back emf or counter emf.
6. Draw the OCC curve of dc shunt generator.

7. State the applications of DC generators.

A)DC Series Generator:- i)Used in DC locomotives, ii)Series arc lighting, iii)Series
B)DC Shunt Generator:- i)Battery Charging, ii)Lighting, iii)Power Supply Purposes

C)DC Compound Generator:- i)Arc Welding, ii)Lighting , iii)Power Services

8. Name the different types of DC motors.
1)Shunt motor, 2)Series motor, 3)Compound motor, 3.1)Long shunt compound
generator,3.1.a)Cumulative long shunt, 3.1.b)Differential long shunt, 3.2)Short shunt
compound generator, 3.2.a)Cumulative short shunt, 3.2.b)Differential short shunt

9. Draw the speed torque characteristics for shunt, series and compound motors.

10. Write the emf equation for a dc generator and torque equation for a dc motor
The emf equation of a dc generator is given by, E =

60 A . The torque equation of a dc

motor is given by, T = 0.159 ZIa A Nm, where P - No of poles; Flux per pole; NSpeed; Z - No. of armature conductors; A- No. of parallel paths; Ia Armature current
11. Define critical speed and critical resistance of a dc generator.
It is the maximum value of field resistance above which the generator fails to build up
voltage is known as critical resistance. Critical speed of a dc generator is that speed for
which the field resistance is equal to the value of critical resistance
12. What is armature reaction in a dc machine?
When current flows in the armature conductors a flux surrounds these conductors. The
direction of this armature flux is such that it reduces the flux from the field poles, resulting
in reduction in net flux and there by reduction in induced emf. This is called armature
13. Why should not dc series motor be started without load?
The speed of a dc series motor is given by the formula, N =

E60 A
r . p . m. i. e . N 1/
z P

( )

and If = Ia (for series motor). If the motor is started without load, the armature current
Ia will be very small and the speed becomes dangerously high, which damages the motor.

Hence, the DC series motor should never be started without some initial load.
14. Explain the function of Commutator in DC Generator and DC motor.
Commutator acts as a mechanical rectifier. In Generator, it converts AC (induced in
armature conductors) into DC (in the external load).In Motor, its function is to produce
unidirectional torque in the armature.
15. Explain the function of brushes in DC generator and DC motor.
The rotating armature and external circuit are connected through brushes. In DC
generators, Brushes are employed to collect current from the Commutator and deliver it to
the load. In a DC motor, brushes are employed to supply the current to the armature. The
brushes are made up of Graphite, because in addition to the above function the graphite
brushes act as lubricant.
16. What are the types of speed control used to control the speed of a dc shunt motor?
1) Flux control method, 2) Armature control method, 3) Voltage control method, 3.1)
Multiple voltage control, 3.2) Ward Leonard system
17. State the necessity of starter in a dc motor. (MAY 2014)
The current drawn by the motor armature is given by the relation, I a = (V- Eb)/Ra. When the
motor is at rest, there is no back emf developed in the armature. If now full supply voltage is
applied across the stationary armature, it will draw a very large current because armature
resistance is relatively small. This excessive current will blow out the fuses and prior to that
it will damage the commutator and brushes.
18. Explain the principle of operation of transformer.
A transformer is a static (or stationary) piece of apparatus by means of which electric
power in one circuit is transformed into electric power of the same frequency in another
circuit. It can raise or lower the voltage in a circuit but with a corresponding decrease or
increase in current. This is accomplished by electromagnetic induction between two electric
circuits which are electrically isolated and magnetically coupled through a path of low
19. What is statically induced emf?
The emf induced by changing the flux linking with the coil (or conductor), without moving
the coil or field system is called statically induced emf. The flux is changed by varying the
current in the field system. Eg. EMF induced in the transformer winding.
20. What are the types of transformers based on their construction?
1)Core type in which windings surround a considerable part of the core, 2) Shell type
in which core surrounds a considerable portion of the windings.
21. What is an ideal transformer?
An ideal transformer is one that has: - i) No winding resistance, ii) No leakage flux. i.e., the
same flux links both the windings, iii) No iron losses in the core.
22. Write the EMF equation of a transformer.
E1 = 4.44fN1 m & E2 = 4.44fN2 m Where, E1 emf induced in the primary winding
(volts), E2 emf induced in the secondary winding (volts), N 1 no. of turns in the primary
winding, N2 no. of turns in the secondary, f - supply frequency (Hz), m maximum flux
23. Define Voltage transformation ratio (K). (DEC 2012)(DEC2013)
It is the ratio of secondary voltage to primary voltage.

K = E2 / E1 = N2 / N1
24. Define Voltage Regulation of a transformer. (MAY 2014)
The voltage regulation of a transformer is the arithmetic difference between the no-load
secondary voltage and the secondary voltage on-load, expressed as percentage of no-load
voltage. % of Voltage Regulation = (No load secondary voltage Full load secondary
voltage)/ No load secondary voltage *100
25. List the various losses in a transformer and what are their effects?
1)Core or Iron or Constant losses = Hysteresis loss + Eddy current loss, 2)Copper or
Variable losses Note:- i)Hysteresis loss can be minimized by using steel of high silicon
content, 2)Eddy current loss can be reduced by core of thin laminations.
26. Define efficiency of a transformer and write the condition for maximum efficiency.
Efficiency = Output power/Input power = Output power/ (Output power + Losses). The
efficiency of a transformer will be maximum when copper losses are equal to core (or iron)
27. Why transformer rating is in kVA?
The copper loss depends on current and iron loss depends upon voltage. Hence the total
loss in a transformer depends upon volt-ampere (VA) only and not on the phase angle
between voltage and current. i.e., it is independent of load power factor. That is why the
transformer rating is in kVA and not in kW.
28. What is the function of breather in a transformer?
Good transformer oil should be absolutely free from alkalis, sulphur and particularly from
moisture. The presence of even an extremely small percentage of moisture in the oil
decreases the dielectric strength of the oil considerably. Hence, champers containing silica
gel is provided on the top of the transformer tank. This is called as breather. The atmospheric
moisture is entrapped in this breather and is not allowed to pass on to the oil as the
atmospheric air flows in or out the transformer tank while the transformer oil expand or
contract as its temperature increases or decreases.
29. Define All day efficiency of a single phase transformer.
As the load on a transformer is not constant, the efficiency of the transformer is measured
in terms of energy consumed in a day. All day efficiency = Output in KWh / Input in KWh
(for 24 hours)
30. What are the different connections made in a three phase transformer?
1) Star Star, 2) Star Delta, 3) Delta Star, 4) Delta Delta
31. Why a 1 induction motor is not self-starting?
When 1 supply is given to the 1 stator winding, it produces a magnetic field that
pulsates in strength in a sinusoidal manner. The field polarity reverses after each half cycle
but the field does not rotate. Consequently, the alternating flux cannot produce rotation in a
stationary squirrel-cage rotor. So a 1 induction motor is not self-starting.
32. How a 1 induction motor can be made to self-start?
To make a 1 IM self-starting, a revolving stator magnetic field should be produced. This
may be achieved by converting a 1 supply into 2 supply through the use of an additional
(starting) winding. When the motor attains sufficient speed, the starting winding may be
removed depending on the type of the motor.
33. List the different types of 1 induction motor based on the methods of making them

1) Split phase motors, 2) Capacitor motors, 2.1) Capacitor-start motors, 2.2) Capacitorstart capacitor-run motors, 3) Shaded pole motors.
34. What is the slip of a 50Hz, 1 , 4-pole induction motor running at 1440 rpm?
Given, f = 50Hz, P = 4, N = 1440 rpm,
Ns = 120f/P = 120 x 50/4 = 1500 rpm,
Slip,s = (Ns-N)/Ns = (1500-1440)/1500 = 0.04,
% s = 0.04 x 100 = 4%
35. An 8 pole, lap wound armature rotated at 350rpm is required to generate 260V. The
useful flux/pole is 0.05wb. If the armature has 120 slots, calculate the number of conductors
per slot. (June 2011)

E g=

60 A


Eg60 A

Eg60 A
No.of conductors/slot = 890/120 = 7.14
Thus conductors / slot = 8

36. A single phase, 2200/250V, 50Hz transformer has a net core area of 36cm 2 and a
maximum flux density of 6 wb/m2. Calculate the number of turns of primary and secondary.
(June 2011)

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