Presidential Proclamation of Environmentally Critical Areas and Projects. The
Presidential Proclamation of Environmentally Critical Areas and Projects. The
Presidential Proclamation of Environmentally Critical Areas and Projects. The
b. The provisions show that in order to achieve the balance between socio-economic
growth and environmental protection, each project should look into the possible
environmental consequences and require the respective government agencies to
develop programs of preventive measures and implement rules and regulations to
pursue the project in one hand and protect the environment in the other, hence,
establishing a sustainable development for the welfare of all the people.
4. The level of social acceptability of the EIA system has been made possible through the
conduct of public consultation, public hearings, alternative dispute and conflict resolution
procedures, and posting or publishing public notices to disseminate project information.
LGUs also play a big role in accordance with this policy to help in bringing together the whole
community for public involvement. The government should exert more effort to achieve this
strategy because its the welfare of the people who will be affected by the project.
SECTION 14. Local Climate Change Action Plan.The LGUs shall be the
frontline agencies in the formulation, planning and implementation of climate
change action plans in their respective areas, consistent with the provisions of
the Local Government Code, the Framework, and the National Climate
Change Action Plan.
Barangays shall be directly involved with municipal and city governments in
prioritizing climate change issues and in identifying and implementing best
practices and other solutions. Municipal and city governments shall consider
climate change adaptation, as one of their regular functions. Provincial
governments shall provide technical assistance, enforcement and information
management in support of municipal and city climate change action plans.
Inter-local government unit collaboration shall be maximized in the conduct of
climate-related activities.
LGUs shall regularly update their respective action plans to reflect changing
social, economic, and environmental conditions and emerging issues. The
LGUs shall furnish the Commission with copies of their action plans and all
subsequent amendments, modifications and revisions thereof, within one (1)
month from their adoption. The LGUs shall mobilize and allocate necessary
personnel, resources and logistics to effectively implement their respective
action plans.
The local chief executive shall appoint the person responsible for the and
implementation of the local action plan.
It shall be the responsibility of the national government to extend technical
and financial assistance to LGUs for the accomplishment of their Local
Climate Change Action Plans.
The LGU is hereby expressly authorized to appropriate and use the amount
from its Internal Revenue Allotment necessary to implement said local plan
effectively, any provision in the Local Government Code to the contrary
Recognize and strengthen the capacities of LGUs and communities in mitigating and
preparing for, responding to, and recovering from the impact of disasters;
Provide maximum care, assistance and services to individuals and families affected
by disaster, implement emergency rehabilitation projects to lessen the impact of
disaster, and facilitate resumption of normal social and economic activities.
Regional Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (RDRRMC)
o Carry out coordination, integration, supervision, monitoring and
evaluation functions covering Regional Council Member Agencies
and the LDRRMC. The RDRRMC shall also be responsible in
ensuring risk-sensitive regional development plans, and in case of
emergencies, shall convene the different regional line agencies and
concerned institutions and authorities.
Office of the Civil Defense
o The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) prepares
and identifies evacuation sites during emergencies; provides
warning on impending water releases from dams within its
control; provides transportation and communication facilities for
disaster operations, and heavy and light equipment for rescue
and recovery operations.
o Among the DRR functions of the Department of Interior and
Local Government (DILG) is to oversee the organization and
activation of the LDCCs in coordination with the OCD.
o The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) has
several functions that pertain mainly to relief and rehabilitation.
o The Department of Health has an organized Health Emergency
System (HEMS) for more responsive and integrated health
response to disasters and emergencies. It also assists LGUs
during emergencies in the areas of sanitation, public health
concerns, prevention of epidemics, and other health hazards.
o The Department of Finance issues rules and regulations jointly
with the Department of Budget and Management on the
preparation of local government budget and the utilization of the
5% reserve for disaster operations.
o The Department of Agriculture undertakes post-event
agricultural surveys and maintains data on agricultural crops,
livestock, and fisheries in disaster-prone areas to facilitate
damage assessment.
o The Department of Transportation and Communication (DOTC)
coordinates the deployment of transport services during and
after disaster occurrence from the national to the local DCC,
mobilizes staff, transport and communication facilities of the
DOTC Action Center in the disaster area, and initiates immediate
restoration of destroyed infrastructure facilities for
transportation and communication.
National Defense